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    The Remnant Radio's Podcast
    DEMYSTIFYING THE DEMONIC: Understanding Spiritual Warfare with Dr. Clint Arnold

    The Remnant Radio's Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 14, 2025 60:46

    Send us a textWhat did first-century believers actually understand about demonic forces and spiritual warfare? Join The Remnant Radio for an illuminating conversation with Clinton E. Arnold, PhD, Dean and Professor of New Testament at Talbot School of Theology, as we delve into the realities of spiritual warfare. In this episode, we'll explore themes from Dr. Arnold's book Powers of Darkness: Principalities & Powers in Paul's Letters, unpacking what the Apostle Paul teaches about demonic forces, supernatural empowerment, and the role of magic in the first century. Dr. Arnold sheds light on how first-century Greek, Roman, and Jewish beliefs intersect with the biblical worldview, demonstrating that the New Testament portrays principalities and powers as organized, personal beings defeated by Jesus at the cross and ultimately subdued at His return. We'll also discuss the implications for contemporary Christians, including practical guidance for standing firm against spiritual forces of evil. As both a New Testament scholar and Dean of Talbot School of Theology, Dr. Arnold bridges the gap between academic research and practical application, helping us understand how to engage in spiritual warfare with biblical wisdom and historical insight. Whether you're seeking to better understand the spiritual battle described in Scripture or to engage thoughtfully with the challenges of modern occult practices, this episode is a must-watch for anyone desiring to navigate the unseen with biblical clarity. Join us for this crucial conversation that brings biblical, scholarly insight to spiritual warfare. Book: https://a.co/d/ccM9zTW 

    Women Worth Knowing
    Michelle Ule on Pandita Ramabai Part 1

    Women Worth Knowing

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 14, 2025 26:02

    A brilliant Sanskrit scholar, Ramabai Donge earned the title "Pandita" as a twenty-year-old orphaned woman in 1878 India. Determined to follow in her Hindu father's belief that women could be scholars, Ramabai used her fame to argue for the education of women. along with the need for female physicians.Widowed four years later with a baby, she met Christians who introduced her to the Bible, encouraged her to speak about women's needs, and helped her to travel to England. Baptized in England, Pandita Ramabai received university training with the aim of advancing Indian women's opportunities. Traveling to America, she visited educational models, particularly kindergartens, and returned to India to open a school for child widows, needy women, and orphans.During this time, she wrote Testimony, which confirmed her Christian beliefs and joy that Jesus loved women just as much as men.Within a few years, her school grew, and she established the Mukti Mission outside of Bombay, where the mission provided education, vocational training, and a profound Christian witness. As famine swept India in the early 20th century, Ramabai ultimately collected nearly 3000 needy women and children to the mission--which is still helping educate needy women and children today.Pandita Ramabai sparked a Christian revival in 1905 and spent the last fifteen years of her life translating the entire Bible into the Marathi language--one of the major Indian dialects. She died in 1922.The Indian government honored her contribution to the education of women in 1984 with a postage stamp.

    Soul Talks With Bill & Kristi Gaultiere
    Sharing What You Know With Empathy

    Soul Talks With Bill & Kristi Gaultiere

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 14, 2025 27:26

    All of us find ourselves in conversations  — with both Christians and those who don't know Jesus — who feel it's unloving, judgmental, and arrogant to share the truth of Christ with others. It's sad when somebody's belief system keeps them from trusting the Good Shepherd more deeply. We often feel lost because we don't know the best way to love and care for them. Join us for this episode of Soul Talks as Bill and Kristi teach you how to confidently hold the truth about Jesus while simultaneously relating to others with empathy and humility. You will be encouraged to see that building your life on the foundation of Christ will both mature the way you think and help you grow in compassion for others.Resources for this Episode:Journey of the Soul: A Practical Guide to Emotional and Spiritual GrowthHealthy Feelings, Thriving Faith: Growing Emotionally and Spiritually Through the EnneagramEarn a Certificate in Spiritual DirectionDonate to Support Soul Shepherding and Soul Talks

    The Bible Study Hour on Oneplace.com
    Foreknowledge and Predestination

    The Bible Study Hour on Oneplace.com

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 14, 2025 39:27

    When Christians have discussed the plans of God in the past, more often than not it has led to fights and confusion. Our understanding of God's plans has a direct impact on how we live our lives and how we interpret events in this world. Tune in to the Bible Study Hour as Dr. James Boice attempts to bring clarity to this challenging biblical issue. To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/81/29

    Gospel Spice
    How a pernicious false doctrine is invading our churches and theology | with Melissa Dougherty

    Gospel Spice

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 14, 2025 49:34

    We live in an era dominated by subjective morality and individualized spirituality. How do we provide biblical, God-honoring responses? Stephanie sits down with Christian apologist and popular YouTuber Melissa Dougherty, who utilizes theological insights alongside her deeply personal experiences to dismantle the seductive façade of the New Thought movement. She describes this philosophy as “a stealthy message of encouragement to live your truth, seek happiness, find your identity through sexual freedom, and think your desires into existence. Often with the name of Jesus attached as an endorsement.” GIWEAWAY COMING UP! In our February newsletter, we will give away THREE copies of "Happy Lies" in partnership with Melissa and her publisher, Zondervan. We will also give 3 copies of our next January book interview (airing January 28, episode 376). So make sure to be signed up to our newsletter for a chance to win. Sign up here: https://www.gospelspice.com/signup In her groundbreaking debut, Happy Lies: How a Movement You (Probably) Never Heard Of Shaped Our Self-Obsessed World, Melissa Dougherty, an ex-New Thought follower herself, deconstructs the myths propagated by secular self-empowerment and affirmation movements. She explains how New Thought concepts like toxic affirmation and the “Law of Attraction” intersect with the prosperity gospel. She highlights how New Thought influences are subtly embedded in progressive Christianity and the gender identity crisis, and even how this movement is foundational to the weakened theology used in “Seeker-friendly” churches. Dougherty urges her audience to reflect deeply on these beliefs, encouraging them to discern contemporary culture's pervasive lies and to seek a more authentic understanding of the gospel. With clarity and a touch of compassionate snark, Melissa examines New Thought's appealing yet distorted spirituality. She warns of its pervasive impact on modern theology, emphasizing how the movement's focus on self-authority and personal experience often overshadows the biblical narrative. New Thought ideology subtly infiltrates contemporary Christian thought, presenting a false gospel that masquerades as a more open-minded, tolerant, and loving interpretation of Jesus and the Bible. Melissa recounts her epiphany during a hiatus from seminary, where her extensive readings unveiled a distinction between "New Thought" and "New Age." Despite their overlaps, these movements stand alone in intent and belief structures. Her desire to educate and spark dialogue about New Thought arose from the absence of evangelical discourse on the topic, with only a handful of scholars like Craig Hazen touching on it. Determined to spotlight this under-discussed issue, she writes a book laden with historical contexts, practical definitions, and a respectful yet critical analysis of New Thought within a Christian framework. Melissa describes New Thought as a metaphysical reinterpretation of Christianity, where the Scriptures are sometimes twisted into allegorical tales akin to self-help doctrines. Melissa coined the term "metamistagorical," combining metaphysical, mystical, and allegorical elements, to describe New Thought. She reflects on how figures like Oprah Winfrey and Joel Osteen intermingle Christian identification with mystical attributes to create a semblance of spiritual alignment. Melissa stresses that while New Thought is frequently confused with New Age philosophies, it poses a unique threat to believers: “New Thought ideas will deceive Christians before New Age ideas ever will. […] You've probably adopted some of its teachings, and you don't even realize it.” Unlike New Age's openly mystical practices, New Thought often acts as a metaphysical Christianity, making its influence sneakier and more deceptive. Dougherty concludes with a heartfelt prayer for her readers: “I hope you can't unsee [New Thought]. I hope it stirs something within you, something refusing to be ignored. Now, go tell others. Tell them the Joyful Truth so they don't fall for Happy Lies. ” In Happy Lies, highly regarded Christian apologist and ex-New Ager Melissa Dougherty . . . Tackles the frustrations surrounding the rise of pop spirituality and “self-actualization,” even within Christianity Exposes the deceptions of New Thought—a movement centered on positive thinking, mental healing, self-worship, and spiritual empowerment Counters subjective, “me”-focused platitudes with objective truths that dispel spiritual confusion and bring peace to anxious minds Provides practical methods to uproot the subtle, mystical, and insidious spiritual beliefs that dilute the core message of Christianity Clarifies how to recognize the misleading spiritual practices infiltrating modern Christianity and reject them to embrace the beauty of an authentic Christian life MORE ABOUT “HAPPY LIES” In this groundbreaking book, popular apologist Melissa Dougherty helps us understand how our society got to be so toxically subjective, why endless positivity is inherently destructive, and how we can live with faithful truth and genuine love in these self-obsessed times. Have you ever wondered how we ended up in a world where personal feelings could become the authority for reality? Or why so many of us are on a relentless pursuit for happiness yet somehow feel more exhausted and sadder than ever? You're not alone. Melissa deftly traces the roots of today's social chaos back to a little-known (but very influential) 1800s philosophy known as New Thought. A former follower of its teachings, Melissa provides clarity and compassion mixed with a dash of loving snark as she exposes New Thought's deceptions and its many concerning tendrils within the church and our "self-help" culture. You'll be shocked, grieved, and encouraged as you learn: How you can experience true freedom, hope, and peace instead of the world's counterfeits How an anti-God ideology so easily hijacked Christian-sounding ideas Why thinking positively is entirely different from the unbiblical and burdensome "positive thought" movement Why fake "authenticity" short-circuits real redemption How understanding the New Thought mindset can help us share our faith more effectively Uncover a dangerous ideology that nearly everyone has met, yet few of us can name, in order to better understand our culture and joyfully live faithful to the gospel that is so much better than our world's Happy Lies. MEET MELISSA DOUGHERTY Melissa Dougherty is a Christian apologist best known for her YouTube channel with over 285,000 subscribers and counting. Her videos, which primarily cover New Age and New Thought, have been viewed over 18 million times. Melissa is highly regarded and connected in the apologetics community. She has had numerous influential guests on her YouTube channel and is a frequent guest on the YouTube videos and podcasts of popular thinkers as well. Melissa has a bachelor's degree in religious studies from Southern Evangelical Seminary, where she's also pursuing her master's degree in religious studies. Melissa is married with two daughters and lives in New Mexico. You will find her on her YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@MelissaDougherty  We invite you to check out the first episode of each of our series, and decide which one you will want to start with. Go to gospelspice.com for more, and go especially to gospelspice.com/podcast to enjoy our guests! Interested in our blog? Click here: gospelspice.com/blog Identity in the battle | Ephesians https://www.podcastics.com/episode/74762/link/ Centering on Christ | The Tabernacle experience https://www.podcastics.com/episode/94182/link/ Shades of Red | Against human oppression https://www.podcastics.com/episode/115017/link/ God's glory, our delight  https://www.podcastics.com/episode/126051/link/   Support us on Gospel Spice, PayPal and Venmo!

    Sunshine in my Nest
    119. YES! That Counts as Time with Jesus with Quina Aragon

    Sunshine in my Nest

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 14, 2025 25:18

    Meditation is a cultural buzzword, that a lot of Christians have a knee-jerk reaction toward. Yet, we are called to meditate all through the Bible. Meditation is something I've felt a pull toward studying this year. So I've invited Quina on to talk to us about it!  How is meditation a different spiritual discipline than prayer?  When did meditation become important to you?  I've read your children's books and they give such good truth to ponder. How has the topics you've chosen allowed you to mull over and focus on truth?  Have things in your personal life made that hard? How did you overcome? Would you share with us a meditation? You can find Quina's new book "Love Has A Story" or follow Quina on Instagram You can find Elizabeth writing helpful hints ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠on the blog⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Helping you love Jesus and disciple your kids ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠on Instagram ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Or get access to the ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠"Bible Study" by signing up with email! ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Original Music written and recorded by Jonathan Camenisch *affiliate links are used when appropriate. Thank you for supporting Sunshine in My Nest

    Inside The Epicenter With Joel Rosenberg
    Geopolitical Shifts and Biblical Prophecies, What 2025 Holds for Israel#252

    Inside The Epicenter With Joel Rosenberg

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 14, 2025 64:20

    Today, Joel Rosenberg, Chris Mitchell, and Daniel Cohen explore the critical events of 2024 and their impact on the future. We'll discuss Israel's face-off with Iran, the fall of Hezbollah's leadership, Trump's reelection, and how these shape U.S.-Israeli relations. The episode also highlights the rise of Christianity in Iran, declining trust in media, and important biblical prophecies. Hear personal stories, prayers for Gaza, and insights into Israel's spiritual awakening and the challenges for persecuted Christians. Join us for an eye-opening look at what lies ahead for the epicenter of global events. (00:00) 2024's challenges: Middle East turmoil, future uncertainties.(07:32) Hezbollah threat diminished by Israel-Iran conflict.(14:05) Prophetic significance: geopolitical shifts involving nations.(20:49) 66% of Israelis supported Trump over Harris.(23:08 Christians in Syria need support amid peril.(29:46) Huckabee praised for faith, influence, and Israel connections.(33:55) US support for Ukraine influences global ally trust.(39:39) Gaza Christians escape; Israelis seek spiritual answers.(45:53) Turkey's Erdogan threatens Israel, comparing Netanyahu to Hitler.(51:19) Expectations unclear; watching Trump and geopolitical events closely.(58:25) Twelve hostages were held; communion was shared in tunnels.(01:00:44) Opportunity for evangelicals to show love to Jews. Learn more about The Joshua Fund: JoshuaFund.comMake a tax-deductible donation: Donate | The Joshua FundStock Media provided by DimmySad / Pond5 Verse of the Day Psalm 23:1. The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want. Prayer Pray for President-elect Trump and Vice President-elect Vance that they will be filled with wisdom, led by the Holy Spirit, to navigate the complex issues they will face as they take office. Pray for the leaders, the believers, and all the people In the epicenter that they will be encouraged despite the turbulence in 2024 Related Episodes:Hope for 2024 while looking back on 2023 #150The Abraham Accords, peace deals, and prosperity #113WWhat'sBehind the Most Talked About Speech of 2024 #249Hope for 2025 While Looking Back at 2024 #248 Links for Reference https://www.joshuafund.com/learn/latest-news/join-us-on-our-alaska-cruise Donate a generous monthly gift to The Joshua Fund to bless Israel and Her Neighbors now and for the long haul. Become an Epicenter Ally today! Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

    Saint of the Day
    The Holy Fathers slain at Sinai and Raithu (4th – 5th c.)

    Saint of the Day

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 14, 2025

    The Holy Fathers at Mount Sinai lived in the wilderness around the holy mountain before the Emperor Justinian built the famous Monastery there in 527. The brethren were attacked by a band of Saracen barbarians who massacred Doulas, the superior of the community, and most of the other monks. They only stopped when a pillar of fire rose to the sky from the summit of Sinai, causing them to flee in fear.   The Forty-three Holy Fathers at Raithu were massacred on December 22, but are commemorated together with the fathers of Sinai. They lived the monastic life on the shores of the Red Sea. One day about three hundred Ethiopian barbarians raided the area, killing many Christians and enslaving their wives and children. They attacked the church at Raithu, where forty-three fathers had taken shelter. Their abbot Paul enjoined them to persist in prayer to the end, putting no stock in the passing life of this world, which they had renounced when they came to the desert. No sooner had he finished his prayer than the barbarians broke in, slaughtering all the monks but one, who escaped to bring news of the attack to Mt Sinai. When the barbarians returned to their ships they found that the Christians had run their vessels onto the rocks. Enraged, they killed all their prisoners. They themselves were massacred by a band of armed Christians who arrived soon afterward.

    From the MLJ Archive on Oneplace.com
    What is a Christian?

    From the MLJ Archive on Oneplace.com

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 14, 2025 35:05

    Romans 1:11-17 — How do you know that you are a Christian? What is a Christian and what does it mean to be a Christian? In this sermon on Romans 1:11-17, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones answers these questions which are perhaps the most important questions ever. He begins by confronting the fact that we are living in an age of utter confusion, especially in the Church. People claim to be Christians while completely contradicting Scripture in everything they do. That is why it is so important to be certain what a Christian really is. Dr. Lloyd-Jones explains that Christianity can be defined in verse 14 of Romans 1; A Christian is a debtor to both the Greeks and the Barbarians, the wise and the unwise. A Christian is someone who has something that others do not have, and feels the need to give it to everyone. They are not someone who hopes and is looking to find the meaning of life and the purpose of life, they are someone who has already found truth, has joy in it, and feels the need to share it with others. Dr. Lloyd-Jones then goes on to tell an analogy about a man who has the cure for a deadly disease in their pocket, and sees a man who has this disease. This man feels the need and urge to give this cure to the other man in need. A Christian is the same because they have the answers in their pocket and feel the need to share it with everyone around them. A Christian does not just feel this need to share it with the intellectual, but also the uneducated, because they all are in desperate situations without Christ. They do not only share it with people who are interested in having this truth, but also with people who have no interest in it at all. Dr. Lloyd-Jones concludes by explaining that the Christian not only has hope, but can give a reason for the hope within him. To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/603/29

    Thy Strong Word from KFUO Radio
    1 John 4:1-21: Love, but Verify

    Thy Strong Word from KFUO Radio

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 14, 2025 54:26

    John tackles a crucial question that plagued the early church and still challenges us today: How do we know who truly speaks for God? He provides a surprisingly simple test - the acknowledgment of Jesus Christ coming in the flesh - but then expands into one of Scripture's most profound revelations about God's nature as love itself. Through this dual focus on discernment and divine love, John shows how spiritual truth-testing is important for those who are of God but love itself seeks the good of others—even those who are caught up in false teachings.  The Rev. John Lukomski, co-host of Wrestling with the Basics on KFUO Radio, joins the Rev. Dr. Phil Booe to study 1 John 4:1-21. Find Wrestling with the Basics at kfuo.org/WrestlingWithTheBasics.  In these epistles, John defends the truth of Jesus Christ against false teachings, calling believers to remain steadfast in their faith and grounded in the apostolic witness. He emphasizes the essential connection between truth, love, and fellowship, urging Christians to walk in the light, love one another, and reject anything that denies the person and work of Jesus.  Through 1 John, we explore the assurance of salvation, the battle between light and darkness, and the call to abide in Christ. In 2 John, we are reminded of the importance of holding fast to the truth while guarding against deceivers. Finally, in 3 John, we see a personal glimpse into the challenges of church leadership, hospitality, and Christian unity.  Together, these letters challenge us to live faithfully as God's children in a world that opposes His truth.   Thy Strong Word, hosted by Rev. Dr. Phil Booe, pastor of St. John Lutheran Church of Luverne, MN, reveals the light of our salvation in Christ through study of God's Word, breaking our darkness with His redeeming light. Each weekday, two pastors fix our eyes on Jesus by considering Holy Scripture, verse by verse, in order to be strengthened in the Word and be equipped to faithfully serve in our daily vocations. Submit comments or questions to: thystrongword@kfuo.org.

    Text Talk
    Psalm 119:129-144-Streams of Tears

    Text Talk

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 14, 2025 17:06

    Psalm 119:129-144 (NKJV)Andrew and Edwin ask what makes us cry?Read the written devo that goes along with this episode by clicking here.    Let us know what you are learning or any questions you have. Email us at TextTalk@ChristiansMeetHere.org.    Join the Facebook community and join the conversation by clicking here. We'd love to meet you. Be a guest among the Christians who meet on Livingston Avenue. Click here to find out more. Michael Eldridge sang all four parts of our theme song. Find more from him by clicking here.   Thanks for talking about the text with us today.________________________________________________If the hyperlinks do not work, copy the following addresses and paste them into the URL bar of your web browser: Daily Written Devo: https://readthebiblemakedisciples.wordpress.com/?p=20097The Christians Who Meet on Livingston Avenue: http://www.christiansmeethere.org/Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/TalkAboutTheTextFacebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/texttalkMichael Eldridge: https://acapeldridge.com/ 

    Life Over Coffee with Rick Thomas
    Parenting Day 3: Non-negotiable First Step to Build a Happy Home

    Life Over Coffee with Rick Thomas

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 14, 2025 5:04

    Christians enjoy and benefit from the gospel because of forgiveness (See Romans 10:9, 13). For example, we confessed our sins and requested forgiveness, and our kind Lord forgave us. Confession, forgiveness, and reconciliation are the stepping stones to happiness (Deuteronomy 33:29). If you want a happy home, you must imitate God at this crucial point (Ephesians 5:1). Read, Watch, or Listen: https://lifeovercoffee.com/day-3-non-negotiable-first-step-to-build-a-happy-home/ Will you help us to continue providing free content for everyone? You can become a supporting member here https://lifeovercoffee.com/join/, or you can make a one-time or recurring donation here https://lifeovercoffee.com/donate/.

    Q Podcast
    The Church in Light of Political Failure: Jon Tyson | Episode 315

    Q Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 14, 2025 22:38

    As we approach the Presidential Inauguration next week, we're featuring a new talk from Pastor Jon Tyson of Church of the City New York. Jon helps us understand where we are as a nation politically and how we as Christians should respond. He introduces the idea of becoming “a creative minority" instead of becoming syncretized or separated. Listen in as he encourages us to find ways in our communities to exert our redemptive influence, absorb the toxicity, and bring the beauty and grace of Christ to the broken places. Resources Check out more from Jon Tyson, including his books and his work at Church of the City New York.  Apply the THINQ Framework as you think through cultural topics. Attend THINQ events where you can gather with like-minded leaders, ask better questions and have conversations that lead to wisdom: Participate in Let's Talk Tech Detox.  Bring the 28-Day Digital Fast to your family, workplace, or church. Sign up for THINQ Summit 2025 October 2-4 in Nashville, TN. More from the THINQ Podcast Network: Rhythms for Life with Rebekah and Gabe Lyons The InFormed Parent with Suzanne Phillips NextUp with Grant Skeldon NeuroFaith with Curt Thompson UnderCurrent with Gabe Lyons

    This Rockin' Life | Inspiration | Healthy Lifestyle | Entertainment | Motivation | Life Coach
    Faith & Freedom: Dr. Bryan Ardis, Pastor Anthony Thomas, Scott Greenlee, & Tony Degusipe

    This Rockin' Life | Inspiration | Healthy Lifestyle | Entertainment | Motivation | Life Coach

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 14, 2025 45:49

    Get ready for bold truths, inspiring stories, and powerful calls to action you won't want to miss! First, Dr. Brian Ardis unpacks the CDC's latest warnings about new pandemics and reveals the hidden agendas behind Big Pharma's control. Then, Pastor Anthony Thomas shares his insights on staying tenacious and faithful in turbulent times while encouraging us to fight from a posture of rest. Next, Scott Greenlee, candidate for Michigan Republican Party Chair, sheds light on the political challenges facing conservatives and the urgent need for grassroots action. Finally, Tony Degusipe, founder of Bullets to Bibles, discusses his journey from combat pilot to minister and his mission to support veterans and their families through faith. [0:01] CDC Warnings and Natural CuresDr. Brian Ardis joins to dissect the CDC's latest pandemic warnings, questioning their credibility and the mainstream media's narrative. He highlights natural cures, Big Pharma's manipulation, and why understanding your immune system is more critical than ever. [13:08] Tenacity and FaithPastor Anthony Thomas shares how Christians can stay tenacious in the face of chaos. He emphasizes fighting from a place of rest, preparing for a golden age, and recognizing the fulfillment of biblical prophecies in these turbulent times. [26:41] Michigan's Political ChallengesScott Greenlee discusses his bid for Michigan Republican Party Chair and the urgent need for strong conservative leadership. He highlights grassroots involvement, the battle against bureaucratic mismanagement, and Michigan DNR's controversial plans to clear state forests for solar fields. [37:01] Supporting Veterans Through FaithTony Degusipe, founder of Bullets to Bibles, shares his personal story of transformation and his mission to help veterans and their families find spiritual healing. His ministry bridges the gap between military service and faith, offering much-needed support to those who serve. Resources: Dr. Bryan Ardis Website: theDrArdisShow.com  Instagram: @TheDrArdisShow   Pastor Anthony Thomas Website: TipOfTheSpearChurch.org Rumble: Tip of the Spear Church    Scott Greenlee Website: Greenlee4Migopchair.com Tony Degusipe - Bullets to Bibles YouTube: @BulletstoBibles   Sponsors   Get clean healthy water with SentryH2O Use the promo code: “HEALTHY10”   Get true American made products at  switchtoamericawithshemane.com   Protect yourself with EMP Shield  Use the promo code “SHEMANE”    Activate stem cells & reset your body's clock  at lifewave.com/shemane Please send product inquiries to: shemane.lifewave@gmail.com   Watch Faith & Freedom every Sunday,  10am est on America'sVoice.News   Organic natural products to help your family thrive with  Rowe Casa Organics & use promo code “FAITH”   Purchase “My Pillow” at  mypillow.com or call 800-933-6972 Use promo code “FAITH”   Join Shemane's new programs Fit & Fabulous Start Pack Faith Fuel: 21 Day Devotion    Check out Shemane's books:  Purchase Shemane's New Book: ‘Abundantly Well' Shemane's new #1 Bestseller ‘Killer House' "4 Minutes to Happy" Kill It and Grill It Cookbook   Connect with Shemane: Send your questions, suggestions,  & funny pet videos to shemane.chat@gmail.com    Share your hunting photos & questions to shemane.chat@gmail.com    Watch Killer House Documentary: KillerHouse.org Get Wildly Well at shemanenugent.rocks Shemane's Social Media: Facebook: @shemane.nugent Instagram: @shemanenugent Youtube: /shemane Truth Social @Shemane

    The Back to Jerusalem Podcast
    Episode 762: What we can learn from Billy and Wes

    The Back to Jerusalem Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 14, 2025 24:03

    In case you missed it, there was an earth-shattering debate between Billy Carson and Wes Huff and it was heard around the world. The debate wasn't a big deal in and of itself, but it turned into a David and Goliath event that no one saw coming. Perhaps the debate exploded all over the internet because it is indicative of the spiritual battle that we are seeing in the world today in a way that directly impacts Christians.

    Worldview Matters With David Fiorazo
    Jenn Nizza: Are Christians Confused about Harry Potter and the Occult Invasion?

    Worldview Matters With David Fiorazo

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 14, 2025 28:02

    Jenn Nizza is a former psychic who warns about the desensitization of occultism towards culture.Ex-Psychic SAVED: https://www.expsychicsaved.com/Books by Jenn: https://www.expsychicsaved.com/bookswww.worldviewmatters.tv© FreedomProject 2025

    Women of Grace, Radio
    Answering Our Call as Baptized Christians

    Women of Grace, Radio

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 14, 2025 60:00

    Today on Women of Grace, Johnnette talks about our call that we must answer as baptized Christians. Requiring a full-hearted consent to the direction in which God may lead. We hear from listeners with question about the young rich man in the bible, and a caller with questions about the dangers of psychics.

    Zero Compromise
    The Truth About Social Justice Movements

    Zero Compromise

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 14, 2025 25:59

    How can Christians stand for biblical justice without falling for unbiblical agendas? Find out how social justice movements hijack true Christianity in this conversation with Joe Owen, Director of Languages in the International Outreach department at Answers in Genesis.

    Generations Radio
    Biggest persecutors of Christians in 2024

    Generations Radio

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 14, 2025 40:13

    Help Club for Moms
    Tuesday Devotional: Dearest Daughter- Your Work is Holy!

    Help Club for Moms

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 14, 2025 5:56

    Mama, what you do every day in your home with your family is holy work! You are raising up the next generation of Christians who will raise the next generation of Christians! Be encouraged today that God is on your side and will help you! "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." Galatians 6:9Read this devotional HERE or complete the YouVersion Bible plan HERE!

    Living Life... Like It Matters Podcast
    LIM Radio S10E2 Adversity: Food for Warriors

    Living Life... Like It Matters Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 14, 2025 48:00

    Do you think you are doing something wrong because things are hard in your life? Do you believe the road to a life of significance should be easier? Today on Like It Matters Radio Mr. Black will bring some HOPE to your frame of reference for ADVERSITY! Adversity is FOOD for WARRIORS. As the 2 ‘good’ spies in Numbers 14 knew, “Our Giants are food for us!”. The way we view, and handle adversity will make our LEGACY, or make the NEWS. Whether we are talking about the New Orleans New Years terrorist, or serial killer, Jason Thornburg- many things come down to how we handle adversity. In this New Year you will have many visitations, and some of those will be by ADVERSITY. Today’s ‘Hour of Power’ is even more special today because Mr. Black will be joined by Todd Nettleton, who is VP of Voice of the Martyrs. Voice of the Martyrs is a non-profit Christian ministry that helps persecuted Christians around the world. Inspiration, Education and Application are the gifts for Listeners of Like It Matters Radio. Be sure to Like and Follow us on our facebook page!www.facebook.com/limradio Instagram @likeitmattersradioTwitter @likeitmatters Get daily inspiration from our blog www.wayofwarrior.blog Learn about our non profit work at www.givelikeitmatters.com Check out our training website www.LikeItMatters.Net Always available online at www.likeitmattersradio.comSee omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    The Busy Mom
    Mailbox Monday | Affirmation Culture, Parenting Regret and More

    The Busy Mom

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 13, 2025 48:01

    You guys ask the best questions! How can we encourage pastors? Should Christians be using “affirmations”? Should we celebrate my non-Christian friends adopting a baby? A mom is asking if it's ok to take a break from church for a chronically ill son, another mom is grieving her years of not serving the Lord as her son is now uninterested in following Christ and is living with his girlfriend, and a woman is struggling to be intimate with her husband while she has some physical issues. Listen in friends, I think you'll be encouraged! Show Notes: http://heidistjohn.com/blog/podcasts/affirmation-culture-parenting-regret SPONSOR: Not Consumed: Helping your family grow in faith so you are Not Consumed by life. Head to notconsumed.com/heidi to download the FREE 5 day family Bible study to build hope and purpose into your home! Use coupon code HEIDI for 15% off your entire purchase.  Watch the Heidi St. John Podcast on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/@HeidiStJohnPodcast Find Heidi on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/heidistjohn/ Find Heidi on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/realheidistjohn Find Heidi on X https://x.com/heidistjohn Join Heidi at Faith That Speaks https://faiththatspeaks.com/ Submit your questions for Mailbox Monday https://www.heidistjohn.net/mailboxmonday

    Pray the Word with David Platt
    Fruitful in Affliction (Genesis 41:52)

    Pray the Word with David Platt

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 13, 2025 5:02

    In this episode of Pray the Word on Genesis 41:52, David Platt asks God for supernatural fruit in our lives as we walk through affliction.Explore more content from Radical.

    VOX Podcast with Mike Erre
    490 - We Are Caesar

    VOX Podcast with Mike Erre

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 13, 2025 70:32

    We Are Caesar. In this episode, Mike and Tim discuss various pressing issues, including the impact of severe weather events like snow in Nashville and wildfires in California. They delve into the role of prayer in the face of disaster, emphasizing the importance of action alongside prayer. The discussion transitions into the concept of exile and how it shapes political identity and the church's role in society. They explore the relationship between the supernatural and natural realms, highlighting the need for community involvement and connection during crises. Further, Mike and Tim explore the implications of the Kingdom of God on social justice, the role of the church in society, and the significance of baptism as a subversive act. They discuss how Christians should engage with culture and politics, emphasizing that the church's primary witness is through its community rather than through political power. The conversation also touches on the challenges of navigating political authority in a liberal democracy and the importance of being a countercultural community that embodies the values of the Kingdom of God. As always, we encourage and would love discussion as we pursue. Feel free to email in questions to hello@voxpodcast.com, and to engage the conversation on Facebook and Instagram. We're on YouTube (if you're into that kinda thing): VOXOLOGY TV. Our Merch Store! ETSY Learn more about the Voxology Podcast Subscribe on iTunes or Spotify Support the Voxology Podcast on Patreon The Voxology Spotify channel can be found here: Voxology Radio Follow us on Instagram: @voxologypodcast and "like" us on Facebook Follow Mike on Twitter: www.twitter.com/mikeerre Music in this episode by Timothy John Stafford Instagram & Twitter: @GoneTimothy

    ReFOCUS with Jim Daly
    Brady Boyd: Healing Cultural Division Through Christlike Love

    ReFOCUS with Jim Daly

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 13, 2025 62:04

    Pastor Brady Boyd, author of Life-Minded, challenges believers to live authentic Christian lives, engaging others with the love of Christ, and showing respect and kindness to those who may hold a different worldview or political position. While emphasizing the truth of God's Word, Brady reminds you that your opponents are created in God's image as he encourages grace and compassion for them. He states that Christians need to look past the exterior persona and tap into the three core needs that every person has - to feel connected, to feel safe, and to feel a sense of purpose. Get a copy of Brady Boyd's book, Life-Minded, to learn more about connecting in our polarized culture, for a gift of any amount. Read this article about the Biblical perspective on government. Read this article for more on forgiveness. Read this article to protect your marriage from the negative effects of social media. For couples in crisis – you can still put the pieces of your marriage back together with Hope Restored. Donate Send Jim a voicemail! Click here.

    The Word Before Work
    What Jesus's “working women” friends can teach us about our work today

    The Word Before Work

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 13, 2025 4:53

    Sign-up for my free 20-day devotional, The Word Before Work Foundations, at http://TWBWFoundations.com--Series: Mere Christians of the BibleDevotional: 2 of 5Jesus traveled about from one town and village to another, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom of God. The Twelve were with him, and also some women…Mary (called Magdalene) …Joanna the wife of Chuza, the manager of Herod's household; Susanna; and many others. These women were helping to support them out of their own means. (Luke 8:1-3)We're in a series exploring wisdom for our work today from some of the “Mere Christians of the Bible”—believers who did not work as pastors or donor-supported missionaries, but as entrepreneurs, tax collectors, and more.Today's passage introduces us to three mere Christians: Mary, Joanna, and Susanna who “were helping to support” Jesus and the twelve disciples “out of their own means.”Most scholars believe that Joanna was likely the wealthiest of this trio, given her position in Herod's court. But many also believe these women were likely small business owners who worked hard to produce the profits needed to fund Jesus's ministry.Mary, Joanna, and Susanna remind us of three important truths.First, God frequently celebrates women who work “outside the home.” From Eve working alongside Adam in the garden (Genesis 1:26-28), to the midwives God used to defy Pharaoh (Exodus 1:15-21), to Deborah's leading of Israel (Judges 4:4-5), to Mary, Joanna, and Susanna supporting Jesus's ministry, Scripture consistently shows God delighting in the work of his daughters.Second, our work has intrinsic and instrumental value to God. I talk a lot in these devotionals about how your work has intrinsic value to God—in other words, it matters for eternity even when you're not leveraging it to some instrumental and spiritual end such as sharing the gospel or writing a check to the missionaries pictured on your refrigerator. But these women remind us that our work does have important instrumental value. In fact, Paul says that is one of the reasons why mere Christians ought to work: so “that they may have something to share with those in need” (see Ephesians 4:28) including those who rely on the generosity of others to preach the gospel (see 1 Corinthians 9:14).Finally, God values offstage work as much as he does onstage work. Scripture doesn't mention these women preaching or performing miracles like the twelve disciples, but their offstage roles were so valued by God that Luke records them in his gospel. If you're working in relative obscurity today, take heart—God “will not forget your work” either (Hebrews 6:10).How should we respond to the three truths above?Thank God for the gift of working women (and, if you're a woman, for a God who delights in the work you do inside and outside the home).Ask the Lord whose work he might be calling you to support “out of your own means.”Remind a mere Christian working “offstage” that God sees and values their work today.

    The Bible In A Year Podcast with Dr. Melody Stevens

    Peter writes to Christians during a time of worsening persecution, giving words of encouragement, strength and bravery to remain strong to the end. Glory awaits! Connect and Follow Dr. Melody on IG: @dr.melody_fitplusfaith and join our Healthy Christian Women FB group.

    Truth Tribe with Douglas Groothuis
    To Change All Worlds: Critical Theory from Marx to Marcuse - Book Review

    Truth Tribe with Douglas Groothuis

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 13, 2025 8:18

    In this episode of Truth Tribe, I review Carl Trueman's newest book, "To Change All Worlds: Critical Theory from Marx to Marcuse." His magisterial 2020 volume, "The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self," established him as an insightful, rigorous, and incisive analyst who writes lucidly about complex ideas and places them into a Christian context. He then followed up this book with a smaller summary volume, which added new material, which was called "Strange New World," which was published in 2022. His newest effort addresses in more depth elements taken up in that previous work, or actually those two previous works, the nature of Critical Theory and its influence in contemporary culture. Although critical race theory has its roots in critical theory, Truman does not say much about critical race theory. We are again in his debt for an in depth analysis, rich in original source research and pertinent for understanding contemporary cultural and political currents. Hegel was right in at least one thing: to understand an age, you must understand its philosophy, and as Christians, we must expose it and counter it with biblical truth. Truman, patiently and non polemically, explains critical theory. To do so, he explores the philosophies of major figures such as Hegel, Karl Marx, and Sigmund Freud, and culturally significant thinkers from the German Frankfurt school such as Herbert Marcuse and Max Horkheimer. He also consults Neo-Marxist thinkers such as John Lucas and Karl Koch and the Neo-Freudian Wilhelm Reich as a historian. Truman's aim is more elucidation than reputation, and he exposes difficult ideas in readable prose—no mean feat. However, he is wisely critical of critical theory to summarize and review a book that explores several dense thinkers, and their significance is challenging. I'd rather teach it than review it. However, several salient ideas emerge, which I will discuss here. Douglas Groothuis, Ph.D., is Distinguished University Research Professor of Apologetics and Christian Worldview at Cornerstone University and the author of twenty books, including Beyond the Wager: The Christian Brilliance of Blaise Pascal (InterVarsity, 2024). Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

    Daily in the Word
    Continue by Grace - Part 2

    Daily in the Word

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 13, 2025 25:02

    The world is changing, but as Christians, our directive stays the same. God has not called us to compromise or complain about the culture. He has called us to continue. In this series, Continue, we will discover key areas of our life that God wants us to continue developing through the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ. People all around us are desperate for answers, and we must continue to take the light of the gospel to those lost in culture's darkness.

    A Word With You
    Your Things to Die For - #9916

    A Word With You

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 13, 2025

    For many years, Penn State was just one college of many with a powerful football program. And then not too long ago, it suddenly became the epicenter of a whole lot of outrage. Screaming students - angry that Joe Paterno, their iconic coach - the "winning-est" college coach ever - had been summarily fired. And then the parents, the politicians, the pundits, enraged as they should be, at allegations of young lives ruined by sexual abuse. Allegedly by a coach who used a locker room as a place to horribly exploit young boys. All of which has caused me to ask this question, "So what is it that enrages you, Ron? Or should?" I'm Ron Hutchcraft and I want to have A Word With You today about "Your Things to Die For." My friend Bob asks, "What are your 'things to die for'?" He confesses that his list has changed. It used to be a list of legalistic "don'ts" that he thought were the causes worth fighting for. Not anymore. God has broken his heart for people who are going to hell instead of people who are breaking the rules. And he's outraged over the devil enslaving and damning people God created and Jesus died for. There's something about us that gets all uptight about things that matter a little and largely complacent about things that break and even enrage the heart of God. We can really get up a head of steam about worship music, or liberals, or Christians who are "different," or the way the culture's going downhill. But then we can be strangely unmoved by young girls who suddenly disappear into the snake pit of sexual slavery. Or children who cry every night for food that never comes. A woman living with a man she thought loved her, and tonight fearing for her life. Innocent kids, unspeakably twisted and scarred by someone who abuses them for their own gratification. Our word for today from the Word of God talks about these outrages in Romans 1:18 - outrages that provoke what the Bible calls the "wrath of God (which) is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men." Things He can't stand; He can't stand for the victimizing of any person He created in His holy image. Proverbs says, "He who oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honors God" (Proverbs 14:31). God talks about defending the cause of the poor and the needy and then He asks probingly, "Is not this what it means to know Me?" (Jeremiah 22:16). Above all, the Bible says, "He is not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance" (2 Peter 3:9). And we're surrounded by people who are one heartbeat away from perishing forever and ever, because no one told them about the Savior who perished so they wouldn't have to. God accepts no excuse for failing to (as the Bible says) "rescue those being led away to death...If you say, 'But we knew nothing about this,' does not He who weighs the heart perceive it...Will He not repay each person according to what he has done?" (Proverbs 24:11-12). God is not deaf to the shattered lives, the anguished cries of a world that sin has devastated. God says today as He said to Moses in Exodus, "I have heard them crying out...I am concerned about their suffering...So I have come down to rescue them." Oh good! God's going to do something about all this hurt and lostness. Yes He is, and He has a plan. Listen to the next verse, "So, now, go. I am sending you" (Exodus 3:7-10). So, are the things you'll "die for" the things Jesus died for?

    Thy Strong Word from KFUO Radio
    1 John 3:11-24: Hate is Murder, So Love One Another

    Thy Strong Word from KFUO Radio

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 13, 2025 56:16

    The apostle John confronts us with a startling truth: hatred equals murder in God's eyes. Through the story of Cain and Abel, John exposes the deadly nature of hatred while revealing how Christ's sacrificial love transforms God's children from murderers into bearers of divine love. God's Word cuts through our comfortable assumptions about what it means to be Christian, showing us there is no middle ground between love and hate.  The Rev. Delwyn Campbell pastor of Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church and Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Lansing, MI, joins the Rev. Dr. Phil Booe to study 1 John 3:11-24.  In these epistles, John defends the truth of Jesus Christ against false teachings, calling believers to remain steadfast in their faith and grounded in the apostolic witness. He emphasizes the essential connection between truth, love, and fellowship, urging Christians to walk in the light, love one another, and reject anything that denies the person and work of Jesus.  Through 1 John, we explore the assurance of salvation, the battle between light and darkness, and the call to abide in Christ. In 2 John, we are reminded of the importance of holding fast to the truth while guarding against deceivers. Finally, in 3 John, we see a personal glimpse into the challenges of church leadership, hospitality, and Christian unity.  Together, these letters challenge us to live faithfully as God's children in a world that opposes His truth.   Thy Strong Word, hosted by Rev. Dr. Phil Booe, pastor of St. John Lutheran Church of Luverne, MN, reveals the light of our salvation in Christ through study of God's Word, breaking our darkness with His redeeming light. Each weekday, two pastors fix our eyes on Jesus by considering Holy Scripture, verse by verse, in order to be strengthened in the Word and be equipped to faithfully serve in our daily vocations. Submit comments or questions to: thystrongword@kfuo.org.

    Text Talk
    Psalm 119:129-144-Steady My Steps

    Text Talk

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 13, 2025 14:21

    Psalm 119:129-144 (ESV)Andrew and Edwin discuss the psalmist's fear of faltering on God's path and the two obstacles he fears.Read the written devo that goes along with this episode by clicking here.    Let us know what you are learning or any questions you have. Email us at TextTalk@ChristiansMeetHere.org.    Join the Facebook community and join the conversation by clicking here. We'd love to meet you. Be a guest among the Christians who meet on Livingston Avenue. Click here to find out more. Michael Eldridge sang all four parts of our theme song. Find more from him by clicking here.   Thanks for talking about the text with us today.________________________________________________If the hyperlinks do not work, copy the following addresses and paste them into the URL bar of your web browser: Daily Written Devo: https://readthebiblemakedisciples.wordpress.com/?p=20083The Christians Who Meet on Livingston Avenue: http://www.christiansmeethere.org/Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/TalkAboutTheTextFacebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/texttalkMichael Eldridge: https://acapeldridge.com/ 

    The Well SLC
    Christians can't Flourish, Unless They are Planted in A Local Church

    The Well SLC

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 13, 2025 49:36

    Message Date: January 12th, 2025 Location: Sandy Campus Eyes To See “Christians can't Flourish, Unless They are Planted in A Local Church” Pastor Jason Parrish

    Smarter Healthy Living | Plant Based Joy
    324: Superfoods Simplified: Nature's Most Powerful Foods for Weight Loss & Energy

    Smarter Healthy Living | Plant Based Joy

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 13, 2025 20:52 Transcription Available

    Send us a textStruggling with weight loss or low energy? In this eye-opening episode, discover why the most powerful superfoods for optimal health might already be easily within reach! Join healthcare professionals Jarrod and Anita Roussel as they reveal the surprising origin of the term "superfood" and debunk popular myths about these natural healing powerhouses.You'll learn:The real definition of superfoods and their role in lasting healthHow whole plant foods naturally decrease inflammation in your bodyWhich produce can be just as "super" as exotic importsSimple facts that will get you excited about whole food plant-based eatingWhere to find the superfoods for optimal healthWhether you're dealing with health challenges, seeking natural weight loss solutions, or simply want to boost your energy and feel better naturally through whole food plant-based living, this episode provides the practical, research-backed guidance for identifying and regularly enjoying superfoods.Perfect for: Health-conscious Christians, busy women, and those looking to improve your health naturally, the enjoyable, lasting way. 

    Double Edged Sword ♱ Assyrian Church Podcast
    Episode 112: The prophets fulfilled in Jesus

    Double Edged Sword ♱ Assyrian Church Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 13, 2025 31:59

    In this episode, Father Genard delves deeply into Acts chapter 13, focusing on St. Paul's sermon and its rich theological implications. He begins by exploring the way St. Paul uses the history of the Jewish people to remind them of God's promises, which were ultimately fulfilled in the person of Jesus Christ. Paul's message is clear: the salvation through Jesus Christ was written in the Old Testament, and although the Jewish leaders and people condemned Christ, this was part of God's perfect plan for salvation. Father Genard emphasizes that Jesus, despite being crucified by the ignorance and pride of others, voluntarily gave Himself up to death in order to destroy death once and for all. He points out that while humanity's attempts at salvation through the law failed, Jesus' death and resurrection brought true salvation to all who believe. Father Genard highlights that Jesus' resurrection was not only a miraculous event but a testament to His divinity, as He Himself had the power to raise His body from the dead. This resurrection, which was witnessed by many, confirms the truth of Jesus' mission. The apostle Paul also proclaims that the promises made to the fathers were fulfilled through Jesus, who is the true Son of God, as evidenced in the Psalms. The episode also touches on the importance of not disregarding the Old Testament and its prophecies about Jesus, especially in the light of misunderstandings and dismissals of the prophets by some Christians. Father Genard strongly asserts that Jesus is not just a great teacher or prophet but the divine Son of God, pre-existent and eternal, who took on human flesh to restore humanity to its rightful relationship with the Father. In closing, Father Genard reminds us that through Jesus' death and resurrection, we are no longer bound by the law but have been offered new life through faith in Christ and baptism. This is the ultimate word of salvation, and it is only through Christ that we have hope for eternal life.

    Unveiling Mormonism
    Who Are the Seventh Day Adventists?

    Unveiling Mormonism

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 13, 2025 59:34

    Some modern day religions claim to be Christians...but are they really? Go through this series with a small group or mentor, and let's take a closer look at some religions that may actually be cultish. This week: Seventh Day Adventists.--The Unveiling Mormonism podcast pulls back the curtain on Mormon history, culture and doctrine. Join us for new episodes every Monday. Find resources to talk about these episodes at pursueGOD.org/mormonism.Help others go "full circle" as a follower of Jesus through our 12-week Pursuit series.Click here to learn more about how to use these resources at home, with a small group, or in a one-on-one discipleship relationship.Got questions or want to leave a note? Email us at podcast@pursueGOD.org.Donate Now --Part I: The HistoryOrigins in the Millerite MovementWilliam Miller (1782–1849): A Baptist preacher who studied Bible prophecy, particularly the books of Daniel and Revelation. Based on his calculations of Daniel 8:14, Miller predicted that Christ would return to earth around 1843–1844.The Great Disappointment (October 22, 1844): When Jesus did not return on the predicted date, many of Miller's followers abandoned the movement. However, a small group believed the date was correct but misunderstood the nature of the event (we will get into this more when we discuss some of the false doctrines they promote).Formation of the Seventh-day Adventist ChurchThe Sabbath Movement: A group led by Joseph Bates and others began emphasizing the importance of observing Saturday (the biblical Sabbath) as a day of worship, based on the fourth commandment.The Sanctuary Doctrine: After the Great Disappointment, followers like Hiram Edson taught that Jesus did not return to earth but instead entered the heavenly sanctuary to begin a new phase of His ministry (the “investigative judgment”).Ellen G. White (1827–1915): Considered a prophetess by Adventists, she played a central role in shaping SDA beliefs and practices. Her visions and writings helped unify the movement and promote distinctive doctrines.Official Organization1863: The Seventh-day Adventist Church was officially organized in Battle Creek, Michigan, with approximately 3,500 members.Expansion: By the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the SDA Church grew rapidly, emphasizing evangelism, education, and healthcare.Today's SDA ChurchGlobal Reach: The SDA Church has grown into a worldwide denomination with over 21 million members.Focus Areas: It emphasizes education, healthcare, and missionary work while holding to its unique doctrines.Part II: The Similarities and DifferencesSimilarities:The belief in the TrinityThe humanity and deity of Christ (but there is a little twist here)Salvation by grace through faith (but we will discuss this)Authority of Scripture (but we will discuss this as well)The Second Coming of ChristResurrection of the DeadWhile there are many similarities in the beliefs between SDA and orthodox Christianity, there are some disturbing differences that Christians need to be aware of when considering SDA's. Observance of the SabbathThis is pretty deep. They firmly believe that the 4th commandment to observe the Sabbath is still enforced today and this part of the law was not “fulfilled” in Christ. SUNDAY LAW: They associate Sunday...

    Tent Talk with Nancy McCready

    God is flipping HIs house! He is exposing our man-centered ways, and calling us back to His ultimate intention. Join us in this episode of Tent Talk Podcast, where Nancy McCready provokes us to re-center our lives on Him. If we do not allow the Father to raise us as His sons by maturing the life of Christ in us, then we default to being good, man-centered, and moral. True discipleship is sonship. It's allowing the Holy Spirit to mature His life in us, aligning us with His ultimate intention. It's time to clear the shelves of our man-made methods and allow the Father to have His way! Are you ready to do mighty exploits with Him? Here we go! Thanks for Listening! I hope that after listening to The Tent Talk Podcast, you'll want to start discussions with your team or small group. These resources can help guide your discipleship journey to maturity and destiny with the Father: Episode Notes & Conversation Guide DOWNLOAD HERE https://nancymccready.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/Him-5.0.pdf The Producer's Way School https://theproducersway.com Nancy's book, From Trauma to Trust https://www.amazon.com/dp/B096ZML6R3/ LINKS Ultimate Intention by Devern Fromke : https://www.amazon.com/Ultimate-Intention-Devern-F-Fromke/dp/1684226899/ Cross Encounter: https://nancymccready.com/cross-encounter/ JOIN THE CONVERSATION Every journey begins with a conversation, join us on social media to get started! Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nbmccready Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nbmccready/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@nancymccreadyministries SUBSCRIBE Like what you hear? Subscribe to Tent Talk with Nancy McCready so you don't miss an episode! https://nancymccready.com/podcast/ ABOUT TENT TALK Tent Talk with Nancy McCready is a listener-funded podcast dedicated to helping Christians along their journey of a deeper walk with Christ. With the support of donors like you, we are able to help our listeners gain a deeper spiritual understanding and connection with the Father. Thank you for your support of the Tent Talk Podcast! https://nancymccready.com/giving/ Brought to you by Nancy McCready Ministries https://nancymccready.com/

    Christian Emergency Podcast
    96. In Days of Darkness: 5 Tips for Christians Preparing for Tougher Times

    Christian Emergency Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 13, 2025 48:37

    Many Christians around the West are perplexed by the times they are living in. Things at work, at school, on their streets – they're just not the same as what they grew up with. Spiritually things are downgraded. The same holds true for the culture in general, which is now hostile to the Christian faith and biblical morals. So much of this is new and alien. Many Christians have no clue how they should respond. What can they do themselves? And what can they say or do to help their kids? Frustration is growing, along with anxiety, fear and anger. How can Christians prepare to stand – and help the Church stand – in days of darkness? How can believers brace themselves for trials, and maybe even open persecution, in the days ahead. To help answer these questions, Andy Coleman shares five tips that ordinary Christians can use today to strengthen themselves spiritually for pressures tomorrow. These five tips borrow from his experiences working with persecuted Christians in some of the most difficult countries on earth. In those lands, the persecution climate is mature, but in many way similar to the milder but growing pressures in the West. These insights are drawn from a new book authored by Andy Coleman, which is scheduled to be published in May, 2025. In Days of Darkness: A Manual for Ordinary Christians Facing Unusual Times is a book focused on helping believers prepare themselves, their families and their churches for tougher times. You can pre-order copies of In Days of Darkness: A Manual for Ordinary Christians Facing Unusual Times at Barnes and Noble, Walmart, Target or wherever you find your favorite books. While the book will not officially launch until May 6, 2025, you can also order advance copies today. Andy will personally sign them for you, your friends or your loved ones. These can be found at https://indaysofdarkness.com/. If you found this episode helpful, please give us a positive rating and review wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts. Also share this episode with a friend so they too can be blessed by its insights. To learn more about resources mentioned in this episode, see the following. In Days of Darkness: A Manual for Ordinary Christians Facing Unusual Times (Book). Pre-order at Barnes & Noble, Walmart, Target or wherever you find your favorite books. In Days of Darkness: A Manual for Ordinary Christians Facing Unusual Times (Book) – Signed Advance Reader Copies available here. Christian Emergency Alliance (Website) Christian Emergency Alliance (Twitter / X) Christian Emergency Alliance (Facebook) Christian Emergency Alliance (Instagram) The Christian Emergency Podcast is a production of the Christian Emergency Alliance. Soli Deo Gloria

    Carnival Personnel
    CPP Ep. 263 - The Whole World Is A Comment Section

    Carnival Personnel

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 13, 2025 73:56

    Southern California is on fire.  It's gonna be the most devastation national disaster in US history and already the GOP and good god- fearing Christians making it worse by saying LA (So Cal) deserves it.    We recap Jacques' and buddies Wayne and Anthony's NYE's gigs as well as Mike Koutrobis' (and Gianni Saltalamacchia's) Nick's Gig.   Jacques also had the privilege of being at the Worcester Bravehearts / Woo Sox press conference this week where he sat with close friend, greatest voice of in-stadium host AND former CPP guest Rodney – to see announcement of Futures League game being played at Polar Park this July!   Joe talks some Zelda- Jacques talks NO Application on the 25k view clip of his rescue foster Trexi in her new wheel chair – Parenting tips and … more?   IG/FB: Carnivalpersonnelpodcast – TiKTok: JacquesFunny   Opening: Struggle by Beyond Id (on The Stovin' Years on Spotify)   Closing Song: Pepsi by Beyond Id (recorded live at WMFO Mikey D Show, on The Stovin' Years on Spotify)

    Biblical Time Machine
    A Historian's Take on Josephus and 'The Jewish War'

    Biblical Time Machine

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 13, 2025 67:56

    Today's guest, historian Steve Mason, has called Josephus's The Jewish War "perhaps the most influential non-biblical text of Western history." And he's got a point! Read alongside the Bible, The Jewish War tells the "rest of the story" — specifically, how the Romans came to destroy the Temple in 70 CE. The trouble is, The Jewish War isn't "history" in the modern sense. It's a narrative written to make moral arguments about "good" and "bad" leaders in both Jerusalem and Rome. In today's episode, Mason explains how historians like himself try to reconstruct the past from a wide variety of sources, not just narrative.To learn much (much) more, check out some of Steve's excellent books:A History of the Jewish War, AD 66-74 (2016)Josephus and the New Testament (2002)Jews and Christians in the Roman World: From Historical Method to Cases (2023)SUPPORT BIBLICAL TIME MACHINEIf you enjoy the podcast, please consider supporting the show through the Time Travelers Club, our Patreon. We love making the show, but since we don't run ads we rely on listener contributions to cover our costs. Please help us continue to showcase high-quality biblical scholarship with a $5/month subscription.DOWNLOAD OUR STUDY GUIDE: MARK AS ANCIENT BIOGRAPHYCheck out our 4-part audio study guide called "The Gospel of Mark as an Ancient Biography." While you're there, get yourself a Biblical Time Machine mug or a cool sticker for your water bottle.Support the showTheme music written and performed by Dave Roos

    A Few Minutes With The Few
    Here's What We Can Learn From The L.A Wildfires - S5:EP38

    A Few Minutes With The Few

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 13, 2025 27:11

    Were the wildfires in L.A. inevitable? Join us this week for a challenging discussion regarding how who we vote for and the policies we implement in our communities impact so many lives and even generations to come. Let's learn from these wildfires and protect our communities from falling into the false ideology that is DEI. As Christians, we have the ability to lead in the area of politics and to steward God's beautiful creation. Let's get into it! Check out the resources we have for you here: Twenty-Five Things Christians Should Do In 2025: https://thefew.blog/2025/01/09/twenty-five-things-christians-should-do-in-2025/ Head on over to our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCe3fLjQP_lchFvLhcS5pohg Check out our blog here: https://thefew.blog/ Do daily life with us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thefew.blog/ Hope Beauty (use our code THEFEW to get 10% off your order): https://www.hopebeautyusa.com/  Find our Christian Resources Page HERE: https://thefew.blog/resources/  Listen and like our Spotify Worship Playlist here: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4oWFSPV8NuxwD7yscL2mZO?si=eZmKLjZVSEWrGWo0p4w7IQ  Podbean Affiliate Link: https://www.podbean.com/thefew Our link gets you one month FREE of Podcasting with Podbean! :) Have a topic or question on your mind you'd like us to chat about or answer in a future episode? Email us your thoughts and/or questions @ thefew.blog@gmail.com!

    Learn American English With This Guy
    16 Dead in California Fires: An English Conversation for IELTS and TOEFL

    Learn American English With This Guy

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 13, 2025 18:16

    If you like learning about the current news and improving your English for your next English conversation, this English lesson is for you. While watching a news report about the tremendous amount of damage caused by the California fires, you will learn English phrasal verbs, English idioms,, and other advanced English vocabulary that can really stump English learners.

    Church and Family Life Podcast
    Is the Sabbath a Creation Ordinance or Temporary Ceremony? A Conversation with Jon English Lee

    Church and Family Life Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 13, 2025 34:58

    Jon English Lee's new book, There Remains a Sabbath Rest for the People of God answers the question: Are Christians are bound to keep the sabbath? Or is it simply a relic of Israel's law system that was fulfilled in Christ? The answer comes in the Fourth Commandment. We're to “Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy” (Exod. 20:8) because God established it as a creation ordinance, “For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it” (Exod. 20:11). In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by special guest Jon English Lee, give an overview of the Scripture's teaching on the Sabbath, explaining that, following creation, God Himself—who needs no rest—modeled rest for man for his refreshment and benefit (Gen. 2:1-3). And Jesus, during His earthly ministry, upheld this pattern, with His apostles moving its observance to the first day of the week, following Christ's resurrection (Mark 16:2; Acts 20:7). Honoring the Sabbath acknowledges we are not ultimately dependent on the fruitfulness of our own labor, so we should put down the plow each Lord's Day, worship God, and rest.

    Calvary Georgetown Divide » All Sermons
    ‘Why Christians Don't Get Along: Revelations from Obadiah'

    Calvary Georgetown Divide » All Sermons

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 13, 2025 51:30

    Obadiah prophesied against Edom because of how they treated Israel. Why was this a big deal to God? Because they were brothers. Which brings us to how church-people often treat each other…

    The Magazine Podcast
    An Apology for The Pilgrim's Progress

    The Magazine Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 13, 2025 31:31

    'This book will make a traveller of Thee...' So begins John Bunyan's classic The Pilgrim's Progress. Many Christians of the past four centuries would testify that it is indeed a book to stir up the heavenbound pilgrim - offering encouragement, challenge, warning, and hope to the man, woman, or child, who desires to attain to the life to come. But the book has its critics, even prominent ones, and can be a challenging read for modern Christians. With this in mind, we read John Muether's commendation of Bunyan's classic, and an excerpt from the Trust's recent paperback edition of C. H. Spurgeon's Pictures from Pilgrim's Progress.   Featured Content: – 'Why Evangelicals Don't Read Pilgrim's Progress (and Why They Should)', John Muether, originally published in a Reformed Theological Seminary publication, this was featured on the Banner website on Nov. 2, 2003: https://banneroftruth.org/resources/articles/2003/why-evangelicals-dont-read-pilgrims-progress-and-why-they-should/ – C. H. Spurgeon, Pictures from Pilgrim's Progress (Edinburgh: Banner of Truth, 2024), pp. 145–153.   About the Contributors: John R. Muether joined Reformed Theological Seminary-Orlando as Library Director in 1989. Mr. Muether also serves as Professor of Church History, teaching core courses on education in the church, Christian engagement with culture and church government as well as elective courses on various topics. Mr. John R. Muether's faculty page: https://rts.edu/people/mr-john-r-muether/   C. H. Spurgeon was, for most of the second half of the 19th century, England's best-known preacher, becoming converted to Christianity at the age of 15 in 1850. During the 1850s, London's largest halls overflowed with people wanting to hear this youthful minister preach. During the 1860s, he founded the Metropolitan Tabernacle, along with a college for pastors and an orphanage, and he was already publishing sermons and a monthly magazine. He authored many books, with some of the most popular Charles Spurgeon books including Flowers From a Puritan's Garden with its inspiring illustrations and meditations; A Defence of Calvinism, where Spurgeon explains and defends Biblical teachings about God's grace in the Gospels; and the C.H. Spurgeon Autobiography, volumes 1 and 2. Volume 1 is subtitled “The Early Years,” while Volume 2 is “The Full Harvest 1860-1892.” The C.H. Spurgeon Autobiography is also available as a two-volume set.   Buy Pictures from Pilgrim's Progress: https://banneroftruth.org/store/theology-books/pictures-from-pilgrims-progress/   Explore the work of the Banner of Truth: www.banneroftruth.org Subscribe to the Magazine (print/digital/both): www.banneroftruth.org/magazine Leave us a voice message: www.speakpipe.com/magazinepodcast

    City Cast Boise
    This Pastor Thinks Idaho Christians Have Gone Too Far

    City Cast Boise

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 13, 2025 27:25

    Christian nationalism is gaining momentum in Idaho as some lawmakers aim to make the Bible required reading in public schools. But does this movement reflect the teachings of Jesus, or is it alienating the communities it claims to represent? Local pastor and writer Benjamin Cremer joins host Lindsay Van Allen to dive into the impact of this ideology and if he believes differing beliefs can still thrive in our state. Want some more Boise news? Head over to our Hey Boise newsletter where you'll get a cheatsheet to the city every weekday morning. Interested in advertising with City Cast Boise? Find more info HERE. Reach us at boise@citycast.fm. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Netcast Church Podcast
    Why Do We Follow Jesus

    Netcast Church Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 13, 2025 40:48

    This Sunday January 12, 2025 Pastor Matt Chewning continued in our "All In" series, and read from Luke chapter 16. Join us to hear about the purpose behind being all in with God, and telling people about Jesus! Are you New to Netcast? Join our community through this link! https://netcast.churchcenter.com/people/forms/14863 00:00 - All In 02:48 - What Does It Look Like to Be a Follower of Jesus? 03:57 - Follow Me and I'll Make You Into Something 09:05 - Jesus Calling His Disciples to Make Disciples 10:45 - The Gospel as a Means to an End 15:33 - Don't Fear Those Who Kill the Body 17:23 - Jesus on The Rich Man and Lazarus 24:53 - Jesus: Life is Hard 29:48 - Hell Is Complete Darkness 39:01 - God's Plan for Christians

    Cross References
    8 Things You Need to Know about the Millennium

    Cross References

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 13, 2025 53:31

    Video available of this episode! Follow this link: https://www.youtube.com/live/Qdg9ONoxKNQ?si=a_J62CCUPq9OfLgpThe way you interpret the Millennium does not just affect how you read Revelation 20.The way you interpret the thousand-year Kingdom of Christ will affect how you read Isaiah 60 through 66, Ezekiel 40-48, Daniel 2 and 7, Micah 4, Zechariah 14, and virtually every book of the New Testament.As I said in last week's study, I take the premillennialism view of the end times. I believe Jesus comes back, and then the Millennium begins, and that it continues for a literal 1000-year period.But even among us premillennialism Christians, things start to get a little fuzzy after that. What will it be like to live on the earth for a thousand years with Christ as a literal, physical King? Will there still be individual nations, or just one giant nation? Will the world still have wars? Will it be possible to sin when Christ is ruling on the throne?And what are you and I going to be doing during all that time?Those are questions that I plan to answer over the next 10 or so weeks of this podcast, but I'm going to give you the big-picture broad-overview of the Millennium today today on the Cross References podcast.Watch last week's episode about the 4 Views of the Millennium here: https://www.youtube.com/live/xuwnGPmx_yA?si=ryPO9CiNuV5lrY69If you want to get in touch with me, send an email to crossreferencespodcast@gmail.comIf you're looking for a detailed Ezekiel Bible study, cross-referenced with supporting scripture, this podcast will provide an in-depth look at the prophets of the Bible, with clear Bible prophecy explained. We explore Ezekiel's visions and other Old Testament Bible study topics through careful Bible exegesis to help you in understanding the Book of Ezekiel in a deeper way. I'm glad you're here, and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE so you never miss an episode!

    Daily Devotional By Archbishop Foley Beach
    Many “Christians” Are Unwilling to Come to the God in Penitence to Repent; They Do Not Have the “fire of God” or the Holy Spirit's Engagement

    Daily Devotional By Archbishop Foley Beach

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 13, 2025 1:00

    Many “Christians” Are Unwilling to Come to the God in Penitence to Repent; They Do Not Have the “fire of God” or the Holy Spirit's Engagement MESSAGE SUMMARY: We must maintain constant repentance with the Lord. Every relationship in our life is a day-by-day journey; therefore, our relationship with the Lord is, also, a continuous journey. In 2 Corinthians 7:10, Paul succinctly describes the difference between “grief” and “sorrow” for our sinful actions and true repentance: “For godly grief produces a repentance that leads to salvation without regret, whereas worldly grief produces death.". God can show us those things, in our lives, that He wants us to do or not do. Some of us have the “pilot light lit” because we have asked Jesus to bring the Holy Spirit into our lives; however, the “furnace isn't engaged”. The “fire of God” is not in our lives because we are not willing to come to the Lord in penitence and to repent.   TODAY'S PRAYER: Lord, I come this day inviting you to cut those deeply entrenched chains that keep me from being faithful to my true self in Christ. In doing so, may my life be a blessing to many. In Jesus' name, amen.      Scazzero, Peter. Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Day by Day (p. 44). Zondervan. Kindle Edition. TODAY'S AFFIRMATION: Today, Because of who I am in Jesus Christ, I will not be driven by Loneliness. Rather, I will abide in the Lord's Presence. “I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in Me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from Me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5). SCRIPTURE REFERENCE (ESV): Mathew 3:8-11; Romans 2:4-5; Psalms 32:5; Psalms 120:1-7. A WORD FROM THE LORD WEBSITE: www.AWFTL.org. THIS SUNDAY'S AUDIO SERMON: You can listen to Archbishop Beach's Current Sunday Sermon: “Beginnings in Prayer – Part 1: How is Your Prayer Life; Is Anything in Your Life More Important than Prayer?”, at our Website: https://awordfromthelord.org/listen/ DONATE TO AWFTL: https://mygiving.secure.force.com/GXDonateNow?id=a0Ui000000DglsqEAB