En ung high school-elev bliver anholdt for at slå en politimand ihjel. Men noget hænger ikke sammen - og Mulder & Scully kommer på sagen. Deres mistanke falder hurtigt på en anden elev, som ser ud til at have overmenneskelig fart. Johan Albrechtsen gæster os til en snak om X-Files-afsnittet 'Rush' - og deler bl.a. et interview med os, som han lavede flere år tilbage med en af afsnittet centrale skuespillere, nemlig Scott Cooper. Denne podcast er blevet optaget før Johans aktuelle DR2-program 'SoundTREK'. Tjek det ud! 0:00:00 - Intro 0:07:34 - Trivia 0:36:00 - Gennemgang 2:01:18 - Foxy Moment 2:05:00 - Vurdering
År 2000 venter lige om hjørnet i denne episode af 'The X-Files', der forener Mulder & Scully med Frank Black - kendt fra søsterserien 'Millennium' - da en trussel om dommedag til nytår truer! Forfatter Dennis Jürgensen og instruktør Martin Schmidt gæster os til en snak om zombier og et ikonisk gys! Indhold: 0:00:00 - Intro 0:16:02 - Trivia & Zombie-snak 0:38:25 - Gennemgang 1:58:52 - Foxy Moment 2:01:35 - Vurdering
Så skal vi på udflugt med Mulder & Scully. Men det bliver en af de mere syrede skovture! Da skeleter af et par bliver fundet - kun tre dage efter deres forsvinden - tager X-Files-agenterne sagen. Området har flere UFO-myter, men Mulder og Scully har hver deres meget mærkelige oplevelse af, hvad der sker... Vi har vores gode Valby kino-buddy Kristian Enevoldsen med, når vi diskuterer dette meget undervurderede X-Files-afsnit!
How does the Gospel unite us in our differences; Allow for joy in all circumstances; and bring peace that passes all understanding? Tune in and find out as we consider Philippians 4:1-9.
This year is indeed the 30th Anniversary of the iconic 90's cult-fav turned mega-hit, the X-files. In this - the first episode of Season 2 - we count down the most important episodes to watch to get the optimal Mulder/Scully experience!
“Der muss jetzt schwul sein, weil der ist wesentlich besser angezogen als früher.” In der Regel dauern die Episoden des Whocasts länger als das, was sie behandeln. Es kommt jedoch selten vor, dass wir mehr Personen sind, als die, über die wir reden. Heute ist so ein Tag: Raphael, Alex und André besprechen das zweite Special “Wild Blue Yonder”, das hauptsächlich von den beiden Hauptdarstellern David Tennant und Catherine Tate getragen wird. Wie gut die beiden das schultern und warum RTD möglicherweise die Mehrkraft nicht mehr so wirklich gut bekommt, erfahrt heute, jetzt und hier.
In this episode, we dig into the mailbag of listener suggestions seeking some horror to gear us up for the coming of Halloween. This leads us once more to the land of Netflix for a directorial debut feature. So join us as we check out Rubin Stein's Tin and Tina from 2023. Dustin eagerly dispels the running gag that he hates all things Netflix with some high praise for the film. Meanwhile, Jason questions just how far a parent's unconditional love can go in the wake of our titular children's' antics. But before all that, Dustin's enthusiasm for a paranormal documentary leaves Jason reeling as we find ourselves in a very real Mulder/Scully situation. And so much more! Special thanks to Jada for suggesting we check this one out. Got a movie you champion? A hidden gem you think needs more love? Just want to see more discussion on a particular film? We want to check out the movies you suggest to us. Write in at genreexposure@gmail.com or contact us on your favorite form of social media and shoot us a movie recommendation. Part of the Prescribed Films Podcast Network (www.thepfpn.com) What We've Been Watching: -Dustin: The 36th Chamber of Shaolin (1978) & The Unbinding (2023) -Jason: The Reef: Stalked (2022) & Afflicted (2013) Show Notes: -Tin and Tina Trailer -Stream Tin and Tina on Netflix -Go check out all the other awesome shows on the Prescribed Films Podcast Network -Go take part in #HorrorGivesBack 2023 -Go check out The Haunted Objects Podcast -Go check out Good Bad Flicks -Related Short: Tin and Tina -Related Anime: Gamera Rebirth -Related Concept: Theophany -Related Film: Star of David: Beautiful Girl Hunter -Related Film: Village of the Damned -Related Topic: Saint Augustine -Related Film: Orphan -Related Film: Dracula (1931) -Related Film: Nosferatu -Related Film: Slumber Party Massacre -Related Film: Open Your Eyes -Related Topic: Janus -Related Score: Silent Hill -Related Film: Hereditary -Related Topic: Self-Flagellation -Related Film: Saint Maud -Related Film: Bloody Birthday -Related Song: Super Disco Chino -Related Topic: Eucharist -Related Topic: Transubstantiation -Related Topic: Spare the Rod, Spoil the Child -Related Film: Rosemary's Baby -Related Topic: Baptism -Related Topic: Francoist Spain -Related Film: Angst -Related Film: Tales From the Hood -Related Film: Pulp Fiction -Related Film: Martyrs -Related Film: The Righteous -Related Film: Critters Next Time: Cobweb (2023)
WTOP Entertainment Reporter Jason Fraley interviews David Duchovny & Gillian Anderson (a.k.a. Mulder & Scully) as today marks the 30th anniversary of the iconic science-fiction TV series "The X-Files," which premiered on Sept. 10, 1993. First, you'll hear from Gillian Anderson, who joined WTOP in 2016 to discuss her human-trafficking film “Sold." You'll then hear from David Duchovny, who joined WTOP in 2016 when he played a detective hunting Charles Manson in the NBC series “Aquarius." They both also discuss the latest reboot of "The X-Files" on Fox. (Theme Music: Scott Buckley's "Clarion") Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
Bree is joined by We Hate Movies host and film programmer Andrew Jupin to take a trip back to the 90s and discuss The X-Files – the lasting legacy of conspiracy theory content, the magic of the Mulder/Scully dynamic, the delicate balance of mytharc vs. MOTW, the (maybe slightly anticlimactic?) mystery of Samantha Mulder, and Bree's unhealthy obsession with X-Cops.
Vi har været igennem hele 5. sæson, og det er tid til at gøre status. Hvad var godt? Hvad var skidt? Vi ser på en række kategorier fra de bedste og værste episoder til bi-figurer og monstre, mens vi også udpeger det bedste Mulder-Scully øjeblike, og sammenligner sæsonen med de forrige fire. Indholdsfortegnelse: 0:00:00 - Intro 0:11:33 - Classics 0:15:49 - Bi-figurer 0:27:57 - Bedste / værste monstre 0:35:54 - Mulder/Scully øjeblikke 0:38:20 - Bedste / værste episoder 0:50:01 - Spildt potentiale 0:56:21 - Sæsonens MVP 1:00:25 - Honorable Mentions 1:04:42 - Sæson 5 samlet
We have a special treat for all the Mulder // Scully stans today. Our favorite agents go undercover- as a happily married couple moving to the suburbs!!! It's full of as many cute nicknames and play fighting as you'd expect, and we are so here for it. Seems to good to be true, if you don't count the man eating trash monster who is causing chaos in their picture perfect manicured-lawn neighborhood. Check out our links below! OUR MERCH STORE: https://teespring.com/stores/ufo-party-podcast JOIN OUR PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/ufopartypod BUY US A COFFEE! https://ko-fi.com/ufopartypod FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/ufopartypod FOLLOW US ON TWITTER: https://twitter.com/ufopartypod EMAIL US YOUR STORIES: ufopartypod@gmail.com Thank you so much for showing support so we can spread love to the only good feds in the universe.
Mulder & Scully (@bridget_suckit & @molliemm9) talk about the pilot of the 90's hit TV show X-Files during their bonus live stream on twitch.tv/swghosts. Rate & Review us on Apple Want more? Support us on Patreon!
Annie & Jenn sit down for an exclusive interview with the one and only Chris Carter. We get into Mulder & Scully's relationship, how the mythology was formulated, and that final episode.
Title: Seven Years in Denver Author: Lolabeegood Rating: MA Site link: http://fluky.gossamer.org/display.php?SevenYearsInDenver.Lolabeegood Read by: jane_wg Summary: Dana Scully bumps into someone she knows very well after many years away. Mulder/Scully romance. Alternate universe. Character death. ***Every effort was made to reach out to this author for permission but we weren't able to make contact. In the event they were to reach out to us and request it, this will be taken down and as such this track will NOT be available for download. Should contact be made and permission given, the option to download will be offered.***
Title: Seven Years in Denver Author: Lolabeegood Rating: MA Site link: http://fluky.gossamer.org/display.php?SevenYearsInDenver.Lolabeegood Read by: jane_wg Summary: Dana Scully bumps into someone she knows very well after many years away. Mulder/Scully romance. Alternate universe. Character death. ***Every effort was made to reach out to this author for permission but we weren't able to make contact. In the event they were to reach out to us and request it, this will be taken down and as such this track will NOT be available for download. Should contact be made and permission given, the option to download will be offered.***
Title: Seven Years in Denver Author: Lolabeegood Rating: MA Site link: http://fluky.gossamer.org/display.php?SevenYearsInDenver.Lolabeegood Read by: jane_wg Summary: Dana Scully bumps into someone she knows very well after many years away. Mulder/Scully romance. Alternate universe. Character death. ***Every effort was made to reach out to this author for permission but we weren't able to make contact. In the event they were to reach out to us and request it, this will be taken down and as such this track will NOT be available for download. Should contact be made and permission given, the option to download will be offered.***
Title: Seven Years in Denver Author: Lolabeegood Rating: MA Site link: http://fluky.gossamer.org/display.php?SevenYearsInDenver.Lolabeegood Read by: jane_wg Summary: Dana Scully bumps into someone she knows very well after many years away. Mulder/Scully romance. Alternate universe. Character death. ***Every effort was made to reach out to this author for permission but we weren't able to make contact. In the event they were to reach out to us and request it, this will be taken down and as such this track will NOT be available for download. Should contact be made and permission given, the option to download will be offered.***
Title: Seven Years in Denver Author: Lolabeegood Rating: MA Site link: http://fluky.gossamer.org/display.php?SevenYearsInDenver.Lolabeegood Read by: jane_wg Summary: Dana Scully bumps into someone she knows very well after many years away. Mulder/Scully romance. Alternate universe. Character death. ***Every effort was made to reach out to this author for permission but we weren't able to make contact. In the event they were to reach out to us and request it, this will be taken down and as such this track will NOT be available for download. Should contact be made and permission given, the option to download will be offered.***
Part 2 of our coverage of The X-Files movie I Want to Believe. This week Carolyn and Vanessa talk two headed animals, Skinner being everyone's dad, rap songs about murder and of course the winning equation of: Mulder + Scully - a bee = THE scene we want in an X-Files movie. Remember to subscribe on your favorite podcast app and follow us on social media to see what we are up to next!
Story: Seraphim Author: chekcough Rating: MA Site link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21718681/chapters/51806269 Read by: AnnieXFlowers Summary: After Mulder returns from the dead, Scully tries to pick up the pieces. AU, with Mulder/Scully relationship pre-established after FTF. Implied character suicide. (Originally published 2018) TRIGGER WARNING - Death, suicide Used by the author's permission. The characters in these works are not the property of the Audio Fanfic Podcast or the author and are not being posted for profit.
Story: Seraphim Author: chekcough Rating: MA Site link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21718681/chapters/51806269 Read by: AnnieXFlowers Summary: After Mulder returns from the dead, Scully tries to pick up the pieces. AU, with Mulder/Scully relationship pre-established after FTF. Implied character suicide. (Originally published 2018) TRIGGER WARNING - Death, suicide Used by the author's permission. The characters in these works are not the property of the Audio Fanfic Podcast or the author and are not being posted for profit.
Story: Seraphim Author: chekcough Rating: MA Site link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21718681/chapters/51806269 Read by: AnnieXFlowers Summary: After Mulder returns from the dead, Scully tries to pick up the pieces. AU, with Mulder/Scully relationship pre-established after FTF. Implied character suicide. (Originally published 2018) TRIGGER WARNING - Death, suicide Used by the author's permission. The characters in these works are not the property of the Audio Fanfic Podcast or the author and are not being posted for profit.
Story: Seraphim Author: chekcough Rating: MA Site link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21718681/chapters/51806269 Read by: AnnieXFlowers Summary: After Mulder returns from the dead, Scully tries to pick up the pieces. AU, with Mulder/Scully relationship pre-established after FTF. Implied character suicide. (Originally published 2018) TRIGGER WARNING - Death, suicide Used by the author's permission. The characters in these works are not the property of the Audio Fanfic Podcast or the author and are not being posted for profit.
Story: Seraphim Author: chekcough Rating: MA Site link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21718681/chapters/51806269 Read by: AnnieXFlowers Summary: After Mulder returns from the dead, Scully tries to pick up the pieces. AU, with Mulder/Scully relationship pre-established after FTF. Implied character suicide. (Originally published 2018) TRIGGER WARNING - Death, suicide Used by the author's permission. The characters in these works are not the property of the Audio Fanfic Podcast or the author and are not being posted for profit.
Story: Seraphim Author: chekcough Rating: MA Site link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21718681/chapters/51806269 Read by: AnnieXFlowers Summary: After Mulder returns from the dead, Scully tries to pick up the pieces. AU, with Mulder/Scully relationship pre-established after FTF. Implied character suicide. (Originally published 2018) TRIGGER WARNING - Death, suicide Used by the author's permission. The characters in these works are not the property of the Audio Fanfic Podcast or the author and are not being posted for profit.
Story: Seraphim Author: chekcough Rating: MA Site link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21718681/chapters/51806269 Read by: AnnieXFlowers Summary: After Mulder returns from the dead, Scully tries to pick up the pieces. AU, with Mulder/Scully relationship pre-established after FTF. Implied character suicide. (Originally published 2018) TRIGGER WARNING - Death, suicide Used by the author's permission. The characters in these works are not the property of the Audio Fanfic Podcast or the author and are not being posted for profit.
Story: Seraphim Author: chekcough Rating: MA Site link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21718681/chapters/51806269 Read by: AnnieXFlowers Summary: After Mulder returns from the dead, Scully tries to pick up the pieces. AU, with Mulder/Scully relationship pre-established after FTF. Implied character suicide. (Originally published 2018) TRIGGER WARNING - Death, suicide Used by the author's permission. The characters in these works are not the property of the Audio Fanfic Podcast or the author and are not being posted for profit.
Story: Seraphim Author: chekcough Rating: MA Site link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21718681/chapters/51806269 Read by: AnnieXFlowers Summary: After Mulder returns from the dead, Scully tries to pick up the pieces. AU, with Mulder/Scully relationship pre-established after FTF. Implied character suicide. (Originally published 2018) TRIGGER WARNING - Death, suicide Used by the author's permission. The characters in these works are not the property of the Audio Fanfic Podcast or the author and are not being posted for profit.
Story: Seraphim Author: chekcough Rating: MA Site link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21718681/chapters/51806269 Read by: AnnieXFlowers Summary: After Mulder returns from the dead, Scully tries to pick up the pieces. AU, with Mulder/Scully relationship pre-established after FTF. Implied character suicide. (Originally published 2018) TRIGGER WARNING - Death, suicide Used by the author's permission. The characters in these works are not the property of the Audio Fanfic Podcast or the author and are not being posted for profit.
Story: Seraphim Author: chekcough Rating: MA Site link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21718681/chapters/51806269 Read by: AnnieXFlowers Summary: After Mulder returns from the dead, Scully tries to pick up the pieces. AU, with Mulder/Scully relationship pre-established after FTF. Implied character suicide. (Originally published 2018) TRIGGER WARNING - Death, suicide Used by the author's permission. The characters in these works are not the property of the Audio Fanfic Podcast or the author and are not being posted for profit.
Story: Seraphim Author: chekcough Rating: MA Site link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21718681/chapters/51806269 Read by: AnnieXFlowers Summary: After Mulder returns from the dead, Scully tries to pick up the pieces. AU, with Mulder/Scully relationship pre-established after FTF. Implied character suicide. (Originally published 2018) TRIGGER WARNING - Death, suicide Used by the author's permission. The characters in these works are not the property of the Audio Fanfic Podcast or the author and are not being posted for profit.
Story: Seraphim Author: chekcough Rating: MA Site link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21718681/chapters/51806269 Read by: AnnieXFlowers Summary: After Mulder returns from the dead, Scully tries to pick up the pieces. AU, with Mulder/Scully relationship pre-established after FTF. Implied character suicide. (Originally published 2018) TRIGGER WARNING - Death, suicide Used by the author's permission. The characters in these works are not the property of the Audio Fanfic Podcast or the author and are not being posted for profit.
Story: Family Hour Author: mldrgrl Rating: G Site link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/5836813 Read by: AnnieXFlower Summary: A little family together time in the Mulder-Scully, highly remarkable house. Used by the author's permission. The characters in these works are not the property of the Audio Fanfic Podcast or the author and are not being posted for profit.
Vi har spillet 'The X-Files Game' fra 1998 på Playstation 1 - og vi diskuterer og gennemgår spillet og vurderer historien, karakterne, gameplay og meget mere. 'The X-Files Game' følger FBI-agenten Craig Willmore, der prøver at finde de forsvundne agenter Mulder & Scully. Se vores playthrough af hele spillet på vores YouTube-kanal: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ_kyJkdgv_WttndXgNIaRgifAji_QBDO INDHOLD: 0:00:00 - Intro 0:04:50 - Trivia 0:09:24 - Historien 0:34:03 - Gameplay 0:45:18 - Karaktererne 0:57.57 - Easter Eggs 1:04:22 - Samlet vurdering
So many new Star Wars and Marvel projects to discuss! Batwoman Season 2 gets a trailer! Plus Xena, Mulder & Scully and Wynonna celebrate Christmas! Not together. That would be weird. Please subscribe, rate and review! You can find us on Instagram @shenerdsoutpodcast, on Twitter @SNOPodcast and Facebook She Nerds Out, and you can send us an email at shenerdsout@gmail.com!
Entertainment journalist Piya Sinha-Roy (Reuters, Entertainment Weekly and THR) discusses how Mulder & Scully made her a good investigative reporter, what makes a good writer, best interviews, worst experiences and why How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days is nothing like working at a real-life magazine (to our chagrin). Then, she delivers a feature-length audio commentary for the Marc Webb non-love story, 500 Days of Summer. --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/the-side-track/support
Story: Gone To Plaid Author: Aloysia Virgata Rating: MA Site link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/3130484 Read by: AnnieXFlowers Summary: Originally posted at xf_pornbattle for the prompt Mulder/Scully, fuck-me shoes. It's silly and fluffy and she probably would have decked him if he'd actually run his mouth like this, but I like a good Vixen!Scully now and again. So here she is, in all her mischievous glory. Used by the author's permission. The characters in these works are not the property of the Audio Fanfic Podcast or the author and are not being posted for profit.
Fight the Future Minute #107: The Crater Welcome to our detailed coverage of The X-Files: Fight the Future, unpacking the 1998 movie one minute at a time! In minute one hundred and seven, host Carl Sweeney and guest Marlene Stemme continue to discuss Mulder & Scully, on the surface of the ice, as we pull away... Host / Editor Carl Sweeney Guest Marlene Stemme With thanks to our Patrons: Adam Chamberlain, Michelle Milbauer, Ferdinando Bianchini, Calla Dreams, Cathy Glinski, Kurt North, Jenn Ferguson, Adam Silva, Marlene Stemme, Deana Ferreri, Katie Doe, Simon Hodgson, Andrew Blaker, Cortlan Waters Bartley, Martha Payne, Delta 51, Clarissa de Becker, Sarah Devicomte, Caredwen Foley, Daniela Marlitsis, Justin Bernstein, Wanda Vincent, Karen McKenna, Luke Winch, Caleb Burnett, Chandru Ravindran, Mark O'Brien, Ana Afloarei, Kathryn Shellman, Chris Jiggs, Russell Hugo, Kelsey L Mayer, Sarah Ford, Isabelle Dubois, Charnette Soto. Twitter: @TheX_Cast Facebook: The X-Cast Basement: An X-Files Podcast Fan Group We Made This on Twitter: @wemadethispod www.wemadethispod.com
Fight the Future Minute #107: The CraterWelcome to our detailed coverage of The X-Files: Fight the Future, unpacking the 1998 movie one minute at a time!In minute one hundred and seven, host Carl Sweeney and guest Marlene Stemme continue to discuss Mulder & Scully, on the surface of the ice, as we pull away...Host / EditorCarl SweeneyGuestMarlene StemmeWith thanks to our Patrons:Adam Chamberlain, Michelle Milbauer, Ferdinando Bianchini, Calla Dreams, Cathy Glinski, Kurt North, Jenn Ferguson, Adam Silva, Marlene Stemme, Deana Ferreri, Katie Doe, Simon Hodgson, Andrew Blaker, Cortlan Waters Bartley, Martha Payne, Delta 51, Clarissa de Becker, Sarah Devicomte, Caredwen Foley, Daniela Marlitsis, Justin Bernstein, Wanda Vincent, Karen McKenna, Luke Winch, Caleb Burnett, Chandru Ravindran, Mark O'Brien, Ana Afloarei, Kathryn Shellman, Chris Jiggs, Russell Hugo, Kelsey L Mayer, Sarah Ford, Isabelle Dubois, Charnette Soto.Twitter: @TheX_CastFacebook: The X-Cast Basement: An X-Files Podcast Fan GroupWe Made This on Twitter: @wemadethispodwww.wemadethispod.com
Fight the Future Minute #106: Scully, You Gotta See This! Welcome to our detailed coverage of The X-Files: Fight the Future, unpacking the 1998 movie one minute at a time! In minute one hundred and six, host Carl Sweeney and guest Marlene Stemme continue to discuss Mulder & Scully, on the surface of the ice, as the alien spacecraft reveals itself... Host / Editor Carl Sweeney Guest Marlene Stemme With thanks to our Patrons: Adam Chamberlain, Michelle Milbauer, Ferdinando Bianchini, Calla Dreams, Cathy Glinski, Kurt North, Jenn Ferguson, Adam Silva, Marlene Stemme, Deana Ferreri, Katie Doe, Simon Hodgson, Andrew Blaker, Cortlan Waters Bartley, Martha Payne, Delta 51, Clarissa de Becker, Sarah Devicomte, Caredwen Foley, Daniela Marlitsis, Justin Bernstein, Wanda Vincent, Karen McKenna, Luke Winch, Caleb Burnett, Chandru Ravindran, Mark O'Brien, Ana Afloarei, Kathryn Shellman, Charnette Soto, Chris Jiggs, Russell Hugo, Kelsey L Mayer, Sarah Ford, Isabelle Dubois. Twitter: @TheX_Cast Facebook: The X-Cast Basement: An X-Files Podcast Fan Group We Made This on Twitter: @wemadethispod www.wemadethispod.com
Fight the Future Minute #106: Scully, You Gotta See This!Welcome to our detailed coverage of The X-Files: Fight the Future, unpacking the 1998 movie one minute at a time!In minute one hundred and six, host Carl Sweeney and guest Marlene Stemme continue to discuss Mulder & Scully, on the surface of the ice, as the alien spacecraft reveals itself...Host / EditorCarl SweeneyGuestMarlene StemmeWith thanks to our Patrons:Adam Chamberlain, Michelle Milbauer, Ferdinando Bianchini, Calla Dreams, Cathy Glinski, Kurt North, Jenn Ferguson, Adam Silva, Marlene Stemme, Deana Ferreri, Katie Doe, Simon Hodgson, Andrew Blaker, Cortlan Waters Bartley, Martha Payne, Delta 51, Clarissa de Becker, Sarah Devicomte, Caredwen Foley, Daniela Marlitsis, Justin Bernstein, Wanda Vincent, Karen McKenna, Luke Winch, Caleb Burnett, Chandru Ravindran, Mark O'Brien, Ana Afloarei, Kathryn Shellman, Charnette Soto, Chris Jiggs, Russell Hugo, Kelsey L Mayer, Sarah Ford, Isabelle Dubois.Twitter: @TheX_CastFacebook: The X-Cast Basement: An X-Files Podcast Fan GroupWe Made This on Twitter: @wemadethispodwww.wemadethispod.com
Fight the Future Minute #105: Breaking the IceWelcome to our detailed coverage of The X-Files: Fight the Future, unpacking the 1998 movie one minute at a time!In minute one hundred and five, host Carl Sweeney and guest Marlene Stemme continue to discuss Mulder & Scully's desperate climb out of the alien spacecraft, as they reach the surface...Host / EditorCarl SweeneyGuestMarlene StemmeWith thanks to our Patrons:Adam Chamberlain, Michelle Milbauer, Ferdinando Bianchini, Calla Dreams, Cathy Glinski, Kurt North, Jenn Ferguson, Adam Silva, Marlene Stemme, Deana Ferreri, Katie Doe, Simon Hodgson, Andrew Blaker, Cortlan Waters Bartley, Martha Payne, Delta 51, Clarissa de Becker, Sarah Devicomte, Caredwen Foley, Daniela Marlitsis, Justin Bernstein, Wanda Vincent, Karen McKenna, Luke Winch, Caleb Burnett, Chandru Ravindran, Mark O'Brien, Ana Afloarei, Kathryn Shellman, Charnette Soto, Chris Jiggs, Russell Hugo, Kelsey L Mayer, Sarah Ford, Isabelle Dubois.Twitter: @TheX_CastFacebook: The X-Cast Basement: An X-Files Podcast Fan GroupWe Made This on Twitter: @wemadethispodwww.wemadethispod.com
Fight the Future Minute #105: Breaking the Ice Welcome to our detailed coverage of The X-Files: Fight the Future, unpacking the 1998 movie one minute at a time! In minute one hundred and five, host Carl Sweeney and guest Marlene Stemme continue to discuss Mulder & Scully's desperate climb out of the alien spacecraft, as they reach the surface... Host / Editor Carl Sweeney Guest Marlene Stemme With thanks to our Patrons: Adam Chamberlain, Michelle Milbauer, Ferdinando Bianchini, Calla Dreams, Cathy Glinski, Kurt North, Jenn Ferguson, Adam Silva, Marlene Stemme, Deana Ferreri, Katie Doe, Simon Hodgson, Andrew Blaker, Cortlan Waters Bartley, Martha Payne, Delta 51, Clarissa de Becker, Sarah Devicomte, Caredwen Foley, Daniela Marlitsis, Justin Bernstein, Wanda Vincent, Karen McKenna, Luke Winch, Caleb Burnett, Chandru Ravindran, Mark O'Brien, Ana Afloarei, Kathryn Shellman, Charnette Soto, Chris Jiggs, Russell Hugo, Kelsey L Mayer, Sarah Ford, Isabelle Dubois. Twitter: @TheX_Cast Facebook: The X-Cast Basement: An X-Files Podcast Fan Group We Made This on Twitter: @wemadethispod www.wemadethispod.com
Fight the Future Minute #104: Reaching the SurfaceWelcome to our detailed coverage of The X-Files: Fight the Future, unpacking the 1998 movie one minute at a time!In minute one hundred and four, host Carl Sweeney and guest Marlene Stemme continue to discuss Mulder & Scully's desperate climb out of the alien spacecraft, as they begin to reach the surface...Host / EditorCarl SweeneyGuestMarlene StemmeWith thanks to our Patrons:Adam Chamberlain, Michelle Milbauer, Ferdinando Bianchini, Calla Dreams, Cathy Glinski, Kurt North, Jenn Ferguson, Adam Silva, Marlene Stemme, Deana Ferreri, Katie Doe, Simon Hodgson, Andrew Blaker, Cortlan Waters Bartley, Martha Payne, Delta 51, Clarissa de Becker, Sarah Devicomte, Caredwen Foley, Daniela Marlitsis, Justin Bernstein, Wanda Vincent, Karen McKenna, Luke Winch, Caleb Burnett, Chandru Ravindran, Mark O'Brien, Ana Afloarei, Kathryn Shellman, Charnette Soto, Chris Jiggs, Russell Hugo, Kelsey L Mayer, Sarah Ford, Isabelle Dubois.Twitter: @TheX_CastFacebook: The X-Cast Basement: An X-Files Podcast Fan GroupWe Made This on Twitter: @wemadethispodwww.wemadethispod.com
Fight the Future Minute #104: Reaching the Surface Welcome to our detailed coverage of The X-Files: Fight the Future, unpacking the 1998 movie one minute at a time! In minute one hundred and four, host Carl Sweeney and guest Marlene Stemme continue to discuss Mulder & Scully's desperate climb out of the alien spacecraft, as they begin to reach the surface... Host / Editor Carl Sweeney Guest Marlene Stemme With thanks to our Patrons: Adam Chamberlain, Michelle Milbauer, Ferdinando Bianchini, Calla Dreams, Cathy Glinski, Kurt North, Jenn Ferguson, Adam Silva, Marlene Stemme, Deana Ferreri, Katie Doe, Simon Hodgson, Andrew Blaker, Cortlan Waters Bartley, Martha Payne, Delta 51, Clarissa de Becker, Sarah Devicomte, Caredwen Foley, Daniela Marlitsis, Justin Bernstein, Wanda Vincent, Karen McKenna, Luke Winch, Caleb Burnett, Chandru Ravindran, Mark O'Brien, Ana Afloarei, Kathryn Shellman, Charnette Soto, Chris Jiggs, Russell Hugo, Kelsey L Mayer, Sarah Ford, Isabelle Dubois. Twitter: @TheX_Cast Facebook: The X-Cast Basement: An X-Files Podcast Fan Group We Made This on Twitter: @wemadethispod www.wemadethispod.com
Fight the Future Minute #103: Into the VentWelcome to our detailed coverage of The X-Files: Fight the Future, unpacking the 1998 movie one minute at a time!In minute one hundred and three, host Marlene Stemme and guest Michelle Milbauer continue to discuss Mulder & Scully's desperate climb out of the alien spacecraft, as the EBE approaches...Host / EditorMarlene StemmeGuestMichelle MilbauerWith thanks to our Patrons:Adam Chamberlain, Michelle Milbauer, Ferdinando Bianchini, Calla Dreams, Cathy Glinski, Kurt North, Jenn Ferguson, Adam Silva, Marlene Stemme, Deana Ferreri, Katie Doe, Simon Hodgson, Andrew Blaker, Cortlan Waters Bartley, Martha Payne, Delta 51, Clarissa de Becker, Sarah Devicomte, Caredwen Foley, Daniela Marlitsis, Justin Bernstein, Wanda Vincent, Karen McKenna, Luke Winch, Caleb Burnett, Chandru Ravindran, Mark O'Brien, Ana Afloarei, Kathryn Shellman, Charnette Soto, Chris Jiggs, Russell Hugo, Kelsey L Mayer, Sarah Ford, Isabelle Dubois.Twitter: @TheX_CastFacebook: The X-Cast Basement: An X-Files Podcast Fan GroupWe Made This on Twitter: @wemadethispodwww.wemadethispod.com
Fight the Future Minute #103: Into the Vent Welcome to our detailed coverage of The X-Files: Fight the Future, unpacking the 1998 movie one minute at a time! In minute one hundred and three, host Marlene Stemme and guest Michelle Milbauer continue to discuss Mulder & Scully's desperate climb out of the alien spacecraft, as the EBE approaches... Host / Editor Marlene Stemme Guest Michelle Milbauer With thanks to our Patrons: Adam Chamberlain, Michelle Milbauer, Ferdinando Bianchini, Calla Dreams, Cathy Glinski, Kurt North, Jenn Ferguson, Adam Silva, Marlene Stemme, Deana Ferreri, Katie Doe, Simon Hodgson, Andrew Blaker, Cortlan Waters Bartley, Martha Payne, Delta 51, Clarissa de Becker, Sarah Devicomte, Caredwen Foley, Daniela Marlitsis, Justin Bernstein, Wanda Vincent, Karen McKenna, Luke Winch, Caleb Burnett, Chandru Ravindran, Mark O'Brien, Ana Afloarei, Kathryn Shellman, Charnette Soto, Chris Jiggs, Russell Hugo, Kelsey L Mayer, Sarah Ford, Isabelle Dubois. Twitter: @TheX_Cast Facebook: The X-Cast Basement: An X-Files Podcast Fan Group We Made This on Twitter: @wemadethispod www.wemadethispod.com
Fight the Future Minute #102: E.B.E. & C.P.R.Welcome to our detailed coverage of The X-Files: Fight the Future, unpacking the 1998 movie one minute at a time!In minute one hundred and two, host Marlene Stemme and guest Michelle Milbauer continue to discuss Mulder & Scully's desperate climb out of the alien spacecraft, as the EBE approaches...Host / EditorMarlene StemmeGuestMichelle MilbauerWith thanks to our Patrons:Adam Chamberlain, Michelle Milbauer, Ferdinando Bianchini, Calla Dreams, Cathy Glinski, Kurt North, Jenn Ferguson, Adam Silva, Marlene Stemme, Deana Ferreri, Katie Doe, Simon Hodgson, Andrew Blaker, Cortlan Waters Bartley, Martha Payne, Delta 51, Clarissa de Becker, Sarah Devicomte, Caredwen Foley, Daniela Marlitsis, Justin Bernstein, Wanda Vincent, Karen McKenna, Luke Winch, Caleb Burnett, Chandru Ravindran, Mark O'Brien, Ana Afloarei, Kathryn Shellman, Charnette Soto, Chris Jiggs, Russell Hugo, Kelsey L Mayer, Sarah Ford, Isabelle Dubois.Twitter: @TheX_CastFacebook: The X-Cast Basement: An X-Files Podcast Fan GroupWe Made This on Twitter: @wemadethispodwww.wemadethispod.com
Retomamos nuestra cobertura de X-Files con el sexto episodio de la S11: Kitten. Hablamos del camino de Walter Skinner en la serie, su relación con Mulder & Scully, lo flojo que es el guión y la dirección entre lo rescatable de este capítulo. ¡Gracias por escucharnos! / http://xpodcast.tv
Esta semana en X Podcast tenemos un capítulo que los fans de X-Files hemos estado esperando desde 2002: 11x05 Ghouli, en el que Mulder / Scully vuelven a ver su hijo William, pero su encuentro resulta ser totalmente diferente a lo que ellos y nosotros esperábamos. Hablamos del monstruo (supuesto protagonista del episodio que no es tal), ¿quién es William hoy? y las escenas profundamente emotivas de Scully. ¡Gracias por escucharnos! / http://xpodcast.tv