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    Paroles Veritables Podcast
    CR7, Les attaquants français avec Zepeck, Noah Lunsi, Peik Peik & Ziimondo | Polémique

    Paroles Veritables Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 15, 2025 81:57

    Polémique!!! • Cristiano Ronaldo a affirmé être le joueur le plus complet de l'histoire • Les attaquants français en grande formeHébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

    Enjoying the Journey
    Going Deeper With God

    Enjoying the Journey

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 14, 2025 10:03

    (Proverbs 9:10) While there are many things we do not know about God, there is much that we can know about God. He wrote it down for us! The deeper we go into Scripture the deeper we can go into our knowledge of God. (0941250214) ----more----   The Mystery of God There are many things that I do not know about God. There are many things that are beyond my understanding. And why is that? Because I am a finite being and He is an infinite God. And yet, isn't it glorious? Isn't it wonderful? That God, through His Word, has revealed Himself in such a way that there are many things we do know about God. So many people get stuck on the things they don't know and can't understand but they miss in that what they should know and what we can understand.  The Fear of the Lord Is Beginning of Wisdom Proverbs chapter 9, verse number 10 says this, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the holy. Is understanding." Did you hear that expression? The knowledge of the holy, not of holy things, but of the holy one.  Understanding God's Holiness In fact, holiness is the one attribute that is most often attached to God in Scripture. That does not mean that He is more holy than He is any of His other attributes. He's the perfection of all of them. You can't chop God up. You can't divide Him. He's not one. He is all. He's not more of one. He is perfectly all. But the reason Holiness is attributed to God more than any other thing in Scripture is that His holiness is the perfection of all of His attributes. Everything about God is holy. His knowledge, His power, His love, His mercy, His judgment, everything is a revelation of our holy God. Knowing God Through Scripture And I want to say to you that We should begin, when we are studying what the Bible says, by saying, Lord, we want to know our Holy God. We want to know Him personally. It's one of the great marvels of our God. He is both infinite and knowable at the same time. There's no limit to Him. There's no end to Him, and yet, there is a place to begin. We can know Him by finding out what Scripture says about Him. This is God's revelation of Himself. I heard for years preachers say that when we get to heaven, we're going to know everything. I don't believe that's what scripture teaches. The Bible says we will know even as we are known. But I believe when we get to Heaven, when we get into Eternity, we're going to spend the rest of Eternity entering in our knowledge and understanding more and more to the depths of our great God. I don't think you'll ever exhaust who God is. That's what's going to make Eternity such an ongoing adventure. More and more of His love and beauty and perfection. And friend, that journey is not to begin when we die or Jesus comes. It is to begin right here. And right now, it is to begin by us discovering what the Bible says about God. So what does the Bible say? We can't be exhaustive about this, certainly not in this brief time we have to study together. But may I just give you a few thoughts to, to meditate on today? Some things that you can study further for yourself and look for in Scripture.  Attributes of God: Self-Existence and Immutability In Scripture, we learn that He is self-existent and self-sufficient. It means He is the Great I Am. The only limits on God are the ones He places on Himself. The limits of His own holy will. He holds back, for example, His justice with His mercy. God may limit Himself in certain areas at particular times, but there is no limit to Him. He is I Am. He's the only one who can say I Am and put nothing after it. He is the self existent and self sufficient one. Imagine Him saying to Moses, Tell them I Am sent you. I Am what? Yes. All of the above. More than you could ever imagine. Not only that, He's immutable. That means he never changes. James chapter 1 and verse number 17, Malachi chapter 3, verse number 6, all through scripture we get this truth. He says in Malachi 3 verse 6, "I am the Lord, I change not." God's Eternal Nature and Omnipresence And then, He is eternal. Eternity has no beginning and no end. It's like an open ended front and an open ended back. And God is beyond the limits in both directions. God's not in time. Time is in God. God holds time in the palm of His hand. He's the eternal God. Did you know that the word eternity is only found one time in all of Scripture? I would challenge you to find it. I could give you the reference, but I'm going to challenge you. I'll give you a homework assignment. See if you can find the one verse in the Bible where the word eternity is found, and in that verse, The Bible references the God who inhabits eternity. Think of a God so big, He fills up eternity. God is not bound by anything. Not by time or not by space. No, because He is the great I Am.  God's Omnipotence, Omniscience, and Omnipresence Then we know He's all powerful. Some people refer to that as His omnipotence. He is all powerful. He is omniscient. That means He knows everything. He's omnipresent. That means He's everywhere at once. If I say to you, where's God, some people say he's in heaven, other people say he's in my heart. The truth of the matter is, you can't limit Him to either place. He may be in both places, but He's everywhere at once. Psalm 139, the psalmist cries out, "Where then shall I go from thy spirit? Where then shall I flee from thy presence? If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there. If I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there.If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there, thy right hand shall hold me." God's everywhere.  God's Faithfulness and Mercy And then we know that God is faithful. He is true. He never lies. He never fails to keep His word. He is a God of truth. Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, and the life. We know He's a God of mercy and of goodness. That means He holds back what we don't deserve. And He, or what we do deserve rather, and He gives what we don't deserve. Think of that. He holds back the judgment and He gives good things. What was the Psalmist saying in Psalm 23, "Surely, goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever." I tell you, you can't beat the Christian life. Mercy and goodness come to live with you now, and you go to live with the God of mercy and goodness for all eternity. I hope you know the Lord as your personal Savior.  God's Justice and Love And then, we know He's a God of justice. And a God of righteousness. That's what the cross was all about. That's what Calvary revealed. God doesn't laugh at sin. He doesn't simply turn a blind. Turn a blind eye to our unrighteousness. Isaiah 53, verse 11. He saw the travail of Christ's soul and was satisfied his justice, his righteousness was satisfied at that moment. Then, praise God, we know He's a God of love. First John 4:16 says, "God is love." It's not just something He does, it's who He is. And then we come full circle back to where we started, He's a holy God. He's the thrice holy God. Do you remember? Isaiah chapter 6, what are they saying? Holy, Lord God Almighty. When you come to the revelation of Christ, what are they saying? "Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was and is to come." The Father is holy, the Son is holy, the Spirit is holy. He was holy in the past, He is holy in the present, He always will be holy for all eternity He is the Holy God.  Loving and Sharing the Knowledge of God I would challenge you to study the names of God all through scripture because his names reveal His character. Study His attributes, learn more about the God of the Bible, and I'll tell you what I think you'll find. Number one, you're going to love him more. To know him is to love him. And the more you come to see what the Bible says about God, the more you're going to say to the Father, I love you, I'm so glad to be your child. The more you're going to say to the Son, thank you for saving me and bringing me into this family. And the more you're going to say to the Holy Spirit, I'm so glad you're with me right now. Learn what the Bible says for your own soul, but then don't keep it to yourself. Pass it along to somebody else. Peter says, "Sanctify the Lord God in your hearts and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear." I hope today you'll both learn and share what the Bible says about our great God. Repeating what other people have said about the Bible is not enough. Outro We must know the biblical reason behind what we believe. We hope you will visit us at etj.bible to access our library of Bible teaching resources, including book by book studies of Scripture. You'll also find studies to watch, listen to, or read. We are so grateful for those who pray for us, who share the biblical content, and for those who invest to help us advance this ministry worldwide. Again, thank you for listening, and we hope you'll join us next time on Enjoying the Journey.

    The Happy Hustle Podcast
    The 5 Dream Killers and How to Overcome Them to Achieve Anything You Want with Cary Jack

    The Happy Hustle Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 14, 2025 20:57

    Do you feel like you're spinning your wheels but not getting anywhere? Like something's blocking you from reaching your full potential? Well, my friend, chances are you're dealing with one (or more) of these five dream killers. And let me tell you, if you don't know the last one, you're probably doing it—without even realizing it—and it's keeping you from where you truly want to go.In this episode of The Happy Hustle Podcast, I'm breaking down the five biggest dream killers and, more importantly, how to overcome them so you can Happy Hustle your way to a life you truly love—one filled with passion, purpose, and positive impact. And hey, if you're not careful, these dream killers will sneak up on you. So let's dive in!Doubt – The Silent Dream KillerDoubt is that little voice in your head whispering, You're not good enough. You can't do this. Who do you think you are? Sound familiar? Yeah, doubt is sneaky like that. It stops you before you even start, and if you let it, it'll keep you stuck forever.Solution: Confidence, my friend. And confidence comes from repetition and results. Start stacking small wins every single day. Say your I AM mantras (I do this daily). Remind yourself of your past successes. Speak positivity into your subconscious and cut that doubt out of your life for good.Delusion – The False Story You Keep Telling YourselfDelusion is believing your own excuses. It's blaming others, thinking the world is out to get you, and refusing to take ownership of your own results. And the danger? It keeps you in a victim mindset instead of a victor mindset.Solution: Radical responsibility. Audit your excuses. Ask yourself, Is this belief empowering me or holding me back? Then replace limiting beliefs with empowering truths. Own your actions. Own your results. Own your future.Delay – The Procrastination Trap“I'll start tomorrow.” “I'll launch my business next year.” “I'll get healthy when work slows down.” Sound familiar? Delay is a dream killer, and too many people take their dreams to the grave because they keep waiting for the perfect moment.Solution: The 5-Second Rule. Countdown—5, 4, 3, 2, 1—and take action before your brain talks you out of it. Good and done is better than perfect and never finished. Just get started.Discouragement – Letting Setbacks Stop YouSetbacks, failures, criticism—yeah, they suck. But the biggest mistake you can make? Letting them discourage you to the point of quitting. Most people give up right before their breakthrough. Don't let that be you.Solution: Shift your mindset. Failures aren't setbacks; they're setups for something greater. Every challenge is happening for you, not to you. Failure is just fertilizer for future growth. Keep pushing forward.Distraction – The Ultimate Dream KillerAnd here it is—the biggest dream killer in today's world: distraction. Death-scrolling on Instagram, binge-watching Netflix, playing video games for hours—these things suck your time and energy away from what truly matters.Solution: Create focus zones. Block out 90 minutes of deep, uninterrupted work. Track your time for 24 hours and see where your distractions are creeping in. If it's not moving you closer to your goals, it's stealing from your dreams. These five dream killers—doubt, delusion, delay, discouragement, and distraction—are what's keeping most people stuck. But now that you know them, you have the power to overcome them. Start taking action today, and Happy Hustle your way to a life of freedom, fulfillment, and impact!Ready to level up? Tune in to this episode and learn how to take back control of your dreams! Connect with Cary!https://www.instagram.com/caryjack/https://www.facebook.com/SirCaryJackhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/cary-jack-kendzior/https://twitter.com/thehappyhustlehttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFDNsD59tLxv2JfEuSsNMOQ/featured Get a free copy of his new book, The Happy Hustle, 10 Alignments to Avoid Burnout & Achieve Blissful Balance https://www.thehappyhustle.com/bookSign up for The Journey: 10 Days To Become a Happy Hustler Online Coursehttps://thehappyhustle.com/thejourney/Apply to the Montana Mastermind Epic Camping Adventurehttps://thehappyhustle.com/mastermind/“It's time to Happy Hustle, a blissfully balanced life you love, full of passion, purpose, and positive impact!”Episode Sponsor: Magnesium Breakthrough from BiOptimizers (https://bioptimizers.com/happy)If you've been on a restricted diet lately or maybe even taken some meds to shed those pounds for the summer, I gotta warn ya—be careful! You might have unknowingly created a nutrient deficiency that could not only mess with your health but also jeopardize those weight loss goals.Did you know that over 75% of Americans are already deficient in magnesium? Yeah, it's wild! Magnesium is this powerhouse mineral that's involved in over 600 biological reactions in your body. It helps with everything from sleep to stress management to hormone balance—all key players in keeping your weight on track.And if you're still on those meds, you might be dealing with some side effects like sleepless nights, digestive issues, or irritability, which can totally throw off your commitment to your goals. Whether you're taking meds or not, setting up healthy habits is crucial to maintaining your weight over time. One of the best things you can do? Make sure you're getting all the magnesium your body needs.Don't let a magnesium deficiency derail your progress! Give Magnesium Breakthrough by BIOptimizers a shot. Unlike other supplements, this one's got all 7 forms of magnesium that your body can actually absorb, so you get the full spectrum of benefits.This approach will help you crush your goals and maintain a healthy weight while keeping your overall health in check. For an exclusive offer, head to bioptimizers.com/happy and use the promo code 'happy10' at checkout to save 10%. And if you subscribe, you'll snag amazing discounts, free gifts, and a guaranteed monthly supply.

    I AM Beautiful Wild Free: A Guided Affirmation and Meditation Podcast
    I AM IN THE MIDDLE OF A MIRACLE: A Guided Meditation Podcast with Affirmations from the Bible by BWFwoman x manifestHERdaily

    I AM Beautiful Wild Free: A Guided Affirmation and Meditation Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 14, 2025 25:10

    [Season 5, Episode 2] Welcome to the I AM Beautiful Wild Free Affirmation  Podcast—a sacred space where faith, affirmation, and divine alignment converge. Today's affirmation is I AM In The Middle of a Miracle, which is a powerful declaration and spiritual reflection based on biblical wisdom. Declare these words with my, and remind yourself that you are in the middle of a miracle.This episode is designed to awaken your spirit, shift your perspective, and position you to receive God's blessings with peace and confidence. Together, we'll affirm: healing is mine, restoration is mine, overflow is mine, I AM in the middle of a miracle.Join Erin Marie, @bwfwoman, and believe boldly, stepping fully into the beautiful, miracle-filled life that God has prepared for you.  Support the showIf you enjoyed this episode, rate this podcast and subscribe! For inquiries, email info@manifestherdaily.com.Learn More About manifestHERdaily: https://www.manifestHERdaily.comFollow manifestHERdaily on YouVersion: https://bit.ly/MHDYouVersionWatch manifestHERdaily on YouTube: https://bit.ly/MHDonYouTubeStart Getting Erin Marie's Inspirational Texts: https://bit.ly/MHDaffirmationsFollow manifestHERdaily on Instagram: https://bit.ly/MHDInstagramJoin Erin Marie's Inner Circle: https://bit.ly/MHDComeCloser

    David Hoffmeister & A Course In Miracles
    Finding the Divine Truth: When 'No' Becomes a 'Yes' to God

    David Hoffmeister & A Course In Miracles

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 14, 2025 70:21

    Finding the Divine Truth: When 'No' Becomes a 'Yes' to God - A Community Movie Gathering with David HoffmeisterThe central question at the movie gathering was, "Can you show me a movie that truly helps me understand that sometimes, my 'no' can be a 'yes' to God?" What does the Bible say, and what have we learned in the Course? The Course teaches us, "Let your yes be yes and your no be no." "Let the Holy Spirit guide your words." "Don't associate 'yes' with God and 'no' with ego because you must always let the Spirit give you your yeses and nos." However, if people-pleasing is involved or if there's guilt beneath the 'no' or the 'yes,' it's wrong-minded. We can be sure of this because guilt and innocence don't meet. Even though one is not the opposite of the other, in this world, we believe that guilty people are imprisoned and innocent people are released.To participate online in a Movie Gathering, join our online community: https://programs.the-christ.net/courses/membership-weekly-online-movie-gatheringsIf you want to know more about David Hoffmeister and Living Miracles events, here is more information: https://circle.livingmiraclescenter.org/events.Recorded online, February 12, 2025, at Casa Quantico, Chapala, Mexico.

    Pastor Mike Impact Ministries
    Luke 11:1-4 - "Thy Kingdom Come"

    Pastor Mike Impact Ministries

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 14, 2025 5:15

    These first verses in Luke 11 should remind us of theimportance and necessity of prayer in our lives! What we normally call “TheLord's Prayer” is actually “The Pattern for Prayer” that the Lord gave to His disciplesin answer to their question, “Lord, teach us to pray…”. As we havealready noted the first thing we learn from it is that our prayers are verymuch connected to our relationship with God. He is not “our Heavenly Father”until we receive His Son, Jesus Christ, as our Lord and Savior. Jesus Himself makes this very clear in John 14:6 in Hisgreat statement, “I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life! No man comes to theFather except through Me”. The Apostle Paul wrote in 1 Timothy 2:5-6, “Forthere is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus, whogave Himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time”. That is why weusually end our prayers with, “In Jesus name, I pray, Amen”. We are acknowledgingthe only access and right we have to pray and make our request to the Father,is because of Jesus and His work of redemption on the cross and Hisresurrection! Our prayers begin with recognizing and honoring God'sposition in heaven as Sovereign Ruler over all things, and His holiness that isreflected and manifest by His name! After we worship God for Who He is, we areready to make our petitions to Him. But we should always remember that we canonly come into His presence by faith according to Hebrews 11:6, “But withoutfaith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe thatHe is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.”  Psalm 9:10 is a good reminder of this truth also: “Andthose who know Your name will put their trust in You; For You, LORD, have notforsaken those who seek You.”  Wemust believe that we have a Heavenly Father Who keeps His promises! The first petition involves praying “Your kingdom come”.When we pray this, we are recognizing that God is the ruler of our lives and thatHe owns everything. When God created Adam and Eve, He gave them “dominionover everything that moves on the earth” (Genesis 1:26-28). This means thatGod gave them the authority to be His ruler under Him over everything on earth.But when Adam disobeyed God and sinned, in a sense, he handed the scepter ofthis rulership over to Satan. And the battle began between the kingdom of darknessand the Kingdom of Light, which is also called the “Kingdom of His dear Son” (Colossians1:13-18).  John the Baptist came “preaching the kingdom of heavenis at hand” as he announced that Jesus had arrived. Jesus first recordedmessage in Matthew 4:17 was, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand”.Jesus the King, had arrived on planet Earth to take back His rightfulauthority through the cross and His resurrection. Jesus sent His disciples outpreaching about His kingdom. In the 40 days after His resurrection, in Acts1:3, Jesus spoke to His disciples of the “things pertaining to the Kingdomof God”. The book of Acts ends with the Apostle Paul in Rome “preachingthe kingdom of God and teaching the things which concern the Lord Jesus Christ…”(Acts 28:31). My friend, it really is all about the “Kingdom”! We areinvolved in “Kingdom Work” with the authority of Jesus Christ behind us!(Matthew 28:18-20). When we pray “Thy kingdom come,” we are recognizingthat God is the ruler of our lives that we have submitted and yielded to His authorityand ownership over our lives. We have given up the only right we have, and thatis the right to give up the right to ourselves as we surrender our all to theLord! When we pray “Thy kingdom come” we are playing a vital rolein advancing God's kingdom into this present world of darkness! I can't thinkof anything more exciting to be a part of on planet Earth today!  Will you join thousands of others today in this great taskand pray this prayer and petition with us? God bless!

    Weekend Ag Matters
    IAM Podcast 02-14-2025

    Weekend Ag Matters

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 14, 2025 38:00

    In today's show Mark discusses resistant weeds with Liam Vincent of BASF, Riley Smith has an export sales update with Ben Breish of Allendale, and Dustin continues the discussion about the state of the cattle markets with Ross Baldwin of AgMarket.net.

    The Sinner and The Saint
    #218 Excuses! Excuses! - Finding Confidence for Your Calling

    The Sinner and The Saint

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 14, 2025 23:47

    Exodus 3:11 - Moses: I'm a nobody - God: I will be with you. Exodus 3:13 - Moses: I'm not a theologian - God: I AM Who I AM. Tell the people of Israel "I AM sent me to you"Exodus 4:11 - Moses: I am unconvincing - God: God gives him three miraculous signs to show the Israelites (staff to snake, leprous hand to clean hand, & water & dirt to blood)Exodus 4:10 - Moses: I am not a preacher - God: I'll be right there with you, give you the words you needExodus 4:13 - Moses: I'm not ready, I'm scared - God: I'll send your brother Aaron, who is an eloquent speaker, to be your spokesmanExodus 3:11-12 But Moses said to God, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the children of Israel out of Egypt?” 12 He said, “But I will be with you, and this shall be the sign for you, that I have sent you: when you have brought the people out of Egypt, you shall serve God on this mountain.”

    MOVIE Morning
    Captain America: Brave New World - MOVIE REVIEW (Spoiler-Free)

    MOVIE Morning

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 14, 2025 26:06

    The first MCU movie of the year - Captain America: Brave New World - is now out in theaters. Honestly, I've been shockingly not excited for this movie. As much as I love Sam Wilson and I did enjoy Falcon and Winter Soldier more than most people, the behind the scenes drama on this movie and the creative team announced just kept killing my excitement as we got closer to release. I've liked the tone of the trailers but all we heard from behind the curtains weren't spelling good news for this movie at all. Of course though, I went in really wanting this movie to be good; the only reason this podcast even came to be in the first place is because of my love for the MCU and Steve Rogers has always been my favorite character in the franchise. The movie has now released worldwide. Does Captain America: Brave New World continue a winning streak for Marvel after Deadpool & Wolverine... or are we going to have to wait for Thunderbolts and Fantastic Four (two MCU movies I AM excited about) to get the good stuff? Find out in this NON-SPOILER review!Captain America: Brave New World:Directed by: Julius OnahScreenplay by: Rob Edwards & Malcolm Spellman & Dalan Musson and Julius Onah & Peter GlanzStory by: Rob Edwards and Malcolm Spellman & Dalan MussonBased on the character Captain America created by: Jack Kirby and Joe SimonProduced by: Kevin Feige and Nate MooreExecutive Producers: Louis D'Esposito and Charles NewirthMusic by: Laura KarpmanCinematography by: Kramer MorgenthauEditing by: Madeleine Gavin, Matthew SchmidtCasting by: Sarah FinnProduction Design by: Ramsey AveryCostume Design by: Alexis Forte, Gersha PhillipsCast: Anthony Mackie, Danny Ramirez, Shira Haas, Xosha Roquemore, Carl Lumbly, Giancarlo Esposito, Liv Tyler, Tim Blake Nelson and Harrison FordSynopsis: After meeting with newly elected U.S. President Thaddeus Ross, Sam finds himself in the middle of an international incident. He must discover the reason behind a nefarious global plot before the true mastermind has the entire world seeing red.

    Incredible Life Creator with Dr. Kimberley Linert
    Empowering Kids to Create Their Own Identity - Mark Papadas Ep 480

    Incredible Life Creator with Dr. Kimberley Linert

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 13, 2025 50:20

    Mark Papadas is a transformative force in the world of youth empowerment, an award-winning speaker, and the visionary behind I AM 4 Kids. Driven by a mission to revolutionize elementary education and youth entertainment in the U.S., Mark infuses his groundbreaking programs with years of expertise in self-empowerment and success-building. After over two decades immersed in the self-development arena, Mark has collaborated with luminaries like Brian Tracy, Zig Ziglar, and Anthony Robbins. His deep understanding of human potential is rooted in his own experiences, having faced personal challenges that fueled his passion for helping others harness their inner strength and achieve their dreams. Mark's journey began in high school, shaped by a tumultuous upbringing in the 1970s. Raised by hardworking parents and often in the care of two older brothers, Mark faced harsh realities, including physical violence. These early hardships taught him resilience and the power of self-belief. Today, he draws on these experiences to connect profoundly with the struggles many children and families face. As a dynamic leader and inspiring educator, Mark has crafted innovative programs that have transformed thousands of lives. His remarkable achievements include: • I AM 4 Kids: A revolutionary empowerment program designed to help each child forge their own empowering identity. • "10 Secrets to Empower Kids and Awaken the Child in You!": A groundbreaking book offering actionable tools for both children and adults to unlock their full potential. • Chicago Innovation Award Nominee for I AM 4 Kids. • Focus on Impact Award Winner for his significant contributions to kids empowerment • Collaborative eBook Contributor: Mark penned the final chapter in "The Way Out…Your Guided Path to Success," alongside industry giants such as Brian Tracy, Jim Cathcart, Steve Siebold, and Ivan Misner. • Keynote Speaker: Mark has captivated audiences across the nation, sharing stages with legends like Zig Ziglar and Brian Tracy. • Leadership Roles: He directed operations for Anthony Robbins & Associates in Chicago and hosted influential radio shows such as "The Motivational Hour" and "I AM 4 Kids Radio." Mark Papadas is committed to delivering a message of identity, empowerment, and leadership to our future leaders—our children. Through his visionary programs like I AM 4 Kids™, Power to the Pupils™, and the I AM 4 Kids Academy, Mark is dedicated to shaping brighter futures and transforming lives. Join Mark on this empowering journey and help your children unlock their true potential. Contact Mark Papadas: My book:https://www.amazon.com/dp/1475143362 My children's book: https://www.amazon.com/Power-Pupils-Identity-Mark-Papadas/dp/1478336331/ref=sr_1_1?crid=OSCMYMT7RVFG&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.8T_oWpYPWAuevVI48nYOTnZifZ4dbySYiR1uZeVakMohXFFQFbKiKVGG0Dvt7WWUMYw1FV9uNOIOrE7I4pbaM5O3aOj9eKVuCDxPFdDu0d0GGQfw_nRQPbknzCGj1uOfdLej-iIalAnuLuRgwT6oHTuscajFUa0po1xgzx7tC9fBB3ePvtul2PAvP0MBQQupE7Tcsme9IMk7D3bbKSU6rKATBGtQ9aQChfdDquetdMw.MPsanhsOaKPu9znYzyRy_wcmVmayYetJnzecBlfAEv4&dib_tag=se&keywords=power+to+the+pupils+book&qid=1715717585&sprefix=power+to+the+pupils+book%2Caps%2C129&sr=8-1 www.thebegreatguy.com (My speaker site) www.iam4kidsfoundation.org (Non-profit site) https://gofund.me/827cfb9e Dr. Kimberley Linert Speaker, Author, Broadcaster, Mentor, Trainer, Behavioral Optometrist Event Planners- I am available to speak at your event. Here is my media kit: https://brucemerrinscelebrityspeakers.com/portfolio/dr-kimberley-linert/ To book Dr. Linert on your podcast, television show, conference, corporate training or as an expert guest please email her at incrediblelifepodcast@gmail.com or Contact Bruce Merrin at Bruce Merrin's Celebrity Speakers at merrinpr@gmail.com 702.256.9199 Host of the Podcast Series: Incredible Life Creator Podcast Available on... Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/incredible-life-creator-with-dr-kimberley-linert/id1472641267 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6DZE3EoHfhgcmSkxY1CvKf?si=ebe71549e7474663 and on 9 other podcast platforms Author of Book: "Visualizing Happiness in Every Area of Your Life" Get on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3srh6tZ Website: https://www.DrKimberleyLinert.com Please subscribe, share & LISTEN! Thanks. incrediblelifepodcast@gmail.com Social Media Links LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-kimberley-linert-incredible-life-creator/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kimberley.linert/ The Great Discovery eLearning Platform: https://thegreatdiscovery.com/kimberley l

    The Valley Labor Report
    OVERTIME: Union Members React to Kay Ivey's State of the State - TVLR 2/8/25

    The Valley Labor Report

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 13, 2025 93:17

    In OVERTIME, we'll talk to a couple of historians about some important labor history, what is means for us today, and opportunities for folks on college campuses to spread the gospel of solidarity. ✦ ABOUT ✦The Valley Labor Report is the only union talk radio show in Alabama, elevating struggles for justice and fairness on the job, educating folks about how they can do the same, and bringing relevant news to workers in Alabama and beyond.Our single largest source of revenue *is our listeners* so your support really matters and helps us stay on the air!Make a one time donation or become a monthly donor on our website or patreon:TVLR.FMPatreon.com/thevalleylaborreportVisit our official website for more info on the show, membership, our sponsors, merch, and more: https://www.tvlr.fmFollow TVLR on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheValleyLab...Follow TVLR on Twitter: @LaborReportersFollow Jacob on Twitter: @JacobM_ALFollow TVLR Co-Creator David Story on Twitter: @RadiclUnionist✦ CONTACT US ✦Our phone number is 844-899-TVLR (8857), call or text us live on air, or leave us a voicemail and we might play it during the show!✦ OUR ADVERTISERS KEEP US ON THE AIR! ✦Support them if you can.The attorneys at MAPLES, TUCKER, AND JACOB fight for working people. Let them represent you in your workplace injury claim. Mtandj.com; (855) 617-9333The MACHINISTS UNION represents workers in several industries including healthcare, the defense industry, woodworking, and more. iamaw44.org (256) 286-3704 / organize@iamaw44.orgDo you need good union laborers on your construction site, or do you want a union construction job? Reach out to the IRONWORKERS LOCAL 477. Ironworkers477.org  256-383-3334 (Jeb Miles) / local477@bellsouth.netThe NORTH ALABAMA DSA is looking for folks to work for a better North Alabama, fighting for liberty and justice for all. Contact / Join: DSANorthAlabama@gmail.comIBEW LOCAL 136 is a group of over 900 electricians and electrical workers providing our area with the finest workforce in the construction industry. You belong here. ibew136.org Contact: (205) 833-0909IFPTE - We are engineers, scientists, nonprofit employees, technicians, lawyers, and many other professions who have joined together to have a greater voice in our careers. With over 80,000 members spread across the U.S. and Canada, we invite you and your colleagues to consider the benefits of engaging in collective bargaining. IFPTE.org Contact: (202) 239-4880THE HUNTSVILLE INDUSTRIAL WORKERS OF THE WORLD is a union open to any and all working people. Call or email them today to begin organizing your workplace - wherever it is. On the Web: https://hsviww.org/ Contact: (256) 651-6707 / organize@hsviww.orgENERGY ALABAMA is accelerating Alabama's transition to sustainable energy. We are a nonprofit membership-based organization that has advocated for clean energy in Alabama since 2014. Our work is based on three pillars: education, advocacy, and technical assistance. Energy Alabama on the Web: https://alcse.org/ Contact: (256) 812-1431 / dtait@energyalabama.orgThe Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union represents in a wide range of industries, including but not limited to retail, grocery stores, poultry processing, dairy processing, cereal processing, soda bottlers, bakeries, health care, hotels, manufacturing, public sector workers like crossing guards, sanitation, and highway workers, warehouses, building services,  and distribution. Learn more at RWDSU.infoThe American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) is the largest federal employee union proudly representing 700,000 federal and D.C. government workers nationwide and overseas. Learn more at AFGE.orgAre you looking for a better future, a career that can have you set for life, and to be a part of something that's bigger than yourself?   Consider a skilled trades apprenticeship with the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades. Learn more at IUPAT.orgUnionly is a union-focused company created specifically to support organized labor. We believe that providing online payments should be simple, safe, and secure.  Visit https://unionly.io/ to learn more.Hometown Action envisions inclusive, revitalized, and sustainable communities built through multiracial working class organizing and leadership development at the local and state level to create opportunities for all people to thrive. Learn more at hometownaction.orgMembers of IBEW have some of the best wages and benefits in North Alabama. Find out more and join their team at ibew558.org ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★

    Post-Sermon Podcast
    We Are Back | Two Sermons | Luke 2:22-40 & Exodus 3:1-14

    Post-Sermon Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 13, 2025 27:48

    Text Your Questions & Comments Here! And we are back. We catch up on the last two sermons and see the kind of comfort that God has come to bring us through Jesus.Preacher: Pastor Adam SteinbrennerHearer-Submitted Questions:-In Luke 2:35, what does it mean that the thoughts of many hearts will be revealed?-Did the Hebrew phrase ‘I AM' become a common name for God?Submit sermon questions by emailing podcast@stjohndublin.orgLink to Candlemas SermonLink to Transfiguration SermonChurch Website: stjohndublin.orgChurch Center: stjohndublin.churchcenter.comThank you to Higher Things Inc. for permission to use their recording of LSB 834 “O God, O Lord of Heaven and Earth”. (leader.higherthings.org)Thank you for listening to the Post-Sermon Podcast.

    Commuter Bible OT
    Exodus 7-9, Psalm 26

    Commuter Bible OT

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 13, 2025 20:18

    Today we begin to examine the ten plagues sent upon Egypt that testify to the power of the great I AM. It has been suggested that each plague is designed to show pharaoh, and all of Egypt along with him, that their so-called-gods are no match for the God of Israel, systematically robbing them of any power they claimed to have. When Pharaoh refuses to let Israel go into the wilderness to worship the Lord, God sends plagues of blood, frogs, gnats, flies, death of livestock, boils, and hail, but the king of Egypt will not back down. While he is bested by God Almighty over and over again, and His own people beg him to relent of his stubborn opposition, Pharaoh's heart remains hardened.Exodus 7 - 1:01 . Exodus 8 - 5:32 . Exodus 9 - 11:26 . Psalm 26 - 18:08 . :::Christian Standard Bible translation.All music written and produced by John Burgess Ross.Co-produced by the Christian Standard Bible.facebook.com/commuterbibleinstagram.com/commuter_bibletwitter.com/CommuterPodpatreon.com/commuterbibleadmin@commuterbible.org

    Western Baul Podcast Series
    Gurdjieff's Aphorisms 2: Crystallizing the Permanent I AM (Carl Grimsman)

    Western Baul Podcast Series

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 13, 2025 61:29

    The aim of self-transformation from a divided mechanical self to a unified self that is free and has will is the subject of this second talk on Gurdjieff's aphorisms. Several quotes including some which were posted in the study house where the mystic worked with students at the Prieure near Paris in the 1920s are discussed. Crystallization occurs when substances coalesce and incrementally form a durable structure or soul, as in the crystallization of rock. If anything in a man is able to resist external influences and identification with worldly matters, then this soul may be able to resist the death of the body. Nature only gives the possibility of a soul, which can only be acquired through work. One of the best means to arouse the wish to work on self is to realize that we may die at any moment, but first we must learn to keep this in mind. Super efforts should be directed by our aim. Conscience and purity of aim can guide us in the right direction. A fire in us will expire if not fed. Surrender is one path; developing will is another. All energy spent on conscious work builds spiritual capital. It is an investment that is lost forever if spent mechanically. Being, the result of unification, allows Doing, which is conscious purposeful action that differs from automatic behavior. All true Doing is alignment with the Will of God and is service to humanity and creation. If we wish, we can. Wish is the most powerful thing in the world. It is something to contemplate, sit with, internalize, and make our own. To remember is to put oneself back together. I do not remember myself; I AM, my true self, remembers. Carl Grimsman was born into the Gurdjieff Work environment. He attended a children's group and later worked with Mrs. March, a direct student of Gurdjieff at East Hill Farm in New York. The first two books in his “Soul's Traverse Series” are Sun Bridge and The Kindling.

    Weekend Ag Matters
    IAM Podcast 02-13-2025

    Weekend Ag Matters

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 13, 2025 38:00

    In today's show Riley speaks to former Deputy Assistant USTR Ron Baumgarten about the current tariff situation, we hear more discussion on FAFSA legislation with Iowa Congressmen Randy Feenstra, and Dustin discusses the state of the cattle markets with Ross Baldwin of AgMarket.net.

    Grand Tamasha
    The Life, Death, and Legacy of Gauri Lankesh

    Grand Tamasha

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 12, 2025 51:06

    On September 5, 2017, the journalist Gauri Lankesh was shot and killed outside of her house in Bangalore by armed assailants traveling on a motorbike. Lankesh, a journalist and social activist, was known for being a fierce critic of right-wing Hindutva politics and her murder has widely been seen as retribution for her outspoken views.A new book by the journalist Rollo Romig, I Am on the Hit List: A Journalist's Murder and the Rise of Autocracy in India, recounts the extraordinary life and tragic death of Gauri Lankesh. Rollo is a journalist, essayist, and critic. He has been reporting on South India since 2013, most often for The New York Times Magazine.To talk more about his new book and his years reporting from South India, Rollo joins Milan on the show this week. They discuss Rollo's love affair with Bangalore, Lankesh's complex character, the shadowy rightwing organization Sanatan Sanstha implicated in her killing, and the police investigation into her death. Plus, the two discuss Gauri Lankesh's legacy and what her murder tells us about the state of contemporary India.Episode notes:1. Nitish Pahwa, “A Reporter Who Risked and Lost Her Life in Modi's India,” New York Times, August 6, 2024.2. Rollo Romig, “How to Steal a River,” The New York Times Magazine, March 1, 2017.3. Rollo Romig, “What Happens When a State Is Run by Movie Stars?” The New York Times Magazine, July 1, 2014. Rollo Romig, “Masala Dosa to Die For,” The New York Times Magazine, May 7, 2014.

    The UNSTUCK Podcast with LaChelle Wieme
    Ep. 71 - The Power of Words: How Language Can Transform Your Life and Business with Kimberly Wilkerson

    The UNSTUCK Podcast with LaChelle Wieme

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 12, 2025 40:34

    Have you ever considered the profound impact of the words you speak to yourself? On this episode of The Spiral Up Podcast, I chat with Kimberly Wilkerson, founder of Token Clothing Company and a speech pathologist, about the science and spirituality behind affirmations and how they can lead to a mindset shift for success. We explore how language influences our thoughts, feelings, and ultimately, our actions.Here are three key takeaways from our conversation:✔️ The Science of Affirmations and Neuroplasticity: Learn how repeated positive affirmations can rewire your brain and create new neural pathways, leading to lasting change and personal growth.✔️ The Power of "I AM" Affirmations: Discover the significance of using "I AM" statements and how they shape your identity and your reality, building confidence.✔️ Intelligent Fashion: Kimberly shares how her clothing line incorporates powerful affirmations directly onto the fabric, creating an intimate and impactful experience of transformational language.More About Kimberly:How do you create powerful, Intelligent Fashion™? After years of studying the power of communication as a speech-language pathologist, Kimberly Wilkerson launched Token Clothing Company™, a brand that elevates the everyday task of wearing clothing to create an experiencethat edifies mindset and inspires love be fusing gorgeous fabric and timeless design with neuroscience and positive psychology data totransform negative outcomes to positive outcomes of the wearer. Kimberly's personal journey with elevating her mindset and overcoming limitations influenced the transition from clinician to fashionentrepreneur. And she loves sharing how the power of language can impact every person. Kimberly currently resides in Idaho and loves spending time with family and friends in the great outdoors, except in the dead of winter, at whichtime, she escapes to the tropics for snorkeling and scuba-diving.I love when interested individuals participate in our Pay It Forward With Pajamas Initiative to support women in our communities who have been sex-trafficked. Here is the initiative link: https://www.tokenclothingco.com/pages/pay-it-forward-with-pajamashttps://tokenclothingco.comhttps://www.instagram.com/token_clothing_cohttps://www.pinterest.com/TokenClothingCompanyhttps://linktr.ee/tokenclothingcohttps://linktr.ee/kimberlywilkersonHOW I CAN SUPPORT YOU:

    Awaken Beauty Podcast
    Freedom Emerges in Radical Responsibility

    Awaken Beauty Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 12, 2025 8:51

    "When you do not seek or need approval, you are at your most powerful."Alright, beloved. Let's talk about something that might just change the way you see yourself and your life: claiming your personal sovereignty. I'm talking about the deep, soul-level authority you have over your own life, your emotions, and your energy. It's about standing in your power—not over others, but within yourself. Here's the deal: Your emotions?They're not just random feelings that happen to you. They're like the brushstrokes of a painting or the notes in a song. They're the raw material of your life. And whether you realize it or not, they're shaping your reality every single day.But here's where we often get tripped up. We think the world is doing things *to us*. “My boss is impossible.” “This relationship is so draining.” “The news is stressing me out!” Sound familiar?We've been divided as humans into “Im this, not that.” It has destroyed our truth that we are all ONE. Hierarchy wins by making it easy to point fingers at the outside world, but what if I told you that those external things are just mirrors?Yep, mirrors reflecting what's already going on inside of you.Let me break it down. When you feel resentment, anger, or jealousy, it might seem like those feelings are caused by someone else. But the truth is, those emotions are YOURS. They're already living inside you, just waiting for the right trigger to bring them to the surface. And once they're out, they start shaping the energy you send into the world. And guess what? The world sends that same energy right back to you. It's like an emotional boomerang.Now, here's where sovereignty comes in. Being sovereign means you don't let those emotions run the show. It doesn't mean you ignore them or pretend they don't exist. No, no, no. It's about facing them head-on, owning them, and then—here's the kicker—letting them go.Let's say you're feeling lonely. Instead of running from that feeling or trying to cover it up, you say, “Alright, loneliness, I see you. I feel you.”You're here.You don't fight it. You don't blame anyone else for it. You just sit with it. And in doing so, you take back the power you might've unconsciously handed over to external circumstances. You reclaim your authorship over your own experience.Now, let's be real.First hand, letting go is far from easy. It can feel like trying to unclench a fist that's been tightly closed for years. But here's the thing: holding onto all that emotional baggage takes up energy—energy you could be using to create, to love, to explore, to just *be*. Letting go isn't just a nice idea; it's essential for your growth.So how do you do it? How do you step into your sovereignty? First, shift your perspective and stop seeing challenges as things that happen *to* you and start seeing them as things that happen *for* you.Every emotion, every trigger, every tough moment—it's all a breadcrumb leading you back to your own strength and truth.Second, embrace compassion for yourself, first and foremost.We are all messy, beautiful, complicated beings. And that's okay. You don't have to have it all figured out. You just have to be willing to sit with yourself, to listen to what your emotions are trying to tell you, and to let them guide you toward healing.And finally, you remember this: You are not your pain. You are not your fears or your doubts or your insecurities. You are the one who notices those things. You are the awareness behind it all. And that awareness? That's your power. That's your sovereignty.So the next time life feels overwhelming, remember this: You don't have to fix ANYTHING. It's draining your energy as you control the world around you. Simply stay centered in your heart. Feel what you need to feel. Let go of what you don't need to carry. And keep looking up, always up.Self cannot get out of self” and “you did not defeat you—you were defeated by something that calls itself ‘you'.Because here's the secret: The more you let go, the higher you rise. And the higher you rise, the more you realize that you've had the power all along. Sovereignty isn't something you gain; it's something you remember. It's your birthright. It's who you are.So go ahead. Claim it. Say it with me: *I AM, and I set myself free.* You've got this. Always.The Light Between is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Get full access to The Light Between at thelightbetween.substack.com/subscribe

    Where's God? Finding Him in the Small Stuff

    When Jesus said to the crowd around Him, "I AM the Gate," He was making a profound statement. It was clear that the "sheepfold" mentioned in the story offered safety, salvation, and eternal life. But there was only one way into that sheep pen. Only one Gate. There was absolutely, positively, no other way to enter it, but by this one and only Gate. People back then didn't like that teaching very much. Many still don't like it.

    Weekend Ag Matters
    IAM Podcast 02-12-2025

    Weekend Ag Matters

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 12, 2025 38:00

    In today's show Riley speaks to Greg McBride of Allendale to break down the February WASDE report, we hear from Senator Grassley about new legislation he is introducing in Congress, and Dustin discusses agritourism data from the latest census of agriculture.

    WorkLife with Adam Grant
    Rewriting your story with Allison Sweet Grant

    WorkLife with Adam Grant

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 11, 2025 42:27

    Allison Sweet Grant is the author of the debut novel I Am the Cage — and also Adam's wife. In this special episode, Allison and Adam dive into Allison's book, inspired by her experience growing up with a congenital limb discrepancy and undergoing a complicated medical procedure at a formative age. They explore the lessons for identity, shame, trust, and agency. They also reflect on what they've taught each other about parenting, share practices that have helped them in their marriage, and discuss strategies for managing anxiety and staying grounded. For the full text transcript, visit go.ted.com/RWAGscripts Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Lunar Sea Spire
    Episode 535: I Am (from Invincible Fight Girl)

    Lunar Sea Spire

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 11, 2025 25:55

    GC13, Soren, and David discuss the first episode of Invincible Fight Girl, I Am. In a world where wrestling is everything, one girl born on Accountant Isle dreams of becoming a wrestler. She's trained in secret, and when the time comes she doesn't back down from a fight. Sound exciting? Wait until you see the fights … Continue reading

    Finding Rainbows on an ordinary day

    Send us a textWe are so many things in a lifetime it's hard to catch up! Dreams in our heart and love on our lips, yet we forget to thank the person who got us there in the first place.....YOU! I am beautiful. I am intelligent. I am driven. I am focused. Let's dive into some I AM affirmations (and a whole bunch of other feel-good moments) to remind ourselves just how far we've come and that we, too, deserve the love we so freely give to others. I AM love, and so ARE YOU!"I am proud of what I am and who I am, and I am just going to be myself." ~Mariah CareySHOW NOTES:Join Life and Wellness Coach, Kira Mesi as she navigates the ups and downs of life through personal experience, storytelling, and interviews. Learn to lean into your best self with the mindful practice of gratitude living, honoring your soul's purpose, and the joy of Finding Rainbows on an ordinary day.  (and she's a singer, too....so get ready to spontaneously break out in song, sometimes :)"Dive into the ordinary looking for the extraordinary because life is hard, but if you look close enough, you will find the Rainbows." ~KGRAB A RAINBOWS MUG AND SUPPORT THE PODCAST:Finding Rainbows The Podcast (finding-rainbows-the-podcast.myshopify.com)FOLLOW ME FOR MORE INSPIRATION:@FindingRainbows | LinktreeSupport the show

    The Politics of Jesus
    Praying And Praising The Psalms-Part 5- Who Is Humankind?

    The Politics of Jesus

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 11, 2025 46:39

    The Psalms are a collection of 150 Songs carefully placed inside 5 books of Psalms:  Book 1:1-41, Book 2:42-72, Book: 3:73-89, Book 4:90-106, Book 5:107-150.  The first three books are primarily lament Psalms.  Sadness, anger, and bewilderment are prayed out.  The final two books include two very angry Psalms, 109 and 137, but these books are dominated by Praise.  The final six Psalms thunder with the praise of the "I Am "God. The five books of Psalms are clearly intended as responsive speech to the five books of the Pentateuch, Genesis - Deuteronomy.  The Pentateuch is the story of "I am" calling Israel to be His crisis relief for the entire creation. The Psalms are prayed from the time of David, 1000 B.C., from inside the story the Hebrew scripture tells.  The Psalter was not collected into its current form until the 4th century B.C.  By then Israel had been in exile for two hundred years.  Yet the Israel of the 2nd Temple, 530 B.C. to 70, AD., is singing her faith in the rebuilt temple and those living outside Judea are singing inside synagogues throughout the Roman empire.  The Psalms were Jesus' prayer book and were prayed by the early church.  (Matt. 27:46, Col. 3:16, Eph. 5:19) We will pray and praise a representative collection of the Great Psalms of the Psalter -Psalms 1, 2, 3, 8, 16, 19, 22, 23, 42, 51, 73-74, 88-89, 90, 104-106, 109, 110, and 139.  We will pray out to the Lord God our emotions and struggles, but we will continue praying through from confusion, doubt, and anger to more clarity, trust, and peace.  We will be encouraged, rebuked, and discipled by the ancient Songs of Israel, Jesus, and our Church Fathers and Mothers. The "I Am," the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, will bless us as we draw near to God together.  Come join us on the Way.

    Taken for Granted
    Rewriting your story with Allison Sweet Grant

    Taken for Granted

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 11, 2025 42:27

    Allison Sweet Grant is the author of the debut novel I Am the Cage — and also Adam's wife. In this special episode, Allison and Adam dive into Allison's book, inspired by her experience growing up with a congenital limb discrepancy and undergoing a complicated medical procedure at a formative age. They explore the lessons for identity, shame, trust, and agency. They also reflect on what they've taught each other about parenting, share practices that have helped them in their marriage, and discuss strategies for managing anxiety and staying grounded. For the full text transcript, visit go.ted.com/RWAGscripts Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    The Valley Labor Report
    Sam Seder Explains Trump's Plan to Destroy the State - TVLR 2/8/25

    The Valley Labor Report

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 11, 2025 90:18

    We talk to Sam Seder of the Majority Report about the attacks on the federal government and how this will impact working people. In OVERTIME, we'll talk to a couple of historians about some important labor history, what is means for us today, and opportunities for folks on college campuses to spread the gospel of solidarity. ✦ ABOUT ✦The Valley Labor Report is the only union talk radio show in Alabama, elevating struggles for justice and fairness on the job, educating folks about how they can do the same, and bringing relevant news to workers in Alabama and beyond.Our single largest source of revenue *is our listeners* so your support really matters and helps us stay on the air!Make a one time donation or become a monthly donor on our website or patreon:TVLR.FMPatreon.com/thevalleylaborreportVisit our official website for more info on the show, membership, our sponsors, merch, and more: https://www.tvlr.fmFollow TVLR on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheValleyLab...Follow TVLR on Twitter: @LaborReportersFollow Jacob on Twitter: @JacobM_ALFollow TVLR Co-Creator David Story on Twitter: @RadiclUnionist✦ CONTACT US ✦Our phone number is 844-899-TVLR (8857), call or text us live on air, or leave us a voicemail and we might play it during the show!✦ OUR ADVERTISERS KEEP US ON THE AIR! ✦Support them if you can.The attorneys at MAPLES, TUCKER, AND JACOB fight for working people. Let them represent you in your workplace injury claim. Mtandj.com; (855) 617-9333The MACHINISTS UNION represents workers in several industries including healthcare, the defense industry, woodworking, and more. iamaw44.org (256) 286-3704 / organize@iamaw44.orgDo you need good union laborers on your construction site, or do you want a union construction job? Reach out to the IRONWORKERS LOCAL 477. Ironworkers477.org  256-383-3334 (Jeb Miles) / local477@bellsouth.netThe NORTH ALABAMA DSA is looking for folks to work for a better North Alabama, fighting for liberty and justice for all. Contact / Join: DSANorthAlabama@gmail.comIBEW LOCAL 136 is a group of over 900 electricians and electrical workers providing our area with the finest workforce in the construction industry. You belong here. ibew136.org Contact: (205) 833-0909IFPTE - We are engineers, scientists, nonprofit employees, technicians, lawyers, and many other professions who have joined together to have a greater voice in our careers. With over 80,000 members spread across the U.S. and Canada, we invite you and your colleagues to consider the benefits of engaging in collective bargaining. IFPTE.org Contact: (202) 239-4880THE HUNTSVILLE INDUSTRIAL WORKERS OF THE WORLD is a union open to any and all working people. Call or email them today to begin organizing your workplace - wherever it is. On the Web: https://hsviww.org/ Contact: (256) 651-6707 / organize@hsviww.orgENERGY ALABAMA is accelerating Alabama's transition to sustainable energy. We are a nonprofit membership-based organization that has advocated for clean energy in Alabama since 2014. Our work is based on three pillars: education, advocacy, and technical assistance. Energy Alabama on the Web: https://alcse.org/ Contact: (256) 812-1431 / dtait@energyalabama.orgThe Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union represents in a wide range of industries, including but not limited to retail, grocery stores, poultry processing, dairy processing, cereal processing, soda bottlers, bakeries, health care, hotels, manufacturing, public sector workers like crossing guards, sanitation, and highway workers, warehouses, building services,  and distribution. Learn more at RWDSU.infoThe American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) is the largest federal employee union proudly representing 700,000 federal and D.C. government workers nationwide and overseas. Learn more at AFGE.orgAre you looking for a better future, a career that can have you set for life, and to be a part of something that's bigger than yourself?   Consider a skilled trades apprenticeship with the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades. Learn more at IUPAT.orgUnionly is a union-focused company created specifically to support organized labor. We believe that providing online payments should be simple, safe, and secure.  Visit https://unionly.io/ to learn more.Hometown Action envisions inclusive, revitalized, and sustainable communities built through multiracial working class organizing and leadership development at the local and state level to create opportunities for all people to thrive. Learn more at hometownaction.orgMembers of IBEW have some of the best wages and benefits in North Alabama. Find out more and join their team at ibew558.org ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★

    The Dr. Pat Show - Talk Radio to Thrive By!
    Speak It Into Existence - How Your Words Shape Your Energy & Reality

    The Dr. Pat Show - Talk Radio to Thrive By!

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 11, 2025

    Your words hold power! This episode explores the vibration of language and how the words we speak—both to ourselves and others—shape our energy, mindset, and the reality we experience. From the science behind words affecting water molecules to the spiritual impact of I AM statements, discover how shifting your language can transform your life. Plus, practical coaching tools to help reframe negative self-talk and start speaking abundance, love, and empowerment into existence. Watch: https://youtu.be/h8Ng9Qpjl8w

    The Dr. Pat Show - Talk Radio to Thrive By!
    Speak It Into Existence - How Your Words Shape Your Energy & Reality

    The Dr. Pat Show - Talk Radio to Thrive By!

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 11, 2025

    Your words hold power! This episode explores the vibration of language and how the words we speak—both to ourselves and others—shape our energy, mindset, and the reality we experience. From the science behind words affecting water molecules to the spiritual impact of I AM statements, discover how shifting your language can transform your life. Plus, practical coaching tools to help reframe negative self-talk and start speaking abundance, love, and empowerment into existence. Watch: https://youtu.be/h8Ng9Qpjl8w

    Think Progressively
    Ep. 142 - Shirley Chisholm: The First Black Woman to Run for President of the United States

    Think Progressively

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 11, 2025 41:42

    Send us a textOn this episode, we talk about the life and historic career of Shirley Chisholm, the first Black woman in Congress and to run for President of the United States. If you like our podcast, make sure to leave a 5-star review!  Useful links from the episode:Chisholm ‘72: Unbought and UnbossedNPR: Tavis Smiley Talks with Shirley ChisholmFloor Speech: It is Time to Reassess Our National PrioritiesShirley Chisholm, Speech on the floor of the House of Representatives, “I Am for the Equal Rights Amendment” (1970)1983 Speech at Greenfield High SchoolShirley Chisholm: Declares Presidential Bid, January 25, 1972House of Representatives History, Art, and Archives: Shirley Anita ChisholmA Changing of the Guard: Traditionalists, Feminists, and the New Face of Women in Congress, 1955-1976I hated history — until I learned about Shirley ChisholmShirley Chisholm, 'Unbossed' Pioneer in Congress, Is Dead at 80Watch Shirley on Netflix

    Weekend Ag Matters
    IAM Podcast 02-11-2025

    Weekend Ag Matters

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 11, 2025 38:00

      In today's show Riley speaks with Jason De Bruin of Valent about crop protection options for 2025, Mark discusses tariff ramifications with Grant Kimberley of the Iowa Soybean Association, and Andy learns about an ag scholarship offered to students by Growmark.

    Tenfold More Wicked
    Rollo Romig: I Am on the Hit List

    Tenfold More Wicked

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 10, 2025 48:57 Transcription Available

    When an outspoken journalist in India was assassinated in September of 2017, it shocked the world. The conspiracy that was uncovered by journalists and investigators was disturbing. Author Rollo Romig tells me the story at the center of his book: I Am on the Hit List. Support this podcast by shopping our latest sponsor deals and promotions at this link: https://bit.ly/4gF2K18 See more information on my books: katewinklerdawson.com Follow me on social: @tenfoldmore (Twitter) / @wickedwordspod (Facebook) / @tenfoldmorewicked (Instagram) 2025 All Rights Reserved See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Latina to Latina
    Remix: Paola Mendoza Teaches Us That Joy Is an Act of Resistance

    Latina to Latina

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 10, 2025 25:00

    This week, we bring you another one of our most beloved conversations since the start of our show. Film director and activist Paola Mendoza embodies today's political resistance. As Creative Director of the Women's March, her visionary work helped galvanize millions around the world, and continues with the "I Am a Child" campaign and efforts to stop the latest Supreme Court nominee. Paola was raised by a single mother, and, as a rebellious teen, found salvation in the arts. She talks with Alicia about gaining strength from her mother's difficult choices and why for her joy is an act of resistance.Follow Paola @paolamendoza on Instagram.

    Mindset Check
    54. Unlocking Potential: It's Already Inside of Us!

    Mindset Check

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 10, 2025 21:16

    In this episode we dive into the idea that, all that you need, to be the potential you, is already inside of you. Discover how nurturing your inner world with empowering messages, like the life-changing "I Am" affirmations, can shift your subconscious mindset. Through captivating parables—from a curious baby camel learning life lessons from his mother to the gardener who discovers that a tiny seed already holds the promise of a mighty tree—you'll see that our abilities and greatness reside within us from the very start.If you've ever felt limited by your environment or doubted your worth, this episode is your invitation to embrace who you truly are. Learn practical strategies to redefine your beliefs, cultivate self-love, and let your potential overflow into every aspect of your life. It's time to trust that everything you need to succeed is already inside you.Tune in now and step into a space where self-belief ignites transformation.Connect with Mesha Find Mesha on Instagram Check out Mesha's website Click here for a free mini meditation course with Mesha Click here for The Heart Sync Course with Mesha (where you learn heart coherence) Click here for a free heart meditation with Mesha Click here to learn about the power of your heart And you can always email Mesha at hello@myfriendmesha.com

    David Hoffmeister & A Course In Miracles
    Tabula Rasa/Take Me Home - Part 2: "Take Me Home" Movie Commentary by David Hoffmeister

    David Hoffmeister & A Course In Miracles

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 10, 2025 62:45

    Tabula Rasa/Take Me Home - Part 2 "Take Me Home" Movie Commentary by David HoffmeisterEnglish with Spanish translation.Take Me Home is a documentary that follows a group of strangers who enter a mountain monastery in Utah for a month-long stay. They unexpectedly open up to each other, uncovering an unexpected treasure.Filmed at a Tabula Rasa Mystery School, the documentary is guided by two simple yet profound principles: "No private thoughts" and "No people-pleasing." Through this journey of authenticity, trust, and connection, they peel back layers of their self-concepts to discover a deeper truth within themselves and one another.

    David Hoffmeister & A Course In Miracles
    Tabula Rasa/Take Me Home - Part 3: Questions and Answers after the Movie "Take Me Home"

    David Hoffmeister & A Course In Miracles

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 10, 2025 116:35

    Tabula Rasa/Take Me Home - Part 3 - Questions and Answers after the Movie "Take Me Home"English with Spanish translation.After the documentary "Take Me Home," David encourages participants to engage in open discussions about the movie. Many participants shared their thoughts and feelings during the film or discussed topics touched upon beforehand that needed further clarification or follow-up questions. Enjoy the many questions and heartfelt responses from participants and David's insightful answers, and if interested, it's possible to watch the movie itself online here: https://takemehomemovie.net/film/ To participate online in a Movie Gathering, join our online community: https://programs.the-christ.net/courses/membership-weekly-online-movie-gatheringsIf you want to know more about David Hoffmeister and Living Miracles events, here is more information: https://circle.livingmiraclescenter.org/events.Recorded online, February 8, 2025, at Casa Quantico, Chapala, Mexico.

    David Hoffmeister & A Course In Miracles
    Tabula Rasa/Take Me Home - Part 1: "The Tabula Rasa State of Mind" with David Hoffmeister, Marina Colombo, and Urpi Milla

    David Hoffmeister & A Course In Miracles

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 10, 2025 103:54

    Tabula Rasa - Take Me Home - Online Event Part 1: "The Tabula Rasa State of Mind" with David Hoffmeister, Marina Colombo, and Urpi MillaEnglish with Spanish translation.The Tabula Rasa/Take Me Home—Online Event was a six-and-a-half-hour online event that featured insightful commentary, in-depth teachings, and the screening of the inspiring documentary "Take Me Home!"In this first part of the event, David and Urpi discussed healing, holiness, and awakening. They explored practical forgiveness and delved into the Tabula Rasa Mystery School concept. This school is centered around the discovery of an empty mind and emphasizes emptying it of ego and private thoughts to attain pure love and oneness.Part 2 covers David's commentary on the documentary "Take Me Home" itself. Part 3 features the question-and-answer session after the movie.To participate online in a Movie Gathering, join our online community: https://programs.the-christ.net/courses/membership-weekly-online-movie-gatheringsIf you want to know more about David Hoffmeister and Living Miracles events, here is more information: https://circle.livingmiraclescenter.org/events.Recorded online, February 8, 2025, at Casa Quantico, Chapala, Mexico.

    We Speak Volumes: A Bards Alley Bookshop Podcast
    Emily Brontë's Wuthering Heights

    We Speak Volumes: A Bards Alley Bookshop Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 10, 2025 52:47

    Welcome back listeners! Join Jen and Lane once again in diving deep into an absolute favorite of classic literature, Emily Brontë's Wuthering Heights. In this twisted romance (or, should we even call it that?), dark themes provide the foundation for one of the most complex characters in the English canon: Heathcliff. Throughout the novel, Heathcliff's obsession, need for revenge, and constant plots lead to regular success, but at the devastating expense of those around him.And yet, perhaps his actions could be heroic romanticism? Could his obsession be more of a youthful passion, and his machinations born out of necessity, created by his surroundings? Are his actions towards those who took his love from him justified? Grab a cup of tea and decide for yourself!Episode Links:Referred to in the episode: • ⁠Céline Dion - It's All Coming Back to Me Now (YouTube.com link) • Emily Brontë: "I Am the Only Being Whose Doom" (Poetry Foundation) • Withering Heights is a Virgin's Story, and Other Opinions of Brontë's Classic (Lit Hub article)Buy the book:  • ⁠Wuthering Heights (Bookshop.org paperback) • ⁠Wuthering Heights (libro.fm audiobook)Show Links: • ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Bards Alley Bookshop Website⁠⁠

    Fall in Love with Fitness
    Mind Mapping for Personal Growth: Transforming Setbacks into Purposeful Living with John Diggs

    Fall in Love with Fitness

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 10, 2025 45:41

    "Living with intention empowers you to make decisions sooner rather than later."— John DiggsJoin me today in this episode of the Make Peace with Food podcast as I connect with John Diggs, a former professional football player turned motivational speaker and mind-mapping expert. Mind mapping has the transformative power of gaining clarity, emotional regulation, and decision-making, especially during difficult times like divorce, financial challenges and life's setbacks. Key Takeaways:Mind mapping is a versatile tool that aids in decision-making, problem-solving, and personal development by providing visual clarity and structure.John stresses the importance of embracing change and making conscious choices to guide one's life in meaningful directions.Finding and utilizing time effectively by living with the awareness of life's short span is essential for achieving personal happiness and fulfillment.The I AM mind map helps individuals establish a blueprint for who they are and what they wish to achieve in terms of health, wealth, success, and happiness.Living with intention and clarity empowers individuals to make better life choices, establish meaningful relationships, and cultivate a sense of purpose.If you've been listening to this podcast, and you're ready to take a timeout and focus on just you for a whole week, then I want to invite you to join me for the Transformation in Paradise Empyrean Retreat in Costa Rica May 24-31, 2025.  This will be the most transformative week of your life at the breathtaking Osa Peninsula in Costa Rica. This will be a small group experience with exclusive access at the Blue Osa resort. Imagine waking to the sound of the Costa Rican rainforest musical every morning.  Start your day with a yoga practice overlooking the Pacific Ocean, joined in with howler monkeys. Daily walks on a private beach that goes on for miles. Macaws flying overhead. Spa treatment at a 5-star resort, and the best farm-to-table food - right from the Blue Osa farm.  This retreat is designed to reset your nervous system, so you stop the patterns of self-sabotage and overwhelm. Reignite your motivation, release any addictive habits, and open yourself to the health, relationships, and financial abundance you deserve. Intrigued? Curious? Let's book a call to find out if this retreat is the right for you. Just head on over to ⁠sherryshaban.com/retreats⁠ and you can book a time with me there. Plus if you rate and review this podcast, giving me a 5-star rating on iTunes, and then send the screenshot to⁠sherry@sherryshaban.com⁠, so I know who you are, you'll receive the voucher to join!  Remember, the group is small so spots are limited!  Connect with John DiggsJohn Diggs' Websitejohndiggs.comJohn's I AM Mind Map Resourcesjohndiggs.com/IAMConnect with Sherry Shaban:Get Your Free Food Freedom Workbook:https://www.makepeacewithfood.comJoin Make Peace with Food Facebook Grouphttps://myfoodfreedomlifestyle.comDownload HIIT Decks App Now!:http://www.hiitdecks.comYouTube:http://www.youtube.com/@sherryshabanfitness

    Pajama Gramma Podcast
    Be A Better You Annual Challenge Day 41: Confidence, Ego, And Identity! Ever Do An Identity Shift?

    Pajama Gramma Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 10, 2025 11:24

    Be A Better You Annual Challenge Day 41: Confidence, Ego, And Identity! Ever Do An Identity Shift? Do one thing every day to be a better you! Join us every day in 2025 for a quick challenge that is all about you improving and creating the life you want! https://www.facebook.com/ThrivingSharon Ask your questions, share your wisdom! #beabetteryouhallenge #confidence #ego #identity #identityshift

    Walk Boldly With Jesus
    I Am Treasured (Identity Series)

    Walk Boldly With Jesus

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 10, 2025 11:36

    I Am Treasured (Identity Series)Exodus 19:3-6 "As Moses went up to meet God, God called down to him from the mountain: “Speak to the House of Jacob, tell the People of Israel: ‘You have seen what I did to Egypt and how I carried you on eagles' wings and brought you to me. If you will listen obediently to what I say and keep my covenant, out of all peoples you'll be my special treasure. The whole Earth is mine to choose from, but you're special: a kingdom of priests, a holy nation.”One of my friends sent this verse in a Facebook messenger chat.  Her mother just had heart surgery, and she is in the hospital with her, waiting for her to recover.  Her mom's levels were all elevated, and she needed to go onto a breathing machine.  I am sure my friend was worried for her mom, and I am sure the mom was worried too.  I met this woman in my mentoring group.  We went on a retreat together.  Everyone in our mentoring group picks a word and mantra for the year.  This is just a way to help keep us focused on where we want the year to go and help us remember what is important to us throughout the year when things get busy.  Life can happen so quickly sometimes that we don't live it intentionally; we just get swept up in it and almost go on autopilot.  There can be so many people or things calling our time, and it can get hard to prioritize if you don't have a focus and/or you don't prioritize.  This is why we pick a word and mantra and try to say it every day.  I was going to say that we do say it every day, but I am sure we forget sometimes, or at least I know I do, especially on the weekends.  However, even if I don't say it everyday, I know I have one, I have it memorized and so when I have to make a decision about something I can think about that word and mantra in my head and then the decision is easy because usually only one aligns with my focus for the year.  My friend chose the words “Be Still” this year.  It's funny how when we pick a word, God helps us grow into that word over the year.  It's the same with you, even if you didn't pick a word.  If you have a desire in your heart or have prayed for help to grow in a certain area, God will help you.  When we pick a word, it not only reminds us of how we want to grow over the year but is also the filter with which we look at the year.  Let me explain what I mean.  If my friend's word is Be Still, then her focus is on being still and how she can learn to grow in that.  So, when she is reading her Bible in the hospital next to her mom, and she gets the Bible verse above, she then looks at this experience in the hospital as a reminder to be still.  God is amazing!  If we are looking, if our eyes and ears are open, he will give us little signs, and sometimes big signs, that He is right there with us in all of our situations or circumstances.  This bible verse in the hospital was a little reminder from God to my friend just to Be Still and know that He was taking of it all for her.  If you are aware that God does this, if you are on the lookout for this, you will see that He is doing the same for you.  God is not just doing this for some of His children.  He is sending us all signs that He is there with them.  The problem is that if we don't know that He is doing this, we don't notice them when we see them.  Let's start being on the lookout for these messages from God, letting us know He is in it, all of it, with us!I love how today's verse begins with God reminding us what He has done for us in the past.  It says, “As Moses went up to meet God, God called down to him from the mountain: “Speak to the House of Jacob, tell the People of Israel: ‘You have seen what I did to Egypt and how I carried you on eagles' wings and brought you to me.” This is a great reminder that God is a miracle worker.  He saved the Israelites from Egypt in a miraculous way.  Also, it wasn't just one miracle. It was miracle after miracle.  He did all those signs to convince Pharaoh to let them go. He parted the Red Sea so they could pass, then He rolled it back to destroy their enemy.  He miraculously provided manna for food every single morning.  He rained down quail on them when they complained about not having meat to eat.  It was miracle after miracle.  When we are struggling, we need to be reminded of all God can do.  There are many times when we are in a situation and can't see a way out.  We have $500 worth of bills and $200 in our bank account.  That math does not add up, and we know we will be unable to pay our bills.  And yet the math also did not add up when Jesus only had five loaves of bread and two fish, and there were over 5,000 people to feed, and yet He fed them all with plenty to spare.  When our loved one is in the hospital or on hospice and the doctors tell us there is nothing to do, we need God to remind us of what He has done in the past, so that we can have hope that we don't have to worry because even if there is nothing the doctors can do, there is ALWAYS something our God can do.  I love that God knows we need this reminder, even before we do.  He is so good!!The second half of this verse is, “If you will listen obediently to what I say and keep my covenant, out of all peoples you'll be my special treasure. The whole Earth is mine to choose from, but you're special: a kingdom of priests, a holy nation.” This is also great because it reminds us that we are special and we are treasured.  God could choose any person on the entire Earth, and yet He is choosing you.  If we listen obediently to what He says and keep His commandments, then we will be set aside.  We will be His holy nation.  How great is that?  I love that this translation says we will be His special treasure.  What would you give to be God's special treasure?  I feel as though I would give anything to be considered God's special treasure.  God is giving us the instructions, and although they seem easy, they can be harder than they sound.  The first thing it says is to listen obediently.  It can be hard to listen if we aren't hearing Him.  This means we need to spend some time listening to what God is telling us.  Let's all stop for a moment and see when we could do this?  When could we make time, even if it's just 5 minutes, in our day to sit quietly and listen to God? Could you spend 5 minutes sometime in your day sitting quietly with God if it meant you got to be His special treasure? God is asking us to keep His covenant, which is to love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul and love your neighbor.  Can we do that?  What is one thing we can do to love others more?  God doesn't just mean your neighbor next door.  He means, how can you love everyone, even those you don't like?  That is something to spend some time pondering.  Is this dislike, this hatred I have in my heart for others, worth not being counted as God's special treasure?  If you have a hard time loving others, take that to God.  Spend some time talking with God and asking Him to help you through it.  God wants us all to be His special treasure.  We don't have to be perfect or follow Him perfectly; we just have to really want to be His special treasure with our whole heart, and then listen to Him, and He will guide us there.  He wants it for us more than we want it for ourselves.  We just have to give Him permission to work within us and then let Him gently guide us there!Dear Heavenly Father, I ask you to bless all those listening to this episode today.  Lord, I ask you to show each one of us where in our day we can spend some time with you.  I ask you to show everyone that we all have the time, even if we are very busy.  Show us that you can talk to us anywhere, in the shower, in the car, while they are drinking coffee, while they are doing housework, anytime we are willing to listen, you are willing to talk.  Lord, we thank You for always reminding us of all You have done in the past at the perfect time.  Lord, we are sorry we always forget and are so grateful when we need to remember that You are there.  Lord, thank you for loving us. Thank you for treasuring us.  We love you, Lord, and we ask all of this in accordance with your will and in Jesus's holy name. Amen. Thank you so much for joining me on this journey to walk boldly with Jesus.  If you have not signed up for mentoring yet, you can click on the link below or head over to my website, Walkboldlywithjesus.com. Remember, Jesus loves you, and so do I!  Have a blessed week!Today's Word from the Lord was received in August 2024 by a member of my Catholic Charismatic Prayer Group. If you have any questions about the prayer group, these words, or how to join us for a meeting, please email, “My children, all I tell you to do know that you can. My spirit empowers you. It puts my words into your mouth so that you can reach the hearts of others. It's not you. It is my spirit empowering you to say what I wish you to say.” www.findingtruenorthcoaching.comCLICK HERE TO DONATECLICK HERE to sign up for Mentoring CLICK HERE to sign up for Daily "Word from the Lord" emailsCLICK HERE to sign up for my newsletter & receive a free audio training about inviting Jesus into your daily lifeCLICK HERE to buy my book Total Trust in God's Safe Embrace

    Rosewood Church Online
    I AM: Eating is the believing (I AM the Bread of Life)

    Rosewood Church Online

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 10, 2025 29:52

    Maybe you have already received the Bread of Life, but you've become distracted. You are so busy thinking about your next opportunity to feed on the Word of God. When was the last time you really hungered for time with Jesus? Maybe the Holy Spirit is calling you to come back? Pastor Lindsey kicks off our new series from the book of John called I AM.

    Sandra Rea's Fiercely Spiritual Podcast

    Fear is an insidious thing. It will pretend to be your friend, it will pretend to keep you safe, when all the while it is doing the opposite. The good news is, you don't have to live under fear's control. You can escape it. Here's the link to download Gliding Into Presence, your free guided meditation for spiritual awakening. You'll connect with the Presence within, the I Am aspect of you, the ever-present beingness within: https://courses.sandrarea.com/presencemeditation

    Weekend Ag Matters
    IAM Podcast 02-10-2025

    Weekend Ag Matters

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 10, 2025 38:00

    In today's show Mark discusses soybean export trends and tariff ramifications with Grant Kimberley of the Iowa Soybean Association, Riley Smith is joined by Adam Sibbel of Indigo Ag, and we discuss agriculture's relationship to the Super Bowl.

    The Fasting Highway
    Episode 258-Lisa Jasunas -Rewriting her own story -The continuation

    The Fasting Highway

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 9, 2025 61:54

    A 36-year-old mother, wife and “chaos coordinator” juggling a busy phase of life with multiple activity schedules and a demanding career while continuing a wellness journey committed to overall health. It's an absolute must to make myself a priority through the daily stressors of this busy phase of life as I let food be my comfort throughdecades of trauma comfort. Since starting clean intermittent fasting in October 2019, I cannot see living my life any other way.  Intermittent Fasting over the last 3.5 years has laid the foundation for wellness for me and has allowed me to release 145 lbs. This lifestyle is a true passion of mine. Iam committed to sharing my story as I am different today than when I started this journey. Physically, yes, but so much more about me has also changed. Living a life of body positivity and being able to move in ways I never could before was always just a dream. If Intermittent Fasting saved my life from disordered eating and food obsession, anyone can also take the time to listen to this podcast episode. Our Patreon Supporters CommunityPlease consider joining the Fasting Highway Patreon community. It has been great for all who have joined. It has become an excellent add-on to our Patreon members' IF lifestyle, who enjoy a lot of bonus content to support them in living an IF life.For less than a cup of coffee a month, you can join and support your own health goals.Graeme hosts Zoom meetings twice monthly in the Northern and Southern hemispheres for members to come and get support for their IF lifestyle, which has proven very popular with our Patreon members.You will not find anywhere that provides that kind of support and accountability for just 0.16 cents a day. There are over 100 exclusive pieces of audio content for Patreon members to help you navigate your IF journey and get more accountability and support. Please go to www.patreon.com/thefastinghighway to see the benefits you get back and how to join.Graeme's best-selling book, The Fasting Highway, about his journey and how he did it, is available in paperback and Kindle at your local Amazon store. It is also available on audio at Applebooks, Kobo, Spotify, and many other audiobook platforms. Disclaimer: Nothing in this podcast should be taken as medical advice. The opinions expressed herein are those of the host and guest only.