Podcasts about pinchas

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  • Sep 7, 2024LATEST




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The Seth Leibsohn Show
September 6, 2024 - Hour 3 (Guest Rabbi Pinchas Allouche)

The Seth Leibsohn Show

Play Episode Listen Later Sep 7, 2024 36:20

Rabbi Pinchas Allouche, head Rabbi at Congregation Beth Tefillah in Scottsdale, and the host of the Rabbi Allouche podcast, joins Seth for the full hour to talk about his recent appearance at a Trump rally in Glendale, this week's Torah portion, what to do when a body is found and someone is mysteriously murdered, and the importance of justice.See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

R Yitzchak Shifman Torah Classes
Sefer Yehoshua 2:1-24

R Yitzchak Shifman Torah Classes

Play Episode Listen Later Sep 5, 2024 25:54

Yehoshua sends 2 spies (Kaleiv and Pinchas) to scout out Yericho, incident with Rachav and promise to her, spies return and relay events and the feeling of ppl of Yericho

pinchas yehoshua sefer yehoshua
A Responsum a Day
R. Pinchas Zvichi and R. Shlomo Zafrani on Imposing on Neighbors (17 Av)

A Responsum a Day

Play Episode Listen Later Aug 21, 2024

Waldorfsalat Podcast
#19 mit Annika Brockschmidt: Christliche Religion

Waldorfsalat Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Aug 20, 2024 95:31 Transcription Available

In dieser Folge zu hören sind: Gast: Annika Brockschmidt Moderation: Oliver Rautenberg alias Anthroblogger Aus dem Team #ExWaldi: Sarah, Katharina Technik: Steffen In dieser Folge unterhalten wir uns über Religion, die amerikanische christliche religiöse Rechte und die thematischen Überschneidungen und Parallelen zur anthroposophischen Lehre. Content-Notes: Content Note für die gesamte Folge: Wir thematisieren in der gesamten Folge u. a. Transfeindlichkeit, Sexismus, Antisemitismus, Rassismus, Ableismus, christliche Religion und die christliche religiöse Rechte. Wir benennen dabei auch diskriminierende Begriffe sowie trans- und queerfeindliche Narrative. Steiner im Original: 04:12 - 05:20 (Aus dem Zusammenhang gerissenes Zitat) Queer- und Transfeindlichkeit der christlichen religiösen Rechten und der Anthroposophie: 48:09 - 52:20 Mutter Theresas Menschenfeindlichkeit, Benennung anthroposophischer Konzepte: 52:25 - 55:20 Sexismus: 56:16 - 59:50 Wir reden über 00:00:00 Prolog 00:01:35 Intro 00:05:10 Aus dem Zusammenhang gerissenes Zitat zur Religiosität 00:06:40 Rekrutierung und Missionierung von Kindern durch die religiöse Rechte in den USA 00:10:40 Religiosität im Alltag an der Waldorfschule 00:19:50 Christengemeinschaft, Exkurs: Epochenunterricht 00:29:55 Religionsunterricht als Pflichtfach, Heiligenlegenden 00:32:20 Privatschulen, Schulwahl der Eltern und Schulgemeinschaft 00:43:45 Parallelen zur religiösen Rechten, insbesondere Geschlechterbilder 00:48:40 Geht die Transfeindlichkeit der christlichen religiösen Rechten mit einem steinerschen Weltbild zusammen? 00:53:00 Scheinbar empathische Weltbilder, die eigentlich unmenschlich sind 00:56:10 Reaktionäre Geschlechterbilder, rosig verkauft 01:00:40 Anthroposophie zum Rosinenpicken, Steiner als “Kind seiner Zeit” 01:03:55 Evolutionstheorie, Dinosaurier und Fabelwesen 01:10:40 Menschengemachter Klimawandel und Wissenschaftsfeindlichkeit 01:17:20 Impfgegnertum und Verschwörungsglauben, Tarnformulierungen, Doppelsprech 01:25:10 Wünsche für die Zukunft 01:31:50 Wortsalat - Das Zitat in seinem Zusammenhang Zu Annika Brockschmidt: Annika Brockschmidt ist eine deutsche Journalistin, Autorin und Podcast-Produzentin. In ihrem Buch “Amerikas Gotteskrieger: Wie die Religiöse Rechte die Demokratie gefährdet” beschäftigt sie sich mit der evangelikalen Bewegung in den Vereinigten Staaten. Ihr aktuelles Buch: “Die Brandstifter. Wie Extremisten die Republikanische Partei übernahmen” erschien am 26. Februar 2024. Webseite: https://www.rowohlt.de/autorin/annika-brockschmidt-18251 Twitter und Instagram: @ardenthistorian Podcasts: Kreuz und Flagge Feminist Shelf Control Der Bätchcast Weiterführende Links und Anmerkungen Literatur: Helmut Zander: Die Anthroposophie. Rudolf Steiners Ideen zwischen Esoterik, Weleda, Demeter und Waldorfpädagogik. Paderborn 2019. https://brill.com/display/title/53491 Christengemeinschaft/Christentum: S. 61 - 73 Protestantismus - Katholizismus: S. 189 - 192 Rudolf Steiners Religiosität: Rudolf Steiner war katholisch getauft, seine Jugend war aber kaum vom Katholizismus geprägt. Helmut Zander bezeichnet die Anthroposophie als “ein Kind des Protestantismus”. Seine erste tiefergehende religiöse Sozialisation erhielt Rudolf Steiner laut Zander bei dem Protestanten Karl Julius Schröer. (Zander, Die Anthroposophie, S. 189.) Auch die Christengemeinschaft wurde mehrheitlich von Protestant*innen begründet, wobei die sieben Sakramente der katholischen Kirche übernommen wurden. (Zander, Die Anthroposophie, S. 61.) Die Waldorf-Zeitschrift “Erziehungskunst” über Religionsunterricht an der Waldorfschule: https://www.erziehungskunst.de/artikel/religion-ist-so-alt Die pädagogische Forschungsstelle beim Bund der Freien Waldorfschulen über den freien (auch: freichristlichen) Religionsunterricht an Waldorfschulen https://www.forschung-waldorf.de/service/downloadbereich/detail/lehrplan-fuer-den-freien-religionsunterricht-an-waldorfschulen/ Novalis war laut Steiner eine Inkarnation von Raffael, Johannes des Täufers, des Propheten Elias und von Pinchas ben Eleasar: https://anthrowiki.at/Johannes_der_T%C3%A4ufer#Fr%C3%BChere_und_sp%C3%A4tere_Inkarnationen Die Christengemeinschaft ist nicht Mitglied in der Arbeitsgemeinschaft christlicher Kirchen (ACK). (Zander, Die Anthroposophie, S. 68.) Die Taufe der CG, die als Inkarnationshilfe verstanden wird, wird von der EKD und der katholischen Kirche nicht anerkannt: https://www.ezw-berlin.de/publikationen/lexikon/anthroposophie-und-christengemeinschaft/ Selbstbild der Christengemeinschaft: https://christengemeinschaft.de/hintergruende/die-christengemeinschaft Die Christengemeinschaft fühlt sich als Teil der Ökumene: https://christengemeinschaft-international.org/wer-wir-sind/faq Annika erwähnt R. J. Rushdoony (Rshtuni), einen Vordenker der amerikanischen religiösen Rechten: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/R._J._Rushdoony https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Institutes_of_Biblical_Law Theonomie: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theonomie Waldorfpädagogische Sicht auf “zu frühes Lesenlernen”: “Frühes Lesenlernen schadet der Gesundheit”, Steinerzitate über “Sklerotiker” durch angeblich zu frühes Lesenlernen und das optimale Alter zum Schreiben- und Lesenlernen: “Lesen und Schreiben, so wie wir es heute haben, ist eigent­lich erst etwas für den Menschen … im 11., 12. Lebensjahre. Und je mehr man damit begnadigt ist, kein Lesen und Schreiben vorher fertig zu können, desto besser ist es für die späteren Lebensjahre.” https://www.waldorfkindergarten.de/en/paedagogik/erziehungskunst-fruehe-kindheit/artikel/wenn-kinder-spaeter-lesen-lernen/ GA 302, 8. Vortrag vom 19. Juni 1921: Rudolf Steiner über das Lesen- und Schreibenlernen: “Wir können nicht sagen: Seid froh, daß euer Junge mit 9 Jahren noch nicht lesen und schreiben kann. Er wird um so besser lesen und schreiben, wenn er es mit 9 Jahren nicht gekonnt hat; denn wenn er mit 9 Jahren wunderschön schreiben und lesen kann, dann wird er später ein Automat, weil dem Menschen etwas Fremdes eingeimpft worden ist. Er wird ein Automat. Diejenigen werden aber Vollmenschen, die noch etwas entgegengestellt haben in ihrer Kindheit dem Lesen und Schreiben.” (S. 130f.) https://steiner.wiki/GA_302#ACHTER_VORTRAG_Stuttgart,_19._Juni_1921 Anthroposophische Evolutionsleugnung mit eigenem Institut in Witten-Herdecke: https://www.uni-wh.de/gesundheit/department-fuer-humanmedizin/lehrstuehle-institute-und-zentren/institut-fuer-evolutionsbiologie/ Studie: Anthroposophic Climate Science Denial https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/20503032221075382 Oliver Nachtwey, Nadine Frei u. a.: Quellen des “Querdenkertums”. Eine politische Soziologie der Corona-Proteste in Baden-Württemberg. https://www.boell-bw.de/de/2021/11/19/quellen-des-querdenkertums-eine-politische-soziologie-der-corona-proteste-baden Rudolf Steiner in “Die Erkenntnis des Menschenwesens nach Leib, Seele und Geist. Über frühe Erdzustände“ (GA 347, S.123ff.) über Ichthyosaurier (auch Fischsaurier genannt) https://anthroposophie.blog/2015/08/30/fliegende-fischsaurier-frassen-selige-elektrische/ Rudolf Steiner über ausgeschiedene Tiere: “Der Mensch hatte noch alle anderen Wesen in sich. Nachher entwickelte sich der Mensch höher hinauf und ließ die Fischform zurück, die er in sich hatte. [...] Wieder entwickelte sich der Mensch höher hinauf und sonderte die Vögel aus sich heraus. Dann gingen die Reptilien und Amphibien aus dem Menschen heraus, groteske Wesen wie die Saurier, Fischeidechsen, die eigentlich nur Nachzügler der früher zurückgebliebenen, noch menschenunähnlicheren Wesen waren. Dann noch später setzte der Mensch die Säugetiere heraus. Zuletzt stieß er die Affen ab und ging selbst höher hinauf.” (GA 95, S. S. 76: https://steiner.wiki/GA_95#Achter_Vortrag,_Stuttgart,_29._August_1906) auch S. 157 (mit Abbildung) Das aus dem Zusammenhang gerissene Zitat Quelle: Erziehung zum Leben. Selbsterziehung und pädagogische Praxis, GA 297a, S.81f https://steiner.wiki/GA_297a#FRAGENBEANTWORTUNG_AM_P%C3%84DAGOGISCHEN_ABEND_Darmstadt,_28._Juli_1921

Daily Emunah Podcast - Daily Emunah By Rabbi David Ashear

f a person feels that something is happening in his life that is unfair, and he wants to complain and question Hashem about it, it is important to know that he has a golden opportunity in front of him. One of the main jobs that a person has in this world is to learn to trust in Hashem. When we don't understand why things are happening and we wish they would be different, that is when we can show our trust in Him. It is specifically during instances where things don't make sense to us that we can capitalize on the opportunity we're being given to recognize that Hashem has a plan and it's for our best. This avodah is so precious to Hashem and is rewarded greatly. When Aharon and his children were chosen to be kohanim , only the future children that would be born to them would get the status of a kohen . Since Pinchas, the son of Elazar, was already born, he was excluded from the kehunah at that time. This meant he would be the only one in a family of kohanim who wasn't a kohen . When they would share in the eating of a korban , Pinchas would not be allowed to partake. When they would go to do the avodah in the Mishkan , Pinchas would not be allowed to go with them. As he got older, he watched every one of his cousins enjoying the rites of kehunah while he sat on the side, the only one excluded. It went on like that for 40 years. Pinchas could have said to himself, "This is not fair, why do I have to be the only one left out?" But instead, Pinchas had emunah in Hashem and did his job every day as a God-fearing Jew to the best of his ability with happiness. On the day he killed Zimri and stopped the anger of Hashem and stopped the plague from the Jewish people, that is when it became clear why Hashem kept him from being a kohen for all those years. If he had been a kohen , he would have lost it forever through that act of killing. Although it was l'shem shamayim , it still would have disqualified him from doing the avodah and enjoying the rites of a kohen . It was then that Hashem made Pinchas a kohen , but not just any kohen . All of the future Kohanim Gedolim only came from Pinchas, as it says in Sefer Yechezkel, perek 47. Furthermore, the Gemara tells us, all of the unanswered questions that our Rabbis in the Gemara had will one day be answered by Eliyahu HaNavi. Who became Eliyahu HaNavi? None other than Pinchas. As a reward for not questioning Hashem for 40 years, he is going to be the one to answer all of the difficult questions that our Rabbis had. Not only that, it says that Eliyahu is going to bring peace between us and Hashem. Eliyahu is going to answer all the difficult questions that people had regarding their own lives. For example, why couldn't I find my zivug ? Why wasn't I zocheh to have children? Why was it so hard for me to earn parnasah ? Why did I always feel alone in my life? Why did I lose my loved ones? There are so many questions that people have. At that time in the future, the answers will make sense to us. It will be so clear that we won't understand how we even had questions to begin with. If someone who has a question can decide now to trust in Hashem and remove the ill feelings that he has from his heart, that would be such a powerful avodah and would bring so much nachat ruach to Hashem. And then, instead of being ashamed when he is given the answers in the future, he will rather be praised for trusting Hashem and will be rewarded for all eternity.

Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe Podcast Collection
Pinchas and the Paradox of Peace (Parsha In-focus: Pinchas)

Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe Podcast Collection

Play Episode Listen Later Aug 11, 2024 19:27

Unlock the profound lessons from Parshas Pinchas as we journey through an episode featuring the impactful story of Pinchas, the grandson of Aharon HaKohen. Discover how his zealous act of spearing an Israelite man and a Midianite woman brought a sudden halt to a devastating plague that had ravaged the Israelites, claiming 24,000 lives. We promise a nuanced exploration of the seeming paradox of his violent deed being rewarded with God's covenant of peace and reflect on the importance of lineage, especially as Aharon HaKohen's yahrzeit intersects with Rosh Chodesh Av. Additionally, we'll touch upon the spiritual shift from the joyful month of Adar to the solemn period beginning with the month of Av, offering a deeper understanding of these pivotal moments.In the second half of the episode, we underscore the intrinsic value of Torah study as a divine obligation rather than merely a source of personal pleasure. Join us as we discuss how a commitment to performing mitzvot (commandments) as a duty, even amidst challenges, fortifies our spiritual resolve. Embrace the perspective that while enjoying Torah study is indeed a blessing, aligning our actions with God's will is paramount. This dedication cultivates a continuous path of peace and connection with Hashem. Prepare to be inspired to embrace your sacred duty to study Torah with unwavering dedication, fostering a profound and enduring relationship with the Almighty._____________This episode (Ep 6.41) of the Parsha Review Podcast by Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe on Parshas Pinchas is dedicated in Honor of Danny Katz & in honor of our Holy Soldiers in the Battlefield and our Torah Scholars in the Study Halls who are fighting for the safety of our nation!Download & Print the Parsha Review Notes:https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ncaRyoH5iJmGGoMZs9y82Hz2ofViVouv?usp=sharingRecorded in the TORCH Centre - Levin Family Studios (B) to a live audience on August 5, 2024, in Houston, Texas.Released as Podcast on August 11, 2024_____________DONATE to TORCH: Please consider supporting the podcasts by making a donation to help fund our Jewish outreach and educational efforts at https://www.torchweb.org/support.php. Thank you!_____________SUBSCRIBE and LISTEN to other podcasts by Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe: NEW!! Prayer Podcast: https://prayerpodcast.transistor.fm/episodesJewish Inspiration Podcast: https://inspiration.transistor.fm/episodesParsha Review Podcast: https://parsha.tansistor.fm/episodesLiving Jewishly Podcast: https://jewishly.transistor.fm/episodesThinking Talmudist Podcast: https://talmud.transistor.fm/episodesUnboxing Judaism Podcast: https://unboxing.transistor.fm/episodesRabbi Aryeh Wolbe Podcast Collection: https://collection.transistor.fm/episodesFor a full listing of podcasts available by TORCH at https://www.TORCHpodcasts.com_____________EMAIL your questions, comments, and feedback: awolbe@torchweb.org_____________Please visit www.torchweb.org to see a full listing of our outreach and educational resources available in the Greater Houston area! ★ Support this podcast ★

Parsha Review Podcast · Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe
Pinchas and the Paradox of Peace (Parsha In-focus: Pinchas)

Parsha Review Podcast · Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe

Play Episode Listen Later Aug 11, 2024 19:27

Unlock the profound lessons from Parshas Pinchas as we journey through an episode featuring the impactful story of Pinchas, the grandson of Aharon HaKohen. Discover how his zealous act of spearing an Israelite man and a Midianite woman brought a sudden halt to a devastating plague that had ravaged the Israelites, claiming 24,000 lives. We promise a nuanced exploration of the seeming paradox of his violent deed being rewarded with God's covenant of peace and reflect on the importance of lineage, especially as Aharon HaKohen's yahrzeit intersects with Rosh Chodesh Av. Additionally, we'll touch upon the spiritual shift from the joyful month of Adar to the solemn period beginning with the month of Av, offering a deeper understanding of these pivotal moments.In the second half of the episode, we underscore the intrinsic value of Torah study as a divine obligation rather than merely a source of personal pleasure. Join us as we discuss how a commitment to performing mitzvot (commandments) as a duty, even amidst challenges, fortifies our spiritual resolve. Embrace the perspective that while enjoying Torah study is indeed a blessing, aligning our actions with God's will is paramount. This dedication cultivates a continuous path of peace and connection with Hashem. Prepare to be inspired to embrace your sacred duty to study Torah with unwavering dedication, fostering a profound and enduring relationship with the Almighty._____________This episode (Ep 6.41) of the Parsha Review Podcast by Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe on Parshas Pinchas is dedicated in Honor of Danny Katz & in honor of our Holy Soldiers in the Battlefield and our Torah Scholars in the Study Halls who are fighting for the safety of our nation!Download & Print the Parsha Review Notes:https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ncaRyoH5iJmGGoMZs9y82Hz2ofViVouv?usp=sharingRecorded in the TORCH Centre - Levin Family Studios (B) to a live audience on August 5, 2024, in Houston, Texas.Released as Podcast on August 11, 2024_____________DONATE to TORCH: Please consider supporting the podcasts by making a donation to help fund our Jewish outreach and educational efforts at https://www.torchweb.org/support.php. Thank you!_____________SUBSCRIBE and LISTEN to other podcasts by Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe: NEW!! Prayer Podcast: https://prayerpodcast.transistor.fm/episodesJewish Inspiration Podcast: https://inspiration.transistor.fm/episodesParsha Review Podcast: https://parsha.tansistor.fm/episodesLiving Jewishly Podcast: https://jewishly.transistor.fm/episodesThinking Talmudist Podcast: https://talmud.transistor.fm/episodesUnboxing Judaism Podcast: https://unboxing.transistor.fm/episodesRabbi Aryeh Wolbe Podcast Collection: https://collection.transistor.fm/episodesFor a full listing of podcasts available by TORCH at https://www.TORCHpodcasts.com_____________EMAIL your questions, comments, and feedback: awolbe@torchweb.org_____________Please visit www.torchweb.org to see a full listing of our outreach and educational resources available in the Greater Houston area! ★ Support this podcast ★

The Seth Leibsohn Show
August 2, 2024 - Hour 3 (Guest Rabbi Pinchas Allouche)

The Seth Leibsohn Show

Play Episode Listen Later Aug 3, 2024 37:20

Rabbi Pinchas Allouche, head Rabbi at Congregation Beth Tefillah in Scottsdale, and the host of the Rabbi Allouche podcast, joins Seth for the full hour to talk about this week's Torah portion, making vows, the status of his son who is serving in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) in The Gaza Strip amidst the ongoing Israel-Hamas War, and the need for real, true peace. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

The Parsha Perspective
Parshas Matos & Massei, respect and faith

The Parsha Perspective

Play Episode Listen Later Aug 2, 2024 8:38

Parshas Matos & Massei, respect and faith  The Parsha Perspective is in honor of Eretz Yisroel.  May G-d protect our brave soldiers.  May G-d return all the hostages in Gaza immediately.  The Parsha Perspective is in loving memory of Edward Ben Efraim, Shlomo Ben Edward, and Yirachmiel Daniel Ben Gedalia. May their souls be uplifted and their memories a blessing. Click here to listen, watch and connect! Parshaperspective.com  Our Parshas begins with Moshe teaching the leaders of each tribe many laws concerning oaths and promises. He teaches them how to make and annul a vow and under which circumstances a person can cancel a vow made by another. G-d then instructs Moshe to retaliate against Midian for sending their women into the Jewish camps to sin. Moshe gathered one thousand soldiers from each tribe and appointed Pinchas to lead the attack against Midian. We find out the special dispensation from the normal rules of inheritance for the daughters of Tzelafchad. We learn the lengths we must go and the distance we must travel to make our community whole once again. 

The Weekly Alumni Shiur
Matos Masei 5784 - The Importance of Defending Klal Yisroel

The Weekly Alumni Shiur

Play Episode Listen Later Jul 31, 2024 17:56

HaRav Yissocher Frand shares a beatiful pshat from the Radvaz explaining the story of Eliyahu Hanavi in the rarely leined haftorah of parshas Pinchas, and explains how it teaches two very important lessons

Torah from Temple of Aaron
Biden, Moses & Communal-Thinking: R. Marcus Rubenstein

Torah from Temple of Aaron

Play Episode Listen Later Jul 30, 2024 12:25

R. Marcus Rubenstein's sermon, given on Shabbat morning at Temple of Aaron on July 27th, 2024 on parshat Pinchas.

Israel News Talk Radio
Let's Learn About Vengeance From Pinchas! - The Jewish Truth Bomb

Israel News Talk Radio

Play Episode Listen Later Jul 29, 2024 27:13

Learn Bible the right way - Google "Lenny Goldberg's Bible Classes" The Jewish Truth Bomb 29JULY2024 - PODCAST

Rabbi Yakov Bronsteyn - Parsha Classes
391. Pinchas - It Was His Idea

Rabbi Yakov Bronsteyn - Parsha Classes

Play Episode Listen Later Jul 29, 2024 14:49

This a rendition of a speech at Shalosh Seudos at the Ahavas Torah Congregation of Scottsdale on Parshas Pinchas 5784. We discuss how the most qualified person to perform a task is the one who is the most in tune with the reality at hand.

ICJS Torah's podcast
Tiferes Shlomo 41: Pinchas-Approach To Submission

ICJS Torah's podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Jul 29, 2024 57:22

Hebrew Nation Online
Mark Call – Parsha “Pinchas” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Hebrew Nation Online

Play Episode Listen Later Jul 28, 2024 136:47

The Torah parsha this week, "Pinchas," (Numbers 25:10-30:1) might be thought of as "part two" of the story that began last week with Balak and Bilaam, and ended with at least a bit of a 'cliffhanger' in the story of the deaths and plague associated with how Bilaam evidently managed to get the people of Israel to curse themselves, when he was not able to. And Pinchas, son of Eleazer the Kohen, and thus grandson of Aaron himself, did something dramatic, even shocking, to stop that plague. And perhaps the fact that he was rewarded by YHVH with the "Covenant of Peace [Shalom]" might even raise some eyebrows, especially today. What follows is then another "head count," and ultimately a reminder of the "Appointed Times of YHVH, as described by the Erev Shabbat reading: https://hebrewnationonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/SSM-7-26-24-Pinchas-teaching-podcast-x.mp3 Last week, in the first installment of the story, Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa fellowship touched on the end of the story as well, and of Bilaam, and how he got himself killed. Deservedly. But the story this week is Pinchas, and how he merited the Covenant of Shalom (Peace) from YHVH Himself, and for being "zealous" (qanah, in Hebrew) for Him. There is, of course, peril in thinking we can cavalierly "do likewise." But these are perilous times anyway. So it's a mistake to fail when we should act, too. "Pinchas: 'Was Pinchas Doing God's Work?' " https://hebrewnationonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/WT-CooH-7-26-24-Pinchas-Was-Pinchas-Doing-Gods-Work-podcast-xxx.mp3 The combined two-part teaching is here:

El Shaddai Ministries' Podcast
Episode 1701: July 27, 2024: Pinchas (Phineas) Dr. Danny Ben GiGi

El Shaddai Ministries' Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Jul 27, 2024 135:22

Website: https://esm.us/download notes here: https://esm.us/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Teaching-July-27-2024-Congregational-Notes-Danny-Ben-Gigi.pdf_________________________________________________________________________________Torah Portion:Pinchas(Phinehas)Numbers 25: 10-30:1Jeremiah 1: 1-2:3John 2: 13:22Numbers 25: 12-1312 Therefore say, ‘Behold, I give to him my covenant of peace, 13 and it shall be to him and to his descendants after him the covenant of a perpetual priesthood, because he was jealous for his God and made atonement for the people of Israel.'Numbers 27: 18-2018 So the LORD said to Moses, “Take Joshua the son of Nun, a man in whom is the Spirit, and lay your hand on him. 19 Make him stand before Eleazar the priest and all the congregation, and you shall commission him in their sight. 20 You shall invest him with some of your authority, that all the congregation of the people of Israel may obey.1 Kings 19: 11-1211 And he said, “Go out and stand on the mount before the LORD.” And behold, the LORD passed by, and a great and strong wind tore the mountains and broke in pieces the rocks before the LORD, but the LORD was not in the wind. And after the wind an earthquake, but the LORD was not in the earthquake. 12 And after the earthquake a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire. And after the fire the sound of a low whisper. John 2: 18-2218 So the Jews said to him, “What sign do you show us for doing these things?” 19 Jesus answered them, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.” 20 The Jews then said, “It has taken forty-six years to build this temple, and will you raise it up in three days?” 21 But he was speaking about the temple of his body. 22 When therefore he was raised from the dead, his disciples remembered that he had said this, and they believed the Scripture and the word that Jesus had spoken.

The Seth Leibsohn Show
July 26, 2024 - Hour 3 (Guest Rabbi Pinchas Allouche)

The Seth Leibsohn Show

Play Episode Listen Later Jul 27, 2024 36:45

Rabbi Pinchas Allouche, head Rabbi at Congregation Beth Tefillah in Scottsdale, and the host of the Rabbi Allouche podcast, joins Seth for the full hour to talk about this week's Torah portion, Numbers 25.See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

Daily Chumash with Rashi (Video)
Rabbi Gordon - Pinchas: 7th Portion

Daily Chumash with Rashi (Video)

Play Episode Listen Later Jul 27, 2024 17:44

Restoration Seattle
The Zealot

Restoration Seattle

Play Episode Listen Later Jul 27, 2024 45:17

In Part 5 of our "Summer Preachers" series, our friend Aybars Uckun talks about the Torah portion Pinchas in a message called “The Zealot.”Link: https://restoration.subspla.sh/s8rtwqz#seattle #jewish #messianic #restorationseattle #JewishinSeattle 

Restoration Seattle
The Zealot

Restoration Seattle

Play Episode Listen Later Jul 27, 2024 45:17

In Part 5 of our "Summer Preachers" series, our friend Aybars Uckun talks about the Torah portion Pinchas in a message called “The Zealot.”Link: https://restoration.subspla.sh/s8rtwqz#seattle #jewish #messianic #restorationseattle #JewishinSeattle 

The Parsha Perspective
Parsha Pinchas: Strength and Serenit

The Parsha Perspective

Play Episode Listen Later Jul 26, 2024 7:52

Parsha Pinchas: Strength and Serenity The Parsha Perspective is in honor of Eretz Yisroel.  May G-d protect our brave soldiers.  May G-d return all the hostages in Gaza immediately.  The Parsha Perspective is in memory of my grandfather, Rav Yeudah Ben Aaron, Shlomo Ben Edward, Edward Ben Efraim, and Yirachmiel Daniel Ben Gedalia. May their souls be uplifted and their memories a blessing.  Click here to listen, watch and connect! Parshaperspective.com  Our Parsha has the story of Pinchas, the grandchild of Aaron, receiving a reward for killing Zimri, the head of the tribe of Shimon. Zimri was publicly consorting with a Midianite princess, so Pinchas took a spear and ended both of their lives. We find what prerequisites Moshe Rabbeinu had for his successor.  We learn what it means to be a warrior and scholar.

Daily Emunah Podcast - Daily Emunah By Rabbi David Ashear
Parashat Pinchas: When We Push Ourselves

Daily Emunah Podcast - Daily Emunah By Rabbi David Ashear

Play Episode Listen Later Jul 26, 2024

In this week's parasha , we read about the reward of Pinchas for his heroic act which stopped a plague and brought peace between the Jewish People and Hashem. Normally, an act of killing would make a person lose his privileges as a Kohen, but in this case it was just the opposite. It elevated Pinchas to become a Kohen, because his intentions were so pure, which only Hashem could know. And because he was willing to risk everything l'shem Shamayim , Hashem helped him in an extraordinary way accomplish his goal and He blessed him with the Kehuna . The Ha'amek Davar writes that anybody who is moser nefesh – he sacrifices to do a mitzvah l'shem Shamayim , he goes over and above to do what's right, מסעיין לו מן השמים אחר כך - he will receive special Heavenly help afterward. He might not see help immediately, but at some point, perhaps after continuous struggling, Hashem will open doors for him and lift him up. The sefer Emunah Shelemah told a story about a ba'al teshuva whose last name is Elbaz. He grew up in a home devoid of religion, but ‘ בחסדי ה he tapped into the spark inside of him and managed to become fully religious. He went on to learn full time in yeshiva, and he exerted himself to make up for the lost time during his younger years. He married a young woman just like himself, a ba'alat teshuva who wanted nothing more than to have a family serving Hashem the way they're supposed to. Neither of their families approved of their actions, and this couple found themselves basically on their own. The boy's family totally disassociated themselves from him in an act of protest to the lifestyle he chose. The couple was moser nefesh to stay strong and the wife was behind her husband to stay in learning. They managed with just enough to get by with not a penny extra to spare. One day, the man received a package from his father with money in it. Afterwards, his mother called to see how he was, then his sister and then his brother. He asked his brother why this sudden change in attitude. His brother replied, “Recently we were sitting in the living room, watching that screen, and we decided enough with this filth, let's do something more productive. We found a Jewish station called Hidabroot. We watched a Torah class, and we became inspired. We then came to the conclusion that you are the wise one and we decided to change our attitude towards you.” The young Rabbi Elbaz was overcome with emotion at this news. He called the Hidabroot phone line to make a donation in gratitude to them for restoring his family to him. The person on the other line said, “Well, we're currently holding a raffle that's going to be drawn tonight with the winning prize being a brand new apartment in Yerushalayim. Your donation entitles you to one ticket for that raffle.” That night, Rabbi Elbaz was awoken by the phone ringing, and he was told, “You won the raffle.” Just like that, they were homeowners and their families were restored to them. He and his wife sacrificed for years to do what they knew was right to honor Hashem, and then Hashem opened the door and helped them continue moving forward. The sefer Ohr Daniel brings a story that was told to him by the father of a young boy who was blessed with a very special voice. By the time this boy was 13, he was already hired to be a chazzan. He performed concerts and his father was making a lot of money from him. One day, the boy told his father he wants to go to yeshiva which would mean giving up his jobs. His father said, “I admire your desire to learn, but what about the gift Hashem blessed you with? You have to use it, not to mention, most of our parnasa comes from you. I just made a deal for a concert where you're going to be performing for thousands of dollars.” The boy continued to perform a little longer, but then he couldn't contain himself, he wanted to go learn so badly, he begged his father and his father finally said okay. The Rosh Yeshiva of the yeshiva he went to was very impressed with this boy. He told the father, “You're sacrificing now thousands, but eventually you're going to gain millions.” This boy rose to the top of his class and was clearly on another level. He was eventually sent to the Ponovitch Yeshiva. The Heavenly help he had in his learning was not to be believed. He became from the greatest students in one of the greatest yeshivot in the entire world. It was their self-sacrifice which produced their Heavenly help. When we push ourselves and sacrifice for Hashem, He lifts us up and brings us success. Shabbat Shalom.

Out of the Courtroom
Pinchas - Short Film Reviews - More Toyota

Out of the Courtroom

Play Episode Listen Later Jul 26, 2024 31:48

I review this weeks Parsha stories and short films with a recap of Toyota. 

The Rabbi Stark Podcast
Pinchas, Shabbos, And The Bris Shalom (Pinchas - Parsha Principles)

The Rabbi Stark Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Jul 26, 2024 45:42

The reward for Pinchas' seemingly vicious act was the bris shalom. What does "shalom" mean and how does that even work?

Daily Chumash with Rashi (Video)
Rabbi Gordon - Pinchas: 6th Portion

Daily Chumash with Rashi (Video)

Play Episode Listen Later Jul 26, 2024 29:43

2 Queers 4 Questions
Pinchas, with Agnes

2 Queers 4 Questions

Play Episode Listen Later Jul 26, 2024 11:41

A dvar Torah on parashat Pinchas by Agnes Borinsky. With reassurance, Pinchas, murder, tractate Sanhedrin, the Sfat Emet, Rebbe Nachman and heartbreak.

Love and Purity | The Voice of My Beloved
The Love & Purity Podcast Episode 12-The Help of Angels (Pinchas)

Love and Purity | The Voice of My Beloved

Play Episode Listen Later Jul 26, 2024 24:43

In this episode, Brayden and Tali explore the importance of fasting and the many testimonies in the Bible of people who have moved Heaven and earth with prayer and fasting. Many of the accounts in the Bible either directly or indirectly show the angelic help that is released to those who humble themselves in fasting. May we all be in a place to receive this heavenly help! Want to learn more about our ministry? Visit www.loveandpurity.com Intro and outro song: Faith for Salvation (1 Peter 1:3-5) by Brayden & Tali Waller All music rights belong to Love & Purity Ministry

Parsha Podcast - By Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe
Pinchas – Eggs Not Cheese

Parsha Podcast - By Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe

Play Episode Listen Later Jul 25, 2024 57:09

Pinchas, Aaron's grandson, did a valorous and zealous act of bravery when he skewered the prince of the tribe of Shimon and stopped the plague from wiping out the entire nation. What motivated Pinchas' behavior? What attributes were at play during his act of zealotry? This question is answered in a comment in Rashi in […]

Conscious(ly) with Menachem Poznanski
#195 A Chosid - Transforming into something entirely new

Conscious(ly) with Menachem Poznanski

Play Episode Listen Later Jul 25, 2024 32:23

In this episode Menachem explores the narrative of the personal transformations of Pinchas the grandson of Ahron Hakohen who ultimately becomes Eliyahu Hanavi and Yehoshua Ben Nun who emerges as the leader of the Jewish People after the passing of Moshe and who is revealed as a true reflection of his master and how they exemplify what it means to be a chosid and the path of transformation and personal GeulaSign Up for our Newsletter!! Please visit our website Thelightrevealed.org for more great content and to reach out or check us out on social media and reach out by email!If you would like to order Menachems new book Acceptance: A Path to Inner Healing click HEREThe Conscious(ly) teamHost: Menachem PoznanskiSocial Media: Zoe PoznanskiMusic by Eitan Katz F/t ZushaWebsite: TheLightRevealed.orgEmail: TheLightRevealed@TLRFamily.orgFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/thelightrevealed/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thelightrevealed/

All Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe Podcasts
Parsha: Pinchas - Eggs Not Cheese

All Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe Podcasts

Play Episode Listen Later Jul 25, 2024 57:09

Pinchas, Aaron's grandson, did a valorous and zealous act of bravery when he skewered the prince of the tribe of Shimon and stopped the plague from wiping out the entire nation. What motivated Pinchas' behavior? What attributes were at play during his act of zealotry? This question is answered in a comment in Rashi in our Parsha. We learn how qualities and attributes that are present in antecedents are manifested in their descendants. Character is heritable. That same theme is featured elsewhere in our Parsha, when the daughter is of Tzalafchad seek a portion in the land of Israel, in a manner similar to that of their antecedent Joseph. When we zoom out, we discover that the heritability of character, both good and bad, is featured in many many places in the literature. The lessons and the takeaways are profound.– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –DONATE to TORCH: Please consider supporting the podcasts by making a donation to help fund our Jewish outreach and educational efforts at https://www.torchweb.org/support.php. Thank you!– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –Email me with questions, comments, and feedback: rabbiwolbe@gmail.com– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –SUBSCRIBE to my Newsletterrabbiwolbe.com/newsletter– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –SUBSCRIBE to Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe's PodcastsThe Parsha PodcastThe Jewish History PodcastThe Mitzvah Podcast This Jewish LifeThe Ethics PodcastTORAH 101 ★ Support this podcast ★

MyLife: Chassidus Applied
Ep. 505: Should We Admonish Someone Who Is Not Keeping Torah and Mitzvos? Two Stories from the Frierdiker Rebbe

MyLife: Chassidus Applied

Play Episode Listen Later Jul 25, 2024 64:56

Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics:What does 17 Tammuz teach us today?    How do the Three Weeks reflect the twists and turns and ups and downs of our life cycles?  Since Rabbi Akiva laughed because he saw that the destruction of the Temple is really a step toward its rebuilding, why do we mourn during the Three Weeks?   What do we learn from the breach of the Jerusalem walls?  What does Yerushalayim mean, and what is its message?   What lessons can we derive from Pinchas' zealotry?  Should we be aggressive with someone who behaves immodestly?  Should we admonish someone who is not keeping Torah and mitzvos?  What is the significance of dividing the land by lots?  What can we learn from the daughters of Tzelafchad on how to address unfair situations in an appropriate and respectful manner?   Can we learn from Balaam that at times we may need to receive blessings from the “other side”?  Is it appropriate to express anger at G-d for allowing the events of October 7th?  Are we allowed to kill innocent people and children in a time of war?  Can we apply the lesson to speak rather than hit the rock to the way we deal with Hamas?  Should we see Trump's narrow escape as divine intervention?  Is political violence always bad?  What do we learn from Parshas Pinchas?   What do we learn from Parshas Balak? War in Israel Assassination attempt against former President Trump What should be our attitude to an article criticizing the Rebbe? Can we learn anything from the Rebbe about whom to vote for in the coming presidential election? 

Torah Sparks with Ori
Two Worlds But NOT Two Worlds Apart (Pinchas)

Torah Sparks with Ori

Play Episode Listen Later Jul 25, 2024 13:24

In this week's episode, we discuss the importance of bridging the gap between This World and the World to Come.Buckle up, as we delve deep into Rashi, and uncover gems from the Sfas Emes, Baal Shem Tov, and a fascinating Sefer called "Binyan Adei Ad."Enjoy!

Daily Chumash with Rashi (Video)
Rabbi Gordon - Pinchas: 5th Portion

Daily Chumash with Rashi (Video)

Play Episode Listen Later Jul 25, 2024 33:38

Journeys in Torah

Journeys in Torah

Play Episode Listen Later Jul 25, 2024 61:46 Transcription Available

We are pleased to bring you the audio shiur given on the topic of the Pinchas.

Sicha In Depth
Chelek 23, Pinchas 2 - Rabbi Binyomin Bitton - גדר נשיאות ומלכות משה ויהושע

Sicha In Depth

Play Episode Listen Later Jul 25, 2024 76:21

Chelek 23, Pinchas 2 - Rabbi Binyomin Bitton - גדר נשיאות ומלכות משה ויהושע

Sicha In Depth
Chelek 23, Pinchas 2 - Rabbi Yaakov Moshe Wolberg

Sicha In Depth

Play Episode Listen Later Jul 25, 2024 57:01

New Books Network
"Calm" in Pinchas

New Books Network

Play Episode Listen Later Jul 25, 2024 32:37

In Pinchas (Num. 25:10-30:1), the Moses prepares the people for crossing over into the land. The preparations come on the heels of violence and plague, but are meant to maintain peace and communal cohesion. Modya and David discuss how an attitude of calm and deliberation can help both individuals and communities in times of dramatic change. Please listen and enjoy! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices Support our show by becoming a premium member! https://newbooksnetwork.supportingcast.fm/new-books-network

Daily Chumash with Rashi (Video)
Rabbi Gordon - Pinchas: 4th Portion

Daily Chumash with Rashi (Video)

Play Episode Listen Later Jul 24, 2024 40:00

Office of Rabbi Sacks
Pacing Change (Rabbi Sacks on Pinchas, Covenant & Conversation)

Office of Rabbi Sacks

Play Episode Listen Later Jul 23, 2024 9:28

Welcome to Covenant & Conversation essays, Rabbi Sacks' commentary on the weekly Torah portion, explores new ideas and sharing inspiration from the Torah readings of the week. You can find both the video and the full written article on Pinchas available to watch, read, print, and share, by visiting: https://rabbisacks.org/covenant-conversation/pinchas/pacing-change/ A new FAMILY EDITION is now also available: https://rabbisacks.org/covenant-conversation-family-edition/pinchas/pacing-change/ For more articles, videos, and other material from Rabbi Sacks, please visit www.RabbiSacks.org and follow @RabbiSacks. The Rabbi Sacks Legacy continues to share weekly inspiration from Rabbi Sacks. This piece was originally written and recorded by Rabbi Sacks in 2011. With thanks to the Schimmel Family for their generous sponsorship of Covenant & Conversation, dedicated in loving memory of Harry (Chaim) Schimmel.

Jewish History with Rabbi Dr. Dovid Katz
Parshas Pinchas: Bilaam, Pinchas and the Hamas Attacks

Jewish History with Rabbi Dr. Dovid Katz

Play Episode Listen Later Jul 23, 2024 29:40

Parsha Podcast - By Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe
Pinchas – Staying Hungry (5782)

Parsha Podcast - By Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe

Play Episode Listen Later Jul 23, 2024 41:07

Although a paternal grandson of Aaron the Kohein, Pinchas was not initially – prior to his heroic act of martyrdom – a Kohein. The law stated that only Aaron and his sons were to be anointed as Kohanim. All sons born to Kohanim subsequently were to be Kohanim, but Pinchas who was alive at the […]

All Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe Podcasts
Parsha: Pinchas - Staying Hungry (5782)

All Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe Podcasts

Play Episode Listen Later Jul 23, 2024 41:07

Although a paternal grandson of Aaron the Kohein, Pinchas was not initially - prior to his heroic act of martyrdom - a Kohein. The law stated that only Aaron and his sons were to be anointed as Kohanim. All sons born to Kohanim subsequently were to be Kohanim, but Pinchas who was alive at the time of anointing of Aaron and his sons was excluded from this exalted fraternity. When he zealously ended the plague, a divine dispensation ruled that he was to be elevated to being a Kohein - a High Priest no less. In this podcast we study Pinchas' unusual career trajectory and posit a pedagogical device designed to get the most out of ourselves and our charges.– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –DONATE to TORCH: Please consider supporting the podcasts by making a donation to help fund our Jewish outreach and educational efforts at https://www.torchweb.org/support.php. Thank you!– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –Email me with questions, comments, and feedback: rabbiwolbe@gmail.com– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –SUBSCRIBE to my Newsletterrabbiwolbe.com/newsletter– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –SUBSCRIBE to Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe's PodcastsThe Parsha PodcastThe Jewish History PodcastThe Mitzvah Podcast This Jewish LifeThe Ethics PodcastTORAH 101 ★ Support this podcast ★

Inward with Rabbi Joey Rosenfeld
Zohar on the Parsha: Pinchas- The Yearning Doe, the Bite of the Snake and the Light of Redemption

Inward with Rabbi Joey Rosenfeld

Play Episode Listen Later Jul 22, 2024 39:21

The latest episode of Inward. To learn more about this episode and how you can support Reb Joey's Torah, visit ⁠InwardTorah.org⁠

Parsha Podcast - By Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe
Parshas Pinchas (Rebroadcast)

Parsha Podcast - By Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe

Play Episode Listen Later Jul 21, 2024 51:44

Pinchas was a man of action, a zealot who avenged God's vengeance and was handsomely rewarded for it. In this parsha we read about his reward, Moses' succession plan, the methods through which the Land will be divided, and another census is done. – – – – – – – – – – – – […]

Pardes from Jerusalem
Pinchas 5784: Passion and Faith

Pardes from Jerusalem

Play Episode Listen Later Jul 21, 2024 31:05 Transcription Available

What drives someone to take extreme action in the name of faith? In this week’s episode Rabbi Dr. Howard Markose and Rabbi Zvi Hirschfield unravel the gripping narrative of Parsha Pinchas. Join them as they dive into a tale where … Read the rest The post Pinchas 5784: Passion and Faith first appeared on Elmad Online Learning. Continue reading Pinchas 5784: Passion and Faith at Elmad Online Learning.

passion pinchas rabbi dr elmad online learning rabbi zvi hirschfield
All Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe Podcasts
Parshas Pinchas (Rebroadcast)

All Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe Podcasts

Play Episode Listen Later Jul 21, 2024 51:44

Pinchas was a man of action, a zealot who avenged God's vengeance and was handsomely rewarded for it. In this parsha we read about his reward, Moses' succession plan, the methods through which the Land will be divided, and another census is done.– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –DONATE to TORCH: Please consider supporting the podcasts by making a donation to help fund our Jewish outreach and educational efforts at https://www.torchweb.org/support.php. Thank you!– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –Email me with questions, comments, and feedback: rabbiwolbe@gmail.com– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –SUBSCRIBE to my Newsletterrabbiwolbe.com/newsletter– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –SUBSCRIBE to Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe's PodcastsThe Parsha PodcastThe Jewish History PodcastThe Mitzvah Podcast This Jewish LifeThe Ethics PodcastTORAH 101 ★ Support this podcast ★