Podcasts about Mattia

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  • Nov 22, 2024LATEST




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Latest podcast episodes about Mattia

CHEWING GUM - masticare la Parola di Dio
Venerdì 22 novembre 2024 - A confronto con Te!

CHEWING GUM - masticare la Parola di Dio

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 22, 2024 3:41

Dal Vangelo secondo LucaIn quel tempo, Gesù, entrato nel tempio, si mise a scacciare quelli che vendevano, dicendo loro: «Sta scritto: “La mia casa sarà casa di preghiera”. Voi invece ne avete fatto un covo di ladri».Ogni giorno insegnava nel tempio. I capi dei sacerdoti e gli scribi cercavano di farlo morire e così anche i capi del popolo; ma non sapevano che cosa fare, perché tutto il popolo pendeva dalle sue labbra nell'ascoltarlo.Commento di don Mattia, sacerdote della Diocesi di CuneoPodcast che fa parte dell'aggregatore Bar Abba: www.bar-abba

CHEWING GUM - masticare la Parola di Dio
Giovedì 21 novembre 2024 - Quante Gerusalemme abitiamo?

CHEWING GUM - masticare la Parola di Dio

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 21, 2024 3:14

Dal Vangelo secondo LucaIn quel tempo, Gesù, quando fu vicino a Gerusalemme, alla vista della città pianse su di essa dicendo: «Se avessi compreso anche tu, in questo giorno, quello che porta alla pace! Ma ora è stato nascosto ai tuoi occhi. Per te verranno giorni in cui i tuoi nemici ti circonderanno di trincee, ti assedieranno e ti stringeranno da ogni parte; distruggeranno te e i tuoi figli dentro di te e non lasceranno in te pietra su pietra, perché non hai riconosciuto il tempo in cui sei stata visitata».Commento di don Mattia, sacerdote della Diocesi di CuneoPodcast che fa parte dell'aggregatore Bar Abba: www.bar-abba

Footy On The Med
Sanremese V Lavagnese - Nov 10th 2024

Footy On The Med

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 20, 2024 53:22

A beautiful November afternoon and we are off to Italy for the first time and to one of our old favourite stomping grounds, the Stade Communale in Sanremo for the Série D clash between Sanremese and Lavagnese in a Ligurian derby. Join London French as he travels east from Menton and is joined by fellow Menton resident Mattia for an afternoon in the Mediterranean sunshine. Sanremese 2, Lavagnese 1 was recorded at the Stadio Comunale, Sanremo, November 10th 2024. For pictures and videos, please visit Footy On The Med

CHEWING GUM - masticare la Parola di Dio
Mercoledì 20 novembre 2024 - investi il tempo che hai...

CHEWING GUM - masticare la Parola di Dio

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 20, 2024 5:57

Dal Vangelo secondo LucaIn quel tempo, Gesù disse una parabola, perché era vicino a Gerusalemme ed essi pensavano che il regno di Dio dovesse manifestarsi da un momento all'altro. Disse dunque: «Un uomo di nobile famiglia partì per un paese lontano, per ricevere il titolo di re e poi ritornare. Chiamati dieci dei suoi servi, consegnò loro dieci monete d'oro, dicendo: “Fatele fruttare fino al mio ritorno”. Ma i suoi cittadini lo odiavano e mandarono dietro di lui una delegazione a dire: “Non vogliamo che costui venga a regnare su di noi”. Dopo aver ricevuto il titolo di re, egli ritornò e fece chiamare quei servi a cui aveva consegnato il denaro, per sapere quanto ciascuno avesse guadagnato. Si presentò il primo e disse: “Signore, la tua moneta d'oro ne ha fruttate dieci”. Gli disse: “Bene, servo buono! Poiché ti sei mostrato fedele nel poco, ricevi il potere sopra dieci città”. Poi si presentò il secondo e disse: “Signore, la tua moneta d'oro ne ha fruttate cinque”. Anche a questo disse: “Tu pure sarai a capo di cinque città”. Venne poi anche un altro e disse: “Signore, ecco la tua moneta d'oro, che ho tenuto nascosta in un fazzoletto; avevo paura di te, che sei un uomo severo: prendi quello che non hai messo in deposito e mieti quello che non hai seminato”. Gli rispose: “Dalle tue stesse parole ti giudico, servo malvagio! Sapevi che sono un uomo severo, che prendo quello che non ho messo in deposito e mieto quello che non ho seminato: perché allora non hai consegnato il mio denaro a una banca? Al mio ritorno l'avrei riscosso con gli interessi”. Disse poi ai presenti: “Toglietegli la moneta d'oro e datela a colui che ne ha dieci”. Gli risposero: “Signore, ne ha già dieci!”. “Io vi dico: A chi ha, sarà dato; invece a chi non ha, sarà tolto anche quello che ha. E quei miei nemici, che non volevano che io diventassi loro re, conduceteli qui e uccideteli davanti a me”».Dette queste cose, Gesù camminava davanti a tutti salendo verso Gerusalemme.Commento di don Mattia, sacerdote della Diocesi di CuneoPodcast che fa parte dell'aggregatore Bar Abba: www.bar-abba

Hors je
Episode 43 - ELISA, vivre sans regret, la vie par la vie

Hors je

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 19, 2024 68:33

L'épisode du jour parle du handicap, présent chez l'enfant dès la naissance. Il raconte l'histoire des parents de Mattia avec la voix de sa maman, Elisa. Elle évoque comment en fin de grossesse elle a dû accoucher d'une minute à l'autre suite au ralentissement des mouvements de son bébé dans son ventre, comment son bébé a ensuite été mis en hypothermie et le diagnostic qui tombe très rapidement : le cerveau de votre enfant est très endommagé, son pronostic vital est engagé, il ne lui reste plus qu'un temps très court à vivre, désolé Madame.C'est une histoire d'acceptation, de leçon de vie, de la vie chamboulée, et de comment défier les pronostics et continuant à croire en la vie.Bonne écoute !Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

CHEWING GUM - masticare la Parola di Dio
Martedì 19 novembre 2024- I responsabili del passaggio di Gesù!

CHEWING GUM - masticare la Parola di Dio

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 19, 2024 3:51

Dal Vangelo secondo LucaIn quel tempo, Gesù entrò nella città di Gèrico e la stava attraversando, quand'ecco un uomo, di nome Zacchèo, capo dei pubblicani e ricco, cercava di vedere chi era Gesù, ma non gli riusciva a causa della folla, perché era piccolo di statura. Allora corse avanti e, per riuscire a vederlo, salì su un sicomòro, perché doveva passare di là. Quando giunse sul luogo, Gesù alzò lo sguardo e gli disse: «Zacchèo, scendi subito, perché oggi devo fermarmi a casa tua». Scese in fretta e lo accolse pieno di gioia. Vedendo ciò, tutti mormoravano: «È entrato in casa di un peccatore!». Ma Zacchèo, alzatosi, disse al Signore: «Ecco, Signore, io do la metà di ciò che possiedo ai poveri e, se ho rubato a qualcuno, restituisco quattro volte tanto». Gesù gli rispose: «Oggi per questa casa è venuta la salvezza, perché anch'egli è figlio di Abramo. Il Figlio dell'uomo infatti è venuto a cercare e a salvare ciò che era perduto».Commento di don Mattia, sacerdote della Diocesi di CuneoPodcast che fa parte dell'aggregatore Bar Abba: www.bar-abba

CHEWING GUM - masticare la Parola di Dio
Lunedì 18 novembre 2024 - Desgnenati!

CHEWING GUM - masticare la Parola di Dio

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 18, 2024 3:05

Dal Vangelo secondo LucaMentre Gesù si avvicinava a Gèrico, un cieco era seduto lungo la strada a mendicare. Sentendo passare la gente, domandò che cosa accadesse. Gli annunciarono: «Passa Gesù, il Nazareno!». Allora gridò dicendo: «Gesù, figlio di Davide, abbi pietà di me!». Quelli che camminavano avanti lo rimproveravano perché tacesse; ma egli gridava ancora più forte: «Figlio di Davide, abbi pietà di me!». Gesù allora si fermò e ordinò che lo conducessero da lui. Quando fu vicino, gli domandò: «Che cosa vuoi che io faccia per te?». Egli rispose: «Signore, che io veda di nuovo!». E Gesù gli disse: «Abbi di nuovo la vista! La tua fede ti ha salvato». Subito ci vide di nuovo e cominciò a seguirlo glorificando Dio. E tutto il popolo, vedendo, diede lode a Dio.Commento di don Mattia, sacerdote della Diocesi di CuneoPodcast che fa parte dell'aggregatore Bar Abba: www.bar-abba

CHEWING GUM - masticare la Parola di Dio
Domenica 17 novembre 2024 ( XXXIIII DEL TEMPO ORDINARIO) - Questo non passa!

CHEWING GUM - masticare la Parola di Dio

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 17, 2024 4:30

Dal Vangelo secondo MarcoIn quel tempo, Gesù disse ai suoi discepoli: «In quei giorni, dopo quella tribolazione,il sole si oscurerà,la luna non darà più la sua luce,le stelle cadranno dal cieloe le potenze che sono nei cieli saranno sconvolte.Allora vedranno il Figlio dell'uomo venire sulle nubi con grande potenza e gloria. Egli manderà gli angeli e radunerà i suoi eletti dai quattro venti, dall'estremità della terra fino all'estremità del cielo.Dalla pianta di fico imparate la parabola: quando ormai il suo ramo diventa tenero e spuntano le foglie, sapete che l'estate è vicina. Così anche voi: quando vedrete accadere queste cose, sappiate che egli è vicino, è alle porte. In verità io vi dico: non passerà questa generazione prima che tutto questo avvenga. Il cielo e la terra passeranno, ma le mie parole non passeranno. Quanto però a quel giorno o a quell'ora, nessuno lo sa, né gli angeli nel cielo né il Figlio, eccetto il Padre».Commento di don Mattia, sacerdote della Diocesi di Cuneo

Le interviste di Stefania D'Alonzo e Daniele Di Ianni
Cosa significa essere biondi in Cina

Le interviste di Stefania D'Alonzo e Daniele Di Ianni

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 13, 2024 2:16

Oggi con Mary Jo e Paolo Bracalenti ci sono Mattia e Ludovica, due ragazzi teramani che raccontano la particolarità della loro vacanza

Bravo Replay
We are Back B*tches

Bravo Replay

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 12, 2024 60:18

Kate and Mattia are back and bolder than ever. Diving into your favorite Bravo shows, they leave no stone unturned, spilling piping hot tea on the Real Housewives and uncovering secrets from The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives. Season 2 promises juicy drama, shocking twists, and guests with sizzling takes. As always, if you enjoy the podcast please leave a five star review, if not please go on your merry way!

Queer Scream
s4 EpLive @podfest Parma con PRIDE DIVAS - gay icons

Queer Scream

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 5, 2024 58:22

in questo episodio live al Podfest 2024 Mattia & Enrico conducono l'episodio in tandem con Federica Monterisi e Mycah di "Pride Divas", parlando dell'importanza delle icone gay per la comunità e raccogliendo qualche domanda dal pubblico.Stay Queer! 

Hotel Pacifico
BC NDP Campaign Director Marie Della Mattia + Strategy Suite with Don Guy

Hotel Pacifico

Play Episode Listen Later Oct 30, 2024 76:36

Hotel Pacifico was created by Air Quotes Media with support from our presenting sponsor TELUS, as well as FortisBC and Airbnb.

HORECA AUDIO NEWS - Le pillole quotidiane
9790 - Mattia Pastori si racconta: segreti, aneddoti e consigli del ''Figlio del bar''

HORECA AUDIO NEWS - Le pillole quotidiane

Play Episode Listen Later Oct 30, 2024 6:26

Vi avevamo già parlato in questo aritcolo de "Il figlio del bar", il libro firmato da Mattia Pastori, ma ci eravamo limitati a raccontarvelo, senza alcun commento.PERCHÉ IL FIGLIO DEL BAR MERITA DI ESSERE COMPRATOIl figlio del bar è un libro decisamente ben costruito, da leggere tutto d'un fiato dall'inizio alla fine, così come da assaporare in modo disordinato, passando da una pagina all'altra, approfondendo nozioni del mondo della mixology (riportate ai margini delle pagine), ripassando ricette classiche o scoprendo nuovi signature (in tutto, sono 40 le ricette). Ma il volume è anche un modo per entrare nella vita di Mattia Pastori, classe 1984, che in questo libro racconta indirettamente 40 anni di storia del bar attraverso la sua esperienza dall'infanzia a oggi. Un libro, insomma, da leggere e rileggere. 

Pecore elettriche
Stati Disuniti d'America. Parla Mattia Diletti

Pecore elettriche

Play Episode Listen Later Oct 29, 2024 22:41

Il cacciatore di libri
"Bambino" di Marco Balzano e "Solo un'altra persona scomparsa" di Gillian Mc Allister

Il cacciatore di libri

Play Episode Listen Later Oct 26, 2024

A volte c'è un filo che lega le opere di un autore, un elemento ricorrente. Nei romanzi di Marco Balzano i protagonisti sono sempre persone comuni schiacciare dalla storia o dagli eventi: Ninetto, giovanissimo emigrante di "L'ultimo arrivato" (Premio Campiello 2015), Trina, maestra clandestina nell'Alto Adige durante il Fascismo protagonista di "Resto qui" (finalista Premio Strega) oppure la donna rumena arrivata in Italia per fare la badante e costretta a lasciare i figli in patria protagonista di "Quando tornerò". Con il nuovo romanzo "Bambino" (Einaudi), Marco Balzano ci porta ancora una volta durante il Fascismo in una terra di confine (in questo caso Trieste, il confine a est), ma per la prima volta la narrazione ha il punto di vista del carnefice e non della vittima. Mattia, soprannominato "bambino" è uno squadrista fascista, un picchiatore feroce. Nel romanzo si narra parte della sua vita, da quando è adolescente e perde la madre che sul letto di morte gli confida di non essere la sua madre naturale e questo scatenerà in lui rabbia e ossessione. Nella seconda parte parliamo di un thriller pieno di colpi di scena che è anche un romanzo sulla genitorialità, con madri e padri che proteggono i propri figli a qualunque costo, anche quando non si fidano di loro. Si intitola "Solo un'altra persona scomparsa" dell'autrice inglese Gillian McAllister (Fazi - traduz. Sabina Terziari). La protagonista è Julia, da vent'anni in Polizia, una donna che sembra dipendere totalmente dal suo lavoro tanto che il marito l'accusa di trascurare tutto il resto. La figlia adolescente è molto curiosa del lavoro della madre e le due sono molto unite anche perché condividono un segreto. Julia deve indagare sulla scomparsa di una ragazza, Olivia, che si era appena trasferita in un appartamento con altre ragazze: di lei resta un messaggio d'aiuto inviato sul cellulare alle coinquiline e l'immagine di una telecamera che la inquadra mentre entra in un vicolo. Sarà per Jiulia un'indagine complicata perché dovrà venire a patti con qualcuno che la ricatta.

Top Albania Radio
“Pjata e preferuar e Berlusconit dhe Lamborghinit…”/Shefi i kuzhinës Mattia Matias zbulon sekretet!

Top Albania Radio

Play Episode Listen Later Oct 25, 2024 24:59

I ftuar në “Live From Tirana” ka qenë shefi i kuzhinës Mattia Matias, i cili pjesën më të madhe të jetës e ka kaluar në Itali. Ai ka zbuluar disa detaje mjaft interesante nga profesioni i tij, si dhe për personazhet e famshme për të cilët ai ka gatuar…

Ma Non Sembri Malata
Mattia e la sua esperienza di vita indipendente

Ma Non Sembri Malata

Play Episode Listen Later Oct 25, 2024 20:21

In questa puntata sentirete l'esperienza di Mattia Abbate riguardo alla vita indipendente con delle successive riflessioni.

DJ Sets
Mattia Terzi - The Tech House session vol. 5| 2024

DJ Sets

Play Episode Listen Later Oct 14, 2024 59:09

New tech house session vol. 5 broadcasted on Ibiza Stardust Radio

The Curb | Culture. Unity. Reviews. Banter.
Parish Malfitano on Creating the Sensorially Invigorating Salt Along the Tongue

The Curb | Culture. Unity. Reviews. Banter.

Play Episode Listen Later Oct 13, 2024 60:34

To call Parish Malfitano's sophomore feature, Salt Along the Tongue, a straight up horror film feels like a disservice to the experience of watching this magnificent melodrama-adjacent film. Yes, there are most certainly horrific elements - blood features heavily throughout the film, upsetting tales about the symbiotic relationship between wasps and figs are told, bodies float in the air in unsettling ways, boils and scars emerge in haunting ways on the legs of characters, and of course, the thematic backbone of Italian witches that feature within the film - but Salt Along the Tongue instead feels more like a familial, motherly drama in the vein of Pedro Almodovar's work.Yet, even calling Salt Along the Tongue an homage to Alomdovar feels like it's doing a disservice to Parish's work here. This is, much like his first film, a distinct work syphoned from the mind of Parish Malfitano, and in the realm of Australian cinema, that is a blessing.Salt Along the Tongue follows Laneikka Denne's Mattia, a teen girl who struggles to find her place in the world being bullied at school and simply unable to be herself. It's a reality that's thrown into further turmoil when her mother unexpectedly dies, with Mattia having to move to live with her aunt, Carol (Dina Panozzo), who also happens to be her mothers identical twin. Yet, Carol is distinctly different than Matthia's mother, with her aunt having an exuberant personality that, when married with her complicated relationship with alcohol and the cooking show she records with her coven of friends, causes Matthia's life to shift in ways she doesn't know how to fully navigate.This is just the surface of what Parish is working with in Salt Along the Tongue, a film that features an almost completely women led cast, and acts as an ode to mothers and the hardships that men have put upon them in the world. Shot with a stunning colour palette that plays out at times like an aurora gracing through the sky, and at others like a freshly slaughtered chicken, blood dripping everywhere, Salt Along the Tongue is a film full of supreme confidence, driven by a vision to explore Parish's Italian heritage in an Australian setting.The co-lead of the film, Laneikka Denne, wisely said on Letterboxd that this does not feel like it was made in Australia in all the right ways, and they are completely right. There's a brilliance at work here that feels diametrically opposed to the projects that funding bodies in Australia are supporting. Parish is not working alone in this capacity, with filmmakers like Alice Maio Mackay and Alina Lodkina each exploring personal narratives within Australian cinema, and in doing so, these filmmakers are shifting what Australian cinema is.That notion of Australian cinema, as always, is embedded in my conversations with filmmakers, and the following discussion with Parish, recorded ahead of the films launch at SXSW Sydney on 18 & 19 October, explores his relationship with Australian cinema, his drive to tell stories that he wants to see on screen, and his journey through the creative process of making Salt Along the Tongue. While this conversation goes for fifty minutes, I feel like we barely scratched the surface of what's at play within this vividly realised and sensorially invigorating film.So, with that said, if you're in Sydney, head along and see the film on 18 or 19 October. It looks like the 18th is sold out, so jump on board for the 19th if you can. Make sure to seek out Parish's previous film, Bloodshot Heart, which is available on demand. And if you want to find out more about Parish's work head over to ParishMalfitano.com. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Awards Don't Matter
Parish Malfitano on Creating the Sensorially Invigorating Salt Along the Tongue

Awards Don't Matter

Play Episode Listen Later Oct 13, 2024 60:34

To call Parish Malfitano's sophomore feature, Salt Along the Tongue, a straight up horror film feels like a disservice to the experience of watching this magnificent melodrama-adjacent film. Yes, there are most certainly horrific elements - blood features heavily throughout the film, upsetting tales about the symbiotic relationship between wasps and figs are told, bodies float in the air in unsettling ways, boils and scars emerge in haunting ways on the legs of characters, and of course, the thematic backbone of Italian witches that feature within the film - but Salt Along the Tongue instead feels more like a familial, motherly drama in the vein of Pedro Almodovar's work.Yet, even calling Salt Along the Tongue an homage to Alomdovar feels like it's doing a disservice to Parish's work here. This is, much like his first film, a distinct work syphoned from the mind of Parish Malfitano, and in the realm of Australian cinema, that is a blessing.Salt Along the Tongue follows Laneikka Denne's Mattia, a teen girl who struggles to find her place in the world being bullied at school and simply unable to be herself. It's a reality that's thrown into further turmoil when her mother unexpectedly dies, with Mattia having to move to live with her aunt, Carol (Dina Panozzo), who also happens to be her mothers identical twin. Yet, Carol is distinctly different than Matthia's mother, with her aunt having an exuberant personality that, when married with her complicated relationship with alcohol and the cooking show she records with her coven of friends, causes Matthia's life to shift in ways she doesn't know how to fully navigate.This is just the surface of what Parish is working with in Salt Along the Tongue, a film that features an almost completely women led cast, and acts as an ode to mothers and the hardships that men have put upon them in the world. Shot with a stunning colour palette that plays out at times like an aurora gracing through the sky, and at others like a freshly slaughtered chicken, blood dripping everywhere, Salt Along the Tongue is a film full of supreme confidence, driven by a vision to explore Parish's Italian heritage in an Australian setting.The co-lead of the film, Laneikka Denne, wisely said on Letterboxd that this does not feel like it was made in Australia in all the right ways, and they are completely right. There's a brilliance at work here that feels diametrically opposed to the projects that funding bodies in Australia are supporting. Parish is not working alone in this capacity, with filmmakers like Alice Maio Mackay and Alina Lodkina each exploring personal narratives within Australian cinema, and in doing so, these filmmakers are shifting what Australian cinema is.That notion of Australian cinema, as always, is embedded in my conversations with filmmakers, and the following discussion with Parish, recorded ahead of the films launch at SXSW Sydney on 18 & 19 October, explores his relationship with Australian cinema, his drive to tell stories that he wants to see on screen, and his journey through the creative process of making Salt Along the Tongue. While this conversation goes for fifty minutes, I feel like we barely scratched the surface of what's at play within this vividly realised and sensorially invigorating film.So, with that said, if you're in Sydney, head along and see the film on 18 or 19 October. It looks like the 18th is sold out, so jump on board for the 19th if you can. Make sure to seek out Parish's previous film, Bloodshot Heart, which is available on demand. And if you want to find out more about Parish's work head over to ParishMalfitano.com. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Mattia Gaffuri: Il Volto del Ciclismo Amatoriale e la Sfida della Zwift Academy


Play Episode Listen Later Oct 9, 2024 44:11

Su *TriCiclo* abbiamo il piacere di ospitare Mattia Gaffuri, uno dei più grandi protagonisti del ciclismo amatoriale in Italia. Con lui esploriamo il mondo del ciclismo amatoriale, approfondiamo la sua esperienza con la Zwift Academy e discutiamo dei suoi prossimi impegni.

DJ Sets
Mattia Terzi - The Melodic House session vol. 1|2024

DJ Sets

Play Episode Listen Later Sep 30, 2024 60:51

Melodic house mix broadcasted on Ibiza Stardust Radio 26.09.2024, enjoy!

Podcast - TMW Radio
A TUTTA C con Cristiano Cesarini e Lucio Marinucci. Ospiti: Mattia Sangalli

Podcast - TMW Radio

Play Episode Listen Later Sep 13, 2024 13:25

A TUTTA C con Cristiano Cesarini e Lucio Marinucci. Ospiti: Mattia Sangalli

AuDHD Flourishing
ND + the Inner Conversation

AuDHD Flourishing

Play Episode Listen Later Sep 2, 2024 61:43

Bonus drop from The Curiosity Cure podcast:Today's conversation with Mattia takes us through their journey with chronic pain, feeling better, and the ways they navigate their inner mindbody conversation as someone with AuDHD + PDA. We touch upon themes of neurodivergence, gender transition, resourcing inner + external safety. We chat about using hypnotic techniques to decrease a sense of threat/unsafety that may accompany disorders like ehlers-danlos syndrome and POTS. Thanks to Deb for sharing this episode: full show notes hereThe show notes link above has many resources about successful healing from related conditionsThe Curiosity Cure podcast site Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

ADHD reWired
542 Tunnel of Focus: Monotropism, Trauma, and Thriving with ADHD and Autism with Mattia Mauree

ADHD reWired

Play Episode Listen Later Aug 23, 2024 53:21

In this episode of ADHD reWired, Eric Tivers is joined by Mattia Mauree, an award-winning composer, poet, and host of the AUDHD Flourishing Podcast. Mattia shares their insights into the unique challenges faced by neurodivergent individuals, particularly those with ADHD and autism, as they navigate trauma, self-expression, and what they describe as "attention tunnels." Mattia opens up about their personal journey, discussing the impact of complex PTSD, disordered eating, and their late diagnoses of ADHD and autism. They explain how monotropism—having a narrower field of focus—shapes their experience as a neurodivergent person. Through the lens of monotropism, Mattia explores how being stuck in an attention tunnel can make transitioning to different tasks or social situations feel overwhelming and distressing. Eric and Mattia dive deep into the intersections of trauma and neurodivergence, examining how neurodivergent brains may be more easily traumatized, especially in environments that fail to meet their unique needs. They discuss the profound impact of neurodivergent parents raising neurodivergent children and the challenges of navigating systems that don't support their differences. This conversation also highlights the importance of self-expression in healing and flourishing. Mattia explains how self-expression, rather than achievement, has become central to their definition of success, emphasizing the importance of creating work that resonates emotionally, even if it doesn't fit the traditional metrics of success. Other topics discussed include: The connection between hyperfocus and monotropism in ADHD and autism   How Mattia balances creativity, self-care, and flourishing as a neurodivergent individual   The complexity of navigating trauma in neurodivergent families   The importance of community and support systems for neurodivergent creatives and entrepreneurs This episode is a must-listen for anyone interested in understanding the complex interplay of trauma, neurodivergence, and flourishing. Whether you identify as neurodivergent or are simply curious about these experiences, this conversation offers valuable insights into the importance of creating space for self-expression, healing, and growth. Connect with Mattia Mauree: Website:   Podcast: Support ADHD reWired on Patreon: If you've enjoyed this episode and want to support the podcast, consider becoming a patron at . Your support helps keep the podcast going and brings more episodes to listeners like you! Join ADHD reWired Coaching and Accountability Groups: Our coaching groups return this fall! Learn how to manage your ADHD more effectively in a supportive, community-based program. Visit to get all the details.

Radio Rossonera
CERCARSI LEADER | Lunch Press con Mattia Asperti

Radio Rossonera

Play Episode Listen Later Aug 23, 2024 62:52

Rifiutata la corte del Barcellona, quest'anno Rafa Leao è chiamato al definitivo salto di qualità. Mister Fonseca pretende più gol e leadership (anche fuori dal campo).Diventa un supporter di questo podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/radio-rossonera--2355694/support.

AuDHD Flourishing
see you in September!

AuDHD Flourishing

Play Episode Listen Later Aug 21, 2024 3:22

I'm taking the last two weeks of August off, and will be back in September with a "back to the basics" series about things like diagnosis, what to do when you first discover your AuDHD identity, etc! In the meantime, you can check out...Like Your Brain community spaceTranscript DocYouTube: The Longer Road, Mattia guesting on other pods Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

DJ Sets
Mattia Terzi - Tech House session vol.4|2024

DJ Sets

Play Episode Listen Later Aug 19, 2024 60:45

Tech house session vol. 4 broadcasted on Ibiza Stardust Radio 14.08.2024

DJ Sets
Mattia Terzi - The Tech House Session #3

DJ Sets

Play Episode Listen Later Aug 5, 2024 60:15

"Enjoy my new tech house mix! Broadcasted on Ibiza Stardust Radio 31.07.2024"

That Milan Podcast
Strahinja Pavlović Signs for Milan! Mattia Liberali Shines vs. Real Madrid | That Milan Podcast

That Milan Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Aug 2, 2024 51:09

2:57 Pavlović to Milan! 9:10 Preseason Tour 17:49 Liberali Shines vs. Real Madrid 32:20 Maldini and Colombo Leave 39:30 More Players to Leave? Twitters: https://twitter.com/ThatMilanPod https://twitter.com/Matt_Santangelo https://twitter.com/MartinoPuccio

Ground Pass
Meet The Player(s) - Mattia Bellucci

Ground Pass

Play Episode Listen Later Aug 2, 2024 6:07

Mattia Bellucci is a 23 year old player from Italy. We talked to him after his 1st round qualifying match at the Mubadala DC Citi Open.Visit Our Website at - www.groundpasspodcast.comEmail us at - groundpasspodcast@gmail.comFollow us for daily updates on Social:X: https://x.com/groundpasspodInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/ground_passThreads: https://www.threads.net/@ground_passYoutube: https://www.youtube.com/@GroundPassFollow the co-hosts on X:Anastasia - https://x.com/a_folorunsoNick - https://x.com/nick_bcarterPodcast Theme by Breakmaster Cylinder Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

WTF1 Podcast
Reacting To The Hungarian GP, Max To Mercedes? and Mattia Is Back!

WTF1 Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Jul 24, 2024 55:15

After a race that had so much iconic team radio, Haydon and James breakdown all the fallout of McLarens near blunder, ponder whether Max will move to Mercedes and we have special guest Mattia Binotto on the pod (for legal reasons we HAVE to state this is just James in a wig)

Men, Sex & Pleasure with Cam Fraser
#221 The Problem with Polarity: Embodiment and Transformation (with Mattia Zambaldi)

Men, Sex & Pleasure with Cam Fraser

Play Episode Listen Later Jul 7, 2024 58:12

On this episode of #mensexpleasure, I chat with Mattia Zambaldi. Mattia guides men through processes of deep transformation and soul emergence. He is a firm believer that evolution is at its core a process of initiation which requires the alignment of mind, heart and body - including free and authentic sexual expression. His coaching method is a unique blend of western science, eastern wisdom and esoteric knowledge. He is a certified men's sex coach, a certified Tantra teacher, and he also draws from all the knowledge and experience of his previous career as an elite sports physiotherapist where he has treated and coached some of the best athletes in the world. Key Points: - Mattia introduces himself - Mattia's holistic coaching approach - Perspectives on masculine and feminine polarity - Embodiment practices for me - Integrating pleasure and embodiment during life transitions Relevant links: Mattia's Instagram: @rivoluzionemaschile Mattia's website: www.rivoluzionemaschile.com

Sunsplash Mix with Jah Prince & Selecta Princess
Episode 700: Warrior Sound 2024 Reggae Sumfest Global Sound Clash Contender

Sunsplash Mix with Jah Prince & Selecta Princess

Play Episode Listen Later Jul 5, 2024 13:08

Mattia of Warrior Sound International - 2024 Reggae Sumfest Global Sound Clash Contender. The current title holder, Dynamq Sound, will return to defend his title against “world-renowned” competitors.Given the increasing popularity of this event, Reggae Sumfest has strategically relocated this year's staging to a larger venue, ensuring more convenient parking and amenities for patrons to fully enjoy the experience. This event is powered by Magnum Tonic Wine.

The Italian Football Podcast
Free Weekly Pod - Mattia Zaccagni Saves Azzurri, Switzerland vs Italy Preview, Juventus-Khephren Thuram, Hakan Calhanoglu-Bayern Munich & Much More (Ep. 429)

The Italian Football Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Jun 25, 2024 93:17

From Mattia Zaccagni Azzurri equalizer, Luciano Spalletti post-match meltdown, Nima vs Carlo big 3-5-2 debate, Gianluigi Donnarumma world class again, Riccardo Calafiori, Nicolo Barella, and Alessandro Bastoni continue to impress where other fail, to preview of Switzerland vs Italy EURO 2024 Round of 16 Preview, Juventus swap + cash deal with Aston Villa involving Douglas Luiz, Samuel Iling-Junior + Enzo Barrenechea, and Hakan Calhanoglu shoots down Bayern Munich links as well as Baggio, Premface and Serie Ass of the week and much, much more when Nima and Carlo break down all the main talking points from the crazy world of Italian football.Every Monday episode of The Italian Football Podcast is free for all.To NEVER miss an episode of The Italian Football Podcast (as well as support the show), go to Patreon.com/TIFP or on Spotify to become a Patron for only $2.99 USD per month (excluding VAT).Follow us: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube

So Fly Fishing Podcast
EP 169 HURON: Monster Pike with Brian Still on McGregor Bay

So Fly Fishing Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Jun 15, 2024 92:18

The So Fly Crew chat about a recent trip up to Northern Ontario. They fished McGregor Bay on Lake Huron with the one-and-only Brian Still of Stillwater Guiding. The group searched for MONSTER early season pike on the fly on this beautiful waters, and although the fishing was tough due to conditions, the trip was unreal. Thanks to our hosts Ryan, Mattia, and our crew Mitch Bowmile, Aidas, and of course Brian. FIND BRIAN https://www.fishmanitoulinisland.com/ https://www.instagram.com/stillwater_fishing/?hl=en    STAY AT BRIAN'S ECO CAMP   https://www.amongthetreesglamping.ca/   Thank you to our sponsors: Redington: ⁠https://farbank.com/pages/redington⁠ Chums: ⁠https://chums.com/en-ca⁠ Costa: ⁠https://www.costadelmar.com/wcs/shop/AjaxLogonForm?myAcctMain=1&catalogId=10501&langId=-24&storeId=13501 Muskoka Brewery: https://muskokabrewery.com/collections/non-alcoholic Hooke: https://hooke.ca/ ⁠ Podcast Intro Theme Song Music: “Favela Beat“ by Birocratic (www.birocratic.com) The song used in our podcast was licensed via Birocratic License v05.2016. For info on how you can use this music in your project, check out ⁠http://www.birocratic.com/license-app.⁠ To download Birocratic's 60+ song discography, visit http:// birocratic.bandcamp.com.

The Italian Football Podcast
Extended Clip - Italy Under-17 Euro Champions: Francesco Camarda, Mattia Liberali & Azzurrini Wonderkids (Ep. 425)

The Italian Football Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Jun 11, 2024 14:00

After Italy win the U17 EURO's in emphatic style, Nima Tavallaey and Carlo Garganese analyze, discuss and contextualize what this means going forward for youth team football in Italy as well as do a profile on the main stars of the tournament Francesco Camarda, Mattia Liberali and all the other Azzurrini wonderkids.This is an extended clip from this weeks free Monday episode of The Italian Football Podcast which is available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Google podcasts.To listen to this & all other full episodes of The Italian Football Podcast (with no ads), go to Patreon.com/TIFP OR now also available on Spotify to become a Patron for only $2.99 USD per month (excluding VAT).Follow us: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube

The Creative Process Podcast
Exploring the Sensory World of Autism, ADHD & Non-Binary Artists with MATTIA MAURÉE

The Creative Process Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later May 29, 2024 58:14

How can we learn to flourish because of who we are, not in spite of it? What is the sensory experience of the world for people with autism and ADHD? How can music help heal trauma and foster identity?Mattia Maurée is an interdisciplinary composer whose work centers around themes of perception, body, sensation, trauma, and resilience. Their scores for critically acclaimed films have been played in 13 countries. Their poems have been featured in Boston City Hall as part of the Mayor's Poetry Program, Guerrilla Opera, and Arc Poetry Magazine. Mattia composes and performs on violin, voice, and piano, and has taught music for over 20 years. They have received a Master's of Music in Composition at New England Conservatory and a Bachelor's of Music from St. Olaf College. They also are an AUDHD coach, host the AuDHD Flourishing podcast and help other neurodivergent folks heal and find their creative flow in their course Love Your Brain.“One of the things I think about a lot is this. I vividly remember the desire throughout pretty much most of my twenties and certainly my teen years to be a famous artist and win big awards. And when you dig down into what you actually want from that, it's connection. The teen brain, in particular, is extremely geared toward connection and gets different brain chemical payouts for different things than adults. So certainly, when I think of like teenagers, I think of that drive for connection and fitting in and being accepted is so strong. And that was a part of my artistic output or desire as well was like, okay, if I write, you know, something world-changing, like then it could be like a really well-regarded composer and get that respect. Or if I go more of the songwriting and film route, I can be beloved or have people love my music and have this emotional experience with my music. There were all these dreams that I had that I think largely boiled down to just wanting to be accepted. And you can get that outside of your career and outside of the arts.”http://mattiamauree.comhttps://studio.com/mattiahttps://mattiamauree.com/love-your-brainhttps://www.audhdflourishing.com/hellowww.creativeprocess.infowww.oneplanetpodcast.orgIG www.instagram.com/creativeprocesspodcast

The Creative Process Podcast
How Can Music Heal Trauma & Foster Identity? - Highlights - MATTIA MAURÉE

The Creative Process Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later May 29, 2024 11:24

“One of the things I think about a lot is this. I vividly remember the desire throughout pretty much most of my twenties and certainly my teen years to be a famous artist and win big awards. And when you dig down into what you actually want from that, it's connection. The teen brain, in particular, is extremely geared toward connection and gets different brain chemical payouts for different things than adults. So certainly, when I think of like teenagers, I think of that drive for connection and fitting in and being accepted is so strong. And that was a part of my artistic output or desire as well was like, okay, if I write, you know, something world-changing, like then it could be like a really well-regarded composer and get that respect. Or if I go more of the songwriting and film route, I can be beloved or have people love my music and have this emotional experience with my music. There were all these dreams that I had that I think largely boiled down to just wanting to be accepted. And you can get that outside of your career and outside of the arts.”How can we learn to flourish because of who we are, not in spite of it? What is the sensory experience of the world for people with autism and ADHD? How can music help heal trauma and foster identity?Mattia Maurée is an interdisciplinary composer whose work centers around themes of perception, body, sensation, trauma, and resilience. Their scores for critically acclaimed films have been played in 13 countries. Their poems have been featured in Boston City Hall as part of the Mayor's Poetry Program, Guerrilla Opera, and Arc Poetry Magazine. Mattia composes and performs on violin, voice, and piano, and has taught music for over 20 years. They have received a Master's of Music in Composition at New England Conservatory and a Bachelor's of Music from St. Olaf College. They also are an AUDHD coach, host the AuDHD Flourishing podcast and help other neurodivergent folks heal and find their creative flow in their course Love Your Brain.http://mattiamauree.comhttps://studio.com/mattiahttps://mattiamauree.com/love-your-brainhttps://www.audhdflourishing.com/hellowww.creativeprocess.infowww.oneplanetpodcast.orgIG www.instagram.com/creativeprocesspodcast

One Planet Podcast
Music, Healing, Nature & Neurodivergence with with MATTIA MAURÉE

One Planet Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later May 29, 2024 11:24

“So for me, it just kind of removing a lot of the shame and then a lot of the energy that I was wasting trying to fit myself into a neurotypical process or framework or way of thinking or being. So, you know, some people call that unmasking, just kind of removing. I was wasting a lot of energy, basically trying to be someone else and function in a different way. And then just beating myself up internally for not being able to do that. And throughout my healing journey, as I really realized, Oh, that's actually what's happening. Like there's not actually anything wrong with me being able to...That's why it's called Love Your Brain. It's not just, you know, tolerate your brain. Or, fine, you can work with this brain that you have. It's like, no, I genuinely love the weird experiences that my brain can give me and the incredibly rich, deep experience I have of the world. Like I experience nature so deeply and so intensely. I have really strong connections with animals. I have really great intuition, which I think is just from picking up all this sensory data and putting it together. All these experiences that I get to have, but I don't get to have those experiences if I'm just trying to make myself be something else, which I think is most people who are late diagnosed, I feel like that's their experience. It's just like I've been trying to be someone else for so long. It's exhausting. And then you don't have the energy then to be creative, the carving out the time, making the time to actually create.”Mattia Maurée is an interdisciplinary composer whose work centers around themes of perception, body, sensation, trauma, and resilience. Their scores for critically acclaimed films have been played in 13 countries. Their poems have been featured in Boston City Hall as part of the Mayor's Poetry Program, Guerrilla Opera, and Arc Poetry Magazine. Mattia composes and performs on violin, voice, and piano, and has taught music for over 20 years. They have received a Master's of Music in Composition at New England Conservatory and a Bachelor's of Music from St. Olaf College. They also are an AUDHD coach, host the AuDHD Flourishing podcast and help other neurodivergent folks heal and find their creative flow in their course Love Your Brain.http://mattiamauree.comhttps://studio.com/mattiahttps://mattiamauree.com/love-your-brainhttps://www.audhdflourishing.com/hellowww.creativeprocess.infowww.oneplanetpodcast.orgIG www.instagram.com/creativeprocesspodcast

Sustainability, Climate Change, Politics, Circular Economy & Environmental Solutions · One Planet Podcast

“So for me, it just kind of removing a lot of the shame and then a lot of the energy that I was wasting trying to fit myself into a neurotypical process or framework or way of thinking or being. So, you know, some people call that unmasking, just kind of removing. I was wasting a lot of energy, basically trying to be someone else and function in a different way. And then just beating myself up internally for not being able to do that. And throughout my healing journey, as I really realized, Oh, that's actually what's happening. Like there's not actually anything wrong with me being able to...That's why it's called Love Your Brain. It's not just, you know, tolerate your brain. Or, fine, you can work with this brain that you have. It's like, no, I genuinely love the weird experiences that my brain can give me and the incredibly rich, deep experience I have of the world. Like I experience nature so deeply and so intensely. I have really strong connections with animals. I have really great intuition, which I think is just from picking up all this sensory data and putting it together. All these experiences that I get to have, but I don't get to have those experiences if I'm just trying to make myself be something else, which I think is most people who are late diagnosed, I feel like that's their experience. It's just like I've been trying to be someone else for so long. It's exhausting. And then you don't have the energy then to be creative, the carving out the time, making the time to actually create.”Mattia Maurée is an interdisciplinary composer whose work centers around themes of perception, body, sensation, trauma, and resilience. Their scores for critically acclaimed films have been played in 13 countries. Their poems have been featured in Boston City Hall as part of the Mayor's Poetry Program, Guerrilla Opera, and Arc Poetry Magazine. Mattia composes and performs on violin, voice, and piano, and has taught music for over 20 years. They have received a Master's of Music in Composition at New England Conservatory and a Bachelor's of Music from St. Olaf College. They also are an AUDHD coach, host the AuDHD Flourishing podcast and help other neurodivergent folks heal and find their creative flow in their course Love Your Brain.http://mattiamauree.comhttps://studio.com/mattiahttps://mattiamauree.com/love-your-brainhttps://www.audhdflourishing.com/hellowww.creativeprocess.infowww.oneplanetpodcast.orgIG www.instagram.com/creativeprocesspodcast

Social Justice & Activism · The Creative Process
Exploring the Sensory World of Autism, ADHD & Non-Binary Artists with MATTIA MAURÉE

Social Justice & Activism · The Creative Process

Play Episode Listen Later May 29, 2024 58:14

How can we learn to flourish because of who we are, not in spite of it? What is the sensory experience of the world for people with autism and ADHD? How can music help heal trauma and foster identity?Mattia Maurée is an interdisciplinary composer whose work centers around themes of perception, body, sensation, trauma, and resilience. Their scores for critically acclaimed films have been played in 13 countries. Their poems have been featured in Boston City Hall as part of the Mayor's Poetry Program, Guerrilla Opera, and Arc Poetry Magazine. Mattia composes and performs on violin, voice, and piano, and has taught music for over 20 years. They have received a Master's of Music in Composition at New England Conservatory and a Bachelor's of Music from St. Olaf College. They also are an AUDHD coach, host the AuDHD Flourishing podcast and help other neurodivergent folks heal and find their creative flow in their course Love Your Brain.“So for me, it just kind of removing a lot of the shame and then a lot of the energy that I was wasting trying to fit myself into a neurotypical process or framework or way of thinking or being. So, you know, some people call that unmasking, just kind of removing. I was wasting a lot of energy, basically trying to be someone else and function in a different way. And then just beating myself up internally for not being able to do that. And throughout my healing journey, as I really realized, Oh, that's actually what's happening. Like there's not actually anything wrong with me being able to...That's why it's called Love Your Brain. It's not just, you know, tolerate your brain. Or, fine, you can work with this brain that you have. It's like, no, I genuinely love the weird experiences that my brain can give me and the incredibly rich, deep experience I have of the world. Like I experience nature so deeply and so intensely. I have really strong connections with animals. I have really great intuition, which I think is just from picking up all this sensory data and putting it together. All these experiences that I get to have, but I don't get to have those experiences if I'm just trying to make myself be something else, which I think is most people who are late diagnosed, I feel like that's their experience. It's just like I've been trying to be someone else for so long. It's exhausting. And then you don't have the energy then to be creative, the carving out the time, making the time to actually create.”http://mattiamauree.comhttps://studio.com/mattiahttps://mattiamauree.com/love-your-brainhttps://www.audhdflourishing.com/hellowww.creativeprocess.infowww.oneplanetpodcast.orgIG www.instagram.com/creativeprocesspodcast

Social Justice & Activism · The Creative Process
How Can Music Heal Trauma & Foster Identity? - Highlights - MATTIA MAURÉE

Social Justice & Activism · The Creative Process

Play Episode Listen Later May 29, 2024 11:24

“So for me, it just kind of removing a lot of the shame and then a lot of the energy that I was wasting trying to fit myself into a neurotypical process or framework or way of thinking or being. So, you know, some people call that unmasking, just kind of removing. I was wasting a lot of energy, basically trying to be someone else and function in a different way. And then just beating myself up internally for not being able to do that. And throughout my healing journey, as I really realized, Oh, that's actually what's happening. Like there's not actually anything wrong with me being able to...That's why it's called Love Your Brain. It's not just, you know, tolerate your brain. Or, fine, you can work with this brain that you have. It's like, no, I genuinely love the weird experiences that my brain can give me and the incredibly rich, deep experience I have of the world. Like I experience nature so deeply and so intensely. I have really strong connections with animals. I have really great intuition, which I think is just from picking up all this sensory data and putting it together. All these experiences that I get to have, but I don't get to have those experiences if I'm just trying to make myself be something else, which I think is most people who are late diagnosed, I feel like that's their experience. It's just like I've been trying to be someone else for so long. It's exhausting. And then you don't have the energy then to be creative, the carving out the time, making the time to actually create.”Mattia Maurée is an interdisciplinary composer whose work centers around themes of perception, body, sensation, trauma, and resilience. Their scores for critically acclaimed films have been played in 13 countries. Their poems have been featured in Boston City Hall as part of the Mayor's Poetry Program, Guerrilla Opera, and Arc Poetry Magazine. Mattia composes and performs on violin, voice, and piano, and has taught music for over 20 years. They have received a Master's of Music in Composition at New England Conservatory and a Bachelor's of Music from St. Olaf College. They also are an AUDHD coach, host the AuDHD Flourishing podcast and help other neurodivergent folks heal and find their creative flow in their course Love Your Brain.http://mattiamauree.comhttps://studio.com/mattiahttps://mattiamauree.com/love-your-brainhttps://www.audhdflourishing.com/hellowww.creativeprocess.infowww.oneplanetpodcast.orgIG www.instagram.com/creativeprocesspodcast

Spirituality & Mindfulness · The Creative Process
Exploring the Sensory World of Autism, ADHD & Non-Binary Artists with MATTIA MAURÉE

Spirituality & Mindfulness · The Creative Process

Play Episode Listen Later May 29, 2024 58:14

How can we learn to flourish because of who we are, not in spite of it? What is the sensory experience of the world for people with autism and ADHD? How can music help heal trauma and foster identity?Mattia Maurée is an interdisciplinary composer whose work centers around themes of perception, body, sensation, trauma, and resilience. Their scores for critically acclaimed films have been played in 13 countries. Their poems have been featured in Boston City Hall as part of the Mayor's Poetry Program, Guerrilla Opera, and Arc Poetry Magazine. Mattia composes and performs on violin, voice, and piano, and has taught music for over 20 years. They have received a Master's of Music in Composition at New England Conservatory and a Bachelor's of Music from St. Olaf College. They also are an AUDHD coach, host the AuDHD Flourishing podcast and help other neurodivergent folks heal and find their creative flow in their course Love Your Brain.“So for me, it just kind of removing a lot of the shame and then a lot of the energy that I was wasting trying to fit myself into a neurotypical process or framework or way of thinking or being. So, you know, some people call that unmasking, just kind of removing. I was wasting a lot of energy, basically trying to be someone else and function in a different way. And then just beating myself up internally for not being able to do that. And throughout my healing journey, as I really realized, Oh, that's actually what's happening. Like there's not actually anything wrong with me being able to...That's why it's called Love Your Brain. It's not just, you know, tolerate your brain. Or, fine, you can work with this brain that you have. It's like, no, I genuinely love the weird experiences that my brain can give me and the incredibly rich, deep experience I have of the world. Like I experience nature so deeply and so intensely. I have really strong connections with animals. I have really great intuition, which I think is just from picking up all this sensory data and putting it together. All these experiences that I get to have, but I don't get to have those experiences if I'm just trying to make myself be something else, which I think is most people who are late diagnosed, I feel like that's their experience. It's just like I've been trying to be someone else for so long. It's exhausting. And then you don't have the energy then to be creative, the carving out the time, making the time to actually create.”http://mattiamauree.comhttps://studio.com/mattiahttps://mattiamauree.com/love-your-brainhttps://www.audhdflourishing.com/hellowww.creativeprocess.infowww.oneplanetpodcast.orgIG www.instagram.com/creativeprocesspodcast

Spirituality & Mindfulness · The Creative Process
How Can Music Heal Trauma & Foster Identity? - Highlights - MATTIA MAURÉE

Spirituality & Mindfulness · The Creative Process

Play Episode Listen Later May 29, 2024 11:24

“So for me, it just kind of removing a lot of the shame and then a lot of the energy that I was wasting trying to fit myself into a neurotypical process or framework or way of thinking or being. So, you know, some people call that unmasking, just kind of removing. I was wasting a lot of energy, basically trying to be someone else and function in a different way. And then just beating myself up internally for not being able to do that. And throughout my healing journey, as I really realized, Oh, that's actually what's happening. Like there's not actually anything wrong with me being able to...That's why it's called Love Your Brain. It's not just, you know, tolerate your brain. Or, fine, you can work with this brain that you have. It's like, no, I genuinely love the weird experiences that my brain can give me and the incredibly rich, deep experience I have of the world. Like I experience nature so deeply and so intensely. I have really strong connections with animals. I have really great intuition, which I think is just from picking up all this sensory data and putting it together. All these experiences that I get to have, but I don't get to have those experiences if I'm just trying to make myself be something else, which I think is most people who are late diagnosed, I feel like that's their experience. It's just like I've been trying to be someone else for so long. It's exhausting. And then you don't have the energy then to be creative, the carving out the time, making the time to actually create.”Mattia Maurée is an interdisciplinary composer whose work centers around themes of perception, body, sensation, trauma, and resilience. Their scores for critically acclaimed films have been played in 13 countries. Their poems have been featured in Boston City Hall as part of the Mayor's Poetry Program, Guerrilla Opera, and Arc Poetry Magazine. Mattia composes and performs on violin, voice, and piano, and has taught music for over 20 years. They have received a Master's of Music in Composition at New England Conservatory and a Bachelor's of Music from St. Olaf College. They also are an AUDHD coach, host the AuDHD Flourishing podcast and help other neurodivergent folks heal and find their creative flow in their course Love Your Brain.http://mattiamauree.comhttps://studio.com/mattiahttps://mattiamauree.com/love-your-brainhttps://www.audhdflourishing.com/hellowww.creativeprocess.infowww.oneplanetpodcast.orgIG www.instagram.com/creativeprocesspodcast

Education · The Creative Process
Exploring the Sensory World of Autism, ADHD & Non-Binary Artists with MATTIA MAURÉE

Education · The Creative Process

Play Episode Listen Later May 29, 2024 58:14

How can we learn to flourish because of who we are, not in spite of it? What is the sensory experience of the world for people with autism and ADHD? How can music help heal trauma and foster identity?Mattia Maurée is an interdisciplinary composer whose work centers around themes of perception, body, sensation, trauma, and resilience. Their scores for critically acclaimed films have been played in 13 countries. Their poems have been featured in Boston City Hall as part of the Mayor's Poetry Program, Guerrilla Opera, and Arc Poetry Magazine. Mattia composes and performs on violin, voice, and piano, and has taught music for over 20 years. They have received a Master's of Music in Composition at New England Conservatory and a Bachelor's of Music from St. Olaf College. They also are an AUDHD coach, host the AuDHD Flourishing podcast and help other neurodivergent folks heal and find their creative flow in their course Love Your Brain.“So for me, it just kind of removing a lot of the shame and then a lot of the energy that I was wasting trying to fit myself into a neurotypical process or framework or way of thinking or being. So, you know, some people call that unmasking, just kind of removing. I was wasting a lot of energy, basically trying to be someone else and function in a different way. And then just beating myself up internally for not being able to do that. And throughout my healing journey, as I really realized, Oh, that's actually what's happening. Like there's not actually anything wrong with me being able to...That's why it's called Love Your Brain. It's not just, you know, tolerate your brain. Or, fine, you can work with this brain that you have. It's like, no, I genuinely love the weird experiences that my brain can give me and the incredibly rich, deep experience I have of the world. Like I experience nature so deeply and so intensely. I have really strong connections with animals. I have really great intuition, which I think is just from picking up all this sensory data and putting it together. All these experiences that I get to have, but I don't get to have those experiences if I'm just trying to make myself be something else, which I think is most people who are late diagnosed, I feel like that's their experience. It's just like I've been trying to be someone else for so long. It's exhausting. And then you don't have the energy then to be creative, the carving out the time, making the time to actually create.”http://mattiamauree.comhttps://studio.com/mattiahttps://mattiamauree.com/love-your-brainhttps://www.audhdflourishing.com/hellowww.creativeprocess.infowww.oneplanetpodcast.orgIG www.instagram.com/creativeprocesspodcast

Education · The Creative Process
How Can Music Heal Trauma & Foster Identity? - Highlights - MATTIA MAURÉE

Education · The Creative Process

Play Episode Listen Later May 29, 2024 11:24

“So for me, it just kind of removing a lot of the shame and then a lot of the energy that I was wasting trying to fit myself into a neurotypical process or framework or way of thinking or being. So, you know, some people call that unmasking, just kind of removing. I was wasting a lot of energy, basically trying to be someone else and function in a different way. And then just beating myself up internally for not being able to do that. And throughout my healing journey, as I really realized, Oh, that's actually what's happening. Like there's not actually anything wrong with me being able to...That's why it's called Love Your Brain. It's not just, you know, tolerate your brain. Or, fine, you can work with this brain that you have. It's like, no, I genuinely love the weird experiences that my brain can give me and the incredibly rich, deep experience I have of the world. Like I experience nature so deeply and so intensely. I have really strong connections with animals. I have really great intuition, which I think is just from picking up all this sensory data and putting it together. All these experiences that I get to have, but I don't get to have those experiences if I'm just trying to make myself be something else, which I think is most people who are late diagnosed, I feel like that's their experience. It's just like I've been trying to be someone else for so long. It's exhausting. And then you don't have the energy then to be creative, the carving out the time, making the time to actually create.”Mattia Maurée is an interdisciplinary composer whose work centers around themes of perception, body, sensation, trauma, and resilience. Their scores for critically acclaimed films have been played in 13 countries. Their poems have been featured in Boston City Hall as part of the Mayor's Poetry Program, Guerrilla Opera, and Arc Poetry Magazine. Mattia composes and performs on violin, voice, and piano, and has taught music for over 20 years. They have received a Master's of Music in Composition at New England Conservatory and a Bachelor's of Music from St. Olaf College. They also are an AUDHD coach, host the AuDHD Flourishing podcast and help other neurodivergent folks heal and find their creative flow in their course Love Your Brain.http://mattiamauree.comhttps://studio.com/mattiahttps://mattiamauree.com/love-your-brainhttps://www.audhdflourishing.com/hellowww.creativeprocess.infowww.oneplanetpodcast.orgIG www.instagram.com/creativeprocesspodcast

Music & Dance · The Creative Process
How Can Music Heal Trauma & Foster Identity? - Highlights - MATTIA MAURÉE

Music & Dance · The Creative Process

Play Episode Listen Later May 29, 2024 11:24

“One of the things I think about a lot is this. I vividly remember the desire throughout pretty much most of my twenties and certainly my teen years to be a famous artist and win big awards. And when you dig down into what you actually want from that, it's connection. The teen brain, in particular, is extremely geared toward connection and gets different brain chemical payouts for different things than adults. So certainly, when I think of like teenagers, I think of that drive for connection and fitting in and being accepted is so strong. And that was a part of my artistic output or desire as well was like, okay, if I write, you know, something world-changing, like then it could be like a really well-regarded composer and get that respect. Or if I go more of the songwriting and film route, I can be beloved or have people love my music and have this emotional experience with my music. There were all these dreams that I had that I think largely boiled down to just wanting to be accepted. And you can get that outside of your career and outside of the arts.”How can we learn to flourish because of who we are, not in spite of it? What is the sensory experience of the world for people with autism and ADHD? How can music help heal trauma and foster identity?Mattia Maurée is an interdisciplinary composer whose work centers around themes of perception, body, sensation, trauma, and resilience. Their scores for critically acclaimed films have been played in 13 countries. Their poems have been featured in Boston City Hall as part of the Mayor's Poetry Program, Guerrilla Opera, and Arc Poetry Magazine. Mattia composes and performs on violin, voice, and piano, and has taught music for over 20 years. They have received a Master's of Music in Composition at New England Conservatory and a Bachelor's of Music from St. Olaf College. They also are an AUDHD coach, host the AuDHD Flourishing podcast and help other neurodivergent folks heal and find their creative flow in their course Love Your Brain.http://mattiamauree.comhttps://studio.com/mattiahttps://mattiamauree.com/love-your-brainhttps://www.audhdflourishing.com/hellowww.creativeprocess.infowww.oneplanetpodcast.orgIG www.instagram.com/creativeprocesspodcast

Music & Dance · The Creative Process
Exploring the Sensory World of Autism, ADHD & Non-Binary Artists with MATTIA MAURÉE

Music & Dance · The Creative Process

Play Episode Listen Later May 29, 2024 58:14

How can we learn to flourish because of who we are, not in spite of it? What is the sensory experience of the world for people with autism and ADHD? How can music help heal trauma and foster identity?Mattia Maurée is an interdisciplinary composer whose work centers around themes of perception, body, sensation, trauma, and resilience. Their scores for critically acclaimed films have been played in 13 countries. Their poems have been featured in Boston City Hall as part of the Mayor's Poetry Program, Guerrilla Opera, and Arc Poetry Magazine. Mattia composes and performs on violin, voice, and piano, and has taught music for over 20 years. They have received a Master's of Music in Composition at New England Conservatory and a Bachelor's of Music from St. Olaf College. They also are an AUDHD coach, host the AuDHD Flourishing podcast and help other neurodivergent folks heal and find their creative flow in their course Love Your Brain.“One of the things I think about a lot is this. I vividly remember the desire throughout pretty much most of my twenties and certainly my teen years to be a famous artist and win big awards. And when you dig down into what you actually want from that, it's connection. The teen brain, in particular, is extremely geared toward connection and gets different brain chemical payouts for different things than adults. So certainly, when I think of like teenagers, I think of that drive for connection and fitting in and being accepted is so strong. And that was a part of my artistic output or desire as well was like, okay, if I write, you know, something world-changing, like then it could be like a really well-regarded composer and get that respect. Or if I go more of the songwriting and film route, I can be beloved or have people love my music and have this emotional experience with my music. There were all these dreams that I had that I think largely boiled down to just wanting to be accepted. And you can get that outside of your career and outside of the arts.”http://mattiamauree.comhttps://studio.com/mattiahttps://mattiamauree.com/love-your-brainhttps://www.audhdflourishing.com/hellowww.creativeprocess.infowww.oneplanetpodcast.orgIG www.instagram.com/creativeprocesspodcast

Mind Matters
Autism + ADHD = AuDHD

Mind Matters

Play Episode Listen Later May 23, 2024 39:24

There's a new term circulating in the neurodiversity community, AuDHD. Today, Emily Kircher-Morris is talking with Mattia Maurée, a neurodivergent individual with both ADHD and autism. They talk about how the two diagnoses blend together, one side desiring routine and sameness, while the other seeks novelty and change. They also discuss the challenges of receiving accurate diagnoses, the impact of stigma on neurodivergent individuals, how career pathways are affected, Mattia's personal experiences of being misunderstood and judged, and the importance of community. The conversation covers many other subjects as well, and it's all part of episode 226. Takeaways ADHD and autism can coexist in individuals, with one part of them desiring routine and sameness while the other seeks novelty and change. Receiving accurate diagnoses for neurodivergent individuals can be challenging, as the symptoms of different conditions can overlap and mask each other. Stigma and misunderstandings surrounding neurodivergent individuals are pervasive and can lead to discrimination and mistreatment. Being twice exceptional, with both ADHD and autism, can result in unique challenges and experiences, including being misunderstood and judged by others. When Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA) is a factor, it can lead to difficulties in regulating the nervous system, and can have a significant impact on daily life. Finding a career that aligns with one's interests and strengths is crucial for neurodivergent individuals. Community support and understanding are essential for neurodivergent individuals to thrive and feel deeply understood. Click here to go to our Facebook post, where you can nominate a colleague (or yourself) for a free membership to the Neurodiversity University Educator Hub! Mattia Maurée is an AuDHD coach and host of the AuDHD Flourishing Podcast. Creative outlets in music and the arts became her refuge through a childhood full of unpredictability. Confronting her trauma sparked an interest in the topic and Mattia led her to her Autism diagnosis in her 30's, as well as finding somatic neurodivergent-friendly methods of working through her depression and anxiety. She now shares her experiences to give hope to queer, trans, and neurodivergent youth and young adults through her coaching, and embraces the philosophy of “feel better first.” BACKGROUND READING AuDHD Flourishing website AuDHD Flourishing podcast TikTok