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Click here for the DRB Daily Sign Up form! TODAY'S SCRIPTURE: Leviticus 1-3; Acts 13 Click HERE to give! Get Free App Here! One Year Bible Podcast: Join Hunter and Heather Barnes on 'The Daily Radio Bible' for a daily 20-minute spiritual journey. Engage with scripture readings, heartfelt devotionals, and collective prayers that draw you into the heart of God's love. Embark on this year-long voyage through the Bible, and let each day's passage uplift and inspire you. TODAY'S EPISODE: Welcome to the Daily Radio Bible! In today's episode, host Hunter guides us through an insightful journey in the scriptures on this 37th day of our Bible reading adventure. We embark on a new challenge as we delve into the Book of Leviticus, along with passages from Acts Chapter 13. Hunter provides thoughtful reflections on the sacrificial system found in Leviticus, emphasizing how these ancient practices were a foreshadowing of the ultimate sacrifice made by Jesus. In Acts, we follow Paul and Barnabas on their missionary journey, witnessing the spread of the gospel and the diverse reactions it receives—some welcome it with joy, while others resist. Hunter reminds us of the core message of grace, urging us to rest in the work Christ has already accomplished. Throughout the episode, we're invited to engage in prayer, seeking God's guidance and peace for ourselves and the world. Tune in and be encouraged as we explore these themes together. Remember, you are loved, and join us again for tomorrow's reading. TODAY'S DEVOTION: Wherever the gospel is preached, it finds its listeners. Some receive it with joy, others reject it. This timeless message of Christ and His saving grace is sent out to the world, capturing hearts like wildfire, while encountering resistance along the way. Paul and Barnabas ventured forth with this message, tracing the lineage of faith back through Abraham, Moses, and the journey of God's people. This message, though ancient and familiar, unveils God's plan through Jesus, the Messiah. Through Christ, we see the fullness of God's promise—a life lived in perfect love, fulfilling the law for us. His sacrifice on the cross becomes our victory, a substitute for our shortcomings. He died for all, and rose for all, offering freedom from sin and the grave. This new life in Christ is a gift, an invitation to live boldly in His power and grace. However, resistance remains. For some, it's rooted in piety—trusting their efforts rather than God's grace. It's a struggle not exclusive to the past or to one group; many of us wrestle with relying on our deeds instead of resting in Christ's finished work. Frustration can creep in when we lean on self-effort to earn God's favor, yet the gospel frees us from this burden. Paul's fervor conveyed that right standing with God is not earned but given through belief in Jesus. This life is now ours to embrace: living in God's joy and strength, rooted in the assurance of His presence. This is the call—to receive and rest in the truth of Christ in us, rather than resisting the gravity of His love. That's a prayer that I have for my own soul today. That's a prayer that I have for my family, for my wife, and my daughters, and my son. And that's a prayer that I have for you. May it be so. TODAY'S PRAYERS: Lord God Almighty and everlasting father you have brought us in safety to this new day preserve us with your Mighty power that we might not fall into sin or be overcome by adversity. And in all we do, direct us to the fulfilling of your purpose through Jesus Christ Our Lord amen. Oh God you have made of one blood all the peoples of the earth and sent your blessed son to preach peace to those who are far and those who are near. Grant that people everywhere may seek after you, and find you. Bring the nations into your fold, pour out your Spirit on all flesh, and hasten the coming of your kingdom through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen. And now Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred let me sow love. Where there is injury, pardon. Where there is doubt, faith. Where there is despair, hope. Where there is darkness, light. And where there is sadness, Joy. Oh Lord grant that I might not seek to be consoled as to console. To be understood as to understand, to be loved as to love. For it is in the giving that we receive, in the pardoning that we are pardoned, it is in the dying that we are born unto eternal life. Amen And now as our Lord has taught us we are bold to pray... Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven, give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our tresspasses as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not unto temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the Kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen. Loving God, we give you thanks for restoring us in your image. And nourishing us with spiritual food, now send us forth as forgiven people, healed and renewed, that we may proclaim your love to the world, and continue in the risen life of Christ. Amen. OUR WEBSITE: www.dailyradiobible.com We are reading through the New Living Translation. Leave us a voicemail HERE: https://www.speakpipe.com/dailyradiobible Subscribe to us at YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Dailyradiobible/featured OTHER PODCASTS: Listen with Apple Podcast DAILY BIBLE FOR KIDS DAILY PSALMS DAILY PROVERBS DAILY LECTIONARY DAILY CHRONOLOGICAL
Sari Botton joins Let's Talk Memoir for a conversation about editing the magazines Adventures in Journalism, Memoir Land, and Oldster, her experience publishing on Substack, editing vs. generating material, putting ourselves in our story, wrestling with what to share, creating safe boundaries, growing into the truest version of ourselves, vomit drafts, leaving the perfectionist out of the room, turning death on its head, shedding false identities, being our own best champion, and her mid-life coming of age memoir in episodes And You May Find Yourself...Confessions of a Late-Blooming Gen-X Weirdo. Also in this episode: -lowering standards for an early draft -finding time for our own writing -giving ourselves downtime to switch gears Books mentioned in this episode: -Traveling Mercies by Anne Lamott -Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott -Bodywork by Melissa Febos -The Art of Memoir by Mary Karr -All books by Abigail Thomas Sari's audibook is available here: https://www.audible.com/pd/And-You-May-Find-Yourself-Audiobook/B0DVMR3V2M Sari Botton's memoir in essays, And You May Find Yourself...Confessions of a Late-Blooming Gen-X Weirdo, was chosen by Poets & Writers magazine for the 2022 edition of its annual "5 Over 50" feature. An essay from it received notable mention in The Best American Essays 2023, edited by Vivian Gornick. For five years, she was the Essays Editor at Longreads. She edited the bestselling anthologies Goodbye to All That: Writers on Loving and Leaving NewYork and Never Can Say Goodbye: Writers on Their Unshakable Love for New York. She publishes Oldster Magazine, Memoir Land, and Adventures in Journalism. She was the Writer in Residence in the creative writing department at SUNY New Paltz for Spring, 2023. Connect with Sari: http://saribotton.com https://www.facebook.com/sari.botton/ https://www.instagram.com/saribotton/ https://bsky.app/profile/saribotton.bsky.social http://oldster.substack.com http://memoirland.substack.com http://adventuresinjournalism.substack.com https://www.audible.com/pd/And-You-May-Find-Yourself-Audiobook/B0DVMR3V2M https://bookshop.org/p/books/and-you-may-find-yourself-sari-botton/18519104 https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/sari-botton/goodbye-to-all-that-revised-edition/9781541675681/?lens=seal-press https://www.simonandschuster.com/books/Never-Can-Say-Goodbye/Sari-Botton/9781476784403 – Ronit's writing has appeared in The Atlantic, The Rumpus, The New York Times, Poets & Writers, The Iowa Review, Hippocampus, The Washington Post, Writer's Digest, American Literary Review, and elsewhere. Her memoir WHEN SHE COMES BACK about the loss of her mother to the guru Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh and their eventual reconciliation was named Finalist in the 2021 Housatonic Awards Awards, the 2021 Indie Excellence Awards, and was a 2021 Book Riot Best True Crime Book. Her short story collection HOME IS A MADE-UP PLACE won Hidden River Arts' 2020 Eludia Award and the 2023 Page Turner Awards for Short Stories. She earned an MFA in Nonfiction Writing at Pacific University, is Creative Nonfiction Editor at The Citron Review, and teaches memoir through the University of Washington's Online Continuum Program and also independently. She launched Let's Talk Memoir in 2022, lives in Seattle with her family of people and dogs, and is at work on her next book. More about Ronit: https://ronitplank.com Subscribe to Ronit's Substack: https://substack.com/@ronitplank Follow Ronit: https://www.instagram.com/ronitplank/ https://www.facebook.com/RonitPlank https://bsky.app/profile/ronitplank.bsky.social Background photo credit: Photo by Patrick Tomasso on Unsplash Headshot photo credit: Sarah Anne Photography Theme music: Isaac Joel, Dead Moll's Fingers
-CHAPTERS- 00:00 Introduction to a Legend 05:58 Military Beginnings: Joining the Army 11:51 Mentorship and Growth in the Military 14:55 Reflections on Military Culture and Standards 17:57 Current Military Landscape and Future Threats 21:07 The Evolution of Warfare: Cyber and Beyond 24:07 Personal Growth and Lessons Learned 27:01 Navigating the Ranks: From E6 to Leadership 29:57 Final Thoughts and Future Aspirations 37:56 Building Relationships in the Military 40:00 Reflections on Military Decisions and Disillusionment 41:43 The Impact of News on Military Personnel 43:13 Transformative Training Experiences 48:19 Adventures in South America 55:21 The Aftermath of 9/11 01:00:44 Transitioning from Civilian Life to Military Duty 01:11:17 Maturity Through Experience 01:16:49 Reflections on Humility and Learning 01:17:34 The Shift in Iraq: Politics and Operations 01:21:10 Targeting: Criminals vs. Terrorists 01:25:32 Justifying Targets: Patterns of Life 01:28:43 Transitioning to Central and South America 01:32:37 Rewarding Operations: Homeland vs. Overseas 01:36:31 Leadership Challenges in Military Promotions 01:39:52 Final Rotation: Chaos and Leadership 01:52:11 Impact of Operations: Capturing ISIS Leaders 01:53:35 Life After Service: Embracing New Chaos 01:54:06 Navigating Chaos and Mission Focus 01:56:54 Transitioning from Military to Civilian Life 02:01:01 Facing Fears and Embracing Challenges 02:03:11 The Decision to Run for Mayor 02:06:12 Balancing Family and Ambition 02:07:46 Finding Passion in New Ventures 02:10:41 Quality Over Quantity in Mezcal Production 02:12:39 Building a Legacy Through Mezcal 02:18:08 The Future of Okanaga Mezcal -SUMMARY- In this captivating episode, we explore the extraordinary journey of Sean Keane, a retired Command Sergeant Major with over 30 years of experience in the U.S. Army Special Operations. From his early influences growing up in a military family to his remarkable career in Special Forces, Sean shares insights on leadership, mentorship, and the evolving landscape of warfare. He reflects on the importance of maintaining military standards, the challenges of modern threats, and the personal growth that comes from embracing new experiences. This conversation delves into the experiences of military personnel, focusing on the importance of building relationships, the impact of significant events like 9/11, and the transformative nature of military training. The speakers reflect on their journeys, the challenges faced during deployments, and the lessons learned throughout their careers. The conversation delves into the complexities of military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, highlighting the shift in political dynamics, the challenges of targeting criminals versus terrorists, and the justifications behind these operations. The speakers reflect on their experiences in special operations, the transition to different mission sets in Central and South America, and the rewarding nature of protecting the homeland. They also discuss the challenges of leadership and promotions within the military, the chaos of their final rotation, and the impact of their operations on capturing ISIS leaders. Finally, the conversation touches on life after military service and the new forms of chaos they embrace. In this conversation, the speaker reflects on their journey from a military career to civilian life, emphasizing the importance of managing expectations and finding a new mission. They discuss the challenges of transitioning, facing fears, and the decision to run for mayor, highlighting the balance between personal ambition and family responsibilities. The speaker also shares their passion for mezcal, focusing on quality production and the significance of building relationships in their new venture. Ultimately, they express a commitment to creating a meaningful legacy through their work in the mezcal industry.
Today we are continuing our reading of the classic novel Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. Check out Stories RPG our new show where we play games like Starsworn with all your Max Goodname friends, and Gigacity Guardians featuring the brilliant firefly! https://link.chtbl.com/gigacity Draw us a picture of what you think any of the characters in this story look like, and then tag us in it on instagram @storiespodcast! We'd love to see your artwork and share it on our feed!! If you would like to support Stories Podcast, you can subscribe and give us a five star review on iTunes, check out our merch at storiespodcast.com/shop, follow us on Instagram @storiespodcast, or just tell your friends about us! Check out our new YouTube channel at youtube.com/storiespodcast. If you've ever wanted to read along with our stories, now you can! These read-along versions of our stories are great for early readers trying to improve their skills or even adults learning English for the first time. Check it out.
The Shadow investigates a mad scientist who has developed a device capable of freezing time and repeating the same hour over and over!Darkness Syndicate members get the ad-free version. https://weirddarkness.com/syndicateInfo on the next LIVE SCREAM event. https://weirddarkness.com/LiveScreamInfo on the next WATCH PARTY event. https://weirddarkness.com/TVCHAPTERS & TIME STAMPS (All Times Approximate)…00:00:00.000 = Show Open00:02:00.000 = CBS Radio Mystery Theater, “The Other Life” (September 08, 1975) ***WD00:47:38.279 = Price of Fear, “Not Wanted On This Voyage” (1973-1983) ***WD01:16:34.689 = Adventures of Ellery Queen, “Vanishing Magician” (November 06, 1943) ***WD01:47:37.539 = Quiet Please, “Green Light” (January 26, 1948)02:12:41.729 = Radio City Playhouse, “Hit And Run” (August 14, 1948) ***WD02:43:14.209 = Richard Diamond, “The Jerome J. Jerome Case” (September 17, 1949)03:12:46.177 = Ripley's Believe It Or Not, “Church Steeple” (1940s) ***WD03:14:13.649 = The Saint, “Sinister Sneeze” (June 11, 1950) ***WD03:43:09.599 = Sam Spade, “Critical Author Caper” (August 15, 1948) ***WD04:12:52.479 = The Sealed Book, “Out of the Past” (May 13, 1945) ***WD04:43:23.209 = The Shadow, “The Man Who Murdered Time” (January 01, 1939) ***WD05:11:47.658 = Show Close(ADU) = Air Date Unknown(LQ) = Low Quality***WD = Remastered, edited, or cleaned up by Weird Darkness to make the episode listenable. Audio may not be pristine, but it will be better than the original file which may have been unusable or more difficult to hear without editing.Weird Darkness theme by Alibi Music Library= = = = ="I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness." — John 12:46= = = = =WeirdDarkness® is a registered trademark. Copyright ©2025, Weird Darkness.= = = = =CUSTOM WEBPAGE: https://weirddarkness.com/WDRR0316
#715 Show Notes: https://wetflyswing.com/715 Presented By: Yellowstone Teton Territory, Stonefly Nets, JH Fly Co, Grand Teton Sponsors: https://wetflyswing.com/sponsors Today, we head to British Columbia with Tim Arsenault and Matt Bentley, two hardcore steelhead anglers who know these waters inside and out. We'll dive into spay casting techniques, winter steelhead fishing strategies, and how to maximize your time on the water. You'll hear about casting efficiency, the best fly lines for big rivers, and why jet boats can be the key to reaching untouched fish. Plus, Tim breaks down what it takes to win the Spey-O-Rama Championship, and Matt shares insights from years of guiding on BC's legendary rivers. Let's get into it! Show Notes: https://wetflyswing.com/715
Indiana Jones and the Comics Crusade: Episode 08 Issue: The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones #8 (Marvel) Welcome to the 8th episode, covering Marvel's "The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones!" On this episode: author, Brad Abraham, stops by the Temple of Longbox to discuss Issue #8! Find Jarrod on Twitter, Facebook, & Instagram: @YardSaleArtist Check out Jarrod's art: www.TheYardSaleArtist.com Let us know what you think! Leave a comment by sending an email to: contact@longboxcrusade.com This podcast is a member of the LONGBOX CRUSADE NETWORK: Visit the WEBSITE: https://www.LongboxCrusade.com Follow on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/LongboxCrusade Follow on INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/longboxcrusade Like the FACEBOOK page: https://www.facebook.com/LongboxCrusade Subscribe to the YOUTUBE Channel: https://goo.gl/4Lkhov Subscribe on APPLE PODCASTS at: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-longboxcrusade/id1118783510?mt=2 Thank you for listening and we hope you have enjoyed this episode of Indiana Jones and the Comics Crusade! #indianajones #indy #drjones #marvelcomics #marvel #indyjones
Today we sit down with the incredible Cait Flanders to explore what it really means to live an intentional life. Cait, author of The Year of Less and Adventures in Opting Out, shares her journey of opting out of societal norms, creating life on her own terms, and learning how to navigate her way through sobriety, minimalism, and self-compassion. Cait opens up about her decision to quit drinking, her shopping ban that led to a massive decluttering of her life—both physically and emotionally—and the tough but necessary journey of finding clarity through less. This is an episode about finding peace in simplicity, courage in self-awareness, and learning how to let go of what no longer serves us. Episode Highlights:[02:27] - Letting go of relationships and finding peace with personal boundaries.[06:12] - Societal pressure and opting out of the social “noise”.[06:30] - Welcoming Cait as she joins us to share her story firsthand.[07:55] - Cait's shopping ban: how decluttering and minimalism started her journey.[11:34] - Evolving from financial goals to a deeper emotional transformation.[15:37] - Navigating sobriety and finding healthy coping mechanisms.[18:26] - Facing raw emotions during the year of less and embracing vulnerability.[24:15] - Cait's dad on sobriety: “It's so much better on this side”.[26:35] - Self-compassion and letting go of shame for past choices.[31:20] - Cultivating resilience and self-trust through intentional change.[35:49] - Embracing emotional growth and self-connection to enrich relationships. Connect with Cait Flanders:Website: https://www.caitflanders.com/ Newsletter: https://caitflanders.substack.com/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/caitflanders For more on this topic visit our website insightsfromthecouch.org If you have questions please email us at info@insightsfromthecouch.org we would love to hear from you!If today's discussion resonated with you or sparked curiosity, please rate, follow, and share "Insights from the Couch" with others. Your support helps us reach more people and continue providing valuable insights. Here's to finding our purposes and living a life full of meaning and joy. Stay tuned for more!
Send us a textEver wondered what happens when a classroom becomes a hub of curiosity and discovery? Join us as we dive into the world of Amari Shields, a three-time Teacher of the Year, who transforms science education into a magical experience, inspiring the next generation of STEM leaders. Summary:In this episode, we sit down with Amari Shields, the dynamic CEO of Mentored Motivation and a celebrated eighth-grade science teacher. Amari shares her inspiring journey from an English teacher to a leading advocate for inquiry-based science education. Her approach, reminiscent of Ms. Frizzle from The Magic School Bus, encourages students to explore, question, and understand the world around them. Through engaging classroom activities and a commitment to equity in STEM education, Amari empowers students to become critical thinkers and problem solvers. Join us to learn how Amari Shields is redefining science education and paving the way for future STEM leaders!Chapters with Timestamps:1:02 Empowering Inquiry-Based Science Teaching: Discover the strategies that make Amari a stand-out three-time teacher of the year. 10:02: Fostering Inquiry-Based Science Skills for All Ages: Delve into strategies to cultivate curiosity and observation in students through collaborative and playful learning.18:16: Exploring the Importance of Science Skills: Understand the role of critical thinking and problem-solving in science education, illustrated through real-world examples and classroom activities.24:15: Investigating Biodiversity Through Science Education: Experience Amari's creative teaching approach as students explore the environmental impact of palm oil plantations, emphasizing biodiversity and sustainability.30:15: Ad -- Explore Learning and Leading Through Play with Dr. Diane Jackson Schnoor and Amari Shields31:30 Journey to STEM Teaching Success: Follow Amari's path from corporate sales to a fulfilling career in science education, highlighting the power of project-based and inquiry-based learning.44:30: Inspiring STEM Education and Motivation: Learn about Mentored Motivation and Amari's work to address education disparities and empower students from diverse backgrounds.Links:Joyful Play/Connected Learning online course with Amari and Dr. DianeEarth Day, Every Day STEM Pack K-4 developed by Amari and Dr. Diane@amarishieldseducationLinkedInThornton Middle School Teacher of the Year postSupport the showSubscribe & Follow: Stay updated with our latest episodes and follow us on Instagram, LinkedIn, and the Adventures in Learning website. Don't forget to subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts! *Disclosure: I am a Bookshop.org. affiliate.
In an All-Star career, Dock Ellis managed to win a World Series, pitch a no-hitter on LSD, hit every batter that came to the plate in a game and set a clubhouse on fire. But for every bit of craziness, Ellis was also ahead of his time as a spokesperson on a range of issues from free agency to racism while devoting his life to combating alcohol and drug abuse. Titus O'Reily and Mick Molloy look at the complex career of one of the most interesting athletes of all time. If you’d like more Sports Bizarre, become a member of Bizarre Plus. Click here to join today As a member, you’ll get: A weekly bonus podcast Access to all past episodes Exclusive behind-the-scenes access Access to the members-only chatroom Ability to vote on future episodes Early access to any live show tickets See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
Ryan is a twelve-year veteran Navy helicopter pilot and mission commander who was part of a joint interagency special operations task force during Operation MARTILLO. He deployed numerous times throughout Central and South America combating drug cartels and criminal organizations. He was medically separated after sustaining injuries during an emergency landing. While recovering, he worked as an investigator for JAG. He was also a search and rescue pilot and an instructor. Ryan still works for the Department of Defense where he manages prototype UAS development programs. His debut, Blood and Treasure, releases July 22, 2025. Bookmarks: 0:00 - Intro/5 Minute Countdown 4:45 - Show Starts 9:00 - Flying Drug Busts and Operation Martillo 13:00 - Slidebelt Survivor Belt 2.018:00 - Collecting Roman Coins 20:00 - Starting in Writing 47:00 - Roman Coin Giveaway 49:00 - Blood & Treasure 55:00 - International Space Station 1:00:00 - Traveling
Send us a textWelcome to You Heard it Here Last where we talk about news, you've already heard.https://www.enworld.org/threads/diamond-comic-distributors-files-bankruptcy-sells-alliance-game-distributors.709593/Diamond Comic Distributors, the owner of Alliance Game Distributors has filed for bankruptcy. In a message from Chuck Parker the President of Diamond comic Distributors he outlines the necessity for the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy which would allow Diamond Comic Distributors to restructure and meet many of its significant financial obligations. While this could likely be very bad news for an already struggling comic book industry his message does have some good news;“We have already received a commitment from Universal Distribution to purchase Alliance Game Distributors coupled with a signed letter of intent to purchase Diamond UK, and we remain committed to pursuing offers for all Diamond lines of business.” Parker said in his statement.While it's not likely this news will cause any significant issues or problems with game distribution it is noteworthy that Goodman Games signed an exclusive deal with Diamond in December of 2023.https://goodman-games.com/blog/2023/12/04/goodman-games-inks-exclusive-distribution-deal-with-diamond-book-distributors/Nasty business stuff. Mike you are our business guy. What's all this mean?[Kick to Mike]Christina, thoughts?[Kick to Christina]Speaking of IPs, or at least we will be speaking of IPs in the near future, stay tuned to our regularly scheduled program for our upcoming episode on Intellectual Properties that should be games we have this bit of news from across the pond.https://www.enworld.org/threads/qi-mentions-the-diana-jones-awards.709578/QI is a BBC2 quiz show that called out the Diana Jones Award for Excellence in Roleplaying Games on it's social media accounts. While that is news, it's not why I bring this up. Reading the “Quiet Interesting” post on Facebook is what made this one interesting.The Diana Jones Award is named after The Adventures of Indiana Jones Roleplaying Game that was released by TSR in 1984. It is considered one of the least loved and most savaged roleplaying games of all times and eventually every last copy was burned. The trophy itself is a Lucite pyramid made up of the last legible remains from those burned books. All you can read is “diana Jones” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diana_Jones_AwardMike, Christina, did you guys know this origin story and if you did, why the hell didn't you tell me?[Kick to Mike and Christina]Also, why does Steven Spielberg have such a great track record with moves, but a terrible one when it comes to turning those movies into games. I mean we have this one with Indiana Jones and then we also have the ET Atari Video Game. Both considered the worst ever in their genres? You guys might want to keep that in mind when thinking about the IPs that need to be made into roleplaying games…I'm looking at you Avatar.[Kick to Mike and Christina]And there you have it. All the news, you've already heard.
In this episode: Martin runs GitHub Actions on his development workstations using act. Alan likes to help people and has upped his people-helping skills by making little tools to solve their problems. keyshield - A simple utility to protect your game inputs from GNOME keyboard shortcuts. archive-vbulletin-thread - A Python script to archive threads from vBulletin-based forums. Mark has been flexing his grey matter with challenging mathematical/computer programming problems at Project Euler. You can send your feedback via show@linuxmatters.sh or the Contact Form. If you’d like to hang out with other listeners and share your feedback with the community you can join: The Linux Matters Chatters on Telegram. The #linux-matters channel on the Late Night Linux Discord server. If you enjoy the show, please consider supporting us using Patreon or PayPal. For $5 a month on Patreon, you can enjoy an ad-free feed of Linux Matters, or for $10, get access to all the Late Night Linux family of podcasts ad-free.
Invasion of the Remake is back and we are starting season 11 with the cult classic sci-fi, adventure film The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension (1984). Not only will we untangle this complicated movie we'll come up some of our own remake ideas along with our own unique fantasy casting. Support independent podcasts like ours by telling your friends and family how to find us at places like Apple Podcasts, iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, PlayerFM, Tune In Radio, PodChaser, Amazon Music, Audible, Libsyn, iHeartRadio and all the best podcast providers. Spread the love! Like, share and subscribe! You can also help out the show with a positive review and a 5-star rating over on iTunes / Apple Podcasts. We want to hear from you and your opinions will help shape the future of the show. Your ratings and reviews also help others find the show. Their "earballs" will thank you. https://invasionoftheremake.wixsite.com/podcast Follow us on Twitter: @InvasionRemake Follow us on BlueSky: @invasionremake.bsky.social Like and share us on Facebook, Instagram & Tik-Tok: Invasion of the Remake Email us your questions, suggestions, corrections, challenges and comments: invasionoftheremake@gmail.com Buy a cool t-shirt, PPE masks and other Invasion of the Remake swag at our TeePublic Store!
Today's episode features a fascinating conversation with writer and actor Torry Martin, the man who created the character of Wooton Bassett for Adventures in Odyssey. J.D. talks with Torry about the origins of that character, how everyday life inspires stories, why it's important for great writers to not be afraid to be vulnerable, and a whole lot more! You just may learn some things about Wooton that you never knew before and you might also learn some things about yourself too. But before this interview, J.D. shares some exciting audio drama updates to keep an ear out for. Join us for this month's installment of this how and let's explore family-friendly audio drama! Full show notes at http://www.audiotheatrecentral.com/209 What are your thoughts on the topics we addressed in this episode? Send us your feedback! We'd love to hear what you think! Email us at feedback@audiotheatrecentral.com or give us a call or text to 623-688-2770.Record our show credits for a future episode. Send us a recording of you reading the following and we'll use it in a future episode: Script: "Hi! This is [YOUR NAME] from [YOUR CITY AND/OR STATE]. Audio Theatre Central is a production of Porchlight Family Media. The theme music was composed by Sam Avendaño. The show is produced and edited by J.D. Sutter. Find the website at audiotheatrecentral.com."Email your recording to feedback@audiotheatrecentral.com.Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/audio-theatre-central--2752762/support.
On Episode 197 of The Unique CPA, Randy Crabtree welcomes Greg Adams, Senior VP and CFO at the American Management Association and author of the novel Green Shade$. Greg discusses his career journey, his passion for the profession which served as inspiration for his novel—which features an accountant protagonist—and his advocacy for improving the image and perception of accountants. He emphasizes the importance of soft skills in the accounting profession and offers insights on how to address the declining number of CPA exam takers by improving the image and appeal of accounting as a whole. Get the full show notes and more resources at TheUniqueCPA.com
In this episode: Martin runs GitHub Actions on his development workstations using act. Alan likes to help people and has upped his people-helping skills by making little tools to solve their problems. keyshield - A simple utility to protect your game inputs from GNOME keyboard shortcuts. archive-vbulletin-thread - A Python script to archive threads from vBulletin-based forums. Mark has been flexing his grey matter with challenging mathematical/computer programming problems at Project Euler. You can send your feedback via show@linuxmatters.sh or the Contact Form. If you’d like to hang out with other listeners and share your feedback with the community you can join: The Linux Matters Chatters on Telegram. The #linux-matters channel on the Late Night Linux Discord server. If you enjoy the show, please consider supporting us using Patreon or PayPal. For $5 a month on Patreon, you can enjoy an ad-free feed of Linux Matters, or for $10, get access to all the Late Night Linux family of podcasts ad-free.
After a very eventful few months and a long hiatus, we are so back!! And I'm finally talking about semi-freddo and DIY Vienetta, including my base recipe and a Snickers semifreddo recipe. Actually perfect dinner party dessert. Plus, if you make the semifreddo you might have leftover egg yolks and if you don't want to make custard you might want to make delicious egg yolk chocolate chip cookies - featured here as a bonus recipe. If you have any recipes or general THOUGHTS about LEMON CAKE, BREAD or anything else please get in touch at flourbuttereggssugar@gmail.com or message me on Instagram - @rinisprobablybaking Much love to you all. Rin :)
We took a look at a British tv series from the 1950s, dramatising the Arthurian story in a high-romance fashion. Believe it or not, it's pretty good! Starring William Russell–who later played “Ian” on Doctor Who–it's a fairly faithful rendering of the story, with Lancelot as an outsider who comes to Arthur's court, Gawain as his rival, a belligerent Kay, and a Merlin who is part magician, part con-man. Lancelot isn't just the best of knights here, he's also a champion of underdogs, defying the more hierarchical standards of Camelot–it's no surprise to find out that several of the writers for the show were Americans who were blacklisted during the Red Scare. Once again, the Arthurian world is used as a playground for utopian politics, not unlike Twain's Connecticut Yankee and T.H. White's Once and Future King. Starring William Russell, Cyril Smith, Ronald Leigh-Hunt, Robert Scroggins, and Jane Hylton. With various writers and directors depending on the episode. This is a preview of the latest episode of our series Hollywood Avalon. To hear the entire episode, join the Mary Versus the Movies patreon for $3/month to hear this and the entire series Hollywood Avalon: https://www.patreon.com/maryvsmovies.
In this episode: Martin runs GitHub Actions on his development workstations using act. Alan likes to help people and has upped his people-helping skills by making little tools to solve their problems. keyshield – A simple utility to protect your game inputs from GNOME keyboard shortcuts. archive-vbulletin-thread – A Python script to archive threads from... Read More
Fluent Fiction - Hebrew: Toucan Adventures in the Botanical Garden: A Tu BiShvat Tale Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/he/episode/2025-02-04-23-34-02-he Story Transcript:He: בגן הבוטני הפנימי, האוויר היה רטוב ומלא בריח ירוק של עצים ופרחים צבעוניים.En: In the indoor botanical garden, the air was humid and filled with the green scent of trees and colorful flowers.He: היה זה אמצע החורף, אבל כאן, בגן המיוחד הזה, תחושת קיץ חמה שלטת.En: It was the middle of winter, but here, in this special garden, there was a prevailing warm summer feeling.He: אמיר, יעל ושלמה טיילו להם בין השבילים, מחפשים פינות קסומות לחגוג את ט"ו בשבט.En: Amir, Yael, and Shlomo strolled among the paths, searching for magical spots to celebrate Tu BiShvat.He: אמיר, עם העניבה החגיגית והמבט הנלהב בעיניים, רצה להרשים את חבריו בידיעותיו על הצמחים הסובבים אותם.En: Amir, with a festive tie and an enthusiastic look in his eyes, wanted to impress his friends with his knowledge of the plants surrounding them.He: "תראו את העץ הזה," הוא אמר בהתלהבות, מצביע על דקל גבוה.En: "Look at this tree," he said excitedly, pointing to a tall palm.He: "זהו דקל קוקוס, ובאביב הוא עושה פירות מתוקים.En: "This is a coconut palm, and in the spring it bears sweet fruit."He: "אבל לפתע ציפור טוקאן עליזה ומלאת חיים נחתה על ראשו של אמיר.En: But suddenly, a lively and energetic toucan landed on Amir's head.He: הוא התכופף והרים ידיים בניסיון להבריח את הציפור.En: He ducked and raised his hands in an attempt to shoo away the bird.He: "אני מתאר לכם שהטוקאן הזה קורא לי לחקור את המקומות הלא-נודעים," הוא התלוצץ, אך נראה שהוא בלחץ.En: "I bet this toucan is calling me to explore the unknown," he joked, though he seemed a bit stressed.He: הטוקאן, לעומת זאת, נראה משועשע מכל הסיטואציה.En: The toucan, however, seemed amused by the whole situation.He: הוא השתמש בכנפיו כדי להישאר יציב על ראשו של אמיר, בזמן שאמיר ניסה שיטות שונות להיפטר ממנו.En: It used its wings to stay stable on Amir's head as Amir tried various methods to get rid of it.He: תחילה ניסה לנפנף בחוברת תיירים, ואז טיפס על עץ מפלסטיק ליד, אך דבר לא עזר.En: First, he tried waving a tourist brochure, then climbed onto a nearby plastic tree, but nothing helped.He: "הוא לא מוותר," אמר אמיר בייאוש, כשפתאום גנב הטוקאן את המשקפיים שלו ונחת על ענף דקל גבוה.En: "He won't give up," said Amir in despair, when suddenly the toucan stole his glasses and landed on a high palm branch.He: המבט של אמיר הפך לדאגה אמיתית.En: Amir's expression turned to genuine concern.He: יעל כבר חשבה על תוכנית מבריק.En: Yael already thought of a brilliant plan.He: היא שלפה שקית קרקרים מהתיק שלה והתחילה לפזר פירורים על רצפת הגן.En: She pulled out a bag of crackers from her bag and started scattering crumbs on the garden floor.He: "בוא, בוא יופי של טוקאן," קראה בעדינות.En: "Come, come, lovely toucan," she called gently.He: הטוקאן, שהתפתה על ידי המתיקות, ירד מטה ואמד את המצב בעיון.En: The toucan, tempted by the bait, descended and assessed the situation carefully.He: אמיר התקרב בזהירות ועיניו נצצו בהערכה ליעל.En: Amir approached cautiously, his eyes shining with gratitude towards Yael.He: כשזיהה שהטוקאן מרוכז בפירורים, הצליח להחזיר אליו את המשקפיים היקרים.En: When he saw the toucan focused on the crumbs, he managed to retrieve his precious glasses.He: בסוף היום, אמיר, יעל ושלמה התיישבו לשתות תה צמחים תחת העצים.En: At the end of the day, Amir, Yael, and Shlomo sat down to drink herbal tea under the trees.He: אמיר חייך ואמר, "לפעמים צריך לדעת מתי לסגת ומתוחכם יותר לעבוד עם חברים.En: Amir smiled and said, "Sometimes you need to know when to retreat and be smart enough to work with friends."He: "שלמה צחק, "פעם הבאה אני מביא מצפן, כך שנוכל לשרוד כל סיטואציה.En: Shlomo laughed, "Next time, I'll bring a compass so we can survive any situation."He: " יעל חייכה בגאווה, והשלושה המשיכו לחגוג את ט"ו בשבט, בסיפור שיזכרו לכל החיים.En: Yael smiled proudly, and the three continued to celebrate Tu BiShvat, in a story they would remember for a lifetime. Vocabulary Words:botanical: בוטניhumid: רטובprevailing: שלטתenthusiastic: נלהבimpress: להרשיםtall: גבוהlively: עליזהenergetic: מלאת חייםattempt: ניסיוןshoo: להבריחtourist: תייריםbrochure: חוברתplastic: מפלסטיקdespair: ייאושgenuine: אמיתיconcern: דאגהbrilliant: מבריקscattering: לפזרcrumbs: פירוריםtempted: התפתהretreat: לסגתgratitude: הערכהretrieve: להחזירprecious: יקריםherbal: צמחיםproudly: בגאווהcelebrate: לחגוגsurvive: לשרודcompass: מצפןsituations: סיטואציהBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/fluent-fiction-hebrew--5818690/support.
Mary Fortune was an intriguing, pioneering journalist and crime fiction writer, in the second half of the 19th century.
Intro topic: Lego event space & retail store: https://www.instagram.com/bambeecave News/Links:StackOverflow Question Count Going Down https://gist.github.com/hopeseekr/f522e380e35745bd5bdc3269a9f0b132DeepSeek claims its ‘reasoning' model beats OpenAI's o1 on certain benchmarkshttps://techcrunch.com/2025/01/20/deepseek-claims-its-reasoning-model-beats-openais-o1-on-certain-benchmarks/ Computer Science Papers Every Developer Should Readhttps://newsletter.techworld-with-milan.com/p/computer-science-papers-every-developerNvidia Cosmos - an AI platform to change the future of robots and cars - wins Best of CES 2025https://www.zdnet.com/article/nvidia-signs-largest-car-maker-toyota-to-use-its-self-driving-tech/ Book of the ShowPatrick: Alice's Adventures in a differentiable wonderlandhttps://www.sscardapane.it/alice-book/Jason: A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood (Hulu/Netflix/etc)Patreon Plug https://www.patreon.com/programmingthrowdown?ty=hTool of the ShowPatrick: Digseumhttps://store.steampowered.com/app/3361470/Digseum/Jason: Sqlitedict - Python dictionaries saved to diskTopic: Project Planning and ManagementWhy?Gathering feedbackIdentifying risksDeciding future headcountDocumenting / discovering dependenciesCritical pathScheduleReduce the bullwhip effectHow it worksSMART goalsspecific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-boundMT is most importantGantt ChartsScrumAgileKanbanToolsWhiteboard (the generic IRL one)Post it notesJIRAAsanaOpenProjectDealing with uncertaintyBufferingIssues with recursive paddingProject planning Post-Mortems ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
TW/CW: physical abuse, corporal punishment, emotionally abusive caretaker Krispin & DL discuss the second part of the the Adventures in Odyssey episode, a follow up to our podcast episode Spanking on Christian Radio released last fall. This Adventure's in Odyssey episode focuses on Mr. Whitaker's troubled relationship with his adult daughter. Honestly, we couldn't have written an episode that is so perfect at describing what it is like to try and be in relationship with religious authoritarian parents if we tried. You can check out show notes and more STRONGWILLED content at strongwilled.substack.com You can join our patreon comamunity to support this podcast and gain access extra episodes, our discord community, as well as the backlog of patreon-only episodes covering evangelical media, spiritual abuse, and more. You can follow STRONGWILED Instagram. You can follow Krispin on Instagram here.
The party speaks to the mistral elf Windspeaker. Nyx wants to be honest (for once). Angelica is persuasive, as a noble. Hugo on the other hand, is not persuasive. Bob doesn't even know what a fife is.
Dr. Duan Jackson from the California State University Office of the Chancellor discusses the evolution of her role as director of student advising initiatives in which she oversees advising and career services, new student orientation, and learning support. Duan highlights the importance of collaboration among California's higher education institutions, including the University of California, California State University, community colleges, and independent institutions through the CAL-CAAN conference, which focuses on student equity, belonging, AI in education, and transfer initiatives. Subscribe to the podcast on your favorite podcast platform!The X, Instagram, and Facebook handle for the podcast is @AdvisingPodcastAlso, subscribe to our Adventures in Advising YouTube Channel!You can find Matt on Linkedin.
Welcome back to Athril: Academy of the Arcane! Here, students are taught the very best of what magic has to offer! Every student is a high-achiever ready to take on the magical world, except the students who fail a subject and are remanded to stay over the summer vacation. Go to RealmsPod.com to discover even more stories you haven't heard! PATREON | MERCH | SOCIALS | DISCORD GM: Zachary Fortais-Gomm Taffabelle Tippi: Elizabeth Campbell Emily Potts: Maddy Searle Professor Sapir: Nathan Blades Bagatha: Naomi Clarke System: 13th Age Music: James Barbarossa Voice Edit: Kathryn Stanley Content Warnings: Teacher / Student Conflict Academic Stress Parent / Child Conflict Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
My guest is Dave Greene – an accomplished expedition leader, founder of both Greener Adventures, and the Night of Adventure Speaking Series. Dave has led nine expeditions, most of them by canoe and lasting 30 days or more. Greene is a teacher in Halifax, N.S., and education is at the core of his travels, bringing Canada's natural world to young people. Dave is now gearing up for his next challenge – the ambitious Across Ungava Expedition, where he will be joined by Chris Giard and Lee Fraser to ski 500+ km across remote arctic Quebec starting mid-March 2025.
The gang delves deeper into the Temple of Manaan in order to uproot the chaotic infestation within.This episode is sponsored by VBHealth and FanRoll! Follow the links below to support the pod and get 10% off supplements and dice! Code: "dice" https://vitaliboost.com/discount/Dice Code: "DICE10" https://fanrolldice.com/ref/2745/
A report of a robbery case is where Sam starts, as he dictates his report to his secretary. A wealthy family wants to keep their recent loss private, and out…
A report of a robbery case is where Sam starts, as he dictates his report to his secretary. A wealthy family wants to keep their recent loss private, and out…
In the 1920s,Alfred Hitchcock, the son of a shopkeeper, embarked on a career in the fledgling movie industry, and things were never the same again. From silence to sound, from monochrome to colour, from cinema to television, no other film director would stake such a large claim to entertainment in the twentieth century. In this special series of episodes, hear all about Hitchcock's beginnings, his triumphs and failures, the battles that raged behind the scenes, the people that helped him become the most iconic director of all time, and the darkness inside him that emerged from time-to- time, to cause damage to himself and to those closest to him.... To become a patron of the show, and to unlock every single story, sign up now at https://www.patreon.com/attaboysecret Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
The Adventures of Sam Spade, a popular crime drama, aired from 1946 to 1951. Howard Duff portrayed Sam Spade, a hardboiled San Francisco detective. The show featured intricate cases and compelling storytelling. William Spier, a renowned radio producer, assembled a talented writing team. Duff's distinctive voice and acting prowess brought the character to life. The show's success led to Duff's national fame. Duff eventually left the show for film opportunities, and Stephen Dunne replaced him. However, the change in voice and style affected the show's popularity, leading to its cancellation in 1951. Despite its relatively short run, The Adventures of Sam Spade left a lasting impression on the radio detective genre and is cherished by old-time radio enthusiasts.
Choice Classic Radio presents The Adventures of Philip Marlowe, which aired from 1947 to 1951. Today we bring to you the episode titled “The Soft Spot.” Please consider supporting our show by becoming a patron at http://choiceclassicradio.com We hope you enjoy the show!
Scott from Kongable TSNWO joins me to discuss writing and running espionage adventures. Scott's FaceBook page is: S. Kongable TSNWO Missions If you want to talk espionage missions join the page and the conversation. Scott's Drive-Thru RPG: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/en/publisher/28959/kongable-tsnwo Top Secret: New World Order: https://topsecretrpg.com/ Ways to contact me: Google Voice Number for US callers: (540) 445-1145 Speakpipe for international callers: https://www.speakpipe.com/NerdsRPGVarietyCast The podcast's email at nerdsrpgvarietycast 'at' gmail 'dot' com Follow my blog https://nerdsrpgvarietycastblog.blogspot.com The Anchorite APA: https://sites.google.com/view/anchorite/home Find me on a variety of discords including the Audio Dungeon Discord. Invite for the Audio Dungeon Discord https://discord.gg/j5H8hGr Proud member of the Grog-talk Empire https://www.grogcon.com/podcast Ray Otus did the coffee cup art for this show
Lori McIntosh rides endurance in Northern California and has a business helping people live in the country with their horses and wrote The Adventures of Hot Wheelz the Horse. Syra Davenport was inspired by her horses to create her own equine wellness business offering PEMF treatments through Sports Innovations focused on the well being of horses. Listen in…Show Host: Debbie LoucksTitle Sponsor: HandsOn Gloves, All-In-One Shedding/Bathing/GroomingGlovesGuest: Lori McIntoshGuest: Syra DavenportSupport for this episode also provided by Monty Roberts EQUUS Online UniversityMonty's CalendarGet more Training Tips from Ask MontyPlease follow Monty Roberts on FacebookFollow Monty Roberts on Twitter or on InstagramSee more at: MontyRoberts.comHear all the shows on the Horse Radio Network
At the Extraordinary Travel Festival, I sat down with two incredible travellers: Christian Fleischer and Jonny Beardmore. Christian Fleischer, a New Zealander working in aviation, recently completed visiting every country in the world, finishing in the Bahamas. He shares what it was like to reach that milestone, plus stories of travelling between five-star luxury and extreme off-the-grid adventures. Jonny Beardmore, aka The Galápagos Postman, has been delivering 50 handwritten letters worldwide, continuing an old tradition from the Galápagos Islands. From Clown Town, Texas, to an emotional letter for a woman who couldn't read, his journey is all about human connection – and he's racing to finish before his big event in London on March 1st. In this episode, we dive into: What it's like to visit every country in the world The wildest places Christian has stayed – luxury and survival travel Jonny's most unbelievable deliveries (fairies, pirates, and lost love!) The emotional impact of his mission to fight Motor Neurone Disease What's next for these two extreme travellers Relevant Links: Follow The Galápagos Postman on Instagram: @bigoadventures https://www.instagram.com/bigoadventures/ Track Jonny's letter deliveries: Galápagos Postman Map https://z6z.co/galapagos-postman/ Support the fight against Motor Neurone Disease: MND NZ https://mnd-new-zealand-fundraise.raisely.com/thegalapagospostmanchallenge2024/ MND UK https://www.justgiving.com/page/galapagospostmanuk Grab a Galápagos Postman t-shirt: TGP Merch https://the-galapagos-postman.teemill.com/ Follow The Radio Vagabond on: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/radiovagabond/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheRadioVagabond YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/theradiovagabond Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/radiovagabond TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@radiovagabond
Replay of the December 19th Relics Radio Show. Relics Radio is winding down the 2024 year with metal detecting/treasure hunting talk as well a giving away a bunch of different prizes to those who are listening LIVE. You must be present in the chat to be eligible to win one of these awesome Relics Radio prizes. RELICS RADIO is live via video broadcast on the 5280 Adventures or Adventures in Dirt YouTube channel every Wednesday night at 8:00 pm (Eastern) and is available for download wherever you get your podcasts.Catch the podcast audio only replay here: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/reli...DK's LINKS:All Ken's Links Here: https://linktr.ee/adventuresindirtAdventures in Dirt on YouTube: / adventuresindirt Adventures in Dirt Facebook Group page: / adventuresindirt TONY's LINKS:https://linktr.ee/5280Adventures5280 Adventures on YouTube: / 5280adventures 5280 Adventures on Facebook: / 5280adventures 5280 Adventures on Instagram: / 5280.adventures5280 Adventures on TikTok: / 5280.adventures
oin the Relics Radio Podcast crew as they speak with Preacher Digger, Michael Heim, from YouTube and other social media. The discuss tips and tricks involving metal detecting, treasure hunting and savings relics. Michael discusses his trips to England and the amazing treasure he has saved across the pond. Don't miss this episode!Preacher Digger YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@PreacherDiggerRELICS RADIO is live via video broadcast on the 5280 Adventures or Adventures in Dirt YouTube channel every Thursday night at 8:00 pm (Eastern) and is available for download wherever you get your podcasts.Catch the podcast audio only replay here: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/reli...DK's LINKS:All Ken's Links Here: https://linktr.ee/adventuresindirtAdventures in Dirt on YouTube: / adventuresindirt Adventures in Dirt Facebook Group page: / adventuresindirt TONY's LINKS:https://linktr.ee/5280Adventures5280 Adventures on YouTube: / 5280adventures 5280 Adventures on Facebook: / 5280adventures 5280 Adventures on Instagram: / 5280.adventures5280 Adventures on TikTok: / 5280.adventures
You've seen him on Comedy Central, Fox News, and heard on XM satellite radio - Join the Relics Radio Podcast crew as they speak with Steve Mudflap McGrew. We will talk to Mudflap about his metal detecting adventures since the late 60's and even some searching for lost treasures! This will be an entertaining interview! Mudflap on YouTube: / @stevemudflapmcgrew Mudflap metal detecting: • Dirt Fishing with Steve Mudflap McGrew Mudflap on Facebook: / steve.mudflap.mcgrew Mudflap on X: https://x.com/REMASCULATEMudflap Linktree: https://linktr.ee/SteveMudflapMcGrewRELICS RADIO is live via video broadcast on the 5280 Adventures or Adventures in Dirt YouTube channel every Thursday night at 8:00 pm (Eastern) and is available for download wherever you get your podcasts.Catch the podcast audio only replay here: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/reli...DK's LINKS:All Ken's Links Here: https://linktr.ee/adventuresindirtAdventures in Dirt on YouTube: / adventuresindirt Adventures in Dirt Facebook Group page: / adventuresindirt TONY's LINKS:https://linktr.ee/5280Adventures5280 Adventures on YouTube: / 5280adventures 5280 Adventures on Facebook: / 5280adventures 5280 Adventures on Instagram: / 5280.adventures5280 Adventures on TikTok: / 5280.adventures
Lori McIntosh rides endurance in Northern California and has a business helping people live in the country with their horses and wrote The Adventures of Hot Wheelz the Horse. Syra Davenport was inspired by her horses to create her own equine wellness business offering PEMF treatments through Sports Innovations focused on the well being of horses. Listen in…Show Host: Debbie LoucksTitle Sponsor: HandsOn Gloves, All-In-One Shedding/Bathing/GroomingGlovesGuest: Lori McIntoshGuest: Syra DavenportSupport for this episode also provided by Monty Roberts EQUUS Online UniversityMonty's CalendarGet more Training Tips from Ask MontyPlease follow Monty Roberts on FacebookFollow Monty Roberts on Twitter or on InstagramSee more at: MontyRoberts.comHear all the shows on the Horse Radio Network
The Adventures of Superman radio serial, which aired from 1940 to 1951, featured the DC Comics character Superman. Created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, Superman first appeared in Action Comics #1 in 1938. The following year, the newspaper comic strip began and four audition radio programs were prepared to sell Superman as a radio series. Superman was first heard on the radio less than two years after the comic book appearance, with Bud Collyer in the title role. The juvenile adventure radio serial, sponsored by Kellogg's Pep, was a huge success during World War II and the post-war years, with many listeners following the quest for "truth and justice" in the daily radio broadcasts, the comic book stories and the newspaper comic strip. Airing in the late afternoon, the radio serial engaged its young after-school audience with its exciting and distinctive opening, which changed slightly as the series progressed. In the first few episodes, Superman's home planet of Krypton is located on the far side of the sun, as opposed to a distant star system as it is in most stories. During the journey to Earth, baby Kal-El grows into an adult and emerges fully grown from his ship after it lands on Earth. He is never adopted by Jonathan and Martha Kent and immediately begins his superhero career. This was eventually retconned in later episodes to match the narrative of the comic books. The syndicated series, titled simply Superman, first aired via pre-recorded transcription disks over 11 stations beginning on February 12, 1940, with an origin story, "The Baby from Krypton". The series aired in 15-minute episodes three times a week until May 9, 1941, with the conclusion of the "Nitrate Shipment" storyline. By that time, it had expanded to 63 stations.
Alibi Jones is a prisoner of Azhumet and his new Eldred on the planet De'Ramanar, and can only hope his Dakhur friend Kit escaped to do what he can to rescue him. And hopefully soon, as Azhumet is about to take off the top of Alibi's skull with a saw! As we get into Part Two of Chapter Nineteen of Alibi Jones – the original novel – as The Adventures of Alibi Jones Chronological Omnibus continues. Host, author, and narrator Mike Luoma brings you free, independent audio science fiction oneach episode of Glow-in-the-Dark Radio! Our promo this week is for Paul E. Cooley's Derelict: Marines: https://ShadowPublications.com. Thank You Glow-in-the-Dark Radio Patrons! Become a Patron at https://patreon.com/glowinthedarkradio. The 44+ Hour Adventures of Alibi Jones Chronological Omnibus Audiobook is available everywhere online. Find links at the top of glowinthedakradio.com and mikeluoma.com. Free Stuff? Videos? Everything else? Links and details: http://glowinthedarkradio.com and http://mikeluoma.com. Music by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com). Show theme - "Hitman". Alibi Jones theme - "Mesmerizing Galaxy" Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
I started teaching college history courses in 2005 when I was a graduate student at the City University of New York. Looking back at those early years, I can hardly believe how little I knew about how to teach college courses. As I mark my 20th year of teaching, I thought I would reflect on everything I've learned from two decades of serving as an adjunct professor at a wide range of institutions, from working class community colleges to elite private schools and everything in between. I've changed a lot in these years, and so has the wider political economy and culture of American higher education. In this episode you'll hear my takes on the rise of tech in education, dealing with woke culture (the good and the bad), the slow humiliation of professorial hierarchies, belligerently anti-communist business students, and lots more. I also share some stories of true communion with students and colleagues, moments that make the whole journey, despite its many challenges, incredibly rewarding. To hear the whole episode and access our whole library of bonus content, subscribe to Nostalgia Trap here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/episode-404-in-121213711
SUBSCRIBE TO THE BNC CHANNEL: https://bit.ly/45Pspyl Ad Free & Bonus Episodes: https://bit.ly/3OZxwpr NEW MERCH: https://shoptmgstudios.com This week, Brooke and Connor ask some pressing questions: why can't we microwave metal, what did prehistoric land dolphins look like, and where do the contacts go? Plus, a look into Connor's dreams. Join our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/5356639204457124/ Try out America's #1 Meal Kit today and get up to 10 free HelloFresh meals at https://hellofresh.com/bandc10fm. Get $10 off your first month's subscription and free shipping at https://nutrafol.com and use code BANDC. New Year, More You! Date now on Bumble and download the app today. B+C IG: https://www.instagram.com/bncmap/ B+C Twitter: https://twitter.com/bncmap TMG Studios YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/tinymeatgang TMG Studios IG: https://www.instagram.com/realtmgstudios/ TMG Studios Twitter: https://twitter.com/realtmgstudios BROOKE https://www.instagram.com/brookeaverick https://twitter.com/ladyefron https://www.tiktok.com/@ladyefron CONNOR https://www.instagram.com/fibula/ https://twitter.com/fibulaa https://www.tiktok.com/@fibulaa Hosted by Brooke Averick & Connor Wood, Created by TMG Studios, Brooke Averick & Connor Wood, and Produced by TMG Studios, Brooke Averick & Connor Wood. Chapters: 00:00 Uber for Loser 01:10 Intro 01:30 Belly Button Crumbs 04:17 Creating Clarity 07:50 Contacts are Evil 10:31 Hello Fresh 12:17 How Come??? 14:10 Adventures in NYC 18:30 Apartment Hunting 23:17 Nutrafol 24:51 Confronted by the Bachelor 28:10 Brooke's Secret Plans 31:37 GERD 34:48 Bumble 36:45 Toxic Girl Scout Cookies 39:48 Microwaving forks 41:53 Prehistoric Dolphins 46:04 Fighting with Anthropology 52:58 TikTok Trend Injuries 55:00 Times Square Canes DJ 57:31 Cortisol Levels 1:00:23 Getting an Assistant 1:02:25 Mel Robbins 1:06:25 Lesbian Men 1:09:36 Get us to 100k 1:10:58 See You In Bonus!!!
A traveler is compelled to spend the night at a remote house of a mysterious gentleman – finding both isolation and the paranormal! Hear this story in BBC's Ghost Story, “A Recluse” inside this marathon of Old Time Radio programs!Darkness Syndicate members get the ad-free version. https://weirddarkness.com/syndicateInfo on the next LIVE SCREAM event. https://weirddarkness.com/LiveScreamInfo on the next WATCH PARTY event. https://weirddarkness.com/TVCHAPTERS & TIME STAMPS (All Times Approximate)…00:00:00.000 = Show Open00:02:00.000 = CBS Radio Mystery Theater, “Night of the Howling Dog” (August 28, 1975) ***WD00:48:02.439 = Adventures By Morse, “A Coffin For The Lady: The Adventure Begins” (March 18, 1944)01:14:37.999 = Adventures By Morse, “A Coffin For The Lady: Conversation In The Casket” (March 25, 1944)01:41:07.759 = Adventures By Morse, “A Coffin For The Lady: Deepest Grave in the World” (April 01, 1944)02:07:34.569 = Adventures of the Abbotts, “Green-Eyed Divorce” (August 08, 1955)02:38:55.339 = BBC Appointment With Fear, “My Fate Cries Out” (December 04, 1976) ***WD03:07:30.799 = The Avenger, “Murder Hits The Jackpot” (November 09, 1945) ***WD03:36:29.859 = BBC Ghost Story, “A Recluse” (December, 2010)04:05:52.449 = Beyond The Green Door, “Travis Takes Poison” (1966) ***WD04:11:25.199 = Box 13, “The Dowager and Dan Holiday” (January 16, 1949)04:38:49.429 = Incredible But True, “Music By Moonlight” (1950-1951)04:43:15.349 = Chet Chetter's Tales From The Morgue, “Interface To Terror” (1992) ***WD05:10:54.555 = Show Close(ADU) = Air Date Unknown(LQ) = Low Quality***WD = Remastered, edited, or cleaned up by Weird Darkness to make the episode listenable. Audio may not be pristine, but it will be better than the original file which may have been unusable or more difficult to hear without editing.Weird Darkness theme by Alibi Music Library= = = = ="I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness." — John 12:46= = = = =WeirdDarkness® is a registered trademark. Copyright ©2025, Weird Darkness.= = = = =CUSTOM WEBPAGE: https://weirddarkness.com/WDRR0310
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Today we are continuing our reading of the classic novel Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. Check out Stories RPG our new show where we play games like Starsworn with all your Max Goodname friends, and Gigacity Guardians featuring the brilliant firefly! https://link.chtbl.com/gigacity Draw us a picture of what you think any of the characters in this story look like, and then tag us in it on instagram @storiespodcast! We'd love to see your artwork and share it on our feed!! If you would like to support Stories Podcast, you can subscribe and give us a five star review on iTunes, check out our merch at storiespodcast.com/shop, follow us on Instagram @storiespodcast, or just tell your friends about us! Check out our new YouTube channel at youtube.com/storiespodcast. If you've ever wanted to read along with our stories, now you can! These read-along versions of our stories are great for early readers trying to improve their skills or even adults learning English for the first time. Check it out.