Podcasts about Reflections

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    Pastoral Reflections Finding God In Ourselves by Msgr. Don Fischer
    PRI Reflections on Scripture | Saturday of the 5th Week in Ordinary Time

    Pastoral Reflections Finding God In Ourselves by Msgr. Don Fischer

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 15, 2025 6:34

    Gospel Mark 8:1-10 In those days when there again was a great crowd without anything to eat, Jesus summoned the disciples and said, "My heart is moved with pity for the crowd, because they have been with me now for three days and have nothing to eat. If I send them away hungry to their homes, they will collapse on the way, and some of them have come a great distance." His disciples answered him, "Where can anyone get enough bread to satisfy them here in this deserted place?" Still he asked them, "How many loaves do you have?" They replied, "Seven." He ordered the crowd to sit down on the ground. Then, taking the seven loaves he gave thanks, broke them, and gave them to his disciples to distribute, and they distributed them to the crowd. They also had a few fish. He said the blessing over them and ordered them distributed also. They ate and were satisfied. They picked up the fragments left over–seven baskets. There were about four thousand people. He dismissed the crowd and got into the boat with his disciples and came to the region of Dalmanutha. Reflection This is the only miracle that appears in all four of the Gospels, so they saw it as very important. And there's a simplicity to it that I think is so interesting about worship. It is pondering who God really is in Jesus. It's listening to this story over and over and over again, and then knowing that to be able to live this story, we don't do it out of our own strength. We do it filled with the Spirit of God. The Holy Spirit dwells within us, the same incarnate spirit that was in Jesus. And were told to go and share it. Because we've been fed. Closing Prayer Father, you are the one who shares with us the truth. But we must remember always. You also empower us to teach this truth by living it, by understanding it, by becoming it incarnate. Just as Jesus was incarnate divinity. Bless us with his wisdom. And we ask this in Jesus' name, Amen. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    To Hump A Pillow with Ellen Melon
    #66: Reflections & Lessons: Top 10 Things I Learned in 2024

    To Hump A Pillow with Ellen Melon

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 15, 2025 58:05

    Description: In this New Year 2025 episode, I reflect on the biggest lessons I learned over the past year—a tradition that has shaped my personal growth since my late 20s. From the challenges of motherhood and navigating work relationships to the importance of curiosity, holiday traditions, and personal integrity, I share insights that shaped my year and might resonate with you. I also open up about my absence from podcasting, the realities of balancing work, family, and personal well-being, and my hopes for future episodes. Plus, I ask you: How do you reflect on your year? What lessons have stood out to you? Topics Covered: The growing pains of motherhood & step-parenting Navigating work relationships & personal growth The power of asking better questions The role of traditions in creating joy Showing up in relationships with more awareness Stick around for a tip on improving sleep, a powerful insight on breakups, and a challenge for you: What's a hard conversation you've been avoiding? Hit subscribe to catch future episodes, and let's reflect together!

    Fr. Kubicki’s 2 Minute Prayer Reflection – Relevant Radio
    Father Kubicki - Prayer Reflections February 15, 2025

    Fr. Kubicki’s 2 Minute Prayer Reflection – Relevant Radio

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 15, 2025 2:00

    Today is the anniversary of the death of Claude La Colombière. He was the spiritual director of Saint Margaret Mary who saw the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Father shares a prayer from this great saint.

    Daily Study: Hayom Yom (Audio)
    Reflections on "Hayom Yom" Shevat 17

    Daily Study: Hayom Yom (Audio)

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 15, 2025 2:21

    Daily Study: Hayom Yom (Video)
    Reflections on "Hayom Yom" Shevat 17

    Daily Study: Hayom Yom (Video)

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 15, 2025 1:51

    The Bureau of Queer Art, Contemporary Queer and Allied Artists from Art Gallery Studios Mexico City
    Vol 7 & 8 | Art Week CDMX 2025 | Artists at CLAVO Movimiento – Reflections on Community and Practice

    The Bureau of Queer Art, Contemporary Queer and Allied Artists from Art Gallery Studios Mexico City

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 15, 2025 8:06

    In this special episode of The Bureau of Queer Art podcast, we bring you conversations with artists who participated in CLAVO Movimiento Feria de Arte, sharing their insights on their work, the residency experience, and the role of community in shaping their creative paths.During the fair, these artists spoke about their projects—how they've evolved, the themes they explore, and the impact of being part of The Bureau of Queer Art's residency and exhibition programming. As we celebrate recent successes, including multiple sales sparked by the fair and our Artsy platform, this episode offers a deeper look at the connections, opportunities, and artistic dialogues that continue beyond the exhibition walls.A new residency group is now forming, meeting either Tuesday or Wednesday evenings from 6:00 - 7:30 PM CDMX time, February 25th to May 10th. Read more about the costs, benefits, and reviews by alumni at TheBureauOfQueerArt.com.

    WBZ Book Club
    Breaking the Medicine Monopolies, by Alfred Engelberg

    WBZ Book Club

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 15, 2025 1:00 Transcription Available

    Reflections of a Generic Drug Pioneer.Get all the news you need by listening to WBZ NewsRadio 1030 on the free #iHeartRadio app! Or ask Alexa to play WBZ NewsRadio on #iHeartRadio.

    So Money with Farnoosh Torabi
    1788: It's (Almost) My Birthday! Reflections on Turning 45

    So Money with Farnoosh Torabi

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 14, 2025 23:45

    Farnoosh reflects on turning 45—what's changing in her mindset around money, career, and personal growth, and the biggest financial lessons she's carrying into this next phase of life. From the mailbag, Farnoosh tackles two important listener questions—one from a 60-year-old attorney wondering how to catch up on retirement savings after prioritizing family caregiving, and another from a listener strategizing their Backdoor Roth IRA while juggling old 401(k accounts.Register for Farnoosh's next Book to Brand workshop.Check out Farnoosh's new hyperlocal podcast The Montclair PodJoin the So Money Members Club.Download Farnoosh's free investing blueprint.Hang out with Farnoosh on Instagram.

    The Greatness Machine
    334 | 7 Things Stoics Say You Should Never Do

    The Greatness Machine

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 14, 2025 24:22

    Life is unpredictable, but what if you could face every challenge with unshakable strength and clarity? In this solo episode of The Greatness Machine, Darius Mirshahzadeh dives into Stoicism and shares seven key lessons from the ancient philosophy, inspired by Ryan Holiday and “The Daily Stoic.” From avoiding unnecessary suffering to breaking free from the victim mindset, Darius unpacks timeless wisdom from Seneca, Marcus Aurelius, Epictetus, and more. Tune in for a deep dive into how Stoic principles can help you navigate life with resilience, self-awareness, and purpose. In this episode, Darius will discuss: (00:00) Introduction to Stoicism and Personal Journey (01:27) Seven Stoic Principles for a Better Life (02:48) The Importance of Not Complaining (05:14) Avoiding Comparison with Others (07:37) The Power of Listening (10:29) Judgment and Empathy (12:51) Finding Balance and Temperance (16:45) Energy and Living a Good Life (18:39) Reflections on Life Experiences Sponsored by: Indeed: Get a $75 sponsored job credit to boost your job's visibility at Indeed.com/DARIUS. Shopify: Sign up for a $1/month trial period at shopify.com/darius. Stash: Don't let your savings sit around - make it work harder for you. Go to get.stash.com/GREATNESS to see how you can receive $25 towards your first stock purchase and to view important disclosures. Rocket Money: Cancel unwanted subscriptions and reach your financial goals faster at RocketMoney.com/Darius.  Connect with Darius: Website: https://therealdarius.com/ Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dariusmirshahzadeh/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/imthedarius/ YouTube: https://therealdarius.com/youtube Book: The Core Value Equation https://www.amazon.com/Core-Value-Equation-Framework-Limitless/dp/1544506708 Write a review for The Greatness Machine using this link: https://ratethispodcast.com/spreadinggreatness.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Pastoral Reflections Finding God In Ourselves by Msgr. Don Fischer
    PRI Reflections on Scripture | Memorial of Saints Cyril, Monk, and Methodius, Bishop

    Pastoral Reflections Finding God In Ourselves by Msgr. Don Fischer

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 14, 2025 6:30

    Gospel Mark 7:31-37 Jesus left the district of Tyre and went by way of Sidon to the Sea of Galilee, into the district of the Decapolis. And people brought to him a deaf man who had a speech impediment and begged him to lay his hand on him. He took him off by himself away from the crowd. He put his finger into the man's ears and, spitting, touched his tongue; then he looked up to heaven and groaned, and said to him, “Ephphatha!” (that is, “Be opened!”) And immediately the man's ears were opened, his speech impediment was removed, and he spoke plainly. He ordered them not to tell anyone. But the more he ordered them not to, the more they proclaimed it. They were exceedingly astonished and they said, “He has done all things well. He makes the deaf hear and the mute speak.” Reflection People were changed when Jesus healed their body of some infirmity. They were never the same. And it seems that if we take this particular miracle and look at it carefully, it implies that there has to be some kind of awakening of something new, something different, in order for anyone to speak about it, to teach it. The miracles of Jesus, even the fact that they were what they were, was something that changed a person deeply, and they couldn't not speak about it. Even though he often said, don't tell anyone about this, they still couldn't keep it silent. To be touched by God, in a sense, is to teach who God really is. Closing Prayer Father, there's something in all of us that longs for the gifts of God that comes through Jesus. And the joy of being able to proclaim it is a great responsibility and a great source of joy. So give us the wisdom to know how to speak, how to teach, how to open people up to this marvelous healing power that is our inheritance. And we ask this in Jesus' name, Amen. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    PAST 10s: A Top 10 Time Machine
    1980: Yeah, I Actually Do Like Pina Coladas

    PAST 10s: A Top 10 Time Machine

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 14, 2025 117:45

    Dave and Milt take a trip back to February 2nd, 1980, to review and critique the Billboard Top 10 hits of that week. They find Tom Petty's 'Don't Do Me Like That,' Rupert Holmes' 'Escape (The Pina Colada Song)', Kenny Rogers' 'Coward of the County,' and Michael Jackson's 'Rock With You,' among others. They also engage in playful banter and trivia about musical notes and historical facts, recap the top songs of the week, and make their substitutions for songs they feel deserve a spot in the top 10 but didn't quite make it.   Topics   00:43 Yoga and Sound Bathing Experiences 02:51 SNL 50th Anniversary Excitement 06:48 1980 Time Machine Journey Begins 18:52 Tom Petty's Musical Journey 38:01 The Eagles' Prophetic Concerns 38:59 Disco, Rap, and Musical Fads 40:34 Accusations of Plagiarism 43:30 Fleetwood Mac's 'Sarah' and Its Complex Backstory 53:08 The Pina Colada Song: A Deeper Dive 01:05:39 Jeopardy! Songs About Booze 01:14:39 Queen's Rockabilly Hit 01:17:23 Introduction to 'Cruisin' by Smokey Robinson 01:17:54 Smokey Robinson's Solo Career Struggles 01:18:37 The Inspiration Behind 'Cruisin' 01:19:05 Different Interpretations of 'Cruisin' 01:19:59 Cover Versions of 'Cruisin' 01:20:55 Gwyneth Paltrow's Surprising Singing Talent 01:22:05 Huey Lewis and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 01:22:28 Smokey Robinson's Latest Album 'GASMS' 01:24:35 Kenny Rogers' 'Coward of the County' 01:32:35 Captain and Tennille's 'Do That to Me One More Time' 01:38:18 Michael Jackson's 'Rock With You' 01:46:13 Recap and Reflections on the Top 10 Songs

    The Meditation Conversation Podcast
    400. 400th Episode! BOOK COVER REVEAL! Reflections!

    The Meditation Conversation Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 14, 2025 19:04

    I'm so excited to be at the 400th episode milestone of the podcast! Tune in to see the book cover reveal for my upcoming release, Your Authentic Awakening: A Guide to Every Day Spiritual Living. I'll also be reflecting on this podcasting journey of the past 6+ years. Register for my upcoming summit: https://www.karagoodwin.com/through-veil-summit Support sponsors: https://www.soulelevationpodcast.com/sponsors/ Here is the video if you want to take a look at the book cover! https://youtube.com/live/0NgTnoC9PYU?feature=share Thank you!

    Episode 188: Philip Tuttle "A Cold War Green Beret in Berlin"


    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 14, 2025 94:55

    -CHAPTERS-00:00 Introduction to Philip Tuttle's Military Journey02:39 The Cold War Era and Special Forces in Berlin08:33 Personal Motivations and Family Influence on Military Career11:49 Transitioning to Special Forces Selection21:45 The Global Military Landscape in the Late 1970s25:00 Tensions and Military Readiness During the Cold War29:37 Crisis in Berlin: The Art Nicholson Incident32:17 Iranian Hostage Crisis: Standby and Alert35:40 The 1980s: Tensions Rise with Reaganomics38:47 Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism Operations48:51 The Soviet Union's Invasion of Afghanistan58:01 The Fall of the Berlin Wall: A Turning Point01:03:56 Post-Cold War Vacuum: New Challenges Ahead01:06:08 The Challenges of Special Operations Missions01:14:36 Family Dynamics in a Military Career01:26:47 Reflections on Life After Service-SUMMARY-In this episode, DJ interviews Philip Tuttle, a former Green Beret with a unique story that spans several decades of military history, including the Cold War, the Iranian Hostage Crisis, and the events leading up to and following 9/11. Philip shares insights into his career, the evolution of Special Forces, and the importance of family and legacy. He reflects on the challenges of balancing military life with being a present father and husband, and discusses the impact of significant historical events on his life and career.

    The MamasteFit Podcast
    Birth Story 69: Roxanne's Journey through Three Unmedicated Births

    The MamasteFit Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 14, 2025 89:49

    In this episode of the MamasteFit Podcast's Birth Story Friday, Roxanne, a labor and delivery nurse and student midwife, shares her three unique and empowering birth stories: two unmedicated hospital births and one unmedicated birth center birth. Alongside Gina, a perinatal fitness trainer and birth doula, Roxanne discusses the importance of support during pregnancy and labor, her preparation methods, the impactful experiences of her births, and the essential role of building a supportive birth team. This episode offers insights into navigating the perinatal timeline with confidence, emphasizing the significance of intentional support and preparation for a positive birth and postpartum journey.00:00 Introduction to the MamasteFit Podcast00:22 Meet Roxanne and Gina01:11 Roxanne's Birth Stories Overview02:58 Preparing for an Unmedicated Birth04:27 Challenges and Support During Pregnancy07:14 Hypnobirthing and Spinning Babies Techniques18:30 Labor Begins and Early Contractions25:44 Early Labor and Hospital Visit26:37 Deciding to Go Home28:07 Labor Progresses at Home32:07 Rushing to the Hospital34:00 Arriving at the Hospital38:46 Birth and Immediate Aftermath44:06 Reflecting on the Birth Experience46:21 Second Pregnancy and Complications51:03 Preparing for the Second Birth53:56 Early Signs of Labor55:06 Early Labor and Hip Squeezes55:52 Heading to the Birth Center56:57 Active Labor in the Tub57:30 Pushing and Delivery01:00:29 Post-Birth Reflections01:04:46 Third Pregnancy and Birth Plans01:06:41 Labor and Delivery of the Third Baby01:26:06 Reflections on All Births01:29:11 Final Thoughts and ResourcesLinks:The MamasteFit Birth Prep Circuit: Relieve Tension & Prepare for Birthhttps://youtu.be/6MsiKQQFbC8——————————Get Your Copy of Training for Two on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3VOTdwH

    A WORD for This Day
    February 14, 2025 - Philippians 2:14 - Cumulative Episode 1141 (45 for 2025)

    A WORD for This Day

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 14, 2025 27:12

    Hello Friends! I love to hear from you! Please send me a text message by clicking on this link! Blessings to You!In this episode, Jori discusses with her listeners Paul's exhortation to do everything without grumbling or disputing. Scripture References:Philippians 2:14; Philippians 1:1-2; Acts 9, 22, 26; Acts 16; Philippians 2:1-14; Galatians 5:22-24; Numbers 14; 1 Corinthians 10:6-11; Philippians 2:15-16; Psalm 141:3; Luke 6:45; Psalm 119:11  Scripture translation used is the Legacy Standard Bible.  “Scripture quotations taken from the (LSB®) Legacy Standard Bible®, Copyright © 2021 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Managed in partnership with Three Sixteen Publishing Inc. LSBible.org and 316publishing.comFIND DR. JORI ON OTHER PLATFORMS https://linktr.ee/drjorishafferCHECK OUT THE DWELL AUDIO BIBLE APP:Click this link for my unique referral code.  I use this frequently. Such a wonderful audio bible app. https://dwellapp.io/aff?ref=jorishafferBIBLE STUDY TOOLS DR. JORI USES:Note: These contain affiliate links, meaning I get a commission if you decide to make a purchase through my links.LSB Single Column Biblehttps://amzn.to/4g9C47oESV MacArthur Study Biblehttps://amzn.to/3C1cpQwInk Joy Penshttps://amzn.to/3EaZ8oRMr. Pen HighLightershttps://amzn.to/3PE20x8Mr. Pen Bible Journaling Kithttps://amzn.to/40pib6o  JOIN DR. JORI IN DEVOTIONAL JOURNALING IN 2025Check out this 9 min YouTube Video outlining her journaling strategy! Don't Forget to subscribe to the YouTube Channel! https://youtu.be/lqe9TO7RSz4 BOOKS OF BIBLE COLOR CHARTI made this chart as a helpful tool for grouping the collections of books or letters  in the Holy Bible.  The colors in the different sections are the ones that I use in my journals.  Books of Bible Chart (color) (4).pdf - Google Drive    LOOKING TO RETAIN MORE OF WHAT YOUR PASTOR IS TEACHING?              CHECK OUT DR. JORI'S SERMON REFLECTION JOURNALS! Sermon Notes, Reflections and Applications Journal/Notebooks by Dr. Jori. Click the links below to be directed to amazon.com for purchase. Or search “Dr. Jori Shaffer” on Amazon to bring these up.  https://amzn.to/418LfRshttps://amzn.to/41862EyHere is a brief YouTube video that tells about the Journal/Notebooks as well:https://youtu.be/aXpQNYUEzds   Email: awordforthisday@gmail.comPodcast website:  https://awordforthisday.buzzsprout.com Support the show

    Stark Reflections on Writing and Publishing
    EP 401 - Reflections From the Road: Superstars Writing Seminars 2025

    Stark Reflections on Writing and Publishing

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 14, 2025 31:33

    Mark reflects on the power and importance of Superstars Writing Seminars and why it's one of the most important annual in person sessions he attends and participates in. He also reflects on the rule of "no politics/no religion" in writing groups focused on supporting one another and helping to learn and grow, a new way he now sees this, and his desire for continuing to create bridges rather than divides without compromosing his morality.   Links of Interest: Superstars Writing Seminars Buy Mark a Coffee Patreon for Stark Reflections How to Access Patreon RSS Feeds Mark's YouTube channel Mark's Stark Reflections on Writing & Publishing Newsletter (Signup) An Author's Guide to Working With Bookstores and Libraries The Relaxed Author Buy eBook Direct Buy Audiobook Direct Publishing Pitfalls for Authors An Author's Guide to Working with Libraries & Bookstores Wide for the Win Mark's Canadian Werewolf Books This Time Around (Short Story) A Canadian Werewolf in New York Stowe Away (Novella) Fear and Longing in Los Angeles Fright Nights, Big City Lover's Moon Hex and the City Only Monsters in the Building The Canadian Mounted: A Trivia Guide to Planes, Trains and Automobiles Yippee Ki-Yay Motherf*cker: A Trivia Guide to Die Hard Merry Christmas! Shitter Was Full!: A Trivia Guide to National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation   The introductory, end, and bumper music for this podcast (“Laser Groove”) was composed and produced by Kevin MacLeod of www.incompetech.com and is Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

    Fr. Kubicki’s 2 Minute Prayer Reflection – Relevant Radio
    Father Kubicki - Prayer Reflections February 14, 2025

    Fr. Kubicki’s 2 Minute Prayer Reflection – Relevant Radio

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 14, 2025 2:00

    Today we celebrate the feast of Saints Cyril and Methodius. These saints went to evangelize the Slavic people of Eastern Europe. How did they manage to gain the favor of these people? Father explains in this reflection.

    Daily Study: Hayom Yom (Audio)
    Reflections on "Hayom Yom" Shevat 16

    Daily Study: Hayom Yom (Audio)

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 14, 2025 1:44

    Jonathan Edwards on SermonAudio
    Reflections on The Life of David Brainerd

    Jonathan Edwards on SermonAudio

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 14, 2025 26:00

    A new MP3 sermon from The Narrated Puritan is now available on SermonAudio with the following details: Title: Reflections on The Life of David Brainerd Subtitle: History of American Revivals Speaker: Jonathan Edwards Broadcaster: The Narrated Puritan Event: Sunday Service Date: 2/14/2025 Length: 26 min.

    Peter & Phil's Courageous Conversations
    Navigating the Chaos: Reflections on Trump's Presidency

    Peter & Phil's Courageous Conversations

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 14, 2025 33:31

    This episode of Courageous Conversations, Peter & Phil discuss the implications of the first ten days of President Trump's presidency. They reflect on the reactions from the public, their personal feelings of anxiety and disappointment, and the broader concerns regarding leadership and governance. Join us!

    Solus Christus Reformed Baptist Church
    Reflections on The Life of David Brainerd

    Solus Christus Reformed Baptist Church

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 14, 2025 26:22

    EatWild Podcast
    EatWild 96 - Coastal Goat Hunting - A hunt guided by a millennia of observation and tradition with Spencer Greening & Adam Foss

    EatWild Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 14, 2025 125:53

    Join us for a coastal goat hunt with Spencer Greening La'goot and Adam Foss as they recap their coastal goat mountain hunt in Gitga'at Territory. This was a wet and challenging hunt and offered an opportunity for reflection and learning from Indigenous knowledge and practice from time immemorial.   In this episode, Dylan, Adam, and Spencer dive into the deep connections between hunting, personal growth, and cultural traditions. They explore the balance between family responsibilities and outdoor adventures, the spiritual and ethical dimensions of hunting, and the significance of mountain goats in Indigenous traditions. Through their experiences in bow hunting and navigating rugged mountain terrain, they highlight the importance of patience, mental resilience, and traditional knowledge. The conversation also touches on the role of storytelling in preserving Indigenous hunting perspectives and ecological wisdom. Find La'goot here! Find Adam here! Key Takeaways: Hunting is as much about the experience as the harvest. Mountain goats hold deep cultural and spiritual significance. Success in hunting is shaped by knowledge, preparation, and respect for nature. Ethical considerations and conservation must include Indigenous perspectives. Storytelling plays a crucial role in passing down hunting traditions and wisdom. Tune in for an insightful discussion on the challenges, lessons, and connections that make hunting more than just a pursuit—it's a journey of growth, respect, and heritage.   Chapters 00:00 New Year Reflections and Personal Growth 03:05 Balancing Parenthood and Outdoor Adventures 06:00 Cultural Significance of Mountain Goats 08:52 The Journey of Goat Hunting: A Shared Experience 11:57 Understanding the Mountain Goat: A Hunter's Perspective 15:10 The Challenges of Bow Hunting Mountain Goats 18:11 Research and Conservation: The Importance of Traditional Knowledge 21:11 The Nuances of Goat Herd Management 23:54 The Spiritual Connection in Hunting 26:57 The Art of the Hunt: A Personal Story 29:46 The Ethics of Hunting and Wildlife Management 43:35 Reflecting on Past Experiences 43:58 Choosing the Right Location for Hunting 45:00 Facing Adverse Weather Conditions 46:12 The Role of Relationships in Hunting Projects 46:48 The Challenges of Mountain Hunting 50:01 Describing the Hunting Environment 51:03 The Toughness of Traditional Hunters 53:54 Navigating Difficult Terrain 01:00:02 The First Night's Struggles 01:06:00 Enduring Continuous Rain 01:09:00 Strategies for Managing Moisture 01:15:02 Lessons from Ancestors and Traditional Knowledge 01:17:19 The Privilege of Indigenous Hunting Practices 01:19:50 The Challenges of the Hunt 01:21:58 The Search for the Mountain Goat 01:25:42 The Moment of Truth 01:32:02 The Ethics of Hunting 01:35:10 Reflections on the Hunting Experience 01:40:19 Cultural Significance of Hunting 01:43:20 The Journey Home 01:51:12 Future Projects and Storytelling

    Silicon Slopes | The Entrepreneur Capital of the World

    In this episode, we sit down with Thurl Bailey, former NBA player and current color analyst for the Utah Jazz. Thurl shares his incredible journey from playing in the NBA to becoming a motivational speaker. He opens up about his experiences with the Utah Jazz, his unexpected move to Utah, and why he chose to stay post-career.Thurl also delves into his relationships with legendary leaders like Jimmy Valvano and Jerry Sloan, offering unique insights into their leadership styles and the impact they had on his life. From practicing cutting down nets with Jimmy V to experiencing Jerry Sloan's intense coaching methods, Thurl's stories are both inspiring and enlightening.We also discuss the current state of the NBA, including the recent trade moves, the young talent in the league, and the challenges teams face today. Thurl gives his take on the best teams in the league right now and shares his thoughts on the ongoing debate between Michael Jordan and LeBron James.Whether you're a basketball fan or someone interested in leadership and personal growth, this episode is packed with valuable lessons and fascinating anecdotes.00:00 - Introduction00:05 - Thurl's current role with the Utah Jazz00:40 - Inspirational speaking and its impact01:02 - Thurl's first impressions of Utah02:13 - Why Thurl stayed in Utah post-career04:19 - Current NBA discussions: Trades and team dynamics07:04 - The rise of Cleveland and Oklahoma City11:33 - Remembering Larry H. Miller17:04 - Leadership lessons from Jimmy Valvano27:00 - Thurl's NBA career and playing under Jerry Sloan42:00 - Reflections on the NBA Finals and Michael Jordan48:10 - The state of the NBA todayIf you enjoyed this video and want to support us please leave a LIKE, write a comment on this video and Share it with your friends. Subscribe to our channel on YouTube and click the icon for notifications when we add a new video. Let us know in the comments if you have any questions. Our website: https://www.siliconslopes.comShow Links: https://edge2lead.comSocial:Twitter - https://twitter.com/siliconslopesInstagram - https://www.instagram.com/siliconslopes/LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/company/silicon-slopes/YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8aEtQ1KJrWhJ3C2JnzXysw

    Land and Sea Podcast Network
    Super Bowl, Kellen Moore & Patrick Mahomes' Legacy | Episode 196

    Land and Sea Podcast Network

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 14, 2025 58:37

    For more Chaotically Intolerant, check us out at https://chaoticallyintolerant.com/Super Bowl, Kellen Moore & Patrick Mahomes' Legacy | Episode 19600:00 Super Bowl Reflections and Regrets03:06 Analyzing the Chiefs' Performance06:08 Eagles' Dominance and Game Strategy08:54 Legacy Talk: Mahomes and the Chiefs11:51 Kellen Moore's New Challenge in New Orleans31:01 Super Bowl Parade Expectations and Memories34:04 The Impact of Celebrity on Sports Narratives35:52 Debo Samuel's Trade Request and Team Dynamics41:17 NFC West Offseason Challenges44:49 Broadcasting Preferences and Super Bowl Logos52:28 Reflections on the NFL Season and Future PlansSUPPORT THE SHOW BY SUBSCRIBINGAudio Podcast: https://chaoticallyintolerant.com/podcast-episodesFOLLOW US: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chaoticallyintolerant/TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@chaoticallyintolerantThreads: https://www.threads.net/@chaoticallyintolerantFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/ChaoticallyIntollerantTwitter: https://twitter.com/CI_Podcast_CHAOTICALLY INTOLERANT TABLE TENNIS LEAGUE: https://chaoticallyintolerant.com/chaotically-intolerant-table-tennis-league"SUMMER SMASH" DOCUMENTARY: https://chaoticallyintolerant.com/summer-smashCHAOTICALLY INTOLERANT MERCH: https://chaoticallyintolerant.com/store#nfl #superbowl #chaoticallyintolerant

    Daily Study: Hayom Yom (Video)
    Reflections on "Hayom Yom" Shevat 16

    Daily Study: Hayom Yom (Video)

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 14, 2025 1:46

    Dirt And Vert
    Shedding the Past: Tyson Black's Ultra Redemption

    Dirt And Vert

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 14, 2025 135:34

    This week on the Dirt and Vert Podcast, we're joined by the incredible Tyson Black, an ultra runner whose story will leave you inspired and filled with hope.Tyson shares his journey from a place of personal struggle and loss to finding strength and healing on the trails. He speaks with raw honesty about the mental battles he faced, the importance of community support, and how running became his lifeline during those dark times.But it's not just about the miles. Tyson opens up about the challenges he encountered during races, the mental strategies he used to push through, and the profound impact ultra running has had on his life. It's a reminder that sometimes, the toughest races are the ones we run within ourselves.Tyson's story is a testament to the transformative power of running, the importance of setting goals, and the unwavering belief in the human capacity for growth. It's a must-listen for anyone who's ever faced adversity and found strength in the face of challenges.Chapters00:00 Introduction to Tyson Black's Journey04:41 The Impact of Loss and Grief10:51 Turning Points: From Struggles to Running19:36 The Awakening: Realizing the Need for Change27:42 Building a Supportive Community34:47 The Transformation: From Walking to Running37:40 From Walking to Running: The Journey Begins40:22 Building a Morning Routine: Consistency is Key43:41 Setting Goals and Finding Motivation46:31 The Importance of a Strong Foundation48:25 Nutrition: The Missing Piece50:16 The Power of Consistency and Discipline53:33 Transitioning to Endurance: The Ultra Running Dream01:00:00 Finding Community and Support in Running01:03:41 Training for Success: The Role of a Coach01:07:28 The Pain Cave: Discovering Inner Strength01:12:44 Facing Challenges: The Flu and Race Day01:13:41 Overcoming Setbacks and Building Resilience01:15:53 Race Day Preparations and Nutrition Strategies01:20:17 Navigating Challenges During the Race01:29:07 Mental Fortitude and Support Systems01:43:51 Transformation and Personal Growth Through Running01:51:17 The Power of Shared Struggles01:52:23 Finding Purpose in Pain01:55:18 Listener Questions and Insights01:56:48 Consistency in Workouts01:59:33 Aid Station Favorites and Race Experiences02:04:08 Reflections on the Gong Loco Experience

    We The Patriots Podcast
    100 Episodes Strong: Doge, Trade Wars, and the Path Forward | WTP #100

    We The Patriots Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 14, 2025 38:57

    Celebrate 100 episodes of We The Patriots Podcast with us! Host Sal Assante reflects on our journey while diving into critical issues like the Doge-related audits, the effectiveness of U.S. aid, and the real costs of trade wars on American consumers. We tackle Trump's controversial Gaza policy, the ongoing debate about taxes and bureaucracy, and why understanding and bipartisanship are vital in today's political climate. Here's to another 100 episodes of fostering patriotism and unity.

    CITIUS MAG Podcast with Chris Chavez
    Gary Martin After His Breakthrough 3:48.82 Mile At Millrose Games For No. 8 All-Time Indoor Mile | Race Recap + Reflections

    CITIUS MAG Podcast with Chris Chavez

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 13, 2025 37:47

    “People asked me if I was shocked crossing the line. To be honest, I didn't feel like the shock set in yet when I crossed the line because I thought I could run 3:48 or 3:49. I was really excited, but I don't feel like I was as shocked as other people. It was afterwards when someone told me I was number eight on the world all-time list. That's when I was like, ‘Wow.'”My guest for today's episode isGary Martin, a fan favorite here at CITIUS MAG since his high school days. Now he's a junior at the University of Virginia. Gary just delivered one of the fastest miles in NCAA history at the prestigious Millrose Games, running an incredible 3:48.82 – a performance that shattered his own school record and puts him at No. 2 on the all-time collegiate list and No. 8 on the world all-time indoor list.What makes this even more impressive is that he was the only collegiate runner in such a stacked field of pros and ran a very well-executed race surging through the field from being last at halfway to finishing 5th overall. Today we're diving into what this performance means for his season, his mindset going into that historic race, and how he's approaching the upcoming championship stretch. Plus, we talk about the evolution of his career at UVA and the rapid rise of collegiate milers pushing the 1500m and the mile to new limits.Host: Chris Chavez | ⁠@chris_j_chavez on Instagram Guest: Gary Martin |@gary.martin20 on InstagramSUPPORT OUR SPONSORSKETONE-IQ: Level up your training with Ketone-IQ – a clean shot of energy with no sugar or caffeine. Or try the new Ketone-IQ + Caffeine, combining 5g of ketones with 100mg of green tea caffeine for a smooth, sustained boost. It's used by pro runners like Des Linden and Sara Hall. Proven to enhance endurance, focus, and recovery, ketones are 28% more efficient than glucose. No crashes, no bonking—just next-level performance. Take the shot. Feel the difference. Save 30% off your first subscription order & receive a free six pack of Ketone-IQ withKETONE.com/CITIUSSPOKANE SPORTS COMMISSION: In Spokane, Washington, there's Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter and now, Fast.. Fifth Season is hosting elite indoor track and field events all throughout January and February. All events take place at the Podium Powered by STCU, SPOCAN's state-of-the-art indoor track facility. ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Learn more atSpokaneSports.com/FifthSeason⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠OLIPOP: I've got a question for you: how's your Dry January going? Whether you're crushing it or just dipping your toes in, our friends at Olipop are here to make it a lot more fun—and way more delicious.  It's not just another soda—it's soda reimagined. Think of all the nostalgic flavors you love, but with way less sugar and a third of your daily fiber in every can. ⁠Get 25% off all your orders atDrinkOlipop.com using code CITIUS25 at checkout.

    The Dive Down
    Episode 308: Portland RC: Reactions & Reflections

    The Dive Down

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 13, 2025 65:32

    On this week's show, we review the results of the latest Modern Regional Championship, along with the Sunday 10K, and kneel at the altar of our new format overlords, Underworld Breach & Grinding Station. Then we chat about Stan's experiences playing both events, and Dave shares some horror stories from drafting Aetherdrift four times. Become a citizen of The Dive Down Nation!: http://www.patreon.com/thedivedown Show the world that you're a proud citizen of The Dive Down Nation with some merch from the store: https://www.thedivedown.com/store Upgrade your gameplay and your gameday with Heavy Play accessories. Use code THEDIVEDOWN2025 for 10% off your first order at https://www.heavyplay.com Get 25% Cashback after 3 months of service with ManaTraders! https://www.manatraders.com/?medium=thedivedown and use coupon code THEDIVEDOWN And now receive 8% off your order of paper cards from Nerd Rage Gaming with code DIVE8 at https://www.nerdragegaming.com/ Timestamps: 7:01 - This week's episode/housekeeping 11:18 - The Break Down begins: RC Portland 39:51 - The top 8 47:34 - What Stan learned 59:50 - Some Aetherdrift limited thoughts 1:03:13 - Wrapping up Our opening music is Nowhere - You Never Knew, and our closing music is Space Blood - Goro? Is That Your Christian Name? email us: thedivedown@gmail.com (mailto:thedivedown@gmail.com)

    TARABUSTER with Tara Devlin
    Tarabuster Weekday: Surviving Week 4 in MAGAtville (with Robyn Kincaid)

    TARABUSTER with Tara Devlin

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 13, 2025 120:44

    Another day in the last days of the "Grand Experiment" in liberal democracy. No One Elected this South African Sociopath Billionaire But here We Are. We discuss the madness. _________________________________ Head on with Robyn Kincaid is on 5 nights a week! https://headon.live/ Tarabuster is among the independent media voices at APSRadioNews.com Tarabuster is also on https://rokfin.com/tarabuster BECOME A "TARABUSTER" PATRON: www.patreon.com/taradevlin Join the Tarabuster community on Discord too!! https://discord.gg/PRYDBx8 Buy some Resistance Merch and help support our progressive work! http://tarabustermerch.com/ Contact Tarabuster: tarabustershow@maskedfort.com Buy some Resistance Merch and help support our progressive work! http://tarabustermerch.com/ Donate to Tarabuster: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/taradacktyl 00:00:00 Introduction 00:04:50 Meet Boudica and Francis: Adorable Pets on Camera 00:09:00 The Concept of Soft Voter Suppression 00:13:03 The Debate Over Renaming West Virginia's River 00:16:49 Robert Frost's Influence on Modern Storytelling 00:20:57 No, Traitor Trump Does NOT have a Mandate 00:25:06 Political Stalemate: Senate Holds and Filibuster Debate 00:29:07 Traitor Trump is Enacting Project 2025 00:33:07 Political Discourse on Employment and Economic Decisions 00:37:07 A Psalm's Harsh Wishes and Modern Interpretations 00:42:15 Elon Musk and his Toddlers in the Oval Office 00:45:24 Discussion on Leadership and Democracy 00:50:53 Criticism of Elon Musk and Billionaires 00:54:09 Fundraising and Survival Tactics 00:57:38 Linguistic Origins of the Ligature 'Æ' and its Pronunciations 01:02:03 Speculation on Future Leadership Changes 01:06:02 Criticisms of Elon Musk and Donald Trump 01:10:09 Judge Limits on Executive Power 01:14:00 Controversy Over Nancy Mace's Hotline Initiative 01:18:19 Allegations and Accusations: A Closer Look at Controversies 01:21:53 Musk's Government Efficiency Layoffs 01:26:16 Understanding Internal Political Coups: A Fascist Perspective 01:29:39 Cost Overruns in Military Shipbuilding 01:33:50 Judge Temporarily Blocks OPM Buyout Plan 01:37:30 Critique on Donald Trump's Leadership and Censorship 01:41:38 GOP Response to Trump's Impeachments 01:44:49 The Historical Continuum of Political Figures 01:48:48 Critique of Government Corruption and Economic Inequality 01:52:31 European Security and the China Threat 01:57:00 Upcoming Show on Political Voices Channel 02:00:13 Reflections on Being on the Right Side of History

    Pastoral Reflections Finding God In Ourselves by Msgr. Don Fischer
    PRI Reflections on Scripture | Thursday of the 5th Week in Ordinary Time

    Pastoral Reflections Finding God In Ourselves by Msgr. Don Fischer

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 13, 2025 6:28

    Gospel Mark 7:24-30 Jesus went to the district of Tyre. He entered a house and wanted no one to know about it, but he could not escape notice. Soon a woman whose daughter had an unclean spirit heard about him. She came and fell at his feet. The woman was a Greek, a Syrophoenician by birth, and she begged him to drive the demon out of her daughter. He said to her, "Let the children be fed first. For it is not right to take the food of the children and throw it to the dogs." She replied and said to him, "Lord, even the dogs under the table eat the children's scraps." Then he said to her, "For saying this, you may go. The demon has gone out of your daughter." When the woman went home, she found the child lying in bed and the demon gone. Reflection This story underscores the confusion, and in a way, the anger of the Pharisees and scribes, because everything was only for the Jews. And here we see Jesus open and receptive to someone who was not a part of the community. And so he makes a clear statement that his major role is to save the Jewish people. But at the same time, this story foreshadows the fact that ultimately he will say to every man, to every woman, he longs for their healing. He longs for their transformation. There is nothing in Jesus that limits his ability to heal and to save those who come to him. Closing Prayer Father, we sometimes always focus on the inner circle we have, the friends that we have. We feel an obligation to be with them, but we sometimes don't show the same love for the stranger, the outcast. Help us to do better. Help us to see in every man and every woman the goodness that you've created there. Help us to always be ready to offer the gifts of your Kingdom to anyone and everyone we meet. And we ask this in Jesus' name, Amen. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    The Philadelphia Sports Table | Philly Sports News & Views
    Reflections On The Eagles Championship Season (PST Episode 603)

    The Philadelphia Sports Table | Philly Sports News & Views

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 13, 2025 72:50

    The Philadelphia Eagles are now the reigning Super Bowl Champions! This week, the guys discussed and reflected on this championship season and where this team can and will go in the future. Mark Schofield from SB Nation joined the show this week for a deep dive into the Eagles offense and defense, how they grew, and what the future holds. It was a fantastic discussion with Mark!But first, the guys dove into some baseball and Phillies talk as pitchers and catchers have now reported to Clearwater. How should we be looking at the Phillies pitching this coming season? (Approx. 7:40)From there, they discussed the recent report from Lisa Salters that Joel Embiid may need surgery and be out an extended period of time. (Approx. 15:15)They guys then moved on to discussing the upcoming NFL offseason and a storyline they'll be following closely as some aspects of the league and talent continue to change. (Approx. 29:05)How did the Super Bowl viewership compare to other sports leagues and their championship viewership? At the end of the day, the NFL is king. (Approx. 39:05)What they threw down on the Table this week was an in-depth discussion with Mark Schofield from SB Nation, reflecting on the Eagles' championship season. How has Jalen Hurts grown as a quarterback, and have we seen his ceiling? Rating the various aspects of the Eagles offense. How should we be viewing this Eagles defense as we're moving forward? All of this and much more this week on the Table! (Approx. 49:05)Head over to our website for all of our podcasts and more: philadelphiasportstable.com.Follow us on BlueSky:Jeff: @jeffwarren.bsky.socialErik: @brickpollitt.bsky.socialFollow us on Threads:Jeff: @mrjeffwarrenErik: @slen1023The Show: @philadelphiasportstableFollow us on Twitter/X:Jeff: @Jeffrey_WarrenErik: @BrickPollittThe Show: @PhiladelphiaPSTFollow the show on Instagram: instagram.com/philadelphiasportstable.

    Rhythm Restoration with Liz Bagwell
    Day 78 of Christian Prayers and Meditations with Jesus for Neuroplasticity to Rewire Your Brain

    Rhythm Restoration with Liz Bagwell

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 13, 2025 15:47

    Apologies for the sound quality and delay in today's episode, my equipment had technical issues today.   ✨Neuroplasticity Masterclass: How to Live Out Romans 12:2 & Help Your Children Do the Same Sign Up Here   Rewire Retreat: To get all the details on the April 3-6th 2025 Rewire & Restore Christian Wellness Retreat, click here: Sign Up Here   SHOWNOTES: 

    A WORD for This Day
    February 15, 2025 - 1 Peter 2:15 - Cumulative Episode 1142 (46 for 2025)

    A WORD for This Day

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 13, 2025 27:59

    Hello Friends! I love to hear from you! Please send me a text message by clicking on this link! Blessings to You!In this episode, Jori discusses with her listeners Peter's reminder that it is God's will that by doing good you may silence the ignorance of foolish men. Scripture References: John 16:33; Isaiah 26:3; 1 Peter 2:15; 1 Peter 1:1-2; Luke 22:31; Acts 2; 1 Peter 1:3-9; 1 Peter 2:9-15; Romans 1:16; Romans 13:1-3; 1 Timothy 1:12-14; Galatians 5:22-24; Matthew 5:14-16; John 8:31-32 Scripture translation used is the Legacy Standard Bible.  “Scripture quotations taken from the (LSB®) Legacy Standard Bible®, Copyright © 2021 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Managed in partnership with Three Sixteen Publishing Inc. LSBible.org and 316publishing.comFIND DR. JORI ON OTHER PLATFORMS https://linktr.ee/drjorishafferCHECK OUT THE DWELL AUDIO BIBLE APP:Click this link for my unique referral code.  I use this frequently. Such a wonderful audio bible app. https://dwellapp.io/aff?ref=jorishafferBIBLE STUDY TOOLS DR. JORI USES:Note: These contain affiliate links, meaning I get a commission if you decide to make a purchase through my links.LSB Single Column Biblehttps://amzn.to/4g9C47oESV MacArthur Study Biblehttps://amzn.to/3C1cpQwInk Joy Penshttps://amzn.to/3EaZ8oRMr. Pen HighLightershttps://amzn.to/3PE20x8Mr. Pen Bible Journaling Kithttps://amzn.to/40pib6o  JOIN DR. JORI IN DEVOTIONAL JOURNALING IN 2025Check out this 9 min YouTube Video outlining her journaling strategy! Don't Forget to subscribe to the YouTube Channel! https://youtu.be/lqe9TO7RSz4 BOOKS OF BIBLE COLOR CHARTI made this chart as a helpful tool for grouping the collections of books or letters  in the Holy Bible.  The colors in the different sections are the ones that I use in my journals.  Books of Bible Chart (color) (4).pdf - Google Drive    LOOKING TO RETAIN MORE OF WHAT YOUR PASTOR IS TEACHING?              CHECK OUT DR. JORI'S SERMON REFLECTION JOURNALS! Sermon Notes, Reflections and Applications Journal/Notebooks by Dr. Jori. Click the links below to be directed to amazon.com for purchase. Or search “Dr. Jori Shaffer” on Amazon to bring these up.  https://amzn.to/418LfRshttps://amzn.to/41862EyHere is a brief YouTube video that tells about the Journal/Notebooks as well:https://youtu.be/aXpQNYUEzds   Email: awordforthisday@gmail.comPodcast website:  https://awordforthisday.buzzsprout.com Support the show

    A WORD for This Day
    February 13, 2025 - Jeremiah 2:13 - Cumulative Episode 1140 (44 for 2025)

    A WORD for This Day

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 13, 2025 26:33

    Hello Friends! I love to hear from you! Please send me a text message by clicking on this link! Blessings to You!In this episode, Jori discusses with her listeners God's words to the people through the prophet Jeremiah when God told them they had done two evils, they had forsaken Him, the fountain of living waters and had hewn for themselves broken cisterns that can hold no water. Scripture References: Jeremiah 2:13; Jeremiah 1:1-8;  Jeremiah 2:1-13; Deuteronomy 28-30; John 4:7-10; Isaiah 55:1-2; Isaiah 55:7-8; Proverbs 3:5-6Scripture translation used is the Legacy Standard Bible.  “Scripture quotations taken from the (LSB®) Legacy Standard Bible®, Copyright © 2021 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Managed in partnership with Three Sixteen Publishing Inc. LSBible.org and 316publishing.comFIND DR. JORI ON OTHER PLATFORMS https://linktr.ee/drjorishafferCHECK OUT THE DWELL AUDIO BIBLE APP:Click this link for my unique referral code.  I use this frequently. Such a wonderful audio bible app. https://dwellapp.io/aff?ref=jorishafferBIBLE STUDY TOOLS DR. JORI USES:Note: These contain affiliate links, meaning I get a commission if you decide to make a purchase through my links.LSB Single Column Biblehttps://amzn.to/4g9C47oESV MacArthur Study Biblehttps://amzn.to/3C1cpQwInk Joy Penshttps://amzn.to/3EaZ8oRMr. Pen HighLightershttps://amzn.to/3PE20x8Mr. Pen Bible Journaling Kithttps://amzn.to/40pib6o  JOIN DR. JORI IN DEVOTIONAL JOURNALING IN 2025Check out this 9 min YouTube Video outlining her journaling strategy! Don't Forget to subscribe to the YouTube Channel! https://youtu.be/lqe9TO7RSz4 BOOKS OF BIBLE COLOR CHARTI made this chart as a helpful tool for grouping the collections of books or letters  in the Holy Bible.  The colors in the different sections are the ones that I use in my journals.  Books of Bible Chart (color) (4).pdf - Google Drive    LOOKING TO RETAIN MORE OF WHAT YOUR PASTOR IS TEACHING?              CHECK OUT DR. JORI'S SERMON REFLECTION JOURNALS! Sermon Notes, Reflections and Applications Journal/Notebooks by Dr. Jori. Click the links below to be directed to amazon.com for purchase. Or search “Dr. Jori Shaffer” on Amazon to bring these up.  https://amzn.to/418LfRshttps://amzn.to/41862EyHere is a brief YouTube video that tells about the Journal/Notebooks as well:https://youtu.be/aXpQNYUEzds   Email: awordforthisday@gmail.comPodcast website:  https://awordforthisday.buzzsprout.com Support the show

    Reclaiming Consciousness
    Bewitched - Breaking the Spell After Spiritual Mentoring Goes Wrong - A series with Alyse and Robyn

    Reclaiming Consciousness

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 13, 2025 95:12

    What if the mentor you trusted to elevate you was actually the one holding you back? Spiritual leadership should empower—not manipulate. It's time we talk about what happens when coaching crosses the line.In this eye-opening new series, I join Robyn McKay for a raw and vulnerable conversation about a toxic coaching experience we both went through—along with other women in our industry. This is the first of a series of episodes where we unpack the red flags, manipulative tactics, and unethical practices that took place, and how we finally broke free.In this first episode of the series, I take the guest seat and share my experience and POV with coach "Betty". I share how I found myself in a high-control mentorship dynamic, what made me question my own judgment, and why it took time to fully recognize the emotional and psychological impact of this experience. We explore the power imbalances, coercion, and gaslighting that often go unnoticed in spiritual coaching spaces—and how to spot them before they cause harm.This series isn't about blame—it's about education, empowerment, and healing. If you've ever felt manipulated or misled in the coaching world, or if you want to learn how to navigate mentorship with discernment, this conversation is for you.TODAY'S HIGHLIGHTS(00:00) Intro(00:52) Welcome to the Bewitched Series(01:53) Ethical Dilemmas and Vulnerability(03:30) How and Why Bewitched was Born(07:58) The Metamorphosis Method is Almost Here(08:54) When Coaching Goes Bad...Finally Sharing My Experience(12:47) Working with "Betty": Early Successes(19:50) Red Flags - Manipulative Practices, Ethical Concerns, and The Snake Bite(32:08) Coercive Control(44:16) Retreat Experiences and High-Control Tactics(52:20) The Concept of a Clear Channel(52:52) Patterns of Manipulation, The San Diego Retreat Experience, Psychodrama and Altered States(56:06) Questioning Intentions and Ethics(01:00:05) Deciding on the Santa Fe Retreat - Manipulative Sales Tactics and Recognizing the Patterns(01:07:53) Realizations and Reflections(01:10:16)  "Talking to You is Like Groundhog Day" - The Miracle of Getting "Fired"(01:17:47) Questioning Myself, Healing and Moving Forward(01:26:24) Final Thoughts and Advice **WAYS TO ENTER MY WORLD**Leave a review, send us a screenshot and get a $250 credit, you can apply to anything else in my world.The Metamorphosis Method starts February 27th and you can still enroll. Master my proven methodology to guide your clients to rapidly and efficiently transmute lifetimes of familial and ancestral trauma. Jump on a call with me to learn more about the program and find out if this is a fit for you.CONTACT ROBYN drrobynmckay.com Follow her on InstagramOr contact her directly at robyn@drrobynmckay.comCONTACT ALYSEJoin my FB groupIG @alyse_breathesVisit alysebreathes.cominfo@alysebreathes.com

    History for the Curious
    #152 - Jewish Physicians III – Ottoman Vignettes and Halachic Questions feat. Rabbi Dr Akiva Tatz

    History for the Curious

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 13, 2025 56:23

    In Eastern Europe quacks and soothsayers were in abundance, as were invented remedies whilst the Ottoman Empire provided refuge from Spain but came with its own risk. But do the best doctors end up in Hell according to Jewish tradition? Can one give a vaccine that also kills people? And may one smoke on Shabbos to perform better surgery?   Chapters 00:00 The Landscape of Medical Practice in 18th Century Russia 02:55 The Role of Jewish Physicians in Europe 05:52 The Influence of Jewish Medical Practitioners in the Ottoman Empire 12:08 Challenges Faced by Jewish Physicians in France and Germany 18:00 The Ethical Dilemmas of Medical Practice 27:04 Reflections on the Medical Profession and Its Perception 27:50 The Weight of Medical Decisions 28:47 Personal Anecdotes and Cultural Reflections 32:31 Halachic Insights in Medical Practice 34:23 Ethical Dilemmas in Medicine 40:12 The Role of Transparency in Medical Decisions 41:20 Halachic Questions in Medical Scenarios

    Life in Transition
    From Self-Doubt to Self-Design: Zach Janicello's Journey of Transformation

    Life in Transition

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 13, 2025 61:00

    What does it take to navigate life's transitions with grace and authenticity? In this compelling episode, Zach Janicello, a designer and entrepreneur, shares his profound journey through personal transformation, encompassing career changes, spiritual evolution, and relationship growth. Through the metaphor of identity as a pizza with different slices representing various life aspects, Zach explores the challenges of integrating diverse social circles and confronting fears of rejection. His story particularly resonates when discussing his experience navigating divorce within the context of conservative Christian values, highlighting how he reconciled his personal identity with his faith journey.Our conversation delves deep into themes of self-love, creativity, and authentic expression, with Zach expressing how unconditional self-acceptance forms the foundation for meaningful relationships with others. As the founder of Unit design studio, Zach brings unique insights into how creativity can be cultivated as a universal trait, while also sharing vulnerable reflections on his journey from self-dislike to self-love. The episode serves as an inspiring guide for listeners (especially men) facing their own life transitions, encouraging them to embrace all facets of their identity while taking decisive action toward personal growth.Zach Janicello is a designer and entrepreneur working on design-forward ventures. He's the founder of Unit, a design studio focused on building award-winning brands, platforms and products. Zach helps businesses bring their visions to life and gain competitive advantages through thoughtful design and strategy. Beyond his work at Unit, Zach is deeply interested in behavioral economics, AI, and aesthetics, exploring how technology and design intersect with human behavior in an era of artificial intelligence. When he's not working on projects, you can find Zach weightlifting, making music, playing pickleball, or spending time with friends around the smoker.In This Episode: (00:00) Navigating Life Transitions With Authenticity(11:09) Embracing All Aspects of Self(16:41) MidLife Transition Mastery Ad(17:43) Navigating Divorce and Christian Values(22:50) Discovering Personal Agency and Belonging(30:00) The Path to Unconditional Love(35:04) The Core Message of Christianity(41:59) MidLife Transition Mastery Ad(43:28) Finding Clarity Through Reflection(49:12) Unleashing Creativity and Authenticity(58:43) Building Self-Love Through Transformation (1:00:38) Reflections on Self-Transformation  (1:02:41) Get in touch with ZachSend us your comments, like and subscribe to hear all of our future episodes!About the show: Welcome to Life in Transition, a podcast, and community designed for those navigating the transformative midlife journey. Our mission is to guide you through this pivotal time, offering inspiration, tools, and a supportive community to help you live with intention, clarity, and purpose. Here, we explore stories of real people facing changes, reimagining their careers, and building meaningful relationships—all to live a life with no regrets.Whether you're feeling stuck in your career, redefining personal goals, or seeking a renewed sense of purpose, Life in Transition provides insightful content to spark your journey. Beyond the podcast, we offer exclusive coaching services, community-based programs, and online courses, tailored to support you in navigating life's complexities with confidence and resilience.Join us as we dive into actionable strategies and heart-to-heart conversations to transform your mindset and help you create the life you've envisioned. About the host: I'm Art Blanchford, and this is Life in Transition, a podcast about making the most of the changes we're given. As a married father of three teenagers, long-time global business executive, and adventurer, I've been through hundreds of transitions in my life. Many have been difficult, but all have led to a depth and richness I could never have imagined. You'll get to hear all about them on this podcast so that together, we can create more love and joy in our lives — no matter what transitions we go through.Resources: Zach.EarthZach Jacinello LinkedInEmail Art BlanchfordLife in Transition WebsiteLife in Transition on IGLife in Transition on FB Join Our Community: art-blanchford.mykajabi.com/mid-life-transition-mastery-communityMy new book "PURPOSEFUL LIVING" is out now. Order it now: https://a.co/d/cJKOpo6Explore our website https://lifeintransitionpodcast.com/ for more in-depth information and resources, and to download the 8-step guide to mastering mid-life transitions.The views and opinions expressed on the “Life In Transition” podcast are solely those of the author and guests and should not be attributed to any other individual or entity. This podcast is an independent production of Life In Transition Podcast, and the podcast production is an original work of the author. All rights of ownership and reproduction are retained—copyright 2025.

    The Joy of Cruising Podcast
    Paul & Cheryl Reflections of The Soul Train Cruise on Holland America Line Nieuw Amsterdam

    The Joy of Cruising Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 13, 2025 51:47

    Send us a textHello passionate cruisers. This is Paul and I am joined by a special guest, my wife Cheryl, to share our thoughts on the Soul Train Cruise. Longtime listeners and readers of my books know of my fascination of theme cruises, especially my first cruising book, The Joy of Cruising http://amzn.to/2eamddf where I included a section on theme cruising and featured a chapter on my first theme cruise, Festival at Sea, the oldest African-American Cultural Cruise, and a chapter about StarVista Live, a company that does a series of theme cruises about various music genres including the Soul Train Cruise. The Soul Train Cruise was on my bucket list and we are glad to check it off. My attraction to theme cruises is simple; the passengers onboard are not only passionate about cruising but they are also passionate about the theme, the subject of the cruise. So every one has something in common that drew them to that cruise. Almost everyone is friendly, it is very low in drama, and very high in chill. Theme cruises feel like giant family reunions. Soul Train has a long legacy and it is only fitting that the host is Tony Cornelius, son of the Soul Train television host Don Cornelius. We loved it…but would we do it again? Check out our thoughts! Relying on ship wifi is slow, unsecure, sometimes not available & at foreign ports travelers don't want to pay their carriers' high fees. Save $ with GigSky! Get a data package usable on the ship & in ports. Link to GigSky: https://gigsky.pxf.io/nloxor. For a 10% discount use code: joyofcruisingSupport the showSupport thejoyofcruisingpodcast https://www.buzzsprout.com/2113608/supporters/newSupport Me https://www.buymeacoffee.com/drpaulthContact Me https://www.thejoyofcruising.net/contact-me.htmlBook Cruises http://www.thejoyofvacation.com/US Orders (coupon code joyofcruisingpodcast)The Joy of Cruising https://bit.ly/TheJoyOfCruisingCruising Interrupted https://bit.ly/CruisingInterruptedThe Joy of Cruising Again https://bit.ly/TheJoyOfCruisingAgainIntl Orders via Amazon

    The Nerdie Bunch - Entertainment Podcasts
    Super Bowl LIX Reactions [Nerdie Sports]

    The Nerdie Bunch - Entertainment Podcasts

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 13, 2025 48:32

    Tim and Scotty of Nerdie Sports dissect Super Bowl LIX! Eagles over Chiefs – was it a fluke or a sign of things to come? We break down Mahomes' legacy, the Eagles' dominant defense, and if they're the next NFL dynasty. Plus, Mahomes vs Brady, Reid vs. Belichick, and more. Keep It Nerdie-00:00 - Intro - Super Bowl 59 Recap: Eagles vs. Chiefs02:21 - Analyzing the Chiefs' Performance and Strategy05:20 - Defensive Dominance: The Eagles' Key to Victory08:16 - The Impact of Turnovers and Game Momentum11:14 - The Future of the Chiefs: Roster and Expectations14:03 - Mahomes and the GOAT Debate: A Critical Look17:03 - Defensive Lines vs. Elite Quarterbacks: Historical Context19:58 - Looking Ahead: What's Next for the NFL?32:57 - Mahomes' Legacy and Performance34:29 - Coaching Greatness: Reid vs. Belichick37:28 - Eagles' Potential Dynasty38:52 - Jalen Hurts: Rising Star42:42 - Comparing Hurts to Brady45:22 - Reflections on the Super Bowl Game

    Fr. Kubicki’s 2 Minute Prayer Reflection – Relevant Radio
    Father Kubicki - Prayer Reflections February 13, 2025

    Fr. Kubicki’s 2 Minute Prayer Reflection – Relevant Radio

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 13, 2025 2:00

    Today is the day of the Death of Sister Lucia of Jesus and of the Immaculate Heart. She was one of the Fatima children visionaries. Father shares the question that Lucia would ask our lady each time she saw her.

    SPD Podcast
    #326 – Reflections on Gratitude

    SPD Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 13, 2025

    Feb 13th, 2025 - Pastor Tim Westermeyer - #326 – Reflections on Gratitude

    Daily Study: Hayom Yom (Audio)
    Reflections on "Hayom Yom" Shevat 15

    Daily Study: Hayom Yom (Audio)

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 13, 2025 2:38

    This isn’t a Podcast
    EP 046: Regulating Hormones, Half Time Show, Parenting in the Digital Age, and Re-thinking Marriage

    This isn’t a Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 13, 2025 71:41

    In this conversation, Sav and Jess explore various themes surrounding mental health, family dynamics, and personal growth. They discuss the challenges of balancing work and family life, the impact of lighting on mental well-being, and the complexities of parenting in today's world. The conversation also delves into their perspectives on marriage, self-perception, and the influence of social media on personal expectations. Throughout, they share personal anecdotes and insights, creating a relatable and engaging dialogue. In this engaging conversation, Sav and Jess explore the complexities of parenting, health, relationships, and personal growth. They share personal anecdotes about navigating parenting challenges, the importance of women's health, and the fears that come with aging and medical issues. The discussion delves into the dynamics of communication in relationships, trust issues, and the impact of insecurities. They also reflect on the significance of friendship and support systems, emphasizing the need for self-care and personal growth. The episode concludes with light-hearted banter about their week and future plans, leaving listeners with relatable insights and laughter.Like, Follow, Subscribe!@thisisntapodcast@mrsjessicadurand@savannaosborneChapters00:00 The Impact of Environment on Mental Health02:09 Balancing Work, Family, and Self-Care05:03 The Struggles of Modern Parenting08:02 Understanding Hormonal Health and Well-Being10:52 Comparisons and Self-Perception in Parenting13:45 Reflections on Parenting Styles and Generational Differences16:36 Navigating Parenting in the Digital Age20:26 Siblings Bonding and Growing Together27:41 Rethinking Marriage and Independence35:01 The Wild World of Dating Apps37:00 Irrational Fears and Personal Quirks40:31 Health Insights and Pap Smear Awareness43:47 Aging and Health Concerns49:30 Medical Trauma and Personal Experiences52:50 Intimacy and Communication in Relationships54:27 Deteriorating Relationships and Emotional Disconnect56:44 Anxiety and Trust Issues in Relationships58:16 Fear of Vulnerability and Commitment01:00:22 Defining Cheating and Relationship Boundaries01:02:25 The Importance of Female Friendships01:03:57 Navigating Health and Self-Care01:05:53 Valentine's Day Plans and Personal Growth

    Murder In The Black
    Lust,Lies & Lethal Affairs | Lance Herndon

    Murder In The Black

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 13, 2025 49:52

    SummaryThe conversation delves into the tragic murder of Lance Herndon, a successful entrepreneur in Atlanta, exploring the circumstances surrounding his death, the investigation that followed, and the various suspects involved, particularly focusing on his relationships with multiple women. The discussion highlights the cultural significance of Atlanta as the Black Mecca and examines the complexities of Lance's personal life, leading to a gripping narrative of love, betrayal, and the quest for justice.--------------------------------------------------------------------Chapters00:00 Introduction to Black History Month Facts02:37 Lust, Lies, and a Lethal Affair: The Case of Lance Herndon03:46 Atlanta: The Black Mecca and Its Cultural Significance07:57 The Disparity in Atlanta's Black Prosperity09:52 The Investigation Begins: Who Killed Lance Herndon?14:24 Suspects: The Ex-Wife and the Girlfriend20:16 Unraveling Alibis and Relationships26:00 The Complicated Web of Love and Jealousy30:55 Building a Case Against Dion34:41 The Defense's Strategy and Counterarguments38:46 The Aftermath and Reflections on Success49:31 trueCrime-underscore-high.wav--------------------------------------------------------------------KEEP UP WITH USIG:@MURDERINTHEBLACKFACEBOOK:MURDER IN THE BLACK THE PODCASTTIKTOK:MURDERINTHEBLACKEMAIL:murderintheblackpodcast36@gmail.comWEBSITE:www.murderintheblackpodcast.com

    Generative Now | AI Builders on Creating the Future
    Mike Krieger: Product Building Lessons from Co-Founding Instagram to Leading Product at Anthropic

    Generative Now | AI Builders on Creating the Future

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 13, 2025 54:20

    Mike Krieger is known for cofounding Instagram, one of the most beloved pieces of consumer technology, and now he is leading product at Anthropic. This week, host and Lightspeed Partner Michael Mignano talks to the product building legend to discuss the challenges AI product builders face and the evolution of product innovation. They draw parallels between two transformative eras: the social media revolution that gave birth to Instagram and today's AI renaissance.Episode Chapters(00:00) Introduction(00:54) Mike Krieger's Journey to Anthropic(03:17) Building Product Strategy at Anthropic(07:43) Rapid Iteration and Safety(10:58) Differentiating AI Models and User Experience(17:57) Impact of AI on Consumer Products and Business Models(24:39) Enterprise vs. Consumer Product Strategy(29:19) AI in Personal Life Management(30:15) Open Source and Claude Integrations(33:09) AI-Assisted Product Development(37:13) Scaling Teams and Processes at Anthropic(42:17) Reflections on AI and Future ProspectsStay in touch:www.lsvp.comX:https://twitter.com/lightspeedvpLinkedIn:https://www.linkedin.com/company/lightspeed-venture-partners/Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/lightspeedventurepartners/Subscribe on your favorite podcast app:generativenow.coEmail: generativenow@lsvp.comThe content here does not constitute tax, legal, business or investment advice or an offer to provide such advice, should not be construed as advocating the purchase or sale of any security or investment or a recommendation of any company, and is not an offer, or solicitation of an offer, for the purchase or sale of any security or investment product. For more details please seelsvp.com/legal.

    Daily Study: Hayom Yom (Video)
    Reflections on "Hayom Yom" Shevat 15

    Daily Study: Hayom Yom (Video)

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 13, 2025 2:47

    Best Thinking
    Martial Arts Meets Canadian Hospitality: Reflections from the Canadian Open and the Call for Authentic Leadership

    Best Thinking

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 13, 2025 51:40 Transcription Available

    What happens when martial arts expertise meets the vibrant backdrop of Canadian hospitality? Join us at Warehouse 15 as Grandmaster Disaster, TJ, and Coach Moreno unravel their experiences at the Canadian Open in Montreal. We celebrate the remarkable organization of the event and the warmth of our Canadian hosts, with special nods to high-performance director Alan and Brittany. Revel in the pride as TJ and Coach Master Perez both receive accolades that add a jubilant note to our conversation.As the spotlight shifts to the international stage, we share tales of Canadian fighters like the legendary Ashley, who has mastered the art of the "testicle tickler" back kick. Through laughter and storytelling, we recall the spirited performances of Naomi and Michael Rodriguez, with TJ basking in the glow of his own achievements. Lighthearted anecdotes about guitars and Wayne's World bring a touch of nostalgia, blending seamlessly with memories of playful trips to Reno.Finally, we tackle the gritty realities of sports organizations, where leadership and team dynamics often clash with progress. Questions arise about the qualifications and decisions behind key appointments, sparking a call for genuine expertise and integrity. Through candid discussions on navigating fear, imposter syndrome, and the toxic environments that inhibit growth, we advocate for a more respectful and fair future. Stand with us as we champion authenticity and accountability in the pursuit of a positive change.