I do not understand the neighbors, actually, such as why their summer house has LANDSCAPING and LAWN ORNAMENTS. A summer house is for relaxation, it isn't to demonstrate craftmanship. You are supposed to sit on the porch and read Proust, you are not supposed to create a home that Proust would've envied.And I don't understand why a copy of Foreign Affairs sits on their kitchen counter. In the den, out of sight, yes. In the kitchen? People are eating in the kitchen. Foreign Affairs is the diplomatic version of the prophet Jeremiah. He said, “The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?” Foreign Affairs says pretty much the same thing except for real. Ukraine and Gaza are sort of covered in the newspapers but terrible things are happening everywhere, so much so that you don't want to know about it. Let Antony Blinken know about it. This is why foreign policy is a minor footnote in our presidential elections, somewhat less important than bike lanes or prayer in public schools — can students in English be assigned books in which prayer occurs even if the book is clearly labeled Fiction. This is a public episode. If you'd like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit garrisonkeillor.substack.com/subscribe
On this episode, we talk about The Tale of the Quiet Librarian #anthology #horror #90shorror #horrorforkids #AYAOTD #areyouafraidofthedark #JasonAlisharan #NathanielMoreau #RachelBlanchard #RossHull #RainePareCoull #JodieResther #JacobTierney #DJMacHale #NedKandel #Cinar #Nickelodeon Check out: Talesfromthepodcast.com http://linktr.ee/skewereduniversepodcast happyhournewsteam.com And can contact me through my and email us here at talesfromthepodcast13@gmail. WooHoo!!! Tales From The Podcast The Fucking Video Game out now for PC! Purchase now for $10 Send payment and email to: PayPal - talesfromthepodcast13@gmail.com CashApp - $talesfromthepodcast $5 more and you pansies get a cheatbot!
Back at the beginning of 2025, I decided that I wanted to double-down on my mastery of GURPS as the roleplaying game system that I actually consistently enjoy. Alongside that I decided that I wanted to take on the challenge of developing my own science-fiction space-based game. This would involve creating a sector of space and working out the basis for different approaches to SF play within it. With a month of anxious dithering behind me, I found inspiration while sitting with the face-to-face group prior to continuing our current Cthulhu investigation: one of the players expressed, not for the first time, a desire to play something SF. Given my realisation that I have transitioned towards a more improvisational style at the table, I determined that it would be fun to create a framework within which we might play.This episode is drawn from the play notes that I made one Sunday in February 2025, which were then posted on the Roleplay Rescue blog at roleplayrescue.com. Why share them here? Well, firstly they turned out to be a truly enlightening series of notes for me as a potential science-fiction GM, unlocking many of the doors to playing SF that I had experienced being closed tight ever since my earliest experiences with Traveller in the late 1970s and early 1980s.Big thanks to Carl D and Brian for taking the time to record some messages.Game on!New Frontiers Map:https://roleplayrescue.com/2025/02/06/new-frontiers-part-v/Roleplay Rescue Details:Voice Message:speakpipe.com/roleplayrescuePatreon:patreon.com/rpgrescue Email:roleplayrescue@pm.meBlogroleplayrescue.com Bluesky Social:https://bsky.app/profile/ubiquitousrat.bsky.socialMeWe:https://mewe.com/p/roleplayrescueRoleplay Rescue Theme by Jon Cohen from Tale of the Manticore:https://taleofthemanticore.podbean.com/Logo and artwork by MJ Hiblen:https://www.patreon.com/MJHiblenART/ Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
✨ This Little Light of Mine... ✨ Hunny, where is Princess Paua?!
Back at the beginning of 2025, I decided that I wanted to double-down on my mastery of GURPS as the roleplaying game system that I actually consistently enjoy. Alongside that I decided that I wanted to take on the challenge of developing my own science-fiction space-based game. This would involve creating a sector of space and working out the basis for different approaches to SF play within it. With a month of anxious dithering behind me, I found inspiration while sitting with the face-to-face group prior to continuing our current Cthulhu investigation: one of the players expressed, not for the first time, a desire to play something SF. Given my realisation that I have transitioned towards a more improvisational style at the table, I determined that it would be fun to create a framework within which we might play.This episode is drawn from the play notes that I made one Sunday in February 2025, which were then posted on the Roleplay Rescue blog at roleplayrescue.com. Why share them here? Well, firstly they turned out to be a truly enlightening series of notes for me as a potential science-fiction GM, unlocking many of the doors to playing SF that I had experienced being closed tight ever since my earliest experiences with Traveller in the late 1970s and early 1980s.Big thanks to Carl D and Brian for taking the time to record some messages.Game on!New Frontiers Map:https://roleplayrescue.com/2025/02/06/new-frontiers-part-v/Roleplay Rescue Details:Voice Message:speakpipe.com/roleplayrescuePatreon:patreon.com/rpgrescue Email:roleplayrescue@pm.meBlogroleplayrescue.com Bluesky Social:https://bsky.app/profile/ubiquitousrat.bsky.socialMeWe:https://mewe.com/p/roleplayrescueRoleplay Rescue Theme by Jon Cohen from Tale of the Manticore:https://taleofthemanticore.podbean.com/Logo and artwork by MJ Hiblen:https://www.patreon.com/MJHiblenART/ Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Justin, Adelia, Matt and Fares watched episodes 3 & 4 of season 2 of Daredevil (2015), starring Charlie Cox as Matt Murdock and Jon Bernthal as Frank Castle, now airing on Disney Plus. Want to join the crew for a watchalong? https://ko-fi.com/lgr_networkYOUR HOSTS FOR THIS EPISODE
Sports Sunday. Can the teachers complete the curriculum? Kennedy and vaccines. He was swallowed and survived.The Voice in the Wilderness does not endorse any link or other material found at buzzsprout.More at https://www.thevoiceinthewilderness.org/
Pour consulter le magazine en ligne : COULEUR VEGETALE N°1Êtes-vous prêt à plonger dans l'univers fascinant de la couleur végétale ? Dans cet épisode spécial du podcast ArtEcoVert, nous célébrons le deuxième anniversaire de l'émission avec une invitée exceptionnelle : Pauline Leroux, ingénieure agronome passionnée par les plantes tinctoriales et la teinture végétale. Elle nous révèle son nouveau projet innovant, le magazine Couleur Végétale, qui promet d'enrichir nos échanges autour de la couleur végétale et d'offrir une plateforme d'expression pour tous ceux qui souhaitent partager leurs idées au-delà du format audio.Ce magazine sera un véritable carrefour d'idées, rassemblant des articles sur des thématiques variées telles que la teinture, l'agriculture tinctoriale, et l'histoire des colorants. Pauline nous rappelle l'importance de démocratiser l'accès à la couleur végétale pour les entreprises et les curieux, en rendant le savoir accessible à tous. Dans cet épisode, elle évoque les différents thèmes qui seront abordés dans les futurs numéros du magazine et invite les auditeurs à participer activement en proposant des articles et des retours pour améliorer les prochaines éditions.Le numéro inaugural du magazine sera gratuit, tandis que les suivants seront payants, servant de guide pour explorer les nombreuses applications de la couleur végétale. Imaginez un monde où l'indigo, la garance, et les pigments végétaux prennent vie à travers des créations uniques, où les fibres naturelles s'illuminent de teintes vibrantes. C'est ce que ArtEcoVert et le magazine Couleur Végétale souhaitent offrir à tous ceux qui s'intéressent à la coloration capillaire végétale, aux colorants biosourcés, et à l'univers des tanins.Pauline nous partage également une citation inspirante : "La couleur est la langue des plantes, et chaque teinte raconte une histoire." Avec ce nouvel espace d'expression, elle espère rassembler une communauté engagée autour de la teinture végétale et des plantes tinctoriales, tout en restant à l'affût des dernières tendances dans le domaine. N'attendez plus pour rejoindre cette aventure colorée et contribuer à la discussion !⭐Plus de contenus, plus d'échanges, plus de partages, allez sur Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/ArtEcoVert
La viande végétale: qu'en penser?Merci pour votre écoute Bientôt à table, c'est également en direct tous les samedi de 11h à 12h sur www.rtbf.be/lapremiere Retrouvez bien plus de contenus de Bientôt à table, sur notre plateforme Auvio.be :https://auvio.rtbf.be/emission/23648 Et si vous avez apprécié ce podcast, n'hésitez pas à nous donner des étoiles ou des commentaires, cela nous aide à le faire connaître plus largement.Retrouvez également Carlo De Pascale dans cet autre podcast de la RTBF: Cook as you are : https://audmns.com/cFrZcBc
It's the American Revolutionary War, and General George Washington's troops prepare for the Battle of Trenton. The soldiers are unnerved by the nightly appearance of a headless horseman, dressed in a Hessian uniform. Hear the tale in this Old Time Radio marathon's episode of CBS Radio Mystery Theater and the episode, “The Headless Hessian” from September 23, 1975!Darkness Syndicate members get the ad-free version. https://weirddarkness.com/syndicateInfo on the next LIVE SCREAM event. https://weirddarkness.com/LiveScreamInfo on the next WATCH PARTY event. https://weirddarkness.com/TVCHAPTERS & TIME STAMPS (All Times Approximate)…00:00:00.000 = Show Open00:02:00.000 = CBS Radio Mystery Theater, “The Headless Hessian” (September 23, 1975) ***WD00:46:46.249 = 2000 Plus, “Green Thing” (September 27, 1950) ***WD01:17:41.889 = The Unexpected, “Silver Fox” (September 19, 1948)01:32:57.959 = Unit 99, “Ambulance Follow-Up” (November 29, 1957) (LQ)01:58:39.669 = Dark Venture, “Hideout” (January 07, 1947) ***WD (LQ)02:22:52.039 = The Weird Circle, “Heart of Ethan Brand” (February 12, 1944)02:51:08.609 = The Whistler, “Legacy of Death” (February 14, 1943)03:21:09.769 = Strange Wills, “Crosswinds” (November 09, 1946)03:51:44.149 = Witch's Tale, “Altar of Hate” (November 08, 1933) ***WD04:18:43.129 = Basil Rathbone's Word Detective, “Chinaman's Chance” (November 30, 1959)04:21:48.143 = X Minus One, “The Outer Limit” (November 16, 1955)04:50:23.909 = ABC Mystery Time, “Success Story” (1957) ***WD05:14:24.123 = Show Close(ADU) = Air Date Unknown(LQ) = Low Quality***WD = Remastered, edited, or cleaned up by Weird Darkness to make the episode listenable. Audio may not be pristine, but it will be better than the original file which may have been unusable or more difficult to hear without editing.Weird Darkness theme by Alibi Music Library= = = = ="I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness." — John 12:46= = = = =WeirdDarkness® is a registered trademark. Copyright ©2025, Weird Darkness.= = = = =CUSTOM WEBPAGE: https://weirddarkness.com/WDRR0325
**WARNING: THIS EPISODE CONTAINS DETAILS AND INFORMATION RELATED TO THE MURDER OF A YOUNG CHILD AND MAY BE DISTURBING TO LISTEN TO; LISTENER DISCRETION IS ADVISED** The 2020 Murder Of Gannon Stauch Perpetrated By His Stepmother Letecia Stuach PART 5. On the afternoon of January 27th, 2020, a 911 call was made to the El Paso County Sheriff's Office Dispatch. The caller was 36 year old Letecia Stauch and it was her 11 year old step son, Gannon, who she was reporting failed to come home after going to visit a friend's house. First considered a runaway, Gannon's status as such quickly shifted to a missing persons case...and eventually, a murder case. Letecia herself quickly became the focal point of the investigation as her bizarre behavior and ever evolving stories as to what happened to Gannon confused and inhibited the investigation from the very beginning. From Colorado to Florida to South Carolina, Letecia took law enforcement agencies on a wild goose chase across the country as she did anything she could to try and hide from what she did to Gannon.SOURCES: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disappearance_and_murder_of_Gannon_Stauchhttps://www.reddit.com/r/GannonStauch/comments/12gbve1/timeline_of_events_an_outline_updating/?rdt=43940https://www.reddit.com/r/GannonStauch/comments/12gbve1/comment/jhbtnib/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3https://www.reddit.com/r/GannonStauch/comments/12gbve1/comment/jgfk8n7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3https://www.reddit.com/r/GannonStauch/comments/fwol3f/letecia_stauch_22020_arrest_affidavit_master_post/LINKS:Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/killaforniapodPayPal: https://www.paypal.coCashm/paypalme/killaforniapodMerchandise: https://killaforniadreamingpodcast.threadless.com/Website: https://killaforniadreamingpodcast.buzzsprout.com/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@KillaforniaDreamingPodcastFacebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1296620370450345/Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/killaforniadreamingInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/killaforniadreamingpod/?hl=enX: https://twitter.com/killaforniapodEmail: killaforniapod@gmail.comTikTok: @killaforniadreamingpod Cash App: $KDpodcast
Ballet Bunny watches the snow fall from under her cozy pine tree. When a bunch of snow blocks her view of the forest, the little bunny has a creative solution.
This week Graham and Jake find themselves Kurtless, but trying to make the best of it. They talk through God's faithfulness throughout their lives, the importance of finding ways to remember that faithfulness, and the ways that many of us truly do relate to both of the brothers from the prodigal son parable. Have a question or comment? Email saltandlight@eastpoint.church
Lights Out: A Pioneering Horror Radio ShowThe radio show "Lights Out" captivated audiences with its chilling horror and suspense stories from 1934 to 1947, albeit with some interruptions. The initial run from 1934 to 1936 was followed by a hiatus, but the show's revival in 1942 reignited its popularity, solidifying its status as a prominent program in the genre.Groundbreaking Sound Design and Disturbing NarrativesThe show's creator, Wyllis Cooper, was already renowned for his contributions to other successful horror and suspense radio shows like "Quiet, Please!" and "The Witch's Tale." In 1943, the reins were passed to Arch Oboler, a prolific figure in radio production, who further elevated the show's reputation."Lights Out" distinguished itself through its innovative use of sound effects and its exploration of unsettling themes. The show's mastery of sound design created an atmosphere of palpable suspense and terror, leaving a lasting impression on listeners. The narratives frequently delved into the darker facets of humanity, featuring tales of murder, madness, and the supernatural.Enduring LegacyEven today, "Lights Out" holds a special place in the hearts of old-time radio enthusiasts and horror aficionados. Its groundbreaking use of sound and its ability to deliver thought-provoking and often disturbing storylines continue to resonate with audiences. Memorable episodes like "Chicken Heart," featuring a woman trapped with a mysterious killer, and "Cat Wife," exploring a man's unsettling marriage to a feline entity, exemplify the show's enduring appeal. These episodes, among many others, showcase the chilling and suspenseful narratives that made "Lights Out" a landmark in radio history.
Fluent Fiction - Catalan: A Winter Tale: Love & History at Castell de Montjuïc Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/ca/episode/2025-02-14-23-34-01-ca Story Transcript:Ca: A l'alba d'un dia clar d'hivern, el castell de Montjuïc es despertava amb un aire fred i nítid.En: At dawn on a clear winter day, the castell de Montjuïc awoke with a cold and crisp air.Ca: Els visitants arribaven a poc a poc, cautelosos sobre el gel que cobria les pedres que havien estat testimonis de tants esdeveniments històrics.En: Visitors arrived slowly, cautious of the ice covering the stones that had witnessed so many historical events.Ca: Martí, amb el seu abric fosc i la càmera penjant al coll, passejava lentament, permès pel silenci que encara dominava abans que els tours començessin.En: Martí, with his dark coat and camera hanging around his neck, walked slowly, basking in the silence that still dominated before the tours began.Ca: Entre els primers grups, Laia arribava amb la seva llibreta de dibuix.En: Among the first groups, Laia arrived with her sketchbook.Ca: Els seus ulls brillaven davant les torres del castell, i Pau, al seu costat, observava tot amb una curiositat relaxada.En: Her eyes shone before the towers of the castle, and Pau, by her side, observed everything with a relaxed curiosity.Ca: Inesperadament, una brisa forta va separar Pau del grup, fent que es quedés enrere.En: Unexpectedly, a strong breeze separated Pau from the group, leaving him behind.Ca: "Laia," va cridar Martí, aturant-se quan els seus camins es van creuar prop de la muralla principal.En: "Laia," called Martí, stopping when their paths crossed near the main wall.Ca: "Sembla que el teu amic s'ha quedat enrere."En: "It seems your friend has been left behind."Ca: "Sí, sempre es distreu fàcilment," va riure Laia.En: "Yes, he always gets easily distracted," laughed Laia.Ca: "Encantada de conèixer-te, sóc Laia. Aquest és el meu projecte d'art sobre el castell. I tu?"En: "Nice to meet you, I'm Laia. This is my art project about the castle. And you?"Ca: "Martí. M'encanta la història i aquest lloc és perfecte per aprendre més. Cada racó d'aquí sembla tenir una història a explicar," va dir Martí amb timidesa.En: "Martí. I love history, and this place is perfect for learning more. Every corner here seems to have a story to tell," Martí said shyly.Ca: Laia va sonriure. "Em podries ajudar? Vull capturar l'autèntic Montjuïc. Però... tinc por de no fer-ho bé."En: Laia smiled. "Could you help me? I want to capture the authentic Montjuïc. But… I'm afraid I might not do it well."Ca: Martí va dubtar, però després va decidir compartir el seu coneixement. "Mira, per exemple, aquesta part del castell va ser utilitzada com a presó. Té un passat interessant."En: Martí hesitated but then decided to share his knowledge. "Look, for instance, this part of the castle was used as a prison. It has an interesting past."Ca: Van caminar junts, Martí parlant animadament sobre els esdeveniments, mentre Laia prenia notes ràpides, fascinada.En: They walked together, Martí speaking enthusiastically about the events, while Laia took quick notes, fascinated.Ca: A la tarda, sobre els merlets del castell, el vent s'intensificava, i els ocells volaven baix.En: In the afternoon, upon the battlements of the castle, the wind intensified, and the birds flew low.Ca: Martí i Laia es van aturar a admirar la vista del port.En: Martí and Laia stopped to admire the view of the port.Ca: En aquell moment, els seus depressors es van fer una pausa, deixant que l'escenari i el silenci parlessin per ells.En: At that moment, their thoughts paused, allowing the scene and silence to speak for them.Ca: "Em sento inspirada," va admetre Laia.En: "I feel inspired," Laia admitted.Ca: "La teva passió pels detalls m'ajuda a veure realment aquest lloc."En: "Your passion for details helps me really see this place."Ca: "A mi em costa parlar tant de la història... però és bo compartir-ho amb algú tan entusiasta," va confessar Martí.En: "For me, it's hard to talk so much about history... but it's nice to share it with someone so enthusiastic," Martí confessed.Ca: Van mirar-se fixament i van sentir un corrent càlid que anava més enllà del fred hivernenc.En: They looked at each other intently and felt a warm current that went beyond the winter cold.Ca: Quan el sol s'amagava darrere de les muntanyes, van decidir continuar l'exploració de la ciutat junts, un reflex tranquil de les seves noves perspectives.En: As the sun hid behind the mountains, they decided to continue exploring the city together, a calm reflection of their new perspectives.Ca: Així, un tour aparentment ordinari al castell de Montjuïc es va convertir en el començament de quelcom especial.En: Thus, an apparently ordinary tour of the castell de Montjuïc turned into the beginning of something special.Ca: Martí va aprendre a no amagar les seves passions, i Laia va trobar valor en les diverses visions del món.En: Martí learned not to hide his passions, and Laia found value in the diverse visions of the world.Ca: Al final, el que realment havien descobert era l'inici d'una amistat que es transformava en una història d'amor, sota la vella ombra del castell vigilat per les estrelles de Barcelona.En: In the end, what they had truly discovered was the start of a friendship that transformed into a love story, under the old shadow of the castle watched over by the stars of Barcelona. Vocabulary Words:dawn: l'albastone: la pedratour: el tourcastle: el castellbreeze: la brisagroup: el gruppath: el camíwall: la murallatower: la torrejail: la presóevent: l'esdevenimentport: el portnotebook: la llibretasketchbook: la llibreta de dibuixfriend: l'amicsilence: el silencicorner: el racóprison: la presópast: el passatbattlement: el merletwind: el ventbird: l'ocellview: la vistaenthusiasm: l'entusiasmestory: la històriashadow: l'ombrastar: l'estrellamountain: la muntanyareflection: el reflexhistory: la història
A comprehensive examination of the tumultuous 1925 NFL season reveals a labyrinth of controversy and drama that continues to resonate within the annals of football history. Despite the Chicago Cardinals being officially recognized as the champions of that year, many factors contributed to a significant debate regarding the legitimacy of their title. The Pottsville Maroons, with whom the Cardinals shared a fierce rivalry, contend that their earlier victory against the Cardinals should have awarded them the championship title. This episode delves into the intricate details of the season, highlighting the absence of a formal postseason structure and the resulting discrepancies in team records. It further explores the decisions made by the league's officials that ultimately led to Pottsville's expulsion from the NFL, an act scrutinized for its fairness and implications for the teams involved. As we navigate through the narrative, we encounter pivotal characters and events that shaped this controversial season, including the questionable recruitment practices that emerged when the Cardinals faced disbanded teams, thus raising ethical concerns about the integrity of the sport during its formative years.The episode not only recounts the events leading to the Cardinals' championship claim but also reflects on the broader implications of this controversy on the league's development. It emphasizes the need for a structured postseason and the evolution of the championship model we recognize today. Through engaging dialogue with historians and experts, we gain insights into how this pivotal season influenced the NFL's regulations and the eventual establishment of a clearer championship framework. The narrative is enriched by anecdotes and historical references, providing listeners with a profound understanding of the dynamics that characterized early professional football and the legacy of the 1925 season, which remains a subject of fascination and debate among historians and fans alike.Join us at the Pigskin Dispatch website and the Sports Jersey Dispatch to see even more Positive football news! Sign up to get daily football history headlines in your email inbox @ Email-subscriberDon't forget to check out and subscribe to the Pigskin Dispatch YouTube channel for additional content and the regular Football History Minute Shorts.Miss our football by the day of the year podcasts, well don't, because they can still be found at the Pigskin Dispatch website.
Apparently whales don't like the taste of kayakers! Unbelievable story involving a guy on a kayak in Chile that was swallowed by a whale and lived to talk about it!
ROMA (ITALPRESS) - Symbioz, il SUV Renault di segmento C richiama alla mente il termine simbiosi, che riportata al rapporto tra auto e passeggeri. Symbioz è un modello versatile per la famiglia, che si posiziona tra i modelli Captur e Austral e riesce nell'impresa di ospitare cinque adulti in un abitacolo confortevole pur mantenendo dimensioni esterne contenute. L'allestimento iconic pone Symbioz ai massimi standard del segmento C. Nella gamma si distingue per l'ambiente moderno, contraddistinto dalla scelta di colori e materiali. I sedili sono rivestiti da un tessuto a maglie larghe con un frammento di losanga sullo schienale di quelli anteriori. Un effetto alluminio spazzolato impreziosisce la parte superiore della plancia, mentre la parte inferiore è in Tep con cuciture a vista. Symbioz si attesta al top della categoria in termini di volume di carico in virtù della panchetta posteriore che scorrendo fino a 16 cm, può far variare il volume di carico da 492 a 624 litri, raggiungendo 1.582 litri nella configurazione con la panchetta posteriore ripiegata. Il bagagliaio è ampio e spazioso grazie all'assenza del bordo e il pianale piatto e l'accesso è ottimizzato dal portellone motorizzato con apertura e chiusura attivabili premendo il pulsante elettrico presente sul bagagliaio, usando la chiave Keyless Entry oppure semplicemente facendo passare il piede sotto il sensore del paraurti posteriore. Il peso, inferiore a 1.500 kg e l'altezza di 1,57 contribuiscono all'ottima efficienza della motorizzazione E-Tech Full Hybrid 145. Renault Symbioz offre un equipaggiamento tecnologico che comprende il tetto in vetro opacizzante Solarbay. Il sistema multimediale OpenR Link con Google integrato vanta un touchscreen verticale da 10,4" di serie su tutte le versioni e un driver display da 10,3". Symbioz è anche al top per quanto riguarda i livelli di sicurezza attiva e passiva, con 29 dispositivi di assistenza alla guida, tra cui la frenata di emergenza in retromarcia. Il conducente può contare su Adas di ultima generazione come l'Active Driver Assist, che offre un'autonomia di guida di livello 2, e la Guida ibrida predittiva con la motorizzazione ibrida per ottimizzare l'efficienza sfruttando al massimo l'energia elettrica lungo il percorso. Tale efficienza consente un'autonomia fino a 1.000 chilometri. Renault Symbioz è disponibile in quattro allestimenti: Evolution, Techno, Esprit Alpine e Iconic con prezzi che partono dai 32.100 euro della Evolution e fino ai 36.600 del top di gamma Iconic.tvi/abr/gtr
ROMA (ITALPRESS) - Symbioz, il SUV Renault di segmento C richiama alla mente il termine simbiosi, che riportata al rapporto tra auto e passeggeri. Symbioz è un modello versatile per la famiglia, che si posiziona tra i modelli Captur e Austral e riesce nell'impresa di ospitare cinque adulti in un abitacolo confortevole pur mantenendo dimensioni esterne contenute. L'allestimento iconic pone Symbioz ai massimi standard del segmento C. Nella gamma si distingue per l'ambiente moderno, contraddistinto dalla scelta di colori e materiali. I sedili sono rivestiti da un tessuto a maglie larghe con un frammento di losanga sullo schienale di quelli anteriori. Un effetto alluminio spazzolato impreziosisce la parte superiore della plancia, mentre la parte inferiore è in Tep con cuciture a vista. Symbioz si attesta al top della categoria in termini di volume di carico in virtù della panchetta posteriore che scorrendo fino a 16 cm, può far variare il volume di carico da 492 a 624 litri, raggiungendo 1.582 litri nella configurazione con la panchetta posteriore ripiegata. Il bagagliaio è ampio e spazioso grazie all'assenza del bordo e il pianale piatto e l'accesso è ottimizzato dal portellone motorizzato con apertura e chiusura attivabili premendo il pulsante elettrico presente sul bagagliaio, usando la chiave Keyless Entry oppure semplicemente facendo passare il piede sotto il sensore del paraurti posteriore. Il peso, inferiore a 1.500 kg e l'altezza di 1,57 contribuiscono all'ottima efficienza della motorizzazione E-Tech Full Hybrid 145. Renault Symbioz offre un equipaggiamento tecnologico che comprende il tetto in vetro opacizzante Solarbay. Il sistema multimediale OpenR Link con Google integrato vanta un touchscreen verticale da 10,4" di serie su tutte le versioni e un driver display da 10,3". Symbioz è anche al top per quanto riguarda i livelli di sicurezza attiva e passiva, con 29 dispositivi di assistenza alla guida, tra cui la frenata di emergenza in retromarcia. Il conducente può contare su Adas di ultima generazione come l'Active Driver Assist, che offre un'autonomia di guida di livello 2, e la Guida ibrida predittiva con la motorizzazione ibrida per ottimizzare l'efficienza sfruttando al massimo l'energia elettrica lungo il percorso. Tale efficienza consente un'autonomia fino a 1.000 chilometri. Renault Symbioz è disponibile in quattro allestimenti: Evolution, Techno, Esprit Alpine e Iconic con prezzi che partono dai 32.100 euro della Evolution e fino ai 36.600 del top di gamma Iconic.tvi/abr/gtr
In March of 2023, an office manager at a dentist office in Colorado received a package that would make her blood run cold. It was cyanide, and it was addressed to her boss, whose wife had been in the hospital with a strange illness... TW: Mentions of suicide Subscribe on Patreon for bonus content and to become a member of our Rogue Detecting Society. Patrons have access to bonus content as well as other perks. And members of our High Council on Patreon have access to our after-show called Footnotes, where I share my case file with our producer, Matt. Apple subscriptions are now live! Get access to bonus episodes and more when you subscribe on Apple Podcasts. Follow on Tik Tok and Instagram for a daily dose of horror. To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoices
**WARNING: THIS EPISODE CONTAINS DETAILS AND INFORMATION RELATED TO THE MURDER OF A YOUNG CHILD AND MAY BE DISTURBING TO LISTEN TO; LISTENER DISCRETION IS ADVISED** The 2020 Murder Of Gannon Stauch Perpetrated By His Stepmother Letecia Stuach PART 1. On the afternoon of January 27th, 2020, a 911 call was made to the El Paso County Sheriff's Office Dispatch. The caller was 36 year old Letecia Stauch and it was her 11 year old step son, Gannon, who she was reporting failed to come home after going to visit a friend's house. First considered a runaway, Gannon's status as such quickly shifted to a missing persons case...and eventually, a murder case. Letecia herself quickly became the focal point of the investigation as her bizarre behavior and ever evolving stories as to what happened to Gannon confused and inhibited the investigation from the very beginning. From Colorado to Florida to South Carolina, Letecia took law enforcement agencies on a wild goose chase across the country as she did anything she could to try and hide from what she did to Gannon. SOURCES: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disappearance_and_murder_of_Gannon_Stauchhttps://www.reddit.com/r/GannonStauch/comments/12gbve1/timeline_of_events_an_outline_updating/?rdt=43940https://www.reddit.com/r/GannonStauch/comments/12gbve1/comment/jhbtnib/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3https://www.reddit.com/r/GannonStauch/comments/12gbve1/comment/jgfk8n7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3https://www.reddit.com/r/GannonStauch/comments/fwol3f/letecia_stauch_22020_arrest_affidavit_master_post/LINKS:Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/killaforniapodPayPal: https://www.paypal.coCashm/paypalme/killaforniapodMerchandise: https://killaforniadreamingpodcast.threadless.com/Website: https://killaforniadreamingpodcast.buzzsprout.com/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@KillaforniaDreamingPodcastFacebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1296620370450345/Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/killaforniadreamingInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/killaforniadreamingpod/?hl=enX: https://twitter.com/killaforniapodEmail: killaforniapod@gmail.comTikTok: @killaforniadreamingpod Cash App: $KDpodcast
Send us a textFebruary can be tough. We're not just physically exhausted—we're emotionally drained. The weight of our classrooms, our students, and everything happening in our communities can make us lose sight of what truly matters in language teaching.That's why I'm bringing back this incredible conversation with Dr. Bill VanPatten. When we're running on empty, it's easy to forget the foundation of language acquisition: input. In this episode, Dr. VanPatten reminds us why the essential role of input in language acquisition isn't just a theory—it's a fact. Dr. VanPatten dives into the true nature of language, the limitations of traditional instruction, and how we can refocus on what our students need to acquire language.
This week, join Pencil and Cellar as they deep dive into the second track off Dumpin by the Psychopathic Rydas, "Skrilla 4 Rilla." . Sit back and listen as they dissect the lyrics and content of the song, discuss the history of Soul Train, talk about the definition of the word 'skrilla,' and tackle important topics like why John Rocker is a piece of trash! New gimmick: TIME STAMPS! 0:00:00 (Start) 0:09:53 (Chris's Music Rant) 0:15:29 (90s Rewind - MLB and Attitude Era) 0:32:32 (Tale of the Tape) 0:38:22 (Lyrical Deep Dive) 1:13:38 (Wrap Up) The LinkTree can be found at https://linktr.ee/juggalorwd. Otherwise here are all of our links - Youtube: @JuggaloRWD Twitter/X: @JuggaloRWD IG: @JuggaloRWD Facebook: @JuggaloRWD TikTok: @JuggaloRWD Threads: @JuggaloRWD The website is www.JuggaloRewind.com. Join us on the ICPWWE Discord and talk to other listeners and podcast hosts about ICP, Twiztid and random juggalo nonsense. Email us at juggalorwd@gmail.com or call/text us at (810) 666-1570. Additional music provided by Steve O (aka Analog) of the IRTD and StirCrazy. Voiceover work provided by Christmas (aka Lil Krampus). The Rewind is forever powered by the 20x20 Apparel. All music played is owned by the respective publishers and copywrite holders and is reproduced for review purposes only under fair use. Except for this season. Fuck your copyright. CopyWRONG, youknowwhatimsayin. #ForTheJuggaloCulture #RydaRewind
Next week we'll kick off Season Five of Formosa Files! A huge thank you to the Frank C. Chen Foundation for its continued support of the program; without it, this podcast would not exist.In S4 we talked a lot about the 1624-2024 anniversary of the arrival of the Dutch, the new historical novel “A Tale of Three Tribes in Dutch Formosa,” and other Dutch-in-Taiwan-related things, and today we're staying on the topic with a short, informal chat about Koxinga's father.We'll cover his incredible story in future episodes, but this is his basic bio, a simple telling of his epic win at the Battle of Liaoluo Bay, and a few hints about his unhappy end.THANK YOU FOR LISTENING! And thanks for following us on social media, for the wonderful reviews and emails filled with high praise… all very much appreciated.In Season Five we're going to turn it up with big names like CKS (maybe Mao as well!), plus historic milestones such as the 2000 Presidential Election (and maybe the 2004 Chen Shui-bian shooting as well!).Catch you next week!
This week Jun and Daniel discuss COVID-19 and how Korea and America differed in their responses to the pandemic. From the earliest cases in January 2020 through the various waves of restrictions and regulations, our hosts explore how their respective countries handled everything from contact tracing and quarantine rules to vaccination policies and mask mandates. They examine how cultural differences between individualistic and collectivist societies influenced public health measures and compliance, while sharing personal stories about their experiences during this unprecedented time.If you're interested in understanding the contrasts between Korean and American approaches to COVID-19, comparing mask and vaccination cultures, or learning about quarantine experiences and social distancing measures, tune in to hear Daniel and Jun discuss all this and more! This week they also touch on topics like remote work culture, the lasting impacts of the pandemic on society, and how COVID-19 ultimately led to Daniel moving to Korea and the creation of this podcast.Support the showAs a reminder, we record one episode a week in-person from Seoul, South Korea. We hope you enjoy listening to our conversation, and we're so excited to have you following us on this journey!Support us on Patreon:https://patreon.com/user?u=99211862Follow us on socials: https://www.instagram.com/koreanamericanpodcast/https://twitter.com/korampodcasthttps://www.tiktok.com/@koreanamericanpodcastQuestions/Comments/Feedback? Email us at: koreanamericanpodcast@gmail.com
In this episode of Five Stripe Weekly, AJ and Michael are joined by special guest Greg Garza to discuss Miguel Almiron, Josef Martinez, the best player he's ever played with and he makes predictions on the 2025 MLS season for Atlanta United! They also discuss the preseason matches and much more in the news! In addition, the guys answer your burning questions in the Mailbag including which up and coming player fans need to keep an eye on! What are your thoughts? COMMENT TO JOIN IN!---------We've launched a Patreon! We're constantly leveling up our video and social media content and you can help us sustain the channel and assist from a grassroots level. Help us make more of the content you want to see!Join us!http://patreon.com/atlutdfantvDonate: www.paypal.me/atlutdfantv---------▶ Find our podcast in audio form on your favorite podcatchers!---------▶ Support the channel while you shop for ATL UTD gear (at no extra cost to you!): https://www.amazon.com/shop/atlantaunitedfantv---------▶ COP FROM OUR SHOP (grab some ATL UTD fan gear!): https://teechip.com/stores/tackl---------About Atlanta United Fan TV: We are created by fans for the fans of Atlanta United and soccer. Join the community to get in on the conversation! Bringing you fan cams, podcasts, vlogs, mini-documentaries and much more! If you're a Five Stripe, we want to hear from you! Whatever you want to say about ATL UTD you can say it in the comments below.And to get in touch with us, connect with us:▶ INSTAGRAM: https://goo.gl/9uOLVn▶ TWITTER: https://goo.gl/5uc709▶ TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/atlutdfantv▶ DISCORD: https://discord.gg/C4RXb2b▶ FACEBOOK: https://tinyurl.com/y3ga5mst▶ SNAPCHAT: atlutdfantv17▶ TIK TOK: atlutdfantv---------#ATLUTD #UniteAndConquer #MLS
Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player. Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> https://WomensMeditationNetwork.com/premium Join our Premium Sleep for Women Channel on Apple Podcasts and get ALL 5 of our Sleep podcasts completely ad-free! Join Premium now on Apple here --> https://bit.ly/sleepforwomen Hey, I'm so glad you're taking the time to be with us today. My team and I are dedicated to making sure you have all the meditations you need throughout all the seasons of your life. If there's a meditation you desire, but can't find, email us at Katie Krimitsos to make a request. We'd love to create what you want! Namaste, Beautiful,
Fluent Fiction - Hebrew: Planting New Beginnings: A Tu Bishvat Tale of Friendship Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/he/episode/2025-02-13-23-34-02-he Story Transcript:He: בין הבניינים העתיקים של ירושלים, עמד בית יתומים שקט.En: Between the ancient buildings of Yerushalayim, stood a quiet orphanage.He: לגינה של בית היתומים הייתה מסגרת של אבן, ובחורף, כפור קל כיסה את האדמה.En: The orphanage's garden had a stone frame, and in winter, a light frost covered the ground.He: זה היה יום חג ט"ו בשבט, והילדים היו עסוקים בהכנות לחגיגות.En: It was Tu Bishvat, and the children were busy preparing for the celebrations.He: באותו הבוקר, נשמע רעש בכניסה.En: That morning, there was a noise at the entrance.He: זה היה נועם, ילד חדש ולא מוכר.En: It was Noam, a new and unfamiliar child.He: הוא הגיע לראשונה, וחיוך לא היה על פניו.En: He arrived for the first time, and there was no smile on his face.He: עיניו היו עמוקות ומסתוריות והוא הביט מסביב בלי מילה.En: His eyes were deep and mysterious, and he looked around without a word.He: לא היה לו תיק, רק מעיל כחול גדול.En: He had no bag, just a large blue coat.He: הילדים ניסו להתקרב, אך נועם שמר על מרחק.En: The children tried to approach, but Noam kept his distance.He: ליאה, המטפלת שאוהבת את כל הילדים, ניגשה אליו ברוך.En: Leah, the caregiver who loves all the children, approached him gently.He: "ברוך הבא, נועם," אמרה בחום.En: "Welcome, Noam," she said warmly.He: אריאל, הילד המבוגר בבית היתומים, התבונן מרחוק.En: Ariel, the oldest child in the orphanage, watched from afar.He: תמיד היה לו חוש לעזור, והוא הרגיש כי עליו לדעת את סיפורו של נועם.En: He always had a sense for helping, and he felt he needed to know Noam's story.He: בימים שבאו, ניסתה ליאה לדאוג לכולם, אך היא הייתה עסוקה ורבה עבודה הייתה לה.En: In the days that followed, Leah tried to care for everyone, but she was busy and had a lot of work.He: אריאל הבין שנועם צריך חבר.En: Ariel understood that Noam needed a friend.He: ביום החג, בזמן שכל הילדים יצאו לחגיגות, החליט אריאל לשנות את תוכניותיו.En: On the day of the holiday, while all the children went out to the celebrations, Ariel decided to change his plans.He: הוא עקב אחרי נועם לחדרו.En: He followed Noam to his room.He: "שלום, נועם," אמר בעדינות.En: "Hello, Noam," he said gently.He: נועם שתק, אך לא סגר את הדלת.En: Noam was silent but did not close the door.He: אריאל ידע שזה סימן טוב.En: Ariel knew that was a good sign.He: הוא התיישב לידו.En: He sat next to him.He: "אני גם בורח לחגיגה," אמר, מחייך.En: "I'm also skipping the celebration," he said, smiling.He: כמה דקות של שקט עברו.En: A few minutes of silence passed.He: אריאל, במחשבה עמוקה, הציע משהו.En: Ariel, in deep thought, suggested something.He: "אולי נשתול עץ יחד?En: "Maybe we should plant a tree together?"He: " נועם הביט בו בחצי חיוך מוסתר.En: Noam looked at him with a half-hidden smile.He: הם יצאו לגן עם שתיל קטן שקיבלו ליום החג.En: They went out to the garden with a small sapling they received for the holiday.He: בתוך קור החורף, שניהם חפרו באדמה הקשה ושתלו את העץ.En: In the winter's cold, they both dug into the hard ground and planted the tree.He: תוך כדי עבודה משותפת, נועם התחיל לדבר.En: During their shared work, Noam began to talk.He: הוא סיפר על מקומות רחוקים ועל בית חדש.En: He spoke about distant places and a new home.He: אריאל הבין כמה נועם מתגעגע, אבל גם כמה הוא מתמודד בכוח.En: Ariel understood how much Noam missed, but also how he coped bravely.He: החיבור הפשוט הזה, דרך שתילת עץ, עשה את ההבדל.En: This simple connection, through planting a tree, made the difference.He: בסיום היום, כשהעצים סביבם נצצו בטיפות הגשם הראשונות, נועם חייך בפעם ראשונה.En: At the end of the day, when the trees around them sparkled with the first raindrops, Noam smiled for the first time.He: אריאל הרגיש שהוא לומד על הכוח שבסבלנות ובהבנה.En: Ariel felt he was learning about the power of patience and understanding.He: נועם התחיל להיפתח, והאווירה בבית היתומים נעשתה חמימה יותר.En: Noam began to open up, and the atmosphere in the orphanage became warmer.He: מבנה האבן הפך לבית עבור נועם, ועבור אריאל, תחושת מטרה חדשה נולדה.En: The stone structure became a home for Noam, and for Ariel, a new sense of purpose was born.He: כך הסתיים יום חג ט"ו בשבט, עם התחלה חדשה לשניהם.En: Thus, the day of Tu Bishvat ended with a new beginning for both of them. Vocabulary Words:ancient: עתיקיםorphanage: בית יתומיםframe: מסגרתfrost: כפורunfamiliar: לא מוכרdeep: עמוקותmysterious: מסתוריותcaregiver: מטפלתwarmly: בחוםafar: מרחוקpatience: סבלנותunspoken: בלי מילהapproach: ניגשהcope: מתמודדbravely: בכוחdistant: רחוקיםsparkled: נצצוraindrops: טיפות הגשםpurpose: מטרהconnection: חיבורatmosphere: אווירהcelebration: חגיגותhalf-hidden: חצי מוסתרsapling: שתילstructure: מבנהmissed: מתגעגעground: אדמהsense: חושshared: משותפתopen up: להיפתחBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/fluent-fiction-hebrew--5818690/support.
Fluent Fiction - Danish: From Shy Snapshots to Stunning Exhibits: A Nyhavn Tale Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/da/episode/2025-02-13-23-34-01-da Story Transcript:Da: Snefnugg dansede i luften over Nyhavn den dag, hvor Mikkels liv skulle ændre sig.En: Snowflakes danced in the air over Nyhavn on the day when Mikkel's life was about to change.Da: Han stod ved kanalen, kameraet fast i hænderne, omgivet af de farverige huse, der spejlede sig i det stille vand.En: He stood by the canal, camera firm in his hands, surrounded by the colorful houses reflecting in the calm water.Da: Vinterkulden bed i hans kinder, men han ignorerede det, dybt fokuseret på at finde det perfekte billede.En: The winter cold bit at his cheeks, but he ignored it, deeply focused on finding the perfect picture.Da: Mikkel var en mand af få ord.En: Mikkel was a man of few words.Da: Han elskede at tage billeder, men ofte fandt han sig selv alene, opslugt i sine tanker.En: He loved taking pictures, but often found himself alone, absorbed in his thoughts.Da: Han drømte om at få sine billeder udstillet, men han manglede modet til at nærme sig andre for hjælp.En: He dreamed of having his pictures exhibited, but he lacked the courage to approach others for help.Da: Ved hans side stod Astrid, en ung kvinde med et klart smil.En: By his side stood Astrid, a young woman with a bright smile.Da: Hun var energisk og fuld af liv.En: She was energetic and full of life.Da: Hun knipsede lystigt billeder, hendes latter blød og glad, som om vinterkulden slet ikke rørte hende.En: She snapped pictures cheerfully, her laughter soft and joyful, as if the winter cold didn't affect her at all.Da: Mikkel bemærkede hende, hendes ubekymrede måde at bevæge sig på, og skyndte sig væk med et skævt blik.En: Mikkel noticed her, her carefree way of moving, and hurried away with a sideways glance.Da: Men noget ved denne dag var anderledes.En: But something about that day was different.Da: Måske var det Valentinsdagens stemning, der svævede over gaderne, eller måden solen brød igennem vinterens skyer.En: Maybe it was the Valentine's Day mood hovering over the streets, or the way the sun broke through the winter clouds.Da: Mikkel samlede mod i sit hjerte og gik hen til Astrid.En: Mikkel gathered courage in his heart and approached Astrid.Da: "Hej," begyndte han, næsten genert.En: "Hi," he began, almost shyly.Da: "Jeg kan se, du også elsker at fotografere. Kan du dele din teknik?"En: "I can see you love photography too. Could you share your technique?"Da: Astrid så op, tydeligt overrasket, men hendes smil udvidede sig.En: Astrid looked up, clearly surprised, but her smile widened.Da: "Selvfølgelig! Jeg elsker at tale om billeder. Måske kan vi arbejde sammen?" tilbød hun.En: "Of course! I love talking about pictures. Maybe we could work together?" she offered.Da: Mikkels øjne blev store af både frygt og spænding.En: Mikkel's eyes grew wide with both fear and excitement.Da: Arbejde sammen? Kunne han virkelig gøre det?En: Work together? Could he really do it?Da: Men han nikkede alligevel, draget af Astrids venlighed.En: But he nodded anyway, drawn to Astrid's kindness.Da: De følgende uger og måneder arbejdede de tæt sammen.En: In the following weeks and months, they worked closely together.Da: Astrid hjalp med at bringe lys og farver ind i Mikkels billeder, mens Mikkel hjalp Astrid med at gave hendes billeder dybde og sindrighed.En: Astrid helped bring light and color into Mikkel's pictures, while Mikkel helped Astrid add depth and intricacy to hers.Da: De gik gennem Nyhavns charmerende gader, nu dækket med et let tæppe af sne, og indfangede vinterens magi gennem linserne på deres kameraer.En: They walked through the charming streets of Nyhavn, now covered with a light blanket of snow, capturing the magic of winter through their camera lenses.Da: Da foråret nærmede sig, præsenterede de deres værk for det lokale galleri.En: As spring approached, they presented their work to the local gallery.Da: Fotografierne vakte stor interesse, og de blev inviteret til at udstille.En: The photographs sparked great interest, and they were invited to exhibit.Da: Mikkel, der engang havde holdt sig til sig selv, stod nu stolt ved siden af Astrid, overrasket over, hvordan noget så enkelt som en foto-session kunne forandre hans liv.En: Mikkel, who once kept to himself, now stood proudly next to Astrid, surprised at how something as simple as a photo session could change his life.Da: Gennem deres samarbejde havde de bygget noget smukt sammen.En: Through their collaboration, they had built something beautiful together.Da: Mikkels hjerte, der først havde banket af frygt, bankede nu af glæde og håb.En: Mikkel's heart, which had once beaten with fear, now beat with joy and hope.Da: Han indså, at fællesskab og kreativitet gik hånd i hånd, og at nye venner kunne føde nye drømme.En: He realized that community and creativity went hand in hand, and that new friends could birth new dreams.Da: Og således, blandt de farverige huse i Nyhavn, begyndte et nyt kapitel for både Mikkel og Astrid.En: And so, among the colorful houses of Nyhavn, a new chapter began for both Mikkel and Astrid.Da: Ikke blot som fotografer, men som venner og partnere i ægte kunstnerisk harmoni.En: Not just as photographers, but as friends and partners in true artistic harmony. Vocabulary Words:snowflakes: snefnuggdanced: dansedecanal: kanalensurrounded: omgivetreflected: spejledeignored: ignoreredecourage: modetlack: mangledecarefree: ubekymredehurried: skyndtehovering: svævedeapproached: nærmedeshyly: generttechnique: teknikintricacy: sindrighedcapturing: indfangedepresented: præsenteredeexhibited: udstillesparked: vaktecommunity: fællesskabcreativity: kreativitetharmony: harmonichapter: kapitelenergetic: energiskjoyful: gladapproached: gik hencollaboration: samarbejdecharming: charmerendesurprised: overrasketpartners: partnere
Fluent Fiction - Hungarian: Kindling Hope: A Budapest Orphanage's Winter Tale Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/hu/episode/2025-02-13-23-34-02-hu Story Transcript:Hu: A hideg tél belepte Budapest utcáit, a hó csendesen hullott az árvaház körül.En: The cold winter covered the streets of Budapest, and the snow quietly fell around the orphanage.Hu: Belül azonban élettel teli volt a légkör, gyerekek vidám nevetése és játékának zaja töltötte be a termeket.En: Inside, however, the atmosphere was full of life, with the cheerful laughter and noise of children playing filling the rooms.Hu: Gábor és Réka az ablaknál álltak, kívülről figyelték, ahogy a gyerekek a hóesés láttán örvendeznek.En: Gábor and Réka stood by the window, watching from outside how the children rejoiced at the sight of the falling snow.Hu: Réka homloka ráncba szaladt, amikor ismét átgondolta a helyzetet.En: Réka wrinkled her forehead as she reconsidered the situation. "Hu: "Gábor, mi lesz, ha nem találunk elég pénzt?En: Gábor, what if we don't find enough money?"Hu: " - kérdezte aggodalmasan.En: she asked worriedly.Hu: Az árvaház jövője bizonytalan volt, a közelgő költségvetési megszorítások miatt.En: The future of the orphanage was uncertain due to the upcoming budget cuts.Hu: Gábor azonban nem adta fel a reményt.En: Gábor, however, did not give up hope.Hu: "Megvan az ötlet.En: "I have an idea.Hu: Rendezünk egy Valentin-napi jótékonysági bált," mondta határozottan, és mosolyt csempészett arcára.En: We'll host a Valentine's Day charity ball," he said resolutely, sneaking a smile onto his face.Hu: Réka kissé szkeptikus volt, de nem akarta letörni a lelkesedését.En: Réka was somewhat skeptical, but she didn't want to dampen his enthusiasm.Hu: "Rendben, segítek," bólintott Réka.En: "Alright, I'll help," Réka nodded.Hu: "De Gábor, reálisnak kell lennünk.En: "But Gábor, we need to be realistic.Hu: Nagy feladat előtt állunk.En: We're facing a big task."Hu: "Az elkövetkező napokban az árvaház minden szegletében készültek a bálra.En: In the following days, preparations for the ball were underway in every corner of the orphanage.Hu: A gyerekek lelkesen díszítettek, miközben régi karácsonyi díszeket használták fel, hogy pénzt takarítsanak meg.En: The children enthusiastically decorated, using old Christmas decorations to save money.Hu: Gábor titokban azt is remélte, hogy a bál közelebb hozhatja őt Rékához.En: Gábor secretly hoped that the ball might bring him closer to Réka.Hu: Eljött a nagy nap.En: The big day arrived.Hu: Az árvaház híresen meleg fogadtatása most elegáns dekorációkkal várta vendégeit.En: The orphanage's famously warm welcome now awaited its guests with elegant decorations.Hu: Az est folyamán azonban a bevételek elmaradtak a várakozásoktól.En: However, throughout the evening, the revenue fell short of expectations.Hu: Réka szorongva pillantott Gáborra.En: Réka glanced anxiously at Gábor.Hu: "Mi lesz, ha nem gyűjtünk eleget?En: "What if we don't collect enough?"Hu: " - suttogta aggodalmasan.En: she whispered worriedly.Hu: Gábor mély levegőt vett, és a színpadra lépett.En: Gábor took a deep breath and stepped onto the stage.Hu: Szíve hevesen vert, de eltökéltsége erősebb volt.En: His heart was pounding, but his determination was stronger.Hu: "Kedves vendégek," kezdte, miközben a gyerekek fényképei villantak fel a háttérben.En: "Dear guests," he began as photos of the children flashed in the background.Hu: "Ez az árvaház több, mint egy otthon.En: "This orphanage is more than a home.Hu: Egy család vagyunk.En: We are a family."Hu: "A szavai megérintették a közönséget, és lassan a támogatások is elindultak.En: His words touched the audience, and slowly the support began to come in.Hu: De még mindig nem volt elég.En: But it was still not enough.Hu: Épp amikor Reménytelenül tekinteettek egymásra, egy titokzatos férfi állt fel a teremben és bejelentett egy nagy összegű adományt.En: Just as they were looking at each other hopelessly, a mysterious man stood up in the hall and announced a large donation.Hu: Az árvahát megmenekült.En: The orphanage was saved.Hu: Ahogy a bál véget ért, Réka odalépett Gáborhoz.En: As the ball came to an end, Réka approached Gábor.Hu: "Tudod," mondta mosolyogva, "én egy olyan ember vagyok, aki mindig a valóságra koncentrál.En: "You know," she said with a smile, "I'm someone who always concentrates on reality.Hu: De ma este megértettem, mennyire fontos a remény.En: But tonight, I understood how important hope is."Hu: "Gábor tekintete elmondta mindazt, amit a szavai nem tudtak volna.En: Gábor's gaze said everything his words could not.Hu: "Réka, nagyon fontos neked.En: "Réka, you are very important to me."Hu: " Réka szívében melegség áradt szét, ahogy észrevette Gábor érzéseit.En: Warmth spread in Réka's heart as she noticed Gábor's feelings.Hu: A bál estéje nem csak az árvaházat mentette meg, hanem Réka szemeit is felnyitotta Gábor iránt.En: The night of the ball not only saved the orphanage but also opened Réka's eyes to Gábor.Hu: A tél ugyan hideg maradt, de belül új lángok gyúltak, és ezek a lángok ragyogtak a jövő felé vezető úton.En: Though the winter remained cold, new flames were kindled inside, and these flames shone on the path towards the future. Vocabulary Words:orphanage: árvaházcheerful: vidámreconsidered: átgondoltaworryingly: aggodalmasanuncertain: bizonytalanresolutely: határozottanskeptical: szkeptikusrealistic: reálistask: feladatpreparations: készültekelegant: elegánsanxiously: szorongvadetermination: eltökéltségeaudience: közönségmysterious: titokzatosdonation: adományrealized: észrevetteforehead: homlokawrinkle: ráncbaatmosphere: légkörglanced: pillantottpounding: hevesen vertconcentrates: koncentrálflames: lángokwelcoming: fogadtatásarevenue: bevételdecorations: dekorációkkalfilled: töltötte besupport: támogatásokhope: remény
Kim and Ket Stay Alive... Maybe: A Horror Movie Comedy Podcast
Kim tells Ket about 10 Cloverfield Lane where a jolly John Goodman Doomsday Prepper is the least of our worries. Ket comes down pretty hard on the side of “let's not RUSH to escape this whole thing.” There is spaghetti, after all... and a dude to doof… AND PUZZLES! Where. Is. The. Horror!? Most importantly we'll learn if Ket will live or die in 10 Cloverfield Lane. Dir. Dan TrachtenbergWriters Josh Campbell, Matt Stuecken, Damien ChazelleSupport the girls on PATREON for some sweet BONE CON (bonus content) at: www.patreon.com/kimandketstayalivemaybeKKSAM Facebook Discussion Group!!"Sammies Stay Alive... Maybe"www.facebook.com/groups/kksampodcastGet acquainted with all things KIM & KET at www.kimandketstayalive.com Chat with the girls at kksampodcast@gmail.comPeep the girls on Instagram: @kksampodcastRock with the girls on Tik Tok: @kksampodcastBook the face of the girls on Facebook: @kksampodcastWear the shirts of the girls from the MERCH Store: kimandketstayalivemaybe.threadless.comOk we'll see ourselves out.Thanks for listening!xo and #StayAlive,K&KKIM AND KET'S SURVIVE THE CELLAR: link.chtbl.com/kkstcProud members of the Dread Podcast NetworkSee Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
One of Jeffrey Epstein's survivors and a woman who helped put Ghislaine Maxwell behind bars has died. Carolyn Andriano was found unresponsive in a hotel room in Florida by her husband and after performing CPR on her while on the phone with 9-11, Carolyn unfortunately passed away. According to the authorities, the cause of death was due to an accidental overdose. Drug paraphenalia and drugs were found at the hotel room and Carolyn had mulitple drugs in her system at the time of her death, including fentanyl.Her family however, has questions and they say they want more answers about the circumstances surrounding her tragic passing.(commercial at 7:11)to contact me:bobbycapucci@protonmail.comsource:Carolyn Andriano, Epstein Victim Who Testified Against Ghislaine Maxwell, Has Died (thedailybeast.com)
Love can be sweet, but sometimes, it's soaked in blood. In this special Weekly Spooky episode, a vengeful killer returns on Valentine's night to claim what's hers. A chilling, blood-drenched slasher story that proves love hurts… literally. Tune in if you dare!Slasher: Valentine Scorn by Rob Fields
Fluent Fiction - Dutch: Ice and Laughs: Bram's Winter Tale of Friendship Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/nl/episode/2025-02-12-23-34-01-nl Story Transcript:Nl: Het was een koude, winterse dag vol sneeuwvlokken hangend in de lucht.En: It was a cold, wintry day full of sneeuwvlokken hanging in the air.Nl: Het ijs glinsterde in het zachte licht van feestelijke lampjes.En: The ijs glistened in the soft light of festive lights.Nl: In het midden van de drukke schaatsbaan stond Bram, zijn gezicht rood van de kou en spanning.En: In the middle of the busy skating rink stood Bram, his face red from the cold and tension.Nl: Zijn blik was gefixeerd op Sofie, die soepel over het ijs gleed als een echte schaatsprinses.En: His gaze was fixed on Sofie, who smoothly glided over the ijs like a real skating princess.Nl: Ze had een lichte sjaal om haar nek en haar wangen gloeiden van plezier.En: She had a light scarf around her neck, and her cheeks glowed with joy.Nl: Bram wilde indruk maken op Sofie.En: Bram wanted to impress Sofie.Nl: Hij had gehoord dat ze van schaatsen hield, en hij had het idee opgevat om zijn vermeende schaatskunsten te laten zien.En: He had heard that she loved skating, and he had the idea to show off his supposed skating skills.Nl: Het probleem was dat hij eigenlijk niet kon schaatsen.En: The problem was that he couldn't actually skate.Nl: Zijn vriend Jasper stond naast hem en schudde lachend zijn hoofd, vol verbazing over Bram's zelfvertrouwen.En: His friend Jasper stood next to him, shaking his head with laughter, amazed at Bram's self-confidence.Nl: Jasper, een uitstekende schaatser, probeerde Bram nog wat tips te geven.En: Jasper, an excellent skater, tried to give Bram some tips.Nl: "Gewoon ontspannen, Bram!"En: "Just relax, Bram!"Nl: lachte Jasper.En: laughed Jasper.Nl: "Je moet er zelf ook een beetje van genieten."En: "You need to enjoy it a little yourself too."Nl: Bram knikte, maar voelde zich nog steeds nerveus.En: Bram nodded but still felt nervous.Nl: Hij besloot dat hij het gewoon moest proberen.En: He decided he just had to try.Nl: Toen was het moment daar.En: Then the moment was there.Nl: Hij stapte voorzichtig het ijs op.En: He stepped carefully onto the ijs.Nl: Zijn benen voelden wiebelig aan, maar hij hield zich groot.En: His legs felt wobbly, but he put on a brave face.Nl: Sofie keek nieuwsgierig naar hem, glimlachend van de kant.En: Sofie looked at him curiously, smiling from the side.Nl: Bram haalde diep adem en ging ervoor.En: Bram took a deep breath and went for it.Nl: Al snel begreep hij dat schaatsen veel moeilijker was dan het eruitzag.En: He soon realized that skating was much harder than it looked.Nl: Hij strompelde en wankelde als een pinguïn op glad ijs.En: He stumbled and wobbled like a penguin on slick ijs.Nl: Jasper kon het niet laten om grapjes te maken, wat Bram juist meer onzeker maakte.En: Jasper couldn't resist making jokes, which only made Bram more insecure.Nl: Ondanks zijn gebrek aan vaardigheden besloot Bram toch om een gedurfde draai te proberen.En: Despite his lack of skills, Bram decided to attempt a daring turn.Nl: Hij zwenkte met zijn arm en – krak!En: He swung his arm and—crack!Nl: De schaats gleed weg en hij viel als een zak aardappelen op zijn achterwerk.En: The skate slipped away, and he fell like a sack of potatoes on his backside.Nl: Zijn voeten schoten in de lucht, en hij raakte de jongen naast hem, die weer een ander raakte, waardoor er een komische domino-effect ontstond op de ijsbaan.En: His feet shot into the air, and he hit the boy next to him, who then hit another, creating a comical domino effect on the rink.Nl: Even was het stil.En: For a moment, it was silent.Nl: Toen klonk er gelach.En: Then laughter rang out.Nl: Sofie kwam zijn kant op, haar lach was aanstekelijk.En: Sofie came toward him, her laughter infectious.Nl: Ze hielp hem omhoog, en haar ogen twinkelden van plezier.En: She helped him up, and her eyes sparkled with delight.Nl: "Je bent misschien geen schaatstalent, maar je hebt me wel aan het lachen gemaakt," zei Sofie vriendelijk.En: "You may not be a skating talent, but you did make me laugh," said Sofie kindly.Nl: Bram keek wat schaapachtig naar zijn voeten, terwijl Jasper lachend op zijn rug klopte.En: Bram looked sheepishly at his feet while Jasper laughingly clapped him on the back.Nl: "Zie je, eerlijk zijn is altijd beter!"En: "See, being honest is always better!"Nl: riep Jasper opgetogen.En: called Jasper cheerfully.Nl: Bram kon er niet anders dan om lachen en besefte dat het prettig was om zichzelf te zijn.En: Bram couldn't help but laugh and realized that it was nice to be himself.Nl: Vanaf dat moment genoot hij van de rest van de middag op het ijs, zonder druk om iemand anders voor te doen.En: From that moment on, he enjoyed the rest of the afternoon on the ijs, without the pressure to pretend to be someone else.Nl: En zo eindigde de dag, niet zoals Bram had gepland, maar wat hij wel had geleerd was veel waardevoller.En: And so the day ended, not as Bram had planned, but what he had learned was much more valuable.Nl: Hij maakte geen indruk op een spectaculaire manier, maar won toch Sophie's hart door gewoon zichzelf te zijn.En: He didn't impress in a spectacular way, but still won Sophie's heart by just being himself.Nl: Samen dronken ze warme chocolademelk, genietend van de warmte die vriendschap en eerlijkheid kunnen bieden op een koude winterdag.En: Together they drank hot chocolate, enjoying the warmth that friendship and honesty can offer on a cold winter day. Vocabulary Words:wintry: winterseglide: gleedsupposed: vermeendeself-confidence: zelfvertrouwenwobbly: wiebeliginsecure: onzekerdaring: gedurfdebrave: grootcuriously: nieuwsgierigstumbled: strompeldesparkled: twinkeldensheepishly: schaapachtighonest: eerlijkcheerfully: opgetogenpretend: voordoenvaluable: waardevollerfestive: feestelijkescarf: sjaaltension: spanningfixed: gefixeerdimpress: indruk makentips: tipsslick: gladdomino effect: domino-effectinfectious: aanstekelijkrealized: beseftedelight: pleziergaze: blikbright: zachtattempt: proberen
Send us a textOn this Episode DB sits down with "The Gentleman Barbarian" Bruss Hamilton. Fresh off his appearance on Monday Night Raw, he talks about his WWE Extra work, Tattoos, being a Professional Wrestler, Strength Games, Training at Black & Brave Academy, his first match & More! Available on All Podcast platforms and SportzwireRadio.orgSupport the show
00:00: Dirty Soda 01:51: Survive or Thrive in 2025? 03:14: Christmas Crack & NYE 10:09: MLK Day 13:00: New Releases for 2025 13:24: Squid Games Season 2 16:12: Scam Goddess TV Show 19:06: Love Is Blind S6 22:33: Daredevil Born Again, A Night of the Seven Kingdoms, House of Dragons, Ironheart, Eyes of Wakanda, The Mysterious Benedict Society, Sherlock & Daughter, Community the movie, Fellow Travellers, 29:20: Shows that are ending in 2025, The Handmaid's Tale, Upload, Bel-Air, Andor, Squid Game 3 31:16: Beyonce Christmas Halftime Show 33:16: Ozempic Parties 34:00: Wicked Press Tour 37:45: The Universal Monster Movie Universe 39:41: What are a Mummy's powers? 40:53: Kangaroos in water 45:17: Man punches Kangaroo 46:49: Megan the Stallion's new boyfriend 50:50: Cardi B without a Razor 53:10: Rich Homie Quan and Erika Banks 54:36: President Jimmy Carter 57:11: Where to find your hosts! Check out our carrd to see where you can find us! https://nerdgasmnoire.carrd.co/ Make sure you join our new discord channel and hang out with the community! https://discord.gg/7DqMZSy ENJOY! Hosts: De, Jamie, JP, Maria, Melissa, Storm Producer: De, Jamie, JP, Maria, Melissa, Storm Writing Team: De, Jamie, JP, Maria, Melissa, Storm Editor: De Audio Production: De Theme Song: Feelin Good provided by Mike (Pound 4 Pound Podcast) & Marion Moore from ALBM Production Design: JP Fairfield Social Media: Melissa, Storm
Alimentari e stop. L' elenco dei settori industriali in crescita nel 2024 termina già qui, racconto succinto di un anno da dimenticare, che per l industria nazionale si chiude decisamente peggio rispetto agli esordi dello scorso gennaio. Dicembre evidenzia infatti nei dati Istat una caduta corale, per un calo del 7,1% su base annua (solo ai tempi del Covid era andata peggio), del 3,1% rispetto a novembre. Per la produzione industriale salgono così a 23 i mesi di caduta consecutiva nel dato tendenziale, quasi due anni in apnea suggellati dalla rilevazione di dicembre, che consente di tirare le somme su un 2024 non certo brillante. Discesa che in termini di incassi per la manifattura è stimata in 42 miliardi di euro e che dal lato produttivo vede una frenata media del 3,5%, secondo arretramento annuo consecutivo dopo il - 2% del 2023. Il dato Istat risente anche delle scelte effettuate da numerose aziende, che in mancanza di lavoro hanno preferito prolungare la pausa natalizia, anticipando lo stop e posticipando comunque la riapertura di qualche giorno a gennaio. Scelte che hanno lasciato il segno nelle statistiche. Ne parliamo con Gregorio De Felice, capo economista e responsabile Studi e Ricerche di Intesa Sanpaolo.Banche: nel mezzo del risiko, il 2024 è stato un altro anno record. Balzo utile per i primi 5 gruppi grazie alle commissioniUn altro anno d oro per le banche italiane. I primi cinque gruppi (Intesa Sanpaolo, Unicredit, Banco Bpm, Mps, Bper) archiviano il 2024 con ricavi e utili in forte crescita (proventi operativi +5,6% e risultato netto +7,2%) rispetto all anno precedente, nonostante la discesa dei tassi avviata dalla Bce a partire da giugno. A trainare i conti sono le commissioni nette (+8%), che registrano una performance nettamente superiore a quella degli interessi netti (+4,6%), invertendo lo schema affermatosi nel 2023. Ancor più significativi gli aumenti per le commissioni su attività di gestione, intermediazione e consulenza. E quanto emerge dall analisi della Fondazione Fiba di First Cisl sui bilanci del 2024.Al termine del 2023 le commissioni nette avevano fatto segnare un calo del 2,4% rispetto all anno precedente. La forte ripresa che si è registrata nel 2024 va evidentemente ascritta alla volontà delle banche di compensare la riduzione del margine d interesse aumentando i ricavi derivanti dal risparmio gestito. Il dato sulle commissioni nette è correlato alla forte dinamica della raccolta indiretta, aumentata del 9,3%. Tale crescita si riscontra in entrambe le componenti, sia il risparmio gestito che la raccolta amministrata, senza andare a scapito della raccolta diretta (+ 1,3%). Interviene sul tema Riccardo Colombani, segretario generale First Cisl.Milano-Cortina si presenta al festival di SanRemoSi è acceso il countdown ufficiale che segna l ultima volata verso le Olimpiadi e le Paralimpiadi invernali di Milano Cortina, che si terranno dal 6 al 22 febbraio 2026. A un anno dai Giochi iniziano i primi test event per collaudare e simulare l organizzazione delle gare. Dopo l'intervento di ieri di Gianmarco Tamberi, stasera sul palco dell'Ariston Carolina Kostner racconterà come partirà la fiaccola olimpica. I 365 giorni che mancano all arrivo della fiamma a San Siro sono fondamentali anche per la consegna degli impianti e delle infrastrutture. Sui primi c è il nodo degli extracosti da 120 milioni di euro, che il governo dovrebbe sciogliere a breve. Sulle seconde si corre, sapendo che non tutte saranno pronte in tempo. Il 15 gennaio si è chiusa la pre-registrazione alla piattaforma di vendita, a cui si sono iscritte 350.000 persone (il 70 per cento straniere). Sono 1,6 milioni i ticket disponibili, con prezzi che sono stati studiati per garantire l accessibilità alla maggior parte delle gare: il 20 per cento costerà meno di 40 euro, mentre il 57 per cento sarà sotto i 100 euro. Oltre, ci sono le esperienze premium, dove si spazia tra cifre anche a tre zeri arrivando a 7.500 euro. Il commento al microfono di Sebastiano Barisoni è di Andrea Varnier, amministratore delegato della Fondazione Milano-Cortina 2026.
A tragic day in May 2003 ended with the loss of a life that had been adored by millions for years. Elizabeth Hulette (better known as Miss Elizabeth) was dead at the young age of 42. Her untimely death followed a historic career where she lived out the nickname she had been given: “The First Lady of Wrestling.” First known to fans around the world as the valet of “Macho Man” Randy Savage (her real-life husband), Miss Elizabeth was the opposite of everything in the wrestling world she lived in. Unlike the loud, chaotic and downright crazy world of pro wrestling, Elizabeth was gentle, kind and soft-spoken. The total opposite of Savage. Fans grew to love her at a time when some pro wrestling shows garnered tens of millions of viewers, with Elizabeth at the center of the show. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
From Brady Corbet's haunting “The Brutalist” about a Holocaust survivor in 1950s America to the raw and emotional “From Ground Zero”, an anthology capturing life under siege in Gaza, Eve Jackson and film critic Emma Jones take us through this week's standout releases. Also, get ready for the return of “Bridget Jones: Mad About the Boy”, where Bridget dives back into the world of romance. And, the moving Iranian film “My Favourite Cake” graces the big screen.
This time, Eric gives an update on his Middle School Game Night before the gang launches into a discussion of how playing games for tangible prizes changes the vibe at the table. Then, we move on to a Tale of Boardgaming Horror, check the mailbag, and share some Roses, Thorns, and Hula Hoops. 00:48 - Announcements: Gamefound, Dice Tower West 02:33 - Update on Eric's Middle School Game Night 03:54 - Raising the Stakes 25:08 - Tale of Boardgaming Horror 31:54 - Question: Boardgaming's Golden Age? 36:24 - Question: Collecting from a Single Franchise? 38:30 - Endeavor Deep Sea 41:45 - Portmanteau 45:21 - Lord of the Rings Adventure Book Game 48:58 - The Fellowship of the Ring Trick-Taking Game 51:19 - Jekyll & Hyde vs. Scotland Yard 54:54 - Stomp the Plank --- Questions? Tales of Horror? tom@dicetower.com
इस एपिसोड में, हम आपको एक भारतीय रियासत के राजा से जुड़ी एक रोचक कहानी सुनने वाले हैं, जिसके आदेश पर रोल्स रॉयस गाड़ियों का इस्तेमाल कचरा इकट्ठा करने के लिए किया गया था . In this episode, we are going to tell you an interesting story related to the king of an Indian state, on whose orders Rolls Royce cars were used to collect garbage. इस एपिसोड के अंतिम भाग में, आप एक उपयोगी ऐक्सप्रैशन के प्रयोग सीखेंगे . In the final part of this episode, you'll learn the use of a useful expression. https://www.patreon.com/allaboutindiapodcast या https://www.patreon.com/learnhindionthego से #Hindiadvancedlearners इस एपिसोड की ट्रांस्क्रिप्ट अर्थ के साथ डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं. You can download the transcript of this episode with meaning. मुफ़्त ऑनलाइन हिन्दी कक्षा लेने के लिए To take free online Hindi class visit - https://learnhindischool.com Find out more at https://learn-hindi-on-the-go.pinecast.co This podcast is powered by Pinecast.
0:00 Directors Cup Match 2. 0:12 Info on the Directors cup. 1:25 The story of the combatant. 3:40 Recapping match 1. 3:57 Tale of the tape. 7:16 Round One, Best Scene, Best Line, Musical Score. 7:43 Bern's Round one take. 10:53 Old Uncle Matty Claps Back in round one. 14:24 Round Two, Awards and Acclaim. 14:41 Star Trek 2009 rebooted the franchise. 16:01 Matt gives us the rundown from the 2009 Oscars. 17:25 Best Movies of 2009. 19:58 Bern goes over Jurassic Park and Spielberg at the Oscars. 20:30 Oscars of 1993. 21:20 Bern Gives us the best movies in 1993. 23:20 Round Three, trivia battle and recasting. 23:59 T-Rex Roar trivia. 25:14 Script Security fun fact. 26:25 Movie was sold before the book was written. 27:28 CGI where you didn't think it would be. 28:45 Alan Grant was made for the movie. 29:32 Sean Connery and others turn down Jurassic Park. 30:15 Make up took forever for the Aliens. 30:47 The Idea for the cup of water dimple. 32:00 The Reboot almost didn't happen. 32:43 Shatner almost having a cameo. 34:00 It's Trek not Trak. 34:40 Bern Starts his recasting. 35:28 The Glenn Powell Rule. 39:30 Matt is recasting Jurassic Park. 44:14 Round four Ask Gemini. 44:43 Gemini Gives us their answer. 47:12 Glen Powel turns down Jurassic World. 49:01 Bern's Final thoughts. 51:07 outro. Welcome back to the Working Perspectives Podcast and the Directors Cup! In this epic showdown, we're pitting two titans of cinema against each other: Steven Spielberg and JJ Abrams! Get ready for a heated debate as we analyze and compare two iconic films: Spielberg's Jurassic Park and Abrams' Star Trek (2009). Can the groundbreaking special effects and thrilling adventure of Jurassic Park stand up to the reimagined sci-fi action of Star Trek? We'll break down the matchup in four rounds: Round 1: Nostalgia: We dive deep into our childhood memories and the lasting impact of these films. Round 2: Awards & Acclaim: Which film reigns supreme in the eyes of critics and award shows? Round 3: Trivia Showdown: Test your knowledge with a head-to-head trivia battle about Jurassic Park and Star Trek. Round 4: The Gemini Decider: We consult the all-knowing AI, Gemini, for the final verdict! Who will advance to the next round of the Directors Cup? Tune in to find out! Don't forget to like, subscribe, and leave a comment with your pick for the winner! #DirectorsCup #StevenSpielberg #JJAbrams #JurassicPark #StarTrek #MovieDebate #Podcast #FilmAnalysis #MovieTrivia #Nostalgia #WorkingPerspectives
Hot nerds, killer dinner parties, and disturbing duality… Oh lawd, it's about to get pretty dark! Join these ‘90s kids, and the Midnight Society, as they explore the complexities of the human experience through yet another surprisingly literary SNICK lens. Examine with them their own ties to societal norms, ponder the effects of rigidity vs. fluidity, and, at long last, learn fascinating truths behind the oft referenced Jekyll and Hyde. Email us at thatsprettydarkpodcast@gmail.comGive to our Patreon for extra content: patreon.com/tpdpodcastFollow us on Instagram and Facebook @thatsprettydarkpodcastMentioned in this episode:BetterHelp Online TherapyLet our sponsor BetterHelp connect you to a therapist who can support you - all from the comfort of your own home. Visit https://betterhelp.com/prettydark and enjoy a special discount on your first month. If you have any questions about the brand relating to how the therapists are licensed, their privacy policy, or therapist compensation model, check out this FAQ: https://www.betterhelp.com/your-questions-answered/
HR1 - Fitzy and Hart discuss the Celtics blowout win over the Heat in Miami, why are they so much better on the road? Did Joe Mazzulla figure out how to push Tatum's buttons? Are the Celtics and Lakers on a Finals collision course once again?
Fluent Fiction - Danish: Finding Balance: A Winter's Tale of Risks and Partnerships Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/da/episode/2025-02-11-23-34-02-da Story Transcript:Da: Solen skinnede svagt gennem vinduerne i Startup Incubator.En: The sun shone faintly through the windows of the Startup Incubator.Da: Selvom det var vinter og koldt udenfor, summede lokalet af energi.En: Although it was winter and cold outside, the room buzzed with energy.Da: Ambitiøse unge iværksættere fyldte rummet med snak og drømme om succes.En: Ambitious young entrepreneurs filled the space with talk and dreams of success.Da: Midt i alt dette stod Soren og Kirsten ved deres lille kontorplads.En: In the midst of all this stood Soren and Kirsten at their small office space.Da: Soren, ivrig og anspændt, havde besluttet, at i dag var dagen, hvor de skulle købe nye kontorforsyninger.En: Soren, eager and tense, had decided that today was the day they needed to buy new office supplies.Da: "Vi skal imponere investorerne," sagde Soren entusiastisk.En: "We need to impress the investors," said Soren enthusiastically.Da: "Det kræver de rigtige kontormøbler."En: "That requires the right office furniture."Da: Kirsten, altid praktisk, nikkede.En: Kirsten, always practical, nodded.Da: "Vi har brug for en liste.En: "We need a list.Da: Og et budget," svarede hun.En: And a budget," she replied.Da: Hun trak en notesbog frem og begyndte at skrive.En: She pulled out a notebook and began to write.Da: Det næste stop var den nærliggende kontorforsyningsbutik, hvor lysrørene summede over de lange gange af artikler.En: The next stop was the nearby office supply store, where the fluorescent lights hummed over the long aisles of items.Da: Soren blev straks tiltrukket af det nye og stilfulde konferencebord, der næsten lignede noget fra en designmesse.En: Soren was immediately drawn to the new and stylish conference table, which looked almost like something from a design fair.Da: "Kirsten, kig på dette bord!En: "Kirsten, look at this table!Da: Det vil se fantastisk ud på vores kontor," sagde Soren og pegede ivrigt.En: It would look fantastic in our office," said Soren, pointing eagerly.Da: Kirsten kiggede på prisen.En: Kirsten looked at the price.Da: "Det er for dyrt.En: "It's too expensive.Da: Vi bør holde os til de basale ting.En: We should stick to the basics.Da: Vi har kun en begrænset sum," advarede hun.En: We only have a limited amount," she warned.Da: Soren smilede skævt.En: Soren smiled wryly.Da: "Vi skal bare tænke lidt større."En: "We just need to think a little bigger."Da: De begyndte at samle deres varer.En: They began picking out their items.Da: Kirsten valgte papirblokke, kuglepenne og praktiske opbevaringskasser.En: Kirsten chose notepads, pens, and practical storage boxes.Da: Soren lagde hæfter i kurven, som han troede ville imponere ved første blik.En: Soren added notebooks to the cart, which he thought would impress at first glance.Da: Men hovedattraktionen var stadig det dyre bord, som Kirsten modvilligt lod ham lægge i vognen.En: But the main attraction was still the expensive table, which Kirsten reluctantly allowed him to put in the cart.Da: Ved kassen kom sandheden frem.En: At the register, the truth came out.Da: De havde overskredet deres budget.En: They had exceeded their budget.Da: Kasseren kiggede venligt, men sekundernes stilhed føltes som minutter.En: The cashier looked kind, but the seconds of silence felt like minutes.Da: "Vi må beslutte os," sagde Kirsten med rynket pande.En: "We have to decide," said Kirsten with a furrowed brow.Da: Soren tænkte hurtigt.En: Soren thought quickly.Da: "Vi kan returnere noget af dekorationen," foreslog han, øjnene skiftede mellem Kirsten og bordet.En: "We can return some of the decorations," he suggested, his eyes shifting between Kirsten and the table.Da: Efter en kort, intens diskussion fandt de en løsning.En: After a short, intense discussion, they found a solution.Da: Soren skulle returnere sin posterlygte og blomstervaserne, som i virkeligheden var overflødige.En: Soren would return his poster lamp and the flower vases, which were really superfluous.Da: De besluttede at dele udgiften til bordet som en personlig investering i deres drøm.En: They decided to share the cost of the table as a personal investment in their dream.Da: Da de gik tilbage til startup inkubatoren, bar de på de essentielle forsyninger og selvfølgelig det stilfulde bord.En: As they returned to the startup incubator, they carried the essential supplies and, of course, the stylish table.Da: Soren følte respekt for Kirstens evne til at planlægge.En: Soren felt respect for Kirsten's ability to plan.Da: Samtidig lærte Kirsten at se potentialet i at tage risici, når det var nødvendigt.En: At the same time, Kirsten learned to see the potential in taking risks when necessary.Da: De gik ind i fællesrummet, hvor lyset skinnede ind og gav en varm glød i kontrast til vinterkulden udenfor.En: They entered the common room, where the light shone in, giving a warm glow in contrast to the winter cold outside.Da: Sammen satte de bordet op, klar til næste uges store møde.En: Together, they set up the table, ready for the big meeting next week.Da: Soren og Kirsten vidste, at de havde fundet en balance mellem ambitioner og realiteter.En: Soren and Kirsten knew they had found a balance between ambition and realities.Da: Den vinterdag i kontorforsyningsbutikken var en start på mere end blot en virksomhed; det var begyndelsen på et stærkere partnerskab.En: That winter day in the office supply store was the beginning of more than just a business; it was the start of a stronger partnership. Vocabulary Words:faintly: svagtambitious: ambitiøseentrepreneurs: iværksættereeager: ivrigimpress: imponereenthusiastically: entusiastiskpractical: praktiskbudget: budgetfluorescent: lysrøreneaisles: gangestylish: stilfuldeconference table: konferencebordexpensive: dyrtdecorations: dekorationensuperfluous: overflødigeinvestors: investorernenotepads: papirblokkepractical storage boxes: praktiske opbevaringskasserwryly: skævtexceeded: overskredetcashier: kasserenfurrowed brow: rynkede pandesolution: løsningreturn: returnereflower vases: blomstervasernecommon room: fællesrummetglow: glødcontrast: kontrastrealities: realiteterbeginning: begyndelsen
In today's episode of the Atheist Experience, JMike, The Godless Engineer, and Kelley Laughlin take on a variety of challenging and fun calls. Tommi in Portugal wants to talk about the problem of evil and considers it to be the greatest challenge to the Christian faith. Does god desire to have evil in this world? Is it possible for an agent to always make a good choice? Why did god fail in substantiating a world where all the agents always do good? Why is there unnecessary suffering in this world that an omni god created? Is it justice for god to cast a magical incantation on all of humanity just because he got man at someone for eating something? Why does god just not pick the file where everyone makes the right choice?GB in CA has a question about what effect the White House Faith Office will have on the country. It is a direct violation of the First Amendment and irresponsible to have an office of faith where faith leaders can have influence on our policies. This will result in policies being made that are in alignment with the Bible. How would you feel if decisions were being made based on other faiths like Islam? What if a member of the atheist community influenced the government to allocate religious communities less funding than others? Or make it unlawful to go to church? What parallels can be drawn between the current subject and The Handmaid's Tale? Yoshi in TX who is sometimes an atheist and sometimes a theist depending on the definition of god. Being an atheist in respect to a specific god is fine but saying that god is everything is a way to change the subject. Why do we have to rename something god that is already labeled? Defining god in a way that we can neither prove or disprove turns into a semantic game. Hannah in MS wants to provide a moral argument for the Jewish religion as a foundation for an ethical society. Doesn't this depend on how much god is worshiped by the society? How can this be explained without using continental philosophy? What context is it okay for an all powerful deity to do what he commanded in Numbers 31:17-18? There is no context where genocide is okay. When everything happens for a reason, things like the Holocaust happen because they ought to happen. Kelley Laughlin, our backup host, relieves JMike before taking our next caller, Blaine, an atheist in Ca. He asks about people using religion as a cover for bad behavior by cherry picking. This all depends on how they are using their religion. If the religion is used to judge other people or shield bad actions, then it can be problematic as opposed to when people keep it private. When do you think humanity will get to a point where we don't need magical thinking? Cade in TX asks for advice on how to deal with the recent loss of his father and dealing with the comments of theists. Kelley shares a personal experience with similar challenges and offers support with empathy. People are just trying to deal with it the best they can and tell you what worked for them to try and provide comfort. Maybe just thanking them for their kind thoughts is all that is needed. Thank you for tuning in this week! Prompt of the week is: If god is so smart, then why is it____?Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-atheist-experience--3254896/support.
Eat Your Spanish: A Spanish Learning Podcast for Kids and Families!
Welcome to our first ever Spanish storytime! In this two part series we will read a story to you in both Spanish and English. If you are interested in looking at the translation for the story, we have our script up on our patreon page!www.Patreon.com/EatYourSpanishAnd as always, if you are interested in virtual Spanish lessons, please reach out to us atwww.EatYourSpanish.com!
Tim and Dr. Steven Collins conclude their in-depth discussion about Tall el-Hammam's possible candidacy as Biblical Sodom. Do the archaeological remains found during excavations confirm a meteorite airburst over this ancient city? Does Tall el-Hammam fit the chronological and geographical criteria laid out in the Biblical text for Sodom? Did the Israelites camp on the ruins of Sodom before Joshua led them over the Jordan to conquer the Promised Land? All of this and more is covered! Also, please stay tuned for our upcoming interviews with Dr. Titus Kennedy who will be advocating for Bab edh-Dhra as Sodom! ➡️ HELP US FUND THE NEXT FILM!