Low area between hills, often with a river running through it
Adam Emmenecker on the Valley and Montoya - F H1
Clay Foster has been a part of Complete Human Performance for years, and has been doing the hybrid thing for even longer. He won The Crucible Pro Men's Division in 2024, he's competed in the Hybricon Games (2023), and is registered for Rally in the Valley 2025 to name a few things. A coach himself, Clay's training has run the gamut from bodybuilding to CrossFit to 100-milers, and he's excited to spend 2025 enjoying his hard-earned fitness. Listen in and follow Clay on Instagram at @clayfostfitness
FINALLLLLLLYYYYYY- we got some Valley content! Even if it was just the words - SEXY- COOL- SHADY!We talk about RHOBH too!While Kyle gets emotional over her new life, Bozoma tries to make sense of her new future with her man. Sutton plans a trip back home to Augusta with Garcelle and Kyle.Follow us on insta! @vanderpumprulespartyEmail: vanderpumprulesparty@gmail.comPatreon:https://www.patreon.com/c/vanderpumprulesparty
To follow along, please visit https://dailyliturgy.com.Epiphany - Deuteronomy 30, Matthew 5:13-20, Psalm 1Writers: Mike Kresnik, Bob Thune, Darby Whealy, Tyler AndersonNarrators: Charlotte Bertrand, Gary Nebeker, Bob Thune, Darby Whealy, Kevin HuddlestonMusic: Lens Distortions - https://lensdistortions.comProduction: Mike Kresnik, Bethany Gilbert, Zach LeeSources: The Worship Sourcebook; The Valley of Vision; The Book of Common Prayer; + original contributions by the authors.To follow along, please visit https://dailyliturgy.com.
From the January/February 2025 edition of The Scottish Rite Journal. Any accompanying photographs or citations for this article can be found in the corresponding print edition.Make sure to like and subscribe to the channel! Freemasons, make sure you shout out your Lodge, Valley, Chapter or Shrine below!OES, Job's Daughter's, Rainbow, DeMolay? Drop us a comment too!To learn how to find a lodge near you, visit www.beafreemason.comTo learn more about the Scottish Rite, visit www.scottishrite.orgVisit our YouTube Page: Youtube.com/ScottishRiteMasonsJoin our Lost Media Archive for only $1.99 a month!https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv-F13FNBaW-buecl7p8cJg/joinVisit our new stores:Bookstore: https://www.srbookstore.myshopify.com/Merch Store: http://www.shopsrgifts.com/
Welcome back to the Ready Set BBQ podcast, your go-to destination for the latest and most exciting happenings around the world! In this episode we talk about the Luka/AD trade, Grammys, RGV Dentist, Paul vs. Paul, Laredo Cookoff, GW BBQ, Fish tacos and Superbowl. 0-20 mins: Headlines Luka/Anthony Davis: We talk about the shocking trade this past weekend between Luka and AD. Grammys: Hiram gives us a wrap up of the Grammys and we can't believe who won Country Album of the year. RGV Dentist: Local news as a Valley dentist gets robbed for $40K by his wife and her sancho mechanic. Paul vs Paul: There is news that the brothers Paul will be fighting each other in May. Menu Anxiety: Gen Zers are getting menu anxiety from ordering at a restaurant. 25-40 mins: BBQ Time Laredo Red, White and Barbecue: We take our talents to Laredo to chase that SCA golden ticket and compete the next day in a CBA cookoff. GW BBQ: Most of the Joes make a trip to GW BBQ to have a weekend lunch. Fish Tacos on the Blackstone: I cook up some fish tacos on the Blackstone with some pineapple pico de gallo. 40-50 mins: 2024 Recap Superbowl: We give our predictions, talk about where we will be watching, eat and drinks and about the NFL fix being in. A bunch of joes that cook like pros!!!Melissa Bankard Farmer's InsuranceMelissa Bankard - Farmers Insurance Agent in Richardson, TXFacebook Pagehttps://www.facebook.com/readysetbbqWebsite/Shophttps://www.readysetbbq.com/Website/Shop https://www.readysetbbq.com/Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/readysetbbq
Daily Dose of Hope February 5, 2025 Day 4 of Week 45 Scripture: Ezekiel 40-42; John 14 Welcome back to the Daily Dose of Hope, the devotional and podcast that complements the New Hope daily Bible reading. It's Recharge day so I hope we see you tonight at 6:30pm in the Garage. Our Old Testament reading is Ezekiel 40-42. Here, we begin to see how God's presence is about to return to his temple. We find Ezekiel being given a tour (in a vision of course) of a new temple. It's a majestic temple as well, bigger than the one built by King Solomon. Is this the way the temple will look in the new Jerusalem when Jesus returns? Some people say yes. In fact, some people would say these chapters offer blueprints of sorts. But most people believe that we have a tremendous amount of symbolism here, as we do in the book of Ezekiel as a whole. Yes, God's presence will be with his people. It will be amazing and majestic. But we don't really have the words to articulate what that will be like. Our New Testament reading is John 14. Let's focus on the first portion on the chapter. This is such a great interaction between Jesus and Thomas. The disciples are experiencing a lot of anxiety. Jesus has just told them he's going away but he is trying to reassure them. Jesus is like, I'm on my way to get your room ready. I'll be coming back to get you, trust me. But anyway, you already know the way. And Thomas is like, “Umm…actually, I don't know the way, is there a map or something?” And that's when Jesus says, “You do know the way because I am the way. The only way to get to my Father is through me.” And he reiterated what he has been teaching them, to know Jesus is to know the Father. If you have seen Jesus, then you have seen the Father. When Jesus says, “I am the way,” he doesn't say “I am a way.” How the Greek sentence is constructed makes it absolutely clear and irrefutable that Jesus is making an exclusive claim here. He is basically saying, don't go looking to anyone else to point you in those directions, because I am the only one who can!” Well, that feels pretty exclusive, doesn't it? Yes, it is. And exclusivity makes a lot of us feel uncomfortable. So, let's dig deeper. What other Scriptures point to the exclusivity of Jesus? 1. John 3:16-18 (Jesus speaking to Nicodemus), For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. 18 Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God's one and only Son. 2. John 3:36 (later in the conversation)- Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God's wrath remains on them. 3. Acts 4:12 (Peter, speaking before the Jewish ruling council) – Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.” 4. Rom. 10:9 – If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 5. I John 5:12 - Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life. And there are many others but I'm going to stop there for now. I do believe in looking at the full narrative of Scripture – if we look at all of the Bible – it points to Jesus as the way to heaven. I've searched to see if the Bible allows for other options, possible openings, that might allow for another way and I haven't found any. There are some things in the Bible in which there is tension – it says this but it also says this – and we have to really dig and pray and interpret. But there isn't tension here at all --- Scripture clearly points to Jesus as the Son of God, the fulfillment of God's promise from Gen to Rev, and the only way to the Father, the only way to receive salvation, the only way to heaven. And that makes logical sense to me. Why would Jesus have voluntarily died on a Roman cross for us if he was just one option among many to provide a way to be saved? If there were other ways to receive salvation and get to God, then why would Jesus even need to do all that? Why would Christians throughout the ages have needed to stand their ground and lose their lives? Why would Christians around the world today be risking their lives to follow Christ? Some may say they are disillusioned but I personally don't believe so. If we believe that Jesus rose from the dead, proving his divinity, proving he is Lord of all – then that means we have to also believe everything he said. We can't pick and choose. I'm not a scholar, you guys, but in my mind and heart, all of this points to the truth that Jesus is the only way. So, that being the case – then other questions come to mind. And here is where it often gets hard for us – more difficult questions. What about all of the people who don't believe in Jesus? If those who believe in Jesus have everlasting life, then what about those who don't believe in Jesus? Are they doomed to hell? How could a loving God allow this? What about those who may have heard of Jesus, but did not really understand who He was? What about those who have never even heard the name of Jesus? We have read Scripture already that speaks to those who reject Jesus face the wrath of God; those who don't have Jesus, don't have life. Those who don't profess faith in Jesus will not experience salvation. They won't spend eternity with God. Both the OT and the NT speak about a place called hell. The word most often translated as hell in the New Testament is the Greek word “gehenna.” Jesus uses this word 11 times. The literal translation of the word is the Valley of Hinnom (“ge”+“hinnom”). The Valley of Hinnom was Jerusalem's landfill where people burned their trash. So when Jesus speaks about burning in hell, he's using this image. Jesus' hell is a place devoid of hope and love, a place where God's will is absent, separate from the community. And Jesus, throughout the Gospels, does speak of people making choices that land them in hell. To deny the existence of hell is to deny the words of Jesus. Period. I've witnessed arguments about whether hell is a real place, whether hell is hot, whether it's cold, you name it. I think we could probably argue those things until we are blue in the face and it isn't productive. What we know: Hell is a Godless place. It is a place where God is not. What I know is that God dearly loves us, he dearly loves all people and he desires for all people to know him and have a relationship with him. But this is the thing, even though we were created to be near God, God does not force us or make us love him back or even force us to be near him. So hell exists because just as some choose to be with God, some will choose to be without God. I've had to kind of reconcile this for myself. God is not mean. God is incredibly loving. He does not send people to hell. He allows people to make the choice – a lifetime and eternity with God OR without God. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. Do you believe this. Blessings, Pastor Vicki
This week brings record-breaking heat to Phoenix, with temperatures in the 80s through the weekend. We hear from the National Weather Service on how long this warm weather will stick around the Valley.
Pastor John Bornschein and Dr. Steve Ford discuss Daniel 1:1-9 in a study of what it means to be uncompromising. Support the showProduced by Calvary Fellowship Fountain Valley church. Learn more at www.CalvaryFountain.com
To follow along, please visit https://dailyliturgy.com.Epiphany - Proverbs 26, Luke 5:1-11, Psalm 147Writers: Mike Kresnik, Bob Thune, Darby Whealy, Tyler AndersonNarrators: Charlotte Bertrand, Gary Nebeker, Bob Thune, Darby Whealy, Kevin HuddlestonMusic: Lens Distortions - https://lensdistortions.comProduction: Mike Kresnik, Bethany Gilbert, Zach LeeSources: The Worship Sourcebook; The Valley of Vision; The Book of Common Prayer; + original contributions by the authors.To follow along, please visit https://dailyliturgy.com.
Welcome to 2025 everyone! We are kicking things off with a couple of big announcements, a few special guests, and an over-sized episode about one of the most fascinating horror films of the last few years: Coralie Fargeat's THE SUBSTANCE. Starring Demi Moore in possibly a career-best performance, The Substance is about an aging fitness starlet who takes an experimental drug to create a younger, "better" version of herself. Things do not go according to plan.At its heart, The Substance is a bold, exceptionally crafted exploration of cultural stigma around aging and appearance. But along the way, it has some profound observations to make about our relationships with ourselves and the ways our perceptions of our bodies can lead us down dark and destructive paths. We're joined by friends of the show Vera Goudie, Jess Fischli, and Jocee Worley for a vulnerable, thoughtful, and occasionally hilarious discussion about the multitude of fascinating things this film has on its mind.Also featuring a Patron-only "Whatcha" segment, this is a hearty and heartfelt conversation that we really hope you'll enjoy.5:24 - A Few Brief AnnouncementsPatron Only Segment: Whatcha Watchin' / Readin' / Listenin' To?12:41 - THE SUBSTANCEFind Reed and Tyler's book Valley of the Shadow: The Spiritual Value of Horror here. See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
For many, French Lick Valley was an idyllic retreat and recreational wonderland. But for Black residents, the Valley was a hotbed of violence and intimidation in the early 1900s. Many had moved to the area from the South to work in the hospitality business. The local community responded to their presence with a series of threatening letters and bombings. While these efforts succeeded in driving out some Black residents, those who remained opened businesses and established recreational opportunities. In this new episode of Talking Hoosier History, we explore the resilience of Black French Lick residents despite contending with displacement, vandalism, violence, and eventually the organized efforts of the Klan. This episode of Talking Hoosier History is voiced by Justin Clark, written by Nicole Poletika, and produced by A.J. Chrapliwy. A transcript, show notes, and more information on this episode is available at the THH website: https://podcast.history.in.gov/.
Citrus harvest continues despite immigration raids in Valley Please Subscribe + Rate & Review KMJ’s Afternoon Drive with Philip Teresi & E. Curtis Johnson wherever you listen! --- KMJ’s Afternoon Drive with Philip Teresi & E. Curtis Johnson is available on the KMJNOW app, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music or wherever else you listen. --- Philip Teresi & E. Curtis Johnson – KMJ’s Afternoon Drive Weekdays 2-6 PM Pacific on News/Talk 580 & 105.9 KMJ DriveKMJ.com | Podcast | Facebook | X | Instagram --- Everything KMJ: kmjnow.com | Streaming | Podcasts | Facebook | X | Instagram See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
After some time off for Sundance, Movie Madness returns to get you caught up on the latest and greatest in Blu-rays. Erik Childress talks to Peter Sobczynski about a couple 4K upgrades from Criterion for Paul Thomas Anderson and Anthony Mann. There are rom-coms with Cary Grant and Clark Gable while Al Pacino tries to find love with possibly a serial killer. They've got a possessed authoritarian in the White House (from 1933) and a killer whale on the loose. Music documentaries for Joan Jett and Joan Baez and one of Dario Argento's best. But it all comes down to a remastered version of a butchered Michael Mann film and a trio of upgrades for one of the kings of sexploitation, Russ Meyer. 0:00 - Intro 2:48 - Criterion (Winchester ‘73 4K, Punch Drunk Love 4K) 19:34 - Warner Archive (Gabriel Over the White House) 26:40 - Kino (Houseboat, Teacher's Pet, Shout at the Devil, Orca 4K, Sea of Love 4K, Whore) 1:09:47 - Magnolia (Bad Reputation, Joan Baez I am a Noise) 1:15:25 - Severin (Opera 4K, Vixen 4K, Supervixens 4K, Beneath the Valley of the Ultra-Vixens 4K) 1:56:33 - Vinegar Syndrome (The Keep 4K) 2:10:53 – New TV on Blu-ray: (House: Complete Series, Quantum Leap (2022): Complete Series, Frankenstein Jr. And the Impossibles: Complete Series, Wait Til Your Father Gets Home: Complete Series, Twin Peaks Z to A) 2:15:52 - New Theatrical Titles On Blu-ray (The Coffee Table, Hundreds of Beavers, Juror #2, A Real Pain, Werewolves, Wicked) 2:16:37 – New Blu-ray Announcements
To follow along, please visit https://dailyliturgy.com.Epiphany - Isaiah 58, Mark 2:13-22, Psalm 138Writers: Mike Kresnik, Bob Thune, Darby Whealy, Tyler AndersonNarrators: Charlotte Bertrand, Gary Nebeker, Bob Thune, Darby Whealy, Kevin HuddlestonMusic: Lens Distortions - https://lensdistortions.comProduction: Mike Kresnik, Bethany Gilbert, Zach LeeSources: The Worship Sourcebook; The Valley of Vision; The Book of Common Prayer; + original contributions by the authors.To follow along, please visit https://dailyliturgy.com.
It's not as dumb of a question as you might think it is. Once you may have looked out your window and saw the strangest thing. White flakes, falling from the sky! What on earth could this be? If you've lived in metro Phoenix all your life this may take a little explanation. This week on Valley 101, a podcast by The Arizona Republic and azcentral.com, we spoke with Tom Frieders, warning coordination meteorologist with the National Weather Service in Phoenix, who answers the question, can it snow in Phoenix? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
No one will repent without being broken by the Holy Spirit's conviction over their sin. This requires courage, sincerity and a desperation to know the truth—even when the truth exposes the worst things about us. But, this is the only way to life. Every other path leads to death. In today's show: The Valley of Decision. Resources We Mentioned: Pure Life Ministries Residential Program Related Resources: The Walk of Repentance (Bible Study) By Steve Gallagher
TVC 676.3: Ed and guest co-host Chuck Harter welcome Erica Gavin, the actress known around the world as the star of Vixen! (1968), the satiric sexploitation movie produced, directed, and co-written by Russ Meyer that esteemed critic Roger Ebert once described as "the quintessential Russ Meyer film." Despite numerous attempts at censorship (including one of the first-ever X ratings and twenty-three separate U.S. prosecutions for obscenity), Vixen! became one of the top-grossing movies of 1968, forever changing the face of independent film making while remaining the creative template for Meyer's unapologetic vision of American cinema. Topics discussed this segment include the various taboo issues that Meyer tackled in Vixen! (nymphomania, racism, communism, draft dodging, lesbianism, and incest) and how the maverick filmmaker was both of his time and ahead of his time. Severin Films has just released Russ Meyer's Vixen!, Russ Meyer's Supervixens, and Russ Meyer's Beneath the Valley of the Ultravixens on Blu-ray for the first time as part of a landmark partnership with the Russ Meyer Trust. The Blu-ray release of Vixen! includes more than three hours of extra features (including a brand-new audio commentary by Erica Gavin, plus archival interviews with Erica Gavin and Harrison Page), while both Supervixens and Beneath the Valley of the Ultravixens are likewise chockful of extra features.
Uncover timeless displays of romantic affection or "true love" that were intended to endure long after death. We'll explore some remarkable examples, starting with the gold foil figures found at pre-Christian sites across Scandinavia that depict both mortal couples and the wedding of the Norse god Freyr to the jötunn Gerd. Then we'll examine a pre-Columbian stone pendant found on the ancestral lands of the Timbisha Shoshone (now known as Death Valley, California) that immortalized one couple's journey together. We'll discover the shared brass memorial over the adjacent graves of Elizabeth Etchingham and Agnes Oxenbridge, two English noblewomen who lived during the Tudor period, and the popular uprising in the previous century that helped pave the way for their public declaration of devotion.We'll visit the Etruscan necropolises once again for examples of masterwork sarcophagi depicting affectionate couples lounging on couches called Klinai or lying in bed and facing one another. After that we'll delve into Ancient Egyptian tomb art and monuments like the tomb of Khnumhotep and Niankhkhnum, two elite men from the 5th dynasty of Ancient Egypt who's tomb art depicts them in ways typically seen in heterosexual couples to show they were married. And we'll learn about the intricate art from the tomb of King Tutankhamun that show him and his wife Ankesenamun in affectionate moments during their brief reign from 1332 – 1323 BCE. Last but not least, we'll explore the monuments Ramses the Great built during his reign in 1279-1213 BCE that display his devotion to his Great Royal Wife Nefertari, like her beautifully decorated tomb in the Valley of Queens or the temple dedicated to her at Abu Simbel.Transcripts For transcripts of this episode head over to: https://archpodnet.com/tpm/11Links See photos related to episode topics on Instagram Loving the macabre lore? Treat your host to a coffee!ArchPodNet APN Website: https://www.archpodnet.com APN on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/archpodnet APN on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/archpodnet APN on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/archpodnet Tee Public Store: https://www.teepublic.com/stores/archaeology-podcast-network?ref_id=5724Affiliates Motion
From the January/February 2025 edition of The Scottish Rite Journal. Any accompanying photographs or citations for this article can be found in the corresponding print edition.Make sure to like and subscribe to the channel! Freemasons, make sure you shout out your Lodge, Valley, Chapter or Shrine below!OES, Job's Daughter's, Rainbow, DeMolay? Drop us a comment too!To learn how to find a lodge near you, visit www.beafreemason.comTo learn more about the Scottish Rite, visit www.scottishrite.orgVisit our YouTube Page: Youtube.com/ScottishRiteMasonsJoin our Lost Media Archive for only $1.99 a month!https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv-F13FNBaW-buecl7p8cJg/joinVisit our new stores: Bookstore: https://www.srbookstore.myshopify.com/Merch Store: http://www.shopsrgifts.com/
If you enjoyed this week's message and would like to learn more about who we are, please visit our website. Also, if you feel led to give in order to help improve what we do here at Valley, you can click here.
The Valley of Giants | Pastor Jereme Suey | Christ Tabernacle The post The Valley of Giants | Pastor Jereme Suey | Christ Tabernacle first appeared on Christ Tabernacle.
On today's Sharper Point Commentary, the Valley's biggest golf tournament tees off and Jim Sharpe discussess its safety changes following issues last year.
Susan Luther brings us her observations of her church organist's footwear in this poem entitled The Organist's Socks.
Should legal immigrants worry about arrests? And protestors steal police car in west Valley
In this shiur, delivered in the Valley in Los Angeles, Rav Burg explains the inner workings of how we can leave our personal Mitzrayim and yet still be stuck before we arrive at our personal Har Sinai. Truth can defeat falsehood but it cannot necessarily overcome apathy. When we don't care we have to move beyond logic and tap into the essence of our soul. This movement becomes the vehicle for achieving our own Kabbalas HaTorah.
Introducing our sermon series, God in the Valley, pastor Luke shares six ways to survive while in the midst of a "valley." ++++++++++++++ Download the Church App here: https://bit.ly/3vxVr8q If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave a comment below
Cole Ballantine is the Assistant Winemaker at William Cole Vineyards in Napa Valley. And he is the 5th generation in wine. Both his parents are 4th generation in their respective families. That is a fantastic bit of history. But history goes deep in the Valley. We’ve been fortunate enough to interview several multi-generational family members [...]
Cole Ballantine is the Assistant Winemaker at William Cole Vineyards in Napa Valley. And he is the 5th generation in wine. Both his parents are 4th generation in their respective families. That is a fantastic bit of history. But history goes deep in the Valley. We’ve been fortunate enough to interview several multi-generational family members [...]
We know we ought to pray, we just don't fully understand how it works. What is clear is that prayer is essential for every follower of Jesus. Instead of making it too complicated, James gives us a very important description of the need for prayer and the significance it brings to the Christian life. Join us this weekend at Valley as we seek to understand this life changing truth and answer the question,"What Good is Prayer?"
Part 5: Building Hopeful Marriages
Psalm 108 English Standard VersionWith God We Shall Do ValiantlyA Song. A Psalm of David.108 My heart is steadfast, O God! I will sing and make melody with all my being!2 Awake, O harp and lyre! I will awake the dawn!3 I will give thanks to you, O Lord, among the peoples; I will sing praises to you among the nations.4 For your steadfast love is great above the heavens; your faithfulness reaches to the clouds.5 Be exalted, O God, above the heavens! Let your glory be over all the earth!6 That your beloved ones may be delivered, give salvation by your right hand and answer me!7 God has promised in his holiness: “With exultation I will divide up Shechem and portion out the Valley of Succoth.8 Gilead is mine; Manasseh is mine; Ephraim is my helmet, Judah my scepter.9 Moab is my washbasin; upon Edom I cast my shoe; over Philistia I shout in triumph.”10 Who will bring me to the fortified city? Who will lead me to Edom?11 Have you not rejected us, O God? You do not go out, O God, with our armies.12 Oh grant us help against the foe, for vain is the salvation of man!13 With God we shall do valiantly; it is he who will tread down our foes.English Standard Version (ESV)The Holy Bible, English Standard Version. ESV® Text Edition: 2016. Copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers.
Faith Through the Valley - 02 Feb 2025 - Speaker: Rev. Dr. Leslie X Sanders - Sermon Series: - Watch Online: https://thenewcom.com/sermons/2025-02-02/faith-through-the-valley/
02-Feb-2025 Jeff Mazzariello
Non-Denominational, Convergent, Christian Community | Beacon, NY
https://www.salemtabernacle.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/chrishouse01-26-25.png February 2, 2025 – Baptism Sunday false no 35:10 Salem Tabernacle
To follow along, please visit https://dailyliturgy.com.Epiphany - Isaiah 40:21-31, 1 Corinthians 1:18-31, Psalm 112Writers: Mike Kresnik, Bob Thune, Darby Whealy, Tyler AndersonNarrators: Charlotte Bertrand, Gary Nebeker, Bob Thune, Darby Whealy, Kevin HuddlestonMusic: Lens Distortions - https://lensdistortions.comProduction: Mike Kresnik, Bethany Gilbert, Zach LeeSources: The Worship Sourcebook; The Valley of Vision; The Book of Common Prayer; + original contributions by the authors.To follow along, please visit https://dailyliturgy.com.
Don't turn back. Don't give in. God is for you. This is the year everything changes for the better. Declare it, then make it so.
Send us a textJoin us as we sit down with Dylan Elders from Drive to Revive 18—the movement dedicated to bringing back the iconic back nine at Fourche Valley Golf Club in Potosi, MO!
Hello Bravo Bosses! (Audio only) Welcome to my first episode under the re-brand! I Take Bravo Very Seriously is now The Bravo Investigator Podcast! Thank you for supporting me through this transition! To celebrate, I am presenting you with the third episode in my new limited series called B True Hollywood Story. Remember E True Hollywood Story? Well it's just like that except for Bravolebs and in podcast form. The B stands for Bravo! In each episode, I will tell you the tale of a different Bravoleb from birth to scandal to stardom and everything in between. B True Hollywood Story will tell you how your favorite Bravolebs got to where they are today. Today's episode is Kristen Doute from Vanderpump Rules and The Valley. Trigger Warning: Discussions of DV and SA. Chapter 1 - Kristen's Early Life and Family: 2:50 Chapter 2 - Kristen's Relationships: 5:47 Christopher Eric Gari Tom Sandoval James Kennedy Brian Carter Alex Menache Luke Broderick Kristen's Unnamed Allegations of Abuse Chapter 3 - Kristen's Friendships: 29:45 Rachael O'Brien Stassi Schroeder Katie Maloney Lala Kent Brittany Cartwright Zack Wickham Chapter 4 - Kristen's Acting Career: 39:30 Chapter 5 - Kristen's Scandals: 43:07 Kristen and Jax Miami Girl Kristen and Brittany Pillowgate Kristen's Cancellation Chapter 6 - Kristen's Business Ventures: 48:30 If you enjoy this podcast, please leave a 5-star review! You can purchase my merch here! Subscribe to Hurrdat Entertainment's YouTube Channel for full length video episodes! Follow me on Tik Tok for True Crime in a Bite Sized Rhyme: @thebravoinvestigator Follow me on Instagram: @thebravoinvestigator Email me your questions or suggestions: Brunchandbravo@gmail.com PARTNERSHIP: Fungies - Find these gummies in the Vitamin section at Walmart or shop on their website eatfungies.com. Use code: DANA for 20% off! NOTE: No claims have been verified and all information today is alleged, speculation, and is intended purely just for fun. This is another Hurrdat Media Production. Hurrdat Media is a podcast network and digital media production company based in Omaha, NE. Find more podcasts on the Hurrdat Media Network by going to HurrdatMedia.com or the Hurrdat Media YouTube channel! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
The Place of Beauties (Ta-Set-Neferu). In the reigns of Ramesses I and Sety I (c.1304—1292 BCE), the Valley of the Queens finally earned its moniker. Having been a burial ground for royal children and courtiers, the wadi south of Deir el-Medina now began to host ruling women. In the days of Sety I, the Queen Mother Sitra and the Queen Tuya both received new tomb constructions in this site. Their monuments include evocative passages from the Book of the Dead (Chapter 17), and hints of the wonders to come in future generations… Tombs discussed in this episode: Princess Iah-Mes / Ahmose: Museo Egizio, Turin and Theban Mapping Project. Queen Sitra: Theban Mapping Project. Queen Tuya: Theban Mapping Project. Queen Nefertari: Theban Mapping Project and digital reconstruction at Nefertari Tomb. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
To follow along, please visit https://dailyliturgy.com.Epiphany - Proverbs 24, 1 Corinthians 1:1-18, Psalm 65Writers: Mike Kresnik, Bob Thune, Darby Whealy, Tyler AndersonNarrators: Charlotte Bertrand, Gary Nebeker, Bob Thune, Darby Whealy, Kevin HuddlestonMusic: Lens Distortions - https://lensdistortions.comProduction: Mike Kresnik, Bethany Gilbert, Zach LeeSources: The Worship Sourcebook; The Valley of Vision; The Book of Common Prayer; + original contributions by the authors.To follow along, please visit https://dailyliturgy.com.
Heather's Headlines, Adam Emmenecker on the Valley, and more - F H2
Baker and Vance recap Valley Hoops Games 10 & 11 and chat with @CoachZZ. As always, Power Rankings, Game Picks and fun Valley banter. Go Valley! Open/Banter (0:43) Game Recaps (10:34) Power Rankings (45:05) Rich Zvosec (53:38) Game Picks (1:25:28)
Lala Kent is here! Trial date for Blake vs Justin is set for March 26! What did Justin's voice note really mean? Lala is 6 years sober and gives her perspective on PK's sponsor suggesting he separate from Dorit. Did Kyle ever eat Morgan's cookie? Then, I explain The Bachelor's Matt James' abrupt break up with Rachel Kirkconnell and the juiciest part that no one is talking about. Why is it so hard to find a good guy these days? Will RHONY recast? Brittany Cartwright is free from Jax Taylor and Lala gives us the scoop on Brittany's b-day party and how she is doing as a single mom. Enjoy! Go to https://MeUndies.com/juicyscoop and enter promo code juicyscoop to get 20% off your first order, plus free shipping Join Kravit Jewelers in making a difference. Together, we can help protect LA's beloved pets and wildlife. Visit https://KravitJewelers.com to learn more or purchase your pendant today. Stand Up Tickets and info: https://heathermcdonald.net/ Subscribe to Juicy Scoop with Heather McDonald on iTunes, the podcast app, and get extra juice on Patreon: https://bit.ly/JuicyScoopPodApple https://www.patreon.com/juicyscoop Shop Juicy Scoop Merch: https://juicyscoopshop.com Follow Me on Social Media: Instagram: https://www/instagram.com/heathermcdonald TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@heathermcdonald Twitter: https://twitter.com/HeatherMcDonald Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
To follow along, please visit https://dailyliturgy.com.Epiphany - Isaiah 6, Matthew 5:13-20, Psalm 53Writers: Mike Kresnik, Bob Thune, Darby Whealy, Tyler AndersonNarrators: Charlotte Bertrand, Gary Nebeker, Bob Thune, Darby Whealy, Kevin HuddlestonMusic: Lens Distortions - https://lensdistortions.comProduction: Mike Kresnik, Bethany Gilbert, Zach LeeSources: The Worship Sourcebook; The Valley of Vision; The Book of Common Prayer; + original contributions by the authors.To follow along, please visit https://dailyliturgy.com.
In this podcast, L. P. Hernandez talks about In the Valley of the Headless Men, expanding The Last of Our Kind, story planning, and much more. About L. P. Hernandez L.P. Hernandez is an author of horror and speculative fiction. His stories have been featured in anthologies from Cemetery Dance, Dark Matter Ink, and the … Continue reading
Jabin Chavez brings humor, heart, and deep wisdom to this episode as he joins Levi and Jennie Lusko for a conversation about life, ministry, and the unexpected twists of following God's call. From growing up in New Mexico to planting a thriving church in the heat of Las Vegas, Jabin opens up about his personal journey of faith, the challenges of portable church life, and the miracles that paved the way. He shares the story of how God spoke to him about moving to Vegas, his experiences juggling worship leading and preaching, and how his new book was born out of a powerful sermon series. Along the way, the three discuss hilarious late-night pastor hangouts, the beauty of family and tradition, and why cold plunges and saunas are non-negotiables. Packed with practical insights for leaders, laugh-out-loud moments, and heartfelt reflections, this episode will inspire you to embrace the hills and valleys of your own journey. Connect with us on social!Jabin: @jabinchavezLevi: @leviluskoJennie: @jennieluskoFresh Life Church: @freshlife [Links]Get the 5 Gallon Bucket: https://bit.ly/sdl4sHYGet the Lusketeer Sticker: https://bit.ly/sdl4sHY Subscribe for more exclusive content: https://levilusko.com/hitl-subscribe Want to be on the next Q&A episode? Send us your questions! https://bit.ly/3RonhJI Timestamps:10:45 - Hearing God's Call to Vegas18:20 - Planting a Church in Las Vegas24:40 - Writing a Book Born in a Valley31:55 - Late-Night Hangouts with Pastors38:10 - Balancing Worship and Preaching44:25 - Building a Church in the Desert52:00 - Diversity in Vegas and the Church
What went wrong in Kingston, Tennessee, and what does it reveal about the messy legacy of public utilities turned corporate giants?Valley So Low Subscribe to SiriusXM Podcasts+ on Apple Podcasts to listen to ad-free new episodes and get exclusive access to bonus content.
Kyle Richards explains exactly why she quit RHOBH and exactly why she decided to rejoin the cast all within a period of, well, no one really knows. Garcelle, Sutton, Dorit, Boz, even Jennifer Tilly, weigh in on Kyle's resignation and re-hiring. Craig Conover unfollows Paige DeSorbo as he works through his five stages of grief. Kristen Doute explains that Jax is depressed, shares info as to why he got in a fender bender late last year, details why she has not spoken to Stassi and Katie in a long while and more as The Valley prepares to drop its trailer any day now. Spencer Pratt slams Andy Cohen in the feud of the year we did not know we needed but are so here for. Finally, Andy Cohen seems annoyed, frustrated by and over Mia Thornton as Mia explains why Ink is still in the picture even though they are broken up. @behindvelvetrope @davidyontef Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices