Voxcast é um canal de bate-papo descontraído onde os convidados falam de empreendedorismo, sucesso profissional, pessoal e muito mais. REDES DO VOXCAST: Instagram: @voxcastoficial Facebook: voxcastoficial Tik Tok: @voxcastoficial YouTube: Voxmais Faôla e Hideraldo | proprietários da @tratosan
Grappling Rewind: Breakdowns of Professional BJJ and Grappling Events
This week on the show, Maine and Miranda recap ADXC 7 Fight Night as well as talk about Mikey Musumeci exclusive, UFC Fight Pass Invitational deal and possible reality show tie in as a coach. In the news section of the show, we discussed some upcoming events, including all of the Eddie Bravo Invitational events taking place in Cancun in two weeks. Plus the upcoming UFC Fight Pass Invitational, WNO, and BJJ Stars 14. In the recap section of the show we recap ADXC 7 Fight Night. In Rodolfo Viera vs Derek Brunson, we discuss Rudolph's take down and tripod pass to the head and arm choke, as well as some of the little details behind how he was able to make his takedown work and finish the arm triangle.In Paulo Miyao vs Junior Righetti, we talked about Paulo's positional work, and his new use of the cage for the match, leading to a decision to win for Paulo.In Meyram Maquiné vs Sebastian Serpa, we discussed the finishing sequence for Meyram that was a jumping cartwheel over the guard, into a triangle armbar that he finishes as an armbar.In Piter Frank vs Gesias Cavalcante, we talked about the pacing from Cavalcante, and an interesting takedown sequence in the third round of the match, playing off of a reaction and counter from Frank.In Helena Crevar vs Sabrina de Sousa, we discussed some of the continued stylistic tendencies from Helena and how top athletes are beginning to recognize the ranges that they can engage with her guard and game. Then we discuss the second round Heel Hook transition and finish win for Crevar.We also recap Ana Carolina Vieira vs Aurelie Le Vern finishing by Le Vern winning a decision. Espen Mathiesen vs Lucas Valente a back and forth bolo battle ending in decision for Valente, and Henrique Ceconi vs Javier Zaruski with Ceconi winning a decision.In the outro of the show, we discussed some upcoming events and plans to take a little bit of time off from training during the holidays.Recorded 11-25-2024
Remember the inmate who “crab-walked” over a fence at the Chester County Prison in the summer of 2023, capturing the nation's attention as he remained on the run for 2 weeks? Local schools and businesses were forced to close, and people remained off the streets. Journalist and author of “A Killer At the Door,” Bruce Mowday sat down with The Spark host Asia Tabb to share more in depth about the dramatic escape and eventual recapture of convicted murderer Danilo Cavalcante. Listen to the podcast to hear the conversation.Support WITF: https://www.witf.org/support/give-now/See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
Ciro Hamen e Matheus Laneri comentam os assuntos mais quentes do dia.
Culto de Celebração | 17-11-2024
Balanço Geral: Entrevista com gastroenterologista e presidente da sociedade e gastrenterologia, Lourianne Cavalcante que falou sobre doenças no sistema gastrointestinal que na Bahia existe um levantamento alto de mortes por conta dessas doenças.
Programa Debates Apresentação: Dr. Marcos Eberlin @marcoseberlin Convidados: • Vitor Pimenta - Terraplanista • Instagram: @pensandoforadacaixa33 • Youtube: Pensando Fora Da Caixa • Pastor Sezar Cavalcante - Criacionista Comunidade Cristã Genuína - Jundiaí - SP Instagram: @sezarcavalcante Canal Do Youtube: Sezar Cavalcante #terraplana #teologia
Ouça esta ministração até o final e compartilhe com seus amigos e familiares. Deus abençoe!
Culto de Jovens |09-11-2024
Daily Prophet: Talks from leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
We can help others progress in their journey to receive God's blessings.
Através do patrocínio do Sebrae e da realização da Abracerva, iniciamos a cobertura da Conexão Cerveja Brasil. Nessa série de episódios vamos cobrir as etapas Nordeste e Norte do evento que tem edições em todas as regiões do Brasil. Serão quatro episodios com: Com a parceria da Hops Company, da Lamas Brewshop e da Levteck, … Continue lendo "#253 – Conexão Cerveja Brasil: Natalia Cavalcante"
Se você quer saber como ganhar dinheiro com marketing digital, a convidada de hoje pode te ajudar. Ela é especialista em tráfego pago, está no mercado digital desde 2019 e já faturou R$ 15 milhões de reais. Agora, ela veio ensinar as estratégias que ela usou para expandir os negócios para o mercado internacional no Kiwicast. O nome dela é Daiane Cavalcante e ela conversou com a gente sobre: - Como é vender para o exterior - Primeiros passos no mercado internacional - O que é cloaker? - A importância de fazer mineração digital - Criar um produto novo ou vender algo validado já? - Quais os desafios de vender para o público americano - Como identificar novas oportunidades de ofertas com mineração - Quais elementos observar em uma oferta para considerá-la eficiente - Validando os criativos em uma oferta - Em seis meses ela vendeu 600 mil dólares no mercado americano E muito mais! Quer saber tudo o que a Daiane Cavalcante disse pra gente? Dá o play no Kiwicast de hoje. E conta pra gente nos comentários o maior insight que você tirou do episódio. Nosso Instagram é @Kiwify Siga o perfil da Daiane Cavalcante no Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/daianecavallcante/
Programa Biblicamente Apresentação: Rodolfo Mariz @rodolfomariz Convidados •Pr. Sezar Cavalcante Com. Cristã Genuína - Reitor Faculdade Teológica Betesda Instagram: @sezarcavalcante Canal Do Youtube: Sezar Cavalcante •Pr. Magno Paganelli Igreja: Batista Da Graça Instagram:@magnopaganelli Pr. Rodrigo Silva - Remoto Igreja: Adventista do Sétimo Dia Instagram: @rodrigosilvaarqueologia
Programa Debates Apresentação: Sezar Cavalcante @sezarcavalcante Convidados: • Lucas Cavalcante – Músico Instagram: @vejaporoutroangulo Youtube: Veja Por Outro Ângulo • Pastor Luciano Escala Comunidade Evangélica Vale De Bênção Instagram:@lucianoescala
Nosso convidado de hoje é o Poeta , Oficineiro , Palestrante , Escritor e Declamador , o Potiguar Manoel Cavalcante., Acesse: https://linktr.ee/podcastnordestino Nosso Instagram: https://instagram.com/podcastnordestino Inscreva-se no nosso Canal , deixe um Like.
10 RAZÕES PORQUE DEIXEI DE SER PRÉ-TRIBULACIONISTA | Pr Sezar Cavalcante --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/nonato-souto/support
Bate-papo muito rico com a Sra. Maristela Lúcio Cavalcante, Servidora Pública e Sócia Investidora do Todos e Tudo Espaço e loja Colaborativa, muitíssimo obrigado pela sua entrevista e volte sempre!
Teresina FM 91,9
Hoje é dia de episódio novo! No Positivamente Podcast dessa semana, recebemos Sezar Cavalcante para uma conversa com nossos hosts Lizi e Galego. Nosso convidado compartilhou experiências e sabedoria que vão tocar seu coração. Não perca a oportunidade de ouvir essas palavras poderosas e ser transformado. ❤️ ___ Apresentação: Lizi Benites (https://www.instagram.com/lizibenites_/) Co-Host: Galego (https://www.instagram.com/galego.mbt/) Convidado: Sezar Cavalcante https://www.instagram.com/sezarcavalcante/) ___ Siga o Positivamente em todas as nossas redes: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/positivamente.podcast/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/podcastpositivamente TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@positivamente.podcast Kwai: https://s.kw.ai/u/ubC1VrKP ___ Parcerias e publicidade: jumatias@nicolielo.com
Programa Debates Apresentação: Pr. Sezar Cavalcante @Sezarcavalcante Convidados: Pr. Otoniel Cavalcante Comunidade Do Calvário Na Cidade De Francisco Morato Instagram:@comunidade.docalvário Pr. Luciano Escala Comunidade Evangélica Vale De Bênção Instagram: @lucianoescala Instituto Viver na Benção Faça A Sua Doação: PIX: CNPJ: 17.668.756/0001-06 WhatsApp (11) 96424-2661 TEMA: É pecado crente fazer uso de meditação e Yoga? Curso - Jesus Cristo Nas Escrituras Telefone Ftb 11-97511--3385
https://www.sezarcavalcante.com.br/jesuscristonasescriturasrm Programa Debates Apresentação: Rodrigo Urcino @pr.rodrigourccino Convidados: Pastor Atila Ribeiro Instituto Teológico Dünamis Instagram @Institutoteológico Instagram @Pratilaribeiroofc Pastor Sezar Cavalcante Comunidade Cristã Genuína – Jundiaí–SP Instagram: @sezarcavalcante Curso - Jesus Cristo Nas Escrituras Telefone Ftb 11-97511--3385
Apresentação: Pr. Sezar Cavalcante @Sezarcavalcante Programa: Conversa Entre Amigos Eduardo Feldberg Convidado Eduardo Feldberg Instagram: @eduardofeldberg Youtube: @primopobre Site: www.eduardofeldberg.com.br
Este Debate 93 traz uma interessante reflexão sobre mentes cauterizadas que levam pessoas a negarem ajuda. Aqui também você vai ouvir uma importante entrevista com o Dep Sóstenes Cavalcante sobre a PL que aborda a questão do aborto de bebês com 22 semanas. Ouça e compartilhe!
No programa de hoje, a celeridade dada à tramitação do projeto de lei do deputado Sóstenes Cavalcante, (PL-RJ), fez com que o presidente da Casa baixa afrouxasse a corda no Parlamento. Segundo a Folha, Lira disse a interlocutores que vai frear projetos polêmicos nas próximas semanas. Com esse movimento do alagoano, pautas como a proibição de delação premiada a pessoas presas e a anistia a partidos políticos por mau uso da verba partidária devem ficar em suspenso.See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
Após reunião do colégio de líderes, o presidente da Câmara, Arthur Lira, anunciou na terça, 18, que vai criar uma comissão parlamentar para discutir o PL sobre aborto.O texto, que equipara o aborto após 22 semanas de gestação ao crime de homicídio, tem sido alvo de críticas.Lira afirmou, em coletiva, que o colegiado vai funcionar apenas no segundo semestre e a indicação dos integrantes da comissão deve ficar para agosto.Também disse que o colegiado vai ser formado por integrantes de vários partidos e que especialistas e a sociedade civil serão ouvidos sobre o tema.O deputado Sóstenes Cavalcante, autor do PL sobre aborto, falou em fazer ajustes no texto, mas disse nesta quarta-feira, 19, que não vai abrir mão do cerne do projeto.Ao defender o texto, a deputada bolsonarista Carla Zambelli afirmou: “Não quer o bebê? Entrega pro aborto."Em seguida, uma colega soprou: "Entrega pra adoção”, corrigindo a gafe de Zambelli, que não entendeu e continuou o discurso.Felipe Moura Brasil e Carlos Graieb comentam:Ser Antagonista é fiscalizar o poder. Apoie o jornalismo Vigilante: https://bit.ly/planosdeassinatura Acompanhe O Antagonista no canal do WhatsApp. Boletins diários, conteúdos exclusivos em vídeo e muito mais. https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029Va2S... Ouça O Antagonista | Crusoé quando quiser nos principais aplicativos de podcast. Leia mais em www.oantagonista.com.br | www.crusoe.com.br
O deputado Sóstenes Cavalcante, autor do projeto de lei que equipara o aborto após a 22ª semana de gestação ao crime de homicídio, desafiou Lula a aumentar a pena de estupradores.Em vídeo publicado nas redes sociais, o parlamentar do PL rebateu as críticas do petista ao texto. No fim de semana, Lula disse ser contra o aborto, mas chamou o projeto de “insanidade”. Apesar da fala do presidente, antes da votação na Câmara, o líder do governo na Casa, José Guimarães, do PT, afirmou que a questão “não é matéria de interesse” do Planalto.Nos bastidores, a orientação foi de que os partidos da base não se opusessem ao projeto e aderissem à votação simbólica. Felipe Moura Brasil e Carlos Graieb comentam:Ser Antagonista é fiscalizar o poder. Apoie o jornalismo Vigilante: https://bit.ly/planosdeassinatura Acompanhe O Antagonista no canal do WhatsApp. Boletins diários, conteúdos exclusivos em vídeo e muito mais. https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029Va2S... Ouça O Antagonista | Crusoé quando quiser nos principais aplicativos de podcast. Leia mais em www.oantagonista.com.br | www.crusoe.com.br
A Câmara aprovou na quarta-feira, 12, o regime de urgência para o Projeto de Lei 1904/24, do deputado Sóstenes Cavalcante, do PL, e outros 32 parlamentares, que equipara o aborto de gestação acima de 22 semanas ao homicídio. Os projetos com urgência podem ser votados diretamente no plenário, sem a necessidade de passar pelas comissões da Casa antes.Felipe Moura Brasil e Carlos Graieb comentam:Ser Antagonista é fiscalizar o poder. Apoie o jornalismo Vigilante: https://bit.ly/planosdeassinatura Acompanhe O Antagonista no canal do WhatsApp. Boletins diários, conteúdos exclusivos em vídeo e muito mais. https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029Va2S... Ouça O Antagonista | Crusoé quando quiser nos principais aplicativos de podcast. Leia mais em www.oantagonista.com.br | www.crusoe.com.br
Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints sustained 11 new General Authority Seventies during the Saturday morning session of the Church's 194th Annual General Conference on Saturday, April 6, 2024. President Dallin H. Oaks, first counselor in the First Presidency, presented the new General Authority Seventies for a sustaining vote, along with the sustaining of the Church's general authorities and general officers. This episode of the Church News podcast is dedicated to sharing their words and testimonies of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Church News Podcast is a weekly podcast that invites listeners to make a journey of connection with members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints across the globe. Host Sarah Jane Weaver, reporter and executive editor for The Church News for a quarter-century, shares a unique view of the stories, events, and most important people who form this international faith. With each episode, listeners are asked to embark on a journey to learn from one another and ponder, “What do I know now?” because of the experience. Produced by KellieAnn Halvorsen.See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
Método Destiny | Alphaville, SP: https://bit.ly/3whkTjf Inscreva-se na Noite de Destino: https://noitededestino.com.br/ Conferência Destino: https://conferenciadestino.com.br/
For two weeks, the country closely followed the manhunt for escaped convict, Danelo Cavalcante. Finally, on September 13th, authorities were able to close in on Cavalcante and arrest him, all thanks to one four-legged member: K9 Yoda. When the armed Cavalcante attempted to flee, Yoda was released, allowing law enforcement to successfully apprehend the convict without any shots fired or injuries to officers. Police dogs are one of law enforcement's greatest assets, but what goes into the making of a K9 unit? Retired Navy SEAL and Special Warfare Operator James Hatch founded Spike's K9 Fund, a nonprofit organization dedicated to training police dogs and providing them with proper care and resources. James discusses what inspired him to establish the fund and what goes into training dogs such as Yoda to become such skilled partners. Follow Emily on Instagram: @realemilycompagno If you have a story or topic we should feature on the FOX True Crime Podcast, send us an email at: truecrimepodcast@fox.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi sat down for an exclusive interview with Anderson Cooper on current House Speaker Kevin McCarthy's impeachment inquiry into President Biden. She also discusses her own decision to seek re-election at the age of 83 and whether she thinks Vice President Kamala Harris is the best running mate for Biden. Plus, escaped Pennsylvania killer Danilo Cavalcante was taken into custody, ending a nearly two-week manhunt that drew hundreds of law enforcement officials to the area. Franco Rosa is a former roommate of Cavalcante. He tells Anderson Cooper what went through his head when he heard his former roommate had been captured.To learn more about how CNN protects listener privacy, visit cnn.com/privacy
Danelo Cavalcante has been found in a shed behind a business with a focused search area. Late last night, a DEA airplane used thermal imaging to direct police to the ground to Cavalcante's hiding place. Police announced in a press conference this morning that shortly after 8 a.m., tactical teams converged on the area, using the element of surprise. Before Cavalcante realized it, he was surrounded. The double killer began to crawl through an underbrush and a canine unit was unleashed. Cavalcante was bleeding from his head when he was taken into custody. Joining Nancy Grace Today: Neama Rahmani– Former Federal Prosecutor, Legal Commentator, and President of West Coast Trial Lawyers; Author: “Harvard to Hashtag;” INSTAGRAM: @Neamarahmani, Twitter: @NeamaRahmaniWestCoastTrialLawyers.com, INSTAGRAM: @Neamarahmani, TWITTER: @NeamaRahmani Caryn Stark – NYC Psychologist; Twitter: @carynpsych, Facebook: “Caryn Stark"/Instagram: carynpsych Irv Brandt – Senior Inspector, US Marshals Service International Investigations Branch; Chief Inspector, DOJ Office of International Affairs, US Embassy Kingston, Jamaica; Author: “SOLO SHOT: CURSE OF THE BLUE STONE” – AVAILABLE ON AMAZON IN JANUARY; ALSO “FLYING SOLO: Top of the World;” Twitter: @JackSoloAuthor Douglas MacGregor – Geographic Profiler (specializes in serial and violent crime, missing persons, and locating clandestine burial sites); Twitter: @TheGeoProfiler Dr. Jan Gorniak – Medical Examiner, Clark County Office of the Coroner/Medical Examiner (Las Vegas, NV), Board Certified Forensic Pathologist Eddie Kadhim – Reporter for FOX29 Philadelphia; Facebook: Eddie Kadhim Journalist/Twitter: @KadhimWrites/Instagram: eddiekadhim See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
The Rich Zeoli Show- Full Episode (09/13/2023): 3:05pm- The 14-day manhunt for escaped prisoner Danelo Cavalcante concluded with the successful capture of the Chester County Prison inmate on Wednesday morning. Cavalcante is an illegal migrant from Brazil who was convicted of murdering his ex-girlfriend in 2021. He was also accused of murder in 2017. Should Pennsylvania pay to incarcerate Cavalcante for the rest of his life? You can read more here: https://www.inquirer.com/news/live/danelo-cavalcante-prison-escape-search-updates-chester-county-20230913.html 3:15pm- Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy announced the launch of an impeachment inquiry against President Joe Biden—citing the alleged corruption tied to the Biden family's overseas business transactions. On Wednesday, during her press briefing, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was asked about the inquiry but pivoted to discuss economics instead. 3:20pm- During the press conference to announce the capture of escaped prisoner Danelo Cavalcante, Pennsylvania State Police Lieutenant Colonel George Bivens was hilariously asked if there was “any concern [Calvacante] would team up with another small man to step inside of a trench coat, Little Rascals-style?” 3:50pm- Do you want a Zeoli Army t-shirt? Well, now you can finally get one! Go to: https://breakingt.com/collections/shop-1210-wpht?rfsn=7511973.6753d1d 4:05pm- During her Wednesday press briefing, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was asked to explain “why the president interacted with so many of his son's foreign business associates?” Instead of answering the question, Jean-Pierre walked-out of the briefing. 4:20pm- On Tuesday, Illinois Secretary of State Alexi Giannoulias testified before the U.S. Senate—discussing his state's “anti-book ban” legislation. During the hearing, Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) read a series of disturbingly graphic passages from two books that are supposedly available to children in Illinois. Meanwhile, Parents Defending Education President Nicki Neily told the Senate that “we don't put Playboy in kindergartens. This isn't considered a book ban, but common sense.” 4:40pm- According to Oliver Darcy of CNN, “[t]he White House sent a letter to top US news executives on Wednesday, urging them to intensify their scrutiny of House Republicans after Speaker Kevin McCarthy launched an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden.” You can read the report here: https://www.cnn.com/2023/09/12/media/white-house-letter-news-executives/index.html 5:00pm- Tracy Beanz—Editor-in-Chief for UncoverDC.com & host of the “Dark to Light” podcast—joins The Rich Zeoli Show to discuss her latest article, “5th Circuit Rules Government Violated Speech Right of Americans.” In an opinion released late on Friday for Missouri v. Biden, the New Orleans-based Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the Biden Administration likely violated the First Amendment when it pressured social-media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube to censor COVID-19 related content as well as unflattering stories about Hunter Biden's abandoned laptop. The Administration effectively used government resources to suppress constitutionally protected speech. You can read the full article here: https://www.uncoverdc.com/2023/09/11/5th-circuit-rules-government-violated-speech-rights-of-americans/ 5:20pm- While appearing on the “All-In” podcast, Elon Musk debunked claims that he shutdown Starlink satellite services to Ukraine in order to stifle an attack on a Russian naval fleet in Sevastopol. Musk explained: “At the time this happened, the region around Crimea was actually turned off. The reason it was turned off was originally because the United States had sanctions against Russia, and that includes Crimea in the sanctions. We're not allowed to actually turn on connectivity to a sanctioned country without explicit government approval.” You can watch the full interview here: https://twitter.com/theallinpod/status/1701636472384938396 5:35pm- U.S. Representative Scott Perry—representing Pennsylvania's 10th Congressional District & Chair of the House Freedom Caucus—joins The Rich Zeoli Show to discuss Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy's announced launch of an impeachment inquiry against President Joe Biden. Perry explains that the public deserves to know if the Biden family corruption allegations are true—especially considering mainstream media has been reluctant to investigate the accusations. 5:50pm- New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham recently announced the issuance of an executive order that will temporarily suspend the right to carry firearms in the state—citing a gun violence epidemic that amounts to a public health emergency. A federal judge has temporarily halted the order. You can read more here: https://www.politico.com/news/2023/09/13/new-mexico-gun-restrictions-albuquerque-00115764 6:05pm- While appearing on MSNBC's Morning Joe, The Washington Post's David Ignatius discussed his recent op-ed, “President Biden Should Not Run Again in 2024.” During the conversation, Joe Scarborough conceded that “off-air” every single Democrat admits that Joe Biden is too old to run for reelection. 6:30pm- Steve Dnistrian—Candidate for New Jersey State Senate in the 11th District, located in Monmouth County—joins The Rich Zeoli Show to discuss his race against incumbent Sen. Vin Gopal (D). 6:45pm- On Tuesday, Illinois Secretary of State Alexi Giannoulias testified before the U.S. Senate—discussing his state's “anti-book ban” legislation. During the hearing, Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) read a series of disturbingly graphic passages from two books that are supposedly available to children in Illinois. Meanwhile, Parents Defending Education President Nicki Neily told the Senate that “we don't put Playboy in kindergartens. This isn't considered a book ban, but common sense.”
The Rich Zeoli Show- Hour 1: The 14-day manhunt for escaped prisoner Danelo Cavalcante concluded with the successful capture of the Chester County Prison inmate on Wednesday morning. Cavalcante is an illegal migrant from Brazil who was convicted of murdering his ex-girlfriend in 2021. He was also accused of murder in 2017. Should Pennsylvania pay to incarcerate Cavalcante for the rest of his life? You can read more here: https://www.inquirer.com/news/live/danelo-cavalcante-prison-escape-search-updates-chester-county-20230913.html Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy announced the launch of an impeachment inquiry against President Joe Biden—citing the alleged corruption tied to the Biden family's overseas business transactions. On Wednesday, during her press briefing, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was asked about the inquiry but pivoted to discuss economics instead. During the press conference to announce the capture of escaped prisoner Danelo Cavalcante, Pennsylvania State Police Lieutenant Colonel George Bivens was hilariously asked if there was “any concern [Calvacante] would team up with another small man to step inside of a trench coat, Little Rascals-style?” Do you want a Zeoli Army t-shirt? Well, now you can finally get one! Go to: https://breakingt.com/collections/shop-1210-wpht?rfsn=7511973.6753d1d
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is calling on three committees to open a formal impeachment inquiry into President Biden. McCarthy says “these are allegations of abuse of power, obstruction and corruption” and they “warrant further investigation.” House Republicans have yet to prove allegations the president directly profited off his son's foreign business deals. Republican Rep. Kevin Buck and Democrat Rep. Jamie Raskin both join AC360 to react to McCarthy's decision. Plus, police say Danelo Cavalcante, the Pennsylvania prison escapee, is “armed and extremely dangerous” after he stole a .22-caliber rifle from a local homeowner, who fired several shots at the fugitive as he fled. CNN Chief Law Enforcement and Intelligence Analyst John Miller tells Anderson Cooper what law enforcement is doing to capture Cavalcante.To learn more about how CNN protects listener privacy, visit cnn.com/privacy
On today's can't miss episode of Human Events, Jack Posobiec brings you up to the minute breaking news surrounding the manhunt of illegal alien, Danelo Cavalcante. Poso is also joined by Noor Bin Ladin for a candid, important conversation about how much the United States has changed since 9/11 and freedom of speech. Jack is also joined by Dr. Taylor Marshall for a discussion about religious freedom and the possible resignation of Bishop Strickland at the behest of the Vatican - all this and more on today's Human Events with Jack Posobiec!Here's your Daily dose of Human Events with @JackPosobiec Save up to 65% on MyPillow products by going to https://www.MyPillow.com/POSO and use code POSO Detox from your phone today with SLNT. Go to https://SLNT.COM/POSO. Use promocode POSO to save 15% plus free shipping on qualifying orders.To get $5000 of free silver on a qualifying purchase go https://www.protectwithposo.com with code POSO Support the show
Reverse 911 warnings went out to residents in Chester County, urging people to stay inside their homes. This after escaped fugitive, Danelo Cavalcante, broke into a house and stole a gun. Police say Cavalcante is now armed with a .22 rifle. Law enforcement sources tell Fox 29 that the homeowner fired seven times at the escaped killer. State police have Cavalcante's waterlogged and muddy sneakers. They were found during the search of a field. Police say a pair of boots were stolen from the porch of the home. Cavalcante's green hoodie was also recovered. An updated description issued by Pennsylvania State Police describes Cavalcante as shirtless, wearing blue pants carrying a .22 cutoff rifle, with a 10-round magazine and a scope. Insiders also say Cavalcante had access to a cellphone. Joining Nancy Grace Today: Matthew Mangino - Attorney, Former District Attorney (Lawrence County, PA), Author: "The Executioner's Toll: The Crimes, Arrests, Trials, Appeals, Last Meals, Final Words and Executions of 46 Persons in the United States", Twitter: @MatthewTMangino, MattMangino.com Dr. Bethany Marshall - Psychoanalyst https://www.drbethanymarshall.com/, Instagram & TikTok: drbethanymarshall, Twitter:@DrBethanyLive Irv Brandt - Senior Inspector, US Marshals Service International Investigations Branch, Chief Inspector, DOJ Office of International Affairs; Author: “SOLO SHOT: CURSE OF THE BLUE STONE” available on Amazon, Also "FLYING SOLO: Top of the World" Twitter: @JackSoloAuthor “Turtleman” Chris Adams - Swamp Survival Expert, Facebook: Wiregrass Ecological & Cultural Project, TikTok @GAturtleman Dr. Michelle DuPre- (Columbia, SC) Former Forensic Pathologist, Medical Examiner and Detective: Lexington County Sheriff's Department, Author: “Money, Mischief, and Murder…the Murdaugh Saga. The rest of the story"- out the end of September. Homicide Investigation Field Guide" & "Investigating Child Abuse Field Guide", Forensic Consultant Sheryl McCollum-(Atlanta, GA) Cold Case Investigative Research Institute Founder, ColdCaseCrimes.org, Host of new podcast: Zone 7, Twitter: @ColdCaseTips Eddie Kadhim [Cade-him], Reporter for FOX29 Philadelphia, https://www.fox29.com/person/k/eddie-kadhim, Facebook: Eddie Kadhim Journalist, Twitter: @KadhimWrites, Instagram: eddiekadhim See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
The Rich Zeoli Show- (09/12/2023): 3:05pm- New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham announced the issuance of an executive order that will temporarily suspend the right to carry firearms in the state—citing a gun violence epidemic that amounts to a public health emergency. 3:20pm- In an opinion released late on Friday for Missouri v. Biden, the New Orleans-based Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the Biden Administration likely violated the First Amendment when it pressured social-media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube to censor COVID-19 related content as well as unflattering stories about Hunter Biden's abandoned laptop. The Administration effectively used government resources to suppress constitutionally protected speech. You can read more about the decision here: https://www.nationalreview.com/2023/09/the-biden-administrations-escalating-campaign-against-free-speech/ 3:40pm- On Tuesday, Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy announced the launch of an impeachment inquiry against President Joe Biden—citing the alleged corruption tied to the Biden family's overseas business transactions. 3:50pm- In response to Speaker Kevin McCarthy's announced impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden, Senator John Fetterman (D-PA) sarcastically stated the news was “devastating.” 4:05pm- The hunt for escaped murderer Danelo Cavalcante continued Tuesday. He escaped from Chester County Prison thirteen-days ago and is considered extremely dangerous. According to reports, Cavalcante was spotted multiple times on Monday night and is now believed to be armed with a rifle—even exchanging gunfire with a local resident before disappearing again. Cavalcante is an illegal migrant from Brazil who was convicted of murdering his ex-girlfriend in 2021. He was also accused of murder in 2017. You can follow the developing story here: https://www.inquirer.com/news/pennsylvania/live/danelo-cavalcante-escape-updates-chester-county-prison-20230912.html 4:35pm- Listeners weigh-in on escaped murderer Danelo Cavalcante—as the manhunt for him continues into its thirteenth day. Many Chester County residents express frustration over how the situation has been handled. 5:05pm- Multiple people were arrested in Ocean City, New Jersey while protesting the construction of windmill farms on Tuesday afternoon. Listeners react to the news—will Ocean City's Mayor Jay Gillian step-up and defend his citizens? 5:40pm- New Jersey Governor posed for awkward photos while enjoying Monday Night Football from his cozy suite! So, it's time for a Rich Zeoli show caption contest! 6:05pm- On Tuesday, Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy announced the launch of an impeachment inquiry against President Joe Biden—citing the alleged corruption tied to the Biden family's overseas business transactions. 6:10pm- While speaking to reporters outside of the U.S. Capitol, Congressman Scott Perry (R-PA) defended the impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden. Unsurprisingly, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) slammed the inquiry—referring to it as a “witch hunt.” 6:35pm- New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham issued an executive order that will temporarily suspend the right to carry firearms in the state—citing a gun violence epidemic that amounts to a public health emergency. Even far-left politician Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA) and progressive activist David Hogg have called-out the governor for violating the U.S. Constitution. During a press conference addressing the executive order, Grisham claimed Constitutional rights are not absolute. Could her actions warrant impeachment? 6:45pm- During a press conference, Bernalillo County Sheriff John Allen announced that he will not enforce Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham's (D-NM) executive order to suspend the right of New Mexico citizens to carry firearms—explaining that he believed the order was unconstitutional. 6:55pm- In response to Speaker Kevin McCarthy's announced impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden, Senator John Fetterman (D-PA) sarcastically stated the news was “devastating.”
The Rich Zeoli Show- Hour 2: The hunt for escaped murderer Danelo Cavalcante continued Tuesday. He escaped from Chester County Prison thirteen-days ago and is considered extremely dangerous. According to reports, Cavalcante was spotted multiple times on Monday night and is now believed to be armed with a rifle—even exchanging gunfire with a local resident before disappearing again. Cavalcante is an illegal migrant from Brazil who was convicted of murdering his ex-girlfriend in 2021. He was also accused of murder in 2017. You can follow the developing story here: https://www.inquirer.com/news/pennsylvania/live/danelo-cavalcante-escape-updates-chester-county-prison-20230912.html Listeners weigh-in on escaped murderer Danelo Cavalcante—as the manhunt for him continues into its thirteenth day. Many Chester County residents express frustration over how the situation has been handled.
The Rich Zeoli Show- Full Episode (09/11/2023): 3:05pm- Monday marks the 22nd anniversary of the terrorist attacks on September 11th, 2001. Sean Davis of The Federalist writes of the attacks: “It spawned the worst and most destructive foreign policy in the country's history. The government response to 9/11 birthed the constitutional abomination that is the modern warrantless surveillance state. The Patriot Act enabled the government to weaponize its vast resources against its own people.” You can read the full article here: https://thefederalist.com/2023/09/11/was-9-11-the-beginning-of-the-end-of-the-american-empire/ 3:35pm- Sen. Mike Testa— New Jersey State Senator representing the 1st Legislative District—joins The Rich Zeoli Show to respond to a recent U.S. Justice Department report suggesting that widespread dysfunction at several state-run veterans homes led to unpreparedness and, subsequently, an outsized number of deaths resulting from COVID-19. Will Governor Phil Murphy be held accountable for the state's mismanagement? 3:55pm- While in Vietnam, President Joe Biden told reporters that he would not be in New York City, Washington D.C., or Shanksville to commemorate the 22nd anniversary of the terrorist attacks on September 11th, 2001. Instead, Biden will be delivering remarks from Alaska. 4:05pm- On Sunday, Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin announced he would be pardoning Scott Smith—the Loudon County father who was unjustly arrested and charged with disorderly conduct while speaking-out against the sexual assault of his daughter during a local school board meeting. The Wall Street Journal Editorial Bord writes: “The press treated Mr. Smith's verbal protest as part of some larger right-wing campaign of violence. The National School Boards Association cited the episode as an example of potential domestic terrorism in a letter to President Biden. Attorney General Merrick Garland followed with a letter asking the FBI and U.S. Attorneys to investigate threats against local school boards that haven't materialized. These actions appear to have been an attempt to fit Mr. Smith into the Democratic Party's portrayal of conservative critics of government as motivated by hatred. But Mr. Smith was understandably angry at the treatment of his daughter. A state investigation later found fault with the Loudoun school board's handling of the event.” You can read the full editorial here: https://www.wsj.com/articles/glenn-youngkins-good-pardon-virginia-scott-smith-threat-public-school-investigation-71376b98?mod=opinion_lead_pos2 4:30pm- Speaking from Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson in Anchorage, Alaska, President Joe Biden commemorated the 22nd anniversary of the terror attacks on September 11th, 2001. 4:45pm- In an editorial posted to Fox News, former Navy SEAL and New York Times best-selling author Jack Carr reflected on the September 11th, 2001 terrorist attacks and the U.S. military's withdrawal from Afghanistan. You can read the full article here: https://www.foxnews.com/lifestyle/jack-carrs-take-9-11-terror-attacks-hope-lessons-afghanistan 5:00pm- While speaking to the press in Hanoi, Vietnam, President Joe Biden jokingly told reporters that he was “going to bed.” 5:15pm- New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham announced the issuance of an executive order that will temporarily suspend the right to carry firearms in the state—citing a gun violence epidemic that amounts to a public health emergency. Even far-left politician Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA) and progressive activist David Hogg have called-out the governor for violating the U.S. Constitution. During a press conference addressing the executive order, Grisham claimed Constitutional rights are not absolute. Could her actions warrant impeachment? 5:20pm- While appearing on MSNCB with host Jonathan Capehart, New York City Mayor Eric Adams warned that if the crisis at the U.S. Southern border isn't soon resolved he may be forced to move migrants into outdoor tents. 5:40pm- The hunt for escaped murderer Danelo Cavalcante continued in Chester County, Pennsylvania on Monday. He escaped from Chester County Prison twelve-days ago and is considered extremely dangerous. Cavalcante is an illegal migrant from Brazil who was convicted of murdering his ex-girlfriend in 2021—he was also accused of murder in 2017. According to reports, Cavalcante was recently spotted again at Longwood Gardens. You can read more here: https://www.inquirer.com/news/pennsylvania/live/chester-county-prison-escape-danelo-cavalcante-manhunt-updates-20230911.html 5:45pm- Rich socialized with the Philadelphia Phillies this weekend. 6:05pm- Why are portions of the 9/11 report still classified? Ryan King of The New York Post writes: “Top on the minds of many 9/11 family members-turned-activists are federal documents being withheld from the public about Saudi Arabia's alleged involvement, as well as the plea deals being mulled involving some of the attack's masterminds.” You can read the full article here: https://nypost.com/2023/09/10/9-11-families-fighting-for-justice-22-years-later-our-govt-is-helping-the-murderers/ 6:20pm- Monday marks the 22nd anniversary of the terrorist attacks on September 11th, 2001. Sean Davis of The Federalist writes of the attacks: “It spawned the worst and most destructive foreign policy in the country's history. The government response to 9/11 birthed the constitutional abomination that is the modern warrantless surveillance state. The Patriot Act enabled the government to weaponize its vast resources against its own people.” You can read the full article here: https://thefederalist.com/2023/09/11/was-9-11-the-beginning-of-the-end-of-the-american-empire/ 6:45pm- Rich speaks with his father, retired Lieutenant with the New York Port Authority Police Department (PAPD) Tony Zeoli, about his book: “Rising from the Ashes: The True Story of 9/11 and Recovery Team Romeo.” You learn more about the book here: https://www.amazon.com/Rising-Ashes-Story-Recovery-Romeo/dp/1073862089
The Rich Zeoli Show- Hour 3: While speaking to the press in Hanoi, Vietnam, President Joe Biden jokingly told reporters that he was “going to bed.” New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham announced the issuance of an executive order that will temporarily suspend the right to carry firearms in the state—citing a gun violence epidemic that amounts to a public health emergency. Even far-left politician Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA) and progressive activist David Hogg have called-out the governor for violating the U.S. Constitution. During a press conference addressing the executive order, Grisham claimed Constitutional rights are not absolute. Could her actions warrant impeachment? While appearing on MSNCB with host Jonathan Capehart, New York City Mayor Eric Adams warned that if the crisis at the U.S. Southern border isn't soon resolved he may be forced to move migrants into outdoor tents. The hunt for escaped murderer Danelo Cavalcante continued in Chester County, Pennsylvania on Monday. He escaped from Chester County Prison twelve-days ago and is considered extremely dangerous. Cavalcante is an illegal migrant from Brazil who was convicted of murdering his ex-girlfriend in 2021—he was also accused of murder in 2017. According to reports, Cavalcante was recently spotted again at Longwood Gardens. You can read more here: https://www.inquirer.com/news/pennsylvania/live/chester-county-prison-escape-danelo-cavalcante-manhunt-updates-20230911.html Rich socialized with the Philadelphia Phillies this weekend.
The Rich Zeoli Show- Hour 1: The hunt for escaped murderer Danelo Cavalcante continued in Chester County, Pennsylvania on Friday. He escaped from Chester County Prison nine-days ago and is considered extremely dangerous. Cavalcante is an illegal migrant from Brazil who was convicted of murdering his ex-girlfriend in 2021—he was also accused of murder in 2017. According to reports, Cavalcante was recently spotted again at Longwood Gardens. You can read more here: https://www.inquirer.com/news/pennsylvania/live/chester-county-prison-escape-danelo-cavalcante-manhunt-updates-20230908.html Mike Catalini of the Associated Press writes, “[w]idespread dysfunction at two of New Jersey's state-run veterans homes left them unprepared to protect residents during the COVID-19 pandemic and still persists, a scathing report by the U.S Justice Department found Thursday. The 43-page document paints a disturbing picture of failures at the homes in Menlo Park and Paramus where dozens of deaths occurred early in the outbreak. It said poor communication, lack of staff competency and other issues led to the coronavirus spreading ‘virtually unchecked throughout the facilities.'” You can read the full article here: https://apnews.com/article/new-jersey-nursing-homes-covid-justice-department-17bc00ec2c9216dedbae73ecf4823748# Will Henry successfully catch the escaped prisoner from Chester County? And, perhaps more importantly, will he share the reward with Rich and Matt? While appearing on CNN with host Abby Phillip, Democrat political strategist James Carville explained “there is not much else you can say” President Joe Biden's abysmal polling numbers are “alarming.” According to a report from Kelly Garrity of Politico, South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem will endorse Donald Trump for president. Will Colorado remove Donald Trump from presidential ballots? The Wall Street Journal Editorial Board writes: “Six voters in Colorado filed a lawsuit in state court Wednesday to block former President Trump from appearing on the ballot there, citing the theory lately en vogue that the Constitution's 14th Amendment disqualifies Mr. Trump from sitting in the Oval Office ever again. Does this begin the countdown to the political case of the century at the U.S. Supreme Court?” You can read the editorial here: https://www.wsj.com/articles/colorado-lawsuit-donald-trump-ballot-jena-griswold-2024-election-85b540e0?mod=opinion_lead_pos3
The Rich Zeoli Show- Full Episode (09/08/2023): 3:05pm- The hunt for escaped murderer Danelo Cavalcante continued in Chester County, Pennsylvania on Friday. He escaped from Chester County Prison nine-days ago and is considered extremely dangerous. Cavalcante is an illegal migrant from Brazil who was convicted of murdering his ex-girlfriend in 2021—he was also accused of murder in 2017. According to reports, Cavalcante was recently spotted again at Longwood Gardens. You can read more here: https://www.inquirer.com/news/pennsylvania/live/chester-county-prison-escape-danelo-cavalcante-manhunt-updates-20230908.html 3:15pm- Mike Catalini of the Associated Press writes, “[w]idespread dysfunction at two of New Jersey's state-run veterans homes left them unprepared to protect residents during the COVID-19 pandemic and still persists, a scathing report by the U.S Justice Department found Thursday. The 43-page document paints a disturbing picture of failures at the homes in Menlo Park and Paramus where dozens of deaths occurred early in the outbreak. It said poor communication, lack of staff competency and other issues led to the coronavirus spreading ‘virtually unchecked throughout the facilities.'” You can read the full article here: https://apnews.com/article/new-jersey-nursing-homes-covid-justice-department-17bc00ec2c9216dedbae73ecf4823748# 3:30pm- Will Henry successfully catch the escaped prisoner from Chester County? And, perhaps more importantly, will he share the reward with Rich and Matt? 3:40pm- While appearing on CNN with host Abby Phillip, Democrat political strategist James Carville explained “there is not much else you can say” President Joe Biden's abysmal polling numbers are “alarming.” 3:50pm- According to a report from Kelly Garrity of Politico, South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem will endorse Donald Trump for president. 3:55pm- Will Colorado remove Donald Trump from presidential ballots? The Wall Street Journal Editorial Board writes: “Six voters in Colorado filed a lawsuit in state court Wednesday to block former President Trump from appearing on the ballot there, citing the theory lately en vogue that the Constitution's 14th Amendment disqualifies Mr. Trump from sitting in the Oval Office ever again. Does this begin the countdown to the political case of the century at the U.S. Supreme Court?” You can read the editorial here: https://www.wsj.com/articles/colorado-lawsuit-donald-trump-ballot-jena-griswold-2024-election-85b540e0?mod=opinion_lead_pos3 4:05pm- In a recent Wall Street Journal opinion editorial, Michael B. Mukasey argues that “the 14th Amendment's Insurrection Clause” would not apply to former President Donald Trump. Meaning he could not be deemed ineligible to hold office again. Mukasey writes, “[a] good deal of attention has focused thus far on whether the attack on the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, was an ‘insurrection or rebellion' and, if so, whether Mr. Trump ‘engaged' in it. Those questions, however, need not be answered until two preliminary questions of law are addressed: Is the presidency an ‘office . . . under the United States,' and was the presidential oath Mr. Trump swore on Jan. 20, 2016, to support the Constitution taken ‘as an officer of the United States'?” He continues: “The latter question is easier. The use of the term ‘officer of the United States' in other constitutional provisions shows that it refers only to appointed officials, not to elected ones. In U.S. v. Mouat (1888), the Supreme Court ruled that ‘unless a person in the service of the government . . . holds his place by virtue of an appointment . . ., he is not, strictly speaking, an officer of the United States.'” You can read the full editorial here: https://www.wsj.com/articles/was-trump-an-officer-of-the-united-states-constitution-14th-amendment-50b7d26?mod=opinion_lead_pos5 4:15pm- While appearing on CNN with Erin Burnett, Harvard University Law Professor Laurence Tribe explained that Donald Trump should be deemed ineligible for public office under the 14th Amendment. During the interview Tribe referred to George Washington University Law professor Jonathan Turley as a “hack.” 4:35pm- Dr. Victoria Coates— Former Deputy National Security Advisor & the Vice President of the Davis Institute for National Security and Foreign Policy at The Heritage Foundation—joins The Rich Zeoli Show to discuss accusations that Elon Musk cut Starlink satellite access to Ukraine in order to prevent them from attacking a Russian naval fleet in 2022. PLUS, the Biden Administration announced a drilling ban on millions of acres in Alaska—including the cancellation of all previously established oil and gas leases in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Dr. Coates is the author of “David's Sling: A History of Democracy in Ten Works of Art.” You can find her book here: https://www.amazon.com/Davids-Sling-History-Democracy-Works/dp/1594037213 5:00pm- Dr. Wilfred Reilly—Professor of Political Science at Kentucky State University & Author of “Lies My Liberal Teacher Told Me”—joins The Rich Zeoli Show to discuss California courts potentially considering “acceptance” of a child's “gender identity” when deciding custody battles. You can pre-order Dr. Reilly's upcoming book here: https://www.amazon.com/Lies-My-Liberal-Teacher-Told/dp/0063265974 5:40pm- Jimmy Failla—stand-up comedian & Fox News Radio host—joins The Rich Zeoli Show to discuss left-wing media members starting to panic over President Joe Biden's age and lousy polling numbers. The Best of Jimmy Failla every Saturday on 1210 WPHT! And don't miss his up-coming standup special on October 13th. You can learn more here: https://paramountny.com/shows/jimmy-failla-oct-13-2023/ 6:05pm- While speaking to a reporter on Capitol Hill, Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) was asked if she would ever support another federal mask mandate. Shaheen responded, “we've got to look at circumstances on the ground.” Senator Sheldon Whitehouse was asked a similar question and said: “That would depend.” 6:15pm- On Thursday, Senator JD Vance (R-OH) attempted to pass the “Freedom to Breathe Act”—effectively forbidding federal mask mandates. It was ultimately blocked by Senator Ed Markey (D-MA). 6:20pm- While appearing on CNN with Erin Burnett, Rep. Katie Porter (D-CA) denied that Democrats should consider a presidential candidate other than Joe Biden in 2024. 6:30pm- Mike Catalini of the Associated Press writes, “[w]idespread dysfunction at two of New Jersey's state-run veterans homes left them unprepared to protect residents during the COVID-19 pandemic and still persists, a scathing report by the U.S Justice Department found Thursday. The 43-page document paints a disturbing picture of failures at the homes in Menlo Park and Paramus where dozens of deaths occurred early in the outbreak. It said poor communication, lack of staff competency and other issues led to the coronavirus spreading ‘virtually unchecked throughout the facilities.'” You can read the full article here: https://apnews.com/article/new-jersey-nursing-homes-covid-justice-department-17bc00ec2c9216dedbae73ecf4823748# 6:40pm- In a recent Wall Street Journal opinion editorial, Michael B. Mukasey argues that “the 14th Amendment's Insurrection Clause” would not apply to former President Donald Trump. Meaning he could not be deemed ineligible to hold office again. Mukasey writes, “[a] good deal of attention has focused thus far on whether the attack on the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, was an ‘insurrection or rebellion' and, if so, whether Mr. Trump ‘engaged' in it. Those questions, however, need not be answered until two preliminary questions of law are addressed: Is the presidency an ‘office . . . under the United States,' and was the presidential oath Mr. Trump swore on Jan. 20, 2016, to support the Constitution taken ‘as an officer of the United States'?” He continues: “The latter question is easier. The use of the term ‘officer of the United States' in other constitutional provisions shows that it refers only to appointed officials, not to elected ones. In U.S. v. Mouat (1888), the Supreme Court ruled that ‘unless a person in the service of the government . . . holds his place by virtue of an appointment . . ., he is not, strictly speaking, an officer of the United States.'” You can read the full editorial here: https://www.wsj.com/articles/was-trump-an-officer-of-the-united-states-constitution-14th-amendment-50b7d26?mod=opinion_lead_pos5
The Rich Zeoli Show- Hour 1: The hunt for escaped murderer Danelo Cavalcante continued in Chester County, Pennsylvania on Thursday. He escaped from Chester County Prison eight-days ago and is considered extremely dangerous. Cavalcante is an illegal migrant from Brazil who was convicted of murdering his ex-girlfriend in 2021. He was also accused of murder in 2017. You can read more here: https://www.inquirer.com/news/inq2/danelo-cavalcante-escape-timeline-chester-county-prison-20230907.html Rolling Stone magazine was forced to issue a correction following the publication of a story that falsely portrayed a group of neo-Nazis in Orlando as ardent supporters of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. The Rolling Stone correction read: “The original version of this article quoted a marcher as saying, ‘We're all DeSantis supporters!' without including his second remark, ‘F*** Ron DeSantis! Ron DeSantis is a joke. Ron DeSantis is a joke.' The story has been updated.” You can read more here: https://www.mediaite.com/politics/rolling-stone-reports-that-neo-nazi-marchers-declared-they-were-all-desantis-supporters-leaves-out-important-follow-up-f-ron-desantis/ According to an NMB Research survey obtained by Politico, former U.N. Ambassador and South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley has pulled even with Ron DeSantis in the New Hampshire Republican primary race. Both presidential candidates are now polling at 10%—37 points behind Donald Trump. Will Colorado remove Donald Trump from presidential ballots? The Wall Street Journal Editorial Board writes: “Six voters in Colorado filed a lawsuit in state court Wednesday to block former President Trump from appearing on the ballot there, citing the theory lately en vogue that the Constitution's 14th Amendment disqualifies Mr. Trump from sitting in the Oval Office ever again. Does this begin the countdown to the political case of the century at the U.S. Supreme Court?” You can read the editorial here: https://www.wsj.com/articles/colorado-lawsuit-donald-trump-ballot-jena-griswold-2024-election-85b540e0?mod=opinion_lead_pos3
The Rich Zeoli Show- Full Episode (09/07/2023): 3:05pm- The hunt for escaped murderer Danelo Cavalcante continued in Chester County, Pennsylvania on Thursday. He escaped from Chester County Prison eight-days ago and is considered extremely dangerous. Cavalcante is an illegal migrant from Brazil who was convicted of murdering his ex-girlfriend in 2021. He was also accused of murder in 2017. You can read more here: https://www.inquirer.com/news/inq2/danelo-cavalcante-escape-timeline-chester-county-prison-20230907.html 3:15pm- Rolling Stone magazine was forced to issue a correction following the publication of a story that falsely portrayed a group of neo-Nazis in Orlando as ardent supporters of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. The Rolling Stone correction read: “The original version of this article quoted a marcher as saying, ‘We're all DeSantis supporters!' without including his second remark, ‘F*** Ron DeSantis! Ron DeSantis is a joke. Ron DeSantis is a joke.' The story has been updated.” You can read more here: https://www.mediaite.com/politics/rolling-stone-reports-that-neo-nazi-marchers-declared-they-were-all-desantis-supporters-leaves-out-important-follow-up-f-ron-desantis/ 3:30pm- According to an NMB Research survey obtained by Politico, former U.N. Ambassador and South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley has pulled even with Ron DeSantis in the New Hampshire Republican primary race. Both presidential candidates are now polling at 10%—37 points behind Donald Trump. 3:40pm- Will Colorado remove Donald Trump from presidential ballots? The Wall Street Journal Editorial Board writes: “Six voters in Colorado filed a lawsuit in state court Wednesday to block former President Trump from appearing on the ballot there, citing the theory lately en vogue that the Constitution's 14th Amendment disqualifies Mr. Trump from sitting in the Oval Office ever again. Does this begin the countdown to the political case of the century at the U.S. Supreme Court?” You can read the editorial here: https://www.wsj.com/articles/colorado-lawsuit-donald-trump-ballot-jena-griswold-2024-election-85b540e0?mod=opinion_lead_pos3 4:05pm- While appearing on CNN with Erin Burnett, Harvard University Law Professor Laurence Tribe explained that Donald Trump should be deemed ineligible for public office under the 14th Amendment. During the interview Tribe referred to George Washington University Law professor Jonathan Turley as a “hack.” 4:15pm- Speaking with reporters outside of his Washington D.C. office, Senator John Fetterman (D-PA) responded to questions about President Joe Biden potentially being impeached by House Republicans, explaining: “Go ahead and do it. I dare you. If you can find the votes, go ahead, because you're going to lose…sometimes you just have to call out their bullsh*t.” 4:20pm- Do you want a Zeoli Army t-shirt? Well, now you can finally get one! Go to: https://breakingt.com/collections/shop-1210-wpht?rfsn=7511973.6753d1d 4:35pm- Mike Catalini of the Associated Press writes, “[w]idespread dysfunction at two of New Jersey's state-run veterans homes left them unprepared to protect residents during the COVID-19 pandemic and still persists, a scathing report by the U.S Justice Department found Thursday. The 43-page document paints a disturbing picture of failures at the homes in Menlo Park and Paramus where dozens of deaths occurred early in the outbreak. It said poor communication, lack of staff competency and other issues led to the coronavirus spreading ‘virtually unchecked throughout the facilities.'” You can read the full article here: https://apnews.com/article/new-jersey-nursing-homes-covid-justice-department-17bc00ec2c9216dedbae73ecf4823748# 4:50pm- On Thursday, Senator JD Vance (R-OH) attempted to pass the “Freedom to Breathe Act”—effectively forbidding federal mask mandates. It was ultimately blocked by Senator Ed Markey (D-MA). 5:05pm- While speaking at a town hall meeting on Wednesday, New York City Mayor Eric Adams said of the crisis at the U.S. Southern border: “I don't see an ending to this. This issue will destroy New York City. We are getting 10,000 migrants per month.” 5:20pm- Mike Catalini of the Associated Press writes, “[w]idespread dysfunction at two of New Jersey's state-run veterans homes left them unprepared to protect residents during the COVID-19 pandemic and still persists, a scathing report by the U.S Justice Department found Thursday. The 43-page document paints a disturbing picture of failures at the homes in Menlo Park and Paramus where dozens of deaths occurred early in the outbreak. It said poor communication, lack of staff competency and other issues led to the coronavirus spreading ‘virtually unchecked throughout the facilities.'” You can read the full article here: https://apnews.com/article/new-jersey-nursing-homes-covid-justice-department-17bc00ec2c9216dedbae73ecf4823748# 5:40pm- Daniel Suhr—Senior Legal Fellow at The National Opportunity Project (NOP)—joins The Rich Zeoli Show to discuss a NOP report which shows that a disturbingly large number of schools are now prioritizing left-wing political ideology over experience when making hiring decisions. You can read more about the trend here: https://www.foxnews.com/media/dei-hiring-practices-k-12-schools-require-teachers-show-commitment-left-wing-ideology-watchdog. And you can learn more about The National Opportunity Project here: https://www.nationalopportunity.org/about/ 6:05pm- Are our political leaders too old to serve effectively? Speaking with reporters on Capitol Hill, Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) said he believes Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) should step down from his position as Senate Minority Leader. Meanwhile, comedian Bill Maher—appearing on MSNBC with Ari Melber—called on Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) to relinquish her Senate seat. 6:30pm- Rolling Stone magazine was forced to issue a correction following the publication of a story that falsely portrayed a group of neo-Nazis in Orlando as ardent supporters of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. The Rolling Stone correction read: “The original version of this article quoted a marcher as saying, ‘We're all DeSantis supporters!' without including his second remark, ‘F*** Ron DeSantis! Ron DeSantis is a joke. Ron DeSantis is a joke.' The story has been updated.” You can read more here: https://www.mediaite.com/politics/rolling-stone-reports-that-neo-nazi-marchers-declared-they-were-all-desantis-supporters-leaves-out-important-follow-up-f-ron-desantis/ 6:45pm- On Wednesday, Special Counsel David Weiss spoke with a federal court in Delaware—announcing that he plans to seek an indictment of Hunter Biden on September 29th. According to reports, the indictment of Biden is expected to be related to gun-possession.
The Rich Zeoli Show- Hour 1: The hunt for escaped murderer Danelo Cavalcante continued in Chester County, Pennsylvania on Wednesday. He escaped from Chester County Prison Thursday morning and is considered extremely dangerous. On Wednesday afternoon, a press conference was held in West Chester, PA to update the public on the situation. You can read more here: https://www.inquirer.com/crime/danelo-cavalcante-search-chester-county-residents-react-20230906.html Unionville-Chadds Ford School District and Kennett Square School District have cancelled classes as the manhunt for escaped prisoner Danelo Cavalcante continues into its seventh day. Cavalcante is an illegal migrant from Brazil who was convicted of murdering his ex-girlfriend in 2021. He was also accused of murder in 2017 while residing in Brazil.
The Rich Zeoli Show- Full Episode (09/06/2023): 3:05pm- The hunt for escaped murderer Danelo Cavalcante continued in Chester County, Pennsylvania on Wednesday. He escaped from Chester County Prison Thursday morning and is considered extremely dangerous. On Wednesday afternoon, a press conference was held in West Chester, PA to update the public on the situation. You can read more here: https://www.inquirer.com/crime/danelo-cavalcante-search-chester-county-residents-react-20230906.html 3:35pm- Unionville-Chadds Ford School District and Kennett Square School District have cancelled classes as the manhunt for escaped prisoner Danelo Cavalcante continues into its seventh day. Cavalcante is an illegal migrant from Brazil who was convicted of murdering his ex-girlfriend in 2021. He was also accused of murder in 2017 while residing in Brazil. 4:05pm- Listeners weigh-in on escaped prisoner Danelo Cavalcante—as the Pennsylvania state manhunt for him continues into its seventh day. Many Chester County residents express frustration over the way government officials have handled the incident. 4:30pm- On Wednesday, Special Counsel David Weiss spoke with a federal court in Delaware—announcing that he plans to seek an indictment of Hunter Biden on September 29th. According to Aruna Viswanatha of The Wall Street Journal, the indictment of Biden is expected to be related to his “tax and business dealings.” 4:40pm- Brittany Bernstein of National Review writes, “House Oversight Committee chairman James Comer (R-KY) sent a letter to the National Archives and Records Administration on Wednesday requesting ‘unrestricted special access' to communications between the office of then–Vice President Joe Biden and Hunter Biden or his business associates.” She continues: “Among the requested documents is a December 4, 2015, email in which longtime Biden family business associate Eric Schwerin sent quotes to Biden's then–communications director Kate Bedingfield that he said the White House should use in response to media outreach regarding Hunter Biden's role on the board of the Ukrainian energy company Burisma.” You can read the full article here: https://www.nationalreview.com/news/then-vp-biden-signed-off-on-hunter-business-partners-burisma-talking-points-email-reveals/?utm_source=email&utm_medium=breaking&utm_campaign=newstrack&utm_term=32621314 4:45pm- While appearing on Fox News with Sean Hannity, Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowtiz said it would be unconstitutional and undemocratic to disqualify Donald Trump from office under the 14th Amendment. 5:00pm- Guy Ciarrocchi—Contributor at Broad + Liberty—joins The Rich Zeoli Show to discuss his latest editorial, “This Time, Democrats' Law Enforcement Failures Hit Home.” Ciarrocchi writes: “As the nation has now learned, on Thursday, August 31, a convicted murderer—also accused of murder in his home nation, Brazil—escaped from Chester County Prison. The failure of our elected officials to ensure that policies and plans were in place to hold him in custody until he was transferred to state prison—or (my preference) extradited to Brazil—is inexcusable. This convicted murderer is here illegally and there is a warrant for his arrest in his native Brazil.” You can read the full article here: https://broadandliberty.com/2023/09/06/guy-ciarrocchi-this-time-democrats-law-enforcement-failures-hit-home/ 5:25pm- While appearing on his television show “Ask Governor Murphy”, Governor Phil Murphy said that New Jersey cannot afford the “resources” necessary to take care of illegal migrants despite previously classifying New Jersey as a “sanctuary state.” 5:45pm- According to the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE), Harvard University is the worst school in the country for free speech. Matt is devastated by the news—Rich couldn't be more delighted. 5:50pm- During her Wednesday press briefing, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre bizarrely explained that President Joe Biden left a Medal of Honor ceremony early because he didn't want to potentially spread COVID-19. But Biden had already delivered remarks and spent several minutes in the room unmasked before departing… 6:05pm- William Bender and Ryan W. Briggs of The Philadelphia Inquirer write, “[f]or 30 years, a memorial to Nazi collaborators sat largely unnoticed just outside Philadelphia. Now it's drawing outrage.” You can read the article here: https://www.inquirer.com/news/st-mary-ukrainian-catholic-cemetary-ss-memorial-20230903.html 6:30pm- The Biden Administration announced a drilling ban on millions of acres in Alaska—including the cancellation of all previously established oil and gas leases in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. 6:40pm- In a video message posted to social media, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump called on the Biden Administration to end its electric vehicle mandate before it destroys American auto manufacturing. 6:50pm- During her Wednesday press briefing, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre bizarrely explained that President Joe Biden left a Medal of Honor ceremony early because he didn't want to potentially spread COVID-19. But Biden had already delivered remarks and spent several minutes in the room unmasked before departing…