Podcasts about Fishing

Activity of trying to catch fish

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    Latest podcast episodes about Fishing

    Tackle Talk
    Ep. 280 - BONUS: Columbus Fishing Expo Preview w/ MIKE IACONELLI & DAVID HOHEISEL

    Tackle Talk

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 5, 2025 18:44

    Welcome to a very special BONUS episode of the Tackle Talk Podcast, as we preview the Columbus Fishing Expo, this weekend February 7-9 in Columbus, Ohio. Today we are lucky enough to be joined for a quick segment with the director of the expo David Hoheisel, and featured seminar leader Mike Iaconelli.     Brought to you by:  American Legacy Fishing & Outdoors www.americanlegacyfishing.com Use Code: TACKLETALK5 for 5% Off (including sale items!)     Additional Support Provided By: Dakota Lithium Batteries - Use Code TACKLETALK5FS for 5% Off Mossy Oak | Mossy Oak Fishing 

    Wet Fly Swing Fly Fishing Podcast
    In the Bucket #14 | Wilderness Steelhead Fishing Adventures with Tim Arsenault and Matt Bentley

    Wet Fly Swing Fly Fishing Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 5, 2025 104:53

    #715 Show Notes: https://wetflyswing.com/715 Presented By: Yellowstone Teton Territory, Stonefly Nets, JH Fly Co, Grand Teton Sponsors: https://wetflyswing.com/sponsors Today, we head to British Columbia with Tim Arsenault and Matt Bentley, two hardcore steelhead anglers who know these waters inside and out. We'll dive into spay casting techniques, winter steelhead fishing strategies, and how to maximize your time on the water. You'll hear about casting efficiency, the best fly lines for big rivers, and why jet boats can be the key to reaching untouched fish. Plus, Tim breaks down what it takes to win the Spey-O-Rama Championship, and Matt shares insights from years of guiding on BC's legendary rivers. Let's get into it! Show Notes: https://wetflyswing.com/715

    Serious Angler
    Your Ultimate Guide to Fishing a Jighead Minnow!

    Serious Angler

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 5, 2025 122:35

    Send us a textOn today's episode we are joined by Bassmaster Elite Series pros Jeff Gustafson, Rob Gee and Major League Fishing Bass Pro Tour angler  @WheelerFishing ! This is your ultimate guide to fishing a jighead minnow. Rod, reel, line, baits, and how to fish em and where to fish with some forward-facing sonar talk mixed in. Whether you're a seasoned angler looking to refine your skills or a newcomer eager to learn, our podcast has something for everyone.

    Untangled: Fly Fishing For Everyone | Ventures Fly Co.
    How to Plan the Ultimate Destination Fly Fishing Trip | Ep. 113

    Untangled: Fly Fishing For Everyone | Ventures Fly Co.

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 5, 2025 39:41

    Have you ever wanted to go fly fishing in some incredible place, but you're unsure if you'll ever be able to afford it? I mean, with how expensive eggs are, traveling to fish is just out of the question - right?  Not necessarily. If you're willing to make a few compromises, you can have an AMAZING fly fishing trip for relatively cheap. In this episode of Untangled, Spencer Durrant will walk you through the process he uses to plan fishing trips, including a half-dozen trips to Alaska while he was still either in college, or teaching high schoolo English.  You'll also learn about:  Tying on a dry fly to act as an "indicator" in a two-dry rig Some tips for mending more effectively Spencer's process for applying floatant to dry flies Whether your dry-dropper rig needs to be two flies of the same species (a caddis dry and nymph, for example)  How to match your leader/tippet size to your flies  LINKS FROM THE SHOW Get the FREE Year-Round Hatch Chart - CHECK IT OUT Join the VFC Online Community - CHECK IT OUT QUESTIONS FOR THE SHOW - SUBMIT HERE #LIVEREELLIFE MOMENT - SUBMIT HERE VIDEO - Fly Fishing in Alaska!  - WATCH HERE GEAR - VFC Fly Collections - CHECK THEM OUT VIDEO - How to Mend Fly Line - WATCH HERE

    North Dakota Outdoors Podcast
    Ep. 64 – Different Mascots, Same Mission

    North Dakota Outdoors Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 5, 2025 41:48

    In this episode of NDO Podcast we visit with Jennifer Kross, Ducks Unlimited outreach biologist, and Seth Owens, Pheasants Forever education and outreach coordinator, about the importance of conservation education, the unique events both organizations have upcoming, and how you can get involved.

    The Boaty Show
    Laying Around Lobster

    The Boaty Show

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 5, 2025 60:18

    Gone to California to make a Boaty Show! Steph and Jeff are joined by JK and Jeremy. We run down a bunch of old business: listener corrections, more on lobster boat racing, JK's expert description of the Jones Act, carvel planking. A completely unfair Boat Of The Week may very well result in a new boat, and This Week In Curling delves into tribology, the study of rubbing.  This week on the boaty show you can't make this stuff up!  Thank you very much for listening, email us at theboatyshow@gmail.com, follow on social media @theboatyshow. 

    Sermons That Work
    Epiphany 5 (C): Fishing For People May Require a Deep Dive - February 9, 2025

    Sermons That Work

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 5, 2025 10:54

    Today's sermon is for Epiphany 5 (C) and is titled Fishing For People May Require a Deep Dive. It was written by the Rev. Canon Kathy Walker and read by the Rev. Danae Ashley. Sermons That Work is an offering of the Episcopal Church's Office of Communication. For more free resources, including sermons, Bible studies, bulletin inserts, and more, visit episcopalchurch.org/sermons. We would love it if you'd rate, review, and subscribe to our podcast on your favorite podcasting platform – and while you're at it, share it with a friend!

    Fishing the DMV
    Boat building 101 with New Horizon Boat Builds

    Fishing the DMV

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 5, 2025 25:06

    On this exciting episode of Fishing the DMV, we will be talking about Potomac River winter fishing and how to get your boat ready for next year with Greg R. Ravitsky owner and operator of New Horizon Boat Builds LLC. Greg has worked in electrical commercial construction for nearly a decade and holds a Journeyman's license as well as a Master Electrician's license in the state of Virginia. With extensive knowledge in low voltage systems and the marine industry, you can trust that attention to detail is our top priority.Please support Fishing the DMV on Patreon!!! Patreon: https://patreon.com/FishingtheDMVPodcast If you are interested in being on the show or a sponsorship opportunity, please reach out to me at fishingtheDMV@gmail.com  Link to New Horizon Boat Builds website: https://www.newhorizonboatbuildsllc.com/  Link to New Horizon Boat Builds Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/newhorizonboatbuilds/  Link to New Horizon Boat Builds email: newhorizonboatbuilds@gmail.com  New Horizon Boat Builds phone number: (703) 541-8240  Please checkout our Patreon Sponsors   Jake's bait & Tackle website: http://www.jakesbaitandtackle.com/Catoctin Creek Custom Rods: https://www.facebook.com/CatoctinCreekCustomRodsTiger Crankbaits on Facebook!! https://www.facebook.com/tigercrankbaits #fishing #fishingtheDMV #fishingtipsSupport the show

    Tackle Talk
    Ep. 279 - Breaking The Mold (Vol. 2) Episode 4: BLACK LABEL TACKLE / CLIFF PACE

    Tackle Talk

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 4, 2025 82:58

    Welcome to Breaking the Mold, Volume 2, presented by the Tackle Talk Podcast. This four-part series is dedicated to four tackle companies who are pushing the envelope of bait design and bringing unique, innovative products to market. On today's episode we are joined by founder and owner of Black Label Tackle, Cliff Pace!     Brought to you by:  American Legacy Fishing & Outdoors www.americanlegacyfishing.com Use Code: TACKLETALK5 for 5% Off (including sale items!)     Additional Support Provided By: Dakota Lithium Batteries - Use Code TACKLETALK5FS for 5% Off Mossy Oak | Mossy Oak Fishing 

    Dedicated with Doug Brunt
    Karl Anderson

    Dedicated with Doug Brunt

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 4, 2025 46:38

    Capt. Karl Anderson: Spanish Manhattan (2 1/2 ounces Pilar rum, 1 ounce sweet vermouth, bitters, garnish with orange rind)Karl tells of the assignment that his parents gave him when he was a young boy that instilled in him the discipline to become a writer, reminisces about the stories of Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig fishing and gunning the same territory that he has, shares the process by which he translates the magical moments he's had in nature to film and print, assesses whether Michael Jordan is a good sport-fisherman, and shares some advice from his dad.

    Driftwood Outdoors
    Ep. 279: Pacific Northwest Pursuits: Hunting, Fishing, & Clam Digging with John Kruse

    Driftwood Outdoors

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 4, 2025 77:11

    Brandon Butler and Nathan "Shags" McLeod sit down with John Kruse, host and Producer of America Outdoors Radio and Northwestern Outdoors Radio.A native of Pacific Northwest, John Kruse is an experienced outdoors writer and radio broadcaster who has had the opportunity to fish, hunt, hike, camp, and paddle his way across a good portion of North America. John has written magazine articles for a number of publications and is the author of "Great Places Washington". John is also the long time host of "Northwestern Outdoors Radio", an award winning radio show heard on 69 stations in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, California and South Dakota.For more info:Northwestern Outdoors RadioAmerica Outdoors RadioJohn Kruse FB pageSpecial thanks to:Living The Dream Outdoor PropertiesSuperior Foam Insulation LLCDoolittle TrailersScenic Rivers TaxidermyConnect with Driftwood Outdoors:FacebookInstagramYoutubeEmail:info@driftwoodoutdoors.com

    Kentucky Afield
    #146 David Baker - Spring Fishing Is Nearly Here!

    Kentucky Afield

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 4, 2025 81:04

    On this episode of the Kentucky Afield Podcast we're joined by Dave Baker, a fisheries biologist with The Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources! Dave is extremely knowledgeable when it comes to both fish and fishing, as he's not only a professional in the field, but also an excellent angler as well... Here we're talking about all the exciting spring fishing opportunities that are on the horizon, including: White Bass, Crappie, Sauger, Walleye, Largemouth Bass, and Catfish! Get your rods and reels ready... It's just about time to go fishing!

    Sunday Dive
    From Nets to Nations: The Making of a Fisher of Men

    Sunday Dive

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 4, 2025 52:29

    Jesus is teaching beside the Sea of Galilee when the crush of the crowds prompts him to climb aboard St. Peter's boat and request the soon-to-be-apostle to shove off from shore. Little does Peter know that this is only Our Lord's first request. We'll spend our episode exploring the ins and outs of fishing on the Sea of Galilee and we'll get our hands dirty in the original Greek so as to immerse ourselves into the full emotion of the exchange. Finally, we'll round out our discussion by diving into the Old Testament context for Peter's commissioning as a “fisher of men.” (Mass Reading for Feb 9, 2025) /// Join Katie's Jubilee Pilgrimage to Rome & Assisi: https://kptz.io/rome Registration is closing this March!

    This Week in Neuroscience
    TWiN 57: Repetitive injury, herpes, and Alzheimer's

    This Week in Neuroscience

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 4, 2025 40:09

    TWiN discusses a study showing that repetitive injury reactivates HSV-1 in a human brain tissue model and induces phenotypes associated with Alzheimer's disease. Hosts: Vincent Racaniello and Tim Cheung Subscribe (free): Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, RSS Links for this episode MicrobeTV Discord Server Repetitive injury, herpes, and Alzheimers (Sci Signal) The tau of herpesvirus (TWiV 1187) Fishing for viruses in senile (TWiV 519) Timestamps by Jolene Ramsey. Thanks! Music is by Ronald Jenkees Send your neuroscience questions and comments to twin@microbe.tv

    The First Gen Hunter Podcast
    Ep. 307 Backwoods Bulletin Podcast: How New Legislation and Tariffs Could Affect Hunting and Fishing

    The First Gen Hunter Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 4, 2025 23:41

    Description: In this episode we briefly open up the discussion about some of the new legislation that is ever-present in the outdoors world, and lightly begin to speculation and discuss the potential impacts the new tariffs will have on us as outdoors enthusiasts! I hope it gets you thinking! Have a blessed week! -Caleb     **Take Your Skull and Cape to Old Barn Taxidermy**   Old Barn Taxidermy Instagram: @oldbarntaxidermy My personal instagram: @calebleedrake The Backwoods Instagram: @backwoods_bulletin   Check out the First Gen Hunter Website Follow First Gen Hunter Instagram: @first.gen.hunter Facebook: @first.gen.hunter    

    Episode 450: Episode #450, Feb 5, 2025


    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 4, 2025 38:12

    Dave Kranz creator of the WeFishASA podcast would like you to listen to this week's episode. Director of sales with StCroix Dan Johnston tells us about phenomenal fishing in Mexico. Dave Van Dorn gives an update on Take A Vet Fishing for 2025. Justin Cooper talks about winning 161,000.00 on Lake Conroe in Texas. 

    Fishing the DMV
    The State of Maryland Snakehead Fishing with Steven Kambouris of Kambotrout Fishing

    Fishing the DMV

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 4, 2025 56:37

    On this exciting Monday Night Live, we are going over the two released pieces of literature from the Maryland Department of natural resources, talking about snakeheads and their relationship to the ecosystem. Joining me to discuss the topic is Steven Kambouris from Kambotrout Fishing on YouTube. The two articles will be talking about our link down below: https://meridian.allenpress.com/jfwm/article/doi/10.3996/JFWM-24-028/503907/Changes-in-Fish-Communities-Before-and-After?Please support Fishing the DMV on Patreon: https://patreon.com/FishingtheDMVPodcast If you are interested in being on the show or a sponsorship opportunity, please reach out to me at fishingtheDMV@gmail.com  Below is a link to all of Steve's social media contacts as well as determine organization. We talked about during the episode!  Kambotrout Fishing on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@KambotroutFishing/featured Kambotrout Fishing on Instagram: instagram.com/kambotrout_fishing Kambotrout Fishing on Facebook: facebook.com/kambotroutKambotrout Fishing on TikTok: vm.tiktok.com/pGPdwG Legion of Anglers on Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/groups/legionofanglers VKAE-Virginia Kayak Anglers Elite Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1223658781819481 VKAE-Virginia Kayak Anglers Elite on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fish_vkae/  Please checkout our Patreon Sponsors   Jake's bait & Tackle website: http://www.jakesbaitandtackle.com/ Catoctin Creek Custom Rods: https://www.facebook.com/CatoctinCreekCustomRods Tiger Crankbaits on Facebook!! https://www.facebook.com/tigercrankbaits   #fishing #fishingtheDMV #fishingtipsSupport the show

    The Two Bucks Podcast
    Balancing Fishing and Filming |Two Bucks Podcast #130

    The Two Bucks Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 4, 2025 90:11

    On this episode of the Two Bucks Podcast, Brian talks with Jimmy and Dori Sell about their life of fishing and creating content! In this episode, Brian Krebs hosts Dori and Jimmy, a couple who share their experiences in outdoor content creation, focusing on fishing and hunting. They discuss the balance between filming their adventures and enjoying the activities, the dynamics of communication during hunts, and their personal stories from various hunting experiences. The conversation also touches on the challenges of tracking wounded game and their favorite fishing species, particularly walleyes and muskies. In this engaging conversation, Dori and Jimmy share their experiences as avid fishermen and content creators! They discuss the challenges and joys of balancing their fishing passion with their daily lives, the logistics of fishing gear, and the thrill of ice fishing. The conversation also delves into their journey in content creation, particularly on social media, and how it has impacted their fishing adventures. In this podcast, Dori and Jimmy discuss their innovative approaches to fishing gear, the importance of creating engaging content, and the role of technology in fishing. They share personal anecdotes about fishing mishaps and the lessons learned from them, as well as their philosophy on brand partnerships and authenticity in the fishing community. In this engaging conversation, Dori and Jimmy share their experiences and plans for ice fishing, discussing equipment setups, safety strategies, and the social dynamics of hunting seasons. They emphasize the importance of meeting up with fellow outdoor enthusiasts and the need for gear insurance. The discussion flows naturally from ice fishing adventures to the challenges of winter sports, culminating in a light-hearted exchange about their love for the cold and future plans for outdoor activities.https://www.instagram.com/dorii_sell/https://www.instagram.com/jimmy_sell/  Connect with Brian: https://linktr.ee/twobuckspodcast Have Questions or Comments? Send an email to Brian@twobuckspodcast.com! Sponsors & Discounts!GOHUNT Insider - $50 Gear Shop Credit withcode WESTERNhttps://tr.ee/2rRpTKh4TFRTIC Coolers – Keep Your Meat Cold!https://bit.ly/RTICCoolersSave $150 on Steelhead Outdoors Gun Safes withcode TWOBUCKShttps://bit.ly/Steelheadoutdoors Save10% on Maverick Hunting Blinds & Accessories with code WESTERNROOKIEhttps://bit.ly/MaverickHuntingBlindsSave 10% on Ollin Digiscoping Adapters withcode TWOBUCKS https://bit.ly/OllinCodeTWOBUCKSSave 20% on your firstorder at Bull Elk Beard Oil with code TWOBUCKShttps://bit.ly/BullElkBeardOilCodeTWOBUCKSDo you have an Outdoor Brand or Business? https://twobuckspodcast.com/be-a-guest

    Off The Clock with B Scott
    UNTAMED EXPERIENCES - Roe Reynolds | Ep056 | Off The Clock with B Scott

    Off The Clock with B Scott

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 4, 2025 39:03 Transcription Available

    Send us a textRoe Reynolds takes us through his riveting journey from the adrenaline-pumping pursuit of Team USA trap shooting to the rugged life of a wildlife guide in the vast wilderness of Alaska and Idaho. At just 25, Roe's life is a testament to adventure and passion, as he vividly recounts a lighthearted yet pivotal bear hunt with his mom that spun his career into action. With charm and humor, Roe shares tales of guiding mishaps, the symphonic chaos of hunting with dogs, and those unforgettable, heart-stopping encounters with bears that leave both guides and clients in awe.Balancing the rigors of competitive shooting with the untamed terrain of Alaska is no small feat, yet Roe's story is one of inspiration and grit. His narrative is punctuated by the influence of mentors like Tommy Lynn Browning and serendipitous opportunities, like a chance meeting in Las Vegas that opened doors to new adventures. With stories of enduring the wild — from showerless days to long waits in remote locales — Roe reveals the unpredictable and exhilarating challenges of being a guide, painting a vivid picture of the rugged lifestyle he leads.Roe's reflections extend beyond the hunt, delving into family dynamics and future aspirations. We explore the interplay of business ventures, from family stores to real estate, and the relentless energy that fuels them. Roe also casts light on wildlife's misunderstood predators, sharing personal encounters with mountain lions and wolves. With eyes set on possible Olympic dreams, Roe's journey is as much about pursuing a purposeful life as it is about his thrilling escapades. Join us for an inspiring story of determination and adventure that promises to keep you captivated.GUEST WEBSITE: https://www.dogandhunt.comOUR WEBSITE/OTC MERCH: https://offtheclockwithbscott.comHAVOC GEAR SHOP: https://havocnation.comHAVOC BOATS WEBSITE: https://havocboats.comHAVOC DEALERS: https://havocboats.com/dealers/SOCIAL LINKSTruth Social: https://truthsocial.com/@OffTheClockwithBScottFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/people/Off-The-Clock-With-B-Scott/61557737220814/Twitter (X): https://twitter.com/OTCwithBScottInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/offtheclockwithbscott/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwu6_wWcXDoBzhpHv4YgZGQRumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-5644782

    Radio Influence
    Captain Mike Rogal of Bay Native Fishing

    Radio Influence

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 4, 2025 72:06

    The Reel Animals Podcast is back with its first episode of 2025 and in this episode, Capt. Mike Anderson is joined by Capt. Mike Rogal of Bay Native Fishing. Sit back, relax, and listen to this great conversation and subscribe to the Reel Animals Podcast with Capt. Mike Anderson on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, TuneIn Radio, […] The post Captain Mike Rogal of Bay Native Fishing appeared first on Radio Influence.

    The Orvis Fly Fishing Guide Podcast
    Ten tips on making your fishing writing better, with Dave Karczynski

    The Orvis Fly Fishing Guide Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 3, 2025 93:01

    Dave is one of the best young voices in fly fishing [38:14]. He's the real deal—he is a fishy guy and can handle a fly rod with the best of them, but he's also a teacher of writing at the college level and a published author. (His new book is terrific and the title is Calling After Water.) Dave gives us what I consider a mini master class on how to write about fly fishing so that your stories are engaging, concise, and fun. I know you will find many useful tips in this podcast. In the Fly Box this week, we have an assortment of great questions from listeners, including: What are the benefits of tube flies? Can I nymph fish for steelhead with a Spey rod? Is there a benefit from using UV fly-tying materials? What is the best way to attach pre-made droppers to my leader? Tippet ring, surgeon's knot, or blood knot? Why do people look down on swinging wet flies for trout? How can I fish a bigger river without wasting my time trying to fish it all? Is it better to go to a smaller streamer when fish are just bumping the fly? How can young people help to improve our environment?

    Bass University Live
    Caleb Sumrall- Highs and Lows of Professional Fishing

    Bass University Live

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 3, 2025 89:06

    Welcome back friend of the show Caleb Sumrall. We go through Calebs past few seasons and talk about the lessons learned along the way. 

    Southeastern Fly
    97. Fishing the Tallapoosa River

    Southeastern Fly

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 3, 2025 60:01

    In this episode of Southeastern Fly, we dive deep into the scenic beauty and rich history of Alabama's Tallapoosa River with warm-water fly-fishing specialist, Drew Morgan. From the river's fascinating origins in the Muskogee language to its unique characteristics as a relatively untouched waterway in the Piedmont region, Drew brings a wealth of knowledge and passion to the discussion.The Tallapoosa is more than a fishing spot—it's a connection to the past, where nature and history intertwine. Drew shares insights into the diverse fish species inhabiting the river, including the native Alabama bass and Tallapoosa bass (formerly known as red-eye bass). He breaks down their behaviors, preferred habitats, and the techniques to entice these feisty fighters on the fly.Highlights from the Episode:Geological and Historical Context: Learn about the Tallapoosa's role as a throwback river, offering a glimpse into a time before industrial development.Fishing Tactics and Gear: Discover Drew's go-to setups, including fast-action rods and fly lines tailored for navigating the river's rock gardens and shoals.Topwater Magic: Uncover why the Tallapoosa is considered one of the best rivers in the South for topwater fly fishing, with Drew's favorite patterns and profiles that make bass strike.Seasonal Tips: Whether you're chasing big bass in the cooler months or enjoying topwater action in summer, Drew highlights the best times to visit the river.Stories from the Water: Hear about the heartbreak and thrill of the one that got away, as Drew recounts his encounters with unforgettable fish.If you've ever wondered what it's like to fish in a river that feels untouched by time, this episode will inspire you to experience the Tallapoosa firsthand. From the serene beauty of the Piedmont region to the camaraderie of casting with friends, the Tallapoosa offers something special for every angler.To book a trip or learn more about Drew Morgan, visit East Alabama Fly Fishing.Produced by NOVA

    Saltwater Edge Podcast
    Dr Aaron Adams - Discovering Saltwater Secrets

    Saltwater Edge Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 3, 2025 68:24

    The Saltwater Edge Podcast recently welcomed a special guest, Dr. Aaron Adams—an esteemed marine scientist, author, and avid angler with over 35 years of experience in fish ecology and conservation. As the Director of Science and Conservation at Bonefish Tarpon Trust, Dr. Adams bridges the gap between complex scientific research and practical fishing advice, making him the perfect voice for anglers eager to deepen their understanding of saltwater habitats. Insights From Dr. Adams Growing up near the Chesapeake Bay, Dr. Adams witnessed firsthand the impact of ecosystem decline. This early exposure ignited his lifelong dedication to fish conservation and ecological research. His books and work emphasize the importance of habitat-focused angling, flipping the traditional script of “chasing fish” by encouraging anglers to start by studying the environment first. Books Mentioned in the Podcast During the conversation, host Peter Jenkins referenced several of Dr. Adams' works that have become essential reading for anglers seeking to level up their fishing game: Fisherman's Coast A foundational guide that introduces the importance of understanding habitat when fishing, covering everything from coastal ecosystems to tidal influences. Saltwater Prey This book dives deeper into the behaviors of prey species and how anglers can match the patterns to outsmart game fish. The Orvis Guide to Fly Fishing for Coastal Gamefish Expanding on Fisherman's Coast, this guide includes updates on tides, fish vision, and how different habitats influence fishing strategies. For those looking to sharpen their angling skills and apply ecological principles, these books are invaluable. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just beginning your saltwater journey, tuning into this podcast episode is a step toward fishing smarter by understanding the intricate dance between predator, prey, and habitat. Show Notes: 00:33 Meet Dr. Aaron Adams: Marine Scientist and Avid Angler 02:19 The Science Behind Fishing Techniques 04:54 Understanding Fish Behavior and Habitat 07:31 Fishing in Different Environments 11:03 Impact of Environmental Factors on Fishing 26:55 Exploring New Fishing Spots 34:45 The Onboard Computer of Fishing 35:19 The Debate on Keeping Logs 38:06 Broadcast Spawning Explained 42:36 Economic Impact of Fisheries 44:51 The Intersection of Science and Fishing 54:05 Tips for Better Angling 01:04:20 Bonefish Tarpon Trust Initiatives 01:07:05 Conclusion and Resources

    Patriotdefense's podcast
    Training Series episode #5 Fishing and Bowling

    Patriotdefense's podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 3, 2025 11:33

    Bunkered down in the war room somewhere in the high desert of southern Idaho where I discuss all things firearms and self defense training... call us text us 620-794-6223 email us at info@patriotdefense13.com  like us on FB and check out our web page patriotdefense13.com Facebook Instagram Youtube Rumble TikTok

    The Guide Post
    EP175: Rod Building Entrepreneurship | Zack's Custom Rods

    The Guide Post

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 3, 2025 41:24

    In this episode of The Guide Post, we dive into the world of custom rod building with Zack Richardson, the entrepreneur behind Zack's Custom Rods. From humble beginnings crafting rods in his childhood home to building a thriving business in Westport, Massachusetts, Zach shares his journey of passion, persistence, and problem-solving. He talks about the challenges of scaling a business, the importance of customer service, and how he navigated the fishing industry to establish a fast-growing business. If you love a good success story, this episode is packed with insights on pursuing your passion, business growth, and resilience. You can learn more about ZCR by heading to their website - click here.

    Birds of a Feather Talk Together
    78: The Feather Thief Part 3: Fly-tying with guest Jason Weckstein

    Birds of a Feather Talk Together

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 3, 2025 45:25

    We are doing a mini-series on The Feather Thief by Kirk Wallace Johnson. This week we have a very special guest, Jason Weckstein, join us for a conversation about the intricacies of fly-tying. Jason is not only an avid fly fisherman and fly tier but also a passionate ornithologist. Jason is an Associate Curator of Ornithology at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University and Associate Professor in the Department of Biodiversity, Earth, and Environmental Science, Drexel University. Join John Bates, Shannon Hackett, RJ Pole, and Amanda Marquart for Birds of a Feather Talk Together. Please send us your questions for us to answer as well! You can send them to podcast.birdsofafeather@gmail.comMake sure to follow us on Instagram, Blue Sky Social, YouTube and tik tok as well!!

    The Saltwater Euphoria Podcast
    Ep. 57 - "Aruba Fishing" w/ Alex Mansur

    The Saltwater Euphoria Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 3, 2025 40:42

    In Episode 57, our host Captain Ricky Wheeler, talks with Alex Mansur about the fishing in Aruba as well as the other two ABC islands of Curacao and Bonaire. They dive into all of the places Alex grew up fishing with his family, what he has learned from his travels and fishing, to a full highlight of the fishing in Aruba from epic sailfishing on the bank to the west, wahoo fishing along the edge, and also blue marlin and swordfishing.If you would like our host, Ricky Wheeler, to help you sell your boat/yacht or help you with searching for and buying a boat/yacht, please email:RickyWheeler@UnitedYacht.comTo fish with our host, Captain Ricky Wheeler, on EUPHORIA out of Charleston, SC in April- June or Atlantic City, NJ June-November go to:EuphoriaSportfishing.comFor online fishing courses, go to our website Courses.SaltwaterEuphoria.comSaltwater Euphoria Podcast Sponsors:+AIRLOCK - https://www.airlockusa.com/USE CODE EUPHORIA for $20 off AIRLOCK Products+Saltwater Euphoria - https://www.saltwatereuphoria.com/+Euphoria Sportfishing - https://www.euphoriasportfishing.com/Email podcast@saltwatereuphoria.com if you want to advertise on/become a sponsor The Saltwater PodcastFollow the following on Instagram:CaptainRickyWheeler: @CaptainRickyWheelerSaltwater Euphoria: @SaltwaterEuphoriaEuphoria Sportfishing: @EuphoriaSportfishingAIRLOCK: @AirlockPurifierIf you like this podcast please be sure to click that FOLLOW button and also spread the word by sharing this episode with your friends or whatever social channels you are on and/or leaving a great review  We appreciate your support.

    Fishing the DMV
    315 | Goldie: The Crankbait Genius and River Rat You've Never Heard Of

    Fishing the DMV

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 3, 2025 31:54

    On this exciting episode of Fishing the DMV, I'm joined by the legendary crankbait maker and skilled fisherman, Goldie. Though you may not have heard of him, he has been crafting custom crankbaits and fishing the Potomac River for years. Please support Fishing the DMV on Patreon!!! Patreon: https://patreon.com/FishingtheDMVPodcast If you are interested in being on the show or a sponsorship opportunity, please reach out to me at fishingtheDMV@gmail.com Please checkout our Patreon Sponsors Catoctin Creek Custom Rods: https://www.facebook.com/CatoctinCreekCustomRods Jake's bait & Tackle website:                      http://www.jakesbaitandtackle.com/ Tiger Crankbaits on Facebook!! https://www.facebook.com/tigercrankbaits Jake's bait & Tackle website:                      http://www.jakesbaitandtackle.com/ Fishing the DMV Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Arensbassin/?ref=pages_you_manage Fishing the DMV Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/fishingthedmv/?utm_medium=copy_link         #fishing #FishingtheDMV #snakeheadfishingSupport the show

    This Day in Maine
    Monday, February 3, 2025: Maine industries scramble to understand potential tariff impacts; body recovered from sunken fishing vessel

    This Day in Maine

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 3, 2025 7:36

    Korda - The Thinking Tackle Podcast
    #108 - Jason Hayward

    Korda - The Thinking Tackle Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 3, 2025 109:51

    Jason Hayward is Back – and He's Revealing ALL! Jason Hayward returns for his second appearance on the Thinking Tackle Podcast, and trust us—you don't want to miss this one! This episode is packed with expert insights as Jason and Rich dive deep into rigs, bait, and the crucial link between the two that could seriously up your fishing game. If you're looking to fine-tune your setup and get inside the mind of an angling expert, this is the episode for you. Watch and learn—you'll definitely take something away from this one!

    Zero Duck:30 Podcast
    Chris Midgette | "The Hunting Traveller" | Talking Hunting, Boykin Spaniels, and much more!

    Zero Duck:30 Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 3, 2025 107:43

    Send us a textTony and Tristan are back with another episode! This time, they chat with Chris Midgette AKA "The Hunting Traveller" Chris is an avid outdoorsman, write, and photographer with a passion for Boykin Spaniels!We hope you enjoy!Companies we LOVE | Ways to Support the Podcast ↓froggtoggs - USE CODE ZD315 FOR 15 PERCENT OFF @ www.froggtoggs.com *Cannot be used in combination with any other promo code. Offer only available at www.froggtoggs.com.*Valid 8/30/2023 thru 12/31/2024Williamson Outfitters (Coastal Florida Waterfowl Hunts, Fishing, Gator Hunts and Much more!)https://floridaducks.com/Code Duck30 for 20 percent off Huntwise!https://huntwise.com/pro/checkout?code=DUCK30Looking to waterfowl hunt in Arkansas? Give our good friend Kade Weatherford, Owner of Delta Thunder Outfitters a call at (870)-926-7944You can use code ZeroDuck30 for 20 percent off all products at https://ackleyoutdoors.com/ !Code Zeroduck15 for 15 percent off https://dirtyduckcoffee.com/Special shout out to  @Gavin Powell for letting us use his song "The End" in our videos

    This Is A Man's World - She who dares, wins.
    Laughing Through the Storm: Beaky Allesch-Taylor on Resilience, Rivers, and Reinvention

    This Is A Man's World - She who dares, wins.

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 3, 2025 65:48

    In this captivating installment of "She Who Dares Wins," host Michelle delves deep into conversation with Beaky, whose life story reads like an adventure novel waiting to be written. With refreshing candor, Beaky unpacks the essence of bravery and the transformative power of trusting one's intuition. Her journey, shaped by an unconventional upbringing, winds through the corridors of prestigious newsrooms to the serene banks of fishing streams, each chapter marked by bold choices and unexpected turns.The discussion takes a fascinating turn as Beaky opens up about her evolution in the fishing world, where she's become an accidental pioneer for women in the sport. Her battle with cancer emerges as a powerful testament to her resilient spirit, handled with the same gutsy determination that characterizes her approach to life. Through entertaining anecdotes - including a memorable appearance on Blind Date - Beaky weaves a narrative that's equal parts inspiring and entertaining, demonstrating how life's greatest challenges can become stepping stones to profound personal growth.Key Takeaways:The transformative power of intuition and its role in navigating life's pivotal momentsHow finding one's voice and confidence can reshape both personal and professional landscapesThe art of embracing life's unexpected detours and turning them into opportunities for growthThe crucial importance of self-advocacy, especially during health challengesUsing humor as a powerful tool for resilience and healing in difficult timesTimestamp0:00 Daring to Follow Your Gut and Stand Up for Yourself5:35 A Life of Random Jobs and Unexpected Opportunities7:37 Rediscovering the Excitement and Community of Fly Fishing12:31 Women Challenging Stereotypes in Male-Dominated Hobbies and Professions16:36 Hiding Pregnancy Fears and Workplace Challenges20:33 Empowerment Through Humor and Speaking Up25:43 Fighting for Personalized Cancer Treatment and Trusting Intuition34:49 Finding Humor in Breast Cancer and Unexpected Discoveries38:38 Unexpected Adventures on a Blind Date TV Show43:14 Embracing Opportunities and Finding Happiness in Life's Journey49:33 Unconventional Workplace Stories and Humor57:52 Fishing, Tweed, and Parenting MishapsBeaky's Instagram @beakyfishesCheck out our clothing range at www.shewhodareswins.com and sign up to our empowering newsletter: Use the code POD10 for 10% off site wide.Support us and get exclusive content over on our patreon account https://www.patreon.com/c/shewhodareswins/membershipFollow us on Instagram @shewhodareswins Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Salt Strong Fishing
    UNCHURCHED #265 - Sobriety & Saltwater Fishing...

    Salt Strong Fishing

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 2, 2025 37:21

    Although many fishermen associate fishing with a cold beer in hand, others are using fishing as a means to come clean. Listen in to this powerful story of a fisherman who went from daily alcohol and drug use to finding a way to use fishing to change his life. Enjoy.

    Streamer Presentations #2 - The Jerk Strip


    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 2, 2025 44:14

    The ability to move the fly with the rod tip and not just the line hand is a fundamental skill that opens creative options for the streamer angler.Almost two decades ago, Kelly Galloup's first streamer book changed the way anglers thought about moving a streamer. All these years later, the jerk strip isn't just one way to move the streamer. It's a technique for using both hands, in concert, synchronized, for presentations that are impossible to achieve any other way.Move the fly with the rod tip and then recover with the line hand. In this way, the Jerk Strip sets the table for everything else to follow in this Troutbitten Skills Series on Streamer Presentations.We Cover the FollowingAngles, speeds, cadenceDepth and distanceFast vs smoothFlies and fly rodsTroubleshooting the mechanicsJig Strip, Glide Strip, Twitch StripGood slack and bad slackStrip sets and hook setsAnd much more . . .ResourcesREAD: Troutbitten | Category | StreamersREAD: Troutbitten | Streamer Presentations -- Jigs, Jerks and StripsVIDEO: Troutbitten | The Jerk Strip -- Streamer PresentationsVisitTroutbitten WebsiteTroutbitten InstagramTroutbitten YouTubeTroutbitten Facebook Thank You to Pre-Roll Ad Sponsors:SkwalaandOrvisThank You to Pre-Roll Ad Sponsors:SkwalaandOrvis

    Great Outdoors from WGN Radio 720
    The Louisiana marsh a critical ecosystem and central to our economy continues to be at great peril

    Great Outdoors from WGN Radio 720

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 2, 2025

    On this airing of The Great Outdoors, Charlie Potter shares his concerns about the Louisiana marsh wetland ecosystem and what is threatening it. Plus, how to stay vigilant while bird flu is affecting migratory bird hunting.

    The Doug Pike Hunting and Fishing Show
    What's the new Texas Lion?

    The Doug Pike Hunting and Fishing Show

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 2, 2025 76:42 Transcription Available

    In this episode Doug talks about the beautiful weather and what you should be doing to take advantage of it. We have 12 months of fishing where. Are your rods and reels ready? Do they need and upgrade? Doug, explans "Dog walking" and one of the best top water bait lures you should have at all times. Did you know there are different types of dogs that have different jobs, when it comes to hunting? What did Punxsutawney Phil the ground hog have to say about our weather? Doug, and a caller discuss the building of a pier at the bolivar in Galveston. All this and more on The Doug Pike Show.  

    Moments with Marianne
    Little River Inn with Cally Coombs

    Moments with Marianne

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 2, 2025 19:05

    Looking for a costal getaway that's a hidden gem? Tune in for an inspiring discussion with owner and fifth-generation innkeeper Cally Coombs on Little River Inn. Moments with Marianne airs in the Southern California area on KMET1490AM & 98.1 FM, an ABC Talk News Radio affiliate! Cally Coombs grew up working in the restaurant at Little River Inn.  At age 5, she helped the bartender polish glasses in exchange for Shirley Temples.  After graduating from Columbia University, Cally lived all over the United States waiting tables and bartending, always returning to Little River Inn to help run the family business.  Back home for good since 2003, she has become the fifth- generation innkeeper of Little River Inn. Cally is a board member of several local non-profits, including the Mendocino County Tourism Commission and the Mendocino Area Parks Association.  She is passionate about growing the local economy while preserving the Mendocino lifestyle. Cally holds the 2011 CHLA Outstanding General Manager award and the California line caught record for a Canary rockfish. https://www.littleriverinn.comFor more show information visit: www.MariannePestana.com

    The Lure Lab - Fishing Tackle Podcast
    Make Throwing a Spinnerbait in the Winter a Priority with Luke Palmer

    The Lure Lab - Fishing Tackle Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 1, 2025 25:54

    Louisiana Great Outdoors with Don Dubuc
    Not fishing this weekend? It is a great time for maintenance!

    Louisiana Great Outdoors with Don Dubuc

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 1, 2025 7:58

    Don connects with Robbie Campo from Campo's Marina to discuss if the fish kills we were worried about last weekend came true, a Duck season recap, what you could be doing this time of year if you AREN'T fishing and hunting, and more!

    Wet Net Weekend Report
    Columbia River Winter Walleye, Sportsman Shows, & New Gofundme for our Dear Friend- Flatout Fishing

    Wet Net Weekend Report

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 1, 2025 58:54

    Thank you so much for tuning in for another episode of the Wet Net Outdoors Podcast. Please be sure to share us out there with your friends, Hit that thumbs up button, and subscribe! We can be found on Youtube, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or anywhere else you get your podcast. On this episode, I was lucky enough to join Jerry & Ivan Reyes, with the Flatout Fishing Crew for a hell of a time. We took some time talking about the Tri Cities Sportsmen's Show. Talked about some cool attractions, and what these guys are looking forward to at the Portland show. Next on the List was Winter Walleye. We went over some quick reports, & talked about some tactics. If you want an in depth tutorial on jigging for Walleye on the Columbia, Go check out Flatout Fishing's youtube video they put together. Last, but definitely not least, We talked about our good buddy, Eddie Plata. Eddie is Jerry's deckhand, and Lifelong friend. They decided to start a gofundme to try to get Eddie a set of hearing aids, due to his decline in hearing. I will put a link directly below, so you can donate if you'd like. https://www.gofundme.com/f/support-eddie-hear-for-his-safety?attribution_id=sl:e75f2caf-cf95-4e2a-ab4d-1c08e9783fa8&lang=en_US&utm_campaign=man_sharesheet_dash&utm_medium=customer&utm_source=copy_link Huge shoutout to our awesome sponsors Fishsos, Anglers Unlimited, Northwild Outdoors, Coldwater Strong, & Talon Rods! Have a great week! #podcast #fishing #addictedfishing #flatoutfishing #anglersunlimited #talonrods #northwildoutdoors #coldwaterstrong #fishsos #columbiariver #columbiariverbar #salmon #steelhead #pnw #washington #oregon #sockeye #chinook #pacificocean #salmoneggs #bobberdown #coonshrimp #recovery #catchzone #flatoutfishing #bangbang

    The Doug Pike Hunting and Fishing Show
    Should you fish on the shady side or sunny side of the tree?

    The Doug Pike Hunting and Fishing Show

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 1, 2025 119:07 Transcription Available

    In this episode Doug talks about Forward Facing sonar. Is this cheating? What's the best rhythm when fishing? You won't beleive this method. How do you enjoy nature? Doug and caller share tips on how to get the animals to come to you. Just be careful of venomus snakes when in the parks. Callers discuss the effects the freeze will have on the state of Louisiana and how long will it take for their fishing populaction to get back to normal.  Caller Nick LeBrun shares his fishng tips and tricks with the KBME audience and Doug. All this and much more.

    Ahi Va
    Ep. 46: Wildlife Heritage Act

    Ahi Va

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 1, 2025 75:29

    Hunting is conservation. That phrase was popularized by David Allen while he was the CEO at the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation. David is a marketing genius. That phrase went viral and hunters continue to use it at every opportunity. There is a lot of truth to those words. For about the last 100 years hunters have been the primary source of conservation funding. The New Mexico Department of Game and Fish is an enterprise agency. The roughly $50 million dollars per year they operate with is not provided by tax dollars or other general fund appropriations. Instead, their budget is a result of dollars spent on hunting and fishing licenses and federally matched dollars generated by an excise tax on firearms, ammunition, and some other fishing and hunting gear. This model has worked historically, but it's not sustainable into the future. Conservation funding must be broadened. The Public Trust Doctrine makes clear that wildlife exists in trust and shall be managed for the benefit of all the residents of the state. Because wildlife belongs equally to all the residents, all the residents should contribute to the financial investment needed to effectively manage that wildlife. Through a variety of strategies, New Mexico's conservation funding is both increasing and becoming more diverse. It's more critical than ever that hunters welcome to the table those co-owners of our wildlife who choose not to hunt. This is happening in a huge way in New Mexico. In this episode, Jesse Deubel facilitates a conversation with members of the New Mexico Conservation Coalition to discuss how they are working together to reform the NM State Game Commission, and support our state wildlife agency by ensuring they have the tools, authority and funding necessary to carry out their mission. By working together we can sustain our hunting and fishing traditions. Enjoy the listen!    For more info: NMWF Website

    Anchored Podcast Ep. 260: Meko Glinton on Guiding in the Bahamas, Flats Fishing Tricks, and More


    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 31, 2025 96:08

    Omeko "Meko" Glinton is a renowned Bahamian fly-fishing guide with over two decades of experience. Beginning his professional journey at the age of eighteen, Meko has established himself as one of the premier bonefish guides in the world. In 2024, Meko was featured in the film Meko, which highlights the impacts of climate change on the livelihoods of Grand Bahama's original fly-fishing guide families. His deep connection to the waters of the Bahamas and commitment to conservation make him a respected voice in the industry. Currently, Meko operates Meko Experience, offering world-class fly fishing and spa experiences on Grand Bahama Island. His dedication to the sport and his community continues to inspire anglers and conservationists alike. In this episode of Anchored, we discuss his role in one of the longest generational legacies in fly-fishing guiding, flats fishing techniques, his latest project, lodge, and more. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    The Dumb Zone
    DZ 1-31-25: Year in review of the Dallas Cowboys with Jon Machota, Justin Tucker's sticky situation, and fishing with Hitler with Bryce Mitchell PREVIEW

    The Dumb Zone

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 31, 2025 20:20

    Hear the entire episode by subscribing to The Dumb Zone at DumbZone.com or Patreon.com/TheDumbZoneIt was quite a year for the Dallas Cowboys with a list of things you probably forgot about. We go through those with The Athletic's, Jon Machota. Baltimore Ravens kicker, Justin Tucker, is being accused of making it bounce at spas. UFC fighter, Bryce Mitchell, has thoughts on Hitler and giants. Plus, Jake explains what Meow Wolf is and Dan has to get the finger test today ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★

    The Outdoors Show
    Fishing Forecast: What A Difference A Week Can Make!

    The Outdoors Show

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 31, 2025 48:29

    Well, after a brutally cold week of weather, Mother Nature chose to smile upon the First Coast once again! With[...]

    Florida Sportsman Action Spotter Podcast
    The Best of The Worst!

    Florida Sportsman Action Spotter Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 31, 2025 51:08

    The Best of The Worst!  Captain's share their favorite recipes of unpopular fish, Let's discuss! Do you have a question about fishing in your area? Email rick@floridasportsman.com and we'll answer your questions on the air. Outline of Episode 278 [1:46] Tropics Report [5:26] Northeast Report [10:40] East Central Report [18:55] Keys Report [25:13] Southwest Report [30:59] West Central Report [36:48] Big Bend Report [44:30] Northwest Report [49:58] Florida Wrap-Up A BIG thanks to each of our sponsors, without whom we would not be able to bring you these reports each week Yamaha Outboards • Shimano Fishing • Tournament Master Chum • D.O.A. Lures • Fishing Nosara / Nosara Paradise Rentals • Young Boats

    1010XL Jax Sports Radio
    Fishing Forecast 1-30-25

    1010XL Jax Sports Radio

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 31, 2025 48:29

    Fishing Forecast 1-30-25 by 1010 XL Jax Sports Radio

    Alabama Saltwater Fishing Report
    Mobile Bay, Dauphin Island and Gulf Shores Fishing Reports for  January 27 - February 2, 2025

    Alabama Saltwater Fishing Report

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 30, 2025 83:04

    The Alabama Saltwater Fishing Report is your best resource for the Gulf Shores Surf Fishing Report, Orange Beach Fishing Report, Dauphin Island Fishing Report, Mobile Bay Fishing Report, and Alabama saltwater fishing everywhere in between. For the anglers looking for a Gulf Shores surf Fishing Report, Gulf State Park pier fishing report, Orange Beach Fishing Report and Fort Morgan fishing report, look no further than the Alabama Saltwater Fishing Report. Every week we bring you an "onshore" report for those anglers interested in a gulf shores surf fishing report or a gulf shores pier fishing report. This week we're talking to Chris Vecsey who is giving us the Alabama Fishing report all the way from the Flora Bama to Fort Morgan. Chris has been in the kayak recently and has been doing really well with the speckled trout around orange beach and gulf shores area. Listen in to see how Chris has been having success.  For our guys looking for the Dauphin Island inshore fishing report or the Orange Beach Inshore Fishing Report, Capt. Patric Garmeson has what you need to know to catch more speckled trout, redfish, and tripletail and how to catch each of these species in the area. The tactics and tips we discuss here each week can be applied to many areas when fishing Alabama's coast and other states along the Gulf of Mexico. Captain Patric goes in depth on winter time fishing and how these low water temperatures have been impacting the fishing in our local area.  For the Alabama Fishing Report offshore report we talk with Capt. Branden Collier for the offshore report out of Dauphin Island.. Capt. Branden went offshore in his 256 Blackjack and found some yellowfin tuna! Capt. Branden and Dylan hop on the report and give us a run down of what it looks like to get offshore in a one engine center console. Poppers were the ticket for the open water tuna bite this trip. Listen in to learn about the gear they used and how they were able to put a big yellowfin on the deck of the bay boat!  It's all brought to you whether it's good, bad, or ugly. Please subscribe, rate, and review wherever you listen to podcasts and if you'd like us to email you the podcast, just head over to greatdaysoutdoors.com/asfr and we'll send you the new show each week. {Full Disclosure: This post may include affiliate links. There's no extra charge to our readers for using these.} Keep Whackin em'!   Contributors:    Capt. Robby Howard Capt. Ben Knight  Capt. Boe Strange Tony Emmons  Capt. Kendall Annan Matt Boyington Chris Stewart Capt. Spencer Kight  Capt. Jay O'Brien Tanner Deas-Dauphin Island Fishing  Jordan Gooding with G2 Coastal  Capt. Shane Traylor Capt. Branden Collier Capt. Matt Swiggum  Capt. Kurt Tillman  Blane Roberts-Panhandle Salt Capt. Adam Peeples  Capt. Scott Kennedy  Capt. Dustin Bedgood Capt. Richard Rutland  Capt. Patric Garmeson Capt. Patrick Ivie of the Breathe Easy Capt. Bobby Abruscato Angelo DePaola Captain Skipper Thierry   David Thornton AKA the “Pier Pounder”    Captain Chris Tew    Captain Chris “Marlin” Hood   Capt. Devin Potts   Chris Vecsey   Thomas Hilton   Capt. King Marchand