Economic and political union of European states
There are over 1300 cosmetic ingredients banned or heavily restricted in Europe yet there are only 11 ingredients banned in the USA for cosmetic use. LET THAT SINK IN! - Today I am talking about why there is such a huge difference in regulation between the USA and the EU when it comes to cosmetics ingredients and better sources for those looking for cleaner cosmetics in the USA. Past Podcast Episodes to Listen to: Toups & Co. Episode 192 Alitura Episode 144 As always, if you have any questions for the show please email us at And if you like this show, please share it, rate it, review it and subscribe to it on your favorite podcast app. Sponsored By: ARMRA For a discount use code DIGEST at Fatty15 For 15% off the starter kit go to Check Out Bethany: Bethany's Instagram: @lilsipper YouTube Bethany's Website Discounts & My Favorite Products My Digestive Support Protein Powder Gut Reset Book Get my Newsletters (Friday Finds)
Tem gente que não acredita em amizade entre homens e mulheres. Mas o que a ciência tem a dizer sobre isso? E sobre as tais "Cinco Linguagens do Amor" que infestam a internet? E qual a relação disso com a teoria do apego? Esta é a primeira parte de duas.Confira o papo entre o leigo curioso, Ken Fujioka, e o cientista PhD, Altay de Souza.>> OUÇA (51min 29s)*Naruhodo! é o podcast pra quem tem fome de aprender. Ciência, senso comum, curiosidades, desafios e muito mais. Com o leigo curioso, Ken Fujioka, e o cientista PhD, Altay de Souza.Edição: Reginaldo Cursino.*APOIO: INSIDERIlustríssima ouvinte, ilustríssimo ouvinte do Naruhodo,Feliz ano novo! E ano novo pede roupa nova. Ou não! Porque as minhas peças INSIDER continuam como novas, mesmo depois de tanto tempo de uso.Aliás, já te falei que minhas peças favoritas são as camisetas oversized INSIDER? Eu adoro. Sério.Mas, péra aí... Você ainda não experimentou INSIDER? Então o momento é agora: usando o cupom NARUHODO, você tem um desconto especial.Sabe o que mais? Em janeiro, ao aplicar o cupom NARUHODO nos kits, você terá um valor final ainda mais vantajoso! E você sabe: os kits INSIDER são opções super práticas e inteligentes de se vestir bem.Para aproveitar, o jeito mais fácil é usar o endereço ou clicar no link da descrição deste episódio: o cupom será aplicado automaticamente no carrinho.É tempo de novos ares. É tempo de kits INSIDER.#InsiderStore*REFERÊNCIASAutonomy promotion, responsiveness, and emotion regulation promote effective social support in times of stress Psychology Through a Scientific Lens: Evaluating Love Languages From a Relationship Science Perspectiveúmes e exclusividade amorosa: uma investigação psicanalítica (2024) love the way you love me: Responding to partner's love language preferences boosts satisfaction in romantic heterosexual couples the predictions of Chapman's five love languages theory: Does speaking a partner's primary love language predict relationship quality? Effectiveness of Social Support power and limits of friendship in Spinoza's Ethics in cultural-ecological context Friendship: Sex Differences and Similarities in Initiation, Selection, and Dissolution test of Aristotle's model of friendship for young adults' same-sex and opposite-sex relationships and Gender Differences in the Perception of Friendship by Adolescents differences in friendship preferences AND LOSS preference dissimilarity predicts friendship attraction at zero-acquaintance for men, not women Study of Rental friend in Urban Communities“When Strangers Meet”: John Bowlby and Harry Harlow on Attachment Behavior Do Ideal Friend Preferences and Interaction Context Affect Friendship Formation? Evidence for a Domain- General Relationship Initiation Process and their Developmental Significance people make friends: The nature of friendship #216 - Por que sentimos ciúmes? #84 - O que leva uma pessoa a ser transgênero? #103 - Testes de personalidade funcionam? #215 - Por que uma multidão cantando parece afinada? #382 - Quem ama o feio bonito lhe parece? #369 - É mais difícil fazer amigos quando envelhecemos? #70 - Existe amor à primeira vista? #92 - Como funciona a "química" entre duas pessoas? #230 - Por que quando olhamos para uma pessoa ela nos olha de volta? #311 - O apego mãe-bebê é algo inato? #411 - Por que traímos? - Parte 1 de 2 #412 - Por que traímos? - Parte 2 de 2 #430 - Por que é tão difícil deixar o rancor de lado? #261 - O que a solidão pode causar nas pessoas? #95 - Pessoas bonitas são privilegiadas? #415 - Subir escadas pode ajudar pessoas com transtornos psiquiátricos? #277 - O que é singularidade? - Parte 1 de 2 #278 - O que é singularidade? - Parte 2 de 2 #404 - Por que algumas pessoas gostam de terminar as coisas e outras não?*APOIE O NARUHODO!O Altay e eu temos duas mensagens pra você.A primeira é: muito, muito obrigado pela sua audiência. Sem ela, o Naruhodo sequer teria sentido de existir. Você nos ajuda demais não só quando ouve, mas também quando espalha episódios para familiares, amigos - e, por que não?, inimigos.A segunda mensagem é: existe uma outra forma de apoiar o Naruhodo, a ciência e o pensamento científico - apoiando financeiramente o nosso projeto de podcast semanal independente, que só descansa no recesso do fim de ano.Manter o Naruhodo tem custos e despesas: servidores, domínio, pesquisa, produção, edição, atendimento, tempo... Enfim, muitas coisas para cobrir - e, algumas delas, em dólar.A gente sabe que nem todo mundo pode apoiar financeiramente. E tá tudo bem. Tente mandar um episódio para alguém que você conhece e acha que vai gostar.A gente sabe que alguns podem, mas não mensalmente. E tá tudo bem também. Você pode apoiar quando puder e cancelar quando quiser. O apoio mínimo é de 15 reais e pode ser feito pela plataforma ORELO ou pela plataforma APOIA-SE. Para quem está fora do Brasil, temos até a plataforma PATREON.É isso, gente. Estamos enfrentando um momento importante e você pode ajudar a combater o negacionismo e manter a chama da ciência acesa. Então, fica aqui o nosso convite: apóie o Naruhodo como
(00:30): MEP for venstre: Den grønne trepart er så god, at hele EU skal have den. Medvirkende: Asger Christensen, medlem af Europa-Parlamentet for Venstre. (18:00): Digitaliseringsminister med budskab: ”Luk telefonen og lav noget sjovt”. Medvirkende: Caroline Stage, digitaliseringsminister for Moderaterne. (29:00): Flere partier vil stoppe udenlandsk partistøtte - Men ikke Liberal Alliance. Medvirkende: Sólbjørg Jakobsen, politisk ordfører i Liberal Alliance. (44:00): Libanon og Syrien vil opbygge et holdbart bånd og starte forfra. Medvirkende: Naser Khader, tidligere medlem af folketinget. Værter: Kasper Harboe & Mathias WissingSee for privacy information.
The Hanseatic League was often compared to a crocodile, because it was a shadowy, somewhat sinister entity that kept its true intentions concealed. Here, in conversation with Spencer Mizen, Professor Sheilagh Ogilvie answers listener questions on this medieval trading federation. She considers whether it was a precursor to the European Union, what tactics it employed to intimidate nation states and how it helped King Edward III secure the English throne. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
P1:s veckomagasin om Sverige och världen politik, trender och analyser. Lyssna på alla avsnitt i Sveriges Radio Play. I första timmen:USA, Arktis och Grönland - hur hänger det ihop? Hör Niklas Granholm, forskningsledare på Totalförsvarets forskningsinstitut, FOI, efter Donald Trumps uttalande och vilja att ta kontroll över Grönland.Bränderna fortsätter rasa i Kalifornien. Hör rapport från korrespondent Love Lyssarides direkt från Los Angeles.Intensivt föräldraskap. Nu kommer hälsovarningar om att föräldraskap kan vara en folkhälsorisk.Njursjukdomar drabbar nu en ny yngre grupp i samhället. Men orsaken bakom är kontroversiell att tala om. Hör reportage från Costa Rica och en svensk professor i njurmedicin om vad allt egentligen handlar om.Krönika Katarina Barrling.Veckans panel: Zina Al-Dewany, Aftonbladet, Kajsa Kettil, Borås Tidning, Göran Greider, Dalademokraten.I andra timmen:Elon Musk och europapolitiken. Hör tre korrespondenter om hur om hur europeiska ledare reagerat när Musk lagt sig i.EU:s nya utrikeschef - vem är hon? Hör röster från Bryssel och Tallin. Idag startar Folk och Försvar. Hör Ekots Mats Eriksson som finns på plats i Sälen.Den alkoholfria trenden håller i sig och försäljningen av alkholfri dryck går som tåget både i Sverige och globalt. Utöver ölen så har den alkoholfria spriten också fått en ny stark ställning på marknaden. Hör hur lukt, smak och förväntningar på det man dricker hänger ihop.Gäster: David Kringlund, bartender, youtuber och författare och Johan Lundholm, professor i psykologi med inriktining på luktperception.I norra Indien inleds nu världens största religiösa samling. Hör reportage om ett nytt storslaget tempel som väcker blandade känslor. Kåseri Helena von Zweigbergk.Programledare: Hélène BennoTekniker: Maria StillbergProducent: Cecilia Tengmark
O que o neoliberalismo tem a ver com o jeito com que malhamos? Para o Bruno Gualano, professor do Centro de Medicina do Estilo de Vida da Faculdade de Medicina da USP, tudo a ver. "Os discursos do mundo fitness são individualizantes, egoístas, focados exclusivamente no eu, na pessoa, que se tem vontade, alcança o objetivo. Se tem disciplina, se tem foco, força e fé, que é um dos lemas mais comuns que a gente ouve por aí, ela consegue prosperar. Eu brinco que o foco, força e fé é a teologia da prosperidade aplicada ao corpo humano", afirma o pesquisador, que é o convidado da edição sobre vaidade no Podcast da Semana. Membro da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, ele diz que essas noções criadas sobre saúde e bem-estar são enganosas e, na verdade, prejudiciais ao corpo e à mente. "As cirurgias cosméticas, o uso de esteroides anabolizantes, chip da beleza, lift de bumbum, é tanta bobagem que a gente vê por aí em busca da estética e não tem nada de saúde nisso, não tem nada de saúde física e nem saúde mental", afirma. Segundo ele, é importante que o corpo ideal seja inalcançável para que continuemos consumindo sempre os produtos desse mercado. "O mundo fitness muda o sabor dos corpos ideais. Já tivemos a magreza extrema como modelo a ser perseguido. Agora temos corpos definidos, anabolizados, hipertrofiados, tanto para homens quanto para mulheres, uma coisa muito curiosa, um símbolo do sucesso. E aí os produtos também giram em torno desses corpos ideais", afirma. Na entrevista, Gualano, que é coordenador do Laboratório de Avaliação e Condicionamento em Reumatologia (HCFMUSP), fala ainda a respeito dos remédios usados para combater a obesidade e sobre como influenciadores fitness são inimigos da saúde pública. Ele defende que uma rotina de exercício físicos seja estimulada por políticas públicas e diz que práticas de atividades mais moderadas são muito válidas. Roteiro e apresentação: Isabelle Moreira Lima
"It was the right thing for the UK": Boris Johnson 'unapologetic' about Brexit Boris Johnson is unapologetic about taking his country out of the European Union. He's in New Zealand for a speaking event and to promote his book 'Unleashed'. The former British Prime Minister says while there was panic about Brexit at the time, in the long term it's been good for the UK. He told Kerre Woodham that the split from the EU came in handy during the Covid pandemic. He says it allowed the country to get early access to vaccines before other European countries. Johnson says the massive Conservative loss in this year's UK General Election can't be blamed on him. The Conservative Party's defeat by Keir Starmer's Labour was one of its worst-ever losses. Johnson told Woodham had he and Rishi Sunak teamed up, it would have been a different result. He says if they'd been able to put into action some things they'd planned, they would have wiped the floor with Starmer. He's denied any responsibility for the conflict between Ukraine and Russia, and says progress has been slow since he left office. The former Prime Minister says it's "absolute bollocks" to suggest the UK could have a role in negotiating peace between Ukraine and Russia. Johnson says the West has a pathetic paranoia about humiliating Vladimir Putin - and is too half-hearted in helping Ukraine. He says he's fed up with hearing the nonsense idea we'd risk a nuclear confrontation. LISTEN ABOVESee for privacy information.
Andrew For America plays an assortment of clips from various WEF, UN, EU, and WHO officials including Tedros Ghebreyesus, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, Al Gore, António Guterres, and Ursala von der Leyen, as well as CEO of NPR Katherine Maher, and of course Alex Jones. It seems that the "big club" has a very clear agenda in mind for the year 2030, and it is truly Orwellian to say the least! The song selection is the song, "Antifantasy" by the band No Trigger. Visit and check out all of the amazing punk rock artists! Visit to check out Andrew's music! Like and Follow The Politics & Punk Rock Podcast PLAYLIST on Spotify!!! Check it out here: Watch and learn about these awesome offers for your survival needs from former Afghanistan war veteran, police officer, and citizen journalist, Mr. Teddy Daniels: Operation Blackout Survival Guide: Famine Fighter Survival Food Supply: Famine Survival Food Growing Book: Devils Dollar Currency Survival Book:
EU scientists say 2024 was the warmest year on record, and the first to exceed the 1.5C global warming limit. Also: Los Angeles residents return to their burnt-out homes, and is time running out for TikTok?
Day 1,052Today, as top diplomat Kaja Kallas claims the EU will be ready to step into the breach if the US withdraws support for Ukraine, we discuss the latest weapon donations at Ramstein and include a dispatch from Kyiv at a drone workshop.Contributors:Adélie Pojzman-Pontay (Journalist & narrative podcast producer). @adeliepjz on X.Dominic Nicholls (Associate Editor of Defence). @DomNicholls on X.Francis Dearnley (Executive Editor for Audio). @FrancisDearnley on X.Content Referenced:'Ukraine's Resilience' event co-hosted by Chatham House in Edinburgh: Trump pushes back Ukraine war deadline in sign of support for Kyiv (Financial Times): blocks new billion-euro package for Ukraine (Der Spiegel):—Chinese Patents Reveal Aim to Cut Undersea Cables (Newsweek): Border Patrol arrests former Russian mercenary near Roma (Valley Central): Workshop:For more information, see: to The Telegraph: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
International outraged erupts after Mark Zuckerberg's vow to end internet censorship: from Brazil and throughout the EU: Why do powerful governments want to restrict internet freedom? Plus: Lee Fang explains why LA Mayor Karen Bass was abroad when the wildfires tore through her city. He also outlines the financial incentives behind H1B Visas. Watch full episodes on Rumble, streamed LIVE 7pm ET. Become part of our Locals community Follow Glenn: Twitter Instagram Follow System Update: Twitter Instagram TikTok Facebook LinkedIn Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
European Union scientists confirm last year was the hottest on record. We hear from the European Copernicus climate service and from the Los Angeles firefighter battling flames and exhaustion.Also on the programme: Venezuela's authoritarian leader Nicolas Maduro is about to be sworn in for a third term in office; and one of the world's greatest violins is about to be auctioned.(Photo: A man uses a bag on his head to protect himself form the sun during the heatwave in Dhaka, Bangladesh, 22 April 2024. Credit: EPA-EFE/REX/Shutterstock)
The EU is preparing for president-elect Donald Trump to roll back his predecessor's executive orders, bond markets have entered a new era of antagonism with governments, and insurers are bracing for losses of as much as $20bn from wildfires in Los Angeles. Plus, Elon Musk has privately discussed with allies how Sir Keir Starmer could be removed as UK prime minister before the next general election.Mentioned in this podcast:EU fears Trump rolling back Biden-era measures Bond market ‘police' are back as investors patrol spending plans Insurers brace for losses of up to $20bn from California wildfires Musk examines how to oust Starmer as UK prime minister before next election Resold tickets prices set to be capped under UK tout crackdown The FT News Briefing is produced by Niamh Rowe, Fiona Symon, Sonja Hutson, Kasia Broussalian and Marc Filippino. Additional help from Breen Turner, Sam Giovinco, Peter Barber, Michael Lello, David da Silva and Gavin Kallmann. Our engineer is Joseph Salcedo. Topher Forhecz is the FT's executive producer. The FT's global head of audio is Cheryl Brumley. The show's theme song is by Metaphor Music.Read a transcript of this episode on Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
ESGDisclosureThe next wave of anti-ESG movement focuses on reduced disclosureDecrease in Director/NEO bio/photo disclosure in both proxy statements and corporate websitesAnti-DEI board compositionA sharp drop in new directors that are “diverse”An increase in overall board size; instead of outright replacing diverse directors, an increase of white male directors (who skew younger) are simply added to boardsMusk effectGreater re-domestication push: incorporate, headquarters, employees: SHPs reflect thisCEO pay reconfigured for higher payouts:Decrease in “longterm” CEO compensation performance periods to reflect shorter CEO tenure and general CEO greedNew players in proxy cage matches: toxic bros (maybe a bitcoin bro?)SEC moves to greatly restrict shareholders' right to submit proposalsWill lead to a significant decrease in E & S proposals: both in SHPs submitted and SHPs removedSHP support percentage will continue to decreaseBut I think we will see a new active conservative SHP machine to go along with the two CentersBlame game/oversight greenwashingIncrease in board-level committees (partly to due a thing and partly to pretend a thing was being done): AI, Cybersecurity, Succession PlanningSharp increase in “co-” arrangements: co-CEO; co-Chairs, etc. in order to shift blamePwC's figure that 49% of directors want someone on their board replaced (and 25% want two or more directors replaced) increases to 66% and 44%GeneralThe next “Bud Light” is… Kontoor Brands (Lee/Wrangler)Something deemed “woke” triggers the MAGA mob and when they discover in the proxy that the company “Increased board gender diversity in 2024” and was “undertaking a search for a potential additional gender diverse director” all hell breaks loose.Year of ZuckEven more so if TikTok failsThe obvious prediction is Musk buys a media company but maybe I think Zuck makes a pivotal acquisitionElon fades due to Tesla sucking and Trump battlesYear of Drones: a CEO is fired for either accidental or illegal misuse of dronesSignificant increase in the “banning” of social media and teen smartphone usePeopleBuffett diesTim Cook steps downAfter more than a decade of tenure, Doug McMillon begins leadership transition from Wal-Mart with eyes on 2028 PresidencyAI. Also Generative AI. And headwinds.Texas is the new FloridaTexas sees an influx of incorporation under the pretense of “regulation easing”, but every company that moves is basically just racistGoodbye shareholder rights, we hardly knew theeAbolish say on pay (not even advisory!)Every board moves to classified boardWhy not, investors don't challenge a single director anyway!Proxy voting policies are made illegal, as voting against the company in any way is considered discrimination against companiesAnti-ESG bills keep forgetting that G is in ESG… and they're banning it, which means no proxy voting at allWyoming includes language stating “assessing corporate board or employment” as “evidence of” having a social agenda, and therefore bannedCostco isn't aloneThe pushback against DEI pushback will come from the few, the strong, and the highly democratic boards with strong female power:1,023 mega, large, and mid cap US companies721 have diversity programs of some kind that are disclosed644 have disclosed targets or internal training around DEIOnly 94 companies have BOTH highly democratic boards (where power is dispersed evenly) AND top quartile female power on the board AND DEI programsThe most democratic is Costco - 32% female power (top quartile) and less than 3% deviation of power (4th most democratic in the entire US, tops for DEILayer in strong stock returns, and here are the companies who are likely to be targeted and push back:Procter & Gamble1yr/5yr up 8/31%Sell Braun, Gillette, Old Spice - man brands39% female power, 4% power deviationAltria1/5yr up 3/25%Cigarettes are still manly47% female power, 5% deviationMen FINALLY get some powerThe Meta Method: increase board size, add all men - went from one of the more gender diverse boards (fake, but still) to BELOW AVERAGE in one cycleThere are NINE board that by adding ONE more dude, they would become:Less than 50% femaleFrom positive to negative power gapRemain democratic (so dudes get a say) - here are the large caps:Cardinal HealthHPStryker CorpHonorable mention: Cracker Barrel, which is one Robbie Starbuck away from negating female powerThe US vs. Europe divide NARROWS… as the EU moves hard rightWatch 2025 elections: Norway parliament, German federal, Greece presidential, Czech parliament, Irish presidential (in which Conor McGregor is a viable candidate)The frameworks and regulations around environmental and ESG issues were so badly constructed, it's the perfect storm for pushback and rollback - watch the EU undo everything to catch up with the US in the race to the bottomThe rise of the director activistA new model in investor activism - director activism, not corporate activism - built on how people perform and whether they have the skills they should have on a particular boardFinding underperforming PEOPLE and replacing themFind underperforming companiesFind underperforming teams - globally…3,406 companies out of more than 10,000 with at least one director who has historically (and currently) performed in the BOTTOM THIRD of all directors on TSR726 of them, MORE THAN HALF THE BOARD is comprised of bottom dwelling directors196 of them MORE THAN HALF THE BOARD is comprised of bottom dwellers for BOTH TSR and carbonFind knowledge gapsIn the 196, Frontier Airlines has 8 directors with Econ backgrounds, but 4 with mechanical backgrounds, 2 with safety, and 2 with transportation backgroundsM&T Bank's largest expense is people… but there are ZERO directors with deep knowledge in HR or personnel management for highly paid employeesBegin a data driven vote campaign for cognitive diversityYou don't need an absurdly long powerpoint presentation with backing from Jeff Sonnenfeld to achieve this - your narrative is simple: we hire based on meritocracy, you guys stink.The absurd might not be so absurd?AIAI sues a company for discriminationIt was unfairly taught DEIAI is added to a board of directorsAnd labelled as “gender neutral” for the diversity matrixAI avatars to go to meetings for you, including your HR meetingsCowardsIn the wake of Brian Thomson's murder, Mark Zuckerberg figures out the new best use of the Metaverse: a place for boards and executives to meet without leaving their housesCompanies begin disclosing whether directors have guns, the horsepower of the engines of their cars, and whether they are “white” or a new race called “extra white”WokeThe first “woke parallel economy” investors begin popping up to combat the anti-woke parallel economy investorsWalled-off “woke zones” - like in stores that sold porn mags behind the counter, you can now request to enter the “woke zones” in stores where they keep pride merch and feminine products, but you need an ID to enter and children under 17 must be accompanied by an adult
In EVN Report's news roundup for the week of January 10: Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev ramps up his anti-Armenian rhetoric, marking a notable escalation in his war-mongering statements; Armenian PM Nikol Pashinyan responds, accusing Baku of attempting to legitimize a potential new escalation in the region; Armenia's government approves a draft law to initiate the country's process of joining the European Union and more.
Vanja Nikolić je dramaturg, pisac za decu i odrasle, mentor za pisanje i predavač. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Sponzori ⚡️ Crux suplementi: Ja koristim Ashwagandu pred svako snimanje podkasta ili pred neku meni lično važnu aktivnost koja zahteva moj fokus i energiju. Pružite prirodnu snagu svom umu i telu:
In Thailand I spoke to Florian Glatz, probably the first crypto focused lawyer in Europe and possible the world and co-founder of Common Ground, an on-chain social network. Florian also helped author some part of the MiCA legislation in the EU which lays out the legal framework for cryptocurrences.We spoke about his experiences in the early days of the ICO boom, the unpreparedness of the legal system for crypto, and how Common Ground is leading the way for fairer ways to do ICOs. You can also join the Breadchain community on Common Ground here. Those who signed up with 100 BREAD in their wallet qualified for an airdrop of their token.If you liked the podcast be sure to give it a review on your preferred podcast platform. If you find content like this important consider donating to my Patreon starting at just $3 per month. It takes quite a lot of my time and resources so any amount helps. Follow me on Twitter (@TBSocialist) or Mastodon ( and join the r/CryptoLeftists subreddit and Discord to join the discussion.Send me your questions or comments about the show and I'll read them out sometime. Support the showICYMI I've written a book about, no surprise, blockchains through a left political framework! The title is Blockchain Radicals: How Capitalism Ruined Crypto and How to Fix It and is being published through Repeater Books, the publishing house started by Mark Fisher who's work influenced me a lot in my thinking. The book is officially published and you use this linktree to find where you can purchase the book based on your region / country.
Das EU-Türkei-Abkommen von 2016 sollte Migration stoppen und der Türkei Vorteile wie visafreies Reisen bringen. Das blieb aus. Drei Millionen syrische Flüchtlinge leben dort weiter in schwierigen Bedingungen - auch nach dem Ende des Assad-Regimes. Guckelsberger, Florian, Hintergrund
AP correspondent Charles de Ledesma reports European Union weather experts find in 2024 Earth experienced the hottest year ever.
Donald Trump lobt Italiens Ministerpräsidentin. Sie will am 20 Januar bei seiner Amtseinführung dabei sein. Manche sehen sie schon als Brückenbauerin der EU. Andere verspotten sie als Cheerleaderin. Sie selbst antwortet mit Spiderman.
From the devastating wars in Ukraine, Sudan and Gaza to Donald Trump's threats over Greenland and the Panama Canal, what are the places to watch this year? Bronwen Maddox is joined by Gideon Rachman, the FT's chief foreign affairs commentator, Leslie Vinjamuri, the director of our US and America's programme and Renad Mansour, a senior fellow for our Middle East and North Africa programme. Read our latest: As the UK government seeks greater engagement with China, a clearer strategy is crucial – and long overdue A rapid ceasefire in Ukraine could lead Donald Trump into a Russian trap With Trump's inauguration, the EU and Turkey must finally get serious about security cooperation Russia's economic dilemmas give Trump important leverage in negotiations on Ukraine. But will he use it? Presented by Bronwen Maddox. Produced by John Pollock. Cross-border conflict, evidence, policy and trends (XCEPT) Read the Winter issue of The World Today Listen to The Climate Briefing podcast
Carbon markets will be a big focus of sustainability discussions in 2025 after making headlines at COP29, the UN climate conference that took place in Baku, Azerbaijan in late 2024. In this week's ESG Insider podcast, we dive into the topic of carbon markets with coverage from the sidelines of the S&P Global Commodity Insights Global Carbon Markets Conference. We sit down with Andrea Bonzanni, International Policy Director at the International Emissions Trading Association (IETA). Andrea talks about the outlook for carbon markets after parties at COP29 finalized key rules and guidelines for international carbon trading under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement on climate change. We speak to Marieke Franssen, Managing Director and Head of Commodity Carry Solutions at French investment bank Natixis, who says generating confidence in the market will be a key driver of demand. “Companies need to be incentivized to buy, and they need to be given the confidence that the credits that they're buying can be put to use,” she tells us. We also talk to: Chris Slater, CEO and Founder of Oka, The Carbon Insurance Company, who explains how the insurance sector can contribute to the development of the carbon markets; Linda Rivera Macedo, Head of Safeguards and Sustainable Development at Calyx Global, who discusses the role of carbon ratings agencies in building confidence in the market; and Robin Pedroza, Head of Sustainability Transformation at thyssenkrupp Materials Services, part of German industrial and steel giant thyssenkrupp. Robin talks to us about the impact the EU's carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM) is having on the steel industry. Listen to our coverage of COP29 carbon markets outcomes: Listen to our explainer podcast series on carbon markets: Exploring the role of carbon markets in reaching climate targets: What's next for voluntary carbon markets: Learn more about the 2025 Global Carbon Markets Conference from S&P Global Commodity Insights: This piece was published by S&P Global Sustainable1, a part of S&P Global. Copyright ©2024 by S&P Global DISCLAIMER By accessing this Podcast, I acknowledge that S&P GLOBAL makes no warranty, guarantee, or representation as to the accuracy or sufficiency of the information featured in this Podcast. The information, opinions, and recommendations presented in this Podcast are for general information only and any reliance on the information provided in this Podcast is done at your own risk. This Podcast should not be considered professional advice. Unless specifically stated otherwise, S&P GLOBAL does not endorse, approve, recommend, or certify any information, product, process, service, or organization presented or mentioned in this Podcast, and information from this Podcast should not be referenced in any way to imply such approval or endorsement. The third party materials or content of any third party site referenced in this Podcast do not necessarily reflect the opinions, standards or policies of S&P GLOBAL. S&P GLOBAL assumes no responsibility or liability for the accuracy or completeness of the content contained in third party materials or on third party sites referenced in this Podcast or the compliance with applicable laws of such materials and/or links referenced herein. Moreover, S&P GLOBAL makes no warranty that this Podcast, or the server that makes it available, is free of viruses, worms, or other elements or codes that manifest contaminating or destructive properties. S&P GLOBAL EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL LIABILITY OR RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR OTHER DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF ANY INDIVIDUAL'S USE OF, REFERENCE TO, RELIANCE ON, OR INABILITY TO USE, THIS PODCAST OR THE INFORMATION PRESENTED IN THIS PODCAST.
George Lee, Environment Correspondent, reports that the world just experienced the first full year in which global temperatures exceeded 1.5C above pre-industrial times, scientists at the European Union's Copernicus agency have said.
Happy New Year to all our listeners, and welcome to the start of the 6th year of The South East Asia Travel Show. In 2024, for the first time, our show was downloaded in more than 100 countries (actually, 113) - and as this is the time of year for forecasting, we're aiming for 120 in 2025. To kick off the year, Gary and Hannah have put together a list of 15 hot travel and tourism topics to watch out for over the next 12 months. No spoilers, but the journey takes us to Thailand, Malaysia (East & West), Singapore, Vietnam, The Philippines and Myanmar, plus China, India, Japan, South Korea, Australia and Nepal... and mentions for the EU and BRICS. We wrap up by each selecting our 2025 Tourism Word of the Year.
Inicia programa "Sí al Desarme, Sí a la Paz" en la Basílica de Guadalupe EU ofrece recompensa por detención de Nicolás Maduro Más información en nuestro podcast
Elon Musk was al de rijkste man ter wereld, maar wordt hij ook de machtigste? Redacteur Merijn de Waal legt uit waarom Musk zich plots bezig houdt met wereldpolitiek en hoe de opbloeiende liefde tussen hem en aankomend president Trump daar onderdeel van is.Gast: Merijn de WaalPresentatie: Gabriella AdèrRedactie: Felicia Alberding en Ilse EshuisMontage: Jennifer PetterssonCoördinatie: Henk Ruigrok van der Werven Lees ook: Door Musk moet de Britse premier zich opnieuw verdedigen over het ‘grooming schandaal' en Elon Musk interviewt Duitse AfD-politica, waarmee hij de EU opnieuw provoceert. ‘Het houdt heel Brussel bezig'Zie het privacybeleid op en de privacyverklaring van Californië op
In this episode of Decentralize with Cointelegraph, we mark the one-year anniversary of the spot Bitcoin ETF approvals from the SEC with an in-depth review of their impact and potential. Host Savannah Fortis, Cointelegraph's EU reporter and head of podcasts, is joined by James Seyffart, ETF research analyst at Bloomberg Intelligence; Ray Salmond, Cointelegraph's head of markets; Gareth Jenkinson, Cointelegraph's managing editor; and James Butterfill, head of research at CoinShares. Together, they explore the key milestones of spot Bitcoin ETFs since their approval, their influence on crypto markets and what the ETF landscape might look like in 2025.Whether you're a seasoned investor or new to the world of crypto ETFs, this episode delivers expert insights and predictions you won't want to miss.This episode was hosted by Savannah Fortis @savannah_fortis and produced by Elena Volkova (Hatch Up). Follow Cointelegraph on X @Cointelegraph.Check out Cointelegraph at you like what you heard, rate us and leave a review!The views, thoughts and opinions expressed in this podcast are its participants' alone and do not necessarily reflect or represent the views and opinions of Cointelegraph. This podcast (and any related content) is for entertainment purposes only and does not constitute financial advice, nor should it be taken as such. Everyone must do their own research and make their own decisions. The podcast's participants may or may not own any of the assets mentioned.If you like what you heard, rate us and leave a review!The views, thoughts and opinions expressed in this podcast are its participants' alone and do not necessarily reflect or represent the views and opinions of Cointelegraph. This podcast (and any related content) is for entertainment purposes only and does not constitute financial advice, nor should it be taken as such. Everyone must do their own research and make their own decisions. The podcast's participants may or may not own any of the assets mentioned.
Mens USA's kommende præsident rækker brutalt ud efter Grønland, vil Elon Musk styre den politiske debat i Storbritannien og Tyskland. Årets første podcast fra Bruxelles ser på den balancegang for EU, som det nye transatlantiske forhold udløser.Vært og tilrettelægger: Thomas Lauritzen, Altingets Europa-analytiker.Medvært: Rikke Albrechtsen, Altingets EU-redaktør.Hør også: Wojciech Talko, talsmand for det polske EU-formandskab.Producer: Clara Vestergaard Lausen, podcastassistent. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
CLIQUE AQUI E ACOMPANHE ESTE EPISÓDIO GRAVADO AO VIVO E COM IMAGENS NO YOUTUBE! // SEJA NOSSO APOIADOR: – Sorteios exclusivos, seu nome citado nos programas, acesso ao nosso grupo secreto do Discord pra falar com a gente por vídeo e assistir filmes com nois! // ANUNCIE NO MOÍDACAST: ///////////////////////////////////////// // NOSSAS REDES SOCIAIS: – Site Oficial – Twitch – Instagram – Twitter – TikTok // OS ESPECIALISTAS EM P0RR4 NENHUMA: – Klaus Aires – Kleber Tanide – Letícia Godoy – Rafa Longhini – Silas Ravani EQUIPE: // PAUTA E CAPA: – Letícia Godoy // EDIÇÃO: – Silas RavaniSee for privacy information.
Artsen zonder Grenzen schort haar medische activiteiten in het Bashair Teaching Hospital in Zuid-Khartoem op, een van de laatste functionerende ziekenhuizen van de stad. De hulporganisatie neemt dat besluit na een reeks aanvallen en veroordeelt het aanhoudende geweld op patiënten en personeel. Daarover Michiel Hofman van Artsen zonder Grenzen. (07:18) Welke agenda gaat schuil achter de aanvallen van Elon Musk op Europese politici? Steun voor radicaal-rechts in Europa, aanvallen op de Britse regering en pogingen om Europese regelgeving te beïnvloeden: Elon Musk, de rijkste man op aarde én de rechterhand van aanstaand president Trump heeft zijn pijlen gericht op Europa. Met X als zijn persoonlijke megafoon neemt hij leiders als Olaf Scholz en Keir Starmer onder vuur. Wat voor politieke agenda gaat er schuil achter die barrage van tweets? En wat moet de EU hiertegen doen? Daarover Koen Haegens van de Groene Amsterdammer en VVD-Europarlementariër Bart Groothuis. Presentatie: Sophie Derkzen
Diese Woche mit Verena Kern und Sandra Kirchner. Die weltweiten Temperaturen lagen 2024 laut dem Copernicus-Klimawandeldienst der EU im Schnitt um 1,6 Grad über dem vorindustriellen Niveau. Damit ist das Ziel des Pariser Klimaabkommens, die Erderwärmung auf 1,5 Grad zu begrenzen, praktisch nicht mehr zu erreichen. 2024 sind die Treibhausgasemissionen von Deutschland gesunken – auf ein Niveau wie zuletzt in den 1950er Jahren. Denn im vergangenen Jahr standen Kohlekraftwerke immer häufiger still, wie die Emissionsbilanz der Denkfabrik Agora Energiewende zeigt. Doch durch Verkehr, Heizen und Industrie wird immer noch jede Menge CO2 in die Atmosphäre gepumpt. Die Politik schützt die Menschen nicht ausreichend vor den Folgen der Klimakrise, stattdessen wird versucht, Klimapolitik zurückzudrehen: Das wirft Fridays for Future den Parteien im Bundestag vor. Vor der Wahl fordern die Klimaaktivist:innen Maßnahmen für ambitionierten Klimaschutz. -- Das klima update° wird jede Woche von Spender:innen unterstützt. Wenn auch du dazu beitragen willst, geht das HIER Wir danken hier und jetzt - aber auch noch mal namentlich im Podcast (natürlich nur, wenn ihr zustimmt).
Inside Wirtschaft - Der Podcast mit Manuel Koch | Börse und Wirtschaft im Blick
“Für mich wirkt die Politik wie ein Klassentreffen der Schulabbrecher. Die Politik ist ein Modell, wo man nichts nachhaltig bewegen kann. Ich würde hart durchgreifen und einen Strafgerichtshof für Steuerverschwender etablieren. Und ein leidiges Thema: Rente muss frei von Steuern sein! Zudem würde ich Deutschland von der EU abkoppeln”, sagt Rolf B. Pieper. Der CEO der TRI Concept AG über seinen Kongress am 1. Februar 2025: “Wir dürfen einen besonderen Gast empfangen: Sandra Navidi. Mir ist wichtig, mal ein paar Insider-Informationen zu bekommen. Denn sie kommt direkt vom World Economic Forum zu uns. Da bekommen wir Informationen aus erster Hand.” Pieper warnt zudem vor möglichen Enteignungsszenerien und mahnt, dass es jetzt Zeit sei, einen Plan B für den Vermögenserhalt aufzustellen. Alle Infos - auch zum neuen Buch und dem Kongress - im Interview von Inside Wirtschaft-Chefredakteur Manuel Koch und auf
Nach gescheiterten Verhandlungen mit SPÖ und NEOS bahnt sich in Österreich eine blau-schwarze Koalition an – mit dem ersten FPÖ-Kanzler der Geschichte. Was bedeutet das für die Klimapolitik des Landes? Während das Aus für die Klimaneutralität 2040 als sicher gilt, stehen auch die CO2-Bepreisung und das Klimaticket auf dem Prüfstand. Die selbsternannten "Autofahrerparteien" setzen andere Prioritäten als ihre Vorgänger – doch die EU gibt in vielen klimapolitischen Fragen weiter den Rahmen vor. STANDARD-Wirtschaftsredakteur Benedikt Narodoslavysky ist zu Gast im Podcast und analysiert die bevorstehenden Umbrüche in der österreichischen Klimapolitik – und warum der Siegeszug der erneuerbaren Energien nicht mehr aufzuhalten ist.
Elon Musk had a chaotic livestream with Alice Weidel, co-chair of Germany's far-right AfD party, ahead of Germany's 2025 election. From awkward moments to bizarre claims about Martian saviours and historical blunders, Musk's endorsement of Weidel raises serious questions about tech influence on European politics and had the opposite effects of boosting AfD.The conversation also highlights potential violations of the EU's Digital Services Act (DSA), which could set a troubling precedent for social media's role in shaping elections.Join us on our journey through the events that shape the European continent and the European Union.Production: By Europod, in co production with Sphera Network.Follow us on:LinkedInInstagram. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
En entrevista para MVS Noticias con Luis Cárdenas, el consultor en economía, Pedro Tello, nos habló sobre que pone EU el ejemplo en el PIB per cápita.See for privacy information.
Veliki bi še več ozemlja, vplivni bi radi svoja omrežja razširili, bogati imajo premalo. Nasilneži vseh vrst so na pohodu. V tesnobnem svetu se vendarle ne gre povsem prepustiti strahu, ki hromi, obenem pa bi se veljalo izogniti naivnosti. Sliši se enostavneje, kakor v resnici je.Viri: Eppur si muove - In vendar se vrti: Sudan, vojna, ki nas ne zanima In the Gaza Strip, children have endured devastating hardships since October 2023 Ars aktualno: Genocid - beseda leta 2024 Dogodki in odmevi: Vlada in agencija za energijo glede omrežnin še vedno na nasprotnih bregovih Vroči mikrofon: EU nima pravega političnega vodenja Marcel: O državnih financah (Klemen Boštjančič), podnebni krizi (dr. Žiga Zaplotnik in dr. Žiga Malek) in medijskem zakonu (Jasna Zakonjšek in dr. Marko Milosavljević) Tehnična podpora: Zuckerbergovo "ukinjanje preverjanja dejstev" je le vrh ledene gore Frekvenca X: So AI agenti naslednja velika stvar? Botrstvo: Anže: Vsak dan mi je žal, da časa ne preživljam s hčerko Mihilizem: Marija Štremfelj: Smo duhovna bitja s kratko človeško izkušnjo Med štirimi stenami: "Ko sem odložil kamenček, sem odložil del bremena preteklosti."
The Kerry Independent TD spoke about his and brother Deputy Michael Healy-Rae’s talks with Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael regarding their support for the formation of a new government. Danny Healy-Rae also outlined why he is opposed to the EU trade deal with the Mercosur trading bloc made up of several South American countries.
Nyheter och fördjupning från Sverige och världen. Lyssna på alla avsnitt i Sveriges Radio Play.
China is vying for leadership in quantum research and applications. But it is still early days, and front runners and technical approaches have not yet been consolidated. Johannes Heller-John talks to Antonia Hmaidi, Senior Analyst at MERICS and lead of the MERICS' data task force, and Jeroen Groenewegen-Lau, Head of Program "Science, Technology and Innovation" at MERICS, about China's race for quantum leadership. Their most recent report “China's long view on Quantum Tech has the US and the EU playing catch up” is part of the China Tech Observatory and sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
President Trump blames Newsom for the California fires, the EU tells the US to back off Greenland, and a Canadian MP wants to annex U.S. states. Click here to join the member-exclusive portion of my show: Ep.1648 - - - DailyWire+: Kick off 2025 with 25% off your new DailyWire+ annual membership. Go to today! Matt Walsh's hit documentary “Am I Racist?” is NOW AVAILABLE on DailyWire+! Head to to become a member today! Order your Mayflower Cigars here: (Must be 21+ to purchase. Exclusions may apply) - - - Today's Sponsors: Good Ranchers - Visit and subscribe to any box using code KNOWLES to claim $25 off, free express shipping, and your choice of free ground beef, chicken, or salmon in every order for an entire year. Hillsdale College - Start learning today. Go to to sign up for over 40 free online courses. Policygenius - Head to to get your free life insurance quotes and see how much you could save. - - - Socials: Follow on Twitter: Follow on Instagram: Follow on Facebook: Subscribe on YouTube:
EU leaders warn Donald Trump not to meddle with the continent's territories, and Wall Street analysts are betting Citigroup will miss a critical long-term target next week. Indonesia is maintaining its ban on iPhone 16 sales despite Apple's $1bn investment proposal, and China is signing growing numbers of Taiwanese people up for local IDs in a drive to incorporate them into its society.Mentioned in this podcast:EU leaders warn Donald Trump not to meddle with Europe's borders Indonesia says $1bn offer from Apple not enough to lift iPhone 16 ban Wall Street doubts Citi chief Jane Fraser can hit crucial target China's drive to give Taiwanese visitors local IDs alarms Taipei Mexico's president calls for parts of US to be renamed ‘Mexican America' The FT News Briefing is produced by Niamh Rowe, Fiona Symon, Sonja Hutson, Kasia Broussalian and Marc Filippino. Additional help from Breen Turner, Sam Giovinco, Peter Barber, Michael Lello, David da Silva and Gavin Kallmann. Our engineer is Joseph Salcedo. Topher Forhecz is the FT's executive producer. The FT's global head of audio is Cheryl Brumley. The show's theme song is by Metaphor Music.Read a transcript of this episode on Hosted on Acast. See for more information.