Helsinki Subdivision in Uusimaa, Finland
Xente vencellada a música tradicional conformou a finais do ano 85 o grupo Folk Eiravedra do que foron fundadores músicos como Manuel Carballeira o acordeón, Manuel Saura as guitarras; Xose Luis Vazquez, Gaita; Chus Niebla, Voz e pandeireta; Óscar Doval coa percusion e Miguel Doval, flautas. O Folk estaba en auxe e a primeira grabación chegou no ano 1993. Gañaron certames como o Pelegrin do Xacobeo y o do festival de Vilagarcia. Eiravedra pasou por moitas etapas o longo dos casi vinte anos nos que estuvieron actuando. Os seus temas incorporaban a voz dunha cantereira e iso os facia unicos nun momento no que a maioria dos grupos folk facian música instrumental.
Tunnetyötä tehdään monilla aloilla, kuten asiakaspalvelussa, kasvatuksessa, koulutuksessa, sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollossa ja johtamisessa. Tietysti hoitajan kuuluu olla empaattinen, kuunteleva, läsnäoleva ja aina ymmärtävä. Nämä kuuluvat niin sanotusti ammattirooliin, sanoo siis 27-vuotias sairaanhoitaja Oulusta Havaintoja ihmisestä -sarjan jaksossa. Tunnetyö-termin on alun perin kehittänyt amerikkalainen sosiologi Arlie Hochschild. Hän tutki 1970- ja 1980-luvun taitteessa tunnetyötä muun muassa lentoemäntien ja perintätoimistoissa työskentelevien ammateissa. Tunnetyö on tärkeää ihmisyhteisöjen kannalta, mutta se jakautuu osin epätasaisesti sukupuolien ja töiden suhteen. Ihmiset, jotka tekevät runsaasti tunnetyötä työssä ja vapaa-ajalla, se voi olla uuvuttavaa, kertoo tutkija Tiina Sihto toimittaja Satu Kivelän haastattelussa. Toimittaja: Satu Kivelä Äänisuunnittelija: Marko Vierikko Lukijat: Susanna Vainiola, Leena Mattila, Tuula Rajavaara ja Pauliina Motturi Musiikki: Epidemic Sound Tuottaja: Pertti Ylikojola Vastaava toimittaja: Ville Vilén Lähteet: Viinamäki, Elina (2024) Käypä hoito. Otava. Rahikainen, Agneta & Sillanpää, Eira (2023). S&S Niskanen. Olli-Pekka (2024) Lastensuojelun asiakasmitoituksesta luopuminen johtaisi kriisiin. Helsingin Sanomat.
Este cuarteto feminino toma o seu nome "Faltriqueira" da palabra galega que describe un peto oculto baixo o vestido tradicional galego, e como suxire o alcume, levan a herdanza celta con elas ao presente. Faltriqueira entrelaza intrincadas voces polifónicas modernas e sintetizadores con instrumentos acústicos e os ritmos tradicionais das pandereteiras. A serie WOMEN'S VOICES contara con elas na súa xira americana poñendo en primeiro plano o papel que desempeñan as artistas femininas na preservación e promoción das súas respectivas culturas e tradición
Join us for our Iowa Youth Rugby Association Girls' preview show with special interviews from Casey Hansen of Waverly-Shell Rock, Salty Thompson & Kelsie McDowell of EIRA! Girls' 7s High School Season starts Monday and then on next Wednesday there is an EIRA High Performance Identification camp in Des Moines! We also break down all the college, senior side, and international rugby action! Join us for a fun one!
Este cuarteto feminino toma o seu nome "Faltriqueira" da palabra galega que describe un peto oculto baixo o vestido tradicional galego, e como suxire o alcume, levan a herdanza celta con elas ao presente. Faltriqueira entrelaza intrincadas voces polifónicas modernas e sintetizadores con instrumentos acústicos e os ritmos tradicionais das pandereteiras. A serie WOMEN'S VOICES contara con elas na súa xira americana podendo en primeiro plano o papel que desempeñan as artistas femininas na preservación e promoción das súas respectivas culturas e tradicións.
Ramiro Castiñeira Economista- Dir. Econométrica @laurasverdlick 14-8-2024
Step into the icy realm of the Icebound Glaciers in Episode 4 of "The Starborn Prophecy" titled The Frostbinder's Test. Join Seren and her loyal companion Nyx as they seek out Eira, the Guardian of Ice, to earn her blessing. Seren faces a series of trials testing her perseverance and purity of heart, navigating shifting ice labyrinths, confronting her deepest fears, and protecting a fragile magical creature from the biting cold. Highlights of This Episode: Navigating Ice Labyrinths: Seren must manipulate ice to find her way through a maze of ever-shifting walls. Confronting Deep Fears: Seren faces illusions of her deepest fears and must stay calm to see through them. Protecting a Magical Creature: Seren cares for a delicate ice fox, using her warmth and magic to keep it safe. Gaining the Frostbinder's Embrace: Eira grants Seren the Frostbinder's Embrace, enhancing her control over ice and endowing her with the power of the cold. Experience a magical quest filled with resilience, determination, and celestial magic as Seren prepares for the final confrontation with the darkness threatening Lumina. #FantasySeries #AudioDrama #MagicalAdventure #TheStarbornProphecy #FantasyPodcast #Episode4
Ramón Indart entrevistó a Ramiro Castiñeira, economista y director de Econométrica.
Entrevista de Pablo Wende a Ramiro Castiñeira, economista, director de Econométrica: fase 2, inflación, reservas y dólar.
A proposta incorpora esta ano un showcooking, unha mexillonada popular, un recital poético-musical de ambientación mariñeira e un obradoiro infantil Mantense o seu espírito divulgativo con distintas conferencias ou resentacións e varias exposicións. Ademais de na sede Agrupación, haberá actividade no Alboio de Areamorta, de titularidade municipal, grazas a un acordo co concello de Ares. Todo como anticipo de A esta de A Cabria.
En Viva la Pepa, Nico Yacoy dialogó con el economista Ramiro Castiñeira, director de Econométrica
Entrevista de Carlos Mira en Mira quién Habla a Ramiro Castiñeira, economista y director de la consultora Econométrica.
Huge episode where we interview Joe Lippert starting at 1:14:00, we hear his take on Olympic 7s, USA Rugby, NCR All-American Tour in France, Vail Rugby and more! We also talk about upcoming summer tournaments in Iowa, EIRA updates, NAI 7s, and so many international test matches and other random nuggets!
Por fin arrancó la nueva edición del colorido y divertido Festival Medieval dos Andrade en Pontedeume. Múltiples pasacalles, espectáculos y actuaciones musicales rodearon el pregón que el cantautor y escritor Xoán Rubia pronunció desde el balcón de la Casa do Concello. En el día de hoy, el mercado abrirá a las 11 horas. Al mismo tiempo se iniciará la «Eira dos Nen@s» con juegos tradicionales y los campamentos infantiles «Viaxeiros no tempo» y «Lucus medieval», que cerrarán a las 15 horas y reabrirán a las 18.00 para finalmente terminar su actividad a las 22 horas. La Revolta Irmandiña tendrá lugar a las 22.15, y el ritual y degustación de la queimada a las 23.45 horas, 45 minutos antes del cierre definitivo del mercado. Mañana, domingo, la apertura del mercado, la «Eira dos Nen@s» y los campamentos seguirán el mismo horario. A las 12.30 en la plaza del Convento se realizará el sorteo entre los caracterizados. Los pasacalles, espectáculos y actuaciones que tendrán lugar a lo largo de todo el fin de semana seguirán animando el festival hasta el definitivo cierre del mercado a las 23.30 horas.
Unrestricted Warfare Ep. 116 | "Bloodlines and Nephilim" with Eira Wulfnothsson Links: Discount Code: Pro2024 for 10% off Pro Immune *Buy Master Peace Solution here to detox* - Purge the graphene oxide out of you Decentralized Media Coming 2024 Support James by Subscribing Early at Mushrooms PTG Gold and Silver My Patriot Supply Be Prepared When Disaster Strikes The Redpill Project.. Find Us and Subscribe! Web Telegram Rumble CloutHub GETTR TikTok Foxhole App: Facebook: DLive:
Hi everyone! It's Eira here, creator of the show and voice of both Alfie and Neige! I'm planning a Season 3 Q&A, and I'm really excited about it. I have some questions left over from the last Q&A which I didn't get chance to answer last time, and I'm actively seeking out more! You can send your questions using the form you can find at, that's the letters ‘Q', 'N', 'A'.You don't have to put your name on the form, you can just put ‘anon' or a nickname there if you'd prefer. Please note that it may not be possible for me to answer every question I receive, though I'll do my best to answer as many as possible. If you have multiple questions, feel free to group them together, or send them separately. There is no upper limit on the number of questions you can ask.And one more time, you can send your questions from's a link in the notes for this episode, too, and it'll be posted across all social media. Looking forward to answering you!Live, laugh, bite. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Unrestricted Warfare Ep. 102| "Altars and Sacrifice" with Eira Wulfnothsson *Buy Master Peace Solution here to detox* - Purge the graphene oxide out of you Decentralized Media Coming 2024 Support James by Subscribing Early at Mushrooms PTG Gold and Silver My Patriot Supply Be Prepared When Disaster Strikes The Redpill Project.. Find Us and Subscribe! Web Telegram Rumble CloutHub GETTR TikTok Foxhole App: Facebook: DLive:
Hello, I'm Eira, creator of Spirit Box Radio, Not Quite Dead and Clockwork Bird. This July I'm releasing a brand new show, Remnants, a gothic fantasy thriller. The show follows the new Apprentice at the First and Last Place as he sorts through objects who hold the remnants of their previous owners within them. His job is to decide which of them is re-shelved, and which is discarded, but he has no criteria to work with and no idea what the consequences of his decisions will be. As the story goes on, the Apprentice begins to wonder why he, of everyone, was chosen for this task, and why his near-omniscient boss, known only as ‘sir', has chosen now to train an assistant.Remnants has a new story to muse over every week, and a mystery at its core which will have you pinning red string to cork boards as you try to solve it. Think The Talented Mr Ripley meets The Good Place and The Sandman.Remnants, an audio drama will start airing wherever you listen to podcasts from 15th July 2024.Find out more: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
We are so excited to share with you LeAnna "Bigtown" Billie's unique and inspiring story. LeAnna is a Pro Rodeo Athlete, horse trainer, ranch hand, and proud member for the Seminole Indian Tribe of Florida! She currently still holds the Women's All-Around title for the EIRA. She has also qualified for the INFR 7 times and was 5th in the world standings for the WPRA tie-down roping in 2016. We can't wait for you to take a listen to this one!
Unrestricted Warfare Ep. 88 | "Curse of Canaan Broke" with Eira Wulfnothsson Links: Eira shows: Eria books on finding God. Decentralized Media Coming 2024 Support James by Subscribing Early at Mushrooms Kirk Elliott Gold and Silver My Patriot Supply Be Prepared When Disaster Strikes The Redpill Project.. Find Us and Subscribe! Web Telegram Rumble CloutHub GETTR TikTok Foxhole App: Facebook: DLive:
A young elf named Eira and her enchanted animal friends embark on a quest to unravel the mischievous magic that has thrown the harmony of Freya's Grove into disarray. Through their journey of laughter, friendship, and self-discovery, they learn valuable lessons about the power of kindness, the importance of balance, and the eternal magic that resides within the enchanted forest. Your support is the cornerstone that allows me to continue crafting tranquil stories and meditations for you. For just $4.99 a month, you'll unlock an oasis of over 400 ad-free Listen To Sleep episodes, including 8 subscriber-only full length sleepy audiobooks like Winnie the Pooh and Alice in Wonderland. Ready for a more serene, uninterrupted listening experience? To subscribe, visit To join my email list and get a bunch of goodies, go to Sleep well, friends.
Ann-Helén Laestadius prisade bok Stöld - om tjuvjakt och rasism mot samer - har blivit långfilm på Netflix. Möt regissören Elle Márjá Eira och huvudrollsinnehavaren Elin Oskal Reporter: Björn Jansson. Lyssna på alla avsnitt i Sveriges Radio Play.
El amor de Dios es real y se manifiesta con Misericordia en la vida de todos sus hijos. Eira
Hi, I'm Eira, creator of Clockwork Bird and Spirit Box Radio, and I'm here to tell you about another show, Not Quite Dead.After seeing a succession of patients succumb to the same brutal injuries to their necks, Alfie, an overworked emergency nurse, is almost killed by a foul, rotting creature. He's saved by a mysterious man who tells him the only chance Alfie has to live to let him drink his blood. Alfie agrees, not realising that giving his blood to Casper, a vampire, will mean the two of them become inextricably linked. This strange bond pulls Alfie deep into the world of vampires, and soon he is faced with a terrible choice; walk away and forget; or risk it all and try to become a vampire too.Not Quite Dead is a gory romance horror story about the violence of vulnerability and the horrors both outside and within ourselves. If you like vampire stories, twisted romance, gory horror, and stories which bite back, search for Not Quite Dead wherever you find your podcasts, or go to to find out more. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Va'eira - Who's In Charge in Life
The Chasam Sofer explains why the Jewish people could not listen to Moshe Rabbeinu about the redemption. We share a story about Dave and a story about the Steipler, regarding the power of Shabbos.We discuss a method in which we can survive and thrive despite our being in exile.My book "Ready. Set. Grow." is available at your local Seforim store, or it can be ordered online at: watch a video version and follow my Torah classes on TorahAnytime, click here: a wonderful week!#jew #jewish #podcast #frum #rabbi #frumpodcast #inspiration #torah #mitzvah #hashem #jewishpodcast #israel #exodus #parsha #oristrum #torahsparks #readysetgrow #meaningfulminute #growthmindset #motivational #lifelessons #torahanytime
Dear Chevra, We are pleased to bring you the audio shiur given on the topic of Va'eira. Shana tova, Journeys in Torah
Dear Chevra, We are pleased to bring you the audio shiur given on the topic of Va'eira. Shana tova, Journeys in Torah
Join show creator Eira as he answers a selection of questions from you, the weird and wonderful audience of Not Quite Dead! In this first part of the Q&A, Eira will focus on answering questions surrounding the role of vampiric literary traditions in shaping the show, and on the mechanics of the vampires in the world of the show. Transcript: to help make Season Three a reality? Support the show on patreon! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Hello, it's Eira here, creator of the show, just dropping in very briefly to let you know that I'm currently accruing questions for a Q&A episode! You can ask anything you like about the show, my creative process, or basically anything that pops into your head in relation to the show! I've had a bunch of really cool questions already and it's been so fun to start assembling the responses to them, so thank you so much for all of the questions I've had so far! If you've got a biting question of your own and you fancy a big juicy answer to it, go to, like literally the letters ‘q' for ‘queen', ‘n' for ‘nobody' and ‘a' for ‘android'. I'm so excited to hear what you want to know about the show and I'm honestly really relishing the opportunity to just talk about it incessantly, it's so much fun. Remember to go to to ask your questions! The inbox will only be open until midnight UK time on the 15th of December, which is the Friday of the week this trailer is going out. Hope to see you in there. Bye! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.