Medina Church of the Nazarene
Online sermons from Grace Baptist Church of Chariton Iowa. Preaching the gospel to anyone willing to listen!
For a Christ follower, living a life connected to Christ is of utmost importance. It’s because of Him and through Him that we can experience abundance, fruitfulness, purpose, and joy. The truth is, as the scripture says, “apart from Him you can do nothing.”
Pastor Braden Bergren speaks on the ‘True Vine” during the Generations Service.
Pastor Braden Bergren speaks on the ‘True Vine” during the Generations Service.
Pastor Braden Bergren speaks on the ‘True Vine” during the Generations Service.
Abiding. Pruning. Loving.
MUMC Podcast
MUMC Podcast
MUMC Podcast
MUMC Podcast
Mission Church of the Nazarene
Sermon audio from Liverpool Baptist Church's morning services.
Rev. Dr. Larry Hayward preaches on the Fifth Sunday of Easter. The Scripture passage is John 15:1-8.
Easter is all about life and the Gospel for the Fifth Sunday of Easter, insists that it is only through our connection with Jesus Christ that we live the kind of life in Him that bears fruit.
Faith Community Church
Jesus has appointed us to bear fruit for the glory of God the Father. Jesus tells us that the key to bearing fruit is to abide in him. What does it mean and how exactly do we do it?
Confronting and overcoming screen addiction in our lives.
Sunday sermons from Chewelah Evangelical Free Church
Southeast Baptist Tabernacle
Southeast Baptist Tabernacle
Medina Church of the Nazarene
In this sermon Pastor Keith explains how Jesus is the source of our life so our intimate connection to Him is vital to bear any good fruit in our lives. He also explores what it means to abide in Christ and to bear much fruit.
In this sermon Pastor Keith explains how Jesus is the source of our life so our intimate connection to Him is vital to bear any good fruit in our lives. He also explores what it means to abide in Christ and to bear much fruit.
At Community Church of Greenwood our mission is to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ and live in full devotion to Him. We exist to make disciples who make other disciples by following Jesus, being changed by Jesus & being on mission for Jesus!
What do we mean when we say that we can "experience God?" What does that look like, and why are we going to spend the next few weeks talking about it? Join us as we kick off our "Experiencing God" series and discuss what it means to experience God and follow His design for our lives!
Have you ever been talking to someone who was not paying attention to you? Ever sat next to someone who was texting someone else or scrolling social media? We all know what it’s like to be near someone but not really be with each other in the moment. In this message, Pastor Scott Savage unpacks the 6th “I Am” statement of Jesus in our series, Jesus According to Jesus. As we study John 15:1-8 together, we see how Jesus bears fruit through us as we are fully with Him.
We are to bear fruit to the glory of God. And not just some fruit, but much fruit.
Recorded on Feb 13, 2022
David Eldridge 21 Days of Dedication: Week 3 Bearing Fruit / Being Poured Out
David Eldridge 21 Days of Dedication: Week 3 Bearing Fruit / Being Poured Out
To experience God's fullness, let's remain in God's presence and allow Him to work in us giving us a fruitful and abundant life.
In our noisy digital world, it's harder than ever to be alone with God. Could it be that the fear of missing out (F.O.M.O.) on something significant could be keeping us from missing what's significant? In this episode, Pastor Chris Kipp teaches a message entitled 'The Art Of Abiding' from John 15:1-8. Renaissance Church - Richmond, Texas ren-church.org #alloflifealltheearth
In our noisy digital world, it's harder than ever to be alone with God. Could it be that the fear of missing out (F.O.M.O.) on something significant could be keeping us from missing what's significant? In this episode, Pastor Chris Kipp teaches a message entitled 'The Art Of Abiding' from John 15:1-8. Renaissance Church - Richmond, Texas ren-church.org #alloflifealltheearth
Today, our very own guest speaker Mike Shaw brings us a powerful, yet beautiful teaching from the book of John. If you would like to join us, please visit us at 4218 Boston Ave. Lubbock Texas. You can also call us at (806) 799-2227, email us at calvarylubbock@hotmail.com, or visit us online at CalvaryChapelLubbock.church. Please feel free to let us know about your walk with Jesus, and if you'd like to donate to help us bring the Gospel to the world, just click on the donate button on our website.
Kingsway Community Church
Kingsway Community Church
During the craziness of 2020, a TV show took off - The Mandalorian. The show's lead character often repeats a phrase to describe his actions - "This is the Way." This phrase is a great summary of what it means to follow in Jesus' footsteps and walk the path He laid out for His followers. In this first installment of the series, Pastor Scott talks about "The Way of Abiding", exploring Jesus' teaching in John 15.
Welcome to Christ Community Church of Wilmington NC. We are committed to teaching the Bible, transforming lives, and touching our world.
Welcome to Christ Community Church of Wilmington NC. We are committed to teaching the Bible, transforming lives, and touching our world.
Fruit is what matters.
In this sermon Pastor Keith explains from John 15 how Jesus is the source of our life, so authentic connection to Him is vital for our fruitfulness. He identified two marks of a true disciple in this passage, namely that true disciples have a genuine personal relationship with Christ and they produce much fruit. He explains what it means to abide in Christ or have this genuine personal relationship with Christ. And he explains what bearing much fruit looks like.
This podcast includes daily prayer, reflections and sermons from Central Presbyterian Church leadership and special guests. We are part of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) in Louisville, KY.
Abide in Jesus.
Sermons from Bellevue Presbyterian Church
Sermons from Bellevue Presbyterian Church