Podcasts about obligations

Course of action that someone is required to take, whether legal or moral

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Best podcasts about obligations

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Latest podcast episodes about obligations

Draw Near
DN Classics: There's Something About Mary

Draw Near

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 6, 2024 61:15

In the deeply personal first half of this episode, Fred and Kara reflect on their relationship with Mary, and how that has changed and grown over the years. Fred shares more of his testimony about converting to Catholicism and the role Mary played in that process. He also reflects on issues such as identity, childhood trauma, mistrust, and difficult family experiences and how these can effect our relationship with God; as well as with Mary. He shares the story of his relationship with Mary, and how she has helped him to find healing. Christ, while bleeding out and dying on the Cross, said to his Mother, “Behold your son;” and to his beloved disciple, “Behold your Mother.” Scripture then affirms that from that day, this beloved disciple “took her into his home.” We to, as beloved disciples must take her into our homes, and allow the love of the Mother of God to penetrate our hearts as only that of a faithful mother can. Her heart is to draw us near to the source of peace that surpasses all understanding: her son, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. In the second half, we return to Kara's teaching on the Immaculate Conception, which we celebrate on December 8. Kara dives into a scriptural study of key texts that point to Mary's Immaculate Conception with hopes that each listener would be drawn deeper into the celebration of this Holy Day of Obligation. Questions answered in the second half: * How do we know Mary was special or set apart? * What is the Immaculate Conception? * What is Original Sin? Where is that in Scripture? * Where is Mary's Immaculate Conception found in Scripture? Purchase the book, Hail Holy Queen by Scott Hahn here. (https://amzn.to/3Far6xT) Book Fred and/or Kara to speak by visiting the Draw Near "booking page (https://www.drawnear.me/booking)." Click here (https://www.drawnear.me/donate) to become a patron! Patrons are essentially "sponsors" and co-producers or Draw Near as it could not happen without them. "Like" and follow us on Facebook! (https://www.facebook.com/fredandkara). Follow us on Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/drawnear.me/)! Who are "Fred and Kara?" Find out by visiting our home page. (https://www.drawnear.me/) Like our podcast? Hit that “subscribe” button AND the notification button/bell to know when new episodes are posted! Give us a rating! Leave a review! Tell your friends! Even more, pray for us! Draw Near Theme © Fred Shellabarger & Kara Kardell

Le Family Office
Le mandat de protection future pour le dirigeant - Séverine de la Taille, Notaire

Le Family Office

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 5, 2024 41:54

Que se passe-t-il si le dirigeant fait un AVC ?Du jour au lendemain, il n'y a plus personne aux commandes :- De sa vie personnelle,- De son entreprise,- De son patrimoine familial.Et qui décidera si cette situation est durable ?Le juge :- Qui traite le dossier en 3 minutes- Qui a un délai de réponse beaucoup trop long- Qui ne comprend pas les enjeux de la gestion d'entrepriseCette situation peut être dramatique.En plus de la difficulté émotionnelle de voir l'entrepreneur sombré, toute l'oeuvre de sa vie est malmenée.C'est là qu'intervient le mandat de protection future. Avec Séverine de la Taille, notaire associée de l'étude Les Notaires du Trocadéro, nous avons exploré ce sujet en profondeur. Voici ce qu'il faut retenir :✅ Qu'est-ce que le MPF ?Un dispositif juridique permettant à un dirigeant d'organiser, en amont, la gestion de sa personne et de son patrimoine en cas d'incapacité.✅ Pourquoi est-ce utile ?- Assurer la continuité des affaires.- Protéger ses proches (et éviter des conflits).- Prévoir différents mandataires selon les missions : un associé pour le business, un conjoint pour le personnel par exempleEt il y a de nombreuses subtilités à comprendre pour le mettre en oeuvre correctement.Voici le plan de l'épisode :[00:00:00] L'enjeu du mandat de protection future (MPF) pour le dirigeant.[00:01:21] Différences entre MPF, mandat à effet posthume et habilitation familiale.[00:03:10] Mise en place du MPF – Notaire ou acte sous seing privé ?[00:04:13] Qui peut être mandataire ? Obligations et acceptation.[00:05:17] Ouverture du mandat de protection future[00:07:11] Pourquoi avoir plusieurs mandataires ou un collège ? Scénarios pratiques.[00:11:22] Sécurisation des décisions importantes (assurance vie, rachats, actes majeurs).[00:14:10] Contrôle par un tiers de confiance ou le notaire.[00:16:03] Séparation des rôles entre famille et associés dans le cas d'un dirigeant.[00:19:39] Limitations de durée et choix du mandataire[00:28:15] Sociétés et interactions avec statuts ou pactes d'associés.[00:34:04] Donations et transmissions dans le cadre du mandat de protection future. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.

Rav Pinson's Podcast
Women & Ma'ariv. Why the חיוב Obligation to Pray Twice a Day. Parsha in Halacha. Vayetze.

Rav Pinson's Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 4, 2024 38:01

Are women obligated to Daven/pray, once, twice or three times a day? Exploring the Tefilah of Maariv and Musaf. Advanced Shiur in Halacha --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ravpinsonpodcast/support

It's All Possible Podcast
Ep 313 Darren Finkelstein - Author of "No" Building a Life of Choice Without Obligation"

It's All Possible Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 4, 2024 32:05

Darren Finkelstein is the author of numerous books, his most recent being "No" Building a Life of Choice Without Obligation. This follows his book "The Accountability Advantage" about the power of taking action and the importance of discipline and accountability to ensure your goals are met.In this podcast, we talk about the power of saying no so that you can focus 100% on your goals, dreams, and aspirations. We also discuss how to say it with elegance and empathy. We talk on how to say it with cultural sensitivity and whether different generations are more or less comfortable with saying no. (Sneak preview - we believe Gen X are better at saying no).Darren also opens up the times he said yes, when he should have said no and the cost this had on his career and finances. Darren is truly an expert on the power of this tiny little word.Darren and I go back over 20 years when we were both at Apple together and I really enjoyed connecting with him again as he brings real energy and ideation to everything he does.Darren has a unique ability to reinvent himself every few years. He has been an entrepreneur, worked in some of the best technology companies, owned a boating business, accelerated the start-up of a new marina, and today runs his own consultancy.Darren said after the podcast "You made that very easy for us to chat, with a bit of spark, a few laughs, and loads of examples and stories to make it land with the audience." We indeed had fun and I hope you enjoy this episode as much as we did recording it!Darren has a special offer for all listeners. If you go to his website, www.NOthebook.com.au and use the discount code: take50 in the cart, you will get 50% off the RRP. This great offer also applies to his two book bundles. So check it out!You can find out more about Darrent at his website tickthoseboxes.com.au and connect with him on LinkedIn. 

Highways Voices
Self enforcement and drinking for work's safety obligations on this week's Highways Voices

Highways Voices

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 4, 2024 28:37

Today on Highways Voices you will discover why self-enforcement plays a vital role in the battle for better road safety.We hear from the founder of Alcosense, Hunter Abbott, who explains why, even when you're under the alcohol limit, if you've had any drink at all you're many times more likely to be in a crash.Subscribe to Highways Voices free on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, Google Podcasts or Pocket Casts and never miss an episode!Hunter explains why he designed the breathalyser solution, how it changes driver behaviour, and the need for better education on morning-after drink-driving risks. Plus you'll want to share with your HR team why if you employ people who have to socialise for work, you probably have an obligation to have them use breathalysers for their, and other road users' safety.Don't forget to sign up to our daily email to get all our news into your inbox, and you can also find our stories on LinkedIn and X (formerly Twitter).

Yaniro - The Human Factor
#144 - LOUBNA TIGROUSSINE : Le kit de survie des startups en droit du travail

Yaniro - The Human Factor

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 4, 2024 57:07

Intéressé.e par notre formation Yaniro Leadership Program ? Prenez rendez-vous avec Yasmine ici !Voulez-vous former les managers avec la méthode do it yourself ? Obtenez toutes les ressources ici !Résumé de l'article

The Pat Flynn Show
Humane Burpee Workout, Pursuing Your Interests vs Obligations, Bouncing Reps

The Pat Flynn Show

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 3, 2024 33:13

for 101 free kettlebell workouts visit http://www.101kettlebellworkouts.com For Pat's Strong ON! book go to https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/759708/strong-on-by-pat-flynn/ 

The Rabbi Stark Podcast
The Obligation Of Indebtedness (Hakaras HaTov II)

The Rabbi Stark Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 3, 2024 40:20

More than just recognizing the good, one must also realize how indebted they ought to feel.

We Get Work
ESG: U.S. Employers Reporting Obligations in the E.U.

We Get Work

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 3, 2024 23:35

The European Union's Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) mandates comprehensive sustainability reporting with an eye toward increased transparency for both EU companies and qualifying non-EU companies with significant operations in the EU.  Chapters 00:00 Introduction to ESG and CSRD 03:01 Understanding the EU Directives and Their Impact 05:46 Current State of ESG Regulations in the US 08:58 Implications for US Companies Under EU Directives 12:07 Key Reporting Requirements for US Employers 15:06 Navigating Employee Classification and Rights 17:59 Potential Audit Triggers and Compliance Risks 20:49 Conclusion and Future Considerations

La Martingale
Opportunités d'investissement dans les ETF thématiques et responsables - Back to Basics, avec Amundi

La Martingale

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 3, 2024 21:36

Le sujet :Les ETF, ou fonds indiciels cotés, sont devenus un outil important pour les investisseurs souhaitant diversifier leur épargne. Avec des frais de gestion moyens de 0,37 % en France, ces produits financiers permettent d'investir dans un large éventail d'indices boursiers, comme le CAC 40 ou le MSCI World, de manière accessible et transparente. Leur popularité a augmenté ces dernières années, notamment grâce à l'essor des plateformes digitales et à leur inclusion dans des enveloppes fiscales comme le PEA ou l'assurance-vie. Comprendre les différences entre les ETF physiques et synthétiques, ainsi que leurs risques et opportunités, reste essentiel pour faire des choix éclairés.L'invité du jour :Gaëtan Delculée, Directeur des ETF chez Amundi, la première société de gestion européenne, détient une connaissance approfondie du marché des ETF. Au micro de Matthieu Stefani, il partage son expertise pour expliquer le fonctionnement des ETF, leurs avantages, ainsi que les bonnes pratiques pour les intégrer dans une stratégie d'épargne.Qu'est-ce qu'un ETF et en quoi diffère-t-il des autres produits financiers ?Quelles sont les distinctions entre ETF physiques et synthétiques, et comment fonctionnent les swaps ?Quels sont les frais associés aux ETF et comment les intégrer dans une stratégie d'épargne à long terme ?Pourquoi les ETF thématiques (santé, intelligence artificielle) et responsables (intégrant des critères ESG) connaissent-ils un tel essor ?Quels sont les risques liés aux ETF, notamment ceux intégrant des effets de levier, et comment les éviter ?En quoi l'investissement dans les obligations via des ETF a-t-il rendu ce marché plus accessible ?Comment diversifier efficacement son portefeuille en combinant indices traditionnels et thématiques ?On vous souhaite une très bonne écoute ! C'est par ici si vous préférez Apple Podcasts, ou ici si vous préférez Spotify.Et pour recevoir toutes les actus et des recommandations exclusives, abonnez-vous à la newsletter, c'est par ici.La Martingale est un podcast du label Orso Media.Cet épisode a été réalisé en partenariat avec Amundi, n°1 en France des solutions d'investissement.

The PCOS Repair Podcast
How to Navigate Recovery During "Real" Life, Work, Travel, and Obligations

The PCOS Repair Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 3, 2024 17:41

In this episode, as we dive into the bustling holiday season, let's talk about the frustrating feeling you're constantly starting over with your health routines. Whether due to traveling, holidays, or unexpected life events, this episode is tailored for anyone who struggles to maintain their health regimen amidst life's never-ending schedule curve balls.The Impact of Irregular Routines Irregular routines can disrupt not just your fitness plans but also other aspects of health management, including nutrition and sleep. This episode shares some of my personal challenges faced during a summer filled with sporadic travel and activity, highlighting the difficulties in maintaining consistent exercise and health routines. As well as what has helped me and many of my clients overcome these hurdles and maintain our health in the midst of life's curveballs. Approaches to Overcome SetbacksIn this episode, we'll get into the mental and lifestyle shifts necessary to adapt to ongoing changes without compromising your PCOS management goals. You will discover how to categorize your health management phases into 'healing' and 'lifestyle' phases to better align your efforts with current life circumstances.Building and Organizing Health HabitsLearn how to build and organize effective health habits that stick. This part of the episode discusses the importance of habit stacking and organization to prevent overwhelm and ensure sustainable health practices are in place, particularly beneficial for listeners seeking to overhaul their routines without feeling lost.So if you ever struggle to stick with your PCOS healthy lifestyle you will find this episode packed with tips and encouragement to help you create a lifestyle that works for you and how to jump back to it quickly when you start to slide a bit. You can take the quiz to discover your root cause hereThe full list of Resources & References Mentioned can be found on the Episode webpage at:https://nourishedtohealthy.com/128Let's continue the conversation on Instagram! What did you find helpful in this episode and what follow-up questions do you have?

Salt & Light Catholic Radio Podcasts
Morning Light - Why Catholics Do That (DEC. 2)

Salt & Light Catholic Radio Podcasts

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 2, 2024 12:54

The Essentials of the Catholic Faith Are Found in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Mary Wax is our guide on an exploration to grow in knowledge, wisdom, and faith as Morning Light presents "Why Catholics Do That." Today's topic discusses Holy Days of Obligation.  What is the difference between Holy Days of Obligation and holy days?  Which ones do we celebrate in the Diocese of Boise?  How can we make them more exciting rather than drudgery?  Why do we have to attend?  

Connecting Leaders
Période d'essai : les obligations et erreurs à éviter

Connecting Leaders

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 2, 2024 4:21

Comment gérer efficacement la période d'essai pour maximiser vos chances de succès ?Dans cet épisode, je vous donne toutes les clés pour comprendre et maîtriser cette phase du contrat de travail.Durées, renouvellements, préavis, erreurs fréquentes…Je vous aide à éviter les pièges et à tirer le meilleur parti de cette période d'évaluation mutuelle.

Live a Little Higher
Love Your Fellow As Yourself - It's An Obligation

Live a Little Higher

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 27, 2024 11:24

Love Your Fellow As Yourself - It's An Obligation

Better Than Fine
Encore Presentation: Gratitude Isn't Obligation

Better Than Fine

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 27, 2024 25:48

Gratitude practices are everywhere these days. But do they work? And why, for some people, are they uncomfortable?  In this special encore episode of the “Better Than Fine” podcast, host Darlene Marshall shares her own uncomfortable relationship with gratitude, what science actually says, and how to get the most out of your gratitude this holiday season. If you like what you just consumed, leave us a 5-star review, and share this episode with a friend to help grow our NASM health and wellness community! Introducing NASM One, the membership for trainers and coaches. For just $35/mo., get unlimited access to over 300 courses, 50% off additional certifications and specializations, EDGE Trainer Pro all-in-one coaching app to grow your business, unlimited exam attempts and select waived fees. Stay on top of your game and ahead of the curve as a fitness professional with NASM One. Click here to learn more. https://bit.ly/4ddsgrm

Calvary Christian Center Yuba City Podcast

Send us a text In this message, Pastor Bill unpacks the apostle Paul's 3 open doors: The Doors of Opportunity, Obligation & Opposition! When we follow Jesus, the same doors will open -but what we do with those doors makes ALL the difference!! Pastor Bill travels regularly to the places that no one else will go - to do what no one else will do - and reach those that no one else can reach. From the Gaza war zone, to the frontlines in Ukraine, to the graveyards and trash heaps of the Philippines and more places than we can list here - Pastor Bill is rescuing children in the darkest and some of the most oppressed places in the world... and bringing them physical help, along with the message of Jesus, who loves them. For over 40 years, Pastor Bill Wilson has worked to rescue hurting children through his vibrant children's ministry and is best known for reaching hundreds of thousands of inner city families every week in New York City and in 23 countries around the world.

Inside Out Smile
279, Inspiration Not Obligation - Unlocking a Fulfilled Life

Inside Out Smile

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 26, 2024 8:51

Today we delve into the empowering theme of "Inspiration, Not Obligation." We explore how living a life driven by inspiration can lead to greater fulfillment and joy. Understanding Inspiration vs. Obligation inspiration stems from internal motivation and passion, while obligation often arises from external pressures and expectations. Stories of Transformation Stories of individuals who shifted from a life of obligation to one driven by inspiration i.e.people who left unfulfilling careers to pursue their true passions and found success and happiness. The Benefits of Living Inspired The psychological and emotional benefits of choosing inspiration over obligation.  This shift can lead to increased motivation, creativity, and overall life satisfaction, and is supported by research and expert insights.  Identifying and Pursuing Your Passions Practical tips on how to identify your own sources of inspiration. Exercises and activities that can help uncover what truly excites and motivates you, encouraging a journey of self-discovery.  Overcoming Challenges and Fears Common challenges and fears associated with pursuing an inspired life include fear of failure or uncertainty. Strategies and advice on how to overcome these obstacles and stay committed to living authentically. Embrace a lifestyle driven by inspiration! Reflect on your current life and consider where you might be following obligations rather than inspirations. Please subscribe, leave a review, and share the episode with someone who might benefit from this message.  Thank you for tuning in. Love Always, Amber Xoxo

Learn Basic French Podcast
Le Règlement | Cours de français A2 | Obligations et Interdictions | Santé et Sport

Learn Basic French Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 26, 2024 60:41

Dans cette leçon interactive de niveau A2, nous explorons le thème des obligations et interdictions tout en parlant de santé et de sport. Nous découvrirons ensemble les règles fascinantes de l'Ultra-Trail Mont-Blanc, une course époustouflante de 72 heures dans les Alpes françaises, où les participants doivent respecter des règles strictes pour garantir leur sécurité et leur performance. I help French learners improve their language skills with my Learn French Program. Join the program!speaking, listening, reading, and writing skillsBeginner and Elementary/Pre-intermediate level: A1/A2-B1 level BOOK A FREE CONSULTATION SESSION WITH ME: https://calendly.com/davidalexandercantu Follow me on social media below: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/davidalexandercantuTiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@davidalexanderfrenchFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/davidalexandercantuLinkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidalexandercantu Remember to like, subscribe, and leave a comment below. I'll answer all questions.

Narativ Live with Zev Shalev
Breaking: Putin aide confirms "Trump has obligations to fulfill" for Russian election help

Narativ Live with Zev Shalev

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 25, 2024 11:43

"To achieve success in the election, Donald Trump relied on certain forces to which he has corresponding obligations. And as a responsible person, he will be obliged to fulfill them." These chilling words, delivered by Nikolai Patrushev—Putin's likely successor and former head of the FSB—confirm what our three-year investigation has uncovered: a sophisticated Russian influence operation with Elon Musk at its center, designed to deliver both the presidency and America's future to Vladimir Putin.The Web of Influence Our investigation reveals three interconnected operations:  1 The Platform Play: Musk's $44 billion acquisition of Twitter (now X) wasn't just a business deal—it was a strategic takeover of America's digital town square. By 2024, algorithm changes amplified extremist content while Russian propaganda flowed freely.  2 The Money Trail: Russian oligarch families facilitated the X purchase, creating a direct line between the Kremlin and America's most influential social platform.  3 The Policy Puppet: Musk's daily presence at Mar-a-Lago isn't coincidental. He's orchestrating a $2 trillion "shock therapy" economic plan that economists warn could devastate the American economy—exactly as similar measures did in Argentina. Eight years ago, I wrote "The Russia House," detailing Russian influence in Trump's first administration. Many called it impossible. Now, Putin's top security official openly declares that the President-elect has "obligations that must be fulfilled." This isn't just another story about Russian interference. It's about the systematic dismantling of American democracy through economic warfare, information manipulation, and direct control of government operations. When I wrote The Russia House eight years ago, it was a warning. Tonight's story is different. This isn't about what might happen—it's about what is happening right now, in plain sight, and what will happen if these plans are allowed to proceed.

Bethel World Outreach Church - Olney
Tithing: Giving Beyond Obligation | Bishop Darlingston Johnson

Bethel World Outreach Church - Olney

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 25, 2024 42:51

To support this ministry and help us continue to transform lives around the world, please visit: https://bit.ly/3ufMJav You're listening to Bishop Darlingston Johnson, senior pastor at Harvest Intercontinental Church, Olney, MD. Learn more about Harvesters-Olney at www.harvestersolney.org

Rothen s'enflamme
Christophe Dugarry ironise sur le discours de Nasser "Qu'est ce que j'aurais aimé jouer dans ce club, aucune obligation de résultat..." – 25/11

Rothen s'enflamme

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 25, 2024 5:17

Jérôme Rothen se chauffe contre un autre consultant, un éditorialiste ou un acteur du foot.

The Rebbe's Letters
The Likkutei Torah Obligation

The Rebbe's Letters

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 25, 2024 27:01

The Rebbe emphasizes the importance of learning the entire weekly portion Torah Or and Likkutei Torah every week, and finishing these books every year--going so far as to equate it with the Takana of learning Rambam. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/yechiel-krisch1/support

Embrace the Word
Civic Obligation, Part 3

Embrace the Word

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 24, 2024

The Necessity of Good Works. The Nature of Good Works.

Stillwater Reformed Presbyterian Church Podcasts: Preaching and Teaching.
Doctrine for Living [11/24/2024]: The Evidences of True Faith 2: Obligation to Practice Godliness: Session #18

Stillwater Reformed Presbyterian Church Podcasts: Preaching and Teaching.

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 24, 2024

The work of God in the believer, and not of the believer's own strength, is to produce godly living. We look at seven "sister graces" in the believer, from virtue to love, and are spurred on.

Deep Work Fast Week 39: Why am I doing all of this? Frenetic Activity & Unnecessary Obligations

"And Then I..." Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 23, 2024 19:54

Every Tuesday at 3:00pm PST, join us live on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn for Deep Work Fast with Christine Grimm! This week, Chris explores the concept of vulnerability and explains why it's so important in all areas of life. Also, check out her weekly blog on the same topic: https://www.avvi.me/post/make-vulnerability-your-superpower-to-be-a-better-parent-partner-boss #deepworkfast #deepwork #live #livestream #livestreamingfree #coaching #motivation #womenownedbusiness #podcast #business #selfwork

Morning Coffee With Jesus
From obligation to willingness

Morning Coffee With Jesus

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 23, 2024 19:02

Today's Topic: From obligation to willingness Morning Coffee with Jesus (Rebecca Hogan) MorningCoffeeWithJesus@hotmail.com   https://morningcoffeewithjesus.com https://morningcoffeewithjesus.com/shop/ https://morningcoffeewithjesus.com/stayconnected/ https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/morning-coffee-with-jesus/id1603009945 https://www.youtube.com/imyallama17 https://www.facebook.com/groups/morningcoffeewithjesus Pushing Through Pregnancy https://a.co/d/cwj0jSC https://www.instagram.com/imyallama17/ https://www.instagram.com/rebeccahoganphotography/ https://twitter.com/imyallama17 https://www.etsy.com/shop/imyallama17 . --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/morningcoffeewithjesus/support

Roy Green Show
Nov. 23: The Americans accuse Canada of "freeloading" as far as defence spending per the NATO treaty/obligation

Roy Green Show

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 23, 2024 17:40

 In March of 2023, vice-Admiral Mark Norman, Canada's former vice Chief of the Defence Staff provided me exclusive access to his speech at the annual Conference of Defence Associations Institute. He said in part, "We are not taking defence and security seriously in this country and our way of life is in jeopardy as a result." - Today Admiral Norman joins us to respond to the former commander of Ukraine's military, General Zaluzhny stating World War III is underway. Poland's PM Donald Tusk warning global war is in the offing. Meanwhile, as the Americans accuse Canada of "freeloading" as far as defence spending per the NATO treaty/obligation is concerned, Defence Minister Bill Blair responds that Canada is on course to meet its defence commitments (years down the road).  Guest: Mark Norman. Former vice-admiral and vice-Chief of the Defence Staff addresses both issues. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Obligations towards the Deceased (Janaza)


Play Episode Listen Later Nov 23, 2024 35:33

Date : Fri, 22 Nov 2024 Speaker : Ash Sheikh M.F Abdul Wajid (Hafili) at Meeraniya Jumuah Masjid, Colombo 12 Language : Tamil

Marvel Chumpions Podcast - A Marvel Champions Podcast
Episode 080 - Obligation Frustration #7 (Survey Announcement)

Marvel Chumpions Podcast - A Marvel Champions Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 22, 2024 38:21

In this episode, we discuss the obligations of Gamora, Drax, and Venom. Will these Guardians finally turn up the difficulty of the game or will be as easy as a spacewalk? Listen to find out our thoughts. Link to 2024 End-of-Year Awards Survey: https://forms.gle/5GkphgMxX47QFWZCA Email: ⁠marvelchumpionspod@gmail.com⁠ Facebook: ⁠https://www.facebook.com/TheChumpion⁠ Discord: The Chumpion YouTube: ⁠https://www.youtube.com/@MarvelChumpions⁠

the unconventional attorney
Don't Wait Until April to Know Your Income Tax Obligations

the unconventional attorney

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 20, 2024 0:46

Don't Wait Until April to Know Your Income Tax Obligations Ever met anyone that LIKES their bookkeeper? Our clients love us. Why? We save money AND provide great service. To learn more click the link - https://bigbirdaccounting.com

The Married Life
From Obligation to Passion: How to Improve Your Sex Life & Marriage

The Married Life

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 19, 2024 9:50

The Bible Bashed Podcast
Can I Accept a Job That Requires Me to Miss Some Sundays?

The Bible Bashed Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 19, 2024 51:18

▶ Splash Page: https://i.mtr.bio/biblebashed ▶ Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/BibleBashed ▶ YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMxYyDEvMCq5MzDN36shY3g ▶ Main Episode's playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtY_5efowCOk74PtUhCCkvuHlif5K09v9 ▶ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/BibleBashed ▶ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BibleBashed ▶ Twitter: https://twitter.com/BibleBashed In this conversation, Bible Bashed and Pastor Tim discuss the implications of church attendance in relation to job commitments, exploring biblical perspectives on the necessity of gathering as a church community. They delve into the distinction between local and universal church concepts, the frequency of attendance, and the moral obligations of Christians to prioritize worship. The discussion also touches on the challenges of balancing work and faith, particularly when job requirements conflict with church attendance. In this conversation, Pastor Tim discusses the significance of regular church attendance as a fundamental aspect of Christian faithfulness. He emphasizes the obligations Christians have to God and their community, arguing that attending church is not merely a favor but a commandment. The discussion also explores the challenges of balancing job responsibilities with church commitments, particularly for healthcare workers and those in essential roles. Pastor Tim encourages listeners to prioritize their faith and worship, even in the face of societal pressures and job demands. Takeaways Church attendance is a biblical command. The local church is essential for Christian community. Frequency of attendance is a debated topic. Arguments for regular attendance include moral obligations. Sick days should not be equated with neglecting church. Work obligations and church obligations are distinct. Difficult cases shouldn't dictate church attendance rules. Church discipline requires a local church context. Worshiping God is a priority, not a suggestion. Justifying missed attendance can lead to a poor posture towards worship. Going to church every week is the bare minimum of Christian faithfulness. Worship is an act of allegiance to God. Christians have obligations to one another in their local church. Church attendance should not be viewed as a favor. There are strong biblical warnings against neglecting church gatherings. Job responsibilities should not take precedence over worship. Healthcare workers have a unique obligation but should seek balance. It's important to research churches when traveling. Faithfulness to God should guide job decisions. Trusting God with priorities leads to provision. Chapters 00:00 The Importance of Church Attendance 03:35 Understanding Local vs Universal Church 08:29 Frequency of Attendance and Its Implications 10:33 Arguments for Regular Church Attendance 15:01 Sick Days and Church Attendance 19:15 Work Obligations vs Church Obligations 21:57 The Importance of Regular Worship 28:05 Obligations to God and Community 32:22 Navigating Job Responsibilities and Church Attendance 40:45 Balancing Work and Faith Commitments --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/biblebashed/support

Whence Came You? - Freemasonry discussed and Masonic research for today's Freemason
Whence Came You? - 0658 - Subduing Our Passions in 2024

Whence Came You? - Freemasonry discussed and Masonic research for today's Freemason

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 18, 2024 28:10

This week we're looking at what we can do to subdue our intense and polarizing passions in 2024. We've also got a wonderful piece reminding us of our Obligations--not the ones we always like to talk about--the other ones...All this and more. Thanks for listening and have an amazing week! Links: San Antonio Esoteric Summit https://tinyurl.com/4wvkjpaf Subduing Our Passions http://www.midnightfreemasons.org/2024/10/subduing-passions-in-polarized-world.html Obligations http://www.midnightfreemasons.org/2024/11/obligations.html Skull and Crown Ltd. www.skullandcrownltd.com Craftsman+ FB Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/craftsmanplus/ WCY Podcast YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/c/WhenceCameYou Ancient Modern Initiation: Special Edition http://www.wcypodcast.com/the-Shop The Master's Word- A Short Treatise on the Word, the Light, and the Self - Autographed https://wcypodcast.com/the-shop Get the new book! How to Charter a Lodge https://wcypodcast.com/the-shop Truth Quantum https://truthquantum.com Our Patreon www.patreon.com/wcypodcast Support the show on Paypal https://wcypodcast.com/support-the-show Get some swag! https://wcypodcast.com/the-shop Get the book! http://a.co/5rtYr2r

Narativ Live with Zev Shalev (Audio)
Breaking: Putin aide confirms "Trump has obligations to fulfill" for Russian election help.

Narativ Live with Zev Shalev (Audio)

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 18, 2024 21:13

"To achieve success in the election, Donald Trump relied on certain forces to which he has corresponding obligations. And as a responsible person, he will be obliged to fulfill them." These chilling words, delivered by Nikolai Patrushev—Putin's likely successor and former head of the FSB—confirm what our three-year investigation has uncovered: a sophisticated Russian influence operation with Elon Musk at its center, designed to deliver both the presidency and America's future to Vladimir Putin.The Web of Influence Our investigation reveals three interconnected operations: The Platform Play: Musk's $44 billion acquisition of Twitter (now X) wasn't just a business deal—it was a strategic takeover of America's digital town square. By 2024, algorithm changes amplified extremist content while Russian propaganda flowed freely. The Money Trail: Russian oligarch families facilitated the X purchase, creating a direct line between the Kremlin and America's most influential social platform. The Policy Puppet: Musk's daily presence at Mar-a-Lago isn't coincidental. He's orchestrating a $2 trillion "shock therapy" economic plan that economists warn could devastate the American economy—exactly as similar measures did in Argentina. Eight years ago, I wrote "The Russia House," detailing Russian influence in Trump's first administration. Many called it impossible. Now, Putin's top security official openly declares that the President-elect has "obligations that must be fulfilled." This isn't just another story about Russian interference. It's about the systematic dismantling of American democracy through economic warfare, information manipulation, and direct control of government operations. When I wrote The Russia House eight years ago, it was a warning. Tonight's story is different. This isn't about what might happen—it's about what is happening right now, in plain sight, and what will happen if these plans are allowed to proceed. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

With & For / Dr. Pam King
Individual, Relational, Aspirational: The Three Pillars of Thriving with Dr. Pam King and Nada Jones

With & For / Dr. Pam King

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 18, 2024 47:02

Show NotesAbout Liberty Road podcast and organization“Pursuing your future doesn't end at 40. In fact, it may mark the beginning of knowing who you are, what you're capable of, and what you really want.”What is the Thrive Center?The intersection of psychological science and spiritual wisdom“The irony of the term of mental health is that it's actually defined by mental illness, or pathology, or depression, or anxiety.”What can go right with people?Explicit interest in spirituality: “There's gotta be something more.”“A historical rift between religiously or spiritual things and psychological science.”Research-backed spirituality“A thriving life is a life on-purpose.”“It's not just the journey, it's the direction.”Thriving at the intersection of three pillars of life: individual, relational, and aspirational.“In the deepest part of my being, I really want to enable people to thrive in a very holistic way. And live more fully into who they are. Living more authentically, living with deeper connection and, and with deeper purpose.”Not just another self-help platform“How do you help us understand purpose or thriving when maybe we haven't put ourselves first?”Balance and moving through extremesLife is fluid and dynamicMiddle age as a period of fluxLooking at opportunities in challengesMotherhood and service for othersFinding joyExamples for each three pillarsStay-at-home mom moving into a new phase of life“Start with loving ourselves and giving ourselves grace.”“Bring out the best in yourself. Love yourself.”What images come to mind as positive memories of competency and strength?Obligations in relationshipsWhat are we actually living out? Is it consistent with our values?Change your environment or change yourself.What is spirituality?“Spirituality is people's perception and experience of transcendence. … But also our response to transcendence.”Spiritual health and psychology—”Not all spirituality is helpful or healthful.”“I think we're living in a spiritually void time.”“Have we deprived ourselves of something in an effort to not deprive ourselves of anything?”Pam King on life in the “middle third”Reprioritizing and making professional shiftsWhat keeps you grounded? 10 minutes of silence of meditation.What are you currently reading? Open and Unafraid by W. David Taylor / Strength That Remains, by Tracy KidderWhat is a skincare musthave? SBLA Facial WandWhat has surprised you about the good life? There's more losses than anticipated.What has your work done to liberate you? Reworking and reconsidering purpose; “Diving deep in conversations with people has been liberating and wonderful.”About Nada JonesNada Jones is the founder and CEO of Liberty Road, a podcast and organization for entrepreneurial women focused on growth, wisdom, sharing stories, and finding purpose. Discover more of her work at www.liberty-road.com. About the Thrive CenterLearn more at thethrivecenter.org.Follow us on Instagram @thrivecenterFollow us on X @thrivecenterFollow us on LinkedIn @thethrivecenter About Dr. Pam KingDr. Pam King is Executive Director the Thrive Center and is Peter L. Benson Professor of Applied Developmental Science at Fuller School of Psychology & Marriage and Family Therapy. Follow her @drpamking. About With & ForHost: Pam KingSenior Director and Producer: Jill WestbrookOperations Manager: Lauren KimSocial Media Graphic Designer: Wren JuergensenConsulting Producer: Evan RosaSpecial thanks to the team at Fuller Studio and the Fuller School of Psychology & Marriage and Family Therapy.

Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe Podcast Collection
Talmudist: Balancing Family Obligations and Modern Life

Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe Podcast Collection

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 17, 2024 37:48

Ever wondered about the true depth of honoring and revering one's parents as taught in the Talmud? Our latest Thinking Talmudist episode invites you into the heart of these profound teachings from Tractate Kiddushin. Picture this: balancing the complexities of familial duty with financial obligations—a challenge many of us face today. We unravel the distinctions between honor and reverence, sharing personal stories that shed light on how these timeless concepts manifest in our daily lives. Plus, we're thrilled to announce an upcoming event with Ken Spiro, where he will illuminate the historical and cultural journey of the Jewish people.Embark on a journey through the ethical and financial intricacies of fulfilling one's duty to parents, as discussed in the Gemara. The episode is rich with scenarios, including managing work commitments alongside caring for one's parents without exploiting funds destined for the needy. A vivid scenario brings home the message of respecting parents even at personal financial loss, emphasizing the moral strength the Torah instills against anger and the metaphorical stumbling blocks it warns us about in family dynamics.Join us as we explore the nuances of respect, from not interrupting a parent's conversation to understanding when to prioritize mitzvot over direct parental requests. We touch upon the Talmud's concept of "teku," showcasing its lessons on valuing others' property and the mitzvah of returning lost items. Through these teachings, we highlight the significance of observing God's commandments with a heart open to deeper meaning, mirroring the Talmudic tradition of inquiry and understanding. This episode promises not just teachings but a path to enriched familial relationships and spiritual insight._____________The Thinking Talmudist Podcast shares select teachings of Talmud in a fresh, insightful and meaningful way. Many claim that they cannot learn Talmud because it is in ancient Aramaic or the concepts are too difficult. Well, no more excuses. In this podcast you will experience the refreshing and eye-opening teachings while gaining an amazing appreciation for the divine wisdom of the Torah and the depths of the Talmud.This Episode (62) of the Thinking Talmudist Podcast is dedicated to Barry & Monica Finberg!This Podcast Series is Generously Underwritten by David & Susan MarbinRecorded in the Torchwood Center in the Levin Family Studio to a live audience on November 15, 2024, in Houston, Texas.Released as Podcast on November 17, 2024_____________DONATE to TORCH: Please consider supporting the podcasts by making a donation to help fund our Jewish outreach and educational efforts at https://www.torchweb.org/support.php. Thank you!_____________SUBSCRIBE and LISTEN to other podcasts by Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe: NEW!! Prayer Podcast: https://prayerpodcast.transistor.fm/episodesJewish Inspiration Podcast: https://inspiration.transistor.fm/episodesParsha Review Podcast: https://parsha.transistor.fm/episodesLiving Jewishly Podcast: https://jewishly.transistor.fm/episodesThinking Talmudist Podcast: https://talmud.transistor.fm/episodesUnboxing Judaism Podcast: https://unboxing.transistor.fm/episodesRabbi Aryeh Wolbe Podcast Collection: https://collection.transistor.fm/episodesFor a full listing of podcasts available by TORCH at https://www.TORCHpodcasts.com_____________EMAIL your questions, comments, and feedback: awolbe@torchweb.org_____________Please visit www.torchweb.org to see a full listing of our outreach and educational resources available in the Greater Houston area! ★ Support this podcast ★

Thinking Talmudist Podcast · Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe
Balancing Family Obligations and Modern Life (Kiddushin 31b)

Thinking Talmudist Podcast · Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 17, 2024 37:48

Ever wondered about the true depth of honoring and revering one's parents as taught in the Talmud? Our latest Thinking Talmudist episode invites you into the heart of these profound teachings from Tractate Kiddushin. Picture this: balancing the complexities of familial duty with financial obligations—a challenge many of us face today. We unravel the distinctions between honor and reverence, sharing personal stories that shed light on how these timeless concepts manifest in our daily lives. Plus, we're thrilled to announce an upcoming event with Ken Spiro, where he will illuminate the historical and cultural journey of the Jewish people.Embark on a journey through the ethical and financial intricacies of fulfilling one's duty to parents, as discussed in the Gemara. The episode is rich with scenarios, including managing work commitments alongside caring for one's parents without exploiting funds destined for the needy. A vivid scenario brings home the message of respecting parents even at personal financial loss, emphasizing the moral strength the Torah instills against anger and the metaphorical stumbling blocks it warns us about in family dynamics.Join us as we explore the nuances of respect, from not interrupting a parent's conversation to understanding when to prioritize mitzvot over direct parental requests. We touch upon the Talmud's concept of "teku," showcasing its lessons on valuing others' property and the mitzvah of returning lost items. Through these teachings, we highlight the significance of observing God's commandments with a heart open to deeper meaning, mirroring the Talmudic tradition of inquiry and understanding. This episode promises not just teachings but a path to enriched familial relationships and spiritual insight._____________The Thinking Talmudist Podcast shares select teachings of Talmud in a fresh, insightful and meaningful way. Many claim that they cannot learn Talmud because it is in ancient Aramaic or the concepts are too difficult. Well, no more excuses. In this podcast you will experience the refreshing and eye-opening teachings while gaining an amazing appreciation for the divine wisdom of the Torah and the depths of the Talmud.This Episode (62) of the Thinking Talmudist Podcast is dedicated to Barry & Monica Finberg!This Podcast Series is Generously Underwritten by David & Susan MarbinRecorded in the Torchwood Center in the Levin Family Studio to a live audience on November 15, 2024, in Houston, Texas.Released as Podcast on November 17, 2024_____________DONATE to TORCH: Please consider supporting the podcasts by making a donation to help fund our Jewish outreach and educational efforts at https://www.torchweb.org/support.php. Thank you!_____________SUBSCRIBE and LISTEN to other podcasts by Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe: NEW!! Prayer Podcast: https://prayerpodcast.transistor.fm/episodesJewish Inspiration Podcast: https://inspiration.transistor.fm/episodesParsha Review Podcast: https://parsha.transistor.fm/episodesLiving Jewishly Podcast: https://jewishly.transistor.fm/episodesThinking Talmudist Podcast: https://talmud.transistor.fm/episodesUnboxing Judaism Podcast: https://unboxing.transistor.fm/episodesRabbi Aryeh Wolbe Podcast Collection: https://collection.transistor.fm/episodesFor a full listing of podcasts available by TORCH at https://www.TORCHpodcasts.com_____________EMAIL your questions, comments, and feedback: awolbe@torchweb.org_____________Please visit www.torchweb.org to see a full listing of our outreach and educational resources available in the Greater Houston area! ★ Support this podcast ★

New Life Apostolic Church CS's show
An Obligation to Our Generation - Bro. Cooley

New Life Apostolic Church CS's show

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 17, 2024 38:11

Embrace the Word
Civic Obligations, Part 2

Embrace the Word

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 17, 2024

The Source of Being a New Person. The Shape of Being a New Person.

Embrace the Word
Civic Obligation Part 2

Embrace the Word

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 17, 2024

1.) The Source of Being A new Person 2.) The Shape of Being A New Person

AMA Journal of Ethics
Author Interview: “Government Obligations and the Negative Right to a Healthy Urban Environment”

AMA Journal of Ethics

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 15, 2024 4:56

Dr Sana Loue joins Ethics Talk to discuss her article, coauthored with Jared Ontko and Timothy Nicholas: “Government Obligations and the Negative Right to a Healthy Urban Environment.  Recorded August 27, 2024.  Read the full article at JournalOfEthics.org

Naughty But Nice with Rob Shuter
Controversy Over John Krasinski Being Named ‘Sexiest Man Alive.' Jessica Simpson's Inner Circle Reached Out to Divorce Attorneys Amid Marital Strain. Britney Spear's child Support Payments End, But Her Financial Obligations May Continue.

Naughty But Nice with Rob Shuter

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 14, 2024 20:27 Transcription Available

John Krasinski has officially snagged the title of People magazine's “Sexiest Man Alive” for 2024! Two individuals close to Jessica Simpson have recently sought legal counsel on her behalf. Britney Spears is set to conclude her regular child support payments for her sons. However, she may still be responsible for certain expenses. Rob is joined by the charming Marc Lupo. Don't forget to vote in today's poll on Twitter at @naughtynicerob or in our Facebook group.See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

OTB Football
OTB Breakfast Bite | An obligation on Ireland to start brightly

OTB Football

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 14, 2024 17:04

Welcome to Thursday's OTB Breakfast Bite - a bitesize sampling of this morning's Off The Ball Breakfast.On this morning's show, none other than Paul Mescal joined us for a very special edition of You Had To Be There.Alan Quinlan assessed the Ireland team selection for tomorrow night's test with Argentina at the Aviva.And Gavin Cooney joined us to look ahead to the Republic of Ireland's Nations League clash with Finland.And it's there we take our Breakfast Bite, with Gavin saying the onus is on Ireland to start on the front foot.Catch The Off The Ball Breakfast show LIVE weekday mornings from 7:30am or just search for Off The Ball Breakfast and get the podcast on the Off The Ball app.SUBSCRIBE at OffTheBall.com/join

The Mompreneur Life Remixed
Ep. 172: Stop the Overwhelm with This Simple Exercise

The Mompreneur Life Remixed

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 11, 2024 14:36

Join the Illuminate YOU Collective starting on Tuesday, November 19th: https://www.martinewilliams.com/collective    Are you already feeling overwhelmed by obligations? It's time to flex that "no" muscle! In this Remix Moment, we continue with the power of saying no and how it can transform your life.   As we approach the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, I encourage you to reflect on what truly matters to you. Prioritizing your energy and establishing boundaries will allow you to honor your own needs without feeling guilty.   Join us for a practical exercise called “Take It or Leave It”, which will guide you in evaluating what to keep and what to let go of in your life. Remember, saying no is not selfish; it's a necessary step towards living a life by design. Tune in and discover how to make your yeses count!   Are you ready for a SUCCESSful vs Stressful Holiday season? Get your StressLESS Holiday Guide here: https://www.martinewilliams.com/stressless    Book A Free Clarity Call with Martine: https://calendly.com/martinewilliams/clarity-call   Send me an email at Martine@MartineWilliams.com or connect with me on Instagram @Martine31Williams.   About Martine Williams: Martine is a life coach, public motivator, podcaster, author, and mompreneur who helps other mompreneurs win at work without losing themselves in the process. Martine brings her experience as a certified PDP Professional and life coach to coach entrepreneurs on how to illuminate their strengths, cultivate their confidence, and elevate their lives. She also loves inviting mompreneur guests on the show to share their perspectives and provide inspiration, success tips, life hacks, and skills for a burnout-proof life and business.   This podcast is edited and produced by: Chris Assist Media  

The Greatest Discovery: New Star Trek Reviewed
Freight Train of Obligation (Lower Decks S5E4)

The Greatest Discovery: New Star Trek Reviewed

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 8, 2024 50:05

When Mariner gets sent to Qo'noS to secretly scan season 5's serialized plotline, she looks up Ma'ah and offers to help him regain his station. But while Boimler uses the letter of the law against the Klingon oversight council, Tendi and Rutherford expose the fraudulent Cloacan tasters aboard the Cerritos to save Dr. Migleemo's career. Which song has the potential to cause a Peloton injury? How far along is Boimler on Adam's facial-hair scale? Who should you not take advice about electric fences from? It's the episode that proves Star Trek's barrel of blood wine is not dry.P1 Link: sequoialiving.org/kids Support the production of Greatest TrekGet a thing at podshop.biz!Sign up for our mailing list!Greatest Trek is produced by Wynde PriddySocial media is managed by Rob Adler and Bill TilleyMusic by Adam RaguseaFriends of DeSoto for: Labor | Democracy | JusticeDiscuss the show using the hashtag #GreatestTrek and find us on social media:YouTube | Facebook | X | Instagram | TikTok | Mastodon | Bluesky | ThreadsAnd check out these online communities run by FODs: Reddit | USS Hood Discord | Facebook group | Wikia | FriendsOfDeSoto.social