To już piąty odcinek podsumowujący rok w Podcaście Można Zwariować! Tradycyjnie dzielimy się, co nam przyniósł ten rok, czego się nauczyłyśmy i z czym kończymy. Gościnnie też pojawia się Zuza Gąsior z Thisispaper Studio, nasza projektantka pomagająca w tworzeniu Poradni Można Zwariować. #Autopromocja: pierścionek Wishbone dla Można Zwariować aplikacja do medytacji Cleo: MEditate książka Ani: "Przewodnik po emocjach. Jak lepiej rozumieć własne uczucia" książka Cleo: "Clou. Jak być sobą, gdy jesteś wszystkim innym" _________ Dziękujemy za Wasze wsparcie na Patronite oraz słanie dobrego słowa o podcaście! Jeśli chcecie podzielić się swoimi refleksjami to piszcie do nas na: podcast@moznazwariowac.pl lub na Instagramie: @cleocwiek, @aniacyklinska, @moznazwariowac www.moznazwariowac.pl Grupa na FB
Wishbone is perfect for anyone who wants an older dog with a puppy-like demeanor!
IT'S TIME TO WATCH THE MUPPETS! This week we watched The Christmas Toy. Distracted rants include but are not limited to Saturday Night, Christmas movies, Just Friends, Bugs Bunny, Dogma, Gwyneth Paltrow, Emilio Estevez, Wishbone, Christmas song topics, TiMER, Meg gets a gift, and much more!"The toys in the playroom of the Jones household magically come to life when their owners aren't looking. On Christmas Eve, as the toys eagerly await the arrival of a new toy, Rugby the tiger plots to make sure he remains the favorite toy."Follow us:Twitter.com/ittwtmInstagram.com/ittwtm
NOTICE: We will be taking some time off for the holidays, so the next episode will be on Jan 21st.Hold on to your furculae everyone, because we're going to nostalgia town! This week on Sherlock Says, your hosts Rachael and Ansel are joined by returning guest Rowan Toppin to watch the 1995 Wishbone episode about Hound of the Baskervilles! It may be a somewhat thematically incoherent mashup of Hound and a story about being framed for crimes, but man that's a cute talking dog they have there!Check out Rowan's work!https://www.etsy.com/shop/skullandsword/https://facebook.com/Swordandskull/Contact the pod! Linktree at: https://linktr.ee/sherlocksayspod?fbclid=PAAaalIOau9IFlX3ixKFo3lsvmq6U1pYn8m3cf7N6aOqkqUGCljCO0R00KZ3E
Dla jednych czas radości i rodzinnego ciepła, dla innych - napięcia, niepokoju i kłótni. ŚWIĘTA. Coraz częściej decydujemy się na spędzanie ich po swojemu, nie wracając do rodziny pochodzenia. Kultywujemy świeckie tradycje, zapominając o tych lokalnych. Jakie są najczęstsze trudności, z którymi zmagamy się podczas okresu przygotowań i świętowania?Jaką rolę odgrywają tu międzygeneracyjne relacje i schematy? Opowiada nam o tym Przemek Mućko, Psycholog i psychoterapeuta pracujący w nurcie terapii schematu, z kilkunastoletnim doświadczeniem w prowadzeniu psychoterapii oraz warsztatów i szkoleń. Popularyzuje wiedzę z zakresu terapii schematu oraz zdrowia psychicznego za pośrednictwem bloga @psychowiedza i podkastu „Ludzie tak mają”. [Nagranie zrealizowane dzięki współpracy z Volvo Car Warszawa] #Autopromocja: pierścionek Wishbone dla Można Zwariować aplikacja do medytacji Cleo: MEditate książka Ani: "Przewodnik po emocjach. Jak lepiej rozumieć własne uczucia" książka Cleo: "Clou. Jak być sobą, gdy jesteś wszystkim innym" _________ Dziękujemy za Wasze wsparcie na Patronite oraz słanie dobrego słowa o podcaście! Jeśli chcecie podzielić się swoimi refleksjami to piszcie do nas na: podcast@moznazwariowac.pl lub na Instagramie: @cleocwiek, @aniacyklinska, @moznazwariowac www.moznazwariowac.pl Grupa na FB
W tym tygodniu przychodzimy do Was z powtórką pierwszego odcinka Re(we)lacyjnego grudnia, sprzed aż 3 lat! Zastanawiamy się w nim, czy możemy winić rodziców za nasze obecne problemy? Co nam dają wycieczki w przeszłość i jako warto mieć do nich stosunek? Posłuchaj poprzednich odcinków z serii Re(we)lacyjny grudzień ________________ #Autopromocja: Nasza Poradnia Można Zwariować w Warszawie!!! pierścionek Wishbone dla Można Zwariować książka Ani: "Przewodnik po emocjach. Jak lepiej rozumieć własne uczucia" książka Cleo: "Clou. Jak być sobą, gdy jesteś wszystkim innym" _________ Dziękujemy za Wasze wsparcie na Patronite oraz słanie dobrego słowa o podcaście! Jeśli chcecie podzielić się swoimi refleksjami to piszcie do nas na: podcast@moznazwariowac.pl lub na Instagramie: @cleocwiek, @aniacyklinska, @moznazwariowac www.moznazwariowac.pl Grupa na FB
In this episode we discuss the absolute banger of a soundtrack, the Wishbone wardrobe guy, the OOAK, ripe green pepper corns, what Colin Firth does to aunts/moms/grandmas, “my mummy's netflix my choice”, thinking 32 would be fun, the horror of the weight stuff, our go-bags for Hugh Grant, the phobia of hearing people talk about you, Kafka's motorbike, the sickening feeling as a kid re:the affair, Lara the Hakim optical sl*t, the infamous blue soup, and SO MUCH MORE!!!
This week marks 8 years since the finale of the beloved series "Wishbone". In the 1990s, PBS introduced young audiences to a canine star like none other: a Jack Russell terrier who imagined himself as characters from classic works of literature. The show was called Wishbone. Today there's a whole generation of adults who were first weaned on Mark Twain, the legend of Faust or the Greek epics through this series. Wishbone is also the first TV show Mo wrote for. Mo talks with Wishbone head writer Stephanie Simpson and dog trainer Jackie Kaptan about the show and the life and career of its beloved lead actor, a dog named Soccer.See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
Story: Wishbone Author: light_loves_the_dark Rating: Teen and Up Site link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33483661 Read by: MSR Pusher Summary: He releases her arms to cup her cheeks, holding her gaze on his. “The world's going to end,” he tells her, tracing her features with her eyes like it's the last time he'll ever get the opportunity. “If the only way to stay together is to throw in our lot with Them, I'll do it.” She is shaking her head, tears in her eyes. “Do you want me to beg, Dana? Because I'll do that too. Anything, just please. Please.” Her given name on his lips hits her like a freight train. Her lip twists, and he wonders if the need in his voice is enough overcome the fact that she knows he's trying to manipulate her. Dana is for soft moments, where he's worn thin and needs to remind himself she's everything. He's never tried to use it like this before now. “Nothing you say can get me in that car,” she retorts, cheeks red and eyes bright. “I don't trust her, and I don't trust you in this state.” Used by the author's permission. The characters in these works are not the property of the Audio Fanfic Podcast or the author and are not being posted for profit.
J-Bunny sits down on Skype with Joey Wilkinson, guitarist for the band MyEnemy, and formerly of Tru Smoke Diezel, Dropbox, Saint Caine, and Piston Driven. They discuss Joey's time in music prior to joining Dropbox, how Dropbox came about, and how the change in the industry led to the band's end. They then discuss Joey's brief tenure in Saint Caine before going on to form Piston Driven, why Piston Driven came to an end, and why Joey took a break from bands before forming MyEnemy. They then discuss how MyEnemy came together, and what the band's plans are as far as playing shows and releasing music into 2025. You can check out MyEnemy live at Dingbatz in Clifton, NJ on Friday, December 6, 2024. Podcast intro "Rock Intro 3" courtesy of audionautix.com. "Castaway" is the first single by MyEnemy, and "Wishbone" was the first single by Dropbox. Both songs were included with the permission of Joey Wilkinson.
Episode #644: Happy turkey turkey gobble gobble wishbone thanksgiving day! Make listening to TCB your new Thanksgiving tradition
Partnerem odcinka jest Flokk, właściciel brandu Profim. Fotele Snap od marki znajdziecie w otworzonej przez nas Poradni Można Zwariować #współpracabarterowa Nieważne, czy pracujecie z biura, czy z domu, na freelance czy etacie - to, w jakiej przestrzeni się znajdujecie ma znaczenie. Co więcej, to jak siedzicie, jak układa się ciało, może mieć wpływ na poziom skupienia, samopoczucia i kreatywności. O tym, jakie mechanizmy mają znaczenie w tej zależności opowiadają nam Justyna Kasztelan, Marketing Manager z Flokk oraz Natalia Olszewska, neuroarchitektka z Impronta. Nasze gościnie są również autorkami raportu "Jak wspierać kreatywność i dobrostan przez przestrzenie biurowe", do którego przeczytania również Was zachęcamy! _________ #Autopromocja: Poradnia Można Zwariować w Warszawie pierścionek Wishbone dla Można Zwariować aplikacja do medytacji Cleo: MEditate książka Ani: "Przewodnik po emocjach. Jak lepiej rozumieć własne uczucia" książka Cleo: "Clou. Jak być sobą, gdy jesteś wszystkim innym" _________ Dziękujemy za Wasze wsparcie na Patronite oraz słanie dobrego słowa o podcaście! Jeśli chcecie podzielić się swoimi refleksjami to piszcie do nas na: podcast@moznazwariowac.pl lub na Instagramie: @cleocwiek, @aniacyklinska, @moznazwariowac www.moznazwariowac.pl Grupa na FB
This week's segments: 1. Making NPC's of Ourselves 2. Homebrewing "The Dragon's Wishbone" 3. Draft of 1st-level spells (2024) Subscribe for more weekly Dungeons & Dragons content! And follow us on our socials for previous draft videos and to learn more about us: Gabe -- @gabespan (TikTok, Instagram) George -- @dmgeorge_primavera (TikTok, Instagram) Dylan -- @whatcha_mccollum (Instagram)
Partnerem odcinka jest Galileo Medical, właściciel Ośrodka Psychoterapeutycznego Jagiellonka. Czym różni się leczenie stacjonarne od ambulatoryjnego? Jakie są zalety leczenia w ośrodkach zamkniętych? Jakie są rodzaje oddziałów psychiatrycznych? W prosty i klarowny sposób tłumaczy to dr Katarzyna Weterle-Smolińska - psychiatra dzieci i młodzieży oraz Ordynator oddziału Psychoterapeutyczny Jagiellonka. _________ #Autopromocja: Poradnia Można Zwariować w Warszawie pierścionek Wishbone dla Można Zwariować aplikacja do medytacji Cleo: MEditate książka Ani: "Przewodnik po emocjach. Jak lepiej rozumieć własne uczucia" książka Cleo: "Clou. Jak być sobą, gdy jesteś wszystkim innym" _________ Dziękujemy za Wasze wsparcie na Patronite oraz słanie dobrego słowa o podcaście! Jeśli chcecie podzielić się swoimi refleksjami to piszcie do nas na: podcast@moznazwariowac.pl lub na Instagramie: @cleocwiek, @aniacyklinska, @moznazwariowac www.moznazwariowac.pl Grupa na FB
Standard Uranium Ltd vice president of exploration Sean Hillacre speaks with Proactive's Stephen Gunnion about the company's recent exploration success at the Sun Dog Uranium Project. Hillacre shared exciting details about initial assays from the 2024 exploration program, including U308 grades as high as 13%. These assays not only confirm the potential of historical showings but also reveal new uranium showings at surface. Hillacre highlighted key areas of interest, including Wishbone and McNie, which span over 10 kilometers of graphite conductors, and the untapped potential at Spring Dome. He noted that the application of advanced exploration techniques, such as high-resolution electromagnetic surveys, is uncovering significant opportunities previously overlooked. Looking ahead, Standard Uranium is planning further geophysics work and drilling campaigns in partnership with Aero Energy, which has committed $2 million of Year 2 exploration expenditures. Investors can anticipate news on additional assay results and updates on exploration plans before the end of the year. Stay tuned to Proactive's YouTube channel for more insights like this, and don't forget to like this video, subscribe, and enable notifications for updates. #UraniumExploration #StandardUranium #SunDogProject #MineralAssays #HighGradeUranium #ExplorationUpdates #MiningNews #EnergyTransition #ArrowEnergy #ProactiveInvestors #invest #investing #investment #investor #stockmarket #stocks #stock #stockmarketnews
Przebodźcowanie opisywane jako dotyczące osób neuroatypowych, ze względu na współczesny tryb i tempo życia coraz częściej dotyczy większości z nas. Rozmawiamy o jego przyczynach i dzielimy się sposobami na radzenie sobie z przebodźcowaniem. _________ #Autopromocja: pierścionek Wishbone dla Można Zwariować aplikacja do medytacji Cleo: MEditate książka Ani: "Przewodnik po emocjach. Jak lepiej rozumieć własne uczucia" książka Cleo: "Clou. Jak być sobą, gdy jesteś wszystkim innym" _________ Dziękujemy za Wasze wsparcie na Patronite oraz słanie dobrego słowa o podcaście! Jeśli chcecie podzielić się swoimi refleksjami to piszcie do nas na: podcast@moznazwariowac.pl lub na Instagramie: @cleocwiek, @aniacyklinska, @moznazwariowac www.moznazwariowac.pl Grupa na FB
Spontaniczność vs. impulsywność - te bliskie sobie postawy czy cechy mają inną charakterystykę i mogą przynosić różne konsekwencje. Rozmawiamy o tym, jakie korzyści mogą płynąć ze spontanicznych zachowań i jak rozróżnić je od impulsywnych. _________ #Autopromocja: pierścionek Wishbone dla Można Zwariować aplikacja do medytacji Cleo: MEditate książka Ani: "Przewodnik po emocjach. Jak lepiej rozumieć własne uczucia" książka Cleo: "Clou. Jak być sobą, gdy jesteś wszystkim innym" _________ Dziękujemy za Wasze wsparcie na Patronite oraz słanie dobrego słowa o podcaście! Jeśli chcecie podzielić się swoimi refleksjami to piszcie do nas na: podcast@moznazwariowac.pl lub na Instagramie: @cleocwiek, @aniacyklinska, @moznazwariowac www.moznazwariowac.pl Grupa na FB
Andrew Schultz aka Mr. Goody Two Shoes and Joseph Huggins aka OldManHuggie Discuss Voting, Pulling Off A Hoax, Their Least Favorite Holiday, Fungus Brains, Coworkers Poisoning Coworkers Part Deux, Russia Fines Google $20.6 Decillion, and Donald Trump Media Dtock Plummeting A Week Out. Therapy Questions and Article Links BelowTherapy Questions: What do you say to someone who isnt voting? Do you think you could pull off a hoax?Whats your least favorite Holiday?What was better Arthur or Wishbone?Topics: Fungal ‘Brains' Can Think Like Human Minds, Scientists Say: https://www.popularmechanics.com/science/environment/a62684718/fungi-mycelium-brains/%20Person accidentally poisoned 46 coworkers with toxin-loaded homemade lunch:https://arstechnica.com/health/2024/10/when-you-make-lunch-for-your-coworkers-and-accidentally-cause-a-mass-poisoning/A Russian court hit Google with a fine larger than the world's GDP:https://www.businessinsider.com/google-hit-russia-fine-bigger-world-gdp-youtube-decillion-media-2024-10%20‘DJT' shares see sharpest decline in nearly 7 months with election days away:https://www.marketwatch.com/story/djt-shares-tumble-on-pace-for-largest-percentage-decrease-in-6-months-eca86b2e
A terror that hasn't been seen since last time we saw it! It's the reanimated corpse of the Clusterfuck, back from the grave! And it wants brains! Specifically, it wants to rot your brains. Friends of the Show and Clusterfuck veterans, Don Denham and Dylan Derryberry, join big spooky daddy to take on 7 gruesome horror films, and one episode of Wishbone. The films:-The Monster Club (1981)-House (1977)-Howling 2: Stirba Werewolf Bitch (1985)-Halloweentown (1998)-Feast (2005)-Chopping Mall (1986)-The Sleepy Hollow Episode of Wishbone (1997)Every ten minutes, the Spookerfuck will change movies at random, and it only stops when we get tired of talking about that movie. Join us for frights and delights in this vortex of the movie macabre. Grab yourself some full bars, finish hiding the body, and get ready to get your ears rocked. Happy Halloween!
_________ #Autopromocja: pierścionek Wishbone dla Można Zwariować aplikacja do medytacji Cleo: MEditate książka Ani: "Przewodnik po emocjach. Jak lepiej rozumieć własne uczucia" książka Cleo: "Clou. Jak być sobą, gdy jesteś wszystkim innym" _________ Dziękujemy za Wasze wsparcie na Patronite oraz słanie dobrego słowa o podcaście! Jeśli chcecie podzielić się swoimi refleksjami to piszcie do nas na: podcast@moznazwariowac.pl lub na Instagramie: @cleocwiek, @aniacyklinska, @moznazwariowac www.moznazwariowac.pl Grupa na FB
Send us a textActress Peggy Lu shares her remarkable journey from pharmacy to the big screen, defying family expectations to pursue her passion for acting. Our conversation kicks off with Peggy recounting her early days, starting with a seemingly unremarkable job in a Toys R Us catalog to landing a role in the beloved TV series "Wishbone." Her anecdotes about navigating the acting world and balancing her family's career hopes showcase her resilience and determination, providing a heartwarming look into the life of an artist who dared to dream beyond conventional paths.Peggy's audition story for "Venom" offers a gripping glimpse into the world of high-stakes casting calls and the fierce competition she faced. With her role as Mrs. Chen, she reveals the meticulous preparation that went into embodying her character, from working with CGI elements to collaborating with choreographers. Not to be missed is her charming tale of meeting Tom Hardy, where initial nerves gave way to an unforgettable encounter that speaks to the camaraderie and respect within the Marvel Universe.Off-screen, Peggy's unexpected passion for carpentry shines through, a hobby sparked by her need for a custom doggie gate. Her journey from PVC pipes to woodworking mastery adds an intriguing layer to her persona. As we chat about her upcoming projects with industry greats like Randall Park and Ali Wong, you'll hear about the diverse roles that keep her career evolving. Tune in for an episode filled with humor, insight, and the kind of inspiration that only someone like Peggy Lu can deliver.Support the show
Czy wiedzieliście, że bierna agresja ma swoje korzenie w amerykańskim wojsku? A przynajmniej jej nazwa. Opowiadamy o różnych formach zachowań bierno-agresywnych, przykładach zachowania, odwołując się ulubionego ostatnio serialu Ani, czyli Magda M. _________ #Autopromocja: pierścionek Wishbone dla Można Zwariować aplikacja do medytacji Cleo: MEditate książka Ani: "Przewodnik po emocjach. Jak lepiej rozumieć własne uczucia" książka Cleo: "Clou. Jak być sobą, gdy jesteś wszystkim innym" _________ Dziękujemy za Wasze wsparcie na Patronite oraz słanie dobrego słowa o podcaście! Jeśli chcecie podzielić się swoimi refleksjami to piszcie do nas na: podcast@moznazwariowac.pl lub na Instagramie: @cleocwiek, @aniacyklinska, @moznazwariowac www.moznazwariowac.pl Grupa na FB
Why doesn't anyone talk about Monty Python or The Mighty Boosh anymore? What if Wishbone was an XL Bully that didn't know how to read? Which celebrities will drive you around Los Angeles for free? Why is the weather report always wrong? Did I rizz up my swizzle stick and have a Diddy party on myself? This and other questions are answered within
Emotions can be overwhelming, often derailing our lives and leaving us feeling lost. But what if I told you there's a simple way to navigate this emotional landscape?In this episode, I'm joined by Melissa Harris, founder of Wishbone, a company born from her passion to help others thrive after major life events. Melissa specializes in guiding individuals through transitions and loss, transforming these experiences into opportunities for growth.We explore the power of emotions and how to harness them for personal transformation. You'll discover:Key Takeaways:- A simple three-step process to manage intense emotions- Why seeking help is crucial in navigating life's challenges- How to turn loss into a thoughtful transition- The importance of honoring our inner gifts- Practical strategies for thriving after major life eventsMelissa shares her insights on dealing with job loss, organizational restructuring, divorce, and bereavement. She emphasizes the significance of contemplating where you are now and what steps to take next.This conversation is a reminder that while emotions can be destabilizing, they're also a powerful catalyst for growth. Learn how to feel, face, and free your emotions, regain your power, and create a life that truly resonates with your authentic self.Whether you're going through a major life transition or simply seeking to understand your emotional landscape better, this episode offers valuable insights to help you navigate your journey with grace and purpose."Emotions are simple and they're just energy. All we need to do is feel it, face it, and free it." - Melissa HarrisJoin us as we explore the transformative power of emotions and discover how to use them as stepping stones towards a more fulfilling life.https://www.wyshbonewellness.com/00:00 Introduction to Unleash Thyself01:07 Meet Melissa Harris: Transforming Lives02:29 Finding Energy and Time for Your Passions05:45 Navigating Loss and Major Life Events08:33 The Importance of Self-Alignment20:50 Manifesting Your True Desires25:43 The Dual Nature of Manifestation26:53 The Power of Spiritual Health27:48 Healing Through Introspection32:21 The Impact of Aligning with Your Purpose43:26 The Role of Integrity and Self-Forgiveness48:33 Final Thoughts and Wisdom50:36 Closing Remarks and Community Engagementhttps://linktr.ee/unleashthyselfUnleash ThyselfWebsite: https://UnleashThyself.comInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/unleashthyselftoday/Listen to all episodes on Audio:Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/7a4YLmJoGTuwH695uUGB4CApple: https://podcasts.apple.com/podcast/unleash-thyself/id1687232078Constantin Morun:https://www.linkedin.com/in/constantin-bo-morun/If you enjoyed this episode, don't forget to subscribe, share, and leave a comment. We appreciate your feedback and would love to hear your thoughts!If you found value in this episode share it with someone who needs this message. Thank you for tuning in to Unleash Thyself.#personaldevelopment #selfawareness #purpose Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Wsparcie grupowe może być ważnym aspektem w dbaniu o zdrowie psychiczne. Jednak obecnie obserwujemy coraz większą tendencję do indywidualizmu i zamykania się w bańkach. O roli grup porozmawiałyśmy z podcasterką Kamą Wojtkiewicz, nagrywającą Sznurowadła Myśli oraz psychoterapeutą i seksuologiem dr Robertem Kowalczykiem. "Mam to w grupie!" to nie tylko tytuł naszego spotkania, ale również projekt, w którym organizujemy grupy wsparcia. Możecie dołączyć do pierwszej edycji poprzez FORMULARZ, w którym również znajdziecie więcej informacji. [Nagranie zrealizowane dzięki współpracy z Volvo Car Warszawa] Zapisy na kolejne wydarzenia tutaj! #Autopromocja: pierścionek Wishbone dla Można Zwariować aplikacja do medytacji Cleo: MEditate książka Ani: "Przewodnik po emocjach. Jak lepiej rozumieć własne uczucia" książka Cleo: "Clou. Jak być sobą, gdy jesteś wszystkim innym" _________ Dziękujemy za Wasze wsparcie na Patronite oraz słanie dobrego słowa o podcaście! Jeśli chcecie podzielić się swoimi refleksjami to piszcie do nas na: podcast@moznazwariowac.pl lub na Instagramie: @cleocwiek, @aniacyklinska, @moznazwariowac www.moznazwariowac.pl Grupa na FB
HVAC Foodie & T-Rex are stuffed with joy as they tackle Thanksgiving—family, food, and way too much gravy. Meanwhile, poor Melky, sent to investigate pumpkin spice lattes, heard "Latinas" instead and went on a wild turkey chase! Talk about getting your priorities sauced! The brothers give thanks, Melky gives... mixed results. But hey, at least someone's getting a leg up on Thanksgiving!
Every Version Ever - Film Adaptations of Classic Literature!
Today Mark, Sarah, & I are talking about PBS's Wishbone, (Specifically the Washington Irving episodes) but ended up veering off repeatedly to talk about growing up on PBS in the 90's. So instead of completely cutting it down, I made three different versions of the episode, one for Every Version Ever talking just about Wishbone, an extended version talking all things PBS for my main channel, and an EXTRA extended episode for Patreon, with all the tangents cut from the main channel! For the extended episode, check out my main channel: https://youtu.be/B_srqj-KjW8 For the extended audio version, check out I Heart Animation: https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/0nHNub8jBNb For the extra extended episode, check out my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/jonjnorth Check out Mark's blogs! The Animation Commendation: https://markb4.wordpress.com The Live Action Disney Project: https://myliveactiondisneyproject.wordpress.com Follow Sarah Online! Redbubble: https://www.redbubble.com/people/TurnipWilson/shop Society6: https://society6.com/turnipwilson Every Version Ever - Episode 164 For links to my latest episodes & videos, social media, and more, check out my Link Tree! https://linktr.ee/jonjnorth --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/everyversionever/support
Today Mark, Sarah, & I are talking about PBS's Wishbone, but we ended up veering off repeatedly to talk about growing up on PBS in the 90's. So instead of completely cutting it down, I made three different versions of the episode, one for Every Version Ever talking just about Wishbone, an extended episode here talking all things PBS, and an EXTRA extended episode for Patreon, with all the tangents cut from the main channel! For the main episode focused just on Wishbone, check out Every Version Ever: https://youtu.be/3ci8_Uh9knY For the audio version of the shorter episode: https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/sunGqVhkBNb For the extra extended episode, check out my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/jonjnorth Check out Mark's blogs! The Animation Commendation: https://markb4.wordpress.com The Live Action Disney Project: https://myliveactiondisneyproject.wordpress.com Follow Sarah Online! Redbubble: https://www.redbubble.com/people/TurnipWilson/shop Society6: https://society6.com/turnipwilson For links to my latest episodes & videos, social media, and more, check out my Link Tree! https://linktr.ee/jonjnorth
Złota polska jesień, czy jesienna chandra? Obniżony nastrój i brak motywacji może być normalnym uczuciem, związanym z odejściem lata, ale czasem bywa sygnałem ostrzegawczym o depresji. Jak rozróżnić te stany i czy można się polubić z jesienią? Dajcie znać, jakie Wy macie na to metody! _________ #Autopromocja: pierścionek Wishbone dla Można Zwariować aplikacja do medytacji Cleo: MEditate książka Ani: "Przewodnik po emocjach. Jak lepiej rozumieć własne uczucia" książka Cleo: "Clou. Jak być sobą, gdy jesteś wszystkim innym" _________ Dziękujemy za Wasze wsparcie na Patronite oraz słanie dobrego słowa o podcaście! Jeśli chcecie podzielić się swoimi refleksjami to piszcie do nas na: podcast@moznazwariowac.pl lub na Instagramie: @cleocwiek, @aniacyklinska, @moznazwariowac www.moznazwariowac.pl Grupa na FB
Wracamy z 7 sezonem podcastu! Rozpoczynamy go serią pytań, które zadaliście nam na Instagramie. Rozsiądźcie się, bo mówimy o aktualnościach i jak zwykle trochę rozkminiamy życie. #Autopromocja: pierścionek Wishbone dla Można Zwariować aplikacja do medytacji Cleo: MEditate książka Ani: "Przewodnik po emocjach. Jak lepiej rozumieć własne uczucia" książka Cleo: "Clou. Jak być sobą, gdy jesteś wszystkim innym" _________ Dziękujemy za Wasze wsparcie na Patronite oraz słanie dobrego słowa o podcaście! Jeśli chcecie podzielić się swoimi refleksjami to piszcie do nas na: podcast@moznazwariowac.pl lub na Instagramie: @cleocwiek, @aniacyklinska, @moznazwariowac www.moznazwariowac.pl Grupa na FB
Did you know one of the greatest interpreters of literature is a dog? Wishbone is one of the greats, and on this ep we get into why. Original air date: October 16, 2023
***Content Warning** EXTREMELY CHAOTIC ENERGY Join us as we discuss What Really Happened In Peru by Cassandra Clare and Sarah Rees Brennan Join the discussion in our FB group! https://www.facebook.com/groups/286288765619887 Follow us on Instagram @Downworlderdishpodcast E-mail us: downworlderdish@gmail.com Intro Music - The Gatekeepers by Shane Ivers Music from https://filmmusic.io Outro Music - "Ice Flow" by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com) License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
On Episode 250 of Jake's Happy Nostalgia Show, we interview twin actresses Maurie' and Mone't Chandler! Maurie' and Mone't got their start in acting on the film Crooklyn and the PBS series Wishbone. Continuing their work with PBS, they are best known for portraying the twin characters Ashley and Alissa from Season 3 to 5 of the long-running series Barney & Friends, as well as several Barney home videos! Aside from Barney, they acted in projects such as Sweet Justice, Dead Silent, Star, Inner-G and many more!
Food Friday II ! Josh Jacobsen with Lucky Wishbone brings a FEAST for the crew today. Josh talks about the origins of Lucky Wishbone and how his family got into the food business. TCFC event Sept 28 screening of a documentary called "The Gotaways". 1PM screening followed by a panel discussion. It will be at The Maverick Tickets are $10 each and they are available at tucsoncrimefree.com
Jeremy Clark of Tracer Heights was in the house for Episode No. 128, and dang it if it isn't always refreshing to chat with a fellow Phishhead.Trust me: I'm not trying to pigeonhole Jeremy or say that that's all there is to say about him. There's a ton more. Rare is the opportunity, though.Anyway...Jeremy's a son and a brother and a bandmate and one heck of a sharp dude; I really enjoyed getting to know him a little bit. We talked a fair amount about Tracer Heights, what they're all about, and what his role as the bassist looks like. We also talked about a few of Jeremy's favorite albums. Those were these:Pet Sounds (1966), The Beach BoysNine Inch Nails' Broken (1992)Mellon Collie & the Infinite Sadness (1995), The Smashing PumpkinsThe Flaming Lips' The Soft Bulletin (1999)Person Pitch (2007), Panda BearSo, please check out our conversation. These chats are almost always awesome; this one was no exception. And please check out Tracer Heights. Find out more about them at tracerheights.com, on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and Bandcamp. They're rock, blues, and bluegrass with the spirit of psychedelic improvisational music, and they're gigging often here in K.C.copyright disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the audio samples contained within this episode. They are cuts from a track called, "Grand Funk," by Jackie Mittoo from his 1971 effort, Wishbone (c/o Light in the Attic Records).
From the great and hilarious "SEC Shorts" videos on YouTube, Van and John welcome Robert Clay, "the tall one," who is also an Auburn guy! We talk all the ends and outs of the amazingly funny videos they put together every week of the season (and sometimes beyond). Plus most of the usual antics and nonsense! Be a part of the AU Wishbone Family by becoming a patron of the shows: https://www.patreon.com/vanallenplexico Contact the show via Twitter at @AUWishbone and via email: AUWishbone (at) Gmail dot com. Brought to you by White Rocket Entertainment. www.auwishbone.com www.plexico.net
Release Date: May 13, 2015 Marlowe falls in love, but the woman he's in love with has a secret.Original Air Date: December 10, 1949Support the show monthly at https://patreon.greatdetectives.netSupport the show on a one-time basis at https://support.greatdetectives.netMail a donation to: Adam Graham, PO Box 15913, Boise, Idaho 83715Give us a call at 208-991-4783Take the listener survey at https://survey.greatdetectives.netCheck out our social media at https://www.greatdetectives.net
In this special episode, we sit down with the incredibly talented Larry Brantley, the voice behind some of the most beloved characters in animation. Best known for bringing the dog Wishbone to life on the iconic PBS show "Wishbone" and voicing Spinner in "My Hero Academia," Larry has also made his mark playing villains in anime, including his role in "Dr. Stone." Join us as we delve into his career, uncover behind-the-scenes stories, and explore the world of voice acting from the perspective of a true industry veteran. Whether you're a fan of his work or curious about the craft, this episode offers an exclusive look at the magic behind the microphone. Don't miss "Tales of a Voice Actor" - available NOW!! ======================== Podcast Networks: Zeo to Hero Podcast Network: https://zeotohero.com/ The Avenue Podcast Network: www.avenuepodcast.net OIW Podcast Network: https://www.oiwpodcastnetwork.com/ ======================== Stickers By Stasha: https://linktr.ee/stickersbystasha Original Geek Comics: https://www.originalgeekcomics.com/ https://linktr.ee/OrgnlGeek Original Geek: Beyond The Panels Podcast: https://www.redcircle.com/show/ogbeyondthepanels Diamond State Wrestling: https://www.youtube.com/@diamondstatewrestling www.diamondstatewrestling.com If You Give A Dad A YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@IfYouGiveADadAYoutubeCha-uw7zm If You Give A Dad A Cosplay: https://www.youtube.com/@IfyougiveadadaCosplay-nl9hc ========================= musical credits for show: Beginning Music from Tunetank.com The Indie Rock - ViPSound (Copyright Free Music) Download free: https://tunetank.com/track/552/the-indie-rock/ Intro theme sampled from: https://pixabay.com/music (find whole song there) Outro music by: D.Cure Produced by: tunnA Beatz If you enjoy his music, be sure to check out his website as well! www.dcurehiphop.com =========================== Linktree to follow me: http://linktr.ee/Giveadadapodcast
Choice Classic Radio presents The Adventures of Philip Marlowe, which aired from 1947 to 1951. Today we bring to you the episode titled “The Adventures of Philip Marlowe.” Please consider supporting our show by becoming a patron at http://choiceclassicradio.com We hope you enjoy the show!
What's shaking? I'm Rick Jordan, and today we're going all in with an amazing guest who's back for another round—Kris Bradley. In this episode, we dive deep into how making bold choices can turn your life upside down in the best way possible. Kris shares her personal journey of moving from LA, embracing her true self, and how these decisions have fueled her success and personal growth. We talk about the importance of authenticity on social media, stepping out of your comfort zone, and listening to your soul's calling. This conversation is packed with insights and inspiration for anyone looking to make a change and embrace their true potential.#RickJordan #Podcast #NewLifeWe Meet: Kris Bradley, CEO of Produce Like a Boss/Brilliant BadassEpisode References: Connect:Connect with Rick: https://linktr.ee/mrrickjordanConnect with Kris: www.krisbradley.com Universal Rate & Review: https://lovethepodcast.com/allinwithrickjordanSubscribe & Review to ALL IN with Rick Jordan on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/RickJordanALLINAbout Kris: Kris Bradley, CEO of Produce Like a Boss and Brilliant Badass, is a creative force who has transformed her life from a homeless high school dropout & starving artist to a 7 figure entrepreneur. With her unique combination of skills as a strategist, entrepreneur, coach, and musician, she inspires and empowers ambitious creatives to turn their passions into successful businesses. Through her guidance and support, Kris helps creative entrepreneurs chase their dreams fearlessly and create a life of financial freedom and personal fulfillment. Whether you're an artist, musician, or entrepreneur, she is dedicated to shining a light on your potential and helping you transform your passion into a thriving and profitable business.Wishbone blog: https://www.krisbradley.com/blog/how-a-wishbone-led-me-back-to-la
What's shaking? I'm Rick Jordan, and today we're going all in with an amazing guest, Kris Bradley. Kris is a singer, songwriter, and the mastermind behind the coaching program "Produce Like a Boss." We dive into her incredible journey from pursuing music at 15 to generating over $350K in revenue with her online course. Chris shares how she discovered her love for teaching and the impact of digital platforms on reaching a global audience. Whether you're an aspiring musician, a seasoned artist, or someone interested in online entrepreneurship, this episode is packed with insights and inspiration from Kris's story of turning passion into a thriving business.#RickJordan #Podcast #PassionIntoProfitWe Meet: Kris Bradley, CEO of Produce Like a Boss/Brilliant BadassEpisode References: Connect:Connect with Rick: https://linktr.ee/mrrickjordanConnect with Kris: www.krisbradley.com Universal Rate & Review: https://lovethepodcast.com/allinwithrickjordanSubscribe & Review to ALL IN with Rick Jordan on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/RickJordanALLINAbout Kris: Kris Bradley, CEO of Produce Like a Boss and Brilliant Badass, is a creative force who has transformed her life from a homeless high school dropout & starving artist to a 7 figure entrepreneur. With her unique combination of skills as a strategist, entrepreneur, coach, and musician, she inspires and empowers ambitious creatives to turn their passions into successful businesses. Through her guidance and support, Kris helps creative entrepreneurs chase their dreams fearlessly and create a life of financial freedom and personal fulfillment. Whether you're an artist, musician, or entrepreneur, she is dedicated to shining a light on your potential and helping you transform your passion into a thriving and profitable business.Wishbone blog: https://www.krisbradley.com/blog/how-a-wishbone-led-me-back-to-la
Dearly beloved, we're gathered here today to honour the life of big banker, embezzler, and landlord Wishbone, Boyks' old favourite, who we now must unfortunately END
Growing up in Cheraw, South Carolina, Fisher DeBerry spent his time playing multiple sports: football, basketball, baseball and track. In high school, he was All-State in football and baseball. He'll try to tell you that's because there wasn't much competition. Highly unlikely. Fisher got a small scholarship to play football and baseball at Wofford College. He also worked a few jobs to pay for school as well as enlisted in Amry ROTC. After graduation, he served his commitment, earned his master's degree and started coaching football and baseball at the high school level. His coaching path led him back to Wofford, where he was introduced to the Wishbone offense by head coach James Brakefield. Coach Brakefield brought Fisher with him to Appalachian State where for nine years, the Mountaineers dominated on offense. In 1980, Ken Hatfield asked Fisher to join his staff at the Air Force Academy and Fisher took a huge leap leaving the south. He started as the Quarterback's Coach, moved to Offensive Coordinator and got the Head Coaching job when Coach Hatfield left for Arkansas. Over the next 21 seasons, Coach DeBarry's Falcons would win the coveted Commander in Chief trophy 14 times, secure a few conference championships as well as bowl game victories. After retiring in 2006, Fisher and his wife LuAnn amped up their Fisher DeBerry Foundation, helping single parent families, as well as spending time with their two children, grandchildren and now great-grandchildren.
With his PBS show and book series, he taught a generation to appreciate classic literature. Plus, he's the goodest pupper dog ever - in this episode we explore the wonderful world and imagination of Wishbone!!
This season will celebrate 100 years of Memorial Stadium and Paul and Joe break down the most important games in the history of Texas football at DKR. Learn about the Wishbone's debut, Ricky's Run and the events that shaped the legends of Texas football. The time is now for your new mortgage or refi with Gabe Winslow at 832-557-1095 or MortgagesbyGabe. Then get your financial life in order with advisor David McClellan 312-933-8823 with a free consult: dmcclellan@forumfinancial.com. Read his retirement tax bomb series at Kiplinger! https://www.kiplinger.com/retirement/retirement-planning/605109/is-your-retirement-portfolio-a-tax-bomb Need a great CenTex realtor? Contact Laura Baker at 512-784-0505 or laura@andyallenteam.com.
Join us as Chase Harmer, a seasoned entrepreneur with over 20 years in the fintech industry, dives deep into the challenges and innovations of building a fintech company with heart. In this episode, we explore the intersection of financial technology and charitable giving through Chase's latest venture, Wishes—a platform designed to transform how we support causes we care about. Episode Highlights: The Genesis of Wishes: From overcoming compliance hurdles to raising $30 million, Chase shares the behind-the-scenes of starting and scaling a fintech venture focused on solving real-world problems, such as hotel booking issues and incentivizing charitable donations with cashback rewards. A New Era for Charities: Discover how Wishes is redefining charitable giving by ensuring transparency, reducing administrative costs, and enhancing donor engagement through innovative features like virtual cards and a rewards system. Blockchain Meets Charity: Learn about the role of blockchain in fintech and how Wishes utilizes this technology alongside traditional systems to create a hybrid model that promotes transparency and efficiency in charitable transactions. The Cost of Innovation: Chase breaks down the financial realities of building a fintech company—from the initial $2 million launch cost to ongoing platform and compliance expenses. Strategic Nonprofit Partnerships: Hear how Wishes is not just a tech platform but a community builder, fostering strong connections between nonprofits and donors, and addressing challenges like homelessness through financial technology. Looking Ahead: Chase discusses the future of fintech in the nonprofit sector and his vision for scaling Wishes to ensure a positive impact on the charity landscape. Don't miss this insightful conversation about the fusion of technology and philanthropy, where passion meets purpose in the fintech space. Find Startup Hustle Everywhere: https://gigb.co/l/YEh5 This episode is sponsored by Full Scale: https://fullscale.io Visit the Wishes Inc. website: https://www.wishes.inc Learn more about Chase Harmer: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chase-harmer-657a5b5 Sign up for the Startup Hustle newsletter: https://newsletter.startuphustle.xyz Highlighted Discussion Points Entrepreneurship, FinTech, and building a charity-related FinTech company. 0:32 Building a tech company in FinTech, compliance challenges, and scaling. 3:42 Charity platform Wishbone, its features, and how it solves problems in the charity space. 9:48 Charity work and nonprofit alignment in FinTech industry. 15:31 Blockchain technology and its potential in the financial industry, with a focus on transparency and revenue generation for non-profit organizations. 18:07 The high costs of building and maintaining a FinTech company, including compliance, platform fees, and ongoing expenses. 23:45 Startup challenges and nonprofit fundraising strategies. 29:08 Nonprofit fundraising and payment processing. 31:38 Disrupting the nonprofit charitable giving industry with innovative technology. 37:01 See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
In this episode we discuss our issues with all the money men dogging us, the sock wars waging online, Liv's disdain for the current fashion trends, the OG classic dog names, the b-team roster of "before school shows", being sad that Wishbones dead, what happened to the silky smooth bowl cut hair after the bowl cut, how perfect all the costumes were on WB, how much the "pound" was featured in 90s kids movies, Blue Hat Lady, Dean Caine as Little John, Maddy's experience with protesting in the lunchroom, wishing they didn't give WB a love interest and SO MUCH MORE!!!
Jackie & Dunlap follow the Trump Hush Money Trial with their insightful reporting, trenchant commentary, and much-needed wisdom. In this first episode: Sleepy Trump, OJ Simpson, the Doberman Gang, Cocaine Bear, Wishbone, Old Yeller, baloney, Frogmen, Stormy Daniels, Hope Hicks, Hunter Biden, George Conway, Law and Order, Night Court (not the show). Also it's now illegal to marry your cousin in Tennessee, no matter what your cousin says. Get 20 Extra Minutes with Jackie & Dunlap over at http://patreon.com/redstateupdate "The Magic Cowboy" courtesy Seth Timbs: https://sethtimbs.bandcamp.com Red State Update theme "Tasty Sorghum Biscuit" by William Sherry: https://open.spotify.com/track/74j2AyMM9Qy2VhSQDajhfn
Pour yourself a big bowl of Cheerios and cancel your camping trip, it's time for Honey, I Shrunk the Kids! Is Wayne Szalinski the... worst? What's up with all of these frozen dinners? Is Big Russ the proto Jim Carrey? What if we were shrunken down, where would we go? Also: Pour one out for Anty, learning the classics through Wishbone and Michelle pulls a Movie Friends first. Check it out! For all of our bonus episodes check out our Patreon Patreon supporters help pick episodes, monthly themes and get access to all of our additional shows and our Patron exclusive Discord. It's only the price of a single banana ($5 a month!) and you definitely don't need the extra potassium, so sign up today! Visit our website and send us an email! Follow Movie Friends on Twitter and Instagram Follow us on Letterboxd: Michelle and Seth
A sneak peak at this year's bonus episode -- reading shows from the 80s and 90s!Reading Rainbow, Wishbone, Between the Lions, Arthur, and more!!To hear this episode in its entirety, you must be a Maximum Fun member! Go to maximumfun.org/join to join for as little as $5/month! Join today to get all of our bonus content, a link to our member slack, and much more! MaxFunDrive ends on March 29, 2024! Support our show now by becoming a member at maximumfun.org/join.