Podcasts about Refuge

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Latest podcast episodes about Refuge

The Rock Art Podcast
Pacific Rim Rock Art with Rachel Hoerman and the Huliaupa'a Community - Rock Art 136

The Rock Art Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 6, 2024 48:39

In this week's episode, Dr Alan speaks with historic preservation specialist and project coordinator of Huliauapa'a, Rachel Hoerman. Along with community members Andree-Michelle Conley Kapoi and her teenage twins, Anais and Oisin, who are involved in the Stewardship and Protection Plan Project for the kiʻi pōhaku at Nu'u Refuge, Kaupō, Maui, they speak about Pacific Rim rock art and heritage stewardship in Hawai'i.Transcripts For rough transcripts of this episode go to https://www.archpodnet.com/rockart/136Links Dr. Rachel HoermanContact Dr. Alan Garfinkelavram1952@yahoo.comDr. Alan Garfinkel's WebsiteSupport Dr. Garfinkel on PatreonArchPodNet APN Website: https://www.archpodnet.com APN on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/archpodnet APN on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/archpodnet APN on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/archpodnet Tee Public StoreAffiliates and Sponsors California Rock Art Foundation Motion

Abundant Life Fellowship in Butte, Montana
Refuge | It's Giving...Part 4 | Jon Kinzle | 11.20.24

Abundant Life Fellowship in Butte, Montana

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 5, 2024 31:06

Refuge | It's Giving...Part 4

Refuge Freedom Stories
Refuge Freedom Stories - Kim Mosiman

Refuge Freedom Stories

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 4, 2024 25:05

Interview with Kim Mosiman. Kim is an author, nutritionist, and Christian life coach who specializes in empowering women embarking on their "second act" through her faith-driven approach and experience.

TCR Sermons
Partakers of the Grace of God

TCR Sermons

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 3, 2024 48:12

This is an official recording of The City of Refuge, Melbourne.

Refuge Official Podcast
More of Jesus - Our Compassionate Healer | Dec 1st, 2024

Refuge Official Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 2, 2024 47:04

Welcome to Refuge! We are so excited that you decided to join us this Sunday. Today we'll be hearing from our Lead Pastor, Matthew Mallek! He'll be sharing some amazing revelation with us today. We believe you will be impacted by the ministry of God's word this Sunday and we trust this message will inspire you, encourage you, and that you are able to connect with God in a meaningful way! First time joining us? Fill out a Connect Card at http://wearerefuge.net/connectcard​​ Let us know how we can pray for you! Fill out an online prayer request at http://wearerefuge.net/prayer​​ To find more of our content and see what we believe, visit our website at http://wearerefuge.net

Oasis Revival Ministry
Daniel McGeer | Refuge in God: How to Surrender Fully When Your Faith Is Tested | December 01 2024

Oasis Revival Ministry

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 2, 2024 27:23

The challenge of passing through the sea is that once the waves close in behind you, there's no turning back to your backup plan. From that point forward, it's all about trusting God completely or facing a long journey to nowhere. In this message, Daniel compares the Israelites' crossing of the Red Sea to our own faith journeys, encouraging us to fully surrender our lives to God, especially when it feels like there's no way forward and the pressure is mounting behind us. May your faith rest in the power of God. Visit Our Website for more content, info and to support our ministry.

Elevation Church Tweed
Jesus Christ My Refuge - Ps Steve Stuttle

Elevation Church Tweed

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 2, 2024 27:14

Refuge City Church
An Appeal to God's Family Pastor Jim Weaver Refuge City Church

Refuge City Church

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 1, 2024 53:13

An Appeal to God's Family  Pastor Jim Weaver  Refuge City ChurchSupport the show

2030 Glorieuses
Bonus avec Arthur Auboeuf : "Le plus vite je serai inutile, le mieux ce sera."

2030 Glorieuses

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 1, 2024 49:36

Aujourd'hui je vous partage un échange passionnant mené dans le cadre des soirées Refuge 2030 Glorieuses qui sont adressées à nos guides de voyage et pendant lesquelles je donne la parole à des experts des nouveaux récits pour questionner leurs pouvoirs et leurs effets sur la transformation de notre société. Aujourd'hui, j'interviewe Arthur Auboeuf qui est le cofondateur de Team for the Planet, un fonds d'investissement dédié au réchauffement climatique. Originaire d'un petit village du Jura, il a fait ses armes en animant des communautés sur Facebook et en créant des applications mobiles. En 2019, à 25 ans, alors qu'il est le Manager Europe de la plateforme de vidéos Triller, il décide de tout lâcher pour cofonder Team for the Planet, un fonds d'investissement dont l'objectif est de lever 1 milliard d'euros pour financer 100 innovations majeures dans la lutte contre le réchauffement climatique. “2030 Glorieuses”, c'est le podcast qui met en avant les acteurs du monde de demain, ceux qui incarnent les utopies réalistes dont nous avons tant besoin. Ils sont des milliers en France à agir concrètement pour montrer que l'action est le meilleur remède contre le fatalisme et que, si nous agissons avec ambition et amour, la décennie des 2030 glorieuses est à portée de mains.

Gateway Church Podcast
Ashley Road | 1st December 2024 | Richard Stamp | God our Refuge

Gateway Church Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 1, 2024 35:44

Ashley Road | 1st December 2024 | Richard Stamp | God our Refuge by Gateway Church

La table des bons vivants - Laurent Mariotte
La cuisine traditionnelle française, valeur refuge !

La table des bons vivants - Laurent Mariotte

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 30, 2024 16:34

Chaque samedi, Laurent Mariotte et son invité vous livrent conseils, trucs et astuces autour de la gastronomie et l'alimentation. Un éclairage utile sur l'art du bien-manger. Aujourd'hui, tout savoir sur la cuisine traditionnelle française avec notre invité, le chef Joseph Viola .

La table des bons vivants - Laurent Mariotte
[INTÉGRALE DU 30 NOVEMBRE] La cuisine traditionnelle française, valeur refuge ! - Laurent Mariotte reçoit Jérémy Frérot 

La table des bons vivants - Laurent Mariotte

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 30, 2024 63:55

Laurent Mariotte s'entoure de bons vivants pour une émission autour de la cuisine du quotidien : qu'ils soient chefs, artistes ou intellectuels, ils ont en commun cette passion du bien manger et la partagent pendant 1h30 avec les auditeurs d'Europe 1. Promenades gourmandes à travers les marchés et chez les producteurs, recettes simples et conseils proches des préoccupations des auditeurs... Le rendez-vous incontournable des gourmands !

Fluent Fiction - Spanish
Finding Refuge: A Heartfelt Connection Amidst the Storm

Fluent Fiction - Spanish

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 30, 2024 17:26

Fluent Fiction - Spanish: Finding Refuge: A Heartfelt Connection Amidst the Storm Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/es/episode/2024-11-30-23-34-02-es Story Transcript:Es: La lluvia caía con fuerza sobre la ciudad.En: The rain was falling heavily over the city.Es: El sonido de las gotas golpeando el asfalto era casi hipnótico.En: The sound of the drops hitting the asphalt was almost hypnotic.Es: En medio de la tormenta, la cafetería Urban Jungle brillaba con luces cálidas y brillantes.En: In the midst of the storm, the café Urban Jungle shone with warm and bright lights.Es: Las plantas colgantes y el suave murmullo de la música hacían olvidar el caos de afuera.En: The hanging plants and the soft murmur of music made it easy to forget the chaos outside.Es: Luz entró corriendo, sacudiendo el agua de su chaqueta.En: Luz entered running, shaking the water off her jacket.Es: Era un refugio perfecto donde podría escapar y pensar.En: It was the perfect refuge where she could escape and think.Es: Desde hacía semanas, su mente estaba atascada.En: For weeks, her mind had been stuck.Es: Las ideas para sus pinturas no fluían, y la inseguridad la rodeaba.En: Ideas for her paintings were not flowing, and insecurity surrounded her.Es: Rosa, su mejor amiga, le había dicho que buscara nuevas experiencias.En: Rosa, her best friend, had told her to seek new experiences.Es: "Conoce a gente nueva", le había recomendado.En: "Meet new people," she had recommended.Es: Al mismo tiempo, Mateo encontró refugio en la misma cafetería.En: At the same time, Mateo found refuge in the same café.Es: Se secó el cabello mojado con un pañuelo y miró alrededor.En: He dried his wet hair with a handkerchief and looked around.Es: Había algo en la música del ambiente que lo calmaba.En: There was something in the ambient music that calmed him.Es: Necesitaba esa paz después de días de luchar con su miedo al fracaso.En: He needed that peace after days of struggling with his fear of failure.Es: La industria de la música era implacable, y él se sentía pequeño frente a sus grandes objetivos.En: The music industry was relentless, and he felt small in the face of his big goals.Es: Luz y Mateo eligieron el mismo rincón oscuro, justo al lado de la ventana empañada.En: Luz and Mateo chose the same dark corner, right next to the fogged-up window.Es: Compartieron una sonrisa tímida.En: They shared a shy smile.Es: Mateo, con curiosidad natural, le dirigió la palabra primero.En: Mateo, with natural curiosity, spoke first.Es: —¿También escapando de la tormenta? —preguntó con una sonrisa.En: “Escaping the storm too?” he asked with a smile.Es: Luz asintió.En: Luz nodded.Es: Era un poco reacia a abrirse, pero algo en la voz sincera de Mateo la hizo seguir la conversación.En: She was a bit reluctant to open up, but something in the earnestness of Mateo's voice made her continue the conversation.Es: —Sí, y de mí misma, creo —respondió Luz, sorprendiéndose de su propia franqueza.En: “Yes, and from myself, I think,” Luz responded, surprised by her own frankness.Es: La conversación fluyó sin esfuerzo.En: The conversation flowed effortlessly.Es: Hablaron sobre sus sueños y las dificultades para alcanzarlos.En: They talked about their dreams and the difficulties in achieving them.Es: Mateo escuchó atentamente mientras Luz le contaba sobre su lucha con el arte.En: Mateo listened attentively as Luz told him about her struggle with art.Es: Y Luz se sintió reflejada en las historias de Mateo sobre el desafío y la presión en la música.En: And Luz felt reflected in Mateo's stories about the challenge and pressure in music.Es: De repente, un apagón.En: Suddenly, a blackout.Es: La cafetería quedó solo iluminada por velas y la luz de los faros de los coches que pasaban.En: The café was only illuminated by candles and the lights from passing cars.Es: En la oscuridad, sus palabras se volvieron más íntimas.En: In the darkness, their words became more intimate.Es: Mateo le confesó su miedo al fracaso.En: Mateo confessed his fear of failure.Es: Sus palabras resonaban con Luz; también tenía esa sensación constante de no ser lo suficientemente buena.En: His words resonated with Luz; she also had that constant feeling of not being good enough.Es: —A veces solo necesitamos a alguien que crea en nosotros —dijo Mateo, casi como un susurro.En: "Sometimes we just need someone to believe in us," said Mateo, almost in a whisper.Es: Luz se sintió comprendida.En: Luz felt understood.Es: Era como si hubieran compartido un secreto.En: It was as if they had shared a secret.Es: Ese momento de oscuridad había revelado más de lo que ambos esperaban.En: That moment of darkness had revealed more than they both expected.Es: Cuando la tormenta finalmente pasó, y las luces regresaron, ambos sintieron que algo había cambiado.En: When the storm finally passed, and the lights returned, both felt that something had changed.Es: La conexión entre ellos era clara.En: The connection between them was clear.Es: Salieron juntos de Urban Jungle, sus sombras formando una sola en la acera mojada.En: They left Urban Jungle together, their shadows forming a single one on the wet sidewalk.Es: Luz respiró profundo, sintiendo una renovada confianza en sí misma.En: Luz breathed deeply, feeling a renewed confidence in herself.Es: Se dio cuenta de que la inspiración no siempre venía del aislamiento.En: She realized that inspiration doesn't always come from isolation.Es: A veces, viene de aquellos que encuentran en la oscuridad una chispa de luz.En: Sometimes, it comes from those who find a spark of light in the darkness.Es: El aire fresco después de la tormenta se sentía bien, y mientras caminaban juntos, supo que acababa de comenzar un nuevo capítulo.En: The fresh air after the storm felt good, and as they walked together, she knew that a new chapter had just begun.Es: Mateo también lo sentía, con una extraña certeza de que su música, al igual que la vida, tenía más sentido cuando se compartía.En: Mateo felt it too, with a strange certainty that his music, like life, made more sense when shared.Es: Ambos sabían que habían encontrado más que un refugio de la tormenta; habían encontrado un refugio en el uno en el otro.En: Both knew they had found more than a refuge from the storm; they had found a refuge in each other. Vocabulary Words:the storm: la tormentathe chaos: el caosthe drop: la gotathe asphalt: el asfaltothe plants: las plantasthe murmur: el murmullothe refuge: el refugiothe insecurity: la inseguridadthe experience: la experienciathe handkerchief: el pañuelothe scare: el miedothe industry: la industriathe goal: el objetivothe window: la ventanathe smile: la sonrisathe corner: el rincónthe darkness: la oscuridadthe candle: la velathe car: el cochethe secret: el secretothe connection: la conexiónthe sidewalk: la acerathe inspiration: la inspiraciónthe spark: la chispathe air: el airerenewed: renovadathe trust: la confianzathe challenge: el desafíothe pressure: la presiónthe chapter: el capítulo

Sinner's Crossroads with Kevin Nutt | WFMU

Silver Quintette - "Sinner's Crossroads" [0:00:00] Cross Jordan Singers - "That's What You Got To Do Today" [0:03:20] Spirit of Memphis Quartet - "I Will Trust In The Lord" [0:06:57] Montgomery Spiritual Five - "Come See About Me" [0:12:03] Brown Brothers - "Humble Down" [0:15:56] Marie Bolton and the West Memphis C.O.G.I.C. Choir - "Thankful" [0:19:01] Rosiey Hibler and Family - "Move Members Move" - Negro Folk Music of Alabama, Vol. 2: Religious Music [0:25:12] Mary Lee Bendolph and China Pettway - "Lord Have Mercy" - How We Got Over: Sacred Songs of Gee's Bend [0:25:24] Donald Smith and Doug Wyers - "Mercy Seat" - In the Spirit: Alabama's Sacred Music Traditions [0:27:51] Emma James Singers of Montgomery, Alabama - "I'm Sealed" [0:31:26] Jones Brothers - "Amazing Grace" [0:37:40] Rev. C.J. Johnson - "You Better Run To The City Of Refuge" - City of Refuge [0:39:29] Soul Stirrers - "This Friend of Mine" [0:42:26] Christian Home Baptist Church Choir - "Hezekiah, You Got To Die" [hymnchoir.org] [0:45:22] Spiritualaires of Hurtsboro, Alabama - "Packin' Up" - Singing Songs of Praise [0:52:01] https://www.wfmu.org/playlists/shows/146565

Follow Jesus Radio
You have a refuge

Follow Jesus Radio

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 29, 2024 1:39

Refuge Freedom Stories
Refuge Freedom Stories - Philip Blackett

Refuge Freedom Stories

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 29, 2024 26:27

Interview with Philip Blackett. Philip shares his journey of faith, emphasizing the importance of generational influence in passing down Christian values, and, addresses the crisis of fatherlessness in today's culture.  

Solus Christus Reformed Baptist Church
The Righteous Man's Refuge - Chapters 1-3

Solus Christus Reformed Baptist Church

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 28, 2024 37:41

Saints are greatly concerned in such judgments upon a religiousand Christian account, for it is usual for the flood of God's judgmentsnot only to sweep away our civil and natural, but our spiritual andbest enjoyments and comforts. Thus the ordinances of God ceased inBabylon, and there the faithful bewailed their misery upon thataccount, Psal. 137. per totum; "we wept when we remembered thee,O Zion." Not only Israel flies, but the ark is taken prisoner by theenemy, 1 Sam. 4:11. And you find the people of God more deeplyconcerned upon this account, than for all their outward losses andother sufferings, Zeph. 3:18. "I will gather them of thee that aresorrowful for the solemn assemblies, to whom the reproach of it wasa burden.

John Flavel on SermonAudio
The Righteous Man's Refuge - Chapters 1-3

John Flavel on SermonAudio

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 28, 2024 37:00

A new MP3 sermon from The Narrated Puritan is now available on SermonAudio with the following details: Title: The Righteous Man's Refuge - Chapters 1-3 Subtitle: Righteous Man's Refuge Speaker: John Flavel Broadcaster: The Narrated Puritan Event: Audiobook Date: 11/28/2024 Bible: Isaiah 26:20 Length: 37 min.

Animaux : Stéphanie a besoin d'aide pour son refuge pour animaux handicapés


Play Episode Listen Later Nov 27, 2024 11:58

Stéphanie et son mari ont créé il y a 10 ans un refuge pour animaux abandonnés, maltraités et handicapés. Suites aux dernières intempéries le refuge a subi d'importantes dégradations. Stéphanie a besoin d'aide pour reconstruire les parties endommagées www.suzihandicapanimal.net Chaque soir, en direct, Caroline Dublanche accueille les auditeurs pour 2h30 d'échanges et de confidences. Pour participer, contactez l'émission au 09 69 39 10 11 (prix d'un appel local) ou sur parlonsnous@rtl.fr

The Dice Tower
At The Table with The Dice Tower - Delicious Cardboard

The Dice Tower

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 26, 2024 57:02

Tom, Julie, and Eric share some Thanksgiving recipes before launching into a discussion of how designers tackle the theme of cooking in games. We have a new Tale of Boardgaming Horror that pushes our Angry Button, and we close the show with a Thorn-heavy set of games played. 00:57 - Announcements: Dice Tower East, West, and Cruise 2026 02:22 - Thanksgiving Recipes 05:17 - Cooking Games 07:41 - Cooking: Press Your Luck (Quacks of Quedlinburg, Vegetable Stock) 09:55 - Cooking: Spatial Games (License to Grill) 12:52 - Cooking: Dexterity (A La Carte, Piazza Rabazza) 16:28 - Cooking: Real Time (Wok Star, Kitchen Rush) 19:05 - Cooking: Set Collection (Burger Up, Morels) 21:33 - Cooking: More from Tom (Mamma Mia, Yummy Yummy Monster Tummy, Hibachi, Comsumption: Food and Choices, Sweet Mess, Wok and Roll, Wild Gardens) 27:38 - Cooking: Favorite Mechanisms 29:14 - Tale of Boardgaming Horror 34:44 - Witchdom 38:15 - Witchcraft 41:28 - Worms: The Board Game 44:32 - Crossbows & Catapults: Fortress War 47:12 - Refuge 49:09 - Civolution

Upaya Zen Center's Dharma Podcast
Embracing Struggles and Finding Refuge: Awakened Action (Part 6 of 9)

Upaya Zen Center's Dharma Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 25, 2024 48:42

In Part 6 of the Awakened Action series, Rebecca Solnit reflects on her experiences with trees, the role of joy in activism, and the complexity of human nature. She highlights the importance of balancing struggle with […]

SIMPLE + INTENTIONAL, decluttering, intentional living, habits, decluttering tips, minimalism
69// Using Design Thinking to Create Ease in our Homes with Eleanor Graves of Refuge Design Workshop

SIMPLE + INTENTIONAL, decluttering, intentional living, habits, decluttering tips, minimalism

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 25, 2024 64:00

We often talk about our homes in terms of decluttering but what can design thinking offer us? My guest this week, Interior Designer Eleanor Graves, shares how we can shift our thinking and approach our spaces like a designer to create more functionality and reduce friction.This episode will have you thinking about your space in a whole new way and up before the end moving things to make your home more functional!Find Eleanor here Read her SubstackFollow her on Instagram••• Join the this intentional life community hereInstagram @simpleintentional Read www.simpleintentional.com Want more support? Work with me one-on-one! Reach out at hello@simpleintentional.com

One Starfish with Angela Bradford
Breathe with Brittany Baker

One Starfish with Angela Bradford

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 25, 2024 22:46

Brittany Baker is a daughter of the King, a loving wife of a Marine, and a proud mom of 4 beautiful children, who she birthed in the water and comfort of her own home. Brittany is the oldest of 6 siblings and was homeschooled, often taking part in the education of her younger siblings. She is a natural-born leader and continues to rise to the occasion in each position she endeavors to succeed in. Brittany started as the social media manager at Refuge Medical & Training, a multimillion-dollar company. With help from the Father, her irrational work ethic, and her love for Refuge's mission, she has risen to the role of Director of Operations.  This year Brittany is focusing on using her voice and platform to inspire and empower women to better prepare themselves and their families in this crazy world we are living in.Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/liberty__momma/Webpage: https://www.refugemedical.comTikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@tourniquet_momConnect and tag me at:https://www.instagram.com/realangelabradford/You can subscribe to my YouTube Channel herehttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDU9L55higX03TQgq1IT_qQFeel free to leave a review on all major platforms to help get the word out and change more lives!

Cuke Audio Podcast
DC Rap on Refuge

Cuke Audio Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 25, 2024 35:16

 DC Rap on Refuge - like not taking refuge in our hopes and dreams

Refuge Church Sermons
Refuge Sermon 11.24.24 - Galatians Week 6

Refuge Church Sermons

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 25, 2024 29:47

Join us as Pastor Dan continues our series in Galatians.

North Coast Church (Perth)
God in Christ our Refuge and Strength

North Coast Church (Perth)

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 25, 2024 40:44

Speaker: Thom Bull | Passage: Psalm 46

Refuge City Church
Spreading Thanksgiving | Pastor Jim Boyd | Refuge City Church

Refuge City Church

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 24, 2024 61:56

Spreading Thanksgiving | Pastor Jim Boyd | Refuge City ChurchSupport the show

DonorSearch Philanthropy Masterminds
A Refuge in Music: A Conversation with Ron Davis Alvarez, a 2024 Top Five CNN Hero

DonorSearch Philanthropy Masterminds

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 24, 2024 32:26

Ron Davis Alvarez is Founder of the Dream Orchestra in Gothenburg, Sweden and one of 2024's Top Five CNN Heroes. Since 2016, Ron has brought together refugees, immigrants, and locals, speaking in over 20 languages, to create music and build community. His work shows how people can rebuild lives and connect across cultures. 

Stagecraft: Jessica Goldberg, Playwright of “Babe”


Play Episode Listen Later Nov 23, 2024 17:57

The Stagecraft podcast is hosted by Jan Simpson. It is a series of interviews with playwrights (and musical book writers) of shows opening on Broadway and off-Broadway. Arliss Howard and Marisa Tomei Jessica Goldberg | WikipediaJessica Goldberg is a playwright, tv and screenwriter. Plays include Refuge, which won the Susan read more The post Stagecraft: Jessica Goldberg, Playwright of “Babe” appeared first on BroadwayRadio.

Les interviews d'Inter
François-Régis Gaudry : "La cuisine, par les temps qui courent, est une valeur refuge, une échappatoire"

Les interviews d'Inter

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 23, 2024 22:41

durée : 00:22:41 - L'invité de 8h20 - L'invité de 8h20 est François-Régis Gaudry, pour son livre "Recettes et récits" et pour les soirées "On va déguster : le show" qu'il va animer sur France Inter.

Crosswalk.com Devotional
Giving Thanks for the Hidden Refuge

Crosswalk.com Devotional

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 22, 2024 8:49

God's refuge can be hidden in plain sight, wrapped in the quiet comfort of His presence, or the small acts of grace we experience day by day. We'll look at how to recognize these hidden places of refuge, even when life feels chaotic or overwhelming, and how giving thanks for them deepens our trust in God's faithfulness. Join the Conversation: We'd love to hear how praising God has helped you in your own challenges. Share your experiences with us on social media @LifeaudioPodcasting or via email—How can you cultivate a deeper sense of gratitude for the hidden ways God provides shelter and rest in your life? SUBSCRIBE to our sister podcasts:Your Daily Prayer: https://www.lifeaudio.com/your-daily-prayer/Your Daily Bible Verse: https://www.lifeaudio.com/your-daily-bible-verse/ Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

god discover hidden trust in god refuge giving thanks your daily bible verse your daily prayer
Refuge Freedom Stories
Refuge Freedom Stories - Dr. Stephen Phinney

Refuge Freedom Stories

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 22, 2024 27:05

Interview with Dr. Stephen Phinney. Dr. Phinney, the Founder of Institute Of Ministry (IOM) America, shares his profound journey from a life marked by severe life-threatening allergies and rejection to a transformative encounter with Christ.

Optimal Relationships Daily
2389: Dear Mom of a Highly Sensitive Child, I See You by Maureen Gaspari with Highly Sensitive Refuge on Parenting Journey

Optimal Relationships Daily

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 21, 2024 10:51

Discover all of the podcasts in our network, search for specific episodes, get the Optimal Living Daily workbook, and learn more at: OLDPodcast.com. Episode 2389: Maureen Gaspari's letter to mothers of highly sensitive children acknowledges the deep empathy, patience, and strength required in their parenting journey. She shines a light on the challenges and small victories that make this role uniquely rewarding, reassuring parents that their understanding, support, and unwavering love are exactly what their child needs. Read along with the original article(s) here: https://highlysensitiverefuge.com/mother-highly-sensitive-child/ Quotes to ponder: "I want you to know that I see you and that you are not alone." "The fact that you are asking these questions proves that you're an awesome parent. Your child is so lucky to call you mom." "You are their voice when they can't find the words, their strength when they aren't brave enough yet, and their rock when they need to let all their emotions out." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Christadelphians Talk
Words: #5 'Love thy neighbour' with Steve Dodson @ Rathmines 2024

Christadelphians Talk

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 21, 2024 54:18

A @Christadelphians Video: Summary The text explores the differences between the first and second tablets of the Ten Commandments, emphasizing the importance of loving one's neighbor and the implications of the commandments on community behavior. Highlights

Refuge Church Fort Myers
Acts of the Spirit // Bottle Episode:

Refuge Church Fort Myers

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 21, 2024 38:50

Big Dreams. Big Plans. It’s hard not to think that big equates to success. But success looks different to everybody. So, what if there’s actually strength in smallness. In this bottle episode, Pastor Nicole reminds us that smallness isn’t a… Read More Acts of the Spirit // Bottle Episode: The post Acts of the Spirit // Bottle Episode: appeared first on Refuge.Church.

Refuge Church Fort Myers
Acts of the Spirit // Gentleness

Refuge Church Fort Myers

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 21, 2024 38:50

Gentleness can often be misunderstood. Many think it’s about weakness or avoiding confrontation. But true gentleness is far more powerful. Gentleness is strength under control. In her sermon on gentleness, Pastor Nicole teaches about this Christlike quality that doesn’t demand… Read More Acts of the Spirit // Gentleness The post Acts of the Spirit // Gentleness appeared first on Refuge.Church.

Daily Rowe- Devotional
Finding Refuge in His Word

Daily Rowe- Devotional

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 20, 2024 3:07

The devotional emphasizes God as a source of peace and protection amid life's challenges, illustrated by Psalm 119:114. It presents God as a hiding place for comfort and a shield against adversities. Hope is rooted in Scripture, offering guidance and stability. The reflection and prayer encourage reliance on God's presence and promises. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/dailyrowe/support

Abundant Life Fellowship in Butte, Montana
Refuge | It's Giving...Part 3 | Pastor Isaac Goulson | 11.13.24

Abundant Life Fellowship in Butte, Montana

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 20, 2024 41:29

Refuge | It's Giving...Part 3

Refuge Church Fort Myers
Acts of the Spirit // Patience

Refuge Church Fort Myers

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 20, 2024 38:50

In this sermon from our Acts of the Spirit series, Pastor Nicole turns our focus to our Acts of Patience. More Than Waiting The biblical patience from Galatians is more than waiting in line or staying calm when your coffee… Read More Acts of the Spirit // Patience The post Acts of the Spirit // Patience appeared first on Refuge.Church.

Dhammagiri Buddhist Podcasts
Triple Refuge & Precepts Ceremony | Ajahn Uttamapanyo | Robe Offering Dhammagiri

Dhammagiri Buddhist Podcasts

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 20, 2024 4:22

At our Robe Offering Ceremony, Tan Ajahn Uttamapanyo (Phra Yanmethi Petruang) kindly conducted the ceremony of taking refuge in Triple Gem & observance of 5 precepts for us. Ty is leading the lay community in requesting the refuges & precepts. The ritual is conducted in Pali, the language of the Buddha. Requesting Triple Refuge & Five Precepts Mayaṃ Bhante, tisaraṇena saha pañca-sīlāni yācāma. Dutiyampi, mayaṃ Bhante tisaraṇena saha pañca-sīlāni yācāma. Tatiyampi, Mayaṃ Bhante tisaraṇena saha pañca-sīlāni yācāma. (English trsl., not chanted during session: "Venerable Sir, we request the Triple Refuge together with the 5 precepts. For the second time... For the third time...") Homage to the Buddha Recited by Monk 3x Namo tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammāsambuddhassa! (3x) Homage to the Buddha Repeated by Laity 3x Namo tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammāsambuddhassa! (3x) (English translation, not chanted during session: "Homage to the Exhaulted, Noble, and perfectly enlightened one!" 3x) Taking Refuge in Buddha, Dhamma & Sangha 3x (recited line by line by monk, and repeated line by line by laity) Buddhāṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi. Dhammaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi. Sanghaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi. Dutiyampi Buddhāṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi. Dutiyampi Dhammaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi. Dutiyampi Sanghaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi. Tatiyampi Buddhāṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi. Tatiyampi Dhammaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi. Tatiyampi Sanghaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi. (English translation, not chanted during session: "I take refuge in the Buddha. I take refuge in the Dhamma. I take refuge in the Sangha For the second time, I take refuge... For the third time, I take refuge...") Taking the 5 Precepts (recited line by line by monk, and repeated line by line by laity) Pāṇātipātā veramaṇī sikkhāpadaṃ samādiyāmi Adinnādānā veramaṇī sikkhāpadaṃ samādiyāmi Kāmesu micchācārā veramaṇī sikkhāpadaṃ samādiyāmi Musāvādā veramaṇī sikkhāpadaṃ samādiyāmi Surā-meraya-majja-pamādaṭṭhānā veramaṇī sikkhāpadaṃ samādiyāmi (English translation, not chanted during session: "I undertake the training to abstain from killing any living beings. ... to abstain from stealing. ... to abstain from sensual misconduct. ... to abstain from lying. ... to abstain from alcohol or any other drugs that cause intoxication and heedlessnes.") Monk Recites Blessing: Imāni pañca-sikkhāpadāni sīlena sugatiṃ yanti, sīlena bhogasampadā, sīlena nibbutiṃ yanti - tasmā sīlaṃ visodhaye! (English translation, not chanted during session: These five training steps lead through virtue to a good rebirth, lead through virtue to the acquisition of wealth, lead through virtue to the extinction of suffering - therefore, may your purify your virtue!) ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Dhammagiri Website⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Our Spotify Playlists⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Newsletter⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Dhammagiri Youtube Channel⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Pics⁠⁠⁠ #buddhistchanting #palichanting #triplerefuge #precepts #buddhistceremony #buddhistmonastery #buddhistritual

McLeansville Baptist Church
Staying Sheltered in the Refuge of God - Psalm 71

McLeansville Baptist Church

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 19, 2024 36:52

In Psalm 71 we find one of those Big Truths about how to live and to fight the good fight, this Psalm is about learning to stay in the Refuge of God! God is our Safe Place, and our only place of true security is in abiding in Him. And David's prayer is “O God, help me stay in the Refuge, let me continue in your protection, deliverance, and salvation! You are my rock and fortress!”

The God Minute
Nov 18 - God's Love is Our Refuge

The God Minute

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 18, 2024 9:24

Antiphon:  For our sake, He was crucified.Scripture:   Psalm 46                     Psalm 91:11Reflector:  JavierMusic:  Ubi Caritas              Agnus Dei

Gary Williams
Refuge in Adullam

Gary Williams

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 17, 2024 46:42

Refuge City Church
Stepping into a New Season | Pastor Jim Boyd | Refuge City Church

Refuge City Church

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 17, 2024 56:58

Stepping into a New Season | Pastor Jim Boyd | Refuge City ChurchSupport the show

The Jesus Storybook Bible Podcast
167. Ordinary People Becoming Extraordinary Believers: Dandi Daley Mackall

The Jesus Storybook Bible Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 14, 2024 11:25

Dandi Daley Mackall is an award-winning writer whose most recent work is a devotional called Women Who Followed Jesus, which honors ordinary women who were early church believers and key figures in the life of Christ. Dandi shares how God showed up in the lives of these women and what lessons we can draw from their extraordinary faith.    Quotes “God lets me write, and then He takes it and touches hearts and works His grace in other people. I get to be a little part of it.” - Dandi Daley Mackall “I don't know how people get through life without our Refuge and our Helper. I just sense more every morning that God's pouring out His unfailing love on me.” - Dandi Daley Mackall “Nobody would choose women in the first century Israel to be the witnesses of anything, but Christ chose them to be the first. That's the power of resurrection that keeps giving this hope and power all day through eternity—that's the hope of resurrection.” - Dandi Daley Mackall “God can change ordinary people like us into extraordinary believers.” - Dandi Daley Mackall Guest's Links Dandi Daley Mackall's website Dandi Daley Mackall's Facebook Dandi Daley Mackall's Instagram Dandi Daley Mackall's Twitter   Resources Mentioned in This Episode Women Who Followed Jesus    Seasonal Products Free Jesus Storybook Bible Advent Reading Plan & Bonus Printables The Jesus Storybook Bible: A Christmas Collection The Jesus Storybook Bible Advent Activity Book Song of the Stars: A Christmas Story Little One, We Knew You'd Come My Little Library of God's Great Love Connect with Sally Lloyd-Jones Jesus Storybook Bible Facebook Jesus Storybook Bible Instagram  Sally's website Sally's Facebook Sally's Instagram   *Episode produced by Four Eyes Media*

Dr. Joel Beeke on SermonAudio
God as Our Strong Refuge: Part 2

Dr. Joel Beeke on SermonAudio

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 13, 2024 28:00

A new MP3 sermon from The Gospel Trumpet is now available on SermonAudio with the following details: Title: God as Our Strong Refuge: Part 2 Speaker: Dr. Joel Beeke Broadcaster: The Gospel Trumpet Event: Radio Broadcast Date: 9/29/2024 Bible: Psalm 46:1-3 Length: 28 min.