Podcasts about Slot

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Blood Red: The Liverpool FC Podcast
Champions League run extended... but Arne Slot still wants more! | Liverpool.com

Blood Red: The Liverpool FC Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 11, 2024 45:25

'To get the best discount off your NordVPN plan - go to nordvpn.com/bloodred - our link will also give you 4 extra months on the 2-year plan. There's no risk with Nord's 30 day money-back guarantee! The link is in the podcast episode description box' Liverpool maintained their 100 per cent record in the Champions League under Arne Slot by beating Girona 1-0 thanks to Mohamed Salah's penalty, but the Reds boss wasn't too happy with the performance. Join Matt Addison and Keifer MacDonald as they analyse the game and the key stories, including Slot's post-match comments, Darwin Nunez's form, and much more. Get Exclusive NordVPN deal at: nordvpn.com/bloodred - Try it risk-free with Nord's 30-day money-back guarantee! #LFC #LiverpoolFC #LiverpoolFootballClub Get exclusive Liverpool FC podcasts and video content everyday right here.  Subscribe to the Blood Red Liverpool FC YouTube Channel and watch daily live shows HERE: https://bit.ly/3OkL9iT Listen and subscribe to the Blood Red Podcast for all your latest Liverpool FC content via Apple and Spotify: APPLE: https://bit.ly/3HfBvKq SPOTIFY: https://bit.ly/3SdsjeH Join our Blood Red podcast group on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1656599847979758/ Visit the Liverpool ECHO website: https://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/all-about/liverpool-fc Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/LivEchoLFC Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LiverpoolEchoLFC Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bloodred_lfc Follow us on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@bloodred_lfc Subscribe to us on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/bloodredliverpoolfc Download our Liverpool FC app for free: Apple - https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/lfc-echo/id1255495425 Android - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mirror.liverpoolfc Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Sugar Shack Radio Podcast
JJ Santiago Slot Snatching for Housin' It [SugarShackRadio]

Sugar Shack Radio Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 7, 2024

Broadcasting Live From Colorado Springs, CO

The Rest Is Football
Alexis Mac Allister: Messi's World Cup Magic, The Slot Revolution & Brighton's Brilliance

The Rest Is Football

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 6, 2024 49:27

How exactly did Messi step up as a leader to drive Argentina to World Cup glory? What has Arne Slot done to take Liverpool to the next level? What makes Brighton such a successful club? Gary is joined by World Cup winner Alexis Mac Allister who also reveals the best manager he's ever worked with and how Mo Salah has got him spending more time in the gym. Get 30% off Hearth with the discount code "TRIF" at drinkhearth.com Sign up to The Rest Is Football newsletter at therestisfootball.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

FC Afkicken
Ajax - Utrecht in balans, Slot verspeelt punten en Memphis naar de Copa Libertadores! | FCA Daily | S07E104

FC Afkicken

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 5, 2024 50:11

Een nieuwe FCA Daily met opnieuw een gast! Goede vriend van Mart: Omar Secka! Samen met Neal bespreken ze onder meer: de topper tussen Ajax en FC Utrecht, het puntverlies van Slot tegen Newcastle en is Memphis met Corinthians zeker van de Copa Libertadores.(0:00) Intro(1:10) Nabeschouwing van de aflevering met Alex Pastoor(2:05) Ajax – FC Utrecht in balans(16:45) Rondje Premier League(31:36) Mourinho neemt het op voor Van Bronckhorst(36:30) Thomas Schaling naar PSV(41:41) Memphis en Corinthians zeker van Zuid-Amerikaanse Champions League en de winnaars van de boeken van Alex Pastoor en Sander GrasmanIn de podcast verwijzen Mart, Neal en Omar naar:Het boek van Alex, geschreven door Boudewijn de Groot: https://www.uitgeverijinside.nl/boek/3137/boudewijn-geels-met-open-vizier.htmlHet boek van Sander Grasman: https://www.bol.com/nl/nl/p/cultspelers-van-feijenoord/9300000181895547/?Referrer=ADVNLGOO002008J-S--9300000181895547&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAu8W6BhC-ARIsACEQoDAZ1S90n_D2aHj8qTCeaVrC6iORYz0G17DVBvOgwMoBdkqBeFMT5X8aAiAsEALw_wcBZie het privacybeleid op https://art19.com/privacy en de privacyverklaring van Californië op https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

Rigged Game - Blackjack, Card Counting, Slots, Casinos, poker and Advantage Play Podcast
S3 E251 : Monday stank? Gassy slot tech. Bopin around picking up cash between meetings.

Rigged Game - Blackjack, Card Counting, Slots, Casinos, poker and Advantage Play Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 5, 2024 22:48

I have a hard time on Tuesday and Wednesday. I leave the office between meetings and get some time in to rack up some EV. eventually I take half a day on Wednesday and just skip town. After traveling over a hundred and fifty miles I end up stuck at a casino finally battling back to zero. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mw-usa/support

Davor Suker's Left Foot
Ranking the Most Improved Players in Europe This Season

Davor Suker's Left Foot

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 4, 2024 62:07

Hello Rank Squad! We're returning to one of our staples this week, an old-school ranking that takes on one of our favourite topics—the players who have stepped up their game this season and taken things to a whole new level. We cross Europe to take in a number of ballers who have reached new heights since we kicked off again in August, and hand out due flowers to those most deserving of them. Our journey takes us to Bergamo to take in a striking sensation; Frankfurt for a man who might be Europe's most explosive this year; Florence for a career resurrected in superb style; Catalonia for a written-off Brazilian making waves in Blaugrana; and Merseyside for the midfield maestro maybe nobody saw coming - as well as giving out some honourable mentions for good measure. Before that, Dean's Things We Love discusses the current situation at Manchester City and how this sets up Pep Guardiola to perform one of his most impressive feats in the game of football, whilst Jack has some love for the response crews in Fiorentina-Inter who were to rapid to react to shocking scenes with Edoardo Bove's collapse, as well as some uplifting news on his recovery. It's Ranks!  And remember, if you'd like more from the Rank Squad, including extra podcasts every Monday and Friday (including our weekly Postbox taking a look at the whole weekend of football) and access to our brilliant Discord community, then why not join us here on Patreon?

Fluent Fiction - Danish
Egeskov Slot: Unveiling Secrets Beneath the Winter Snow

Fluent Fiction - Danish

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 4, 2024 12:55

Fluent Fiction - Danish: Egeskov Slot: Unveiling Secrets Beneath the Winter Snow Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/da/episode/2024-12-04-23-34-02-da Story Transcript:Da: Egeskov Slot stod majestætisk under vinterens sne, som forklædte dets hemmeligheder i et hvidt slør.En: Egeskov Slot stood majestically under the winter snow, which disguised its secrets in a white veil.Da: Det var jul, og slotets haller var smukt pyntet med traditionelle dekorationer, der mindede om fordums tid.En: It was Christmas, and the castle's halls were beautifully adorned with traditional decorations, reminiscent of times long past.Da: Jens, en ung historiker, var opslugt af en mystisk gammel brev han fandt i en familie kiste.En: Jens, a young historian, was engrossed in a mysterious old letter he found in a family chest.Da: Brevet talte om en skjult skat dybt inde i Egeskov Slot.En: The letter spoke of a hidden treasure deep within Egeskov Slot.Da: Hans kusine Katrine, mere nøgtern og fornuftig, mente, at brevet kun var en gammeldags skrøne.En: His cousin Katrine, more pragmatic and sensible, believed the letter was merely an old wives' tale.Da: Men Jens følte der var mere bag dette.En: But Jens felt there was more to it.Da: Han ville afsløre sandheden.En: He wanted to uncover the truth.Da: Søren, slottets gådefulde kustode, advarede dem om farerne ved at rode op i fortiden.En: Søren, the castle's enigmatic custodian, warned them of the dangers of digging into the past.Da: "Noget skal forblive glemt," sagde han med en gådefuld glans i øjnene.En: "Some things should remain forgotten," he said with a mysterious gleam in his eyes.Da: Alligevel kunne Jens ikke modstå.En: Nevertheless, Jens could not resist.Da: Han overtalte Katrine til at hjælpe ham med at udforske slottets ældgamle rum.En: He persuaded Katrine to help him explore the castle's ancient rooms.Da: Sneen knirkede under deres fødder, mens skyggerne blev lange i de svagt oplyste haller.En: The snow creaked under their feet as shadows grew long in the dimly lit halls.Da: Efter timer med at søge, faldt deres øjne på en bogreol, der virkede lidt malplaceret.En: After hours of searching, their eyes fell on a bookshelf that seemed somewhat out of place.Da: Med et skub mod bøgerne, gled reolen til side, og afslørede en skjult kammer.En: With a push against the books, the shelf slid aside, revealing a hidden chamber.Da: Inde i kammeret glimtede ældgamle artefakter i det svage lys fra deres lommelygter.En: Inside the chamber, ancient artifacts glistened in the faint light from their flashlights.Da: Et gammelt maleri, gemt væk i århundreder, afslørede en familiehemmelighed: en forfader, hvis eksistens var blevet slette fra slægtshistorien.En: An old painting, hidden away for centuries, revealed a family secret: an ancestor whose existence had been erased from the family history.Da: Denne hemmelighed ændrede deres forståelse af familien og slottets sande arv.En: This secret changed their understanding of the family and the castle's true legacy.Da: Selvom Jens' nysgerrighed blev tilfredsstillet, kunne han nu mærke det ansvar, der fulgte med denne nyvundne viden.En: Although Jens' curiosity was satisfied, he now felt the responsibility that came with this newfound knowledge.Da: Han og Katrine blev enige om at bevare hemmeligheden.En: He and Katrine agreed to keep the secret.Da: Det var bedre at beskytte familiens omdømme end at lade fortiden skabe nye problemer.En: It was better to protect the family's reputation than to let the past create new problems.Da: Skatten, den var der, men værdien af familie og historie blev vigtigere end materiel rigdom.En: The treasure, it was there, but the value of family and history became more important than material wealth.Da: Jens forlod slottet med en dybere forbindelse til sin fortid og en klarere forståelse for vigtigheden af at bevare familiens æresfølelse.En: Jens left the castle with a deeper connection to his past and a clearer understanding of the importance of preserving the family's honor.Da: Sneen dækkede sporene fra deres opdagelse, og slottets hemmeligheder forblev trygt bevarede under dens vinterslør.En: The snow covered the traces of their discovery, and the castle's secrets remained safely preserved under its winter veil. Vocabulary Words:majestic: majestætiskveiled: sløradorned: pyntetreminiscent: mindedeengrossed: opslugtpragmatic: nøgternsensible: fornuftigcustodian: kustodeenigmatic: gådefuldegleam: glanscreaked: knirkededimly lit: svagt oplysteartifacts: artefakterfaint: svageancestor: forfaderlegacy: arvcuriosity: nysgerrighednewfound: nyvundnereputation: omdømmematerial wealth: materiel rigdompreserving: bevarehonor: æresfølelsedisguised: forklædtechest: kistetale: skrøneuncover: afsløreexplore: udforskeerased: sletteresponsibility: ansvarsecrets: hemmeligheder

Frontière Rock
Frontière Rock 100% Underground du 03.12.24

Frontière Rock

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 4, 2024 120:00

Frontière Rock 22h minuit chaque mardi soir de 22h à minuit, plongez dans l'univers sombre et alternatif de la musique Dark, Alternative, Post Punk, Coldwave, Gothic Rock, Darkwave, Deathrock, New Wave, Dark Punk, Shoegaze... Ré écoutez l'émission Dark pour la rentrée de l'émission pour sa 10ème Saison Radiophonique du mardi 3 Décembre 2024 qui monte en cliquant sur le lien ci dessus. Animée par Dark Jérôme, cette émission vous fera découvrir des nouveautés récentes des meilleurs groupes et artistes de la scène underground, ainsi que les classiques du genre. Ce soir La Frontière reçoit en entretien cold le groupe NLIGHT et nous évoqueront avec eux leurs actus récentes et futures ! Et pour continuer en beauté, écoutez la chronique Ma Discothèque Vinyle indispensable, où Jean-Marc vous présentera un album culte ou rare qu'il a déniché dans sa collection personnelle de vinyles. Frontière Rock 22h midnight every Tuesday evening from 22h to midnight, dive into the dark and alternative world of Dark, Alternative, Post Punk, Coldwave, Gothic Rock, Darkwave, Deathrock, New Wave, Dark Punk, Shoegaze music... Listen again to the Dark show for the start of the show for its 10th Radiophonic Season on Tuesday, November 12th, 2024, which is coming up by clicking on the link above. Hosted by Dark Jérôme, this show will introduce you to recent new releases from the best bands and artists on the underground scene, as well as classics of the genre. This evening La Frontière welcomes the group NLIGHT for a cold interview and we will discuss their recent and future news with them! Don't miss the announcement of the week's concerts, concocted by our Dénicheur Jean-Marc, who will reveal the dates and places where you can attend live performances by the bands you love. And to continue in style, listen to the column Ma Discothèque Vinyle indispensable, where Jean-Marc will present a cult or rare album that he found in his personal vinyl collection. linktr.ee/NLIGHT.Band.Official Station: ATTITUDE Date: 03/12/2024 Slot: 22h Hour Performer Title Tuesday 22:00:00 Tuesday 22:03:49 Clan Of Xymox Blood of Christ Tuesday 22:09:39 CØLDSTAR Tumbling Tuesday 22:14:29 NIGHTSISTER Next in Line Tuesday 22:19:10 Spiral69 Tear Tuesday 22:23:10 Unwoman Love Like Blood Tuesday 22:28:43 Inca Babies Ghost Mechanic 9 Tuesday 22:32:44 FORGOTTEN SPECTRES Nocturnal Whispers Tuesday 22:35:25 Rhombus Running From My Shadow Tuesday 22:40:09 Das Noir Veil Of Tears (feat. John Ven) Tuesday 22:43:46 The Ultimate Dreamers Spiritchaser Tuesday 22:57:44 NLiGHT Theres But One God Station: ATTITUDE Date: 03/12/2024 Slot: 23h Hour Performer Title Tuesday 23:00:00 Tuesday 23:06:20 Leitmotiv Sybil's Smile Tuesday 23:12:44 This Eternal Decay Cold Fear Tuesday 23:17:13 CORBEAU HANGS Horrorizer Tuesday 23:20:11 Corlyx Zombie Kid Tuesday 23:23:58 FUGUE Whisper Tuesday 23:29:07 Les Longs Adieux La Luna Tuesday 23:33:37 Low Monroe, The Fugitives Exxon Tears Tuesday 23:38:14 Order89 Rupture Tuesday 23:42:47 [melter] Metal Tuesday 23:46:58 Skelesys The Answer Tuesday 23:50:39 The Misanthropes Running Start Tuesday 23:54:45 Zombina and the Skeletones I'm Horrified! Tuesday 23:58:33 Grandmas House Screw It Up Frontière Rock 100% Underground

The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell
Lawrence: Trump's family pardon pushes Hunter Biden pardon out the top story slot

The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 3, 2024 34:52

Tonight on The Last Word: President Biden issues a full pardon for his son, Hunter Biden. Also, The New Yorker reports on Pete Hegseth's alleged sexist behavior and drunkenness at previous jobs. Andrew Weissmann, Rep. Adam Smith, and Judd Devermont join Lawrence O'Donnell.

The Redmen TV - Liverpool FC Podcast
Slot gives Alisson injury update & teases Man City over 115 charges! | Redmen Bitesize

The Redmen TV - Liverpool FC Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 3, 2024 12:52

Ste is here with today's Bitesize podcast, discussing Liverpool's latest injury updates, Arne Slot's Man City joke and Mo Salah's contract (again!).Support this show http://supporter.acast.com/redmentv. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

The Ringer Gambling Show
Pep In His Feelings, Slot vs. Klopp Liverpool Teams, Plus Bold 2025 Predictions and Midweek EPL Bets

The Ringer Gambling Show

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 3, 2024 63:25

Steve Ceruti, Paul Carr, and Anthony Dabbundo recap Liverpool handing Manchester City another defeat. Then, the guys each give a bold prediction for 2025 (38:59), and best bets. Hosts: Steve Ceruti, Paul Carr, and Anthony Dabbundo Producer: Isaiah Blakely Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

Fantasy Football Blog at Razzball.com
Fantasy Football Podcast: Week 14 Waiver Adds & Trade Targets

Fantasy Football Blog at Razzball.com

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 3, 2024 49:36

Sky Guasco teams up with Matt Stiles and Jeff Kezar to break down this week's waiver wire adds for Week 14 and heading into fantasy playoffs. Waiver Wire: 5:35 Trade Targets: 15:50   Check out all the latest tools on Razzball.com including: Fantasy Football Premium Projections Weekly Fantasy Football Rankings Slot vs. Please, blog, may I have some more?

No Tippy Tappy Football with Sam Allardyce
Steve Round | Working With Mikel Arteta, Moyes Back To Everton & Is Van Dijk The BEST Defender?

No Tippy Tappy Football with Sam Allardyce

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 3, 2024 58:41

Former Derby, Middlesbrough, England, Newcastle, Everton, Manchester United & Arsenal assistant coach Steve Round is our special guest on the latest episode of No Tippy Tappy Football.Steve Round sits down alongside Sam Allardyce and Natalie Pike to discuss all things football from working with Mikel Arteta at Arsenal to learning from the legendary Terry Venables.Steve and Sam talk in great depth about his time at Arsenal as Mikel Arteta's assistant, Why Arsenal fell short in the title race & what was the reason behind his decision to leave Arsenal.The two then discuss Jamie Carragher's comments about van Dijk being the best Premier League CB of all time, if Steve wants to step into management & his time at Manchester United with David Moyes.They then both chat about Haaland's current form, How big of an achievement it is if Slot wins the Premier League, Do City & Arsenal need to strengthen in January & what does the future hold for Jack Grealish?We finally end the pod by discussing the upcoming Arsenal vs United & Merseyside Derby games before talking about Leicester's decision to appoint van Nistelrooy and could David Moyes return to Everton?

On And Off The Pitch Podcast
Liverpool's Top Slot

On And Off The Pitch Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 3, 2024 28:00

Liverpool's Top Slot#onandoffthepitchpodcast #footballtalk #premierleague Can Liverpool go on and win the league after putting on a top performance against Manchester City?Can Pep revive the tired legs and minds of players who have seen it all? Maybe it is time for some to be moved on.What does Liverpool's current form mean to the other teams in the league - mainly Manchester United and Arsenal.Enjoy Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

MMH - The Home Of Rock Radio Podcasts
Sharpy's Rock'N'Roll Train featuring The Lost Cause in Sharpy's Unsigned Slot

MMH - The Home Of Rock Radio Podcasts

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 3, 2024 119:36

Like Rock ? Like Metal ? Like Rock 'n'Roll ? Like Unsigned Music ? Sharpy's Rock'N'Roll Train is the place for you on www.mmhradio.co.uk every Sunday from 7pm 

Soccer Comics
Liverpool's Victory Over Man City Puts The Pressure On Them! Plus The Midweek Clash You Can't Miss!

Soccer Comics

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 2, 2024 89:57

Soccer Comic Rant # 547   Liverpool's Victory Over Man City Puts The Pressure On Them! Plus The Midweek Clash You Can't Miss! USA vs England Women: A game of missed opportunities. Liverpool Fans Are Head Over Heels for Slot! Leicester's Coaching Controversy: Can Ruud Save Their season. Pep Guardiola: The Pressure of a Psychopathic winner. Is Aston Villa's making the Champions League bigger than United winning the FA cup? Chelsea's rising stars. Why New Coaches Are Thriving in the Premier League? The Best MLS Jerseys: Is Liverpool's 11 point lead over City enough? Injury woes: is Man City Finally Done?  Or can they regain dominance? Will Sanchez Become Chelsea's future Star Keeper? Aston Villa's struggles: Unai Emery's should change his tactics a little. Fantasy Football: Is Haaland worth keeping one more game. The most unforgettable half in premier league football history? Goal feast between Arsenal and West Ham. With guest Kojo https://www.instagram.com/kojoanimlive?igsh=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ== Ian Edwardshttps://www.instagram.com/ianedwardsc..https://twitter.com/IanEdwardsComichttp://ianedwardscomedian.com/ Neil Chakravartyhttps://twitter.com/SawyersLawyerhttps://www.instagram.com/sawyerslawyer/ Martin Harrishttps://instagram.com/martin_harrisla?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= Merch LinkOnTheVolleyapparel.com https://onthevolleyapparel.com/collections/soccer-comic-rant Lee Hudsonhttps://www.instagram.com/leehudsonco...https://twitter.com/leehudsoncomedy Chris Tranihttps://www.instagram.com/christrani?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== Aaron Brungardthttps://twitter.com/hilAARONoushttps://www.instagram.com/aaronbrunga

The Late Challenge Podcast
Pep pummelled by red-hot Slot | Episode 96

The Late Challenge Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 2, 2024 62:34

It's Gareth Roberts and Paul Cope on the latest Late Challenge getting stuck into all things Red including a fine Anfield win over Manchester City, a Pep Guardiola meltdown, unnecessary digs at our city and the absolute gloriousness of being nine points clear at the top of the Premier League (and 11 ahead of City!).You can support us financially to keep the show going in two ways, either: 1. By subscribing to our Patreon show for as little as £1 per week. Just click this link and the "Join For Free" button to get a 7 day free trial that you can cancel easily at any time after watching over 40 subscriber shows: https://www.patreon.com/TheLateChallengePodcast 2. If you don't want to subscribe, you can make a one off contribution to support the show by clicking this link: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/thelatechallenge We appreciate any support, no matter how big or small, and we also appreciate that times are tough for many people so if you can't afford to support the show financially we completely understand. If you'd like to help us in another way, please like our videos, subscribe to the YouTube channel and share the podcast with your friends and family.

Ol' Dirty Basement
V.C.R. Presents: Platoon (1986)

Ol' Dirty Basement

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 2, 2024 78:16 Transcription Available

"Send us a Fan Mail Text Message"What happens when a Vietnam veteran sits down with his son and friends to discuss one of the most iconic war films of all time? Steelton George, a Vietnam veteran and father of our co-host Matt, joins us on the Vintage Cinema Review podcast to provide an authentic perspective on Oliver Stone's "Platoon." As we commemorate Veterans Day, George generously shares his firsthand experiences, including the cultural shock of arriving in Vietnam and the solidarity formed among soldiers. His vivid recollections bring an additional layer of depth to our conversation about the film's intense portrayal of the Vietnam War.Together, we unpack the complexities of jungle warfare and the moral dilemmas faced by soldiers in battle, drawing parallels between the characters in "Platoon" and real-life military experiences. We explore the contrasting leadership styles depicted by Willem Dafoe and Tom Berenger, adding nuance to the film's narrative. Our discussion ventures into the guerrilla tactics and psychological strains soldiers faced, all while weaving in light-hearted references to memorable moments and cultural touchstones.In this episode, we also share fun facts and trivia about "Platoon," from its cultural significance and awards to its authentic production choices guided by Oliver Stone's own war experiences. Our unique movie rating system and a nostalgic look at other war films add to the engaging dialogue, highlighting the film's impact on viewers and veterans alike. We conclude with gratitude to Steelton George for his service and his candid insights, as we humorously ponder the prospect of his presidential run. Join us for a heartfelt and informative tribute to veterans through the lens of a cinematic masterpiece.Support the showSounds:https://freesound.org/people/frodeims/sounds/666222/ Door openinghttps://freesound.org/people/Sami_Hiltunen/sounds/527187/ Eerie intro music https://freesound.org/people/jack126guy/sounds/361346/ Slot machinehttps://freesound.org/people/Zott820/sounds/209578/ Cash registerhttps://freesound.org/people/Exchanger/sounds/415504/ Fun Facts Jingle Thanks to The Tsunami Experiment for the theme music!!Check them out hereSUPPORT US AT https://www.buzzsprout.com/1984311/supporters/newMERCH STORE https://ol-dirty-basement.creator-spring.comFind us at the following https://oldirtybasement.buzzsprout.com WEBSITE ...

#FPLUSA Press Play
GW14 Preview - Slot Hits the Jackpot - Episode #70

#FPLUSA Press Play

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 2, 2024 59:11

The three hosts are finally back together for a quick GW14 Preview! They recap their positive scores and then look ahead to the midweek madness. They answer #FPLCommunity Qs on Boomo replacements, Isak and the FWDs, adding LIV assets, and much more! Thanks for tuning in - let's get it! --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/fplusapressplay/support

AD Voetbal podcast
S7E50: 'Slot kan de supermarkt niet meer in, overal wordt hij aangeklampt'

AD Voetbal podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 2, 2024 30:44

Arne Slot heeft in een paar maanden tijd naam gemaakt in Engeland. Zijn Liverpool staat bovenaan in de Premier League en Champions League. Ook de topploegen zijn inmiddels verslagen. Kan Slot nog boodschappen doen? In de AD Voetbal podcast bespreekt Etienne Verhoeff met Geert Langendorff het Engelse voetbal. ,,Zoals Arne Slot in Engeland is gestart, dat is echt uniek", vertelt Langendorff in de podcast. ,,Klopp kwam als relatief onbekende trainer binnen, maar wel van Dortmund. Mourinho ging gelijk als een raket, maar kwam niet als onbekende binnen in Engeland. Slot kwam van Feyenoord. Dat is Nederland. We moeten het eerst maar eens zien." Ondertussen is Manchester City aan een dramatische serie bezig onder Pep Guardiola. ,,Hij heeft dit nog nooit meegemaakt. Maar dit verval is wel voorzien. Niet dat het slecht zou gaan. Guardiola wil City, net als Klopp deed bij Liverpool, goed achterlaten." Ook Ruud van Nistelrooij is weer actief in de Premier League. De Nederlander staat nu voor de groep bij Leicester City.  Beluister de hele AD Voetbalpodcast nu via AD.nl, de AD App of jouw favoriete podcastplatform.Support the show: https://krant.nlSee omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

Clare FM - Podcasts
Arts Slot: What's On This Week – With County Arts Officer Siobhán Mulcahy

Clare FM - Podcasts

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 2, 2024 8:28

On Monday's Morning Focus, it was time again for our Arts Slot with County Art's Officer Siobhán Mulcahy. Siobhán provided our listeners with all the details of this week's live events for entertainment lovers in Banner County. This week, Siobhán told us about a book launch in Shannon, a Sinéad O'Connor tribute in Doolin, Lakyle NS craft fair and much more.

Rigged Game - Blackjack, Card Counting, Slots, Casinos, poker and Advantage Play Podcast
S3 E249 : I finally get back to the casinos. Big slot session ups and downs. A little blackjack.

Rigged Game - Blackjack, Card Counting, Slots, Casinos, poker and Advantage Play Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 2, 2024 39:07

Today I played an early session so I can spend time with the family. After we completed our get-together, I decided to hit three casinos. With time being a factor I was afraid that I could only get those three casinos in. However I was actually able to get five casinos in before heading home. Throughout my journey today I had a lot of big swings on the slot machines. I also had a little bit of anxiety while playing Blackjack today. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mw-usa/support

UBC News World
Emergency Medical Care Near Rock Island: Book Your Slot For Immediate Treatment

UBC News World

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 2, 2024 3:07

When you're in need of urgent medical care, you need it NOW. Amana Care Clinic offers emergency treatments at its Davenport center, just a short drive from Rock Island. Dial 563-388-7000 or click https://amanacareclinic.com/ to find out more! Amana Care Clinic City: Davenport Address: 2162 W Kimberly Rd, Website: https://amanacareclinic.com/

Sunday Supplement
Arsenal dismantle West Ham | Slot on the power of Anfield | Pep Guardiola exclusive interview - “Now it's time to suffer.”

Sunday Supplement

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 1, 2024 43:48

Vicky Gomersall is joined by The Mirror's Darren Lewis and Sky Sports Reporter Gary Cotterill to reflect on the weekend's sporting action.We start by looking at Manchester City and Liverpool, and Gary praises Arne Slot's job at building a ‘castle' at Liverpool.  Also, are Arsenal back?  Darren feels there are levels to go for Arsenal but commends the connection between Bukayo Saka and Martin Odegaard.Next, Juliette Ferrington sits down with Arne Slot.  Slot talks of nerves upon arrival at Anfield, enjoying winning, and how much the team means to people in the city of Liverpool.  We consider Mohamed Salah's contract situation; Gary makes an argument that Salah deserves an extension, mentioning a number of footballers of a similar age making a difference.Finally, Patrick Davidson's exclusive interview with Pep Guardiola, who says “now it's time to suffer." Pep knew this difficult period would eventually come, talking of challenges with injuries, and the importance of temporary struggle to realise past feats. 

No Ratings Pod
123.5 | 'Pep has fully lost the plot tactically'! Liverpool vs Man City Tactical Breakdown - The Insight

No Ratings Pod

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 1, 2024 18:33

Slot just dropped a tactical masterclass on Peps broken system, what has happened to City tactically, mentally and what's up with Pep? Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Davor Suker's Left Foot
The Truth: Just How Good Are Liverpool?

Davor Suker's Left Foot

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 29, 2024 46:46

It's time for The Truth!Liverpool have played 19 games this season, winning 17 of them, drawing one and losing just a singular game. They've got the best defence in the Premier League, whilst only Tottenham Hotspur have outscored them going the other way. Top of the Premier League and top of the new Champions League table, it has been an incredible start from Arne Slot's side by anybody's standards. We take a look at what has changed to give Liverpool that element of increased control, as well as how certain players have visibly improved under his stewardship. The emergence of Ryan Gravenberch as the team's heartbeat, the new-found clinicality of Luis Diaz, and the excellent of Ibrahima Konate have not gone unnoticed. There's also some discussion on the circumstances around Liverpool, the platform left by Jurgen Klopp, Liverpool's old propensity for one legendary manager setting up another, and  how this looks in the second half of the season - as well as our thoughts on the contract situations surrounding Mohamed Salah, Virgil van Dijk, and Trent Alexander-Arnold. Are Liverpool surfing a wave brought on by surprising circumstances surrounding Arsenal and Manchester City, or are they the real deal?The Truth is usually somewhere in the middle... but not always!  And remember, if you'd like more from the Rank Squad, including extra podcasts every Monday and Friday (including our weekly Postbox taking a look at the whole weekend of football) and access to our brilliant Discord community, then why not join us here on Patreon?

The Rest Is Football
Man City In The Mire, Madrid Join The Slot Penitentiary & Rogers Robbed

The Rest Is Football

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 29, 2024 43:50

With City sitting 17th in the Table, have they left it too late to make automatic promotion? More problems for Madrid and Mbappe as they take a beating at Anfield & More dubious VAR decisions after Aston Villa were robbed against Juventus Gary, Alan & Micah review this week's Champions League Fixtures Sign up to The Rest Is Football newsletter at therestisfootball.com  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

Kerry Today
The HR Slot with Caroline Reidy – November 29th, 2024

Kerry Today

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 29, 2024

Caroline Reidy of the HR Suite answers your questions relating to your rights in the workplace, whether you’re employee or employer.

Slot's Statement Win


Play Episode Listen Later Nov 28, 2024 57:57

The FC crew react to Champions League action including Liverpool's impressive 2-0 win over Real Madrid at Anfield. The guys discuss what is leading to Real Madrid's awful form and Kylian Mbappe continuing to struggle for the Spanish side. Plus, the fellas discuss a controversial moment at the end of the Aston Villa-Juventus game where Villa saw a winner over turned. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

Tutti Convocati
Signora Zero a Zero

Tutti Convocati

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 28, 2024

Si poteva chiedere di più di un punto ad una Juventus decimata in trasferta a Birmingham contro l'Aston Villa (in crisi)? Forse no, non fosse che è l'ennesimo 0-0 della stagione e non fosse che gli infortuni stanno facendo emergere dei difetti di costruzione della rosa di inizio stagione. Stessi problemi di costruzione li ha il Real Madrid di Carlo Ancelotti che ieri ha perso con il Liverpool lanciatissimo di Slot. Di tutto questo parliamo con Filippo Maria Ricci da Madrid e con lo juventino Massimo Zampini. A quattro giorni dalla conquista del titolo piloti di Max Verstappen e a due gran premi dalla fine del Mondiale, ospitiamo in Endurance Race Stefano Domenicali, Presidente e CEO di Formula 1. Il Re Mida italiano dei motori ci racconta le sue visioni sul futuro di F1, endurance e ci confessa il suo entusiasmo per il rinnovo del contratto del circuito di Monza che resterà in calendario fino al 2031.

OTB Football
Football Daily | Slot praise for Irish stars, Leicester get Ruud, Rovers' Vienna test

OTB Football

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 28, 2024 10:27

On Thursday's Football Daily, Phil Egan rounds up all of the Champions League action with Liverpool putting Real Madrid to the sword at Anfield, and Unai Emery's discontent at Aston Villa being denied a famous win at home to Juventus.Stephen Bradley looks ahead to Shamrock Rovers' latest Conference League outing. Leicester bag Ruud van Nistelrooy as their new manager. And a Drogheda stalwart bids farewell to the Cup winners.

Highlights from Off The Ball
Football Daily | Slot praise for Irish stars, Leicester get Ruud, Rovers' Vienna test

Highlights from Off The Ball

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 28, 2024 10:27

On Thursday's Football Daily, Phil Egan rounds up all of the Champions League action with Liverpool putting Real Madrid to the sword at Anfield, and Unai Emery's discontent at Aston Villa being denied a famous win at home to Juventus.Stephen Bradley looks ahead to Shamrock Rovers' latest Conference League outing. Leicester bag Ruud van Nistelrooy as their new manager. And a Drogheda stalwart bids farewell to the Cup winners.

Big 5
De Klopp à Slot, Liverpool toujours au top

Big 5

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 28, 2024 33:43

Auteur d'un fantastique début de saison à la tête des Reds, Arne Slot assure parfaitement la transition après l'ère Jürgen Klopp. Autant de spectacle, plus de contrôle : le coach néerlandais compose avec les mêmes joueurs mais a rendu Liverpool plus solide. Avant le choc contre Man. City le 1er décembre, « Big five » se penche sur l'équipe la plus dominante du moment en Europe. Un podcast présenté par Marie-Amélie Motte, avec Dave Appadoo et Pierre-Etienne Minonzio. Enregistré par Léa Leostic.Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

FC Afkicken
Tillman zorgt voor comeback PSV, Slot klopt ook Real, Vitesse krijgt weer straf en de Nederlandse ploegen in | FCA Daily | S07E99

FC Afkicken

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 28, 2024 53:46

In de dagelijkse podcast van FC Afkicken bespreken Bart Obbink, Neal Petersen en Mart ten Have op donderdag 28 november onder meer PSV dat na Feyenoord tegen City weer zorgt voor een Nederlandse comeback in de Champions League, het Liverpool van Slot dat nu ook van Real Madrid wint, Ruud van Nistelrooij die de nieuwe coach van Leicester gaat worden, de Nederlandse ploegen die vanavond in de Europa League in actie komen en de volgende puntenstraf voor Vitesse!(0:00) Intro(1:20) America first bij PSV(14:45) Slot wint ook van Madrid(25:55) Kort terugkomen op Guardiola en Ruud van Nistelrooy naar Leicester City(31:34) FC Twente met een do or die wedstrijd en een nieuwe totaalvoetballer bij AZ(39:05) Ajax zonder Weghorst naar Baskenland(42:20) Vitesse 21 punten in mindering en de beste tips voor bij de SmullersIn de podcast verwijzen Bart, Mart en Neal naar:Het stukje over Brest bij CBS: https://x.com/uclooc/status/1861856155124846947Zie het privacybeleid op https://art19.com/privacy en de privacyverklaring van Californië op https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

talkSPORT Daily
Slot's Liverpool Proving To Be The Real Deal!

talkSPORT Daily

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 28, 2024 16:54

Plus, reaction from Aston Villa's goalless draw with Juventus after a controversial VAR decision ruled out a late goal. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Winamax Football Club - Le podcast
WFC - Liverpool : favori à la gagne ? (Ligue des champions)

Winamax Football Club - Le podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 28, 2024 68:06

Monaco a manqué l'occasion d'être bien ancré dans le top 8 de la Ligue des champions en s'inclinant face au Benfica (3-2). Est-ce vraiment dommage pour les joueurs d'Adi Hutter ? Liverpool est-il favori pour la victoire finale en Ligue des champions ? Quelle équipe peut challenger l'équipe d'Arne Slot ? Les Reds ont-il une densité d'effectif nécessaire pour enchainer la Premier League et la Ligue des champions ? Un doublé est-il possible ? Lille s'est imposé à Bologne (1-2) avec des choix de Bruno Genesio récompensés. Le LOSC a maintenant 10 points et est au portes du top 8. Est-ce la principale chance française pour être qualifié directement en huitièmes de finale ?

Highlights from The Pat Kenny Show
Disinformation slot with David Robert Grimes

Highlights from The Pat Kenny Show

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 28, 2024 9:55

Today we look at how Irish regulatory bodies have no statutory power to remove election disinformation, how tiktok ads containing abject lies weren't moderate. We hear why too many social media influencers are not checking the veracity of the information they share according to a report by the UN. All to discuss with David Robert Grimes Author and Disinformation Expert.

Blood Red: The Liverpool FC Podcast
Post-Match: Liverpool vs Real Madrid | Reds STUN La Liga GIANTS

Blood Red: The Liverpool FC Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 27, 2024 21:37

'To get the best discount off your NordVPN plan - go to nordvpn.com/bloodred - our link will also give you 4 extra months on the 2-year plan. There's no risk with Nord's 30 day money-back guarantee! The link is in the podcast episode description box' Liverpool have FINALLY beaten Real Madrid, ending an eight-game winless run against the Spanish giants! Goals from Alexis Mac Allister and Cody Gakpo were enough for the Reds to run out 2-0 winners as they put in a dominant display at Anfield. Meanwhile, Caoimhin Kelleher saved a Kylian Mbappe penalty, while Mohamed Salah missed a spot-kick of his own at the other end. But it wasn't all good news for the Reds as both Conor Bradley and Ibrahima Konate suffered injures. Join Theo Squires for the post-match verdict on a night to remember for Slot's side. Get Exclusive NordVPN deal at: nordvpn.com/bloodred - Try it risk-free with Nord's 30-day money-back guarantee! #LFC #LiverpoolFC #LiverpoolFootballClub Get exclusive Liverpool FC podcasts and video content everyday right here.  Subscribe to the Blood Red Liverpool FC YouTube Channel and watch daily live shows HERE: https://bit.ly/3OkL9iT Listen and subscribe to the Blood Red Podcast for all your latest Liverpool FC content via Apple and Spotify: APPLE: https://bit.ly/3HfBvKq SPOTIFY: https://bit.ly/3SdsjeH Join our Blood Red podcast group on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1656599847979758/ Visit the Liverpool ECHO website: https://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/all-about/liverpool-fc Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/LivEchoLFC Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LiverpoolEchoLFC Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bloodred_lfc Follow us on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@bloodred_lfc Subscribe to us on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/bloodredliverpoolfc Download our Liverpool FC app for free: Apple - https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/lfc-echo/id1255495425 Android - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mirror.liverpoolfc Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

The Sky Sports Football Podcast
One on One | Liverpool's Slot on life at Anfield and Manchester United's Skinner on expectation

The Sky Sports Football Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 27, 2024 36:38

Liverpool manager Arne Slot sits down with Sky Sports' Kyle Walker exclusively for One on One to discuss his move to England, taking on Pep Guardiola, and online shopping!      Plus, Juliette Ferrington chats to Manchester United Women's head coach Marc Skinner about dealing with expectation and what men's football can learn from the women's game.      If you enjoy listening to One on One, please leave us a review and give us a follow, so you don't miss the next episode: podfollow.com/one-on-one-from-sky-sports To watch all the interviews from this series, head to Sky Sports News, skysports.com, or the Sky Sports Premier League YouTube channel and search for “One on One”.  

FC Afkicken
Feyenoord bezorgt Guardiola kopzorgen, PSV ontvangt Shakhtar en de rest van de Champions League wedstrijden! | FCA Daily | S01E98

FC Afkicken

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 27, 2024 42:14

In de dagelijkse podcast van FC Afkicken bespreken Bart Obbink, Neal Petersen en Nicky van der Gijp op woensdag 27 november onder meer de fantastische comeback van Feyenoord tegen Manchester City, de kopzorgen van Guardiola, de rest van de Champions League wedstrijden en PSV dat met Luuk de Jong in de spits Shakhtar ontvangt in Eindhoven!(0:00) Intro(1:47) Feyenoord beleeft waanzinnige comeback tegen City(17:47) Andere uitslagen in de Champions League(23:12) PSV neemt het op tegen Pusic en Shakhtar(31:27) Slot tegen Real Madrid(38:31) Overige CL-potjesZie het privacybeleid op https://art19.com/privacy en de privacyverklaring van Californië op https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

Frontière Rock
Frontière Rock 100% Underground du 26.11.24

Frontière Rock

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 27, 2024 120:00

Frontière Rock 22h minuit chaque mardi soir de 22h à minuit, plongez dans l'univers sombre et alternatif de la musique Dark, Alternative, Post Punk, Coldwave, Gothic Rock, Darkwave, Deathrock, New Wave, Dark Punk, Shoegaze... Ré écoutez l'émission Dark pour la rentrée de l'émission pour sa 10ème Saison Radiophonique du mardi 26 Novembre 2024 qui monte en cliquant sur le lien ci dessus. Animée par Dark Jérôme, cette émission vous fera découvrir des nouveautés récentes des meilleurs groupes et artistes de la scène underground, ainsi que les classiques du genre. Ce Frontière reçoit le Festival La Setmana Santa - Dark events in France avec son organisateur Laurent Konstroy. Ne manquez pas l'annonce des concerts de la semaine, concoctée par notre Dénicheur Jean-Marc, qui vous dévoilera les dates et les lieux où vous pourrez assister aux performances live des groupes que vous aimez. Et pour continuer en beauté, écoutez la chronique Ma Discothèque Vinyle indispensable, où Jean-Marc vous présentera un album culte ou rare qu'il a déniché dans sa collection personnelle de vinyles. Frontière Rock 22h midnight every Tuesday evening from 22h to midnight, dive into the dark and alternative world of Dark, Alternative, Post Punk, Coldwave, Gothic Rock, Darkwave, Deathrock, New Wave, Dark Punk, Shoegaze music... Listen again to the Dark show for the start of the show for its 26th Radiophonic Season on Tuesday, november 19th, 2024, which is coming up by clicking on the link above. Hosted by Dark Jérôme, this show will introduce you to recent new releases from the best bands and artists on the underground scene, as well as classics of the genre. This Frontier hosts the Festival La Setmana Santa - Dark events in France with its organizer Laurent Konstroy. Don't miss the announcement of the week's concerts, concocted by our Dénicheur Jean-Marc, who will reveal the dates and places where you can attend live performances by the bands you love. And to continue in style, listen to the column My Essential Vinyl Record Library, where Jean-Marc will present a cult or rare album that he has unearthed in his personal vinyl collection. Station: ATTITUDE Date: 26/11/2024 Slot: 22h Hour Performer Title Tuesday 22:00:00 Tuesday 22:04:01 AND ALSO THE TREES Shantell Live in Cognac 2019 Tuesday 22:14:04 My Own Burial Pain And Frustration Tuesday 22:18:00 Sable Sorcière La fête sous terre Tuesday 22:22:23 SWANS I Am The Sun Tuesday 22:25:37 Sindicato Vertical Under The Skin Tuesday 22:29:15 Crush Of Souls The Gift Tuesday 22:38:31 Radical Kitten Uppercat Tuesday 22:41:17 Diamond Dog Blue-Roses Tuesday 22:44:48 Sydney Valette La Maman et le Fantôme Tuesday 22:53:06 Dead. Ice Sky Tuesday 22:56:43 Bragolin Into Those Woods darkscene.org Station: ATTITUDE Date: 26/11/2024 Slot: 23h Hour Performer Title Tuesday 23:00:00 Tuesday 23:00:17 Rue Oberkampf 89 degrees Tuesday 23:13:40 Machinais-tarantulae To-The-Moon Tuesday 23:16:55 Die Selektion Zeuge aus Licht Tuesday 23:26:52 Kommunity FK Junkies Tuesday 23:31:53 Varsovie Nowa Aleksandria (Siekiera - Cover) Tuesday 23:37:22 Princess Ugly Death Trap (Waiting Waiting) Tuesday 23:40:30 Das Kelzer Traurigkeit destillieren 💀 Tuesday 23:43:59 engelsstaub Fading In The Dark Tuesday 23:50:53 Divine Shade Hate And Oblivion (Single) Tuesday 23:55:41 R U I N K R Ô S Necessary Loss Frontière Rock 100% Underground

Fantasy Football Blog at Razzball.com
Fantasy Football Podcast: Week 13 Waiver Adds & Trade Targets

Fantasy Football Blog at Razzball.com

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 26, 2024 53:34

  Sky Guasco teams up with Jeff Kezar and Dave Crews to break down this week's waiver wire adds and trade targets.   Waiver Wire: (5:55) Trade Targets: (27:55)   Check out all the latest tools on Razzball.com including: Fantasy Football Premium Projections Weekly Fantasy Football Rankings Slot vs. Please, blog, may I have some more?

Clare FM - Podcasts
Tech Slot: Stay Safe Online For Black Friday

Clare FM - Podcasts

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 26, 2024 8:00

On Tuesday's Morning Focus, Alan Morrissey was joined by Pat Clarke Browne for the regular tech slot. Pat runs Munster Business, based in Shannon. This week, Pat gave us all the insight into staying safe online for Black Friday. Photo (c): pixelshot via canva

Ol' Dirty Basement
The Dating Game Killer: Rodney Alcala

Ol' Dirty Basement

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 25, 2024 51:27 Transcription Available

"Send us a Fan Mail Text Message"What if the charm of a game show contestant masked the sinister soul of a serial killer? Join us in the Ol' Dirty Basement as we unravel the chilling tale of Rodney Alcala, the "Dating Game Killer," who once graced the stage of a popular TV show while hiding his heinous crimes. As we dissect Alcala's life, you'll discover how his high intellect and tumultuous upbringing paved the way for a life of manipulation and murder. From his academic adventures to his dark journey across the United States, we examine how Alcala navigated the legal system's loopholes and evaded justice for years. His chilling pattern of luring victims with photography offers and the procedural errors that allowed him to repeatedly slip through the cracks of the justice system paint a harrowing picture of evil hiding in plain sight.Our discussion also touches on Alcala's sinister use of photography as a lure, revealing a disturbing commonality among serial killers who keep trophies of their victims. We reflect on the broader implications of his case, discussing how DNA evidence finally unveiled his crimes and considering the unsettling trend of attributing unsolved cases to notorious figures like him. From playful banter to poignant insights, this episode promises an eerie and thought-provoking journey into the dark world of true crime.Support the showSounds:https://freesound.org/people/frodeims/sounds/666222/ Door openinghttps://freesound.org/people/Sami_Hiltunen/sounds/527187/ Eerie intro music https://freesound.org/people/jack126guy/sounds/361346/ Slot machinehttps://freesound.org/people/Zott820/sounds/209578/ Cash registerhttps://freesound.org/people/Exchanger/sounds/415504/ Fun Facts Jingle Thanks to The Tsunami Experiment for the theme music!!Check them out hereSUPPORT US AT https://www.buzzsprout.com/1984311/supporters/newMERCH STORE https://ol-dirty-basement.creator-spring.comFind us at the following https://oldirtybasement.buzzsprout.com WEBSITE ...

Play Fútbol
Slot hace olvidar a Klopp

Play Fútbol

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 25, 2024 79:47

Analizamos en profundidad al nuevo Liverpool, rival del Real Madrid esta semana. Además, previa completa de la Champions League y la Europa League y entrevistamos al central del Dinamo Raúl Torrente.

The Red Agenda - A show about Liverpool FC
At The Match: Salah steps up as Reds march eight points clear with win over Saints

The Red Agenda - A show about Liverpool FC

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 24, 2024 18:53

Join James Pearce for reaction from St Mary's as Liverpool move eight points clear at the top of the Premier League, thanks to more Mohamed Salah brilliance. The Egyptian King scored twice on the south coast as Arne Slot's men had to come from behind to win, despite taking a first half lead through Dominik Szoboszlai. Adam Armstrong and Mateus Fernandes scored either side of half-time to turn the game around before Salah's double to move him past 100 away goals for the club. As well as analysis from St Mary's listen in for Slot's press conference as well as Andy Jones dropping by with his thoughts after the Reds conceded twice against the Premier League's bottom side. Host: James Pearce With: Andy Jones Producer: Guy Clarke Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Unseen Incidents with Patrick and Pete
50: Trent, Frimpong, and Colin Firth

Unseen Incidents with Patrick and Pete

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 23, 2024 86:53

Hello and welcome back to another episode of Unseen Incidents! This week, we're looking at how Liverpool can survive without Trent Alexander-Arnold, Virgil van Dijk, and Mohamed Salah. What do the they bring to Slot's team? What do Liverpool need to prioritise in their replacements? And what could the next iteration of the Reds look like? We look at Trent and VVD on the public episode, but you can subscribe to our Patreon for access to the Salah conversation. Then we open up the Burn Book, with customer service, wearing glasses, and very British problems. Thanks for your support, and consider subscribing at patreon.com/patrickvs for extra shows!

Knup Sports Show
Innovating Crypto Betting & Bringing Fun Back to Slot Games with Nigel Eccles of BetHog

Knup Sports Show

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 21, 2024 24:27

In this episode of the Knup Sports Show, we're thrilled to welcome Nigel Eccles, a true pioneer in the world of daily fantasy sports and sports betting. As one of the key figures behind FanDuel's meteoric rise, Nigel has been at the forefront of innovation in the gaming industry for years. Now, he's venturing into the world of crypto with his latest project, BetHog. Designed to transform how we view online gaming and betting, BetHog blends cutting-edge technology with a renewed focus on fun and engagement. From interactive slot games to a fresh take on payments, Nigel is once again changing the game. Join us as we dive into Nigel's entrepreneurial journey, from his early days with Flutter.com to his revolutionary work at FanDuel and now BetHog. Discover how BetHog is reimagining slots for a new generation of players, why crypto offers unique advantages in the betting world, and what sets this platform apart from the competition. Whether you're a fan of innovation, sports betting, or simply curious about where the industry is headed, this is an episode you won't want to miss. You can read, watch or listen to this show here: https://knupsports.com/show/237

Alabama Bass Trail podcast
Slot Limits, Cheating, and Some Other Sweet News

Alabama Bass Trail podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 19, 2024 64:16

Kay breaks down the current state of affairs in the bass fishing world in this weeks podcast!

Davor Suker's Left Foot
Ranking the Best Teams in Europe This Season

Davor Suker's Left Foot

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 13, 2024 61:50

Hello Rank Squad! With the final international break of the calendar year now in motion, we thought it would be a good time to take stock of what's happened so far in European club football and rank the clubs who have impressed most over the start to this season. Jack's taken out any clubs he feels are underperforming expectations to narrow the field, and then ordered the seven he feels have started the strongest to give us a ranking based on what we've seen on the pitch. There's entries from all across Europe's Big Seven leagues, with some league leaders matched up with some drastic overperformers as well - so this really is one that should stir up some debate. Let us know who your picks would have been across our socials! Before that, there's some time for Things We Love, which this week digs into the MLS postseason and the rise of the underdog in the Eastern Conference, as well as Fiorentina's flying form and the resurgence of Moise Kean as a bona fide star. It's Ranks!   And remember, if you'd like more from the Rank Squad, including extra podcasts every Monday and Friday (including our weekly Postbox taking a look at the whole weekend of football) and access to our brilliant Discord community, then why not join us here on Patreon?