Bohemian novelist and short-story writer (1883–1924)
An episode that steals the spotlightHere's what's to come in this episode: * We kick off this episode by raising the curtain on Angela's theater kid lore and spotlighting how neurodiversity and theater make a show-stopping duo.* Our hosts dive into how being "dramatic" and "attention-seeking"—classic theater kid traits—are often just the shining stars of neurodivergence.* Other overlaps between theater and neurodivergence include being perceived as pretentious or aloof, unapologetically blunt, and passionately dedicated to one's interests.* Theater can serve as a safe haven for autistic individuals because it offers a structured and predictable environment. With everything carefully planned out and scripted, theater eliminates much of the uncertainty that can be overwhelming in everyday social interactions. This level of organization provides clear roles, boundaries, and expectations, allowing autistic folks to express themselves creatively without the stress of improvisation or ambiguity.* The sense of community found in theater can be profoundly meaningful to autistic individuals. The collaborative nature of productions fosters connections through shared goals and mutual support, creating bonds that feel genuine and purposeful. Additionally, the structure of theater often bypasses small talk, an interaction many autistic people find tedious or uncomfortable. Instead, conversations are focused on the work at hand—scripts, characters, and performances—which can feel far more engaging and meaningful for autistic folks.* Our hosts discuss how theater provides a healthy outlet for autistic individuals to mask, offering a safe space to navigate social expectations. They explore how typically challenging tasks, like making eye contact, become more manageable within a performance context—since it's the character, not the individual, taking on these actions.* Routines, along with clear and visual communication, are key reasons why the structure of theater arts resonates with autistic individuals. The predictability of rehearsals, performances, and cues, combined with visual aids like scripts, stage blocking, and set designs, creates an environment that feels logical and accessible for autistic participants.* Matt and Angela explore autistic-coded characters in theater, offering insights into their representation while critiquing how some plays lean too heavily on the "neurotypical savior" trope.* From Leo Bloom in The Producers to Maria in The Sound of Music to Matilda to Elle Woods and Alexander Hamilton, we spotlight theater characters who subtly display autistic traits you might not have noticed before.* Our hosts delve into Stephen Sondheim's work, highlighting how his hyper-focus and emotional intensity reflect traits commonly associated with autism.* Through engaging discussions and thought-provoking examples, this episode celebrates the beautiful intersections between theater and neurodivergence, showing how the stage can be a haven for autistic expression and representation.“Being in front of an audience of 500 or 2,890 people, that's a very specific number. Being in front of an audience of 500 or 2,890 people is very easy for me. The roles are incredibly clear, logical, and laid out. I am on stage. You are sitting in the seats watching me. I am playing a character and that is what you expect, want, and are paying for. The conversations onstage are scripted and written better than the ones in my real life.” - Matt“One of my biggest social challenges is I will share a piece of information and it's so obvious to me what the response is, which is usually something like ‘thank you, that was helpful information, my goodness'. And then the response I get is so different. It might be something like, ‘you're fired', or it will be like, ‘thank you', and then I find out they have told five people I'm a pretentious a*****e. And I'm like, how do these things not match up? But when there's a script, even if it's a Kafka play, where things don't make sense, you see it and it's fixed in time and it's going to be logical every time.” - Angela“I would love for somebody to go up and give me a bullet point brochure: Welcome to the neighborhood. Trash is on this day. You are allowed to have this. This is when this happens. This is when that happens. This is when that happens. I want a schedule. I want knowledge.” - MattHave you ever felt the ups and downs of life on the stage? In today's episode, Matt and Angela dive into how neurodivergent perspectives align with the unique world of theater. Thanks for tuning in! Share your thoughts in the comments, and use #AutisticCultureCatch to connect with fellow listeners. Which moments from their discussion resonate with your own theater experiences?Resources:Jenna Lourenco- - There is a database there of plays featuring autistic characters and a growing list of openly autistic playwrights in the English-speaking world. Mickey Rowe Our Differences are Our Strengths: Neurodiversity in Theatre from the sound of music - Close and Very Personal With The Real Stephen Sondheim Stephen Sondheim Blackwings Sold at AuctionBlackwing Pencils -*Related Episodes:Ready for a paradigm shift that empowers Autistics? Help spread the news!Follow us on InstagramFind us on Apple Podcasts and SpotifyLearn more about Matt at Matt Lowry, LPPJoin Matt's Autistic Connections Facebook GroupLearn more about Angela at Angela's social media: Twitter and TikTokOur Autism-affirming merch shop This is a public episode. If you'd like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
News includes Dave Lucia's PR making Elixir's protocol errors more readable, OTP 28 introducing a "raw mode" for immediate CLI input processing, Saša Jurić's "Against the Grain" talk on YouTube about a bespoke Kafka client, Johanna Larsson's new site listing Elixir events, DockYard's official acceptance of native application contracts highlighting the readiness of their LiveView Native library, and Brian Cardarella's teased wrapper enhancing animations in LiveView, and more! Show Notes online - ( Elixir Community News ( – Dave Lucia shared his recent PR merged into Elixir, improving protocol error messages. ( – Dave's PR titled "Make protocol errors pretty" addresses unreadable struct errors in Elixir. Dave encourages others to contribute to open-source by fixing issues like ugly error messages. ( – With OTP 28's new "raw mode" feature, interactive CLI programs can process stdin inputs immediately. ( – Saša Jurić's talk "Against the Grain" from CodeBeam America about developing a bespoke Kafka client is available on YouTube. Johanna Larsson launched a mini site listing Elixir events. ( – Announcement of the new mini site for Elixir events. ( – A resource for upcoming Elixir events. ( – ERLEF's calendar for Elixir-related events. ( – DockYard is officially accepting native application contracts, showcasing their LiveView Native library. ( – DockYard's services page for mobile application contracts. ( – The LiveView Native open-source library created by DockYard. ( – Brian Cardarella teases a new wrapper for LiveView enhancing animation support. ( – is an animation library for JavaScript and React. ( – The "motion" package on Hex providing the library. ( – The GitHub repository for the Motion library. Brian explains the significance of animation integration in LiveView for mobile experiences. ( – ElixirConf EU announces José Valim and Chris McCord as keynote speakers. ( – Information about ElixirConf EU 2025 with a call for talks open. Do you have some Elixir news to share? Tell us at @ThinkingElixir ( or email at ( Find us online - Message the show - Bluesky ( - Message the show - X ( - Message the show on Fediverse - ( - Email the show - ( - Mark Ericksen on X - @brainlid ( - Mark Ericksen on Bluesky - ( - Mark Ericksen on Fediverse - ( - David Bernheisel on Bluesky - ( - David Bernheisel on Fediverse - (
Vincenzo Ventriglia ci presenta lo spettacolo che si terrà giovedì 5 dicembre al Teatro della Juta di Arquata. Si tratta di un adattamento di un'opera di Kafka che racconta di una scimmia che, ridotta in cattività, acquisisce la sensibilità umana. Emerge dunque il tema che la conoscenza rende liberi.
Így gondozd a mikulásvirágot, hogy sokáig szép maradjon Mindmegette 2024-12-01 18:00:00 Recept Karácsony Mikulás Hónapokig mutatós marad, és jövőre újra csodálhatjuk a Mikulás ruhájához hasonlóan piros leveleit, ha bevetjük a következő néhány tippet. A karácsony előtti várakozás időszaka: mit jelent az advent és milyen ünnepi szokások köthetők hozzá? Éva Magazin 2024-12-01 18:05:00 Karácsony Életmód Advent Évszázadok óta szokás, hogy az advent eljövetelével minden vasárnap meggyújtunk egy gyertyát az adventi koszorún, ezzel méltón várva a karácsony ünnepi időszakát, amikorra is már mind a négy gyertyának égnie kell. De mégis honnan ered ez a díszes hagyomány, és pontosan mit ünneplünk adventkor? Niels Arestrup Szabó István filmjének főszereplője volt, halálát felesége jelentette be Librarius 2024-12-02 08:00:39 Film Színház Mozi Szabó István Niels Arestrup mondta: Az ötvenes években egy bagnolet-i munkás fiaként egyáltalán nem gondoltam a szórakozásra, a színházra és a mozira. Kafka rá sem ismerne a szülővárosára, noha minden sarokról az ő arcképe köszön vissza 2024-12-01 20:18:21 Könyv Csehország Prága Prága történelmi óvárosában egymást érik a Kafka-emlékhelyek, miközben a város és Csehország kapcsolata az íróval meglehetősen ellentmondásos. Hogyan lett Kafka nemzetközi brand, és mikor fedezte fel Prága a Kafka-kultusz előnyeit? Történelmi rekordot döntött a Vaiana 2, csak egyetlen 2024-es filmet nem tudott lenyomni Mafab 2024-12-02 09:54:02 Film A Vaiana 2 piszkosul nagyot kaszált a jegypénztáraknál globálisan: 386 millió dollárt hozott, ebből 165,3 millió dollárt a nemzetközi piacokon, írja a Variety. A Tudom, mit tettél tavaly nyáron Madelyn Cline főszereplésével kap folytatást 2024-12-01 18:14:03 Film Jennifer Love Hewitt Az 1990-es évek klasszikusa, a Tudom, mit tettél tavaly nyáron újabb folytatást kap, melynek főszereplője az Outer Banks-ből ismert Madelyn Cline lesz. Dúl a nosztalgia mostanában: először a Kegyetlen játékok kapott rebootot, most pedig ez!Jennifer Love Hewitt és Freddie Prinze Jr. visszatérnek az eredeti filmből, és a társszereplő Sarah Michelle G Mit jelent a történelem annak, akit kitagadtak belőle? - Olvass bele Susan Rubin Suleiman új kötetébe! Könyves Magazin 2024-12-01 23:03:02 Könyv A történelem lánya sokkal több mint egy visszaemlékezés, egy lehetőség arra, hogy megértsük a múlt, az identitás, és az otthon összekapcsolódó szálait. Kicsoda Desmond Child, akivel kiegészült a Megasztár zsűrije ma este? Itt van 5 sláger, amelyet neki köszönhetünk Blikk 2024-12-01 19:58:01 Zene USA Ricky Martin Roxette A Megasztár ma esti adásában egy világsztár is feltűnt, aki a zsűri mellett kapott helyet. Desmond Child az egyik leghíresebb zeneszerző és producer jelenleg az Egyesült Államokban. A szakember olyan hatalmas neveknek írt már slágereket, mint Bon Jovi, Alice Cooper, Bonnie Tyler, a Roxette és Ricky Martin. A Wicked hatalmasat robbantott a tengerentúlon a mozipénztáraknál 2024-12-02 10:36:52 Film Mozi Ariana Grande Az Óz, a csodák csodája előtörténete a két boszorkány, Glinda és Elphaba barátságát mutatja be. A Wicked eredetileg ez musical, amely huszonegy éve töretlenül műsoron van világszerte és végre elkészült belőle a filmváltozat Ariana Grande és Cynthia Erivo főszereplésével. 10 pofonegyszerű DIY karácsonyi dekoráció NLC 2024-12-02 06:07:18 Karácsony Életmód Dekor Ezekkel az egyszerű kézműves ötletekkel mutatós karácsonyi dekorációkat készíthetsz, akár még akkor is, ha nem rendelkezel átlagon felüli kézügyességgel. Tóth Andi a magyar Grincs: egyedül tölti a szentestét Story 2024-12-02 09:00:38 Bulvár Tóth Andi Az énekesnőnek gyerekként nem sok öröme volt az ünnepben. Felnőttként nem győzi jó élményekkel elfedni kellemetlen emlékeit. A további adásainkat keresd a oldalunkon.
Így gondozd a mikulásvirágot, hogy sokáig szép maradjon Mindmegette 2024-12-01 18:00:00 Recept Karácsony Mikulás Hónapokig mutatós marad, és jövőre újra csodálhatjuk a Mikulás ruhájához hasonlóan piros leveleit, ha bevetjük a következő néhány tippet. A karácsony előtti várakozás időszaka: mit jelent az advent és milyen ünnepi szokások köthetők hozzá? Éva Magazin 2024-12-01 18:05:00 Karácsony Életmód Advent Évszázadok óta szokás, hogy az advent eljövetelével minden vasárnap meggyújtunk egy gyertyát az adventi koszorún, ezzel méltón várva a karácsony ünnepi időszakát, amikorra is már mind a négy gyertyának égnie kell. De mégis honnan ered ez a díszes hagyomány, és pontosan mit ünneplünk adventkor? Niels Arestrup Szabó István filmjének főszereplője volt, halálát felesége jelentette be Librarius 2024-12-02 08:00:39 Film Színház Mozi Szabó István Niels Arestrup mondta: Az ötvenes években egy bagnolet-i munkás fiaként egyáltalán nem gondoltam a szórakozásra, a színházra és a mozira. Kafka rá sem ismerne a szülővárosára, noha minden sarokról az ő arcképe köszön vissza 2024-12-01 20:18:21 Könyv Csehország Prága Prága történelmi óvárosában egymást érik a Kafka-emlékhelyek, miközben a város és Csehország kapcsolata az íróval meglehetősen ellentmondásos. Hogyan lett Kafka nemzetközi brand, és mikor fedezte fel Prága a Kafka-kultusz előnyeit? Történelmi rekordot döntött a Vaiana 2, csak egyetlen 2024-es filmet nem tudott lenyomni Mafab 2024-12-02 09:54:02 Film A Vaiana 2 piszkosul nagyot kaszált a jegypénztáraknál globálisan: 386 millió dollárt hozott, ebből 165,3 millió dollárt a nemzetközi piacokon, írja a Variety. A Tudom, mit tettél tavaly nyáron Madelyn Cline főszereplésével kap folytatást 2024-12-01 18:14:03 Film Jennifer Love Hewitt Az 1990-es évek klasszikusa, a Tudom, mit tettél tavaly nyáron újabb folytatást kap, melynek főszereplője az Outer Banks-ből ismert Madelyn Cline lesz. Dúl a nosztalgia mostanában: először a Kegyetlen játékok kapott rebootot, most pedig ez!Jennifer Love Hewitt és Freddie Prinze Jr. visszatérnek az eredeti filmből, és a társszereplő Sarah Michelle G Mit jelent a történelem annak, akit kitagadtak belőle? - Olvass bele Susan Rubin Suleiman új kötetébe! Könyves Magazin 2024-12-01 23:03:02 Könyv A történelem lánya sokkal több mint egy visszaemlékezés, egy lehetőség arra, hogy megértsük a múlt, az identitás, és az otthon összekapcsolódó szálait. Kicsoda Desmond Child, akivel kiegészült a Megasztár zsűrije ma este? Itt van 5 sláger, amelyet neki köszönhetünk Blikk 2024-12-01 19:58:01 Zene USA Ricky Martin Roxette A Megasztár ma esti adásában egy világsztár is feltűnt, aki a zsűri mellett kapott helyet. Desmond Child az egyik leghíresebb zeneszerző és producer jelenleg az Egyesült Államokban. A szakember olyan hatalmas neveknek írt már slágereket, mint Bon Jovi, Alice Cooper, Bonnie Tyler, a Roxette és Ricky Martin. A Wicked hatalmasat robbantott a tengerentúlon a mozipénztáraknál 2024-12-02 10:36:52 Film Mozi Ariana Grande Az Óz, a csodák csodája előtörténete a két boszorkány, Glinda és Elphaba barátságát mutatja be. A Wicked eredetileg ez musical, amely huszonegy éve töretlenül műsoron van világszerte és végre elkészült belőle a filmváltozat Ariana Grande és Cynthia Erivo főszereplésével. 10 pofonegyszerű DIY karácsonyi dekoráció NLC 2024-12-02 06:07:18 Karácsony Életmód Dekor Ezekkel az egyszerű kézműves ötletekkel mutatós karácsonyi dekorációkat készíthetsz, akár még akkor is, ha nem rendelkezel átlagon felüli kézügyességgel. Tóth Andi a magyar Grincs: egyedül tölti a szentestét Story 2024-12-02 09:00:38 Bulvár Tóth Andi Az énekesnőnek gyerekként nem sok öröme volt az ünnepben. Felnőttként nem győzi jó élményekkel elfedni kellemetlen emlékeit. A további adásainkat keresd a oldalunkon.
Agradece a este podcast tantas horas de entretenimiento y disfruta de episodios exclusivos como éste. ¡Apóyale en iVoox! Hoy abordamos una de las obras maestras de la literatura: la "Eneida" (29-19 a.C.). Texto clave e imprescindible, nos muestra una diversidad de características importantes de las sociedades antiguas y presentes, pero así mismo del ser humano en cuanto a individuo. Describimos algunos de sus rasgos nucleares, algunos de ellos no demasiado contados por ciertos motivos que también desgranamos y encima, cosas de la vida, hablamos de otras figuras culturales actuales no lo suficientemente reconocidas y vinculadas con el texto de Virgilio. Como siempre, ¡esperamos que os guste! Imagen de Dominio Público ("Virgilio leyendo la Eneida a Augusto y Octavia" por Taillasson). La música tiene licencia Creative Commons ("Into the Storm") o está cedida (cierre por el Almirante Stargazer del fantabuloso podcast "Torpedo Rojo") o es de dominio público. Recordad que ahora también nos podéis visitar en nuestra página :-) ENLACES DE INTERÉS: Recopilación de textos sobre el erudito y defensor de la cultura Juan Bautista Bergua: Pódcast sobre la civilización cartaginesa: Pódcast sobre Kafka: este episodio completo y accede a todo el contenido exclusivo de Podcaliptus Bonbon. Descubre antes que nadie los nuevos episodios, y participa en la comunidad exclusiva de oyentes en
Kitsch oder nicht? Cornelia Geißler, Gregor Dotzauer und Klaus Nüchtern diskutierten vier auf der SWR Bestenliste im Dezember verzeichneten Werke im barocken Schießhaus in Heilbronn. Vor allem das erstplatzierte Prosawerk von Tezer Özlü gab Anlass für grundlegende Diskussionen. Die Anfang der 1980er Jahre geschriebene und jetzt wiederentdeckte „Suche auf den Spuren eines Selbstmordes“ führte zur Frage, ob der Text unter Kitsch zu subsumieren sei. Vor allem der aus Wien angereiste Literaturkritiker des Wiener Magazins Falter Klaus Nüchtern mokierte sich über Sachfehler und missglückte Formulierungen der „pathetischen und egozentrischen Prosa“. Gregor Dotzauer, Literaturredakteur des Tagesspiegel, verteidigte den hohen Ton und die existentielle Dringlichkeit der Prosa. Cornelia Geißler, Literaturredakteurin der Berliner Zeitung, erinnert an den biografischen Hintergrund des Buchs, an die Gewalterfahrungen und Todessehnsucht der Autorin, denen beglückende Lektüren und nahezu therapeutische Sex-Szenen gegenübergestellt werden. Die 1943 in Anatolien geborene Übersetzerin und Schriftstellerin Tezer Özlü gehörte in den 1980er Jahren zu den wichtigsten Vertreterinnen junger Literatur in der Türkei. Obwohl sie auch in Deutschland gelebt hat, ist sie hierzulande weitgehend unbekannt geblieben. Özlüs „Suche nach den Spuren eines Selbstmordes“ erscheint hierzulande zum ersten Mal, obwohl das Buch auf Deutsch verfasst und mit einem Literaturpreis ausgezeichnet wurde. Die Autorin reist nicht nur zu den Schauplätzen ihrer literarischen Heroen wie Kafka, Svevo und Pavese, sie erkundet in einer „apodiktischen Sprache“ (Nüchtern) auch eigene Sehnsüchte, Träume und Wünsche. Das Buch entwickelt sich damit zu einer literarischen Feier der „unbedingten Rebellion“ (Dotzauer). Auf dem Programm in Heilbronn standen außerdem: mit „Unser Ole“ der neue Roman von Katja Lange-Müller (Platz 2), die Prosaminiaturen “Unsere Fremden“ von Lydia Davis (Platz 3) sowie der aus dem Russischen von Olga Radetzkaja übertragene Roman „Der Ansprung“ von Maria Stepanova (Platz 4). Aus den vier Büchern lasen Isabelle Demey und Dominik Eisele. Durch den Abend führte Carsten Otte.
Apeadeiros da conversa: .Cena de tribunal. .Adjectivos literários. .Desdobramento da consciência. .A auto-análise é libertadora ou uma prisão? .Processo e Kafka e culpa. .Regicida e o rei fluído. .Luz opressora. .Reputação opressora. .Afonso Padilha. .Helder Macedo e Camões. .Sabemos pensar? ---- O menino está aqui: Twitter: Instagram: Facebook: Youtube:
Join us for an insightful conversation with Joe Niemiec, Senior Product Manager for Streaming at MongoDB, recorded live at MongoDB Local London. In this video, Joe explains the fundamentals of stream processing and how it empowers developers to run continuous aggregation queries on real-time data. Discover practical use cases, including monitoring oil well pumps and smart grid applications, that showcase the power of stream processing in various industries. Joe also discusses the latest enhancements, such as expanded regional support, VPC peering for secure connections, and improved Kafka integration. Whether you're new to MongoDB or looking to enhance your data processing capabilities, this video is packed with valuable information to help you get started with stream processing!
The Spark is hosting its annual book-as-gifts- guide. We spoke with Catherine Lawrence, co-owner of the Midtown Scholar Bookstore in Harrisburg, Travis Kurowski, (Ph.D) an assistance professor of creative writing at York College of Pennsylvania, and Carolyn Blatchley MLIS, Executive Director of Cumberland County Library System. The Midtown Schloar Bookstore recommendation can be found here. The Cumberland County Library Systems recommendations can be found here. Travis Kurowski Recommendations list below: NONFICTION Heartbreak Is the National Anthem: How Taylor Swift Reinvented Pop Music By Rob Sheffield I just ordered this book because I am in love with a woman who is the biggest Taylor Swift fan I have ever met. As it happens, I have only recently realized the most obvious thing about Swift's music: It's mostly about heartbreak. Our American Shakespeare of longing and distance, of regret and revenge, Swift's oeuvre is analyzed from first album to last by best-selling Rolling Stone journalist Rob Sheffield in this new book. From the publisher: “Heartbreak Is the National Anthem: How Taylor Swift Reinvented Pop Music is the first book that goes deep on the musical and cultural impact of Taylor Swift. Nobody can tell the story like Rob Sheffield, the bestselling and award-winning author of Dreaming the Beatles, On Bowie, and Love Is a Mix Tape. The legendary Rolling Stone journalist is the writer who has chronicled Taylor for every step of her long career, from her early days to the Eras Tour. Sheffield gets right to the heart of Swift and her music, her lyrics, her fan connection, her raw power.” The Message By Ta-Nehisi Coates Baltimore native Ta-Nehisi Coates's new book of nonfiction takes a risk in being human. I've been following Coates since his days reporting for The Atlantic where he made national attention making a persuasive case for reparation. Since then, he's published a best-selling works of fiction and nonfiction, even written for Marvel Comics. This latest book from Coates is an analysis of how myths and stories shape cultures and nations, from Senegal to the ongoing war on Gaza. From the publisher: “In the first of the book's three intertwining essays, Coates, on his first trip to Africa, finds himself in two places at once: in Dakar, a modern city in Senegal, and in a mythic kingdom in his mind. Then he takes readers along with him to Columbia, South Carolina, where he reports on his own book's banning, but also explores the larger backlash to the nation's recent reckoning with history and the deeply rooted American mythology so visible in that city—a capital of the Confederacy with statues of segregationists looming over its public squares. Finally, in the book's longest section, Coates travels to Palestine, where he sees with devastating clarity how easily we are misled by nationalist narratives, and the tragedy that lies in the clash between the stories we tell and the reality of life on the ground.” Lovely One: A Memoir By Ketanji Brown Jackson The election was hard for everyone—every national election has been in recent memory. Memoirs from people behind the scenes in spaces shaped by such elections have always been popular, more recently they seem to be a source of sustenance. I cannot see the new memoir by Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson—the first black woman and first public defender to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court—as anything else. From the publisher: “With this unflinching account, Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson invites readers into her life and world, tracing her family's ascent from segregation to her confirmation on America's highest court within the span of one generation.” FICTION The Vegetarian By Han Kang 2024 Nobel winner for Literature, Han Kang also won the 2016 Booker Prize for her most widely read novel, The Vegetarian, a short novel I read in a gulp years ago when it was first translated from the Korean into English by Deborah Smith. The power of The Vegetarian is ineffable, which is an odd thing to say for a book—that it is beyond words—but that is the power and experience of great art. A perfect introduction to Kang's work. From the publisher: “Before the nightmares began, Yeong-hye and her husband lived an ordinary, controlled life. But the dreams—invasive images of blood and brutality—torture her, driving Yeong-hye to purge her mind and renounce eating meat altogether. It's a small act of independence, but it interrupts her marriage and sets into motion an increasingly grotesque chain of events at home. As her husband, her brother-in-law and sister each fight to reassert their control, Yeong-hye obsessively defends the choice that's become sacred to her. Soon their attempts turn desperate, subjecting first her mind, and then her body, to ever more intrusive and perverse violations, sending Yeong-hye spiraling into a dangerous, bizarre estrangement, not only from those closest to her, but also from herself. Celebrated by critics around the world, The Vegetarian is a darkly allegorical, Kafka-esque tale of power, obsession, and one woman's struggle to break free from the violence both without and within her.” All Fours By Miranda July There has been no other book I've heard about as much this year as filmmaker and fiction writer Miranda July's latest novel All Fours, about what happens when we ignore our desires—by which I mean, ignore our very selves—and the confusing struggle it might be to ever find ourselves again. The conversations I've had about this book have been as rich and meaningful as the book itself, conversations I hold dear and have changed me forever. From the publisher: “A semi-famous artist announces her plan to drive cross-country, from LA to NY. Thirty minutes after leaving her husband and child at home, she spontaneously exits the freeway, checks into a nondescript motel, and immerses herself in an entirely different journey. Miranda July's second novel confirms the brilliance of her unique approach to fiction. With July's wry voice, perfect comic timing, unabashed curiosity about human intimacy, and palpable delight in pushing boundaries, All Fours tells the story of one woman's quest for a new kind of freedom. Part absurd entertainment, part tender reinvention of the sexual, romantic, and domestic life of a forty-five-year-old female artist, All Fours transcends expectation while excavating our beliefs about life lived as a woman. Once again, July hijacks the familiar and turns it into something new and thrillingly, profoundly alive.” Playground By Richard Powers Richard Powers won the 2019 Pulitzer Prize for fiction for his previous novel The Overstory, arguably the single most important American novel ever published about our relationship to the environment, all told through the lens of our human relationship to trees. Powers's latest novel, Playground, is about artificial intelligence and the ocean. And I expect nothing less. From the publisher: “Four lives are drawn together in a sweeping, panoramic new novel from Richard Powers, showcasing the Pulitzer Prize–winning author of The Overstory at the height of his skills. Twelve-year-old Evie Beaulieu sinks to the bottom of a swimming pool in Montreal strapped to one of the world's first aqualungs. Ina Aroita grows up on naval bases across the Pacific with art as her only home. Two polar opposites at an elite Chicago high school bond over a three-thousand-year-old board game; Rafi Young will get lost in literature, while Todd Keane's work will lead to a startling AI breakthrough. They meet on the history-scarred island of Makatea in French Polynesia, whose deposits of phosphorus once helped to feed the world. Now the tiny atoll has been chosen for humanity's next adventure: a plan to send floating, autonomous cities out onto the open sea. But first, the island's residents must vote to greenlight the project or turn the seasteaders away. Set in the world's largest ocean, this awe-filled book explores that last wild place we have yet to colonize in a still-unfolding oceanic game, and interweaves beautiful writing, rich characterization, profound themes of technology and the environment, and a deep exploration of our shared humanity in a way only Richard Powers can. COMICS Future By Tommi Musturi I saw this book while browsing with my daughters and close friends at Lost City Books in Washington, DC—a bookstore I cannot recommend enough for its curation, display, and overall artistry in the selling of books—and it actually took my breath away. I saw it from across the room, huge and bold in color and design. Almost the shape and size of a small board game, this absolutely thrilling collection of Mutsuri's is so stunning it feels unbelievable it exists and, more than that, was somehow published. It's an atomic explosion of creativity fracturing the very medium of comics. Few art experiences in the world give such a rush. From the publisher: “A graphic, genre-mashing magnum opus from one of the most restlessly creative voices in comics. Tommi Musturi's Future traps the reader into a web of stories happening in different timespaces, providing perspectives on the possible futures of mankind through imaginary future worlds, current events, historical references, utopias, and ideals. Future is a mash-up of the familiar and the terribly alien: quotidian existence, sci-fi spectacle, utopian fantasy, AI dystopia, and other worst-case scenarios. Richly philosophical and allegorical, Musturi gives us alcoholic magicians, guerrilla art squads, mutant reality television hosts, and incel archaeologist-astronauts, among many others. Weaving between a variety of styles in illustration and narration that transform and reflect our constantly changing reality, Future is an impassioned graphic novel for our times that renews the medium of comics—a vital and multifaceted work of art.” Here By Richard McGuire Now a major motion picture starring Tom Hanks and Robin Writing, Richard McGuire's 2014 graphic novel Here is almost made small by calling it a graphic novel. It is, certainly, a work of fiction, and so technically then a graphic (comic) novel (fiction), but it's also one of the strangest and most beautiful works in the comics medium ever made. Every page of the book is a drawing of the same corner of the same room across 300 million years of history. Yes, the same space, variously drawn, across 300 million years. And seeing that space across time, stories do emerge, but only in the same way they do in the reality within which we all exist—because we construct them. Since the first pages of the book concept were published in 1989, its impact has rippled throughout the comics world, and continues to. From the publisher: “From one of the great comic innovators, the long-awaited fulfillment of a pioneering comic vision: the story of a corner of a room and of the events that have occurred in that space over the course of hundreds of thousands of years.” POETRY By Fady Joudah There are few contemporary issues as important as the well-being and fate of the Palestinian people, and few voices in American literature as important and prominent in this area as Palestinian American poet and physician Fady Joudah. The book's strange title, […], is a pictogram, a symbol evoking meaning: silence, perhaps, or erasure. The brackets for what has been omitted, the internal ellipsis for all that remains unsaid. Joudah wrote the poems in […] between October and December 2023, a time of much suffering, ceaseless since. From the publisher: “Fady Joudah's powerful sixth collection of poems opens with, ‘I am unfinished business,' articulating the ongoing pathos of the Palestinian people. A rendering of Joudah's survivance, […] speaks to Palestine's daily and historic erasure and insists on presence inside and outside the ancestral land. Responding to the unspeakable in real time, Joudah offers multiple ways of seeing the world through a Palestinian lens—a world filled with ordinary desires, no matter how grand or tragic the details may be—and asks their reader to be changed by them. The sequences are meditations on a carousel: the past returns as the future is foretold. But ‘Repetition won't guarantee wisdom,' Joudah writes, demanding that we resuscitate language ‘before [our] wisdom is an echo.' These poems of urgency and care sing powerfully through a combination of intimate clarity and great dilations of scale, sending the reader on heartrending spins through echelons of time. […] is a wonder. Joudah reminds us ‘Wonder belongs to all.'” Wrong Norma By Anne Carson I've been following Canadian poet Anne Carson's career since I picked up a copy of her wildly experimental and stunning 1998 book, Autobiography of Red—" richly layered and deceptively simple, Autobiography of Red is a profoundly moving portrait of an artist coming to terms with the fantastic accident of who he is”—while living for a summer at the home of potter Jim Romberg in southern Oregon, details that may seem insignificant, but that's not how art works on us. Carson is one of the world's—the world's—most experimentally stunning poets who somehow still reaches the depth of human emotion. A classicist who has translated the Greek Tragedies for the stage, along with the most stunning book of Sappho's poetry I've ever read, Wrong Norma is a sampling of the same erudition and emotion we have for decades expected from the poet. Oh, and she's incredibly funny. I haven't read this book yet, but I will, because I agree wholeheartedly with the late Susan Sontag about Carson: “She is one of the few writers writing in English that I would read anything she wrote.” From the publisher: “Published here in a stunning edition with images created by Carson, several of the twenty-five startling poetic prose pieces have appeared in magazines and journals like The New Yorker and The Paris Review. As Carson writes: ‘Wrong Norma is a collection of writings about different things, like Joseph Conrad, Guantánamo, Flaubert, snow, poverty, Roget's Thesaurus, my Dad, Saturday night. The pieces are not linked. That's why I've called them ‘wrong.'”Support WITF: for privacy information.
En la modalidad “Literatura universal”, la segunda conferencia del ciclo Franz Kafka: un escritor total, por el traductor, crítico, ensayista y doctor en Filosofía Luis Fernando Moreno Claros, trata del momento de cambio en la vida de Kafka por su declive de salud, a partir de 1917, y hasta su fallecimiento en 1924. Las obras de este período –Un médico rural, Un artista del hambre y El castillo– están marcadas por el anhelo del escritor, aquejado de tuberculosis, de la libertad sin condiciones. Esta sesión incluye la lectura dramatizada de textos de Kafka a cargo del actor Arturo Querejeta.Más información de este acto
La chronique cinéma d'Anne-Marie Baron
No episódio de hoje, Isabela Lapa te indica a adaptação inédita da Orquestra Ouro Preto, que vai interpretar o famoso espetáculo "A Metamorfose", de Franz Kafka. Confira! See for privacy information.
Carrier Wave is the Patreon exclusive companion podcast that discusses the origins, inspirations, and production of Observable Radio.Carrier Wave One - April 2024 - Transmissions A.01 - A.03Featuring Cameron Suey, Phil van Hest, and PurpurinaArt by Karrin FletcherOur Theme Music is Unwind Wave by Tim KuligLINKSPhonic RespirationThe prisoner in Cattle Drive is named Josef Clay, for Josef K, the protagonist of Kafka's The Trial, and Cameron's old creepypasta nom de plume.To Serve Man (Story - Twilight Zone Episode)Skinamarink (Hulu)Meet the FeeblesSoylent GreenTender is the FleshAcceptable CannibalismObservable Radio on Sound CloudFull Cattle BurgerWillow Talk (A Willow Podcast)Paper Clip Problem (Instrumental Convergence)Fully Automated Luxury CommunismHouse of Leaves Questions? Ask them here!
Dentro de la modalidad “Literatura universal”, la primera conferencia del ciclo Franz Kafka: un escritor total, a cargo del traductor, crítico, ensayista y doctor en Filosofía Luis Fernando Moreno Claros, trata de la niñez y juventud de Kafka, así como de su ambiente familiar y cultural, hasta el nacimiento de su vocación como escritor y su amor por Felice Bauer. Fue en esta época cuando escribió los relatos La condena y La transformación y las novelas El desaparecido y El proceso.Más información de este acto
Between 1911 and 1912, Prague was home to Albert Einstein and Franz Kafka, two of the twentieth-century's most influential minds. During this brief but remarkable period, their lives intertwined in surprising ways, driven by a shared intellectual restlessness and a desire to confront life's most profound questions. Einstein in Kafkaland: How Albert Fell Down the Rabbit Hole and Came Up with the Universe (Bloomsbury, 2024) brings to life the overlapping journeys of these two men, exploring how their intellectual pursuits, one rooted in science and the other in literature, unfolded against Prague's backdrop. Through a careful examination of Einstein's letters, lectures, papers from the period, and Kafka's meticulous diary entries, Ken Krimstein vividly traces Einstein's year in the city marked by frustration and failure. Ultimately, with the help of Kafka, Einstein is led to groundbreaking insight that reshapes our understanding of the universe. This “lost year” becomes a bridge between months of struggle and the moment of breakthrough many consider “the greatest scientific discovery of all time.” Ken Krimstein is an award-winning cartoonist, author, and educator whose work has appeared in The New Yorker, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and The Chicago Tribune. He teaches at DePaul University and the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Support our show by becoming a premium member!
Between 1911 and 1912, Prague was home to Albert Einstein and Franz Kafka, two of the twentieth-century's most influential minds. During this brief but remarkable period, their lives intertwined in surprising ways, driven by a shared intellectual restlessness and a desire to confront life's most profound questions. Einstein in Kafkaland: How Albert Fell Down the Rabbit Hole and Came Up with the Universe (Bloomsbury, 2024) brings to life the overlapping journeys of these two men, exploring how their intellectual pursuits, one rooted in science and the other in literature, unfolded against Prague's backdrop. Through a careful examination of Einstein's letters, lectures, papers from the period, and Kafka's meticulous diary entries, Ken Krimstein vividly traces Einstein's year in the city marked by frustration and failure. Ultimately, with the help of Kafka, Einstein is led to groundbreaking insight that reshapes our understanding of the universe. This “lost year” becomes a bridge between months of struggle and the moment of breakthrough many consider “the greatest scientific discovery of all time.” Ken Krimstein is an award-winning cartoonist, author, and educator whose work has appeared in The New Yorker, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and The Chicago Tribune. He teaches at DePaul University and the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Support our show by becoming a premium member!
Between 1911 and 1912, Prague was home to Albert Einstein and Franz Kafka, two of the twentieth-century's most influential minds. During this brief but remarkable period, their lives intertwined in surprising ways, driven by a shared intellectual restlessness and a desire to confront life's most profound questions. Einstein in Kafkaland: How Albert Fell Down the Rabbit Hole and Came Up with the Universe (Bloomsbury, 2024) brings to life the overlapping journeys of these two men, exploring how their intellectual pursuits, one rooted in science and the other in literature, unfolded against Prague's backdrop. Through a careful examination of Einstein's letters, lectures, papers from the period, and Kafka's meticulous diary entries, Ken Krimstein vividly traces Einstein's year in the city marked by frustration and failure. Ultimately, with the help of Kafka, Einstein is led to groundbreaking insight that reshapes our understanding of the universe. This “lost year” becomes a bridge between months of struggle and the moment of breakthrough many consider “the greatest scientific discovery of all time.” Ken Krimstein is an award-winning cartoonist, author, and educator whose work has appeared in The New Yorker, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and The Chicago Tribune. He teaches at DePaul University and the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Support our show by becoming a premium member!
Between 1911 and 1912, Prague was home to Albert Einstein and Franz Kafka, two of the twentieth-century's most influential minds. During this brief but remarkable period, their lives intertwined in surprising ways, driven by a shared intellectual restlessness and a desire to confront life's most profound questions. Einstein in Kafkaland: How Albert Fell Down the Rabbit Hole and Came Up with the Universe (Bloomsbury, 2024) brings to life the overlapping journeys of these two men, exploring how their intellectual pursuits, one rooted in science and the other in literature, unfolded against Prague's backdrop. Through a careful examination of Einstein's letters, lectures, papers from the period, and Kafka's meticulous diary entries, Ken Krimstein vividly traces Einstein's year in the city marked by frustration and failure. Ultimately, with the help of Kafka, Einstein is led to groundbreaking insight that reshapes our understanding of the universe. This “lost year” becomes a bridge between months of struggle and the moment of breakthrough many consider “the greatest scientific discovery of all time.” Ken Krimstein is an award-winning cartoonist, author, and educator whose work has appeared in The New Yorker, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and The Chicago Tribune. He teaches at DePaul University and the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Between 1911 and 1912, Prague was home to Albert Einstein and Franz Kafka, two of the twentieth-century's most influential minds. During this brief but remarkable period, their lives intertwined in surprising ways, driven by a shared intellectual restlessness and a desire to confront life's most profound questions. Einstein in Kafkaland: How Albert Fell Down the Rabbit Hole and Came Up with the Universe (Bloomsbury, 2024) brings to life the overlapping journeys of these two men, exploring how their intellectual pursuits, one rooted in science and the other in literature, unfolded against Prague's backdrop. Through a careful examination of Einstein's letters, lectures, papers from the period, and Kafka's meticulous diary entries, Ken Krimstein vividly traces Einstein's year in the city marked by frustration and failure. Ultimately, with the help of Kafka, Einstein is led to groundbreaking insight that reshapes our understanding of the universe. This “lost year” becomes a bridge between months of struggle and the moment of breakthrough many consider “the greatest scientific discovery of all time.” Ken Krimstein is an award-winning cartoonist, author, and educator whose work has appeared in The New Yorker, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and The Chicago Tribune. He teaches at DePaul University and the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Support our show by becoming a premium member!
durée : 00:11:07 - Les sorties cinéma de la semaine - par : Laurent Delmas, Christine Masson - Un choix cornélien, l'univers impitoyable de la téléréalité, une immersion dans la ZAD la plus célèbre de France, la dernière histoire d'amour de Kafka, quels films voir ou pas ?
Puntata a cura di Jacopo Bulgarini d'Elci e Livio PacellaQuarto appuntamento con FOLLIA DOC, podcast che tratta la messa in scena di storie incredibili ma vere. E il crollo delle barriere tra realtà e finzione nel nostro tempo. Stavolta ci concentriamo su true crime e processi, ovvero quei documentari crime che hanno una forte matrice processuale. Ma anche e soprattutto quegli show che, coerentemente alla logica di questa serie di podcast, vedono i piani di realtà e finzione intrecciarsi fino a confondersi…In questo episodio parliamo di show di cui ci siamo già occupati anche con approfondimenti individuali sul sito : Depp vs Heard, The Staircase, Making a Murderer, Tiger King, I Love You Now Die... “Documentari” è il format del podcast di Mondoserie dedicato all'approfondimento delle produzioni non di fiction.Parte del progetto: al podcast sulla tua piattaforma preferita o su: Collegati a MONDOSERIE sui social:
Traemos un nuevo capítulo con el mismo propósito que el anterior, que no es más que invitarlos a que lean la novela #PedroPáramo de #JuanRulfo. En este caso traemos a uno de sus personajes más emblemáticos, el #PadreRentería, quien representa la espiritualidad vacía y la mercantilización del perdón en #Comala. Leemos en voz alta un fragmento del apartado 40 de la novela. Esta frase tiene evidentes resonancias con la famosa primera frase de #CienAñosdeSoledad de #GarcíaMárquez, así que aprovechamos esto para también visitar "Breves nostalgias sobre Juan Rulfo" del colombiano, para comprender el impacto que le supuso la novela de Rulfo.#PedroPáramo fue tan importante para García Márquez como lo fue la #Metamorfosis de #Kafka. Escuchen y sabrán por qué. --- Support this podcast:
durée : 00:28:45 - Le Feuilleton - Après cinquante ans de procès, l'ensemble des manuscrits de Kafka est rassemblé dans la Bibliothèque de Jérusalem. J'entre dans la salle des documents précieux, je les touche enfin. Ils auraient bien pu ne jamais se trouver entre mes mains.
Německé město Brémy má za sebou další ročník literárního festivalu Globale a ani tentokrát tam nechyběli čeští umělci. Ti ale namísto tradičních čtení ve vyprodaném sálu místního divadla uspořádali zábavný kabaret o Franzi Kafkovi.
Německé město Brémy má za sebou další ročník literárního festivalu Globale a ani tentokrát tam nechyběli čeští umělci. Ti ale namísto tradičních čtení ve vyprodaném sálu místního divadla uspořádali zábavný kabaret o Franzi Kafkovi.Všechny díly podcastu Zápisník zahraničních zpravodajů můžete pohodlně poslouchat v mobilní aplikaci mujRozhlas pro Android a iOS nebo na webu
durée : 00:28:44 - Le Feuilleton - À la mort de Max Brod, en 1968, les manuscrits de Kafka sont la propriété d'Esther Hoffe. Elle commence à les revendre, avec l'aide de sa fille Eva, hôtesse de l'air. Mais en ont-elles le droit ? Je rencontre les avocats des deux parties qui me racontent la saga des "procès-Kafka".
Franz Kafka died 100 years ago, but his work is still very much alive today in literature classes and, surprisingly, on social media. This hour, we look at Kafka's life and legacy, discuss the “Kafkaesque,” and investigate why the author resonates so much today. Plus, we revisit his most famous work, “The Metamorphosis,” and talk with a zoologist about the idea of turning into an insect. GUESTS: Benjamin Balint: Author of Kafka's Last Trial; his latest book is Bruno Schulz: An Artist, A Murder, and the Hijacking of History Tim Coulson: Professor of zoology at the University of Oxford; his latest book is The Science of Why We Exist: A History of the Universe from the Big Bang to Consciousness Margarita Mouka: Content creator and creative executive; her TikTok handle is @aquariuscat444 Karolina Watroba: Post-doctoral research fellow in modern languages at Oxford's All Souls College and the author of Metamorphoses: In Search of Franz Kafka The Colin McEnroe Show is available as a podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, TuneIn, Listen Notes, or wherever you get your podcasts. Subscribe and never miss an episode! Subscribe to The Noseletter, an email compendium of merriment, secrets, and ancient wisdom brought to you by The Colin McEnroe Show. Join the conversation on Facebook and Twitter. Colin McEnroe, Jonathan McNicol, and Bradley O'Connor contributed to this show, which originally aired July 8, 2024.Support the show: for privacy information.
Poco antes de morir, Kafka publicó un relato relacionado con la nutrición, y los extraños y tal vez absurdos personajes de los ayunadores, relato que el Dr. Grande aprovecha sesenta y cuatro años después de su publicación, es decir, en 1988, para ilustrarnos sobre los límites del ayuno. Jorge Laborda nos invita a escuchar las sabias palabras del Dr. Grande Covián, pronunciadas con su propia voz y estilo, que, como sabéis, ha podido rescatar gracias a la inteligencia artificial.
Poco antes de morir, Kafka publicó un relato relacionado con la nutrición, y los extraños y tal vez absurdos personajes de los ayunadores, relato que el Dr. Grande aprovecha sesenta y cuatro años después de su publicación, es decir, en 1988, para ilustrarnos sobre los límites del ayuno. Jorge Laborda nos invita a escuchar las sabias palabras del Dr. Grande Covián, pronunciadas con su propia voz y estilo, que, como sabéis, ha podido rescatar gracias a la inteligencia artificial.
durée : 00:28:45 - Le Feuilleton - Après la guerre, Max a tenté de refaire sa vie à Tel Aviv. Il rencontre Esther Hoffe. Ils travaillent ensemble à l'édition des œuvres de Kafka, commencent une histoire d'amour et Brod lui lègue les manuscrits… Je suis à Tel Aviv.
durée : 00:28:47 - Le Feuilleton - Mars 1939 : Prague est envahie par les nazis. Max Brod prend le dernier train et s'enfuit vers Tel Aviv. Dans son unique valise : les manuscrits de Kafka. Je décide de suivre la trace de cette valise et de partir pour Tel Aviv.
durée : 00:28:45 - Le Feuilleton - Après la guerre, Max a tenté de refaire sa vie à Tel Aviv. Il rencontre Esther Hoffe. Ils travaillent ensemble à l'édition des œuvres de Kafka, commencent une histoire d'amour et Brod lui lègue les manuscrits… Je suis à Tel Aviv.
durée : 00:28:47 - Le Feuilleton - Mars 1939 : Prague est envahie par les nazis. Max Brod prend le dernier train et s'enfuit vers Tel Aviv. Dans son unique valise : les manuscrits de Kafka. Je décide de suivre la trace de cette valise et de partir pour Tel Aviv.
durée : 00:28:45 - Le Feuilleton - Après cinquante ans de procès, l'ensemble des manuscrits de Kafka est rassemblé dans la Bibliothèque de Jérusalem. J'entre dans la salle des documents précieux, je les touche enfin. Ils auraient bien pu ne jamais se trouver entre mes mains.
durée : 00:28:44 - Le Feuilleton - À la mort de Max Brod, en 1968, les manuscrits de Kafka sont la propriété d'Esther Hoffe. Elle commence à les revendre, avec l'aide de sa fille Eva, hôtesse de l'air. Mais en ont-elles le droit ? Je rencontre les avocats des deux parties qui me racontent la saga des "procès-Kafka".
durée : 00:28:45 - Le Feuilleton - Juin 1924 : Franz Kafka s'éteint dans un sanatorium près de Vienne. Juste après les funérailles, son ami Max Brod trouve dans un tiroir chez ses parents deux billets à son nom : Kafka lui demande de détruire tous ses manuscrits. Il décide de faire l'inverse.
The Metamorphosis (1915) by Franz Kafka is a surreal novella that follows the story of Gregor Samsa, a traveling salesman who wakes up one morning to find himself transformed into a giant insect. As Gregor grapples with his new horrifying form, he is shunned by his family and isolated in his room. The narrative explores themes of alienation, identity, and the dehumanizing effects of modern life, as Gregor's metamorphosis serves as a metaphor for his declining sense of self-worth and his family's growing disdain. Kafka's unsettling portrayal of Gregor's gradual loss of humanity invites readers to reflect on the fragility of human existence and the harsh realities of societal expectations.Where will I be next?I will be at Freightwaves' F3: Future of Freight Festival, Nov. 19th-21st in Chattanooga! This program is brought to you by DAT Freight & Analytics. Since 1978, DAT has helped truckers & brokers discover more available loads. Whether you're heading home or looking for your next adventure, DAT has the data! New users of DAT can save 10% off for the first 12 months by following the links below. For Truckers, DAT One Pro gives you access to tri-haul & 15-day rate as opposed to 30-day rate. For Brokers, DAT One Select gives you access to Market Conditions, Exact Match alarms & more. Even under the best circumstances, moving freight was never easy.
durée : 00:28:45 - Le Feuilleton - Juin 1924 : Franz Kafka s'éteint dans un sanatorium près de Vienne. Juste après les funérailles, son ami Max Brod trouve dans un tiroir chez ses parents deux billets à son nom : Kafka lui demande de détruire tous ses manuscrits. Il décide de faire l'inverse.
Was war das für eine verrückte letzte Woche in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und der Welt? Dass die Ampelkoalition gebrochen ist und Trump erneut US-Präsident geworden ist, führt dazu, dass rundfunk17 zum sogenannten Polit-Podcast Nummer 1 EU West wird. anredo und Basti analysieren die Welt-Ereignisse der letzten Tage. Garniert wird dieses Audio-Drama mit diversen Themenvorschlägen der Community, die endlich mal besprochen werden. Diese Folge des Erfolgs- und Erlebnispodcast #rundfunk17 fängt wieder chaotisch an. Wir gehen rein mit der neuen DSDS-Staffel und einem sogenannten Eklat, der sich rund um eins der Jury-Mitglieder entsponnen hat. Daraufhin ging es um Bastis Reise-Woche durch die Weltmetropolen Stuttgart und Hamburg. Nachdem die wichtigen Themen abgehandelt wurden, ging es um die eher irrelevanten Dinge im Leben: Trump wird wieder Präsident der USA und die Ampelkoalition ist zerbrochen. Was nett startet, entwickelt sich langsam aber sicher zum Polit-Podcast (mit fragwürdiger Kompetenz). Insbesondere Basti hat auf seine Time to Shine gewartet und labert anredo einfach eine vegane Frikadelle von Rügenwalder Mühle ans Ohr. Was für Basti Politik ist, ist für anredo sein Kühlschrankinhalt. Sie reden dabei allen Ernstes über die aktuelle politische Landschaft, speziell die Auswirkungen der Trump-Wahl auf die Welt und Christian Lindners neugewonnen Tagesfreizeit via Rauswurf (und damit dem Ende der aktuellen Regierung in der Bundesrepublik). Wir erfahren von ihren persönlichen Reaktionen auf die US-Wahl und das Ampel-Aus. Dabei philosophieren sie über wirtschaftliche Auswirkungen, soziale Themen und die Veränderungen in der Gesellschaft. Auch deren persönliches Umfeld ist Teil des Podcasts, denn auch diese politischen Ereignisse haben Auswirkungen auf die Familiengespräche an den Weihnachtstagen. Es wird also etwas ernster bei roundyfounky seventeen, das muss aber auch mal sein. Wir befinden uns immerhin in wilden Zeiten. Am Ende werden noch weitere Themen abgehandelt, die endlich wieder relevant für die Bürger der Bundesrepublik sind: Basti spricht über seine neuen Tattoos, anredo erzählt von seiner endgültigen Verwandlung zum Onkel (deutsche Kafka) und am Ende wird die Fragen aller Fragen aus der Community beantwortet: Warum wurde anredos TikTok-Kanal gesperrt? Diese Folge wird also wieder eine bunte Tüte an Themen mit etwas ernstem Einschlag. Viel Spaß!
Las mujeres de República Checa podrán donar óvulos sólo seis veces en la vida. Chequia estrena el mayor centro logístico de toda Europa. El Museo Nacional de Praga celebra la obra maestra de Bedřich Smetana en el bicentenario de su nacimiento. Escarabajos mexicanos inundan la Praga de Kafka.
If you're enjoying the Hardcore Literature Show, there are two ways you can show your support and ensure it continues: 1. Please leave a quick review on iTunes. 2. Join in the fun over at the Hardcore Literature Book Club: Thank you so much. Happy listening and reading! - Benjamin
Dan and Nick recap the Giants' Week 9 loss to the Commanders dropping the team to 2-7. They discuss why it's necessary to question Brian Daboll's decisions in this game, why the offense is struggling more in the red zone under him than Kafka, and a lot more as they turn the page to whether or not Joe Schoen also belongs on the hot seat as well. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Today's guest is Boston University School of Law professor Woodrow Hartzog, who, with the George Washington University Law School's Daniel Solove, is one of the authors of a recent paper that explored the novelist Franz Kafka's worldview as a vehicle to arrive at key insights for regulating privacy in the age of AI. The conversation explores why privacy-as-control models, which rely on individual consent and choice, fail in the digital age, especially with the advent of AI systems. Hartzog argues for a "societal structure model" of privacy protection that would impose substantive obligations on companies and set baseline protections for everyone rather than relying on individual consent. Kafka's work is a lens to examine how people often make choices against their own interests when confronted with complex technological systems, and how AI is amplifying these existing privacy and control problems.
*Podporte podcast Dobré ráno v aplikácii Toldo na Vitajte pri počúvaní novej série podcastu Dobré ráno - Čítanie na nedeľu. Najbližšie týždne si každú nedeľu budete môcť vypočuť vybraný text, ktorí napísali naši kolegovia a načítavame ho my moderátorky a moderátori Dobrého rána. Načítaný text: Načítal Tomáš Prokopčák – Všetky podcasty denníka SME nájdete na – Odoberajte aj audio verziu denného newslettra s najdôležitejšími správami na – Odoberajte mesačný podcastový newsletter nielen o novinkách SME na
In his memoir Feh, writer Shalom Auslander attempts to escape his biblical upbringing and carve his own path, with a little help from Kafka; poet and former professional Muay Thai fighter Simon Shieh reckons with trauma, masculinity, and the art of healing in his debut collection Master; and singer-songwriter Kara Jackson performs her single "Pawnshop" from her album Why Does the Earth Give Us People to Love?, live from the Pickathon festival. Plus, host Luke Burbank and announcer Elena Passarello hear from our audience about the small, shameful things they grapple with.
Picture this: Your organization's data infrastructure resembles a busy kitchen with too many cooks. You're juggling Kafka for messaging, Flink for processing, Spark for analytics, Airflow for orchestration, and various Lambda functions scattered about. Each tool excellent at its job, but together they've created a complex feast of integration challenges. Your data teams are spending more time managing tools than extracting value from data. InfinyOn reimagines this chaos with a radically simple approach: a unified system for data streaming that runs everywhere. Unlike traditional solutions that struggle at the edge, InfinyOn gracefully handles data streams from IoT devices to cloud servers. And instead of cobbling together different tools, developers can build complete data pipelines using their preferred languages - be it Rust, Python, or SQL - with built-in state management. At the heart of InfinyOn is Fluvio, a Rust-based data streaming platform that's fast, reliable, and easy to use.
Hoje é dia de falar de engenharia de analytics. Neste episódio, conversamos sobre como a evolução da carreira de dados deu origem à área de analytics, e como é o dia a dia da das pessoas profissionais da dados no Itaú Unibanco. Vem ver quem participou desse papo: Paulo Silveira, o host que se lembra de termos que ficaram para trás André David, o co-host que quer levar os ouvintes do Hipsters para dentro do Itaú Rodrigo Lima, Head de Engenharia de Dados e Analytics no Itaú Unibanco Carlos “Cadu” Vaccaro, Gerente de Engenharia de Analytics no Itaú Unibanco Ana Hashimoto, Coordenadora de Engenharia de Dados no Itaú Unibanco
What do gravity, a haunted ship, a betrayed princess, addiction, and existential literature have in common? They all come alive in today's episode of English Plus Podcast! Join Danny as we explore the invisible force that shapes the universe, uncover the terrifying legend of the S.S. Ourang Medan, delve into betrayal and justice in The Goose Girl, debate whether addiction is a disease or a choice, and ponder life's meaning through literature from Camus, Kafka, Woolf, and more. Each segment offers powerful new vocabulary and thought-provoking discussions that will leave you questioning the world around you. Stick around to the end of each segment for some insightful questions that will challenge your perspective. To unlock the full episode and gain access to our extensive back catalogue, consider becoming a premium subscriber on Apple Podcasts or Patreon. And don't forget to visit for even more content, including articles, in-depth studies, and our brand-new audio series now available in our English Plus Podcast's shop! This episode is packed with knowledge, mystery, and inspiration—don't miss it!
Join us as we discuss event-driven architectures (EDA) with MuleSoft's latest capabilities with Alex Martinez. The discussion will explore the integration of AsyncAPI specifications, which streamline the transition from REST to event-driven systems, enabling high-volume asynchronous communications and improved API lifecycle management. The conversation highlights tools like Anypoint Studio and Anypoint Code Builder that simplify complex integrations using messaging technologies such as Kafka, Solace, and Salesforce Platform Events. Whether new to EDA or an experienced developer, this episode is packed with valuable information and resources to elevate integration strategies and deepen understanding of the future of software development. Show Highlights: Transitioning from REST to event-driven systems using async API specifications. Exploration of MuleSoft tools like Anypoint Studio and Anypoint Code Builder for API design and management. Benefits of using MuleSoft for integrating messaging technologies like Kafka, Solace, Anypoint MQ, and Salesforce Platform Events. Importance of API governance for maintaining compliance and consistency across specifications. Links: Build Real-Time AI Experiences with MuleSoft - AsyncAPI Support to Implement Event-Driven Architecture -