Podcasts about Immigration

Movement of people into another country or region to which they are not native

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    Theology on Air
    White Pill Radio, Episode 36: Immigration, Gaza, Optimism, and DOGE

    Theology on Air

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 8, 2025 72:10

    So much news and so little time! We look at the dramatic and sweeping moves that Trump and Co. have made and examine their moral impact, especially as it relates to immigration, labor, and the war in Israel. Thanks to Ken and Cody for stopping by! And remember, we can't do this without our listeners and supporters ofTBTP!

    Morning Shift Podcast
    This Chicago Cafe Owner Is Resisting Trump's Immigration Agenda

    Morning Shift Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 7, 2025 14:24

    Immigration and Customs Enforcement has detained more than 100 people in the Chicago area in an effort to carry out President Trump's campaign promise of mass deportations. But on Monday, dozens of stores and restaurants closed as part of Day Without Immigrants in protest and to honor the contributions of immigrants. Reset checks in with Héctor Aguirre, co-owner of La Malinche Coffee and Tea House, a business in Pilsen that participated. For a full archive of Reset interviews, head over to wbez.org/reset.

    The Terry & Jesse Show
    07 Feb 25 – Debunking Deceptive Immigration Talking Points

    The Terry & Jesse Show

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 7, 2025 51:06

    Today's Topics: 1) Gospel - Mark 6:14-29 - King Herod heard about Jesus, for His fame had become widespread, and people were saying, "John the Baptist has been raised from the dead; That is why mighty powers are at work in Him." Others were saying, "He is Elijah"; still others, "He is a prophet like any of the prophets." But when Herod learned of it, he said, "It is John whom I beheaded. He has been raised up." Herod was the one who had John arrested and bound in prison on account of Herodias, the wife of his brother Philip, whom he had married. John had said to Herod, "It is not lawful for you to have your brother's wife." Herodias harbored a grudge against him and wanted to kill him but was unable to do so. Herod feared John, knowing him to be a righteous and holy man, and kept him in custody. When he heard him speak he was very much perplexed, yet he liked to listen to him. Herodias had an opportunity one day when Herod, on his birthday, gave a banquet for his courtiers, his military officers, and the leading men of Galilee. His own daughter came in and performed a dance that delighted Herod and his guests.The king said to the girl, "Ask of me whatever you wish and I will grant it to you." He even swore many things to her, "I will grant you whatever you ask of me, even to half of my kingdom." She went out and said to her mother, "What shall I ask for?" Her mother replied, "The head of John the Baptist." The girl hurried back to the king's presence and made her request, "I want you to give me at once on a platter the head of John the Baptist." The king was deeply distressed, but because of his oaths and the guests he did not wish to break his word to her. So he promptly dispatched an executioner with orders to bring back his head. He went off and beheaded him in the prison. He brought in the head on a platter and gave it to the girl. The girl in turn gave it to her mother. When his disciples heard about it, they came and took his body and laid it in a tomb. Bishop Sheen quote of the day 2) Debunking the deceptive immigration talking points being employed by Catholic Bishops https://www.complicitclergy.com/2025/02/04/debunking-the-deceptive-immigration-talking-points-being-employed-by-catholic-bishops/ 3) U.S. Border Czar points out Francis' hypocrisy in criticizing Trump's deportation plan https://www.knightsrepublic.com/single-post/u-s-border-czar-points-out-francis-hypocrisy-in-criticizing-trump-s-deportation-plan 4) The breathtaking hypocrisy of the USCCB https://www.complicitclergy.com/2025/02/07/the-breathtaking-hypocrisy-of-the-usccb/

    Charlotte Talks
    Local News Roundup: Immigration concerns; updates to Brooklyn Village project; Riggs-Griffin latest; Stein requests $1B for Helene relief

    Charlotte Talks

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 7, 2025 50:28

    On the Local News Roundup, possible changes to the Brooklyn Village redevelopment project, the 4th Circuit Court sends the N.C. Supreme Court race back to state court, and Gov. Stein asks for $1 billion for Helene relief.

    The Immigration Lawyers Podcast | Discussing Visas, Green Cards & Citizenship: Practice & Policy
    #362 Federal Court Update w/ Kevin A. Gregg, Esq. [Jan. 2025]

    The Immigration Lawyers Podcast | Discussing Visas, Green Cards & Citizenship: Practice & Policy

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 7, 2025 39:40

    Get the Toolbox Magazine! https://immigrationlawyerstoolbox.com/magazine Join our Marriage/Family Based Green Card course and community (includes adjustment and consular processing): https://immigrationlawyerstoolbox.com/courses   Guest: Kevin A. Gregg, Esq.   Audio Podcast Link: https://sites.libsyn.com/69112/362-federal-court-update-w-kevin-a-gregg-esq-jan-2025 Itunes Link: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/362-federal-court-update-w-kevin-a-gregg-esq-jan-2025/id1111797806?i=1000689795015   Share the video: https://youtu.be/7w_GwR7lfbY   Our Website: ImmigrationLawyersToolbox.com   Not legal advice. Consult with an Attorney. Attorney Advertisement. #podcaster #Lawyer #ImmigrationLawyer #Interview #Immigration #ImmigrationAttorney #USImmigration #ImmigrationLaw #ImmigrationLawyersToolbox

    Is This Legal?
    Ep. 132 I.C.E. Raids- What Rights Do Illegal Immigrants Have, If Any?

    Is This Legal?

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 7, 2025 49:59

    Send us a textColin and Russ discuss the Immigration Customs Enforcement (I.C.E.) Raids that are currently underway in major cities in the US.  How are the raids being conducted?  Who are they targeting?  Are they going into schools and churches?  When do they need a warrant?  What rights do immigrants have under the Constitution, if any?  Colin and Russ break it all down.  Plus a new Is This Legal and DCOTW!

    Jesus 911
    06 Feb 25 – USCCB Collects Money for Immigration, Nothing for the Unborn

    Jesus 911

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 6, 2025 51:17

    Today's Topics: 1) USCCB collects money for "immigration services" but, never for "pro-life activities" https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/usccb-collects-money-for-immigration-services-but-never-for-pro-life-activities-michael-hichborn/ 2, 3, 4) Rick Garrett, M.A., M.Ed., author of The Duping of America  - "We've been deceived into thinking abortion is acceptable, and the scientific, legal, moral and philosophical proof  demonstrates it is not"

    The Take
    Has Trump broken Canada's relationship with the US?

    The Take

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 6, 2025 18:08

    From booing at sports events to boycotting products, Canada is taking a sharp look at its neighbour to the south. United States President Donald Trump placed a 30-day pause on 25 percent tariffs on Canada after speaking with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. But what does the dispute reveal about the US and Canada’s shared future? In this episode: Stephen Marche (@StephenMarche), Journalist and Novelist Episode credits: And that’s the Take. This episode was produced by Tamara Khandaker, Sonia Bhagat, and Chloe K. Li, with Phillip Lanos, Spencer Cline, Melanie Marich, Hagir Saleh, Hanah Shokeir, Khaled Soltan, and our host, Kevin Hirten. It was edited by Noor Wazwaz. Our sound designer is Alex Roldan. Our video editors are Hisham Abu Salah and Mohannad Al-Melhem. Alexandra Locke is The Take’s executive producer. Ney Alvarez is Al Jazeera’s head of audio. Connect with us: @AJEPodcasts on Instagram, X, Facebook, Threads and YouTube

    Calvary Church Podcast
    Immigration & DEI: The Conservative Christian Worldview Part 2 // Ricecast

    Calvary Church Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 6, 2025 36:06

    Hey,Pastor Willy and I explore immigration and DEI in the Western World from a conservative Christian perspective! - Pastor DanLINKS:Jim Cymbala Prayer Service (skip to 34:25)Support the showFind us at! Calvary.us

    Giant Robots Smashing Into Other Giant Robots
    560: Simplifying the Immigration Journey with Matt Gale

    Giant Robots Smashing Into Other Giant Robots

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 6, 2025 35:20

    Chad is joined by Matt Gale, Chief Strategy Officer for Lawfully (https://www.lawfully.com/), as they talk about the immigration process in the US and how Lawfully is helping both individuals and businesses track applications on the road to becoming US citizens. Matt explains the challenges of having an app that sees users leave once their the immigration application is complete, how they've expanded to help more than just the individual, and why they chose to make Lawfully a benefit corporation. — If you have an active immigration case that you are tracking or are an attorney acting on behalf of other, consider checking out Lawfully and their app! (https://www.lawfully.com/) If you'd like to connect with Matt directly, you can find him over on LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/matthewrichardgale/). Your host for this episode has been Chad Pytel. You can find Chad all over social media as @cpytel, or over on LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/cpytel/). If you would like to support the show, head over to our GitHub page (https://github.com/sponsors/thoughtbot), or check out our website (https://podcast.thoughtbot.com). Got a question or comment about the show? Why not write to our hosts: hosts@giantrobots.fm This has been a thoughtbot (https://thoughtbot.com/) podcast. Stay up to date by following us on social media - LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/company/150727/) - Mastodon (https://thoughtbot.social/@thoughtbot) - Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/thoughtbot/) © 2025 thoughtbot, inc.

    S8 Ep. 19: Thomas Dai on Mapping, Naming, Borders, and Immigration


    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 6, 2025 47:31

    Essayist Thomas Dai joins co-hosts V.V. Ganeshananthan and Whitney Terrell to discuss his new collection, Take My Name But Say It Slow, in which he writes about place and identity. Dai talks about the imperialist impulse behind Trump's attempt to turn the Gulf of Mexico into the “Gulf of America,” the power of naming, and the appeal and uncertainty of mapping. He also reflects on the surprising history of border policing, queer cartographies, and the sometimes paradoxical relationship between inner self and physical space. Dai reads from Take My Name But Say It Slow.    To hear the full episode, subscribe through iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, Spotify, or your favorite podcast app (include the forward slashes when searching). You can also listen by streaming from the player below. Check out video versions of our interviews on the Fiction/Non/Fiction Instagram account, the Fiction/Non/Fiction YouTube Channel, and our show website: https://www.fnfpodcast.net/ This podcast is produced by Whitney Terrell and V.V. Ganeshananthan. Selected Readings: Thomas Dai Take My Name But Say It Slow Others National Archives, The Chinese Exclusion Act  “Queering the Map” Thomas Pynchon, Mason & Dixon Peter Ho Davies, The Fortunes “Think There's Nothing You Can Do to Stop ICE? Think Again.” | The Nation Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Ohio's response to President Trump's immigration round up


    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 6, 2025 22:26

    Our roundtable discussion covers President Trump's immigration round-up, the move to end capital punishment in Ohio, and a proposal to change Ohio's fairly new voter-approved law legalizing recreational marijuana.

    It's Been a Minute with Sam Sanders
    On immigration, "what if fear is the message?"

    It's Been a Minute with Sam Sanders

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 5, 2025 18:35

    President Trump has signed numerous executive orders surrounding immigration, but one in particular put everyone on high alert - a move to end birthright citizenship. While the order is unlikely to stand, what does the pushback to this Constitutional right say about the state of our country, and who stands to benefit from its dissolution? Brittany sits down with NPR's immigration correspondent Jasmine Garsd and Homeland Security Department and Immigration Policy Reporter Ximena Bustillo to find out. Support public media and receive ad-free listening & bonus. Join NPR+ today.Learn more about sponsor message choices: podcastchoices.com/adchoicesNPR Privacy Policy

    Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis
    RFK Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard Pass Their First Senate Hurdles, Trump's Tariff War Update, the First Migrant Flight to Guantánamo Bay, the Catholic Church's Immigration Battle With Dr. Edward Feser & What's Happening With USAID?

    Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 5, 2025 43:36

    Tonight's rundown:  Hey BillOReilly.com Premium and Concierge Members, welcome to the No Spin News for Tuesday, February 4, 2025. Stand Up for Your Country.  The latest on Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard's Senate confirmation hearings. Talking Points Memo: Bill breaks down the tariff pause between Canada and Mexico and how China responded in retaliation. The Trump administration began transporting immigrants who entered the U.S. illegally to Guantánamo Bay. Professor Dr. Edward Feser joins the No Spin News to discuss the Pope's stance on migrants and the ongoing battle within the Catholic Church over immigration. The latest on the USAID situation. This Day in History: Electors choose George Washington to be the first president of the United States. Final Thought: Bill announces his NEW book, Confronting Evil: Assessing the Worst of the Worst. In Case You Missed It: Read Bill's latest column, Cheering the Swamp. For a limited time, get Bill O'Reilly's bestselling The United States of Trump and a No Spin Mug for only $39.95. Get Bill's latest book, CONFRONTING THE PRESIDENTS, out NOW! Now's the time to get a Premium or Concierge Membership to BillOReilly.com, the only place for honest news analysis. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Prosecuting Donald Trump
    “Everything Everywhere All at Once”

    Prosecuting Donald Trump

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 5, 2025 54:32

    With the deluge of news about the Trump administration's actions and orders, hosts Andrew Weissmann and Mary McCord zoom out to talk through what seems to be the overarching goal here- to clear out all opposition and have a presidency unbound by law. As former officials at the Justice Department and the FBI, they have a clear-eyed view on the broad swath of firings and how this wrecking ball approach will be litigated in court as challenges mount. Then, Andrew and Mary give some legal context to Trump's attempt to cut off congressional aid, both through the funding freeze that already has several temporary restraining orders, and the ongoing news involving attempts to dismantle USAID by Trump and Musk.Further reading: Here is Mary's piece in Just Security asking the Senate to get answers from Bondi and Patel: From Pardons to Purges: Pressing Questions that Bondi and Patel Must Answer NowAnd this is the article Andrew and Mary referenced in this episode from Adam Cox and Trevor Morrison, also on Just Security: Trump's Dictatorial Theory of Presidential Power – What the Executive Orders, in the Aggregate, Tell UsWant to listen to this show without ads? Sign up for MSNBC Premium on Apple Podcasts.

    Post Reports
    Inside Trump's immigration crackdown

    Post Reports

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 5, 2025 37:04

    As the Trump administration ramps up immigration arrests, it's promoting a simple story: They are getting the dangerous criminals out. But to get to the massive numbers of deportations that President Donald Trump has promised, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement is also arresting people without violent or criminal offenses on their records. Those arrests have spread fear among undocumented immigrants and their family members.Today, a look inside two recent ICE arrests. First, host Martine Powers speaks with immigration reporter Nick Miroff about his recent ride along with ICE in New York City. Then, a visit to Newark, New Jersey, where investigative immigration reporter Silvia Foster-Frau reported on ICE's arrest of three men working at a seafood distributor.Today's show was produced by Laura Benshoff and Emma Talkoff. It was edited by Reena Flores with help from Maggie Penman. It was mixed by Sam Bair. Thanks to Jenna Johnson.Subscribe to The Washington Post here.

    Things Police See: First Hand Accounts
    Hunting US Border Agent Rapist, Southern Border Crime, Taking Down Dirty Boss

    Things Police See: First Hand Accounts

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 5, 2025 87:05

    Kristofor Healey is a former Deportation Officer with Immigration and Customs Enforcement and Special Agent with the Department of Homeland Security Office of Inspector General. He spent over 15 years conducting border crime, large scale fraud, money laundering and public corruption investigations, including leading the largest tele-fraud case in U.S. History Black Box Safety www.blackboxsafety.com sourcewell@blackboxsafety.com Instagram - @blackboxsafety Kirstofor's Book In Valor: 365 Stoic Meditations for First Responders https://a.co/d/8CxGPaf Contact Steve - steve@thingspolicesee.com Support the show by joining the Patreon community today! https://www.patreon.com/user?u=27353055

    The Brian Lehrer Show
    It's Girl Scout Cookie Season for Troop 6000

    The Brian Lehrer Show

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 5, 2025 13:49

    As Girl Scout Cookie season kicks off, Karen Lundgard, interim CEO of Girl Scouts of Greater New York, tells listeners about Troop 6000, a first-of-its-kind program to serve families living in temporary housing in the New York City shelter system, as well as asylum seekers in New York City, and their efforts to sell some of America's favorite sweets.

    The A.M. Update
    Colonizing...GAZA?! | Racism Is FINALLY Over | 2/5/25

    The A.M. Update

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 5, 2025 26:44

    In this episode, Aaron McIntire discusses a range of topics including Donald Trump's proposal for U.S. occupation of Gaza, the FBI's extensive involvement in January 6th investigations, the controversial actions of USAID, and Congresswoman Ilhan Omar's statements regarding immigration. The episode also highlights the innovative work of Luke Farritor, a student who used AI to decode ancient scrolls from Pompeii.

    CNN News Briefing
    Thousands protest Trump, “weaponization” of the DOJ, ICE impersonators & more

    CNN News Briefing

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 5, 2025 6:50

    A movement organized online under the hashtags #buildtheresistance and #50501 took to the streets today. President Donald Trump has banned transgender women from competing in women's sports. We'll tell you about the newly sworn-in attorney general's plans for the Justice Department. Investigators are still working out how two aircraft collided in one of the country's most regulated airspace corridors last week. Plus, authorities in at least three states have arrested people accused of impersonating Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    The Gary DeMar Podcast
    A Lightning Round of News

    The Gary DeMar Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 5, 2025 29:36

    Gary's runs over a few recent news stories and how the media is struggling to keep up with everything happening. Gary puts his unique spin and view on the topics and reminds listeners that politicians, while important, are not the answer to solving everything. Christians need to stay involved and informed.

    The BradCast w/ Brad Friedman
    'BradCast' 2/4/2025 (The Opposition Begins to Take Shape)

    The BradCast w/ Brad Friedman

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 5, 2025 58:19

    Friends and Enemas
    Let's Get Educated: Immigration

    Friends and Enemas

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 5, 2025 37:02

    Breaking from tradition, we're pivoting to an episode for education! In the last few months, Lindsey's curiosity about Immigration has been piqued, so in order to learn, grow, and share, she's invited immigration lawyer and lovely human being, LaToya McBean Pompy to have a chat about the state of immigration in the US! Join us and learn from a trusted, knowledgeable, hands-on resource and if you have any other questions, leave us a comment! To stay up to date, follow LaToya and her firm on socials: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/mcbeanlawoffice Facebook, Instagram, & TikTok: @mcbeanimmigrationlaw Website: https://mcbeanlaw.com/blog/

    For People with Bishop Rob Wright
    Faith & Public Policy with Rebecca Linder Blachly

    For People with Bishop Rob Wright

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 5, 2025 20:43 Transcription Available

    Send us a textFaith and public policy are at a crossroads, making waves in national headlines. This intersection is deeply political, with Christians divided on all sides of the issue. As followers of Christ, it's essential to remember that while Jesus' message is undeniably political, it is never partisan.In this episode, Bishop Wright sits down with Rebecca Linder Blachly, the Director of the Office of Government Relations for The Episcopal Church. Together, they explore the nation's most pressing issues and the critical role the Church plays in advocating for humane immigration policies amidst political tension. Rebecca, whose journey took her from studying philosophy to navigating the corridors of the Pentagon, offers her unique perspective on how to maintain hope and stability, all while nurturing existing ministries. Listen in for the full conversation.Since 2016, Rebecca Blachly has served as The Director of The Office of Government Relations for The Episcopal Church. Prior to this role, she was the Senior Policy Advisor for Africa in the Office of Religion and Global Affairs at the U.S. Department of State. Her previous positions include Acting Chief of the Strategic Communication Division at U.S. Africa Command in Stuttgart, Germany, Special Assistant to the Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, and Research Associate in the Post-Conflict Reconstruction Project at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. She has conducted fieldwork and research throughout Africa and the Middle East and she has published on civil-military relations and information sharing in complex environments. Ms. Blachly received her B.A. in philosophy from Williams College and her M.Div. from Harvard University, and she is a Term Member at the Council on Foreign Relations.Support the show Follow us on IG and FB at Bishop Rob Wright.

    The Jake Silberman Show
    Interview #9: Immigration with Juan Diego Mazuera Arias

    The Jake Silberman Show

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 5, 2025 80:20

    Jake chats with Juan Diego Mazuera Arias, who is a Colombian immigrant and has worked in immigration policy.

    The Josh Hammer Show
    More MAGA Winning: A Look at USAID, Education, and Immigration Policies

    The Josh Hammer Show

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 5, 2025 30:29

    Josh Hammer unpacks some of the latest remarkable wins for President Donald Trump and his MAGA coalition.See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    The Daily Sun-Up
    Jared Polis reveals his stance on the gun, labor and housing bills before the Colorado legislature

    The Daily Sun-Up

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 5, 2025 31:16

    Colorado's legislative session is entering its second month, which means bills are starting to advance through the state Capitol. On today's podcast, we're revisiting our conversation last month with Gov. Jared Polis previewing Colorado's 2025 lawmaking term. Read our full story: https://coloradosun.com/2025/01/20/jared-polis-guns-labor-peace-act-housing/See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Dad Bros Show
    Ep 617 – Worst Beverage

    Dad Bros Show

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 5, 2025 121:42

    The Dad Bros talk about scams and signs getting older. Immigration enforcement hits the ground running. Josh introduces Jon to the “glitter conspiracy”. Is DeepSeek AI really a game changer. Why would people be selling phones with TikTok installed. Apple & Starlink strike a deal. Let's go “ELGSES”. We're the refs helping the Chiefs against... The post Ep 617 – Worst Beverage appeared first on Dad Bros.

    FM Talk 1065 Podcasts
    The George Williams Show 2-4-25 Israel, US, Gaza, immigration, guest Dr. Phillip Brown

    FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 5, 2025 48:49

    JLife with Daniel
    Free Speech, Immigration, Trump's Policies, and the Jews: A Legal Perspective with Julie Marzouk

    JLife with Daniel

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 5, 2025 77:50

    In this episode, we sit down with attorney and advocate Julie Marzouk to explore the intersection of immigration, antisemitism, and violence against women—and what the first weeks of Trump's second term reveal about the legal landscape for combating antisemitism. We discuss the Trump administration's executive order on antisemitism, new federal investigations into college campuses, and the formation of a multi-agency task force to address rising antisemitic incidents in schools and universities. How will these policies impact Jewish students and communities? We also examine Trump's aggressive immigration enforcement, including the Texas National Guard's expanded authority to arrest migrants, and what this means for broader legal and humanitarian concerns. Join us for a deep dive into the legal and policy challenges shaping the Jewish community today—plus what advocates like Julie Marzouk are doing to fight for justice.

    Stew and the Nunn
    Stew and the Nunn, Episode 324 talking southern border

    Stew and the Nunn

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 5, 2025 41:23

    Join Troy and Toby tonight as they talk about how events on the southern border are impacting service to our veterans.

    KZYX News
    California AG Rob Bonta Tells Schools How to Handle Immigration Officers

    KZYX News

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 5, 2025 6:31

    California Attorney General Rob Bonta offers guidance to schools on dealing with federal immigration officers; PG&E completes the final draft of the surrender application and decommissioning plan for the Potter Valley Project; and the planned construction of a Grocery Outlet in Fort Bragg on the moves forward.

    BustED Pencils
    Class in Session- Schools, not Wargrounds, with Randi Weingarten

    BustED Pencils

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 5, 2025 18:47

    Randi Weingarten, President of AFT and a recurring Pencil Buster, joins us for this very special class in session. In the first days of his second term, President Trump's administration stripped schools of designation as ‘sensitive locations'. That means Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials are no longer prohibited from arresting individuals suspected of lacking proper migration documentation in schools. This will further turn schools away from being places of learning and community and into places of fear. As President of the second largest teacher's union in the nation, Randi put it into a simple urging: “don't make schools a warground”. In this country of laws and rights, EVERY child has the right to go to school, decided by SCOTUS in Plyler v. Doe. Let those schools be places of growth and engagement, not fear and trauma. BustED Pencils: Fully Leaded Education Talk is part of Civic Media. Subscribe to the podcast to be sure not to miss out on a single episode! To learn more about the show and all of the programming across the Civic Media network, head over to https://civicmedia.us/shows. Join the conversation by calling or texting us at 608-557-8577 to leave a message! Guest: Randi Weingarten

    Global in the Granite State
    Episode 74: Unpacking the Wholesale Changes to Immigration

    Global in the Granite State

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 5, 2025 28:47

    As President Trump has implemented sweeping changes in how the government functions and continues to try and re-write the rules of the game, many people are feeling overwhelmed trying to keep up. In this month's episode, we speak with Jeffery Thielman, President & CEO of the International Institute of New England, to unpack the various changes and enforcement actions implemented in the first couple weeks of the new administration. From a stated desire to remove up to 11 million undocumented people from the country, to activating the military and empowering them to directly engage in deportations, there is a lot to keep up with. There are long ranging implications for these efforts, many of which will be challenged in courts, and it remains important for people to know what is really going on and to hold their government accountable. Jeffery Thielman - Since becoming the President and CEO of the International Institute of New England in 2015, Jeff has been a leader in the effort to preserve the U.S. refugee resettlement program and to protect the rights of immigrants in New England. Under his direction, IINE has expanded services to more refugees and immigrants, reinstated its legal services program, and expanded career services to more cities and towns in the region.Prior to joining IINE, he co-founded the national Cristo Rey Network and spent nearly two decades creating schools that today serve 13,000 low income and immigrant students in 24 U.S. states and boast of more than 21,000 graduates. Jeff oversaw the start-up of the first 24 Cristo Rey schools and served as President of Cristo Rey Boston High School.Early in his professional career, Jeff was a trial attorney in Boston and worked in the financial services industry. Between college and law school, he served as a Jesuit International Volunteer in Tacna, Peru, where he was a teacher and founder of a program for street children called the Center for the Working Child, which has been replicated in several cities in Peru. He is co-author of Volunteer: With the Poor in Peru, holds undergraduate and law degrees from Boston College, and is fluent in Spanish.Jeff lives with his wife and three children in Arlington, Massachusetts, where he serves on the town's School Committee.View the Pew Research Center's Chart on Immigration Encounters since 2000.

    Deux heures d'info avec Nikos Aliagas
    Immigration : «Il faut changer les lois», estime Pascal Praud

    Deux heures d'info avec Nikos Aliagas

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 5, 2025 3:36

    De passage dans la matinale de Dimitri Pavlenko pour annoncer le programme de son émission, Pascal Praud s'inquiète de la baisse de la natalité en France alors que l'immigration continue d'augmenter.

    Why Is This Happening? with Chris Hayes
    The Reality at the Border with Jonathan Blitzer

    Why Is This Happening? with Chris Hayes

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 4, 2025 58:40

    It's no surprise that immigration policy is an area that we've seen so much focus on recently. The Trump administration has moved with lightning speed to roll out its immigration agenda. With everything that's going on, we thought it would be good to have a conversation about some of the deep roots and complexities in history that have brought us to this moment. Jonathan Blitzer is a staff writer at The New Yorker and the author of “Everyone Who Is Gone Is Here: The United States, Central America, and the Making of a Crisis.” He joins WITHpod to discuss what he has called “misguided” policy, the real-life impacts and more.   

    Tim Pool Daily Show
    Far Left RIOT ERUPTS Over Trump Deportations, CBP Agent UNALIVED By Leftist Gang Over Immigration

    Tim Pool Daily Show

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 4, 2025 100:53

    BUY CAST BREW COFFEE TO FIGHT BACK - https://castbrew.com/ Become a Member For Uncensored Videos - https://timcast.com/join-us/ Hang Out With Tim Pool & Crew LIVE At - http://Youtube.com/TimcastIRL Far Left RIOT ERUPTS Over Trump Deportations, CBP Agent UNALIVED By Leftist Gang Over Immigration Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Mock and Daisy's Common Sense Cast
    Daily Dish: The Fight Over USAID, Canada & Mexico CAVE To Trump, & Senator Kennedy Insults His Colleagues

    Mock and Daisy's Common Sense Cast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 4, 2025 95:47

    Today the Chicks discuss everything going on with US AID and DOGE, Trump's tariff victories, and Senator Kennedy's hilarious BURN.You only get one retirement, don't leave it to chance.  Schedule your FREE Know Your Risk Portfolio review at https://KnowYourRiskRadio.com  Don't put it off.Winter can be harsh on your skin and hair. Visit https://HealthyCell.com/Chicks and use promo code CHICKS to get Vibrant Skin, Hair and Nails and 20% off your first order. Protect your family.  Visit https://AllFamilyPharmacy.com/Chicks and use code CHICKS10 to get 10% off your entire order.

    The A.M. Update
    TOTAL Capitulation From MX & CA | Trump's Tariffs: Broader, Grand, and Maybe Golden | 2/4/25

    The A.M. Update

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 4, 2025 28:06

    In this episode, Aaron McIntire discusses the recent developments in U.S. trade policy, particularly the tariffs imposed by Trump on Canada and Mexico, and the implications for U.S. relations with these countries. He also delves into the controversial USAID, highlighting Elon Musk's call for its dismantling, and the subsequent backlash from Democrats. The conversation shifts to border security and immigration policies, emphasizing the need for stronger measures against cartels. McIntire critiques globalization and its impact on the American middle class, while exploring Trump's broader tariff strategy and its potential to reshape American manufacturing.   00:00 The Tariff Tensions Begin 03:05 USAID Under Fire 06:10 Democratic Response to USAID Cuts 08:50 Border Security and Immigration Policies 12:07 Globalization and Its Discontents 18:11 Trump's Tariff Strategy Explained  

    Americans like what they are seeing


    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 4, 2025 58:00

    The National Security Hour with Col. Mike and Dr. Mike – Colonel Mike and Dr. Mike host Michael Waller for a crucial discussion on America's security. Trump's nominees face confirmation, the military battles DEI policies, and China escalates its covert war. Immigration enforcement ramps up, while deep-state operatives face termination. With global tensions rising, the fight to reclaim national strength and sovereignty continues.

    Texas Tribune TribCast
    Greg Abbott's priorities

    Texas Tribune TribCast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 4, 2025 36:44

    The BradCast w/ Brad Friedman
    'BradCast' 2/3/2025 (Unlawful Trump firings at DOJ, FBI; Critical CDC databases removed; Musk takes over USAID, Treasury Dept)

    The BradCast w/ Brad Friedman

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 4, 2025 58:30

    Bill Handel on Demand
    Handel on the News

    Bill Handel on Demand

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 4, 2025 29:11 Transcription Available

    (February 04,2025)Amy King and Neil Saavedra join Bill for Handel on the News. Trump says he agreed to pause tariffs on Mexico and Canada for one month. China hits back as Trump's tariffs go into effect. Netanyahu blows past ceasefire talks deadline to confer with Trump. FDA elevates risk… what to know. Protests held across SoCal as part of a nationwide ‘Day Without Immigrants' movement.

    Bill Handel on Demand
    ‘A Day Without Immigrants' | State Farm Seeking Emergency Rate Increase

    Bill Handel on Demand

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 4, 2025 25:46 Transcription Available

    (February 04,2025)Businesses close, children skip school for ‘A Day Without Immigrants.' 2.2BIL gallons of water flowed out of California reservoirs. State Farm seeks emergency rate increase averaging 22% after L.A. fires. Roughly a third of wildfire arsonists are connected to fire service, investigator says.

    The Tara Show
    Hour 2: The Tara Show - “Trump's New Deal with for Immigration” “Elon Musk's Level of Power” “A New Version of Trump | Trump 2.0” “Dems Send Constitutions to the Streets”

    The Tara Show

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 4, 2025 30:31

    Hour 2: The Tara Show - “Trump's New Deal with for Immigration” “Elon Musk's Level of Power” “A New Version of Trump | Trump 2.0” “Dems Send Constitutions to the Streets” full 1831 Tue, 04 Feb 2025 15:07:10 +0000 t3qyrHsxkxcsLlNPtOzmG3g3kNSPhvdb news The Tara Show news Hour 2: The Tara Show - “Trump's New Deal with for Immigration” “Elon Musk's Level of Power” “A New Version of Trump | Trump 2.0” “Dems Send Constitutions to the Streets” Tara presides over the Upstate's #1 all news/talk morning show every weekday on News/Talk 989 WORD.Tara's faithful listeners are affectionately known as "Tara-ists" because of their passion and participation in the show. Tara was named 2021 Best News Talk Show and Best overall Personality, AGAIN, by the South Carolina Broadcasters Association! Tara took home the same honors in 2018 and was also named 2016 "Personality of the Year!" In addition, Tara has also won over two dozen state and national journalism awards for column writing, news reporting and investigative reporting while working for three newspapers and writing for a variety of national publications. She won a first place reporting award from the North Carolina Press Association for an investigative series about the weaknesses in Charlotte's overburdened court system, which regularly let murderers off the hook with less than 15 years in prison. Due to her work, that system has been reformed. Tara is also a winner of the prestigious first place Green Eyeshade Award, a national award for column writing from The Society of Professional Journalists. Tara took to the airwaves about 15 years ago to do a radio show heard up and down the coast and fell in love with bypassing her editors to talk straight to the people. Tara hasn't stopped reporting, and still brings her investigative journalism to the show. Tara is a mom, wife and talk radio convert-- and weekday mornings she's live and local on News/Talk 989 WORD. Are you a "Tara-ist"? It's time to get captured!      2024 © 2021 Audacy, Inc. News False https://player.amperwavepodcasting.com?feed-link=https%

    The Tara Show
    Trump's New Deal with for Immigration

    The Tara Show

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 4, 2025 10:35

    Trump's New Deal with for Immigration full 635 Tue, 04 Feb 2025 12:23:45 +0000 p9c83JIB6CBvnaCDhwfJSXFdMEhLx6wa news The Tara Show news Trump's New Deal with for Immigration Tara presides over the Upstate's #1 all news/talk morning show every weekday on News/Talk 989 WORD.Tara's faithful listeners are affectionately known as "Tara-ists" because of their passion and participation in the show. Tara was named 2021 Best News Talk Show and Best overall Personality, AGAIN, by the South Carolina Broadcasters Association! Tara took home the same honors in 2018 and was also named 2016 "Personality of the Year!" In addition, Tara has also won over two dozen state and national journalism awards for column writing, news reporting and investigative reporting while working for three newspapers and writing for a variety of national publications. She won a first place reporting award from the North Carolina Press Association for an investigative series about the weaknesses in Charlotte's overburdened court system, which regularly let murderers off the hook with less than 15 years in prison. Due to her work, that system has been reformed. Tara is also a winner of the prestigious first place Green Eyeshade Award, a national award for column writing from The Society of Professional Journalists. Tara took to the airwaves about 15 years ago to do a radio show heard up and down the coast and fell in love with bypassing her editors to talk straight to the people. Tara hasn't stopped reporting, and still brings her investigative journalism to the show. Tara is a mom, wife and talk radio convert-- and weekday mornings she's live and local on News/Talk 989 WORD. Are you a "Tara-ist"? It's time to get captured!      2024 © 2021 Audacy, Inc. News False https://player.amperwavepodcasting.com?feed-link=https%3A%2F%2Frss.amperwave.net%2F

    Louder with Crowder
    Why Trump & America Will Dominate the Global Trade War

    Louder with Crowder

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 3, 2025 60:00

    According to the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, President Trump's administration deported more than 7,200 illegal migrants in Trump's first nine days in office, Panama won't renew participation in Beijing's Belt and Road Initiative, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau freaked after Trump hit Canada, Mexico & China with tariffs, and more!GUEST: Josh FirestineDOWNLOAD THE RUMBLE APP TODAY: https://rumble.com/our-appsOrder today at http://www.1775coffee.com/CROWDER - code CROWDER to save 15% off your orderConnect your Mug Club account to Rumble and enjoy Rumble Premium: https://support.locals.com/en/article/how-do-i-connect-my-locals-account-to-my-rumble-account-on-rumble-vhd2st/SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources-february-3-2025Join Rumble Premium to watch this show every day! http://louderwithcrowder.com/PremiumNEW MERCH! https://crowdershop.com/Subscribe to my podcast: https://rss.com/podcasts/louder-with-crowder/FOLLOW ME: Website: https://louderwithcrowder.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/scrowder Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/louderwithcrowder Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stevencrowderofficialMusic by @Pogo

    Wretched Radio

    Wretched Radio

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 3, 2025 54:59

    Segment 1: • The Quaker Controversy: Quakers consider housing illegal immigrants a core religious duty. • Biblical Perspective: Does Scripture support churches acting as sanctuaries for those breaking immigration laws? • Scripture Interprets Scripture: What's the right way to approach justice, compassion, and the law? Segment 2: • Fortis Podcast & Webinar Updates: Big things coming—don't miss Libby Glosson's new series! • Suing the Government: Quakers take legal action against the Trump administration over their right to shelter illegal immigrants. • Three Parables: A recap of an impactful sermon covering biblical truth. Segment 3: • Todd's Prediction: JD Vance won't stay Roman Catholic—his views are already clashing with the Church. • Corrupting Conversation: Why is coarse language so prevalent in politics and media? • Movie Review: Conclave presents a distorted view of Christian doctrine—how does it hold up to biblical truth? Segment 4: • Chris Cuomo & Trey Gowdy: What's behind Cuomo's personality shift, and why is Gowdy making waves? • Tim Challies' Insight: True comfort isn't found in circumstances—it's found in trusting that God is always working for our good. • The Laken Riley Bill: A mother speaks before it's signed into law, but where does our ultimate comfort come from? Jesus. ___ Thanks for listening! Wretched Radio would not be possible without the financial support of our Gospel Partners. If you would like to support Wretched Radio we would be extremely grateful. VISIT https://fortisinstitute.org/donate/ If you are already a Gospel Partner we couldn't be more thankful for you if we tried!

    The Michael Berry Show
    AM Show Hr 3 | Houston's Sewer Czar, Immigration Profiteers, and Water Department Corruption

    The Michael Berry Show

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 3, 2025 33:13 Transcription Available