Prophet of the Hebrew Bible
Habakkuk was an Old Testament prophet, and this book was written a long time ago, yet the Bible is still relevant to us today. Habakkuk asks the kind of questions you and I might ask: What about justice? Habakkuk 1:1-11 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Send us a textThis week, we are sharing another scripture reading with you. This prayer by Habakkuk serves as a reminder that God will not abandon His people. When circumstances become challenging and hope appears extinguished, we can reflect on God's faithfulness and reaffirm His promises. By doing so, we can regain trust in His reliability and find solace in His unwavering faithfulness.We also would like to invite anyone who lives in the Philadelphia area to worship and study God's word with us at our in-person meeting that takes place every-other Monday night at 7:30pm. Visit for additional information about our ministry.Feel free to message us on instagram (@phillyyoungadultscc) with any feedback, questions, or topics you want to hear about on the podcast or you can shoot an email to
Text: Habakkuk 3Everywhere we look there's injustice, brokenness, pain, and suffering. It's hard to see good and harder to imagine there's a good God who loves and cares for people when we see all the injustice that we do. There was a prophet in the Old Testament named Habakkuk that had a hard time seeing God's goodness in the midst of evil, too. This series looks at his life and ministry and helps us to see how God is still working in this world and how He plans to bring healing. Come visit us in person! To learn more about our church visit: THIS SERMON CAN BE VIEWED ON OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL: Worship Service of Bethany Baptist Church (Wendell, NC/Raleigh, NC) February 2, 2025Worship Service of Bethany Baptist Church (Wendell, NC/Raleigh, NC) Come visit us in person! To learn more about our church visit: https://www.wearebethany.comFollow us on Facebook and Instagram
In this episode of The Woman of Faith Podcast, I'm diving into a topic close to my heart: how faith can help turn your dreams into reality. Have you ever felt God place a big dream in your heart, but fear or uncertainty held you back from pursuing it? Or maybe you've started the journey but faced so many obstacles that you're questioning if it's still worth it? Today, we're going to explore how faith, trust in God's timing, and taking action are key to turning those dreams into something tangible. I'll be sharing insights from scripture, including Habakkuk 2:2-3, where God urges us to write the vision and trust in His appointed time. We'll also look at powerful examples like Priscilla Shirer and my own personal story, showing how faith leads to extraordinary outcomes, even in the face of setbacks. I'll also take you through Joseph's journey, where betrayal and imprisonment didn't derail his dream, but rather prepared him for God's perfect timing. Remember, the challenges we face aren't detours—they're part of God's process. Whether you're feeling stuck or overwhelmed, this episode will equip you with practical strategies and lessons to pursue your God-given dreams with courage and perseverance. As we close, I encourage you to reflect on these questions: What dream has God placed in your heart that you've been afraid to pursue? What's one step you can take this week to move closer to making that dream a reality? What's one challenge holding you back, and how can you trust God to overcome it? I challenge you to take action: This week, spend time in prayer, write down the vision God has given you, and take one small, faith-filled step forward. If today's episode inspired you, share it with a friend who needs encouragement to pursue their own God-given dreams. I'm excited to see you take the next step in making your dreams a reality, knowing that God is faithful to bring His promises to fruition in His perfect timing. Don't forget to leave a comment, rating or both. Thanks for listening.
Series: Winter 2024 Sunday AM - Nahum, Habakkuk, HoseaService: A - Sun Bible StudyType: ClassSpeaker: Jim WhiddonSunday morning bible class Jim Whiddon
Title: Look Preacher: Joseph Thigpen Series: When All Seems Lost Passage: Habakkuk 1:1-2:5
Habakkuk, Part 1: The Problem of History (Habakkuk 1) Will Washington PCPC High School 2 February 2025
Beginnings In Prayer - Part 4: Listening to God Because He Desires to Speak to Us MESSAGE SUMMARY: Prayer is: 1) spending time with God – acknowledging God's presence in all our lives' activities; and 2) conversation with God – listening to and talking with God. Prayer reflects on our relationship with God. Why don't we pray. The Apostle James, in James 4:2-3, provides a perspective regarding Prayer Life: “You desire and do not have, so you murder. You covet and cannot obtain, so you fight and quarrel. You do not have, because you do not ask. You ask and do not receive, because you ask wrongly, to spend it on your passions." In praying, we should know the difference between prayers of "petition" (praying for one's own needs) and prayers of "intercession" (praying for the needs of others). God wants prayers of "petition" from us -- all our needs and concerns should be brought to Him in prayer because He loves and cares for us. However, God want us to, also, focus on others and their needs (intercession) -- physical and spiritual. "Intercessory prayer” is fundamental to deepening our prayer life and our personal relationship with God. We need to consider "how we listen" to and for God. Usually, God speaks through the Holy Spirit like He spoke to Mary. Jesus tells us about the Holy Spirit and “listening” through the Apostle John in John 16:13-15: “When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come. He will glorify me, for he will take what is mine and declare it to you. All that the Father has is mine; therefore I said that he will take what is mine and declare it to you.". God, mostly but not always, uses that "still small voice" in our minds. We need to seek out places and times so that we can listen for and to God. Listening validates relationships in our secular lives -- why would it be different in our relationship with God? God wants to speak to us because we have a relationship with Him -- He loves us and wants to be with us. God's "Counselor", the Holy Spirit, is His primary communication bridge to us. God speaks to us, through the Holy Spirit, as He promised. God guides us to all truth -- to His direction for our lives. When God speaks to you, write it down, as God tells us through the prophet Habakkuk in Habakkuk 2:2-3: “And the LORD answered me: ‘Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it. For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end — it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay.'". God, often, speaks to us through the Bible, through other people, and through our circumstances. As we listen for God, we need to respond to God as Samuel did in Samuel 3:10b: "Speak Lord, for your servant is listening.". Pray specific prayers, in the Holy Spirit and in Scripture, for ourselves and for others -- be persistent. TODAY'S PRAYER: Keeping the Sabbath, Lord, will require a lot of changes in the way I am living life. Teach me, Lord, how to take the next step with this in a way that fits my unique personality and situation. Help me to trust you with all that will remain unfinished and to enjoy my humble place in your very large world. In Jesus' name, amen. Scazzero, Peter. Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Day by Day (p. 129). Zondervan. Kindle Edition. TODAY'S AFFIRMATION: I affirm that because of what God has done for me in His Son, Jesus, I AM A CHILD OF GOD. Yet to all who received Him, to those who believed in His Name, He gave the right to become children of God-- children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God. (John 1:12f). SCRIPTURE REFERENCE (ESV): Jeremiah 33:3; John 16:7-14; John 10:1-25; Habakkuk 2:1-3; 1 Samuel 3:1-18. (Click the blue below to read the full Bible text for these scripture references in BOLD.). WEBSITE LINK TO DR. BEACH'S DAILY DEVOTIONAL – “Daniel's Prayer Was “seeking him {God} by prayer and pleas for mercy with fasting . . . ‘O Lord, the great and awesome God . . . we have sinned and done wrong'””: A WORD FROM THE LORD WEBSITE LINK: DONATE TO AWFTL:
Is your heart asking, How long, O Lord? Who or what are you waiting for? A job? A friend to be a friend? Someone to love you or for you to love back? Are you waiting for a breakor a baby? A child to say they're sorry, reconciliation, or an important prayer to be answered? Maybe you're waiting for the bullying or betrayal to stopor lying, hating, injustice, corruption, or hurt. Or perhaps you are in a crisis of faith that needs to be resolved. In this message from Habakkuk, Jill Briscoe offers encouragement for the tough times in life. To support this ministry financially, visit:
Well hey there and hello again to ya. Welcome back to The Burt (Not Ernie) Show. Created for You Freebies at The Power of God's Will - 40 Days of God's Promises Devotional on Amazon Let's go ahead and get started. God's got good for you, and I am hopeful that this episode will remind you of that, no matter what kind of stuff life is throwing at you today. You're listening to The Burt (Not Ernie) Show podcast, blessed to be part of the ministry of the Edifi app. That's EDIFI, and you can find it in your app store. And if the show blesses or encourages you, I'd like to formally invite you to subscribe. This is episode number 203. Today I am going to read a bunch of Bible verses to you and let the promises of God sink into your heart and also into your mind (because when the word of God gets into our mind, it literally changes the way that we think and that, my friend, changes the way that we live). And I encourage you to ask the Holy Spirit to prepare you right now, before I even quote one single verse, to ready you and prepare you to believe His amazing promises to you so that you can live from here on out like they are taking place, being accomplished, in your life. Live like His promises to you are true. Because they are! God keeps all of His promises so I want to encourage you today to live like you know He is keeping all of His promises to you. To your family. And to His people all over the world. Okay, so let's dive into God's Word and get some encouraging news in our ears, and into our thoughts, shall we? First let's start with some powerful and hopeful words that Jesus spoke. I am quoting the NLT for today's podcast & let's look at Mark 12:27 - Jesus looked at them intently and said, “Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But not with God. Everything is possible with God.” Okay - this is where we are going to begin. It is so, so important to remember, when we are making the big bold decision to really, truly believe God's promises - to live a believing life - that we don't base our belief on anything other than the Lord. We don't search out something in addition to Him in order to increase our faith. We aren't mustering up more faith by trying to make ourselves have more faith. Rather, we are relying fully on Him. And we are simply deciding that we will believe what the Bible says to us. And so, this verse is just a great reminder that you don't have to make God's promises work out in your life, in your kid's lives, etc. Nope. The pressure isn't on you to make happen what God has promised. But so often we live as if the pressure is on us, somehow, to do what is impossible for us. Only God is God, and only He can keep the promises He makes. Now only you can live by faith, believing God. But you and I have no ability or power to make it happen. We cannot get it done. But what we can get done is choose to believe Him, to take Him at His word, and to abide in Him moment by moment, even while we are expecting to see His promises fulfilled. There are actually many, many things in this life that are impossible - for mankind. For humans. For wives and for moms and for employees and so on. Humanly speaking, there is gonna be stuff that is just not possible. But not with God! Aren't these words from Jesus incredible? Think for just a moment about what our Savior is actually saying to us. But not with God. EVERYTHING is possible with God. So bring God into everything, then! Never intentionally leave Him out of anything. You want the God who turns the impossible into the possible - you want that God doing all the things in your life, right? Get a sense of Jesus, today, looking at you intently and reminding you, firmly but with great love and compassion, that it isn't about mankind's ability to make this thing fly. Because is is God and God alone who makes everything possible. Psalm 37:23 (NLT) says this - The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. Okay, this is a great verse! What hope it provides! What assurance! This is quite a promise! He is promising that He will direct your steps. And guess what? You can pray this verse over your loved ones, your co-workers, your spouse, your aging parents, your neighbors. And also, pray this over yourself. Lord, please do as You have said in Your word and direct my steps. Lord, delight in every detail of my life. Lord, direct my steps. I know my righteousness and any godliness within me is thanks to Jesus, by the power of the Holy Spirit. So Father, bless me and direct each step that I take. Stop me when I am near a misstep. Thank You for this promise of Your guidance and direction over my life, from now until my last breath. It says that He delights in every detail of our lives. So guess what that means for us? How does that relate to us living in total belief that God's promises for us are absolutely true and are being realized on the daily? Well, take every little and every big detail of your life to God in prayer. You can do that! You should do that! He cares so much - talk to Him.Talk to Him often. Like, talk to God a lot! All of the time. And remember, and keep on remembering, He delights, not tolerates or endures or notices, but delights in every detail of your life. You are not just barely tolerable. No, to the contrary, you are one in whom God takes great delight. Oh this is a great promise. And a great prayer verse too. Quick side note here - anybody else feel kind of like we need to ramp up our praying? Just have that sense that we need to spend more time talking to the Lord, time in prayer by ourselves and maybe with others, too. If you feel that way too, listen to the Lord as to what He is calling you to. And keep track of, write down, memorize, put in your phone verses that you can have at the ready at any moment to pray.That's just a little tip that comes in handy, having some verses saved to a note on your phone so that you can open it and start praying those verses at any time, it can be helpful to have that at hand. And maybe open that note and pray those verses rather than scroll when you have ten minutes to spare. Just a thought! Praying God's promises is really amazing. Like, this will leave you amazed again and again. So, that's my side note. Just keep seeking to be part of whatever He is doing, where He is moving. And hey, prayer is always always a good thing, is it not? (And maybe take a look at what it says in Habakkuk 2:3 - that is an awesome verse to start a prayer time with. I encourage you to look it up but I will read it to you from the Amplified right now - For the vision is yet for the appointed (future) time; it hurries toward the goal (or fulfillment); it will not fail. Even though it delays, wati (patiently) for it, because it will certainly come; it will not delay.) He is always moving, and even when it seems like there is a delay, which there is at times according to the verse I just read from Habakkuk, don't lose heart. Hang your hope on the Lord who always does as He has promised, and don't unhang your hope when the wait gets long. Okay, so this next verse is one that I think some people might feel like they just cannot seem to fully believe for themselves. Like, this isn't going to be true for me. If you've ever thought like that, let me encourage you. I am hopeful that you and I can today believe this verse for our very own situations. Deuteronomy 31:6 (NLT) says - So be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid and do not panic before them. For the Lord your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you. A lot in that verse. First, God says to be strong and courageous and that sentence ends with an exclamation point. Now there weren't exactly punctuation marks in the original Hebrew, right? But the translation into modern English gives us the exclamation point so that we grasp God's meaning in this verse. The punctuation reminds us of the importance - it's to garner our attention, to make sure we're listening and reading what God has said in His word. So - let's just do what He says to do! Be strong. Be courageous. Exclamation point. I am guessing you have one or more parts of your life right now, at this point in time, where you can apply this. So go ahead and apply it. Be strong. Be courageous. How? By resting in the Lord and knowing that He is going to keep His word. Don't be afraid. Think on Jesus and the fear dissipates, really it does! Do not panic before them, it says. Well “them” of course refers to their enemies. Don't panic before your enemy. And here is the reason why you don't need to be afraid, don't panic, but instead be strong and courageous. For the Lord your God WILL PERSONALLY go ahead of you. This is profound to think about, and yet it is absolutely true. When God says He WILL do something, He most assuredly will. You just be about the business of believing He will do all He has promised to do. Let Him be about the actual doing of it. He will personally go ahead of you. How's that for a promise that can give you some big time faith? And the verse ends with this - He will neither fail you nor abandon you. I'm going to say that once more - He will neither fail you nor abandon you. He won't. That's that. I've got a couple more verses to share with you today. And I am believing they are encouraging to you and will have you just believing by the end of this episode. If not, hey, you can listen again. Let that faith grow in you and believe more and more every single day - trust God more than the news, more than fear, more than anything. Right? Revelation 21:4 (NLT) - He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying of pain. All these things are gone forever. This is such a wonderful verse for us. I'm not going to mention anything specific today - but we are living in a very tumultuous era. I'm going to say this about our current season in the history of the world: I believe we are living in the end times, the last days. And I say that based on what the Bible teaches us about how things will look in the end times. Now, many Christians will say that we have fifty or a hundred years until Jesus' return. I don't think that is possible, because it does not make sense based on what the Bible tells us the last days will be like. Let me explain what I mean - we know that in the last days no one will be able to buy or sell unless they take the mark of the beast, the mark on their hand and/or forehead. You've heard this before, I'm pretty sure. You can read about it in Revelation chapter 13, I think verses 16 through 18 specifically. A hundred years ago, was there a way for a mark to be put in your hand or in your forehead that would prevent you from buying or selling? Well, not really. How about fifty years ago? Not really. The answer is, no. It wasn't possible. How about even 25 years ago? Back in 2000? Getting closer, but the tech wasn't quite there. So here's some food for thought. If fifty, a hundred, or even just twenty five years ago the tech wasn't ready for the mark of the beast to be implemented, and then if we just ponder the last five years or so, the changes in the tech world. It's astounding how much has changed in a handful of years. So, at the pace technology is changing and advancing, and I can tell you in my limited experience with just the podcast industry and social media, it changes so fast, a month ago things were different with some of the apps and things I use. It's quick change after quick change, all day long, right? So how does that work if we have fifty or a hundred years yet to go? Won't the tech outpace the end times at this rate? Like, we cannot fathom what technology will be capable of in fifty or a hundred years. But right now, we can fathom the mark of the beast for buying or selling, and the tech, it would work. We're right on the cusp of this being a possible and plausible reality. Since this is what we were forewarned of by Jesus Himself in the book of Revelation, is it wise to tell ourselves or to preach to others that we've got decades of quote/unquote safe time before it all happens as the Bible says? Or is it far wiser to say, hey, per the words of Jesus, we're just about to this point technology wise. It's coming, and it's not going to be in five or ten decades…because at that point, the tech would have outpaced the very word of God, the prophetic aspects of the end times, and that, we know, cannot and will not happen. So today, this moment, is the time for you to consider Revelation 21 verse 4. Let me read it once more. Revelation 21:4 (NLT) - He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying of pain. All these things are gone forever. This verse is a balm for those who know Jesus. It's key. It's mission critical to remember there is a day coming when all the tears will stop. And that day is nearly here. No more death or sorrow or crying or pain. Gone forever. I don't even need to say more about this verse, this promise from Revelation, except that it is for those who know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. If you don't, you are welcome to email me at and I will reply. It's so important to know Him, not know of Him, not just attend church, but really know Him. Not talking religion here. But true relationship with the Son of God, Jesus. I really do welcome you to contact me. Totally confidential and non judgmental. Just offering Jesus and how to have Him as your best friend forever. Last verse today - Luke 1:37 (NLT) For the word of God will never fail. Short and sweet. Doesn't need explaining. No need for commentary. Just know that this is absolute and unchanging truth. For the word of the Lord will never fail. Anybody else need to know that today? Take that thing, big and scary, and hold it up next to this verse, Luke 1:37. Does one seem bigger and one much smaller? For the word of the Lord will - never - fail. It won't. It just flat out will not fail. Never, no never. Lord bless you today. I have prayed for you, all who listen to this episode, and I am going to continue to pray for you. Live a life sold out for Jesus, believing all of His promises, and just see what God might do in and through a life lived like that. Find me via my website and grab any one of the free items I've got on the home page- and I have a book, a devotional, available on Amazon - The Power of God's Will - 40 Days of God's Promises - with verses that have the word “WILL” in them. God does what He says He will do, and He never doesn't do what He has said that He will do. Have a great day & I will see ya back here next time. Be sure to subscribe to not miss future episodes. Thankful you joined me & blessed to be able to stand by faith on the promises in God's Word. Bye bye!
Text: Habakkuk 2:2-20Everywhere we look there's injustice, brokenness, pain, and suffering. It's hard to see good and harder to imagine there's a good God who loves and cares for people when we see all the injustice that we do. There was a prophet in the Old Testament named Habakkuk that had a hard time seeing God's goodness in the midst of evil, too. This series looks at his life and ministry and helps us to see how God is still working in this world and how He plans to bring healing. Come visit us in person! To learn more about our church visit: THIS SERMON CAN BE VIEWED ON OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL: Worship Service of Bethany Baptist Church (Wendell, NC/Raleigh, NC) January 26, 2025Worship Service of Bethany Baptist Church (Wendell, NC/Raleigh, NC) Come visit us in person! To learn more about our church visit: https://www.wearebethany.comFollow us on Facebook and Instagram
How much does revival cost? In the final message of our series, Pastor Eric shares the currency of revival.Scriptures referenced in this message:· Habakkuk 3:2· Luke 20:20-25· Ephesians 2:8-9 · Hebrews 11:6· Mark 9:23· Philippians 4:13· Luke 1:37· Luke 1:38· Matthew 14:30-31· 2 Peter 3:9· Philippians 2:13· Psalms 51:1-17· John 14:15Learn more about salvation, info about Destiny Church, or how to give by visiting our website.Real | Relevant | Relationship
Pastor Alan R. Knapp discusses the topic of "The Eventual Apokatastasis" in his series entitled "Hebrews 2020: We See Jesus" This is Increment 368 and it focuses on the following verses: Deuteronomy 17:16, 32:35-36; Numbers 15:30; Psalm 110:1; Isaiah 26:11; Jeremiah 31:31-34; Habakkuk 2:14; Romans 6:4; 8:19-23; Ephesians 1:10; Hebrews 10:13, 11:40; Hebrews in Toto, especially Hebrews 10:26-29, 13:20
Psalm 79 Worksheet Psalm 79 is a ________________________ lament after an enemy incursion along with imprecatory prayers for the enemy to get what's coming to them. Lament over ___________________________ in Jerusalem V. 1-4 This sure seems to fit with what Babylon did to Jerusalem in 586 B.C. 2 Kings 25:8-21 What prophet wrote a book to describe his anguish after Babylon destroyed Jerusalem? And what's the name of the book? In verse 4, the Psalm begins to turn toward imprecatory prayer. Obadiah For the day of the LORD upon all the nations is near; As you have done, so it will be done to you; Your reprisal shall return upon your own head. -Obadiah 15 The Psalmist prays the ____________________ will get what's coming to them V. 5-7 Verse 5 is one of _____________ times in the Psalms the Psalmists cries out to God, asking “How long?” The Hebrew words are Ma Ad, which looks like our English word ‘mad.' God allows the Psalmist to cry out to Him in anguish about perplexing circumstances in their lives, even ones brought on by their own sin. Can you think of a place in the book of Revelation the words “How long?” appear? Revelation 6:10 Revelation 18:19-20 The Psalmist asks for forgiveness for God's _______________________ people V. 8-9 On what 4 grounds does the Psalmist ask for forgiveness in verses 8-9? 1 John 1:9 The Psalmist mixes the prayers for judgment to the unrepentant and mercy to the repentant V. 10-12 Verse 11 is a great verse for those of us trying to save unborn babies from ______________________. The Psalmist ends with ____________________ to praise God V. 13 The Psalmist declares in verse 13 that God's ____________________ people will once again give thanks and praise God. Habakkuk 3 :17-19 Lamentations 3:19-40
"And the LORD answered me: “Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it." Habakkuk 2:2Mama, vision is a powerful tool to help propel you towards all that God has for you. Let's talk about it! Join Deb and Jackie for a VERY SPECIAL podcast episode to help you create a POWERFUL vision board for 2025!Click this link to access the full instructions!!
The Ten Minute Bible Hour Podcast - The Ten Minute Bible Hour
Galatians 3:11 Thanks to everyone who supports TMBH at You're the reason we can all do this together! Discuss the episode here Music by Jeff Foote
Psalm 51 Habakkuk 3:2-4,13a,15-19 Psalm 147:12-20 Ephesians 2:13-16 Prayer Requests to
Habakkuk two, verse four tells us that the righteous man shall live by faith. Faith is the greatest necessity of the Christian life … a critical component of our salvation in Christ. Today, on Something Good, Dr. Ron Jones talks in depth about the shield of faith, as moves ahead in his teaching series, “Armored: Dressed for Victory in Spiritual Warfare.”
The Ten Minute Bible Hour Podcast - The Ten Minute Bible Hour
Galatians 3:11 Thanks to everyone who supports TMBH at You're the reason we can all do this together! Discuss the episode here Music by Jeff Foote
Send us a textLeadership Lessons from 1 Timothy - Episode 82 | Faith Empowered Workplace LeadersWelcome to episode 82 of the Faith Empowered Workplace Leaders podcast! Join Ed and Bill as they continue their series on leadership lessons from the book of First Timothy. This week, they delve into the principles outlined in chapter one, exploring the significance of leading with passion tempered by humility. Through their discussion, they offer insights from Kim Scott's 'Radical Candor' and the Old Testament book of Habakkuk, illustrating how effective leadership balances love, service, and the willingness to make tough decisions. Don't miss out on this opportunity to grow in your leadership journey, whether you're a pastor, a business leader, or anyone striving to lead with faith. Subscribe for more empowering content!00:00 Welcome and Introduction00:54 Front Porch Wisdom: Insights and Reflections08:22 Leadership Lessons from First Timothy11:33 Paul's Guidance to Timothy13:31 The Essence of Christian Leadership17:54 Servant Leadership and Humility21:35 Understanding Transformation in Christian Leadership22:27 The Role of Discipleship in Transformation24:07 Servant Leadership: Leading by Serving25:11 Balancing Love and Leadership26:25 The Pitfalls of Selfish Leadership29:30 Modeling Servant Leadership in the Church35:38 Leadership in Everyday Life36:33 Conclusion and Next StepsLearn more at
Text: Habakkuk 1:5 – 2:1Everywhere we look there's injustice, brokenness, pain, and suffering. It's hard to see good and harder to imagine there's a good God who loves and cares for people when we see all the injustice that we do. There was a prophet in the Old Testament named Habakkuk that had a hard time seeing God's goodness in the midst of evil, too. This series looks at his life and ministry and helps us to see how God is still working in this world and how He plans to bring healing. Come visit us in person! To learn more about our church visit: THIS SERMON CAN BE VIEWED ON OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL: Worship Service of Bethany Baptist Church (Wendell, NC/Raleigh, NC) January 19, 2025Worship Service of Bethany Baptist Church (Wendell, NC/Raleigh, NC) Come visit us in person! To learn more about our church visit: https://www.wearebethany.comFollow us on Facebook and Instagram
On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we start with the prophet Hosea, and work our way down the line, in order, to read the writings of a fascinating group of men known as ‘The Twelve'. One main thing they all have in common is that they all prophesy concerning the end times of Jacob's trouble, with a focus on the events of the great Tribulation. Jesus says in Hebrews “Then said I, Lo, I come (in the volume of the book it is written of me,) to do thy will, O God.”, and this is the sum and substance that make up the writings of these amazing Minor Prophets.ON THIS EPISODE: We take a look at the Prophet Habakkuk, the very same prophet who gave us our “theme verse” at the start of the Pandemic in 2020. Habakkuk shows us the disbelief of the people who find themselves in the time of Jacob's trouble, and then gives us the LORD coming down from Heaven to fight the Battle of Armageddon!
Series: Winter 2024 Sunday AM - Nahum, Habakkuk, HoseaService: A - Sun Bible StudyType: ClassSpeaker: Jim WhiddonSunday morning bible class Jim Whiddon
Series: Winter 2024 Sunday AM - Nahum, Habakkuk, HoseaService: A - Sun Bible StudyType: ClassSpeaker: Matt BowmanSunday morning bible class Matt Bowman
Series: Winter 2024 Sunday AM - Nahum, Habakkuk, HoseaService: A - Sun Bible StudyType: ClassSpeaker: Matt BowmanSunday morning bible class Matt Bowman
Our short series concludes with a message from Habakkuk 3.
On this episode I chatted with Clay about his career in the medical industry as well as his new project Unison. Clay is from Edmond Oklahoma. Clays journey is inspiring, one of many ups and downs but consistent hard work. Enjoy the story, follow Clay here: Huge thank you to our sponsors. The Oklahoma Hall of Fame at the Gaylord-Pickens Museum telling Oklahoma's story through its people since 1927. For more information go to and for daily updates go to The Chickasaw Nation is economically strong, culturally vibrant and full of energetic people dedicated to the preservation of family, community and heritage. Diffee Ford Lincoln Third generation Oklahoma business, the Diffee family continues to do business the right way, the family way. Go to for all your new and used car needs and follow them on instagram Dog House OKC - When it comes to furry four-legged care, our 24/7 supervised cage free play and overnight boarding services make The Dog House OKC in Oklahoma City the best place to be, at least, when they're not in their own backyard. With over 6,000 square feet of combined indoor/outdoor play areas our dog daycare enriches spirit, increases social skills, builds confidence, and offers hours of exercise and stimulation for your dog #ThisisOklahoma
Both sobering and cheering, this sermon carries us to the prophet Habakkuk, who saw all the dangers associated with ‘the midst of the years' and the impending judgments of God upon a sinful, sliding, sleeping people. Transposing it to a church which has enjoyed twenty-five years of God's blessing in association with the ministry of God's word, Spurgeon highlights tellingly the prophet's fear of the slackness and slowness that can afflict us in the middle passage (a clever title, for it also refers to the grief-ridden, wearisome part of the sea voyages of certain vessels, including slavers). He moves on to the prophet's prayer, that the Lord would revive his own work, and what that means for our own hearts and our knowledge and sense of the living God. Then there is the prophet's plea, primarily that God would in wrath remember mercy. Then Habakkuk, his heart at rest in his God, returns to his labour and gets on with his work content in the knowledge that God will be his God regardless of what the future holds. It is a potent sermon for those in the middle years of life, or of labour, for churches resting on their lees, for those concerned about the stagnation of religious life in a region or nation. May God set our hearts again to plead for a blessing in the midst of the years! Read the sermon: Check out the new From the Heart of Spurgeon Book! British: American: Connect with the Reading Spurgeon Community on Twitter! Sign up to get the weekly readings emailed to you: Check out other Media Gratiae podcasts at Download the Media Gratiae App:
Both sobering and cheering, this sermon carries us to the prophet Habakkuk, who saw all the dangers associated with 'the midst of the years' and the impending judgments of God upon a sinful, sliding, sleeping people. Transposing it to a church which has enjoyed twenty-five years of God's blessing in association with the ministry of God's word, Spurgeon highlights tellingly the prophet's fear of the slackness and slowness that can afflict us in the middle passage (a clever title, for it also refers to the grief-ridden, wearisome part of the sea voyages of certain vessels, including slavers). He moves on to the prophet's prayer, that the Lord would revive his own work, and what that means for our own hearts and our knowledge and sense of the living God. Then there is the prophet's plea, primarily that God would in wrath remember mercy. Then Habakkuk, his heart at rest in his God, returns to his labour and gets on with his work content in the knowledge that God will be his God regardless of what the future holds. It is a potent sermon for those in the middle years of life, or of labour, for churches resting on their lees, for those concerned about the stagnation of religious life in a region or nation. May God set our hearts again to plead for a blessing in the midst of the years!
Continuation of teaching on the conversation of the Prophet Habakkuk with the LORD GOD. The LORD shows Habakkuk the reason for man's bondage at this time is due to pridefulness (arrogance) and that this was HIS way to restore man to humility. Scriptural reference: Habakkuk 2:4-5. Additional supporting scriptures: Rom 1:17; Heb 10:38; Is 5:11-15
A new MP3 sermon from Maidenbower Baptist Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details: Title: The Middle Passage (sermon 1474) Subtitle: From the heart of Spurgeon Speaker: C. H. Spurgeon Broadcaster: Maidenbower Baptist Church Event: Podcast Date: 1/17/2025 Bible: Habakkuk 3:2 Length: 35 min.
TIME STAMPS: 02:05 Ryan is the LEAD PASTOR of Desert Son Community Church, where he is committed to cultivating discipleship and helping others live out the authority of Scripture in everyday life. Ryan holds a Bachelor's degree in Religious Studies form Liberty University and a Master of Arts in Theological Studies from George Fox University. He is also a devoted husband, father of four, and an enthusiastic supporter of all Chicago sports teams—except for the White Sox which he believes is “not even a real baseball team”
A new MP3 sermon from Maidenbower Baptist Church is now available on SermonAudio with the following details: Title: The Middle Passage (sermon 1474) Subtitle: From the heart of Spurgeon Speaker: C. H. Spurgeon Broadcaster: Maidenbower Baptist Church Event: Podcast Date: 1/17/2025 Bible: Habakkuk 3:2 Length: 35 min.
Date: 1/27/08In the book of Habakkuk pastor Erwin Lutzer shares what do you do when the answer is disaster?
Text: Habakkuk 1:1-4Everywhere we look there's injustice, brokenness, pain, and suffering. It's hard to see good and harder to imagine there's a good God who loves and cares for people when we see all the injustice that we do. There was a prophet in the Old Testament named Habakkuk that had a hard time seeing God's goodness in the midst of evil, too. This series looks at his life and ministry and helps us to see how God is still working in this world and how He plans to bring healing. Come visit us in person! To learn more about our church visit: THIS SERMON CAN BE VIEWED ON OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL: Worship Service of Bethany Baptist Church (Wendell, NC/Raleigh, NC) January 12, 2025Worship Service of Bethany Baptist Church (Wendell, NC/Raleigh, NC) Come visit us in person! To learn more about our church visit: https://www.wearebethany.comFollow us on Facebook and Instagram
The passage from Habakkuk highlights the importance of waiting for God's timing, illustrating the struggle between human impatience and divine plans. It encourages believers to document their visions and trust in God's promises, fostering active engagement during periods of waiting. Reflecting on God's past faithfulness can sustain hope and patience.
In this week's episode -- the third episode in our "overcomers" series -- we will discuss modern idolatry, why God hates idols, why idols are stupid, and more! The scripture discussed this week: Habakkuk 2:18, Hosea 13:4-8, Exodus 20:5, and James 1:17. follow me on instagram! follow me on tik tok!
Do Everything for God's Glory 5 G Living – Do everything you do… For the Glory of God For the Good of your fellow man To get the Gospel to non-believers For the Growth of your fellow Christians With a Grateful heart Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. - 1 Corinthians 10:31 Whatever you do, from the simplest things to the most important, in private and public, at home, work, school, church, and in your spare time, do it all for the glory of God! The primary O.T. Hebrew word for glory is Kabod (Strong's 3519). It is best translated as glory, honor, or splendor. Some scholars have noted it includes the idea of weightiness, of importance worthy of reverence (a big deal!). The primary New Testament word is Doxa (Strong's 1391), from which we get our word doxology. It is also best translated as glory, honor, splendor, with the clear idea of praise included. In His temple everyone says, “Glory!” -Psalm 28:9 “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of Hosts; the whole earth is full of His glory!” - Isaiah 6:3 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork. Day unto day utters speech, and night unto night reveals knowledge. - Psalm 19:1-2 The heavens declare His righteousness, and all the peoples see His glory. - Psalm 97:6 For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea. - Habakkuk 2:14 The nations shall bless themselves in Him, And in Him they shall glory. - Jeremiah 4:2 Arise, shine; For your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people; But the Lord will arise over you, And His glory will be seen upon you. The Gentiles shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising. - Isaiah 60:1-3 And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. - John 1:14 Worthy is the Lamb who was slain to receive to receive…glory! - Rev. 5:12 Let us be glad and rejoice and give Him glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready. - Rev. 19:7 I saw no temple in it, for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple. The city has no need of the sun or of the moon to shine in it, for the glory of God illuminated it. The Lamb is its light! - Rev. 21:23-24 Thus says the LORD: “Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, let not the mighty man glory in his might, nor let the rich man glory in his riches; But let him who glories glory in this, that he understands and knows Me, that I am the LORD, exercising lovingkindness, judgment and righteousness in the earth. For in these I delight." - Jeremiah 9:23-24 What does it mean to give God glory? Acknowledge God as the source of what has been entrusted to you Adore Him for who He is and what He has done in your life Applaud Him in thought, word, and deed Then you say in your heart, ‘My power and the might of my hand have gained me this wealth.' And you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you power to get wealth…” - Deuteronomy 8:17-18 So on a set day Herod, arrayed in royal apparel, sat on his throne and gave an oration to them. And the people kept shouting, “The voice of a god and not a man!” Then immediately an angel of the Lord struck him, because he did not give glory to God. And he was eaten by worms and died. But the word of God grew and multiplied. - Acts 12:21-24 Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.- 1 Corinthians 10:31 To seek one's own glory is not glory! - Proverbs 25:27 Let another man praise you, and not your own mouth. - Proverbs 27:2 God gives grace to the humble so they can turn from pride, in which a person glorifies themselves, to the real opposite of pride, which is glorifying God!
I greet you in Jesus' precious name! It is Sunday morning, the 12th of January, 2025, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today. We go to the Book of Habakkuk 2:2-3: “Then the Lord answered me and said:“Write the visionAnd make it plain on tablets,That he may run who reads it.For the vision is yet for an appointed time;But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie.Though it tarries, wait for it;Because it will surely come,It will not tarry.”I want to ask you today, have you written down any areas of your life that you want to clean up, that you want to do better for the year 2025? We are right into it already. We are almost halfway through January. Can you believe it? But you know, if you don't write it down, you have got nothing to aim for. What do they say? If you aim at nothing you are sure to hit it. You have got to get that journal. Write down your vision and make it plain, so that others can run with it as well. I have been looking at a devotional and this is what it said, “Think it over.” Now, I wrote in this devotional, you won't believe it, in the year 2003, 22 years ago! This is what I wrote: “I intend to read my Bible more, to pray more, to have more Christian fellowship, to become a better husband, to become a better dad, to become a better grandad and to work harder for the Kingdom of God.” That is what I wrote in the year 2003, and I stumbled upon that reading this very morning. I want to say to you, write down the thing that you are aiming for. 22 years ago that is what I was aiming for and I can tell you from my heart that that is still my vision even today. I am not saying that I achieved it by any means, but that is what I am aiming for. And I want to say to you as well, take a notebook, take a diary and write it down, what you are wanting to do and accomplish and then work towards it, and then the Lord says that we must wait for it, He says because it will speak in due course.Have a wonderful day.Jesus bless you and goodbye.
In this powerful message G. Lan Ijiwola explores Habakkuk 2:1-3, unpacking five key steps to align with God's vision: Request, Resolve, Readiness, Response, and Recording. Learn how to seek God with intentionality, position yourself for divine revelation, and respond faithfully to His guidance. Be encouraged to seek a fresh vision from God for your life and discover how to live in alignment with His purpose!
Thank you for listening! Here are some ways to learn more and stay connected! New To Faith? Visit our New To Faith page! Learn more about Pastor Derek Neider Follow Derek on Instagram or Facebook Subscribe to email. Subscribe to the daily devotional Explore recent messages This podcast was created by Pastor Derek Neider as a ministry of Awaken Las Vegas. Visit our website! We are located at 7175 W. Oquendo Road, Las Vegas, NV 89113. Our gathering times are 9am & 11am Sundays and 6:30pm Thursdays.
Psalm 51 Habakkuk 3:2-4,13a,15-19 Psalm 147:12-20 Isaiah 45:22-23 Prayer Requests to
Episode 270-Write the Vision “Write the vision. Make it plain so that those who read it will run with it.” Habakkuk 2:2 What is your vision? What is your message? What is the passion that grabs your heart? What do you desperately want people to know? Make it plain. Be sure people understand what you are saying. Use scripture. Make it real. Make it known. Don't write something no one understands. So those who READ. Nothing happens unless someone reads what you've written. Show don't just tell. Make readers cry or laugh. Incorporate God moments. Will Run With It If you engage your readers they will want to tell others about your book. Provide at least one sensory detail, color, sounds, smells, textures, tastes, seasons, locations, sight, sound, smell, taste, touch in all your chapters and encounters between characters. Make sure there is both conflict and character transformation in your book. Without these, there is no story. In the end, writing a book is not about money, fame, or star status, it's about the message. However, you never know when your first book just might make it to be a #1 Bestseller. Plan for it. Believe it. And then leave in God's Hands to show you what to do next. Rebuilding Jayne on Amazon: Overcomers Academy:
Are you ready to set intentional, God-centered goals that align your faith and business for the new year? In this episode, we explore a step-by-step framework for goal setting with purpose, prayer, and Kingdom focus. Whether you're a seasoned goal setter or feeling overwhelmed by the idea of planning, this episode will equip you with tools, inspiration, and a faith-driven perspective to make this year your best yet. WHAT YOU'LL LEARN: Why goal setting is a Biblical principle and how it reflects stewardship. A faith-driven framework to align your goals with God's plans. How to overcome fear, surrender outcomes, and celebrate small wins along the way. Practical tips to prioritize, break down, and stay accountable for your goals. KEY TAKEAWAYS: Pray First: Seek God's guidance and reflect on His purpose for your life. Reflect on the Past Year: Celebrate wins, learn from challenges, and recognize God's faithfulness. Set SMART Kingdom Goals: Create goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound, with a focus on glorifying God. Build Accountability: Share your goals with a mentor, coach, or accountability partner for support and encouragement. Surrender the Outcome: Trust God with the results and remain open to His redirection. TIMESTAMPS: [00:00] Welcome and episode overview [03:15] Why goal setting matters for Christian women in business [10:30] The Faith-Driven Goal-Setting Framework: Pray, Reflect, Set SMART Kingdom Goals [21:45] Overcoming obstacles: Surrendering fear and trusting God with your goals [28:00] Staying motivated: Celebrating progress and building accountability [32:15] Closing encouragement and next steps QUOTABLES: “Commit your plans to the Lord, and watch how He establishes your steps.” “Goal setting isn't just about what you want to accomplish; it's about who God is calling you to become.” “Surrendering the outcome doesn't mean giving up; it means trusting God to do immeasurably more than we could ask or imagine.” RESOURCES MENTIONED: Faith-Driven Goal Setting Worksheet: Download your free guide to set intentional, God-centered goals for the year. [Download Here] Scripture References: Proverbs 16:3, Habakkuk 2:2-3, Isaiah 55:8-9, Jeremiah 29:11 Shanna Skidmore -My finance guru Word of the Year Workshop replay - Find it here Power of ONE THING episode - Listen here CONNECT WITH JAN: Here are all the best places and FREE stuff
“Write down the vision and make it plain”- Habakkuk 2:2 This episode is all about the power of writing things down. I found my journal from 10 years ago, right before I moved to Atlanta, and it brought back so many memories. I was working three jobs, sleeping on the floor to afford studio time, and trusting that everything would work out. I wrote about wanting to be financially stable, moving to Atlanta, and even my bold plan to save $1 million before I turned 30.Every goal, every prayer, every dream I wrote in that journal has come to life in some way, even if it looked different from what I expected. I'm sharing those entries and how they've reminded me to believe without doubt, even when things feel uncertain. If you've been questioning your next step or need encouragement to keep going, this episode will remind you that faith and action can take you far.—----------------------------------KEEP UP WITH ME:WEBSITE: INSTAGRAM - @LetstrythisagainINSTAGRAM- @LttaappTIKTOK- @LetstrythisagainpodcastFACEBOOK - THEBSIMONE2—----------------------------------LTTA APP: I'm so excited to release my very own app!! Ya'll I've been building this thing from scratch, and it for sure hasn't been easy but I know it's worth it for our community. You'll get exclusive LTTA produced content rooted in community , mental health & wellness. You'll have access to never before seen BTS, interviews, journals prompts, merch drops, live events and so much more!!! To stay updated about the app launch visit scroll down, and subscribe to the newsletter for first access.—----------------------------------Edited and Produced by Idea to Launch ProductionsWebsite: IG: See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
#448: Vision Is From GodGod's vision for your life is a divine gift that provides clarity and purpose. In this episode, April Nicole Scipio explores how vision originates from God, the importance of seeking His guidance, and how aligning with His plan brings fulfillment. Through biblical insights and practical application, you'll learn to recognize God's vision for your life and embrace it wholeheartedly. Scriptures like Habakkuk 2:2-3 and Jeremiah 29:11 remind us that God's plans are good, and His timing is perfect. Get ready to see your life through the lens of His purpose and take the first steps toward living it out.
Surveying the injustice before him, the prophet Habakkuk questions God. How can this evil persist with God on His throne? The Lord assures Habakkuk that a plan is in place and He is at work among His people.
❖ Follow along with today's reading:–3;Psalm145:14–21;Revelation10–12 ❖ The English Standard Version (ESV) is an 'essentially literal' translation of the Bible in contemporary English. Created by a team of more than 100 leading evangelical scholars and pastors, the ESV Bible emphasizes 'word-for-word' accuracy, literary excellence, and depth of meaning. ❖ To learn more about the ESV and other audio resources, please visit
Habakkuk 1:1-3:19, Rev 9:1-21, Ps 137:1-9, Pr 30:10