Pirkei Avos (Rosh Yeshiva)
Pre-Dinner Fuel Injection (Yisro 5785)
Yisro Saw the Koach of Klal Yisroel (Yisro 5785)
093 Gittin 12b- Adon Shechoval B'avdo
When Is There a Chiyuv Deoraisa of Shirah (Beshalach 5785)
The Longer Route Which Is the Shorter Route (Beshalach 5785)
091 Gittin 12a-b- Tz'i Maaseh Yodayich Bi'mezonosaiyich
Orach Chaim 168:7- What is Considered Pas Haboh B'kisnin (5785)
090 Gittin 12a- Asei Imi V'eini Zoncho
Learning How to Overcome Nisyonos (Beshalach 5785)
089 Gittin 12a- Ain Shliach L'dvar Aveiroh
088 Gittin 11b- Milveh Aino B'Ein, Baal Hasodeh Being Mizakeh Peah For Oni
087 Gittin 11b- Shliach Shetofes B'Mokom Shechav L'Acheirim
The Basis of Emunah & Acting Like Kings (Bo 5785)
Hashem Played with the Mitzrim (Bo 5785)
085 Gittin 11b- Tofes L'Bal Chov, Shlucho Shel Bal Hamomon
The Zman Is Yours- Bechirah to Be Avdei Hashem (Bo 5785)
Gittin Shiur #66 Daf 8b- Conclusion of Palginon Dibburo
084 Gittin 11b- Shlucho Shel Bal Hamomon
Gittin Shiur #65 Daf 8b- Ramban Palginon Dibburo
083 Gittin 11b- Zechiyah By Eved and Ishah
The Lessons of Mitzrayim Made Us Into a Nation (Bo 5785)