Podcasts about crack up

  • Dec 11, 2024LATEST



Best podcasts about crack up

Latest podcast episodes about crack up

Insight for Living Daily Broadcast
Why Leaders Crack Up, Part 2

Insight for Living Daily Broadcast

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 11, 2024 30:00

Moses: A Man of Selfless Dedication

Insight for Living Canada Daily Broadcast

Exodus 18 / December 10-11, 2024 Pastor Chuck Swindoll applies practical lessons from Exodus 18 for anyone in a leadership capacity. With biblical wisdom, take stock of the essentials God has called you to and determine to delegate the rest! From the Series: Moses: A Man of Selfless Dedication read more

Insight for Living UK
Why Leaders Crack Up , Part 2

Insight for Living UK

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 11, 2024 27:15

Insight for Living UK
Why Leaders Crack Up , Part 2

Insight for Living UK

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 11, 2024 27:15

Insight for Living on Oneplace.com
Why Leaders Crack Up, Part 2

Insight for Living on Oneplace.com

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 11, 2024 27:32

As the nation's leader, Moses soon found himself caught up in the details of governance all day, every day. Moses' father-in-law Jethro quickly observed that Moses was on a fast track to burnout. No matter how wise and capable he was, Moses couldn't shoulder all the administrative responsibilities on his own. Pastor Chuck Swindoll applies practical lessons from Exodus 18 for anyone in a leadership capacity. With biblical wisdom, take stock of the essentials God has called you to and determine to delegate the rest! To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/82/29

Insight for Living Daily Broadcast
Why Leaders Crack Up, Part 1

Insight for Living Daily Broadcast

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 10, 2024 30:00

Moses: A Man of Selfless Dedication

Insight for Living Canada Daily Broadcast

Exodus 18 / December 10-11, 2024 Pastor Chuck Swindoll applies practical lessons from Exodus 18 for anyone in a leadership capacity. With biblical wisdom, take stock of the essentials God has called you to and determine to delegate the rest! From the Series: Moses: A Man of Selfless Dedication read more

Insight for Living Canada Daily Broadcast
STS Study: Why Leaders Crack Up

Insight for Living Canada Daily Broadcast

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 10, 2024

Exodus 18 / December 10-11, 2024 Pastor Chuck Swindoll applies practical lessons from Exodus 18 for anyone in a leadership capacity. With biblical wisdom, take stock of the essentials God has called you to and determine to delegate the rest! From the Series: Moses: A Man of Selfless Dedication read more

Don DeLillo Should Win the Nobel Prize
Episode 19: Rachel Kushner's Creation Lake

Don DeLillo Should Win the Nobel Prize

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 10, 2024 104:36

In Episode Nineteen, DDSWTNP turn outward to a discussion of Rachel Kushner, whose Booker Prize-nominated Creation Lake, a 2024 novel about the folly of espionage, revolutionary violence, life underground, and confronting modernity with ancient practices in rural France, solidifies its author's reputation as a key inheritor of DeLillo's influence and themes. Creation Lake is narrated by a nihilistic spy named Sadie Smith who infiltrates a farming commune called Le Moulin and grows enchanted with the claims of their cave-dwelling philosophical advisor, who argues that Neanderthal life thousands of years ago holds the key to reshaping humankind. In it Kushner explores the legacy of France's 1968 while echoing The Names, Great Jones Street, Ratner's Star, Mao II, and other DeLillo works, as we outline in our discussion. We find rich references as well in Creation Lake to Nathaniel Hawthorne, Joan Didion, Michel Houellebecq, and Kushner's own previous works, especially The Flamethrowers and The Mars Room. Listeners looking for new writing reminiscent of DeLillo and those already knowledgeable of Kushner's works will find plenty here, and we hope this episode will be the first of several over time dedicated to DeLillo's massive influence on exciting new world literature. Texts and quotations mentioned and discussed in this episode, in addition to Creation Lake and those by DeLillo: Joan Didion, Play It As It Lays (1970) and Slouching Towards Bethlehem (1968) Dana Goodyear, “Rachel Kushner's Immersive Fiction,” The New Yorker, April 23, 2018 (includes discussion of Kushner's friendship with DeLillo) Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Blithedale Romance (1852) and The Scarlet Letter (1850) Michel Houellebecq, Serotonin (2019) Rachel Kushner, The Flamethrowers (2013) and The Mars Room (2018) ---. “Rachel Kushner: ‘The last book that made me cry? The Brothers Karamazov,” The Guardian, October 5, 2018 (source of this answer: “The book that influenced my writing: Probably novels by Joan Didion, Denis Johnson and Don DeLillo. But a whole lot of other books, too”) “In a real dark night of the soul, it is always three o'clock in the morning, day after day.” (F. Scott Fitzgerald, “The Crack-Up” (1936)– a line mangled slightly in the episode)

Insight for Living UK
Why Leaders Crack Up , Part 1

Insight for Living UK

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 10, 2024 26:47

Insight for Living UK
Why Leaders Crack Up , Part 1

Insight for Living UK

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 10, 2024 26:47

Insight for Living on Oneplace.com
Why Leaders Crack Up, Part 1

Insight for Living on Oneplace.com

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 10, 2024 26:30

As the nation's leader, Moses soon found himself caught up in the details of governance all day, every day. Moses' father-in-law Jethro quickly observed that Moses was on a fast track to burnout. No matter how wise and capable he was, Moses couldn't shoulder all the administrative responsibilities on his own. Pastor Chuck Swindoll applies practical lessons from Exodus 18 for anyone in a leadership capacity. With biblical wisdom, take stock of the essentials God has called you to and determine to delegate the rest! To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/82/29

Apans anatomi
Crack-up USA

Apans anatomi

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 16, 2024 71:16

Donald Trump har återigen valts till president i USA. Men vad kommer att förändras? Outsidern som kringgick republikanska partiapparaten 2016 och lyftes av MAGA-rörelsen har nu bildat en regering med techmiljardärer och riskkapitalister i ryggen. Vilka föreställningar har Silicon Valleys nyreaktionära "counter-elit" tagit med in i Vita Huset? Med Tomas Hemstad som gäst från San Francisco diskuterar vi vilka möjligheter det finns för vänstern att kliva fram och utmana både Demokraternas centrism och Trumps techbros. För mer info: Tomas Hemstad: Nu vill Silicon Valleys rika flytta in i Vita huset https://www.flamman.se/nu-vill-silicon-valleys-rika-flytta-in-i-vita-huset/ Tomas Hemstad: Nu börjar ett hårdare liv för alla sorters minoriteter https://www.ottar.se/nu-borjar-ett-hardare-liv-for-alla-sorters-minoriteter/ Tomas Hemstad: Det var mindre valyra i luften den här gången https://www.aftonbladet.se/kultur/a/xm9J1R/tomas-hemstad-om-valet-i-usa-2024 Studio Expo med Patrik Hermansson och Tomas Hemstad: Rasistiska befolkningsentreprenörer (podd) https://expo.se/podcasts/rasistiska-befolkningsentreprenorer/ Mathias Wåg: Den konservativa flyktingförläggningen https://www.flamman.se/den-konservativa-flyktingforlaggningen/ Mathias Wåg: Poddarna gav Donald Trump ett tryggt rum https://www.aftonbladet.se/kultur/a/Xjzewm/joe-rogan-gav-donald-trump-ett-tryggt-rum Mathias Wåg: Så möts trumpismen och "skithögsvänstern" https://www.aftonbladet.se/kultur/a/5E3dq6/mathias-wag-om-hegel-och-hegelian-e-girls Gil Duran: The Tech Baron Seeking to Purge San Francisco of “Blues” https://newrepublic.com/article/180487/balaji-srinivasan-network-state-plutocrat Gil Duran: The People of Solano County Versus the Next Tech-Billionaire Dystopia https://newrepublic.com/article/177733/billionaire-solano-california-tech-secession Behind the Bastards: How Peter Thiel Became the Gravedigger of Democracy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfXbyQ9KFdg Böcker: Quinn Slobodian: Crack-Up Capitalism. Market Radicals and the Dream of a World Without Democracy https://us.macmillan.com/books/9781250753892/crackupcapitalism Alberto Toscano: Late Fascism:Race, Capitalism and the Politics of Crisis https://www.versobooks.com/products/2627-late-fascism

Spiritual Teachings With Shunyamurti
Don't Get Caught in the Collective Crack-Up!

Spiritual Teachings With Shunyamurti

Play Episode Listen Later Oct 16, 2024 16:46

Everyone is cracking up and going mad before our eyes—including the ego behind our eyes. If you do not want to be flooded with anxiety and dread, as you witness politicians and whole nations act insanely, and as loved ones are overcome with grief and fear, and your own mind plays tricks on you, the only power that can extricate you from this fragmenting matrix is inner silence, pure awareness free of thoughts, images, and affects. Meditating in the early morning hours is the best practice to attain salvation.

The Mel K Show
Mel K & Mike McCormick | The Bidens, The Cartels & The Vatican: Unholy Alliances | 10-4-24

The Mel K Show

Play Episode Listen Later Oct 5, 2024 49:24

Learn more about the Satellite Phone Store: https://sat123.com/   Learn more about and follow Mike McCormick: https://x.com/JoeUnauthorized https://joebidenunauthorized.com/   Joe Biden Unauthorized: And the 2020 Crackup of the Democratic Party https://a.co/d/eh0WGJz   The Case to Impeach and Imprison Joe Biden https://a.co/d/78rZ65n   Beverly Hills Precious Metals Exchange - Buy Gold & Silver https://themelkshow.com/gold/ Speak with Gold Expert Andrew Sorchini…Tell Him Mel K Sent You!   Pre-order Mel's New Book: Americans Anonymous: Restoring Power to the People One Citizen  at a Time https://a.co/d/0iHFeQNb   We The People must stand strong, stay united, resolute, calm, and focus on the mission.   We at www.themelkshow.com want to thank all our amazing patriot pals for joining us on this journey, for your support of our work, and for your faith in this biblical transition to greatness. We love what we do and are working hard to keep on top of everything to help this transition along peacefully and with love. Please help us amplify our message: Like, Comment & Share!   The Show's Partners Page: https://themelkshow.com/partners/ Consider Making A Donation: https://themelkshow.com/donate/   Another way to get involved and find ways to become active in the community is to come meet Mel and many amazing truth warriors at our upcoming live in-person speaking events. Together we are unstoppable. We look forward to seeing you. God Wins! https://themelkshow.com/events/ Remember to mention Mel K for great discounts on all these fun and informative events. See you there! Our Website www.TheMelKShow.com Support Patriots With MyPillow Go to https://www.mypillow.com/melk Use offer code “MelK” to support both MyPillow and The Mel K Show Mel K Superfoods Supercharge your wellness with Mel K Superfoods Use Code: MELKWELLNESS and Save Over $100 off retail today! https://themelkshow.com/superfood/   Healthy Hydration: https://healthyhydration.com/products/mel-k-special-deluxe   Patriot Mobile Support your values, your freedom and the Mel K Show. Switch to Patriot Mobile for Free. Use free activation code MELK https://www.patriotmobile.com/melk/   HempWorx The #1 selling CBD brand. Offering cutting edge products that run the gamut from CBD oils and other hemp products to essential oils in our Mantra Brand, MDC Daily Sprays which are Vitamin and Herb combination sprays/ https://themelkshow.com/my-daily-choice/   Dr. Zelenko Immunity Protocols https://zstacklife.com/MelK   The Wellness Company - Emergency Medical Kits: www.twc.health/pages/melk-prepkit   Dr. Jason Dean and BraveTV bring you the most innovative and cutting edge science in Nutrition with Nano-Particle Detoxification, The Full Moon Parasite Protocol and Clot Shot Defense. https://bravetv.store/?sca_ref=3278505.GWvLbyryzv   Dr. Stella Immanuel, MD. Consult with a renowned healthcare provider! Offering Telehealth Services & Supplements. Use offer code ‘MelK' for 5% Off https://bit.ly/MelKDrStellaMD

Classic Radio Theater with Wyatt Cox
Classic Radio for September 14, 2024 - Wayward Diamonds, A Horse for Kendall, and The Crackup

Classic Radio Theater with Wyatt Cox

Play Episode Listen Later Sep 14, 2024 138:22

2 hours of  Crime First a look at the events of the dayThen Yours Truly Johnny Dollar starring Bob Bailey, originally broadcast September 14, 1958, 66 years ago, The Wayward Diamonds Matter. Ralph Merrill has confessed to defrauding his insurance company about the loss of his yacht. But what happened to Mrs. Merrill's jewels?We follow that with the news from 66 years ago, then Frontier Gentleman starring John Dehner, originally broadcast September 14, 1958, 66 years ago, A Horse for Kendall.  A race from Deadwood to Cheyenne...the hard way! Then Counterspy starring Don Maclaughlin and Mandel Kramer, originally broadcast September 14, 1942,  82 years ago, The Case of the Loganberry Point Spy.  A German-American widow in northern Maine has waited forty-one years for the return of her husband. Followed by The FBI in Peace and War, originally broadcast September 14, 1950, 74 years ago, The Crackup.  Three bank robbers are in hiding after a job. One of them has a bad case of the jitters. Finally, Claudia, originally broadcast September 14, 1948, 76 years ago.   At an auction.Thanks to Honeywell for supporting our podcast by using the Buy Me a Coffee function at http://classicradio.streamIf you like what we do here, visit our friend Jay at http://radio.macinmind.com for great old time radio shows 24 hours a day

It's All Been Done Radio Hour
The News / Awkward Moments in IABD History: Totally Fiction

It's All Been Done Radio Hour

Play Episode Listen Later Aug 14, 2024 5:05

It's All Been Done Radio Hour Commercial #257  The News #8 / Awkward Moments in IABD History #4 "Totally Fiction"     Megan claims to tell a totally made up story about something that really happened, and takes some artistic license in doing so.    Visit our website http://iabdpresents.com Script books, clothing, and more at https://amzn.to/3km2TLm Please support us at http://patreon.com/IABD   Find more from It's All Been Done Radio Hour here: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iabdpresents/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@iabdpresents   A comedy radio show originally performed Saturday, August 12, 2023, at Boxland in Columbus, Ohio.     STARRING Megan Overholt as Megan  Ashley Clements as Ashley  Keith Jackson as Crackup and Keith  Shane Stefanchik as Wayne  Kristin Green as Cindy  Ben Neidenthal as Ben Samantha Stark as Sam  Grace Wilson as Grace Chase McCants as the clipboard person  Chris Lynch as the dubbed clipboard person  Nathan Haley on trombone    Narrated by Darren Esler  Foley Artist Megan Overholt  Podcast edited by Trulie Awesome Productions     Written by Megan Overholt Produced by Jerome Wetzel  Directed by Samantha Stark, assisted by Grace Wilson  Music Director Kristin Green  Theme Songs composed by Nathan Haley, with lyrics by Jerome Wetzel  Technical Director Shane Stefanchik   When you post about us, hashtag #IABD   #youtuberadioplays #bestyoutubepodcastchannels

The Book I HAD to Write
Matthew Specktor on hybrid memoir, Hollywood failure & that time Marlon Brando left a voicemail

The Book I HAD to Write

Play Episode Listen Later Jul 31, 2024 38:28

In this episode, I talk with author and novelist about his recent hybrid memoir and cultural exploration, Always Crashing in the Same Car. We discuss his fascination with figures who faced creative crises in Hollywood, from F. Scott Fitzgerald, filmmaker Hal Ashby or musician Warren Zevon to more overlooked but similarly brilliant figures like Carole Eastman, the screenwriter of the 1970s classic Five Easy Pieces.We also explore the realities of growing up in LA, including being “celebrity-adjacent.” That's perhaps best illustrated by the time Marlon Brando left an incredible monologue in the form of a voicemail. We do a deep dive into the attraction of hybrid memoir for fiction writer, Matthew's approach to research, and whether it's possible any longer to be a middle-class creative in Hollywood.--------------------------“All of those kind of impulses fused in me, and eventually, and I sort of realized, like, oh, this is what I want to write. I want to write a book that's a memoir that isn't about me, or a memoir that's only kind of, you know, partly about me.”--------------------------Key Takeaways* Always Crashing In the Same Car pays homage to figures who've faced both genius and marginalization in Hollywood, including Thomas McGuane, Renata Adler, Carole Eastman, Eleanor Perry, Hal Ashby, Michael Cimino, Warren Zevon & more. The book is about “those who failed, faltered, and whose triumphs are punctuated by flops...”* Matthew shares his fascination with Carol Eastman, best known for Five Easy Pieces. He was deeply touched by her prose writings, comparing her to poets like Hart Crane and Wallace Stevens.* The book and the interview also delves more deeply into women's contributions to Hollywood, focusing on other overlooked talents like Eleanor Perry and Elaine May. Matthew reflects on his mother, a one-time screenwriter, and how her generation had less opportunity to develop their skills.* Why a hybrid memoir? Matthew was reading, and inspired by, writers like Hilton Als, Heidi Julavits, and Olivia Laing. He wanted to create a narrative that wasn't limited to—or rather moved beyond—the self, weaving together cultural criticism about Hollywood and creative crises.* We talk a lot about voice, which Matthew says is crucial for him to discover early on. “Once I can locate the voice for any piece of writing... I have it in the pocket,” he says. The narrator of this book blends personal reflections with a noir quality, he says.* Matthew sees himself as a novelist at heart. He considers the narrative tools of a novelist indispensable, even when writing memoirs and cultural critiques: “I am fundamentally a novelist….I think that's part of being a fiction writer or novelist is, you know, anything that you write is a kind of criticism in code. You're always responding to other texts.”* Matthew begins by explaining his unique research style: "I'm kind of ravenous and a little deranged about it…” His research process involves intuitive dives, like a two-day blitz through Carol Eastman's archives.* The discussion also touched on Matthew's upbringing with a mom who was a one-time screenwriter and who crossed the picket line during one writer's strike, and his father, who had modest beginnings but went on to become a famous Hollywood “superagent” representing Marlon Brando, Morgan Freeman, Helen Mirren & many others.* At the same time, Matthew explores misconceptions around Hollywood glitz, addressing the middle-class reality of many involved in the film industry. For a long-time, Hollywood could support such middle-class creatives, Matthew contends, something that is no longer really possible.* Addressing the evolution of the entertainment industry, Matthew notes the shift towards debt servicing, influenced by corporate acquisitions. This financial pragmatism often overrides the creative impulse, squeezing the middle class out.* Another takeaway? The creative world, especially in Hollywood, is fraught with periods of drift and struggle. In one sense, Always Crashing In the Same Car is a love letter to that state of things.--------------------------"I still kind of think of [Always Crashing…] as being secretly a novel. Not because it's full of made up s**t…but because I think sometimes our idea of what a novel is is pretty limited. You know, there's no reason why a novel can't be, like, 98% fact."--------------------------About Matthew SpecktorMatthew Specktor's books include the novels That Summertime Sound and American Dream Machine, which was long-listed for the Folio Prize; the memoir-in-criticism Always Crashing in The Same Car: On Art, Crisis, and Los Angeles, California, and The Golden Hour, forthcoming from Ecco Press. Born in Los Angeles, he received his MFA in Creative Writing from Warren Wilson College in 2009. His writing has appeared in the New York Times, GQ, The Paris Review, Tin House, Black Clock, and numerous other periodicals and anthologies. He is a founding editor of the Los Angles Review of Books.Resources:Books by Matthew Specktor:* Always Crashing in the Same Car: On Art, Crisis, and Los Angeles, California* American Dream Machine* That Summertime Sound* Slow Days, Fast Company by Eve Babitz, introduction by Matthew SpecktorReferenced on this episode:* The Women, by Hilton Als* Low, by David Bowie* The Great Gatsby, This Side of Paradise, The Last Tycoon, The Pat Hobby Stories, and The Crack-Up, by F. Scott Fitzgerald* F. Scott Fitzgerald on Writing, edited by Larry W. Phillips* The Folded Clock: A Diary, by Heidi Julavits* The Lonely City, by Olivia Laing* 300 Arguments, by Sarah Manguso* “Bombast: Carole Eastman,” by Nick Pinkerton* “The Life and Death of Hollywood,” by Daniel Bessner, Harper's, May 2024.CreditsThis episode was produced by Magpie Audio Productions. Theme music  is "The Stone Mansion" by BlueDot Productions. Get full access to The Book I Want to Write at bookiwanttowrite.substack.com/subscribe

3AW Breakfast with Ross and John
Cameron Munster's funny reaction to the audio which made Ross and Russ crack up last year!

3AW Breakfast with Ross and John

Play Episode Listen Later Jun 26, 2024 8:05

Melbourne Storm star Cameron Munster joined Jimmy Bartel and Mark Allen in the studio ahead of the State of Origin tonight in Melbourne! And Allen played some audio to Munster which made Ross and Russ crack up during last year's State of Origin series on everyone in rugby league sounding the same!See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

Leadership on SermonAudio
Why Leaders Crack Up

Leadership on SermonAudio

Play Episode Listen Later Jun 21, 2024 37:00

A new MP3 sermon from Westminster Presbyterian Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details: Title: Why Leaders Crack Up Subtitle: Life of Moses - Leadership Und Speaker: Dr. John Light Broadcaster: Westminster Presbyterian Church Event: Sunday - PM Date: 4/1/2007 Bible: Exodus 18 Length: 37 min.

Old Movies For Young Stoners
S3E8 Criterion Crackup feat. Ngaio Bealum w/ Point Blank (1967) & Pressure Point (62)

Old Movies For Young Stoners

Play Episode Listen Later Jun 17, 2024 83:25

The Dank Diplomat Ngaio Bealum is back on OMFYS and he's picked a pair of movies to get high to from Criterion Channel's current series HOLLYWOOD CRACK-UP: THE DECADE AMERICAN CINEMA LOST ITS MIND. First, LEE MARVIN is punching dudes in the nuts and throwing them out of high-rise windows all to get his $93,000 back in POINT BLANK (1967). It's heavy on the testosterone but has lots of psychedelic and French New Wave touches from then-young director JOHN BOORMAN, who went on to make some of the trippiest movies ever made with EXCALIBUR (1981) & ZARDOZ (1974). Also starring Angie Dickenson, Sharon Acker, Carrol O'Connor (Archie Bunker), and introducing John Vernon (Dean Wormer from Animal House). Then SIDNEY POITIER is a prison psychiatrist trying to unravel the twisted psyche of a deranged but dangerous nazi played with menace by crooner BOBBY DARIN. This movie is chock full of the tripped-out dream sequences that we live for on this podcast, all set to an awesome jazz theremin score by Ernest Gold and photographed with intensity by Ernest Haller, the man who shot GONE WITH THE WIND and REBEL WITHOUT A CAUSE. This is the forgotten collaboration between producer Stanley Kramer and Poitier, who also made THE DEFIANT ONES (1958) and GUESS WHO'S COMING TO DINNER (1967), but Bob thinks PRESSURE POINT is their best. And if all that ain't enough, we've got a young PETER FALK thrown in here for good measure. Both movies are now streaming on CRITERION CHANNEL, which is really knocking it out of the park these days. Follow Ngaio on Instagram, Facebook & X (Twitter) at ngaio420 And see Ngaio with Paul Conyers at the Alameda Comedy Club on June 28-29: https://www.alamedacomedy.com/events/91745 Hosts: Bob Calhoun & Greg Franklin Cory Sklar & Philena Franklin are on assignment Old Movies for Young Stoners theme by Chaki the Funk Wizard "Hard Times" by Mike Lisk & Chaki the Funk Wizard with additional dialog by "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes "Blue Mood" by Robert Munzinger & "Sicko" by Yung Logos courtesy of YouTube Audio Library Trailer audio via Archive.org Web: www.oldmoviesforyoungstoners.com Instagram/Facebook (Meta): oldmoviesforyoungstoners Bluesky: @oldmoviesystoners.bsky.social Twitter (X): OM4YStoners Contact: oldmoviesforyoungstoners AT gmail DOT com

House of Strauss
HoS: Ryan Glasspiegel on WNBA Crackup

House of Strauss

Play Episode Listen Later Jun 4, 2024 4:26

This is a free preview of a paid episode. To hear more, visit www.houseofstrauss.comWe can hardly keep track of all the sports media controversies pouring forth from Caitlin Clark's debut WNBA season, so we enlisted WNBA fan and certified #GirlDad Ryan Glasspiegel. What the hell is happening here? Why is Stephen A. Smith doing battle with ESPN personality Monica McNutt? Why is Pat McAfee apologizing for calling Caitlin Clark a “white bitch”? Why is Sean Hannity attacking Pat McAfee over this? We answer all these questions and more. Topic Docket:* A whole lot of hilarious WNBA-related subjects (We're allowed to laugh)* Much of the sports media is gaslighting us on what's happening* Why do players hate Caitlin Clark? What's the percentage breakdown? * Sean Hannity going after Pat McAfee? In a non political way? What? * The Negro Leagues + MLB stats integration topic

The Rebel Capitalist Show
News: Is the Market Heading for a CrackUp Boom? (What Happens Next?)

The Rebel Capitalist Show

Play Episode Listen Later May 16, 2024 20:55

The Rebel Capitalist helps YOU learn more about Macro, Investing, Entrepreneurship AND Personal Freedom.✅Come To Rebel Capitalist Live In Orlando May 31- June 2! https://rebelcapitalistlive.com/   ✅If you want to see what I'm doing with my portfolio this year, check it out here https://www.georgegammon.com/2024   ✅Check out my private, online investment community (Rebel Capitalist Pro) with Chris MacIntosh, Lyn Alden and many more for $1!! click here https://georgegammon.com/pro   ✅Rebel capitalist merchandise https://www.rebelcapitaliststore.com

Mysteries of the EuroVerse
EMERGENCY UPDATE: Backstage Fights, Missed Performances, and the Crack-up of Eurovision 2024

Mysteries of the EuroVerse

Play Episode Listen Later May 11, 2024 9:02

Immediately after we recorded our last episode, things went wild. We'll be back next week with more analysis, but we wanted to give you an up-to-the-minute update as we've had one artist disqualified and several others begin to openly protest from the Eurovision stage or not show up at all. Going into tonight, it's unclear what will happen but we wanted you to have all the information we do as you watch.

The Chris Stigall Show
Dems Crack Up: "It's Not Working!"

The Chris Stigall Show

Play Episode Listen Later May 10, 2024 77:10

As the college campuses are being swept of the bigoted, privileged Ivy Leaguer encampments - the media has spent the week back on the Trump trial. But the real news just keeps stacking up and media folks are positively panicked. Hear CNN, the New York Times, and fellow Democrats tear into Biden on a host of fronts that will make your jaw drop. Dr. Ben Carson joins Stigall to discuss a potential future with Trump? His new book "The Perilous Fight: Overcoming Our Culture's War on the American Family." The Kristi Noem book tour has collapsed. Stigall suspected she didn't write a lot of the book to begin with and now he has proof as his old friend Jack Cashill came forward to say he was approached to be her "ghost writer." If you're not familiar with the term, prepare to have your mind blown. Plus, you'll hear a call to the radio show this week from a Marine who is stirred with emotion as his town disrespects June 6th, D-Day with a Pride parade instead. -For more info visit the official website: https://chrisstigall.com/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chrisstigallshow/Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChrisStigallFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/chris.stigall/Listen on Spotify: https://tinyurl.com/StigallPodListen on Apple Podcasts: https://bit.ly/StigallShowSee omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

Another Kind of Distance: A Spider-Man, Time Travel, Twin Peaks, Film, Grant Morrison and Nostalgia Podcast
Hollywood Studios Year-by-Year – RKO – 1946: STEP BY STEP & CRACK-UP

Another Kind of Distance: A Spider-Man, Time Travel, Twin Peaks, Film, Grant Morrison and Nostalgia Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later May 10, 2024 48:57

In this RKO 1946 episode we discuss Crack-Up (directed by Irving Reis), an eerie noir with a couple of great Expressionist set pieces. Pat O'Brien oozes vulnerability as a WWII vet and populist art critic who has to find out who's trying to make him look, or go, insane; Claire Trevor plays the love interest who's trying to help him (or is she?). Oh yeah, and we also watched Step By Step (directed by Phil Rosen), a goofy spy drama in which Lawrence Tierney gets to play a nice guy for once. Remember this episode when we watch Tierney and Trevor at their nastiest in Born to Kill, coming soon!   Time Codes: 0h 00m 35s:      STEP BY STEP [dir. Phil Rosen] 0h 17m 09s:      CRACK-UP [dir. Irving Reis] Studio Film Capsules provided by The RKO Story by Richard B. Jewell & Vernon Harbin Additional studio information from: The Hollywood Story by Joe W. Finler                                 +++ * Marvel at our meticulously ridiculous Complete Viewing Schedule for the 2020s * Intro Song: “Sunday” by Jean Goldkette Orchestra with the Keller Sisters (courtesy of The Internet Archive) * Read Elise's latest film piece on Preston Sturges, Unfaithfully Yours, and the Narrative role of comedic scapegoating. * Check out Dave's new Robert Benchley blog – an attempt to annotate and reflect upon as many of the master humorist's 2000+ pieces as he can locate – Benchley Data: A Wayward Annotation Project!  Follow us on Twitter at @therebuggy Write to us at therebuggy@gmail.com   We now have a Discord server - just drop us a line if you'd like to join! 

Self Talk with Rachel Astarte
Self Talk #123: INTERVIEW: Kent Weishaus, Socially Conscious LCSW

Self Talk with Rachel Astarte

Play Episode Listen Later May 7, 2024 36:10

Send Rachel a text message.Kent Weishaus had a 25-year career in television production, working on talk shows, game shows, tabloids, sitcoms, and other programming, before making a switch in 2006, going back to graduate school and becoming a licensed clinical social worker. Since then he has worked in mental hospitals, community clinics, schools, and is now semi-retired, continuing a part-time private practice. He is the author of Stop Breaking Down: How to avoid Overwhelm and Crack-Up.You'll appreciate this interview if you've been on the fence about seeing a therapist or counselor. Kent and I talk about trauma and its potential expressions and origins—both personally and culturally.  We also address how we can be socially conscious in a troubled world while preserving our sacred Self.More from Kent:Website: http://kentw.netLinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/kent-weishaus-2894ba79 ________________________________________Want to know your Self even better?Visit myselfpath.com to learn more about how Rachel can help you discover and honor your True Self—through online courses and one-on-one sessions._________________________________________Support the Show.• Subscribe here, at youtube.com/@selftalkpodcast, or wherever you get podcasts. •Music:"Ave Marimba"Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

This is Fun
KYLE KEEFE - You're in the Spirit World, Man | This is Fun | Ep. 7

This is Fun

Play Episode Listen Later May 3, 2024 61:34

This week, Jesse Montano welcomes in Kyle Keefe of Altitude TV. Host of the Pre-Game, Postgame, and intermission shows for the Colorado Avalanche. The podcast lives up to its name this week as the two talk late night travel, the troubles of sleeping on the plane, Kyle's origins in media, and how "the jumbotron guy" ended up hosting one of the NHL's most entertaining, and unique postgame show. Kyle also pulls back the curtain on a few of his more memorable moments, and some moments he probably wish never happened... on air.

How To! With Charles Duhigg
How To Crack Up Your Coworkers (Encore)

How To! With Charles Duhigg

Play Episode Listen Later Apr 2, 2024 33:54

Last week we learned about using the four different styles of humor to your advantage, and who makes a good target for a joke. But what if you read the room wrong and absolutely bomb? On this episode of How To!, the second in a two-part series, we resume our conversation with Naomi Bagdonas, co-author of Humor, Seriously!, and Michael Terry, the most hilarious hedge fund guy we've ever met. They swap stories about office jokes that fell flat, how to navigate a suddenly tense situation and what to do if your humor accidentally offends someone (especially your boss).  If you liked this episode, check out “How To Be Funny” with comedian Gary Gulman.  If you want to discover your own humor style, take the test on Naomi and Jennifer's website.  Do you have a joke that killed at the office, or totally bombed? Send us a note at howto@slate.com or leave us a voicemail at 646-495-4001. Slate Plus members get bonus segments and ad-free podcast feeds. Sign up now at slate.com/howtoplus. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Slate Culture
How To!: Crack Up Your Coworkers (Encore)

Slate Culture

Play Episode Listen Later Apr 2, 2024 33:54

Last week we learned about using the four different styles of humor to your advantage, and who makes a good target for a joke. But what if you read the room wrong and absolutely bomb? On this episode of How To!, the second in a two-part series, we resume our conversation with Naomi Bagdonas, co-author of Humor, Seriously!, and Michael Terry, the most hilarious hedge fund guy we've ever met. They swap stories about office jokes that fell flat, how to navigate a suddenly tense situation and what to do if your humor accidentally offends someone (especially your boss).  If you liked this episode, check out “How To Be Funny” with comedian Gary Gulman.  If you want to discover your own humor style, take the test on Naomi and Jennifer's website.  Do you have a joke that killed at the office, or totally bombed? Send us a note at howto@slate.com or leave us a voicemail at 646-495-4001. Slate Plus members get bonus segments and ad-free podcast feeds. Sign up now at slate.com/howtoplus. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Slate Daily Feed
How To!: Crack Up Your Coworkers (Encore)

Slate Daily Feed

Play Episode Listen Later Apr 2, 2024 33:54

Last week we learned about using the four different styles of humor to your advantage, and who makes a good target for a joke. But what if you read the room wrong and absolutely bomb? On this episode of How To!, the second in a two-part series, we resume our conversation with Naomi Bagdonas, co-author of Humor, Seriously!, and Michael Terry, the most hilarious hedge fund guy we've ever met. They swap stories about office jokes that fell flat, how to navigate a suddenly tense situation and what to do if your humor accidentally offends someone (especially your boss).  If you liked this episode, check out “How To Be Funny” with comedian Gary Gulman.  If you want to discover your own humor style, take the test on Naomi and Jennifer's website.  Do you have a joke that killed at the office, or totally bombed? Send us a note at howto@slate.com or leave us a voicemail at 646-495-4001. Slate Plus members get bonus segments and ad-free podcast feeds. Sign up now at slate.com/howtoplus. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

I Have to Ask
How To!: Crack Up Your Coworkers (Encore)

I Have to Ask

Play Episode Listen Later Apr 2, 2024 33:54

Last week we learned about using the four different styles of humor to your advantage, and who makes a good target for a joke. But what if you read the room wrong and absolutely bomb? On this episode of How To!, the second in a two-part series, we resume our conversation with Naomi Bagdonas, co-author of Humor, Seriously!, and Michael Terry, the most hilarious hedge fund guy we've ever met. They swap stories about office jokes that fell flat, how to navigate a suddenly tense situation and what to do if your humor accidentally offends someone (especially your boss).  If you liked this episode, check out “How To Be Funny” with comedian Gary Gulman.  If you want to discover your own humor style, take the test on Naomi and Jennifer's website.  Do you have a joke that killed at the office, or totally bombed? Send us a note at howto@slate.com or leave us a voicemail at 646-495-4001. Slate Plus members get bonus segments and ad-free podcast feeds. Sign up now at slate.com/howtoplus. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Pete McMurray Show
Kate Flannery played Meredith on NBC's The Office for 9 seasons. How did she not crack up in every scene, "That was the hardest part working on the office, not laughing. I felt like I was paid NOT to laugh!"

Pete McMurray Show

Play Episode Listen Later Mar 23, 2024 12:00

Kate Flannery spent 9 seasons playing Meredith on the Office Kate is starring in a new movie called “THE PRANK” - out nowKate Talks:-How millions are still discovering The Office-Starring with Hollywood legend Rita Moreno -Cameo-Not 'breaking' during a scene (cracking up)-Working with Jane Lynch -Dancing with the Stars   To subscribe to The Pete McMurray Show Podcast just click here

the couples couch
.04 castle daddy crack up

the couples couch

Play Episode Listen Later Mar 5, 2024 30:30

In this episode we talk foam rollers (change ur life), traitors, ozempic and obviously castle daddies!

Blog & Mablog
The Great Gospel-Centered Crack-Up

Blog & Mablog

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 24, 2024 10:45

For more from Doug, subscribe to Canon+: https://mycanonplus.com/

The Soul of the Nation with Jim Wallis
Inside the Great Evangelical Crackup with Tim Alberta

The Soul of the Nation with Jim Wallis

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 17, 2024 45:37

This week The Soul of the Nation welcomes Tim Alberta, an award-winning journalist, staff writer for The Atlantic magazine and author of the bestselling new book “The Kingdom, the Power and the Glory: American Evangelicalism in an Age of Extremism” Alberta is also the son of an evangelical pastor who was raised in Michigan. His new book raises the important questions: What is the purpose of the Christian church? And why have so many white evangelicals sold their souls for Donald Trump? See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

Beg to Differ with Mona Charen
The Evangelical Crack-Up

Beg to Differ with Mona Charen

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 12, 2024 63:03 Very Popular

The Atlantic's Tim Alberta discusses his book on the rot within white evangelical Protestantism. The panel then considers Christie's exit, Haley's chances, and what the GOP base really wants. Highlights / Lowlights Mona Charen-  Don Scott, sworn in as first Black speaker of Virginia's House of Delegates, was once a federal prison inmate Bill Galston-  Haley's strong bid for second place in the Iowa debate Linda Chavez- Lowlight: 'Flight 93 Election' Anti-Trumpers Imperil the Rule of Law by Peter Berkowitz Highlight: Anti-Trump Means Anti-Democracy? You Can't Be Serious by Ronald Radosh and Gabriel Schoenfeld Damon Linker- The Case for Trump … by Someone Who Wants Him to Lose by Bret Stephens

Conspiracy Clearinghouse
Smoke & Mirrors: Unintentional Dangers and Slow Thinking (Because Reasons 8)

Conspiracy Clearinghouse

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 22, 2023 50:03

EPISODE 98 | Smoke & Mirrors: Unintentional Dangers and Slow Thinking (Because Reasons 8) Guest: Kent Weishaus, licensed clinical social worker, author of Stop Breaking Down: The Secret to Avoiding Overwhelm and Crack-Up Why are there so many adherents to conspiracy theories these days? What are the mechanisms that encourage people to latch onto a particular narrative?  We are modern creatures with out-dated brains. Clinical social worker (and former TV guy) Kent Weishaus talks about various theories and cognitive biases, and champions slow thinking in an age that seems too fast for our minds to keep pace with. Like what we do? Then buy us a beer or three via our page on Buy Me a Coffee. #ConspiracyClearinghouse #sharingiscaring #donations #support #buymeacoffee You can also SUBSCRIBE to this podcast. Review us here or on IMDb! SECTIONS 03:48 - Smoke & Mirrors - TV, unreasonable expectations, wraparound for commercials, the hard edge 09:49 - Cognitive Distortions - Daniel Kahneman's Availability Heuristic, it's the system, TV was Gen X's buddy, we love fat (and sugar) 15:37 - Prospect Theory, Loss Aversion, the Endowment Effect, Aaron Beck's thought distortions, overgeneralization, "mind reading", slow thinking, I-know-how-this-will-end, please get raptured, humans crave structure, think about your thinking, Richard Schwartz's Internal Family Systems (IFS) says we are fragmented beings 26:10 - Towards Accuracy - E-Prime, people are not their diagnosis, slow thinking helps counteract otherization 33:46 - Too Much Information - Fast thinking feels good, apes with car keys, phantom urgency, unintentional dangers, too much sensory input 41:39 - Slow Thinking - Emotions are not uncontrollable, list the systems you're embedded in, nothing goes away in the digital system, Thomas Piketty and late-stage capitalism, the system is out of control Music by Fanette Ronjat More Info Kent Weishaus website Stop Breaking Down: The Secret to Avoiding Overwhelm and Crack-Up by Kent Weishaus Kent Weishaus on IMDb Availability Heuristic And Decision Making Prospect Theory: What It Is and How It Works, With Examples Loss aversion on BehavioralEconomics.com The Endowment Effect: Why Perceived Value Increases with Ownership Cognitive Distortions: Unhelpful Thinking Habits 13 Cognitive Distortions Identified In CBT Cognitive Distortions: 22 Examples & Worksheets (& PDF) Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman Internal Family Systems (IFS) About IFS (Internal Family Systems) E-Prime on Wikipedia Discovering E-Prime E-Prime and Linguistic Revision Wandering Gaia: Dispatches from the Anthropocene website for Gaia Vince Galapagos by Kurt Vonnegut Jr. The Nature of the Modern Mind by Pierre Steiner Turning the stone: embedding systems thinking in the everyday by Oliver Standing Capital and Ideology by Thomas Piketty  Follow us on social: Facebook Twitter Other Podcasts by Derek DeWitt DIGITAL SIGNAGE DONE RIGHT - Winner of a 2022 Gold Quill Award, 2022 Gold MarCom Award, 2021 AVA Digital Award Gold, 2021 Silver Davey Award, 2020 Communicator Award of Excellence, and on numerous top 10 podcast lists.  PRAGUE TIMES - A city is more than just a location - it's a kaleidoscope of history, places, people and trends. This podcast looks at Prague, in the center of Europe, from a number of perspectives, including what it is now, what is has been and where it's going. It's Prague THEN, Prague NOW, Prague LATER

Ron Paul Liberty Report
Unpayable Debts, Unwinnable Wars -- Is America Heading For A Crack-Up Boom?

Ron Paul Liberty Report

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 17, 2023 30:28

History is filled with examples of failed attempts to 'conquer the world.' Americans seceded from the greatest military power that the world had ever seen, in the British Empire. America would be different. It would be the 'land of the free.' And for a while, it was different. Never have so many individuals had so much freedom, and never was so much prosperity created by a single nation. But alas, the ideas of 'conquering the world,' took over and the downward slide began. As the dustbin of failed empires waits for its newest member, the American people must re-learn and re-implement the ideas of Liberty.

The Roundtable
"The Destructionists: The Twenty-Five Year Crack-Up of the Republican Party" by Dana Milbank

The Roundtable

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 13, 2023 18:29

In 1994, more than 300 Republicans under the command of obstructionist and rabble-rouser Congressman Newt Gingrich stood outside the U.S. Capitol to sign the Contract with America and put bipartisanship on notice. Twenty-five years later, on January 6, 2021, a bloodthirsty mob incited by President Trump invaded the Capitol.Dana Milbank is a nationally syndicated op-ed columnist for the Washington Post. He has also been a contributor to CNN and MSNBC and is the author of several books. His new book is "The Destructionists: The Twenty-Five Year Crack-Up of the Republican Party."

The Ricochet Audio Network Superfeed
First Things: Crypto Crackup: Sam Bankman-Fried

The Ricochet Audio Network Superfeed

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 2, 2023

In this episode, Elizabeth Bachmann joins Mark Bauerlein to discuss her new book “Crypto Crackup: Sam Bankman-Fried, FTX, and SBF’s Weird Island Empire.” Music by Frederic Chopin licensed via Creative Commons. Tracks reorganized, duplicated, and edited.

First Things Podcast
Crypto Crackup: Sam Bankman-Fried

First Things Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 2, 2023 29:49

In this episode, Elizabeth Bachmann joins Mark Bauerlein to discuss her new book “Crypto Crackup: Sam Bankman-Fried, FTX, and SBF's Weird Island Empire.” Music by Frederic Chopin licensed via Creative Commons. Tracks reorganized, duplicated, and edited.

Chapter X with Michael Kay
Stop Breaking Down with Kent Weishaus

Chapter X with Michael Kay

Play Episode Listen Later Sep 27, 2023 50:58

Kent Weishaus spent 25 years in the world of television production — a realm of celebrities, directing, writing, producing, and navigating the interactions with network executives and large crews. Yet, he realized that much of his TV work was fueling the sensory overload that plagues us today.   Driven by a hunger for purpose, Kent embarked on a career transition into the "helping profession." Today, he's a licensed clinical social worker in California, with a diverse career that has seen him serve in mental hospitals, community clinics, and even as an educator in the classroom.   Kent is here to shed light on the art of stepping back, reaching higher ground, and gaining insight into our own biological and mental processes amidst the relentless demands of our 21st-century lives. His latest book, "Stop Breaking Down: The Secret to Avoiding Overwhelm and Crack-Up," serves as a guiding compass through this demanding landscape.    In this episode, we discussed: ‘ How Ken made his daring leap from TV production to social work How distorted thinking hijacks our thinking (and why we must confront it) The power-packed question we should all ask ourselves Why we seek out simple stories that are identifiable to make us feel better How we can gain a fresh perspective to look at our reality differently  The importance of listening to our bodies signs of distress   Connect with Ken http://www.kentw.net     

Hugh Hewitt podcast
Congressman Mike Lawler (R-NY) on the Crack-Up in the House GOP Caucus

Hugh Hewitt podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Sep 24, 2023 42:18

The gloves come off in the GOP Caucus as NY Republican Lawler tells Hugh that the moderates are ready, willing and able to work with Democrats to break the deadlock. Ben Domenech and Sarah Bedford add their commentary on the Matt Gaetz led blockade of a Republican budget.See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

The Ricochet Audio Network Superfeed
Call Me Back: Will Saudi Arabia’s MBS save Israel from its political crack-up? With Micah Goodman (#138)

The Ricochet Audio Network Superfeed

Play Episode Listen Later Sep 21, 2023

Are you pessimistic about Israel's future? My new book – which I wrote with my “Start-Up Nation” co-author Saul Singer – should give you reason for optimism. I care deeply about Israel. I'm endlessly fascinated by Israel. I travel to Israel regularly. Some may say this is a fraught period for anyone who cares about […]

Post Corona
Will Saudi Arabia's MBS save Israel from its political crack-up? With Micah Goodman

Post Corona

Play Episode Listen Later Sep 21, 2023 48:34

Are you pessimistic about Israel's future? My new book – which I wrote with my "Start-Up Nation" co-author Saul Singer – should give you reason for optimism. I care deeply about Israel. I'm endlessly fascinated by Israel. I travel to Israel regularly. Some may say this is a fraught period for anyone who cares about Israel. But in our new book, "The Genius of Israel: The Surprising Resilience of a Divided Nation in a Turbulent World,” we write about the health and resilience of Israeli society, a topic that could not be more relevant to this period. You can order the book here: https://tinyurl.com/5f8s6sb7 We have a special pre-order campaign for my podcast listeners. If you order the book between now and this Friday at sundown, simply forward any order confirmation to book@dansenor.com, and I'll send you a special chapter sampler that deals with issues debated in Israel – and about Israel – these days. One of the most illuminating characters in our book is Micah Goodman, who has been on our podcast before. Micah is on the speed-dial of a number of Israeli political leaders. He is a polymath, having written books ranging from biblical lessons for the modern age to Israel's geopolitics. His books include: "Catch-67: The Left, the Right, and the Legacy of the Six-Day War" and, more recently, "The Wondering Jew: Israel and the Search for Jewish Identity." Not only have all of his books been bestsellers in Israel, but he essentially created a new genre; books that bring core texts of Jewish thought to a general, secular audience. Micah also hosts the most downloaded podcast in Israel. In this episode, Micah and I focus on what effects a Saudi-Israel normalization deal could be on Israel's domestic political crisis. Might MBS help restore some normalcy to Israeli politics? And we have a special pre-order campaign for my podcast listeners. If you order the book between now and this Friday at sundown, simply forward any order confirmation to book@dansenor.com, and I'll send you a special chapter sampler that deals with issues being debated in Israel – and about Israel – these days. One of the most illuminating characters in our book is Micah Goodman, who has been on our podcast before. Micah is on the speed-dial of a number of Israeli political leaders. He is a polymath, having written books ranging from biblical lessons for the modern age to Israel's geopolitics. His books include: "Catch-67: The Left, the Right, and the Legacy of the Six-Day War" and, more recently, "The Wondering Jew: Israel and the Search for Jewish Identity." Not only have all of his books been bestsellers in Israel, he essentially created a new genre; books that bring core texts of Jewish thought to a general, secular audience. Micah also hosts the most downloaded podcast in Israel. In this episode, Micah and I focus on what effects a Saudi-Israel normalization deal could have on Israel's domestic political crisis. Might MBS help restore some normalcy to Israeli politics?

The John Batchelor Show
#Keystone State Report: Yellow Truck crack-up. . SalenaZito.com

The John Batchelor Show

Play Episode Listen Later Aug 15, 2023 4:40

Photo: 1921  No known restrictions on publication. @Batchelorshow #Keystone State Report: Yellow Truck crack-up. . SalenaZito.com https://www.foreignaffairs.com/united-states/origins-immigration-border-crisis-asylum-biden

The Lawfare Podcast
Crack-Up Capitalism with Quinn Slobodian

The Lawfare Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later May 18, 2023 57:09

Think about the world. You might be picturing a globe in a classroom, with its patchwork of multi-colored nations. Or perhaps you have an image of a 2-D map in your head, the famous Mercator projection, a static jigsaw puzzle of borders and countries. From elementary school classrooms to the Olympic stage, the globe and the map tell a story of how the world works, one in which state sovereignty reigns supreme, from the Treaty of Westphalia until now. But what if that's only part of the story? As Quinn Slobodian writes, “The modern world is pockmarked, perforated, tattered and jagged, ripped up and pinpricked. Inside the containers of nations are unusual legal spaces, anomalous territories and peculiar jurisdictions..”Lawfare Managing Editor Tyler McBrien spoke with Quinn, Professor of History at Wellesley College, to discuss his new book, “Crack-Up Capitalism: Market Radicals and the Dream of a World Without Democracy.” They talked about some of these sites of exception—the city-states, havens, enclaves, free ports, high-tech parks, duty-free districts, and other spaces Quinn calls zones; why states give up these slivers of sovereignty; and how the world actually works, as Quinn sees it. Support this show http://supporter.acast.com/lawfare. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

The Majority Report with Sam Seder
3080 - The Bastards of The Neoliberals and Crackup Capitalism w/ Quinn Slobodian

The Majority Report with Sam Seder

Play Episode Listen Later May 1, 2023 75:12

Happy Monday! Sam and Emma host Quinn Slobodian, professor of the History of Ideas at Wellesley College, to discuss his recent book Crack-Up Capitalism: Market Radicals and the Dream of a World Without Democracy. Sam and Emma start off by checking in on the numerous improprieties of the conservative Supreme Court justices Gorsuch, Thomas, and Roberts, as well as their decision to take a case that looks to dismantle the regulatory state. Then, they're joined by Quinn, whose 2018 book Globalists Sam was a big fan of; Quinn says that Crack-Up Capitalism is a sequel of sorts, attempting to answer the question that, after globalization lost its luster, where did market radicalists and their ideology want to go next? Sam asks whether the process surrounding the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) was a prime example of the changing headwinds amongst this group surrounding the idea of "free trade", and how that term continued to warp as we kept getting farther and farther from 2016. They then get into the meat of the book, discussing the newest ideas amongst this group of market radicalists (read: libertarians): creating secessionist communities, drawing from ideas stemming from gated communities and homeowner's associations, that proliferated heavily in the 1990's to create a different political and societal system: that of an entirely private government, that does not adhere to the general whims of American democracy (election cycles every 2 or 4 years). Quinn also touches on the "frontier" mentality that embodies this type of mentality, one that dates all the way back to the "manifest destiny" idea in the 19th century. They end the conversation by discussing whether this idea of an a-democratic society is the underpinning of an actual ideological movement, or if it is backfilling a pretty general conservative ideal: creation of prosperity for the few and the wealthy at the great expense of the working poor. In the Fun Half, Sam, Emma, and the MR Crew discuss Kyle Rittenhouse's recent appearance on Ted Nugent's program, where Nugent taught Rittenhouse about the "Mike Obama" conspiracy theory, Steven Crowder's response to the leaked footage of him being verbally abusive to his pregnant wife (hint: he's not remorseful), Elon Musk and Bill Maher breaking down what the apocalyptic "woke mind virus" really is, and how that virus is playing out a Texas school (they don't want their kids watching "James and the Giant Peach"). Sam touches on the Fed's war on labor, and how the New York Times is helping it discipline workers, plus your calls and IM's! Check out Quinn's book here: https://us.macmillan.com/books/9781250753892/crackupcapitalism Become a member at JoinTheMajorityReport.com: https://fans.fm/majority/join Subscribe to the ESVN YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/esvnshow Subscribe to the AMQuickie newsletter here: https://am-quickie.ghost.io/ Join the Majority Report Discord! http://majoritydiscord.com/ Get all your MR merch at our store: https://shop.majorityreportradio.com/ Get the free Majority Report App!: http://majority.fm/app Check out today's sponsors: ExpressVPN: We all take risks every day when we go online, whether we think about it or not. And using the internet without ExpressVPN? That's like driving without car insurance! ExpressVPN acts as online insurance. It creates a secure, encrypted tunnel between your device and the internet so hackers can't steal your personal data. It'd take a hacker with a supercomputer over a billion years to get past ExpressVPN's encryption. And ExpressVPN is simple to use on all your devices! Just fire up the app and click one button to get protected. Secure your online data TODAY by visiting https://www.expressvpn.com/majority, that's https://www.expressvpn.com/majority to get three months FREE. Follow the Majority Report crew on Twitter: @SamSeder @EmmaVigeland @MattBinder @MattLech @BF1nn @BradKAlsop Check out Matt's show, Left Reckoning, on Youtube, and subscribe on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/leftreckoning Subscribe to Discourse Blog, a newsletter and website for progressive essays and related fun partly run by AM Quickie writer Jack Crosbie. https://discourseblog.com/ Check out Ava Raiza's music here! https://avaraiza.bandcamp.com/ The Majority Report with Sam Seder - https://majorityreportradio.com/