Podcasts about reuven

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Recent Vaadim and Shiurim
ישיבת חברון - חובתנו בשעה זו לעבוד על נאמנות להתחייבויות

Recent Vaadim and Shiurim

Play Episode Listen Later Feb 12, 2025 31:19

18 Questions, 40 Israeli Thinkers
Shani Taragin: 'The ideal is for the Jewish People to live in the Land of Israel'

18 Questions, 40 Israeli Thinkers

Play Episode Listen Later Feb 10, 2025 85:08

Israel is opening a Pandora's box by releasing Palestinian prisoners and terrorists, Shani Taragin says — but she still has not given up hope.A prominent religious leader and educator in Israel, Rabbanit Shani Taragin is impassioned by the State of Israel's future as the homeland for the Jewish People, despite what she sees as its pitfalls. She is sought out for her convictions, faith, and inspired guidance.Shani directs and teaches in Israel and worldwide, and currently serves on the advisory committee for the Mizrachi Olami Shalhevet program; as Rosh Beit Medrash for the women in Yeshiva University's new academic program in Israel; and together with her husband, Reuven, as Educational Director for Mizrachi Olami. Now, she joins us to answer 18 questions on Israel, including the hostage deal, messianism, and the prophetic lessons for the Jewish state.This interview was held on Jan. 31.Here are our 18 questions:As an Israeli, and as a Jew, how are you feeling at this moment in Israeli history?What has been Israel's greatest success and greatest mistake in its war against Hamas?How have your religious views changed since Oct. 7? What do you look for in deciding which Knesset party to vote for?Which is more important for Israel: Judaism or democracy?Should Israel treat its Jewish and non-Jewish citizens the same?Now that Israel already exists, what is the purpose of Zionism?Is opposing Zionism inherently antisemitic?Should Israel be a religious state?If you were making the case for Israel, where would you begin?Can questioning the actions of Israel's government and army — even in the context of this war — be a valid form of love and patriotism?What do you think is the most legitimate criticism leveled against Israel today?Should all Israelis serve in the army?Do you think the State of Israel is part of the final redemption?Is Messianism helpful or harmful to Israel?Do you think peace between Israelis and Palestinians will happen within your lifetime?Where do you identify on Israel's political and religious spectrum, and do you have friends on the “other side”?Do you have more hope or fear for Israel and the Jewish People?

De Stem van De Vijverberg
Veurzitter van SV Superboeren, Jacqueline Gerritsen ("Ik kan best eigengereid zijn") en Reuven Niemeijer in aflevering 92

De Stem van De Vijverberg

Play Episode Listen Later Feb 10, 2025 94:27

Voorzitter van SV Superboeren, Jacqueline Gerritsen, is onze hoofdgast in deze 92e aflevering. "Ik hoop een verbindende voorzitter te zijn." Verder bellen we Reuven Niemeijer die vertelt over zijn eerste weken bij De Graafschap. En uiteraard leest Fritz zijn column voor die deze keer gaat over onder meer de supportersbussen die teruggestuurd zijn naar Den Bosch en iets met de Witkampers uit Laren. Deze podcast wordt mede mogelijk gemaakt door D'RANK, hét bier- en wijnhuis van Doetinchem en omstreken. Luusteren ...

KZradio הקצה
Eclectic w. Reuven Bardach //6.2.25

KZradio הקצה

Play Episode Listen Later Feb 6, 2025 59:57

Recent Vaadim and Shiurim
תפילת שבת מעריב - רצה במנוחתינו - המחזיר שכינתו

Recent Vaadim and Shiurim

Play Episode Listen Later Feb 6, 2025 33:37

Daily Bitachon
Teshuva Needs Humility

Daily Bitachon

Play Episode Listen Later Feb 4, 2025

Welcome back to our special series on humility for Shovavim . The Rambam, in the laws of Teshuva, when delineating what one needs to do for Teshuva ( Shovavim is all about doing Teshuva ) lists the following criteria: 1- צועק תמיד לפני השם בבכי ובתחנונים He cries out constantly to God with tears and with with crying and with supplication. So the first thing is prayer. He's a Baal Teshuva so of course, he repented and regretted and did what he had to do. Teshuva is always about really reconnecting and restarting. So you have to cry out to Hashem. It's about the relationship. 2 ועושה צדקה כפי כחו Give charity according to your ability, whatever your ability is. Charity is also a way of atoning for sin. 3- ומתרחק הרבה מן הדבר שחטא בו אני S tay far, far away from your sin . That means you have to make fences. If you stumbled on eating something that's not kosher, don't even walk into the airport concession or get near anything on kosher. Stay far away. 3- ומשנה שמו change your name The Gemara talks about changing names. The Rambam says It's not some mystical power. Rather, it means to say אני אחר ואיני אותו האיש שעשה אותן המעשים I'm somebody else. I'm not the same person. And with that, I changed my deeds. I'm a whole new person. I used to be Jose and now I'm Yosef. I changed. 4- The final cherry on top, וגולה ממקומו He exiles himself. Why? שגלות מכפרת עון מפני שגורמת לו להכנע ולהיות עניו ושפל רוח: Exile atones for sins because it causes humility, enabling one to be a humble and lowly spirit. Avraham Menachem Danziger (the Alexander Rebi from from 1973 to 2005), in his sefer Divrei Menachem on Parashat Netzavim says we see from here that the main point of Teshuva is humility. That's the cherry on top. And he quotes Rabbenu Yona in Shaare Teshuva (first gate 23rd letter) that says אשר ההכנעה מעיקרי התשובה Humility is one of the fundamentals of Teshuva, as it says in Tehilim 90:3, ת שב אנוש עד דכא, /A man should return until he is crushed. Crushed means he's humble. And that humility is what gives the added energy to Teshuva . That's why it's the last thing on Rambam's list. It's the final aspect. But how does it work? The Imrei Menachem says something fascinating that he bases on the Magid of Mezerich (sefer Yosher Divrei Emet letter 13) But first we need some background- The Gemara in Masechet Temurah 31A discusses the Halachic concept that anything that comes out of an unkosher animal is unkosher. For example, camels are unkosher, so camel milk is unkosher. Furthermore, if a cow which is a kosher species has a hole in his lung, rendering it unkosher, the milk from that cow is also forbidden. In fact, the only reason we can drink cow's milk without taking sonograms first is that the majority of cows are kosher and therefore we can assume the milk that comes out of the cow is kosher. To complicate matters, an egg that comes out of an ostrich is unkosher, but an that egg comes out of a chicken that had a hole in its lung is permissible. Why? The answer is that in order to become the chicken, It first has to rot and decompose, and that at that stage it becomes like dust. And anytime you have a new creation, a new being, the previous creation has to cease to exist. It has to go from something into nothing and then from nothing back into something- yesh to eyin and back to yesh . The middle stage is nothingness. And he says that's how Teshuva works. When you humble yourself, you become like nothing, you don't exist. And then you're ready for the rebirth. So in actuality, the Rambam's last two points, of changing your name and going into exile are not two separate things. It means I'm reborn, I'm a new person . And the way to be reborn is through humbling yourself. (If anyone is now wondering why we can't eat an ostrich if it came from the ostrich egg and the ostrich egg decomposed, the answer is because it's an ostrich - it's not about where it came from. The chicken egg in question is a chicken, but it came from an unkosher chicken- which had a hole in its lung, so we don't have the problem of where it came from, because it decomposed and recomposed in the middle.) This is an extremely important concept. It's how Teshuva works, and Hashem, in His love for us, built this into the system. Let's take a look at Rosh Hoshana , when we blow the shofar . Why is the shofar bent? The Gemara in Rosh Hashana says it symbolizes humility. We have to humble ourselves. What does Hashem say when we blow the shofar ? " It reminds Me of Akedat Yitzhak and I view it as if you yourself sacrificed yourself like Yitzhak was ready to sacrifice himself." What does it mean to sacrifice yourself? It means I'm nothing. I annul myself totally. The ultimate annulment is being ready to sacrifice yourself, like Yitzhak Avinu did. But Hashem doesn't want that from us. He doesn't want us to die. The famous Or HaChaim HaKadosh, at the end of Parashat Vayera, says that Yitzhak Avinu wasn't supposed to have children. But when the knife came to his throat, his previous soul left and a new soul came down and he was able to have children, based on the new soul. That's why right then and there, it mentions that Rivka was born. Yitzhak 1.0 didn't have a match because he wasn't going to have children. But Yitzhak 2.0 was ready for Rivka. That's what happens every year on Rosh Hashanah. We are reborn. That's why Teshuva is compared to Techiat Hametim . Just like Yitzhak Avinu's soul left and came back, as a Techiat Hametim of sorts, so too, we have the ability to totally renew ourselves. And with that comes a whole new life. That's why sometimes when things are going wrong, they say, let's change his name. There is a mystical force to changing the name, but the Rambam's understanding is that it's not mystical. You became a new person and therefore all the problems were the old you. We just created a new you and the new you was created through humility. Fascinating. In the words of the Imrei Menachem, ונעשה איש אחר ואינו אותו האיש שחטא כלל: He is a different person. So yes, there was a decree on Reuven, but you're not Reuven anymore. You became a new person, born again and rejuvenated. And that happens with humility הכנעה it's a fascinating concept. On Rosh Hashanah, the ultimate thing we do in the pesukim of Hashem becoming King is that we say Shema Yisrael Hashem Echad, which means Kabalat Ohl Malchut Shamayim. We accept Hashem's Kingdom. Rav Chaim Pilaggi, in his sefer Kaf HaChaim (siman יד letter 38) says something almost beyond belief. He says, we all know that the main point of Keriat Shema is Mesirut Nefesh- bechol nafshecha-with all your life- Rabbi Akiva waited for that chance all his life. That's the main kavanah . You say Keriat Shema, I'm ready to give up my life Al kiddush Hashem and it's considered like it happened. He says that when a person is Moser Nefesh, that fixes every part of his body! Every one of his limbs now become holy because he was ready to give himself up and he's reborn and recreated. And he says that's why Keriat Shema has in it 248 letters- for the 248 limbs. Because literally , you are fixing your 248 limbs with your Keriat Shema ! Wonder of wonders! 18 times, Hashem's name is mentioned, corresponding to the 18 parts of your spinal cord. This is the power of humility- when a person humbles himself, because hat's what Kabalat Ohl Malchut Shamayim is. Accepting the yoke of God. A yoke means the load is put it on your neck and you're going to pull it. Accepting the yoke of God's kingdom- that's Hachnaah . That's humility. It's interesting in the Gemara in Masechet Moed Katan page 16 describes David Hamelech as Neum HaGever Hu Kam Ohl, he was the one that set up the yoke -of teshuva. The Chatam Sofer on tehilim 144:9 says Teshuva is ate just Hametim So David Hamelech , although he might have killed people, he brought back so many people to life by setting up Teshuva. And he's called the man that set up the yoke because teshuva is all about a yoke. It's about humility.

Recent Vaadim and Shiurim
שידוכים - גישה שהחיים באים לקראתי ולא שאני מסדר אותם

Recent Vaadim and Shiurim

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 31, 2025 26:40

KZradio הקצה
Eclectic w. Reuven Bardach: Duets //30.1.25

KZradio הקצה

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 30, 2025 59:59

KZradio הקצה
Eclectic w. Reuven Bardach: Happy Birthday Beth Hart //23.1.25

KZradio הקצה

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 23, 2025 60:00

Daily Emunah Podcast - Daily Emunah By Rabbi David Ashear

The Gemara in Masechet Berachot teaches that whoever recites Tehilla L'David (Ashreh) three times a day, praising Hashem, is a ben Olam Haba . Yet the same Gemara states that one who recites Hallel daily is considered a blasphemer. We know Hallel is one of the greatest praises, so how can this be understood? The Meshech Chochmah in Parashat Bechukotai explains that Hallel is generally reserved for thanking Hashem for open miracles performed for our nation, such as the makkot or Kriyat Yam Suf . Reciting Hallel daily, even without such miracles, suggests that the person only values Hashem's interventions that defy nature, overlooking the countless hidden miracles Hashem performs every day. By contrast, Tehilla L'David praises Hashem for His everyday hashgacha peratit over each individual and every creature. As the pasuk says, ואתה נותן להם את אכלם בעיתו —"Hashem gives everyone its needs at the time that it needs." We must recognize how Hashem takes care of us every moment of every day. Each person gets what he needs in a unique way. When we look back and see how Hashem gave a person just what he needed when he needed it, in a hidden yet exposed way, it gives us extra chizuk to recognize that Hashem is always behind the scenes taking care of us. A woman shared a story about how she had hired a rabbi to learn with her 11th-grade son every night. When a recent payment to the rabbi was overdue, he sent a friendly text reminder. The woman planned to write a check the next day but completely forgot. That night, as she boarded a plane, she remembered. She asked the rabbi for his Zelle information and told her husband, Reuven, to send him $1,600 via Zelle. A few days later, the rabbi mentioned he hadn't received the payment. Surprised, the woman sent him a screenshot of the confirmation. Upon closer inspection, the rabbi noticed that Reuven had mistakenly entered the wrong middle initial in the email address. Reuven immediately sent the payment to the rabbi again, and then emailed the person who had accidentally received the $1,600. The next morning, Reuven received a reply that began, "Thank you for giving me the opportunity to perform the mitzva of hashavat aveda and return the lost money" The recipient explained that when the money arrived, he didn't recognize the sender or the purpose of the transfer. He even contacted a friend with the same last name as the sender. The friend said he did know someone with that name, but didn't think he would be sending him this money, so he didn't bother to call him. In fact, that person actually was Reuven who did send the money. The man also mentioned that it was amazing hashgacha peratit that he received this exact amount at that exact time. He was making a bar mitzvah for his son but lacked the $1,600 balance needed to pay for the tefillin he was about to pick up. His wife had asked him what they would do, and he replied, "Hashem sends the money when it's needed." Just half an hour before he was to pick up the tefillin , the $1,600 came through. The man concluded his email by asking for a few extra days to repay the money, as he had already used it. Reuven, moved by the story, responded that it would be his greatest zechut to participate in the mitzva of buying tefillin . He told the man he did not need to repay the money at all. Overjoyed, the man thanked Reuven. The next day, Reuven shared the story with a friend, who also wanted to help. Reuven asked the man how much more money he needed for the bar mitzva , and the man replied, "$900." The friend immediately sent him the remaining amount. Hashem made this woman forget to pay the Rabbi twice by check and then caused her husband to put the wrong letter in the email amongst dozens of other things that had to take place for this man to get that money at that time. Hashem helps everyone. We should look for His hand in our everyday lives and thank and praise Him at least three times a day.

You Decide with Errol Louis
Reuven Blau: Why are disgraced doctors practicing in N.Y. prisons?

You Decide with Errol Louis

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 16, 2025 27:09

Several doctors who have been judged guilty of medical misconduct, negligence, incompetence and even felonies are still finding a place to practice — New York state prisons. The shocking practice was uncovered by Reuven Blau, a criminal justice reporter for The City, an online news outlet. Blau joined NY1's Errol Louis to discuss the shocking story of physicians who have found work in the prison system despite being sanctioned for horrific mistakes and other professional abuses. They also talked about the need for a major overhaul in the state's prisons and the brutal death of inmate Robert Brooks at Marcy Correctional Facility in Oneida County. Join the conversation, weigh in on Twitter using the hashtag #NY1YouDecide or give us a call at 212-379-3440 and leave a message. Or send an email to YourStoryNY1@charter.com.

KZradio הקצה
Eclectic w. Reuven Bardach: Calling all Riffheads //16.1.25

KZradio הקצה

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 16, 2025 60:00

Anything But Traditional
Becoming Frum and Navigating Finances: Rabbi Reuven and Devorah Kigel

Anything But Traditional

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 13, 2025 74:54 Transcription Available

As a professional dating coach, Devorah Kigel has helped over 300 women get clarity in their dating lives and marry their bashert. She has also been teaching classes for women on Judaism since 2001. She has her Masters in French and lived in Paris for 2 years, before discovering Torah Judaism and becoming observant. Devorah and her husband, Reuven, who is the Campus Director for Emet Outreach, host Shabbos guests most weeks. Using humor and honesty, Devorah shares the entertaining personal journey that led her to develop powerful tools to have the relationships you desire. Her book “Marry a Mensch: Timeless Jewish Wisdom for Today's Single Woman” published by Gefen was released September 2024 and is available on Amazon. Devorah has been featured in Newsweek, The Jerusalem Post, Meaningful Minute, Torah Anytime and on aish.com.For more info: www.devorahkigel.comRabbi Reuven Kigel is Emet's dynamic Campus Director, overseeing all of Emet's campus programs—at Baruch college, St. John's University, Queens College, and Adelphi University, as well as a multi-campus program in Forest Hills. He also serves as the Jewish chaplain for Baruch College. In 2022 he started an initiative to help 100k frum men get their health back by eating according to Chazal. You can find out more on www.thefitjew.comBorn during the heyday of communism to capitalist-aspiring parents in Kiev, USSR, Rabbi Kigel immigrated to the United States in 1978, as a young child. Rabbi Kigel has semicha from Rabbi Heineman in Baltimore, and has been a longtime member of the Passaic-Clifton community kollel. Rabbi Kigel graduated from the University of Michigan in 1995 with a degree in finance and spent 8 years working on Wall Street before switching careers to devote himself to the Jewish people.This conversation delves into his near-death experience, their financial struggles, the importance of faith and resilience during tough times, and their dedication to Jewish outreach, helping others find their bashert, and health initiatives.Enjoy the episode!00:00 - Meet the Kigels02:36 - Devorah's Early Life and Discovery of Orthodox Judaism10:59 - Rabbi Reuven's Background and Immigration Story17:08 - Rabbi Reuven's Car Accident and Spiritual Awakening30:12 - Financial Struggles and Career Transition47:51 - The Importance of Supportive Relationships50:11 - Becoming a Dating Coach51:16 - Challenges in Modern Dating57:48 - Balancing Career and Family01:04:29 - Health and Fitness Side Hustle01:08:21 - Final Thoughts and Reflections*For updates and conversations about these episodes, follow me at @talesoftamar on Instagram. You can also reach out to Tamar@tales-of.com with questions, comments, or inquiries, and/or check out my website tales-of.com to learn more about who I am and what I do. If you would like to donate to continue the initiative, please send money via Zelle to tberg93@gmail.comThank you for listening and strengthening the Jewish nation! Channukah Sameach!!!

KZradio הקצה
Eclectic w. Reuven Bardach: אלביס 90-הקאברים //9.1.25

KZradio הקצה

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 9, 2025 59:35

Recent Vaadim and Shiurim
תפילות שבת 7 - שלוש ברכות ראשונות של שמונה עשרה

Recent Vaadim and Shiurim

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 9, 2025 31:54

Weekly Sichos
97. Vayechi Be Like Yehuda!

Weekly Sichos

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 8, 2025 24:28

Difference between Reuven and Yehuda, and why the malchus ultimately went to Yehuda. Concerned about how am I doing vs concerned for others, getting the job done. Sometimes you need to be like Yehuda! Chelek Tes Vov. Pg 439

YIOT Torah
Vayechi 5785 - The Recipe for Leadership: Reuven, Yosef, and Yehuda

YIOT Torah

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 7, 2025

Recent Vaadim and Shiurim
שיעור על מעלה של זאת חנוכה ומה השתנה בעבודה מלפני מתן תורה לאחרי

Recent Vaadim and Shiurim

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 3, 2025 47:09

KZradio הקצה
Eclectic w. Reuven Bardach: Radio on the move //2.1.25

KZradio הקצה

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 2, 2025 60:00

18Forty Podcast
Reuven and Shani Taragin: What's Next: The Future of Religious Zionism (Re-Release)

18Forty Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 31, 2024 121:57

We don't have a new episode this week, but we invite you to revisit our conversation with Reuven and Shani Taragin on the future of Religious Zionism, originally aired Jan. 16, 2024.In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, we talk to Rav Reuven and Rabbanit Shani Taragin, educational directors of World Mizrachi, about what comes next for Israel's Dati Leumi (Religious Zionist) community. Additionally, we speak with Gideon Davis, a Religious Zionist soldier serving in Gaza.Mistakenly, we tend to think of the Dati Leumi community as Israel's analog to Modern Orthodoxy. That makes us miss, however, that Religious Zionism is a rich worldview unto itself, and is something we all can learn from. In this episode we discuss:How does the Dati Leumi community differ from the American Modern Orthodox community?What can American Jews better understand about the sacrifices and contributions made by Religious Zionists?What does it mean to be a member of the Dati Leumi community in 2024?Tune in to hear a conversation about how a religious mindset can expand beyond personal piety to include a deep commitment to the Jewish People and the world.Interview with Gideon Davis begins at 6:09.Interview with Reuven and Shani Taragin begins at 36:42.Rav Reuven Taragin is a former Wexner Fellow and Musmach of the Israeli Chief Rabbinate. Rav Taragin is the Dean of Overseas Students at Yeshivat Hakotel where he is responsible for the program's quality and message and the welfare of each of its talmidim. Rav Taragin is also the Rosh Beit Midrash at Camp Moshava (I.O.), and Rav of Kehillat Eretz Chemdah in Katamon.Rabbanit Shani Taragin is a noted author and teacher at Midreshet Lindenbaum, Midreshet Torah V'Avodah, MaTaN, Migdal Oz, Sha'alvim for Women, Lander College, and the Women's' Beit Midrash in Efrat and Ramat Shilo.The Taragins are the Educational Directors of World Mizrachi and the RZA (Religious Zionists of America), and they also serve as Roshei Beit Medrash for the Beit Medrash Program in Camp Moshava IO during the summer. They have six children and live in Alon Shvut, Gush Etzion.References:The MatrixAdjusting Sights by Haim SabatoTanakhThe Rav Speaks by Joseph B. Soleveitchik“How Will Redemption Begin?” by David BashevkinMeshekh Chokhmah by Meir Simha HaKohen DvinskBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/18forty-podcast--4344730/support.

Detailed Daf Overview - Project Likkutei Torah / Torah Ohr
Torah Ohr Daf 45 - The 4 step spiritual plan: Reuven, Shimon, Levi, Yehuda w/ Rabbi Dovid Leib Shmerling

Detailed Daf Overview - Project Likkutei Torah / Torah Ohr

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 28, 2024 42:31

KZradio הקצה
Eclectic w. Reuven Bardach: Born in December //26.12.24

KZradio הקצה

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 26, 2024 59:56

TorahAnytime Daily Dose
Daily Dose #2,230: Guarded - R' Reuven Epstein

TorahAnytime Daily Dose

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 23, 2024 2:01

Full TorahAnytime LectureVideo or AudioMore classes from R' Reuven Epstein⭐ 2,230

Wash Talk: The Carwash Podcast
Episode 222: Is now a good time to refinance with Reuven Birnkrant

Wash Talk: The Carwash Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 23, 2024 22:05

In this episode of Wash Talk: The Carwash Podcast, host Rich DiPaolo sits down with Reuven Birnkrant, CEO of PetroCal Associates, for a deep dive into refinancing strategies for carwash operators. Building on an article featured in the December 2024 issue of Professional Carwashing & Detailing magazine, Birnkrant shares expert insights on navigating refinancing costs, timing loans in fluctuating interest rate environments, and optimizing financial structures for long-term success. Birnkrant educates us on the impact of resetting amortization, strategies for demonstrating business stability to lenders and how refinancing can be a tool for growth beyond just lowering payments. He also explores the benefits and risks of cash-out refinancing and key indicators operators should monitor to make informed decisions. Whether you're considering refinancing to simplify debt, improve loan terms or leverage equity, this episode is packed with actionable advice to help carwash owners make smarter financial moves. Don't miss Birnkrant's expert take on common mistakes to avoid and when refinancing may not be the ideal choice.

KZradio הקצה
Eclectic w. Reuven Bardach: דוח העוני //19.12.24

KZradio הקצה

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 19, 2024 60:00

AWS for Software Companies Podcast
Ep070: How CyberArk Scaled SaaS Transformation: Insights from CyberArk's SVP Corporate Finance Nili Serr-Reuven

AWS for Software Companies Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 19, 2024 41:21

This illuminating conversation with CyberArk's SVP of Finance, Nili Serr-Reuven, reveals how the 25-year-old cybersecurity leader successfully transformed from a traditional software company to a SaaS business model in just five quarters - far faster than the industry standard of 2-2.5 years - while maintaining strong margins and customer trust throughout the transition.Topics Include:Introduction to SaaS transformation challenges and opportunities.Tomaz Perc introduces Nili Serr Reuven from CyberArk.Overview of CyberArk's 25-year history and milestones.Transition from a perpetual model to SaaS.CyberArk's accelerated transformation in just five quarters.Challenges of shifting from product-centric to customer-centric.Importance of market research and peer consultations.Key role of cross-functional collaboration in success.Explanation of "swallowing the fish" in SaaS.Managing short-term revenue drops during SaaS transformation.CyberArk's 70% SaaS revenue share post-transformation.Impact of global economic challenges on business strategy.CyberArk's robust demand for identity security solutions.Strategic leadership's role in transformation execution.CyberArk's disciplined financial planning during uncertainty.Establishing KPIs like ARR and customer satisfaction.Managing rising cloud costs with FinOps practices.CyberArk's approach to pricing and packaging SaaS solutions.Leveraging acquisitions to speed up SaaS capabilities.Impact of transformation on CyberArk's finance department.Evolution of finance roles to support SaaS growth.Communication with investors during transformative periods.The importance of cultural shifts in transformation success.Continuous learning, transparency, and collaboration as cornerstones.Advice for future SaaS leaders: plan, communicate, adapt.Participants:Nili Serr Reuven – SVP Corporate Finance, CyberArkTomaz Perc – SaaS Business Lead, Amazon Web ServicesSee how Amazon Web Services gives you the freedom to migrate, innovate, and scale your software company at https://aws.amazon/isv/

YUTORAH: R' Moshe Taragin -- Recent Shiurim
10 Minute Rashi for Vayeishev: Reuven's Sensitivity; Self-Indulgence While Other People Suffer; Scapegoating the "Jew"; Dwindling Respect for Ya'akov Amidst Family Strife

YUTORAH: R' Moshe Taragin -- Recent Shiurim

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 18, 2024 23:41

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran
Bava Batra 173 - December 15, 14 Kislev

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 15, 2024 49:32

This week’s learning is sponsored by Robert and Paula Cohen in loving memory of my grandfather, Joseph Cohen, Yosef ben Moshe HaCohen, z”l. “My grandfather was hard working, loved to sing, especially as a chazan, and brought up his family to be strongly committed to Judaism.”  If two people have the same name, can they collect from other people if we cannot be sure that the document in their hand is really their own? It can be inferred from our Mishna that they can collect, but a braita rules that they cannot. The root of the debate is either regarding whether documents can be acquired by passing them from one to the other (otiyot niknot b'mesira) or perhaps both hold that they can, but the root of the debate is whether one needs to prove the document was passed to them from the other. Rava and Abaye debated the latter issue and a braita is quoted from which each one tries to prove his position. Another braita rules against both the Mishna and the previously quoted braita, holding that two people with the same name can pull out a loan document one on the other. The root of the debate is whether or not a borrower can have a scribe draft a promissory note not in the presence of the creditor. If it can be done, one can pretend to be the borrower, draft the note, and then use it to collect from the other. If a person tells one's children on their deathbed that one of their promissory notes in their possession is already collected, the children cannot claim any of the loans, as the burden of proof is on the one who collects. If there are two promissory notes for the same person, they can collect the one with the smaller amount. When one has a loan with a guarantor, can the creditor collect from the guarantor? If so, under what circumstances? What is the source from the Tanach for the responsibility of a guarantor? At first, they try to learn it from Yehuda and Reuven, when they each promised to take responsibility for bringing Binyamin to Egypt, but that source is rejected and instead, verses from Proverbs 20:16 and Proverbs 6:1-3 are used as the source. Ameimar views a guarantor's commitment as asmachta (a commitment that the guarantor never really meant to keep) and would then be a subject of debate between Rabbi Yosi and Rabbi Yehuda if it is a valid commitment. Rav Ashi rejects this explanation and explains why it is not viewed as asmachta.