Podcasts about Copywriting

Act of writing copy (text) for the purpose of advertising or marketing a product, business, person, opinion or idea

  • 4,019PODCASTS
  • 14,471EPISODES
  • Dec 5, 2024LATEST




Best podcasts about Copywriting

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Latest podcast episodes about Copywriting

Employer Branding 2Go - Mehr Mitarbeiter gewinnen durch Copywriting und Storytelling
Folge 247: E wie Emotionen im Copywriting - Der Copywriting Adventskalender

Employer Branding 2Go - Mehr Mitarbeiter gewinnen durch Copywriting und Storytelling

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 5, 2024 9:44

Lass Deine Texte zu Botschaftern Deines Unternehmens werden. Hier bekommst Du die ultimativen Tipps, um Deine Texte in magische Werkzeuge zu verwandeln und mühelos kaufbereite Kunden sowie qualifizierte Bewerber anzuziehen: www.magic-writing.de In "Magic Writing – Dein Textlabor" teilt Michael Kaufhold, erfahrener Copywriting-Experte, seine geheimen Tricks und Tipps für unwiderstehliche Texte. Möchtest Du den Logenplatz im Kopf Deiner Zielgruppe besetzen? Lerne, wie Du Texte schreibst, die Resonanz erzeugen, Dringlichkeit vermitteln und Kaufbereitschaft auslösen – hier in "Magic Writing". Deine Website braucht überzeugende Texte, die Deine Zielgruppe in kaufbereite Kunden verwandeln. Lass uns gemeinsam dieses Ziel erreichen! Viele Unternehmer kämpfen mit der richtigen Wortwahl, was oft zu verschwendeter Zeit und verpassten Chancen führt. Dieser Podcast unterstützt Dich dabei, genau das zu ändern und qualifizierte Leads zu generieren. Erlebe Einzel-Episoden und spannende Interviews mit Experten, die alle Aspekte von Copywriting, Content-Marketing und Storytelling beleuchten. Mit über 10 Jahren Erfahrung in verschiedenen Branchen – von Medizintechnik bis Kosmetik – bringt Michael Kaufhold die nötige Expertise mit, um Dir magische Copywriting-Strategien zu vermitteln. Bist Du Unternehmer und möchtest Deine Zielgruppe noch gezielter ansprechen und überzeugen? Dann ist "Magic Writing" genau das Richtige für Dich. Erlebe magische Texte für Dein Business. Besuche uns jetzt unter www.magic-writing.de und starte Deine Reise zu erfolgreicher Kommunikation! Der Podcast für mehr Erfolg mit Deinen Texten. Jetzt Newsletter abonnieren und nichts mehr verpassen: https://newsletter.michaelkaufhold.de P.S. Bis zum 31.07.2024 hieß der Podcast "Employer Branding 2Go". Seit dem 01.08.2024 hat er ein Rebranding erfahren. Die alten Folgen rund um Recruiting, Mitarbeiterbindung und Employer Branding bleiben natürlich weiterhin bestehen.

When I'm in charge, that'll be different.
173: Copywriting For Coaches with Samantha Burmeister

When I'm in charge, that'll be different.

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 4, 2024 38:49

This episode on copywriting for coaches kicks off our Ask The Experts series! Today's guest is Conversion Copywriter, for coaches and online service providers Samantha Burmeister. We talk a lot about copy that converts and why that's important. We also dive into the following topics: - When you should hire a copywriter- How to know who to hire- What you should do ahead of time We also get into a myriad of copywriting tips, industry-standard conversion rates, and the specific results of an experiment we ran (with myself and a few of my clients). You will not walk away from this episode without learning something new (my hunch is you'll learn A LOT that you can put into practice immediately!) *And make sure you listen all the way to the end. The last 10 minutes are chock-full of amazing takeaways. Here are the opt-in pages mentioned in the experiment... Caryn's 5 Ways to Make Coaching Your Marketing (https://caryngillen.lpages.co/5ways/) Amy's Quiz (https://amybehimercoaching.com/quiz) Tricia's Game (https://www.triciaboltoncoaching.com/) ----- ** If you enjoyed this episode, make sure to hit that subscribe button, like, and/or leave a comment. I appreciate each and every one! ** Prefer video (with closed captioning)? Head to YouTube: https://youtu.be/z7kuDV8wOAU ----- Samantha Burmeister is a conversion copywriter for online service providers. She's helped companies launch courses that made them millions, and worked 1:1 with businesses to rewrite websites that get people stoked about what they offer. Launching a business? A new brand? The project that lights your soul on fire? She's here to make sure other people are as excited about your services as you are. Your copy is going places - and she wants to talk about it! Learn more at https://www.nomadcopyagency.com/.And don't forget to check out her opt-in sequence templates (under the "Copy Shop" tab). You can also connect with her on Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/NOMAD.COPY)and LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/samanthaburmeister/). ----- To learn more about me, Caryn Gillen, and the work that I do with high-integrity coaches and remarkable humans… Sign up for my weekly newsletter (https://caryngillen.activehosted.com/f/25) Connect with me on social (I'm @caryngillen in all the places) If you think I'm the coach for you, you're probably right! Message me to connect and we can figure out together where you fit.

Adventures In Venueland
Rachel Bomeli

Adventures In Venueland

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 4, 2024 45:20

Live from backstage at the Fox Theatre in Atlanta, Georgia, we chat with Rachel Bomeli, Vice President of Facility Operations for the facility. We join Rachel the morning after a big show the previous night and learn all about this truly unique venue which features a wide array of architectural styles. We talk about the design of the theatre, their early plans as the venue approaches its centennial in five years, and how theaters often provide interesting perspective in venue stewardship and preservation. We learn how Rachel got her start in live events – from an interest in the industry during her time at Michigan State to a spontaneous move south with a friend that led to a job with Broadway Across America. We talk about her time at Fox Theatre and how her role has developed over the years, allowing for professional growth and exciting challenges. We talk about the city of Atlanta, where the Event & Venue Marketing Conference will be in 2025, and its place in the live event landscape with its numerous venues. Please Note – Stick around to the end of the episode to hear some audio of Rachel touring us around the venue as we discuss: different rooms, the recent Andre 3000 show, beautiful plaster molding, a hidden porch overlooking Ponce De Leon Ave, and lastly a visit to their VERY impressive climate-controlled archive room. As they say, “Atlanta Influences Everything” and it's easy to see why.Rachel Bomeli: Instagram | LinkedInFox Theatre (Atlanta): Facebook | Instagram | X/Twitter ––––––ADVENTURES IN VENUELANDFollow on Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, or X/TwitterLearn more about Event & Venue Marketing ConferenceMeet our team:Paul Hooper | Co-host, Booking, Branding & MarketingDave Redelberger | Co-host & Guest ResearchMegan Ebeck | Marketing, Design & Digital AdvertisingSamantha Marker | Marketing, Copywriting & PublicityCamille Faulkner | Audio Editing & MixingHave a suggestion for a guest or bonus episode? We'd love to hear it! Send us an email.

The Message Marketing Pod
14 Australian Marketing Trends 2025: Not what you would expect!

The Message Marketing Pod

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 4, 2024 18:11

Is your business ready for what's coming in 2025? The Australian commercial landscape is shifting – fast. In this episode, Chris shares his 14 key marketing trend predictions for 2025, drawn from 20 years of experience, industry insights and conversations with top professionals.  Tune in to stay ahead and thrive in the year to come.

Employer Branding 2Go - Mehr Mitarbeiter gewinnen durch Copywriting und Storytelling
Folge 246: D wie Dialog - Der Copywriting Adventskalender

Employer Branding 2Go - Mehr Mitarbeiter gewinnen durch Copywriting und Storytelling

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 4, 2024 7:26

Lass Deine Texte zu Botschaftern Deines Unternehmens werden. Hier bekommst Du die ultimativen Tipps, um Deine Texte in magische Werkzeuge zu verwandeln und mühelos kaufbereite Kunden sowie qualifizierte Bewerber anzuziehen: www.magic-writing.de In "Magic Writing – Dein Textlabor" teilt Michael Kaufhold, erfahrener Copywriting-Experte, seine geheimen Tricks und Tipps für unwiderstehliche Texte. Möchtest Du den Logenplatz im Kopf Deiner Zielgruppe besetzen? Lerne, wie Du Texte schreibst, die Resonanz erzeugen, Dringlichkeit vermitteln und Kaufbereitschaft auslösen – hier in "Magic Writing". Deine Website braucht überzeugende Texte, die Deine Zielgruppe in kaufbereite Kunden verwandeln. Lass uns gemeinsam dieses Ziel erreichen! Viele Unternehmer kämpfen mit der richtigen Wortwahl, was oft zu verschwendeter Zeit und verpassten Chancen führt. Dieser Podcast unterstützt Dich dabei, genau das zu ändern und qualifizierte Leads zu generieren. Erlebe Einzel-Episoden und spannende Interviews mit Experten, die alle Aspekte von Copywriting, Content-Marketing und Storytelling beleuchten. Mit über 10 Jahren Erfahrung in verschiedenen Branchen – von Medizintechnik bis Kosmetik – bringt Michael Kaufhold die nötige Expertise mit, um Dir magische Copywriting-Strategien zu vermitteln. Bist Du Unternehmer und möchtest Deine Zielgruppe noch gezielter ansprechen und überzeugen? Dann ist "Magic Writing" genau das Richtige für Dich. Erlebe magische Texte für Dein Business. Besuche uns jetzt unter www.magic-writing.de und starte Deine Reise zu erfolgreicher Kommunikation! Der Podcast für mehr Erfolg mit Deinen Texten. Jetzt Newsletter abonnieren und nichts mehr verpassen: https://newsletter.michaelkaufhold.de P.S. Bis zum 31.07.2024 hieß der Podcast "Employer Branding 2Go". Seit dem 01.08.2024 hat er ein Rebranding erfahren. Die alten Folgen rund um Recruiting, Mitarbeiterbindung und Employer Branding bleiben natürlich weiterhin bestehen.

Social Selling
4 tests Facebook Ads à copier en décembre 2024

Social Selling

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 4, 2024 14:56

Dans cet épisode, Antoine Dalmas partage des tests et optimisations réalisés sur Facebook Ads, visant à améliorer les résultats des campagnes publicitaires. Une offre pour e-commerce Utiliser le contenu organique Un paramétrage de Shopping Advantage+ Catalog Ads + Broad Audience Bonne écoute, J7 Media NOTE : Pour scaler sur Facebook Ads Escouade Facebook Ads : https://j7media.com/escouade J7 Académie : j7academie.com

Want a power-up in your productivity? Listen to this


Play Episode Listen Later Dec 3, 2024 7:56

Ready to power up for your week? In this episode, I share with you 3 simple productivity-charged tips that've worked for me over the last year or two to keep me focused, on track, and not all *oh squirrel!*. For more BTS, follow the team on @wordfetti, and make sure you tag me in your biggest productivity tips on @anitasiek, too. Want 5 FREE copy lessons in your inbox? Your wish. My command. Get it here anitasiek.com/freebie

Mehr Umsatz mit Verkaufspsychologie - Online und Offline überzeugen
Diese Copywritingformel kann deinem Marketing schaden - Copywriting

Mehr Umsatz mit Verkaufspsychologie - Online und Offline überzeugen

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 3, 2024 6:38

Es gibt zahlreiche Copywriting-Formeln: PAS, AIDA, 4P, 3M, 7U etc... die kannst du überall nachlesen, dafür benötigst du keine Podcastfolge... aber: Oft passen die Formeln nicht zur Zielgruppe und schaden mehr, als dass sie nützen. Du musst du richtigen Formeln für die richtigen Motive deiner Zielgruppe nutzen. In dieser Podcastfolge geht es um die PAS Formel, die bei manchen Zielgruppen sehr gut performt und bei anderen stark schadet. Exklusiv für Kunden: Die erste offizielle TÜV–Zertifizierung zum Experten in Verkaufspsychologie Das Original Vertrauen verkauft: Für marketingstarke Unternehmer und Selbstständige ist nichts so entscheidend, wie schnell und zuverlässig das Vertrauen Ihrer Zielgruppe zu gewinnen. Um genau das zu erreichen und jedem Interessenten auf den ersten Blick zu zeigen, dass er einen Profi vor sich hat, der Ergebnisse liefert, arbeiten wir mit einer Institution zusammen, die Vertrauen genießt wie keine andere – dem TÜV Rheinland. So haben unsere Kunden auf Wunsch die Möglichkeit, sich im Rahmen der Zusammenarbeit mit uns auch offiziell zum Experten in Verkaufspsychologie zertifizieren zu lassen und entsprechende Prüfsiegel zur Nutzung in ihren Marketing– und Vertriebskanälen zu erhalten – inklusive nachprüfbarer Zertifikatsnummer. So hat jeder Kunde auf Anhieb das gute Gefühl, die richtige Entscheidung zu treffen.

Employer Branding 2Go - Mehr Mitarbeiter gewinnen durch Copywriting und Storytelling
Folge 245: C wie Content Plan erstellen - Der Copywriting Adventskalender

Employer Branding 2Go - Mehr Mitarbeiter gewinnen durch Copywriting und Storytelling

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 3, 2024 12:48

Lass Deine Texte zu Botschaftern Deines Unternehmens werden. Hier bekommst Du die ultimativen Tipps, um Deine Texte in magische Werkzeuge zu verwandeln und mühelos kaufbereite Kunden sowie qualifizierte Bewerber anzuziehen: www.magic-writing.de In "Magic Writing – Dein Textlabor" teilt Michael Kaufhold, erfahrener Copywriting-Experte, seine geheimen Tricks und Tipps für unwiderstehliche Texte. Möchtest Du den Logenplatz im Kopf Deiner Zielgruppe besetzen? Lerne, wie Du Texte schreibst, die Resonanz erzeugen, Dringlichkeit vermitteln und Kaufbereitschaft auslösen – hier in "Magic Writing". Deine Website braucht überzeugende Texte, die Deine Zielgruppe in kaufbereite Kunden verwandeln. Lass uns gemeinsam dieses Ziel erreichen! Viele Unternehmer kämpfen mit der richtigen Wortwahl, was oft zu verschwendeter Zeit und verpassten Chancen führt. Dieser Podcast unterstützt Dich dabei, genau das zu ändern und qualifizierte Leads zu generieren. Erlebe Einzel-Episoden und spannende Interviews mit Experten, die alle Aspekte von Copywriting, Content-Marketing und Storytelling beleuchten. Mit über 10 Jahren Erfahrung in verschiedenen Branchen – von Medizintechnik bis Kosmetik – bringt Michael Kaufhold die nötige Expertise mit, um Dir magische Copywriting-Strategien zu vermitteln. Bist Du Unternehmer und möchtest Deine Zielgruppe noch gezielter ansprechen und überzeugen? Dann ist "Magic Writing" genau das Richtige für Dich. Erlebe magische Texte für Dein Business. Besuche uns jetzt unter www.magic-writing.de und starte Deine Reise zu erfolgreicher Kommunikation! Der Podcast für mehr Erfolg mit Deinen Texten. Jetzt Newsletter abonnieren und nichts mehr verpassen: https://newsletter.michaelkaufhold.de P.S. Bis zum 31.07.2024 hieß der Podcast "Employer Branding 2Go". Seit dem 01.08.2024 hat er ein Rebranding erfahren. Die alten Folgen rund um Recruiting, Mitarbeiterbindung und Employer Branding bleiben natürlich weiterhin bestehen.

The Message Marketing Pod
What You Need to Know in Digital Marketing Today

The Message Marketing Pod

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 3, 2024 21:08

Is your brand keeping up with the fast-paced world of digital marketing? It's exhausting! Join Christopher Melotti and Simon Gould from Sydney Digital Marketing Agency as they have a no-nonsense discussion and frank conversation about the latest trends, challenges and strategies shaping everything today.  In this episode, they even discuss very practical ways businesses can adapt, the tools that make a difference and how to genuinely connect with customers in a digital-first world. 

Copywriters Podcast
Songwriting Secrets For Copywriters

Copywriters Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 2, 2024

Have you ever heard a song and thought, “Dang! How did they do that? I wish my copy was that catchy!” Well, Nathan and I have thought the same thing and in fact pondered the similarities between writing a song and writing copy. You see, we're both songwriters. We stoutly assert that we are both amateurs at this. At one point, music was Nathan's business. I never got that far. It's always been just a hobby for me. But I have studied and tried intently. Just turned out that wasn't my path. However, once you start with music, you can't leave it. Or, it never leaves you. So we both live with music inside us, all the time. And today, we thought we'd talk about what we learned from songwriting and how a great song compares to a great piece of copy. The Persuasion Story Code: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CFD2KXNQ Download.

The Daily Sales Show
Cold Email Copywriting Strategies From 100+ Campaigns Ran

The Daily Sales Show

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 2, 2024 29:07

Outbound changes fast! So we have to constantly adapt our strategy… especially when it comes to copywriting. In this Daily Sales Show episode, Katie Thies is joining us for a masterclass on cold email copywriting. Katie's clients include companies like Clay, Instantly, Sonos, Kevin “KD” Dorsey, and Retention.com.She'll share the cold email strategies that work today, how to think about first emails vs. follow-ups, and her top copywriting tips for 2025. You'll Learn:Cold email strategies that are working todayHow to think about first emails & follow-upsKatie's top copywriting tipsThe Speakers: Jed Mahrle and Katie ThiesIf you want to catch The Daily Sales Show live, join hereFollow Sell Better to get the latest actionable tactics from sales pros at the top of their gameExplore our YouTube ChannelLooking to up your sales skills?Sales Training for YOU: Use code SELLBETTER to save $200 off your yearly membershipSales Training for your TEAM

Copywriting MBA Podcast
Unsere schlimmsten Job-Erfahrungen und Learnings für die Selbstständigkeit

Copywriting MBA Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 2, 2024 29:58

In dieser Episode teilen Kai und Max ihre Erfahrungen aus ihren ersten Jobs und reflektieren, welche Lektionen sie daraus für ihre berufliche und persönliche Entwicklung gezogen haben. Sie sprechen über ihre Anfänge und wie diese Erlebnisse ihre Einstellung zur Selbstständigkeit geprägt haben. Ein besonderer Fokus liegt auf der Bedeutung von Zielgruppen und darauf, wie wichtig es ist, die Realität hinter den Mythen rund um Anstellung und Selbstständigkeit zu erkennen.



Play Episode Listen Later Dec 2, 2024 38:27

¿Cómo puedes vender cuando tienes un negocio espiritual? Analizamos técnicas de copywriting para que puedas ponerlas en marcha.Pero antes, recuerda que, si todavía no te has apuntado, puedes unirte ahora mismo a la lista de correo Press Start y recibir cada día un nuevo consejo de ventas

Employer Branding 2Go - Mehr Mitarbeiter gewinnen durch Copywriting und Storytelling
Folge 244: B wie Buyer Persona finden - Der Copywriting Adventskalender

Employer Branding 2Go - Mehr Mitarbeiter gewinnen durch Copywriting und Storytelling

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 2, 2024 9:04

Lass Deine Texte zu Botschaftern Deines Unternehmens werden. Hier bekommst Du die ultimativen Tipps, um Deine Texte in magische Werkzeuge zu verwandeln und mühelos kaufbereite Kunden sowie qualifizierte Bewerber anzuziehen: www.magic-writing.de In "Magic Writing – Dein Textlabor" teilt Michael Kaufhold, erfahrener Copywriting-Experte, seine geheimen Tricks und Tipps für unwiderstehliche Texte. Möchtest Du den Logenplatz im Kopf Deiner Zielgruppe besetzen? Lerne, wie Du Texte schreibst, die Resonanz erzeugen, Dringlichkeit vermitteln und Kaufbereitschaft auslösen – hier in "Magic Writing". Deine Website braucht überzeugende Texte, die Deine Zielgruppe in kaufbereite Kunden verwandeln. Lass uns gemeinsam dieses Ziel erreichen! Viele Unternehmer kämpfen mit der richtigen Wortwahl, was oft zu verschwendeter Zeit und verpassten Chancen führt. Dieser Podcast unterstützt Dich dabei, genau das zu ändern und qualifizierte Leads zu generieren. Erlebe Einzel-Episoden und spannende Interviews mit Experten, die alle Aspekte von Copywriting, Content-Marketing und Storytelling beleuchten. Mit über 10 Jahren Erfahrung in verschiedenen Branchen – von Medizintechnik bis Kosmetik – bringt Michael Kaufhold die nötige Expertise mit, um Dir magische Copywriting-Strategien zu vermitteln. Bist Du Unternehmer und möchtest Deine Zielgruppe noch gezielter ansprechen und überzeugen? Dann ist "Magic Writing" genau das Richtige für Dich. Erlebe magische Texte für Dein Business. Besuche uns jetzt unter www.magic-writing.de und starte Deine Reise zu erfolgreicher Kommunikation! Der Podcast für mehr Erfolg mit Deinen Texten. Jetzt Newsletter abonnieren und nichts mehr verpassen: https://newsletter.michaelkaufhold.de P.S. Bis zum 31.07.2024 hieß der Podcast "Employer Branding 2Go". Seit dem 01.08.2024 hat er ein Rebranding erfahren. Die alten Folgen rund um Recruiting, Mitarbeiterbindung und Employer Branding bleiben natürlich weiterhin bestehen.

Esto va de VENDER
153. Olvídate del BLACKFRIDAY y ponte a VENDER

Esto va de VENDER

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 2, 2024 12:59

En este episodio te doy mi opinión honesta del Black Friday y te explico porque creo que esta estrategia de bajar los precios no me parece una buena idea, sino todo lo contrario.Aunque se ha popularizado mucho, no creo que sea una buena estrategia para alguién como tú.Entre otras cosas explicó✅ Cómo nace el Blackfriday y porque no tiene mucho sentido en nuestra cultura✅ El motivo por el que las marcas han copiado esta tendencia pero tú no deberías✅ Cómo hacer buenas propuestas basadas en incrementar valor pero no en bajar el precioY si quieres una plaza en mi mentoria de ventas, es muy fácil.Aquí tienes todos los detalles

Cherries On Top
149: All Engagement Is Good Engagement

Cherries On Top

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 1, 2024 12:02

Whether you're getting 1-2 likes each social media post or going viral and getting obliterated in the comments...In this episode of Sell Like A Copywriter, learn my method for remembering that alllllll engagement is good engagement, and what this means for you as a business owner. ------------- Ready to have your sales funnel written and ready to perform?  Click here to join DIY Copywriting and learn how to write your sales page, sales emails, and social sales content so you can finally feel confident selling your offers. ------------- Are you an online course creator, coach, or service provider ready for 1:1 support in solidifying your messaging so you can launch new offers overnight, sell more on evergreen, and take much-needed breaks from socials without losing income? Click here to join (or learn more about) The Sell Like A Copywriter 1:1 Messaging Intensive: The Anti-Template Formula for Writing Cashflow Copy That Converts Browsers into Buyers, Fills Your Programs, and Frees Up More Time for Real Life. ------------- ✉️Join It's All Extra here and get weekly copywriting tips delivered straight to your inbox every Sunday morning.

So you want to be a copywriter with Bernadette Schwerdt
COPYWRITER 081: How to add UX Copywriting to your suite of services with Susan Reoch

So you want to be a copywriter with Bernadette Schwerdt

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 1, 2024 47:08

Would you like to become an expert at UX copywriting?Would you like to make money from UX copywriting?What even is UX copywriting? UX copywriting is a fascinating and super important sub-genre of copywriting that can turn a good customer experience into a great customer experience. UX stands for User Experience and it's the art of helping users navigate a website in the most efficient way possible. If you've ever been frustrated at how unhelpful a website is, or struggled to find the buy button or the contact us link, chances are those website owners never hired a UX copywriter. If you'd like to learn how to become a UX copywriter and learn key skills to help you write better UX copy for your own website, this is the episode for you. Susan Reoch is a seasoned expert UX copywriter with over 14 years of experience. Her career has taken her from Amsterdam to Australia, working for industry leaders like the juggernaut of tourism - Booking.com. In this episode, we explore the fundamentals of UX writing, how to design user-friendly websites, and how you can add UX copywriting to your suite of services. Whether you're a copywriter looking to expand your skill set or curious about UX principles, this episode is packed with valuable insights that will give you the edge on creating next level copy. Here's what you'll learn: How to understand UX copywriting: Grasp the basics of user experience writing and its role in creating seamless digital interactions. Learn the difference between UX copywriting and traditional conversion copywriting. How to add UX to your copywriting suite of services: From teaching and sales to UX writing at Booking.com, discover how Susan built her diverse skill set and applied it to copywriting. Hear how life experiences, from architecture studies to global travel, shaped her unique perspective. How to create a UX-friendly website: Discover the importance of understanding client goals and user motivations. Learn how to map out user journeys and design website navigation for optimal functionality. How to avoid common UX mistakes: Avoid overwhelming users with too much information. Use customer-friendly language to ensure clarity and connection. Learn how to make your website's purpose immediately clear. How to integrate SEO, brand voice, and UX: Balance user-friendly design with effective SEO strategies. Learn tips for identifying and incorporating brand voice in website copy. How to apply practical UX tools and techniques: Explore resources like the Nielsen Norman Group for learning UX principles. Understand how to collaborate with designers and developers to bring copy to life. Read the show notes This podcast is brought to you by the Australian Writers' Centre. WritersCentre.com.au Join our community of copywriters at CopyClub.com.au.See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

Employer Branding 2Go - Mehr Mitarbeiter gewinnen durch Copywriting und Storytelling
Folge 243: A wie Aufbau Deiner Texte - Der Copywriting Adventskalender

Employer Branding 2Go - Mehr Mitarbeiter gewinnen durch Copywriting und Storytelling

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 1, 2024 10:44

Lass Deine Texte zu Botschaftern Deines Unternehmens werden. Hier bekommst Du die ultimativen Tipps, um Deine Texte in magische Werkzeuge zu verwandeln und mühelos kaufbereite Kunden sowie qualifizierte Bewerber anzuziehen: www.magic-writing.de In "Magic Writing – Dein Textlabor" teilt Michael Kaufhold, erfahrener Copywriting-Experte, seine geheimen Tricks und Tipps für unwiderstehliche Texte. Möchtest Du den Logenplatz im Kopf Deiner Zielgruppe besetzen? Lerne, wie Du Texte schreibst, die Resonanz erzeugen, Dringlichkeit vermitteln und Kaufbereitschaft auslösen – hier in "Magic Writing". Deine Website braucht überzeugende Texte, die Deine Zielgruppe in kaufbereite Kunden verwandeln. Lass uns gemeinsam dieses Ziel erreichen! Viele Unternehmer kämpfen mit der richtigen Wortwahl, was oft zu verschwendeter Zeit und verpassten Chancen führt. Dieser Podcast unterstützt Dich dabei, genau das zu ändern und qualifizierte Leads zu generieren. Erlebe Einzel-Episoden und spannende Interviews mit Experten, die alle Aspekte von Copywriting, Content-Marketing und Storytelling beleuchten. Mit über 10 Jahren Erfahrung in verschiedenen Branchen – von Medizintechnik bis Kosmetik – bringt Michael Kaufhold die nötige Expertise mit, um Dir magische Copywriting-Strategien zu vermitteln. Bist Du Unternehmer und möchtest Deine Zielgruppe noch gezielter ansprechen und überzeugen? Dann ist "Magic Writing" genau das Richtige für Dich. Erlebe magische Texte für Dein Business. Besuche uns jetzt unter www.magic-writing.de und starte Deine Reise zu erfolgreicher Kommunikation! Der Podcast für mehr Erfolg mit Deinen Texten. Jetzt Newsletter abonnieren und nichts mehr verpassen: https://newsletter.michaelkaufhold.de P.S. Bis zum 31.07.2024 hieß der Podcast "Employer Branding 2Go". Seit dem 01.08.2024 hat er ein Rebranding erfahren. Die alten Folgen rund um Recruiting, Mitarbeiterbindung und Employer Branding bleiben natürlich weiterhin bestehen.

Mind Over Macros
Coaches Compass: This Exercise Creates Business Freedom

Mind Over Macros

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 29, 2024 35:29

In this episode of the Coaches Compass, Mike walks through an important exercise to create freedom inside of your business. Not only that, but you'll have clarity on exactly what you need to do each day to move your business forward.Cured Nutrition is offering 15% off their products site wide! Try their Serenity Gummies or CBN Oil here - https://www.curednutrition.com/?rfsn=6745101.eee1d3Want 20% off any Organifi product? This is an exclusive offer for Mind Over Macros listeners. Simply go to organifi.com/popfam and save 20% off any of their amazing products like green juice, red juice, or gold juice!Click here to take advantage of this offer!------------------------------------------------Click here to apply for coaching!For some amazing resources and to be a part of a badass community, join our FB group HEREThe personality assessment is now available online! Click here to take the assessment and find out what your personality tells us about the way you should be training and eating.Take the assessment here!To learn more about Neurotyping, visit www.neurotypetraining.comFollow Mike on IG at @coach_mike_millner

Amplify Your Authority
Write the Best ChatGPT Copywriting Prompt

Amplify Your Authority

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 28, 2024 15:14

As entrepreneurs, we test ways to connect with our audience and communicate our message effectively.AI can be a game-changer for creating content faster, but let's face it—it needs your insights and human touch to turn words into meaningful connections.In this episode of Amplify Your Authority, I'm sharing how to write the best ChatGPT copywriting prompt to bridge that gap between technology and human connection. I'll walk you through a simple, step-by-step framework for incorporating your unique voice, empathy, and audience insights into AI-generated content. This will help your writing truly resonate and drive results.If writing copy has ever felt like a struggle, this episode provides the clarity and strategies you need to succeed.  I N   T H I S   E P I S O D E   Y O U ' L L   D I S C O V E R:   ✅ The seven components to write the best ChatGPT Copywriting prompt.✅ Why empathy is the missing ingredient in AI-generated copy.✅ How to identify your audience's external struggles (behaviors, speech, body language).✅The importance of linking external signs to internal emotions.✅ A simple method to define your offer's transformational benefits using antonyms.N E X T  S T E P Ready to amplify your lead generation with AI?Join my private membership, Amplify Your List Building with AI.✅ Custom GPT tools to simplify your lead generation.✅ Live strategy coaching sessions for in-depth support.✅ Professional done-for-you designs for professional lead generation resources.✅ Tools to master email sequences, sales pages, and productivity planning.Act now to lock in the special founding member price!Visit Community.MarisaShadrick.com to learn more.R A T E,   R E V I  E W,   &   F O L L O W   O N   A P P L E   P O D C A S T https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/amplify-your-authority/id1565043833Did you enjoy this episode? Would you give this podcast a 5-star rating and review? If you're not sure what to say, here's a suggestion. 

Ecom Secrets mit Daniel Bidmon / E-Commerce, Funnels, Marketing
Warum interessiert sich niemand für dein Produkt?

Ecom Secrets mit Daniel Bidmon / E-Commerce, Funnels, Marketing

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 28, 2024 10:22

Warum interessiert sich niemand für dein Produkt, obwohl du alles richtig machst? In dieser Episode von ECOM SECRETS enthüllen wir die versteckten Fehler, die deine Zielgruppe abstoßen. Bleib dran, um die überraschenden Lösungen zu entdecken, die dir helfen, sofortige Aufmerksamkeit und Verkäufe zu gewinnen. Verpasse nicht die entscheidenden Insights! --- Hol dir noch mehr wertvolle Insights mit unseren kostenlosen Ressourcen: 8-Figure Checkliste: www.ecomcheckliste.de ECOM SECRETS Buch: www.ecombuch.de ECOM INSIDER Newsletter: www.ecomhouse.com/newsletter Kostenloser Strategie Call: www.ecomhouse.com/skalierungs-call Wenn du Fragen an Daniel Bidmon hast oder möchtest, dass er und sein Team dir bei der Skalierung deines Onlineshops helfen, dann vereinbare jetzt dein kostenloses Strategiegespräch: www.ecomhouse.com Daniel Bidmon und sein Team aus 34 A-Level Mitarbeitern und exklusiver Meta Business Partner auf höchstem Level, hat seine Agentur ECOM HOUSE GmbH über 800 Millionen Euro E-Commerce-Umsatz für ihre Kunden generiert. In seinem Nr.1 E-Commerce Podcast in der DACH-Region zeigt er dir, wie du dein Marketing so optimierst, dass du profitabel auf 7 und 8-stellige Umsätze skalierst – mit bewährten Meta Ads-Strategien, präziser Kundenansprache und weiteren Erfolgsgeheimnissen.

Build Your Copywriting Business
205. What do you say when your nephew Tyler says, "Isn't AI destroying copywriting?" (#4 of 5)

Build Your Copywriting Business

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 27, 2024 6:14

There are certain questions you're going to get asked as a copywriter, around the holidays or otherwise. Make sure you're prepared with your responses to 5 of the most common questions friends and family are sure to ask! In episode 4 of this 5-part series, you'll be able to correct the narrative that AI is crushing copywriting—because despite what your nephew Tyler thinks, it's very much not. Instead, you'll be able to explain to him what AI can and can't do, including how it's a valuable tool for copywriters. --------------- Mentioned in the Episode Ep. 96: Artificial Intelligence Copywriting: Do You Need to Worry? Related Links Ep. 106: To Pitch or Not to Pitch Clients This Holiday Season? --------------- Get Free Copywriting Training here 

Build Your Copywriting Business
205. What do you say when Uncle Phil asks, "what even is copywriting?" (#1 of 5)

Build Your Copywriting Business

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 27, 2024 5:50

There are certain questions you're going to get asked as a copywriter, around the holidays or otherwise. Make sure you're prepared with your responses to 5 of the most common questions friends and family are sure to ask! In episode 1 of this 5-part series, we're covering how to answer the age-old question: "what do you even do?!" Pro tip: don't just say, "I'm a copywriter," unless you want to explain how it's not a "copyrighter." Listen now to hear what you should say instead. --------------- Mentioned in the Episode What Is Copywriting? Related Links Ep. 106: To Pitch or Not to Pitch Clients This Holiday Season? --------------- Get Free Copywriting Training here 

Lead(er) Generation on Tenlo Radio
EP103: 100+ Episodes: Reflections & Future Directions

Lead(er) Generation on Tenlo Radio

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 27, 2024 29:01

In this episode of Leader Generation, Tessa Burg and Cheryl Boehm take listeners on a journey through the podcast's past, present and future.  Reflecting on its beginnings in 2019, they share how the series evolved from a biweekly exploration of rapid testing to its current role as a hub for insights, innovation and client-driven learning. Cheryl recounts how the podcast has grown beyond its initial vision, now touching on cutting-edge topics like artificial intelligence and its transformative impact on businesses. The episode also introduces the exciting launch of the AI Playground, a new initiative designed to demystify AI tools and applications. Through candid conversations, Cheryl and Tessa explore the benefits of testing AI in controlled environments, the importance of responsible use and how this initiative empowers clients and teams to work smarter.  Whether you're new to the series or a long-time listener, this episode delivers practical takeaways, a fresh perspective on innovation and a behind-the-scenes look at how Leader Generation continues to grow. Leader Generation is hosted by Tessa Burg and brought to you by Mod Op. For an executive guide to growth and transformation, check out our book Getting Digital Done, now available on Amazon.   About Cheryl Boehm: Cheryl Boehm is a digital content writer with 25+ years of marketing experience, primarily in B2B. She strives to deliver the best online experiences to customers and prospects that, ultimately, lead to company growth for clients. She stubbornly insists there's no single messaging approach that's right for everyone. Period. So, in her role as Director of Copywriting at Mod Op, Cheryl pushes to personalize content strategy with an individual “cheat code” that empowers each client to reach their end game fastest.   About Tessa Burg: Tessa is the Chief Technology Officer at Mod Op and Host of the Leader Generation podcast. She has led both technology and marketing teams for 15+ years. Tessa initiated and now leads Mod Op's AI/ML Pilot Team, AI Council and Innovation Pipeline. She started her career in IT and development before following her love for data and strategy into digital marketing. Tessa has held roles on both the consulting and client sides of the business for domestic and international brands, including American Greetings, Amazon, Nestlé, Anlene, Moen and many more. Tessa can be reached on LinkedIn or at Tessa.Burg@ModOp.com.

Podcast de Juan Merodio
Copywriting avanzado con IA: el método de Persona de IA

Podcast de Juan Merodio

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 27, 2024 5:20

Acabo de abrir mi nuevo programa online Tu Propósito con IA, un programa de 4 semanas que comienza en enero 2025, donde descubrirás cómo usar la IA para alcanzar tus metas, mejorar tu productividad, potenciar tu marca personal, tu negocio, tu profesión y desarrollar habilidades que te diferencien en el mundo actual. Este no es un curso más: es una experiencia personalizada, con sesiones en vivo, ejercicios prácticos y seguimiento cercano para garantizar que avances hacia el futuro que deseas. Si quieres saber si este programa es para ti, agenda una llamada conmigo ahora mismo en el enlace que te dejo en la descripción calendly.com/tekdi-institute/tu-proposito-con-ia. TEKDI: Instituto Digital de Marketing e Inteligencia Artificial para Negocios Un método de aprendizaje online a tu medida para aprender marketing digital e Inteligencia Artificial… ► Dedicando solo 15 minutos al día con nuestra plataforma online con más de 190 cursos, másters y certificaciones con clases prácticas en video y estrategias probadas para aplicar en el negocio, acompañamiento de tutor 24/7, mentorías en vivo y mucho más. ►►►https://tekdi.education/ Y no olvides suscribirte y valorar mi podcast ★★★★★ (Nuevo libro) De 1 Idea al Millón: 25 Estrategias para el Éxito Personal y Financiero https://www.amazon.es/dp/B0DHNPDPMF

The Heare Brotherhood Podcast
Morgan Snyder | brotherhood, fatherhood, homeschooling, risk-taking, finding your authentic voice

The Heare Brotherhood Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 26, 2024 53:58

We were delighted to have Morgan Snyder on the Heare podcast. We discuss his background and upbringing, the importance of brotherhood and connection with a healthy dose of competition. As a father of six, we talk about parenting, homeschooling, setting priorities and processes for the family's well-being. As a creative and copywriter, we discuss entrepreneurship, freedom and flexibility, the importance of execution, and finding your voice with authenticity, effort, and consistency. Morgan shares his perspective that what matters most to share or write about is our stories – and we all have them. That's what is interesting and connects with people. To follow or connect with Morgan, find him on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/themorgansnyder/

Copywriting For Coaches
Use These 3 Power Words In Copywriting To Increase Conversions

Copywriting For Coaches

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 26, 2024 20:31 Transcription Available

There are 3 specific power words or phrases in copywriting that will increase your conversions. You're not going to be able to unsee it once I share them with you!If you are struggling to stand out in a saturated market and your copywriting is not converting, I am going to share how to rewrite your copy for real impact. I'm giving specific examples to go from boring to better to best for business coaches, life coaches, and health wellness coaches.This is one of the simplest ways to make your copy cut through noise, grab attention, and speak directly to what your reader truly cares about. It's not about just sprinkling in power words in copywriting. I'm sharing how to strategically use these words to truly connect with your best-fit clients. Let's explore these power words in copywriting that will help you create clear, compelling messages—and ultimately drive more conversions.0:02:15 Differentiating between typical power words in copywriting and the 3 specific power words/phrases in this episode0:06:04 The first power word0:10:33 The second power word0:14:49 The third power word 0:18:50 Add these 3 power words in your copy NOW to feel more personal, relatable and achievable for the audience➡️ Grab all the links and resources mentioned in this episode on the blog here!https://www.megankachigan.com/use-these-3-power-words-in-copywriting-to-increase-conversions/CONNECT WITH MEGAN:Join My Inbox Community → www.megankachigan.com/emailWebsite → www.megankachigan.comFacebook → https://www.facebook.com/megan.kachiganLinkedIn → https://www.linkedin.com/in/megan-kachigan-loehr-9957684b/Threads → https://www.threads.net/@megankachiganAsk a question for the podcast → https://forms.gle/9rPT7dtAKQCErzUg6WORK WITH ME: Download the Services GuideBook a Power Hour (and get my Starter Gdoc too!)Join Copy Critique ClubIf you are enjoying these episodes, please rate and review so that I can continue to provide you top-quality free content. Simply scroll to “Copywriting For Coaches” on Apple Podcasts, select a 5-star rating, and tap “write a review.” Thank you!

Tropical Social Podcast | For Social Media Managers
134. Copywriting That Converts: How to Define Your Brand Voice, Master Storytelling, and Write Engaging Content with Sara Noel

Tropical Social Podcast | For Social Media Managers

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 26, 2024 50:50

Struggling to write copy that truly connects and converts? You're not alone—and today's guest, Sara Noel, founder of BTL Copy, is here to help! Sara is a Website Copywriter and Marketing Mentor dedicated to helping creative brands, founder-first businesses, and freelancers craft compelling narratives, build better client connections, and stand out authentically online. With her expertise in copywriting, marketing strategy, and mentorship, she empowers business owners to embrace their voice and attract their ideal audiences. In this episode, we chat about: How to uncover and define your brand voice, even if you're starting from scratch  Balancing storytelling with selling—without sounding salesy Writing an ‘About Me' page that feels genuine and connects with your audience Common copywriting mistakes brands make—and how to fix them Actionable tips for DIYing your website copy like a pro If you're ready to ditch the cringe-worthy copy and embrace words that connect and convert, this episode is packed with the practical advice you need. Connect with Sara: Take her Website Copywriting Course and get 20% off using the code "tropicalsocial" Website: www.betweenthelinescopy.com   Newsletter (free copywriting tips): www.betweenthelinescopy.com/subscribe Email marketing course: www.betweenthelinescopy.com/email-chapter Freebies: www.betweenthelinescopy.com/free-stuff Website copy template: www.betweenthelinescopy.com/web-copy-guide Instagram Other Links & Resources: Grab my SMM Notion Template - use code PODCAST for $10 OFF Join the next round of the Tropical Social Accelerator - my signature course for social media managers Freebie: Kickstart Your Social Media Management Business Connect with Shannon on INSTAGRAM Shannon's WEBSITE Save $50 on your Social Media Management Contracts using code SHANNON22 Get 50% off your Flodesk Subscription  Save 20% off your first month or year of Dubsado If you enjoyed today's episode, could you please take a moment to rate, review, or follow the podcast? It is truly the best way to support the show and it makes a huge difference.  Thank you for being a part of The Tropical Social Community! XO, Shan

How Sandra Chau increased her course conversions by 40% with this simple strategy


Play Episode Listen Later Nov 26, 2024 20:18

We've got an epic series this month (November) for you Brandfetti fam.  Whilst I'm on Mat Leave, I've invited some of my current Mastermind clients to take the mic and share the behind-the-scenes secrets of a key strategy that has worked REALLY well for them this year in 2024, in growing their biz and revenue this year.    In today's episode, I bring on another incredible mastermind client, Sandra Chau, a visual stylist and creative director who gives us the behind-the-scenes of how she increased the conversions of her signature program this year. She dives into: That simple strategy resulted in a 40% increase in conversions for her signature program. The power of ‘behind-the-scenes' content that showcases the real, unpolished aspects of your brand. Why small, thoughtful touches can make or break a client relationship.   Connect with Sandra Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sandrachaudesign/?hl=en Website: https://sandrachau.com/   If this episode resonates with you, don't forget to subscribe, leave a review, and share it with someone who might need it! ___ FREEBIE Want to get 5 e-lessons to uplevel your copy game? Grab it here: https://wordfettigroup.com/freebie   Make sure you follow me on @anitasiek and the team at @wordfetti 

6-Figure Mompreneur Podcast
EP 406 | Storytelling, social proof, and SEO featuring Brittany Herzberg

6-Figure Mompreneur Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 25, 2024 24:16

Once upon a time, Brittany Herzberg was an introverted massage therapist just trying not to let her clients hear her tummy rumbling. Now? She's still introverted, but she's perched behind her MacBook increasing visibility and income for 6-figure entrepreneurs using the most misunderstood organic marketing strategy—SEO! Brittany is known for being loud about the benefits of SEO, giggling, & keeping things basic. (Oh, so basic!)TAKEAWAYS:Social proof is important. Social proof is what people are saying about their experience of working with you. This can be in testimonials, stats, and case studies. Ask yourself these three questions, who do you help, how do you help them, and what do you want to be known for? If you can answer these questions, that's going to help streamline your messaging and you can run all your content through that filter. Utilize SEO. It's hard to pour out content constantly on social media and for it not to last long or be successful the way we want. People are wanting to learn to optimize their blog posts, podcasts, and websites and they want it to be more long lasting through SEO.RESOURCES:Visit the blog post that goes along with this episode for more resourcesHang out with Brittany over on InstagramFollow Brittany on ThreadsListen to Allison's interview on Brittany's podcast, The Basic BCheck out Brittany's SEO ShopGet Brittany's support through her SEO Optimization serviceSnag a seat in Allison's Sell on Autopilot Masterclass, and learn how to use email marketing to sell while you sleep (or, ‘ya know…live your actual life!)CONNECT WITH ALLISON:Follow Allison on InstagramDID YOU HAVE AN 'AH-HA MOMENT' WHILE LISTENING TO THIS EPISODE?If you found value and are ready to take action from listening to this episode, head to Apple Podcasts and help us reach new audiences by giving the podcast a rating and a review. This helps us to reach more online coaches who are creating a thriving 6-figure business.Music courtesy of www.bensound.com

Copywriters Podcast
The 5 Stages Of Copywriting Awareness

Copywriters Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 25, 2024

Ever wonder why some copywriters consistently crush it while others struggle to get conversions? This episode dives deep into the Five Stages of Copywriter Awareness—a transformative framework that shows the path from instinctive, mediocre copy to breakthrough results. If you've ever felt like your copy was missing something, this episode will pinpoint exactly where you're stuck and how to advance. Starting at Stage One, you'll learn why writing based solely on your own perspective often falls flat and how the shift to understanding your audience begins at Stage Two. But even surface-level audience insights won't cut it if you want to create reliable winners. That's why we explore the leap to Stage Three, where systematic research transforms your understanding of what your prospects truly want. In Stages Four and Five, the game changes. Here, it's not just about gathering data but analyzing it for hidden patterns and emotional drivers that resonate deeply with your audience. You'll discover how advanced copywriters use strategic testing and ethical swiping of structures—not words—to craft high-converting campaigns backed by data, not guesses. By the end of this episode, you'll have a roadmap to move beyond your current plateau, sharpen your skills, and write copy that performs at the highest level. Whether you're just starting out or looking to join the ranks of elite copywriters, this episode promises to give you the tools to elevate your craft and your results. Listen now to unlock the next stage of your copywriting journey.Download.

Tendrils of Grief
Using Grief To find Your Heart's Truth and Calling

Tendrils of Grief

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 25, 2024 30:37

Meet Rhonda Linn, a writer, poet, and entrepreneur who is deeply connected to the rhythms of nature. Over the past 11 years, Rhonda has been slowly cultivating a food forest on 36 acres in Michigan, transforming her land into a thriving sanctuary of seasonal living. Through her Substack, Earthen Jar; Stars, she inspires readers to reimagine a world cradled by nature's beauty—embracing both the magic and the muck of everyday life. This fall, Rhonda's first poetry book, The Chapel of Small Breath, is set to be published, offering readers a heartfelt glimpse into her reflections on life and the natural world. But that's not all—Rhonda is also the founder of a marketing agency that supports holistic wellness, nature-based, and spiritual businesses through Virtual Assistant, Online Business Management, and Copywriting services. A former educator, Rhonda left teaching in 2020 to pursue her passions full-time, quickly building a thriving business that aligns with her values. Rhonda is on a mission to help others connect with their natural rhythms, embrace seasonal living, and find joy, ease, and purpose in their personal and professional lives. She believes wholeheartedly in building a better, more connected world—and is here to show us that it's possible.   Episode Highlights The Rise of Seasonal Living Food Forest Movement Homesteading in the Modern Era Nature-Inspired Poetry Holistic Marketing Trends Spiritual Entrepreneurship Virtual Assistance for Nature-Based Businesses Sustainable Practices for Entrepreneurs Mindful Business Strategies Publishing Poetry in a Digital World   Learn more about Rhonda Linn LINKS: https://rhondalinn.substack.com/ https://rhondalinn.comhttps://www.facebook.com/rhonda.linn.3 https://www.instagram.com/rhonda.m.linn/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/rhondalinnvirtualsolutions/ Did you enjoy today's episode?   Please subscribe and leave a review. If you have questions, comments, or possible show topics, email  susan@tendrilsofgrief.com   Don't forget to visit Tendrils Of Grief  website and join for upcoming Webinars, Podcasts Updates and Group Coaching.   Get involve and share your thoughts and experiences in our online community   Tendrils of Grief-Survivor of Loss   To subscribe and review use one links of the links below  Amazon Apple Spotify Audacy Deezer Podcast Addict Pandora Rephonic Tune In   Connect with me Instagram: @Sue_ways Facebook:@ susan.ways Email @susan@tendrilsofgrief.com   Let me hear your thoughts!  

Ecom Secrets mit Daniel Bidmon / E-Commerce, Funnels, Marketing
AI Ads für Onlinehändler- 10-mal schneller zu Werbeanzeigen ohne extra Kosten

Ecom Secrets mit Daniel Bidmon / E-Commerce, Funnels, Marketing

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 25, 2024 9:50

Wie viel Zeit und Geld verschwendest du mit der Erstellung von Werbeanzeigen? Entdecke in dieser Episode von ECOM SECRETS, wie Onlinehändler dank KI ihre Creatives zehnmal schneller und kostenlos erstellen können. Bleib dran, um die besten Tools und Strategien der Branche zu erfahren, die deinen Umsatz revolutionieren! --- Hol dir noch mehr wertvolle Insights mit unseren kostenlosen Ressourcen: 8-Figure Checkliste: www.ecomcheckliste.de ECOM SECRETS Buch: www.ecombuch.de ECOM INSIDER Newsletter: www.ecomhouse.com/newsletter Kostenloser Strategie Call: www.ecomhouse.com/skalierungs-call Wenn du Fragen an Daniel Bidmon hast oder möchtest, dass er und sein Team dir bei der Skalierung deines Onlineshops helfen, dann vereinbare jetzt dein kostenloses Strategiegespräch: www.ecomhouse.com Daniel Bidmon und sein Team aus 34 A-Level Mitarbeitern und exklusiver Meta Business Partner auf höchstem Level, hat seine Agentur ECOM HOUSE GmbH über 800 Millionen Euro E-Commerce-Umsatz für ihre Kunden generiert. In seinem Nr.1 E-Commerce Podcast in der DACH-Region zeigt er dir, wie du dein Marketing so optimierst, dass du profitabel auf 7 und 8-stellige Umsätze skalierst – mit bewährten Meta Ads-Strategien, präziser Kundenansprache und weiteren Erfolgsgeheimnissen.

Cherries On Top
148: Copywriting Tip: Easy Email Copywriting

Cherries On Top

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 24, 2024 9:31

  You're spending hours writing one email because you're inducing all the info instead of staying specific and pushing your sales page. Instead of going in on a blank page to write emails, use my Easy Email Framework to get email ideas from your brain to page without word vomiting everything you know about your offer. In this episode of Sell Like A Copywriter, learn my easy email copywriting framework so you can write a quick email and sell your offer today. ------------- Are you an online course creator, coach, or service provider ready to solidify your messaging to sell more? Click here to join (or learn more about) The Sell Like A Copywriter 1:1 Messaging Intensive: The Anti-Template Formula for Writing Cashflow Copy That Converts Browsers into Buyers, Fills Your Programs, and Frees Up More Time for Real Life. ------------- ✉️Join It's All Extra here and get weekly copywriting tips delivered straight to your inbox every Sunday morning.

Mind Over Macros
Coaches Compass: How to Separate Yourself from Other Coaches

Mind Over Macros

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 22, 2024 40:59

In this episode of the Coaches Compass, Mike explains how to create a blue ocean with your marketing. Rather than competing against every other coach, it's more effective to separate yourself and stand out. Because most coaches all sound the same in their content. Which makes it harder to attract leads and quality prospects. This episode will outline exactly how to separate yourself from other coaches and stand out in crowded space.Cured Nutrition is offering 15% off their products site wide! Try their Serenity Gummies or CBN Oil here - https://www.curednutrition.com/?rfsn=6745101.eee1d3Want 20% off any Organifi product? This is an exclusive offer for Mind Over Macros listeners. Simply go to organifi.com/popfam and save 20% off any of their amazing products like green juice, red juice, or gold juice!Click here to take advantage of this offer!------------------------------------------------Click here to apply for coaching!For some amazing resources and to be a part of a badass community, join our FB group HEREThe personality assessment is now available online! Click here to take the assessment and find out what your personality tells us about the way you should be training and eating.Take the assessment here!To learn more about Neurotyping, visit www.neurotypetraining.comFollow Mike on IG at @coach_mike_millner

The Juice with Jess
Crafting the Perfect Brand Voice with Lucy Samuel of Alle

The Juice with Jess

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 21, 2024 34:52

In this episode, we chat with Lucy Samuel, a copywriter and brand voice expert who has lent her creative touch to some of your favorite brands, including The Bouqs, TomboyX, Hedley & Bennett and today Alle (your favorite aesthetics platform. iykyk ;)). With a background in stand-up comedy and CX, Lucy shares how her journey has shaped her ability to craft authentic, engaging content that resonates with customers.We explore the power of humor in branding, the importance of cohesive messaging across all touchpoints, and how great copy can elevate the customer experience. Whether you're building a brand voice from scratch or refining your messaging, Lucy's insights will inspire you to think differently about how your brand connects with its audience.[2:30 - 8:00] Transition from CX to Copywriting[8:00 - 15:00] The Role of Humor in Copywriting[15:00 - 20:00] Case Studies: Writing for The Bouqs, TomboyX, and Hedley & Bennett[20:00 - 25:00] Building a Brand Voice[25:00 - 30:00] How Good Copy Shapes Customer ExperienceTune in to hear how Lucy bridges creativity and strategy to help brands stand out and leave a lasting impression!Want to learn more about Lucy and get in touch? Hit the link below!Lucy Samuel Linkedin--------------------------Enjoying Above the Fold? Keep the insights coming by subscribing to my newsletter, Sunday Postcards. Each week, I share tips, stories, and strategies that help you unlock the secrets to brand success. Written from my experience in the marketing world, it's your go-to source for staying ahead of the curve. Subscribe at www.sundaypostcards.co and join the community!---------------------------Connect with Jess on:LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jess-cervellon/Twitter: https://twitter.com/justjessssssInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/jess.cervellon/---------------------------Interested in being a part of the show? Reach out at podcast@jesscervellon.com

Build Your Copywriting Business
204. Dangerous copywriting strategy alert: you can't rely on SEO for landing clients

Build Your Copywriting Business

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 20, 2024 25:11

The title of this podcast episode might sound dramatic, but it's 100% true. There are copywriting experts touting this strategy. It's so incredibly risky and, well, Nicki and Kate don't want this strategy to put your copywriting success at risk. Because this strategy sounds good. The idea is that, if you can get your copywriting portfolio to show up in search results when people Google “copywriters” or copywriting in your specific area, then clients will just come to you. That sounds great, doesn't it? But here's the thing: you can't rely on SEO for landing clients. On this episode of the Build Your Copywriting Business podcast, Nicki and Kate both get a little fiery. Because this strategy is truly dangerous. It's a recipe for not hitting your copywriting goals. Listen now to hear why this strategy is such a bust and where you should focus your time instead. --------------- Mentioned in the Episode Ep. 5: Why Choosing a Copywriting Niche is Terrible AdviceEp. 10: Your Ideal Clients Want You to Pitch Them Related Links SEO Copywriting Guide for Search Result Ranking SuccessEp. 93: The SEO Copywriting MythSEO Copywriting & Strategy 101: How to Write SEOEp. 84: When to Break the Copywriting Niche Rule --------------- Get Free Copywriting Training here