Podcasts about apostle paul

Early Christian apostle and missionary (c. AD 5 - c. AD 64/67)

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apostle paul




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    Saint of the Day
    Holy Apostle Onesimos (~109)

    Saint of the Day

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 15, 2025

    He was a Phrygian by birth, a slave of Philemon, to whom the Apostle Paul addressed his epistle. Onesimos escaped from Philemon and fled to Rome, where he was converted to the Faith by St Paul. St Paul sent him back to his master, who at St Paul's urging gave him his freedom. He served the Church for many years before dying a martyr, beaten to death with clubs.   Saint Onesimos is also commemorated on November 22, with Sts Philemon, Archippus and Aphia; and on January 4 at the Synaxis of the Seventy Disciples. Our Venerable Father Dalmatius of Siberia (1697) Saint Dalmatius is venerated as a pioneer of the movement that took many ascetics to dwell in the wilderness of Siberia, establishing a new company of Desert Fathers and causing the Russian Far North to be called the 'Northern Thebaid.' He was born in Tobolsk and reared in piety by his family, recently-converted Tatars. When grown, he entered the imperial army as a Cossack and served with such distinction that the Tsar awarded him a noble title. He married and lived in Tobolsk in comfort and prosperity. One day — after the destruction of Tobolsk in a great fire in 1643 — struck by a realization of the vanity of worldly things, he left family, wealth and property and went to a monastery in the Ural Mountains, taking with him only an icon of the Dormition of the Theotokos.   He was tonsured a monk with the name of Dalmatius, and devoted himself to prayer and ascesis with such fervor that, a short time later, the brethren elected him Abbot. Fearing pride and fleeing honor, Dalmatius fled with his icon of the Theotokos to a remote cave, where he lived a life of silence and continual prayer. His presence did not long remain secret in that sparsely-settled region, and soon Christians were coming from far and wide to ask his prayer and counsel; many pagans came to him for holy Baptism. Soon his habitation became too small for those who had chosen to stay as his disciples, and the Saint received a blessing from the Bishop of Tobolsk to build a wooden chapel and some cells. This was the beginning of the great Monastery of the Dormition (also called the Monastery of St Dalmatius).   Over the years the brethren endured many tribulations. Once the Tatar Prince of the region, provoked by false rumors, planned to destroy the monastery and kill all the monks. The night before the attack, the holy Mother of God appeared to the prince in resplendent clothes, holding a flaming sword in one hand and a scourge in the other. She forbade the Prince to harm the monastery or the brethren, and commanded him to give them a permanent concession over the region. Convinced by this vision, the Prince made peace with the monks and became the Monastery's protector, though he was a Muslim.   In the succeeding years the Monastery was repeatedly burned down by the fierce pagan tribes which inhabited the area; once all the monks except St Dalmatius himself were butchered, but always the monastery was rebuilt. The Saint reposed in peace in 1697, and was succeeded as abbot by his own son Isaac, who built a stone shrine at the Monastery to house the relics of the Saint and the icon of the Mother of God which he had kept with him throughout his monastic life.

    Bible Questions Podcast
    Bible Questions Episode 260 (The Apostle Paul-A Model Christian)

    Bible Questions Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 15, 2025 44:31

    In life, we often look at the example of others and try to copy their best qualities. An exemplary Christian that is a great example for us today, is the Apostle Paul. In this episode, we will examine Paul's life as a Christian and compare ourselves with his life and see where we might be able to emulate him. We will consider how Paul: Was completely committed to God Demonstrated great courage Was willing to give up everything for Christ  Genuinely loved brethren Encouraged others biblequestions.org

    School of Ministry Resources Podcast
    Unveiling Joy: Lessons from Philippians #1

    School of Ministry Resources Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 14, 2025 34:10 Transcription Available

    In this remastered episode, we dive into the book of Philippians chapter 4, focusing on understanding joy as taught by the Apostle Paul. Despite being imprisoned, Paul speaks passionately about joy. We explore how he managed to maintain such joy through his recollections, intercessions, and fellowship with others, even while chained in a Roman cell. The lesson reveals Paul's profound belief in what he terms the 'theology of joy,' highlighting that genuine joy is not dependent on circumstances but is a gift of God which we seek to cultivate through obedience and faith in Christ. Join us as we unpack the 'joy of recollection,' 'joy of intercession,' 'joy of participation,' and 'joy of anticipation' that Paul writes about to the Philippians. With vivid illustrations from his letters and life, discover how Paul finds joy in the partnership and support from the Philippian church and his anticipation of God's future plans. We conclude with the assurance that God will fulfill His work in each believer, bringing us to ultimate joy and divine completion.

    Enjoying the Journey
    What the Bible Says

    Enjoying the Journey

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 13, 2025 10:06

    (2 Timothy 3:13-17) In an age of deception God's people must know what they believe - and why! We must be ready to share with others, not what we think, but what God thinks. It is time to know and make known what the Bible says. (0938250211/13) ----more---- The Purpose and Profit of the Bible Everywhere I go, it seems that the favorite verse of people today seems to be 2 Timothy 3 and verse number 13, where the Bible says, "But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived." I hear everybody quoting that verse and talking about how bad things have gotten and the pitiful condition of churches and communities and culture, and there's no doubt that's true. But I want to remind you that verse does not stand alone. That text has a context. As a matter of fact, immediately after the Apostle Paul writes to Timothy, those words, "Evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived," he says in the very next verse, 2 Timothy 3:14, "But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned, and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them." In other words, yes, there are negatives all around us, but on the positive side, we're supposed to continue in the truth. Yes, this is an age of deception, all the more reason for us to take a strong stand on the truth. Yes, there is a spirit of Antichrist at work in our world that's trying to deceive people. But friends, just because the spirit of the deceiver is at work does not mean that the Holy Spirit has stopped his work. Oh, the spirit of truth is alive and well. He's at work in me today. He's at work in you today. He's at work through the Word today. And that's why God's people need to know what the Bible says. Listen to the verse again, 2 Timothy chapter 3 verse 14, "But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned. And has been assured of knowing of whom thou hast learned them. " Learning the Bible The three great principles, the three great truths in that verse. Number one, you have to learn the word. He said, if you're going to live it, if you're going to teach it and preach it to others, you have to learn it. So we must learn what God says. Assurance of the Bible Then, you must develop some assurance about what you're learning. He not only says you've learned it, he said you've been assured of these things. You must develop some deep personal conviction that the Word of God truly is that, the Word of God. It is the revelation of God Himself. It is the truth. And I trust and pray that you're developing a deeper and deeper conviction and confidence in the Word of God. This is the very Word of Truth. And you can trust a God who never lies. As a matter of fact, he says at the end of the verse, "Knowing of whom thou hast learned them." What's that a reference to? He goes on in verse 15 to say, "And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus." He's saying that faith that was laid for you in childhood. That simple truth that you were willing to accept in your youth, don't ever get away from that. No matter how complicated the world may get, no matter how complex the problems may be, always go back again and again to the simplicity that is in Jesus Christ. Only Christ, only the Word of Truth can cut through the mess and the mayhem of our world and of our lives. Only the Lord can do that. So never forget. Where you learned it and who you learned it from. Timothy had a godly mother and a holy grandmother. Do you remember Lois and Eunice? Never forget those people who gave you this heritage. Never forget the people who taught you the truth. Perhaps there's some hint here as well of Paul reminding Timothy of what he personally had taught him in his youth. You remember how Timothy joined Paul when he was just a very young man. Paul is saying, don't ever forget the things that you were taught early on in your life. Don't ever get moved off the foundation of your faith. So number one, you must learn what the Bible says. Then you must be assured of what the Bible says. Continue in the Bible And then, you must continue in what the Bible says, but continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and has been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them. Look, we're living in a world of quitters. Even when it comes to faith, even when it comes to ministry, even when it comes to, to so called Christians, we're living in a world of people that just are giving up on the Lord, giving up on the truth, giving up on the church. Don't be one of those people. You be one of those people that continue. I want to cross the finish line of glory. Not coasting in heaven, but with a pedal to the metal. I want to finish strong. I want to finish well. Is that what you want for your life? And you're going to have to make up your mind today that you're going to continue in what the Bible says. The Sufficiency of Scripture At the end of this very same chapter, he goes on to say these words, 2 Timothy 3 verse 16, "All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works." In other words, we believe in the sufficiency of Scripture. It is enough. God has not told you everything He knows, but He's told you everything you need to know. We have all things that pertain to life and godliness. In the Word of God, God gives you all the truth you need to live a victorious life. The Bible says here that Scripture makes us wise unto salvation. That's where you have to begin, by knowing the Lord as your personal Savior. You can't understand the Word of God if you don't know the God of the Word. So if you're not a believer, let's start here with the most basic thing, God loves you. Jesus Christ died for your sins. He was buried and rose from the dead. He wants to come live in your life and He wants you to live with Him eternally. He wants to give you today everlasting life. Would you put your faith in the Lord Jesus right now? Would you look to him in simple childlike faith and call on him and say, Lord, be merciful to me, a sinner. At first, you must be saved. But then, we don't end there. That's just the beginning. (Visit enjoyingthejourney.org/gospel to learn more.) The Purpose of the Bible after Salvation The Bible says once the scripture makes us wise in a salvation, then it goes on to profit us in these ways: doctrine, reproof, correction, and instruction. Now, notice the divine order here. Doctrine is the foundation. It's what we believe. That's what the word doctrine means. Our beliefs. So you've got to start with what you believe. Honestly, what you believe is going to affect how you behave. We might say it this way, your doctrine affects your deportment. Your life grows out of what you truly believe in your heart. So he begins with doctrine. Then he says, for reproof, That's to show us where we're wrong. Then he says for correction, that's to show us how to get right. Then he says for instruction in righteousness, that's telling us how to stay right. But notice, before he deals with the practicality of our individual life, before he deals with us personally. And the way we live every day, he begins with doctrine. That's why we're beginning this brand new series on what the Bible says. Why? Because only by learning what the Bible says can we learn truly what God wants. When you come to study the Bible, you shouldn't come to, to learn things. Some people study the Bible almost like they're getting ready for Bible trivia, and that's very dangerous because you can know things without knowing God. In fact, the Apostle Paul said, knowledge puffeth up. You can get full of knowledge and just be full of yourself instead of full of God. A Personal Prayer for Understanding the Bible When we approach the Scriptures, we must come to the Word of God saying, Lord, reveal yourself to me. Lord, I want to know you. And if you'll come with that spirit, that hunger, that thirst, that heart, then God will begin to reveal his truth to you. And you must begin by knowing what the Bible says with doctrine. It's really not so much about formula as it is about desire. Do you hunger and thirst after righteousness? Jesus says you'll be filled. David said, As the heart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God. Moses said, Show me now thy way that I may know thee. I want to challenge you today to begin this study of what the Bible says with a simple prayer. A personal prayer from your heart. Dear Lord, show me yourself. Dear Lord, help me know God better. Help me to know the God of truth so that I'll have the foundation to become the person that God saved me to be. This is the only way to truly understand what the Bible says. Repeating what other people have said about the Bible is not enough. We must know the biblical reason behind what we believe.  Outro We hope you will visit us at etj.bible to access our library of Bible teaching resources, including book by book studies of Scripture. You'll also find studies to watch, listen to, or read. We are so grateful for those who pray for us, who share the Biblical content, and for those who invest to help us advance this ministry worldwide. Again, thank you for listening, and we hope you'll join us next time on Enjoying the Journey.

    Homebrewed Christianity Podcast
    The New Colonialism: Power, Data, and the Transformation of Human Experience

    Homebrewed Christianity Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 13, 2025 36:03

    This is an audio version of an essay on my substack, Process This. The essay explores how digital platforms have transformed human experience into a new form of colonialism. It discusses the historical evolution of the internet from a decentralized space to one controlled by tech giants, and highlights the data extraction, surveillance, and algorithmic governance that dominate modern digital spaces. By drawing parallels to historical colonialism, the essay outlines the systematic ways in which platforms explore, expand, exploit, and exterminate alternative ways of being social. It also examines the rise of a new digital aristocracy in Silicon Valley and the erosion of personal autonomy. Finally, it explores emerging forms of resistance and reimagination, emphasizing the need for digital wisdom, community-owned platforms, and new forms of digital literacy to reclaim human autonomy and genuine connection. I hope you enjoy it and consider supporting my work by joining 80k+ other people on Process This. Related Resources PODCAST -The Tech Takeover: Reimagining Connection in a Digital World on TNT where Tripp gets Bo's input on this essay BOOK - Data Grab: The New Colonialism of Big Tech and How to Fight Back by Ulises A. Mejias & Nick Couldry BOOK - The Space of the World: Can Human Solidarity Survive Social Media and What If It Can't? By Nick Couldry LECTURE - AI and the Tragedy of the Commons: a decolonial perspective with Ulises A. Mejias LECTURE - The Corporatization of Social Space by Nick Couldry A Five-Week Online Lenten Class w/ John Dominic Crossan Join us for a transformative 5-week Lenten journey on "Paul the Pharisee: Faith and Politics in a Divided World."This course examines the Apostle Paul as a Pharisee deeply engaged with the turbulent political and religious landscape of his time. Through the lens of his letters and historical context, we will explore Paul's understanding of Jesus' Life-Vision, his interpretation of the Execution-and-Resurrection, and their implications for nonviolence and faithful resistance against empire. Each week, we will delve into a specific aspect of Paul's theology and legacy, reflecting on its relevance for our own age of autocracy and political turmoil. . For details and to sign-up for any donation, including 0, head over here. _____________________ Join our class - TRUTH IN TOUGH TIMES: Global Voices of Liberation This podcast is a Homebrewed Christianity production. Follow the Homebrewed Christianity, Theology Nerd Throwdown, & The Rise of Bonhoeffer podcasts for more theological goodness for your earbuds. Join over 80,000 other people by joining our Substack - Process This! Get instant access to over 45 classes at www.TheologyClass.com Follow the podcast, drop a review, send feedback/questions or become a member of the HBC Community. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Southwest Bible Fellowship
    Minor Prophets Joel 2:7-11

    Southwest Bible Fellowship

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 13, 2025 69:41

    Welcome to the Podcast of Southwest Bible Fellowship in Tempe, Arizona. WHO ARE WE? • We are a group of people who are committed to living the grace life as set forth by the apostle of the Gentiles, the Apostle Paul. • We come together to study our Bibles, and yes, we believe we have God's perfect Word in the King James Bible. It and it alone is our final authority in all matters of faith and practice! • We do not come together and study our Bibles for the intent of being smarter than others. We understand that knowledge for the sake of knowledge is purely vain and serves no Godly purpose. • We do come together and study our Bibles for the intent of knowing our Lord Jesus Christ and the power of His resurrection. (Philippians 3:10) • We do come together and study our Bibles to understand that we have been crucified with Christ; nevertheless we live; yet not us, but Christ liveth in us: and the life which we now live in the flesh, we live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved us and gave himself for us. (Galatians 2:20) • We do come together and study our Bibles to understand that because Jesus Christ shed His blood for us and we should not live for ourselves but for Him, who died for us and rose again. (2 Cor. 5:15) • We do not claim to have attained to these lofty goals, but we press toward the mark of the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 3:14) You can donate to this ministry through www.butnow.org and the PayPal button on the homepage.

    Resolute Podcast
    Even the Wisest Man Hated Life | Ecclesiastes 2:12-17

    Resolute Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 13, 2025 5:49

    No matter how much wisdom we gain, how many trophies we collect, or how well we plan, we all face the same fate. It's an uncomfortable truth, but Solomon didn't shy away from it. He wrestled with a reality we all try to ignore—does any of this really matter? Welcome to The Daily. We go through the bible verse-by-verse, chapter-by-chapter, every single day. Our text today is Ecclesiastes 2:12-17. So I turned to consider wisdom and madness and folly. For what can the man do who comes after the king? Only what has already been done. Then I saw that there is more gain in wisdom than in folly, as there is more gain in light than in darkness. The wise person has his eyes in his head, but the fool walks in darkness. And yet I perceived that the same event happens to all of them. Then I said in my heart, “What happens to the fool will happen to me also. Why then have I been so very wise?” And I said in my heart that this also is vanity. For of the wise as of the fool there is no enduring remembrance, seeing that in the days to come all will have been long forgotten. How the wise dies just like the fool! So I hated life, because what is done under the sun was grievous to me, for all is vanity and a striving after wind. — Ecclesiastes 2:12-17 Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, stood at the peak of human achievement. And yet, at the end of his reflection, he reached a disturbing conclusion—his wisdom and toil would eventually be left to another, whether wise or foolish. What he sees is the injustice of wisdom and toil. No matter how much effort he poured into his work and put into protecting his work, someone else would always reap the benefits. Someone else would enjoy the wealth he worked for all his life. Someone else would take his throne and do unwise things with the kingdom. And worst of all? His wisdom couldn't alter the unavoidable: both the wise and the fool share the same fate. The point? Death comes for all, erasing their memory from the minds of future generations. This reality broke Solomon. “So I hated life,” he admitted. Not because life was meaningless in itself but because its bounties were brief, passing to those who did not earn them. The temptation is to look at Solomon's words and despair, but his frustration points us to the truth: if all we labor for is under the sun, it will never satisfy. Everything we build, everything we achieve, will eventually be given to someone else. If our meaning is found in our work, we will be crushed by the reality that it won't last. We all know companies fail, businesses are sold, people are fired, careers are altered, all in the blink of an eye. But we find hope if we shift our focus above the sun—beyond this temporary world. Our labor, when accomplished for God, has eternal significance. The Apostle Paul echoes this in 1 Corinthians 15:58: “Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.” So, what do we do with this? Do we stop working, stop striving, and let life happen? No. But we must shift our perspective. So here's the challenge: Stop working for things that won't outlive you. Start investing in what will outlast you. How? Serve with eternity in mind. Work as if you are building something for God, not just yourself. Invest in people, not just projects. Prioritize relationships over rewards, faithfulness over fame, and obedience over outcomes. Whatever you do, do it for the glory of God (Colossians 3:23). If your toil is focused on earthly gain, you, like Solomon, will "Hate your toil." But if your toil is for the Kingdom, your labor is never in vain. #EternalPerspective, #WisdomFromSolomon, #WorkForGod ASK THIS: What earthly achievements do you invest in that won't last? How can you shift your focus from temporary success to eternal significance? In what ways does your work glorify God? How can you prioritize faithfulness over fame in your daily life? DO THIS: Shift your focus—serve with eternity in mind. Work as if you're building something for God, not just yourself. PRAY THIS: Lord, help me to labor for what lasts. Teach me to seek eternal significance rather than temporary gain, and to glorify You in all I do. Amen. PLAY THIS: Come Jesus Come.

    Christadelphians Talk
    The Enigma of Melchizedek #1 'Priest of the Most High God' Ron Kidd

    Christadelphians Talk

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 13, 2025 45:49

    A @Christadelphians Video: SummaryThis presentation explores the biblical figure of Melchizedek, who appears suddenly in Genesis 14 and is later referenced in the New Testament, particularly in the book of Hebrews. The presenter discusses the significance of Melchizedek's role as a priest of the Most High God and how he is connected to the Lord Jesus Christ and the process of reconciliation between God and humanity.Highlights

    Reformed Brotherhood | Sound Doctrine, Systematic Theology, and Brotherly Love

    n this episode of The Reformed Brotherhood, Jesse and Tony delve deep into Colossians 1:13-14, unpacking the Apostle Paul's rich theological message about being rescued from the domain of darkness and transferred into the kingdom of Christ. The discussion centers on the transformative power of God's grace, emphasizing the joy and beauty of redemption, forgiveness, and union with Christ. Through Christ alone, believers are qualified to share in the inheritance of the saints, receiving full access to the privileges of being children of God. Tony and Jesse explore the covenantal implications of the passage, showing how salvation is not based on human effort or merit but entirely on God's initiative. The conversation highlights the sufficiency of Christ in salvation, contrasting the gospel's message with works-based systems of theology. They also discuss how this passage reflects the broader themes of Pauline theology, including union with Christ, sanctification, and glorification. The hosts encourage listeners to embrace the good news of the gospel, reminding them that salvation is a gift received through Christ alone. They urge anyone who has not yet trusted in Christ to consider the beauty of being transferred into the kingdom of light. This episode is a theological feast, offering both encouragement and practical insights for living out the gospel. Key Points: Rescue and Redemption in Christ: Believers are delivered from the domain of darkness and transferred into the kingdom of God's beloved Son, emphasizing God's initiative in salvation. Union with Christ: Salvation is not merely transactional but relational, as believers are united with Christ and share in His inheritance. Covenantal Theology: The passage underscores the covenantal framework of Scripture, showing how believers are brought into a new covenantal relationship through Christ. The Sufficiency of Christ: The episode highlights Christ's sufficiency in salvation, rejecting works-based systems and affirming that salvation is entirely a gift of grace. Questions for Reflection: How does understanding that salvation is entirely God's initiative impact your walk with Christ? What does it mean to you personally to be transferred from the domain of darkness into the kingdom of light? How does the concept of union with Christ shape your understanding of your identity as a believer?

    MoneyWise on Oneplace.com
    Render Unto Caesar What Is Caesar's

    MoneyWise on Oneplace.com

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 12, 2025 24:57

    "So give back to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's." - Matthew 22:21This statement from Jesus is one of the most profound and thought-provoking verses in the New Testament. While it is often quoted in discussions about paying taxes, it carries far deeper implications. What does this passage truly mean for us as Christ-followers today? Let's explore its historical context and the spiritual truths that challenge us to live with a kingdom perspective.The Trap Set for JesusThe words of Jesus in Matthew 22:21 came during a tense confrontation between Him and the Pharisees. They sought to trap Him with a politically charged question:"Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar or not?"At that time, Israel was under Roman rule, and paying taxes to the emperor was a sore subject among the Jewish people. Saying “yes” would alienate Him from His Jewish followers, who resented Roman oppression. Saying “no” would paint Him as a revolutionary in the eyes of the Roman authorities.But instead of falling into their trap, Jesus turned the question back on them. He asked for a denarius—a Roman coin bearing Caesar's image—and posed a question of His own:"Whose likeness and inscription is this?"When they answered, “Caesar's,” Jesus delivered His famous response:"Give back to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's."On a surface level, Jesus affirmed that people should fulfill their civic duties, including paying taxes. The coin bore Caesar's image, signifying that it belonged to the government. By saying, “Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's,” Jesus acknowledged the legitimacy of human authority.This teaching aligns with what the Apostle Paul later wrote in Romans 13:1-7, where he urged believers to submit to governing authorities, recognizing them as instruments of God's order. Paying taxes, respecting laws, and contributing to society are responsibilities of every Christian.Yet, Jesus did not stop with Caesar—He introduced a deeper spiritual truth.What Belongs to God?Jesus followed His statement: "Render unto God what is God's.” This raises an important question: What belongs to God?To answer this, we must look at Genesis 1:27, which tells us that humanity is made in the image of God (Imago Dei). Just as the denarius bore Caesar's image and belonged to him, we bear God's image—meaning our entire lives belong to Him.This truth calls us to complete surrender. While we owe taxes, respect, and obedience to earthly authorities, our ultimate allegiance is to God. He doesn't just claim a portion of our income—He claims our hearts, minds, souls, and strength.Many people compartmentalize their lives, separating the "secular" from the "sacred." Work, finances, and citizenship belong to the earthly realm, while prayer, worship, and church belong to God. But Jesus' teaching destroys this false divide.If everything belongs to God, then every aspect of our lives—including our work, relationships, finances, and civic responsibilities—should be offered to Him as an act of worship.By pointing to the coin's image, Jesus subtly challenges us:Whose image do we bear? To whom do we belong? Where does our primary allegiance lie?This is not just a lesson about paying taxes—it's about our identity and purpose in God's kingdom.Jesus' words also highlight the temporary nature of earthly governments compared to God's eternal reign. Rome's empire, like every human government, would eventually fall. But God's kingdom is everlasting.This is why Scripture reminds us:"Our citizenship is in heaven, and we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ." - Philippians 3:20"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth...but store up for yourselves treasures in heaven." - Matthew 6:19-20While we must live responsibly within earthly systems, we do so with the understanding that our true home is in God's unshakable kingdom.Faithful Stewards in Both Realms"Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's" is a call to faithful stewardship both in earthly and heavenly matters. As followers of Christ, we are called to:Honor our civic responsibilities (pay taxes, obey laws, engage in society). Live with eternity in mind (prioritizing God's kingdom above all else). Offer our whole lives to God (because we bear His image and belong to Him).As 1 Peter 2:9 reminds us, we are "a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession." This identity should shape every decision we make, including how we manage our finances, serve others, and navigate our role in the world.Ultimately, Jesus' response was not just a clever answer to a political trap but a profound statement of divine truth.While we live in this world, we are not of it (John 17:16). Our ultimate purpose is not to accumulate wealth, power, or influence in earthly systems but to live in a way that reflects God's glory.So, as you navigate financial decisions, work responsibilities, and civic duties, ask yourself:Am I honoring God with everything I have? Am I living as a faithful steward of both my earthly and heavenly citizenship? Am I prioritizing the eternal over the temporary?By faithfully rendering what is due to Caesar and God, we live as true citizens of heaven, bearing witness to His sovereignty and grace in a world that desperately needs Him.On Today's Program, Rob Answers Listener Questions:I'm on a limited budget, paying for school, and my husband covers more of the bills. We've been asked to give small gifts at work, like $10 for the boss, and contribute to other occasions. But these little gifts have added up, and I've spent over $200 in the last month. I don't have the budget for this. Is it wrong or unchristian of me not to want to give? Should I have a different mindset or tell my co-workers I don't have the budget for this?I'm 57, and my wife and I are debt-free. We want to start a business together, but I'm unsure if it's too risky at my age. Am I ever too old to start a new venture? What process should I consider, and should I set it up as an LLC or sole proprietorship?Resources Mentioned:Faithful Steward: FaithFi's New Quarterly PublicationLook At The Sparrows: A 21-Day Devotional on Financial Fear and AnxietyRich Toward God: A Study on the Parable of the Rich FoolFind a Certified Kingdom Advisor (CKA) or Certified Christian Financial Counselor (CertCFC)FaithFi App Remember, you can call in to ask your questions most days at (800) 525-7000. Faith & Finance is also available on the Moody Radio Network and American Family Radio. Visit our website at FaithFi.com where you can join the FaithFi Community and give as we expand our outreach.

    The Unexpected Cosmology Podcast
    427 | Kingdomverse LIVE Q&A: Little Season, JFK Assassination, Q-Anon, Trump, and the Apostle Paul

    The Unexpected Cosmology Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 12, 2025 147:21

    Additional topics: Millennial Kingdom, Islam, Soul Mates, Feminine Holy Spirit, Feminine Divine, Soul Mates, Flat Earth Cosmology, Hidden Wilderness, Stolen His-Story, Mary Magdalene, Holy Family, extra Biblical and Sacred Books, Torah, Paul, Israel, Temple Mount, Islam, Arthurian Mysteries, Mysteries, Hebrew Roots, Esoteric Hollywood, Aliens, Spiritual Entities, Serpent Seed, Hoaxes, World Stage News, Titanic, MK-Utra, Atomic Bomb, Old Maps

    The Unexpected Cosmology Podcast
    430 | Paul Taught Torah: Investigating the Apostle Paul's Teachings on Circumcision in Acts

    The Unexpected Cosmology Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 12, 2025 103:06

    Help Support TUC Ministry and Widow Fund 2025: https://www.gofundme.com/f/support-tu... Website: The Unexpected Cosmology Link: https://theunexpectedcosmology.com/ Archives page: https://theunexpectedcosmology.com/ar... Patreon Support:   / membership   Hebrew Match Dating: https://www.hebrewmatch.com/ Shelves of Shalom Publishing: https://shelvesofshalompublishing.com/ Contact: noelhadley@yahoo.com Facebook:   / theunexpectedcosmology  

    NLKBM Sound Biblical Doctrine Hour

    Ephesians 4 tells us that the Lord has given gifts unto men and they are gifts that are appointed and ordained by the Lord.  There is a purpose for these gifts and that purpose is described by the Apostle Paul.  Oftentimes Christians believe the purpose of the church is evangelism, but let's see what the Bible says.  Evangelism is not the purpose of the church by is a by product of a healthy church.

    The Bible Provocateur

    The Bible Provocateur

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 12, 2025 38:18 Transcription Available

    Send us a textImagine a life where the constraints of the law no longer bind you, and freedom through faith takes its place. In our latest episode, we promise to unravel the profound theological insights found in Romans 7, where the Apostle Paul uses the metaphor of marriage to explain how believers are liberated from the old law by Christ's death. We address a common misunderstanding among Christians today—that adherence to the law is still necessary—by emphasizing that through Christ, the law's hold is severed, opening the door to a fruitful spiritual life.The discussion takes a deep dive into the transformative power of Christ as our spiritual spouse, highlighting the shift from the dominance of the old law to the new covenant of grace and faith. We explore the complete fulfillment of the law through Christ's obedience, liberating us from legalistic chains and inviting us into a new life rich with spiritual abundance. By examining Paul's teachings, we gain a clearer understanding of how Christ's sacrifice offers complete liberation, allowing us to embrace a relationship rooted in grace rather than past constraints.Join us as we explore the significant distinction between living under the law and embracing the freedom found in faith. Through a compelling conversation, we invite listeners to reflect on the concept of being "dead to the law" and the empowerment that comes from living under Christ's dominion. Salvation and justification, as we discuss, are through faith alone, not a mixture of law-keeping and belief. Celebrate with us the grace and endless life offered through Christ's sacrifice and discover a deeper understanding of the Christian faith.Support the show

    The Bible Provocateur

    The Bible Provocateur

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 12, 2025 38:21 Transcription Available

    Send us a textHave you ever wondered how the law of God applies to Christians today? Join us for an enlightening exploration into Romans, chapter 7, verse 1, as we unravel the complex relationship between Christians and the divine law. This episode promises to shed light on how Apostle Paul brilliantly communicates the role of civil, ceremonial, and moral laws in the lives of believers. We break down these profound teachings into digestible insights that reveal how Paul's understanding of the law can impact modern believers.We tackle the misconception that Christians are bound to strict legal adherence to maintain salvation. Through our discussion, you'll learn that Paul emphasizes the law's dominion over a person ceases with death, offering believers freedom through grace. We carefully balance the discussion, ensuring that our understanding of grace does not lead to lawlessness, but to a more profound comprehension of the relationship between law and grace. Our conversation addresses the fallacy of law-keeping as a path to salvation, reiterating that believers are liberated from the law's constraints upon death.Finally, we delve into Paul's metaphor of marriage to illustrate the release from the law's dominion after death. Just as a widow is free to remarry, believers too are released from the law's hold, encouraging a straightforward grasp of Paul's message. By breaking down complex theological concepts into simple terms, we aim to dispel common misunderstandings and emphasize the freedom and grace available to believers. Tune in as we navigate these theological intricacies and invite a fresh understanding of how Paul's teachings can illuminate the path for Christians today.Support the show

    The Craig T. Owens Audio Blog
    The best sermons

    The Craig T. Owens Audio Blog

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 12, 2025 2:51

    In one short question, the apostle Paul gives a master class for preachers today to design a sermon that is both applicable and memorable. Check out my blog, my other podcasts, my books, and so much more at http://linktr.ee/craigtowens  ►► Would you please prayerfully consider supporting this ministry? My Patreon supporters get behind-the-scenes access to exclusive materials. ◀︎◀︎

    Hi Line Ministries
    Galatians 4:22-24

    Hi Line Ministries

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 12, 2025 68:09

    The Apostle Paul uses the two sons of Abraham as examples of law and grace, and the works of the flesh and the fruit of the spirit!

    Enjoying the Journey
    What the Bible Says

    Enjoying the Journey

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 11, 2025 10:04

    (2 Timothy 3:13-17) In an age of deception God's people must know what they believe - and why! We must be ready to share with others, not what we think, but what God thinks. It is time to know and make known what the Bible says. (0938250211) ----more----   The Purpose and Profit of the Bible Everywhere I go, it seems that the favorite verse of people today seems to be 2 Timothy 3 and verse number 13, where the Bible says, "But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived." I hear everybody quoting that verse and talking about how bad things have gotten and the pitiful condition of churches and communities and culture, and there's no doubt that's true. But I want to remind you that verse does not stand alone. That text has a context. As a matter of fact, immediately after the Apostle Paul writes to Timothy, those words, "Evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived," he says in the very next verse, 2 Timothy 3:14, "But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned, and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them." In other words, yes, there are negatives all around us, but on the positive side, we're supposed to continue in the truth. Yes, this is an age of deception, all the more reason for us to take a strong stand on the truth. Yes, there is a spirit of Antichrist at work in our world that's trying to deceive people. But friends, just because the spirit of the deceiver is at work does not mean that the Holy Spirit has stopped his work. Oh, the spirit of truth is alive and well. He's at work in me today. He's at work in you today. He's at work through the Word today. And that's why God's people need to know what the Bible says. Listen to the verse again, 2 Timothy chapter 3 verse 14, "But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned. And has been assured of knowing of whom thou hast learned them. " Learning the Bible The three great principles, the three great truths in that verse. Number one, you have to learn the word. He said, if you're going to live it, if you're going to teach it and preach it to others, you have to learn it. So we must learn what God says. Assurance of the Bible Then, you must develop some assurance about what you're learning. He not only says you've learned it, he said you've been assured of these things. You must develop some deep personal conviction that the Word of God truly is that, the Word of God. It is the revelation of God Himself. It is the truth. And I trust and pray that you're developing a deeper and deeper conviction and confidence in the Word of God. This is the very Word of Truth. And you can trust a God who never lies. As a matter of fact, he says at the end of the verse, "Knowing of whom thou hast learned them." What's that a reference to? He goes on in verse 15 to say, "And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus." He's saying that faith that was laid for you in childhood. That simple truth that you were willing to accept in your youth, don't ever get away from that. No matter how complicated the world may get, no matter how complex the problems may be, always go back again and again to the simplicity that is in Jesus Christ. Only Christ, only the Word of Truth can cut through the mess and the mayhem of our world and of our lives. Only the Lord can do that. So never forget. Where you learned it and who you learned it from. Timothy had a godly mother and a holy grandmother. Do you remember Lois and Eunice? Never forget those people who gave you this heritage. Never forget the people who taught you the truth. Perhaps there's some hint here as well of Paul reminding Timothy of what he personally had taught him in his youth. You remember how Timothy joined Paul when he was just a very young man. Paul is saying, don't ever forget the things that you were taught early on in your life. Don't ever get moved off the foundation of your faith. So number one, you must learn what the Bible says. Then you must be assured of what the Bible says. Continue in the Bible And then, you must continue in what the Bible says, but continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and has been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them. Look, we're living in a world of quitters. Even when it comes to faith, even when it comes to ministry, even when it comes to, to so called Christians, we're living in a world of people that just are giving up on the Lord, giving up on the truth, giving up on the church. Don't be one of those people. You be one of those people that continue. I want to cross the finish line of glory. Not coasting in heaven, but with a pedal to the metal. I want to finish strong. I want to finish well. Is that what you want for your life? And you're going to have to make up your mind today that you're going to continue in what the Bible says. The Sufficiency of Scripture At the end of this very same chapter, he goes on to say these words, 2 Timothy 3 verse 16, "All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works." In other words, we believe in the sufficiency of Scripture. It is enough. God has not told you everything He knows, but He's told you everything you need to know. We have all things that pertain to life and godliness. In the Word of God, God gives you all the truth you need to live a victorious life. The Bible says here that Scripture makes us wise unto salvation. That's where you have to begin, by knowing the Lord as your personal Savior. You can't understand the Word of God if you don't know the God of the Word. So if you're not a believer, let's start here with the most basic thing, God loves you. Jesus Christ died for your sins. He was buried and rose from the dead. He wants to come live in your life and He wants you to live with Him eternally. He wants to give you today everlasting life. Would you put your faith in the Lord Jesus right now? Would you look to him in simple childlike faith and call on him and say, Lord, be merciful to me, a sinner. At first, you must be saved. But then, we don't end there. That's just the beginning. (Visit enjoyingthejourney.org/gospel to learn more.) The Purpose of the Bible after Salvation The Bible says once the scripture makes us wise in a salvation, then it goes on to profit us in these ways: doctrine, reproof, correction, and instruction. Now, notice the divine order here. Doctrine is the foundation. It's what we believe. That's what the word doctrine means. Our beliefs. So you've got to start with what you believe. Honestly, what you believe is going to affect how you behave. We might say it this way, your doctrine affects your deportment. Your life grows out of what you truly believe in your heart. So he begins with doctrine. Then he says, for reproof, That's to show us where we're wrong. Then he says for correction, that's to show us how to get right. Then he says for instruction in righteousness, that's telling us how to stay right. But notice, before he deals with the practicality of our individual life, before he deals with us personally. And the way we live every day, he begins with doctrine. That's why we're beginning this brand new series on what the Bible says. Why? Because only by learning what the Bible says can we learn truly what God wants. When you come to study the Bible, you shouldn't come to, to learn things. Some people study the Bible almost like they're getting ready for Bible trivia, and that's very dangerous because you can know things without knowing God. In fact, the Apostle Paul said, knowledge puffeth up. You can get full of knowledge and just be full of yourself instead of full of God. A Personal Prayer for Understanding the Bible When we approach the Scriptures, we must come to the Word of God saying, Lord, reveal yourself to me. Lord, I want to know you. And if you'll come with that spirit, that hunger, that thirst, that heart, then God will begin to reveal his truth to you. And you must begin by knowing what the Bible says with doctrine. It's really not so much about formula as it is about desire. Do you hunger and thirst after righteousness? Jesus says you'll be filled. David said, As the heart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God. Moses said, Show me now thy way that I may know thee. I want to challenge you today to begin this study of what the Bible says with a simple prayer. A personal prayer from your heart. Dear Lord, show me yourself. Dear Lord, help me know God better. Help me to know the God of truth so that I'll have the foundation to become the person that God saved me to be. This is the only way to truly understand what the Bible says. Repeating what other people have said about the Bible is not enough. We must know the biblical reason behind what we believe.  Outro We hope you will visit us at etj.bible to access our library of Bible teaching resources, including book by book studies of Scripture. You'll also find studies to watch, listen to, or read. We are so grateful for those who pray for us, who share the Biblical content, and for those who invest to help us advance this ministry worldwide. Again, thank you for listening, and we hope you'll join us next time on Enjoying the Journey.

    Bold Steps with Dr. Mark Jobe
    Working It Out – Part 1

    Bold Steps with Dr. Mark Jobe

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 11, 2025 26:00 Transcription Available

    Today on Bold Steps, we’re starting a brand-new mini-series from the book of Philippians, chapter 2. Pastor Mark Jobe originally gave this message to the students at Moody Bible Institute during a President’s Chapel. And he's going be talking about ties to the Apostle Paul reminding us to work out our faith with fear and trembling. Bold Step Gift: Building Love In Blended FamiliesBecome a Bold Partner: http://moodyradio.org/donateto/boldsteps/partnersSee omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Walk in Truth
    1st Corinthians - Carnal or Growing? - Part 3

    Walk in Truth

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 11, 2025 26:01

    Message: 5 Episode: 3 of 3 Key Verses: 1st Corinthians 3:1-9 Are you growing spiritually, or are you stuck in a cycle of worldly thinking? In Carnal or Growing?, Pastor Michael Lantz continues our series in 1 Corinthians, diving into chapter 3, verses 1-9. The Apostle Paul challenges the Corinthian church—and us—to examine whether we are still living as "mere men," driven by jealousy and division, or if we are maturing in Christ. What does it mean to move from spiritual infancy to real growth? And how do we align ourselves with God's work rather than human rivalry? Join us as we unpack these powerful truths on Walk in Truth! Welcome to Walk in Truth! These are the Bible teachings of Pastor Michael Lantz. Equipping you to reach out with God's truth to all people. And how to apply that truth to today's issues, trends, and culture.  Leave your question or comment contact@walkintruth.com

    RaceLine Podcast
    Episode 752: Ep 752: Chapel "Coaching" I Thes 2:9-13

    RaceLine Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 11, 2025 23:51

    Are you an encourager? Do you like to exhort people or come alongside them to help? It is an excellent gift if you do. How you coach people and direct them is essential. The Apostle Paul leaves us a great example of how to do this. This will be a good time to sharpen your spiritual coaching skills.

    Orchard Community Church Sermons
    The Method: Sanctification

    Orchard Community Church Sermons

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 11, 2025 44:54

    “The Method: Sanctification” 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12The method God uses to bring about our spiritual transformation is called sanctification.  In the process of our sanctification, we are to seek to work with God in the work He is seeking to do in us.___________________________________________Faith in Uncertain Times1 ThessaloniansWe live in uncertain times.  Wars rage, our nation is deeply divided, and as Christians, we find ourselves in a culture that is increasingly resistant to our faith. In the book of 1 Thessalonians, the Apostle Paul writes to a church that was also dealing with uncertain times.  The Thessalonians lived in a world that was hostile to their faith, enduring persecution and even violence at times. As new believers, they also grappled with confusion about their doctrines and faced the divisive influence of individuals sowing discord among them. Yet, unlike most churches Paul wrote to, he offered the Thessalonians no correction, only encouragement and praise.  The Thessalonians provide a great model to learn from as we seek to live our faith in these uncertain times.Orchard Community Church8180 Telephone RdVentura CA 93004www.OrchardVentura.orgContact us at Info@OrchardVentura.orgOrchard's Streaming and Song Select CCLI# 160190

    Enjoying the Journey
    Questions, Periods, and Exclamation Points

    Enjoying the Journey

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 10, 2025 10:04

    (Acts 17:1-34) Our generation has more information available than ever, and yet there seems to be such a lack of truth. Every question must be brought to the Giver of truth! Today we look at three treatments of truth. How do we treat the truth? (0937250210) ----more---- Finding Truth in the Information Age This generation is a generation that has more information than any generation in history. We have more access to facts and to stories and to news at our fingertips than our grandparents ever could have imagined. This is an age where people know much and yet have more questions than they've ever had. Isn't it ironic that we have so much information, and yet there seems to be such a dearth of truth. Our age is an age of questions. People are asking so many things. And knowing the answers to the questions, or at least where to find the answers to the questions, is absolutely vital for a believer. One of the worst answers you can give to someone when they start asking serious questions about spiritual truth, and eternity, and God is to answer this way, or even to say, "Someone else said." It'd be much better to say the Bible, which is the word of God teaches. So in the end, we must come back to this. What does the Bible say? What does God have to say about it?  The Foundation of Our Study We're beginning a brand new series of studies today on what the Bible says about a whole host of doctrinal issues and current issues. I'm very excited about this series, and I want to tell you right up front that before we give our opinion on anything, we must first lay the Bible foundation. We must begin with what thus saith the Lord. And then the application can grow out of that. Now though this is somewhat a topical series, I want you to know that we're going to deal with it. In a way that is expository. I mean by that, we're going to dig into the Word of God. We're going to let God speak for Himself. And today, I want to lay a little foundation for this series on what the Bible says by talking to you about three treatments of the truth. Three Treatments of the Truth: Thessalonica In Acts chapter number 17, the Apostle Paul is preaching, he's teaching the truth, and it's recorded for us that he's in three distinct cities. Now these three cities represent really three receptions or responses to the truth. In Acts chapter 17, beginning in verse number 1, he comes to a city known as Thessalonica. Thessalonica, of course, will be famous in history to Christians because there are two books of our New Testament written to the church at Thessalonica. And the Bible says in verse two that Paul, as his manner was went in unto them and three Sabbath days reasoned with them out of the scriptures, opening and alleging that Christ must needs have suffered and risen again from the dead. And that this Jesus whom I preach unto you is Christ. What a wonderful verse. In other words, he got right to the heart of the matter, and the heart of all of it is the person and work of Jesus Christ. If Jesus Christ is not who he says he is, nothing else matters. What you believe about the living word is directly connected to what you believe about the written word. Their response in verse 4 says, And some of them believed, and consorted with Paul and Silas and of the devout Greeks a great multitude, and of the chief women not a few. But the Jews which believed not, moved with envy, took unto them certain lewd fellows of the baser sort. And gathered a company, set all the city on an uproar and assaulted the house of Jason and sought to bring them out to the people. They literally are going to bring such persecution that the believers in Thessalonica have to sneak Paul and his missionary team out of town, undercover of darkness to spare their life. So in Thessalonica, you have a group of people who believe, but you have a large segment of people that not only do not believe, they don't want anybody else to hear the truth. I call them the Thessalonican thieves. Because they wanted to steal the truth from others. In our current day, we have a lot of Thessalonican thieves. Not only do they not want to believe, not only are they not willing to obey the word of God, they don't want anybody else to have it either. And so they speak against God, and they speak against the truth. It's almost comical, if it wasn't so sad, that many of those who profess they don't even believe in God spend a whole lot of energy and time Trying to prove he does not exist. And arguing against his existence. If he doesn't believe that there is a God, what difference does it make? Why even argue against it? The fool has said in his heart, there is no God. And you're gonna deal with Thessalonican thieves in this generation. who are trying to steal the seed of truth out of the hearts and minds of people. Let's go to the end of the chapter, because I want to finish our study today with the second church, not the third. Three Treatments of the Truth: Athens The third church that's found in Acts 17 is the beginning of the church, at least, in Athens. You'll remember that Athens was a very secular city. It was a culture that was filled with false religion. As a matter of fact, the Apostle Paul stands up on Mars Hill in Acts chapter 17 and verse 22, and he says, You men of Athens, I perceive that in all things ye are too superstitious. That sounds like our world, doesn't it? Full of superstition. Full of people who profess to be spiritual, but they don't even know the spirit of truth. And then in verse 23, the Apostle Paul says, For as I passed by and beheld your devotions, I found an altar with this inscription, To the unknown God, whom therefore you ignorantly worship, Him declare I unto you. Oh, what a beautiful truth. He goes right on to preach to them the God that they needed to know. I would tell you that our world today is searching for the unknown God. Aren't you glad you know him? And if you know him, it's your responsibility to make him known. He begins with the Creator, and he comes all the way up to Christ. And the Bible says in verse 32, And when they heard of the resurrection of the dead, some mocked. And others said, We will hear thee again of this matter. So Paul departed from among them, howbeit certain men claimed unto him and believed. Among the witch was Dionysius, the Areopagite. And a woman named Damaris and others with them. Are you noticing a pattern? That in every place where truth is given, some people receive and some do not. I call these people in Athens the Athenian Academia. And I'll tell you why. Because the Bible says here in Acts chapter 17 that they spend all of their time in either to tell or to hear some new thing. Oh, I believe novelty is the scourge of our day. Everybody wants something new. And the truth is not new. It may be heard for the first time, it is perennially fresh, but it's not new. It's eternal. It's connected to the God of truth who has always been. So you've got the Thessalonican thieves who are trying to steal truth away from others and then you've got the Athenian academia. Who just want to talk about it. They want to reason and philosophize and argue and debate, but they never arrive anywhere. Three Treatments of the Truth: Berea And then we come to the church, the city that's sandwiched between the two, and that's Berea. The Bible says in verse number 10 of Acts 17, And the brethren immediately sent away Paul and Silas by night unto Berea, who coming thither went into the synagogue of the Jews. These were more noble than those in Thessalonica. And that they receive the word with all readiness of mind and search the scriptures daily, whether those things were so we've got the festival, ni and Thieves who want to steal the truth from others because they don't believe we have the Athenian academia who make it all intellectual and they want to reason and talk about lots of things. But many of them never came to the knowledge of the truth because they really weren't searching for answers. They just enjoyed talking about the questions. But here we have the great response. We have what we call the Berean believers. They wanted to receive the truth. They wanted to know the truth. I wonder, do you want to know the truth? If you do, you must do exactly what they did in Berea. You must search the scriptures daily.  Seeking and Sharing the Truth That's really what this broadcast is all about. Encouraging people to study the Word of God. To find out what the Bible says. For In the words of Acts 17 verse 11, whether those things were so you see only when you've settled that in your own heart and mind. Can you speak with confidence when others ask you questions? I wonder today, do you really want to know the truth? And when you hear it, how will you respond to it? For a Christian, your faith should not be full of question marks. It should be full of periods and exclamation points, repeating what other people have said about the Bible is not enough. We must know the biblical reason behind what we believe. Greg: More Resources  We hope you will visit us at etj.bible to access our library of Bible teaching resources, including book by book studies of Scripture. You'll also find studies to watch, listen to, or read. We are so grateful for those who pray for us, who share the biblical content, and for those who invest to help us advance this ministry worldwide. Again, thank you for listening, and we hope you'll join us next time on Enjoying the Journey.

    Homebrewed Christianity Podcast
    Jeremy Fackenthal: History & the Messianic in Walter Benjamin

    Homebrewed Christianity Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 10, 2025 90:35

    In this episode, I am joined by philosopher, filmmaker, and longtime friend Dr. Jeremy Fackenthal as we dive into the intricate philosophy of Walter Benjamin. We explore memory, history, suffering, and the weak messianic power that empowers us to redeem the past through remembrance. We also touch on the implications of Benjamin's thought for understanding the revolutionary potential in our present moment. Tune in for a nerdy, stimulating conversation that bridges theology and philosophy, grounded in historical materialism and some fun memories from our PhD days. You can WATCH this conversation on YouTube. Jeremy Fackenthal is a philosopher, non-profit director, and filmmaker living in San Diego, CA. He holds a PhD in Philosophy of Religion and Theology from Claremont Graduate University. He was previously director for Toward Ecological Civilization. He has shot and edited a number of films, including Spitting Fire, a short documentary produced in conjunction with ARC and a grant through Yale Divinity School. Jeremy researches and writes in the areas of process thought, theopoetics, and critical theory. He co-edited Theopoetic Folds: Philosophizing Multifariousness and Whitehead and Continental Philosophy in the Twenty-First Century: Dislocations and is currently beginning a documentary film on the relevance of Walter Benjamin for the 21st century.  A Five-Week Online Lenten Class w/ John Dominic Crossan Join us for a transformative 5-week Lenten journey on "Paul the Pharisee: Faith and Politics in a Divided World."This course examines the Apostle Paul as a Pharisee deeply engaged with the turbulent political and religious landscape of his time. Through the lens of his letters and historical context, we will explore Paul's understanding of Jesus' Life-Vision, his interpretation of the Execution-and-Resurrection, and their implications for nonviolence and faithful resistance against empire. Each week, we will delve into a specific aspect of Paul's theology and legacy, reflecting on its relevance for our own age of autocracy and political turmoil. . For details and to sign-up for any donation, including 0, head over here. Lexington Theological Seminary is the sponsor for this Episode. Lexington Theological Seminary is a pioneer in online theological education. Both the Doctoral and Masters programs are designed with the flexibility and contextual focus needed for the working student. You can learn more by heading here. Here are a few episodes with a couple of their Profs Leah Schade & Wilson Dickinson: Faith During an Ecological Collapse Leah Schade: Preaching in a time of Crisis from Corona to Climate Wilson Dickinson: Faith After a Neo-liberal Compliant Church _____________________ Join our class - TRUTH IN TOUGH TIMES: Global Voices of Liberation This podcast is a Homebrewed Christianity production. Follow the Homebrewed Christianity, Theology Nerd Throwdown, & The Rise of Bonhoeffer podcasts for more theological goodness for your earbuds. Join over 80,000 other people by joining our Substack - Process This! Get instant access to over 45 classes at www.TheologyClass.com Follow the podcast, drop a review, send feedback/questions or become a member of the HBC Community. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Daily Radio Bible Podcast
    February 10th, 25:Leviticus' Laws and Paul's Message of Grace

    Daily Radio Bible Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 10, 2025 32:39

    Click here for the DRB Daily Sign Up form! TODAY'S SCRIPTURE: Click HERE to give! Get Free App Here! One Year Bible Podcast: Join Hunter and Heather Barnes on 'The Daily Radio Bible' for a daily 20-minute spiritual journey. Engage with scripture readings, heartfelt devotionals, and collective prayers that draw you into the heart of God's love. Embark on this year-long voyage through the Bible, and let each day's passage uplift and inspire you. TODAY'S EPISODE: Welcome to another episode of the Daily Radio Bible! On this day 41 of our journey through the Bible, your host, Hunter, our dedicated Bible reading coach, guides us through Leviticus chapters 13 and 14, and Acts chapter 17. Today, we delve into the detailed instructions given by the Lord to Moses and Aaron regarding the examination and purification of skin diseases as well as the handling of mildew contamination. We then shift our gaze to the Apostle Paul, who, along with Silas, continues spreading the good news about Jesus in Thessalonica and Berea. We witness the diverse reactions of both acceptance and resistance to their message, eventually leading Paul to speak to the philosophers in Athens about the God in whom we all live and have our being. Hunter reflects on the transformative power of recognizing and accepting God's love, inviting us all to engage deeply with the scriptures and to see the world through the lens of God's overarching presence and grace. Join us as we journey deeper into the Word and the profound truths it reveals. TODAY'S DEVOTION: They called him a babbler, a teacher of strange things. That's what they said of Paul when he appeared before the philosophers of Athens. How is it that even the most enlightened among us can hear the good news of the gospel and end up interpreting it as babble? They said, what's this babbler trying to say with these strange ideas he's picked up? God reveals God. Ours is to participate with God who reveals himself, the God who's already at work. Paul knows this. That's why he looks out over all the people of Athens and he says, you are already living and moving and having your being in God. He's already right here. He's already with you. You just don't know it yet. I've come to tell you who he is, to tell you how good he is, how he has already purchased your freedom, and the life that you so deeply desire. The gospel is the good news that God has come to us in our blindness and opens our eyes to behold who he is. It's a declaration of what is and what has been done. And when our eyes are open, we see that we are his children, and we did nothing to bring that about. That god was always at work in my life long before I had any clue. That this god who loved me has loved and embraced the whole world. He's looked upon the whole human race like a good father looks upon children he loves. The world doesn't know it yet, but that's what's true. To many, it all sounds like babble because they're blind. They've bought into a lie of separation. We don't think God is for us. We're blind to the God who loved us before we even knew him. But god opens eyes and god reveals himself. And he's come to let the whole world know that they are loved. And we, like Paul, are invited to see what god sees, to participate and proclaim this good news in Athens, in Portland, New Jersey, Houston, all around the world. He's already there. People are living and moving and having their being in him, and he's opening their eyes. He's showing everyone, ordinary people like you and I. He's showing all of us. He's making himself known. Do you hear him? Do you hear what he's saying to you? Or does it all just sound like babble? My prayer is that the eyes of your heart will be opened to see the depth, the length, the width, the height of God's love for you. That's a prayer that I have for my own soul. That's a prayer that I have for my family, for my wife and my daughters and my son. And that's a prayer that I have for you. May it be so. TODAY'S PRAYERS: Lord God Almighty and everlasting father you have brought us in safety to this new day preserve us with your Mighty power that we might not fall into sin or be overcome by adversity. And in all we do, direct us to the fulfilling of your purpose  through Jesus Christ Our Lord amen.   Oh God you have made of one blood all the peoples of the earth and sent your blessed son to preach peace to those who are far and those who are near. Grant that people everywhere may seek after you, and find you. Bring the nations into your fold, pour out your Spirit on all flesh, and hasten the coming of your kingdom through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.   And now Lord,  make me an instrument of your peace.  Where there is hatred let me sow love. Where there is injury, pardon.  Where there is doubt, faith. Where there is despair, hope.  Where there is darkness, light.  And where there is sadness,  Joy.  Oh Lord grant that I might not seek to be consoled as to console. To be understood as to understand, to be loved as to love.  For it is in the giving that we receive, in the pardoning that we are pardoned, it is in the dying that we are born unto eternal life.  Amen And now as our Lord has taught us we are bold to pray... Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven, give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our tresspasses as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not unto temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the Kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen. Loving God, we give you thanks for restoring us in your image. And nourishing us with spiritual food, now send us forth as forgiven people, healed and renewed, that we may proclaim your love to the world, and continue in the risen life of Christ.  Amen.  OUR WEBSITE: www.dailyradiobible.com We are reading through the New Living Translation.   Leave us a voicemail HERE: https://www.speakpipe.com/dailyradiobible Subscribe to us at YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Dailyradiobible/featured OTHER PODCASTS: Listen with Apple Podcast DAILY BIBLE FOR KIDS DAILY PSALMS DAILY PROVERBS DAILY LECTIONARY DAILY CHRONOLOGICAL  

    Walk in Truth
    1st Corinthians - Carnal or Growing? - Part 2

    Walk in Truth

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 10, 2025 26:01

    Message: 5 Episode: 2 of 3 Key Verses: 1st Corinthians 3:1-9 Are you growing spiritually, or are you stuck in a cycle of worldly thinking? In Carnal or Growing?, Pastor Michael Lantz continues our series in 1 Corinthians, diving into chapter 3, verses 1-9. The Apostle Paul challenges the Corinthian church—and us—to examine whether we are still living as "mere men," driven by jealousy and division, or if we are maturing in Christ. What does it mean to move from spiritual infancy to real growth? And how do we align ourselves with God's work rather than human rivalry? Join us as we unpack these powerful truths on Walk in Truth! Welcome to Walk in Truth! These are the Bible teachings of Pastor Michael Lantz. Equipping you to reach out with God's truth to all people. And how to apply that truth to today's issues, trends, and culture.  Leave your question or comment contact@walkintruth.com

    The Bob Siegel Show
    The Third Temple And The Holy Spirit -The Bob Siegel Show Ep 1010

    The Bob Siegel Show

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 10, 2025 7:06

    The Apostle Paul, in 2 Thessalonians, talks about the Anti-Christ being presently restrained from coming into power. What is the identity of the restrainer? Is this the Holy Spirit?   Click on your podcasting platform below to subscribe to The Bob Siegel Show: Apple  |  Google  | Spotify |  TuneIn  | Blubrry | Deezer | Android  […]

    Faith And Failures
    Faith and Alcohol: Navigating Moderation, Self-Control, and Spiritual Integrity

    Faith And Failures

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 10, 2025 28:26 Transcription Available

    Can alcohol be part of a Christian's life, or does faith ask us to abstain entirely? Join me as I unravel this age-old question through the lens of my own journey with alcoholism, shedding light on how self-control—a fruit of the Spirit—has become my guiding principle. We take a hard look at Ephesians 5:18, where the Apostle Paul cautions against drunkenness and its potential to lead lives astray. Our discussion navigates the varied perspectives within Christianity, from complete abstinence to moderation, and explores why I've chosen the former. Witness how alcohol, for some, can be a slippery slope, distorting virtues into vices and highlighting the necessity for thoughtful choices in line with faith.The episode also unpacks the delicate balance between consuming alcohol and maintaining a spiritually aligned life, emphasizing the stark distinction between moderation and excess. Romans 14:21 serves as a pivotal point, reminding us how our choices can influence the faith journey of others. We explore the vital roles of accountability, modesty, and wisdom, urging believers to wield their personal freedoms responsibly. Discover how living free through self-control can improve relationships and remove barriers, reinforcing a deeper connection with loved ones and God. Whether you're wrestling with similar struggles or simply seeking wisdom on this topic, tune in to enrich your understanding and embrace a life that honors both personal growth and spiritual integrity.Support the show

    First Baptist Blowing Rock
    "Why the Right Belt Matters" The Battle Series on Spiritual Warfare #9

    First Baptist Blowing Rock

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 10, 2025 35:20

    In this message we examine what the Apostle Paul calls the "Belt of Truth" and why it is so significant for a Christians facing spiritual warfare. What is this truth and how can it empower us to confront and overcome the lies of the world and the attacks of the accuser? Join us as we look at the historical nature of the "belt" for a Roman soldier and how those some attributes apply to Christians engaged in Battle. From Ephesians 6:14-17. The 9th Message in our Spiritual Warfare series. Thank you for listening to our podcast and we would love for you to subscribe to our page and share with others. Join us for our weekly worship online at www.firstbaptistblowingrock.com or our Youtube page. Contact us at office@firstbaptistblowingrock.com or by phone @ 828-295-7715

    Sermons (audio) - Derwood Bible Church
    February 2, 2025: For He Refreshed Me

    Sermons (audio) - Derwood Bible Church

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 10, 2025

    Text: 2 Timothy 1:16-18In the previous message we saw God's gracious promise to never leave nor forsake us, and the many implications that has in our lives. A logical extrapolation of that truth is the human agency He often uses to accomplish His purposes in us. The Apostle Paul was often refreshed and ministered to by individuals we know very little about, how do we fit into the spiritual tapestry of those around us?

    MY GOSPEL @ Desmond R Singh

    MY GOSPEL @ Desmond R Singh

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 10, 2025 59:56

    Writing to the saints in Corinth concerning spiritual gifts in the Body of Christ, the Apostle Paul emphasized the significance of unity, stating, "God set the members every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased him." (1 Corinthians 12:18).The Corinthian church, started by Paul, had backslidden in his absence by rejecting the principles upon which it had been established. So, when we read the two epistles written to the Corinthians, let us remember that the Apostle is trying to salvage a church already undermined by the devil.

    CGM Radio - CrossNetwork Global Media
    The Third Temple And The Holy Spirit -The Bob Siegel Show Ep 1010

    CGM Radio - CrossNetwork Global Media

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 10, 2025 7:06

    The Apostle Paul, in 2 Thessalonians, talks about the Anti-Christ being presently restrained from coming into power. What is the identity of the restrainer? Is this the Holy Spirit?   Click on your podcasting platform below to subscribe to The Bob Siegel Show: Apple  |  Google  | Spotify |  TuneIn  | Blubrry | Deezer | Android  […]

    Trinity United Methodist Church of Loveland, CO - Sermon Podcast
    February 9, 2025 The Struggle - God and Trauma

    Trinity United Methodist Church of Loveland, CO - Sermon Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 10, 2025 25:05

    Life wounds us, and like the Apostle Paul, we ask, “Why, God?” But instead of answers, God offers grace: “My power is made perfect in weakness.” This message explores how honesty with God leads to strength, how grief can be met with hope, and how—even without clear answers—grace holds us steady until we one day understand.

    Daily Radio Bible Podcast
    February 9th, 25:Paul and Silas: Trials, Triumphs, and the Power of Holy Fire

    Daily Radio Bible Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 9, 2025 27:21

    Click here for the DRB Daily Sign Up form! TODAY'S SCRIPTURE: Leviticus 10-12; Acts 16 Click HERE to give! Get Free App Here! One Year Bible Podcast: Join Hunter and Heather Barnes on 'The Daily Radio Bible' for a daily 20-minute spiritual journey. Engage with scripture readings, heartfelt devotionals, and collective prayers that draw you into the heart of God's love. Embark on this year-long voyage through the Bible, and let each day's passage uplift and inspire you. TODAY'S EPISODE: Welcome to the Daily Radio Bible, where we embark on a transformative journey through the scriptures to witness the life of Jesus, the true source of our existence. I'm Heather, your host for today's episode, and I'm excited to have you join us as we draw nearer to the fire of God's love. As we continue our exploration of the Book of Leviticus, we delve into the story of Aaron's sons, Nadab and Abihu, exploring themes of obedience and faithfulness. We'll also journey to the New Testament in Acts 16, where the Apostle Paul's encounters reveal the power of the Holy Spirit. Join us as we uncover the lessons these scriptures hold for us today, emphasizing the importance of living in the life-giving fire of God's presence rather than succumbing to the desire for control. Together, we'll open our hearts to experience the joy and peace found in the Holy Spirit, reflecting on how this divine gift transforms us from within. So grab your Bible, find a quiet space, and let's dive into today's reading, seeking to draw closer to Jesus and to one another in faith. Stay tuned for an inspiring time of scripture, reflection, and prayer. Remember, you are loved. TODAY'S DEVOTION: In Leviticus today, we hear about Aaron's sons, Nadab, and Abihu, priests to the Lord. They conjure up some strange fire. They put some coals of fire on their incense burners and sprinkle the incense over them. In this way, they are making some strange fire. This is not the prescribed way. This was their way. They were trying to conjure up something new, perhaps. Perhaps they were trying to manipulate or control this fire to grant them fortune or power or honor. It was about control, and this strange fire ended up consuming them. We're told that they were judged because of it. They were consumed by fire. Fire blazed forth from the Lord's presence and burned them up. They died before the Lord. In the Acts reading today, we read of a different kind of fire. We see the Holy Spirit descend in tongues of fire. This is a fire that is bestowed on us and received, not manipulated. It is given to us not through our own efforts or designs. Instead, it descends upon us. It's a gift. It seems like all of us in some way want to work with strange fire and gain control on our own. It's no different now than it was in the book of acts. The slave owners in Acts 16 have a girl that tells fortunes. This is strange fire. The political leaders in town who wanted to pacify the mob were playing with strange fire. The jailer who drew his sword to kill himself for fear of his own execution, this too is strange fire. Strange fire is all about wanting to control and manipulate to ensure our future and get what we want. Whether it's fortune, power, or honor, we all want to make strange fire to get these things. Our strategies may appear to work for a while, but in the end, like Nadab and Abihu, it doubles back and ends up consuming us in the end. There are two kinds of fire. One is strange and will ultimately consume us. It is fueled by the desire to control and manipulate, to get fortune and power and honor apart from God. The other kind is the fire of God's presence that's received as a gift. It is a purifying fire. What do we do for that? We believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. We say yes to him, to his life, to his fire. We give up control and our need to coerce. This life-giving fire dwells within us. It does not consume and kill us. Instead, it purifies us and births within us life. It creates within us something new and offers us true riches, true power, true honor, and all these things are a gift. It is the holy fire of God in us. Live and walk today in the reality of the fire that comes down from heaven. It is your life, the Holy Spirit, Christ in you. This gift has been bestowed on all of us. Live in this fire today, not trying to control and conjure up your own, but resting and receiving the fire of Christ's life and spirit, living, dwelling, and thriving in you. That's a prayer that I have for my own soul. That's a prayer that I have for my family, for my friends, and for you. May it be so. TODAY'S PRAYERS: Lord God Almighty and everlasting father you have brought us in safety to this new day preserve us with your Mighty power that we might not fall into sin or be overcome by adversity. And in all we do, direct us to the fulfilling of your purpose  through Jesus Christ Our Lord amen.   Oh God you have made of one blood all the peoples of the earth and sent your blessed son to preach peace to those who are far and those who are near. Grant that people everywhere may seek after you, and find you. Bring the nations into your fold, pour out your Spirit on all flesh, and hasten the coming of your kingdom through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.   And now Lord,  make me an instrument of your peace.  Where there is hatred let me sow love. Where there is injury, pardon.  Where there is doubt, faith. Where there is despair, hope.  Where there is darkness, light.  And where there is sadness,  Joy.  Oh Lord grant that I might not seek to be consoled as to console. To be understood as to understand, to be loved as to love.  For it is in the giving that we receive, in the pardoning that we are pardoned, it is in the dying that we are born unto eternal life.  Amen And now as our Lord has taught us we are bold to pray... Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven, give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our tresspasses as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not unto temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the Kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen. Loving God, we give you thanks for restoring us in your image. And nourishing us with spiritual food, now send us forth as forgiven people, healed and renewed, that we may proclaim your love to the world, and continue in the risen life of Christ.  Amen.  OUR WEBSITE: www.dailyradiobible.com We are reading through the New Living Translation.   Leave us a voicemail HERE: https://www.speakpipe.com/dailyradiobible Subscribe to us at YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Dailyradiobible/featured OTHER PODCASTS: Listen with Apple Podcast DAILY BIBLE FOR KIDS DAILY PSALMS DAILY PROVERBS DAILY LECTIONARY DAILY CHRONOLOGICAL  

    Southwest Bible Fellowship
    Remembering the Real You! Part 2

    Southwest Bible Fellowship

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 9, 2025 45:04

    Welcome to the Podcast of Southwest Bible Fellowship in Tempe, Arizona. WHO ARE WE? • We are a group of people who are committed to living the grace life as set forth by the apostle of the Gentiles, the Apostle Paul. • We come together to study our Bibles, and yes, we believe we have God's perfect Word in the King James Bible. It and it alone is our final authority in all matters of faith and practice! • We do not come together and study our Bibles for the intent of being smarter than others. We understand that knowledge for the sake of knowledge is purely vain and serves no Godly purpose. • We do come together and study our Bibles for the intent of knowing our Lord Jesus Christ and the power of His resurrection. (Philippians 3:10) • We do come together and study our Bibles to understand that we have been crucified with Christ; nevertheless we live; yet not us, but Christ liveth in us: and the life which we now live in the flesh, we live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved us and gave himself for us. (Galatians 2:20) • We do come together and study our Bibles to understand that because Jesus Christ shed His blood for us and we should not live for ourselves but for Him, who died for us and rose again. (2 Cor. 5:15) • We do not claim to have attained to these lofty goals, but we press toward the mark of the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 3:14) You can donate to this ministry through www.butnow.org and the PayPal button on the homepage.

    Southwest Bible Fellowship
    1 Corinthians 11:17-22

    Southwest Bible Fellowship

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 9, 2025 58:39

    Welcome to the Podcast of Southwest Bible Fellowship in Tempe, Arizona. WHO ARE WE? • We are a group of people who are committed to living the grace life as set forth by the apostle of the Gentiles, the Apostle Paul. • We come together to study our Bibles, and yes, we believe we have God's perfect Word in the King James Bible. It and it alone is our final authority in all matters of faith and practice! • We do not come together and study our Bibles for the intent of being smarter than others. We understand that knowledge for the sake of knowledge is purely vain and serves no Godly purpose. • We do come together and study our Bibles for the intent of knowing our Lord Jesus Christ and the power of His resurrection. (Philippians 3:10) • We do come together and study our Bibles to understand that we have been crucified with Christ; nevertheless we live; yet not us, but Christ liveth in us: and the life which we now live in the flesh, we live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved us and gave himself for us. (Galatians 2:20) • We do come together and study our Bibles to understand that because Jesus Christ shed His blood for us and we should not live for ourselves but for Him, who died for us and rose again. (2 Cor. 5:15) • We do not claim to have attained to these lofty goals, but we press toward the mark of the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 3:14) You can donate to this ministry through www.butnow.org and the PayPal button on the homepage.

    Andrew Farley Ministries on Oneplace.com
    Triumph in Trials – Part 4

    Andrew Farley Ministries on Oneplace.com

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 9, 2025 40:13

    You've been taught the formula: Work harder, do better, follow the rules and you'll be okay with God. But let's get real that's not the Gospel. The Apostle Paul had it all: Status, a squeaky-clean resume, the best of the best. But in Philippians 3, he calls it all garbage. Why? Because it's worthless next to knowing the treasure of Jesus and His finished work. Too many people today are still chasing that fake self-improvement gospel, believing their worth is tied to what they do instead of what Christ has already done. And no, it's not about waiting for future perfection or dying to self like some morbid, self-hating mantra. It's about embracing what we've already attained. If you're ready to trade worldly success for the prize of the upward call, join us as we explore how to press on while resting in our secure union with Christ! Discussion Questions for Philippians 3:1-16: 1. Read verse 3. Paul describes true worshippers as those who put no confidence in the flesh. What does it mean to put confidence in the flesh, and how do people today seek status and worth in worldly ways? What's the solution? 2. Read verses 4-6. Paul lists his impressive credentials under the Law. Why does he bring these up? What false sources of righteousness do people rely on today? 3. Read verses 7-8. Paul says he considers everything loss compared to knowing Christ. How does this perspective change how we view achievements, failures, and identity? 4. Read verse 9. Paul contrasts a righteousness of my own derived from the Law with the righteousness that comes through faith in Christ. How does this verse clarify the Gospel, and why is it important for us to rest in Christ's righteousness? 5. Read verses 10-11 and react to this statement: Knowing the fellowship of Christ's sufferings and being conformed to His death is not about dying to self but about living in the reality of Christ's finished work and embracing His sufferings (in this fallen world). 6. Read verses 12-13. Paul says he hasn't already obtained it or become perfect. What does he mean? How does this passage encourage us to press forward while also resting in our secure identity in Christ? (Hint: Contrast this with verse 15 which says we are perfect.) 7. Read verse 14. Paul talks about pressing toward the prize of the upward call. What is this prize, and how does it differ from the world's idea of success? 8. Read verses 15-16. Paul encourages mature believers to have this mindset. What does maturity look like, and how does it relate to what we have attained (verse 16)? To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/1258/29

    Woodridge Community Church Sermons

    Ever since Romans 1:18 the Apostle Paul has been laying out the bad news that all people, both Jews and Gentiles, have sinned, are unrighteous, and are deserving of the righteous judgement of God. Before Paul begins to lay out the good news of God's grace for sinners in Jesus Christ, with this passage he summarizes the bad news that all are under sin so that all people would see their great need for Jesus Christ.

    Maynardville Fellowship Podcast
    I Thessalonians 1:2-4- Cultivating Continual Thanksgiving for ALL Believers

    Maynardville Fellowship Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 9, 2025 47:25

    https://www.maynardvillefellowship.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/I-Thessalonians-1_2-4-Cultivating-Continual-Gratitude-for-ALL-Believers.mp3 Do you ever find yourself withdrawing from fellowship? Neglecting your duty to make disciples and encourage your brothers in the Lord? Perhaps you are may even be hiding in plain sight, avoiding spiritual conversations like the plague. What causes us to get in such a state? Listen as Pastor Matt explains how such withdrawal is due to a lack of gratitude for your fellow believers, and points out four ways the Apostle Paul cultivated continual gratitude for all believers.

    The Elevation Life Church Podcast
    Doctor's Notes // The Resurrection - Luke 24:1-12 // Pastor Tony Shackleford // 02.09.25

    The Elevation Life Church Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 9, 2025 31:32

    This series is a study of the gospel of Luke. Luke was a traveling physician and companion of the Apostle Paul. Each week, as we study Luke, we seek to find the prescription that this Christian doctor would prescribe for us to become more like Jesus.

    Woodmark Church Sermons
    5: The Destroyer of Walls

    Woodmark Church Sermons

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 9, 2025 48:20

    Ephesians: Part 5, The Destroyer of WallsThe Book of Ephesians, written by the Apostle Paul around 60 AD to the church in Ephesus, unveils God's ultimate plan to unite everything in heaven and on earth under Christ. This letter reminds us of the spiritual blessings we have in Christ and calls us to live as one reconciled people, marked by love, peace, and strength to face spiritual battles with the armor of God. In the months leading to Easter, we'll dive into Ephesians, letting its vision of grace transform our hearts, fuel our faith, and free our souls.Teaching Text: Ephesians 2:11-22Preached byPaul Khochay

    Higher Definition Church
    It's in the Knowing // PRAYER AND POWER // Min. Rashid Williams - 2/9/2025

    Higher Definition Church

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 9, 2025 43:16

    Min. Rashid Williams leads us today, breaking down what knowledge the Apostle Paul hopes for the church to receive through Holy Spirit Revelation.Higher Definition Church - OnlineIf you are checking us out for the first time today, let us know by clicking here: https://form.church/Jtcj7ioByHG7f4Ct2kKrIf you need prayer, click here: https://app.textinchurch.com/connect-cards/SYtprYv4ArNgqbMsdo8MIf you would like to support HD Church financially you can give through Cashapp to $higherdefchurch or online through our website by clicking here: https://higherdefinition.tithelysetup.com/give....#hdchurch #lifeinHD #onlinechurch #church #churchonline #jacksonville #duval #faith #hope #love

    Christ Church Katy Sermons
    Paul's Defense and Appeal To Rome (Acts 22:1-29)

    Christ Church Katy Sermons

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 9, 2025

    The Apostle Paul gives the account of his conversion and calling in order to defend his ministry in Jerusalem.

    Teaching Truth Podcast
    "Stand Firm" by Greg Chandler

    Teaching Truth Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 9, 2025 29:59

    Disaster is assured if we do not take the threat of our spiritual enemies seriously. While God does not give a great amount of detail on these enemies, what He does tell us should make us realize the magnitude of the war in which we are engaged. In Ephesians 6, the Apostle Paul shares details about these enemies and admonishes the Christian army to take up the whole armor of God. This study will focus on the sobriety every child of God must have, and the great strength God promises for our victory. A sermon given by Greg Chandler on February 2, 2025.

    That You May Know Him
    What Made Paul's LOVE For The Philippian Church So Strong? Episode 234

    That You May Know Him

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 8, 2025 40:43

    Pray With St. Paul, Part 2 - Blake delves into Paul's prayer for the Philippian Church in Philippians 1:3-11. What made his bond with this early Christian community so strong?  What did he mean when he discussed "loving them with his guts"? This broadcast is perfect for anyone seeking to understand the biblical context of Paul's love for the Philippian church and its relevance to Christian relationships today. Learn more about the early Christian church and the power of faith, love, and community by diving deep into this magnificent prayer of the Apostle Paul.

    School of Ministry Resources Podcast
    "Living a Stable Christian Life in an Unstable World"

    School of Ministry Resources Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 8, 2025 38:02 Transcription Available

    Welcome to the School of Ministry podcast, where we delve into Philippians 4:1-9 to guide us on how to live a stable Christian life amidst worldly uncertainties. Discover practical insights into maintaining spiritual stability through cultivating peace, embracing joy, and trusting the Lord completely. The Apostle Paul addresses real difficulties faced by the church at Philippi, and we draw parallels to modern-day challenges. Explore how to handle life's unclear directions by letting the Holy Spirit work through you to give God the glory, even in the absence of specific Biblical guidelines on contemporary issues. We study the virtues of peace, joy, humility, and gratitude that contribute to a stable spiritual life. Join us as we explore the significance of thinking rightly and focusing on the principles laid out in Philippians, helping you navigate through life's trials while remaining spiritually strong.

    Walk in Truth
    1st Corinthians - Carnal or Growing? - Part 1

    Walk in Truth

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 7, 2025 26:01

    Message: 5 Episode: 1 of 3 Key Verses: 1st Corinthians 3:1-9 Are you growing spiritually, or are you stuck in a cycle of worldly thinking? In Carnal or Growing?, Pastor Michael Lantz continues our series in 1 Corinthians, diving into chapter 3, verses 1-9. The Apostle Paul challenges the Corinthian church—and us—to examine whether we are still living as "mere men," driven by jealousy and division, or if we are maturing in Christ. What does it mean to move from spiritual infancy to real growth? And how do we align ourselves with God's work rather than human rivalry? Join us as we unpack these powerful truths on Walk in Truth! Welcome to Walk in Truth! These are the Bible teachings of Pastor Michael Lantz. Equipping you to reach out with God's truth to all people. And how to apply that truth to today's issues, trends, and culture.  Leave your question or comment contact@walkintruth.com