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    Code source
    « Emilia Pérez » : la folle épopée du drame musical de Jacques Audiard

    Code source

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 14, 2025 27:12

    Dixième long-métrage du réalisateur français Jacques Audiard, « Emilia Pérez » a récolté 4 statuettes aux derniers Golden Globes, le dimanche 5 janvier à Los Angeles. L'éblouissant film porté par Karla Sofia Gascón, Zoé Saldaña et Selena Gomez a notamment remporté le prix du meilleur film musical et de la meilleure musique originale. Un palmarès prometteur à l'approche de la cérémonie des Oscars au mois de mars.Déjà récompensé du prix du jury au festival de Cannes en 2024, « Emilia Pérez » connaît depuis sa sortie cet été un succès critique et public, avec plus d'un million d'entrées en France. Pourtant, rien au départ ne laissait présager un tel engouement pour ce projet. Un drame musical en espagnol avec pour thème principal la transidentité, avec en toile de fond les cartels de drogue au Mexique.Code source raconte les coulisses du film et la campagne du film avec trois journalistes du service culture du Parisien : Catherine Balle, Renaud Baronian et Eric Bureau.Écoutez Code source sur toutes les plates-formes audio : Apple Podcast (iPhone, iPad), Amazon Music, Podcast Addict ou Castbox, Deezer, Spotify.Crédits. Direction de la rédaction : Pierre Chausse - Rédacteur en chef : Jules Lavie - Reporter : Barbara Gouy - Production : Thibault Lambert et Raphaël Pueyo - Réalisation et mixage : Pierre Chaffanjon - Musiques : François Clos, Audio Network - Archives : Golden Globes, Festival de Cannes. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.

    Code source
    Meurtres en famille dans la Sarthe : un double crime presque parfait

    Code source

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 13, 2025 19:36

    Le 15 janvier 2024, Monique Calippe, 84 ans, est retrouvée morte dans son lit, dans la Sarthe. Le médecin conclut à une mort naturelle à la suite d'une chute. Son mari, Alain Pacouret, s'était lui aussi éteint deux semaines auparavant. Mais ce banal récit de fin de vie prend subitement une nouvelle tournure. Car quelques heures avant l'incinération de Monique, ses enfants commencent à avoir des doutes quant à l'origine des deux décès. Le fils d'Alain, sa compagne et le fils de sa compagne sont alors interpellés et mis en examen. Ils sont suspectés d'avoir tué Alain et Monique pour s'approprier leurs économies. Pour Code source, Vincent Gautronneau, journaliste au service police-justice du Parisien, revient sur l'enquête de ce double assassinat présumé. Écoutez Code source sur toutes les plates-formes audio : Apple Podcast (iPhone, iPad), Amazon Music, Podcast Addict ou Castbox, Deezer, Spotify.Crédits. Direction de la rédaction : Pierre Chausse - Rédacteur en chef : Jules Lavie - Reporter : Barbara Gouy - Préparation : Clara Garnier-Amouroux - Production : Thibault Lambert, Clara Grouzis, Pénélope Gualchierotti et Raphaël Pueyo - Réalisation et mixage : Pierre Chaffanjon - Musiques : François Clos, Audio Network. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.

    Espiritismo Simples
    #191 - Nossa vida precisa ter sentido

    Espiritismo Simples

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 13, 2025 28:22

    Como você iniciou esse ano? Apenas seguiu o fluxo de 2024? Teve a oportunidade de refletir sobre o seu 2024? Você tem claro o seu propósito de vida? Inscreva-se em nosso canal:

    Estadão Notícias
    Carlos Andreazza: Economia em desaceleração? Ampliem-se as margens para gastar. O governo é Lula e a eleição já começou

    Estadão Notícias

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 13, 2025 37:27

    No “Estadão Analisa” desta segunda-feira, 13, o colunista Carlos Andreazza fala sobre os gastos do governo. Andreazza aponta o projeto de reeleição que deve ser iniciado por Lula e seus ministros já este ano. Com o cenário de juros em alta e a desconfiança elevada quanto ao rumo das contas públicas, o consenso entre os analistas é de que a economia brasileira caminha para desacelerar a partir da metade deste ano e colher um ritmo fraco de crescimento em 2026, ano da próxima eleição presidencial. Leia mais: https://www.estadao.com.br/economia/economia-desaceleracao-margem-gastos-encruzilhada-governo-lula-2026/ A dúvida que paira entre os especialistas é se o governo vai aceitar a desaceleração prevista sem a adoção de novas medidas fiscais para tentar estimular a economia numa eleição que tende a ser difícil para o governo, dada a polarização do País. O caminho a ser seguido, no entanto, não é trivial. Isso porque não há mais margem de manobra para ampliar os gastos sem contratar uma nova rodada de piora dos ativos brasileiros. Apresentado pelo colunista Carlos Andreazza, programa diário no canal do Estadão no YouTube trará uma curadoria dos temas mais relevantes do noticiário, deixando de lado o que é espuma, para se aprofundar no que é relevante. Assine por R$1,90/mês e tenha acesso ilimitado ao conteúdo do Estadão. Acesse: https://bit.ly/oferta-estadao O 'Estadão Analisa' é transmitido ao vivo de segunda a sexta-feira, às 7h, no Youtube e redes sociais do Estadão. E depois, fica disponível no Spotify, Deezer, Apple Podcasts, Google podcasts, ou no agregador de podcasts de sua preferência. Apresentação: Carlos AndreazzaEdição/Pós-produção: Jefferson PerlebergCoordenação: Gabriel Pinheiro e Everton OliveiraFoto: Wilton Junior/EstadãoSee omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    The Manila Times Podcasts
    EDITORIAL: Producing more nurses for public health | Jan. 14, 2025

    The Manila Times Podcasts

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 13, 2025 5:33

    EDITORIAL: Producing more nurses for public health | Jan. 14, 2025Subscribe to The Manila Times Channel - https://tmt.ph/YTSubscribe Visit our website at https://www.manilatimes.net Follow us: Facebook - https://tmt.ph/facebook Instagram - https://tmt.ph/instagram Twitter - https://tmt.ph/twitter DailyMotion - https://tmt.ph/dailymotion Subscribe to our Digital Edition - https://tmt.ph/digital Sign up to our newsletters: https://tmt.ph/newsletters Check out our Podcasts: Spotify - https://tmt.ph/spotify Apple Podcasts - https://tmt.ph/applepodcasts Amazon Music - https://tmt.ph/amazonmusic Deezer: https://tmt.ph/deezer Tune In: https://tmt.ph/tunein#TheManilaTimes#VoiceOfTheTimes Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Colmar : Une exposition menée par l'association Lézard


    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 13, 2025 2:00

    L'association Lézard continue en 2025 d'animer le territoire colmarien. Pour débuter ce nouveau trimestre, le premier de l'année, c'est une exposition originale qui est proposé à l'Espace Lézard. Intitulée "Transpeauxsition", cette dernière met en lumière les oeuvres de Yoshikazu Gouveln Le Maître, les visiteurs pour gratuitement découvrir des oeuvres au sens poétique autour de la vie, et de la mort. L'artiste en dit plus.Infos pratiques :Du 10 janvier au 14 février 2025Colmar, Espace LézardGratuithttps://lezard.org/event/exposition-yoshikazu-transpeauxsition/Les interviews sont également à retrouver sur les plateformes Spotify, Deezer, Apple Podcasts, Podcast Addict ou encore Amazon Music.Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

    Bischwiller : Les spectacles à venir à la MAC


    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 13, 2025 2:00

    Une semaine chargée attend le public à la MAC de Bischwiller. Deux spectacles sont notamment au programme de ce relais culturel. Le premier, J'aime la chasse ?, est à découvrir ce mardi 14 janvier. Cette création questionnera les spectateurs sur leur rapport au sauvage, entre récits intimes, données scientifiques et mythes. Un deuxième rendez-vous sera également proposé le jeudi 16 janvier, avec Monte-Cristo. L'histoire d'Edmond Dantès, un jeune marin, qui débarque à Marseille pour s'y fiancer avec la belle Mercédès. Trahi par des « amis » jaloux, il est dénoncé comme conspirateur et enfermé dans une geôle du château d'If, au large de Marseille. Après quatorze années d'emprisonnement, il réussit à s'évader et entreprend alors de se venger. Stéphane Heiderich, directeur de la MAC, apporte quelques précisions sur ces spectacles à venir.Les interviews sont également à retrouver sur les plateformes Spotify, Deezer, Apple Podcasts, Podcast Addict ou encore Amazon Music.Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

    Sélestat : Une exposition et deux rendez-vous musicaux à venir à L'Evasion


    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 13, 2025 5:14

    Les animations culturelles se poursuivent en ce début d'année du côté de L'Evasion à Sélestat ! En ce mois de janvier, une mystérieuse exposition de photographies par Jan Pincemaille sera notamment à découvrir jusqu'au 27 janvier prochain. Une soirée de finissage est également au programme, avec un concert poétique le vendredi 24 janvier. Et de la musique, il y en aura encore le vendredi 17 janvier avec le concert "America Intima". Un voyage en Amérique latine, qui sera proposé par les deux musiciennes argentines Lorena Zarranz et Maria Suarez. Retrouvez le programme complet de L'Evasion sur le site internet helloasso.comLes interviews sont également à retrouver sur les plateformes Spotify, Deezer, Apple Podcasts, Podcast Addict ou encore Amazon Music.Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

    Episode 60 «Marketing Digital et IA, Interview exclusive de Elodie Chenol » Podcast « L'Instant MARKETING COMMUNICATION » de Florian GRIMAULT.

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 13, 2025 33:17

    «Marketing Digital et IA, Interview exclusive de Elodie Chenol » 60ème épisode du Podcast « L'Instant MARKETING COMMUNICATION » de Florian GRIMAULT.Pour le 60ème épisode du Podcast, c'est Elodie Chenol, la marraine du Podcast « L'Instant MARKETING COMMUNICATION » qui nous fait l'honneur de passer derrière notre micro.Au programme :· Les tendances actuelles du Marketing Digital à l'heure de l'IA· Les opportunités offertes par ChatGPT et d'autres outils d'IA· Des anecdotes exclusives et des conseils pratiquesMais surtout un échange avec une passionnée, cet épisode c'est 33 minutes de bonheur qui devraient être remboursées par la Sécurité sociale.À toutes fins utiles, ce podcast n'a pas été fabriqué par l'IA, et ce n'est pas l'avatar d'Elodie Chenol qui me répond.Installez-vous confortablement, mettez vos écouteurs c'est parti !Partagez vos idées sur LinkedIn avec le hashtag #LInstantMarketingCommunication.Vous aimez ce podcast ? N'hésitez pas à mettre 5 étoiles sur Apple Podcasts ou Spotify. Bonne écoute. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    TranSpod l'Hebdo du 13 au 19 janvier 2025


    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 13, 2025 8:49

    TranSpod l'Hebdo du 13 au 19 janvier 2025Collision de deux tramways à StrasbourgIncendie de 7 bus à hydrogène au dépôt Optymo à DanjoutinPhilippe Tabarot, ministre des TransportsLe tunnel du Mont-Blanc rouvert mais...fermé !!!Les résolutions de janvier Corsica Linea et de La Méridionale Donald Trump veut annexer le Canal de PanamaLa Compagnie Nationale du Rhône remporte un appel d'offre de l'Autorité du Canal de Panama Jackpot pour la mobilité intelligente au CES Las VegasVIIA lance les travaux d'un terminal Modhalor sur le port de SèteMarseille déclare la guerre au bruit des motosNGE Concessions, la Banque des Territoires, la Caisse d'Épargne CEPAC, la Compagnie Fluviale de Transport (Groupe Sogestran) rejoignent la Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie (CCI) du Pays d'Arles dans la concession du port fluvial d'Arles.Lycéens et étudiants connectez-vous à Studyrama le 14 janvierRetrouvez-nous sur toutes les plates-formes (Deezer, Apple Podcast, Spotify...), et si vous avez aimé abonnez-vous, likez, réagissez et parlez-en autour de vous. Un podcast écrit, réalisé et monté par Nathalie Bureau du Colombier. Voix générique Eddy CreuzetVignette Thomas Billet.. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.

    The Josh and Friends Podcast
    Fun Vacation Tours, Medical Emergencies & Awful Air Flights (Feat. Ethan McD)

    The Josh and Friends Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 12, 2025 70:21

    Episode 131: This week the show welcomes back Ethan McDonald to the program. And we'll be discussing many of the traveling adventures he's had over the years. Everything from the cities who offer the best food, to some of his favorite locations from the past, and places he'd like to visit in the future. We also speak about Ethan's horrifying medical emergency while visiting Germany, how I had to bail a friend out of a hospital in Mexico, and we both exchange the worst airline flights that we've ever been on. 0:00 - Cold Open / Intro (Lee Michaels)1:28 - School Traveling Program6:21 - List of European Trips9:21 - France, Italy & Greece16:49 - Dying Cultures & Safety19:47 - Pompeii & Mexico25:21 - Tipping & Respect26:29 - Aggressive Cultures30:01 - Ethan's Health Emergency39:37 - Language Barriers41:11 - Nordic & Asian Countries42:07 - Dealing with Customs45:22 - Hawaii & Security47:25 - NYC, Chicago & Phoenix48:36 - Spain, Ireland & Drinking52:44 - Florida & Texas54:06 - Suggested Spots / Architecture 55:32 - Air Travel / Best & Worst Flights1:03:21 - Mexican Hospital Story1:08:02 - Burst Appendix & Insurance1:09:28 - Outro / Close

    Still A B-Boy: A Hip-Hop Podcast
    Episode 114 (Bake Lo interview)

    Still A B-Boy: A Hip-Hop Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 12, 2025 17:27

    New episode! In the season finale Riplak & I sit down with Detroit area MC, Bake Lo. We talk about when he first started rhyming, the Detroit Horrorcore scene/history, Fly High tour & life on the road, touring Canada, the bus accident with Shaggy 2 Dope that almost took their life and much more. Thanks to every single listener, this is the last episode of Season 4, but we will be back in the spring with more roundtable episodes and interviews. You can always catch up on every single past episodes on all major podcast platforms (Spotify, Apple, Google, Deezer, etc.) & YouTube. Thanks again for the support!Follow the podcast on Instagram & X: @b_boypodcastFind us online: www.riplak.comFollow Bake Lo on Instagram: @bakelo_demongodFind Bake Lo online: www.bakelo.com

    Privateer Station: War In Ukraine
    War in Ukraine, Analytics. Day 1048: Analysis of Zelensky's Interview with Lex Fridman. Arestovych, Feldman

    Privateer Station: War In Ukraine

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 12, 2025 56:19

    In today's war diary, Nikolai Feldman and Alexey Arestovich discussed the main news on the 1048th day of war:➤ 00:00 Interview of the President of Ukraine with Lex Fridman: what audience did Zelensky address?➤ 03:39 Zelensky's position on the types of security guarantees for Ukraine and the ceasefire.➤ 07:20 The attitude of the President of Ukraine to the Russian language, Putin and the Russian people. Zelensky - the unbending leader of the unbending Ukraine?➤ 13:04 President's unsuccessful message: 4 years of Trump - an insignificant time to achieve peace for Ukraine? Additional information from the interview can be found in the original audio track on YouTube.➤ 15:25 French President Macron called on Ukraine to hold realistic discussions. If the negotiations are disrupted by Ukraine, what awaits us?➤ 21:15 In an interview with Lex Fridman, Zelensky did not recognize corruption in Ukraine. Analysis of Zelensky's position.➤ 26:35 Paris story from President Zelensky versus the words of Bohdan in Gordon: "they promised one thing, did nothing."➤ 31:30 Merkel and Arestovich's recollections of the Minsk agreements. Why did the Ukrainian government drag out the time for so long, not fulfilling the agreements? - Putin's claims coincided with Ukraine's claims to the EU and NATO.➤ 40:40 The key to the current situation is the Ukrainian government's fear of radicals.➤ 41:45 Preparing Ukraine for war: who forced the country to sell weapons since 1991, in order to then buy them back at a higher price at the beginning of Russia's large-scale invasion in 2022?➤ 47:37 What could Ukraine have done in 4 years of Trump's rule to avoid a second round of war with Russia? How does the Ukrainian government use its super powers during the war?Olexiy Arestovych (Kiev): Advisor to the Office of Ukraine President : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oleksiy_ArestovychOfficial channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjWy2g76QZf7QLEwx4cB46gNikolay Feldman - Ukranian journalist, social researcher, blogger.

    The Insider Travel Report Podcast
    Taking a Legacy of Tours to Italy and Going Beyond

    The Insider Travel Report Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 12, 2025 20:22 Transcription Available

    Steve Perillo, president and CEO of Perillo Tours, talks with James Shillinglaw of Insider Travel Report about the history and legacy of his famed family-owned company, which now specializes in much more than tours to Italy. Perillo now offers Italy, Hawaii, Greece, Spain and Portugal, plus group tours and customized travel. For more information, visit www.perillotours.com.   All our Insider Travel Report video interviews are archived and available on our Youtube channel  (youtube.com/insidertravelreport), and as podcasts with the same title on: Spotify, Pandora, Stitcher, PlayerFM, Listen Notes, Podchaser, TuneIn + Alexa, Podbean,  iHeartRadio,  Google, Amazon Music/Audible, Deezer, Podcast Addict, and iTunes Apple Podcasts, which supports Overcast, Pocket Cast, Castro and Castbox.  

    The Insider Travel Report Podcast
    Making the Switch in Luxury Cruises and Hotels

    The Insider Travel Report Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 12, 2025 11:07 Transcription Available

    Barbara Muckermann, CEO of Kempinski Hotels, and Anna Nash, president-global for Explora Journeys, talk with James Shillinglaw of Insider Travel Report at last month's ILTM Cannes luxury show about how they each just made the switch from luxury cruises to luxury hotels—and vice versa. Muckermann, a longtime luxury cruise executive with Silversea, is taking on a new challenge heading up Kempinski, while Nash, who had been with Aman for over 10 years, has now moved to head up Explora Journeys. For more information, visit www.kempinski.com or www.explorajourneys.com.  All our Insider Travel Report video interviews are archived and available on our Youtube channel  (youtube.com/insidertravelreport), and as podcasts with the same title on: Spotify, Pandora, Stitcher, PlayerFM, Listen Notes, Podchaser, TuneIn + Alexa, Podbean,  iHeartRadio,  Google, Amazon Music/Audible, Deezer, Podcast Addict, and iTunes Apple Podcasts, which supports Overcast, Pocket Cast, Castro and Castbox.  

    The Music Authority LIVE STREAM Show

    The Music Authority LIVE STREAM Show

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 12, 2025 60:04

    ALTPHILLIE.ROCKS - Show #38! 39th wedding anniversary was last Friday. I sure hope she keeps me! Please, keep downloading and sharing the podcast! All the usual download spots. Oh! And the website, too – TheMusicAuthority.com! The Music Authority Podcast... heard daily on TheMusicAuthority.com, Podchaser, Deezer, Amazon Music, Audible, Listen Notes, Google Podcast Manager, Mixcloud, Player FM, Stitcher, Tune In, Podcast Addict, Cast Box, Radio Public, and Pocket Cast, and APPLE iTunes! Follow the show on “X” Jim Prell@TMusicAuthority! How to listen in?*Podcast - https://themusicauthority.transistor.fm/  The Music Authority Podcast! *Website – TheMusicAuthority.comSpecial Recorded Network Shows, too! Different than my daily show! *Radio Candy Radio Monday Wednesday, & Friday 7PM ET, 4PM PT*Rockin' The KOR Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday at 7PM UK time, 2PM ET, 11AM PT  www.koradio.rocks*Pop Radio UK Friday, Saturday, & Sunday 6PM UK, 1PM ET, 10AM PT! *Sole Of Indie https://soleofindie.rocks/ Monday Through Friday 6PM ET! *AltPhillie.Rocks Sunday, Thursday, & Saturday At 11:00AM ET!ALTPHILLIE.ROCKS - Show #38…@Super8UK – TMA Opening Theme@Fernando Perdomo - Home Is Wherever You Are (2025 Version for LA Fire Relief)@Rogers & Butler - Agree To Disagree [Studio 3]@20/20 - Springtime Love Song [Back to California] (@Big Stir Records)@Boys'N'Barry featuring @Wendy Tuttle - Every Girl Knows@Nolan Voide - The Music Authority Jingle@Brad Marino - Not Foolin' Me [On The Brink: Rarities, Remixed, And Unreleased] (@Rum Bar Records)@Brad Marino - On The Brink [On The Brink: Rarities, Remixed, And Unreleased] (@Rum Bar Records)@Louise Goffin - Whole Damn Reason@Little Georgie And The Shuffling Hungarians - Come To Jesus [The Compendium Of Unruly Caterwauling]@Chris Pope & The Chords UK - World Gone Mad@General Paddock - I Walked Where They Walked (Liverpool)@Mode - Strange Girl@The On and Ons - Roller Coaster [Come On In] (@Jem Records)@SoulBird - The Music Authority Jingle@Jim Basnight - Ones That Got Away@Jim Basnight - Gotta Get Straight@The Jellybricks - Devil's A Day Away [Dreaming In Stereo] (@Wicked Cool Records)@Chicago Friends & Guests - Johnny B Goode@The Flying Beets - Better Off Alone@Mini Mendez – December (@Rum Bar Records)

    The Manila Times Podcasts
    HEADLINES: Election period begins | January 13, 2025

    The Manila Times Podcasts

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 12, 2025 5:28

    HEADLINES: Election period begins | January 13, 2025Subscribe to The Manila Times Channel - https://tmt.ph/YTSubscribe Visit our website at https://www.manilatimes.net Follow us: Facebook - https://tmt.ph/facebook Instagram - https://tmt.ph/instagram Twitter - https://tmt.ph/twitter DailyMotion - https://tmt.ph/dailymotion Subscribe to our Digital Edition - https://tmt.ph/digital Check out our Podcasts: Spotify - https://tmt.ph/spotify Apple Podcasts - https://tmt.ph/applepodcasts Amazon Music - https://tmt.ph/amazonmusic Deezer: https://tmt.ph/deezer Stitcher: https://tmt.ph/stitcherTune In: https://tmt.ph/tunein #TheManilaTimes#KeepUpWithTheTimes Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    The Manila Times Podcasts
    EDITORIAL: Uphill battle against misinformation has got even tougher | Jan. 13, 2025

    The Manila Times Podcasts

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 12, 2025 5:08

    EDITORIAL: Uphill battle against misinformation has got even tougher | Jan. 13, 2025Subscribe to The Manila Times Channel - https://tmt.ph/YTSubscribe Visit our website at https://www.manilatimes.net Follow us: Facebook - https://tmt.ph/facebook Instagram - https://tmt.ph/instagram Twitter - https://tmt.ph/twitter DailyMotion - https://tmt.ph/dailymotion Subscribe to our Digital Edition - https://tmt.ph/digital Sign up to our newsletters: https://tmt.ph/newsletters Check out our Podcasts: Spotify - https://tmt.ph/spotify Apple Podcasts - https://tmt.ph/applepodcasts Amazon Music - https://tmt.ph/amazonmusic Deezer: https://tmt.ph/deezer Tune In: https://tmt.ph/tunein#TheManilaTimes#VoiceOfTheTimes Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Episode 152: Maximizing Profits: Strategies for Adding Value to Capitalism


    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 11, 2025 34:30

    The Music Authority LIVE STREAM Show
    January 11, 2025 Saturday Hour 1

    The Music Authority LIVE STREAM Show

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 11, 2025 59:43

    Sorry, there was no show yesterday…it was our 39th wedding anniversary. I spent the entire day on a heating pad for my back, so Lori & I could go out to dinner last night. Seems I'm about ready for the next set of nerve ablations. The Music Authority Podcast...listen, like, comment, download, share, repeat…heard daily on Podchaser, Deezer, Amazon Music, Audible, Listen Notes, Mixcloud, Player FM, Tune In, Podcast Addict, Cast Box, Radio Public, Pocket Cast, APPLE iTunes, and direct for the source distribution site: *Podcast - https://themusicauthority.transistor.fm/  AND NOW there is a website! TheMusicAuthority.comThe Music Authority Podcast! Special Recorded Network Shows, too! Different than my daily show! Seeing that I'm gone from FB now…Follow me on “X” Jim Prell@TMusicAuthority*Radio Candy Radio Monday Wednesday, & Friday 7PM ET, 4PM PT*Rockin' The KOR Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 7PM UK time, 2PM ET, 11AM PT  www.koradio.rocks*Pop Radio UK Friday, Saturday, & Sunday 6PM UK, 1PM ET, 10AM PT! *The Sole Of Indie https://soleofindie.rocks/ Monday Through Friday 6-7PM EST!*AltPhillie.Rocks Sunday, Thursday, & Saturday At 11:00AM ET!January 11, 2025, Saturday, we start the weekend with “The 2024 Singles Release Retrospective!” working backwards from the letter “N”…@Orbis 2.0 - TMA SHOW OPEN THEME@Norkjen - Never Ending Story {Single 1.15.24}@No Saint - Sweet Lady May {Single 12.2.24}@No Parking For Caravans - Say Hello {Single 3.25.24} [Say Hello - EP]@Nightblade - Baker Street {Single 2.5.24}@The Recalls - Insane Heart [There Is No End] (@Bickerton Records)@Nicola Schultz - Freefall {Single 10.29.24}@Nick Piunti & The Complicated Men - Bottle It {Single 6.3.24} [Up And Out Of It] (@Jem Records)@Nick Kizirnis - Every Moment {Single 1.29.24}@Andrew Taylor and The Harmonizers - Back To You [Andrew Taylor and The Harmonizers]@Niam (NEEV) MacLennan - The Dreamer {Single 4.15.24}@New Fallen Day - Still Laugh {Single 7.15.24}@Nervous Eaters - Don't Need to Make You Mine {Single 4.29.24} (@Wicked Cool Records)@Neil Sturgeon & The Infomaniacs - The Mistake {Single 8.19.24}@The Belltowers - I Can't Wait [Lilypad Sessions – EP]@Neil Gardener - Spirit In The Stone {Single 7.15.24}@Neeve Zahra - The Best Thing {Single 10.29.24}@Nathaniel Bawden – The Right Man {Single 7.29.24}

    The Music Authority LIVE STREAM Show
    January 11, 2025 Saturday Hour 2

    The Music Authority LIVE STREAM Show

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 11, 2025 59:32

    Since getting dropped from FB this last summer, for offering congratulations to an old high school friend for having a book published, I am starting over on my own web site, TheMusicAuthority.com. You can also find my play lists listed on “X” Jim Prell@TMusicAuthority. Could you help a musical brother out and send my contact info out on FB. After all, after 10 years, I truly am starting over again!  The Music Authority Podcast...listen, like, comment, download, share, repeat…heard daily on Podchaser, Deezer, Amazon Music, Audible, Listen Notes, Mixcloud, Player FM, Tune In, Podcast Addict, Cast Box, Radio Public, Pocket Cast, APPLE iTunes, and direct for the source distribution site: *Podcast - https://themusicauthority.transistor.fm/  AND NOW there is a website! TheMusicAuthority.comThe Music Authority Podcast! Special Recorded Network Shows, too! Different than my daily show! Seeing that I'm gone from FB now…Follow me on “X” Jim Prell@TMusicAuthority*Radio Candy Radio Monday Wednesday, & Friday 7PM ET, 4PM PT*Rockin' The KOR Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 7PM UK time, 2PM ET, 11AM PT  www.koradio.rocks*Pop Radio UK Friday, Saturday, & Sunday 6PM UK, 1PM ET, 10AM PT! *The Sole Of Indie https://soleofindie.rocks/ Monday Through Friday 6-7PM EST!*AltPhillie.Rocks Sunday, Thursday, & Saturday At 11:00AM ET!January 11, 2025, Saturday, verse two…@Naomi Campbell - Don't You Mind {Single 11.4.24}@Muscle Souls - Months Before The Moon [Single 9.2.24]@Mr. Mourey - Our Margaret {Single 8.26.24} (@Bullseye Records Of Canada)@Mozzy Dee - Love Loves To Hurt Me {Single 3.4.24} [Orale] (@Rum Bar Records)@Andrew Taylor - New Chapter [Somewhere To Be]@Movieland - I Relate {Single 10.29.24}@Mora & The Fabulous Wonderfuls - Can You See {Single 9.30.24} (@Kycker Music)@Moonlight Academy - Deeper {Single 6.10.24}@Monoscopes - Hey Atlas {Single 1.15.24}@The Bell Towers - I Can't Explain This Feeling {Single 4.19.21}@Moez Masoud - Here to Stay {Single 12.30.24}@Mode - Strange Girl {Single 12.30.24}@Modafferi - Underneath {Single 3.4.24} [The Production]@The Recalls - Try [There Is No End] (@Bickerton Records)@Miss Georgia Peach - Shut Up And Drink Your Beer {Single 12.23.24} [Class Out The...Rhymes With Class] (@Rum Bar Records)@Mimosa - Mad Man {Single 1.2.24}@Michael Des Barres - Love Is The Drug {Single 7.29.24} [It's Only Rock 'N' Roll]

    The Music Authority LIVE STREAM Show
    January 11, 2025 Saturday Hour 3

    The Music Authority LIVE STREAM Show

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 11, 2025 60:33

    Thanks! Appreciation!! Gratitude!!! My wish for you is always peace, love, understanding, and kindness. “The 2024 Singles Release Retrospective!” picks back up on Wednesday as we move backwards alphabetically from “M” to “L”. The Music Authority Podcast...listen, like, comment, download, share, repeat…heard daily on Podchaser, Deezer, Amazon Music, Audible, Listen Notes, Mixcloud, Player FM, Tune In, Podcast Addict, Cast Box, Radio Public, Pocket Cast, APPLE iTunes, and direct for the source distribution site: *Podcast - https://themusicauthority.transistor.fm/  AND NOW there is a website! TheMusicAuthority.comThe Music Authority Podcast! Special Recorded Network Shows, too! Different than my daily show! Seeing that I'm gone from FB now…Follow me on “X” Jim Prell@TMusicAuthority*Radio Candy Radio Monday Wednesday, & Friday 7PM ET, 4PM PT*Rockin' The KOR Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 7PM UK time, 2PM ET, 11AM PT  www.koradio.rocks*Pop Radio UK Friday, Saturday, & Sunday 6PM UK, 1PM ET, 10AM PT! *The Sole Of Indie https://soleofindie.rocks/ Monday Through Friday 6-7PM EST!*AltPhillie.Rocks Sunday, Thursday, & Saturday At 11:00AM ET!January 11, 2025, Saturday, act three…@Miles and the Chain Gang - Love Is Blind {Single 2.12.24}@Milkshed - Do It Again {Single 10.21.24}@Mike Browning - Just One Day {Single 3.18.24}@Micko And The Mellotronics - Holloway Rd {Single 3.11.24}@Michael Slawter - The Many {Single 7.29.24}@The Belltowers - Dusted [Magnetic] (koolkatmusik.com)@Michael Botte Band - I Got a Song {Single 4.15.24}@Micah Gilbert - Once Before {Single 8.12.24} [Passing Places]@Mia Black - Take It All {Single 12.2.24}@The Recalls - Down To The River [There Is No End] (@Bickerton Records)@MeU - The Arteste {Single 12.16.24}@Mermaid Avenue - My Sympathy {Single 4.15.24} [Jacarandas]@Mega Happy - Love Will Undo Love {11.25.24}@Andrew Taylor And The Harmonizers - Back To You [Andrew Taylor and The Harmonizers]@Mayflower - My Girl {Single 10.21.24}@West Coast Music Club - The Jokes On You [Take A Deep Breath]@Ward White - Gail, Where's Your Shoes? [The Tender Age]@David Brookings - Keep It Real [Mania At The Talent Show] (@Byar Records)@Side Play – Faith And Kindness

    The Manila Times Podcasts
    EDITORIAL: A band-aid plan | Jan. 12, 2025

    The Manila Times Podcasts

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 11, 2025 5:29

    EDITORIAL: A band-aid plan | Jan. 12, 2025 Subscribe to The Manila Times Channel - https://tmt.ph/YTSubscribe Visit our website at https://www.manilatimes.net Follow us: Facebook - https://tmt.ph/facebook Instagram - https://tmt.ph/instagram Twitter - https://tmt.ph/twitter DailyMotion - https://tmt.ph/dailymotion Subscribe to our Digital Edition - https://tmt.ph/digital Check out our Podcasts: Spotify - https://tmt.ph/spotify Apple Podcasts - https://tmt.ph/applepodcasts Amazon Music - https://tmt.ph/amazonmusic Deezer: https://tmt.ph/deezer Stitcher: https://tmt.ph/stitcherTune In: https://tmt.ph/tunein #TheManilaTimes#VoiceofTheTimes Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    The Manila Times Podcasts
    HEADLINES: Govt, police brace for huge Iglesia rally | January 12, 2025

    The Manila Times Podcasts

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 11, 2025 6:17

    HEADLINES: Govt, police brace for huge Iglesia rally | January 12, 2025Subscribe to The Manila Times Channel - https://tmt.ph/YTSubscribe Visit our website at https://www.manilatimes.net Follow us: Facebook - https://tmt.ph/facebook Instagram - https://tmt.ph/instagram Twitter - https://tmt.ph/twitter DailyMotion - https://tmt.ph/dailymotion Subscribe to our Digital Edition - https://tmt.ph/digital Check out our Podcasts: Spotify - https://tmt.ph/spotify Apple Podcasts - https://tmt.ph/applepodcasts Amazon Music - https://tmt.ph/amazonmusic Deezer: https://tmt.ph/deezer Stitcher: https://tmt.ph/stitcherTune In: https://tmt.ph/tunein #TheManilaTimes#KeepUpWithTheTimes Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Code source
    « M. Solidaire » meuble celles et ceux qui n'en ont pas les moyens

    Code source

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 10, 2025 15:15

    Redouane Lazaar est à la tête de l'association Tous solidaires 95 qui meuble gratuitement des familles en situation de précarité dans l'agglomération de Cergy-Pontoise (Val-d'Oise) grâce aux dons des particuliers. Ce technicien en économie d'énergie de 36 ans quittera bientôt son travail pour se consacrer à plein temps à son activité associative. Son souhait d'aider les plus démunis prend déjà une grande place dans sa vie depuis deux ans. Il s'active tôt le matin et tard le soir, en parallèle de son activité professionnelle, afin d'aider ceux qui n'ont pas les moyens de se meubler. Les femmes victimes de violences conjugales, qui peinent déjà à se reloger, sont sa priorité. Redouane Lazaar raconte dans cet épisode de Code Source et au micro de Barbara Gouy sa détermination à se rendre utile aux autres. Une cagnotte pour participer au financement d'une remorque monte-meuble pour l'association Tous solidaires 95 est disponible en ligne : https://www.leetchi.com/fr/c/achat-monte-meubles-2141964?utm_source=copylink&utm_medium=social_sharing.Écoutez Code source sur toutes les plates-formes audio : Apple Podcast (iPhone, iPad), Amazon Music, Podcast Addict ou Castbox, Deezer, Spotify.Crédits. Direction de la rédaction : Pierre Chausse - Rédacteur en chef : Jules Lavie - Reporter : Barbara Gouy - Production : Thibault Lambert et Pénélope Gualchierotti - Réalisation et mixage : Pierre Chaffanjon - Musiques : François Clos, Audio Network. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.

    Podcast Cinem(ação)
    REPRISE: #204: Cinema Pernambucano

    Podcast Cinem(ação)

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 10, 2025 116:52

    Link para pesquisa para fazer a 14ª Temporada do Podcast: https://forms.gle/i8wY2TzwcmbsQuFt9Embora muita gente critique a criação desse rótulo, o tal do Cinema Pernambucano – ou Cinema feito em Pernambuco – virou uma marca reconhecida lá fora e hoje é um dos maiores nomes do cinema brasileiro. Se você pensa em filmes incríveis, não tem como não citar Cláudio Assis, Lírio Ferreira, Paulo Caldas, Kléber Mendonça Filho, Gabriel Mascaro, Hilton Lacerda, Marcelo Pedroso e mais uma galera fera.Mas será que o Cinema Pernambucano é só uma questão de geografia? Ou é mais uma vibe artística mesmo? O que une filmes como Baile Perfumado, Árido Movie, Amarelo Manga, Tatuagem e Boi Neon, por exemplo? Tem alguma característica em comum ou é só uma coincidência?Nesse episódio, Rafael Arinelli e Daniel Cury conversam com o pesquisador e estudioso Marcos Santos, professor de Jornalismo da Universidade Joaquim Nabuco e da Faculdade Aeso Barros Melo, que fez seu Mestrado acompanhando as gravações de Tatuagem. E ainda temos a participação especial da Yanara Galvão, presidenta da FEPEC (Federação Pernambucana de Cineclubes). Ao longo do papo, a gente conta tudo sobre como Pernambuco virou um celeiro de produções cinematográficas e por que o estado está tão na frente quando o assunto é fazer cinema de qualidade. É como uma aula para tentar entender o segredo de tanto filme bom saindo de lá.Ouça nosso Podcast também no:• Feed: https://bit.ly/cinemacaofeed• Apple Podcast: https://bit.ly/itunes-cinemacao• Android: https://bit.ly/android-cinemacao• Deezer: https://bit.ly/deezer-cinemacao• Spotify: https://bit.ly/spotify-cinemacao• Amazon Music: https://bit.ly/amazoncinemacaoAgradecimentos aos patrões e padrinhos: • Bruna Mercer• Charles Calisto Souza• Daniel Barbosa da Silva Feijó• Diego Alves Lima• Eloi Xavier• Flavia Sanches• Gabriela Pastori Marino• Guilherme S. Arinelli• Katia Barga• Thiago Custodio Coquelet• William SaitoFale Conosco:• Email: contato@cinemacao.com• Facebook: https://bit.ly/facebookcinemacao• BlueSky: https://bit.ly/bskycinemacao• Instagram: https://bit.ly/instagramcinemacao• Tiktok: https://bit.ly/tiktokcinemacaoApoie o Cinem(ação)!Apoie o Cinem(ação) e faça parte de um seleto clube de ouvintes privilegiados, desfrutando de inúmeros benefícios! Com uma assinatura a partir de apenas R$5,00, você terá acesso a vantagens incríveis. E o melhor de tudo: após 1 ano de contribuição, recebe um presente exclusivo como agradecimento! Não perca mais tempo, acesse agora a página de Contribuição, escolha o plano que mais se adequa ao seu estilo e torne-se um apoiador especial do nosso canal! Junte-se a nós para uma experiência cinematográfica única!Edição: ISSOaí

    Ryan Rambles You To Rest
    Episode 15 “Anniversary Opus” - A Sleep Podcast

    Ryan Rambles You To Rest

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 10, 2025 139:22

    Finally another episode of Ryan Rambles You To Rest!  It has been three years since this podcast began and we just reached two thousand subscribers together on YouTube! In this episode I round up some favorite foods that I think are best prepared by other people/professionals, then I explore how to use the Fellow Opus conical burr coffee grinder. Before all of this, I share comments from our Resters. Visit the official Ryan Rambles You To Rest store on Shopify! https://ryanrambles.myshopify.com/ In this episode: 05:22 - Rester Reflections 19:15 - The Round Up: Food Best Prepared By Others 21:36 - Pasta 40:01 - Artichokes & pickles 45:15 - Bread 53:56 - Fried chicken (and other fried foods) 59:49 - Curry 1:08:14 - How To: The Fellow Opus Conical Burr Coffee Grinder 1:11:54 - Front and back cover 1:17:57 - Intro & capabilities - “Put Your Grind At Ease” 1:36:50 - “All The Right Parts” 1:50:00 - “Your Guide To Grind” Brewed Coffee & Espresso 1:59:59 - “Ratio Recommendations” & “Grind Settings” 2:07:17 - “Tips + Tricks” 2:17:30 - Outro and Parting Words Ryan Rambles You To Rest is a sleep podcast where you are ferried off to rest by the dulcet tones of my voice as I examine topics of no major importance. Find this sleep podcast on Spotify, YouTube, Apple Podcasts, iHeartRadio, and Deezer! Follow the show on Instagram or Blue Sky Social Music is by Disparition

    Estadão Notícias
    Carlos Andreazza: "Maduro barbariza na Venezuela. Lula marca reunião com ministros para debater Zuckerberg"

    Estadão Notícias

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 10, 2025 43:01

    No “Estadão Analisa” desta sexta-feira, 10, o colunista Carlos Andreazza fala sobre a repressão contra manifestantes que tentavam impedir Nicolás Maduro se manter no poder por mais seis anos, apesar de evidências credíveis de que ele perdeu as eleições de julho. O ditador chavista toma posse para seu terceiro mandato consecutivo nesta sexta-feira, 10. Antecipando-se à posse, a líder da oposição Maria Corina Machado, que foi impedida de concorrer contra Maduro e está escondida desde a eleição, convocou um protesto em massa para impedir a cerimônia. Leia mais: https://www.estadao.com.br/internacional/protestos-na-venezuela-tem-baixa-adesao-e-oposicao-acusa-maduro-de-intimidacao/ Já no Brasil, Lula se reúne com ministros no Palácio do Planalto para discutir a decisão da Meta de encerrar a checagem nas redes sociais. O presidente considerou “grave” o anúncio da plataforma, “é extremamente grave as pessoas quererem que a comunicação digital não tenha a mesma responsabilidade de um cara que comete um crime na imprensa”, afirmou Lula. Apresentado pelo colunista Carlos Andreazza, programa diário no canal do Estadão no YouTube trará uma curadoria dos temas mais relevantes do noticiário, deixando de lado o que é espuma, para se aprofundar no que é relevante. Assine por R$1,90/mês e tenha acesso ilimitado ao conteúdo do Estadão. Acesse: https://bit.ly/oferta-estadao O 'Estadão Analisa' é transmitido ao vivo de segunda a sexta-feira, às 7h, no Youtube e redes sociais do Estadão. E depois, fica disponível no Spotify, Deezer, Apple Podcasts, Google podcasts, ou no agregador de podcasts de sua preferência. Apresentação: Carlos AndreazzaEdição/Pós-produção: Jefferson PerlebergCoordenação: Gabriel Pinheiro e Everton OliveiraSee omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Folie Douce
    [PETITE DOUCEUR] Christelle Tissot parle des répercussions du sujet de la santé mentale

    Folie Douce

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 10, 2025 8:18

    Pour soutenir mon travail, abonnez-vous à ma newsletter sur Substack.Régulièrement, l'équipe de Folie Douce partage avec vous les extraits les plus marquants des épisodes du podcast. En avril étaient réunies au micro de Lauren Bastide pour le festival Empowher Jessica Galanth, Camille Teste et Christelle Tissot, pour une table ronde sur médias et santé mentale. Christelle Tissot évoque la création de son média, musae, le fait de traiter d'un sujet qui a été tabou pendant très longtemps, et l'impact que cela peut avoir sur elle.Retrouvez cet épisode en entier sur toutes vos plateformes de podcast.-----------------------------------------------------Pour ce treizième et dernier épisode de la première saison de Folie Douce, on vous propose un bilan. En avril dernier, à l'occasion du festival Empowher, Lauren Bastide avait réuni à son micro trois femmes engagées qui ont toutes créé des médias sur la santé mentale. Il y avait Jessica Galanth, plus connue sur instagram sous le nom de @byhappinessthérapie, Camille Teste, animatrice du podcast Encore heureux sur Binge Audio et autrice de Politiser le bien-être, et enfin Christelle Tissot, fondatrice, voix et plume du média pionnier sur les questions de santé mentale en France : Musae.Ensemble, elles évoquent leur volonté de parler de santé mentale dans l'espace public, mais aussi les difficultés inhérentes au fait d'aborder ce sujet, et leur volonté de se former pour pouvoir en parler à d'autres. Jessica Galanth raconte son besoin de ralentir et les difficultés pour les personnes racisées à trouver de l'aide médicale adaptée à leurs besoins. Christelle Tissot évoque le manque d'éducation général sur un sujet qui nous concerne pourtant tous·tes et les liens entre féminisme et santé mentale. Camille Teste estime que le mode de vie qu'elle a choisi, à la campagne est une clé pour prendre soin de sa santé mentale. Cet épisode évoque aussi combien la psychiatrie a pu être une forme d'aliénation sociale servant le discours des dominants, et rappelle à quel point les enjeux de santé mentale sont politiques : il faut combattre le système, qui nous fait du mal, pour aller mieux. Il faut s'engager, lutter et dénoncer toutes les formes de discriminations. Par les temps qui courent, on s'est dit que c'était bien, de le rappeler. Crédit photo : Maëlle Laurent➡️ Rejoignez la communauté sur Instagram.➡️ Abonnez vous à la newsletter pour recevoir des conseils de professionnels de la santé mentale, des recommandations de livres et une curation de contenus, événements et podcasts.Folie Douce est disponible gratuitement sur toutes les plateformes : Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Deezer, PodcastAddict, Amazon Music ..Si vous avez aimé cet épisode, laissez nous des étoiles ⭐ et abonnez vous pour ne rater aucun nouvel épisode.Folie Douce donne la parole à des artistes, des militant·es, penseur·euses pour explorer leur parcours de santé mentale à la lumière de leur travail artistique ou politique. Ce podcast a pour vocation de faire émerger des récits à la première personne. Les propos de ses invité·es n'ont pas valeur d'expertise. Le terme « folie » est employé ici à des fins de renversement du stigmate et de réappropriation d'une identité habituellement imposée et marginalisée. -------------------Folie Douce est une émission produite par Lauren Bastide.Générique : Lauren Bastide et Marion Emerit sur une musique composée par Irma.Montage et mixage : Marion Emerit.Programmation et coordination : Marie Laurence-Chérie assistée de Lou Ozanam-Simon.Partenariats : The Podcast Bureau / melanie@thepodcastbureau.frConsultant : Morgan Noam

    The Music Authority LIVE STREAM Show
    Pop Radio UK Show #325

    The Music Authority LIVE STREAM Show

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 10, 2025 60:03

    Pop Radio UK Show #325!!!  So…you weren't able to keep that resolution you made. NOT the end of the world. Just try to be a better you…day to day. You are NOT broken. Just be a better you today than you were yesterday. Please, keep downloading and sharing the podcast! All the usual download spots. Oh! And the website, too – TheMusicAuthority.com! The Music Authority Podcast... heard daily on TheMusicAuthority.com, Podchaser, Deezer, Amazon Music, Audible, Listen Notes, Google Podcast Manager, Mixcloud, Player FM, Stitcher, Tune In, Podcast Addict, Cast Box, Radio Public, and Pocket Cast, and APPLE iTunes! Follow the show on “X” Jim Prell@TMusicAuthority! How to listen in?*Podcast - https://themusicauthority.transistor.fm/  The Music Authority Podcast! *Website – TheMusicAuthority.comSpecial Recorded Network Shows, too! Different than my daily show! *Radio Candy Radio Monday Wednesday, & Friday 7PM ET, 4PM PT*Rockin' The KOR Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday at 7PM UK time, 2PM ET, 11AM PT  www.koradio.rocks*Pop Radio UK Friday, Saturday, & Sunday 6PM UK, 1PM ET, 10AM PT! *Sole Of Indie https://soleofindie.rocks/ Monday Through Friday 6PM ET! *AltPhillie.Rocks Sunday, Thursday, & Saturday At 11:00AM ET!Pop Radio UK Show #325…@Super8UK – TMA Opening Theme@Greg Amici - Jennifer@Mary Strand - Take Your Time@The On And Ons - Roller Coaster [Come On In] (@Jem Records)@Mode - Strange Girl@Lynda Madolyn - I Love How You Love Me (@Rum Bar Records)@Little Georgie And The Shuffling Hungarians - Come To Jesus [The Compendium Of Unruly Caterwauling]@Brad Marino - Not Foolin' Me@Geoff Palmer - Teenage Memories [Kodak Flash] (@Stardumb Records)@Rogers & Butler - Agree To Disagree [Studio 3]@Louise Goffin - Whole Damn Reason@Novelistme - Doing Something@Daniel Darley - Wondrous Life (@AWAL)@Mala Vista - Don't Owe You@Orville Stoeber - When You Wish & Catch A Falling Star@The Flying Beets - Better Off Alone@General Paddock - I Walked Where They Walked (Liverpool)@The Jellybricks - Devil's a Day Away [Dreaming In Stereo] (@Wicked Cool Records)@The Violet Minefield - Autonomous Overdrive (@Kycker)@The West Coast Music Club – 1989 [1989 – EP]

    Couleurs tropicales
    «Mbembe», de Fabregas Le Métis Noir et Deplick Pomba, un duo au service de la zumba congolaise

    Couleurs tropicales

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 10, 2025 48:30

    Programmation musicale consacrée aux nouveautés avec Fabregas le Métis Noir feat Deplick Pomba, Nono Manzanza, Tiakola, entre autres. Présentation Peggy Broche. En fin d'émission, la séquence gold met à l'honneur des chansons sorties avant la fin des années 2010. Pour visionner les clips, cliquez sur les titres des chansons :Fabregas feat Deplick Pomba - MbembeNono Manzanza - Ça monte, ça descend Tiakola feat KLN - No limit Asake, Wizkid - MMSAdviser - I know Waïv - Voicer Delgres - Pou vou JP Manova - Coin des AmenEmma'a - Je m'y oppose Eloïsha Iza - Afro beauté Tabou Combo - Baissez bas Gemini All Stars de Ti Manno - Exploitation Colé Colé Band - Jennifer  Shoogar Combo - Lèlène ChérieRetrouvez notre playlist sur Deezer.  À lire aussiAvec Fabregas le Métis Noir et Deplick Pomba, la musique congolaise adoucit les mœurs

    Radio Giga
    Deezer Kosten 2025: Premium, Duo, Family & Studenten-Rabatt

    Radio Giga

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 10, 2025

    Was kosten die Premium-Mitgliedschaften bei Deezer und welche Vorteile bringen sie gegenüber dem kostenfreien Account? Den Preis von Deezer Premium sowie alle Informationen zum Duo- und Family-Angebot sowie dem Studenten-Rabatt, lest ihr hier.

    Drama Carbonara
    #272 - Unglaublich peinlich! „Mutter macht sich an meine Freunde ran!“

    Drama Carbonara

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 10, 2025 44:33

    Emily V. (19) und ihre Mutter Julia haben keine einfache Beziehung. Julia wollte immer ein Leben voller gedankenlosem Spass und wurde sehr jung ungewollt schwanger. Für ihre Tochter hatte sie nie mütterliche Gefühle entwickelt. Zu Emilys 18. Geburtstag organisiert Julia eine große Party in einem coolen Club mit allem Drum und Dran. Die Feier ist gerade auf dem Höhepunkt, als sich das Blatt plötzlich wendet: Julia torkelt sturzbetrunken auf die Tanzfläche und zieht sich nackt aus. Emily verlässt tieftraurig ihre eigene Party. Am nächsten Tag kommt es zum Streit und beide Frauen sparen nicht an verletzenden Vorwürfen. Emily beschließt, auf Distanz zu gehen und ihre Mutter erstmal zu ignorieren. Julia aber taucht immer öfter in jugendlichem Look auf, wenn Emily sich mit ihren Freunden trifft. Als sie sich auch noch an Emilys Schwarm Ole ranmacht, droht die Mutter-Tochter-Beziehung endgültig zu zerbrechen …--Euch hat diese Geschichte gefallen, aufgeregt oder ihr habt euch darin sogar wiedererkannt? Das interessiert uns brennend!Schreibt uns in Kommentaren über Facebook und Instagram unter @dramacarbonara. Dort werdet ihr auch die in den Geschichten besprochenen Fotos finden und endlich sehen können, was wir sehen ... Falls ihr noch mehr fantastische Geschichten mit uns lesen wollt, können wir euch schon jetzt versprechen: das Repertoire ist unerschöpflich, wir staunen jedes Mal aufs Neue, was möglich ist. Abonnieren per RSS-Feed, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Deezer oder Google Podcasts ist der Schlüssel zur regelmäßigen Versorgung. Über Rezensionen freuen wir uns natürlich extrem und feiern diese gern auch prominent in unserem Social Media Feed.Jede zweite Folge kommt übrigens ein/e GastleserIn zu uns ins kuschelige Wiener Hauptquartier und unterstützt uns mit Theorien zu Charakteren und Handlungssträngen. Wenn ihr einen Wunschgast habt oder gern selbst mal vorbeischauen wollt, sagt Bescheid. Wir können nichts versprechen, aber wir freuen uns immer über Vorschläge.Wenn ihr Lust auf Extra-Content und Community-Aktivitäten habt, unterstützt uns mit einem Abonnement auf Steady und kommt in den Genuss des kompletten "Drama Carbonara"-Universums: https://steadyhq.com/de/drama-carbonara/aboutFalls ihr daran interessiert sind, Werbung in unserem Podcast zu schalten, setzt euch bitte mit Stefan Lassnig von Missing Link  in Verbindung. Verbindlichsten Dank! NEUER PODCAST!Wer in den neuesten Podcast, den Tatjana und Asta für HAPPY HOUSE MEDIA Wien produziert haben mit dem vielversprechenden Namen "Wo die Geister wohnen" reinhören mag - schaut mal hier & hier findet ihr den Geister Instagram Account! Es wird schrecklich schön!!--Link zur Podcast Hörer:innen UMFRAGE!Danke für die Mitarbeit und euer wertvolles Feedback :) & hier zur legendären Spotify Drama Carbonara Soundtrack Playlist - folgen folgen folgen!! liebe Freund:innen des unberechenbaren Musik-Algorithmus!

    The Manila Times Podcasts
    EDITORIAL: Government must address the solid waste crisis | Jan. 11, 2025

    The Manila Times Podcasts

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 10, 2025 5:14

    EDITORIAL: Government must address the solid waste crisis | Jan. 11, 2025Subscribe to The Manila Times Channel - https://tmt.ph/YTSubscribe Visit our website at https://www.manilatimes.net Follow us: Facebook - https://tmt.ph/facebook Instagram - https://tmt.ph/instagram Twitter - https://tmt.ph/twitter DailyMotion - https://tmt.ph/dailymotion Subscribe to our Digital Edition - https://tmt.ph/digital Check out our Podcasts: Spotify - https://tmt.ph/spotify Apple Podcasts - https://tmt.ph/applepodcasts Amazon Music - https://tmt.ph/amazonmusic Deezer: https://tmt.ph/deezer Stitcher: https://tmt.ph/stitcherTune In: https://tmt.ph/tunein #TheManilaTimes#VoiceOfTheTimes Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.