Torah Classes by R Yitzchak Shifman. Daf Yomi, Parsha, and more.
1 section- 3 opinions emerge regarding carrying the forgotten knife via roofs, etc. on Shabbat
Basis of debate if Megilla is read on first or second Adar, establishment of Purim (from days of Esther) and debate regarding if it's part of Tanach
Attempting to gain successes through prohibited means cannot be validated and will result in one's hardships just increasing.
2 sections- debate regarding prep for mila being done on Shabbos, ways the Jewish people accepted/dedicated selves to mitzvos historically impacted their future performance
2 sections- debate regarding prep for mila being done on Shabbat, ways the Jewish people accepted/dedicated selves to mitzvot historically impacted their future performance
Hashem arranged a perfect system of exile and redemption culminating with a worldwide awareness of Him.
Aggadita's about Edom (Rome) and various meimra's of R Yitzchak, opinions about differences between Adar 1 and 2
The more we strengthen our bitachon in Hashem the less efforts we need to exert to earn parnassa. The reason we don't have open miracles today (like earlier generations) is that would remove our free choice by automatically creating emuna and bitachon.
We also cry out in face of peaceful armies just passing through as evidenced in the unfortunate story of King Yoshiyahu and Pharaoh Necho
Discussion about doing work on Purim and aggadita's regarding identities of various cities in Tanach
It is not the efforts that cause the effective results, but rather the necessary results that Hashem has decreed provide a means to achieve that reality.
2 sections- proper ways/times to have blood-let and procedures of recovery, debate regarding treatment of umbilical cord on Shabbos and general laws of dealing with newborn
2 sections- proper ways/times to have blood-let and procedures of recovery, debate regarding treatment of umbilical cord on Shabbat and general laws of dealing with newborn
Scenarios that are deemed necessary to cry out (disease, locust) for all and wild animals situations that are considered a sign from Heaven vs not (more natural)
Contrast between reading Megilla and other events that coincide with Shabbos, calculating Jewish calender, festival korbanos brought later, 3 psakim of Rebbi with pushback
If one has no means of Hishtadlus he should rely on Hashem and He will take care of him. Even in the face of immediate damage one should rely on Hashem knowing He will save him.
1 section- timeframe for allowances to desecrate Shabbos after a woman gave birth and related discussion of other sick people including a person recovering after blood-letting
1 section- timeframe for allowances to desecrate Shabbat after a woman gave birth and related discussion of other sick people including a person recovering after blood-letting
Various opinions regarding the 14th occurring on Friday or Shabbos and the timing of different mitzvos of Purim
Hishtadlus is the Decree of Hashem, but not the source of our successes, and the truly righteous didn't toil (when unable) and still received their sustenance (Eliyahu, RSbY).
Gemara Taanit 21b/22a- The character and story of Abba Umana highlights the perspective one should have in using his job to serve Hashem.
3 sections- conclusion of discussion regarding raw meats, etc., assisting animals and children to walk regarding muktzeh and locations, ways allowed to assist animals and women in childbirth on Shabbos and YT
3 sections- conclusion of discussion regarding raw meats, etc., assisting animals and children to walk regarding muktzeh and locations, ways allowed to assist animals and women in childbirth on Shabbat and YT
2 reasons for necessity of efforts to earn living after the sim of Adama HaRishon: as a punishment, and to avoid engaging in sin
2 sections- issues with plants being muktzeh and their preparations in Shabbos, status of raw meats regarding muktzeh
2 sections- issues with plants being muktzeh and their preparations on Shabbat, status of raw meats regarding muktzeh
Series of meimras of RYbL, focal point of takana for villagers to read earlier, reason Mishna changes format from dates of month to days of week
The person who relies on Hashem receives His support in this world and is ultimately rewarded in the next.
2 sections- applications of muktzeh and chiddushim in regards to foods that have been properly/improperly tithed and foods that are fitting for animals/not
2 sections- applications of muktzeh and chiddushim in regards to foods that have been properly/improperly tithed and foods that are fitting for animals/not
The distinction between those who left Egypt and the majority who didn't highlights a great lesson that is certainly pertinent today.
Daniel had certain strengths over Chagi, Zechariah, and Malachi and vice versa, order of precedences of Torah, Avoda, Megilla, Meis Mitzva
The idea of anticipating redemption is certainly a reference to the ultimate geula, but also applies to one's reliance on Hashem during everyday difficult situations.
2 sections- greatness of the mitzva of hachnassas orchim and 3 stories illustrating length of judging another person favorably, chiddushim/reasons the items in our Mishna are allowed to be moved on Shabbos (teruma, dema'i) and are not muktzeh
2 sections- greatness of the mitzva of hachnassat orchim and 3 stories illustrating length of judging another person favorably, chiddushim/reasons the items in our Mishna are allowed to be moved on Shabbat (teruma, dema'i) and are not muktzeh
sources for exclusive distinction in dates of Purim of unwalled and wallet cities, debate if walled is defined from days of Yehoshua or Shushan with sources, inclusion in walled cities, establishment of "menatzpech" letter's at end of words, establishment of Targumim of Torah and Nevi'im
One who places his reliance on people receives a curse from the Navi Yirmiya, with illustrations of Mordechai and Esther who promoted the Jews reliance on Hashem (and not on them).
1 section- mach in explaining the conditions of the Mishna (4 or 5 kupos, not "otzar") and related clarifications to permit/prohibit the movement of these grains
1 section- mach in explaining the conditions of the Mishna (4 or 5 kupot, not "otzar") and related clarifications to permit/prohibit the movement of these grains
Story with R Beroka and Eliyahu where particular individuals in the market were identified as "b'nai olam haba'ah"
5 potential dates on which the Megilla can be read, hints in the pesukim for this leniency for the villagers (extra dates), opinions if this leniency applies today (with potent for error with Pesach)
Examples and stories of reliance on Hashem in one's "heart", and the importance to strengthen this through also being on one's "lips".
2 sections- which coverings are allowed to be moved on Shabbos, moving produce as relates to "tircha yeseira" and muktzeh
3 sections- conclusion of discussion regarding what prep is necessary to move items on Shabbat (muktzeh, appears like "boneh"), which coverings are allowed to be moved on Shabbat, moving produce as relates to "tircha yeteira" and muktzeh
Gemara Taanit 21b- conversation between R Nachman b Yitzchak and R Nachman bR Chisda highlights the appropriate perspective regarding knowing ones worth while remaining humble.
1 section- debates in various cases regarding prep necessary from before Shabbos to avoid issues of use on Shabbos for vines, shutters, bolts, etc. and psak
1 section- debates in various cases regarding prep necessary from before Shabbat to avoid issues of use on Shabbat for shutters, bolts, etc. and psak
It is not enough to affirm out reliance on Hashem, but rather to develop it in a real way. This potential lacking becomes evident in times of challenge.
1 section- cases and ways muktzeh item can become part of the vessel (from before Shabbos) and allow moving/using on Shabbos
Based on previous teachings, one cannot rely on his own efforts as he doesn't even know if it will yield benefit or not.
1 section- moving shredded reeds (from mats), remnants of talis, and pieces of old oven (mach RM/RY)