Enjoy this episode of The Sit-Down w/Don Tony, streamed live February 9, 2025. Running Time: 2 Hours.
Topic starts at 29:32. This week we discuss Fantasy Zone! You can find our Discord, Patreon, social media, and more at https://linktr.ee/retrowarriors.
Valentine's Day isn't for everyone. So if you are going to be spending this day of love to end a chapter of your life and break it off with your significant other, we have some retro break up songs that may help you out. It's time for some closure on Enjoy Stuff. It's not you, it's me. Ok, it's you. But, to lessen the impact of the fact I am breaking up with you, I have a special song recommended by the crew at Enjoy Stuff. News Baby born at Krispy Kreme gets a lifetime supply of heart disease…uh, I mean donuts New Lucky Charms cereal will make you want to put some candles in it and celebrate your birthday Check out our TeePublic store for some enjoyable swag and all the latest fashion trends What we're Enjoying Jay Scorsesed his week away watching the classic Goodfellas. It's a masterful piece of cinema that includes an amazing story with some great cinematic elements. Shua experienced the wacky adaptation of Back to the Future the Musical. It included some groundbreaking stage effects to help us envision a real Delorean. On tour now. Sci-Fi Saturdays This week on Sci-Fi Saturdays Jay gets post apocalyptic with Denzel Washington's 2010 film The Book of Eli. The theming seemed a bit obvious, but after a watch, it revealed some deeper ideas that are still relevant today. Read his article on RetroZap.com. And make sure to play around with the interactive map on MCULocationScout.com. Plus, you can tune in to SHIELD: Case Files where Jay and Shua talk about great stuff in the MCU. Enjoy Moving On! It's Valentine's Day! Enjoy the amore. Unless it's time to move on of course. It's never fun to get to the point where your relationship ends. But if you can lessen the blow (or make it stronger if necessary) then we have what you need. Retro break up songs! We will give you a nice list that should fit whatever situation you may be in. Plus, we'll give advice on where to break the news and what to do afterwards. So take some notes and prepare for the next chapter of your life. Did we miss any good break up songs? How did it work for you? First person that emails me with the subject line, “I got you babe” will get a special mention on the show. Let us know. Come talk to us in the Discord channel or send us an email to EnjoyStuff@RetroZap.com
WebsitePatreonTwitterFacebookInstagramRetro Latefee Podcast (@retrolatefeepod) • Instagram photos and videosTikTok ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
Here is your Pro Wrestling News Report for Sunday, February 9, 2025. Running Time: 57 Minutes. Topics covered in this report include: WWE releases Eleven including Sonya DeVille, Isla Dawn, Blair Davenport, AOP, Paul Ellering, The OC, Cedric Alexander and more Looking back at the last WWE mass release; breaking down who prospered and who have quietly disappeared Stupid fake news: Drew McIntyre and LA Knight had a real fight on 2/7/25 SmackDown Rey Fenix interviewed; reveals more on his current status with AEW Bear Boulder (Thomas Wansaw) fired from AEW due to felony domestic battery by strangulation arrest (DT has the court documents) Dani Jordyn quits pro wrestling WWE SmackDown 2/7/25 quick results including Elimination Chamber qualifiers, Alexa Bliss' return and more Kevin Owens' five-year WWE contract extension leads to the sale of a hundred thousand cookies? Kurt Angle addresses negative fan reaction towards Hulk Hogan during RAW on Netflix debut Latest brand news on Alexa Bliss and Drew McIntyre NXT LIVE House Show results 2/7/25 TNA Impact results 2/6/25 DEFY Hundredth results featuring Ricky Starks winning World Title, Ricochet and Swerve Strickland surprise brawl and much more Kevin Castle medical update RIGHT CLICK AND SAVE to download the AUDIO episode of WRESTLING NEWS REPORT (2/9/25) CLICK HERE to listen to WRESTLING NEWS REPORT (2/9/25) online CLICK HERE for the COMMERCIAL FREE AUDIO episode of WRESTLING NEWS REPORT (2/9/25) CLICK HERE for the YOUTUBE VERSION (WITH ADDED PICS/VIDEO) of WRESTLING NEWS REPORT (2/9/25) CLICK HERE to access previous episodes for all Don Tony and Kevin Castle Show public content ==== WWE 2025 ROYAL RUMBLE REVIEW (SPECIAL EPISODE) RUNNING TIME: 4 HOURS 19 MINUTES! RIGHT CLICK AND SAVE to download the AUDIO episode of DTKC SHOW/ROYAL RUMBLE 2025 EPISODE CLICK HERE for the COMMERCIAL FREE AUDIO episode of DTKC SHOW/ROYAL RUMBLE 2025 EPISODE ==== CHECK OUT THESE RECENT PRO WRESTLING NEWS UPDATES: FRIDAY 2/7/25 NEWS REPORT: CLICK HERE WEDNESDAY 2/5/25 NEWS REPORT: CLICK HERE WEDNESDAY 1/29/25 NEWS REPORT: CLICK HERE SUNDAY 1/26/25 NEWS REPORT: CLICK HERE FRIDAY 1/24/25 NEWS REPORT: CLICK HERE WEDNESDAY 1/22/25 NEWS REPORT: CLICK HERE ==== DON TONY AND KEVIN CASTLE SHOW 2/3/2025 EPISODE - Download the episode here: CLICK HERE - Enhanced YouTube Members Only Version (Full episode w/added pics and video): CLICK HERE - Episode synopsis of topics discussed: CLICK HERE ==== Remember: DON TONY AND KEVIN CASTLE SHOW streams LIVE every MONDAY NIGHT at 10:15PM after WWE RAW at DTKCDiscord.com. ==== CELEBRATE 20 YEARS OF DON TONY AND KEVIN CASTLE WITH THE DTKC 20 YEAR ANNIVERSARY SHIRT! CLICK HERE for DTKC Pro Wrestling Tees Store ==== Want to help promote Don Tony and Kevin Castle and get a special shout-out on the next DTKC Show? Stop by Apple Podcasts (CLICK HERE) or SPOTIFY (CLICK HERE) and leave DT and Kev a review! Join Don Tony And Kevin Castle Show Patreon Family, and get a special shout-out on the next DTKC Show! CLICK HERE ==== DON TONY AND KEVIN CASTLE *PATREON* AND *YOUTUBE CHANNEL MEMBERSHIPS: You can send additional support for Don Tony And Kevin Castle and help grow the brand, by becoming a member of DT/KC PATREON and/or YOUTUBE CHANNEL MEMBERSHIP FAMILY. Don Tony and Kevin Castle's PATREON has been around for over seven years! You can access all seven years of BONUS CONTENT right now including: Ad-Free episodes of all of Don Tony's weekly shows Retro episodes of The Don Tony And Kevin Castle Show going back as early as 2004 (Retro Episodes added each week!) Weekly Patreon podcasts hosted by Don Tony and Kevin Castle 2000+ hours of Patreon exclusive shows never released publicly! (Over 8 Years of Patreon Exclusive Content!) CLICK HERE to access DT/KC Patreon now! YOUTUBE CHANNEL MEMBERSHIPS: Another option is to become a CHANNEL MEMBER on YouTube. Get exclusive enhanced versions of weekly Don Tony and Kevin Castle Show, access to DT's weekly Patreon show, retro DTKC Show episodes, giveaways and more. CLICK HERE for more details and to join The DT/KC YouTube Channel Member Family! ==== CHECK OUT DON TONY AND KEVIN SHOW CONTENT ACROSS THESE PLATFORMS: CLICK HERE FOR APPLE PODCASTS CLICK HERE FOR SPOTIFY CLICK HERE FOR ANDROID CLICK HERE FOR AMAZON MUSIC CLICK HERE FOR GOOGLE PODCASTS CLICK HERE FOR PANDORA CLICK HERE FOR PODBEAN CLICK HERE FOR IHEARTRADIO CLICK HERE FOR DON TONY AND KEVIN CASTLE SHOW MERCHANDISE! ==== DON TONY AND KEVIN CASTLE: WEEKLY SHOW SCHEDULE (UPDATED: JANUARY 2025): DON TONY AND KEVIN CASTLE SHOW: LIVE EVERY MONDAY NIGHT at 10:45PM ET after WWE RAW on DTKCDiscord.com DT VIPATREON: Patreon Exclusive Show hosted by Don Tony LIVE EVERY TUESDAY at 8:30PM on DTKC Patreon Channel (https://www.patreon.com/dontony) PRO WRESTLING NEWS UPDATES: Posted every WEDNESDAY morning at DonTony.com (and across all audio platforms) THIS WEEK IN WRESTLING HISTORY: Posted every THURSDAY at DonTony.com (and across all audio platforms) CASTLE/KNT CHRONICLES: Patreon Exclusive Show hosted by Kevin Castle and Trez LIVE EVERY THURSDAY 8:30PM on DTKC Patreon Channel (https://www.patreon.com/dontony) PRO WRESTLING NEWS UPDATES: Posted every FRIDAY morning at DonTony.com (and across all audio platforms) PRO WRESTLING WEEKEND NEWS UPDATE: Posted every SATURDAY at DonTony.com (and across all audio platforms) THE SIT-DOWN w/DON TONY: VIDEO PODCAST hosted by Don Tony LIVE EVERY SUNDAY at 8PM on YouTube (www.YouTube.com/DonTony) WWE/AEW PPV RECAP/REVIEW: (Posted MONDAY NIGHT as part of Don Tony and Kevin Castle Show) ==== SOCIAL MEDIA / WEBSITE / CONTACT INFO: Twitter: https://twitter.com/dontonyd Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/dontony Facebook: https://facebook.com/DTKCShow YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/dontony Website: https://www.wrestling-news.com
Today we watch a deer do the impossible, hit some hum dingers with juiced up balls, and then we investigate whether demons are attracted to LED lights! Original Air Date: June 23, 2020 Jason and the Powerpoint Animation Proof of Concept https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmjl52OfS6g&feature=youtu.be Patreon (Get ad-free episodes, Patreon Discord Access, and more!) https://www.patreon.com/user?u=18482113 PayPal Donation Link https://tinyurl.com/mrxe36ph MERCH STORE!!! https://tinyurl.com/y8zam4o2 Amazon Wish List https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/28CIOGSFRUXAD?ref_=wl_share Help Promote Dead Rabbit! Dual Flyer https://i.imgur.com/OhuoI2v.jpg "As Above" Flyer https://i.imgur.com/yobMtUp.jpg “Alien Flyer” By TVP VT U https://imgur.com/gallery/aPN1Fnw “QR Code Flyer” by Finn https://imgur.com/a/aYYUMAh Links: HIS is one of those odd stories I come across that just make me think wtf. https://www.reddit.com/r/HighStrangeness/comments/gerc2p/this_is_one_of_those_odd_stories_i_come_across/ Lemming Suicide Myth Disney Film Faked Bogus Behavior https://www.adfg.alaska.gov/index.cfm?adfg=wildlifenews.view_article&articles_id=56 Justin Verlander Says MLB Is Juicing Baseballs To Goose Up Offense https://deadspin.com/justin-verlander-says-mlb-is-juicing-baseballs-to-goose-1836199057 Light-emitting diode https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Light-emitting_diode High-energy visible light https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High-energy_visible_light#Blue-light_hazard Blue light: It's both bad and good for you https://www.allaboutvision.com/cvs/blue-light.htm Computer Problems? It Could be Possessed by a Demon https://mysteriousuniverse.org/2018/03/computer-problems-it-could-be-possessed-by-a-demon/ See and Control Demons and Pains: From My Eyes, Senses and Theories Book 2 https://tinyurl.com/2emt95ur US preacher finds demon-possessed PCs https://www.theregister.com/2000/03/10/us_preacher_finds_demonpossessed_pcs/ The Devil in the Machine Reverend Jim Peasboro https://tinyurl.com/3e44mwrd Computer Problems? It Could be Possessed by a Demon https://mysteriousuniverse.org/2018/03/computer-problems-it-could-be-possessed-by-a-demon/ US man spends over $250,000 on 'cam girl', kills parents and brother for trying to make him quit watching porn https://www.straitstimes.com/world/united-states/us-man-spends-over-250000-on-cam-girl-kills-parents-and-brother-for-trying-to ----------------------------------------------- Logo Art By Ash Black Opening Song: "Atlantis Attacks" Closing Song: "Bella Royale" Music By Simple Rabbitron 3000 created by Eerbud Thanks to Chris K, Founder Of The Golden Rabbit Brigade Dead Rabbit Archivist Some Weirdo On Twitter AKA Jack YouTube Champ: Stewart Meatball Reddit Champ: TheLast747 The Haunted Mic Arm provided by Chyme Chili Forever Fluffle: Cantillions, Samson, Gregory Gilbertson, Jenny The Cat Foreign Correspondent: Fabio Nerbon Discord Mods: Mason http://www.DeadRabbit.com Email: DeadRabbitRadio@gmail.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/DeadRabbitRadio Facebook: www.Facebook.com/DeadRabbitRadio TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@deadrabbitradio Dead Rabbit Radio Subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/DeadRabbitRadio/ Paranormal News Subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/ParanormalNews/ Mailing Address Jason Carpenter PO Box 1363 Hood River, OR 97031 Paranormal, Conspiracy, and True Crime news as it happens! Jason Carpenter breaks the stories they'll be talking about tomorrow, assuming the world doesn't end today. All Contents Of This Podcast Copyright Jason Carpenter 2018 - 2025
WebsitePatreonTwitterFacebookInstagramRetro Latefee Podcast (@retrolatefeepod) • Instagram photos and videosTikTok ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
In our new episode we are talking with Dan Morris and Maria Kinnun from Fearzine - an independently owned and operated physical and digital magazine focused on horror games, especially titles from indie studios and individuals. Enjoy!! The interview starts at minute 43:28
Almac returns as host and tries to convince Drisky, Bob and you why you should give the Atari Jaguar a go. So come join us as we do the Math and dive in to some of the best games on the systems. Links: Donkey Kong Junior: https://www.twitch.tv/rayfinkel Homebrew / New Games: https://www.gooddealgames.com/inventory/Atari Jaguar.html https://songbird-productions.com/product-category/jaguar/ https://www.reboot-games.com/rebootnews/ Zaffin Books https://zafinnbooks.com/ Controller Overlays - ConsoleMods Wiki https://consolemods.org/wiki/Jaguar:Controller_Overlays GameDrive: https://www.retrohq.co.uk/ Books: https://zafinnbooks.com/ Emulator: BigPEmu https://www.richwhitehouse.com/jaguar/index.php?content=download Don't forget to check out our YouTube channel with video versions of the podcast https://www.youtube.com/@RGDSPodcast-qw6mw We have loads of cool stuff already and stacks of great new content on the way, so please consider subscribing, watching, and liking to help our fledgling new YouTube channel become better known. Also please join us on Discord and chat with us and other listeners here: https://discord.gg/HzGAZ5FV7u
Here is your Pro Wrestling News Report for Friday, February 7, 2025. Running Time: 58 Minutes. Topics covered in this report include: Get well soon, Kevin Castle! Seth Rollins says Hulk Hogan deserved the negative fan reaction during RAW on Netflix debut (Audio) Latest brand news on Alexa Bliss and Drew McIntyre Jordynne Grace / WWE contract news Royal Rumble 2025 on Netflix international (outside US) viewership rating AEW Dynamite 2/5/25 and NXT 2/4/25 TV ratings AEW Grand Slam: Australia current lineup NXT Vengeance Day 2025 current lineup including identity of new faction to debut Jade Cargill and Tyler Bate nearing in-ring return with Ilja Dragunov not far behind Zoey Stark vs Kayden Carter: WWE Speed Number One Contender's Tournament Match result Nikki Bella teases WWE return will happen 'sooner than later". And she may not return alone Indi Hartwell reunites with Dexter Lumis RIGHT CLICK AND SAVE to download the AUDIO episode of WRESTLING NEWS REPORT (2/7/25) CLICK HERE to listen to WRESTLING NEWS REPORT (2/7/25) online CLICK HERE for the COMMERCIAL FREE AUDIO episode of WRESTLING NEWS REPORT (2/7/25) CLICK HERE for the YOUTUBE VERSION (WITH ADDED PICS/VIDEO) of WRESTLING NEWS REPORT (2/7/25) CLICK HERE to access previous episodes for all Don Tony and Kevin Castle Show public content ==== WWE 2025 ROYAL RUMBLE REVIEW (SPECIAL EPISODE) RUNNING TIME: 4 HOURS 19 MINUTES! RIGHT CLICK AND SAVE to download the AUDIO episode of DTKC SHOW/ROYAL RUMBLE 2025 EPISODE CLICK HERE for the COMMERCIAL FREE AUDIO episode of DTKC SHOW/ROYAL RUMBLE 2025 EPISODE ==== CHECK OUT THESE RECENT PRO WRESTLING NEWS UPDATES: WEDNESDAY 2/5/25 NEWS REPORT: CLICK HERE WEDNESDAY 1/29/25 NEWS REPORT: CLICK HERE SUNDAY 1/26/25 NEWS REPORT: CLICK HERE FRIDAY 1/24/25 NEWS REPORT: CLICK HERE WEDNESDAY 1/22/25 NEWS REPORT: CLICK HERE FRIDAY 1/17/25 NEWS REPORT: CLICK HERE ==== DON TONY AND KEVIN CASTLE SHOW 2/3/2025 EPISODE - Download the episode here: CLICK HERE - Enhanced YouTube Members Only Version (Full episode w/added pics and video): CLICK HERE - Episode synopsis of topics discussed: CLICK HERE ==== Remember: DON TONY AND KEVIN CASTLE SHOW streams LIVE every MONDAY NIGHT at 10:15PM after WWE RAW at DTKCDiscord.com. ==== CELEBRATE 20 YEARS OF DON TONY AND KEVIN CASTLE WITH THE DTKC 20 YEAR ANNIVERSARY SHIRT! CLICK HERE for DTKC Pro Wrestling Tees Store ==== Want to help promote Don Tony and Kevin Castle and get a special shout-out on the next DTKC Show? Stop by Apple Podcasts (CLICK HERE) or SPOTIFY (CLICK HERE) and leave DT and Kev a review! Join Don Tony And Kevin Castle Show Patreon Family, and get a special shout-out on the next DTKC Show! CLICK HERE ==== DON TONY AND KEVIN CASTLE *PATREON* AND *YOUTUBE CHANNEL MEMBERSHIPS: You can send additional support for Don Tony And Kevin Castle and help grow the brand, by becoming a member of DT/KC PATREON and/or YOUTUBE CHANNEL MEMBERSHIP FAMILY. Don Tony and Kevin Castle's PATREON has been around for over seven years! You can access all seven years of BONUS CONTENT right now including: Ad-Free episodes of all of Don Tony's weekly shows Retro episodes of The Don Tony And Kevin Castle Show going back as early as 2004 (Retro Episodes added each week!) Weekly Patreon podcasts hosted by Don Tony and Kevin Castle 2000+ hours of Patreon exclusive shows never released publicly! (Over 8 Years of Patreon Exclusive Content!) CLICK HERE to access DT/KC Patreon now! YOUTUBE CHANNEL MEMBERSHIPS: Another option is to become a CHANNEL MEMBER on YouTube. Get exclusive enhanced versions of weekly Don Tony and Kevin Castle Show, access to DT's weekly Patreon show, retro DTKC Show episodes, giveaways and more. CLICK HERE for more details and to join The DT/KC YouTube Channel Member Family! ==== CHECK OUT DON TONY AND KEVIN SHOW CONTENT ACROSS THESE PLATFORMS: CLICK HERE FOR APPLE PODCASTS CLICK HERE FOR SPOTIFY CLICK HERE FOR ANDROID CLICK HERE FOR AMAZON MUSIC CLICK HERE FOR GOOGLE PODCASTS CLICK HERE FOR PANDORA CLICK HERE FOR PODBEAN CLICK HERE FOR IHEARTRADIO CLICK HERE FOR DON TONY AND KEVIN CASTLE SHOW MERCHANDISE! ==== DON TONY AND KEVIN CASTLE: WEEKLY SHOW SCHEDULE (UPDATED: JANUARY 2025): DON TONY AND KEVIN CASTLE SHOW: LIVE EVERY MONDAY NIGHT at 10:45PM ET after WWE RAW on DTKCDiscord.com DT VIPATREON: Patreon Exclusive Show hosted by Don Tony LIVE EVERY TUESDAY at 8:30PM on DTKC Patreon Channel (https://www.patreon.com/dontony) PRO WRESTLING NEWS UPDATES: Posted every WEDNESDAY morning at DonTony.com (and across all audio platforms) THIS WEEK IN WRESTLING HISTORY: Posted every THURSDAY at DonTony.com (and across all audio platforms) CASTLE/KNT CHRONICLES: Patreon Exclusive Show hosted by Kevin Castle and Trez LIVE EVERY THURSDAY 8:30PM on DTKC Patreon Channel (https://www.patreon.com/dontony) PRO WRESTLING NEWS UPDATES: Posted every FRIDAY morning at DonTony.com (and across all audio platforms) PRO WRESTLING WEEKEND NEWS UPDATE: Posted every SATURDAY at DonTony.com (and across all audio platforms) THE SIT-DOWN w/DON TONY: VIDEO PODCAST hosted by Don Tony LIVE EVERY SUNDAY at 8PM on YouTube (www.YouTube.com/DonTony) WWE/AEW PPV RECAP/REVIEW: (Posted MONDAY NIGHT as part of Don Tony and Kevin Castle Show) ==== SOCIAL MEDIA / WEBSITE / CONTACT INFO: Twitter: https://twitter.com/dontonyd Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/dontony Facebook: https://facebook.com/DTKCShow YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/dontony Website: https://www.wrestling-news.com
Survival horror meets dinosaurs. Regina and her team are sent to a mysterious research facility where prehistoric creatures are on the loose. Capcom's attempt to mix survival horror with dinosaurs. Released in 1999, Dino Crisis introduced players to a sci-fi thriller where Velociraptors and T-Rexes replaced zombies. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
This week, we chat to Harvey Smith, the legendary designer behind Deus Ex, System Shock, and Area 51! From his early days playing D&D and Ultima Underworld to working at Origin Systems on Super Wing Commander. We hear about the challenges of designing Deus Ex, working alongside Warren Spector, and the technical innovations that made it a classic! Contents: 00:00 - The Week's Retro News Stories 37:43 - Harvey Smith Interview Please visit our amazing sponsors and help to support the show: Bitmap Books - https://www.bitmapbooks.com Take your business to the next level today and enjoy 3 months of Shopify for £1/month: https://shopify.co.uk/retrohour The Retro Hour Book: https://retrohour.myshopify.com/ We need your help to ensure the future of the podcast, if you'd like to help us with running costs, equipment and hosting, please consider supporting us on Patreon: https://theretrohour.com/support/ https://www.patreon.com/retrohour Get your Retro Hour merchandise: https://bit.ly/33OWBKd Join our Discord channel: https://discord.gg/GQw8qp8 Website: http://theretrohour.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theretrohour/ X: https://twitter.com/retrohouruk Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/retrohouruk/ Bluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/theretrohour.com Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/theretrohour Show notes Mortal Kombat II for 3DO: https://tinyurl.com/mjf9hewr PS2 memory card that can run your entire library: https://youtu.be/mdxDRtfEXNg Dream Ride – a new Skidmarks style game for the Dreamcast: https://tinyurl.com/vnysuarv Tang FPGA console: https://tinyurl.com/pp3jhzun
Today we look for an island that may have never existed, and then we explore the story of my auditing session with a Scientologist that had unexpected consequences! Original Air Date: March 22, 2019 Patreon (Get ad-free episodes, Patreon Discord Access, and more!) https://www.patreon.com/user?u=18482113 PayPal Donation Link https://tinyurl.com/mrxe36ph MERCH STORE!!! https://tinyurl.com/y8zam4o2 Amazon Wish List https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/28CIOGSFRUXAD?ref_=wl_share Help Promote Dead Rabbit! Dual Flyer https://i.imgur.com/OhuoI2v.jpg "As Above" Flyer https://i.imgur.com/yobMtUp.jpg “Alien Flyer” By TVP VT U https://imgur.com/gallery/aPN1Fnw “QR Code Flyer” by Finn https://imgur.com/a/aYYUMAh Links: Mexico vows to keep looking for 'lost' island https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/sdut-lt-mexico-lost-island-062409-2009jun24-story.html 10 Lost Islands https://adventure.howstuffworks.com/destinations/landmarks/places-of-interest/10-lost-islands6.htm Mexico Searches for Missing Island (And Oil Rights) http://www.allgov.com/news/unusual-news/mexico-searches-for-missing-island-and-oil-rights?news=839084 ----------------------------------------------- Logo Art By Ash Black Opening Song: "Atlantis Attacks" Closing Song: "Bella Royale" Music By Simple Rabbitron 3000 created by Eerbud Thanks to Chris K, Founder Of The Golden Rabbit Brigade Dead Rabbit Archivist Some Weirdo On Twitter AKA Jack YouTube Champ: Stewart Meatball Reddit Champ: TheLast747 The Haunted Mic Arm provided by Chyme Chili Forever Fluffle: Cantillions, Samson, Gregory Gilbertson, Jenny Foreign Correspondent: Fabio Nerbon Discord Mods: Mason http://www.DeadRabbit.com Email: DeadRabbitRadio@gmail.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/DeadRabbitRadio Facebook: www.Facebook.com/DeadRabbitRadio TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@deadrabbitradio Dead Rabbit Radio Subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/DeadRabbitRadio/ Paranormal News Subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/ParanormalNews/ Mailing Address Jason Carpenter PO Box 1363 Hood River, OR 97031 Paranormal, Conspiracy, and True Crime news as it happens! Jason Carpenter breaks the stories they'll be talking about tomorrow, assuming the world doesn't end today. All Contents Of This Podcast Copyright Jason Carpenter 2018 - 2025
Lost in the Stacks: the Research Library Rock'n'Roll Radio Show
Guests: Dr. Dillon Henry, Digital Accessioning Archivist, and Cliff Landis, Digital Curation Archivist, Archives and Special Collections department of the Georgia Tech Library. First broadcast February 7 2025. Playlist here "Retro, meaning to them, made before 2010."
Czym jest nostalgia i co nam daje? Dlaczego popkulturowe wspomnienia z dzieciństwa są dla nas takie ważne? O tych i innych tematach na wirtualnej ławce dyskutują Prez, Kazz, Dahman i Makaq. Podczas nagrywania tego odcinka nie ucierpiał żaden dresiarz. ZOSTAŃ MECENASEM SZTUKI NA PATRONITE ODCINEK KOMENTUJECIE TUTAJ! Jesteśmy na Spotify! Tu znajdziecie naszego Discorda. Profil facebookowy: Bądź na bieżąco! Grupa facebookowa: Komentuj, hejtuj, śmiej się z nami Chcecie napisać do nas maila? To piszcie tu: kontakt@rozgrywka.online! iTunes: Masz „ejpla”? Znajdziesz nas tutaj Muzyka w tle na podstawie Creative Commons License pochodzi z https://www.bensound.com/ albo z omawianych produkcji.
Survival horror meets dinosaurs. Regina and her team are sent to a mysterious research facility where prehistoric creatures are on the loose. Capcom's attempt to mix survival horror with dinosaurs. Released in 1999, Dino Crisis introduced players to a sci-fi thriller where Velociraptors and T-Rexes replaced zombies. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Welcome to The 80's Montage! (music, mateys and cool shit from the 80s) Your Hosts Jay Jovi & Sammy HardOn, singers from Australian 80's tribute band Rewind 80's. We take you back to living in the 80's: music, artists, TV commercials and video clips. Please rate, review and enjoy! Music licensed by APRA/AMCOS Theme music ©2019 M. Skerman. Produced & edited by Matty Ray. See Facebook for links to videos & songs mentioned in this episode! Email: Samantha@planet80s.com.auFacebook: the80smontagepodcast twitter: @the80smontage instagram: the80smontageRewind 80's Band - www.rewind80sband.comTickets - www.rewind80smixtape.com.auBookings - samantha@planet80s.com.auPlease Subscribe, Like, Share, Rate (Itunes please)You can join to for only $2 a month (Get On It)https://www.patreon.com/the80smontagepodcastSYDNEY - Saturday 22nd February 2025The Bridge Hotel, Rozelle. NSWTickets - www.rewind80smixtape.com.auLinks: Bananarama - Love In The First Degree (Official HD Video)https://youtu.be/prGhk_Gvzwo?si=KOk0z7Ix75TXbaBqManikins - Cruel World (music Video)https://youtu.be/eCezD2UPkwo?si=Dn9zu2h_rhx9SHpRAm I Ever Gonna See Your Face Again : The Angels Live Melbourne 1988https://youtu.be/6jLoxp8EmoM?si=I-9Z4WAbQCc7dQLiGlenn Medeiros - Nothing's Gonna Change My Love For You (Official Music Video) [HD]https://youtu.be/mUg5aEy-8CQ?si=73tSU38JrV9CMABwCher - I Found Someone (Official Video)https://youtu.be/ykIRhszzm9U?si=q7m7tWLKtOwLgK_WThe Bangles - Hazy Shade of Winter (Official Video), Full HD (Digitally Remastered and Upscaled)https://youtu.be/xyQ-R06Q5aA?si=oyGhSE_LwVCzFlUJStutter Rap - Morris Minor & Majorshttps://youtu.be/JAIOzM7SsMo?si=esvPeZT3ojOIyR9bBelinda Carlisle - Heaven Is A Place On Earth (Official HD Music Video)https://youtu.be/j2F4INQFjEI?si=YlPWJ_yGo--Erxb9The Time of My Life - Dirty Dancing (12/12) Movie CLIP (1987) HDhttps://youtu.be/XINddkzfTzM?si=xpsh4L3qSggy8HiKKylie Minogue - I Should Be So Lucky - Official Videohttps://youtu.be/3_TvpBwSZDM?si=vXWNlICKAPivwtmJThanks For Listening!The 80's Montage Podcast
Updated For 2025! This Week In Wrestling History (Season 3 Week 6) covering the period of 2/5 thru 2/11. Running Time: 4 Hours 46 Minutes. This Week In Wrestling History hosted by Don Tony first aired in 2018 and spanned two seasons. After much demand, these retro episodes return REMASTERED and UPDATED FOR 2025. Wrestling history up to and including 2024 has been added! Hundreds of hours of original wrestling clips & stories. Enjoy this deep dive into pro wrestling's awesome history. RUNNING TIME: 4 Hours 46 MinutesHosted by Don Tony SYNOPSIS: S3 E6 (02/5 - 02/11) Pedro Morales def Ivan Koloff to win WWWF Championship. Audio: Jerry 'The King Lawler' vs Hulk Hogan battle in Memphis, TN. Midnight Rider def Ric Flair to win NWA World Heavyweight Championship but refuses to unmask and surrenders title. Audio: Midinight Rider says goodbye to his fans. Looking back a the highest rated wrestling event of all time: The Main Event (1988). Audio: Andre The Giant def Hulk Hogan to win WWF Title (due to the evil twin referee Earl Hebner), then surrenders the belt to Ted Dibiase. Looking back at Ted Dibiase's WWF Championship reign. Audio: Larry Zbyszko wins vacant AWA Heavyweight Title in a somewhat confusing battle royal. Audio: Bill Apter interviews the newly crowned AWA Champion, Larry Zbyszko. Looking back at WCW Clash Of The Champions X: Texas Shootout. Kerry Von Erich arrested for falsifying Valium and Vicodin prescriptions. Audio: Undertaker prevents Jake 'The Snake' Roberts from chair bashing Miss Elizabeth. Audio: Undertaker's first 'face' turn is complete: Jake Roberts attacks Undertaker during Funeral Parlor segment. Audio: Showing some sincere appreciation for Sid Vicious' promo ability. Ric Flair wrestles last series of matches before leaving WWF for WCW. Audio: Tommy Dreamer is the first person to ever kick out from Jimmy Snuka's Superfly Splash. Or is he? Looking back at WCW SuperBrawl VI. Audio: Kevin Sullivan vs Brian Pillman 'Respect' Strap Match. Audio: Kevin Sullivan speaks on working with Brian Pillman. Audio: Goldberg and William Regal speak on their infamous match on WCW Monday Nitro. Vince McMahon wrestles first ever match during WWF Raw Saturday Night. Essa Rios wins WWF Light Heavyweight Title and Lita makes her WWF debut. Audio: Kurt Angle slams Mae Young who then shows EMS her puppies. Audio: Hollys vs APA Hardcore Tag Title Match featuring a memorable spill by Viscera. Audio: Chris Jericho's promo on Viscera. Audio: Funny promo by The Rock on Kevin Kelly, Big Show, DX, and The Radicals. Audio: DX and Radicals vs Cactus Jack, The Rock, and Too Cool. Audio: Scott Steiner Nitro promo ripping WCW and Ric Flair while praising WWF and Steve Austin. Maven def The Undertaker to win WWF Hardcore Title. Pose down between Billy and Chuck vs Stacey Keibler and Torrie Wilson. Looking back at Ring Of Honor's One Year Anniversary Show. Wrestling Society X tapes their first pilot episode. Audio: WSX (Wrestling Society X) Rumble. Looking back at TNA Against All Odds PPV (2007, 2008, 2009). Altercation between Chris Jericho and over zealous fans following WWF House Show). Bobby Lashley leaves TNA for MMA Career. WWE signs Chris Hero. Looking back at NXT Takeover: Rival (2015). Audio: Daniel Bryan's memorable retirement speech from Smackdown. Titus O'Neil suspended after incident with Vince McMahon following DB retirement speech. Samoa Joe makes WWE Raw in ring debut (def Roman Reigns). Audio: Cody Rhodes takes ten belt lashes from MJF on AEW Dynamite WWE signs Simone Johnson (Ava Raine), daughter of The Rock Matt Hardy says Goodbye to WWE fans after a Randy Orton attack on RAW Audio: Goldberg confronts The Bloodline and challenges Roman Reigns for WWE Universal Championship Audio: One of the worst media takes ever: Goldberg should defeat Roman Reigns and go into WrestleMania 38 as WWE Champion EC3 announces live events for newly formed Control Your Narrative promotion Audio: Keith Lee makes his memorable AEW in-ring debut Jerry The King Lawler suffers a stroke Audio: Looking back at MJF's infamous 'Liv' car crash promo on AEW Dynamite RIP Toxic Attraction: Jacy Jayne attacks GiGi Dolin during a special 'Ding Dong: Hello' segment with Bayley on NXT Looking back at NXT Vengeance Day 2024 Stardom founder Rossy Ogawa fired for allegedly poaching talent Anthony Cicione replaces Scott D'Amore as President of TNA Wrestling Billy Jack Haynes arrested and charged with the shooting murder of his wife Audio: Sting and Darby win AEW Tag Team Titles on AEW Dynamite Drew McIntyre' trolling of CM Punk begins with an epic meme which turned into one of the top selling WWE shirts of 2024 #WeWantCody movement begins on social media and WWE RAW Audio: Looking back at the WrestleMania 40 Kickoff Press Conference and the epic confrontation between The Rock, Roman Reigns, Cody Rhodes and Seth Rollins And so much more! RIGHT CLICK AND SAVE to download the AUDIO episode of THIS WEEK IN WRESTLING HISTORY S3 E6 (2/5 – 2/11) CLICK HERE to listen to COMMERCIAL FREE episode of THIS WEEK IN WRESTLING HISTORY S3 E6 (2/5 – 2/11) CLICK HERE to listen to THIS WEEK IN WRESTLING HISTORY S3 E6 (2/5 – 2/11) online CLICK HERE to access previous episodes for all the shows === CELEBRATE 20 YEARS OF DON TONY AND KEVIN CASTLE (2004-2024) WITH THE DTKC 20 YEAR ANNIVERSARY SHIRT! CLICK HERE for DTKC Pro Wrestling Tees Store ==== Remember: DON TONY AND KEVIN CASTLE SHOW streams LIVE every MONDAY NIGHT at 10:15PM after WWE RAW at DTKCDiscord.com. ==== DON TONY AND KEVIN CASTLE *PATREON* AND *YOUTUBE CHANNEL MEMBERSHIPS: You can send additional support for Don Tony And Kevin Castle and help grow the brand, by becoming a member of DT/KC PATREON and/or YOUTUBE CHANNEL MEMBERSHIP FAMILY. Don Tony and Kevin Castle's PATREON has been around for over seven years! You can access all seven years of BONUS CONTENT right now including: Ad-Free episodes of all of Don Tony's weekly shows Retro episodes of The Don Tony And Kevin Castle Show going back as early as 2004 (Retro Episodes added each week!) Weekly Patreon podcasts hosted by Don Tony and Kevin Castle 2000+ hours of Patreon exclusive shows never released publicly! (Over 8 Years of Patreon Exclusive Content!) CLICK HERE to access DT/KC Patreon now! YOUTUBE CHANNEL MEMBERSHIPS: Another option is to become a CHANNEL MEMBER on YouTube. Get exclusive enhanced versions of weekly Don Tony and Kevin Castle Show, access to DT's weekly Patreon show, retro DTKC Show episodes, giveaways and more. CLICK HERE for more details and to join The DT/KC YouTube Channel Member Family! ==== CHECK OUT DON TONY AND KEVIN SHOW CONTENT ACROSS THESE PLATFORMS: CLICK HERE FOR APPLE PODCASTS CLICK HERE FOR SPOTIFY CLICK HERE FOR ANDROID CLICK HERE FOR AMAZON MUSIC CLICK HERE FOR GOOGLE PODCASTS CLICK HERE FOR PANDORA CLICK HERE FOR PODBEAN CLICK HERE FOR IHEARTRADIO CLICK HERE FOR DON TONY AND KEVIN CASTLE SHOW MERCHANDISE! ==== DON TONY AND KEVIN CASTLE: WEEKLY SHOW SCHEDULE (UPDATED: NOVEMBER 2024): DON TONY AND KEVIN CASTLE SHOW: LIVE EVERY MONDAY NIGHT at 10:45PM ET after WWE RAW on DTKCDiscord.com DT VIPATREON: Patreon Exclusive Show hosted by Don Tony LIVE EVERY TUESDAY at 8:30PM on DTKC Patreon Channel (https://www.patreon.com/dontony) PRO WRESTLING NEWS UPDATES: Posted every WEDNESDAY morning at DonTony.com (and across all audio platforms) THIS WEEK IN WRESTLING HISTORY: Posted every THURSDAY at DonTony.com (and across all audio platforms) CASTLE/KNT CHRONICLES: Patreon Exclusive Show hosted by Kevin Castle and Trez LIVE EVERY THURSDAY 8:30PM on DTKC Patreon Channel (https://www.patreon.com/dontony) PRO WRESTLING NEWS UPDATES: Posted every FRIDAY morning at DonTony.com (and across all audio platforms) PRO WRESTLING WEEKEND NEWS UPDATE: Posted every SATURDAY at DonTony.com (and across all audio platforms) THE SIT-DOWN w/DON TONY: VIDEO PODCAST hosted by Don Tony LIVE EVERY SUNDAY at 8PM on YouTube (www.YouTube.com/DonTony) WWE/AEW PPV RECAP/REVIEW: (Posted MONDAY NIGHT as part of Don Tony and Kevin Castle Show) ==== SOCIAL MEDIA / WEBSITE / CONTACT INFO: Twitter: https://twitter.com/dontonyd Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/dontony Facebook: https://facebook.com/DTKCShow YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/dontony Website: https://www.wrestling-news.com Email: dontony@dontony.com
In this special episode of GTR Retro, we celebrate the 20th anniversary of our podcast. Live from Penny Arcade Expo 2008: A Roundtable Discussion with the Gamercast Network. Episode was released on Aug 31, 2008. Join podcast hosts from the Gamercast Network for a lively discussion on their experiences and the rise of podcasting as the new media. Moderated by Chris Paladino, Xbox Community Manager of Gamerscore Blog, the panel features: Jeromy Adams, Founder and Co-Host of Sarcastic Gamer Chad Hantak, Webmaster and Co-Host of The Video Game Show Danny Peña (Godfree), Founder and Co-Host of Gamertag Radio Natalie Sousa, Co-Host of Achievement Junkies Jay Van Beveren, Editor-in-Chief of Talking About Games Danny and Riana are to announce the launch of the new business "D&R Media Consulting" and podcast called "The Danny and Riana Show". New episodes every Wednesday. Check it out! http://dannyandriana.com Buy Danny's new children's book, "Danny Loves Video Games" now on Amazon! English (Hardcover / Kindle) or Spanish (Hardcover / Kindle). "Danny is your typical young boy. He loves playing video games! Read along and find out how he transformed his passion into his career. Based on the true story of Gamertag Radio Founder & Host, Danny Peña." Watch the award-winning film, Gamertag Radio: A Podcast Story now for free on Youtube - story.gamertagradio.com | Store: store.gamertagradio.com. Send us questions - fanmail@gamertagradio.com | Speakpipe.com/gamertagradio or 786-273-7GTR. Join our Discord - https://discord.gg/gtr chat with other GTR community member.
Today is Vigilante Day! What would it take before you took the law into your own hands? And then we meet a posse of children who set off to slay a vampire! Original Air Date: June 8, 2020 Patreon (Get ad-free episodes, Patreon Discord Access, and more!) https://www.patreon.com/user?u=18482113 PayPal Donation Link https://tinyurl.com/mrxe36ph MERCH STORE!!! https://tinyurl.com/y8zam4o2 Amazon Wish List https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/28CIOGSFRUXAD?ref_=wl_share Help Promote Dead Rabbit! Dual Flyer https://i.imgur.com/OhuoI2v.jpg "As Above" Flyer https://i.imgur.com/yobMtUp.jpg “Alien Flyer” By TVP VT U https://imgur.com/gallery/aPN1Fnw “QR Code Flyer” by Finn https://imgur.com/a/aYYUMAh Links: Man arrested one day after anonymous email surfaced about killing of sex offender https://www.ketv.com/article/anonymous-e-mailer-claims-to-have-killed-convicted-sex-offender-found-shot-dead-in-omaha/32587366# Vigilante Murders Child Sex Offender — Petition to Pardon Gains Thousands of Signatures https://theredelephants.com/vigilante-murders-child-sex-offender-petition-to-pardon-gains-thousands-of-signatures/ Man Arrested After Confessing To Homicide On Omaha Scanner Facebook Page https://www.nossmedia.com/post/man-on-omaha-scanner-facebook-page-claims-to-be-killer-in-north-omaha-homicide Pardon James Fairbanks https://www.change.org/p/donald-j-trump-pardon-james-fairbanks?recruiter=248714676&recruited_by_id=348fbbd0-c77a-11e4-a14b-19fd000f4d51&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink&utm_campaign=petition_dashboard Ex-wife says suspect told her he killed sex offender, calls him 'protector' who cared for victimized kids https://www.ketv.com/article/ex-wife-says-suspect-told-her-he-killed-sex-offender-calls-him-protector-who-cared-for-victimized-kids/32598125 Mother of sexual assault victim speaks out, says James Fairbanks should walk free https://www.ketv.com/article/mother-of-sexual-assault-victim-speaks-out-says-james-fairbanks-should-walk-free/32620524 Sex offender's daughter not mad at accused killer Fairbanks https://www.3newsnow.com/news/local-news/sex-offenders-daughter-not-mad-at-accused-killer-fairbanks The Gorbals Vampire and monster hunt that shook Glasgow https://www.scotsman.com/whats-on/arts-and-entertainment/gorbals-vampire-and-monster-hunt-shook-glasgow-1480233 Southern Necropolis https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_Necropolis Can Dracula control the weather? Why or why not? https://www.quora.com/Can-Dracula-control-the-weather-Why-or-why-not Child vampire hunters sparked comic crackdown http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/scotland/8574484.stm The Gorbals Vampire – Did a 1950s Nosferatu Prowl Glasgow's Southern Necropolis? https://www.davidcastleton.net/gorbals-vampire-glasgow-southern-necropolis/ ------------------------------------------------ Logo Art By Ash Black Opening Song: "Atlantis Attacks" Closing Song: "Bella Royale" Music By Simple Rabbitron 3000 created by Eerbud Thanks to Chris K, Founder Of The Golden Rabbit Brigade Dead Rabbit Archivist Some Weirdo On Twitter AKA Jack YouTube Champ: Stewart Meatball Reddit Champ: TheLast747 The Haunted Mic Arm provided by Chyme Chili Discord Mods: Mason Forever Fluffle: Cantillions, Samson, Gregory Gilbertson, Jenny Foreign Correspondent: Fabio Nerbon http://www.DeadRabbit.com Email: DeadRabbitRadio@gmail.com Facebook: www.Facebook.com/DeadRabbitRadio TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@deadrabbitradio Dead Rabbit Radio Subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/DeadRabbitRadio/ Paranormal News Subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/ParanormalNews/ Mailing Address Jason Carpenter PO Box 1363 Hood River, OR 97031 Paranormal, Conspiracy, and True Crime news as it happens! Jason Carpenter breaks the stories they'll be talking about tomorrow, assuming the world doesn't end today. All Contents Of This Podcast Copyright Jason Carpenter 2018 - 2025
A few weeks ago I asked one of my sisters to give me a list of some of her favorite songs from the 80s - she'd been battling cancer and I wanted to do a podcast for her to uplift her spirits. Sadly she passed away yesterday before completing her list. This podcast is dedicated to her memory using music she picked out. Its not just Alt80s - but it's from my heart in her memory. Its eclectic, but I hope it's enjoyed by others as much as I think she would have enjoyed it.
Hailing Frequencies Open - Send us a message!The gang gives their strongest defense of "Tribunal!" They prosecute the case against raccoons, are guilty of doing work on vacation, and bear witness to their favorite non-living character on the station. Engage!Pick up some Green Shirt MerchFollow us on Twitter, Bluesky, Threads, and Facebook
Karl and Tonya invite you in for a discussion about pop culture and retro pop culture from When It Was Cool! On this podcast, Karl and Tonya discuss school life in the 1970s through the 1990s, how things have changed, and what we can't make sense of today. Then we take you with us as we go through another subscription snack box, this time we have snacks from Spain! From pro wrestling history, to toys, to movies, TV, and more, When It Was Cool is your place for retro pop culture fun! Recommendation for today - DragonKingKarl's Pioneer Era Pro Wrestling Omnibus Book: The Bible of the Pioneer Era of Pro Wrestling. Order here!
Sometimes, you win; sometimes, you wiff! Check out this week's #actionfigures Wins and Wiffs of the week! Wait till you see this awesome pickup of a vintage toy that is just not easy to find these days. Stay on the #toyhunt folks!
This is our spoiler-free review for Love Hurts. With engaging fight choreography, a strong cast, and a runtime that doesn't overstay its welcome, the film takes us back to the golden age of '90s action movies. Ke Huy Quan and Ariana DeBose deliver solid performances, capturing the essence of classic action films while seamlessly weaving in the theme of love throughout its 83-minute runtime.Love Hurts is in theatres February 7, 2025 Check out Geekcentric onYouTube | Instagram | Twitter | TikTokJoin the Geekcentric Discord HERE
Send us a textJoin former child star Moosie Drier and author Jonathan Rosen, as they welcome back Dee Wallace from E.T. the Extraterrestrial!Dee discusses her memories on the classic film, making Cujo and Critters, appearances on shows such as Supernatural and The Office, and much more!Support the show
Dani, Nate and Jordan discuss the latest in Pokémon! This week we discuss a new Life Size Pokemon Plush coming to the Pokemon Center, GameStop, Pokemon TCG Pocket, Pokemon GO and so much more! Right here on... the Shadowless Podcast...
Here is your Pro Wrestling News Report for Wednesday, February 5, 2025. Running Time: 58 Minutes. Topics covered in this report include: Roman Reigns vs CM Punk vs Seth Rollins: Let the WrestleMania 41 match rumors begin Stupid fake news about The Rock and WrestleMania 41 Duke Hudson posts an odd yet comedic video about his recent release from WWE Apollo Crews undergoes surgery to repair a torn pectoral muscle Bayley to compete in 2025 NBA Celebrity All-Star Game (Complete roster and coach details) WWE RAW viewership on Netflix now down over 50% since its debut. But the ratings decline is about to end WWE RAW 1/27/25, SmackDown 1/31/25 and AEW Collision 2/1/25 ratings Mike Tyson announced for WrestleCon in Las Vegas the weekend of WrestleMania 41 Elijah (aka Elias) posts a video walking along with AEW/ROH's Vincent and Dutch (The Righteous Ones) TNA Impact Wrestling 2/6/25 preview (non-spoiler) Dragon Lee (c) vs Chad Gable: WWE Speed Championship result Participants and brackets for next WWE Speed Women's Number One Contenders Tournament RIGHT CLICK AND SAVE to download the AUDIO episode of WRESTLING NEWS REPORT (2/5/25) CLICK HERE to listen to WRESTLING NEWS REPORT (2/5/25) online CLICK HERE for the COMMERCIAL FREE AUDIO episode of WRESTLING NEWS REPORT (2/5/25) CLICK HERE for the YOUTUBE VERSION (WITH ADDED PICS/VIDEO) of WRESTLING NEWS REPORT (2/5/25) CLICK HERE to access previous episodes for all Don Tony and Kevin Castle Show public content ==== WWE 2025 ROYAL RUMBLE REVIEW (SPECIAL EPISODE) RUNNING TIME: 4 HOURS 19 MINUTES! RIGHT CLICK AND SAVE to download the AUDIO episode of DTKC SHOW/ROYAL RUMBLE 2025 EPISODE CLICK HERE for the COMMERCIAL FREE AUDIO episode of DTKC SHOW/ROYAL RUMBLE 2025 EPISODE ==== CHECK OUT THESE RECENT PRO WRESTLING NEWS UPDATES: WEDNESDAY 1/29/25 NEWS REPORT: CLICK HERE SUNDAY 1/26/25 NEWS REPORT: CLICK HERE FRIDAY 1/24/25 NEWS REPORT: CLICK HERE WEDNESDAY 1/22/25 NEWS REPORT: CLICK HERE FRIDAY 1/17/25 NEWS REPORT: CLICK HERE ==== DON TONY AND KEVIN CASTLE SHOW 2/3/2025 EPISODE - Download the episode here: CLICK HERE - Enhanced YouTube Members Only Version (Full episode w/added pics and video): CLICK HERE - Episode synopsis of topics discussed: CLICK HERE ==== Remember: DON TONY AND KEVIN CASTLE SHOW streams LIVE every MONDAY NIGHT at 10:15PM after WWE RAW at DTKCDiscord.com. ==== CELEBRATE 20 YEARS OF DON TONY AND KEVIN CASTLE WITH THE DTKC 20 YEAR ANNIVERSARY SHIRT! CLICK HERE for DTKC Pro Wrestling Tees Store ==== Want to help promote Don Tony and Kevin Castle and get a special shout-out on the next DTKC Show? Stop by Apple Podcasts (CLICK HERE) or SPOTIFY (CLICK HERE) and leave DT and Kev a review! Join Don Tony And Kevin Castle Show Patreon Family, and get a special shout-out on the next DTKC Show! CLICK HERE ==== DON TONY AND KEVIN CASTLE *PATREON* AND *YOUTUBE CHANNEL MEMBERSHIPS: You can send additional support for Don Tony And Kevin Castle and help grow the brand, by becoming a member of DT/KC PATREON and/or YOUTUBE CHANNEL MEMBERSHIP FAMILY. Don Tony and Kevin Castle's PATREON has been around for over seven years! You can access all seven years of BONUS CONTENT right now including: Ad-Free episodes of all of Don Tony's weekly shows Retro episodes of The Don Tony And Kevin Castle Show going back as early as 2004 (Retro Episodes added each week!) Weekly Patreon podcasts hosted by Don Tony and Kevin Castle 2000+ hours of Patreon exclusive shows never released publicly! (Over 8 Years of Patreon Exclusive Content!) CLICK HERE to access DT/KC Patreon now! YOUTUBE CHANNEL MEMBERSHIPS: Another option is to become a CHANNEL MEMBER on YouTube. Get exclusive enhanced versions of weekly Don Tony and Kevin Castle Show, access to DT's weekly Patreon show, retro DTKC Show episodes, giveaways and more. CLICK HERE for more details and to join The DT/KC YouTube Channel Member Family! ==== CHECK OUT DON TONY AND KEVIN SHOW CONTENT ACROSS THESE PLATFORMS: CLICK HERE FOR APPLE PODCASTS CLICK HERE FOR SPOTIFY CLICK HERE FOR ANDROID CLICK HERE FOR AMAZON MUSIC CLICK HERE FOR GOOGLE PODCASTS CLICK HERE FOR PANDORA CLICK HERE FOR PODBEAN CLICK HERE FOR IHEARTRADIO CLICK HERE FOR DON TONY AND KEVIN CASTLE SHOW MERCHANDISE! ==== DON TONY AND KEVIN CASTLE: WEEKLY SHOW SCHEDULE (UPDATED: JANUARY 2025): DON TONY AND KEVIN CASTLE SHOW: LIVE EVERY MONDAY NIGHT at 10:45PM ET after WWE RAW on DTKCDiscord.com DT VIPATREON: Patreon Exclusive Show hosted by Don Tony LIVE EVERY TUESDAY at 8:30PM on DTKC Patreon Channel (https://www.patreon.com/dontony) PRO WRESTLING NEWS UPDATES: Posted every WEDNESDAY morning at DonTony.com (and across all audio platforms) THIS WEEK IN WRESTLING HISTORY: Posted every THURSDAY at DonTony.com (and across all audio platforms) CASTLE/KNT CHRONICLES: Patreon Exclusive Show hosted by Kevin Castle and Trez LIVE EVERY THURSDAY 8:30PM on DTKC Patreon Channel (https://www.patreon.com/dontony) PRO WRESTLING NEWS UPDATES: Posted every FRIDAY morning at DonTony.com (and across all audio platforms) PRO WRESTLING WEEKEND NEWS UPDATE: Posted every SATURDAY at DonTony.com (and across all audio platforms) THE SIT-DOWN w/DON TONY: VIDEO PODCAST hosted by Don Tony LIVE EVERY SUNDAY at 8PM on YouTube (www.YouTube.com/DonTony) WWE/AEW PPV RECAP/REVIEW: (Posted MONDAY NIGHT as part of Don Tony and Kevin Castle Show) ==== SOCIAL MEDIA / WEBSITE / CONTACT INFO: Twitter: https://twitter.com/dontonyd Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/dontony Facebook: https://facebook.com/DTKCShow YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/dontony Website: https://www.wrestling-news.com
Did Punxsutawney Phil see his shadow recently? We cover the wonderful Groundhog Day film starring Bill Murray from back in 1993 on the Back to the Past Podcast from the M&J Creations Studios on the Lion's Den Podcast Network powered by Stark Roofing! Please support our sponsors: Stark Roofing LLC M&J Creations Cedar Hill Dar-E-Kreme Kempin Automotive Precision Lawn Care and Landscaping LLC Terri Anne Photography Feel free to follow us on Instagram @backtothepastpod, BlueSky @backtothepastpod.bsky.social and join the discussion in our Facebook group as well look to get more engaged with our listeners and share stories about our favorite things from each others past and memories. If you have any feedback or questions, email - thelionsdenpodcast32@gmail.com Also please "Like" our Facebook Page and DM us here. You can also follow us on: Instagram at @TheLionsDenPodcast TikTok at The Lions Den Podcast Feel free to DM us at The "2 Dumb Dads" Show Facebook Page.
Send us a textJoin us, and our very too cool guest "Kimbo," "Kimbley," "Kimbodini," for a celebration of the romcom with the ultimate example "When Harry Met Sally," (D. Reiner 1989). We pontificate over the politics of friendship, the "single serving friend," sons of former Presidents, and whether of not "this guy *uc*s." We're cool. You get it. Call your favorite pal on the split screen video phone, and snuggle in for your first "You Choose the Review," poll winner of 2025!**All episodes contain explicit language**Artwork - Ben McFaddenReview Review Intro/Outro Theme - Jamie Henwood"What Are We Watching" & "Whatcha been up to?" Themes - Matthew Fosket"Fun Facts" Theme - Chris Olds/Paul RootLead-Ins Edited/Conceptualized by - Ben McFaddenProduced by - Ben McFadden & Paul RootConcept - Paul Root
Nicky and Eric get romantic with farm animals in an episode all about Paca Plus. Paca Plus is a visual novel for PC. The plot follows high school student, Kazuma Saeki, whose girlfriend, Yukari Izumi, gets turned into an alpaca after their summer visit to the Alpaca Kingdom. Press Any Button hosts Nicky (a new gamer) and Eric (a lifetime gamer) are a married couple who both love video games. For every video game they will discuss its past (history of the game, developers story, and fun facts), present (game play, game review and strategy), and future (will there be a sequel?? A movie?) BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE… Every game also comes with a challenge presented by the host that chose the game. If the challenge is not completed then whoever failed has to do a video game rap! So if you want to learn more about video games, hear some nerdy video game raps, or just have a good time this is the podcast for you. We try to cover all types of video games including: Retro and New video games Playstation, Nintendo, Xbox, Sega, and PC games Any and all genres including RPG, Simulation, Beat em up, platforming, mystery, first person shooter, sandbox, puzzle, action adventure, etc. Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pressanybutton_podcast Credits: Nicky Smith Eric Luedtke Music by Mark Spurlock and Eric Luedtke References: https://vinesauce.fandom.com/wiki/Paca_Plus https://web.archive.org/web/20161108123509/http://blog.livedoor.jp/akibahd/archives/27815727.html https://web.archive.org/web/20160730005957/http://blog.livedoor.jp/alpacasoft/archives/cat_50052404.html https://web.archive.org/web/20180319000308/http://pacoproject.net/ https://x.com/paco_project https://web.archive.org/web/20180822195232/http://pacoproject.net/pp/index.html https://web.archive.org/web/20170928214318/http://pacoproject.net/pp/information.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sekai_Project https://www.reddit.com/r/visualnovels/comments/m3ubqp/what_are_doujin_circles/ https://web.archive.org/web/20180122143248/http://pacoproject.net/pacasen/ https://www.treehugger.com/things-you-didnt-know-about-alpacas-4864274
In Part 1 of this caramelicious Apple Snack, hosts Kennedy Rizzo & Cooper Lee explore the nostalgic world of beloved canine characters from classic cartoons and movies. They discuss the impact of Scooby-Doo, the significance of Rin Tin Tin, and the heartwarming adventures of Benji, while reflecting on how these characters shaped their childhoods and the importance of nostalgia in today's fast-paced world. Listen and join in on the fun! Woof!!** 2025 Annual Puppy Bowl Sunday, February 9, 2025 @ 2:00 P.M. (Animal Planet) **What canine you'll find baked into Part 1 of this week's discussion?- Scooby Doo - Astro - Snoopy - RinTinTin - Mutley - BenjiSubscribe, rate and leave us a 5-star written review on Apple Podcasts, Deepcast.fm or Spotify. If you enjoyed what you heard this week, contact us on our official website retrotrekcaramelapples.com or send us a message, requests and/ or experiences you'd like to hear featured in a future episode at Spotify for Podcasters-->https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/retro-trek-the-caramel-applesHit us up on social media! Stop by and say hi! Leave a comment & share with us some of your favorite retro topics! May every bite be sweet!!X: @CaramelApples16The Gram (Instagram): @retrotrekthecaramelapplesTikTok: @retrotrekcaramelapplesYouTube: @thestickycaramelapplesOur Official Website: retrotrekcaramelapples.com
Air Jordan marketing is still killing it, and this week we break down all the latest moves. From select stores in Asia and Europe getting exclusive drops of the Bred 85's to Jordan Brand expanding its lineup with toddler sizing, there's plenty to talk about. We also dive into the campus scene, where Nike employees are even getting sneaker citations for rocking Jordan 1 Retro's—all part of the ongoing “banned” theme marketing play.Don't miss our take on the new Air Jordan “Bred” banned commercial, and check out the resurgence of Jumpman 23 on Instagram, featuring a slew of photos with Team Athletes and celebrity partners like Teyana Taylor, Nigel, Fujiwarahiroshi, Chris Gibbs, and more. We ask the tough questions: With All-Star Game Weekend kicks rolling out, is the hype still as electrifying as it once was?We're also breaking down what's on the horizon for Jordan Brand's Spring releases. Look forward to the Jordan White Cement 4, confirmed for a May 24th drop at $225 (with a $15 inflation price hike), and get the scoop on the rumored Air Jordan 4 Black Cat's—now said to feature “Nike Air” on the back. Plus, mark your calendars for the Air Jordan 1 “UNC Reimagined” on May 10th, along with rare Air AJ 11's for the fall and the Air Jordan Retro 6 “Black/Infrared” making a comeback in 2026.Tune in for all this and much more on this week's episode of The Sneaker Dads Podcast!Support the show
S2E95 - Fight for Vanna White The horseman have arrived (according to Retro) and for the most part everyone is joining in on the chaos, Jeb is blind with rage at these Van thieves, Vivi is shooting wide, Vendell is whipping about he battle field, Ioanna is being strategic as bullets fly, we might even finally see what Retro's Foam can do. Bloodshed and revenge in this episode... Can Jeb take on four Maelstrom? Can Retro damage without a proper gun? Who shot Vendell? Only the dice will tell. More info can be found here: linktr.ee/NoLatency Check out out Patreon! Patreon.com/nolatency Even more information and MERCH is on our website! www.nolatencypodcast.com BlueSky & Twitter: @nolatencypod Instagram: @nolatencypod Find @SkullorJade, @Miss_Magitek and @Binary_Dragon, @retrodatv on twitch, for live D&D and more. #cyberpunkred #actualplay #ttrpg #radioplay #scifi #cyberpunk #drama #comedy
Send us a textTwo shopping-based game shows? Weird but true news stories from the 1960s? Laughable 1980s music fails?Episode 181 kicks off the month of love with some nostalgia sweeter than candy hearts.It all starts with a look back to the strangeness of the past. Weird but true news stories from the 1960s are on the docket. From innocent to malicious, from dirty to downright crazy, these stories all seem like they couldn't be true, but oh they are.Shopping can be a contact sport, just ask people during Black Friday sales. However, we go way back in the day to look at a pair of shopping-based game shows. Supermarket Sweep and Shop Til You Drop both carved a niche in the 1990s. Fast-paced, fun, frantic, these words can all describe these shows. The 1980s were a great decade for music. Judging by this week's Top 5 some might disagree. We will look back at some of the biggest music failures of the 80s. From albums to videos to musicals that shouldn't have existed. It's all here.There is a new This Week In History and Time Capsule centered around the first Groundhog Day celebration.For more great content become a subscriber on Patreon!Helpful Links from this EpisodePurchase My New Book Cape Cod Beyond the Beach!In My Footsteps: A Cape Cod Travel Guide(2nd Edition)Hooked By Kiwi - Etsy.comDJ Williams MusicKeeKee's Cape Cod KitchenChristopher Setterlund.comCape Cod Living - Zazzle StoreSubscribe on YouTube!Initial Impressions 2.0 BlogUPDATE: Bonnie Bickwit and Mitchel Weiser Case - Rolling Stone.comWebcam Weekly Wrapup PodcastBuzzr TVListen to Episode 180 hereSupport the show