Our varied roles and positions will not be enough to save us, and we will have no hope if our focus is on preserving our own lives. Rather, God must be our treasure. Christ will have your whole heart or have you in Hell. What things in this world do you cling to most? Listen to Gabe Johnson's exhortation to remember Lot's wife for more.
Sermon text: Psalm 3; Speaker: Joe Rigney. Visit thekingscongregation.com for more sermons, exhortations, music, and events.
Exhortation to reflect on that moment, immediately after our death, when we stand before the judgment seat of Christ to receive our eternal reward or condemnation
Proverbs 8:22-36 January 29, 2025 Pastor Nick Shaffer
This is January 26th's exhortation by Brian McLain calling you to cleanse your heart of envy with thanksgiving and enjoy new life as a result. Brian and his lovely wife Denise were born and raised in Florida. They have been blessed with six beautiful daughters who fill their home with boundless joy and entertainment. Brian has degrees in Theology and Electrical Engineering and spent 20 years in the Power Industry. The McLains love to sing, dance, read, cook and play games, and they cherish the opportunities they get to serve and host others in their home. Trinity Reformed Church is a CREC church in Huntsville, AL seeking to extend and unite the Kingdom in the Huntsville area. Check out our website, Facebook or YouTube!
Many have experienced or known someone who has wrestled deeply with doubt. It has even led some to reject Christianity altogether. Doubt is not a good place to remain—it is an unstable double-mindedness. We need not hide our doubt nor flaunt it. And when we find it, we ought to look to Jesus to find the light of the knowledge of the glory of God. Listen to Pastor Zach's exhortation for more.
Sermon text: Malachi 2.15; Speaker: Alan Burrow. Visit thekingscongregation.com for more sermons, exhortations, music, and events.
This is January 19th's exhortation by Brian McLain calling you to pray for your church, share your struggles, and bare one another's burdens. Brian and his lovely wife Denise were born and raised in Florida. They have been blessed with six beautiful daughters who fill their home with boundless joy and entertainment. Brian has degrees in Theology and Electrical Engineering and spent 20 years in the Power Industry. The McLains love to sing, dance, read, cook and play games, and they cherish the opportunities they get to serve and host others in their home. Trinity Reformed Church is a CREC church in Huntsville, AL seeking to extend and unite the Kingdom in the Huntsville area. Check out our website, Facebook or YouTube!
When the Spirit works in someone to profess, "Jesus is Lord," that requires obeying him. Our hearts are prone to wander, and we must repent when they do. Where have you done in disobedience to the Lord Jesus? What have you left undone that he would have you do? Listen to Pastor David's exhortation to obey the Lord Jesus for more.
We're continuing with Part 3 of the "Breaking Barriers" series, Pressure. This sermon focuses on breaking through life's barriers with faith, resilience, and active participation. You are encouraged to pursue your calling, speak toward your limitations, and embrace the power of sacrifice to experience personal breakthroughs. • Applying pressure to barriers leads to breakthroughs • The importance of resilience in the face of challenges • Pursuing happiness and joy actively • Extraordinary faith creates extraordinary outcomes • Sacrifice is a prerequisite for breakthroughs • Speaking to barriers empowers change • Exhortation as a means of seeking divine intervention • Remembering God's love fuels perseverance Welcome To Chosen City Church! We are excited to you have worship with us today and we pray that this sermon blesses you!Partner With Chosen City Church:https://www.chosencitychurch.com/part...Support Chosen City Church:https://www.chosencitychurch.com/givePodcasts and More:https://linktr.ee/chosencitychurchConnect With Chosen City ChurchWebsite: https://chosencitychurch.com.comInstagram: @ChosenCityChurchYouTube: Chosen City ChurchFacebook: Chosen City ChurchIntro and outro created by Joe Anderson Jr. of Truflava Productions
This week we are listening to an exhortation by Bro. Mark Lloyd that was give on June 3, 2022 titled, "When God's Way Makes no Sense to Us" based on a reading from Habbakuk 3. We hope this strengthens your Faith and brightens your day! Thank you for listening, God bless, and talk to you next week. Send talk suggestions or comments to: GoodChristadelphianTalks@gmail.com For Show Notes, visit our website: GoodChristadelphianTalks.com Social Media: Facebook | Instagram
Series: N/AService: Sun First SermonType: SermonSpeaker: Mark McCrary
Sermon text: Ephesians 4.25 – 5.2; Speaker: Geoff Francian. Visit thekingscongregation.com for more sermons, exhortations, music, and events.
An Exhortation to be a Godly and a Growing Servant, Part 2 To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/1331/29
Dr. Tom Curran prays Day 1 of the 9 Days for Life Novena and reflects on the scripture passage “Exhortation to Be Vigilant.” (Luke 21: 34-36) Sign up to receive daily novena prayers via email or text message! (RespectLife.org)
An Exhortation to be a Godly and a Growing Servant, Part 1 To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/1331/29
Rev. E.C. Adams/Installation of Office-bearersA loving exhortation to those who labour in the vineyard of Jesus Christ1. The victorious Office-bearer2. The blessed unity3. The weighty mandate4. The divine encouragement
This is January 12th's exhortation by Larson Hicks explaining how God doesn't want your obedience if he can't have your whole heart, soul, and mind. Larson and his wife, Bethany, have 7 children. They were high school sweethearts in Texas and spent the first 10 years of their marriage in Moscow, ID, where Larson graduated from New St. Andrew's College and Bethany from Washington State University. Larson is the CEO of Sycamore Independent Physicians – a healthcare staffing company focused on Emergency Medicine. Trinity Reformed Church is a CREC church in Huntsville, AL seeking to extend and unite the Kingdom in the Huntsville area. Check out our website, Facebook or YouTube!
Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began, But is now made manifest by the appearing of our Saviour Jesus Christ, who hath abolished death, and hath brought life and immortality to light through the gospel:
This week we are listening an exhortation by Bro. Jim Styles entitled “Biblical Guidance on our Memorial Service” that was given at the Simi Hills Ecclesia in December 2024 . We hope this strengthens your Faith and brightens your day! Thank you for listening, God bless, and talk to you next week. Send talk suggestions or comments to: GoodChristadelphianTalks@gmail.com
Exhortation from River of Life OPC in Phillipsburg NJ. We are continuing to march through and with Mark as we see Jesus heal a woman who had an issue of blood for 12 years. I focus to vs 34 this week and will have part 2, Lord willing, in a couple of weeks. www.christianpodcastcommunity.org
Exhortation from River of Life OPC in Phillipsburg NJ. We are continuing to march through and with Mark as we see Jesus heal a woman who had an issue of blood for 12 years. I focus to vs 34 this week and will have part 2, Lord willing, in a couple of weeks. www.christianpodcastcommunity.org
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There are many settings where fear's voice is loud, saying something you value is under threat. Fear has a voice but should never make your choice. Listen to Pastor Zach's exhortation to listen to God's voice, not Fear's.
Sermon text: Exodus 2.23 – 3.15; Speaker: Alan Burrow. Visit thekingscongregation.com for more sermons, exhortations, music, and events.
This is January 5th's exhortation by Brian McLain calling us to pursue wisdom through heeding the wisdom of others. Brian and his lovely wife Denise were born and raised in Florida. They have been blessed with six beautiful daughters who fill their home with boundless joy and entertainment. Brian has degrees in Theology and Electrical Engineering and spent 20 years in the Power Industry. The McLains love to sing, dance, read, cook and play games, and they cherish the opportunities they get to serve and host others in their home. Trinity Reformed Church is a CREC church in Huntsville, AL seeking to extend and unite the Kingdom in the Huntsville area. Check out our website, Facebook or YouTube!
Again the next day after John stood, and two of his disciples; And looking upon Jesus as he walked, he saith, Behold the Lamb of God!
Churches can laugh off arriving late as something akin to operating by "Westview Time" or individuals saying they are not a morning person. And while coming late to public worship is much more to be desired than not coming at all, there are distinct benefits to not only arriving on time but coming early. Listen to Pastor Brett's exhortation for seven motives to come early to public worship.
I. Let us draw near II. Let us hold fast III. Let us provoke another
Sermon text: Ephesians 4.17-24; Speaker: Geoff Francian. Visit thekingscongregation.com for more sermons, exhortations, music, and events.
This is December 29th's exhortation by Brian McLain reminding us that we are called to love others online just as much as face-to-face and love is not rude, arrogant, irritable, or resentful. Brian and his lovely wife Denise were born and raised in Florida. They have been blessed with six beautiful daughters who fill their home with boundless joy and entertainment. Brian has degrees in Theology and Electrical Engineering and spent 20 years in the Power Industry. The McLains love to sing, dance, read, cook and play games, and they cherish the opportunities they get to serve and host others in their home. Trinity Reformed Church is a CREC church in Huntsville, AL seeking to extend and unite the Kingdom in the Huntsville area. Check out our website, Facebook or YouTube!
Show #2316 Show Notes: Looking for Someone Else: https://coachdavelive.tv/w/qkwv4A4RNAsYWBAZjZZuWQ Communion verses: 1 John 1:1-10 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1%20John%201%3A1-10&version=KJV Matthew 26:26-29 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%2026%3A26-29&version=KJV Planned Parenthood is not a charity: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%2026%3A26-29&version=KJV ‘Exhortation’: https://webstersdictionary1828.com/Dictionary/exhortation Boise State player: https://www.facebook.com/reel/909669334606461 Matthew 5: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%205&version=KJV Crowns […]
And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.
Instructions for how elders should correct and deal with people in the church. All In Gospel Podcast is a chapter by chapter, verse by verse, in depth bible study where we seek to understand God's Word. All In Gospel is recorded live at Calvary Chapel with Pastor Seann Dikkers. You can support this study at anchor.fm/allingospel, ccwhitebear.com. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/allingospel/support
This week we are listening an exhortation by Bro. Eric McKelvie entitled “The Pattern of Midnight Salvation” that was given at the Moorestown Ecclesia on November 17, 2024. We hope this strengthens your Faith and brightens your day! Thank you for listening, God bless, and talk to you next week. Send talk suggestions or comments to: GoodChristadelphianTalks@gmail.com
The use and allocation of our time is the substance of our faith. Peter says the time that is passes suffices for all manner of sin, and Paul exhorts us to make the best use of the time because the days are evil. At this point in the year, reassess your use of time. Listen to Pastor David's exhortation to do so and give it careful consideration.
Sermon text: Exodus 2.15-22; Speaker: Alan Burrow. Visit thekingscongregation.com for more sermons, exhortations, music, and events.
Exhortation on John 1:1-14 at River of Life OPC in Phillipsburg NJ!www.christianpodcastcommunity.org
Exhortation on John 1:1-14 at River of Life OPC in Phillipsburg NJ!www.christianpodcastcommunity.org
This week we are listening an exhortation by Bro. Josh Robinson entitled “A Gree Olive Tree in the House of God” based on Psalm 52 that was given at the Brighton Ecclesia on January 29, 2023 . We hope this strengthens your Faith and brightens your day! Thank you for listening, God bless, and talk to you next week. Send talk suggestions or comments to: GoodChristadelphianTalks@gmail.com
It's good to take an old phrase every now and then and dust it off. Would you ever tell a man paralyzed, a group fearful of a fierce storm, or those facing persecution, "Be of good cheer!"? Yet there is nothing like a Christian of good cheer. Listen to Michael's exhortation for more.
This week the teaching team finished the book of Ephesians. Here Paul gives us a significant exhortation to pray!
This week we are listening an exhortation by Bro. Tom Peel entitled “Convergence & Coherence” that was given at the Oxford Ecclesia in November 2024 . Bro. Tom's podcast can be found here. We hope this strengthens your Faith and brightens your day! Thank you for listening, God bless, and talk to you next week. Send talk suggestions or comments to: GoodChristadelphianTalks@gmail.com
Follow Him: A Come, Follow Me Podcast featuring Hank Smith & John Bytheway
Dr. Anthony Sweat continues to explore Moroni's “Curtain Call” and testify about the power inherent in the Book of Mormon to bring people to Christ and the Father through the temple and temple covenants.SHOW NOTES/TRANSCRIPTSEnglish: https://tinyurl.com/podcastBM51ENFrench: https://tinyurl.com/podcastBM51FRGerman: https://tinyurl.com/podcastBM51DEPortuguese: https://tinyurl.com/podcastBM51PTSpanish: https://tinyurl.com/podcastBM51ESYOUTUBEhttps://youtu.be/Z63ERQbtBz0ALL EPISODES/SHOW NOTESfollowHIM website: https://www.followHIMpodcast.comFREE PDF DOWNLOADS OF followHIM QUOTE BOOKSNew Testament: https://tinyurl.com/PodcastNTBookOld Testament: https://tinyurl.com/PodcastOTBookWEEKLY NEWSLETTERhttps://tinyurl.com/followHIMnewsletterSOCIAL MEDIAInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/followHIMpodcastFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/followhimpodcastTIMECODE00:00 Part II - Dr. Anthony Sweat01:06 Heaven isn't a location02:53 The terrible triplets07:53 Last two exhortations10:50 Grant Hardy and Moroni's Curtain Call15:58 Joseph Smith was called illiterate19:39 Exhortation to come unto Christ22:33 The sequence is important29:29 How many will make it to the Celestial Kingdom?35:41 Moroni 10:34 - Final words40:15 Where does the Book of Mormon bring us?43:53 Reflections on the last four years46:00 A marvelous work49:30 The power to change lives in this book55:13 End of Part 2 - Dr. Anthony SweatThanks to the followHIM team:Steve & Shannon Sorensen: Cofounder, Executive Producer, SponsorDavid & Verla Sorensen: SponsorsDr. Hank Smith: Co-hostJohn Bytheway: Co-hostDavid Perry: ProducerKyle Nelson: Marketing, SponsorLisa Spice: Client Relations, Editor, Show NotesJamie Neilson: Social Media, Graphic DesignWill Stoughton: Video EditorKrystal Roberts: Translation Team, English & French Transcripts, WebsiteAriel Cuadra: Spanish Transcripts"Let Zion in Her Beauty Rise" by Marshall McDonaldhttps://www.marshallmcdonaldmusic.com
Follow Him: A Come, Follow Me Podcast featuring Hank Smith & John Bytheway
What would be your final message to future generations? Dr. Anthony Sweat explores Moroni's many exhortations to the Latter-day Saints. He discusses how the Holy Ghost will manifest after inquiring of the Lord with real intent regarding the integrity of the Book of Mormon.SHOW NOTES/TRANSCRIPTSEnglish: https://tinyurl.com/podcastBM51ENFrench: https://tinyurl.com/podcastBM51FRGerman: https://tinyurl.com/podcastBM51DEPortuguese: https://tinyurl.com/podcastBM51PTSpanish: https://tinyurl.com/podcastBM51ESYOUTUBEhttps://youtu.be/tzI1K8GhKgwALL EPISODES/SHOW NOTESfollowHIM website: https://www.followHIMpodcast.comFREE PDF DOWNLOADS OF followHIM QUOTE BOOKSNew Testament: https://tinyurl.com/PodcastNTBookOld Testament: https://tinyurl.com/PodcastOTBookWEEKLY NEWSLETTERhttps://tinyurl.com/followHIMnewsletterSOCIAL MEDIAInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/followHIMpodcastFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/followhimpodcastTIMECODE00:00 Part 1 - Dr. Anthony Sweat04:31 Dr. Sweat's bio06:16 Come, Follow Me Manual07:53 Moroni 10: The Breakdown and Exhortations10:49 Title Page Preview and exhortations18:46 Gratitude and tender mercies20:42 Knowing God's character24:44 Moroni 10:3 - Exhortation to remember27:47 The patriarchal blessing we deserve33:02 “Man of Sorrows”34:57 Moroni 10:4 - Exhortation to ask37:40 “Did this point me to Christ?”40:06 Tripod of Truth42:42 Exhortation to recognize the gifts of the Spirit46:08 Moroni 10:9-16 - Gifts of the Spirit50:29 Moroni 10:17 - Manifestation of the gifts55:41 Moroni 10:4 - Intent58:25 Hank's experience praying about Moroni 10:401:02:51 Moroni 10:19 - Exhortation to remember Three Great Gifts01:07:58 Moroni 7:45 - the effects of charity01:10:59 End of Part 1 - Dr. Anthony SweatThanks to the followHIM team:Steve & Shannon Sorensen: Cofounder, Executive Producer, SponsorDavid & Verla Sorensen: SponsorsDr. Hank Smith: Co-hostJohn Bytheway: Co-hostDavid Perry: ProducerKyle Nelson: Marketing, SponsorLisa Spice: Client Relations, Editor, Show NotesJamie Neilson: Social Media, Graphic DesignWill Stoughton: Video EditorKrystal Roberts: Translation Team, English & French Transcripts, WebsiteAriel Cuadra: Spanish Transcripts"Let Zion in Her Beauty Rise" by Marshall McDonaldhttps://www.marshallmcdonaldmusic.com
Fr. Mike reminds us that God uses crooked lines to make a straight story, like Paul's witness to Priscilla and Aquila as they encounter the person of Christ and become missionaries. Just like Apollos accepted correction, Fr. Mike invites us to courageously open ourselves up to learning and growing. Today's readings are Acts 18, 1 Corinthians 16, and Proverbs 28:19-21. For the complete reading plan, visit ascensionpress.com/bibleinayear. Please note: The Bible contains adult themes that may not be suitable for children - parental discretion is advised.