Holy Spirit in Judaism
What You Did for the Greater Exodus When is the best time to plan for Sukkot? Immediately after Sukkot! There's not much chance of a smooth eight days next year if you're not already working on your calendar and negotiating the days off. One thing's for sure...if you bumble and stumble through a feast, the kids and grandkids are watching. What must they think? Their friends' parents put up the December holiday lights and decorations weeks ahead of time, but mom had no idea that there was a significant rip in the tent roof or grandpa tried to hold a sukkah together with zip-ties and fishing line as the sun set on the first day of Sukkot? I know. I'm not helping your anxiety level. It happens to most folks, though, until they learn to plan. Let's see if I can help. Would it help if you understood the prophetic value of the seemingly minor activities during Sukkot? Like waving and shaking the lulav for seven days? The lulav, or four species, is comprised of seven components. The palm branch is the lulav, but the entire bundle is also called the lulav [1?7]. To some, each of the species (minim) represent a type of believer, from extremely pious to minimally active spiritually. Even though there is a range of observance, they are all one bundle. The good traits of others can offset the lazier ones, who nevertheless might have some redeeming quality to contribute to the group. There are other traditions as well. The feasts are filled with symbolic objects, foods, and actions. In one tradition, the symbolism of the lulav is: • One palm branch, representing the one Elohim. • One citron, representing the one nation (Israel). • Three myrtle branches, representing the three forefathers buried at Hebron • Two willow branches, representing the two Tablets of the Word The palm branch, or lulav, must come from the crown of the dekel, or palm tree. It is the new growth that is still tightly compact, unopened, very straight like a spine that supports the body. The citron is the etrog, the pleasant-smelling “heart” of the lulav because of its shape. The etrog is invalidated if the pitom is broken off or missing. The pitom is the prominent tip. We must serve Adonai carefully and with a whole heart. The myrtle is hadas, and its leaves look like eyes. If crushed or even brushed against, it releases a fragrant oil. We should always be on the lookout for opportunities to release the fragrance of Messiah Yeshua in our interactions with others. The Living Word leaves a tangible fragrance others appreciate. It is a sign of spiritual life, a prophecy of the resurrection. There must be three myrtle branches, a symbol of resurrection. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and their wives are buried in Hebron because it was thought to the an entrance back to the Garden of Eden; thus, the resurrection number of three still speaks to us that we should walk in the faith of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The aravot are the two willow branches. Willows are very flexible, but they send down deep roots and dwell in well-watered places and along rivers of living water. Their long branches make a stunning whooshing noise if waved back and forth, which they were in the Temple water-pouring ceremony. These branches remind us that the Word must be inspired of the Ruach HaKodesh to inspire others. The commandments are embraced both with the spirit and letter, or practical doing of them. The lulav is waved in seven directions. The Elyah Rabbah (Orach Chaim 651:1) writes: "All together, seven, corresponding to the seven heavens.” The bundled lulav is waved, or shaken, specifically in the direction of the four winds in a linear method as well as toward Heaven and earth, south-north-east-upward-downward-west. These directions are mentioned in Isaiah: · Do not fear, for I am with you; I will bring your offspring from the east,
G-d desires to work through us to overcome the darkness in this world with the Light of Messiah in the indwelling of the Ruach HaKodesh. Listen to Rabbi David's Shabbat Sermon from Parasha Bereshit at Congregation Mayim Chayim.
Welcome to our special Musaf Rosh Hashanah Pesukim series. We're now in the fourth pasuk of Shofarot. As we discussed, the first three pesukim of Shofarot refer to the shofar of Har Sinai. The next three refer to our shofar, that we blow on Rosh Hashanah, and the last three refer to the shofar of the times of Mashiach. Our pasuk today is from Tehilim 47,6 עָלָ֣ה אֱ֭לֹהִים בִּתְרוּעָ֑ה יְ֝הֹוָ֗ה בְּק֣וֹל שׁוֹפָֽר׃ Hashem/Elokim (in His trait of justice) goes up in the Teruah, Hashem (with His trait of mercy) b'kol shofar. The Teruah , which is a broken blast of the shofar, refers to Hashem's justice, and that's why the term Elohim , which is God's justice, is used, whereas Shofar refers to the straight sound of the Tekiyah , and that refers to Hashem's trait of mercy. This is quoted by the Maharsha in Rosh Hashanah 32B and indicated in a famous Midrash brought down the Pisikta Rabbati parashat מ - David Hamelech tells us there is no greater force than the shofar that removes God's trait of justice and brings Him close to mercy. On Rosh Hashanah God sits down on the chair of justice and when we blow the shofar, God switches from His justice to His mercy. That's why it starts off, Elohim - God plans on going up as an Elohim , and the power of the shofar turns Him into Hashem . So God switches from His chair of justice to His chair of mercy. The Slah, also known as the Noda BiYehuda (his real name was Rabbi Yehuda Landau), was one of the Gedolim of a few hundred years ago. In his sefer on Hagigah 14A, he shares something fascinating: What are these two chairs? What's this chair of mercy? Does Hashem have a separate mercy chair? He cites the Yalkut Shimoni in Malachim 2,46 which talks about the wicked king Menashe. Menashe caused a lot of idol worship. His father Chizkiyah saw, with Ruach Hakodesh , how bad he would be, and therefore he didn't want to get married, until the prophet came and told him, " You're going to die because you don't want to have children." He married the prophet's daughter and ended up having this Menashe. Menashe was extremely wicked. He actually killed the prophet, his grandfather! Ultimately , Menashe was caught by the enemy and was placed in a copper cauldron. They were about to boil him alive. After calling out to all the idols and not getting answered, he said, " I remember my father taught me a pasuk, 'When you are in pain and all difficulties are happening, return to Hashem, your God.' I'm going to try it." So he called out to God, but the angels were blocking the windows of the heaven, so as not to allow his prayer to go up. They said, " God, this man put an idol into the Bet HaMikdash! We're going to let him return in Teshuva?!" But God, so of say, has to follow the rules. God made a tunnel under the Kiseh Hakavod and allowed his Teshuva to sneak in. Says the Slah, That is the Kiseh Rachamim/the chair of mercy. When God wants to, so to say, circumvent the angels and let somebody in, He lets them in . What exactly does that mean for us? How are we to understand this? The Yaarot Devash , Rav Yonatan Eybeshutz says something fascinating ( helek rishon derush 15) He says, Chizkiyah didn't want to get married because he saw Menashe with Ruach Hakodesh . But, he says, Ruach Hakodesh comes through angels, and therefore he was not privy to the final, happy ending of Menashe being chozer B'Teshuvah, because the angels didn't believe Menashe was deserving. Based on the angelic knowledge of the future, there was no hope for Menashe. That's why Chizkiyah didn't want to have children. But what he didn't know was that Menashe would be accepted by God. It says he ended up becoming the chief of all Baalei Teshuva in Gan Eden!. Chizikiyah didn't realize what he brought into the world through Menashe. Fascinating . What's even more fascinating is this chair of mercy, where God looks down and doesn't just see where we are right now, what we're fit for right now. God sees the Teshuva in the person, and the greatness of our future. This is different than what we learn from Yishmael, about the way you are now. He quotes a midrash in Bereshit 53,14 that says that when the angels wanted to kill Yishmael, Hashem said, I see what you don't see. I see the Yishmael is going to make Teshuva . The angels didn't know that. They knew his wickedness. They didn't know his Teshuvah. And that's the concept of the chatira . The Yaarot Dvash says, look at how much Hashem does for us, that there can be someone that even the angels don't see any hope for, and Hashem, with His mercy, opens a special door for him. He says, This is one of the miracles that God does for us, and quotes the Pasuk in Tehilim, Even Maasu HaBonim Hayeta L'Rosh Pinah/The rock that the builders despised becomes great, and says it refers to Baalei Teshuva. The angels despised him, yet he became the chief, even greater than Sadikim. That is M'Et Hashem Hayta Zot/This is a miracle of God . It's one of the wonders that God does for us, that He's able to see what's going to happen and accept even the most distant person in Teshuva , which is aroused at the time of the shofar. So, whoever you are and whatever you are, that's what happens at the time of Shofar .
Looking into the Shout of The Lord are you a Watchman?The Feast of Trumpets 2024Ezekiel 316 At the end of seven days the word of the Lord came to me: 17 “Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the people of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning from me. 18 When I say to a wicked person, ‘You will surely die,' and you do not warn them or speak out to dissuade them from their evil ways in order to save their life, that wicked person will die for[b] their sin, and I will hold you accountable for their blood. 19 But if you do warn the wicked person and they do not turn from their wickedness or from their evil ways, they will die for their sin; but you will have saved yourself.20 “Again, when a righteous person turns from their righteousness and does evil, and I put a stumbling block before them, they will die. Since you did not warn them, they will die for their sin. The righteous things that person did will not be remembered, and I will hold you accountable for their blood. 21 But if you do warn the righteous person not to sin and they do not sin, they will surely live because they took warning, and you will have saved yourself.”22 The hand of the Lord was on me there, and he said to me, “Get up and go out to the plain, and there I will speak to you.” 23 So I got up and went out to the plain. And the glory of the Lord was standing there, like the glory I had seen by the Kebar River, and I fell facedown.24 Then the Spirit came into me and raised me to my feet. He spoke to me and said: “Go, shut yourself inside your house. 25 And you, son of man, they will tie with ropes; you will be bound so that you cannot go out among the people. 26 I will make your tongue stick to the roof of your mouth so that you will be silent and unable to rebuke them, for they are a rebellious people. 27 But when I speak to you, I will open your mouth and you shall say to them, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says.' Whoever will listen let them listen, and whoever will refuse let them refuse; for they are a rebellious people.In scripture, the blowing of trumpets was used to signal an important occurrence, a call to action andor worship, announcing the new moon and the festivals, the Moedeim, as well as many other key events. So if you hear a trumpet blast, you know it has a purpose, and it is our responsibility to know what that purpose is. How will we know? By reading His Word and maintaining a prayerful relationship with our Redeemer through the power of the Ruach HaKodesh. https://member.bulldozerfaith.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/BulldozerFaith-Monthly-Newsletter-SEPTEMBER-24.pdfhttp://member.bulldozerfaith.com/givepaypal.me/bulldozerfaith https://cash.app/$bulldozerfaith https://member.bulldozerfaith.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Bulldozerfaith-Monthly-Magazine-October-2023.pdfDaily Devotional and teaching with Kenny Russell - Get connected with our Podcast Channelshttps://feeds.captivate.fm/what-then-shall-we-sayEmail kenny@bulldozerfaith.comNews Magazine - https://member.bulldozerfaith.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/BulldozerFaith-Monthly-Magazine-March-2024.pdf
We must allow the Ruach HaKodesh to rid our lives of all that will lead us astray. Listen to Rabbi David's Shabbat sermon based out of Parashot Matot-Masei at CMC.
The Filling Station When I was around four years old, my aunt borrowed my dad's work truck, probably to carry a load of tomatoes to market. If you've never had a freshly-picked southwest Arkansas-grown Bradley tomato, you don't know what you're missing. My Aunt Frances took me along, and she pulled into a filling station to get gas. For those of you too young to know what a filling station is, it's a lot like a gas station, but there's someone there to pump the gas, often dressed in a uniform. He checked the tire pressure and cleaned the windshield while the gas pumped. Eventually, they called that “Full service.” Back then, it was the only kind of service. The attendant asked my Aunt Frances what kind of gas she wanted. My aunt wasn't sure what Dad used, so she asked me, “Hollisa, what kind of gas does your daddy put in this truck?” Happy to have the right answer to a very adult question, I replied, “He gets Fillerupregular.” Nowadays, I suppose it's even more important to select the right kind of fuel for different kinds of engines. In the Kingdom of Heaven, often disputes arise about grace vs works because we are pouring the wrong kind of fuel. The fuel is wrong because the question is wrong. The question is wrong because of a misunderstanding of the fundamentals of salvation, grace, obedience, and holiness. Like my four-year-old understanding of gasoline, often we simply parrot what we've heard someone say, someone older or wiser than we. We memorize the answer before we understand the words. There is a reason two cheruvim guard the entrance to the Garden. Death cannot dwell there. Sin falls under the legal purview of death. Rebellion and transgression sins transfer a person under the custody of death. To allow a sinner to enter the holier spaces of the Presence is to consign them to the custody of death. It's like trying to drop a quarter into the slot only big enough for a dime. The way to the most powerful dwelling of the Divine Presence grows narrower as we walk with Adonai. Salvation begins the walk, but sanctification is a lifelong process of letting the Ruach HaKodesh shape us and strip away impairments that might delay our ability to stand and serve in holier places of the Presence. Adonai does not want us foolishly scampering into a holier place than that for which our obedience has prepared us. Just as there is glory to glory, life to life, growth to growth, so there are different kinds of “death.” Death is a matter of separation. The Mishkan drew levels of holiness in the Camp of Israel. The pattern of the kohanim illustrates how a nation of priests should approach the holy spaces of ministry in holy garments so that they are not cut off... You shall make holy garments for Aaron your brother, for glory and for beauty. You shall speak to all the skillful persons whom I have endowed with the spirit of wisdom, that they make Aaron's garments to consecrate him, that he may minister as priest to Me. These are the garments which they shall make:..(Ex 28:2-4) ... “They shall be on Aaron and on his sons when they enter the tent of meeting, or when they approach the altar to minister in the holy place, so that they do not incur guilt and die.” (v. 43) Even the Kohen HaGadol could die from his service! It doesn't mean he wasn't saved from the second death, but that he couldn't fit into that holy space in disobedience. Rashi comments to the passage above: “When they enter the Tent of Meeting...and die.” See that you have learned from this verse that a Kohen who performs the service lacking any of the Kohen's garments in subject to death.” This is a death “at the hands of Heaven,” not execution by the courts. It may or may not have an immediate visible effect to the natural eye. Rashi to Ex 28:41 “With them you shall dress Aaron your brother and his sons with him; you shall anoi...
One of the most elusive concepts in the Bible is the idea of the Holy Spirit. Though Judaism and Christianity share some common ground in recognizing Ruach HaKodesh/Holy Spirit as an aspect of the Divine Presence, the nuances and theological underpinnings differ significantly. For more, visit: https://www.thehiddenorchard.com/holy-spirit-vs-ruach-hakodesh-revealing-the-essence-of-divine-presence/
A Tried Bride In Creation Gospel Workbook Five Volume Four (Bamidbar), students are challenged with the following exercise: Draw a circle on a sheet of paper, but don't close it. Inside write all the gifts, abilities, and characteristics that you KNOW are completely you. Don't write what you'd like to be or do, but what you already know describes you. Let the circle sit for a few days or even weeks. Add or remove as necessary. It is okay to consult close friends or family who know you well. When you're satisfied that what's inside that circle describes what can be definitively known about you, close the circle. This simple exercise helps us to explain the problem in the Torah portion Korach this week: Therefore you and all your company are gathered together against the LORD; but as for Aaron, who is he that you grumble against him? (Nu 16:11) The leading administrators from the tribes of Reuven and Levi became jealous and bitter against Moses and Aaron. They are influencers of their generation. Moses reminds them that they were each given important leadership roles and service in the Body of the their future Messiah, but for some reason they became angry with Adonai; however, Moses and Aaron were the physical scapegoats for their jealousy. Moses wants to know why they were picking on Aaron. Who was he but an assigned agent of the Holy One? Authority comes from Heaven, not personal ambition or the ability to influence people. Aaron was a man walking in obedience to his gifts and calling; he was walking in the Way. When a disciple walks in The Way of obedience to Adonai, then he walks in a power of the Ruach HaKodesh that threatens the satan. Aaron was walking in the power of THE NAME. He was operating to the best of his ability in the gifts and abilities he'd been given to intercede for Israel. We saw his Divine gift early in the story when he met Moses and willingly interceded as a speaker for Moses when Moses was still struggling to walk in his own gift of administration...which he'd learned early in the house of Pharaoh, then abandoned for a time while he learned shepherding in the wilderness. The simple circle warmup exercise above was taken from a rabbi who was teaching on confusion and doubt. It is better to inventory one's strengths and weaknesses early in a journey than to leave the path littered with ill-fitting armor and unrealistic dreams. In this context, the exercise points out where Korach and his assembly, and we as well, covet and enter spaces and places not apportioned by HaShem. Once the circle is closed, spend all your effort developing what's inside it, never what is outside it. This is your portion. If something else will be added later, it will grow from what is inside the circle, not what is outside. The warmup exercise of drawing the circle is a way of helping disciples avoid doubt and confusion as to their roles in the Body of Messiah, families, work, etc. Every disciple must build the “name” or reputation and deeds uniquely apportioned to him in this world. The writer of Proverbs acknowledges that a Godly balance is desired in the portion: Give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with the food that is my portion… (Pr 30:8) The Father knows how to apportion His gifts to His children. He supplies food and water inside the circle, like the Garden of Eden. The difficulty for most of us is that we don't want to close the circle. We want to keep our options open so we can be or have more or be responsible for less. This brings us back to Shavuot and the story of Boaz and Ruth. Once Boaz realizes who Ruth is, he doesn't react exactly as we'd expect him to. Yes, he invites her to his table, makes sure she gleans more with less effort, and she's protected in his field. What he doesn't do is lavish gifts or an all-expenses paid new home and car. Or donkey. He doesn't woo her with expensive gifts.
Yaakov's Prediction of Shimshon Shimshon and Moshiach Moshe's prophecy of Shimshon Birth of Shimshon Meaning Behind the Name: Shimshon Shimshon's Ruach Hashem What is Ruach HaKodesh? Shimshon Sees his Wife from Timnah And Shimshon went down… Shimshon's Motive Did the Woman from Timnah convert before? Parents Objections to Shimshon's Marriage The Fight with the Lion and Meeting His Wife Returning to the Lion's Carcass --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/torah-heroes/support
La Festividad de Pentecostés o de Semanas (Shavuot) [Actualizada]Esta es la cuarta de las Festividades del SEÑOR, la última de la primavera, conmemoramos cuando Moisés recibió la ley del SEÑOR para guiar a Su pueblo en la forma de vivir en el camino de Dios, ya que, por más de 400 años, el pueblo de Israel había sido esclavo en una cultura politeísta. También celebramos que este festival tuvo su cumplimiento con la Venida del Espíritu Santo (Hechos 2), quien nos enseña a caminar en la senda del SEÑOR, y bautiza a los creyentes con fuego, y los une al Cuerpo de Jesucristo. Este es el último de los festivales que ha tenido y sigue teniendo cumplimiento.Puede encontrar el artículo de esta emisión en el siguiente link:https://lasagradapalabra.org/el-dia-de-pentecostes-la-festividad-de-la-cosecha-o-de-semanas-shavuotQue Dios los bendiga.
We need the fire of the Ruach HaKodesh to refine the impurities in our lives and spark revival in our midst. Listen to Rabbi David's sermon from Shavuot at Congregation Mayim Chayim.
Join us for our Ruach (Spirit)-filled Shavuot/Pentecost service at CMC as we worship G-d in Spirit & Truth focusing on the beauty of the giving of Torah at Mt. Sinai and the Ruach HaKodesh in Jerusalem on Shavuot/Pentecost.
Rabbi Peggy Michalchuk
Join us in Jerusalem for Ohr Samayach's Inaugural Yarchei Kallah event from July 1st to 4th, 2024! Featuring HaRav Yitzchak Breitowitz shlit"a & HaRav Asher Weiss shlit"a Click here for more information. Dont miss this one of a kind experience! Dedication opportunities are available for episodes and series at https://ohr.edu/donate/qa Questions? Comments? podcasts@ohr.edu Yeshivat Ohr Somayach located in the heart of Jerusalem, is an educational institution for young Jewish English-speaking men. We have a range of classes and programs designed for the intellectually curious and academically inclined - for those with no background in Jewish learning to those who are proficient in Gemara and other original source material. To find the perfect program for you, please visit our website https://ohr.edu/study_in_israel whatsapp us at https://bit.ly/OSREGISTER or call our placement specialist at 1-254-981-0133 today! Subscribe to the Rabbi Breitowitz Q&A Podcast at https://plnk.to/rbq&a Submit questions for the Q&A with Rabbi Breitowitz https://forms.gle/VCZSK3wQJJ4fSd3Q7 Subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/c/OhrSomayach/videos You can listen to this and many other Ohr Somayach programs by downloading our app, on Apple and Google Play, ohr.edu and all major podcast platforms. Visit us @ https://ohr.edu PRODUCED BY: CEDAR MEDIA STUDIOS
THE BOOK OF ACTS Lesson 5, Chapter 2 continued Before we pick back up with Acts chapter 2 (which we still won’t complete today) and the dawn of a new age brought about by the arrival of “what the Father promised” (the Ruach HaKodesh ), let’s summarize what we discussed last time. The first words […] The post Lesson 5 – Acts Chapter 2 appeared first on Torah Class.
NUMBERS Lesson 13 – Chapter 11 Continued Last time, in Numbers 11, we ended with a very curious circumstance that is easy to just read over, and miss. It concerns the matter that God is going to anoint 70 elders of Israel with the SAME spirit….the same Ruach HaKodesh…….. that is upon Moses. The reason […] The post Lesson 13 – Numbers 11 Cont. appeared first on Torah Class.
THAT'S SO LAME With the eclipse so recent, literally putting a point on the new year of the feast cycle at the New Moon (Rosh Chodesh), it seemed proper to emphasize this year's pilgrimage through the feast. This is true specially in the United States where the eclipse bisected an already very divided nation. The eclipse gave us a glimpse of a wedding ring, which for believers in Yeshua, is the covenant, particularly Shabbat, the sign of our betrothal. We protect its holiness while we await the Bridegroom's return. During each eclipse, we have a dramatic reminder. For Americans, at the very least, I take this as a warning. Repent. Be set-apart. No more lukewarmness toward the feasts and Shabbat. Pray. Pray for the world, but especially Israel and our nation. The new moons are a zikaron, or remembrance. It is an appointed time for Adonai to "remember" us, which means to purpose an action pertaining to us. Attend Shabbat and each feast with like kind and like mind. Gather however you can. Each year at Pesach, you may have have started the journey through your last "sealing" on earth as we know it. It is your protection to the tribulation that accompanies those final days. Even as I write this, the ancient beasts of Babylon and Medo-Persia are crouching at the door. In apostolic times, the Biblical feasts were seen as a seal of protection to those who celebrated them. Seven feasts, seven seals. Sound familiar? You can find the details in Creation Gospel Workbook Six. We are living in a miracle so great that almost everyone is missing it...even those who are the miracle! What is even greater than the Exodus? The Greater Exodus! Israel being gathered from all the nations to return to her covenant, the Living Torah, and her Promised Land of covenant. Isn't that greater than the Reed Sea parting? After all, it's been almost 2000 years since a large group of people dared to proclaim Yeshua the Messiah and walk in obedience to his Torah simultaneously. As with the wilderness journey, the arguments and chaos frequently obliterate the miracle-consciousness. First, however, before the journey home, the "moral" return begins in the lands of exile. Before we walk and leap on the way to celebrate the foot festivals of Passover, Shavuot, and Sukkot, we need healing. Thousands upon thousands are being healed of enmity against the Word and their Jewish brothers and sisters walking in the covenant. In ancient times, Jeroboam put up barriers on the highways of Israel to prevent the tribes of the Northern Kingdom from journeying to Jerusalem to celebrate the feasts. By separating brothers, which is the seventh and most wicked of abominations, the northern tribes quickly lost their identity among the nations. To undo this separation has to be a work of the Ruach HaKodesh. To reiterate how the Ruach works to knit together like kind, rather than scatter and separate, I'm including Chapter Two of Standing With Israel: a House of Prayer for All Nations. It describes how prayer brought Jew and non-Jew together at the time of the afternoon prayer and Temple sacrifice. This prayer is named after the sacrifice, the Minchah. It is also called Shemoneh Esrei, or Eighteen, after its eighteen individual prayers. STANDING WITH ISRAEL: A HOUSE OF PRAYER FOR ALL NATIONS CHAPTER TWO JEW AND GENTILE: PETER AND CORNELIUS The Shemoneh Esrei, whatever its form evolving in the Second Temple era, is a common prayer for both Jews and “God fearers” in Acts of the Apostles. Peter and John observe the hour of prayer: “Now Peter and John went up together into the temple at the hour of prayer, being the ninth hour.” In Acts, Peter and John are still accustomed to praying in the Temple at the appointed hour, and they encounter a lame man, likely a Jew, at the hour of Minchah prayer, the ninth hour. This is three o'clock.
Harav Yussie Zakutinsky Shlita
One Size Fits All "Tzav" "One Size Fits All!" We've probably all been duped by that assurance! Sure it fits, as long as you don't mind sleeves so long you could make it into a straitjacket! One size definitely doesn't fit all. Do we trust the ad enough to order it online? Do we hire a personal shopper who knows our taste, our height, our weight, body shape, even arm length? How about prayer? Does one size fit all? That's a common question even though it is not usually worded that way. Frequently I hear objections to Jewish prayer as vain repetition. It's an uninformed way of looking at it, but we often simply repeat what someone who we respected told us. As we allow the Ruach HaKodesh to turn our spiritual life upside down repeatedly, that may be one area that turns. To help coach new-to-Torah believers in the basics of Jewish prayer, I've written books such as Standing With Israel: A House of Prayer for All Nations, Messianic Shabbat Service, and Creation Gospel Workbook Six: Hebrew Prayer and Worship Traditions. Rather than cover that ground again, I thought I would reiterate one of the principles of Hebrew prayer. Although the basic daily, feast, and Shabbat prayers are fixed and do not change, they do not need to. The Temple service was the same. Fixed. As the daily prayers took the place of the Temple services after its destruction, they too, were fixed. There is room in the Amidah prayers for spontaneous, personal conversation with Adonai. The point of Hebrew prayer is that the person is transformed with each prayer. When I pray the Amidah in the evening, I am not the same person who prayed it that morning. The conversation with Adonai changed me. As immersion into Messiah Yeshua makes me a new person, so does the fire of the Ruach burn me on the altar each day. This is why it is so difficult to advise someone on which siddur (prayer book) to purchase. It's kind of like picking out someone else's clothes, especially if you don't know them personally. I'd need to know several things: 1. Do you want Hebrew text, English, or both? 2. Do you want an English transliteration? 3. Do you need a daily siddur, Shabbat siddur, or a combination of both? 4. Do you want a Messianic siddur? 5. Large print, or are you good with a font the size of a gnat's tattoo in the pocket size? You get the gist. This week's Ulpan-Or newsletter on the Torah portion is an excellent illustration of the personal relationship with prayer. The ashes from altar that burn down from the previous day are symbolically placed beside it. Today's sacrifice will be a new one. Today's prayers will be new because we are new, re-born of fire and water. With their permission to reproduce, I've included Ulpan-Or's lesson below: TORAH PORTION "Tzav" This Shabbat we will read Torah Portion "Tzav". In our Torah Portion Tzav, G?d instructs Moses to command Aaron and his sons regarding their duties who offer the offerings on the altar in the Sanctuary. The fire on the altar had to be kept burning at all times. It is interesting to notice that each and every morning, the first order of the day in the Holy Temple was for the priest to remove a small portion of the ashes from the altar and place it on the floor just next to the altar. Why particularly the priest had to start each day with removing ashes from the previous day? What was the purpose of this ritual? The purpose of this ritual was not merely to tidy up the ashes left over from the fire that had burned all night. The priest only had to remove a very small symbolic amount of ash. And, in fact, after the first priest would remove a small portion of the ashes, the other priests would place the remainder of the ashes in a large heap in the center of the altar. Why is it so important that it's the first ritual performed in the Temple,
In this study we begin to look at the role of Messiah as the nation of Israel is restored and the Messianic Kingdom is established. We also discuss the Ruach HaKodesh and how the word and spirit must work in concert with each other to bring about the reality of the Messianic Kingdom in this world and the world to come.
In the Ruach HaKodesh we are equipped and empowered to play a distinct role in establishing a dwelling place for G-d's Presence. Listen to Rabbi David's sermon based on Parasha Vayakhel from Shabbat at CMC.
The Shulchan Aruch and Rama were written with Ruach Hakodesh. Source Sheet: https://res.cloudinary.com/ouinternal/image/upload/outorah pdf/jkiff6huq0149fowb1py.pdf --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/yechezkel-hartman/support
There is no cheat code to make discipleship easier, it is a lifelong process of faithfully walking in submission to the Ruach HaKodesh. Listen to Rabbi David's Shabbat sermon based out of Parasha Mishpatim.
This week we continue with "Living a Double Life" To review: The challenge is that many of the commandments are given as nos, or the “you shall nots.” At least half of life is managing the nos, the boundaries, and the good fences that preserve our lives. If life is at least half no, then fostering a great relationship with the no commandments is the key. We can discipline ourselves to engage the nos with as much enthusiasm as the yeses, which really, is what makes a disciple. Just like Yeshua told Peter, we are transformed from a person who always wants to be in charge to one who is willing to be led of the Ruach HaKodesh in every circumstance, even down to the time and way we die. Some disciples discipline the nos faster, and some not so fast. It is important, though, for if we cannot engage the simple commandments of yes and no, then how will we hear the more subtle still, small, voice of the Ruach HaKodesh is our daily dilemmas that don't come with a chapter and verse attached to them? This week, let's look at another “commandment principle” of life: the possibility of living a double life. It starts with the first commandment given at Mount Sinai in Exodus 20:1-5: Then God spoke all these words, saying, ‘I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. You shall have no other gods before Me. You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth. You shall not worship them or serve them…' The commandment is not to put another created entity as an “elohim” in front of Elohim, the only Creator. The idea is that there is nothing else created that could possibly be Elohim. By definition, Elohim is the Creator of all things, and a created elohim (judge, appointed ruler) is not. It is merely another created thing originating from Elohim. All other things go behind Him. He is the first, and there is no second to compare to Him. Sometimes a glance at a more literal Hebrew helps. “You shall have no other gods before Me” is: ??? ???????????? ???????? ???????? ???????????? or You will not be to yourself another god on My face. When a human being fabricates an image from wood, stone, or other substance, or attributes the Ruach Elohim to an existing created substance such as a tree, water, cloud, etc., then the human has put a “face” on Elohim. The urge is so strong that this is the first commandment, a “yes” paired with a “no.” Yes, He is Elohim, and no, do not tamper with Him by fabricating an image to put a face on Him, for it will be inaccurate and a product of human imagination. A philosopher once said that "imagination is man's most God-like characteristic." We can also say that based on the primacy of the first commandment, imagination is man's most god-like characteristic, his primary place of vulnerability to idols. The moment we put a face on Elohim, we become susceptible to idolatry, looking to that object for intervention on our behalf: success, health, sustenance, good, peace, prosperity, comfort, joy, etc. For instance, rather than partner with Elohim for our life-path of prosperity, prerequisite to putting His Kingdom first, we forge our own ideas about how much wealth we need and when we need it without regard for our spiritual discipline and agreement to put Elohim first in all things. In ancient times, people sought out gods of prosperity, fertility, strength, war, and so on. Rather than partner with Elohim, “who teaches my hands to war,” (Ps 18:34) they consulted principalities and powers and made war. Because the worship of these entities requires the imagination, effort, time, and faith of the human being, the powers of the entity reflect the human who turns to it, not the true created ability assigned to that power by Elohim for it to manage its particular realm,
Living a Double Life Last week in the Shabbat livestream, we looked at the human relationship to two types of commandments, the “Yes,” or you shall commandments, and the “No,” or you shall not commandments. In general, human beings like to hear yeses instead of nos. The challenge is that many of the commandments are given as nos, or the “you shall nots.” At least half of life is managing the nos, the boundaries, and the good fences that preserve our lives. If life is at least half no, then fostering a great relationship with the no commandments is the key. We can discipline ourselves to engage the nos with as much enthusiasm as the yeses, which really, is what makes a disciple. Just like Yeshua told Peter, we are transformed from a person who always wants to be in charge to one who is willing to be led of the Ruach HaKodesh in every circumstance, even down to the time and way we die. Some disciples discipline the nos faster, and some not so fast. It is important, though, for if we cannot engage the simple commandments of yes and no, then how will we hear the more subtle still, small, voice of the Ruach HaKodesh is our daily dilemmas that don't come with a chapter and verse attached to them? This week, let's look at another “commandment principle” of life: the possibility of living a double life. It starts with the first commandment given at Mount Sinai in Exodus 20:1-5: Then God spoke all these words, saying, ‘I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. You shall have no other gods before Me. You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth. You shall not worship them or serve them…' The commandment is not to put another created entity as an “elohim” in front of Elohim, the only Creator. The idea is that there is nothing else created that could possibly be Elohim. By definition, Elohim is the Creator of all things, and a created elohim (judge, appointed ruler) is not. It is merely another created thing originating from Elohim. All other things go behind Him. He is the first, and there is no second to compare to Him. Sometimes a glance at a more literal Hebrew helps. “You shall have no other gods before Me” is: ??? ???????????? ???????? ???????? ???????????? or You will not be to yourself another god on My face. When a human being fabricates an image from wood, stone, or other substance, or attributes the Ruach Elohim to an existing created substance such as a tree, water, cloud, etc., then the human has put a “face” on Elohim. The urge is so strong that this is the first commandment, a “yes” paired with a “no.” Yes, He is Elohim, and no, do not tamper with Him by fabricating an image to put a face on Him, for it will be inaccurate and a product of human imagination. A philosopher once said that "imagination is man's most God-like characteristic." We can also say that based on the primacy of the first commandment, imagination is man's most god-like characteristic, his primary place of vulnerability to idols. The moment we put a face on Elohim, we become susceptible to idolatry, looking to that object for intervention on our behalf: success, health, sustenance, good, peace, prosperity, comfort, joy, etc. For instance, rather than partner with Elohim for our life-path of prosperity, prerequisite to putting His Kingdom first, we forge our own ideas about how much wealth we need and when we need it without regard for our spiritual discipline and agreement to put Elohim first in all things. In ancient times, people sought out gods of prosperity, fertility, strength, war, and so on. Rather than partner with Elohim, “who teaches my hands to war,” (Ps 18:34) they consulted principalities and powers and made war. Because the worship of these entities requires the imagination, effort, time,
PODCAST SATELLITETHE VOICE OF ISRAELShevat 8, 5784 GEOPOLITICS AND PROPHECY A SPECIAL PRESENTATION with Prince Handley PROPHETIC WARNING FOR ISRAEL PREPARING FOR THE TEN KINGS אזהרה נבואית לישראל Listen HERE >>> LISTEN NOW Prince Handley Commentary (FREE) > BLOG Email this message to a friend and help them! ____________________________________ DESCRIPTION OF THIS TEACHING In this message I want to alert you to the Preparation of the TEN KINGS that Bible speaks about several times not only in the Tanakh (the Old Testament_ but in the Brit Chadashah (the New Testament). These Ten Kings are a KEY element concerning End Time Prophecy … and they MAY be on the scene now. They may NOT know what role they are to fulfill―or even have a faint idea concerning prophecy―but they will be KEY in helping the FALSE MESSIAH (the antiMashiach) come into power. They will actually persuade the leaders of the nations AND leaders of the New Global Governance to elect the antiMashiach (AKA “Beast”) to the office of Global Leader. ____________________________________ REGIONAL GLOBALIZATION PREPARING FOR THE TEN KINGS The Holy Bible mentions―or alludes to―“Ten Kings” in different places; however in five main areas: Daniel 7:23-25 “The ten horns are ten kings who will come from this kingdom. After them another king will arise, different from the earlier ones; he will subdue three kings.” Revelation 13:1-2 “It had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on its horns,” Revelation 17:3 “beast that was covered with blasphemous names and had seven heads and ten horns.” Revelation 17:12-14 “The ten horns you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but who for one hour will receive authority as kings along with the beast. They have one purpose and will give their power and authority to the beast. They will wage war against the Lamb, but the Lamb will triumph over them because he is Lord of lords and King of kings—and with him will be his called, chosen and faithful followers. Revelation 17:15-18 Then the angel said to me, “The waters you saw, where the prostitute sits, are peoples, multitudes, nations and languages.The beast and the ten horns you saw will hate the prostitute. They will bring her to ruin and leave her naked; they will eat her flesh and burn her with fire. For God has put it into their hearts to accomplish his purpose by agreeing to hand over to the beast their royal authority, until God's words are fulfilled.The woman you saw is the great city that rules over the kings of the earth.” These TEN KINGS have an important part to play in End Time Geopolitics with Satan. _________________________________ IMPORTANT There is already a “push” towards Globalism by many international bodies and groups like WEF, CDC, and the UN. I want to ALERT you to a development that many are NOT aware of … Regional Globalism. _________________________________ You can study my reachings on Globalism at the University of Excellence under One World. The Holy Bible prophesies Globalism (which has been in the works for decades) and which the Holy Bible alludes to as a Global Key for the End Times (study Revelation Chapter 13) when the New Global Leader (the False Messiah or anti-Mashiach) takes control for seven years. However, I want to ALERT you to a development that many are NOT aware of: Regional Globalism. There is a “breaking away” by many nations that are in the Globalist movement to Regional conglomerates that meet their needs more specifically: by trade, by ideology, by self aggrandizement and by military protectionism. _________________________________ IMPORTANT There is NOT a common global consensus. Instead of a common opinion, many countries want to align with “like-minded” countries. Other counties that specifically meet their needs or provide trade and economic advantages. _________________________________ The West (including the USA and EU) are being “left behind” in this regard. So what is the REAL reason for this Regional Globalism? ANSWER: It is preparing the stage for the Ten Kings [Ten World Leaders] which major prophecy foretells. _________________________________ IMPORTANT The TEN KINGS do NOT come into authority until either right before OR at the same time as the New Global Leader (the antiMashiach = FALSE messiah) These TEN KINGS align with the antiMashiach and yield their power to him. The antiMashiach needs the TEN KINGS to help him gain Global Control We do NOT know if the TEN KINGS are revealed before OR when the “Time of Jacob's Trouble” starts. _________________________________ The arch-enemy of Israel―and of humankind―will throw everything he can at Planet Earth before his prophesied demise by Mashiach. The Jewish prophet Yochanan [John] in Brit Chadashah (Hebrew New Testament), Chapter 17, shows that the New Global Governance Leader―the FALSE messiah (NOT the REAL Messiah)―will join to himself [at first be part of] ten geopolitical leaders to assist in his End Time policies. We also have record in this in Tanakh of the same in the Book of Daniel, Chapter Seven, verses 23-25. These ten kings are ten geopolitical entities that have NOT existed before. They will make up a global alliance newly organized out of which the FALSE messiah will evolve. They will assist the New Global Leader in the―foolish and failed―attempt at opposing the return of the REAL Mashiach. Could some of the powerful executives of MNC's (MultiNational Corporations) provide the “work source” for the “10 Kings” referred to ten times in the Holy Bible? In Tanakh, Book of Daniel, we read, “He … will greatly honor those who acknowledge him. He will make them rulers over people and will distribute the land at a price.” (Daniel 11:39, NIV.) This is from a portion of Daniel's prophetic description of the implementations of the New Global Governance Leader―the FALSE mashiach (anti-Mashiach). Daniel prophesies that “elites” of some status will receive mega rewards for their support of this end-time incarnate spirit of Satan. Specific KEY people who acknowledge him and accept his authority will receive a reward of land. “Land” in its Aramaic form used here would also include “economic domain, property or geographic area.” These “elites” are bought off for their loyalty … and made rulers over many! Then they assist the antiMashiach by giving—transferring to―him their authority and power. HaShem gave us prophecy so we could know where we are at ... know where we are going ... know what's happening today ... and know what's happening in the future! Our job is to listen and obey … to work with Him in obedience for the protection and salvation of Israel. PRAY, ask the LORD what He would have YOU to do. It's time for The Institute (the Mossad) to utilize agents who are filled with Ruach HaKodesh to initiate cyber infiltration of MNC (MultiNational Corporation) leaders and CEOs in order to monitor activity with regard to global and geopolitical control. As time progresses, any systemic anti-Israel relationships of Multi National Corporations that have highly positive correlation of linear regression will be “highly suspect” as to End Time enemies of Israel. Baruch haba b'Shem Adonai Your friend, Prince Handley President / Regent University of Excellence Copyright © 2024 by Prince Handley ______________________ Rabbinical & Biblical Studies[Scroll down past English, Spanish and French]The Believer's IntelligentsiaVIDEO Describing Prince Handley Books _________________________________
When we looked at key “prepping” points for the Greater Exodus as children of Sarah, Jerusalem above and temples of the Ruach HaKodesh. We saw the need to: guard against wickedness entering her house, a temple of the Ruach HaKodesh pray for her generation (until the Holy One Himself seals our lips) obey the Covenant, especially assembling on Shabbat and at the feasts, conspicuously holding daily "services" the lost may easily find because they are landmarks This week, we'll identify the traits of the warriors of a thousand generations gathering to Jerusalem. Here is our working text: ?Your neck is like the tower of David, Built with rows of stones On which are hung a thousand shields, All the round shields of the mighty men. (So 4:4) To understand a thousand shields and generations, we look at the First Mention of a thousand: To Sarah he said, “Behold, I have given your brother a thousand pieces of silver; behold, it is your vindication before all who are with you, and before all men you are cleared.” (Ge 20:16) When Avimelekh “redeems” Sarah's reputation to a thousand generations, the earlier part of the story gives context. In ancient times, rape was viewed as less permissible than killing the husband and then taking the wife. For this reason, Avraham twice uses the deception "Say you are my sister" to protect himself. In a sense, the serpent “killed” Adam and then had access to Eve, perhaps the source of some strange doctrines pertaining to the serpent and Eve. It is a spiritual metaphor, not a physical relationship. In Sarah, the 1,000 generations were in jeopardy, yet her reputation, which was held captive, was redeemed with 1,000 pieces of silver. In Messiah Yeshua, the serpent killed the Bridegroom, yet he resurrected, zealous with love stronger than the grave. Once confronted with the plague on his house because he held Sarah unlawfully, Avimelekh seeks to rectify the wrong and clear Sarah's name to lift the plague. “And Abimelech said to Abraham, “What have you encountered [ra-ah-”seen”], that you have done this thing?” Abraham said, “Because I thought, surely there is no fear of God [Yirat Elohim] in this place, and they will kill me because of my wife. Besides, she actually is my sister...” (Ge 20:10-12) Avraham worried that there was no Yirat Elohim, or fear/reverence of Elohim. This is the seventh spirit of Adonai listed in Isaiah, which Creation Gospel students know quite well! It is the Shabbat spirit. Why does Avraham say "Elohim" instead of "YHVH"? Perhaps it is because he does not think Avimelekh knows the Creator as YHVH, as Pharaoh did not, but probably he was familiar with variations of "El" or "Elohim" as Creator. The important point is that Avraham did not identify any reverence (also translated as fear) of Elohim in Avimelekh's city-state. Where there is no reverence of Adonai, there is little respect for rule of moral law. It is no accident that Yirat Adonai is connected to Shabbat and the Temple: “You are awesome [norah, from yareh, ?????? ?????], O God, from Your Sanctuaries.” (Ps 68:35/36) “From where does the awe of God issue forth if not from the Holy Temple? Thus does it state, ‘My Sabbaths shall you observe, and My Sanctuary shall you fear [tira-u ?????????] (Le 26:2).'” (Shir 4§7) “This verse indicates that the Sanctuary is sanctified in its destruction just as it was sanctified when it still stood.” (ibid) Fear of Elohim is what Avraham pointed out was lacking among Avimelekh's people, who would murder him for access to his wife as the serpent “murdered” Adam to corrupt his children with sin. Just as Adam and Eve (bride and bridegroom) lost their dwelling place in the Garden, so the serpent seeks to prevent the Bride and Bridegroom from entering in sanctity of Torah covenant. Sarah, representing her descendants Israel, maintained her sanctity in the Fear of Elohim, which preserved 1,000 generations. Prophetically,
Shiur from Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Ztl on פרשת קרח. Discussed: Understanding Korach's motivation to argue against Moshe Rabeinu and different aspects of his arguments. Why did Korach think he would be successful in his fight with Moshe and why did he err in interpreting his Ruach Hakodesh? A perspective on the Bible Codes based on the lessons from Parshas Korach. The Vilna Gaon explains how the Urim V'tumim worked. He also explained the dialogue between Chana and Eli Hakohen, based on a cryptic Rashi.
Episode #108: The Poor Ignorant Tailor That Had Ruach Hakodesh
Erev Shavuot We lezen: Numeri 28:26-31 Efeze 4 De Eerstelingen Deze week staat er geen parasha bij naam genoemd, maar is het Erev Shavuoth. De vooravond van het Wekenfeest of het feest van de Eerstelingen. Een van drie grote feesten van 7 dagen, waarin de Israëliet op diende te gaan naar Jeruzalem om daar de eerste tarwebroden naar de Aanwezige op te heffen. Een feest van dankbaarheid en van de vreugde van de oogst. Na Pesach, de dag van de eersteling en het feest van de ongezuurde broden is dit het laatste voorjaarsfeest. Het begint op de vijftigste dag na feest van de ongezuurde broden. Dat was dus tellen geblazen. En als de zeven keer zeven vol is, dan is de maat vol en is het tijd voor een nieuw begin. Het is de tijd van de Openbaring. De vijftigste dag. De traditie zegt dat op deze dag het volk de Thorah kreeg. En wij – de mensen van de laatste dagen – dat het ook de dag is waarop de Geest op alle vlees is uitgestort. Zo zien we Woord en Geest tezamen. Dat is de echte openbaring. Het is de tijd van de tarweoogst. Dit keer worden niet de eerste schoven, maar de eerste broden gebracht. Jawel, het zuurdesem heeft nu wel zijn werk gedaan. Het heeft het deeg doortrokken en laten rijzen. En door de hitte van de oven is het gedood. Dat is alsof de apostel zegt: dood dan uw leden die op de aarde zijn. Want onze wandel is in de hemelen. Zo wordt het lichaam bij het Hoofd – Yeshua- gebracht. Het lichaam wordt omhoog geheven. In dit leerhuis denken we na over de offers op het Wekenfeest, zoals we die vinden Numeri 28. Want een offerdier vertegenwoordigt het lichaam van de mens. Daarna zien we de verbinding tussen het lichaam en het Hoofd, Yeshua. Door de Geest, de Ruach HaKodesh. Daarover lezen we in Efeze 4. Shabbat Shalom, Anco van de Moolenbroek Support the show
Chag Shavuot Sameach! After 50 days of counting the Omer, Shavuot has arrived! Join Rabbi Kevin Solomon of Congregation Beth Hallel as he commemorates this scriptural holiday by elaborating on the purpose of the Ruach HaKodesh. May the Ruach be a blessing to you on this special day!John 14.15-18; John 14.25-26; John 16.13; Leviticus 23.21; Leviticus 23.15-17; Exodus 19.16-19; Exodus 24.17; Acts 2.1-8Prayer Requests or send an email to info@bethhallel.orgCBH WebsiteDonateYouTube Channel
Jacob wrestles with a man. This is what it says in the Hebrew in Gen. 32:24. Who is this "man?" The rabbi say it is the devil himself, HaSatan - the adversary. Some Christian scholars say it is Jesus! Others say it is the Angel of the Lord. But, what does the Bible say? Are there strong hints in the text that give us an idea of who this "man" is? Come and join us in the Torah study. Come as we put the Bible into its historical context and discover things that are hidden but are now being brought to light by Ruach HaKodesh - the רוח הקודש Holy Spirit, our teacher given to us on Shavuot after Jesus' Resurrection. Rev. Ferret - who is this guy? What's his background? Why should I listen to him? Check his background at this link - https://www.dropbox.com/s/ortnret3oxcicu4/BackgrndTeacher%20mar%2025%202020.pdf?dl=0
רוח הקודש דחכמה ולהסכים בשכלו עם הלכה למשה מסיני זה לא בטלה ולא יכחיש זה רק אפיקורס …………. גם בזמנינו יש לחכמי האמת שאינם נוטים אחרי החומר יש להם רוח הקודש ………… כל מחבר אפילו בדורינו אם הוא ראוי לכך חיבר ספרו ברוח הקודש היינו שהסכים בחכמתו לאמתו של תורה שו'ת דברי חיים יורה דעה חלק ב סימן קה With so much doubt and cynicism Swirling around our leaders The Issur Ben Tzvi Hersh Tshuvos and Poskim Shiur Presented cogent realistic inspiring thought Continuing its widely praised groundbreaking examination of Chasidishe Psak And Directs your attention to that figure venerated across the Orthodox Jewish legal spectrum pinnacle of precise thinking on complex issues paradigm for future generations in solving quandaries Rabbeinu Chaim Halbershtram ZTVK”L The Divrei Chaim רבנו הקדוש חיים הלברשטאם מצאנז זצוק״ל זי״ע a proud descendant of the Gaon one of the brightest erudite scholars teaching today Rabbi Kalman Worch Shlita Acclaimed translator of the Bnei Yissaschar Director of the Illinois Center of JewishStudies highlighted a Tshuvah Whose relevance remains firm after 180 years In a lecture entitled The Spirit Lives On Do we still have Ruach HaKodesh? This podcast has been graciously sponsored by JewishPodcasts.fm. There is much overhead to maintain this service so please help us continue our goal of helping Jewish lecturers become podcasters and support us with a donation: https://thechesedfund.com/jewishpodcasts/donate
The megilla (5:1) tells us that Esther wore malchus when she entered the king's chamber. Rashi says that while plain pshat is that she wore bigdei malchus, the drasha is that she wore ruach hakodesh. This episode explores the meaning of this statement.
Although Yahweh told a group of people that He chose them to be a select group for His purpose, there was a contingency attached, the “if/then” that we read about–“If you diligently obey my voice, then I will accept you as my people.” So, regardless of what is taught about "Jesus did it all", did He really? Yeshua did what He had to do and none of what we need to do. We still have a responsibility to hear and do what we are commanded and walk before Him in humility. The Spirit of Yeshua, the Ruach haKodesh will help us with the desire and ability. Don't miss out on new teachings every week. For more information about MTOI (Messianic Torah Observant Israel), visit our website, https://mtoi.org. Join us on Social media! Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mtoiworldwide Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mtoi_worldwide We are located in Cleveland TN. If you would like to know more about us, we would love to hear from you! Feel free to visit us on our website, https://mtoi.org, email us at admin@mtoi.org or call us at 423-250-3020. Join us for Shabbat Services & Torah Study LIVE Streamed on our Main YouTube Channel every Saturday at 1:15 pm (Eastern) and every Friday for Torah Study Live Stream at 7:30 pm (Eastern).
Ruach HaKodesh vs Ruach HaTumah (Jerusalem Event)
As the serpent was a deceiver in the beginning, so he continues to deceiver or commit sorcery, against humankind who cling to Babylon, the first beast kingdom: “…and the light of a lamp will never shine in you again; and the voice of the groom and bride will never be heard in you again; for your merchants were the powerful people of the earth, because all the nations were deceived by your witchcraft.” (Re 18:23) The righteous who obey the Word with the power of the Ruach HaKodesh will never illuminate the way in fallen Babylon again, for they have risen into the Garden, their inheritance. The merchants' “witchcraft” deceived the nations, and the vehicle was the “powerful people of the earth,” those who controlled the leopard-spot systems perfected by Rome. Here is the reference information on witchcraft: Strong's G5331 pharmakeía, from G5332; medication ("pharmacy"), i.e. (by extension) magic (literally or figuratively):—sorcery, witchcraft. Outline of Biblical Usage the use or the administering of drugs poisoning sorcery, magical arts, often found in connection with idolatry and fostered by it metaphorical of the DECEPTIONS and seductions of idolatry Before we condemn all medicine and the entire medical system, let's put pharmakeia in context. The Hebrew cognate to pharmakeia is our familiar word for flaming ministers of fire: lahat. Its root is also lahat, the flame of fire that describes the ministering angels or the consuming fire of Elohim. Oddly, the same flaming fire can describe both heavenly ministers of fire and sorcerers: “Then Pharaoh also called for the wise men and the sorcerers, and they too, the soothsayer priests of Egypt, did the same with their secret arts [?????????????].” (Ex 7:11) Drugs can be sorcery when we misuse them to deceive into disobedience of the Word. They deceive us into engaging in immoral, deathly, hopeless, faithless behaviors that perpetuate slavery to sin and death. Poisoning, however, is an important definition because the wormwood poison of Israel is to HEAR the Word, yet in their hearts believe that Elohim would not judge them for their sin! “Now it is not with you alone that I am making this covenant and this oath, but both with those who stand here with us today in the presence of the LORD our God, and with those who are not with us here today (for you know how we lived in the land of Egypt, and how we passed through the midst of the nations through which you passed; moreover, you have seen their abominations and their idols made of wood and stone, silver and gold, which they had with them); so that there will not be among you a man or woman, or family or tribe, whose heart turns away today from the LORD our God, to go to serve the gods of those nations; that there will not be among you a root bearing poisonous fruit and wormwood. And it shall be when he hears the words of this curse, that he will consider himself fortunate in his heart, saying, ‘I will do well though I walk in the stubbornness of my heart in order to destroy the watered land along with the dry.' The LORD will not be willing to forgive him, but rather the anger of the LORD and His wrath will burn against that person, and every curse that is written in this book will lie upon him, and the LORD will wipe out his name from under heaven. Then the LORD will single him out for disaster from all the tribes of Israel, in accordance with all the curses of the covenant which is written in this Book of the Law." (Dt 29:14-21) Drugs to treat a legitimate health issue are not sorcery! In most cases, they are not ideal, but they can preserve or prolong life. Drugs, however, are frequently used to transgress the boundaries of life as defined in the Word, creating "soul trafficking." If a human being wants to be deceived or blur the lines of obedience, then drugs offer a way to tap into a realm forbidden to human beings. Drugs must be used with caution because they can be illusionists,
Restoration of the Saints (9) (Audio) David Eells - 9/11/22 The Divine Image Destroyed May 4, 2021 - By Christine Beadsworth Below is a portion of this blog page by Christine Beadsworth: The Holy Spirit has been speaking much to me about the forceful drive being perpetuated worldwide to introduce a purported medicine via needle into every human on the planet. I have received a number of dreams bringing revelation and understanding and I feel led to share these things in a series of posts. He started by showing me the whole scenario from God's point of view as He watches His beautiful creation being sabotaged. The visual picture which the Holy Spirit used was a wonderfully crafted palace, surrounded by a high wall. This amazing edifice was guarded day and night from intruders and only the King and those carefully vetted attendants serving him were allowed access. Then one day, a very destructive device was smuggled into the palace by a trusted page boy and the king was unaware that right within the Throne-room, the enemy had positioned one of his henchmen. We can see the same scenario in the positioning of Haman right next to king Xerxes. Oblivious to the danger, king Xerxes handed Haman his signet ring and gave him permission to send out a death decree (Esther 3:8). The human cell nucleus is that walled palace. The human cell is created with a nucleus wall to protect the scroll of DNA within its nucleus. Just like a wall is built around a palace to protect the ruler of a nation, these very important unique documents (our books or DNA scrolls) are guarded from marauders. Nothing is allowed to breach that wall and only trusted messengers are permitted to enter or leave that hallowed place. From within the nucleus, orders are issued by the DNA and carried by the messenger RNA through the nucleus wall to the golgi apparatus, which is a factory making proteins to build and strengthen the body. No other substance can pass through that wall except human mRNA. It is considered trustworthy to carry and deliver the messages issued. I once heard a plant virologist describe mRNA like a shopping trolley. You can load whatever you want in it and it will transport it to the intended destination. Now this works well when the human body is not interfered with. We are fearfully and wonderfully made. MRNA faithfully carries the instructions issued by the unique DNA dwelling in the nucleus citadel. Psa 139:14-16 I will praise You; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are marvellous and my soul knows it very well. 15 My bones were not hidden from You when I was made in secret and skillfully formed in the lowest parts of the earth. Psa 16 Your eyes saw my unformed substance, and in Your book (scroll) all the days [of my life] were written (engraved) before ever they took shape, when as yet there was none of them. Now, did you know that every single strand of human DNA is marked with the name of God. “How?” you ask… Because there are sulphide bonds holding together the two strands of DNA and they occur after the 10th pair of nucleotides, again after the 5th pair of nucleotides, then 6 pairs later and then again 5 pairs later. The 10th letter of the Hebrew alphabet is yod. The 5th letter is hey. The 6th letter is vav. Yod, hey, vav, hey spells ‘Yahweh'. I will say it again – God's name is on every human chromosome. You are made in His image and sealed with the Name of your Creator. Every cell in your body is hallmarked! And it is this very Divine hallmark that the enemy desires to obliterate. By injecting loaded messenger RNA into cells, one can sneak fragments of foreign enemy DNA through the carefully guarded nuclear cell walls and unload their contents into the scroll of DNA that God wrote for you. That's like pasting some pages of a counterfeit author's book into the middle of the instruction blueprint God wrote. What is actually happening is that the name of God written into the sulphide bond arrangement in the DNA scroll is being erased. The beautiful scroll engraved by God to create a man in His image is being sabotaged and from that moment of splicing onward, instead of instructions being released from the palace for life and health and security of the body, the inserted DNA loads up the mRNA trolley with instructions for the protein factory in the cell outside the palace to start manufacturing enemy spike proteins. The protein factory just does what it is told. Whatever orders arrive from headquarters are immediately carried out. To put it simply, once the potion is injected into the body, every single citadel guarding scrolls signed with the Name of the Creator within you is highjacked and forced to issue instructions to manufacture weapons of death – which will not only kill you at some point, but also the people around you. It is a cleverly engineered coup on a worldwide scale to throw off the rulership of God over His creation. So who is behind this dastardly plot? What does Psalm 2 say? Psa 2:2-3 The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying, 3 Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us. The word for ‘band' means ‘bond, halter, restraint'. Is it not the carefully placed sulphide bonds that depict Yahweh's Name which are disrupted and broken asunder by the vaccine contents? The word ‘cord' in Hebrew also means ‘entwined, rope, thick boughs'. Is the DNA not entwined like a rope? Perhaps you can now see the plan of the kings of the earth; the elite, who are banding together and arraying themselves against the Lord. The plan is to highjack His creation, destroy His image, remove His signature and transform the human body into a genetically modified part human/part computer, which can be controlled externally. Sounds like science fiction, but tragically it is the truth. Satan hates all who are made in God's image; every earthen vessel that is intended to become a dwelling place of His Spirit, receiving daily communication from the Throne room of Heaven. For centuries he has been content to defile the bodies and souls of man by luring them into sin of every kind, but, always, his greatest ambition has been to sit in the place intended only for God in the human body. 2 Th 2:4 says that his intention is to ‘sit as God in the temple of God, setting himself forth as if he is God'. Many are waiting for the third temple to be built so that the antichrist can go and sit in it, but THE BODY OF CHRIST IS THE 3RD TEMPLE; a temple not built with hands – and the diabolical deception currently underway is the first step in the rollout of the plan to install the abomination that causes desolation right within the holy place of the 3rd temple! In the holy place, the place where the unique engraved scroll of your Creator is stored in a walled citadel, the enemy has already lifted up his battle cry. How apt is the cry of the psalmist in Psa 74:3-11 Direct Your feet [quickly] to the perpetual ruins and desolations; the foe has devastated and desecrated everything in the sanctuary. 4 In the midst of Your Holy Place Your enemies have roared [with their battle cry]; they set up their own [idol] emblems for signs [of victory]. 5 They seemed like men who lifted up axes upon a thicket of trees to make themselves a record. 6 And then all the carved wood of the Holy Place they broke down with hatchets and hammers. 7 They have set Your sanctuary on fire; they have profaned the dwelling place of Your Name by casting it to the ground. …10 O God, how long is the adversary to scoff and reproach? Is the enemy to blaspheme and revile Your name forever? 11 Why do You hold back Your hand, even Your right hand? Draw it out of Your bosom and consume them [make an end of them]! ‘They have profaned the dwelling place of Your Name' — there is no better description of what is happening worldwide in the human body than these words. And in every nation, believers are being coerced into taking the supposed health inducing jab. Is this not causing the ‘great falling away' described in 2 Th 2:3? The totality of the scheme is to leave the 3rd temple desolate, destroyed, overtaken and subjugated to an ancient enemy who always coveted God's throne and the worship of God's Bride. Apostasia, the Greek for ‘falling away', means ‘defection from truth' and comes from Strongs G647, which means ‘to separate, the writing of divorcement'. How significant that a fragment of DNA writing is what separates or breaks asunder the record of God's Name in the human DNA! Now obviously the smuggling in of the death warrant to the guarded throne room involves deception and subterfuge. No-one would allow such an intrusion if it was advertised by its true content. The coup is enacted under the guise of delivery of a basket of wishes for health and happiness. (Pity, there is a poisoned apple in the fruit bowl!) Revelation chapter 18 speaks of the judgement that is incurred by those who carry out this deception. As you read the selected verse, remember that the Greek word translated ‘sorceries' is pharmakeia, the word from which we get ‘pharmacy, dispenser of medicine', Rev 18:23b …For your merchants were the great ones of the earth; for by your sorceries all nations were deceived. So it is pharmaceutical deceptions which are employed to pull the wool over the eyes of all the nations. 2 Th 2:11 says a ‘strong delusion' is released so that people believe a lie. The Greek for ‘delusion' comes from a root word meaning ‘deceiver or imposter'. So the recurring theme is deception which brings destruction. No surprise that pharmakeia also means ‘witchcraft', and comes from a root word meaning ‘drug, poisoner'. Poison is intended to induce the death of the victim. The Word tells us that the life is in the blood. It is surely no coincidence that the foreign spike proteins – which the human body is induced to produce after it is highjacked, trigger blood clots; which in turn cause fatal heart attacks and strokes. It is satan who seeks to steal, kill and destroy. Jesus came that you may have life and have it abundantly. Satan desires to remove God's image and replace it with his image (Rev 14:9). He plans to remove God's name and replace it with his name (Rev 14:11). Ask yourself who else could be behind the erasing of God's Name in your DNA scroll. Beloved, God says His people perish for lack of knowledge. Many pastors and shepherds worldwide are urging their congregations to receive the phamakeia they offer. May the sheep wake up and see the edge of the precipice before they plunge over it. I would urge you to guard and keep your temple holy unto the Lord. Do not allow it to be breached. Cherish His Name encoded into the scroll of life within you and take refuge under the shadow of His wings. Do not run to Egypt or Babylon for help. Do all you can to boost your divinely built immune system… and do not allow yourself to be deceived. Be a lover of Truth. Seek truth. Go after it. 2 Th 2 is clear that it is those who do not love truth who will fall prey to the strong delusion wrapping its fingers around the globe. Do not succumb to those who call evil good and scheme to overthrow and render your holy place desolate. You will pay for it with your life. Rather entrust yourself to Him Who is the Truth, the Life and the way. Choose life that you and your children may live! 2Co 6:16-18 And what agreement does a temple of God have with idols? For you are the temple of the living God, as God has said, “I will dwell in them and walk among them; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people.” 17 Therefore come out from among them and be separated, says the Lord, and DO NOT TOUCH THE UNCLEAN THING. And I will receive you 18 and I will be a Father to you, and you shall be My sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty. Is This Why They Want to Change our DNA? Transcript of Rumble Video: Uncensored Sam - 9/9/21 God's true name is recorded within our DNA. So, just let me go ahead and explain. Our chains of DNA contain four nucleotide-based pairs called Adenine, Guanine, Thiamine, and Cytosine. And then there's a unit within the DNA strand called a sulfuric bridge. This sulfuric bridge holds our entire DNA strand together. It only appears after every ten nucleic acids have been laid down, and then after every five nucleic acids, then after every six, and then again, after every five nucleic acids. So, we get this repeating numerical value of 10, 5, 6, 5 within our DNA strand. Well, it turns out the Biblical name for God, YHWH, contains the same numerical value as our DNA strand. Yod He Vav He equals ten, five, six, five. What's even more interesting is that if you take the Hebrew characters of the name of YHWH and place it on its side, you get the image of a human being. Part three of this video series suggests that DNA is a language. Many people were wondering what “god" made the language of DNA. Researchers at Harvard University announced today that they have found what appears to be a message from God written inside the human genome. In a little-explored section of non-coding DNA, a team of top geneticists discovered a 22-word snippet of ancient Aramaic in which God confirms His existence and His role in creating life on Earth. “We knew the patterns weren't naturally occurring,” explains Charles Watson, the lead scientist on the project, “but we couldn't come up with any convincing explanation for them. On a whim, we started cross-referencing the patterns with language databases,” he explains, “and we were shocked to find that the patterns corresponded to ancient Aramaic.” Stunned by its discovery, the team contacted language experts familiar with Aramaic – the language Jesus Christ spoke in daily life. Entirely decoded, the message reads: "Hello my children, This is Yahweh, the One True Lord. You have found creation's secret. Now share it peacefully with the world." Go tell the world Who is the true God and Creator of all! DNA: Good and Evil Seed Kenneth (David's notes in red) Here below is an amazing testimony of a 16-year-old young lady from South Africa. It is an astonishing confirmation of the battle of good and evil and how it lives within us from birth. It is again a supernatural confirmation of the truths found in the Bible from Genesis through Revelation. It is a confirmation of the Daniel 2:43 problem where "they" mingle themselves with the seed of man. GLORY TO JESUS. I pray this both edifies and blesses you with the reality of how our science, indeed God's science, is found in our Holy Bible. DNA Structure ~ A Word from I AM to His True Set-Apart Bride in these End Times - July 9, 2013 at 6:23am ... given through His beloved daughter, Sarah (16 years old) on 5th July 2013 ... Please NOTE that this Word from the mouth of Yahushua haMashiach is not specific to South Africa only, but is for His Set-apart Bride collectively. Yeshua stood next to me dressed in white light, He stretched out His pierced hand and said, "Come with Me, My Sarah Princess, My Deborah warrior"... It was as if we were eagles, flying over South Africa. He showed me different things in the country. I saw fires in many places. Yeshua smiled and said, "It's My fire; My Spirit is fanning the flame in the hearts of those who choose to walk the road less traveled, in those who choose to let go of the passions of the flesh, I am busy in this country you call home, My love. There are many things to come as you know". I see a big statue of Nelson Mandela with a rainbow around it. Yeshua looked at it and turned His face... "Sarah, look at the way people make an idol out of man - REPENT THEREOF". Then He said, "The nation's pride will come to a fall". I saw the statue slowly diminishing on the inside until there was nothing left on the inside of the statue, but it was still standing. I saw people crying, lots of people stood in groups and cried. "Tell those who so humbly and faithfully stand in the gap for this nation, pray and plead for this nation that they will soon start to see the fruit of their supplication". While He said that, I saw many people praying and repenting for the things in this country. (This should be done in whatever nation you are. The fruit of that worldly nation will be the elect of God.) "My love, remember I said in My Book, I put before you light and darkness, blessing and curse, and you have the choice; which one do you choose? You are between two Kingdoms, My love. At the same time I am busy, the wicked one is also busy... I AM shining My glorious light through the words of My prophets and messengers and those who give ear will receive blessing, the blessing of knowing the truth and having it make you free. I want to speak to you about what I am busy with so that My people can catch up with My heartbeat, so that they can dance in the rhythm of My ways, My truths, My desires... "I am busy gathering My bride into the ark where she will be safe. It is only those who have cleansed their DNA, those who have pure blood that can enter. Sarah, tell My people to give attention to what I will tell you now; it is very important, it is a matter of purity and harlotry, salvation and deception, luke-warmness and fire... Give ear!" The next moment, it was as if I was inside of a body and I see conception taking place, the sperm cell and the egg cell colliding, merging and 'becoming' a baby. I see the seed in very much detail; there were these little things like white vessels that looked like trees inside the seed (family trees, our genetic inheritance from our parents in the world). At the same time, while I was looking at that, I also saw that the seed is like a book and there are many, many words inside that very tiny seed. (Words pass along to our physical seed, cursing or blessing, by our nature). (The seed of the spiritual man is like a book also, the Bible. Our meditation on the Word empowers and releases the spiritual man to control the physical man and the demons.) (Kenneth's comment: The Psalmist wrote: Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect (unformed); and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them. (Psalm 139:16) Yeshua started to speak to me about the DNA once again... "My love, do you see? Look at it; it's beautiful... out of these little tiny seeds a human grows, inside of these little seeds I put everything for a baby to grow; it is perfect (it was very, very special to see Yeshua so excited about how perfect and amazing and AWESOME He made the human body, soul and spirit). Look inside the seed, do you see the written things? It is a code, it's a DNA code; it's far above what any human can understand. That code, My love, determines who that baby will be, that code will form its character, personality, likes and dislikes. It forms the body and it forms the soul, but not the spirit. The spirit is born of Spirit, My Spirit. In your spirit you inherit My DNA when you are saved, but this DNA, this seed and inheritance, is not saved yet. Sarah, inside of that seed is blessing and curse, sin and righteousness as an inheritance from your fathers. (For this reason mad scientists want to recreate the DNA after their own liking by perverting the food, water, and air and by va/cci/nes. This way they can create the body of the beast.) "This DNA is very, very important. Inside of the DNA code, there are supposed to be key essentials so that your body and soul can function the way I purposed them to. These seeds in the DNA are love proteins, and when you are born, the seed will sprout if it is exposed to the right elements. The mother and father are to nurture, comfort, affirm, accept and love this gift from Me and the result will be gender identity and spiritual identity, a healthy and whole soul and body. But now the babies are being exposed to trauma - even at birth - with the way this precious child comes into this world. The children are vulnerable to whatever the parents expose them to, even in the womb, and it has a great effect on them. (Speak blessing over the unborn.) It is the parents' work to build the child's identity through teaching them to find their identity in Me, but they are exposed to the trauma of rejection (opening them up to demonic bondage)... "This DNA speaks all the time. It speaks of every word written inside of it. You can hear it and I can hear it too; you hear it in your mind every day. Sarah, your inherited DNA affects your soul and body in a great, great way. Let Me explain to you how it affects you in a physical and mental way. Your soul area is your mind, will, emotions, desires. The seed in your DNA grows like trees throughout your soul. For example, if you inherited a seed of rejection, that seed will carry the hurts and pain of the generations before you. (We have seen this to be true. Many don't know why they are the way they are, always lusting for acceptance and admiration from others. Rejecting any correction or person that knows about them.) That seed is in you and when you experience any kind of trauma, trauma at birth, as a child, or any kind of trauma, the seed sprouts and a stronghold forms inside your soul. (Any perceived threat to the ego puts them in survival mode.) A stronghold forms to suppress the pain. The stronghold is always rooted in pride and fear keeps it in place. These trees are rebellion against Me. This tree bears ungodly fruit in your soul like perfectionism, judgment, fear, pride ... (Rejection is bearing much fruit in these days to separate the tares from the wheat but repentance is possible through faith in Jesus' sacrifice. These two seeds are manifested through one's actions and words. {Mat.13:37} And he answered and said, He that soweth the good seed is the Son of man; {38} and the field is the world; and the good seed, these are the sons of the kingdom; and the tares are the sons of the evil [one]; {39} and the enemy that sowed them is the devil: and the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are angels. {40} As therefore the tares are gathered up and burned with fire; so shall it be in the end of the world. {41} The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that cause stumbling, and them that do iniquity, {42} and shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be the weeping and the gnashing of teeth. {43} Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He that hath ears, let him hear. "Because I love you so dearly and because you struggled so much as a little girl to understand why 'this Father of love' would create imperfect, disabled little babies, I will show you why this happens. "This seed of rejection, for example, can affect your body in many ways; sometimes the sickness manifests in a later stage because of trauma and other times because of open doors in the mother and father. Because of generational curses, spirits latch onto the DNA and the baby can be born with a defect, a disease or disabled. It is part of the curse that came upon man at the fall. (However, a believing parent sanctifies the child through faith, as Paul said in 1 Corinthians 7, and can deliver the child from the curse of defect and disease.) Sarah, there are many things I want to teach you about the DNA. My people have a lack of knowledge! I also want to teach you about the DNA structure: It is an order. There are two orders: the one comes out of hell and the other out of Who I AM! Out of hell comes The Order of Baal and man plays the harlot with it, and I will call My order The Order of I AM! This is the structure in your DNA. "Inside The Order of Baal is the structure, the nature and the seed of lucifer. Curse is a result of it, most sicknesses are a result of it, spiritual death is a result of it, poverty is a result of it and destruction is a result of it. I have spoken to you a lot about the pure bride and about what it means to be the pure bride. The pure bride has My DNA, she has My structure, My order, My nature and My seed in her. Blessing is a result of it, life is a result of it, prosperity is a result of it, holiness and righteousness are a result of it. "My bride has I AM flowing through her veins, while the harlot bride, who has not cleansed her DNA, has hell operating through her … a mixed seed. My people are playing harlot because they have the order and the structure of Baal in them -that is why they are double-minded, that is why they are still sick. Even though by My stripes you were healed, they have remained still sinful, unholy and unrighteous, but they call themselves Christians. I tell you the word Christian is (misused and is) reserved for those who are lukewarm. You are either My bride, holy, pure and righteous, building your spirit house upon the Rock of Ages, living in My Kingdom, or you are a 'Christian,' lukewarm, so-called saved but deceived, so-called good but led astray without even knowing it. This 'Christian' is part of the harlot; she is in fact worse than the sinner because she is the same as the sinner in heart, but she thinks she is good. "My people, if you want to go into the ark like Noah, you have to cleanse your DNA through applying My blood through repentance, through petitioning in My heavenly courtroom. Remember, your spirit can be holy and righteous and you can think you are on the right road because of it. But if you do not take the next step through cleansing your DNA and working on your soul dimension, you are divided within yourself - in your spirit, on fire, and in your soul, cold, and therefore you are mixed, mixed and lukewarm. My bride is not mixed, she is single-minded and in unity with Me, one in soul and spirit. (She is one with the Word in her heart and obedience to it.) "I want My people to break down the altar, the order and the structure of Baal in your blood (DNA) that your forefathers have cast up. Like Gideon had to break down the altar of Baal. ("Come out of her My people".) {Jdg.6:25} ... Tear down the altar of Baal that your father has, and cut down the wooden image that is beside it; {26} and build an altar, to the LORD your God on top of this rock laid in proper order [proper arrangement]. I was petitioning and repenting for my DNA and while I did that I saw a vision of inside of my body, I saw the many blood vessels, and Yeshua took me inside of my blood where He showed me how my DNA looks in the spirit. I saw the structure of the DNA and I saw two doors inside of my DNA (blood). There was a black door and a golden door. The golden door was closed and the black door was open. Out of the black door the DNA structure flowed; on the black door was written "Order of Baal/Curse" and on the golden door was written "I AM/Blessing" (which is filled with the FULLNESS of ABBA's character, attributes, nature, in the name of I AM is the fullness of who He is). There were things written on the black structure that flowed out of the black door. I recognized it as pride and rebellion against I AM (everything YHVH stands for), the nature of hasatan. So I started to pray for I AM's light to shine in my DNA and I just started to repent of generational sin as Ruach haKodesh revealed it to me. He went really deep and I carried on for hours. While I was busy repenting, I saw the structure going back into the black door, like it was being reversed. I literally saw Yeshua inside of my blood; He closed the black door and the door and the structure disappeared (shattered the order of Baal and curses). It is as if the black door was a gateway of hell. Yeshua said, "Each and every human has these two doors in their blood; hell operates through the black door through pride, rebellion and curses - it is his nature flowing out of it; while I AM and blessing flows through the way, the truth and the life. (Jesus comes through the spirit man and Satan and his minions through the inherited flesh and its lusts.) My people, you are in a DNA war. Awaken and see that the battle you are in is a blood battle; the enemy is out to defile your blood. Break down The Order of Baal inside of you through repentance and petitioning. Your DNA is who you are; it is the core of you. I want who you are to be a vein, a vessel for I AM, for I AM to flow through you and be an altar of worship, singing holy (set-apart), holy (set-apart), holy (set-apart), holy (set-apart)!" While He said that, the golden door flung open and a white structure flowed out, with golden and silver writings on it. I AM's character and nature was inside of it - humility, holiness(set-apartness), love, gentleness, etc. "Sarah, My love, this is the message for this hour. Teach My people how to sanctify their DNA because this is what My bride looks like". I see what flows out of that door is His seed [love and righteousness]. If it is the black door, it is hasatan's seed [pride and rebellion]. Father's seed births purity and holiness (set-apartness) and results in a set-apart virgin bride, whereas satan's seed births pride, harlotry, idolatry - it is mixed seed - and this makes you a harlot bride that can give birth to Nephilim babies. (Meaning dark spiritual giants, a mixture of flesh and demons; people who are big in the world because they are of the world, and they are small before God, like famous false Christians.) Yeshua showed me that the written things on our DNA become what our mind meditates upon. (We can meditate on flesh or spirit and bear the fruit thereof. {Isa.26:3} Thou wilt keep [him] in perfect peace, [whose] mind [is] stayed [on thee]; because he trusteth in thee. Rom 12:2 And be not fashioned according to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God.) Your mind literally records whatever is inside the DNA. For example, when there is generational racism seed in your DNA, you have a judgmental, prideful, racist stronghold in your mind (of course you don't acknowledge it as that). Because you inherit the seed from your fathers, it hides in you and when trauma occurs it explodes like a bomb in your soul. It is the same with homosexuality; if there is a seed of rejection, to which a spirit latches, that attacks and breaks down your identity physically and because there is no love inside of that seed, it can very easily manifest in one becoming homosexual. The homosexual spirit is the stronghold that the structure of your soul puts up to defend itself, but it comes out of a seed of rejection, out of the pits of hell. (Many other spirits use the spirit of rejection as a doorkeeper to let them in: rebellion, anger, frustration, domineering, Jezebel, witchcraft, faction, drunkenness, drug addiction, self-seeking, etc.) We are in a spiritual battle that manifests in the natural and the war is already won, if we would just start to apply the Blood of the Lamb, we would start to taste victory and freedom. Our weapon is the BLOOD OF THE LAMB (which carries Yeshua's DNA) because it is the fullness of I AM's LOVE, poured out for our salvation, redemption, deliverance, healing, freedom... REPENT, so that you can be called righteous like Noah was righteous in all his generations! See also Deliverance from Rejection and Its Fear UBM site link: dna Restoration of the Body Tommy Hicks - 7/25/61 (David's notes in red) The following is an excerpt of a stunning vision given to American preacher Tommy Hicks, who was a major figure in the powerful 1954 Argentina Revival. VISION OF THE BODY OF CHRIST AND THE END-TIME MINISTRIES “…In the book of Acts we read, "In the last days", God said, "I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh". I wonder if we realized what he meant when God said, "I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh". I do not think I fully realized nor could I understand the fullness of it, and then I read from the book of Joel: "Be glad then, ye children of Zion, and rejoice in the Lord your God: for he hath given you the former rain moderately, and he will cause to come down for you the rain, the former rain, and the latter rain -" (Joel 2:23). It is not only going to be the rain, the former rain and the latter rain, but he is going to give to his people in these last days a double portion of the power of God! As the vision appeared to me after I was asleep, I suddenly found myself in a great high distance. Where I was, I do not know. But I was looking down upon the earth. Suddenly the whole earth came into my view. Every nation, every kindred, every tongue came before my sight from the east and the west, the north and the south. I recognized every country and many cities that I had been in, and I was almost in fear and trembling as I beheld the great sight before me: and at that moment when the world came into view, it began to lightning and thunder. As the lightning flashed over the face of the earth, my eyes went downward and I was facing the north. Suddenly I beheld what looked like a great giant, and as I stared and looked at it, I was almost bewildered by the sight. It was so gigantic and so great. His feet seemed to reach to the North Pole and his head to the south. Its arms were stretched from sea to sea. I could not even begin to understand whether this was a mountain or a giant, but as I watched, I suddenly beheld a great giant. I could see his head was struggling for life. He wanted to live, but his body was covered with debris from head to foot, and at times this great giant would move his body and act as though it would even rise up at times. And when it did, thousands of little creatures seemed to run away. Hideous creatures would run away from this giant, and when he would become calm, they would come back. (These are the demons that are keeping God's people in bondage.) All of a sudden this great giant lifted his hand towards heaven, and then it lifted its other hand, and when it did these creatures by the thousands seemed to flee away from this giant and go into the darkness of the night. Slowly this great giant began to rise and as he did, his head and hands went into the clouds. As he rose to his feet he seemed to have cleansed himself from the debris and filth that was upon him, and he began to raise his hands into the heavens as though praising the Lord, and as he raised his hands, they went even unto the clouds. (Representing the great revival through Jesus in the Man-child reformers.) Suddenly, every cloud became silver, the most beautiful silver I have ever known. As I watched this phenomenon it was so great I could not even begin to understand what it all meant. I was so stirred as I watched it, and I cried unto the Lord and I said, "Oh Lord, what is the meaning of this". and I felt as if I was actually in the Spirit and I could feel the presence of the Lord even as I was asleep. And from those clouds suddenly there came great drops of liquid light raining down upon this mighty giant, and slowly, slowly, this giant began to melt, began to sink itself in the very earth itself, and as he melted, his whole form seemed to have melted upon the face of the earth, and this great rain began to come down. Liquid drops of light began to flood the very earth itself and as I watched this giant that seemed to melt, suddenly it became millions of people over the face of the earth. As I beheld the sight before me, people stood up all over the world! They were lifting their hands and they were praising the Lord. At that very moment there came a great thunder that seemed to roar from the heavens. I turned my eyes toward the heavens and suddenly I saw a figure in white, in glistening white - the most glorious thing that I have ever seen in my entire life. I did not see the face, but somehow I knew it was the Lord Jesus Christ, and he stretched forth his hand, and as he did, he would stretch it forth to one, and to another, and to another. And as he stretched forth his hand upon the nations and the people of the world - men and women - as he pointed toward them, this liquid light seemed to flow from his hands into them, and a mighty anointing of God came upon them, and those people began to go forth in the name of the Lord. I do not know how long I watched it. It seemed it went into days and weeks and months. And I beheld this Christ as he continued to stretch forth his hand; but there was a tragedy. There were many people as he stretched forth his hand that refused the anointing of God and the call of God. I saw men and women that I knew. People that I felt would certainly receive the call of God. But as he stretched forth his hand toward this one and toward that one, they simply bowed their head and began to back away. And each of those that seemed to bow down and back away, seemed to go into darkness. Blackness seemed to swallow them everywhere. (Their sin was more valuable to them than the anointing.) I was bewildered as I watched it, but these people that he had anointed, hundreds of thousands of people all over the world, in Africa, England, Russia, China, America, all over the world, the anointing of God was upon these people as they went forward in the name of the Lord. I saw these men and women as they went forth. They were ditch diggers, they were washer women, they were rich men, and they were poor men. I saw people who were bound with paralysis and sickness and blindness and deafness. As the Lord stretched forth to give them this anointing, they became well, they became healed, and they went forth! And this is the miracle of it - this is the glorious miracle of it - those people would stretch forth their hands exactly as the Lord did, and it seemed as if there was this same liquid fire in their hands. As they stretched forth their hands they said, "According to my word, be thou made whole". As these people continued in this mighty end-time ministry, I did not fully realize what it was, and I looked to the Lord and said, "What is the meaning of this?" And he said, "This is that which I will do in the last days. I will restore all that the cankerworm, the palmerworm, the caterpillar - I will restore all that they have destroyed. This, my people, in the end times will go forth. As a mighty army shall they sweep over the face of the earth”. (Representing the great restoration.) As I was at this great height, I could behold the whole world. I watched these people as they were going to and fro over the face of the earth. Suddenly there was a man in Africa and in a moment he was transported by the Spirit of God, and perhaps he was in Russia, or China or America or some other place, and vice versa. All over the world these people went, and they came through fire, and through pestilence, and through famine. Neither fire nor persecution, nothing seemed to stop them. Angry mobs came to them with swords and with guns. And like Jesus, they passed through the multitudes and they could not find them, but they went forth in the name of the Lord, and everywhere they stretched forth their hands, the sick were healed, the blind eyes were opened. There was not a long prayer, and after I had reviewed the vision many times in my mind, and I thought about it many times, I realized that I never saw a church, and I never saw or heard a denomination, but these people were going in the name of the Lord of Hosts. Hallelujah! As they marched forth in everything they did as the ministry of Christ in the end times, these people were ministering to the multitudes over the face of the earth. Tens of thousands, even millions seemed to come to the Lord Jesus Christ as these people stood forth and gave the message of the kingdom, of the coming kingdom, in this last hour. It was so glorious, but it seems as though there were those that rebelled, and they would become angry and they tried to attack those workers that were giving the message. (As it was with the Pharisees and Sadducees.) God is going to give the world a demonstration in this last hour as the world has never known. These men and women are of all walks of life, degrees will mean nothing. I saw these workers as they were going over the face of the earth. When one would stumble and fall, another would come and pick him up. There were no "big I's" and "little you's", but every mountain was brought low and every valley was exalted, and they seemed to have one thing in common - there was a divine love, a divine love that seemed to flow forth from these people as they worked together, and as they lived together. It was the most glorious sight that I have ever known. Jesus Christ was the theme of their life. They continued and it seemed the days went by as I stood and beheld this sight. I could only cry, and sometimes I laughed. It was so wonderful as these people went throughout the face of the whole earth, bringing forth in this last end time. As I watched from the very heaven itself, there were times when great deluges of this liquid light seemed to fall upon great congregations, and that congregation would lift up their hands and seemingly praise God for hours and even days as the Spirit of God came upon them. God said, "I will pour my Spirit upon all flesh", and that is exactly this thing. And to every man and every woman that received this power, and the anointing of God, the miracles of God, there was no ending to it…" UBM Angels Give Some Details of the Coming Great Revival Excerpt from Ministering Angels Through UBM #3 David asked, “What can you tell us about the supernatural methods to get the gospel out and heal, deliver and save?” The angel Baruch said, "The methods of man will not be employed to reach the peoples of the earth. (In the days that are coming.) The methods are all of the spirit realm and will be administered by the angels who are going to distribute the gifts to the saints. (Meaning, the sanctified ones) These include gifts of translation from place to place, language, healing, laying on of hands to impart to others their needs and what they're lacking and to replicate the gifts by passing them on to others whom the angels will point out. Supernatural downloads of wisdom and knowledge will be received for specific situations.” David asked, “What about deliverances?” Baruch said, “The enemy will be on the run during this time. Deliverances will be instantaneous with no resistance on their part. (Many deliverances are this way now if there is cooperation on the part of the victim in repentance and faith.) They will no longer be able to hide in flesh because of the light of revival and the fire of truth that will sweep the elect of the globe.” (Eve said, “Meaning: Demons will be fleeing left and right out of people as the true fire of the Holy Spirit fills each one and searches the depths of each individual. There won't be any place left for them to hide in the elect of God.") David asked, “Will there be mass healings and deliverances? Baruch said, “ Yes. These will all take place on the largest scale in human history.” (Eve said, "Meaning: Masses of people will supernaturally be delivered and healed all at once for times sake because the need is so great and the darkness so pervasive.") Then the angel Shemuel said, "A great move of God is coming upon the younger generations. (i.e. The millennials - Generation Z) There is a mildew and rottenness that has been cast upon this crop by satan; a perpetual darkness, so that the Son has not shown upon them. They languish and rot in the field and their fruit is poisoned. But the Son is coming to shine down upon them and he will burn up all the disease and mildew of their lives and the heat of His fire will burn through them and cleanse and restore them to the purpose they were created for. There has never been a revival like this that will sweep the whole earth. This will be entirely an act of God; supernatural and undeniable. He will not forsake the youth of this final generation.' Our Promised DNA Restoration Excerpt from Ministering Angels Through UBM #3 David asked, “What does the coming restoration involve personally? 30 years younger?” The angel Jeruel answered, “Restoration on a DNA cellular level. Faith and power will be imputed to receive healing and restoration. It will be complete restoration not partial. The first fruits are first. They will be the trail blazers. There will also be a mighty supernatural outpouring of spiritual restoration of closeness to God through His Holy Spirit.” Then David asked, “When will the Lord restore our teeth?” The angel Baruch said, “When the DNA restoration takes place, teeth will be restored as well.” Our Corporate Birthday Party Isaac Payne - 8/19/22 (David's notes in red) In this dream I was hosting a birthday party at my doublewide in Florida. (I think Florida is symbolic due to it being called the sunshine state. Also, I think the doublewide represents John 1:16 For of his fullness we all received, and grace for grace. Double grace hence doublewide.) The walls of the doublewide were sky blue and pretty much everything in the doublewide was blue. (Blue represents heavenly.) As the birthday party began, we welcomed many people inside. What was odd was that it wasn't anyone's birthday in particular, but actually seemed like a shared birthday party. (The corporate birthing of Jesus in the Man-child reformers and then the choosing of the Bride.) I looked around and saw Missy Pollock and her husband Merle at the birthday party sitting at the dining room table. They looked very happy and I remember thinking Merle is a really fit guy and in good shape and Missy too. (This is the timing of the DNA restoration.) I saw my Uncle Ronnie come to the party also. (Ronnie means ruler, advice, decision, bringer of victory.) (Representing the Father.) Also, David Eells (Representing the Man-child David's.) was there at the house for the birthday party as well. I continued to look around and also saw my cousins Josh and Jake. (Joshua means God is Deliverance and Jacob (Jacob represents Israel as a type of the Church.) (Ronnie, Josh, and Jake are my actual family members on my dads side in real life.) I think this points to spiritual Israel since Jacob was renamed Israel. Romans 9:6 But it is not as though the word of God has come to nought, for they are not all Israel, that are of Israel. But also he took the birthright from Esau. I believe we have been given the birthright from Christ as we are the 42nd generation and have overcome the old man represented by Esau. 2 Co. 1:20 For however many so ever be the promises of God, in him is the yea: wherefore also through him is the Amen, unto the glory of God through us. Then I woke up. (Also, I believe this is confirmation for the DNA regeneration that we were told we would receive.) (There wasn't one feeble one among them when they went out into the wilderness. Moses' eye was not dimmed nor his natural force abated.) The Great Restoration David Eells The Lord reveals that there will be a restoration of His people's lives in an outpouring of the Spirit after the Northern Army, as a type of the faction in the government and in the Church, is defeated at the spiritual Red Sea. This is primarily a restoration to the Bride, as a first-fruits, and later through the Bride to the Church. The Lord has showed us that this Northern Army attack symbolizes the ongoing D.S. attack on the U.S. using Pestilence, Sword, Famine, and Fire, which is listed in scriptures many times in Babylon's war against the apostate leadership, typed as Jerusalem, and God's apostate people... The Northern Army of Assyria tried to conquer righteous Jerusalem, the Bride. They had already conquered the apostate northern tribes, which faction and apostates have done, because these conquered ones are not the Bride, who escaped. Here also is mentioned the restoration of the years this enemy had plundered from God's people. Joel 2:20-27 but I will remove far off from you the northern army, and will drive it into a land barren and desolate, its forepart into the eastern sea, and its hinder part into the western sea; and its stench shall come up, and its ill savor shall come up, because it hath done great things. 21 Fear not, O land, be glad and rejoice; for Jehovah hath done great things. 22 Be not afraid, ye beasts of the field; for the pastures of the wilderness do spring, for the tree beareth its fruit, the fig-tree and the vine do yield their strength. 23 Be glad then, ye children of Zion, and rejoice in Jehovah your God; for he giveth you the former rain in just measure, and he causeth to come down for you the rain, the former rain and the latter rain, in the first month. 24 And the floors shall be full of wheat, and the vats shall overflow with new wine and oil. 25 And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the canker-worm, and the caterpillar, and the palmer-worm, my great army which I sent among you. 26 And ye shall eat in plenty and be satisfied, and shall praise the name of Jehovah your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you; and my people shall never be put to shame. 27 And ye shall know that I am in the midst of Israel, and that I am Jehovah your God, and there is none else; and my people shall never be put to shame. I believe this restoration incorporates the power of the Spirit, health, youth, prosperity, doctrine, fruit, gifts, authority, and a general deliverance from all of the curse that Jesus paid for. Gal 3:13 Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us; for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree. This restoration will begin with the Bride who will spread this gospel to the true Church of the called out ones. Psa 103:1-5 A Psalm of David. Bless Jehovah, O my soul; And all that is within me, bless his holy name. 2 Bless Jehovah, O my soul, And forget not all his benefits: 3 Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; Who healeth all thy diseases; 4 Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; Who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies; 5 Who satisfieth thy desire with good things, So that thy youth is renewed like the eagle. (Eagles, like all other birds, molt. They molt four times before reaching adulthood. Once they achieve their final "adult" plumage, it is likely that Bald Eagles molt their flight feathers just about every year. This represents new clothing which helps it overcome the gravity of the world.) Rom 13:14 But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof. Job 33:25 His flesh shall be fresher than a child's; He returneth to the days of his youth. God's people coming out of Egypt at the time of the Red Sea received their youthful restoration. Psa 105:37 And he brought them forth with silver and gold; And there was not one feeble person among his tribes. Deu 34:7 And Moses was a hundred and twenty years old when he died: his eye was not dim, nor his natural force abated. Neh 9:21 Yea, forty years didst thou sustain them in the wilderness, and they lacked nothing; their clothes waxed not old, and their feet swelled not. 2Co 5:17 Wherefore if any man is in Christ, he is a new creature: the old things are passed away; behold, they are become new. Abiding in the mind of Christ, the Lions head, will bring about this new creation man. Psa 132:13-18 For Jehovah hath chosen Zion (the Bride); He hath desired it for his habitation. 14 This is my resting-place for ever: Here will I dwell; for I have desired it. 15 I will abundantly bless her provision: I will satisfy her poor with bread. 16 Her priests also will I clothe with salvation; And her saints shall shout aloud for joy. 17 There will I make the horn of David to bud: I have ordained a lamp for mine anointed. 18 His enemies will I clothe with shame; But upon himself shall his crown flourish. Psa 133:3 Like the dew of Hermon, That cometh down upon the mountains of Zion: For there Jehovah commanded the blessing, Even life for evermore. Act 3:19-21 Repent ye therefore, and turn again, that your sins may be blotted out, that so there may come seasons of refreshing from the presence of the Lord; 20 and that he may send the Christ who hath been appointed for you, even Jesus: 21 whom the heaven must receive until the times of restoration of all things, whereof God spake by the mouth of his holy prophets that have been from of old. Jesus will first come manifested in the Man-child reformation ministry to restore all that was stolen from God's people just as He did in His first body except on a much larger scale. Hos 6:1-3 Come, and let us return unto Jehovah; for he hath torn, and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind us up. 2 After two days will he revive us: on the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live before him. 3 And let us know, let us follow on to know Jehovah: his going forth is sure as the morning; and he will come unto us as the rain, as the latter rain that watereth the earth. 1Pe 5:10 And the God of all grace, who called you unto his eternal glory in Christ, after that ye have suffered a little while, shall himself perfect, establish, strengthen you. Psa 71:20-21 Thou, who hast showed us many and sore troubles, Wilt quicken (meaning: Make alive) us again, And wilt bring us up again from the depths of the earth. 21 Increase thou my greatness, And turn again and comfort me. Jer 30:1-3 The word that came to Jeremiah from Jehovah, saying, 2 Thus speaketh Jehovah, the God of Israel, saying, Write thee all the words that I have spoken unto thee in a book. 3 For, lo, the days come, saith Jehovah, that I will turn again the captivity of my people Israel and Judah, saith Jehovah; and I will cause them to return to the land that I gave to their fathers, and they shall possess it. This speaks of the Church coming out of captivity to the beast kingdom to return to the Land of milk and honey; the land of our spiritual forefathers in the Gospels and Book of Acts. We are going to have our own Book of Acts but greater in scope and intensity. Isa 40:31 but they that wait for Jehovah shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; they shall walk, and not faint. What energy Father will put in His people to bring in the harvest. Jer 29:11-14 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith Jehovah, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you hope in your latter end. 12 And ye shall call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you. 13 And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart. 14 And I will be found of you, saith Jehovah, and I will turn again your captivity, and I will gather you from all the nations, and from all the places whither I have driven you, saith Jehovah; and I will bring you again unto the place whence I caused you to be carried away captive. Back to the Bride we started from. Joh 3:29 He that hath the bride is the bridegroom: but the friend of the bridegroom, that standeth and heareth him, rejoiceth greatly because of the bridegroom's voice: this my joy therefore is made full. Isa 60:10-22 And foreigners shall build up thy walls, and their kings shall minister unto thee: for in my wrath I smote thee, but in my favor have I had mercy on thee. 11 Thy gates also shall be open continually; they shall not be shut day nor night; that men may bring unto thee the wealth of the nations, and their kings led captive. 12 For that nation and kingdom that will not serve thee shall perish; yea, those nations shall be utterly wasted. 13 The glory of Lebanon shall come unto thee, the fir-tree, the pine, and the box-tree together, to beautify the place of my sanctuary; and I will make the place of my feet glorious. 14 And the sons of them that afflicted thee shall come bending unto thee; and all they that despised thee shall bow themselves down at the soles of thy feet; and they shall call thee The city of Jehovah, The Zion of the Holy One of Israel. 15 Whereas thou hast been forsaken and hated, so that no man passed through thee, I will make thee an eternal excellency, a joy of many generations. 16 Thou shalt also suck the milk of the nations, and shalt suck the breast of kings; and thou shalt know that I, Jehovah, am thy Saviour, and thy Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob. 17 For brass I will bring gold, and for iron I will bring silver, and for wood brass, and for stones iron. A great increase in value in life and posessions. I will also make thy officers peace, and thine exactors righteousness. 18 Violence shall no more be heard in thy land, desolation nor destruction within thy borders; but thou shalt call thy walls Salvation, and thy gates Praise. 19 The sun shall be no more thy light by day; neither for brightness shall the moon give light unto thee: but Jehovah will be unto thee an everlasting light, and thy God thy glory. 20 Thy sun shall no more go down, neither shall thy moon withdraw itself; for Jehovah will be thine everlasting light, and the days of thy mourning shall be ended. 21 Thy people also shall be all righteous; they shall inherit the land for ever, the branch of my planting, the work of my hands, that I may be glorified. 22 The little one shall become a thousand, and the small one a strong nation; I, Jehovah, will hasten it in its time. A great revival with multitudes coming into the Kingdom of God. Isa 61:1-11 The Spirit of the Lord Jehovah is upon me; because Jehovah hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound; 2 to proclaim the year of Jehovah's favor, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourn; 3 to appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them a garland for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they may be called trees of righteousness, the planting of Jehovah, that he may be glorified. 4 And they shall build the old wastes, they shall raise up the former desolations, and they shall repair the waste cities, the desolations of many generations. 5 And strangers shall stand and feed your flocks, and foreigners shall be your plowmen and your vine-dressers. 6 But ye shall be named the priests of Jehovah; men shall call you the ministers of our God: ye shall eat the wealth of the nations, and in their glory shall ye boast yourselves. 7 Instead of your shame ye shall have double; and instead of dishonor they shall rejoice in their portion: therefore in their land they shall possess double; everlasting joy shall be unto them. 8 For I, Jehovah, love justice, I hate robbery with iniquity; and I will give them their recompense in truth, and I will make an everlasting covenant with them. 9 And their seed shall be known among the nations, and their offspring among the peoples; all that see them shall acknowledge them, that they are the seed which Jehovah hath blessed. 10 I will greatly rejoice in Jehovah, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for he hath clothed me with the garments of salvation, he hath covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decketh himself with a garland, and as a bride adorneth herself with her jewels. 11 For as the earth bringeth forth its bud, and as the garden causeth the things that are sown in it to spring forth; so the Lord Jehovah will cause righteousness and praise to spring forth before all the nations. Deu 30:1-10 And it shall come to pass, when all these things are come upon thee, the blessing and the curse, which I have set before thee, and thou shalt call them to mind among all the nations, whither Jehovah thy God hath driven thee, 2 and shalt return unto Jehovah thy God, and shalt obey his voice according to all that I command thee this day, thou and thy children,, with all thy heart, and with all thy soul; 3 that then Jehovah thy God will turn thy captivity, and have compassion upon thee, and will return and gather thee from all the peoples, whither Jehovah thy God hath scattered thee. 4 If any of thine outcasts be in the uttermost parts of heaven, from thence will Jehovah thy God gather thee, and from thence will he fetch thee: 5 and Jehovah thy God will bring thee into the land which thy fathers possessed, and thou shalt possess it; and he will do thee good, and multiply thee above thy fathers. 6 And Jehovah thy God will circumcise thy heart, and the heart of thy seed, to love Jehovah thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, that thou mayest live. 7 And Jehovah thy God will put all these curses upon thine enemies, and on them that hate thee, that persecuted thee. 8 And thou shalt return and obey the voice of Jehovah, and do all his commandments which I command thee this day. 9 And Jehovah thy God will make thee plenteous in all the work of thy hand, in the fruit of thy body, and in the fruit of thy cattle, and in the fruit of thy ground, for good: for Jehovah will again rejoice over thee for good, as he rejoiced over thy fathers; 10 if thou shalt obey the voice of Jehovah thy God, to keep his commandments and his statutes which are written in this book of the law; if thou turn unto Jehovah thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul. Hos 6:1-3 Come, and let us return unto Jehovah; for he hath torn, and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind us up. 2 After two days will he revive us: on the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live before him. 3 And let us know, let us follow on to know Jehovah: his going forth is sure as the morning; and he will come unto us as the rain, as the latter rain that watereth the earth. And great revival and restoration will come. Eze 37:1-10 The hand of Jehovah was upon me, and he brought me out in the Spirit of Jehovah, and set me down in the midst of the valley; and it was full of bones. 2 And he caused me to pass by them round about: and, behold, there were very many in the open valley; and, lo, they were very dry. 3 And he said unto me, Son of man, can these bones live? And I answered, O Lord Jehovah, thou knowest. 4 Again he said unto me, Prophesy over these bones, and say unto them, O ye dry bones, hear the word of Jehovah. 5 Thus saith the Lord Jehovah unto these bones: Behold, I will cause breath (Spirit) to enter into you, and ye shall live. 6 And I will lay sinews upon you, and will bring up flesh upon you, and cover you with skin, and put breath (Spirit) in you, and ye shall live; and ye shall know that I am Jehovah. 7 So I prophesied as I was commanded: and as I prophesied, there was a noise, and, behold, an earthquake; and the bones came together, bone to its bone. 8 And I beheld, and, lo, there were sinews upon them, and flesh came up, and skin covered them above; but there was no breath in them. 9 Then said he unto me, Prophesy unto the wind, prophesy, son of man, and say to the wind, Thus saith the Lord Jehovah: Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe (Spirit) upon these slain, that they may live. 10 So I prophesied as he commanded me, and the breath came into them, and they lived, and stood up upon their feet, an exceeding great army. Isa 2:1-3 The word that Isaiah the son of Amoz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem. 2 And it shall come to pass in the latter days, that the mountain of Jehovah's house shall be established on the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it. 3 And many peoples shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of Jehovah, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of Jehovah from Jerusalem. Isa 49:13-23 Sing, O heavens; and be joyful, O earth; and break forth into singing, O mountains: for Jehovah hath comforted his people, and will have compassion upon his afflicted. 14 But Zion said, Jehovah hath forsaken me, and the Lord hath forgotten me. 15 Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? yea, these may forget, yet will not I forget thee. 16 Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands; thy walls are continually before me. 17 Thy children make haste; thy destroyers and they that made thee waste shall go forth from thee. The faction is separated from the Bride. 18 Lift up thine eyes round about, and behold: all these gather themselves together, and come to thee. As I live, saith Jehovah, thou shalt surely clothe thee with them all as with an ornament, and gird thyself with them, like a bride. 19 For, as for thy waste and thy desolate places, and thy land that hath been destroyed, surely now shalt thou be too strait for the inhabitants, and they that swallowed thee up shall be far away. 20 The children of thy bereavement shall yet say in thine ears, The place is too strait for me; give place to me that I may dwell. 21 Then shalt thou say in thy heart, Who hath begotten me these, seeing I have been bereaved of my children, and am solitary, an exile, and wandering to and fro? and who hath brought up these? Behold, I was left alone; t
Pray To The Most High for the Holy Spirit, Wisdom, favor, mercy, miracles, love, etc. peace family !
The Bible uses five different words to describe (5) distinct levels of the human soul, each of which has its own unique properties and expressions. (In this episode, we will build a foundation from which we will discuss often in our works.Subscribe to our website:https://www.thehiddenorchard.com/For a written version:https://www.thehiddenorchard.com/your-expansive-soul/
Seek TMH ; The Ruach Hakodesh will reveal all things to you ! Pray without ceasing
Lesson 46 Part 2 It is critical that you make sure you listen to part 1 of this two part series. In part 1 we establish the real possibility that the Hebrews arrived on the 3rd day of the 3rd month. If this is the case then it seems as if יהוה Yahvay, the Lord, God, lead His people to His mountain to receive a new covenant at His mountain, Mt. Sinai. Interesting - 50 days after Passover, after the first day of Unleavened Bread, the Hebrews enter a covenant relationship with the Lord. This is an amazing event in that a new nation is born, a chosen people, and it's like a new beginning, a new start. It reminds me of the Year of Jubilee - every 50 years it is the year of Jubilee. The Year of the Jubilee involved a year of release from indebtedness (Leviticus 25:23-38) and all types of bondage (vv. 39-55). All prisoners and captives were set free, all slaves were released, all debts were forgiven, and all property was returned to its original owners. (Like a new start) In addition, all labor was to cease for one year, and those bound by labor contracts were released from them. One of the benefits of the Jubilee was that both the land and the people were able to rest. (Accessed at https://www.gotquestions.org/Jubilee.html July 25,2022) Link to Exodus Lesson 49 Part 1 - https://www.podbean.com/ew/pb-uhhag-127e43f In this session we will see the awesome connection this has to the feast of Shavuot (Weeks) or Pentecost in Jesus' day. Jesus rose from the dead on a Biblical feast, the feast of first fruits, and 50 days later the 120 disciples received the Holy Spirit and these 120 as the "light to the nations" spoke in tongues of the Salvation of the Lord, the "Yeshua" of יהוה Yahvay. It was the New Covenant of the Lord at the mountain of the Lord, Jerusalem. Peter become so inspired, he does a short sermon in Acts 2 and as a result 3000 were baptized on the 50th day, Shavuot or Pentecost. Did he received the promised power to be the witness to the nations? You better believe it. So, the number 50 even takes on even more significance. Now it seems to be related to the days of Messiah and the coming of the רוח הקודש Ruach HaKodesh, the Holy Spirit. The Jubilee presents a beautiful picture of the New Testament themes of redemption and forgiveness. Christ is the Redeemer who came to set free those who are slaves and prisoners to sin (Romans 8:2; Galatians 5:1; 3:22). The debt of sin we owe to God was paid on the cross as Jesus died on our behalf (Colossians 2:13-14), and we are forgiven the debt forever. We are no longer in bondage, no longer slaves to sin, having been freed by Christ, and we can truly enter the rest God provides as we cease laboring to make ourselves acceptable to God by our own works (Hebrews 4:9-10). (Accessed at https://www.gotquestions.org/Jubilee.html July 25,2022) God has clearly done something on purpose. He has connected the New Covenant at His mountain, Mt. Sinai, to the New Covenant at His mountain, Jerusalem. The giving of the Ten Commandments is intimately connected to Pentecost or Shavuot. Here's a link to the podcast series on the feast of Shavuot. In this study you'll even go deeper into your understanding of Passover and Pentecost. Link to the podcasts series on the feast of Shavuot (Pentecost) - https://lightofmenorah.podbean.com/?s=shavuot I taught this is a class. Here's a link to the chapter from my class book. If you need the bibliography email me and I will get it to you. Link to the article from Light of Menorah on Shavuot - https://www.dropbox.com/s/2rs9dwl481eb9s1/Chapter%204%20-%20The%20Spring%20Feasts%20-%20the%20End%20of%20the%20Beginning.pdf?dl=0 Rev. Ferret - who is this guy? What's his background? Why should I listen to him? Check his background at this link - https://www.dropbox.com/s/ortnret3oxcicu4/BackgrndTeacher%20mar%2025%202020.pdf?dl=0
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(Ruach HaKodesh, Session 21) This is the final session in the Ruach […] The post Living by the Spirit appeared first on Segullah.
(Ruach HaKodesh, Session 20b) In the last session we defined revival as […] The post Revival – Part 2: Seeking Revival appeared first on Segullah.