Establishment serving alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises
It's All Been Done Radio Hour #506 Universe Journey #117 "A Drink and a Song" Norton, Yanna, Neato, and Harvey talk about their favorite holidays and listen to a performance by Raymond Ray. Visit our website Script books, clothing, and more at Please support us at Find more from It's All Been Done Radio Hour here: Instagram: TikTok: A comedy radio show originally performed Saturday, December 9, 2023, at Boxland in Columbus, Ohio. STARRING Megan Overholt as Lieutenant Commander Connie Norton Joe Morales as Lieutenant Yanna Grace Wilson as Ensign Mali Neato Ben Neidenthal as Ensign Harvey Nathan Haley as Raymond Ray instrumentals by Kristin Green Narrated by Darren Esler Foley Artist Megan Overholt Podcast edited by Trulie Awesome Productions It's All Been Done Radio Hour created and produced by Jerome Wetzel Written by Jerome Wetzel Directed by Chase McCants and Jerome Wetzel Music Director Kristin Green Theme Songs composed by Nathan Haley, with lyrics by Jerome Wetzel Technical Director Shane Stefanchik When you post about us, hashtag #IABD #youtuberadioplays #bestyoutubepodcastchannels
Hablamos con el técnico pepinero antes de recibir al Atlético del Cholo Simeone, conocemos la última hora de Getafe y Barça antes del partido de dentro de unas horas en la primera jornada de la segunda vuelta, y El Sanedrín Ilustrado con Ramon Besa y Manuel Jabois.
En esta nueva edición de 'El Sanedrín' en Carrusel Deportivo, Lluis Flaquer, Adriá Albets, José Palacio, Jordi Martí, Marcos López y Sique Rodríguez analizan, junto a Yago de Vega, algunas de las claves del pinchazo del Barça en Getafe y la crisis que está viviendo el conjunto blaugrana.
En esta nueva edición de 'El Sanedrín' en Carrusel Deportivo, Lluis Flaquer, Adriá Albets, José Palacio, Jordi Martí, Marcos López y Sique Rodríguez analizan, junto a Yago de Vega, algunas de las claves del pinchazo del Barça en Getafe y la crisis que está viviendo el conjunto blaugrana.
En battant Barcelone 2 à 1 pendant les fêtes de fin d'année, l'Atlético Madrid a pris la tête de la Liga devant le Real et le Barça. Mais le leader a perdu ce samedi 18 janvier 2025. Impossible pour François David de dire qui est désormais le favori pour le titre.
Providence, Rhode Island, is the capital and the largest city in the state, known for its rich history, vibrant arts scene, and unique mix of old-world charm and modern urban development. As one of the oldest cities in the United States, founded in 1636, Providence was a refuge for those seeking religious freedom, which has laid the foundation for the city's commitment to diversity and tolerance. The city is also home to some of the most prestigious universities in the United States, including Brown University, an Ivy League school, and the Rhode Island School of Design. With so many college students, you would expect Providence to also have a thriving nightlife, which can be found downtown where a variety of bars, clubs, and live music venues wait to welcome students who want to socialize and let loose in the evenings and on weekends. For such a large and busy city, you would also expect that Providence has its share of crime, and while the city does have some issues with violent crime, property crimes such as burglary and motor vehicle theft are far more common. But what happens when a basic carjacking turns violent for seemingly no reason whatsoever? In June of 2000, 20-year-old Jason Burgeson and 21-year-old Amy Shute found themselves in the crosshairs of five nefarious men who were prowling the streets of Providence, looking to get into trouble. Jason and Amy were spotted by a Providence police officer around 2:15 AM on June 9th; the couple was chatting in the parking lot of Tommy's Bar and Grille in downtown Providence. Less than 12 hours later, their bodies were found slumped against hay bales at the Button Hole Golf course, located on the border of Providence and Johnstown, Rhode Island. They had been murdered in cold blood, and it was up to the investigators to figure out what had happened to them and why. Try our coffee!! - Become a Patreon member -- > Shop for your Crime Weekly gear here --> Youtube: Website: Instagram: @CrimeWeeklyPod Twitter: @CrimeWeeklyPod Facebook: @CrimeWeeklyPod ADS: 1. - Cancel your unwanted subscriptions and more today! 2. - Use code CRIMEWEEKLY for 15% off your purchase! 3. - Get 25% off sitewide and more! 4. - Shop SKIMS best intimates! Select our podcast after you order to let them know we sent you! #skimspartner 5. - Get 50% off a new system with a Professional Monitoring Plan!
Tawny and Lisa talk about crying – why humans do it, how it works physically, and what it can mean emotionally. As we grow older, our patterns and triggers for crying evolve. Tawny is just learning to cry and Lisa is not much of a crier. They talk about situations when feel like they “should” cry, but it just doesn't happen. And Tawny talks about the relationship between sadness to anger and how to work with it. Music Minute features System of a Down, Rage Against the Machine, Limp Bizkit, Bob Marley, and Prince. Read the article, Why Humans Cry Order The Sobriety Deck Listen to The Sobriety Deck Playlist Order Tawny's book, DRY HUMPING: A Guide to Dating, Relating, and Hooking Up Without the Booze Sign up for "Beyond Liquid Courage" Order Tawny's new NA drink, (parentheses) Purchase Lisa's memoir, Girl Walks Out of a Bar
El Real Madrid se clasifica para cuartos de final de la Copa del rey en la prórroga ante el Celta y deja muchas dudas, la oposición del Barça ataca a Laporta y The Americans
Como diz a famosa frase do Barão de Itararé, "de onde menos se espera, daí é que não sai nada", mas e quando somos pegos de surpresa? O que fazer quando os autores que gostamos fazem algo que nos decepciona? Arthur Marchetto, Cecilia Garcia Marcon e Vilto Reis se reúnem para discutir sobre a complexidade na figura do autor e compartilham alguns casos de decepção que apareceram em suas vidas. Então, aperta o play e conta pra gente: tem algum autor que te decepcionou? --- Episódio citado 423 - O amante de Lady Chatterley (D.H. Lawrence) --- Links Apoie o 30:MIN Siga a gente nas redes Já apoia? Acesse suas recompensas Entre no Clube de Fantasia de Vilto Reis!
Dans une forme étincelante avec le Barça, Lamine Yamal est l'un des hommes clés de la saison espagnole. Face au Betis en Coupe du Roi, le jeune ailier a réalisé une nouvelle performance de haut niveau, permettant à son club de se qualifier pour le prochain tour. Est-il le meilleur joueur du monde actuellement ?
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Ted and Mala are back talking sh**e about new year resolutions and gym memberships. This show is also available for your eyes as well as your lugs ... over on the YouTube channel. Check it out here
Kobraların gündeminde bu hafta; açılmasıyla yön değiştirmesi bir olan Ayşe Barım dosyası, hala tutuklu yargılanan Kerimcan Durmaz, Ordu'da yoğun talep üzerine açılan gassallık kursu, "gassallık yapabilirim" diyen Ahmet Kural, İstanbul Baro Başkanı ve yönetimine açılan soruşturma, apar topar tutuklanan Beşiktaş Belediye Başkanı ve yaşananlar, Özgür Özel'in gösterdiği kırmızı kart ve Erdoğan'ın esprili cevabı, Erdoğan'dan gençlere büyük müjdeler, faizsiz krediler, çocuk yardımları, Ankara koridorlarında hararet yaratan İmralı görüşmeleri ve beklentiler, köprülere, toplu ulaşıma, tren hatlarına, tünellere gelen zamlar var. Ahmet Hakan köşesinde ise; Los Angeles sırtlarındaki olmayan villa, stüdyoda koklanan Gabar petrolü ve yaşananlar var. Cumhurbaşkanı köşesinde ise; lgbt karakter içeren diziler, sosyal medyada gösteriş yapan evliler, 31 Mart seçimlerinde yaşanan yol kazalarının telafisi ve İbrahim Tatlıses var. Haftanın bütün gündemini konuştuğumuz yepyeni bölüm yayında! Kobralara destek olmak için: Twitter: Instagram:
Fem prèvia del cap de setmana esportiu. En futbol i hoquei patins es tanca la primera volta, mentre que a la Copa Catalunya de bàsquet s'enceta la segona. La UE Sitges visita el camp del Camarles, el CP Subur Sitges rebrà al Mollerussa a Pins Vens i el Bàsquet Sitges també jugarà a casa aquest cap de setmana, davant el CB Castellbisbal. El Rugby Club Sitges s'enfronta, en partit de la 3ª jornada de la DHCAT, al Barça Rugby. L'entrada ESPORTS (la prèvia): la UE Sitges tanca la primera volta al camp del cuer. El Bàsquet Sitges rep al CB Castellbisbal en el primer partit de la segona volta i el CP Subur Sitges s’enfronta al Mollerussa a Pins Vens, per cloure la primera volta ha aparegut primer a Radio Maricel.
On the next episode of Broadway Drumming 101, we sit down with Mike Ramsey, a seasoned professional musician who's been making it happen in New York City for years. Mike shares what it takes to build a career in one of the most competitive music scenes in the world—talking about why being early, prepared, and easy to work with are non-negotiables for success.We dive into the nitty-gritty of subbing on Broadway, where Mike's had to step into some intense percussion setups, like the dynamic dual percussionist roles in The Lion King. He explains why subbing is about emulating the chair holder's style—not showing off your own. “It's not your gig,” Mike reminds us, “your job is to make it seem like the regular musician is in.”Mike also shares some hilarious (and humbling) stories from his career—like a U-Haul mishap on the Belt Parkway that ended with the truck roof peeled back like a can of sardines. Somehow, the instruments survived, and Mike learned a valuable lesson about NYC driving restrictions.If you're an aspiring musician, this episode is loaded with practical advice, from how to get started in Broadway pits to why versatility and freelancing skills are a must in a city where gigs can be unpredictable. We even touch on the importance of building your online presence and why Mike might finally create a website after all these years.Don't miss this one—it's packed with insights, laughs, and gems for anyone looking to make it in NYC's music scene.
Get ready for a jam-packed episode of the High Low Sports Podcast! DJ Stewart and Kelcey Coyne are back, bringing you the latest buzz from the sports world. This week, they're diving into the NFL's hottest topics, including the big shake-up in Dallas. Mike McCarthy's out, and the Cowboys are on the hunt for a new head coach. Could Deion Sanders be the next big name in Big D? Tune in to hear the hosts' thoughts! But that's not all! The NFL playoffs are heating up, and DJ and Kelcey have all the insights you need. From the Texans vs. Chiefs showdown to the Lions taking on the Commanders, they've got your betting strategies covered. And don't miss their take on the Ravens vs. Bills clash—it's set to be a heavyweight showdown! Plus, a quick look at the college football national championship. Ohio State vs. Notre Dame—who's got the edge? The hosts break it down with their signature style. Let us know your picks and what you think we got wrong! And don't forget to grab your "That's a Bar" hat in honor of Cesar. Use code "BellyUpSports" for $20 off your first order at Seat Geek! Follow us on all our socials: Twitter: @High_Low_Sports Instagram: @HighLowSports Facebook: High Low Sports Podcast TikTok: @HighLowSports High Low Sports Podcast is your go-to for rants, recaps, and rankings across the sports world. Subscribe today and never miss an upload!
繼陽明第一廳口碑熱銷後,城揚建設集團全新奢綠鉅作,廳綠廳水_廳見正義站: 2024 全新公園新品,台鐵正義站綠鄰,東高雄首屈一指黃金地段!地點在 2 千坪正義公園前,陽明國中自由學區。精品廳院、飯店奢華,規劃健身房、双 KTV、閱覽室、交誼廳、運動 Bar、多功能教室,奢華貴氣 -- 從尖牙股(FAANG)到科技7巨頭,這些頂尖企業正在改寫未來,大者恆大趨勢無可避免。【中國信託美國聚焦成長基金】重倉鎖定高CP值美國產業巨頭,美牛再起、趁勢追擊,讓您的投資跟上世界頂尖企業成長速度! 了解更多: ----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供---- 蕭彤雯 主持 生活同樂會
Tema del dia Podem dir "Barça" per referir-nos a la ciutat de Barcelona? I què és "Barna"? En l'episodi d'avui resolem aquest dubte i parlem d'una de les institucions més importants de la cultura catalana: el Futbol Club Barcelona. Som-hi! Encara pots participar en el Repte de 30 Dies! ( Bonus El Joan ens explica les polèmiques actuals relacionades amb el Barça. Transcripció Andreu: [0:15] Bon dia a tothom! Bon dia, Joan! Joan: [0:17] Bon dia! Andreu: [0:18] Com va, això? Joan: [0:19] Bé, anar fent. Andreu: [0:21] Estem encara… ara estem ben bé a la meitat del Repte de 30 Dies, del nostre challenge que estem fent a Discord. Què et sembla? Com està anant aquest challenge? Joan: [0:30] Per mi, tot un èxit. O sigui, a l'inici no m'ho esperava pas. Andreu: [0:34] No? Joan: [0:35] Tant èxit? O sigui, ha sigut espectacular! Tantes intervencions a cada repte, cada dia… Andreu: [0:40] Sí, és veritat. Estan mantenint tots els participants la constància. O sigui, jo pensava que hi hauria un inici molt fort i després aniria baixant i veig que no! Joan: [0:50] Sí, sí, o sigui, brutal! És que jo, dins del meu cap, eh?, li vaig dir a la Sílvia, me'n recordo: "Si hi participen més de 10 persones, jo ja em dono per satisfet". Així, en to pessimista. I veig més de 20 i potser 30 persones cada… I dic: "Però què di…? Però què és això?" Andreu: [1:08] Sí. I, no sé, és molt guai perquè ja vas coneixent la gent. La primera activitat era per presentar-se, però després hem enviat fotos, han enviat àudios, alguns han enviat vídeos… i ja és com que vas coneixent aquestes persones i… no sé, és molt xulo. A mi em va agradar especialment l'activitat en què havien de parlar d'una persona especial o important per a ells. I va ser molt bonic, aquell dia. O sigui, tots els dies són entretinguts, però aquella activitat em va agradar molt perquè… sí, no sé, veure les persones parlant de les seves persones especials, importants… sí, no sé, em va emocionar, va ser molt bonic. Joan: [1:50] A mi em fa gràcia quan hi ha vídeos, m'agrada. Andreu: [1:52] Sí. Doncs, precisament en aquestes activitats del nostre Challenge de 30 Dies, hi va haver un comentari que, de fet, tu i jo havíem parlat d'això recentment, i és un comentari del Simon, que va dir: "El meu fill m'acaba de dir que no es diu mai 'Barça' en referència a Barcelona, sinó que és només per al club de futbol. Perdoneu!" Joan: [2:17] És típic, no? Andreu: [2:18] Sí. És a dir, la paraula "Barça" hi ha qui la confon o la utilitza per referir-se a la ciutat de Barcelona, però és això que diu el Simon, que "Barça" és només el club de futbol. Alerta. Joan: [2:31] Sí, és com quan nosaltres diem "Bayern" per referir-nos a Múnic, no? És com: "Sí, vaig a Bayern", perquè el Bayern de Múnic, jo quan era petit, em pensava que la ciutat era Bayern. Andreu: [2:44] Bé, és la regió. Joan: [2:46] Ja, però no és la ciutat. Sí, sí. Andreu: [2:50] Clar, després sí que hi ha una paraula més curta per referir-nos a la ciutat de Barcelona. Joan: [2:55] Sí. Andreu: [2:56] Quina és? Joan: [2:56] "Barna", no? O… Andreu: [2:58] Sí, "Barna". Joan: [2:59] Sí. Andreu: [3:00] "Barna", que és com una forma, no sé, col·loquial, potser pròpia més de l'argot juvenil…? No ho sé. Joan: [3:07] A mi sempre m'ha semblat molt com pretensiós, eh? No m'ha agradat mai, no sé per què. Potser, clar, jo sempre he viscut allà a prop de Barcelona, i la gent que deia "Barna" eren com els "pijos". No sé, no… Andreu: [3:21] Ah, sí? Joan: [3:22] Sí. Andreu: [3:22] No, doncs, a Lleida crec que hi havia gent que en deia "Barna". "Vas a Barna aquest cap de setmana?" Però era una forma per… com guai de dir Barcelona, saps? Joan: [3:32] Sí, però són pretensiosos. Andreu: [3:34] Sí. Però no sé si encara s'utilitza gaire. Joan: [3:38] No ho sé. Però ja et dic, jo no l'he fet servir mai, em sembla pretensiós o estrany, com si vols anar de guai. Andreu: [3:48] "Barna". Sí, és veritat. Doncs això, "Barça" per al club de futbol, "Barna" per a la ciutat, però preferim "Barcelona" nosaltres, aquí, al pòdcast, i després hi ha la forma, diguéssim, curta per escriure… jo què sé, per WhatsApp o així, que és "BCN", "BCN", que és el codi també de l'aeroport. Joan: [4:09] Sí, aquesta… aquesta l'acceptem. Però escrit, eh? No m'ho diguis parlant, que… Andreu: [4:13] Clar, clar. No direm mai: "Vaig a BCN". "Visc a BCN". No, no, no… Joan: [4:20] Ai… Andreu: [4:20] D'acord. Molt bé, doncs això ens serveix d'introducció per passar al tema del dia. Fes-te membre de la subscripció de pòdcast per accedir a les transcripcions completes, a la reproducció interactiva amb Transcript Player i a l'ajuda de vocabulari. (
Noticias del día. Lamine Yamal lidera otra goleada del Barça. Octavos de final de la Copa del Rey. Previa del Real Madrid-Celta. Open de Australia. Rally Dakar.
El jugador del Barça maravilla al mundo con su gran actuación contra el Real Betis en Copa del Rey (5-0) al igual que lo hace el Atlético con su 15ª victoria consecutiva frente al Elche (0-4). Analizamos el momento actual de ambos equipos con el Sanedrín del Larguero y hablamos de tenis con Alex Corretja.
Lamine Yamal no es el jugador más goleador de este FC Barcelona, tampoco el más asistente y, sin embargo, ha maravillado al mundo del fútbol con una nueva exhibición de juego, regate, desborde y peligro en la victoria culé ante el Betis por 5-1. El '19' ha dejado un gol y una asistencia válida, porque otras dos de sus ayudas para el gol han quedado después anuladas en el último momento por intervención del VAR. Su juego en este partido y su importancia en un Barça que echó claramente de menos su desborde durante su baja hacen que 'el Sanedrín' se plantee si Lamine ya se sienta en el trono del mejor jugador actual del mundo.
"Lo de Lamine ante el Betis es abrir una tienda de golosinas", asegura Marcos López en su crónica para 'El Larguero' tras la victoria del FC Barcelona ante el Real Betis por 5-1. El '19' del Barça bailó entre la defensa del equipo andaluz para dejar una de sus grandes exhibiciones de juego con la camiseta blaugrana, repartió un gol y una asistencia; y pudo repartir un par más, de no ser por el VAR, que pilló al Barça en fuera de juego hasta en tres tantos. Marcos López, comentarista del Barça en la SER y presente en Montjuic, analiza así el partido de Lamine y los hombres de Flick para meterse en cuartos de final.
The rising price of eggs is absolutely maddening, and it feels like an unnecessary burden on everyday people. Eggs, a staple in most households, have become a luxury item for many families, forcing tough choices between affordability and nutrition. What used to be a reliable, low-cost source of protein has been turned into another example of how basic needs are increasingly out of reach. It's infuriating to see prices soar without clear solutions or accountability from those who hold the power to address these issues.While several factors contribute to the problem, including supply chain disruptions, avian flu outbreaks, and inflation, much of the blame falls on corporations and policymakers who fail to mitigate the impact on consumers. Large agribusinesses prioritize profits over stabilizing supply chains, while policymakers seem disconnected from the reality of struggling families. Instead of enacting meaningful measures to curb price hikes or support local farming initiatives, they leave everyday people scrambling to make ends meet. It's a systemic failure, and the lack of action only deepens the frustration. ★ Support this podcast ★
05 16-01-25 LHDW Lamine Yamal es una delicia verle jugar, ¿Jugador más diferencial?, ¿Alguien le ve fuera del Barça?. Más de los escándalos del Barça, ahora Laporta
04 16-01-25 LHDW El Barça golea al Betis con su mejor versión de esta campaña. ¿El mejor futbolista del Barça actual?, hay varias opciones y en gran forma
Sneakers, What would you try to save from a fire, Bar games, Winning the Lottery, Best of Long Island win
If you're thinking of divorcing your millionaire husband for Brad Pitt . . . maybe make sure he's REAL first. That's why this is a Setting the Bar story! Source:
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New Year new us! Tune in to the brand new After After Party as we introduce to you a new format including “What's trending on Fitfam” “Trending Horny New” and a whole lot more. Hosted by your friendly neighborhood horny boy and Chavez ya tu Sabes. Make sure to subscribe and follow our socials @AaronScene & @AaronScenesAfterParty!