South American myth
No para la polémica por las afirmaciones de la ONU sobre los cuerpos que estarían en un hangar de El Dorado
Sobre este tema, Alejandro menciono la magnitud de esta denuncia, si se llaga a comprobar sería la denuncia más grande del país en la última década y se cuestiona ¿por qué ninguna entidad tiene información del tema? ¿Cómo esto podría pasar en uno de los lugares más controlados del país?
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Petro sacó a su Ministro de HaciendaRicardo Bonilla se va pero deja un enredo contra el hijastro de Petro y contra Roa de Ecopetrol Benedetti está trabajando para evitar que avance proceso contra Petro en la Comisión de Acusaciones Errores en datos del DANE sobre productividadÁlvaro Hernán Prada elegido como nuevo presidente del CNE.Partido Liberal anunció que no votará positivo la reforma a la salud, que deberá iniciar su segundo debate en la plenaria de la Cámara de Representantes.Ha fallecido el doctor Rafael Nieto Navia Se enreda el futuro de Sandra Ortiz Que está pasando en El Dorado en Bogotá
¡Ahora la radio no solo se escucha, también se ve! Reviva el programa completo del 4 de diciembre de 2024 en Mañanas Blu con Néstor Morales.See for privacy information.
L'Arabie Saoudite veut devenir un hub mondial incontournable et une terre de culture. Mention légales : Vos données de connexion, dont votre adresse IP, sont traités par Radio Classique, responsable de traitement, sur la base de son intérêt légitime, par l'intermédiaire de son sous-traitant Ausha, à des fins de réalisation de statistiques agréées et de lutte contre la fraude. Ces données sont supprimées en temps réel pour la finalité statistique et sous cinq mois à compter de la collecte à des fins de lutte contre la fraude. Pour plus d'informations sur les traitements réalisés par Radio Classique et exercer vos droits, consultez notre Politique de confidentialité.Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
A Polícia Militar de São Paulo matou 496 pessoas entre janeiro e setembro deste ano, o maior número desde 2020, conforme dados da Secretaria da Segurança Pública do Estado. Além das estatísticas da letalidade policial crescente, uma sequência de casos nos últimos dias acendeu o alerta sobre a violência em abordagens da PM. Entre os casos de repercussão, estão: a morte de uma criança de quatro anos na Baixada Santista, de um estudante de Medicina baleado em um hotel da capital, o assassinato de um homem negro com tiros nas costas após uma tentativa de roubo em um mercado e, no caso mais recente, o flagrante de policiais atirando um homem de uma ponte na Zona Sul de São Paulo. Neste último episódio, a vítima sobreviveu e 13 policiais foram afastados das ruas após o início das investigações pela Corregedoria da corporação. Em entrevista à Rádio Eldorado, o coronel reformado José Vicente da Silva Filho, que é professor do Centro de Altos Estudos de Segurança da PM e ex-secretário nacional de Segurança Pública, defendeu que o governador Tarcísio de Freitas “faça urgentemente uma revisão da política de segurança” que tem à frente o secretário Guilherme Derrite. “A polícia tem compromisso com a legalidade e a ética. A política de segurança do governador subiu no telhado”, afirmou.See for privacy information.
Os partidos de oposição da Coreia do Sul apresentaram hoje uma moção de impeachment do presidente Yoon Suk-yeol, que está enfrentando pressão para deixar o cargo horas depois de ter encerrado uma lei marcial de curta duração que levou tropas a cercar o parlamento antes que os legisladores votassem para revogá-la. O impeachment de Yoon exigiria o apoio de dois terços do parlamento para a moção e, então, o apoio de pelo menos seis juízes da Corte Constitucional. A moção, submetida em conjunto pela principal legenda de oposição, o Partido Democrata, e cinco partidos menores de oposição, pode ser colocada em votação já na sexta-feira. Os principais conselheiros e secretários de Yoon se ofereceram para renunciar coletivamente e os membros de seu gabinete, incluindo o ministro da Defesa Kim Yong-hyun, também enfrentam pedidos para renunciar. Na terça-feira à noite, Yoon impôs a lei marcial de emergência, prometendo eliminar as forças “anti-Estado” depois que lutou para levar adiante sua agenda no parlamento dominado pela oposição. A lei gerou fortes protestos populares nas ruas e foi efetiva por cerca de seis horas apenas, já que a Assembleia Nacional votou para anular os poderes do presidente. Em entrevista à Rádio Eldorado, o professor visitante da Universidade de Relações Exteriores da China Marcus Vinicius de Freitas, disse que, após o episódio, uma espécie de “autogolpe”, o presidente sul-coreano “tem chances reduzidas de ficar no poder”.See for privacy information.
Dans ce nouvel épisode, Manon reçoit, en coanimation avec Carl Pelletier de Norda Stelo, Jessy Thelland, directeur des services techniques chez Eldorado Gold Québec. Ensemble, ils discutent des multiples facettes de la gestion minière, allant de la planification des opérations à la gestion des défis comme la pénurie de main-d'œuvre et des exigences réglementaires. Ils abordent également des initiatives novatrices, comme le développement de la mine Lamaque et le déploiement d'une flotte de véhicules électriques dans leur mine. Jessy partage aussi la vision sur la responsabilité sociale d'Eldorado Gold Québec, le rôle croissant des communications et le recrutement des jeunes en 2024. Un regard inspirant sur l'avenir du secteur minier!
Em 2024, os brasileiros realizaram mais atividades culturais em comparação ao ano anterior com o aumento do consumo de streaming, novelas e idas a espetáculos. A conclusão é da pesquisa Hábitos Culturais, realizada pelo Datafolha e pelo Observatório Fundação Itaú. Segundo o levantamento, 97% dos 2.494 entrevistados afirmam ter realizado alguma atividade cultural este ano, 61% dizem realizar pelo menos uma atividade cultural presencial por mês, enquanto 88% optaram pelo formato remoto no período, superando os 72% do ano passado. A questão social continua sendo fator relevante para as práticas culturais: 59% de pessoas das classes D e E recorrem às atividades gratuitas, contra apenas 23% das classes A e B. A insegurança e a violência e questões financeiras são os principais motivos para o afastamento dos programas presenciais, com 35% cada. As justificativas são seguidas por cansaço, desânimo ou preguiça (26%), falta de disponibilidade de horários (25%) e distância em relação aos equipamentos culturais (24%). Foram entrevistados homens e mulheres, com idade entre 16 e 65 anos de todas as classes econômicas, de 06 a 16 de agosto de 2024, através de abordagem em pontos de fluxo populacional. A margem de erro máxima para o total da amostra é de 2 pontos percentuais para mais ou para menos considerando um nível de confiança de 95%. Em entrevista à Rádio Eldorado, a gerente do Observatório Fundação Itaú, Carla Chiamareli, disse que os resultados indicam que “as pessoas têm sede de cultura”, mas também apontam para a necessidade de políticas públicas voltadas para vários segmentos. “O acesso à cultura tem que ser acompanhado de outras políticas, como mobilidade, zeladoria, iluminação e segurança”, afirmou.See for privacy information.
Feels disengenuous not to title it that, because that's basically what both of these cartoons were about! This week we put on our booty shorts and tiny backpack, used a whip to swing across shark infested waters and stole an episode from its rightful owners! We watched the new Lara Croft show on Netflix, Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft and The Road to El Dorado! --- Rich Masters - @MastersRich on twitter, Spivzy - music by VidaZen
Luxe, impact, matières premières, environnement, crypto ... Chaque jour, une nouvelle thématique d'investissement !
V Srbiji že nekaj let veliko prahu dviguje načrtovani rudnik litija in bora v dolini reke Jadar na zahodu države, tik ob meji z Bosno in Hercegovino. O projektu, ki ga vodi avstralsko rudarsko podjetje Rio Tinto, je veliko neznank in skrivnosti, pred dvema letoma ga je srbska vlada že ukinila, a so ga po odločitvi ustavnega sodišča letos spet zagnali. Zagovarjajo ga predstavniki srbskih oblasti in Evropske unije, nasprotujejo pa mu lokalni prebivalci in po zadnjih raziskavah že večina prebivalcev Srbije.
Gustavo Lopes conta detalhes da entrevista com Marcelo Cardoso, um dos autores do livro “Não é só sorte – Miguel Angelo da Luz e o melhor basquete feminino do mundo”. O bate-papo completo está disponível no podcast 'Eldorado em Campo'.See for privacy information.
Após a aprovação na semana passada pela Comissão de Constituição de Justiça e Cidadania, o presidente da Câmara, Arthur Lira, deve criar uma comissão especial para debater a Proposta de Emenda à Constituição (PEC) que proíbe o aborto no País. O colegiado a ser instalado vai analisar o mérito da matéria com autonomia para alterar o texto original. Se for admitida pelo grupo, a PEC segue para análise do plenário da Câmara. A aprovação depende dos votos favoráveis de três quintos dos deputados (308), em dois turnos de votação. A etapa seguinte é a tramitação pelo Senado. O texto de autoria do ex-deputado (cassado) Eduardo Cunha, foi protocolado em maio de 2012 e propõe alteração no artigo 5o da Constituição, garantindo o direito à vida “desde a concepção”. Atualmente, o aborto é proibido no Brasil, mas pode ser feito legalmente em três situações: quando há risco para a vida da gestante, em casos de estupro e se houver anencefalia do feto. Em entrevista à Rádio Eldorado, a presidente do Instituto Liberta, Luciana Temer, que também é professora de Direito Constitucional da PUC-SP, disse que a PEC “faz as hipóteses de aborto legal serem proibidas, o que é um direito desde 1940”. Para ela, a inclusão do termo “desde a concepção” na Constituição sem explicitar a proibição “é uma imensa malandragem” dos defensores da proposta, que foi aprovada por 35 votos a 15 na CCJ da Câmara.See for privacy information.
Aplicações de inteligência artificial, a evolução dos dispositivos e das técnicas de biometria e muita inovação estão transformando a indústria dos meios de pagamento: para o consumidor, uma experiência mais suave e segura; para os varejistas, os dados capturados em centenas de milhares de transações, analisados pela IA, viram insights poderosos para o planejamento dos negócios e um contato mais assertivo com os clientes, além de prevenir fraudes. Para falar destes e de outros pontos, e como será o futuro dessa jornada - que em algum tempo deve ser marcada pela eliminação das maquininhas e validação das transações por meio da biometria - o Start Eldorado desta semana recebe Adriana Garbim, VP Comercial de Varejo da Cielo. Apresentado por Daniel Gonzales, o programa vai ao ar todas as quartas-feiras, às 21h, na Rádio Eldorado FM 107,3 - SP, site, aplicativos, canais digitais e assistentes de voz.See for privacy information.
Hannah Dewater is the Girls' Basketball Head Coach at Union Mine High School in El Dorado. California. Hannah previously served as a student manager and then assistant coach at her alma mater, Simpson University. Be sure to follow us on Twitter and Instagram @hoopheadspod for the latest updates on episodes, guests, and events from the Hoop Heads Pod.Make sure you're subscribed to the Hoop Heads Pod on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts and while you're there please leave us a 5 star rating and review. Your ratings help your friends and coaching colleagues find the show. If you really love what you're hearing recommend the Hoop Heads Pod to someone and get them to join you as a part of Hoop Heads Nation.Have a your notebook ready as you listen to this episode with Hannah Dewater, Girls' Basketball Head Coach at Union Mine High School in the state of California.Website – – - @hdewater_
O ministro das Relações Institucionais, Alexandre Padilha (PT), disse nesta sexta-feira que espera a aprovação pelo Congresso, ainda neste ano, do pacote de contenção de gastos anunciado ontem pelo governo. Em entrevista à Rádio Eldorado, ele afirmou que “a recepção de todos os líderes foi positiva”, mas admitiu que “ruídos” na comunicação do plano geraram uma reação negativa no mercado financeiro, elevando o dólar para o patamar de R$ 6. Para Padilha, a situação deve mudar a partir de esclarecimentos dos ministros Fernando Haddad (Fazenda) e Simone Tebet (Planejamento) a partir de um almoço que terão hoje com a Federação Brasileira de Bancos (Febraban), em São Paulo. “O mercado deve conhecer mais detalhadamente as medidas”, ressaltou. Na entrevista, o ministro negou que o aumento da isenção do Imposto de Renda para quem recebe até R$ 5 mil mensais possa resultar em perda de arrecadação, alegando que haverá uma compensação com a maior taxação das rendas de mais de R$ 50 mil por mês. Segundo ele, a medida “é neutra do ponto de vista fiscal”. Durante a entrevista de Padilha à Rádio Eldorado, a cotação do dólar subia de R$ 6 para R$ 6,04.See for privacy information.
Em meio ao ceticismo sobre o pacote de contenção de gastos do governo e a escalada do dólar - que ontem chegou a ser cotado a R$ 6 e fechou o dia a R$ 5,98, alta de 1,29% -, o ministro Fernando Haddad (Fazenda) admitiu que o governo pode ser obrigado a adotar novas medidas de ajuste fiscal para controlar as contas públicas. Haddad afirmou não acreditar em “bala de prata” para reequilibrar as contas públicas. Segundo ele, “certamente vai haver necessidade (de novas medidas)” e de “voltar” ao presidente Lula. O pacote mexe em pontos como salário mínimo, Benefício de Prestação Continuada (BPC) e previdência dos militares. O governo estima impacto fiscal de R$ 371 bilhões entre 2025 e 2030. Para analistas, as medidas dão sobrevida ao arcabouço fiscal, mas são insuficientes para resolver as contas do País. Pesou na avaliação negativa a isenção do Imposto de Renda (IR) para quem ganha até R$ 5 mil mensais. Em entrevista à Rádio Eldorado, o economista Samuel Pessôa, pesquisador associado do FGV-Ibre, disse que o ideal seria enquadrar a valorização real do salário mínimo e os gastos com saúde e educação nas regras do arcabouço fiscal. Para ele, o modelo adotado pelo governo pode pressionar os juros, o câmbio e a inflação, resultando em medidas mais duras no futuro. “Ficou claro que o ministro da Fazenda é o presidente Lula e ele está olhando para o processo eleitoral de 2026. Medidas mais duras devem ser tomadas em 2027, independente de quem ganhe a eleição”, afirmou.See for privacy information.
Emanuel Bomfim e Leandro Cacossi conversam com Gabriel Alegreti, que fala sobre ‘Diamond Life', álbum de estreia de Sade, lançado em 1984.See for privacy information.
Claudia Villegas –directora de la Revista Fortuna– analiza la postura de Claudia Sheinbaum frente a la propuesta del presidente electo de EE. UU., Donald Trump, de imponer un arancel del 25% a México y Canadá. Descubre cómo este anuncio podría impactar las relaciones comerciales y las estrategias del gobierno mexicano. Valeria Martínez –defensora de derechos humanos– aborda el caso de violencia digital en el Instituto Politécnico Nacional, donde un estudiante utilizó inteligencia artificial para manipular imágenes de compañeras. Teodomira Rosales Sierra –directora del Centro de Derechos Humanos “José María Morelos”– pide a Claudia Sheinbaum investigar posibles nexos entre alcaldes de Guerrero y el crimen organizado. La activista, desplazada desde 2020, denuncia la inacción gubernamental ante la violencia que afecta a la región. Miriam Moreno –reportera de Imagen Noticias– relata la incertidumbre y miedo en Sinaloa tras el hallazgo de cinco cuerpos en la carretera Culiacán-El Dorado. La periodista critica la respuesta gubernamental y analiza el impacto de la creciente violencia en la población. Doris Hernández –madre de un joven desaparecido en Reynosa en 2022– lanza un desesperado mensaje en redes sociales pidiendo ayuda al narcotraficante Osiel Cárdenas para localizar a su hijo. La historia pone en evidencia la falta de apoyo gubernamental frente a la crisis de desaparecidos en México. Programa transmitido el 26 de noviembre de 2024. Escucha el Noticiero de Nacho Lozano, en vivo de lunes a viernes de 1:00 p.m. a 2:00 p.m. por el 105.3 de FM. Esta es una producción de Radio Chilango.
O Start Eldorado desta semana fala sobre redes e conectividade de alto desempenho nos ambientes de negócios e pessoais, destacando a chegada ao Brasil da tecnologia Wi-Fi 7, de alta velocidade e desempenho, que lança mão do uso simultâneo de frequências - 2,4, 5 e 6 GHz - elevando a capacidade de tráfego para 36 Gbps em roteadores, o que é ideal para aplicações industriais críticas. Operando de forma complementar ao 5G, em especial em redes privativas de alta demanda, com a capacidade de conectar milhares de dispositivos de IoT, de sensores a grandes máquinas, essa tecnologia começa a ganhar tração em nosso País - e nós falaremos mais sobre as aplicações e casos de uso com Décio Farias, diretor da MediaTek para o Cone Sul, que conversou com o apresentador Daniel Gonzales. O programa começa às 21h na Rádio Eldorado FM 107,3 - SP, site, aplicativos, canais digitais e assistentes de voz, todas as quartas-feiras.See for privacy information.
Join us on the Bigfoot Society podcast as host Jeremiah Byron delves into Rhonda's lifelong encounters with Bigfoot across Missouri and beyond. From her childhood experiences in Arkansas, where mysterious shadows loomed and strange events unfolded on family properties, to chilling episodes in her adult life in Missouri, Rhonda shares startling tales of Bigfoot interactions. Highlights include intriguing telepathic communications, gifts left by Bigfoot, and a face-to-face encounter in Carthage. Rhonda's compelling stories span various locations, including Eldorado, Kansas City, Hamilton, and Lake Stockton, revealing a deep connection with these mysterious beings. Don't miss this extraordinary recounting of Bigfoot encounters that challenge our understanding of reality.Resources:Related Sighting Report:
Panelistas consideran que hay problemas asociados a la infraestructura, capacidades y fallas en tecnologías, hace parte de las mejoras necesarias para garantizar la normal operación de El Dorado.
La situación del tráfico aéreo en Colombia es un tema crucial, especialmente en los meses de noviembre y diciembre, cuando las condiciones climáticas adversas afectan la capacidad de operación del Aeropuerto El Dorado.See for privacy information.
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Muchos usuarios del Aeropuerto El Dorado han presentado inconvenientes debido al retraso o la cancelación de sus vuelos.
Co hosts : Good ol Boy Tim, Good ol Boy Dave, and Good ol Gal Julieanna SUDS Episode – Quick shot episode featuring Beer Club with Wet Leg and 3 beers. We taste and rate the following beer from 1-5: Record highlighted on today's show: Title: Wet Leg (Self-title)Band: Wet LegRelease Date: April 8, 2022Label: Domino Recording Company, London, UKStudio: Mr. Dan's Studio, London; Jon McMullen's Studio, London; Hester Chambers' flat and Joshua Mobaraki's flat (Isle of Wight)Producer: Dan Carey, John McMullen, and Joshua Mobaraki 5:48 Good ol' Boy Dave's pick: Ron's Not Bitter – ordinary bitter dry hopped with Fuggles and Golding hops, aged on white oak and conditioned with honey and native wild yeast. 3.9% ABV Garden Path Fermentation Burlington, WA SUDS-4 15:58 Good ol' Boy Tim's pick: Das Wunderkind! Blend #26 Bière de Coupage farmhouse ale- a young, fresh, hoppy farmhouse ale, blended with mature, barrel-aged wild beer, then giving the blend a fresh dry hop of El Dorado, Moteuka, Meridian and Simcoe hops. This was bottle conditioned for 8 months in the bottle. 5% ABV Jester King Brewery, Austin TX SUDS-5 25:24 Good ol' Gal Julieanna's pick: Cape Codder can cocktail featuring house vodka, Massachusetts cranberry juice and lime juice. 7% ABV Tree House Distillery, Charleton, MA SUDS-5 X- @sipssudssmokes IG/FB - @sipssudsandsmokes Sips, Suds, & Smokes® is produced by One Tan Hand Productions using the power of beer, whiskey, and golf. Available on Apple Podcasts, YouTube Music, Spotify, Pandora, iHeart, and nearly anywhere you can find a podcast.Check out Good ol Boy Dave on 60 Second Reviews Enjoying that cool new Outro Music, it's from Woods & Whitehead – Back Roads Download your copy here: easiest way to find this award winning podcast on your phone is ask Alexa, Siri or Google, “Play Podcast , Sips, Suds, & Smokes” Credits:TITLE: Maxwell SwingPERFORMED BY: Texas GypsiesCOMPOSED BY: Steven R Curry (BMI)PUBLISHED BY: Alliance AudioSparx (BMI)COURTESY OF: AudioSparx TITLE: FlapperjackPERFORMED BY: Texas GypsiesCOMPOSED BY: Steven R Curry (BMI)PUBLISHED BY: Alliance AudioSparx (BMI)COURTESY OF: AudioSparx TITLE: Back RoadsPERFORMED BY: Woods & WhiteheadCOMPOSED BY: Terry WhiteheadPUBLISHED BY: Terry WhiteheadCOURTESY OF: Terry WhiteheadPost production services : Pro Podcast SolutionsAdvertising sales: Contact us directlyContent hosting services: Earshot, Radio4All, PodBeanProducer: Good ol Gal Julieanna & Good ol Boy Dave
Odds & Ends will be a new anthology series where we release episodes that are truly odds & ends. We hope you enjoy us concocting up new ways to entertain you. Please let us know if something sounds good and will create similar episodes in the future. Episode 1: Channel Update and a reading of Eldorado A reading of Eldorado by Edgar Allen Poe Voiced by: Gabe Spangler AI voices by Sound Effects and Music by Opening and Ending Theme by Pygmy Moose All content property of Psychic Elephant Radio
In the 1930s the style known as "jazz manouche" took over France and soon spread around the world, led by musicians like the legendary guitarist Django Reinhardt and the violinist Stephane Grappelli. That hot swinging style, a combination of American jazz elements and more traditional Romani music, has endured for almost a century. Over the past four decades that has been in part because of Dorado Schmitt, the French musician who plays both the violin and the guitar. In what is now a family affair, Schmitt leads the band on violin, joined by his sons Amati and Samson Schmitt on guitar, cousins on upright bass, and rhythm guitar, and Ludovic Beier on accordion, all of whom trade fiery solos, in-studio. Set list: 1. Miro Django 2. Piazza Italia 3. El Dorado 4. The Light of God
November 14, 2024 - Former mayor Paul Osborne joined Byers & Co to talk about elegant homes on Eldorado years ago, an honorary street, and politics. Listen to the podcast now!See for privacy information.
O Start Eldorado fala sobre o momento, o panorama, inovação e futuro no setor de telecomunicações no Brasil com Marcos Ferrari, presidente-executivo da Conexis Brasil Digital (entidade patronal das operadoras) e Telebrasil, que reúne ainda os fabricantes de dispositivos e demais integrantes do ecossistema digital. Vivendo um "segundo momento” após investimentos nas concessões e implementação de infraestrutura de 5G, operadoras e orquestradores avançam na criação de novos modelos de serviços valendo-se de tecnologias como IA e Open Gateway, transformando as redes em plataformas abertas, programáveis e personalizáveis e dialogando com atores dos setores de varejo, financeiro, indústria, agro, etc. Os desafios dessa monetização e as mudanças tributárias pleiteadas pelo setor são temas que também aparecem na conversa com Ferrari, que vai ao ar no programa apresentado por Daniel Gonzales, todas as quartas-feiras, às 21h, na Rádio Eldorado FM (107,3 para toda a Grande São Paulo), site, aplicativos, canais digitais e assistentes de vozSee for privacy information.
Episode 45: Show Notes. We're always looking to try new things, but our recent trip to Colombia and Spain unlocked new levels of exploring the unknown! We centered the trip around 1 single itinerary, and didn't have our flights home until more than halfway through the trip. Our exploration of two cities begins in the one with higher altitude than we're used to: Bogotá, Colombia, and we explain how we devised our itinerary and why we insisted on flying LATAM. We assess the Priority Pass restaurant options at Houston Airport, how Bogotá welcomed us (and especially Thomas!) with a feast of local delights, what hotel hopping is like in Colombia, the attractions and activities of Colombia's sprawling capital, and the exercise one can get traversing the El Dorado airport lounge. Then, we unpack everything that happened on our flight to our second destination, Madrid, with a brief interlude to the recent spate of airline alliance dissolutions. We discuss our first experience of AC Hotels by Marriot, how exploring new areas in Madrid led to a wonderful steak dinner for Trevor's birthday, why we changed flights multiple times and what these changes cost, and why many hotels are choosing to consistently shuffle their inventories. To end, we detail the trip home via Germany on Lufthansa First Class, why Lufthansa's onboard lavatory system always leaves us scratching our heads, the joys of Global Entry's Mobile App, and an important event to look forward to on the 9th of December, 2024. Key Points From This Episode: [0:00:57] A tale of two cities and a diversity of altitudes. [0:01:41] No holiday left behind. [0:02:49] How we devised our itinerary for Columbia, and why we insisted on flying LATAM. [0:05:43] From Bogotá to Madrid, and every other flight in between. [0:10:34] The Priority Pass restaurants that we visited at the Houston airport before departure. [0:15:16] Arriving in Bogotá, the Grand Hyatt, and a feast of local delights. [0:19:36] Hotel hopping in South America, and our experience of the JW Marriot. [0:25:09] The Salt Cathedral, Monserrate Hill, and other attractions and activities in Bogotá. [0:36:28] Why we loved the El Dorado lounge and everything from our flight to Madrid. [0:42:21] How airlines divorce themselves from their alliances. [0:43:43] Landing in Madrid and trying something different – the Hyatt Madrid Residences. [0:48:00] Exploring new areas of Madrid, and Trevor's delightful steakhouse birthday dinner. [0:51:14] A new hotel brand experience: AC Hotels by Marriot. [0:55:48] Discussing the modern shuffle of hotel inventories. [0:59:30] The many flight changes from our trip and what they cost. [1:01:44] Luxury remote stand experiences, Lufthansa First Class, and friendly faces abroad. [1:06:02] Unpacking Lufthansa's lavatory system and unmatched onboard service [1:13:30] Why we hope for the return of mobile lounges, and the joys of the DFW Mobile App. [1:22:10] What you can look forward to on the 9th of December in Arlington, Virginia. Quotes: “[Bogotá] reminded me my of first trip to Bangkok and having pomelo; rose apple, and all these tropical fruits that you don't find here in North America — that's part of the joy of traveling; going to other environments; other places and being able to experience the local product.” — @TKtweetsKim [0:18:30] “For better or for worse, I feel like Bogotá is a city of ‘glad I did it once and checked the box.'” — @tmount [0:29:17] “LATAM, for the price of the ticket, I felt like we got very good value, but I don't see that as a ‘go out of my way to do.'” — @tmount [0:41:10] “The thing that insulates us is we do have this miles and points hobby that helps quite a lot – we can at least utilize other currencies other than dollars or euros to help shoulder some of the burden of that financial cost.” — @TKtweetsKim[0:54:30] “Sometimes, you've just got to accept [paying more to change flights] to get the experiences you want.” — @tmount [1:01:37] Links Mentioned in Today's Episode: LATAM Airlines Priority Pass Emirates Cadillac Mexican Kitchen & Tequila Bar Landry's Seafood United Club Grand Hyatt JW Marriott Hotel Monserrate Hill El Dorado Lounge SAS Star Alliance Qatar Hyatt Regency Madrid Residences AC Hotels by Marriot José Andrés Lufthansa DFW's Mobile App Coles Thomas Kim on X Trevor Mountcastle on X
Sam is in Japan so we kick off November with an animated double-feature from Dreamworks.
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Resumen informativo con las noticias más destacadas de Colombia del viernes 15 de noviembre de 2024 a las cinco de la tarde.
Fredonia Mining Inc. announces its maiden Mineral Resource Estimate at its wholly-owned El Dorado Monserrat Project, Santa Cruz province, Argentina. Awalé Resources Limited reported drill results from the final four holes from the Charger target at the Odienné gold-copper Project in the Ivory Coast. Canada Nickel announced that it intersected massive sulphide at Bannockburn, one of the Company's southern exploration properties in the Timmins Mining Camp.
Fredonia Mining Inc. announces its maiden Mineral Resource Estimate at its wholly-owned El Dorado Monserrat Project, Santa Cruz province, Argentina. Awalé Resources Limited reported drill results from the final four holes from the Charger target at the Odienné gold-copper Project in the Ivory Coast. Canada Nickel announced that it intersected massive sulphide at Bannockburn, one of the Company's southern exploration properties in the Timmins Mining Camp.
In this episode, we chat with Paul Ferneyhough, Executive Vice President & Chief Financial Officer at Eldorado Gold Corporation, a listed gold and base metals producer with mining, development and exploration operations in Türkiye, Canada and Greece. As a qualified chartered accountant with a degree in Physics, Paul has over 20 years in the resources sector specialising in finance, investor relations, strategy, commercial, planning, and business performance management. He gives us an overview of Eldorado Gold, an update on their projects, how they work with Indigenous communities, how they prioritise sustainability and responsible mining, financial strategy, and what we can learn from the oil & gas industry. Paul will be attending the Resourcing Tomorrow Event (3-5 December, London) which is Europe's largest mining event, designed to foster innovation, drive collaboration, and accelerate growth in the mining industry. Use code DIGDEEP10 for a 10% discount on Delegate Passes when you register here: KEY TAKEAWAYS Eldorado Gold is a growing precious metals miner with operations in Canada, Turkey, and Greece. The company is focused on increasing production, with significant projects like the Skouries mine expected to boost production by 40% over the next two years. Eldorado Gold prioritises sustainability through its Sustainability Integrated Management System (SIMS), ensuring compliance with environmental and social obligations. The company is committed to using advanced practices, such as dry stack tailings, to minimise environmental impact. The company emphasises building strong relationships with local communities in its operating regions. This includes investing in education, healthcare, and local employment, as well as addressing community concerns about environmental impacts. Eldorado successfully secured financing for the Skouries project through partnerships with Greek banks and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. This collaboration highlights the importance of aligning financial strategies with local and regional development goals. BEST MOMENTS "I think it really was a very important part of the experience and the leadership that I now bring into the mining sector." "We want to be operating in places where people want us." "Sustainability is at the heart of everything we do." "We prefer to employ local people as much as we can, especially in our operating assets." "If an opportunity comes up, grab it with both hands, see what happens, take a chance because it can completely change your life." VALUABLE RESOURCES Mail: LinkedIn: X: YouTube: Web: Website: Eldorado Gold on LinkedIn: Gold on X: Paul on LinkedIn: ABOUT THE HOST Rob Tyson is the Founder and Director of Mining International Ltd, a leading global recruitment and headhunting consultancy based in the UK specialising in all areas of mining across the globe from first-world to third-world countries from Africa, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Australia. We source, headhunt, and discover new and top talent through a targeted approach and search methodology and have a proven track record in sourcing and positioning exceptional candidates into our clients' organisations in any mining discipline or level. Mining International provides a transparent, informative, and trusted consultancy service to our candidates and clients to help them develop their careers and business goals and objectives in this ever-changing marketplace. CONTACT METHOD Podcast Description Rob Tyson is an established recruiter in the mining and quarrying sector and decided to produce the “Dig Deep” The Mining Podcast to provide valuable and informative content around the mining industry. He has a passion and desire to promote the industry and the podcast aims to offer the mining community an insight into people's experiences and careers covering any mining discipline, giving the listeners helpful advice and guidance on industry topics.
When European explorers set off from Europe, many of them chased things that didn't exist. The Fountain of Youth, the City of El Dorado, and Prester John were all things they pursued but came up empty-handed. However, there was one thing that these European explorers searched for that actually did exist, but not in the way they had hoped. While it was never historically relevant, it could play a much bigger role in the future. Learn more about the Northwest Passage, its discovery, and its future on this episode of Everything Everywhere Daily. Sponsors Sign up at and use code daily to get chicken breast, salmon or ground beef FREE in every order for a year plus $20 off your first order! Subscribe to the podcast! -------------------------------- Executive Producer: Charles Daniel Associate Producers: Ben Long & Cameron Kieffer Become a supporter on Patreon: Update your podcast app at Discord Server: Instagram: Facebook Group: Twitter: Website: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
O Start Eldorado recebe Marco Andriola, CEO da Rumo, maior operadora de ferrovias do País, responsável por uma malha de 13.500 km de vias, 1.500 locomotivas e 35.000 vagões, que conversa com o apresentador Daniel Gonzales sobre o emprego da Inteligência Artificial no planejamento e controle da circulação de trens, reduzindo o tempo de trânsito nos principais corredores de exportação e reduzindo emissões, além de redes modernas e de alto desempenho para o tráfego de dados entre as composições, vias e o centro de controle, o uso de milhares de sensores de IoT para monitoramento de parâmetros como trilhos quebrados, temperatura das rodas dos trens e meteorologia e ainda o vídeo analítico com IA, empregado na redução de acidentes em passagens de nível. A empresa também se prepara para ser a primeira no mundo a implementar o sistema PTC (Positive Train Control) 2.0, que acompanha com base em nuvem e comunicação por fibra ótica, 4G ou satelital o tráfego, em tempo real, via milhares de dados de blocos virtuais do posicionamento dos trens, possibilitando altos ganhos de eficiência operacional e redução dos tempos de viagem. O Start vai ao ar na Eldorado FM (107,3 - SP), todas as quartas-feiras, às 21h.-See for privacy information.
The Painkiller carries unusual baggage for a tropical drink created in paradise. Those issues stem from contested origin stories — something we encounter quite frequently here at Cocktail College — and intellectual property wrangles (not quite so common). Joining us to explore all of that, and just generally wax lyrical about the Painkiller, is Daniel O'Grady, general manager at NYC's Lullaby. Listen on (or read below) to learn Daniel's "riff" on the Painkiller — and don't forget to like, review, and subscribe! Daniel O'Grady's "riff" on The Painkiller Ingredients - ¾ ounce fresh orange juice (acid adjusted with 1% lactic acid) - 3 ½ ounces fresh pineapple juice - 1 ½ ounces cream of coconut blend (3:2 Coco Lopez:coconut milk) - 1 barspoon Hamilton 151 - ¼ ounce (scant) Cruzan Black Strap - ¾ ounce El Dorado 15 Year - 1 ounce Smith & Cross - Garnish: freshly grated nutmeg Directions 1. Add all ingredients (sans garnish) to a cocktail shaker with Kold Draft ice. 2. Shake until well chilled. 3. Strain into a chilled Collins glass filled 70 percent with crushed ice. 4. Garnish with lots of freshly grated nutmeg and serve with a straw.
On this week's episode of Artist Friendly, Joel Madden is joined by 24kGoldn. 24kGoldn became a huge name after going viral on TikTok with “VALENTINO” in 2019. Since blowing up, the rapper has worked with several heavyweights, including Quavo, Mötley Crüe's Tommy Lee, and Future (the latter of whom appeared on his debut album, 2021's El Dorado). This year only got bigger, as 24kGoldn shared his introspective Growing Pains EP and is currently on tour with Chase Atlantic in support of their new album, LOST IN HEAVEN. In a conversation with Madden, he opens up about manifesting, navigating the release of a hit single during COVID-19, and how chasing success can dilute artistry. Listen to their conversation on Artist Friendly wherever you listen to podcasts. You can also watch the episode over at Veeps. ------- Host: Joel Madden, @joelmadden Executive Producers: Joel Madden, Benji Madden, Jillian King Producers: Josh Madden, Joey Simmrin, Janice Leary Visual Producer/Editor: Ryan Schaefer Audio Producer/Composer: Nick Gray Music/Theme Composer: Nick Gray Cover Art/Design: Ryan Schaefer Additional Contributors: Anna Zanes, Neville Hardman Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
As Emily so aptly puts it, we have a game this week that justifies this podcast's entire existence. A wild cast of characters, a raft of missed clues, and a Daily Double mishap create the type of drama that can only be found on the J! stage. It's a great week overall with some fun new champions, a category so nasty our "Nasty Clue of the Week" becomes our Nasty Category of the Week, and Jeopardy! fans fume about one clue so vehemently it makes it all the way to the pages of People magazine. Plus, we dive deep on Berlin's famed Eldorado nightclub. SOURCE: New Histories: "Hope Between the Horrors: The Forgotten LGBTQ+ Firsts of Weimar Germany" by Hannah McCann; Advocate: "A Peek Inside Berlin's Queer Club Scene Before Hitler Destroyed It" by Clayton J. Whisnant. Special thank you as always to J-Archive and The Jeopardy! Fan. This episode was produced by Producer Dan. Music by Nate Heller. Art by Max Wittert. Additional material by Chris Thayer.
On this episode of The Movie Podcast, Daniel and Shahbaz sit down in Toronto with Rudy Pankow (“JJ”), Austin North (“Topper”), and Carlacia Grant (“Cleo”) from Netflix's Outer Banks to dive into Season 4 of the hit series. In Outer Banks Season 4, the Pogues aim for a normal life after El Dorado but are pulled back into the hunt for Blackbeard's treasure. With new enemies closing in, they must confront their past, their future, and what they're willing to sacrifice. Outer Banks Season 4, Part 2 releases November 7, 2024 exclusively on Netflix. Photo courtesy of George Pimentel Photography / Netflix. Watch and listen to The Movie Podcast now on all podcast platforms, YouTube, and Contact: FOLLOW US Daniel on X, Instagram, Letterboxd Shahbaz on X, Instagram, and Letterboxd Anthony on X, Instagram, and Letterboxd The Movie Podcast on X, Instagram, TikTok, Discord, and Rotten Tomatoes Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This episode of The Lydian Spin is filled with haunting reflections and fierce critiques. Lydia opens by reading a sharply worded Daily Beast op-ed from Michael Ian Black on the high stakes of the upcoming election. She then dives into the Shimmy Disc release Poe: To One in Paradise (for Hal Willner), a limited edition LP that celebrates Edgar Allan Poe's gothic verse. This 13-track album featuring luminaries from across poetry, literature, theater, and music—honors the late Hal Willner. On Side A, listeners are treated to To One in Paradise by Joan as Police Woman, Eldorado by Edgar Oliver, To My Mother by Thurston Moore & Eva Moore, The Valley of Unrest by Eric Mingus, A Dream Within a Dream by Britta Phillips, and Evening Star by Teller. Side B includes Fairy-Land by Anne Waldman, Dreamland by Lydia, The Sleeper by Larry 'Ratso' Sloman, Silence by Chloe Webb, Imitation by Rick Moody, The Lake by Jennifer Charles, and finally, an archival recording of Allen Ginsberg reading The Bells. Kramer's composition ties the collection together with an atmospheric score, keeping Poe's spirit alive for a modern audience. A special thank you to Kramer for allowing the Lydian Spin to play the album. Happy Halloween!
- SKOR North's Judd Zulgad chats about the Yankees avoiding being swept in the World Series and the rowdy fan who ripped the ball out of Mookie Betts' glove when he was making a catch in foul territory. The crew chats about some of the most vulgar sports heckles they've ever heard and why on earth is it so infuriating to commute on the highway recently? - KSTP's Chris Egert shares the weather report for Halloween and if trick or treaters can expect any rain or snow on their spooky evening. Egert shares the results of KSTP's final election poll ahead of national voting day next week. Plus a "fun" conversation about MNDOT's latest construction decisions that could impact drivers. - Actors Austin North and Fiona Paloma of Netflix's hit series Outer Banks join the show following the release of Part 1 of season 4 of Outer Banks. Season 4 takes us back in time to the lead-up of that moment. After finding the gold at El Dorado, the Pogues return to the OBX and commit to having a “normal” life. They've built themselves a new safe haven, officially dubbed “Poguelandia 2.0”, where they live together and run a fairly successful bait, tackle, and charter tour shop. But after some financial setbacks, John B, Sarah, Kiara, JJ, Pope, and Cleo take Wes up on his offer, drawn back into the “G” game for a whole new adventure. But before they know it, they're well in over their heads, with dangerous new enemies hot on their heels racing them to the treasure. Meanwhile, their problems are only growing, and they're forced to question their past, present, and future - who they really are, has it all been worth it, and how much are they willing to risk? - Kristyn Burtt chats about Tom's spill on the show the other day, talks about Anna Kendrick's latest project Woman of the Hour which is available to stream on Netflix and how she's discussed her abusive relationship in the press tour for the film, plus talks about Halloween plans or the lack thereof. Along with some other entertainment headlines! Stream the show LIVE on the Tom Barnard Show app M-F from 8-9:30AM or get the show on-demand on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
In July 1588 the Spanish Armada set sail to conquer England. Three weeks later a fierce naval battle foiled the planned invasion. Many myths surround these events. The "genius" of Sir Francis Drake is exalted, while Spain's efforts are belittled. But what really happened during that fateful encounter?Professor Suzannah Lipscomb gets the fullest possible account from Professor Geoffrey Parker who co-wrote the definitive and authoritative history of the Spanish Armada in 1988. A new, much-expanded edition, titled Armada: The Spanish Enterprise and England's Deliverance in 1588, was published in 2023.Presented by Professor Suzannah Lipscomb. The audio editor is Max Carrey, the researcher is Alice Smith, and the producer is Rob Weinberg. The senior producer is Anne-Marie Luff.Not Just the Tudors is a History Hit podcast.Enjoy unlimited access to award-winning original TV documentaries that are released weekly and AD-FREE podcasts. Sign up HERE for 50% off your first 3 months using code ‘TUDORS'You can take part in our listener survey here > Related episodes:Francis Drake's Discovery of West Coast America >Walter Raleigh's Quest for Eldorado >