Podcasts about holiness

Dedicated or set apart for the service or worship of a deity

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    The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
    Day 46: Set Apart for God (2025)

    The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 15, 2025 25:04

    Fr. Mike points out how blessing something sets it apart for the purposes of God, and it is no longer meant for ordinary uses. So when we are filled with the spirit of God, our daily task becomes extraordinary, because it is consecrated to God. Today's readings are Exodus 30-31, Leviticus 22, and Psalm 115. For the complete reading plan, visit ascensionpress.com/bibleinayear. Please note: The Bible contains adult themes that may not be suitable for children - parental discretion is advised.

    Enjoying the Journey
    Going Deeper With God

    Enjoying the Journey

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 14, 2025 10:03

    (Proverbs 9:10) While there are many things we do not know about God, there is much that we can know about God. He wrote it down for us! The deeper we go into Scripture the deeper we can go into our knowledge of God. (0941250214) ----more----   The Mystery of God There are many things that I do not know about God. There are many things that are beyond my understanding. And why is that? Because I am a finite being and He is an infinite God. And yet, isn't it glorious? Isn't it wonderful? That God, through His Word, has revealed Himself in such a way that there are many things we do know about God. So many people get stuck on the things they don't know and can't understand but they miss in that what they should know and what we can understand.  The Fear of the Lord Is Beginning of Wisdom Proverbs chapter 9, verse number 10 says this, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the holy. Is understanding." Did you hear that expression? The knowledge of the holy, not of holy things, but of the holy one.  Understanding God's Holiness In fact, holiness is the one attribute that is most often attached to God in Scripture. That does not mean that He is more holy than He is any of His other attributes. He's the perfection of all of them. You can't chop God up. You can't divide Him. He's not one. He is all. He's not more of one. He is perfectly all. But the reason Holiness is attributed to God more than any other thing in Scripture is that His holiness is the perfection of all of His attributes. Everything about God is holy. His knowledge, His power, His love, His mercy, His judgment, everything is a revelation of our holy God. Knowing God Through Scripture And I want to say to you that We should begin, when we are studying what the Bible says, by saying, Lord, we want to know our Holy God. We want to know Him personally. It's one of the great marvels of our God. He is both infinite and knowable at the same time. There's no limit to Him. There's no end to Him, and yet, there is a place to begin. We can know Him by finding out what Scripture says about Him. This is God's revelation of Himself. I heard for years preachers say that when we get to heaven, we're going to know everything. I don't believe that's what scripture teaches. The Bible says we will know even as we are known. But I believe when we get to Heaven, when we get into Eternity, we're going to spend the rest of Eternity entering in our knowledge and understanding more and more to the depths of our great God. I don't think you'll ever exhaust who God is. That's what's going to make Eternity such an ongoing adventure. More and more of His love and beauty and perfection. And friend, that journey is not to begin when we die or Jesus comes. It is to begin right here. And right now, it is to begin by us discovering what the Bible says about God. So what does the Bible say? We can't be exhaustive about this, certainly not in this brief time we have to study together. But may I just give you a few thoughts to, to meditate on today? Some things that you can study further for yourself and look for in Scripture.  Attributes of God: Self-Existence and Immutability In Scripture, we learn that He is self-existent and self-sufficient. It means He is the Great I Am. The only limits on God are the ones He places on Himself. The limits of His own holy will. He holds back, for example, His justice with His mercy. God may limit Himself in certain areas at particular times, but there is no limit to Him. He is I Am. He's the only one who can say I Am and put nothing after it. He is the self existent and self sufficient one. Imagine Him saying to Moses, Tell them I Am sent you. I Am what? Yes. All of the above. More than you could ever imagine. Not only that, He's immutable. That means he never changes. James chapter 1 and verse number 17, Malachi chapter 3, verse number 6, all through scripture we get this truth. He says in Malachi 3 verse 6, "I am the Lord, I change not." God's Eternal Nature and Omnipresence And then, He is eternal. Eternity has no beginning and no end. It's like an open ended front and an open ended back. And God is beyond the limits in both directions. God's not in time. Time is in God. God holds time in the palm of His hand. He's the eternal God. Did you know that the word eternity is only found one time in all of Scripture? I would challenge you to find it. I could give you the reference, but I'm going to challenge you. I'll give you a homework assignment. See if you can find the one verse in the Bible where the word eternity is found, and in that verse, The Bible references the God who inhabits eternity. Think of a God so big, He fills up eternity. God is not bound by anything. Not by time or not by space. No, because He is the great I Am.  God's Omnipotence, Omniscience, and Omnipresence Then we know He's all powerful. Some people refer to that as His omnipotence. He is all powerful. He is omniscient. That means He knows everything. He's omnipresent. That means He's everywhere at once. If I say to you, where's God, some people say he's in heaven, other people say he's in my heart. The truth of the matter is, you can't limit Him to either place. He may be in both places, but He's everywhere at once. Psalm 139, the psalmist cries out, "Where then shall I go from thy spirit? Where then shall I flee from thy presence? If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there. If I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there.If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there, thy right hand shall hold me." God's everywhere.  God's Faithfulness and Mercy And then we know that God is faithful. He is true. He never lies. He never fails to keep His word. He is a God of truth. Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, and the life. We know He's a God of mercy and of goodness. That means He holds back what we don't deserve. And He, or what we do deserve rather, and He gives what we don't deserve. Think of that. He holds back the judgment and He gives good things. What was the Psalmist saying in Psalm 23, "Surely, goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever." I tell you, you can't beat the Christian life. Mercy and goodness come to live with you now, and you go to live with the God of mercy and goodness for all eternity. I hope you know the Lord as your personal Savior.  God's Justice and Love And then, we know He's a God of justice. And a God of righteousness. That's what the cross was all about. That's what Calvary revealed. God doesn't laugh at sin. He doesn't simply turn a blind. Turn a blind eye to our unrighteousness. Isaiah 53, verse 11. He saw the travail of Christ's soul and was satisfied his justice, his righteousness was satisfied at that moment. Then, praise God, we know He's a God of love. First John 4:16 says, "God is love." It's not just something He does, it's who He is. And then we come full circle back to where we started, He's a holy God. He's the thrice holy God. Do you remember? Isaiah chapter 6, what are they saying? Holy, Lord God Almighty. When you come to the revelation of Christ, what are they saying? "Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was and is to come." The Father is holy, the Son is holy, the Spirit is holy. He was holy in the past, He is holy in the present, He always will be holy for all eternity He is the Holy God.  Loving and Sharing the Knowledge of God I would challenge you to study the names of God all through scripture because his names reveal His character. Study His attributes, learn more about the God of the Bible, and I'll tell you what I think you'll find. Number one, you're going to love him more. To know him is to love him. And the more you come to see what the Bible says about God, the more you're going to say to the Father, I love you, I'm so glad to be your child. The more you're going to say to the Son, thank you for saving me and bringing me into this family. And the more you're going to say to the Holy Spirit, I'm so glad you're with me right now. Learn what the Bible says for your own soul, but then don't keep it to yourself. Pass it along to somebody else. Peter says, "Sanctify the Lord God in your hearts and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear." I hope today you'll both learn and share what the Bible says about our great God. Repeating what other people have said about the Bible is not enough. Outro We must know the biblical reason behind what we believe. We hope you will visit us at etj.bible to access our library of Bible teaching resources, including book by book studies of Scripture. You'll also find studies to watch, listen to, or read. We are so grateful for those who pray for us, who share the biblical content, and for those who invest to help us advance this ministry worldwide. Again, thank you for listening, and we hope you'll join us next time on Enjoying the Journey.

    Straight From The Heart Radio

    No time for sloppy thinking- The hope of a heavenly inheritance should remind us that earth is not our home. Is your life moving toward God? Holiness is not just separation from the world, but separation unto God.

    Grace to You on Oneplace.com
    “Born to Holiness”

    Grace to You on Oneplace.com

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 14, 2025 28:55

    You've probably heard that a Bible that's falling apart usually belongs to someone who isn't. One reason for that . . . when you devote yourself to reading and meditating on God's Word, you'll be continually reminded of the blessings of living a holy life. To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/85/29

    Ask Father Josh (Your Catholic Question and Answer Podcast)
    When does Anger Become Sinful? (with Sr. Josephine Garrett)

    Ask Father Josh (Your Catholic Question and Answer Podcast)

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 13, 2025 31:29

    We all experience anger for different reasons, but how do we prevent anger from turning into wrath? Sr. Josephine Garrett joins Fr. Josh to answer questions about dealing with anger, conflict, and unforgiveness in our families and communities. Snippet From the Show To prevent anger from becoming wrath, we need to invite Jesus into our experience of anger and allow him to heal us. Text “askfrjosh” to 33-777 to subscribe to Fr. Josh's shownotes or go to www.AscensionPress.com/askfatherjosh Submit your questions and feedback to Fr.Josh by filling out a form at www.ascensionpress.com/askfatherjosh

    Victory Devotional Podcast
    2025 The Cross (Love, Holiness, and Obedience): Pastor Michael Paderes

    Victory Devotional Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 13, 2025 15:49

    We receive salvation through the unconditional love demonstrated by Christ on the cross.

    Tibet TV
    (Ep 233) In Conversation on Multi-Lingual E-Book on Four Principal Commitments of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama

    Tibet TV

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 13, 2025 14:47

    As the Tibetan community prepares to celebrate His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama's 90th birthday—marked as the Year of Compassion—the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) has launched a special multilingual e-book. This publication brings together insights from over 100 distinguished speakers who participated in a 2020 virtual talk series, reflecting on His Holiness's lifelong advocacy for human values, interfaith harmony, Tibetan culture and environment, and ancient Indian wisdom. In this episode we speak with Tsetan Dolma, Project Officer at DIIR's Tibet Advocacy section, about the book's significance, its creation, and its impact on global discussions about His Holiness's legacy.

    Pastor Writer: Conversations on Writing, Reading, and the Christian Life
    Karen Stiller — Reclaiming a Life of Holiness

    Pastor Writer: Conversations on Writing, Reading, and the Christian Life

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 12, 2025 40:25

    These days, brokenness feels more comfortable to discuss than holiness. It's easier to say that we are messy than holy, that healing is a long way off. To say that we are holy seems like one step away from holier than thou, and no one ever wants to be that. Holiness Here offers practical and inspiring ways to transform your life by helping you see the holiness within your ordinary, everyday life. Holiness is a warm invitation to a new and better way to live a calling for our lives in Scripture a search that marks the life of a Christian (even when we don't live fully into that reality) a most basic urge―to live and love differently that we did before―because what we believe changes the way we act As a fellow pilgrim on the journey, Karen Stiller weaves together captivating stories, theological insights, and spiritual reflections to help you discover holiness in the mundane moments of your life. With her engaging style and accessible voice, Karen invites you to embark on a journey of spiritual growth, discipleship, and wisdom. You will explore holiness from a fresh perspective, from the importance of community and the role of the church to ways to cultivate a deeper relationship with God and live out your faith. Karen also explores topics like the fruit of the Spirit, money and work, hospitality, and humility. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Talking Talmud
    Sanhedrin 58: How Violence Destroys Holiness

    Talking Talmud

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 12, 2025 13:49

    Establishing the prohibition of the illicit relationship with one's father's sister -- with nods to Moshe's parents and Avraham and Sarah. Also, what happens when a non-Jew hits a Jew -- with another nod to Moshe. A death sentence is warranted, notes the Gemara, given what violence does to society.

    Movius Ministries
    A path to holiness: simple obedience, deeper sanctification. S32|E308

    Movius Ministries

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 12, 2025 50:07

    Many times there are seasons where we desire to become more like Christ and grow into holiness. How do we do this? In today's episode, we will be looking at two passages of scripture to help us break this down, as well as myself sharing some personal stories of how this has played out in my life; and then in the end what God is working on in me right now in regards to a simple act of obedience that's leading me deeper sanctification.Josiahmovius12@yahoo.comCrystals hand made jewelry business IG page: https://www.instagram.com/crystalshandcraftedjewels?igsh=MXEzY2t5dm1xZHR6Nw%3D%3D&utm_source=qr

    Open Our Bibles Together with MFahring
    Leviticus 20 – 23 :: Set Apart - Discovering God's Heart in Living Holy + Holiness

    Open Our Bibles Together with MFahring

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 12, 2025 43:41

    Hey friends! In this episode of Open Our Bibles Together with MFahring, we're diving into Leviticus chapters 20 through 23, and trust me, this isn't just a list of rules—it's an invitation to understand God's heart and what it means to live a life set apart.   Leviticus 20 may seem intense with its focus on consequences, but it's really about the seriousness of living in alignment with God's holiness. God calls His people to be different, to stand out in the best way possible. Why? Because He wants them—and us—to reflect His character to the world. So good.   As we move into chapters 21 and 22, the focus is on the priests and their responsibilities. These chapters remind us that those who lead in worship have a unique calling to model holiness. But here's the twist: this isn't just for priests! In the New Testament, we're called a royal priesthood, which means these lessons apply to all of us. Holiness isn't about being perfect—it's about being intentional, set apart for God's purposes.   And chapter 23? Oh, it's a feast—literally! God lays out a calendar of holy days that teach His people to pause, remember, and celebrate His faithfulness. From the Sabbath to the Feast of Tabernacles, these moments of rest and worship are woven into the rhythm of life. They're a beautiful reminder that holiness isn't just about rules—it's about relationship.   So, what does this mean for us today? Being set apart doesn't mean we're better than anyone else and it isn't about perfection or just following rules—it's about reflecting who He is in how we live.   Oh, my OOBTers, let's open our Bibles together to explore even further what being “set apart” looks like for the Israelites and us!   AND SPOILER ALERT: up next, we're wrapping up our studies in the book of Leviticus! Sounds like it is about time to cue that confetti again!   For the full episode show notes, please go to https://mfahring.com/leviticus-20-23/

    Breaking Bread Apostolic Church

    Pastor John Biddle Romans 12:1

    St. Mark's New Canaan
    02.09.25 "Overwhelmed by Holiness: Peter's Call and Ours" - The Reverend Peter F. Walsh

    St. Mark's New Canaan

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 12, 2025 16:16

    The Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany. Dive into the powerful story of Peter's awakening—his miraculous catch, his overwhelming encounter with the divine, and his life-changing call to follow Jesus. What happens when we step out of the shallow and into the deep? How does an encounter with God reshape everything we thought we knew? This sermon explores the mystery, awe, and irresistible pull of the Divine. Don't miss this chance to reflect on your own journey of faith!#episcopal #episcopalchurch #episcopalian #church #jesusmovement #wayoflove #christian #anglican #allarewelcome #christianity #prayer #jesus #iglesiaepiscopal   #theology #anglicanchurch #holyspririt #faith #stmarksnewcanaaan #ens #ecct #spirituality #bible #scriptures #joy #peace #grace #hope 

    The Every Day Christian Podcast
    93| Debating Holiness Standards: Is the Gospel Being Distorted? With Luke Beets and Nathan Mayo

    The Every Day Christian Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 11, 2025 120:00 Transcription Available

    Send us a textThis episode features a lively debate between Nathan Mayo and Luke Beets regarding the legitimacy and influence of holiness standards in Christianity. Each participant presents their case, with Nathan arguing that these prescriptive standards distort the true gospel message, while Luke defends their place as a necessary expression of obedience to God's commands. The conversation explores the implications of both perspectives, ultimately challenging listeners to consider their own understanding of faith, grace, and righteousness. Support the show

    FBCJ SOLID Youth
    Perfecting Holiness: Positional vs. Practical Holiness

    FBCJ SOLID Youth

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 11, 2025 48:22

    In order to understand why you struggle daily with the pursuit of holiness, you have to comprehend the two natures that are constantly warring inside of you (Gal. 5:17). This message details how & why God sees you as perfectly holy in his sight, while giving us the need for us to follow after holiness (Heb. 12:14) all day long.

    Harmony Christian Church
    Week 2 – Normalizing Holiness

    Harmony Christian Church

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 11, 2025 39:32

    What if the key to a thriving marriage isn't fixing our spouse—but becoming whole ourselves? Tune in Sunday as we unpack what holiness really means and how it might affect you in powerful ways! EASY TO GIVE at Harmony, text any amount to (859) 459-0316 to get started (or give online @ my.harmonychurch.cc/give ). Get the fill in the blank bulletins my.harmonychurch.cc/bulletins. OPENING ILLUSTRATION: There are things I wish people would have told me about relationships before getting married - it's the kind of stuff you never see in a RomCom… Like, no one ever told me that you are laying on your back playing with your baby - you know, doing the little airplane mode and that that baby had just eaten that you ARE going to get puked on.  And maybe a little bit of it is going to go into your mouth…  uck…  And not one tells you that when you call for your spouse that she's going to grab the phone to take a picture instead of helping you…  Lol… No one warns you when you get pregnant with a kid that you are going to not sleep for the REST of your life! There's no way of knowing when you are dating if the guy you are dating is the kind of monster who squeezes the toothpaste from the middle of the tube or not… Rom-coms don't tell us the whole story when it comes to relationships.  -What do you do when the man you married is shut off and emotionless -What do you do when she nags at you and never sees the good you've done -what do you do when you wish there was someone else or you'd made a different decision What do you do when your whole story finally comes into focus and all you see are holes? b First, let me say, there is hope for you… Don't give up, every good thing is hard… b But if we are going to go from holes to whole, we are going to have to learn some things no one told us about relationships. There is this thing I want to bring up in a moment, but I need to debug it a bit because most of us have grown up with a picture of the word Here's the word, are you ready for it? Holy What's the picture when you hear someone say holy? -for some of you it's a priest or someone who doesn't ever do anything fun -some of you it's a woman in a floral print button-down shirt, with a jean skirt on and a bible in her hand again, someone you perceive to not have any fun Telling someone to “be Holy” is the linguistic equivalent of telling someone to eat their vegetables in our culture. I need you to get a picture of that word in your mind so we can destroy it and rebuild it… 1 Peter 1:15-16 15 But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do;16 for it is written: “Be holy, because I am holy.”[a] Holiness is looking more like God than the world around you… I think the best way to put holiness is Holiness is wholeness… Holiness is when we walk and look so much like God that people see a reflection of Him in everything we do. ILLUSTRATION: What inevitably happens when someone hears a sermon is we think of someone who needs to hear it.  It's kind of natural - we see others' weaknesses so much easier than our own - because if we had to live in full view of our own incapabilities we'd be crushed most of the time… Today, I'm going to ask you to do something to get beyond the Rom-Com way of thinking our world has handed down to us. b I'm going to ask you to stop thinking about your spouse and the holes they have and start thinking about what YOU need to be whole. b What would it look like for you to become holy? Because here's what Holy offers… -Holy gives you a sense of your value that isn't dependent on someone else telling you are worth something -Holy offers forgiveness that doesn't justify your faults but redeems them -Holy dives into a deep lasting love that restores and conditions your heart to be gracious -Holy gives peace when chaos reigns I want to just for a few minutes take you into a passage and help you see something there that I hope will start to unlock how you can be holy like God is holy… Paul, in the book of Galatians, is describing what it looks like when we live apart from the holiness of God and what it looks like when we live in the Holiness of God - what comes out of us… Listen Galatians 5:19-26 19 The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; 20 idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions 21 and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God. ILLUSTRATION: I've been a Christian long enough to know when I'm walking in the “flesh” if you don't understand what he means by that, he means you're going back to the way of life that lived like there was no God.  For me, I can literally feel it in the way I think about people and talk to them - if I'm being super honest with you - I'm going to use a word that is not very church appropriate - I'm a butthole...  I am all these things that Paul is talking about.  My mind goes towards whatever will make me feel good without care for others unless they help me..  Honestly, it's pretty dark for me… but listen to what Paul says the person who is living in God's Holiness has: 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. 24 Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 25 Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. 26 Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other. b How many of you would love a spouse that leads with love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control? b Let me ask a different question… How many of you want to BE that spouse? I mean really deep down in your bones, you'd do whatever you could to be that person? A person who is living centered on love, joy, peace, etc. is a whole person - wholly holy. b So, how do you get those things?  Do I just need to try harder?  Be a better person?  Is that the answer? CLOSING ILLUSTRATION: I think I've shared this story before but when I first came to know Jesus, I was trying really hard to stop cussing.  I had a mouth worse than a sailor's.  I was praying because I just kept failing trying to be good and thankfully Jesus spoke to me and I was tuned in to listen because He said to me “Stop focusing on your sin and focus on me, I'm the one who takes away sin”.  I stopped caring about if I cussed or not, I just wanted to know Jesus more than I knew anything.   I want to have them put up the end of that scripture again: 24 Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 25 Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. How do you get the fruit of the Spirit? You die to your old life that led to trash and you learn to step with the Spirit of God… What would it look like for you to walk into your home after church today, and when things get tense because you remember the mess or the bills or he acts like he didn't hear a word that was said in the sermon instead of responding, what if you just paused and said: “God, where are you right now, cause I want to step with you.” I'll tell you where He is, He's going to be in love, He's going to be in joy, kindness, etc. Step with the Spirit - Walk with Him, where He walks and you will end up walking right into Holiness… ------------------

    Backstage With Mothership
    Bloodlines: Christian Metalcore Band Bringing Hope with ‘Holiness Cries' EP

    Backstage With Mothership

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 11, 2025 30:45

    Bloodlines is a Christian Hardcore/Metalcore band from South Texas that is spreading the love and hope of Jesus Christ. Their Holiness Cries EP that was released last summer is just one of the things we explore as we learn more about the band, it's music, and what is coming next.

    The Catholic Talk Show
    Overcoming Sin With Fr. Josh Johnson

    The Catholic Talk Show

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 10, 2025 52:18

    In this episode of The Catholic Talk Show, Ryan & Ryan are joined by Fr. Josh Johnson to discuss practical tips to overcoming the habitual sins in your life. Episode 312: In this episode, we will discuss: • What each of the seven deadly sins are • How to identify if one struggles with a type of sin  • How to strengthen the fight against sin through prayer • Reflection questions to help readers understand the sin's effects • The practical 7-day challenge and tips for overcoming each individual sin • And Much More 00:00 Introduction to the Seven Deadly Sins 01:57 The Journey of Writing the Book 05:11 Understanding the Seven Deadly Sins 10:09 The Role of Scripture in Overcoming Sin 14:54 The Interconnectedness of the Deadly Sins 19:47 The Importance of Prayer and Relationship with God 25:09 The Path to Holiness and God's Will 27:54 The Journey of Transformation 32:29 Understanding God's Permissive Will 33:04 Overcoming Discouragement in Sin 34:30 Practical Tools for Healing 39:59 The Role of Sacraments and Community 43:42 Embracing the Process of Healing 46:11 Resources for Spiritual Growth Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Restoring Your Voice
    Holiness and Faith Inseparable Essentials | Ep 09

    Restoring Your Voice

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 10, 2025 54:09

    Two things are essential for every Christian: Holiness and Faith. I propose that we absolutely cannot live the Christian life without them. I will explain what that looks like in our daily lives and how the things we try to dial down and little sins actually show a lack of both holiness and faith.TRIVITA:Use myTRIVITA link to get started on your wellness journey:https://bit.ly/restored-health CovenantEyes:If you wantto protect yourself and your loved ones from the dangers of porn, get CovenantEyes:https://bit.ly/Restore-CovenantUSE CODE RESTORE30 at checkout toget your first 30 days FREE when you use the link Get RESTORE Merch in my Teespring Store:https://bit.ly/restore-merchSUBSCRIBE to the YouTube channel:https://www.youtube.com/@RestoreWithDavidCMcGuireFollowme on Rumble:https://rumble.com/c/c-7163870

    Pastor Mike Impact Ministries
    Proverbs 13:20 - "Walking With Wise Men"

    Pastor Mike Impact Ministries

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 10, 2025 4:54

    “He who walks with wise men will be wise, But the companionof fools will be destroyed.” Today we are in between the chapters of Luke 10 and Luke11. I felt very impressed to take the time to tie them together with a personalspiritual discipline that has really helped me to take time to “sit at the feetof Jesus” on a daily basis over the many years of our ministry. In my very first year as a follower of Jesus, I wasprivileged to attend Lynchburg Baptist College, a brand-new Christian BibleCollege in Lynchburg Virginia that was co-founded by Dr. Jerry Falwell and Dr. ElmerTowns. It was there that I was introduced to Christian Devotional Books that wouldgreatly influence my life and ministry and give me a firm foundation to standon over the years. As a young believer I committed to reading five Psalms aday and one Proverbs that would take me through both books each month. InProverbs 13:20, I saw the great truth of “walking with wise men” that wouldkeep me from being destroyed by the devil and his fools. I asked the question, “Howcan I walk with wise men when they don't have the time to spend with a collegestudent or young pastor?” Of course, in those early years at LibertyUniversity, because there was only a handful of students, I was privileged toget to know wise men like Dr. Falwell, Dr. Towns, Dr. Hindson, Dr. Wilmington,Dr. Chapman, Dr. Dobson and many other wonderful professors on a personal andfirst name basis, but that didn't mean they had time to “walk with me” everyday and impart their wisdom into my life. But it was there that I'll never forget Dr. Falwell, inthose very first days of the college in chapel services, introducing us toChristian leaders and writer from the past. The first one I remember himmentioning was Watchman Nee and his book called “The Normal Christian Life”. Hetold how much it had influenced his life. The next one was Andrew Murray andhis book, “With Christ in the School of Prayer”.  Another author and great pastor from the pastthat He often mentioned was Charles Spurgeon. One of my professors actuallystarted each class session by reading the day's devotion from “My Utmost forHis Highest” by Oswald Chambers. It was then that I realized that these great Christian leadersand authors from the past left their wisdom and their lives in their writings.So I began the daily discipline, of not only reading the Psalms and Proverbs,memorizing verses that spoke to my heart, and reading systematically throughthe entire Bible, but also spending time with these “wise men” of pastcenturies. So today, I want to list some of the “wise men” and their dailydevotional books that you can easily find somewhere on sale on the internet.These are books that I really believe have imparted to me a greater love and knowledgeof our great God and Redeemer Jesus Christ and the ministry of the Holy Spirit. Watchman Nee –  Book:“The Normal Christian Life”; Devotionals: “The Joyful Heart” and “Table in theWilderness”.Charles Spurgeon – Devotionals: “Morning and Evening” and “Faith'sCheck Book”Andrew Murray – Books: “With Christ in the School of Prayer”and “Absolute Surrender”; “Humility”Devotionals: “Daily Thoughts on Holiness” and “God's BestSecrets”Oswald Chambers – Devotionals: “My Utmost for His Highest”and “Daily Thoughts for Disciples”Henry Blackaby – Devotional: “Experiencing God Day by Day”E. M. Bounds – One Minute Devotional: “The Power of Prayer”Elmer Towns – Devotional: “365 Ways to Know God”A. W. Tozer – Devotional: “Renewed Day by Day”Of course, this is not a complete list, but I trust it willencourage you to spend time with some “wise men” too. If we are not careful with all the television media and socialmedia that we are exposed to everyday, we can end up “becoming a companion offools” and it is no wonder that so many lives are being destroyed. God bless!

    Practicing Catholic Show
    Called to holiness: Your unique path to sainthood (with Fr. Eilen)

    Practicing Catholic Show

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 10, 2025 15:41

    What if sainthood isn't reserved for a select few, but a call for each of us, right where we are? Join Fr. Allan Paul Eilen as we explore the power of holiness in everyday life, embracing our unique call to sainthood—even in our struggles.Like what you're hearing? Leave us a review, subscribe, and follow us on social media @practicingcatholicshow! Facebook⁠⁠ ⁠Instagram⁠⁠ ⁠YouTube⁠ 

    February 9, 2025


    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 10, 2025 34:51

    Our Sunday sermon. Guest speaker today is Pastor Dennis Painter.

    Duane Sheriff Ministries - Feed
    Unconditional Love | Part 4

    Duane Sheriff Ministries - Feed

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 9, 2025 48:53

    God is Love. His love is given without conditions, limits, or expectations, not based on our actions or worthiness but on His boundless grace and mercy. In part 4 of "Unconditional Love," Brother Duane explores unconditional love and teaches the what, why, and how of being Holy.  Holiness results from our relationship with God. As we experience an inner transformation through His Spirit, it becomes evident in our actions, reflecting a Christ-like character. The beauty of God's Spirit shines through when we demonstrate kindness, patience, and goodness.The reason for living a holy life is explained in John 14:15: "If you love me, keep my commandments." Holiness arises from our love for Jesus, not a desire to earn His love or approval.

    The Hour of Holiness Podcast
    #1405 Reality and the Anonymous

    The Hour of Holiness Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 9, 2025 25:00

    Series: Holiness and the King Originally aired 02/09/2025

    Aletheia Sermon Audio
    In The Wilderness: A Holy People - Don Weiss

    Aletheia Sermon Audio

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 9, 2025 46:13

    In this sermon, we explore the deeper significance of holiness in the Israelites' journey. God prepares His people for a journey of rest, but this rest is only found through holiness. Holiness isn't about rules or being “holier than thou,” it's about being set apart for God's purpose, as he leads his people toward peace, blessing, and rest.

    Aletheia Sermon Audio
    In The Wilderness: A Holy People - Don Weiss

    Aletheia Sermon Audio

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 9, 2025 46:13

    In this sermon, we explore the deeper significance of holiness in the Israelites' journey. God prepares His people for a journey of rest, but this rest is only found through holiness. Holiness isn't about rules or being “holier than thou,” it's about being set apart for God's purpose, as he leads his people toward peace, blessing, and rest.

    FellowshipNWA Sunday Morning
    A Study of 1 Corinthians: Holiness in Worship: The Lord's Supper (Full Service)

    FellowshipNWA Sunday Morning

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 9, 2025

    Calvary Carlsbad
    2 Peter 2:4-11 "Holding on to Holiness and Humility"

    Calvary Carlsbad

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 9, 2025 53:37

    The Live recording of the 10am Service at Steadfast Church in Carlsbad, California with Pastor Chris Fik February 9, 2025.

    OMC: Family Chapel
    The God Who Is Holy | Various Passages

    OMC: Family Chapel

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 9, 2025 28:34

    Holiness is not just one attribute of God, but it is the attribute that undergirds all other attributes of God. In his holiness, God is uniquely set apart and God is morally pure. In light of God's holiness, we should respond in worship, grow in holiness, and pursue after justice.

    End Abortion Podcast
    God's Holiness and Our Sinfulness - Scripture Reflection for Feb. 9, 2025

    End Abortion Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 9, 2025 35:15

    God's Holiness and Our Sinfulness - Scripture Reflection for Feb. 9, 2025 by Priests for Life

    Uncommon Sense with Ginny Robinson
    Kanye West's Latest Meltdown & The World's Desperate Need for God

    Uncommon Sense with Ginny Robinson

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 9, 2025 39:50

    Today on Uncommon Sense with Ginny Robinson, we're discussing Kanye West's latest internet meltdown and what it reveals about the state of our unfortunate over-sexualized and depraved culture. From celebrity chaos to societal decay, it's clear—without God, the world spirals into total confusion and sin. We're breaking down the bigger picture and talking about why it's time to turn away from worldliness/wickedness and the dysfunction of degeneracy and back to the truth and love of Christ. Jesus is the only sane way forward, ladies and gentlemen.--https://www.thebrandsunday.com/products/the-bible-study-copy?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=tbs_thebiblestudy_searchads-nixwdmd&tw_source=google&tw_adid=608801073541&tw_campaign=17672311083&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAC-_2dRN1WU6lhTaWFNApFgzBkVe_&gclid=CjwKCAiAwaG9BhAREiwAdhv6Y_Xc6w4LM7_4otTu1-XgzYjKKwhwbNBCdqLFVTDdXToND7Rt6JU2hBoC3hsQAvD_BwE

    god jesus christ community church prayer wisdom truth holy spirit christianity pride forgiveness kanye west sin scripture salvation humility redemption accountability kingdom of god obedience repentance restoration fellowship righteousness holiness faithfulness prophecy cancel culture rebellions faith in god social justice corruption trust in god deception propaganda desperate greed end times spiritual warfare hypocrisy persecution purity morality self control meltdown discernment prodigal son spiritual growth sanctification eternal life breaking free idolatry narcissism power of prayer brokenness finding peace vanity wake up call fruit of the spirit spiritual awakening grace of god atheism foolishness false prophets fear of the lord false teachers armor of god children of god spiritual disciplines judgment day mind control christian living materialism emptiness living sacrifice faith in action hope in christ faith over fear standing firm entertainment industry christ centered trust in the lord family values spiritual maturity guard your heart peace of god wrath of god jesus is lord born again glorify god spiritual healing spiritual battle firm foundation humanism bible verses fight the good fight jesus saves broken world brainwashing gospel centered postmodernism take up your cross secularism purity culture prosperity gospel salt of the earth worldliness biblical perspective christian podcast pleasing god truth in love victory in jesus social engineering sound doctrine christian worldview love of money kingdom living biblical truth eternal perspective lost souls fear of man walk in the spirit godly wisdom christian leadership gospel message biblical manhood spiritual blindness living for god jesus is the way moral compass relativism crucified with christ gospel truth seek first the kingdom good vs evil lead by example spiritual renewal modern society biblical womanhood heaven or hell truth matters spiritual discernment biblical justice obedience to god resist the devil lost generation biblical wisdom false hope christian identity fear mongering biblical foundations dying to self news cycle seeking truth radical faith celebrity culture wages of sin eternal hope christian values resisting temptation media manipulation false narratives christian discipleship uncommon sense false idols suffering for christ youth culture moral relativism trust in jesus turn to god surrender to god christ is enough cultural shift divine truth biblical literacy shine the light knowing the truth devotion to god be not afraid independent thinking standing for truth be transformed mind renewal light vs darkness lukewarm christianity moral decline celebrity worship biblical discernment moral decay christian influence rebellion against god no one is righteous do not be anxious mass deception faith without works is dead false peace hollywood elites eyes on eternity
    Aletheia Church, Providence RI
    In The Wilderness: A Holy People - Justin Chapman

    Aletheia Church, Providence RI

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 9, 2025 27:22

    In this sermon, we explore the deeper significance of holiness in the Israelites' journey. God prepares His people for a journey of rest, but this rest is only found through holiness. Holiness isn't about rules or being “holier than thou,” it's about being set apart for God's purpose, as he leads his people toward peace, blessing, and rest.

    Living Word Fellowship Weekly Sermons

    Leviticus 11 Pastor Scott Skones

    Fellowship Fayetteville
    A Study of 1 Corinthians: Holiness in Worship: The Lord's Supper (Full Service)

    Fellowship Fayetteville

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 9, 2025

    Striving for Peace and Holiness


    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 9, 2025 62:13

    Hebrews 12:12-17Joshua York



    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 9, 2025 82:52

    A. W. Pink on SermonAudio
    The Holiness of God - The Attributes of God Chapter 8

    A. W. Pink on SermonAudio

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 9, 2025 13:00

    A new MP3 sermon from The Narrated Puritan is now available on SermonAudio with the following details: Title: The Holiness of God - The Attributes of God Chapter 8 Subtitle: The Attributes of God Speaker: A. W. Pink Broadcaster: The Narrated Puritan Event: Audiobook Date: 2/9/2025 Length: 13 min.

    A Call to Holiness


    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 9, 2025

    Gracewood Community Church Podcast

    The Bible emphasizes God's holiness and His desire for us to be holy. However, many lack the understanding of what this means in their lives. In this series, we will explore what a lifestyle of holiness looks like for those who follow Him.

    Fellowship Bentonville
    A Study of 1 Corinthians: Holiness in Freedom: Idolatry (Full Service)

    Fellowship Bentonville

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 9, 2025

    Meadowbrooke Church Sermon Podcast
    “It's Okay to Be Angry with God”

    Meadowbrooke Church Sermon Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 9, 2025

    Introduction (Bruce Almighty movie clip) It is possible that you are here today and are wondering how and why it is that a good God would allow some of the hard things you were forced to experience so far. Maybe you have said or identify with Bruces description of his own experience with God: God is a mean kid sitting on an anthill with a magnifying glass, and I'm the ant. He could fix my life in five minutes if He wanted to, buthe'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm. If God is good, and if he is infinitely and perfectly sovereign how and why does He allow so much suffering in the world? How is it that He allows so much evil when he is the measure of all that is holy and good? There seems to be a great divide between the God we read about in our Bibles and the world we live in. What are we supposed to do with the confusion, disappointment, anger, evil, and suffering God has allowed into our lives? Is it okay to be angry with God when we suffer? I plan to answer the above questions, but we must start with the nature and character of God as He revealed Himself to Moses after 40 years in the desert as a fugitive of Egypt after he murdered one of Pharoahs guards. Moses Encounter with a Holy God Here is what you need to know about what led up to Moses experience with the burning bush. God made a promise to Abraham, Isaac, and then to Jacob that their children would become His people; the promise was threefold and included the promise of land, the increase of their people, and that their people would eventually be a blessing to the nations. However, God also promised that they would spend years in a land where they would be afflicted (see Gen. 15:13; Exod. 12:40-41). When Moses was born, the Hebrew people had spent centuries living in Egypt. The Hebrew people were first welcomed as honored guests under Joseph (one of the sons of Jacob) who was second to Pharaoh, but as the years past, so did the memory of Joseph. The Hebrews eventually became the slaves of another Pharaoh; he was so threatened by the birth rate of the Hebrews, that he implemented infanticide as the law of the land and wrote into law that every Hebrew son born was to be thrown into the Nile. Moses mother refused to murder her baby, so she kept his birth a secret until she could not do so any longer; she put baby Moses in a basket covered with tar and pitch, put him in it, and floated it down the Nile where Pharaohs daughter eventually found the basket with baby Moses whom she raised as her own. Moses grew up in Pharaohs house, but he was also aware of his roots as a Hebrew man. We know that Moses had a temper, and on two occasions, it cost him much. On one such occasion, after seeing an Egyptian beating a Hebrew, Moses killed the Egyptian and buried his body in the sand (see Exod. 2:11-12). When Moses learned that others knew that he killed the Egyptian, he fled and hid in the land of Midian. Moses spent the next 40 years of his life in Median, got married, and worked for his father-in-law Jethro. What We Learn About God Through Moses Encounter Before we can answer where or not it is okay to be angry with God, we need to consider the God who found Moses in Midian; against the backdrop of Josephs 13 years of suffering, the generations of slavery the Hebrews suffered in Egypt, and Moses 40 years in Midian. God is Holy: He is not like us. Moses approached the burning bush not only because it was weird, but because God called to him, from the midst of the bush and said, Moses! Moses! Moses response was simple: Here I am. Notice that as Moses got closer to the burning bush, God said to him, Do not come near here; remove your sandals from your feet, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground. What made the ground holy? The presence of God made it holy. As R.C. Sproul wrote in his timeless and classic book, The Holiness of God: God alone is holy in Himself. Only God can sanctify something else. Only God can give the touch that changes it from the commonplace to something special, different, and apart.[1] Now, just so that you are aware, it is not only Moses, a mere mortal human, who must remove his sandals in the presence of holiness. The seraphim whose sole purpose is worship above the throne of God are not exempt from the kind of respect and reverence that was expected of Moses in the presence of the Holy One. Isaiah was invited into the throne room of Almighty God, and this is what he saw: In the year of King Uzziahs death I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, lofty and exalted, with the train of His robe filling the temple. Seraphim were standing above Him, each having six wings: with two each covered his face, and with two each covered his feet, and with two each flew. And one called out to another and said, Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord of armies. The whole earth is full of His glory. And the foundations of the thresholds trembled at the voice of him who called out, while the temple was filling with smoke. (Isa. 6:14) The great Seraphim must cover their face and their feet in the presence of a Holy God even though they have not been stained by sin, but because they, like us, are creatures and God is the Creator. Isaiahs response before the Holy One was appropriate: Woe to me, for I am ruined! Moses response was not only to remove his sandals, but to hide his face, for he was afraid to look at God (v. 6). Why? Because God is holy, and we are not. God is not like us. God is Omniscient: He sees the big picture. When we come to verse 6, God let Moses who it was that was speaking to him: I am the God of your fatherthe God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. And just as God was intimately acquainted with the lives of Moses forefathers, He was aware of the suffering of Moses kinsmen in Egypt: I have certainly seen the oppression of My people who are in Egypt, and have heard their outcry because of their taskmasters, for I am aware of their sufferings (v. 7). When the Hebrews entered into Egypt, they were the size of a small clan, but after hundreds of years in Egypt, they had become the size of a small nation. When Moses fled to Midian, he was a 40-year-old used to royalty; the Moses who stood before the burning bush was any eighty-year-old shepherd. What the Hebrews did not understand, and what Moses could not have fathomed was that God was using the ugly, the hard, and the pain for something far greater than they could have imagined. God was aware of their suffering all along, and now in that moment was the right time to, rescue them from the power of the Egyptians, and to bring them up from the land to a good and spacious land, to a land flowing with milk and honey... (v. 8) just as He promised Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob centuries before. So, God said to Moses: And now come, and I will send you to Pharaoh, so that you may bring My people, the sons of Israel, out of Egypt (v. 10). To which, Moses appropriately responded: Who am I, that I should go to Pharaoh, and that I should bring the sons of Israel out of Egypt? All that the Hebrews could see was their slavery and suffering; all that Moses could see was his failures and incompetence. What God saw was that He alone can use the foolish to shame the wise and the weak to shame the strong (see 1 Cor. 1:26-31). What God saw was that His timing was infinitely better because He saw the big picture. God is Faithful: He keeps His promises. Remember that the Hebrew slaves in Egypt were surrounded by an Egyptian culture that worshiped Egyptian gods who were not gods, but demons (see Deut. 32:17). Moses questioned what name he was to give to the Hebrew slaves if they were to ask Who it was that sent Moses to deliver them (v. 13). Here is Gods answer: And God said to Moses, I AM WHO I AM; and He said, This is what you shall say to the sons of Israel: I AM has sent me to you (v. 14). Then God continued: This is what you shall say to the sons of Israel: Yahweh, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you. This is My name forever, and this is the name for all generations to use to call upon Me (v. 15). In other words, God told Moses: You tell them that Yahweh sent you! At the heart of Gods answer are four facts about His nature for why the Israelites should believe the He could and would deliver them: Yahweh is self-existent and not dependent. God was unlike the Egyptian gods who were created by their own culture. Yahweh is the Elohim over elohims. The great I AM was bigger than the plight of the Israelites as He is greater than any trouble in our own lives. Yahweh is creator and sustainer. Who wrote the Law of Thermodynamics? Who governs the laws of gravity?Who grants the Sun permission to get up in the morning? Who gave the song for the birds to sing? Who owns the cattle on a thousand hills? Who brings men into power, raises nations into prominence and then brings them to naught? Is it not the great I AM who keeps His covenant promises. Yahweh is unchanging. Yahweh is the great I AM whose personality does not change. He does not suffer from a multi-personality disorder. He does not change with the ideas of his devotees. He is unmovable because He does not change. Because Yahweh is unchanging, He is constant unlike the gods of the Egyptians or whatever idol we may have set up in our own heart. Yahweh is eternal. Because He is the great I AM, Yahweh will never have a beginning nor will he ever have an end. Even though the fool has said there is no God, Yahweh is absolute reality with nothing before or after Him. The great I AM does not sleep, slumber, slack off, or slip into a daydream stupor. What God told Moses is this: Moses, you tell My people that the Covenant Keeper who promised their forefathers that He would make them into a great nation, would give them land as a nation, and would make them a blessing to the nations... you tell them the Faithful and Living One sent you! God keeps His promises because He alone is faithful even when we are not. Conclusion So, the question you may still be asking is whether it is or is not okay to be angry with God? Is it okay to be angry with He who is Holy and infinitely unlike us creatures? Is it okay to be angry with the One who sees and knows all things perfectly? Is it okay to be angry with the One who keeps His covenant promises because He is faithful while we are faithless time and time again? Is it okay to be angry with Yahweh who is Almighty God? As you know, God did use Moses to lead the Hebrews out of the bondage of slavery from Egypt, and He did it miraculously and profoundly. Yet, even after God delivered them, Moses found himself shepherding and leading a people who demonstrated over and over again just how faithless they really were. After their grievous sin of idolatry with the golden calf, Moses pleaded with God for mercy for His people who sinned, and God granted it. In Exodus 33:17-34:9 we are given a glimpse into Moses heart as a shepherd absolutely in love with Yahweh, and in that exchange asked to see God. God told Moses that he could not see His face and live, but this is what God did say He would do: I Myself will make all My goodness pass before you, and will proclaim the name of the Lord before you; and I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will show compassion to whom I will show compassion (Exod. 33:19). When God did pass, He hid Moses in the cleft of a rock, and allowed His goodness to pass by him and when it did, Moses heard God proclaim of His goodness: The Lord, the Lord God, compassionate and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in faithfulness and truth; who keeps faithfulness for thousands, who forgives wrongdoing, violation of His Law, and sin; yet He will by no means leave the guilty unpunished, inflicting the punishment of fathers on the children and on the grandchildren to the third and fourth generations (Exod. 34:67). So, what does Gods goodness include? It includes His mercy, patience, faithfulness, truth, and grace. But it also includes His justice and wrath in response to sin. So, again I ask you: Is it okay to be angry with the God who is Holy and infinitely unlike us creatures? Is it okay to be angry with the God who sees and knows all things perfectly? Is it okay to be angry with a holy God who is faithful while we are faithless time and time again? Is it okay to be angry with Yahweh who is Almighty God? Let me reframe the question for you: If God is infinitely good and we are the ones who need to improve upon being good, do we have any right to be angry with God? Now, think about the effects anger has on a relationship. When you are angry with someone because you believe you have been wronged by that person, it interferes with communication. Anger towards a friend or a member of your family often drives a wedge between you and that person. Anger typically results in the one offended distancing himself/herself from the person who wronged them. If there is no need for God to improve, especially in being good, then to suggest that it is okay to be angry with Him is to suggest that it is okay to accuse Him of wrongdoing. Psalm 145 is a great Psalm to visit while suffering or confused why God would allow you to suffer; verses 8-9 say the following: The Lord is gracious and compassionate; slow to anger and great in mercy. The Lord is good to all, and His mercies are over all His works. Again in Psalm 145:17-18, The Lord is righteous in all His ways, and kind in all His works. The Lord is near to all who call on Him, to all who call on Him in truth. I have head Christians and Pastors console the suffering and confused: It is okay to be angry with God. To which I ask, How is it okay to be angry with He who is infinitely holy, how is it okay to be angry with Him who sees all while my vision is limited, how is it okay to be angry with the Almighty whose faithfulness has been proven time and time again while my faithfulness has been found wanting more than I count? Listen dear friend, not only are we not given permission in all of Scripture to be angry with God, but we also have no right to be angry with Him. Here is what is permitted and even expected by God: We can be confused, frustrated, and even hurt emotionally. If God is infinitely good, which He is, then we can run to Him with our confusion, we can run to Him with our frustration, and we can run to Him with our wounded and bleeding hearts knowing that even though we cant see His goodness in and through our pain, we can trust that He is still good and will turn it around in His way and in His time for His glory and our good! After Moses experienced the goodness of God when His glory passed by while he was in the cleft of the rock, Moses responded on behalf of the sins of Israel: If in any way I have found favor in Your sight, Lord, please may the Lord go along in our midst, even though the people are so obstinate, and pardon our wrongdoing and our sin, and take us as Your own possession (Exod. 34:9). Dear brothers and sisters, if your faith and trust is in Jesus as proof of Gods infinite goodness, then my plea to you is not to run from Him in anger but to him with all your pain, confusion, and frustration. Run to the God of Romans 8:28-32, And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters; and these whom He predestined, He also called; and these whom He called, He also justified; and these whom He justified, He also glorified. What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who is against us? He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him over for us all, how will He not also with Him freely give us all things? [1] Sproul, R.C., The Holiness of God (Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers; 1998), 39.