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Professional real estate investor, author and host of “The Real Estate Guys” Radio Show, Robert Helms joins us to discuss the nuances of mid-term, short-term rentals, and hotel real estate investing. They highlight the impact of interest rates on single-family home affordability and the role of institutional investors. Mid-term rentals cater to travelers like traveling nurses and digital nomads, offering higher monthly rents. Short-term rentals face challenges due to oversupply, but can be profitable with strategic planning. Hotels offer consistent experiences, with key metrics like occupancy and ADR. Resources: Join Keith and other faculty experts at the Investor Summit at Sea, a unique networking and learning event for real estate investors. Let the event organizers know if you want to have dinner with Keith during the event. Show Notes: GRE Free Investment For access to properties or free help with a GRE Investment Coach, start here: Get mortgage loans for investment property: or call 855-74-RIDGE or e-mail: Invest with Freedom Family Investments. You get paid first: Text FAMILY to 66866 Will you please leave a review for the show? I'd be grateful. Search “how to leave an Apple Podcasts review” For advertising inquiries, visit: Best Financial Education: Get our wealth-building newsletter free— text ‘GRE' to 66866 Our YouTube Channel: Follow us on Instagram: @getricheducation Complete episode transcript: Automatically Transcribed With Keith Weinhold 0:01 welcome to GRE I'm your host, Keith Weinhold, surprising facts about the institutional ownership share of the rental market. Then learn from a great guest tonight about how the midterm and short term rental models work and hotel real estate investing. Then you are invited to join us both on the most special real estate event that I've ever been a part of, and I'm going to return to it today on get rich education. Since 2014 the powerful get rich education podcast has created more passive income for people than nearly any other show in the world. This show teaches you how to earn strong returns from passive real estate investing in the best markets without losing your time being the flipper or landlord. Show Host Keith Weinhold writes for both Forbes and Rich Dad advisors, and delivers a new show every week since 2014 there's been millions of listener downloads of 188 world nations. He has a list show guests include top selling personal finance author Robert Kiyosaki. Get rich education can be heard on every podcast platform, plus it has its own dedicated Apple and Android listener phone apps build wealth on the go with the get rich education podcast. Sign up now for the get rich education podcast or visit get rich Corey Coates 1:17 You're listening to the show that has created more financial freedom than nearly any show in the world. This is get rich education. Keith Weinhold 1:33 Welcome to GRE from London, UK to London, Ontario and across 188 nations worldwide. I'm Keith weinholden, you are inside this week's episode of Get rich education, where we aren't day trading, we are decade trading with gradual patient wealth accumulation through income properties, yet with a path that lets you live the good life of options and freedom when you're still young enough to enjoy it. Now, the shorter the period of time that your guest or your tenant stays at your place, the more that the word hospitality gets involved. Hospitality, that word has little to do with hospitals. It almost means the opposite. Hospitality means that you're now giving a warm reception to or entertaining guests or tenants. Well, that's something that you rarely do at a long term rental, but you do if you're a hotel real estate investor for sure, or maybe even a little in a short term rental, then you're in hospitality like valet parking, having a restaurant, a pool with a swim up bar, a gym, a concierge desk, or even having a lobby with travel desks of various tour companies. Right there. That's hospitality, and today as we discuss mid term rentals, then short term rentals, then hotel real estate investing, think about how the level of hospitality that you give increases as the duration of a guest or tenant stay decreases. Hospitality is one reason that long term rental rates for durations of, say, a year or more, well, they had the lowest daily rates and the least hospitality. And hotels with, say, a two night stay, have the highest daily rates and the most hospitality. This week's show is presented by ridge lending group and freedom family investments. I mean Ridge is where I get all of my investment property loans, and where I do all of my refinancings. And perhaps you should, too, because they specialize in working with investor borrowers there, so they know just what you need and what you don't Ridge lending, and then freedom family investments, that's where you can make a private money loan and get a higher yield than you can with a high yield savings account. That's where I invest a share of my own liquid funds for a passive 8% return, 10% return. And now this is new. They've got offerings at 12% or more. You can learn more by texting family to 66866, next, we discuss mid term rentals, short term rentals and hotel real estate investing. This week, I'd like to welcome in a good long time real estate friend. He's been on the show here with you and I before. Besides being a deeply experienced real estate investor, he also hosts the terrific real estate guys radio show, which was a substantial influence on the launch of GRE more than 10 years ago. I mean, how many times have I suggested to you over the years that you give his show a listen? He also speaks with some of the best pipes in the industry. Hey, it's great to have back on the show this week, the incomparable Robert Helms. Robert Helms 5:07 Hey, Keith, so good to see you. Thanks for having me back. Keith Weinhold 5:11 Let me share with you. Robert is on a very short exclusive list of people that I credit for being where I am today, from how to host a professional show to being a Go Giver and Robert before we discuss mid and short term rentals in the long term rental world generally, just what's important to know in today's residential real estate market, you can take that anywhere you like. Robert Helms 5:38 Well, I think the big picture has been all about the loans and the interest rates, right? We saw rates go up, not only a lot, but quickly, and then kind of come back down a bit. Now they're headed back up, and that just has a big effect on single family homes, primarily to folks who are living in the homes, because they'll make that decision based on the affordability of their mortgage payment and the rest of the costs investors Well, you know, we think a little differently. We're not limited by a specific interest rate will pay? If I can make 9% would I pay 6% sure, if I can make 9% would I pay 7% well, I might, and so on. So I think that that's something to watch this year. For sure. There's lots of reasons to expect that we're not going to see interest rates get back down into the twos and threes and fours like we wish they would stay. Probably shouldn't happen in the first place, but you and I took advantage of it, and lots of your listeners did as well. But I think that's kind of a big picture thing. And then the other part of it is, you know, the inventory. So when people have this locked in effect, which really doesn't have anything to do with their needs or wants, they have a new job or they have another child and they want to move to a couple of notches up in a neighborhood, they don't want to get rid of their 3.12% loan and have to buy another property with 7% so we see less people moving, therefore less inventory, total inventory now somewhere just around 700,000 or below, and that's lower than it's been for the average of the last 10 years. For sure, I think that has an effect, less people are moving because of the interest rates. But at the same time, you know, there are houses that trade every single day. People do have to move. They have life situations and so forth. And then real estate investors, of course, we just look for opportunity. If we can make a spread and we can be in a property long term where the tenant pays down our mortgage and not us, well, then we're interested at almost any interest rate. Keith Weinhold 7:44 Yes, that interest rate lock in effect will persist another year. That continues to get diluted over time. Of course, though you and I both know that mortgage rates are still below their historic rate, but because of the recency bias, no one's really acting that way. By the way, the first ever rental property I bought had a six in three eights percent mortgage rate 20 years ago, and people were raving about what an incredibly low rate that was back then. But this constrains supply. And another thing that constrains available supply in today's market is more institutional players own rental property today we're talking about outfits like invitation homes and even the California State Teachers Retirement System. But one thing a lot of people don't seem to realize is that institutions like this own less than 1% of single family homes in the United States, and that's all institutions combined. And now if you just isolate that to single family rental properties, they still only own two to 3% so where we have this period of low supply and low affordability, you know, Robert, I think institutions, in a lot of these media headlines, they tend to get scapegoated or being a boogeyman. Oh, all these big players are buying up the homes, and that's why you can't buy one. But really, that's pretty overblown. So can you talk to us more about what the institutional entry into the real estate investing space has been like, which really picked up steam after the GFC about 15 years ago? Robert Helms 9:16 Yeah, it sure did. I think that folks who were managing big sums of money, and the institutional money comes from all kinds of places, real estate, Investment Trusts, insurance, pensions, funds, and then just big old companies that decide to raise money to go do something, and that money saw opportunity said, hey, you know what? This is a short term anomaly, all these prices that went down after 2008 and 2009 and when a lot of mom and pop investors were very hesitant to touch the third rail of buying more property after what they had just been through, these institutions are like that. Institutional money is not very emotional, right? It's just looking at the numbers at the same time where the nuances of institutional funds is that they also didn't have a ton of real estate experience, and so it was quite common for a couple of years that an institution would come in, and they would typically work through local brokers, and those brokers would know the market a bit. But if you could generalize, you would say that a lot of institutions overpaid. But here's the thing, when you overpay in the moment, you don't really notice that in the long term real estate investment that these guys did, it's interesting. I've been to a couple of conferences I go to almost every year that 10 years ago was mom and pop investors. And today it's a lot of suits, not too many ties. They don't send. Tend to wear ties, but a lot of suits, a lot of folks working for various levels of these funds, and they're looking at real estate as an asset class. Now I'm going to argue their real estate's not an asset class like any other, because every share of stock, every ounce of gold, every barrel of oil that anybody buys, is discretionary. You never have to invest in the stock market, in the bond market and cryptocurrency, but you cannot sit out the real estate market. From an economic perspective, I don't have to own real estate, but I'm going to have to interact financially. And so it really doesn't operate like other quote, unquote, asset classes, but I think the big folks did figure out is that there is stability in real estate. There's not the efficiency they would like, and that's a good thing for us. We like inefficiencies in the real estate market, but more and more we are seeing funds being put together, even today, to acquire property. But to your point, and it's an excellent one, you see the headlines and you see the name calling of these big, faceless, nameless corporations. They're buying up all the inventory. They're not it is a drop in the bucket compared to what mom and pops own and will continue to own Keith Weinhold 11:53 yes, and of course, I'm talking nationally. When I bring up those one two and 3% institutional share numbers, it's going to be lower in some areas, it tends to be a higher proportion of buying that the institutions do in Texas and also in a lot of southeastern markets, like Atlanta, Jacksonville, Charlotte and Tampa. Robert you have a good bit of knowledge and some involvement in the mid term rental market. We're talking about rentals of one to six months in duration. Here, can you talk to us about trends in the midterm rental market? Robert Helms 12:25 Yeah, it's a fascinating area. You know, back in the day, these would be referred to as corporate rentals, so a corporation might lease an apartment and furnish it, and then they would have different people stay there over the years, so the corporation would be responsible for the lease. I had some tenants like this many, many years ago, and it wouldn't be up to me. It'd be up to them who had the keys at the time. And a tenant might stay six or seven months. A tenant might make four or five weeks their stay. And so the idea was they needed a place for these contractors who would come in and work for a period of time to stay. But hotels were a lot more expensive. Well today you see even the folks who got involved in short term rentals making a decision to invest in people like traveling nurses who come and stay for four to six weeks, or these clients who will come in and work for two months in this location, two months in this location, two months in another location. And so they will simply stay in a short term rental type of property for a longer term. And you know, the most expensive things when it comes to real estate or turnover in vacancy. So if we can get the tenant to stay longer and pay a bit of a premium, these are often furnished units, and they don't have to worry about much. And we've had a few opportunities where what started out as a three week rental turned into a six month rental, because sometimes when they bring these folks on these companies, don't know exactly how long they're going to stay, and it's been a great kind of marketplace. There's a few folks that specialize in it. But my experience is that a lot of the people that have gravitated towards midterm rentals used to be in the short term rental business, thinking they'd rent for one or two nights, and lo and behold, they get a client that would stay for a month, and they'd say, Hey, this is pretty cool. Keith Weinhold 14:13 Some conversion rate there from short term rentals to these midterm rentals here, as Robert touched on, you do tend to get more monthly rent for a midterm rental than you do a conventional long term rental. You're going to have some experience for furnishing there. But Robert, you bring up a great point. You mentioned traveling nurses. And of course, here as real estate investors, we're often interested in who we're serving and what that demographic looks like. I also think of midterm rental clients or tenants as students in digital nomads, and oftentimes it's a person relocating where they just want to check out a place for a few months before they consider setting down roots in an area with a long term rental or buying their own place. So can you talk? More about the demographic that we're serving there, because oftentimes you want to follow their trends. Robert Helms 15:04 Yeah, very much. So, you know, today, I think there's a lot of folks that can work from a variety of locations. They do need some things, they need quiet they need a good internet connection, but they will come and go for weeks at a time. And I also think that you see more and more employers looking to contract labor. They have a job to get done. They're not sure they want to bring on a full time employee with all the cost of benefits and onboarding and all that. So they find somebody in the niche that comes in for six or eight or 12 weeks at a time, and they're the perfect candidate for short term rental. But we also see folks that are between gigs. So I might have a six week gig, and three weeks later I have another six week gig, and the three weeks in the middle, I want to go somewhere that's kind of fun to hang out. And so you do see those kind of rentals as well. Keith Weinhold 15:55 Are most long term property management companies open to managing midterm rentals? Robert Helms 16:02 Yeah, good question. There are certainly those that are, but I think we're starting to see a specialty on the aggregator side, folks that are reaching out specifically to the kinds of people who are candidates for midterm rentals from the tenant side and looking to accumulate inventory. So that's been kind of a neat thing to watch. So the focus of most property managers, they're hired by the owner of the property. Well, these groups are really their their salary gets paid for by the tenant, and they're able to negotiate on the behalf of some of these groups, you know, a better rate, better terms. They may negotiate some flexibility and the time for these folks that don't know exactly how long they're going to stay, it's an interesting new area of management, for sure. Keith Weinhold 16:52 Now, of course, we're concerned about a high occupancy rate in midterm rentals, just like we are any type of rental. What does one look for when it comes to advertising platforms. And this could be, you know, going beyond just a well known website. It might be, hey, if you have inroads with the local hospital system, oh, well, can you then funnel some of the traveling nurses, for example, into your midterm rental? Robert Helms 17:15 Yeah, most definitely, it is a specialty niche, for sure, if you're after a robust rental solution. You know, many people in midterm rentals, like in short term rentals, the vast majority of short term rental owners are not making a killing. They are. They're liquidating some cost of what they consider their second home. So the average short term rental landlord has just one property, and that's a property they bought, probably not as a rental. They brought it as a second home, and they're discovering that when they're not there, they can lease it out, and that pays for some of the costs. But there are obviously a few folks who have cracked the code and figured out which markets and where the best opportunity is, and what size units it takes to maintain a really healthy occupancy, and it's the same for this midterm rental. It's a different kind of tenant. It's mostly not families, so it's not larger units with lots of bedrooms. It's also mostly not your higher end rentals with views of the water or up near ski resorts, it's in the bigger towns where there is employment, and that employment triggers most of the midterm rental business. Keith Weinhold 18:29 You, as an investor owner, maybe your cash flow negative on your midterm rental or short term rental, however, you might be using it for a few weeks or months yourself and getting back more of the benefit that way you're listening to get rich education. We're talking with the host of the real estate guys radio show, Robert Helms, more when we come back, we discuss short term rentals, including, is there an air be in bust? I'm your host. Keith Weinhold, hey, you can get your mortgage loans at the same place where I get mine at Ridge lending group NMLS, 42056, they provided our listeners with more loans than any provider in the entire nation because they specialize in income properties. 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Family investments, liquidity fund on your journey to financial freedom through passive income. Text family to 66866 Kristen Tate 20:39 this is author, Kristen Tate, listen to get rich education with Keith Weinhold, and don't quit your Daydream. Keith Weinhold 20:54 Welcome back to get rich education. We're talking about midterm short term rentals and hotels and hospitality with a long time friend of the show here, Robert Helms and Robert a few years ago, there seemed to be this word airbn bust that was beginning to be associated with Airbnbs. A lot of the difficulty in that market. So tell us, what was that all about, and where are we now with industry trends in the short term rental market? Speaker 1 21:21 Yeah, great question, Keith. What I think happened is the allure of a short term rental, having a beautiful property that people would pay a premium on a nightly rate, sounded wonderful, and it was, and it worked for a lot of folks. But then what happened is, what happens people got the word, they got excited about it, and a lot of people started holding webinars, teaching classes, doing boot camps, and before you knew it, there was way more supply than there was demand. See, the hospitality industry is amazing. The hospitality industry employs 9% of all people in the world and accounts for nearly 9% of the GDP of our planet. Travel is a gigantic industry, and it's led by smart, big, storied institutions. So for folks to come and figure I'll just compete with them with my little apartment didn't necessarily turn out so well. So there was an airbn bust, and it is still lingering today. If you want to make a profit in short term rentals, you absolutely can, but you need to be super strategic. You need to think long and hard about where and what and why and how, because it's very specific. There are certain markets that short term rentals do very, very well, and there's a lot of markets, the majority of markets, where they don't. So as long as you're willing to study and take a look and be realistic and go kick the dirt a little bit, you certainly can get the upper hand. And the reason it's exciting is the average person who owns a short term rental is not professional in any way. They probably don't have too many other rental properties. It's not a big part of what they're paying attention to in their life. And they're simply trying to liquidate some of the costs of ownership. You know, I might rental here or rental there. And the way you can tell Home Away, VRBO, Airbnb, most of the hosts, the owners, make their calendars public, and so it's easy to tell how busy they are. It's amazing to me. I'll look at a marketplace and look at a property and see that month after month after month they're at a six to 8% occupancy, which I wouldn't be excited about myself, but for someone who's got a second home and they don't mind having people stay there for a few nights, they'll pay a premium for that. They legitimately can carve down a lot of their expenses just by renting six or eight or 10% of the time. Keith Weinhold 23:58 Of course, the conventional guidance is before you buy a short term rental, you're really helping yourself out. If you have to fall back on turning that into a long term rental, it would cash flow. But of course, now you're really narrowing your criteria in what is going to work there. And Robert, when we talk about that demographic that we're serving, we touched on that in the midterm rentals. Who are we serving in short term rentals? I think conventionally, we think about vacationers and business travelers Robert Helms 24:24 it's both of those things. I think that originally, people were certainly inspired by the vacation traveler who wanted to have a little more privacy, maybe their own kitchen, maybe a little more space for the dollar. And we still see that for a family, especially a family with small kids, staying at a hotel, ordering room service, eating in the restaurant, all that adds up. And if instead you can go to the grocery store and make breakfast at home, right, you can save the costs. And so there is definitely that clientele, but you also have people in short term rental that are visiting family. They're not really on vacation. In there, just going to an area for a short period of time. We see people that criss cross the country staying in short term rentals, two nights here, three nights there. And so it does have kind of a wide variety. A lot of the markets are very seasonal. Though. There are markets like Branson, Missouri that does really good at some parts of the year and not as well as other parts of the year. Then, of course, there's year round markets. So back to if I'm thinking about it with an investor's hat on, I want to be a little more specific, in particular about what and where I buy. But if I have single family house as my second home, maybe it's in a ski area, maybe it's in a beach area, and it's fairly expensive to maintain. Well, then considering renting it out on a short term basis might help the overall cost of maintaining that property. Keith Weinhold 25:52 You know, my own personal experiences really started to get bad in short term rentals, when I would go stay in a place. And I think we've all seen those memes out there about, my gosh, I had to wash all the dishes and walk the owner's dog and still play some exorbitant cleaning fee. I think we've all kind of grappled with that at some point, but STRS are still a really viable investment for the majority of the operators. But yeah, Robert, most of my experiences in short term rentals recently, including showing up at a place where they had not done the turn. The cleaning person did not stop by. And, yeah, okay, they came over there properly. But it's like, you cannot unsee the mess that was left there before you were there. So I had a series of experiences lately that have actually steered me into staying in hotels more often. And hotels really fit my lifestyle pretty well. I like to work out at a gym. I like to have a gym on site. It's convenient to have a restaurant on site and so on. And you've been in the hospitality and hotel space serving that for a while. Why don't you talk to us about industry trends in hotels. Robert Helms 27:03 Yeah. So travelers, to a great degree, love consistency. They want to be able to rely on cleanliness, on amenities, the very things you mentioned for sure. And so hospitality has a wide range, right? There's the lower end airport hotel where nobody stays more than a night, and it doesn't have a lot of amenities, and then there's the beautiful resort properties and everything in between. But what the hotel industry has done a good job of is providing a consistent experience, and that's what people crave more than anything else. You know, we would call a short term rental more of a unique or boutique or co chair kind of experience, and you don't know what you're going to get. You don't have that consistency. Some folks don't mind that, but for the majority, especially of business travelers, they want to know what they're getting. I can remember years ago, my sister wanted to take us on a family vacation to Maui. It sounded like a good idea. And then she was the one tasked with finding us a place, and decided we would stay at the Ritz Carlton and I looked at the Ritz Carlton website and said, Ah, you know, this is not exactly where I would probably stay in a she's a chiropractor. She says, in order for me to take a week off work, I'm losing $10,000 of the business. I'm not staying in some cheap hotel. I want to stay in a luxury hotel. And we did it, and it was fabulous, and I would stay again. So the point is, if you want to be able to work out, if you want to be able to have 24 hour room service, if you want grab and go that you don't have to walk outside in the cold or the heat, then hotels make a lot of sense, and it's not an either or. They're just both elements in hospitality. I would consider a short term rental property, a hospitality property, and I would consider a 1200 room, four and a half star hotel hospitality property as well. Keith Weinhold 28:58 Sure. Of course, hotels aren't monolithic. There are so many different types. You might have a boutique hotel with a few dozen rooms to a large scale, something like you've been involved in. You've been in a large scale, ground up development for a hotel. And I don't know if you had a hope when you built your large hotel that a big chain like a Hilton or Marriott would buy it from you, or would brand it along with you. But that branding and that consistency of experience can be really important. That's something we especially associate with those larger hotels. So we have some of these things in mind. I mean, where does a new prospective hotel investor begin? Robert Helms 29:40 Yeah, it's pretty difficult to get started, because the properties are big and expensive and risky upfront. So there's a terminology we use the hotel business, which is stabilization. And stabilization is when a hotel gets to the point where it's doing about the occupancy and rate that you would expect. Respect it too long term, and that might be anywhere from two to four years. Well, in the first year, boy, there's hardly anybody there. We have a 300 plus room hotel, and the first night we were open, we had two guests and 160 employees. So you don't have to be a rocket surgeon to figure out that that math doesn't work very well. Nor did it for the first month or the first year. Today, I'm happy to say it works a lot better, but you have to have patience. Now, there's a couple of ways you can get involved. Certainly, a smaller a boutique hotel. I stayed in a hotel a couple months ago that only had eight rooms. It was marvelous. And I thought, boy, you know, probably an individual owns this, but most of the hotel properties are owned by groups or syndications, and so that's another way to get exposure to hospitality. There's some things to love about hospitality, and to me, one of the same things I love about single families is you can find professional management, like folks that really know what they're doing, and create that guest experience that was perfectly possible for someone to buy a single family home as a rental. Maybe it's in their own town, and they want to manage it themselves. And you know, maybe at first that's a good idea, so you can figure out the game you've chosen, but ultimately, you want to hand that off to a professional, in my opinion. And in hospitality, like in multifamily, you have to, you have to have somebody come in with chops to be able to take care of it. And then there's the nuance of franchise which there are hotels that are just independently owned and operated. And then there's franchise hotels. And just like buying a franchise business, you pay a little more, but you get a lot. You get all the systems and the service and the training and the marks, and many cases, you get a big, dynamic engine that brings leads and fills your heads in your beds, which is what the metric we're interested in, in hospitality. And so when we started with thinking about it might make sense, the market we were in had no branded hotels, and we thought, Well, should we be the first? And after doing a bunch of research, I came to the conclusion that, well, it's going to cost something, and there's going to be a benefit, but I don't see it the benefit outweighing the cost. And we decided not to and then, lo and behold, through a strange set of circumstances, today, we are a branded hotel, and I'm thrilled about it. In hindsight, it was the right thing to do, but do understand that most real estate investors that I know are not going to qualify. It's pretty difficult to get a franchisee agreement with one of these hotel brands. You have to have some wherewithal, some experience. They're going to look at your assets and your balance sheet. They're going to look at more than you can imagine to make sure that you're worth betting on, that they'll put their story name on the outside of your hotel. But it does bring up another point in hospitality, which is there's just multiple streams of income in hospitality. I saw a study last year that showed that in the upper resort markets, the fancier hotels and markets you might go to that the average person whatever they spend on their nightly rate in the hotel, they spend 80 to 85% of that per day on all the other things associated with their stay. Now, some of those are going to be off campus, but the more that you can provide to the guests you've already brought onto the property, the more profitable it can be, Keith Weinhold 33:25 from resort fees to valets and more. Yes, there certainly is plenty to add on there. Maybe the last thing in hotel investing is, if someone wants to get started, what should they even be looking at, as far as say, understanding some of the metrics, like rev Park. Can you give us a quick walk around that? Robert Helms 33:45 Yeah, so if you're used to investing in apartment buildings or single family houses, you've probably seen the basic income formula. You know how to calculate for loss to lease and maybe vacancy and those things. Well, there's just a few more intricacies when it comes to hospitality, but it's not that difficult if you just think that you're renting every night instead of every month or every year, and instead of having my turnover be one tenant every two years, it's one tenant every four days. There's just a lot more to pay attention to. And so the most important metrics in the hospitality industry are obviously occupancy, how many nights our rooms are occupied? And then ADR, which is average daily rate, and that is the rate for a particular unit type on average over some period of time, typically a year. And if you were to multiply occupancy times average daily rate, that gives you a revenue per available room or RevPAR. RevPAR can be affected, and it's the primary metric that we drive to in the two ways, you can increase occupancy to increase your RevPAR, but in many cases, you don't need to increase occupancy if. The market will allow you to raise your average daily rent. We've just gone through in the last year that our occupancy is down about 2% for the year, and our average daily rate is up more than 16% so the math works that follow me on this with slightly less wear and tear on the units our owners are making more money. So it is a balance. It's not like I want maximum occupancy. Well, not necessarily. Hardest thing to manage for any hotel is a sold out night. Sounds like a good idea, but you have no wiggle room, whereas when you've got even 3% vacancy and something goes wrong in the middle of the night with somebody's unit, you can get them moved somewhere down the hall, not somewhere across town. So I would say there are some really great resources. If someone's interested in hospitality. There's a big company called the hotel valuation systems, HVs, and they have a lot of great tutorial information available if you're really interested. Go to a conference, a hotel conference, and you'll pick up the lingo pretty quick and meet some of the folks that are in the business. It is, historically, one of the highest return properties, but also a lot of high costs, and again, expect some negative cash flow at the beginning. Keith Weinhold 36:18 Yeah. Well, it was great. And you brought up something that I had not thought about before, about how 100% occupancy could actually introduce problems in the hotel space. And of course, there are a number of other things to consider, surge pricing, high seasons, low seasons, an awful lot that we don't think about when we're renting out single family homes one year at a time. Well, Robert, that's been a great walk around talking about the institutional space, midterm rentals, short term rentals and hotels, and you and I have a great collaboration coming up together. Why don't you tell our audience about it? Robert Helms 36:55 Oh my gosh. I am so thrilled that you'll be joining us again for our 23rd annual Investor Summit at sea. This event we do once a year, and by its name, you can probably tell that the majority of it happens on a cruise ship. We spend two days in beautiful Miami at a great hotel, then we jump on a luxury cruise ship for seven days. On the days that we're at sea, it's workshops and seminars and panel discussions and round table lunch discussions and all kinds of fun. And on the sea day, on the land days, we go have a good time together. It's extraordinary. You've been with us before, and I'm super excited to have you back with us on faculty, and excited that we're going to get to brainstorm a little bit with a couple other podcasters. So some of the OGS are going to be on this particular summit. Keith Weinhold 37:43 Yes, it is June 20 to 29th this year, where we spend the first two days on land in Miami, and then we spend a week cruising to the Bahamas, St Thomas in St Martin. We're doing it on a beautiful ship, the celebrity beyond. So as one of the faculty members, you'll get to see me do a 50 to 60 minute presentation, a couple of lunch, round table discussions. I might be on a panel or two, and also host a table for dinner each night where participants like you rotate around at the tables, and that way you get to chat directly with most or all of the faculty members. That way. Yes, Robert, I was there in 2016 as an attendee. It's great to finally come back as a faculty member. I will be putting the second pepper on the necklace. Robert Helms 38:29 All right. Well, it's gonna be a ton of fun. And the great thing about it is we have people from all over the world that come and you get in these awesome conversations. You know, you go to a one day or two days seminar, and you get to connect with some people, but boy, and this week, you're going to have a chance to meet all kinds of folks. And the faculty is amazing. Our mutual friend Ken McElroy will be back with us for his 12th year. Peter Schiff's going to be back with us again. We've got the George gammon coming. Brian London, who runs the New Orleans investment conference that you and I usually rub shoulders at, and ton more, just a really great time. And if you're serious about collapsing time frames, you can get more done in nine days on the Investor Summit that you can probably get of two years of just haphazardly going to conferences and watching webinars and listening to podcasts Keith Weinhold 39:18 you will see what we mean if you attend, about putting a pepper on the necklace and what that is all about. I can tell you from attending in 2016 just one previous appearance there. It is the greatest real estate event that I have ever attended. It's really immersive. It's really fun. Of course, you get off on these ports, and there's a beach component to it as well. It's not a low cost event, but as I like to say, it's not cheap, but neither are you. Robert Helms 39:50 It is an investment, that's for sure. I think it's important that you approach it that way, right? As investors, we demand a return. On our investment, and you should do that on the summit. Don't just show up and have a party time. That'll be great. It'll be fun. But be strategic about who you want to meet, who you want to hang out with, and who you want to learn from. The faculty is like no other. We'll have at least 15 faculty members. There's a couple more that we're working on, whose names you would know, but we are not ready to announce yet, but it's going to be so much fun. Oftentimes, the best people you meet, you meet at dinner, or you meet at the beach, or you meet out on deck. So we'd love to have you join us and tell you what, if someone is listening to your show, Keith, and they would love to have dinner with you. All they have to do is let us know that when they register say, you know, I want a chance to have meal with Keith, and I think we can make that happen. Keith Weinhold 40:45 Oh, that's great. And, you know, Robert, it's rare. It's the type of event where, even though it's been nine years since I was there, you developed such a close kinship with the like minded attendees that, you know, I might see a some of it's a Facebook friend now, you know, Steve or Dave or something. And I'll always remember, oh yeah, I met Steve on real estate guys Investor Summit to see it's almost like a relationship you would have with, like, a long ago high school classmate, to be around each other for nine days and all these places. It just kind of brings this different element to it. You can learn more at, and get registered there. You can see my smiling face in the faculty section along with the other faculty members. Remember, it's really about all the other people that you meet. You have any last thoughts about the terrific Investor Summit at Sea Robert? Robert Helms 41:36 I would just say that in life, we tend to regret the things that we don't do a lot more than the things that we do. So get on board. You'll have an amazing time. No matter how great we say it is. It's better than that. It's like summer camp for the affluent, summer camp. As a kid, you didn't want to go, you weren't sure, and by the end, you were lifelong buddies. It's like that. It's investing on steroids. The photo ops are amazing, and you'll meet super cool people, plus you'll get the hangout with Keith and I. So I would say join us for the 23rd annual investors Summit. Keith Weinhold 42:14 There's wisdom out there that says you should say no to more things in life, and in one tranche, that makes sense, and you also need to say yes to more things in life that fits the category. Here with the Great Investor Summit at Sea I really anticipated. It's one of my biggest events of the year. And Robert, it's been great having you back on the show. Robert Helms 42:35 Thanks so much, Keith, and appreciate your listeners. Listening in today. Don't quit your Daydream Keith Weinhold 42:42 Well, said. Next week on the show, we talk about how to streamline the operations at your rental properties. Is it better to own rental property with, say, two bathrooms rather than one, or is that just another faucet that can leak and shower that can leak and toilet that can clog, and the pros and cons of allowing your tenant to have a pet in your rental unit, it's those sort of operational things and more that we help you improve next week right here on The GRE podcast, it's interesting about investing in a hotel to such a large scale that you can court major franchise branding, like with Hilton, Marriott Wyndham or Hyatt, which Robert has successfully done. And I have visited that property of his with him in person, and it's amazing what he's done there. And you know something, I have rarely met an American, or any global resident that is averse to staying at a branded hotel. I mean, that only seems to be an attractant. Now in the US, some people, they used to dislike franchise restaurants. I even remember people saying, Hey, we don't need another chain restaurant in my town. But I've never seen people scorn chain hotels and today, I mean, in the here and now, people seem to want both franchise restaurants and hotels. I mean today, you're more likely to hear something like hey. When is our town getting a Chick fil A? Why don't we have one yet? And of course, there is plenty of opportunities in these shorter term stay spaces without ever attracting a branding deal, major thanks to the terrific Robert helms today for his keen insight on shorter term rental real estate. This event, June's investor summon at sea is such a good time, and Robert really knows how to host it and make sure you have a good time. After doing it for more than 20 years, it is a rich, immersive experience with people, places, learning and. And relationship building. It's the type of experience that you just can't get from an Instagram reel. It does draw attendees worldwide, although most attendees were from the US when I was there that one previous time. When you register, if you want to make sure that you get dinner with me, let them know, and we'll make it happen, because we know that you haven't heard enough of my voice every single week for more than a decade now, right? In my opinion, it is the crown jewel of world real estate investing events start at until next week. I'm your host. Keith Weinhold, don't quit your Daydream. Speaker 45:46 Nothing on this show should be considered specific, personal or professional advice. Please consult an appropriate tax, legal, real estate, financial or business professional for individualized advice. Opinions of guests are their own. Information is not guaranteed. All investment strategies have the potential for profit or loss. The host is operating on behalf of get rich Education LLC, exclusively. Keith Weinhold 46:14 The preceding program was brought to you by your home for wealth building. Get rich
I was walking on a beautiful beach in Maui and three older women collectively sighed "poor mom." Only, I know I am a lucky mom. Are you ready to know that too? Click here if you want to be a source of joy in your motherhood and KNOW who you are while you do it. My coaching membership is full of powerful tools and community that completely transform your everyday life. Your mindset is shaping your motherhood more than you realize. In this episode, we dive into the power of perspective and how the way you frame your experiences will make a difference for you. Are you focusing on lack and hardship, or are you seeing the opportunities, growth, and joy in your journey? Tune in to discover how shifting your mindset can completely transform the way you experience motherhood—because the difference between a “poor mom” and a “lucky mom” is all in how you choose to see it.
A woman is dead after an officer-involved shooting on Maui. What police say she was holding when she encountered officers. Parents of babies or toddlers listen up. There's a nationwide recall of a well-known Gerber product. What you need to know. An opportunity for High school students looking to get into the Healthcare industry. Casey Lund is live to share more on the program.See for privacy information.
Welcome to my favorite hour of my favorite day of the entire year. It's hard to put into words how special this day is and what it means to me and so many others but I'll try...Picture it --> 200 of the most beautiful humans to walk this earth on a private beach. Love, unspeakable joy and a rare Spirit have ruled the day. And now...the golden hour is upon us. The sun is slowly lowering towards the horizon of the Pacific ocean and every one and everything is awash in the most breathtaking golden yellow light. There's a magic in the air that just can't be described.I consider every hour important when I'm spinning but I will say that I consider this hour THE hour where, with the right music selections, I can take people's hearts and emotions and send them places that every human should dream to go.This set starts with galloping, emotional anthems and slowly ebbs towards a nostalgic soft landing where I pull out Sarah McLaughlin "Silence", Stereolove Feat. Brian Kennedy "Life, Love & Happiness", Christian Burns "Wonderful Life", Lighthouse Family "High" and Beth Orton "Central Reservation". Everyone was in emotional overload with the gorgeous trance anthems I was playing...and then as I went into the nostalgia set I just kind of sent everyone over the edge (in the best way). We are a blessed tribe with a long history together. To get to create and take part in the unspeakable joy that unfolded was a blessing I'll always cherish.As always, this set was brought to you with every ounce of love that I've got to give. I hope it touches your heart as much as it did mine and so many others as Epic Maui Journey came to an emotionally powerful conclusion.*I edited this set to remove the very ending of the day, as I was playing more downbeat songs that were perfect for the moment but wouldn't have exactly made sense in podcast form. I feel that the songs I played at the very end of the day were special and to be enjoyed only in that very moment. #/Artist/Title/Remix01. Ciaran McAuley/Love Loud/Original Mix02. Gareth Emery/Long Way Home/Ciaran McAuley Remix03. Ciaran McAuley/Think Twice/Extended Mix04. Gareth Emery/Without U/Extended Mix05. Leo Stannard/Stargazing/Extended Mix06. Eric Lumiere/Human Beings/Farius Extended Mix07. Liu Bei/Running/Farius Extended Mix08. Richard Walters/Protected/Nora En Pure Extended09. Sarah McLachlan/Silence/Kryder Extended Mix10. Brian Kennedy/Life, Love, Happiness/Stereolove Epic Anthem11. Dido/Together/R Plus Extended Mix12. Christian Burns/Wonderful Life/Kryder Guilty Pleasure Remix13. Lighthouse Family/High/Flrancois K's Vocal Remix14. Beth Orton/Central Reservation/Spiritual Life Ibadan Remix
Clean up begins across the state as East Honolulu residents deal with downed trees and Maui residents cleans up a muddy mess along some of its roads. Meanwhile, some travelers were stranded at the airport while flights were grounded as the storm passed.See for privacy information.
HOT DEAL:VIP Section discount code “EGG” gets 50% off 3 months (*monthly Tier 1 or 2 plans, limited to first 33 sign ups): today's episode of the Occult Symbolism and Pop Culture with Isaac Weishaupt podcast we have the January 2025 Supporters Only BONUS episode! We'll take a look at the Los Angeles Fires: celebrity houses that burned down, conspiracy rundown, LA Water Wars, Chinatown, William Mulholland, Frederick Eaton, Billionaire "WONDERFUL" Resnick Family, Diddy, Ben Affleck, JLo, "Wild King Nights", Billy Joel's "We Didn't Start the Fire", Maui, and how this is all part of the Blackrock and World Economic Forum Great Reset!NOW UP AD-FREE ON SUPPORTER FEEDS! Free feed gets a preview! Unlock the VIP Section supporter feed with discount code "EGG" and get 50% off 3 months (*monthly Tier 1 or 2 plans, limited to first 33 sign ups): Section discount code “EGG” gets 50% off 3 months (*monthly Tier 1 or 2 plans, limited to first 33 sign ups): FEEDS: Go ad-free with HUNDREDS of bonus episodes, early access and books!,VIP Section (*with comparsion of Apple vs Patreon vs VIP): Podcasts Premium! You can now go ad-free with ALL the bonus episodes on the Apple app- just open up the podcast and subscribe!
My Life As A Landlord | Rentals, Real Estate Investing, Property Management, Tenants, Canada & US.
Paradise Ridge is a Maui condo development that took 28 years, 3 families, and 2 Salisburys to build. June 2023 will close the Paradise Ridge chapter. In this podcast extra, learn about the Paradise Ridge story and how it evolved.
The rough conditions continue on Hawaii Island and Maui this morning as we've declared another First Alert Weather Day. Our team is tracking the latest so you can navigate your day. Justifiable force. HPD officers involved in the arrest of the wrong man during a pursuit will not face charges. We tell you why. Tariffs have been a hot topic for President Trump in the early days of his 2nd term. He's set to impose major moves on both Canada and Mexico this weekend. How it could impact your bottom line.See for privacy information.
In this special edition of The Modern Hotelier, we focus on one of the most significant events impacting the hospitality industry this month—the devastating wildfires in Los Angeles.Joining us is Sarah Dandashy, an industry expert and longtime LA resident, who shares her firsthand experience of the fires, the resilience of the community, and how hospitality businesses stepped up in a time of crisis.Hosts Steve Carran and David Millili discuss the broader impact of the fires on tourism, hotel occupancy, and the travel industry, drawing parallels to past crises like 9/11 and the Maui wildfires. They also explore how businesses and individuals can prepare for emergencies and provide tangible ways to support those affected.Key Topics:How LA residents, businesses, and the hospitality industry came together to support those affected. The Community Response & Hospitality Industry's Role The Fires' I on Hospitality & Tourism Why is it important to have an emergency planIf you're looking for insights on disaster response in hospitality, community resilience, and ways to help LA rebuild, this episode is a must-listen.Watch the FULL episode here: the conversation on today's episode on The Modern Hotelier LinkedIn pageThe Modern Hotelier is produced, edited, and published by Make More MediaLinks:Sarah on LinkedIn: a Concierge: full show notes head to: on LinkedIn: with Steve and David:Steve:
It's a First Alert Weather Day for the entire state. We have team coverage this morning to tell you when you can expect stormy conditions so you can plan your day. A trial over Maui wildfire compensation is cut short. We have the latest on a last-minute resolution. Tesla is looking to dabble in robotaxis. Where the company is looking for passengersSee for privacy information.
Eric's Mom is on the podcast this episode, get ready to belly laugh. Mom tells the story about Dad getting hit in the head with a piece of bread in Maui. Eric, Kiley, and Mom critique all the new contestants on the Bachelor airing on ABC this week.
A 5th death stemming from the Aliamanu fireworks disaster. What we know this morning about the 29-year-old who was being cared for in Arizona. Things that appear recyclable might not be. HNN Investigates what happens to those products if they wind up in your blue bin. Looking for a job? Today could be your lucky day. Details on the Hawaii Career Expo.See for privacy information.
Join us for Mark Lumpkin's very first episode as the newest host of the STR Investing Podcast! In this debut, Mark interviews Rachel—a hands-on short-term rental owner and the founder of Up Close Marketing—to discuss how she bootstrapped her way into buying her first cabin, then expanded into properties in Big Bear and Maui. Rachel shares her secrets on delivering exceptional guest experiences through small, thoughtful touches that lead to stellar reviews and repeat bookings. She also reveals how her new company provides hosts with free, high-quality products to delight visitors. Tune in as Mark dives headfirst into the world of STR podcasting, gleaning real-life lessons in hospitality, financing, and long-term wealth building from an investor who's living proof that success in vacation rentals is within anyone's reach.
MOANA & MAUI RETURN!! Visit & receive 15% off your order. Visit & use Promo Code: REJECTS to get 20% off your first order. Moana 2 Full Movie Reaction Watch Along: Follow Us On Socials: Instagram: Tik-Tok: Twitter: Facebook: Moana 2 Reaction, Commentary, Analysis, & Spoiler Review! Greg Alba and Tara Erickson embark on a new oceanic adventure as they react to Disney's Moana 2 (2024).Auli'i Cravalho returns to voice Moana as she ventures beyond the reefs to uncover new horizons. Dwayne The Rock Johnson (Jumanji Welcome To The Jungle & Fast Five) returns as the demigod Maui. The film introduces new characters, including Moana's younger sister, Simea (voiced by Khaleesi Lambert-Tsuda), and fellow voyagers Moni (Hualālai Chung), Loto (Rose Matafeo), and Kele (David Fane). Returning favorites like Heihei the chicken and Pua the pig also make delightful appearances. They react to songs / music videos such as "Tulou Tagaloa (Sei e Va'ai Mai)" by Olivia Foa'i & Te Vaka, "We're Back" by Auli'i Cravalho & Cast, "Tuputupu (The Feast)" by Te Vaka, "Beyond" by Auli'i Cravalho feat. Rachel House, "My Wish for You (Innocent Warrior)" by Olivia Foa'i, Sutata Foai-Amiatu, Matatia Foa'i, Matthew Ineleo, and Opetaia Foa'i, "Finding The Way" by Olivia Foa'i & Te Vaka, "What Could Be Better Than This?" by Auli'i Cravalho, Hualālai Chung, Rose Matafeo, and David Fane, "Get Lost" by Awhimai Fraser, "Can I Get a Chee Hoo?" by Dwayne Johnson, and "Mana Vavau" by Dwayne Johnson, Opetaia Foa'i, and Rachel House. Let's see if these songs live up to "How Far I'll Go," "You're Welcome," "We Know the Way," "Shiny," "Where You Are," "Logo Te Pate," "I Am Moana (Song of the Ancestors)," "Know Who You Are," and "An Innocent Warrior." Follow Tara Erickson: Youtube: Instagram: Twitter: Support The Channel By Getting Some REEL REJECTS Apparel! Music Used In Manscaped Ad: Hat the Jazz by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. POWERED BY @GFUEL Visit and use code REJECTNATION for 20% off select tubs!! Head Editor: Co-Editor: Greg Alba Co-Editor: John Humphrey Music In Video: Airport Lounge - Disco Ultralounge by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. Ask Us A QUESTION On CAMEO: Follow TheReelRejects On FACEBOOK, TWITTER, & INSTAGRAM: FB: INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: Follow GREG ON INSTAGRAM & TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
The holidays are magical no matter where you celebrate, but spending them in Hawaii? That's next-level. In this episode, the Travel Mom Squad shares how we used points and miles to pull off unforgettable trips to Maui and Kauai over the Christmas and New Year holidays. We're giving you all the behind-the-scenes details so you can start planning your own Hawaiian holiday adventure. Maui with Alex's Crew Alex starts by sharing how she surprised her family with a Christmas gift they'll never forget: six nights at the Hyatt Regency Maui. Planning a year ahead made all the difference, allowing her to lock in the best rates using 210,000 Hyatt points for two king rooms. Alex breaks down why booking early is crucial during peak season and how transferring points to Hyatt made this dream trip possible. Pam's Anniversary Upgrade Quest Pam recounts her experience booking alongside Alex and attempting to score a suite upgrade using Hyatt's upgrade award. While she didn't get the full upgrade she hoped for, Pam shares the hilarious story of how a mix-up led to Alex receiving flowers meant for Pam's 50th wedding anniversary. Kauai Adventures with Jess Over on Kauai, Jess's family enjoyed six nights at the Grand Hyatt Kauai, covering two rooms with a whopping 420,000 Hyatt points. Jess explains how she maximized her points strategy by leveraging Hyatt's Guest of Honor program and sharing tips for making family stays more enjoyable. Flights and Rental Cars: Navigating the Holidays Booking flights to Hawaii during peak season can be daunting, but we share how Pam's experience was flying United and how Jess and Alex got creative with Southwest companion passes, gift cards, and points to keep costs down. Jess also shares her game-changing experience renting a car with Pineapple Express on Kauai—a rental-car service that lets you skip the lines and even includes beach gear! Hawaiian Holiday Takeaways The best part of these trips? Spending time with family and meeting some of you, our listeners, who were also in Hawaii thanks to points and miles. Whether it's taking the grandparents along, planning a holiday surprise for your kids, or just soaking up the aloha spirit, this episode is packed with inspiration for your next adventure. Links: Links For All Things Travel Mom Squad: Links For This Episode: How to Take Your Family to Hawaii for Nearly Free: Family Guide to Hawaii on Points & Miles - Shaka Guide: Kauai Tours | Audio Tour Guide - Reservations for Kalalau trail: Reservations - Go Hāʻena - Pineapple Express car rental: Episode Minute By Minute: 00:00 – Intro: How we each spent the holidays in Hawaii 01:30 – Alex's Maui trip: Booking the Hyatt Regency and family surprises 07:00 – Pam's story: Anniversary upgrades and club lounge tips 15:20 – Jess's Kauai trip: Guest of Honor perks and family fun 23:30 – Flights: Southwest companion passes and creative savings 31:45 – Rental cars: Tips for Maui and Kauai 41:00 – Reflections: Meeting listeners and making memories
Michael Krasny interviewed Professor Greg Sarris, Chair of the Federated Indians of Graton Rancheria and Chair of the Board of Trustees of The Smithsonian Museum of the American Indian. This was the fourth interview sponsored by the Bill Lane Center for the American West.The dialogue began with Krasny asking Sarris his views on what separated Indians of the West from Indians of other regions in America. The conversation then moved into discussions about Indian casinos and the uses of their resources, online gaming, and the Wild West. They also explored Sarris's compelling personal story, including the influence of a remarkable medicine woman and basket weaver on his life. They discussed the effects of both personal and historic trauma.The conversation turned to the challenges of legal rights, as well as the psychological and generational problems facing Native people. They examined the importance of storytelling and the work of various American Indian writers. Later, Krasny shared an anecdote about mentioning Native American writer Tommy Orange's name in Maui and sought Sarris's views on cultural appropriation.Responding to a listener's question, Sarris discussed sovereignty and race versus treaties. He also addressed Indian poverty, life expectancy, and life on the reservations. Their discussion covered Indian stereotypes, and Sarris elaborated on the effect of nature on Indians and their need for connection.Krasny inquired about Sarris's role on the U.C. Board of Regents and his Jewish identity through his mother. The two concluded this rich and manifold dialogue with a discussion of Indians, the American West, and environmental stewardship.
Imagine turning the deepest pain of losing your partner into a powerful mission that changes lives.In today's episode, I'm joined by Kailani Jackson, the founder of SoulDope LLC, a transformative healing development center. Her own journey of resilience following profound personal loss inspired her to guide others toward healing through workshops, retreats, and motivational speaking. As an Energy Psychology Practitioner, Spiritual Teacher, Author and Soul Healing & Success Life Coach, Kailani is dedicated to helping others overcome trauma, discover their purpose, and live authentically. Throughout this episode, Kailani shares her deeply personal journey of transformation, beginning with her husband's final words, which encouraged her to return to school and live her purpose. She discusses how gratitude became a cornerstone of her healing process and how she now mirrors this approach to inspire others through her work. Kailani emphasizes the importance of embracing both grief and joy and explains how her work helps people release limiting beliefs and embrace their authentic selves. Her insights on using lived experiences as tools for personal growth and her retreats in Maui illustrate her commitment to healing and empowerment.Tune in to episode 306 as Kailani Jackson shares her journey of healing after profound loss, revealing how gratitude and authenticity helped her overcome trauma and inspire others to live with purpose.In This Episode, You Will Learn:Introduction to Kailani Jackson and her work (1:14)Kailani's husband's final wishes (3:24)The transformative power of grief and gratitude (8:11)Living with purpose and making a difference (11:09)Living authentically and overcoming grief (14:10)Upcoming retreat and transformation (17:46)Finding empowerment after loss (21:38)Living with grief and happiness simultaneously (30:14)Connect with Kailani Jackson:WebsiteInstagramBook: Kailani Jackson - The Empowered Beingness of YouLet's Connect:WebsiteLinkedInFacebookInstagramTwitterPinterestThe Grief and Happiness Alliance Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Some wild weather in areas of the state. Take a look at this rescue on Maui.. where 3 teens got trapped in floodwaters. The latest on clean-up efforts as we get ready for another round of storms. When you push out your recycling bin for pick up where do your items go? HNN Investigates tracked products for two months to find out. In need of a big screen for the Big Game? Our tech reporter is taking a look at TV's this morning which will make your Super Bowl party a hit.See for privacy information.
On this episode, Maui tackles DeepSeek, Janusz Walus, Congo, Land Expropriation, Auschwitz, OpenAI, and a whole lot more!/Edit More:℗ 2025 XO LUXURY GOODS
Rising waters led to a dramatic rescue involving three Maui teenagers Sunday. It happened just before 3 p.m. in Iao Stream near Mokuhau Park. Crews found the girls, ages 14, 14, and 16, stranded on a large rock amid fast-flowing, rapidly rising water, according to the Maui Department of Fire and Public Safety.See for privacy information.
The family of a missing Mililani teen is not giving up hope. The latest on the search for Samantha Chun. Raising Awareness on teen dating violence. We'll introduce you to a program that aims to help youth navigate relationships. Start those returns. Tax season officially starts today. Why you may be getting a welcome surprise in the mail this year from the feds. See for privacy information.
Cultivating both inner and outer harmony, the Be Here Now Network trifecta of Raghu, David, and Sharon offers lessons in metta and letting go.This episode was recorded live at the annual Ram Dass Legacy “Open Your Heart in Paradise” retreat in Maui. Learn more about these Maui retreats, our annual Mountain retreat in Boone, North Carolina, and our regular digital retreats at week on Mindrolling, Raghu, David, and Sharon discuss:Ram Dass' teaching of loving awareness and being at home in the universePutting practice and compassionate mindfulness into our daily livesThe power and strength of loveA guided metta practice from SharonBoth inner and outer harmonizing and turning metta towards ourselvesThe Bodhisattva tradition and taking on the suffering of othersLoving motivation and using wise discernmentThe continual process of letting goForgiveness and not allowing pain to overtake our livesAbout David Nichtern:David Nichtern, founder of Dharma Moon, is a senior Buddhist teacher who has been practicing and teaching meditation for over 40 years. He was one of the initial American students of renowned meditation master Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche and studied closely with him soon after his arrival in the United States in 1970. He is also a business consultant with companies creating a variety of offerings integrating meditation in a larger health and well-being context. David is also a multiple Grammy-nominated and Emmy award-winning musician.About Sharon Salzberg:Sharon Salzberg is a meditation pioneer, world-renowned teacher, and New York Times bestselling author. She is one of the first to bring mindfulness and lovingkindness meditation to mainstream American culture over 45 years ago, inspiring generations of meditation teachers and wellness influencers. Sharon is co-founder of The Insight Meditation Society in Barre, MA, and the author of twelve books, including the New York Times bestseller, Real Happiness, now in its second edition, and her seminal work, Lovingkindness. Her podcast, The Metta Hour, has amassed five million downloads and features interviews with thought leaders from the mindfulness movement and beyond.Learn more about Sharon and pre-order her new book at“You can ask yourself the question, what do I really want to see? What do I care about most right now? Is it winning or is it being kind? It brings us to wisdom we already have, that we can then bring forth and have it inform our action as best we can.” – Sharon SalzbergSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
Join Michael Jaco and special guest Michelle Melendez, author of The Great Maui Land Grab, as they dive deep into the untold stories and chilling realities surrounding the devastating fires in Lahaina, Maui. From the shocking lack of reconstruction progress—only 20 building permits issued out of 2,200 destroyed homes—to the alarming government attempts to seize land for "workforce housing," Melendez exposes the dark undercurrents of corruption and injustice. In this explosive episode, Melendez and Jaco challenge the official narrative, presenting compelling evidence of directed energy weapons, anomalies like melted cars beside untouched trees, and the tragic disappearance of countless children, with unreported death tolls far exceeding the official numbers. They connect these events to broader patterns of destruction, including California and North Carolina fires, raising questions about a coordinated effort to displace communities and implement so-called "smart cities."
Developing this morning. An attempted murder investigation is underway in Kalihi following a shooting. What we know at this hour. Demands for clarity. Over 2 months since announcing his retirement we still don't know exactly when Kauai's Police chief will step down. Why one group is calling the situation 'absurd'. Our 'Exploring Taiwan' series continues this morning. We'll explore the country's most powerful industry.See for privacy information.
Aloha! It's time to go island hopping. Join host Jared Christie, Polaris Adventures Market Development Manager, on a trip to Hawaii. Feel that island breeze with the top down as we go on Slingshot rides from Maui to Oahu. Book your next adventure @ www.alohamotorsports.comDole ® is a registered trademark of Dole Food Company, Inc.Legoland® is a registered trademark of LEGO JURIS A/S (CORPORATION; DENMARK)Unless noted, trademarks are the property of Polaris Industries Inc. © 2025 Polaris Industries Inc.
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Full Text of ReadingsThursday of the Second Week in Ordinary Time Lectionary: 314The Saint of the day is Saint Marianne CopeSaint Marianne Cope's Story Though leprosy scared off most people in 19th-century Hawaii, that disease sparked great generosity in the woman who came to be known as Mother Marianne of Molokai. Her courage helped tremendously to improve the lives of its victims in Hawaii, a territory annexed to the United States during her lifetime (1898). Mother Marianne's generosity and courage were celebrated at her May 14, 2005, beatification in Rome. She was a woman who spoke “the language of truth and love” to the world, said Cardinal José Saraiva Martins, prefect of the Congregation for Saints' Causes. Cardinal Martins, who presided at the beatification Mass in St. Peter's Basilica, called her life “a wonderful work of divine grace.” Speaking of her special love for persons suffering from leprosy, he said, “She saw in them the suffering face of Jesus. Like the Good Samaritan, she became their mother.” On January 23, 1838, a daughter was born to Peter and Barbara Cope of Hessen-Darmstadt, Germany. The girl was named after her mother. Two years later the Cope family emigrated to the United States and settled in Utica, New York. Young Barbara worked in a factory until August 1862, when she went to the Sisters of the Third Order of Saint Francis in Syracuse, New York. After profession in November of the next year, she began teaching at Assumption parish school. Marianne held the post of superior in several places and was twice the novice mistress of her congregation. A natural leader, three different times she was superior of St. Joseph's Hospital in Syracuse, where she learned much that would be useful during her years in Hawaii. Elected provincial in 1877, Mother Marianne was unanimously re-elected in 1881. Two years later the Hawaiian government was searching for someone to run the Kakaako Receiving Station for people suspected of having leprosy. More than 50 religious communities in the United States and Canada were asked. When the request was put to the Syracuse sisters, 35 of them volunteered immediately. On October 22, 1883, Mother Marianne and six other sisters left for Hawaii where they took charge of the Kakaako Receiving Station outside Honolulu; on the island of Maui they also opened a hospital and a school for girls. In 1888, Mother Marianne and two sisters went to Molokai to open a home for “unprotected women and girls” there. The Hawaiian government was quite hesitant to send women for this difficult assignment; they need not have worried about Mother Marianne! On Molokai she took charge of the home that Saint Damien de Veuster had established for men and boys. Mother Marianne changed life on Molokai by introducing cleanliness, pride, and fun to the colony. Bright scarves and pretty dresses for the women were part of her approach. Awarded the Royal Order of Kapiolani by the Hawaiian government and celebrated in a poem by Robert Louis Stevenson, Mother Marianne continued her work faithfully. Her sisters have attracted vocations among the Hawaiian people and still work on Molokai. Mother Marianne died on August 9, 1918, was beatified in 2005, and canonized seven years later. Reflection The government authorities were reluctant to allow Mother Marianne to be a mother on Molokai. Thirty years of dedication proved their fears unfounded. God grants gifts regardless of human shortsightedness and allows those gifts to flower for the sake of the kingdom. Click here for more on Saint Marianne Cope! Saint of the Day, Copyright Franciscan Media
Possible human remains discovered on Oahu's North Shore. The next steps for investigators. The brothers wrongfully convicted of killing Dana Ireland have filed a federal lawsuit. Who they're now targeting with the accusations. Have you had trouble finding eggs in stores? You aren't alone. What's causing the local shortage.See for privacy information.
On this episode, Heather chats about her amazing time in Maui and how she got to spend some quality time with her hubby. She does have some bones to pick with his fashion and beach day choices while on vacation. She is also excited to get back on the road soon with her new tour as well as the cruise. She shows off how well her new neck is healing and takes on some haters in the DM's. She finally gets back to voicemails from you and reflects on how good of a Real Housewife she would be. Episode Sponsors:Use code ABSOLUTELY15 for 15% off your first purchase at LumeDeodorant.comListeners of Absolutely Not can claim an exclusive three-month free trial, with no credit card required at Shop SKIMS best intimates including the Fits Everybody Collection and more at and SKIMS stores.For a limited time, Nutrafol is offering our listeners ten dollars off your first month's subscription and free shipping when you go to and enter the promo code ABSOLUTELYNOT.Right now, OpenPhone is offering 20% off of your first 6 months when you go to by Dear MediaSee Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
Carol and Michael Schwarz are both accomplished goldsmiths, not only living on Maui, but thriving as artists. They are now winding down in their careers and enjoying a slower, more balanced life tending to their land and creating beautiful gold jewelry with the mana of the island running through each piece. When I found Carol and Michael I was intrigued by their off grid lifestyle and their ability to thrive as artists living in the most expensive state in the US. We talk about how they've been able to build a sustainable living over the years and how the beauty and energy of Maui inspires their work. Carol shares her story of having a premonition that led her to Michael, marking the start of a magical journey together. We discuss how they work collaboratively and individually, how they prioritize aesthetic value over monetary value in their pieces, and the expense of have tools and casting investment shipped to the island. And friends, if you need a momentary break, I recommend that you head to their website after this episode and watch the video on their home page. There you will fly to their beautiful property and off grid studio. You'll see and hear about their process, a stone collection that I'm sure most of us would be envious of, and of course their beautiful work. Follow Carol & Michael... Instagram: @mauischwarzjewelry Website: Love the Podcast? Support an episode: Click here to learn more! Without your support I couldn't continue the Slowmade Podcast. Thank you so much!
On this episode, Maui tackles Elon Musk's Nazi Salute, Capitalism, Maye Musk, Trump's Executive Orders, Chinese Cars, Errol Musk, Fatherhood, and a whole lot more! /Edit More:℗ 2025 XO LUXURY GOODS
"The state of our state is strong." That was the message from Governor Josh Green in his annual address. The areas he'll be focusing on in the year ahead. It's been over 2 years since a major fireworks bust at an Oahu jail. We follow up to see if there are any new leads in the case. A webinar is being held today to provide Maui residents an update to recovery efforts in Lahaina. We'll tell you the topics set to be discussed. See for privacy information.
Scorched Earth warfare is nothing new. Fire has historically been the preferred weapon to commandeer covetted land. Marauding soldiers with torches on horseback left nothing to the imagination of those witnessing their villages, crops and kinsman succumbing to utter destruction. Present-day predators, however, orchestrate mayhem behind a cowardly veil of stealth and plausible deniability. This new army merges hi-tech mercenaries and compromised institutions at the local level, while media propagandists provide the cover. The synchronous anomalies of the ubiquitous fires plaguing Northern California, Canada and now Southern California, as we speak, have sparked a mass awakening to one inescapable conclusion. This is a land grab! The "land grab" in the Hawaiian islands began in 1898 with the overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy without the consent from the native Hawaiian population. The annexation was achieved through a joint resolution of Congress, not a formal treaty, rendering it lawfully invalid. Now "they" want it all!, The transparently weaponized Maui fire of August 8, 2023 and the implementation of "smart growth" redevelopment plans on multiple islands without the consent of island inhabitants, once again leaves nothing to the imagination. Traci Derwin is a native of Hawaii who had a wake-up call after the Lahaina fires compelling her to take action. She has co-authored Sound the Alarm that walks the reader from the scene of the crime towards a 30,000 foot view of why this fire was allowed to happen, where other copycat fires have happened, and what communities are next. The authors use Maui, Hawai'i to illustrate a larger globalist plan for grabbing land, removing private property, and robbing global citizens of their sovereignty. Traci conducts regular interviews on her YT channel Brush Junkie with guests that have compiled data and images piecing together the Lahaina fires puzzle, while seeking accountability from Maui administrators and law enforcement. Author & investigator, Shane Buell first learned of the Maui fire from a childhood friend whose family, the Kamakas are from Lahaina. Shane had a lifelong interest in physics and chemistry, and first suspected the use of directed energy in 2018 upon seeing the aftermath of the Paradise California fire, so after seeing the unusual damage, roadblocks, and resulting land grab on Maui, it lit a fire in him to carry a torch of truth to try and stop it, on Maui and elsewhere. This not-to-be-missed episode needs to be viewed far and wide. We will highlight the Maui fire as a microcosm of a world-wide attempt to subjugate the entirety of humanity, and If we don't pay attention, we too, may lose everything. Show links: / @brushjunkie6384 Join Mike at Anarchapulco Feb 17 - 21 Use code alfavedic for 10% off! Learn The True Nature Of Dis-Ease & How Our Bodies Actually Work: Join Our Private Community And Join In The Discussion: Follow our new YT channel: / @offgridelegance Get our favorite blue blocker glasses! Learn how to express your law and uphold your rights as one of mankind. Alfa Vedic is an off-grid agriculture & health co-op focused on developing products, media & educational platforms for the betterment of our world. By using advanced scientific methods, cutting-edge technologies and tools derived from the knowledge of the world's greatest minds, the AV community aims to be a model for the future we all want to see. Our comprehensive line of health products and nutrition is available on our website. Most products are hand mixed and formulated right on our off grid farm including our Immortality Teas which we grow on site. Find them all at Follow Alfa Vedic: Follow Mike Winner:
Like many team leaders, Jill Biggs didn't intend to become a real estate agent or start a team. Today, she leads the top team in her market, The Jill Biggs Group with Coldwell Banker Realty in Hoboken, NJ. Get stories and lessons from nearly 20 years of growing the team to about 60 agents. Learn some of the key roles brought in to support the team, including an in-house stager, in-house media production, and a Chief Operating Officer. Get the process for building and communicating an authentic brand.Recorded in person at Unlock 2024 at The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas, this conversation will leave you with a clear impression of what happens when you're hardwired for hard work.Watch or listen to this in-person recording with Jill Biggs for insights into:- Speed and energy as must-have characteristics of a high-performing team- How life, leadership, and entrepreneurship in NYC, Maui, and Miami all led to the Hoboken real estate market- The primary key to her success: outworking other people- How she built her initial database and her agent team with friends and how they continued growing their network over the years- A significant team insight gleaned from her first coaching experience- The size and structure of the team today- When she wanted to quit and why a COO was the answer to the problem- The growth of real estate teams over the past couple of decades- Why everything in your business is always a little bit broken, why everything and everyone needs to be ready to change, and how to compete despite that (“You have six months to make money doing THIS, then you have to pivot”)- How the Hardwired for Hardwork branding was developed with Marc Davison of 1000WATT- What's ahead in 2025, including a fix and flip divisionAt the end, learn about paying less by asking to pay less (for anything) and paying your taxes on time.Jill Biggs:- Estate Team OS:-
The state of our state. Governor Josh Green will address the public this morning to identify his priorities in the coming year.. When and where you can watch. A change for Hawaiian Airlines. The route that will have passengers on a newer, quieter jet. More than 4-thousand Taiwanese-Americans are estimated to live here in Hawaii. We'll take a deeper look at their culture in a new Hawaii News Now series.See for privacy information.
Join Andy this week as he enthusiastically welcomes returning guest Josh Spiegel, the visionary founder and Chief Creative Officer of Birch Event Design, to catch up on the evolution of his company since they last spoke four years ago in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Listen as Josh opens up about the challenges and victories of being in the luxury event space, including his team's expansion, collaborations, and the creative strides that they have made. He and Andy discuss the importance of being adaptable in the post-pandemic world and how these elements have reshaped both personal and professional landscapes, and Josh shares some insights into his company's culture and how maintaining a harmonious team dynamic is incredibly important for maintaining their innovative edge and staying relevant. From scaling the business to embracing partnerships with other industry leaders, Josh touches upon the cornerstones of Birch Event Design's philosophy. He and Andy also discuss how the right cultural fit can make or break a company and why sometimes, letting go of even the most talented individuals is necessary for the greater good. As they explore the art of crafting unforgettable events, Josh emphasizes some of the unique and challenging projects that Birch has taken on, including a contemporary art gala that pushed the boundaries of traditional wedding design. This interview is filled with inspiring anecdotes, valuable lessons, and a look into what makes Josh's approach to event design so distinct and impactful, and Andy really hopes that you enjoy this engaging conversation! If so, then he urges you to please not keep it to yourself. Share it with at least three colleagues you know who would benefit from hearing this episode, and be sure to also leave a top review wherever you listen because that really helps Andy and the show out! Have you heard about Stop and Smell the Roses with Preston Bailey on The Wedding Biz Network? Listen as Preston shares the secrets, tools, and technologies behind his extraordinary ability to create a theatrical environment out of any space. Also, don't forget about Sean Low's podcast The Business of Being Creative, where Sean discusses the power of being niched, pricing strategies, metrics of success, and so much more. You can find both shows on The Wedding Biz Network. SUPPORTING THE WEDDING BIZ Become a patron and support Andy and the show! If you are so inspired, contribute! Time Stamps [0:04] - Andy reflects on how his annual winter break in Maui recharges him through its magical atmosphere and familiar spots. [1:00] - We learn that this episode is with returning guest Josh Spiegel of Birch Event Design! [3:29] - Josh reflects on 2024's success in business scaling, acquisitions, and expansion into corporate events. [6:10] - Josh is excited about partnering with another design company for a mega wedding. [9:26] - Checking egos to collaborate and create unique, enjoyable events with competitors is very important. [11:20] - Listen as Josh describes an upcoming wedding designed as a contemporary art gala! [14:54] - Listening carefully is necessary for translating client requests into meaningful experiences. [17:08] - Business challenges persist, but Josh now has a stronger team and handles setbacks calmly. [20:18] - Josh values company culture and recognizes the need to remove toxic personalities in order to grow. [22:42] - Success requires cultural fit, constant work, and no clear separation between work and life. [25:22] - Josh explains that the lifestyle of his business, even when it may look glamorous, requires constant availability. [26:17] - Hear how Josh finds moments throughout the day, no matter how small, to recharge and stay present. [29:04] - Andy reveals where Birch Event Design can be found online. RESOURCES The Wedding Biz - 330: JOSH SPIEGEL/Birch Event Design – Using Social Media to Create Business During the Pandemic Find Josh: Birch Event Design - WebsiteBirch Event Design - Instagram PageBirch Event Design - Facebook PageBirch Event Design - TikTok Page Follow The Wedding Biz on Social: The Wedding Biz The Wedding Biz on Instagram: @theweddingbiz The Wedding Biz on Facebook: @theweddingbiz The Wedding Biz Network The Music Makers Support The Wedding Biz by clicking here. Title Sponsor: This episode is sponsored by Kushner Entertainment.