Podcasts about ruach

Vital principle or animating force within all living things

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Chaplain David Balto joins NeshamaCast


Play Episode Listen Later Feb 13, 2025 36:17

David Balto is a volunteer chaplain at Washington Hospital Center  in Washington, D.C., the Hebrew Home of Greater Washington and Western Correctional Insitution, Maryland's maximum security prison.  He and his wife Naomi are actively involved in bikur cholim (care for the sick) with Bikur Cholim of Greater Washington and are co-sponsors of the annual National Bikur Cholim Conference.  David is also a volunteer for Ruach and a student in Aleph's program for spiritual direction.Rabbi Lynn Liberman, BCC, is Acting Co-President of NAJC. She works as the Jewish Community Chaplain of the Twin Cities.   Ordained in 1993 from the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, Lynn worked over 20 years in congregations before moving into full-time chaplaincy.   In addition to her Community Chaplain position, Lynn also works as a Per Diem Chaplain at two area Hospitals, including a Trauma One Center, and has been a volunteer Police/Fire Chaplain for 25 years.   Lynn has proudly served on the NAJC board for four years.  She and her spouse live in St. Paul, MInnesota.Click here for information on the National Bikur Cholim Conference, including links to recordings of past programs.  About our host:Rabbi Edward Bernstein, BCC, is the producer and host of NeshamaCast. He serves as Chaplain at Boca Raton Regional Hospital of Baptist Health South Florida. He is a member of the Board of Neshama: Association of Jewish Chaplains. Prior to his chaplain career, he served as a pulpit rabbi in congregations in New Rochelle, NY; Beachwood, OH; and Boynton Beach, FL. He is also the host and producer of My Teacher Podcast: A Celebration of the People Who Shape Our Lives. NeshamaCast contributor Rabbi Katja Vehlow was ordained at the Jewish Theological Seminary and is Director of Jewish Life at Fordham University. She trained as a chaplain at Moses Maimonides Medical Center in New York. Previously, she served as Associate Professor of Religious Studies at University of South Carolina. A native German speaker, she is planning a forthcoming German-language podcast on the weekly Torah portion with a focus on pastoral care. Support NeshamaCast and NAJC with a tax deductible donation to NAJC. Transcripts for this episode and other episodes of NeshamaCast are available at NeshamaCast.simplecast.com and are typically posted one week after an episode first airs. Theme Music is “A Niggun For Ki Anu Amecha,” written and performed by Reb-Cantor Lisa Levine. Please help others find the show by rating and reviewing the show on Apple Podcasts or other podcast providers. We welcome comments and suggestions for future programming at NeshamaCast@gmail.com. And be sure to follow NAJC on Facebook to learn more about Jewish spiritual care happening in our communities.

Perceptual Pneuma Ministries

He took me to an open desert plain. It was a windy day, so windy it was almost violent.
"Come," said the teacher. He was asking me to walk against the wind's blowing. So I did.
"What is it like to walk against the wind?" he asked.
"It's a struggle," I replied.
"In the language of Scripture," he said, "the word for wind is ruach. But it has another meaning; it also means the Spirit. In Hebrew, the Holy Spirit is the Holy Wind. So what happens if you walk against the wind?"
"It creates drag. It becomes harder to walk and you get tired."
"In the same way," he said, "when you walk against the Spirit, it creates a drag on your life. Everything you do becomes harder. It takes more energy to do less. So when you go against His Spirit, you're fighting against the Wind. And you can't walk against the direction of the Wind without getting weary and worn out."
"And what way is the direction of the Wind, the Spirit?"
"The Spirit is the Holy Spirit. Therefore, it blows in the direction of the holy, and blows against the direction of the unholy. Now try something else. Turn around and walk back, the same way you came."
So I did. I was now walking in the direction of the wind's blowing.
"And what was that like?" he asked.
"It was much easier," I said.
"That's because there was no drag," he said. "You were walking in the direction of the wind. And the wind helped you walk. It moved you ahead. It made your walking easier. So when you walk against the wind, it creates drag. But if you turn around, then the wind gives you power. So it is with the Spirit. If you turn, if you change your course, if you repent, if you walk in the Spirit, then the drag will dissappear. Then the Spirit will empower you and will move you forward. And then everything you do, that you must do, will become easier."
"So if you walk in the Spirit," I said, "life will go from being a drag to a breeze."
"Yes," said the teacher. "For those who walk in the Spirit, the Wind is at their back."The Mission: What part of your life is against the direction of the Spirit? Today, turn it around and start walking with the Wind at your back.Enjoy the YouTube version here and join the family: https://youtu.be/WrNXdiLbKGEIf you would like to join us for bible study, bible study is on Friday nights from 7:30pm - 9pm CST. To get the link, please feel free to message us at perceptualpneumaministries@gmail.com.

The Biblically Correct Podcast
Ep. 74 | How the Holy Spirit Connects With Us (Spirit Series Pt. 2)

The Biblically Correct Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Feb 6, 2025 31:28

What does the Holy Spirit do? How do we connect with Him? What are the means and methods by which He interacts with us, empowering us to live our new life in Messiah? In this second part of a 3-part series, Kevin explores the Scriptures to discover more about the ways that God's Spirit comes into contact with our own, and how the Ruach accomplishes His work in us to move and activate us spiritually. WATCH ON YOUTUBE • https://bcpodca.st/y/ep74

Kedushah4Life Shiur 526 Ruach


Play Episode Listen Later Feb 6, 2025 1:44

Can It Help Me?

4th Day Letters
Ruach Yahweh – Empowered to Heal and Set Free

4th Day Letters

Play Episode Listen Later Feb 2, 2025 8:02

The term “Ruach Yahweh” was recently used in one of the morning devotionals that I read. As I reflected on it, I knew I had to write about it. In […] The post Ruach Yahweh – Empowered to Heal and Set Free appeared first on Broken Door Ministries.

First Century Christianity
The One Word the "Torah" Teachers won't Teach

First Century Christianity

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 31, 2025 25:35

What the Torah Teachers won't Teach James 3:1-5 The responsibility when a man thinks he knows the bible enough to start talking about it is enormous. We most often invoke this passage when speaking about bad teaching, but there's another type of bad teaching that needs to be addressed today – omission. Lots of folks sound like me but I'm afraid once we peel back the layers, we find they are still in that Babylonia system, especially when it comes to the identity of the Son of God. When people get into this walk, we often spend a TON of time learning about the Names Yahweh and Yeshua. However, the word we need to clearly define is neither of those. The word we need to define is Christ. Matthew 16:16 Christ is not a last name. Yes, I'm afraid most of the world thinks His first Name is Jesus and His last name is Christ. Not the case, Christ is a title, not a name, and one that has a specific definition. Part of the definition is right here in front of us. Son of God. And Yeshua blesses Peter for this being revealed to him by Yeshua's Father, who is a completely different being that was in heaven at that moment in time while His Son was on earth. The teachers never teach this one. They love to talk about calendars, ancient alphabets, pronunciations, or impossible to reconcile doctrines, but this right here is salvation. 1 John 5: 11-12 If you have the Son, you have life. If you do not, you don't. You can have the Father and deny the Son, by the way. And you can deny the Son by making Him out to be His own Father or making Him out to not be who He really is, the Son of God who is subordinate to His Father, who He Himself identifies as God. From Matthew, we know the Christ is synonymous with the Son of God. Is there anything more to that definition? Yes, look at Matthew again and scroll through the definitions. Anointed. That means somebody else anointed Him. Anointing is a calling, or an appointing, for a mission, specifically by Yahweh. Yeshua is not the only person to have this title, however He is THE Messiah while the others were just “a” Messiah. The word Christ is not a random word. In Greek, it means to put oil on something. It was chosen as the direct translation for the word Messiah in Hebrew. Understand, there is nothing pagan about this word and it was chosen to be used for Messiah when the LXX was made – 150 years before Yeshua. Switch to Brenton, search Christ, find Psalm 2, read, then switch to NASB95. Explain the word Messiah or Christ should be there, as well as other places. I don't know why the English translators never do this. Make it clear there is YHVH and there is His Anointed. It's two. Not some incomprehensible amalgamation. Not a mystery. Yahweh anointed Yeshua to be His servant. Down to verse 7 and we see this Anointed one is Yahweh's Son. He's not another Yahweh, but the Son of God. I am not making it up, folks, but this is the stuff your “Torah teacher” won't touch because they are terrified to teach you the truth and break with Trinitarianism. They need to realize they were not given the gift of speech so they can teach secondary and tertiary things. Acts 2: 22-24 this is why it's so important. God really did send His Son. His Son really did die. And God resurrected Him. These are not my words, friends. I have to tell you the truth lest I suffer judgment. Acts 2: 32-26 God made Him the Messiah. Again, not my words. These are Peter's words given to him by the Ruach ha Kodesh, the Holy Spirit. Acts 3: 13-15 Again, testifying that God raised Yeshua. Acts 4: 8-12 Finish here. Peter and John called as two witnesses to testify in front of the Sanhedrin. They said what they said. This is the Gospel. The most important information mankind can know, that God sent His Son, the Messiah, to pay the price for our sins. Do you accept Yeshua as the Messiah, the Son of God? https://firstcenturychristianity.net/

Short Machshava On The Daf by Rabbi Yechezkel Hartman

The discussion which Malach is that. Source Sheet: https://res.cloudinary.com/ouinternal/image/upload/outorah%20pdf/oomvqpcygoxfdu5sxt9s.pdf

GRACE Ministries Podcast

God is with us every step of the way. When we wanna clap back and get ratchet to when we are in deep lamentation. The Ruach will never forsake us. The spirit and breath of God shall be with you unto the very last of our days.

Walking the way: A daily prayer walk
Walking the Way 15th January 2025 - Ruach

Walking the way: A daily prayer walk

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 15, 2025 13:14

Welcome to Walking the Way. My name is Ray, and I really want to say thank you to everyone for listening in as we share in a regular rhythm of worship and devotion together. Credits Opening Prayer https://www.faithandworship.com Bible verse Job 33:4 Thought for the day Ray Borrett Bible Passage Job 33 Good News Translation® (Today's English Version, Second Edition) © 1992 American Bible Society. All rights reserved. For more information about GNT, visit www.bibles.com and www.gnt.bible. Prayer Handbook Click here to download it Download the Script https://1drv.ms/b/s!AnHHJxf-hxXpv65TyhKdWv9hU0juNg?e=bnvvGm Supporting Walking the Way If you want to support Walking the Way, please go to: https://ko-fi.com/S6S4WXLBB or you can subscribe to the channel: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/walkingtheway/subscribe To contact Ray: Please leave a comment or a review. I want to find out what people think and how we make it better. www.rayborrett.co.uk ray.borrett@outlook.com @raybrrtt

The Hidden Orchard Podcast
Did Paul Openly Teach Jewish Mysticism to the Gentiles in Romans 8?

The Hidden Orchard Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 10, 2025 11:02

Did Paul teach the Gentiles early kabbalistic ideas about the Nefesh, Ruach, and Neshamah? If so, this may make his letters some of the earliest appearances of these ideas. How does this change the understanding of these popular verses?   For more information, and to read sources - visit: https://www.thehiddenorchard.com/did-paul-openly-teach-jewish-mysticism-to-the-gentiles-in-rome/  

Her Faith At Work
EP 53 | Top 10 Moments of 2024: A Year of Growth, Faith, and Bold Moves

Her Faith At Work

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 31, 2024 45:01

As we wrap up a full year of Her Faith at Work, let's count down the top 10 episodes that made 2024 a game-changing year. From embracing leadership lessons to navigating negative labels and finding courage to live boldly in faith, this countdown reflects not only the favorite moments of our listeners but also the incredible journey God has taken us on. Join me as I reflect on the impact of these powerful conversations, including guest highlights, solo episodes, and lessons learned along the way. Plus, a sneak peek into what's coming in 2025—including the exciting Soul Rest Retreat! KEY TAKEAWAYS: Lessons in Leadership: How to thrive under imperfect leaders and create a positive impact. Work as Worship: Practical examples of honoring God in your professional life. Overcoming Negative Labels: Dismantling the inner critic and stepping into your God-given potential. God's Breath of Life: Exploring the power of Ruach and its life-giving presence in our daily walk. Courageous Faith: How contagious courage can spur others to good deeds and deepen community bonds. FEATURED EPISODES: #10: Social Media and Branding with Melissa Hughes #9: Healthy Workplace Pushback with Corrie Brock #8: Lessons in Leadership with Doris Savron #7: Work as Worship with Jen Brooks #6: 10 Tools to Get Unstuck with Melanie Studley #5: Courageous Faith Forward with Lisa Scheffler #4: God's Breath: The Life Force of Faith #3: Pressing into God's Presence #2: Pilot Episode #1: Overcoming Negative Labels with Bee Andreen QUOTABLES: "You may have form, but you don't really live until the Spirit's working in you." "What's stopping you from accessing the full connection with God you already have access to?" LINKS AND RESOURCES: Untwisting Scripture Podcast Soul Rest Retreat Waitlist Melanie's Planner She Can Share podcast STAY CONNECTED: Make sure you're subscribed to Her Faith at Work so you never miss an episode that inspires your walk with God and your journey in business. And let's keep the conversation going on Instagram and LinkedIn, where we're sharing daily encouragement, faith-based business tips, and community updates. CONNECT WITH JAN: Here are all the best places and FREE stuff

NDR Feature Box
Atmen, du unsichtbares Gedicht

NDR Feature Box

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 1, 2024 51:23

Von Ruach, Pneuma, Apnoe  Das griechische Pneuma, der indische Prana, der hebräische Ruach oder das chinesische Qi - in vielen Kulturen hat der Kosmos eine Atemseele. Im indischen Yogasystem sind Atemübungen, das sogenannte Pranayama, noch wichtiger als die Körperpositionen. In den klassischen indischen Schriften ist das Leben Atem und der Atem Leben. Das Feature verfolgt den Weg der deutschen Atemlehrerin Carola Spitz in den dreißiger Jahren von Berlin nach New York. Und erzählt von den Erfahrungen des Philosophen Erich Fromm, der durch Atemunterricht vom Denken ins Fühlen kommt. Feature von Theo Roos Redaktion: Joachim Dicks  Produktion: WDR 2023

The Messianic Torah Observer
And God Remembered Noah-Thoughts and Reflections on Torah Reading 6-Reboot

The Messianic Torah Observer

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 29, 2024 59:15

This week's Torah Reading is the story of the saving of Noah and his family brought about through God keeping covenant and manifesting His righteousness. The spiritual and halachic principles embedded in this Torah Reading Discussion remain evergreen for us today in 2024.

HEALING AND MIRACLES / with Prince Handley

HEALING AND MIRACLES / with Prince Handley

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 26, 2024 11:38

HEALING AND MIRACLE PODCASTINCLUDES FULL WRITTEN TEXTwith Prince HandleyWWW.REALMIRACLES.ORG 16 YEARS OF HEALING & HEALTH SUBJECTS LISTENING TO THE HOLY SPIRIT DIRECTION AND HEALING PROPHECY24/7 Blogs and Podcasts > STREAM Prince Handley on MINDS LinkedIn ~ Geopolitics and HealthNOTE: You do NOT have to Sign In to LinkedIn. Click the "X" at top right of "Sign In" to dismiss. Subscribe FREE to Prince Handley Teaching and Newsletter Links to KEY RESOURCES at bottom. ________________________________________   DESCRIPTION OF THIS TEACHING There are several different reasons WHY you should want to listen to the Holy Spirit. However, the MAIN reason is that the LORD wants to give you a message for healing, direction, protection, or enablement. And, sometimes―if not many times―the message will be for someone else. Some people may NOT be able to listen to―or discern―the voice of the Spirit. Or, they may NOT want to listen to the voice of the Spirit due to rebellion or living in sin. Therefore, the LORD may send you a message via His Spirit to relay to the other person. In my experience the message is usually given for specific knowledge in an area where help or advice is needed: in my life or in the lives of others. The principles of God are timeless and transfer … and if we are students of God's Word and have the knowledge of Proverbs we are able to navigate the problems and challenges of life. But when situations arise that are not clearly and specifically defined―as in ministry strategy or spiritual warfare or dream interpretation―then we need a “specific” word from the LORD. Many people read the Holy Bible, but they are NOT listening to the Holy Spirit. God wants us to apply His Word to our lives. This is where listening to the Spirit brings success, victory and accurate direction. ________________________________________   LISTENING TO THE HOLY SPIRITDIRECTION AND HEALING PROPHECY INTRODUCTION “Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, has come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will show you things to come.” – Jesus: John 16:13 One of the Holy Spirit's assignments is to glorify Christ. When you receive direction, help and enablement, Christ is glorified in your victorious life and testimony thereof: by your word and your lifestyle. The Holy Spirit guides you into ALL truth; spiritual, business, family, prophetic, physical, travel and relational truth. Many people read the Holy Bible, but they are NOT listening to the Holy Spirit. God wants us to apply His Word to our lives. This is where listening to the Spirit brings success, victory and accurate direction. As you become attuned―skilled―in listening to the Spirit, you will begin to notice that sometimes shortly after you receive a message you will experience a confirmation. For example, [I recently had this happen] if you receive a message about advice you would give a person, that person may contact you not long after and ask you for advice concerning the same (not knowing that you have already heard from God concerning them or their situation). EXAMPLES Sometimes listening to the Holy Spirit will be synonymous with the gift of prophecy. For example, one time after a large seminar I was conducting at McCormick Place in Chicago a lady came up to me and said, “I have two wombs …” I had already finished praying with people and I was really wanting to go to the place where I was to stay and go to bed. When the lady said, “I have two wombs …” my first thought was, “I must have preached past the anointing.” (I wanted to be anywhere but there.) What the lady said in full was this, “I have two wombs. If I conceive in the one womb the life will live, but if I conceive in the other (womb) the life will die. Do you have a word for me?” Instantly―without thinking about it―I said to her, “You will have a son. He will live, and his name will be Samuel.” When I was in Chicago about a year later I met little Samuel. In similar manner, listening to the Spirit may sometimes by synonymous with the Word of Knowledge. For sure―if you operate in the gifts of the Spirit like Prophecy and the Word of Knowledge―you definitely need to be listening to the Holy Spirit. Study my book, How to Receive God's Power with Gifts of the Spirit. But there are times that God wants to give you a message for yourself and it may be just for reflection, or to meditate thereon. He may want you to think about what you would do in a certain situation that may be coming up in the future and you do NOT know about it yet―or, the complete details have not dovetailed together yet―and may not for quite some time. PURPOSE OF LISTENING You have to realize that God is for you. As in the gifts of the Holy Spirit, the motive for listening to the Spirit should be to edify, improve, deliver, make whole or provide intelligence. Thank God, He did not leave us here without the tools and weapons we need to operate in power and victory … and especially as we progress into the End Times. Realize this: we are at the entrance to the End Times. If the Early Church―or Messianic Synagogue―needed the gifts of the Holy Spirit and the five fold ministries of Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor and Teacher as laid out in Ephesians 4:11, how much more do we need them today? And, how much more will the followers of Messiah Jesus need them as we progress further along into the End Times. PREREQUISITES TO LISTENING We need to start our day with the Word of God. We need to be students of the Word of God. “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.” (Romans 10:17) So the Word of God is the channel through which the activities of the Holy Spirit operate. When we have the Word of God in us―and operate based upon the Word of God―we hear (from God … from His Spirit). And when we hear from God, faith rises and MIRACLES happen. But remember also, this is all predicated upon love. “Faith works by love.” (Galatians 5:6) The Word of God is the channel though which faith flows, and love is the activator which triggers faith. HOW WILL YOU KNOW If you are living for God, then give God the benefit of the doubt. I have seen many MIRACLES since I learned to give God the benefit of the doubt. If you're NOT sure the message is from God, then check to make sure it does NOT conflict with Scripture. If it does NOT conflict with Scripture, then ask God for a confirmation that is clear and concise. NOTE: If you are “seasoned” in listening to the Holy Spirit then you probably won't require a confirmation. We should NOT be surprised that the LORD works this way in addition to His many other modes of communication. We read of Him doing this throughout Bible in both the Tanakh (Old Testament) and the Brit Chadashah (New Testament). God has NOT changed. “For I am the LORD; I do not change.” (Malachi 3:6) It's people who have not changed that corrupt His program. People who have never seen healing will tell you that God does not heal. People who have never seen miracles will tell you that MIRACLES do not happen anymore. People who do NOT believe in Apostles or Prophets operating today will tell you that those offices ceased after the Early Messianic Synagogue. However, to say that would be to prove ignorance―or, folly―as that would mean that the Scripture in Ephesian 4:11 has been rescinded: “And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers.” No more pastors, teachers and evangelists either! GOD WANTS TO COMMUNICATE Also, realize that the LORD wants to communicate with people more than we do. And, He does NOT want his messages of direction and help to be cryptic or hard to understand. It amazes me how many people have never read the Holy Bible completely. Here's the greatest communication to mankind and they treat it like a magazine. My friend, get the Word inside you and YOU will begin to hear God. Start your day with it and end your day with it. I made a rule for my life years ago: “No Bible … no breakfast.” The day is coming when the world government and the world religious system will destroy Bibles … including YOURS if you're still here. Then YOU will need to listen to the Spirit … and it may be too late. The Holy Spirit will guide you into ALL truth as you listen to Him. Here are THREE resources to help you: “New Testament Bible Studies” … “Prophecy, Transition & Miracles … and “How To Receive God's Power with Gifts of the Spirit.” New Testament Bible Studies Prophecy, Transition & Miracles How To Receive God's Power with Gifts of the Spirit Baruch haba b'Shem Adonai. Your friend, Prince Handley President / Regent University of Excellence Podcast time: 11 minutes, 37 seconds. Copyright © Prince Handley 2024 All rights reserved. ______________________________________   OPPORTUNITY Donate to Handley WORLD SERVICES Incorporated and help Prince Handley do EXPLOITS in the Spirit. A TAX DEDUCTIBLE RECEIPT WILL BE SENT TO YOU  ______________________________________ OTHER KEY RESOURCES Prince Handley Videos and Podcasts Rabbinical & Biblical Studies The Believers' Intelligentsia Prince Handley Portal (1,000's of FREE resources) Prince Handley Books VIDEO Describing Prince Handley Books   Prince Handley End Time Videos ______________________________________

Redesigning Destiny

Redesigning Destiny

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 10, 2024 21:39

Redesigning Destiny
2024 November Prophetic Word , ALL THINGS ARE NEW / TRUMP / SHIFT

Redesigning Destiny

Play Episode Listen Later Oct 31, 2024 17:46

Congregation Beth Hallel and Rabbi Kevin Solomon

How does faith in Yeshua change people? What fruit do you bear? Join Rabbi Kevin Solomon of Congregation Beth Hallel as he continues to celebrate Sukkot with a message about the fruit harvest, and how a certain fruit of the Spirit, goodness, is more than just doing a good deed. The Ruach deeply changes us internally so that we are driven to reflect G-d more, who is the ultimate good. May you have a joyful Sukkot!Matthew 7.15-16; Matthew 7.20; Leviticus 23.39-40; Exodus 23.16; Galatians 5.22-25; Ephesians 5.6-10; John 3.30; Psalm 25.12-13Prayer Requests or send an email to info@bethhallel.orgCBH WebsiteDonateYouTube Channel

Battle4Freedom-20241014 - Roots of Brainfog - Bad diets and busyness


Play Episode Listen Later Oct 14, 2024 57:59

Roots of Brainfog: Bad diets and busynessWebsite: http://www.battle4freedom.com/Network: https://www.mojo50.comStreaming: https://www.rumble.com/Battle4Freedomhttps://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1%20Corinthians%206%3A19-20&version=TLV1 Corinthians 6:19-20Or don't you know that your body is a temple of the Ruach ha-Kodesh who is in you, whom you have from G_d, and that you are not your own? For you were bought with a price. Therefore glorify G_d in your body.https://mol.im/a/13891833This innovative AI exercise bike is $200 off when you use this codehttps://mol.im/a/13879657Grab this cheaper Ozempic alternative now on Amazon Prime US Deal Dayshttps://mol.im/a/13952719Recover from your hangover quick with this $20 liver relief patchhttps://youtu.be/N8DVJcQxM7Q?si=WK8WlOsjK-J2BxnlThe Causes of Brain Foghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3l-PYvPGZ8The #1 Best Anti-inflammatory Food in the World (Surprising)https://youtu.be/Og5xAdC8EUI?si=KSH7SExb4WaTtT4AHow your digestive system works - Emma Brycehttps://youtu.be/g5PPN51-0no?si=T7Im1i91tu4nDKpHNature's Top Anti-Inflammatory Medicinal Foodshttps://mol.im/a/13953365Tame cravings and boost metabolism with this powerful probioticThanks to Anna Shvets, https://www.pexels.com/@shvetsa/, for the brain image.Thanks to Markus Spiske, https://www.pexels.com/@markusspiske/, for the fog image.

Are You Spending Time With God?


Play Episode Listen Later Oct 11, 2024 6:43

We schedule appointments for all we need and want to do, but do we schedule time to spend with God? Music by Kyle Lovett, RUACH

Messianic Torah Observant Israel
Episode 998: Afterburn | What Is the Good News? | Part 4

Messianic Torah Observant Israel

Play Episode Listen Later Oct 3, 2024 60:06

We recommend listening to the full teaching, What Is the Good News? | Part 4, before listening to this episode.Afterburn: also known in the fitness world as the “afterburn effect.” Simply put, the more intense the exercise, the more oxygen your body consumes afterward. This effect could occur spiritually after Rabbi Berkson's intense teachings each week. This Afterburn Q&A session allows your mind and soul to consume more understanding (oxygen).Some of the topics covered are:• Intro• The text is clear!• He was asking for a “get out of jail free” card• Why isn't circumcision a choice?• Did Steven have a vision as he was being stoned?• If you are in an adversarial relationship with someone…• Acts 7:43 – Is the Star of David a pagan symbol?• Elohim's Cloud Storage?• Acts 8:16 – Is the “he” the Ruach?• Acts 8:32-33 to quiet the voices/noises in our head?• Life is like a pinball machine?• Elder Jackson speaks from his heart• “I have found life through this ministry”Subscribe to take advantage of new content every week.To learn more about MTOI, visit our website, https://mtoi.org.https://www.facebook.com/mtoiworldwide https://www.instagram.com/mtoi_worldwidehttps://www.tiktok.com/@mtoi_worldwide You can contact MTOI by emailing us at admin@mtoi.org or calling 423-250-3020. Join us for Shabbat Services and Torah Study LIVE, streamed on our YouTube and Rumble channels every Saturday at 1:15 p.m. and every Friday for Torah Study Live Stream at 7:30 p.m. Eastern time.

acts good news rumble elohim ruach cloud storage afterburn shabbat services torah study live stream
Hebrew Nation Online
Dr Hollisa Alewine – Footsteps of Messiah Part 124 (Rise Up Come Down Jerusalem – Part 2 of Charm School)

Hebrew Nation Online

Play Episode Listen Later Sep 9, 2024 47:44

Rise Up Come Down, Jerusalem (Part 2 of Charm School) The haftarah (reading from the Prophets) supplies our study this week, a continuation from "Charm School" of the Torah portion Vaetchanan. It is Isaiah 51:12-52:12. Verses and 1 and 2 supply our question and answer: Does Jerusalem, the Bride, arise at the resurrection or does she descend to be seated (dwell)? YES! First one, then the other. The foreshadowing of the restoration is found a little farther along in Isaiah: It will no longer be said to you, “Forsaken,” nor to your land will it any longer be said, “Desolate”; but you will be called, “My delight is in her,” and your land, “Married”; for the LORD delights in you, and to Him your land will be married. (Is 62:4) This explains the “New Jerusalem” as Eden above able to once again “marry” the physical Land of Jerusalem and Israel from which she withdrew after the first sin. Once the Land is cleansed, those who could heed the command to “Arise” at the resurrection at the Last Trump will descend adorned with the ornaments of the written and lived Word, and they will be seated, or “dwell” (sheviyah) in the Bride's renewed intimate Edenic habitation:  Then I saw a new [renewed] heaven and a new [renewed] earth; for the first heaven and the first earth passed away, and there is no longer any sea. And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, made ready as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne, saying, “Behold, the tabernacle of God is among men, and He will dwell among them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself will be among them, and He will wipe away every tear from their eyes; and there will no longer be any death; there will no longer be any mourning, or crying, or pain; the first things have passed away.” (Re 21:1-4) Not all who were called will be fully clothed in the garments that allow them to pass into and out of the ”cloud” of New Jerusalem as they minister to the nations and kingdoms of the millennium. Although all were educated by Moses and the Ruach in the cloud in the wilderness, not all obeyed His compassionate mitzvot with joy, and they died either in the wilderness of the exodus from Egypt or the wilderness of the peoples in the last exile (Ezek 20:35). The Cloud expels rebels and practicing sinners. They evaporate in the Light of the Word, not the cloud. Nehemiah explains their royal priestly semi-Edenic journey, reiterating the special garments in a cloud dwelling where the Lamp was the Lamb, the Word of God, and how they ruled and will again rule the peoples from this portable Jerusalem/Temple. (Re 21) “You, in Your great compassion did not forsake them in the wilderness; the pillar of cloud did not leave them by day, to guide them on their way, nor the pillar of fire by night, to light for them the way in which they were to go. You gave Your good Spirit to instruct them, Your manna You did not withhold from their mouth, and You gave them water for their thirst. Indeed, forty years You provided for them in the wilderness, and they were not in want; their clothes did not wear out, nor did their feet swell. You also gave them kingdoms and peoples...” (Ne 9:19-22) The bridal garments are garments of a royal priesthood tried in the wilderness, ready to reign and rule with Messiah Yeshua, the Living Word of the Father. He is Bread, Water, garments of righteousness, and peace that do not wear out, for those royal bridal blessings of eternal life are from the Garden above. The feet don't swell because those feet are not exactly touching the natural earth after Jerusalem once again is married to the earth below. The Bride is adorned with beautiful mitzvot full of the Light of the Torah and the Lamp of the Word. That is the Light with which they also will light the world when they have come to rest in the Holy City:

Beth Emanuel Messianic Synagogue
ABC's of Faith: Infilling of the Ruach and Speaking in Tongues

Beth Emanuel Messianic Synagogue

Play Episode Listen Later Aug 24, 2024 32:36

The Father's Business Podcast
Free to Be You: Exhorter Gift

The Father's Business Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Aug 15, 2024 34:52 Transcription Available

What happens when an exuberant personality meets a divine gift? Natalie, our vivacious guest, shares her remarkable journey of embracing the Exhorter Gift. From her high-energy interactions to her profound love for relationships, Natalie reveals how this gift shapes her dynamic lifestyle and the way she connects deeply with others. Be prepared to feel the atmosphere change as she discusses how the Exhorter Gift not only reflects God's character but also leaves a lasting impression on everyone she meets.But it's not all sunshine and smiles; we dive into the complexities that come with being an exhorter. Natalie opens up about the often-overlooked need for genuine care and meaningful check-ins, debunking the misconception that those who uplift others don't need support themselves. Join us in this enriching episode, and discover how you too can embrace your natural gifts and contribute to a vibrant, supportive community. Don't forget to connect with the Ruach community for further growth and guidance from the Holy Spirit.

TO TORAH - Rabbi Steinhauers shiurim
Ruach Hachayim, clarity of nevua

TO TORAH - Rabbi Steinhauers shiurim

Play Episode Listen Later Aug 6, 2024 30:30

TO TORAH - Rabbi Steinhauers shiurim
Ruach Chaim 1.1 Moshe's level of prophecy

TO TORAH - Rabbi Steinhauers shiurim

Play Episode Listen Later Jul 25, 2024 34:13

Highest Praise Church
Breath: Wind of God

Highest Praise Church

Play Episode Listen Later Jul 23, 2024 58:54

Today's sermon is focused on the multifaceted nature of the Holy Spirit, exploring His various symbols and operations as depicted in the Bible. The Holy Spirit is represented as a dove, fire, wind, and oil, each symbolizing different aspects of His work. We focused particularly on the Holy Spirit as wind, emphasizing His unpredictable yet powerful presence. The Holy Spirit is a dynamic and creative force, essential for the formation and sustenance of the Kingdom of God. He is the third person of the Trinity, working in perfect harmony with God the Father and Jesus Christ. We began by discussing the creative power of the Holy Spirit, who brings order out of chaos, as seen in Genesis 1. The Spirit hovered over the chaotic, formless earth, bringing life and order. This same creative power is available to us today, transforming our lives from chaos to order. The Holy Spirit also breathes life into us, as He did with Adam, making us new creations in Christ. This breath of life opens our eyes to see God in new and profound ways. We also explored the Holy Spirit's role in regeneration and revival. The wind of the Holy Spirit can blow suddenly and powerfully, bringing about significant changes in our lives and communities. This wind is a phenomenon that cannot be predicted or controlled, but its effects are undeniable. The Holy Spirit's wind can bring judgment, change, heat, or cold, each serving a purpose for our good and God's glory. Finally, we were reminded that we can generate spiritual heat through prayer, praise, and worship, inviting the Holy Spirit to blow over our situations. Whether we are in a low place or experiencing adversity, the Holy Spirit's wind can bring revival and restoration. We must remain expectant and open to the Holy Spirit's movement, trusting that He will bring about God's perfect will in our lives. Key Takeaways 1. **The Holy Spirit as a Creative Force**: The Holy Spirit brings order out of chaos, as seen in Genesis 1. Just as He hovered over the formless earth and brought life, He can transform our chaotic lives into something beautiful and ordered. This creative power is available to us, making us new creations in Christ and opening our eyes to see God in new ways. [02:49] 2. **The Breath of Life**: The Holy Spirit breathes life into us, just as He did with Adam. This breath, or "Ruach," transforms us from lifeless beings into living spirits. When we allow the Holy Spirit to breathe on us, we begin to see and experience God in profound and transformative ways. [13:17] 3. **The Unpredictable Wind**: The Holy Spirit is like the wind—unpredictable yet powerful. He moves as He wills, bringing about significant changes in our lives and communities. This wind can bring judgment, change, heat, or cold, each serving a purpose for our good and God's glory. We must remain open and expectant to His movement. [16:49] 4. **Generating Spiritual Heat**: We can invite the Holy Spirit to move in our lives by generating spiritual heat through prayer, praise, and worship. When we are in low places, our spiritual fervor can stir up the wind of the Holy Spirit, bringing about transformation and revival in our situations. [50:23] 5. **Revival Through the Wind**: Revival comes through the wind of the Holy Spirit. Just as the wind brought life to the dry bones in Ezekiel 37, the Holy Spirit can bring revival to our lives, churches, and nation. We must prophesy and believe in the power of the Holy Spirit to bring about this revival, trusting that He will move in powerful and unexpected ways.

TO TORAH - Rabbi Steinhauers shiurim
Ruach Chayim 1.1 Heavenly prosecution

TO TORAH - Rabbi Steinhauers shiurim

Play Episode Listen Later Jul 18, 2024 29:36

Kingdomheirs Flagstaff
Walking Out Revelation with Strategy: Becoming Unrecognizable || Regional Reformation Gathering

Kingdomheirs Flagstaff

Play Episode Listen Later Jul 6, 2024 115:20

Apostle Justin and Tanya release on Genesis 41:38-42:17!  Joseph, a chosen son who operated in the fullness of humility and character, was placed in a position of authority to carry out divine strategy that would sustain generations to come. A Hebrew man in a foreign culture, Joseph was recognized by his connection to Ruach.We learn … Continue reading "Walking Out Revelation with Strategy: Becoming Unrecognizable || Regional Reformation Gathering"

TO TORAH - Rabbi Steinhauers shiurim
Ruach Chayim 1.1 light of Mitzvos

TO TORAH - Rabbi Steinhauers shiurim

Play Episode Listen Later Jun 24, 2024 28:00

BH, after completing Nefesh Hachayim, we are embarking on following the sefer of R Chayim Volozhiner on Pirkei Avos.

AWC Podcast - Catoosa OK
The Ruach of God

AWC Podcast - Catoosa OK

Play Episode Listen Later Jun 23, 2024 37:03

- Rev. Lepper

More Than Bread
Acts Series #51 -- Acts 19:1-11 -- "It's time to breathe again!"

More Than Bread

Play Episode Listen Later Jun 20, 2024 21:38

Send us a Text Message.The Word of God is vital to spiritual life, but it's not enough.  It's necessary but not sufficient.  There's more. When we go through bone-drying, hope draining times, we  need more than knowledge about God.  We desperately need the Spirit, the breath of God. In Ezekiel 37, God says I'll put my breath into you. The word for breath is the Hebrew word, Ruach. It's the same word translated as Spirit. The breath of God is the Spirit of  God. So Ezekiel called out to the Spirit, and the Spirit entered them and they came to life.  They began to breathe. Do you understand?  If you ever go through a dry bone time...and you get to the point where you're wondering if there's any hope; as long as God has breath, there's always hope! It's time to breathe again!

Congregation Beth Hallel and Rabbi Kevin Solomon

Do you struggle to remain humble? What is the importance of unity? Join Rabbi Kevin Solomon of Congregation Beth Hallel as he celebrates Shavuot with a mini-message on the role Shavuot played in the renewal of humanity's togetherness through an outpouring of the Ruach. We can now join in worship of the L-rd since our faith in Him unites us all. Chag Shavuot Sameach!Genesis 11.1-9; Acts 2.1-12Prayer Requests or send an email to info@bethhallel.orgCBH WebsiteDonateYouTube Channel

Hebrew Nation Online
Dr Hollisa Alewine – Footsteps of Messiah 114 (Shavuot and the Authority of the Ruach)

Hebrew Nation Online

Play Episode Listen Later Jun 10, 2024

Nahum 1:15 15 Behold, on the mountains the feet of him who brings good news, Who announces peace! Celebrate your feasts, O Judah; Pay your vows. For never again will the wicked one pass through you; He is cut off completely.

ONE&ALL Daily Podcast
Ruach | Paul Conway

ONE&ALL Daily Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Jun 4, 2024 3:14

Discover the profound connection between the breath we breathe, the Spirit that inhabits us, and the winds that move the earth. Pastor Paul explores the ancient concept of ruach, inviting you to see the divine presence in every aspect of life.

The FCC Podcast
Ruach Yahweh & Agios Pneuma (Spirit of the LORD & the Holy Spirit) | Pastor Eric Hays

The FCC Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Jun 2, 2024 45:16

JB Carvalho
#511 - Ruach, o Espírito do Deus Vivente - Pentecostes | JB Carvalho

JB Carvalho

Play Episode Listen Later May 23, 2024 72:54

O Espírito Santo não está presente apenas nos atos extraordinários, mas em cada ação de virtude, já que existe uma porção de azeite em cada homem! Jesus ressuscitou e a transfiguração foi o prenúncio do céu descendo à terra! Céu e terra se tornaram uma coisa só e assim, o Consolador apareceu para os filhos! O Espírito Santo é livre, de forma que o vento sopra onde Ele deseja! Ninguém pode impedir o agir de Deus, pois não se pode colocar as mãos na presença! Ouça a palavra completa!

City Church Boulder
5-12-24 | Walk In The Spirit Pt. 4 | Ruach

City Church Boulder

Play Episode Listen Later May 14, 2024 52:03

When God speaks he creates; he brings life. When God filled humanity with his breath, he told them to partner with him and go on doing the same thing: create. But when tempted to trust in themselves rather than God and rely on their own breath rather than God's, Adam and Eve reached for what seemed like freedom, only to find it to be slavery. That reality continues to hum along in the human condition, but God is relentless in bringing life back and his breath back to the ones who walked away - to breathe life in us and through us.CITY CHURCH EXISTS TO HELP PEOPLE FIND THEIR WAY TO GOD FROM WHERE THEY ARE.You can find us here: www.citychurchboulder.com www.facebook.com/citychurchboulder www.instagram.com/citychurchboulder

More Than Bread
Acts Series #11 -- Acts 1-2 (reprise) -- "The Breath of God is for you!"

More Than Bread

Play Episode Listen Later Apr 24, 2024 21:46

"Wait for the Spirit," Jesus said. Then the Spirit came and the church was birthed.  It was a church of humble power and courageous generosity, a church that lived against the grain of society but loved so deeply many in that culture were compelled to join them. It became a church that beat down the gates of hell to rescue neighbors from darkness. This was the church birthed and empowered by the very Spirit of Christ.There are many different descriptions, different words, the Bible paints many different pictures to help us understand the Spirit. But one of my favorites is the "breath of God" the wind. It's the Hebrew word, Ruach. It is the breath of God that breathes life into our deadness, that blows fire into our hearts, that brings power for living. And that breath, the breath of God is so for you!

Hebrew Nation Online
Dr Hollisa Alewine – Footsteps of Messiah 107 (That's So Lame)

Hebrew Nation Online

Play Episode Listen Later Apr 22, 2024 48:05

THAT'S SO LAME With the eclipse so recent, literally putting a point on the new year of the feast cycle at the New Moon (Rosh Chodesh), it seemed proper to emphasize this year's pilgrimage through the feast. This is true specially in the United States where the eclipse bisected an already very divided nation. The eclipse gave us a glimpse of a wedding ring, which for believers in Yeshua, is the covenant, particularly Shabbat, the sign of our betrothal. We protect its holiness while we await the Bridegroom's return. During each eclipse, we have a dramatic reminder. For Americans, at the very least, I take this as a warning. Repent. Be set-apart. No more lukewarmness toward the feasts and Shabbat. Pray. Pray for the world, but especially Israel and our nation. The new moons are a zikaron, or remembrance. It is an appointed time for Adonai to "remember" us, which means to purpose an action pertaining to us. Attend Shabbat and each feast with like kind and like mind. Gather however you can. Each year at Pesach, you may have have started the journey through your last "sealing" on earth as we know it. It is your protection to the tribulation that accompanies those final days. Even as I write this, the ancient beasts of Babylon and Medo-Persia are crouching at the door. In apostolic times, the Biblical feasts were seen as a seal of protection to those who celebrated them. Seven feasts, seven seals. Sound familiar? You can find the details in Creation Gospel Workbook Six. We are living in a miracle so great that almost everyone is missing it...even those who are the miracle! What is even greater than the Exodus? The Greater Exodus! Israel being gathered from all the nations to return to her covenant, the Living Torah, and her Promised Land of covenant. Isn't that greater than the Reed Sea parting? After all, it's been almost 2000 years since a large group of people dared to proclaim Yeshua the Messiah and walk in obedience to his Torah simultaneously. As with the wilderness journey, the arguments and chaos frequently obliterate the miracle-consciousness. First, however, before the journey home, the "moral" return begins in the lands of exile. Before we walk and leap on the way to celebrate the foot festivals of Passover, Shavuot, and Sukkot, we need healing. Thousands upon thousands are being healed of enmity against the Word and their Jewish brothers and sisters walking in the covenant. In ancient times, Jeroboam put up barriers on the highways of Israel to prevent the tribes of the Northern Kingdom from journeying to Jerusalem to celebrate the feasts. By separating brothers, which is the seventh and most wicked of abominations, the northern tribes quickly lost their identity among the nations. To undo this separation has to be a work of the Ruach HaKodesh. To reiterate how the Ruach works to knit together like kind, rather than scatter and separate, I'm including Chapter Two of Standing With Israel: a House of Prayer for All Nations. It describes how prayer brought Jew and non-Jew together at the time of the afternoon prayer and Temple sacrifice. This prayer is named after the sacrifice, the Minchah. It is also called Shemoneh Esrei, or Eighteen, after its eighteen individual prayers. STANDING WITH ISRAEL: A HOUSE OF PRAYER FOR ALL NATIONS CHAPTER TWO JEW AND GENTILE: PETER AND CORNELIUS The Shemoneh Esrei, whatever its form evolving in the Second Temple era, is a common prayer for both Jews and “God fearers” in Acts of the Apostles. Peter and John observe the hour of prayer: “Now Peter and John went up together into the temple at the hour of prayer, being the ninth hour.” In Acts, Peter and John are still accustomed to praying in the Temple at the appointed hour, and they encounter a lame man, likely a Jew, at the hour of Minchah prayer, the ninth hour. This is three o'clock.

Access Church
We Are Access – We Are Spirit-Empowered

Access Church

Play Episode Listen Later Apr 22, 2024 31:08

We are a Spirit-Empowered church Acts 1:4-5, 8  //  On one occasion, while he was eating with them, he gave them this command: “Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about. 5 For John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.” 8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Dunamis Acts 17:6 (NKJV)  //  These who have turned the world upside down have come here too… What is it? Cessationism Practical Cessationists We reject things we don't understand. He is not an it. THE TRINITY: God the Father God the Son God the Holy Spirit THE TRINITY: God for us God with us God in us Ruach – a wind, breath, a violent exhalation, blast of breath. Genesis 1:1-2  //  In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. Pneuma – a current of air, blast of breath, a strong breeze. He's not weird. He is my inner voice. John 16:8  //  “When he comes, he will convict the world of guilt in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment.” 1 Corinthians 12:3  //  No one can say, “Jesus is Lord,” except by the Holy Spirit. He is my teacher. John 14:26  //  “But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.” 1 John 2:27 (NLT)  //  But you have received the Holy Spirit, and he lives within you, so you don't need anyone to teach you what is true. For the Spirit teaches you everything you need to know... He is my guide. John 16:13  //  “But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.” Isaiah 30:21  //  Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” He is my friend. John 14:16  //  “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever.” Parakletos 2 Corinthians 13:14 (MSG)  //  “The amazing grace of the Master, Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit, be with all of you.” Ephesians 4:30 (MSG)  //  Don't grieve God. Don't break his heart. His Holy Spirit, moving and breathing in you, is the most intimate part of your life, making you fit for himself. Don't take such a gift for granted. “Holy Spirit show me.” Ezekiel 36:26-27  //  I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. And I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws. Psalm 139:23-24  //  “Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” “Holy Spirit change me.” 2 Corinthians 3:17-18 (NLT)  //  For the Lord is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom... And the Lord—who is the Spirit—makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image. "Holy Spirit fill me.” Ephesians 5:18  //  “Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit.” Acts 13:52 (NASB)  //  And the disciples were continually filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit. Being filled with the Holy Spirit doesn't make me better than you, it makes me better than me.

The Promise Perspective Podcast
The Significance of the Priestly Garments | Episode 13

The Promise Perspective Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Apr 18, 2024 86:57

There are so many things in Scripture that teach us the significance of the priestly garments, especially the garments of the High Priest, who is Yahusha now. As we walk through Episode 13, I hope that you will be able to see how, just the like Tabernacle, how these garments also point to the priesthood of our Messiah! How is this relevant to His new priesthood (us) today? Well, one of the most significant pieces was the turban of the High Priest. In Exodus 28:36, we read that there was a gold plate sewn on the front of the turban of the High Priest with the engraving “QODESH LA YAHUAH,” which means “SET APART TO YAHUAH.” Yahuah's name was to always be placed on the forehead of the High Priest. This was a sign of how the High Priest was set-apart to Yah. And through the blessing pronounced by the High Priest (because he was the appointed mediator between Yahuah and the children of Israel), Yahuah also placed His Name on the children of Israel. Numbers 6:24-27 - “Yahuah bless you, and keep you. Yahuah make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you. Yahuah lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace. And they shall put my name upon the children of Israel; and I will bless them.This was a priestly blessing.Yahusha, our new High Priest, is authorized to mediate this blessing, just as the Levitical High Priest was. To be blessed by Yahuah is to have His NAME placed on you. It is more than just a name—it is to be identified with and be a representation of who He is.The High Priest carried Yahuah's name and he also carried the names of the 12 tribes as 12 stones were put on the breastplate of his garment. The High Priest was always Yahuah's representative to Israel and Israel's mediator before Yahuah.Comparatively, Israel carried Yahuah's name into the world and represented the Most High to the nations. What made Israel set apart from everyone else is that they had commandments that showed the world who they worshipped. We are to be representatives of who our Creator is, to be a light to the world, and to be in covenant with Him means that we have commandments that help us to be successful in our calling.When Yahuah was revealing His Name to me, I read the passage in Exodus 28 about how the gold plate which had Yah's Name on it was placed on Aaron's forehead, and the Ruach literally took me straight to the Book of Revelation.Revelation 14:1 - Then I looked, and behold, a Lamb standing on Mount Zion, and with Him one hundred and forty-four thousand, having His Father's name written on their foreheads.Revelation 22:4 - They shall see His face, and His name shall be on their foreheads. Our new High Priest is authorized to mediate this blessing now, to place the Father's name on His children. He said He “came in His Father's Name” for a reason.2 Timothy 2:19 - Nevertheless the solid foundation of Elohim stands, having this seal: “The Master knows those who are His,” and, “Let everyone who names the name of Messiah depart from iniquity.”“Yahusha” means “Yahuah is salvation.” Every time the Messiah's Name departs from your lips, you are confessing that Yahuah is your salvation. And Yahusha was sent to do the will of the Father. The priestly garments teach us how important the Father's Name is. And if you didn't already know, the woman riding on the beast in Revelation 17 had a name on HER forehead too:And on her forehead a name was written: “MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.”Let's study. Episode 13 TranscriptContact me: stephanie@promise-perspective.comVisit my website: www.promise-perspectivSupport the show

Becoming Bridge Builders
Soaring Above: A Theological Exploration with Former Pilot Michael McPadden

Becoming Bridge Builders

Play Episode Listen Later Mar 28, 2024 43:03 Transcription Available

A lively Scriptural discussion with pilot-turned-author Michael McPadden transcends cockpits to explore faith and the Divine Story. Michael shares his views on biblical interpretation in Genesis to Revelation Abraham's Promise Finding Christ and Seeing God, which blends military precision with theological exploration. Without ever facing a faith crisis, he unveils a steadfast belief in predestination. He recounts the influential figures that have guided his path from aviator to philosopher.As Michael discusses the name of God in Exodus and explores the deepest meanings of terms like "Elohim" and "Ruach," he grapples with the deepest meanings of biblical narratives. His insights bridge the gap between ancient texts and quantum physics, offering a different perspective on the singular yet plural nature of the divine. As we traverse the theological landscape, Michael elucidates the hero's journey within the Christian faith. He differentiates between faith and faithfulness through their original Greek connotations and emphasizes the transformative power of prayer and belief.As Michael shares his ambitions for his book, consider the legacy one hopes to leave behind for future generations seeking a profound connection to God. His reflections on the dichotomy between atheism and religious belief and the human fascination with the afterlife underscore the potential of aligning oneself with divine consciousness. Michael's work shares his hope that this book is not just a guide; it's a beacon for a deeper study of Scripture.  Support the showWith 4Freedom, all your communications, internet activity, and app usage are encrypted using multiple layers of robust, military-grade encryption algorithms that surpass the standards used by the NSA.You can start your secure account today:https://www.4freedommobile.com?ref=bridgebuilders

Office of Rabbi Sacks
The Power of Ruach (Beshallach, Covenant & Conversation)

Office of Rabbi Sacks

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 23, 2024 5:42

Welcome to Covenant & Conversation essays, Rabbi Sacks' commentary on the weekly Torah portion, explores new ideas and sharing inspiration from the Torah readings of the week. You can find both the video and the full written article on Beshallach available to watch, read, print, and share, by visiting: https://rabbisacks.org/covenant-conversation/beshallach/the-power-of-ruach/ A new FAMILY EDITION is now also available: https://rabbisacks.org/covenant-conversation-family-edition/beshallach/the-power-of-ruach/ For more articles, videos, and other material from Rabbi Sacks, please visit www.RabbiSacks.org and follow @RabbiSacks. The Rabbi Sacks Legacy continues to share weekly inspiration from Rabbi Sacks. This piece was originally written and recorded by Rabbi Sacks in 2011. With thanks to the Schimmel Family for their generous sponsorship of Covenant & Conversation, dedicated in loving memory of Harry (Chaim) Schimmel.