Podcasts about IR

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En abril inicia construcción el Tren México-Querétaro: Sheinbaum


Play Episode Listen Later Feb 5, 2025 1:44

¡No lo olvides! Ya empezó la entrega de las tarjetas para recibir la Beca Rita Cetina  Gobierno de Irán no cuenta con planes para hacerse con armas nucleares  Más información en nuestro podcast

Spanish course. Beginner's guide.
Spanish. Lesson 106. Condicional simple. Verbos irregulares.

Spanish course. Beginner's guide.

Play Episode Listen Later Feb 5, 2025 12:51

En este episodio vamos a estudiar algunos verbos irregulares y como conjugarlos en el condicional simple. Tambien vamos a ver otros usos y para terminar traduciremos algunas frases de inglés a español.Recuerda que puedes apoyar este proyecto en el siguiente linkhttps://ko-fi.com/spanishperfectoVerbos irregularesDecir → Juan diría algo gracioso para hacer reír a todos.Hacer → Nosotros haríamos una fiesta para celebrar tu cumpleaños.Poner → Yo pondría música relajante para descansar.Querer → Ellos querrían comprar una casa en la playa.Salir → María saldría a caminar por el parque todas las mañanas.Tener → Tú tendrías más tiempo libre si organizaras mejor tu agenda.Venir → Mis primos vendrían de visita el próximo verano.DeseosGustar → Me gustaría aprender a tocar el piano.Encantar → Nos encantaría probar la comida japonesa.Preferir → Yo preferiría quedarme en casa en lugar de salir.Probabilidad o hipótesis en el pasadoA esa hora, Luis ya estaría en casa.No lo sé, pero tendría una buena razón para hacerlo.Me dijeron que el concierto sería increíble.

Heart Doc VIP with Dr. Joel Kahn
Episode 411: Is it Cholesterol, Insulin Resistance, or Both?

Heart Doc VIP with Dr. Joel Kahn

Play Episode Listen Later Feb 4, 2025 32:13

This week, Dr. Joel Kahn addresses a bold claim making the rounds: “Cholesterol doesn't matter—it's all about insulin resistance (IR).” Is that really true? Dr. Kahn breaks down the science, explaining how IR is measured, its connection to heart disease, and the best ways to improve metabolic health. Since it's Heart Month, Dr. Kahn also revisits the top risk factors for heart disease—still the leading cause of death for both men and women. He explores the life-extending benefits of a plant-based diet, along with surprising heart health hacks, from flossing your teeth to taking forest walks (yes, really). Plus, new research on why avoiding cigars and pipes is just as important as skipping cigarettes. 

BackTable Podcast
Ep. 514 Deep Sedation in IR: Intro to Ketamine with Dr. Amy Deipolyi

BackTable Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Feb 4, 2025 33:02

When deep sedation is required, it can be challenging to implement due to the difficulty of scheduling dedicated anesthesia coverage in the IR suite. Dr. Amy Deipolyi (interventional radiologist and Division Chief at Charleston Area Medical Center, WY) joins host Dr. Ally Baheti to explain an alternative approach to deep sedation through the use of ketamine. --- This podcast is supported by: Medtronic Abre Stent https://www.medtronic.com/en-us/healthcare-professionals/products/cardiovascular/deep-venous-stents/abre-venous-self-expanding-stent-system.html --- SYNPOSIS Dr. Deipolyi begins by sharing how she built a dedicated, academic IR program at a level 1 trauma center in West Virginia. The doctors then discuss the advantages of ketamine for deep sedation in the IR suite, and how Dr. Deipolyi gained administrative approval and implemented the change to achieve an alternative approach to deep sedation for interventional procedures. The discussion also includes how ketamine compares to traditional agents such as fentanyl and Versed. The episode concludes with Dr. Deipolyi's practical advice to fellow IR's interested in providing their patients deep sedation via ketamine and her ongoing and future research and outreach efforts. --- TIMESTAMPS 00:00 - Introduction 02:04 - Dr. Deipolyi's Practice 14:32 - Overcoming Hurdles and Gaining Support 20:12 - Application and Patient Experiences 26:01 - Future of Deep Sedation in IR 28:55 - Conclusion

Daniel Ramos' Podcast
Episode 463: 05 de Febrero del 2025 - Devoción para la mujer - ¨Amanecer con Jesús¨

Daniel Ramos' Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Feb 4, 2025 4:22

====================================================SUSCRIBETEhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNpffyr-7_zP1x1lS89ByaQ?sub_confirmation=1==================================================== DEVOCIÓN MATUTINA PARA MUJERES 2025“AMANECER CON JESÚS”Narrado por: Sirley DelgadilloDesde: Bucaramanga, ColombiaUna cortesía de DR'Ministries y Canaan Seventh-Day Adventist Church===================|| www.drministries.org ||===================05 de FebreroUna visita al Rey, parte I«La reina del Sur se levantará en el juicio con esta generación y la condenará, porque ella vino desde los confines de la tierra para oír la sabiduría de Salomón, y en este lugar hay alguien que es más que Salomón» (Mateo 12:42).¿Has pensado alguna vez en visitar a un rey? ¿Qué ropa te pondrías? ¿Qué le levarías? Hoy analizaremos dos de las tres actitudes de la reina de Saba, que nos dan un claro ejemplo de lo que debiera ser nuestro encuentro con el Rey y el resultado:1. La distancia. Es muy importante notar que la distancia entre ambos reinos era bastante considerable, ya que posiblemente viajó desde Arabia o Etiopía. Tomando en cuenta que las carreteras pavimentadas aún no eran ni soñadas y que las caravanas eran formadas por camellos, es fácil imaginar que el viaje pudo haber durado meses. La reina dejó la comodidad de su palacio, su servidumbre, su comida caliente y recién preparada, su cama acogedora y su silla real, pues su anhelo de encontrarse con el rey era más grande que cualquier largo, áspero e incómodo camino. Ni el frío de la noche o el calor abrazador del mediodía detuvieron su viaje.Ahora piensa, ¿cuánto nos cuesta en ocasiones dejar la comodidad de nuestros hogares para ir a encontrarnos con el Rey del universo? Ir a la iglesia a un encuentro con el Rey puede ser todo un evento para muchos, un viaje pesado, en ocasiones condicionado por el clima; sobre todo cuando se trata del sábado por la tarde y en algunos otros casos la decisión es quedarse en casa y no tener el encuentro con el Rey en su palacio.Antes de marcharse, la reina dijo a Salomón: «Dichosos tus siervos que están siempre ante ti y oyen tu sabiduría». Y tenía razón, porque somos más bienaventuradas cuando estamos en la presencia de nuestro gran Rey.2. La fe. Al llegar ante el rey, la reina abrió todo su corazón y habló sobre todo lo que sentía, hizo todas sus preguntas, las cuales fueron respondidas con sabiduría. Este acto la llevó a confesar y alabar al Dios eterno. Al abrir nuestro corazón a Dios y confiarle nuestros pensamientos, él está presto a aclarar nuestras dudas, disipar nuestras tristezas y aliviar nuestros dolores. Entonces podremos confesar con nuestros labios que él es el único Rey eterno y verdadero.¿Cuál es tu actitud al ir a visitar al Rey de reyes y Señor de señores? Pide a Dios esta mañana que te dirija a un verdadero encuentro con él. 

Stokley and Zach
Dover and Cecil | Hour 3 | 02.03.25

Stokley and Zach

Play Episode Listen Later Feb 3, 2025 45:55

In the 3rd hour, Dover and Cecil reacted to the Avs placing a star player on IR. Cecil explained why he wants the Nuggets to replace Calvin Booth. The fellas heard from Peyton Manning on why he wishes Bo Nix was down at the Pro Bowl this season. The guys gave their thoughts on the Lakers trading for Luka Doncic. 

Atelier des médias
2014-2024 : dix ans de radio de création à l'ère du podcast

Atelier des médias

Play Episode Listen Later Feb 1, 2025 50:34

Alors que le festival Longueur d'ondes, dédié à la radio et à l'écoute, se tient à Brest, en Bretagne, L'atelier des médias reçoit Christophe Deleu, fin connaisseur de « belle radio », pour parler de documentaire sonore et de fiction radiophonique à l'ère du podcast. Le désir de belle radio aujourd'hui, c'est le titre d'un livre collectif publié en France en décembre 2024 par les Presses universitaires de Rennes. Plus de 450 pages qui portent sur la radio dite de création : la fiction radiophonique et le documentaire sonore. Christophe Deleu, qui a codirigé avec Eliane Beaufils et Pierre-Marie Héron la rédaction cet ouvrage, est l'invité de L'atelier des médias. Ce professeur en sciences de l'information et de la communication au Cuej (Centre universitaire d'enseignement du journalisme) est aussi auteur de documentaires et de fictions sonores depuis 1997. Ces deux genres de « belle radio » sont à l'honneur chaque année au festival Longueur d'ondes. Voici les liens pour écouter les productions mentionnées dans l'épisode : Serial, spin-off de la série radiophonique This American Life, a été diffusé pour la première fois en octobre 2014. les podcasts de fiction de France Culture (Radio France) Shame on you (Marine Pradel et Anne-Cécile Genre, StudioFact) Master: the allegations against Neil Gaiman (Tortoise media Irène Omélianenko, une vie de documentariste radio (L'atelier des médias, RFI) Arte Radio, pionnière du podcast, fête 20 ans d'écriture sonore (L'atelier des médias, RFI) La Séparation, de Sophie Simonot (Les pieds sur terre, France Culture) En vie, d'Élise Andrieu (Arte Radio) Ou peut-être une nuit (Injstices, saison 2), de Louie Media Cerno, l'anti-anquête, par Julien Cernobori Styx, de Volodia Serre (Audible) Le nuage, d'Emmanuelle Devos (Nouvelles écoutes) Fragments hackés d'un futur qui résiste, par Alain Damasio (Phaune radio) The Truth, de Jonathan Mitchell Par ouï-dire, émission de Pascale Tison (RTBF) L'amour sans (Canal plus) Sauce algérienne (Spotify)En fin d'émission, nous diffusons un extrait d'Une si belle histoire, série fictionnelle de Chritophe Deleu en 9 épisodes de 25 minutes, à paraître en mars 2025. Elle raconte le mensonge d'un témoin dans les médias. Avec Camille Dagen et Clémence Bucher.

The Uptime Wind Energy Podcast
Advanced NDT Best Practices with CICNDT’s Jeremy Heinks

The Uptime Wind Energy Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 31, 2025 26:51

Jeremy Heinks from CICNDT (Composite Inspection and Consulting NDT) discusses how proper NDT programs can prevent costly failures and improve blade reliability. Drawing from his extensive experience, Heinks explains the challenges of implementing NDT in both onshore and offshore wind environments, emphasizing the importance of working with qualified experts to develop comprehensive inspection. Fill out our Uptime listener survey and enter to win an Uptime mug! Register for Wind Energy O&M Australia! https://www.windaustralia.com Sign up now for Uptime Tech News, our weekly email update on all things wind technology. This episode is sponsored by Weather Guard Lightning Tech. Learn more about Weather Guard's StrikeTape Wind Turbine LPS retrofit. Follow the show on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Linkedin and visit Weather Guard on the web. And subscribe to Rosemary Barnes' YouTube channel here. Have a question we can answer on the show? Email us! Allen Hall: Welcome back to the Uptime Wind Energy Podcast Spotlight. I'm your host, Allen Hall, along with my co host, Joel Saxum today we're joined by Jeremy Heinks a true veteran in the field of non destructive testing with over 25 years of experience spanning aerospace, renewables, and the space sectors. Jeremy is the owner of Composite Inspection and Consulting, where he specializes in advanced materials, testing, and inspection methods. And from inspecting rocket components at SpaceX to developing comprehensive testing programs for wind turbine blades, Jeremy brings a unique perspective on quality assurance and testing methodologies. Welcome to Uptime Spotlight, shining light on wind energy's brightest innovators. This is the Progress Powering Tomorrow. Jeremy, welcome to the Uptime Wind Energy Podcast. Thanks for having me. So you're a person we've been wanting to talk to for quite a while. And I'm glad you're on the podcast because NDT comes up all the time in our discussions when we're talking to operators, when we're talking to owners, they don't know much about it, and they're not even sure if they got NDT data, if it's the right kind of data to help them, and you have a ton of experience. You've done aerospace, you worked at SpaceX, you've done all this cool NDT stuff. I want to know to start off with. What happens in the factory? What kind of NDT should be performed in the factory? And what are they trying to use it to detect? Jeremy Heinks: Yeah. In the factory, NDT has come a long way over the past 20 years or so but we start out with the basics people don't understand like visual inspection is an NDT method and making sure that, that's done in a proper manner, it's regulated. There are rules and regulations for proper visual inspection. And certifying people to that in the NDT realm, it's called VT here, Visual Technic but, uh, that's a first just doing proper visual inspection and looking for Gross defects that way. Another thing, that's another really basic one that we see in the plants is a tap test, right? And that's another one. Tap test is a regulated NDT method. And typically that doesn't, people don't know that. It gets done incorrectly. 99 percent of the time your technicians that are doing tap tests have to pass certain certifications and regulations for hearing and all these types of different things. And the same with the conditions for the area to do the tap test. It can't be a loud noisy area. You have to have, a certain amount of noise or certain, and then we get into a couple of the other basics. One is thermal testing or IR inspection. And when that's done in a plant, it's typically after the blade has been closed we've put the mold on top and we've closed up for the adhesive body to take place. And the mold is then opened after curing cycle and then pulled out of the out of the mold and set up. So typically we would do a thermal inspection there to make sure that the adhesive is curing properly.

With Good Reason
Celebrating Nikki Giovanni

With Good Reason

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 30, 2025 52:00

When Nikki Giovanni passed away in December at the age of 81, she left a legacy that will continue to be a beacon of light for generations to come. We first had Nikki on With Good Reason more than 20 years ago when I spoke to her about space travel and her poem, Quilting The Black Eyed Pea. And: Rapper Tupac Shakur famously sported a “thug life” tattoo… and so did Nikki Giovanni. I sat down with her in 2014 to talk about the poem she dedicated to Tupac after he was killed in 1996. Later in the show: The dean of southern cookery, Edna Lewis, penned an essay called “What is Southern?” describing how food is intertwined with the seasons and cultures of the south. Back in 2008 we had Nikki Giovanni read a portion of that essay and talk about her friendship with Edna. This interview was conducted by former producer, Nancy King - who passed away in 2010. Plus: In 2020, Virginia Humanities brought Nikki Giovanni in conversation with Tressie McMillan Cottom. It was part of an online event called “Have A Drink With Nikki and Tressie” - moderated by Irène Mathieu. They talked about everything from their early writing days, to finding their voice, and the future of art and literature in the Black community.

The Kinked Wire
JVIR AI audio 1: GLASS classification and patients with chronic limb-threatening ischemia

The Kinked Wire

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 30, 2025 7:21

In this Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology (JVIR) audio episode, JVIR blog Editor Peter Li, MD, MS, uses artificial intelligence (AI) platforms ChatGPT and DeScript to produce a podcast discussion on a Dec. 9 blog entry by Isabel Okinedo on the paper, "Primary Limb-Based Patency for Chronic Limb-Threatening Ischemia Treated with Endovascular Therapy Based on the Global Limb Anatomic Staging System."Related resources:Read the original article, "Primary Limb-Based Patency for Chronic Limb-Threatening Ischemia Treated with Endovascular Therapy Based on the Global Limb Anatomic Staging System," by Minyong Peng, MD, Chao Li, MMed, Chengli Nie, MMed, Jiangwei Chen, MMed, and Jincai Tan, MMedRead the blog entry, "GLASS Classification Correlates with Primary Patency in Chronic Limb-Threatening Ischemia Patients Treated Endovascularly"SIR thanks BD for its generous support of the Kinked Wire.Contact us with your ideas and questions, or read more about about interventional radiology in IR Quarterly magazine or SIR's Patient Center.(c) Society of Interventional Radiology.Support the show

Real Kyper & Bourne
Oilers Back to Running Smoothly

Real Kyper & Bourne

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 29, 2025 49:53

Nick Kypreos and Justin Bourne are joined by Jeff Jackson (4:15), CEO & President of Hockey Operations for the Edmonton Oilers to chat about the change in performance from his team at the start of the 2024-25 regular season, the differences between the Stanley Cup Final clinching roster from a year ago, if their recent success changes their approach to the trade deadline, the coaching staff's belief in John Klingberg, and his expectations for the 4 Nations Face-Off. Then, Nick, Justin and Sam McKee discuss Drew Doughty's return from the IR, Utah Hockey Club's final list of team names, and injuries hitting hockey clubs across the league.The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the hosts and guests and do not necessarily reflect the position of Rogers Sports & Media or any affiliates.

The Kinked Wire
Episode 58: The potential for cryoneurolysis and interventional radiology in pain management

The Kinked Wire

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 28, 2025 37:29

"Over time, that nerve regenerates. And that regenerated nerve is new, and wasn't there for the surgery, or wasn't there for the trauma. And so this is an ability to percutaneously—or through the skin with a needle—replace your damaged nerve."—J. David Prologo, MD, FSIR, on the potential of cryoneurolysisIn this episode, host Warren Krackov, MD, FSIR, speaks with J. David Prologo, MD, FSIR, about the efficacy and potential of cryoneurolysis in pain management, and Dr. Prologo's patient, Bo Thordarson, MD, about how this treatment helped resolve her long-term pain from a damaged nerve.  Related resourcesPlanning to attend the SIR 2025 Annual Scientific Meeting? Register today and don't miss the sessions on pain management and cryoneurolysis!Tuesday, April 1: Top 5 Pain Procedures for Interventional Radiologists, 8:30–9:45 a.m. CTWednesday, April 2: Pain Management 2, 10:30 a.m.–12:00 p.m. CTWatch for version 2 of Expert Insights: Pain Management to be released in spring 2025.Note: This episode was recorded on Dec. 19, 2024.SIR thanks BD for its generous support of the Kinked Wire.Contact us with your ideas and questions, or read more about about interventional radiology in IR Quarterly magazine or SIR's Patient Center.(c) Society of Interventional Radiology.Support the show

La rosa de los vientos
"Ahora las jóvenes iraníes son la única fuerza opositora contra la República del Islam"

La rosa de los vientos

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 27, 2025 31:33

Ryma Sheermohammadi, interprete iraní y activista en defensa de los derechos y libertades de las mujeres iraníes. Las ejecuciones a muerte de las mujeres en Irán, en especial de las minorías como las de religión bahaí, las kurdas, las árabes, son una constante. Por ley las mujeres tienen la obligación de satisfacer los deseos sexuales de sus maridos. "No hay vuelta atrás cuando la gente ha perdido el miedo"

CFO Thought Leader
1066: How Language Barriers and Data Shortfalls Propelled a Life in Numbers | Cosmin Pitigoi, CFO, Flywire

CFO Thought Leader

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 26, 2025 59:37

Arriving at a high school in Cape Town, South Africa, without speaking English, Cosmin Pitigoi faced an immediate communication challenge. Yet he refused to be deterred, immersing himself in language studies and expanding his vocabulary so he could thrive in the classroom. Years later, that same resolve reemerged in eBay's IR function, where Pitigoi realized the company's available data was falling short in communicating the breadth of eBay's story. This time, Pitigoi immersed himself in the data, adding and fine-tuning metrics that would allow him to better convey eBay's message.Before joining Flywire as CFO, Pitigoi spent two decades rotating through leadership roles at eBay and PayPal, building his finance acumen across treasury, investor relations, FP&A, and data analytics. “I never stayed in a single role for more than 18 months,” Pitigoi tells us, describing his drive to learn every facet of the business. By immersing himself in diverse functions, he honed both analytical and communication skills—critical for strategic decision-making.At eBay, the lack of comprehensive data became a new language barrier, prompting Pitigoi to advocate for stronger data architecture. “Numbers alone can't tell a story unless they're accurate and well-organized,” he tells us, underscoring his belief that precise, actionable information fuels effective narratives. This mindset ultimately shaped his approach to finance leadership: be as fluent in data as in interpersonal communication.Today, at Flywire, Pitigoi champions the idea that true value emerges when finance guides broader organizational goals. His journey from struggling to speak English in Cape Town to optimizing data-driven storytelling at a global fintech highlights a simple truth: conquering communication obstacles—whether linguistic or numeric—can spark remarkable career transformation.

La Corneta
Top10 #Cosas Que Están Mal Vistas

La Corneta

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 23, 2025 11:02

Ir a denunciar un robo siendo fan del ave.

Madhouse Chicago Hockey Podcast
Ethan Del Mastro recalled by Chicago Blackhawks | CHGO Blackhawks Podcast

Madhouse Chicago Hockey Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 23, 2025 64:03

It was a big news day at Fifth Third Arena. First, defenseman Ethan Del Mastro was recalled from Rockford to replace Craig Smith, who was sent to IR. Then, the team announced a contract for 2024 third-round pick AJ Spellacy. Join Mario Tirabassi and Jay Zawaski as they break down the day's news.

The Eric Ries Show
Lessons on building a unicorn used by 84% of the Fortune 100 | Emil Eifrem (Neo4j)

The Eric Ries Show

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 23, 2025 84:44

In this episode of The Eric Ries Show, I'm joined by Emil Eifrem, Co-Founder and CEO of Neo4j, an open-source graph database. Neo4j enables organizations to unlock the business value of connections, influences, and relationships in data.  In our conversation today, we talk about the following topics:  • The origin story of Neo4j and why they chose open source • Open source as a means of production vs. distribution • How open source fosters trust and transparency • The pros and cons of doing business in the US  • Why Neo4j updated their values and changed their stance on military contracts  • What a Leader's Guide is and how it keeps companies tied to their mission  • The challenges of implementing AI  • An explanation of RAG information retrieval and how it relates to LLMs  • And more!  — Brought to you by: Vanta – Automate compliance, manage risk, and prove trust—continuously. ⁠⁠⁠⁠Get $1,000 off⁠⁠⁠⁠. • Gusto – Gusto is an easy payroll and benefits software built for small businesses. Get 3 months free. Runway – The finance platform you don't hate. ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Learn more⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠. — Where to find Emil Eifrem: • LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/emileifrem/ • X: https://x.com/emileifrem — Where to find Eric: • Newsletter: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://ericries.carrd.co/⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠  • Podcast: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://ericriesshow.com/⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠  • YouTube: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://www.youtube.com/@theericriesshow⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠  — In This Episode We Cover: (00:00) Intro (01:42) How Eric and Emil got connected  (07:35) The origin story of Neo4j (13:38) Why Emil went with an open-source model (20:25) The benefits of being open source as a means of distribution  (25:07) Why Emil has no regrets about going open-source  (26:50) How open source builds trust (30:33) The difference in doing business in the US vs. Sweden  (35:34) How Neo4j got to product market fit and early struggles (38:30) Why Neo4j declined the GSA schedule and why it was a mistake  (46:22) Emil's thoughts on changing his position, reworking values, and recommitting  (51:40) Eric's advice to avoid mission drift: A leader's guide, and a two-way review (1:00:04) The challenge of implementing AI—and the possibility of massive opportunity  (1:09:20) How Neo4j successfully implemented AI  (1:11:55) An explanation of IR (information retrieval) and how it's relevant to AI  (1:22:44) What gives us trust in the AI system — You can find the transcript and references at ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://www.ericriesshow.com/⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ — Production and marketing by ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://penname.co/⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠. Eric may be an investor in the companies discussed.

The Kinked Wire
JVIR audio abstracts: February 2025

The Kinked Wire

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 23, 2025 16:32

This recording features audio versions of February 2025 Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology (JVIR) abstracts:Radiation Pneumonitis after Yttrium-90 Radioembolization: A Systematic Review ReadComparison of Covered Stent versus Bare-Metal Stent Implantation in Aortoiliac Occlusive Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis ReadThirty-Day Healthcare Encounters after Elective Uterine Artery Embolization for Fibroids with and without Superior Hypogastric Nerve Block ReadIncluding the Hollow Viscera (Stomach or Bowel) within the Ice Ball during Cryoablation: A Review of Adverse Events ReadOutcomes of Transarterial Embolization in Patients with Isolated Pelvic Fractures: A Japanese Nationwide Study Focused on Shock Status and Age ReadTransarterial Embolization Using an Inorganic Phosphate Binder Modulates Immunity- and Angiogenesis-Related Factors in a Rat Model of Liver Cancer ReadMicroembolization Effects of Imipenem/Cilastatin In Vivo Depicted by Monochromatic Synchrotron X-Ray Microangiography ReadJVIR and SIR thank all those who helped record this episode. To sign up to help with future episodes, please contact our outreach coordinator at millennie.chen.jvir@gmail.com.  Host:Manbir Singh Sandhu, University of California Riverside School of MedicineAudio editor:Sonya Choe, University of California Riverside School of MedicineOutreach coordinator:Millennie Chen, University of California Riverside School of MedicineAbstract readers:Daniel Roh, Loma Linda University School of MedicineDave Enriquez, University of California Riverside School of MedicineGavin Shu, University of California San Francisco School of MedicineRyan Nolan, University of Nevada Reno School of MedicineMark Oliinik, Loma Linda University School of MedicineManbir Singh Sandhu, University of California Riverside School of MedicineGrace Kloss, University of California San Francisco School of MedicineSIR thanks BD for its generous support of the Kinked Wire.Contact us with your ideas and questions, or read more about about interventional radiology in IR Quarterly magazine or SIR's Patient Center.(c) Society of Interventional Radiology.Support the show

Real Kyper & Bourne
Leafs Hour: The Jump on the Jackets

Real Kyper & Bourne

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 22, 2025 49:53

Nick Kypreos, Justin Bourne and Sam McKee react to the Leafs calling up Jacob Quillan after moving Max Pacioretty to IR before looking ahead to the Leafs' matchup against the Blue Jackets. They discuss Joseph Woll getting the night off, the Blue Jackets' unexpected season and ideal players for the Leafs to target via trade. Then, they dip into the Midweek Mailbag to answer your questions. Later, Fox Sports' Jody Shelley (32:11) discusses the Blue Jackets' recent hot stretch ahead of their matchup in Toronto, Zach Werenski's Norris-level season, their plans between the pipes and how GM Don Waddell is approaching the trade deadline in light of the team's recent success.The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the hosts and guests and do not necessarily reflect the position of Rogers Sports & Media or any affiliates.

Defiant Health Radio with Dr. William Davis
Is blue light damaging your eyesight?

Defiant Health Radio with Dr. William Davis

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 22, 2025 24:58 Transcription Available

Over the past decade, most of us have converted our home lighting to light-emitting diode (LED) bulbs, as they save a significant amount of energy, requiring 75-90% less energy than older incandescent lights. Personally, I converted the 50 or lightbulbs in my house to nearly all LEDs.Most current LEDs emit, of course, visible light. But they also emit a significant amount of blue light and very little red and infrared (IR), in contrast to old-fashioned incandescent bulbs that emit some blue and a lot of red and IR. Remember when you had to change an incandescent bulb when it died? If you tried to unscrew it, it could burn your hand because the bulb was extremely hot. That's the effect of red and IR that generates heat. Change a LED bulb and you can do so immediately, as the bulb is cool, even after dying just moments earlier. This is due to the absence of significant amounts of red and IR.While well-intended to save energy, it is now becoming clear that the wholesale conversion to blue-emitting LED lighting has been exerting adverse health effects, especially visual. So let's begin talking about the role of light, specifically blue wavelengths in this episode of the Defiant Health podcast, then about the role of red and IR in a future episode. _______________________________________________________________________________For BiotiQuest probiotics including Sugar Shift, go here.A 15% discount is available for Defiant Health podcast listeners by entering discount code UNDOC15 (case-sensitive) at checkout.*_________________________________________________________________________________Get your 15% Paleovalley discount on fermented grass-fed beef sticks, Bone Broth Collagen, low-carb snack bars and other high-quality organic foods here.* For 12% off every order of grass-fed and pasture-raised meats from Wild Pastures, go here._____________________________________________________________________________MyReuteri and Gut to Glow can be found here: oxiceutics.comSupport the showBooks: Super Gut: The 4-Week Plan to Reprogram Your Microbiome, Restore Health, and Lose Weight Wheat Belly: Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight and Find Your Path Back to Health; revised & expanded ed

Que se vayan todos

Que se vayan todos

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 21, 2025 53:41

(00:00:00) intro (00:04:18) la inauguración de Trump (00:29:11) el menú (00:31:25) la conferencia que se convirtió en campo de refugiados (00:40:27) los millennials no saben poner un bombillo porque no tienen casa (00:53:45) SALUDOS NUEVOS PATREON (00:56:40) RESPONDIENDO A SUS CORREOS (01:07:22) Colombia, vuelven los refugiados a Venezuela (01:13:56) el cese al fuego comienza con 1000 palestinos x 33 judíos (01:24:25) el incendio de California nos dice para donde va el mundo (01:39:44) la gente está bebiendo mucho menos (01:45:51) Trump, Irán y el precio del petróleo (01:53:41) tratemos de entender lo de Shein (02:03:00) la izquierda quiere que dejen de llamarla woke (02:09:46) el Presidente de Corea se hace el duro (02:12:02) la tercera vía de Inglaterra vuelve en sentido contrario (02:14:19) bolsonaro en el aeropuerto (02:15:45) tecnofeudalismo, a ver si entendemos (02:16:48) el Siglo en que desapareció la Villa PUEDES PEDIR QUE TE REGALEN HASTA UN AÑO DE SUSCRIPCIÓN AL PATREON A ESA PERSONA QUE TIENE TARJETA O REGALARSELO A ESA PERSONA SIN TARJETA PERO CON BUEN GUSTO ⬇️🎁⬇️🎁⬇️🎁⬇️🎁⬇️🎁⬇️🎁⬇️🎁⬇️🎁 https://www.patreon.com/profesorbriceno/gift ⬆️🎁⬆️🎁⬆️🎁⬆️🎁⬆️🎁⬆️🎁⬆️🎁⬆️🎁 🔹 EPISODIO COMPLETO Y PARTICIPACION EN VIVO EN 💻https://www.patreon.com/profesorbriceno 🔸 Las Grabaciones pueden verse en vivo en TWITCH 🖥️https://www.twitch.tv/profesorbriceno SUSCRÍBETE AL PODCAST POR AUDIO EN CUALQUIER PLATAFORMA ⬇️  AQUÍ LAS ENCUENTRAS TODAS: ➡️➡️➡️ https://pod.link/676871115 los más populares 🎧 SPOTIFY ⬇️   https://open.spotify.com/show/3rFE3ZP8OXMLUEN448Ne5i?si=1cec891caf6c4e03 🎧 APPLE PODCASTS ⬇️   https://podcasts.apple.com/es/podcast/que-se-vayan-todos/id676871115 🎧 GOOGLE PODCASTS ⬇️   https://www.ivoox.com/en/podcast-que-se-vayan-todos_sq_f11549_1.html 🎧 FEED PARA CUALQUIER APP DE PODCASTS ⬇️   https://www.ivoox.com/en/podcast-que-se-vayan-todos_sq_f11549_1.html Si te gustó, activa la campanita 🔔 🎭  FECHAS DE PRESENTACIONES ⬇ ️ http://www.profesorbriceno.com/tour Redes sociales: ✏️Web https://www.profesorbriceno.com ✏️Instagram https://www.instagram.com/profesorbriceno/ ✏️Twitter https://www.twitter.com/profesorbriceno ✏️Facebook https://www.facebook.com/profesorbricenoOficial/ SOLO PARA SUSCRIPTORES, CONTENIDO HUMORÍSTICO NO APTO PARA MENORES NI ESPÍRITUS SENSIBLES, PROHIBIDA SU REPRODUCCIÓN. La inauguración de Trump y la reinauguración de TIK TOK https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cjde3p0rnjgo La conferencia que se convirtió en campo de refugiados https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-14282399/French-theatre-bankruptcy-250-African-migrants-refused-leave-remain-building.html Los millennials no saben poner un bombillo porque no tienen casa https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gen-z-diy-taskrabbit-halfords-b2678587.html https://nypost.com/2025/01/14/lifestyle/gen-z-shockingly-admits-they-dont-know-how-to-change-a-lightbulb-in-startling-new-poll/ SALUDOS NUEVOS PATREON RESPONDIENDO A SUS CORREOS Colombia, vuelven los refugiados a Venezuela https://www.semana.com/nacion/articulo/eln-dice-en-un-comunicado-que-firmantes-de-la-paz-asesinados-en-el-catatumbo-eran-jefes-de-milicias-de-las-disidencias-de-las-farc/202509/ https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2025/1/19/dozens-killed-in-northeast-colombia-as-eln-peace-talks-fail El cese al fuego comienza con 1000 palestinos x 33 judíos https://www.instagram.com/p/DE3VDwqOL2Z/?img_index=3 https://www.nytimes.com/2025/01/14/world/middleeast/gaza-ceasefire-what-we-know.html El incendio de California nos dice para donde va el mundo https://www.morningbrew.com/stories/2025/01/14/la-landlords-try-hike-rent-fire-victims?mbcid=38182578.3113296&mid=623e7d4a8f2df9cdd3f699435b136d03 https://www.npr.org/2025/01/15/nx-s1-5256478/california-fires-water-agriculture-palisades https://laist.com/news/la-region-so-too-are-conspiracy-theories-and-misinformation https://www.nytimes.com/2025/01/17/briefing/can-communities-survive-the-fires.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e2LFwMKbr5c La gente está bebiendo mucho menos https://sherwood.news/snacks/business/jack-daniels-maker-brown-forman-slashes-staff-as-dry-january-goes-full-year/ Trump, Irán y el precio del petróleo https://www.economist.com/finance-and-economics/2025/01/13/iran-is-vulnerable-to-a-trumpian-all-out-economic-assault Tratemos de entender lo de Shein https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cdrylgvr77jo La izquierda quiere que dejen de llamarla woke https://www.nuevarevista.net/susan-neiman-izquierda-no-es-woke/ El Presidente de Corea se hace el duro https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cg45zqz225vo La tercera vía de Inglaterra vuelve en sentido contrario https://news.sky.com/story/reform-within-touching-distance-of-labour-as-poll-suggests-new-era-for-british-politics-13286697 Bolsonaro en el aeropuerto https://apnews.com/article/bolsonaro-trump-investidura-e13013b20f0d9e2edaa1b7af9df02826 Tecnofeudalismo, a ver si entendemos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CzgkHIwSkP8&ab_channel=ClaudioAlvarezTeran EXTRA El Siglo en que desapareció la Villa https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2025/02/american-loneliness-personality-politics/681091/

SpyHards Podcast
194. U.S. Marshals (1998)

SpyHards Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 21, 2025 108:39

Agents Scott and Cam, along with guest operative Nathan Flynn from the Mission: Impodible podcast, hop in a swamp boat with Tommy Lee Jones and hunt down an escaped prisoner while taking on the 1998 Fugitive sequel U.S. Marshals.  Directed by Stuart Baird. Starring Tommy Lee Jones, Wesley Snipes, Robert Downey Jr., Joe Pantoliano, Daniel Roebuck, Tom Wood, LaTanya Richardson Jackson, Irène Jacob and Kate Nelligan. Check out Mission: Impodible wherever you get your podcasts. You can also hear Nathan's film reviews over at One of Us, or follow him on Letterboxd and Bluesky. Become a SpyHards Patron and gain access to top secret "Agents in the Field" bonus episodes, movie commentaries and more! Purchase the latest exclusive SpyHards merch at Redbubble. Social media: @spyhards View the NOC List and the Disavowed List at Letterboxd.com/spyhards Podcast artwork by Hannah Hughes. Theme music by Doug Astley.

#DonaldTrump toma posesión por segunda ocasión ahora como el 47 Presidente de los EEEUU. Análisis con #FabianCalle.


Play Episode Listen Later Jan 21, 2025 55:01

-#BancoCentraldeChina mantiene sin cambios su tasa de interés referencial estable por 3er mes consecutivo en su lucha por defender al #yuan. -China aumenta sus compras de petroleo de #Rusia, #Irán y #Venezuela, mientras que disminuye sus compras de #ArabiaSaudita. -Precio de #Bitcoin alcanza su máximo de US$109,000.

Broad Street Hockey: for Philadelphia Flyers fans
With 10 games before Four Nations break and trade deadline approaching, Matvei Michkov & Philadelphia Flyers can get back into race

Broad Street Hockey: for Philadelphia Flyers fans

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 20, 2025 67:36

Matvei Michkov has fallen out of favor over the last few weeks, falling behind Macklin Celebrini, Lane Hutson and even Dustin Wolf in the Calder Trophy race. But a recent hot streak has re-opened the possibility for The Mad Russian to get back into the conversation.Similarly, the Flyers looked to be trending towards the basement with a 5-10-2 stretch from December 5th through January 9th. But with 4 wins and 9 points in their last 5 games, the Orange & Black are right back in it.Bill & Charlie discuss both the Calder & playoff races, as well as the decision to call up Rodrigo Ābols after placing Ryan Poehling on IR.

Space the Nation

Space the Nation

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 20, 2025 78:46

Dan and Ana are in a blood feud with the Super-Podcasters; don't get in their way. This may be one of the most less-than-the-sum-of-its-parts movies we've ever seen! Two Oscar winners are in this movie! And Walter Goggins! Topher Grace is genuinely funny. And yet. And yet. There is less IR in this movie than you'd think, but a surprisingly robust critique of capitalism. Get bonus content on Patreon Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

¡Buenos días, Javi y Mar!
Los niños y Jimeno - ¿Qué cosas te hacen feliz?

¡Buenos días, Javi y Mar!

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 20, 2025 2:25

Los niños y Jimeno y las cosas que te alegran el día: "Ir al baño cuando tengo muchas ganas"

Los niños y Jimeno
Los niños y Jimeno - ¿Qué cosas te hacen feliz?

Los niños y Jimeno

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 20, 2025 2:25

Los niños y Jimeno y las cosas que te alegran el día: "Ir al baño cuando tengo muchas ganas"

El Brieff
Donald Trump 2.0: Las noticias para este lunes

El Brieff

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 20, 2025 13:17

En este episodio de El Brieff, Arturo aborda el alarmante riesgo de deportación de 4.9 millones de mexicanos en Estados Unidos ante la llegada de Donald Trump, reafirma la unidad entre México y EE.UU. con comentarios de Carlos Slim, y reporta la detención de Juan Carlos Félix Gastélum, yerno de El Mayo Zambada. Además, analiza el inicio del alto el fuego en Gaza por parte de Israel, el cierre temporal de TikTok en EE.UU. con posibles prórrogas por parte de Trump, las manifestaciones masivas en Washington, DC contra la toma de posesión de Trump, los ataques rusos a Kyiv y Zaporizhia, los contratiempos de SpaceX frente al éxito de Blue Origin, el atentado en la Corte Suprema de Irán, y la explosión de un camión petrolero en Nigeria.Conoce más sobre las soluciones de STRTGY en www.strtgy.ai o escríbenos a arturo@strtgy.aiApoya este podcast convirtiéndote en donante de El Brieff entrando a este link.Si te interesa una mención en El Brieff, escríbenos a arturo@brieffy.com Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Landmark Difference Makers
Amnesty International Kenya - Irũngũ Houghton

Landmark Difference Makers

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 18, 2025 43:58

An interview with Irũngũ Houghton, the Executive Director of Amnesty International Kenya. With over 25 years of experience in human rights advocacy, social justice, and governance, Irũngũ is a powerful voice for equality and dignity across the region. Under his leadership, Amnesty International Kenya has championed campaigns on police accountability, women's rights, and social justice. A tireless advocate for marginalized communities, Irũngũ has also worked with international organizations like Oxfam and penned thought-provoking pieces on democracy and civil liberties. We're excited to hear his insights on the state of human rights and how we can make a difference. Learn More: https://www.amnestykenya.org/ https://www.irunguhoughton.org/about-me

Es Cine
Entrevista a Mohammad Rasoulof por 'La semilla de la higuera sagrada'

Es Cine

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 18, 2025 6:52

Sergio Pérez entrevista al director iraní por esta película sobre un juez del régimen que pierde una pistola. Cuenta cómo consiguió huir del país. Mohammad Rasoulof cuenta a esCine cómo consiguió huir de Irán a pie por las montañas hasta llegar a Europa. En la Seminci presentó su película La semilla de la higuera sagrada sobre el miedo que vive un juez del régimen iraní que vive confortablemente con su esposa y sus dos hijas. Todo cambia cuando la pistola que el régimen entrega a cada juez para tener en casa desaparece. Y lo hace en un momento muy delicado en el país, en medio de las protestas por el asesinato de Mahsa Amini a mano de los ayatolás por no llevar el velo islámico bien puesto. Este hecho hará que el juez sienta por primera vez el miedo al haber perdido la confianza de sus jefes. Incluso la desconfianza hacia su círculo más cercano. Lo que ayer eran certezas ahora son sólo un espejismo.

Relatos De Horror (Historias De Terror)
Las Manos Del Abuelo (Historias De Terror)

Relatos De Horror (Historias De Terror)

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 17, 2025 29:01

Ir a los funerales de familiares son momentos que llenan de tristeza a las personas, pero en esta ocasión parece ser que hay más que tristeza rondando al difunto de esta historia. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Bowen and Ralph on Tavares' injury impact, McCabe's return to the team and the stance in the standings


Play Episode Listen Later Jan 17, 2025 13:28

Maple Leafs Radio Commentators Joe Bowen and Jim Ralph joined OverDrive to discuss the biggest headlines around the Maple Leafs, the team's stance in the standings, John Tavares being placed on the IR, Jake McCabe's return to the roster, Joseph Woll's role in the crease and more.

Cinco continentes
Cinco Continentes - Gaza aguarda con esperanza la entrada en vigor del alto el fuego

Cinco continentes

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 17, 2025 42:18

A esta hora se espera que el gobierno de Israel ratifique lo aprobado esta mañana por el gabinete de seguridad: el acuerdo de alto el fuego e intercambio de rehenes y prisioneros con Hamas.Hoy además hablaremos de Tik Tok y de cómo podría prohibirse en pocos días su utilización en EEUU.Sabremos qué ha dado de sí la visita de Emmanuel Macron al Líbano, y la del presidente de Irán a Moscú para reforzar sus lazos con Rusia. Escuchar audio

Sheinbaum va contra nepotismo y plurinominales


Play Episode Listen Later Jan 17, 2025 1:34

Clara Brugada y Mauricio Tabe se reúnen  Concluye negociación entre UE y México de acuerdo bilateral  Rusia e Irán firman tratado de asociación  Más información en nuestro podcas

TheVR Happy Hour
Helikopterezünk a helikopteren... | TheVR Happy Hour #1789 - 01.17.

TheVR Happy Hour

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 17, 2025 64:54

00:00:00 - Bevezetés 00:00:25 - Változások lettek a setupban 00:03:25 - Szokások embere 00:10:41 - Irányításmánia, vagy változás-gyűlölet? 00:17:24 - Nyaraláskor elengedni magad 00:22:34 - Élmények a parton 00:31:06 - Hajó és SUP bérlés 00:35:21 - Szörfözés és vízi sportok 00:39:16 - Ejtőernyőzés és extrém sportok 00:43:35 - Sebesség motoron és autóban 00:49:55 - Életérzés 00:51:17 - Helikopterezzünk? 00:54:39 - Hozzánőtt az emberekhez az autózás 00:59:56 - Élményvezetés 01:03:51 - Befejezés

OverDrive - January 16, 2025 - Hour 1


Play Episode Listen Later Jan 16, 2025 45:49

Join Bryan Hayes, Jeff O'Neill and Dave Feschuk for Hour 1 on OverDrive! The guys discuss the Maple Leafs looking to snap their losing run, John Tavares landing on the IR, the mentality of the stars on the team and the matchup against Sheldon Keefe and New Jersey. TSN Host James Duthie joins to discuss Sheldon Keefe's return, Auston Matthews' impact to the team and the meaning of the name Forbes.

The Ray & Dregs Hockey Podcast
McDavid Milestone, Decisions loom in Boston, Leafs Without JT, and Lowry's Rise in Winnipeg

The Ray & Dregs Hockey Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 16, 2025 46:11

Connor McDavid surpasses Jari Kurri on the Oilers' all-time points list while Edmonton remains red-hot since late November, but will 97's wallet be lighter for his elbow on Marcus Johansson? The Bruins face big decisions as Cam Neely weighs buying versus retooling, with playoff pressure mounting. Meanwhile, Todd McLennan holds nothing back after Detroit's win streak is ended by San Jose, and the sliding Leafs face a stretch without John Tavares, while Winnipeg discovers unexpected depth in Adam Lowry. Then, in Ask Ray and Dregs Anything: How much do IR players interact with the rest of the team? What's your fantasy location for an outdoor game? Who or what get's credit for the Caps amazing season? Rapid fire and more!See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

Os Sócios Podcast

Os Sócios Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 16, 2025 97:27

MATRÍCULAS ABERTAS PARA O VIVER DE RENDA CRIPTO: https://r.vocemaisrico.com/19b9eef5eb MyPROFIT -Esqueça as planilhas para controlar seus investimentos: https://r.vocemaisrico.com/18c927db99 LIVRO EM NOME DO POVO: https://r.vocemaisrico.com/4b16f0bc97 Donald Trump é um protagonista incontornável na geopolítica de hoje: comprar a Groenlândia, recuperar o Canal do Panamá e “incorporar” o Canadá são algumas de suas mais recentes declarações do futuro presidente dos EUA. Enquanto suas ações influenciam não apenas os país, mas também o equilíbrio de poder entre as grandes potências como Rússia, China e Irã, algumas dúvidas não param de surgir: de que forma uma aquisição da Groenlândia pode ser estratégica para o país? E quanto ao Panamá e o Canadá? Afinal, Trump é um líder que poderá assegurar estabilidade ou, por outro lado, fortalecer tensões globais? Qual deverá ser sua postura em conflitos com China, Irã e Rússia vs. Taiwan, Israel e Ucrânia? Como seu governo deve reverberar nestes próximos 4 anos para os EUA e para o resto do mundo econômica e socialmente? Para responder estas e outras perguntas, convidamos Heni Ozi Cukier (Professor HOC) para o episódio 226 do podcast Os Sócios. Hosts: Bruno Perini @bruno_perini e Malu Perini @maluperini Convidado: Heni Ozi Cukier (Professor Hoc) @professor_hoc

Real Kyper & Bourne
Leafs Hour: Tavares to IR + Keefe's Return to Toronto

Real Kyper & Bourne

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 16, 2025 49:54

Nick Kypreos, Justin Bourne and Sam McKee start with an evaluation of Craig Berube's season behind the bench and whether his 'accountability culture' has lived up to offseason expectations. Then, they look ahead to the Leafs' matchup against the New Jersey Devils and discuss the impact of John Tavares' absence as he moves to the IR, Max Domi's opportunity on the second line, Sheldon Keefe's return to Toronto and more. Later, Devils GM Tom Fitzgerald (33:08) discusses his squad's recent stretch, how he's approaching the trade deadline and parity in the Eastern Conference.The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the hosts and guests and do not necessarily reflect the position of Rogers Sports & Media or any affiliates.

Mesa de Regalos


Play Episode Listen Later Jan 16, 2025 29:56

En este episodio, conversamos con los actores Irán Castillo y Ariel López Padilla sobre su participación en la película Mesa de Regalos. A través de una trama llena de situaciones cómicas, los protagonistas nos cuentan cómo sus personajes se embarcan en una boda falsa para ganar dinero con los regalos. Pero más allá de la risa, la película también invita a reflexionar sobre el amor, el compromiso y las expectativas sociales del matrimonio. A lo largo de la charla, los actores comparten experiencias personales y pensamientos profundos sobre las relaciones de pareja, el matrimonio y lo que realmente significa ser honesto en una relación. ¡No te pierdas esta entretenida y reflexiva conversación sobre el cine y la vida!See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

16/01 Programa Completo -Picante, Psicología y Reflexiones sobre la Vida en Yordi en Exa


Play Episode Listen Later Jan 16, 2025 85:02

Abordamos temas fascinantes que van desde la cultura de la comida picante hasta reflexiones profundas sobre la vida. Se celebra el Día Internacional de la Comida Picante, explorando la influencia del picante en la cultura mexicana y más allá. También se introduce el concepto psicológico de los Caballos Salvajes, invitando a la reflexión sobre cómo a veces exageramos problemas que no lo son tanto. Además, Fer Broca presenta su libro El Loto de los Seis Pétalos, en el que ofrece enseñanzas sobre cómo vivir en armonía a través de seis elementos clave: vida, placer, fuerza de voluntad, amor, libertad y trascendencia. También se comenta la película Mesa de Regalos, una comedia romántica que explora temas de relaciones y matrimonio. Con invitados especiales como Irán Castillo y Ariel López Padilla, el programa ofrece una mirada divertida y reflexiva sobre las relaciones personales y la importancia de encontrar la felicidad. ¡Escucha este episodio lleno de reflexiones, entretenimiento y cultura! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

Pokretači Podcast
#231 Cooking up The Balkan Kitchen with Irina Janakievska

Pokretači Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 16, 2025 55:37

Support at patreon.com/belgrade i paypal.me/sgarcevic The Balkan Kitchen is the first comprehensive cook book in English with recipes (and stories) from the Balkans. The author is Irina Janakievska, a British-Macedonian corporate lawyer, whose passion for the subject and more than a decade long work earned her accolades from the likes of Nigella Lawson and many others. We spoke about what makes the Balkan cuisine unique, whether it will take over the world, her path from LSE History and IR degrees to culinary writing and our grandmothers. Notes: On Irina and the cookbook: https://www.instagram.com/balkankitchen/?hl=en http://balkankitchen.co.uk/ https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m0024p03 https://www.nigella.com/cookbook-corner/the-balkan-kitchen-by-irina-janakievska London Balkan restaurants mentioned: https://mysticburek.com/ https://tastecroatia.co.uk/ http://www.fulhamkitchen.com/

IR in Focus
Insights Into The Economics of Labor for Corporations

IR in Focus

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 15, 2025 32:28

In this episode of IR in Focus, host Carmen Lilly is joined by Ph. D. Economist and Independent Economic Policy Consultant Economist Kathryn Edwards. From emerging trends and themes, to practical tips on managing your workforce, listen in to hear an insightful discussion on the economics of labor and what corporations should prepare for in 2025. More S&P Global Content: S&P Issuer & IR Solutions Research and Publications by Kathryn Edwards S&P Economic Research Credits: Host/Author: Carmen Lilly Guest: Kathryn Edwards Producer: Carmen Lilly   www.spglobal.com www.spglobal.com/marketintelligence     

Something's Bruin Podcast
Something's Bruin Episode 124: Hospital B's

Something's Bruin Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 15, 2025 98:27

What's up and welcome back to the Something's Bruin Podcast! For the first time in SB history the fellas record LIVE on Twitter and YouTube! The guys talk the transaction frenzy that occurred early Tuesday morning, discuss McAvoy to the IR, Lindholm to LTIR, Poitras call up, special teams and much much more. Sully and Mel also field chat questions, dive into Mel's mailbag, name the MVP's of the Week as well as the fan voted MVP and dive into the twitter DMs. As always, thank you for listening, please consider leaving a rating, review and enjoy the show!

In The Loop
BREAKING: Diontae Johnson Waived By The Texans

In The Loop

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 14, 2025 45:53

ITL Hour 4: BREAKING: Diontae Johnson waived by the Texans, Cade Stover to the IR. Figgy's Mixtape: Mad rapper on social media over sports, sitting at Starbucks for free…no more. ITL reacts to Diontae Johnson getting waived by the Texans and what it means.

In The Loop
In The Loop 1/14: RUN CJ RUN!

In The Loop

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 14, 2025 170:45

ITL Hour 1: John Lopez thinks CJ needs to run the ball more. Do you agree? The Rockets won big last night, can this team win a championship? QOTD: When was the last time you did the Frank Ross? ITL Hour 2: Around The NFL, Sam Darnold's not-so-good game, Deion Sanders, next Cowboys coach & more. B Scott Thoughts Wildcard Edition. What's Popping, B Scott weighs in on CJ running the ball more, & Jalen Green balling last night. ITL Hour 3: What is sustainable with how the Texans are playing? ITL discusses. ITL Lunch-Time Confessions, Drop & Gimme 20? CFBOAT, National Championship Edition. ITL Hour 4: BREAKING: Diontae Johnson waived by the Texans, Cade Stover to the IR. Figgy's Mixtape: Mad rapper on social media over sports, sitting at Starbucks for free…no more. ITL reacts to Diontae Johnson getting waived by the Texans and what it means.

The Kinked Wire
Episode 57: 2024 in review + top IR Quarterly articles and Kinked Wire podcast episodes of the year

The Kinked Wire

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 14, 2025 45:25

"I think that really worked well to put the specialty where it needed to be ... but now we're competing in the space with other endovascular specialists. You know, there are a lot of people who are trying to do similar things, and I think we have to differentiate ourselves in a way that goes a little bit beyond what we've already been doing."—Rex Pillai, MDIn a special year-end review, interventional radiologists Nishita Kothary, MD, FSIR, Warren Krackov, MD, FSIR, Rex Pillai, MD, and Roger Tomihama, MD, join SIR Director of Publications Brian Haefs to reflect on the top stories from the past year—the Society of Interventional Radiology (SIR) 50th Anniversary, artificial intelligence and IR, and more.Plus, we share excerpts from the three most downloaded IR Quarterly articles of the year:Managing pain with SI joint fusion and nerve ablation, by Junjian Huang, MD, and Douglas P. Beall, MD, FSIRPatient-affirming care: The role of IR in gender-affirming medicine, by Hope RacineAI toolbox: PERT implementation, by Jared Meshekow, MD, MPH, Daniel Kushner, MD, Perry Gerard, MD, MBA, Joseph Panaro, MD, Gary Cohen, MD, FSIRFinally, we share excerpts from the top three most played Kinked Wire episodes of the year:Episode 51: SIR 50th Anniversary: The growth of interventional radiology and vascular care. Host: Roger Tomihama, MD; Guest: Barry T. Katzen, MD, FSIREpisode 52: From crisis to care: How interventional radiology saved Sebastian Junger's life. Host: Warren Krackov, MD, FSIR; Guests: Sebastian Junger, Philip J. Dombrowski, MD, and Michael J. Hallisey, MD, FSIREpisode 55: Entrepreneurship and interventional radiology: Q&A with Blockchain co-founder Nicolas Cary. Note: This episode was recorded on Dec. 11, 2024.SIR thanks BD for its generous support of the Kinked Wire.Contact us with your ideas and questions, or read more about about interventional radiology in IR Quarterly magazine or SIR's Patient Center.(c) Society of Interventional Radiology.Support the show

Cinco continentes
Cinco continentes - Estado del programa nuclear iraní

Cinco continentes

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 13, 2025 16:34

Ginebra es escenario de nuevas reuniones entre Irán y el denominado E3 (Alemania, Francia y Reino Unido) en las que se espera que se vuelva a hablar sobre el programa nuclear iraní. Estas conversaciones se presentan como una oportunidad para que Irán y Europa vuelvan a avanzar en esta materia, aunque no parece que haya mucho optimismo. Hablamos con Anass Gouyez Ben Allal, profesor de Derecho y Relaciones Internacionales en la Universidad Ibn Tofail de Marruecos.Escuchar audio

Cinco continentes
Cinco Continentes - El viento complica la extinción de los incendios de Los Ángeles

Cinco continentes

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 13, 2025 42:23

La ciudad de Los Ángeles y sobre todo algunos de los condados de la región siguen amenazados por varios incendios. Tras un par de días de cierta mejoría en las condiciones climatológicas, se espera que hoy los vientos vuelvan a ser fuertes, avivando las llamas que han arrasado ya miles de hectáreas.Vamos a estar en Sudán, que lleva casi dos años de conflicto interno y ha provocado miles de muertos y millones de desplazados. También hablaremos de Irán, por un lado con una entrevista sobre su programa nuclear y por otro sobre las acusaciones por su, podríamos llamar, diplomacia de los rehenes. También conoceremos la mayor fiesta religiosa de la actualidad que se está celebrando en India y reúne a más de 400 millones de personas y empezaremos una serie de reportajes sobre los conflictos menos mediáticos.Escuchar audio

BackTable Podcast
Ep. 507 New Horizons in IR: Private Practice Insights and Strategies with Dr. Mark Wilson

BackTable Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 10, 2025 39:35

Interventional radiology is unique in the way that much of what an IR's practice looks like is extremely contingent upon their practice setting following training - whether it be community, academic, private, or hybrid. Dr. Mark Wilson joins host Dr. Donald Garbett to discuss his own journey of transitioning from a large, physician owned group to forming his own private IR practice in Spokane, Washington following a major hospital contract shift. --- This podcast is supported by: Medtronic IN.PACT 018 DCB https://www.medtronic.com/018 --- SYNPOSIS Dr. Wilson shares the emotional impact of the career shift, and the technical aspects of how he was able to succeed following the change, and the details that went into creating his own private IR-only group and securing contracts with local hospitals. The doctors also spend time on the financial dynamics between DR and IR, as well as the true dollar value and impact IR brings to hospitals. The episode concludes with Dr. Wilson's practical and thorough guide on how one can go about starting up their own IR-only private practice. --- TIMESTAMPS 00:00 - Introduction 03:02 - Forming a New IR Group 04:43 - Impact of Practice Changes 11:02 - IR's Value to Hospitals 30:49 - Independent IR Practice Set-Up 36:38 - Conclusion --- RESOURCES Karage, 2024. Attrition Rates in Interventional Radiology Integrated Residency Programs: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/39586539/