Podcasts about FA

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    Devocionais Diarias

    Devocionais Diarias

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 11, 2025 3:19

    Graça e Paz! Estas coisas vos tenho dito para que tenhais paz em mim. No mundo, passais por aflições; mas tende bom ânimo; Eu venci o mundo. João 16.33 Primeira Igreja Presbiteriana da Arniqueira www.1ipar.com Entre em contato conosco 1iparniqueiras@gmail.com Faça nos uma visita SHA Conjunto 3 Chácara 47A Arniqueira Brasília DF maps.app.goo.gl/iQSRtWrk9Hy6eaUT6 YouTube https://youtube.com/@primeiraigrejapresbiterian1958 Contribua Ore e ajude esta obra! Pix 40222748 000153 (CNPJ) Banco do Brasil Conta Corrente 51214-1 Agência 2901-7 Que Deus abençoe você! Porque de tal manera amó Dios al mundo, que ha dado á su Hijo unigénito, para que todo aquel que en él cree, no se pierda, mas tenga vida eterna. Juan 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16 ¹⁶ Ибо так возлюбил Бог мир , что отдал Сына Своего Единородного , дабы всякий верующий в Него , не погиб , но имел жизнь вечную . João 3:16 Car Dieu a tellement aimé le monde, qu'il a donné son Fils unique; afin que tout homme qui croit en lui ne périsse point, mais qu'il ait la vie éternelle. João 3:16 ¹⁶ Want so lief het God die wêreld gehad, dat Hy sy eniggebore Seun gegee het, sodat elkeen wat in Hom glo, nie verlore mag gaan nie, maar die ewige lewe kan hê. João 3:16 ¹⁶ 하나님이 세상을 이처럼 사랑하사 독생자를 주셨으니 이는 저를 믿는 자마다 멸망치 않고 영생을 얻게 하려 하심이니라 João 3:16 ¹⁷ Tanrı, Oğlunu dünyayı yargılamak için göndermedi, dünya Onun aracılığıyla kurtulsun diye gönderdi. João 3:17

    Devocionais Diarias

    Devocionais Diarias

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 10, 2025 3:07

    Graça e Paz! Se alguém disser: Amo a Deus, e odiar a seu irmão, é mentiroso; pois aquele que não ama a seu irmão, a quem vê, não pode amar a Deus, a quem não vê. 1 João 4.20 Primeira Igreja Presbiteriana da Arniqueira www.1ipar.com Entre em contato conosco 1iparniqueiras@gmail.com Faça nos uma visita SHA Conjunto 3 Chácara 47A Arniqueira Brasília DF maps.app.goo.gl/iQSRtWrk9Hy6eaUT6 YouTube https://youtube.com/@primeiraigrejapresbiterian1958 Contribua Ore e ajude esta obra! Pix 40222748 000153 (CNPJ) Banco do Brasil Conta Corrente 51214-1 Agência 2901-7 Que Deus abençoe você! Porque de tal manera amó Dios al mundo, que ha dado á su Hijo unigénito, para que todo aquel que en él cree, no se pierda, mas tenga vida eterna. Juan 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16 ¹⁶ Ибо так возлюбил Бог мир , что отдал Сына Своего Единородного , дабы всякий верующий в Него , не погиб , но имел жизнь вечную . João 3:16 Car Dieu a tellement aimé le monde, qu'il a donné son Fils unique; afin que tout homme qui croit en lui ne périsse point, mais qu'il ait la vie éternelle. João 3:16 ¹⁶ Want so lief het God die wêreld gehad, dat Hy sy eniggebore Seun gegee het, sodat elkeen wat in Hom glo, nie verlore mag gaan nie, maar die ewige lewe kan hê. João 3:16 ¹⁶ 하나님이 세상을 이처럼 사랑하사 독생자를 주셨으니 이는 저를 믿는 자마다 멸망치 않고 영생을 얻게 하려 하심이니라 João 3:16 ¹⁷ Tanrı, Oğlunu dünyayı yargılamak için göndermedi, dünya Onun aracılığıyla kurtulsun diye gönderdi. João 3:17

    Rotherham United Podcast
    Millermen Saturday - Part 2

    Rotherham United Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 10, 2025 33:24

    Time for the second part of the preview showIt is FA cup 3rd round weekend!!!!But that does not matter to Rotherham United. Instead It is another chance to gain some ground in the league with a home game against Bolton Wanderers. Can Steve Evans get the better of Ian Evatt?Make sure to follow us on X and FacebookPlease also give us a 5 star rating wherever you are listening Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Exegese & Exposição
    MENSAGEM | Trocando o vigor para o Ano Novo [Isaías 40.28-31]

    Exegese & Exposição

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 10, 2025 32:18

    Obrigado por acessar o meu Canal! Aqui você encontrará podcasts com informações sobre exegese bíblica que mudarão sua vida cristã. # Não clique aqui: https://bit.ly/383Dr57 Ouça novos podcasts Exegese & Exposição, exegese on-demand para você, em seu agregador preferido ou no YouTube. Grupo EXCLUSIVO do Telegram, com muitos materiais para seus estudos exegéticos: Exegese & Exposição - Materiais ## Quer publicar o seu livro evangélico? Conheça a incrível proposta da Editora Contextualizar: http://www.contextualizar.com.br/ PARTICIPE! Faça comentários relevantes ao tema ou sugira outras passagens bíblicas para exegese e exposição.



    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 10, 2025 67:08

    Faça parte da primeira e maior comunidade de criminalistas do Brasil: https://bit.ly/3LVZpN7 Descubra os segredos para se destacar no Direito Penal Econômico com o renomado professor e advogado André Luís Callegari. Neste vídeo, ele compartilha insights valiosos sobre as competências essenciais para atuar na área, os desafios enfrentados por advogados e estratégias para construir uma carreira sólida e de referência. Se você quer alcançar um alto nível de excelência e relevância no mercado jurídico, este conteúdo é indispensável!

    Collita pròpia #23. Aquí no dorm ningú


    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 10, 2025 10:53

    10 de gener de 2025. Obrim el Collita pròpia d'avui amb l'entrevista que Albert Gener ha fet al poeta i traductor Enric Casasses, que al desembre publicava Notícia de la poesia catalana. Dels orígens al segle vint. A l'episodi escoltem algunes de les respostes de Casasses.Pel que fa al teatre, Martí Figueras ha fet una crítica d'El dia de la marmota, un musical que dirigeix Enric Cambray al Teatre Coliseum i que, com diu l'autor, "reivindica l'amor i l'alegria de viure".Parlem d'Olympia, una obra de creació de Carlota Subirós que s'estrena aquesta setmana al Teatre Lliure de Gràcia. La directora ha parlat amb Emma Delon en una entrevista.Fa dies Joan Burdeus publicava Facturar a la Corpo on parla de les dues darreres estrenes de 3Cat: Club Tàndem, de Juliana Canet i Marina Porras, i Tot torna, d'Òscar Andreu i Òscar Dalmau.També recomanem llegir Fidias o el perill de les intuïcions polítiques de Pol Viñas, que a l'episodi ens explica per què s'ha fixat en aquest personatge.Anna Carreras recomana Aquí no dorm ningú de Xavier Theros que torna a llibreries amb aquesta novel·la detectivesca que publica La Campana.Aquesta setmana arrenquen dos festivals. Per una banda, des del 10 de gener i fins a l'11 d'abril se celebra la 38a edició del festival de música folk Tradicionàrius. Elsa Compte fa un repàs de la programació a Sense la Mediterrània no hi hauria música catalana.I també, Berta Coll presenta Música Z, un cicle de música als centres civics de Barcelona protagonitzats per alumnes de diverses escoles superiors de música, com l'ESMUC o el Taller de Músics. Arrenca el 13 de gener i s'allarga 28 de març. Consulta la programació Música Z: qui diu que als joves només els agrada el trap?

    BIG 9-podden
    137. "Helgens storsäljare"

    BIG 9-podden

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 10, 2025 11:52

    Veckans Big 9-kupong har FA-cupen i fokus! Olenklint ger er sina bästa tankar precis som vanligt.

    Rotherham United Podcast
    Millermen Saturday - Part 1

    Rotherham United Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 10, 2025 31:11

    Time for the first part of the preview showIt is FA cup 3rd round weekend!!!!But that does not matter to Rotherham United. Instead It is another chance to gain some ground in the league with a home game against Bolton Wanderers. Can Steve Evans get the better of Ian Evatt?Make sure to follow us on X and FacebookPlease also give us a 5 star rating wherever you are listening Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Notizie dall'Ucraina
    Zelensky in Italia, pieno sostegno all'Ucraina

    Notizie dall'Ucraina

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 10, 2025 4:48

    Incontro del presidente ucraino Zelensky a Roma prima con il presidente del consiglio Meloni in anticipo sul programma e senza Biden, poi l'incontro con Il capo dello Stato Mattarella al Quirinale che ha confermo la determinazione dell'Italia a mantenere pieno, inalterato e costante il sostegno all'Ucraina contro l'aggressione della federazione russa.  Iscriviti e segui "Notizie dall'Ucraina": YouTube: https://bit.ly/3FqWppn Spreaker: https://bit.ly/42g2ONG Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/3JE1OMi Spotify: https://spoti.fi/40bpm0v Amazon Music: https://amzn.to/40HVQ37 Audible: https://bit.ly/4370ARc     I podcast Adnkronos: Eurofocus: https://www.adnkronos.com/speciali/eurofocus_europa/  Fa notizia da 60 anni: https://www.adnkronos.com/speciali/adnkronos60_podcast/  Aggiungi contatto: https://www.adnkronos.com/speciali/aggiungi_contatto/  Notizie dall'Ucraina: https://www.adnkronos.com/speciali/notizie_ucraina/  Israele sotto attacco: https://www.adnkronos.com/speciali/israele_sotto_attacco/  Le Storie, La Storia: https://www.adnkronos.com/speciali/le_storie_la_storia/  Sanremo Express: https://www.adnkronos.com/speciali/sanremo_podcast_2024   Resta in contatto con noi: https://www.adnkronos.com/  https://x.com/Adnkronos  https://www.facebook.com/AgenziaAdnKronos  https://www.instagram.com/adnkronos_/   Ph: AFP  Musiche su licenza Machiavelli Music.  AdKey:zP-94qNWQqj3XM 

    Uma pausa para as coisas simples
    Você se sente invisível?

    Uma pausa para as coisas simples

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 10, 2025 4:20

    Faço o podcast com muito amor e se você sentir no coração que tá afim de apoiar pra eu continue, faça uma pequena contribuição!

    EngajaCast - O seu Podcast de Marketing Digital
    EngajaDaily #18 - SEO não é só Google!

    EngajaCast - O seu Podcast de Marketing Digital

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 10, 2025 9:45

    Você acha que SEO é só para o Google? Pense de novo! Hoje em dia, SEO é essencial para otimizar sua presença em todas as plataformas de busca, como YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, e até marketplaces como Amazon e Shopee. Neste vídeo, vamos mostrar como o SEO vai muito além do Google e como ele pode ser aplicado em diferentes canais para aumentar sua visibilidade e atrair mais clientes. Aprenda a adaptar sua estratégia de SEO para as plataformas onde seu público realmente está e descubra como conquistar resultados melhores, independentemente de onde eles estejam buscando! EngajaDaily - Seu podcast diário sobre marketing digital e negócios. Faça um diagnóstico gratuito da sua estratégia digital: ⁠https://link.3a3r.com/widget/survey/8i2wcyO6PtW9oKufNE0Y%E2%81%A0 Siga-nos nas redes sociais: @engajatech ⁠www.engajatech.com⁠

    Arsenal Vision Post Match Podcast
    Episode 860 - Efficiency in Both Boxes Costs Arsenal Against Newcastle

    Arsenal Vision Post Match Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 9, 2025 94:58

    On this edition of the ArsenalVision Podcast, Elliot is joined by Tim to discuss Arsenal's disappointing home loss to Newcastle in the first leg of the league cup. The pod starts with an overall appraisal of the mood and the state of the league cup semifinal. Then there's a bit of a discussion about whether the increased focus on transfers makes sense under the circumstances and whether a player who can really make the difference is available in January. The big moments of the match are analyzed with an emphasis on Arsenal's lack of efficiency in the box and Newcastle's ruthlessness with their limited chances. There's a question about whether Arsenal's performance was good enough to merit more than they got and a bit of a debate about the quality of the performance versus the quality of the chances that were created. Individual performances are analyzed including the substitutions. Then the attention turns to United in the FA cup, the importance of the upcoming fixtures to lift the club, and how to think about the remaining season ahead. All that and more on this edition of the ArsenalVision Podcast. Signup for our Patreon at patreon.com/arsenalvisionpodcast (Get 50% off first month with code AVP) EXCLUSIVE NordVPN Deal ➼ https://nordvpn.com/ARSENALVISION Try it risk-free now with a 30-day money-back guarantee! Interested in advertising on this podcast? Email sales@bluewirepods.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    The View From The Lane - A show about Tottenham
    Is Spurs' youth fuelled transfer policy paying off?

    The View From The Lane - A show about Tottenham

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 9, 2025 49:30

    Host Danny Kelly is joined by The Athletic's James Maw and Jack Pitt-Brooke to wax lyrical about the performance against Liverpool last night, in particular that of Gray, Bergvall and Kinsky! Plus! We preview Tamworth FC away in the FA cup third round. HOST: Danny Kelly WITH: Jack Pitt-Brooke, James Maw PRODUCER: Tom Fuller Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Talking About Birds: A St. Louis Cardinals Podcast

    Nate & Ben discuss the Harlem Globetrotters, the Bananas, twerking on the field, Boston's off-season and how it could align with the Cardinals, good reporting and bad reporting, the Cardinals and why acquiring a FA reliever makes and/or doesn't make sense, the case for David Robertson, Pujols v. Molina, pitching labs, the HoF Ballot, and much much more! Have a question or comment for the show? Text or leave us a voicemail at: (848) 48-BIRDS (848-482-4737)Talking About Birds is listener supported on Patreon. Support the show and join our private discord server at: www.patreon.com/talkingaboutbirds.

    AZ Soccer Sharps - a soccer betting podcast
    ⚽️ Best Bets for Bundesliga, La Liga, Eredivisie, & Serie A | 5 Official Plays

    AZ Soccer Sharps - a soccer betting podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 9, 2025 38:45

    2025 is off to a disappointing start for The Soccer Sharps. Results haven't been disasterous, but they have been disappointing. The Sharps have gone 2-3 with their Official Plays on each of their last two shows. As always, though, the brothers go again! Devin and Jordan are confident in their selections for this weekend's all-continental action. They've decided to sit out the FA Cup in England, opting instead to focus on domestic league play on the European continent. The Sharps deliver 5 Official Plays across four European leagues. Matches discussed:  - Borussia Monchengladbach v Bayern Munich  - Real Valladolid v Real Betis  - AC Milan v Cagliari  - PSV Eindhoven v AZ Alkmaar  - Napoli v Hellas Verona Prices given are the best available at the time of recording. To find our lines and get the best prices and sign-up offers in your area, check out our favorite sportsbooks for soccer betting: http://signupexpert.com/soccersharps For additional leans and last-minute Official Plays, JOIN OUR DISCORD SERVER; it's the best way to ensure you don't miss anything from us. Invite link: https://discord.gg/cx7WJKWabQ THANK YOU FOR LISTENING! If you're making money with our advice, please consider taking a moment to leave us a 5-Star review wherever you're listening to our show. It really helps us out!We appreciate your help in growing this podcast. We want as many people as possible to be making money with us, so please share our episodes!JOIN OUR DISCORD SERVER: https://discord.gg/cx7WJKWabQFOLLOW US:Twitter: @TheSoccerSharps Instagram: @TheSoccerSharpsVIEW OUR P&L SPEADSHEETS:https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1jca0dVIW7FumZ27VEcyhdre0Ke5gh7C6?usp=sharing

    The Crucible - The JRTC Experience Podcast
    085 S07 Ep 06 – Strike's Fires – A Mobile Brigade Combat Team's Fire Support Enterprise in Large Scale Combat Operations w/LTC Haskell of 1-320 FA, 2nd MBCT, 101st ABN (AASLT)

    The Crucible - The JRTC Experience Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 9, 2025 38:15

    The Joint Readiness Training Center is pleased to present the eighty-fifth episode to air on ‘The Crucible - The JRTC Experience.' LTC Russell Cummings is the TF Senior of Fires Support Task Force and OCT for the battalion commander of the various field artillery battalions at the JRTC, on behalf of the Commander of Ops Group (COG). Today's guest is the battalion commander for 1st Battalion, 320th Field Artillery Regiment, LTC Christopher Haskell.   The 1st Battalion, 320th Field Artillery Regiment (1-320 FA), known by its call sign “Top Guns,” is a storied artillery unit within the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault). Originally constituted in 1917, the battalion has a long history of excellence in providing fire support, with significant contributions in World War II, Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Its motto, “Volens et Potens”—Latin for “Willing and Able”—reflects the battalion's dedication to mission readiness and adaptability. As a critical component of 2nd Mobile Brigade Combat Team, “Strike,” of the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), 1-320 FA continues to deliver precision fires and integrated support, demonstrating its enduring commitment to excellence on both the battlefield and the training field.   In this episode, we focus on the lessons learned and best practices from 2nd Mobile Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division, during their recent JRTC rotation, with a particular emphasis on the joint fires enterprise. We discussed the challenges and successes in integrating joint fires at the brigade and battalion levels, highlighting the importance of synchronizing fires with maneuver to achieve operational objectives. The use of emerging technologies, such as the SBU-E (Sensitive But Unclassified Encrypted) network and MUOS (Mobile User Objective System), played a critical role in maintaining robust communications for fire support coordination in a contested environment. The team also emphasized the need for rehearsing fires plans and leveraging deception techniques, which proved invaluable for exposing and targeting adversary capabilities. These efforts underscored the importance of a deliberate and cohesive approach to joint fires integration, ensuring the brigade's success in multi-domain operations.   Additionally, the discussion delves into the brigade's innovative use of a Multifunctional Reconnaissance Company (MFRC) to enhance joint fires capabilities. By integrating reconnaissance, electronic warfare, robotics, and unmanned systems, the MFRC provided precise, multi-domain targeting information that directly supported fire support operations. We emphasized the critical role of effective observer plans and cross-training within fire support teams to maintain flexibility and redundancy in delivering timely and accurate fires. The conversation also highlighted the necessity of mastering fundamentals—such as concealment, camouflage, and rapid displacement—to protect fire support assets and preserve combat power. This integration of advanced technologies with disciplined warfighting practices demonstrated how the joint fires enterprise can serve as a decisive enabler in large-scale combat operations (LSCO).   Part of S07 “Joint Fires Discussions” series.   For additional information and insights from this episode, please check-out our Instagram page @the_jrtc_crucible_podcast   Be sure to follow us on social media to keep up with the latest warfighting TTPs learned through the crucible that is the Joint Readiness Training Center.   Follow us by going to: https://linktr.ee/jrtc and then selecting your preferred podcast format.   Again, we'd like to thank our guests for participating. Don't forget to like, subscribe, and review us wherever you listen or watch your podcasts — and be sure to stay tuned for more in the near future.   “The Crucible – The JRTC Experience” is a product of the Joint Readiness Training Center.

    RTL Matin
    TOUT SAVOIR SUR - Qui est Rédoine Faïd, le roi de l'évasion ?

    RTL Matin

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 9, 2025 17:08

    Le braqueur multirécidiviste Rédoine Faïd est soupçonné d'avoir de nouveaux projets d'évasion. C'est pourtant l'un des détenus les plus surveillés de France. Du lundi au vendredi, la rédaction de RTL revient sur un fait marquant de l'actualité avec les reporters, les correspondants et les experts de RTL.

    Why It Matters
    S2E15: Why Myanmar's military will not fall in 2025

    Why It Matters

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 9, 2025 21:59

    We look at what is happening on the ground with a Myanmar watcher. Synopsis: Join The Straits Times’ senior columnist Ravi Velloor, as he distils his experience from four decades of covering the Asian continent. In this episode, Ravi speaks with Pichai Chuensuksawadi, former group editor of Bangkok Post and observer of Myanmar affairs. They discuss the deteriorating situation in Myanmar, the role of outside players in the conflict, prospects of the junta holding elections and the fate of democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi. Highlights (click/tap above): 1:50 Myanmar military won’t fall in 2025 5:00 Chinese pressure on Rakhine 9:00 Elections on the junta’s mind 11:00 Thai diplomacy 15:00 Where’s Aung San Suu Kyi? Host: Ravi Velloor (velloor@sph.com.sg) Read Ravi's columns: https://str.sg/3xRP Follow Ravi on X: https://twitter.com/RaviVelloor Register for Asian Insider newsletter: https://str.sg/stnewsletters Produced and edited by: Fa’izah Sani Executive producer: Ernest Luis Follow Asian Insider Podcast on Fridays here: Channel: https://str.sg/JWa7 Apple Podcasts: https://str.sg/JWa8 Spotify: https://str.sg/JWaX Website: http://str.sg/stpodcasts Feedback to: podcast@sph.com.sg --- Follow more ST podcast channels: All-in-one ST Podcasts channel: https://str.sg/wvz7 ST Podcast website: http://str.sg/stpodcasts ST Podcasts YouTube: https://str.sg/4Vwsa --- Get The Straits Times' app, which has a dedicated podcast player section: The App Store: https://str.sg/icyB Google Play: https://str.sg/icyX --- #STAsianInsiderSee omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    The Straits Times Audio Features
    S2E15: Why Myanmar's military will not fall in 2025

    The Straits Times Audio Features

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 9, 2025 21:59

    We look at what is happening on the ground with a Myanmar watcher. Synopsis: Join The Straits Times’ senior columnist Ravi Velloor, as he distils his experience from four decades of covering the Asian continent. In this episode, Ravi speaks with Pichai Chuensuksawadi, former group editor of Bangkok Post and observer of Myanmar affairs. They discuss the deteriorating situation in Myanmar, the role of outside players in the conflict, prospects of the junta holding elections and the fate of democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi. Highlights (click/tap above): 1:50 Myanmar military won’t fall in 2025 5:00 Chinese pressure on Rakhine 9:00 Elections on the junta’s mind 11:00 Thai diplomacy 15:00 Where’s Aung San Suu Kyi? Host: Ravi Velloor (velloor@sph.com.sg) Read Ravi's columns: https://str.sg/3xRP Follow Ravi on X: https://twitter.com/RaviVelloor Register for Asian Insider newsletter: https://str.sg/stnewsletters Produced and edited by: Fa’izah Sani Executive producer: Ernest Luis Follow Asian Insider Podcast on Fridays here: Channel: https://str.sg/JWa7 Apple Podcasts: https://str.sg/JWa8 Spotify: https://str.sg/JWaX Website: http://str.sg/stpodcasts Feedback to: podcast@sph.com.sg --- Follow more ST podcast channels: All-in-one ST Podcasts channel: https://str.sg/wvz7 ST Podcast website: http://str.sg/stpodcasts ST Podcasts YouTube: https://str.sg/4Vwsa --- Get The Straits Times' app, which has a dedicated podcast player section: The App Store: https://str.sg/icyB Google Play: https://str.sg/icyX --- #STAsianInsiderSee omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Le journal RTL
    TOUT SAVOIR SUR - Qui est Rédoine Faïd, le roi de l'évasion ?

    Le journal RTL

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 9, 2025 17:08

    Le braqueur multirécidiviste Rédoine Faïd est soupçonné d'avoir de nouveaux projets d'évasion. C'est pourtant l'un des détenus les plus surveillés de France. Du lundi au vendredi, la rédaction de RTL revient sur un fait marquant de l'actualité avec les reporters, les correspondants et les experts de RTL.

    [KBS] 스포츠 스포츠
    (01/09/목) [스포츠스포츠] 손흥민 선수의 1년 연장 옵션 발동_해축통신

    [KBS] 스포츠 스포츠

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 9, 2025 27:51

    [스포츠스포츠] 손흥민 선수의 1년 연장 옵션 발동_해축통신 ▸토트넘 리버풀과의 경기에서 승리 ▸기아 서건창과 FA 계약 체결 ▸NBA 오클랜드가 오클라호마시티의 16연승 저지 해축통신 1 ▸손흥민 선수의 1년 연장 옵션 발동 ▸손흥민 선수 최근 경기 분석 ▸토트넘 경기 전적해축통신 2 ▸양민혁 출전 가능성 ▸황희찬 등 코리안 프리미어리거 소식 출연: 김정용 기자 (풋볼리스트) 이건 기자 (축구전문) 진행: 한상헌 아나운서

    SOCIÉTÉ - Qui est Rédoine Faïd, le roi de l'évasion ?


    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 9, 2025 17:08

    Le braqueur multirécidiviste Rédoine Faïd est soupçonné d'avoir de nouveaux projets d'évasion. C'est pourtant l'un des détenus les plus surveillés de France. Du lundi au vendredi, la rédaction de RTL revient sur un fait marquant de l'actualité avec les reporters, les correspondants et les experts de RTL.

    Sonar Informativo
    Directora del servicio de Reinserción Social Juvenil:

    Sonar Informativo

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 9, 2025 13:58

    Rocío Faúndez se refirió a la segunda etapa del Servicio en 8 regiones del sur, sumando un total de 13 regiones en donde ya no estará funcionando Sename. Tema: el 13 de enero parte la segunda etapa del Servicio en 8 regiones del sur, sumando un total de 13 regiones en donde ya no estará funcionando Sename.

    RTL Soir
    SOCIÉTÉ - Qui est Rédoine Faïd, le roi de l'évasion ?

    RTL Soir

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 9, 2025 17:08

    Le braqueur multirécidiviste Rédoine Faïd est soupçonné d'avoir de nouveaux projets d'évasion. C'est pourtant l'un des détenus les plus surveillés de France. Du lundi au vendredi, la rédaction de RTL revient sur un fait marquant de l'actualité avec les reporters, les correspondants et les experts de RTL.

    Monólogo 09 - A busca incansável por aceitação


    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 9, 2025 38:20

    Está no ar o primeiro episódio do Confabulas de 2025! Você já disse “sim” quando queria dizer “não”? Já deixou seus gostos de lado só para evitar um clima ruim ou agradar alguém? No meu primeiro monólogo de 2025 no Confabulas, eu mergulho fundo nessa reflexão. Falo sobre como é viver tentando agradar os outros e o preço que pagamos por isso: nos desconectamos de quem realmente somos, silenciamos nossas vontades e acabamos esquecendo de cuidar de nós mesmos. Tudo isso para corresponder a expectativas alheias ou evitar conflitos que nem sempre valem o sacrifício. Neste episódio, compartilho experiências pessoais, faço perguntas que mexem com a gente e trago um convite: será que não é hora de incluir seu próprio nome na lista de prioridades?

    Dharma Stories
    Il Sutra Cuore - 16° episodio

    Dharma Stories

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 9, 2025 5:33

    Il ven. Olivier Rossi, monaco della Fondazione Sangha in questo nuovo ciclo di podcast ci accompagna alla scoperta del Sutra del Cuore.Puoi scaricare il testo qui >>> Sutra del Cuore Nel sedicesimo episodio si approfondisce la vacuità degli otto aspetti dei fenomeni, tra i quali: natura, caratteristiche, produzione, cessazione e così via, rivelando come siano privi di esistenza intrinseca.Il Buddha nel Sutra del Cuore insegna come tali aspetti arrivino a indicare le "Tre Porte della Liberazione": vacuità, assenza di segni e assenza di desiderio, applicabili a tutti fenomeni ed in ogni momento. Attraverso questa comprensione, si sradica l'idea di essenza intrinseca e si procede lungo il sentiero, verso la liberazione completa e la fusione tra mente e vacuità.Buon ascolto, riflessione e meditazione!Ti è piaciuto questo podcast?Lasciaci un'offertahttps://monasterobuddhista.it/dona/Scopri di più sul Monasterohttps://monasterobuddhista.it/il-monastero/ ______________Ven. Olivier Rossi è nato in Francia nel 1969, ha partecipato al Masters Program presso l'Istituto Lama Tzong Khapa in Italia dal 1998 al 2005 sotto la guida del Ven. Ghesce Jampa Gyatso del Sera Jay Jhadrel Khamtsen e ha preso l'ordinazione nel giugno 1998. Fa parte della Fondazione Sangha di Pomaia.Su consiglio del suo insegnante ha assunto l'incarico di assistente dell'insegnante per il Basic Program residenziale presso l'ILTK dal 2005 al 2007, per il Masters Program dal 2008 al 2013 e ancora per il Masters Program nel 2015-2016.Ha condotto numerosi ritiri e corsi di fine settimana nei centri FPMT in Europa e India.Dal 2020 risiede presso il centro Munì Gyana di Palermo, dove attualmente insegna il Basic Program residenziale e corsi brevi di un fine settimana.

    Football's coming home
    Peter Shilton - MÅLVAKT!

    Football's coming home

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 9, 2025 25:03

    Det blir mycket fokus på Plymouth Argyle i veckans andra avsnitt. Dessutom tittar vi till en ruskigt spännande kupong när FA-cupen står för dörren.Med Oskar Kiisk och Leonard Jägerskiöld Velander.Klippt av Keven Bader. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    P4Cast 296 - Acesse os recursos do reino de Deus e tenha um feliz ano novo! - Pr. Toninho


    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 9, 2025 69:08

    Mensagem gravada em 05/01/2025 Pastor Toninho Acesse os recursos do reino de Deus e tenha um feliz ano novo! #Jesus #sobrenatural #dons #igreja #transformação #Jesus #ressurreição #PalavraDeDeus #DeusPai #EspiritoSanto #PAI #emoção #sentimentos #Mensagem #Pregação #Sermão #p4 #p4church #onLine Curta, compartilhe e inscreva-se para ficar atualizado com os nossos conteúdos! Para saber mais sobre nossa igreja: Site: https://igrejaprojeto4.com.br/ Faça seu pedido de Oração: https://igrejaprojeto4.com.br/pedidos Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/p4church/ Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/igrejaprojeto4/ Podcast:  https://igrejaprojeto4.com.br/p4cast/ Youtube:  https://www.youtube.com/@IgrejaProjeto4 Culto online todos os domingos no YouTube!

    RTL Midi
    TOUT SAVOIR SUR - Qui est Rédoine Faïd, le roi de l'évasion ?

    RTL Midi

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 9, 2025 17:08

    Le braqueur multirécidiviste Rédoine Faïd est soupçonné d'avoir de nouveaux projets d'évasion. C'est pourtant l'un des détenus les plus surveillés de France. Du lundi au vendredi, la rédaction de RTL revient sur un fait marquant de l'actualité avec les reporters, les correspondants et les experts de RTL.

    Networking Inteligente: Como criar relacionamentos de valor com Raul Candeloro e Marcelo Caetano


    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 9, 2025 41:04

    Um bom networking tem o poder de construir conexões que mudam o jogo – para você e para quem está ao seu lado. No episódio desta semana do Podcast VendaMais, Raul Candeloro e Marcelo Caetano desconstroem os clichês do networking e mostram como você pode criar relacionamentos poderosos e estratégicos, que realmente fazem a diferença na sua vida. É hora de sair da bolha, explorar novos territórios e transformar os encontros em oportunidades reais de crescimento.

    The Meaningful Money Personal Finance Podcast
    Questions & Answers, Episode 3

    The Meaningful Money Personal Finance Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 8, 2025 38:38

    Good to be back with another Q&A show to kick off the new year. This week we cover, ETFs, Pension contributions for high earners, tax relief for non-earners and lots more besides. Shownotes: https://meaningfulmoney.tv/QA3 02:21 First of all I have to thank you for the many years of enlightening listening that I have enjoyed. I thought it was excellent when Pete created the content, however it only improved with the addition of Rog. Yours is by far the best personal finance podcast that I listen to, and long may it continue. My question revolves around index funds & ETF's. Many of the American podcasts cite the advantages of ETF's over traditional index funds (unit trusts) however from what I understand this is due to tax considerations which apply in the US & not here. Please could you confirm if this is the case. I use a Vanguard index fund (unit trust) and wish to continue doing so, however am I missing out on not using ETF's? Thanks again for all that you do for us, your listeners. Best wishes, Steve Horton 07:32 Love the podcast! I'm trying to understand what I can pay into my workplace pension. I'm close to £180k on my P60 & have no other income. My firm pay 6% into my pension, I then pay 6% which they also match. In addition I contribute another 2% so 20% in total, approx. £27k for a Pension Input Period. Feels like I have a relatively simple setup but I'm worried about breaching any limits around the £60k. Do I really need advice as I feel like I should be able to work this out myself! Thanks Steve D 11:26 I am 38 and 4 years ago came into a large sum of money (£600k). My wife and I were in decent shape with a manageable mortgage, life/CI insurance, decent pension balances. I opted to not employ a financial advisor, mainly because I was wary of fees. I am now questioning my decision. I have slowly been putting the money into my SIPP and ISA, keeping the rest in a GIA (invested in global index - Vanguard), paying  the tax on dividends and, with time, capital gains. Also been using my wife's allowances. My question is this, was I silly to not employ a FA? Would there have been an obvious non-risky way of protecting the GIA balance from the tax-man, which would have paid for the FA many times over? We're still saving into the GIA with regular monthly direct debits, although modest amounts. Love your podcast/YouTube output, which I feel have made me a better citizen - more relaxed because I am sure that my finances are unlikely to have any nasty surprises! Keep up the good work. Stuart 16:32 I've been listening to your great podcast for years and have a simply question for you both. If I am retired with no earnings and taking money from my drawdown pot, can I still contribute £2880 into a pension and get the £720 tax relief off the government? Can I do this even if I might not even be paying tax? Nigel 19:33 I'm 57, self employed (so no employer contribution for me!) and have a SIPP and Stocks and shares ISA. Basic rate taxpayer. I plan to start drawing from these in a few years time. I'm wondering ( as there aren't going to be many years for the compounding ) whether it's still worth adding to my SIPP? I'll get the tax uplift if I put money into my SIPP but then 3/4 will then become taxable but I don't think there will be enough time to make a gain large enough to offset the tax I will then pay. Should I just bung everything into my ISA? Have I missed something? Thanks very much if you're able to answer my question! Best LC 25:23 I made a mistake when starting my investment journey by choosing platform recommended funds which are currently not performing well. I have had them for 3 years, is it best to cut my losses and invest in to my choice of global multi asset fund which I've had for 2 years that has been performing well? Thanks, Marc 30:08 Matthew asks: 1. My wife and I are selling both our homes (bought before together) and moving into a rental for 1-2years in a new area before we buy. We will have £500k in cash for 1-2years. Are we best investing in government bonds? Premium bonds? High interest savings accounts? We're both top rate tax payers and have no other assets. 2. My NHS salary will soon go over £100k and we are starting a family. You speak a lot about overpaying pension for tax reasons and it also helps keep the £20k childcare allowance. I don't think I can overpay an NHS pension, or can I? Others seem to be getting cars on lease to avoid it. Any ideas?

    Fescoe in the Morning
    Hour 1 - Scammers Suck, Trey Smith, Jay Binkley

    Fescoe in the Morning

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 8, 2025 46:10

    Dusty has a story that can help us from experiencing what he went through. We also talk upcoming FA's for the Chiefs and talk college ball with our guy Jay Binkley.

    Football Neophyte
    S7E20 - I'm a Salmon Man

    Football Neophyte

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 7, 2025 65:02

    Is Man City Back? The bizarre Spurs Has United figured it out? On the eve of the 3rd round of the FA cup we play I"s this a real team?" Neophyte Focus: Bournemouth Music is 'We Back Baby' by DJ DENZ The Rooster Episode 192

    Perdón por el Espanglish
    En el que Sofi cachetea un hombre

    Perdón por el Espanglish

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 7, 2025 166:37

    Sofi no soporta a Orfeo de Hadestown, Fa va a ser maestra (can u believe?) y ambas hablan de porqué Wicked fue la mejor película del año.  

    From Done To Dare
    Tamara Schenk - Schlaganfall mit 32: Eine persönliche Geschichte von Verlust und Neuanfang

    From Done To Dare

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 7, 2025 62:03

    In dieser bewegenden Folge von From Done to Dare sprechen wir mit Tamara Schenk, die im Alter von 32 Jahren einen Schlaganfall erlitt und deren Leben sich dadurch nachhaltig veränderte. Tamara gibt tiefe Einblicke in die Herausforderungen ihres plötzlichen Schlaganfalls, den intensiven medizinischen Behandlungen und ihrem langen Weg der Rehabilitation. Sie teilt offen ihre emotionalen und physischen Kämpfe und die entscheidende Unterstützung durch ihren Ehemann. Besonders betont Tamara die Bedeutung von Bewegung und Ernährung in ihrem Heilungsprozess und erläutert, wie sie ihre Erfahrungen auf Instagram nutzt, um anderen Betroffenen Hoffnung und Unterstützung zu bieten. Diese Episode von ist eine Quelle der Inspiration, die zeigt, wie man trotz schwerer Lebensprüfungen Kraft und Positivität schöpfen kann.

    Projeto Mayhem
    Bate-Papo Mayhem 443 - Thelema e Neo-platonismo - Lucas Oltmann

    Projeto Mayhem

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 7, 2025 79:04

    Bate-Papo Mayhem 443 - Lucas Oltmann - Thelema e Neo-platonismo https://projetomayhem.com.br/ O vídeo desta conversa está disponível em: https://youtu.be/uD-9ov5FlJs Bate Papo Mayhem é um projeto extra desbloqueado nas Metas do Projeto Mayhem.  Todas as 3as, 5as e Sabados as 21h os coordenadores do Projeto Mayhem batem papo com algum convidado sobre Temas escolhidos pelos membros, que participam ao vivo da conversa, podendo fazer perguntas e colocações. Os vídeos ficam disponíveis para os membros e são liberados para o público em geral duas vezes por semana, às segundas e quintas feiras e os áudios são editados na forma de podcast e liberados uma vez por semana. Faça parte do projeto Mayhem: https://www.catarse.me/tdc

    Oitava Igreja com Jeremias Pereira
    Santificação - Uma obra de Deus (Pr. Bruno Barroso)

    Oitava Igreja com Jeremias Pereira

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 7, 2025 46:55

    Neste vídeo, o pastor Bruno Barroso traz uma palavra com base em 1Pedro 1:1-12. Assista, curta comente e compartilhe! ASSINE O CANAL: http://youtube.com/oitavatv .......................................................................... Website: http://www.oitavaigreja.org.br/ Contas Bancárias: http://oitavaigreja.com.br/contas-bancarias-da-oitava-igreja/ Faça parte da Oitava: https://bit.ly/3dX7u1Q Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/oitavaigreja/ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/oitavaipbh Twitter: https://twitter.com/oitavaigreja

    Falun Dafa News and Cultivation
    1637: Cultivation Story: I Now Understand How to Cultivate

    Falun Dafa News and Cultivation

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 6, 2025 23:25

    After being arrested for practicing Dafa in 2017, a practitioner in China became afraid and began to distance herself from others. She wanted to improve, and set her aims on memorizing the Fa. Over time she began to understand that Master's every sentence and word is teaching her how to cultivate. This and other experience […]

    The 443 Podcast
    Man United rise to hold Liverpool!

    The 443 Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 6, 2025 44:26

    In this episode the boys look back at the games of Premier League Match week 20 and preview week 21 before the boys take the FA cup weekend off. Please leave us feedback on your preferred podcast platform! To contact us please email: the443podcast@gmail.com or on X: @The443pod

    Arkivo de 3ZZZ Radio en Esperanto
    Elsendo de la 6a de januaro 2025

    Arkivo de 3ZZZ Radio en Esperanto

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 6, 2025 59:51

    Elsendo de la 6a de januaro 2025 Legado: Franciska  Anonco de TEJO “ Iĝi instruisto de la jaro” Heather el la revuo Monato “ Instruisto hazarde retrovis ŝtelitan pentraĵon” de Roberto Pigro . Kanto : “ Serenado de mefisto” el la opero Faŭst de Gounod kantita de Vaselin Damjanov  Intervjuo al Brendan pri la klavaro […]

    [KBS] 스포츠 스포츠
    (01/06/월) [스포츠스포츠] 다저스로 간 김혜성의 나비 효과_스트라이크존

    [KBS] 스포츠 스포츠

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 6, 2025 28:00

    스포츠 타임라인 -김상식의 베트남 축구, ‘동남아 월드컵' 미쓰비시컵 우승..신태용, 인도네시아와 계약 해지 -손흥민, 2년 연속 ‘KFA 올해의 골' 수상…아시안컵 8강 프리킥골 -영국 매체 “황희찬, 웨스트햄 영입 대상 리스트 포함” -'이강인 선발 출전' PSG, 트로페 데 샹피옹에서 모나코 1-0 격파 -임성재, PGA 투어 시즌 개막전 3위…우승은 마쓰야마 스트라이크존 - '마감 3시간 전 사인' 김혜성, 9번째로 포스팅 통해 미국 진출 확정 -김혜성, LA다저스와 최대 324억원에 입단 계약 체결 -포스팅으로 5명 보낸 키움, 이적료 최대 678억원 - 김하성 고민은 현재진행형…'김혜성 다저스행'에 선택지 더 줄었다? -‘후배들과 함께'..최형우·류현진의 1월 미니캠프 -스프링캠프까지 계약 성사될까?..현재 남은 FA는 5명 -박정태, 논란 속 SSG 2군 감독 선임… 12년 만에 현장 복귀 -을사년 주목받는 뱀띠 선수들 출연: 정세영 기자(문화일보) 이혜진 기자(비즈앤스포츠월드) 진행: 한상헌 아나운서

    Le brief politique
    Bruno Retailleau et Gérald Darmanin, deux ministres au diapason

    Le brief politique

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 6, 2025 2:10

    durée : 00:02:10 - Le brief politique - Le ministre de l'Intérieur et le garde des Sceaux se retrouvent ce lundi midi pour leur premier "grand déjeuner de travail". Façon pour les deux hommes de droite, qui cherchent chacun à occuper l'espace, de mettre en scène leur alignement.

    Terapia de Casal
    TdC #254 - Sobre usar luvas em casa e cheirar bebés

    Terapia de Casal

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 6, 2025 31:46

    Ora bom dia, como estão? Com frio? Pois, a Rita também, tanto que anda em casa de luvas, parece um dos assaltantes do Sozinho em Casa. Esta semana falamos de frieiras, da Rita se assustar com o Guilherme, dentro da própria casa, e de sermos tios novamente. Sim, porque o Guilherme estes dias lançou o seu solo no Youtube mas também segurou um bebé de 48 horas, pela primeira vez. Nunca teve tanto cuidado na vida, coitado. Recebemos ainda um email com o relato de um sonho bastante estranho, de uma ouvinte. Façam como ela e enviem sonhos estranhos connosco, ou então dúvidas, questões e problemas da vossa relação para terapiadecasalpodcast@gmail.com, que respondemos para a semana. Até para a semana e... Buh! ________________ Terapia de Casal é o podcast que pode acabar com o casamento do Guilherme Fonseca e da Rita da Nova. Enviem as vossas questões/inquietações/dúvidas amorosas para terapiadecasalpodcast@gmail.com que nós respondemos. Sigam-nos nas redes: @guilhermefon @ritadanova Música de Vitor Carraca Teixeira. Direcção Criativa de Mafalda Beirão. Fotografia de Márcia Soares. Rebranding de Mariana Cardoso. Obrigado por ouvirem.

    Falun Dafa News and Cultivation
    1636: Cultivation Story: Why I Slacked Off in Cultivation

    Falun Dafa News and Cultivation

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 5, 2025 30:33

    Having obtained the Fa in 1998 and experiencing immediate positive gains from doing the exercises, a practitioner in China over time slowly lapsed into a state of slacking off that lasted several years, resulting in tough conditions and mental confusion. Here he examines his thoughts, and vows to move forward with Fa Rectification. This and […]

    [LA RECO TRUE CRIME] Klaus Barbie, l'une des plus grandes traques de l'histoire


    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 4, 2025 80:58

    Chaque weekend, dans Home(icides), Bababam vous fait découvrir son autre podcast de faits-divers, en version intégrale : La Traque. Dans La Traque, entrez dans les bureaux où se mènent des enquêtes hors normes, ou encore dans les cellules de prison où se préparent les plus grandes évasions… De Rédoine Faïd, au roi de l'évasion Steven Jay Russell, en passant par le célèbre Mesrine… Revivez des duels fascinants entre flics et voyous, des courses-poursuites et des arrestations spectaculaires. Si vous aimez La Traque, abonnez-vous au podcast sur toutes les plateformes d'écoute pour ne manquer aucun épisode ! L'une des plus grandes traques de l'histoire Dans cette saison de La Traque, découvrez l'incroyable cavale de l'un des personnages les plus horribles de l'histoire : Klaus Barbie. Responsable en partie des massacres des Juifs en France pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, Barbie est l'une des figures les plus importantes de l'Allemagne Nazi. Après la fin de la guerre, il comprend que sa place n'est plus en Allemagne. Les autorités responsables des procès de Nuremberg engagent alors une poursuite sans relâche, à travers la planète entière, pour mettre la main sur ce criminel de guerre. Pour découvrir une autre traque, cliquez ci-dessous : [INEDIT] Julian Assange, “l'homme le plus dangereux du monde” : la rock star de WikiLeaks (1/4) [INEDIT] Julian Assange, “l'homme le plus dangereux du monde” : affaires d'abus sexuels en Suède (2/4) [INEDIT] Julian Assange, “l'homme le plus dangereux du monde” : six ans et 10 mois sans sortir (3/4) [INEDIT] Julian Assange, “l'homme le plus dangereux du monde” : une omerta légale (4/4) Production : Bababam  Textes : Pierre Serisier  Voix : Anne Cosmao, Aurélien Gouas Montage : Mathew Roques Première diffusion : 3 juin 2024. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Friderikusz Podcast

    Friderikusz Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 3, 2025 79:03

    Ebben a kétrészes összeállításban visszatekintünk a 2024.évi podcast-termésünkre, megidézve vendégeink legjellemzőbb, legfontosabb vagy legeredetibb gondolatait, amelyeket Friderikusz Sándor itt-ott kiegészít majd azzal, hogy ő mit tanult egy-egy beszélgetésből, egy-egy vendégünktől. Összeállításunk mostani, második részében újra találkozhatnak Kékes Réka szomatikus szexológussal és szexoktatóval, Pogány Judit színművésszel, Iványi Gábor lelkésszel, Máté Gábor Kanadában élő orvossal, Buda Péter nemzetbiztonsági elemzővel, Szathmáry Eörs evolúcióbiológussal, Epres Ilonával, aki közel 60 évesen szülte meg saját unokáját, valamint a budapesti aluljárókból három emberrel: egy szenvedélyes Tankcsapda-rajongóval, egy tudatosan a gyerektelenséget választó hölggyel, valamint egy több mint 20 éve alkoholistaként élő hajléktalannal. Hogyan támogathatja a munkánkat? - Legújabban már a Donably felületen is támogathat bennünket, itt ÁFA-mentesen segítheti munkavégzésünket: https://www.donably.com/friderikusz-podcast - De lehet a patronálónk a Patreon-on keresztül is, mert a támogatása mértékétől függően egyre több előnyhöz juthat: https://www.patreon.com/FriderikuszPodcast - Egyszerű banki átutalással is elismerheti munkavégzésünk minőségét. Ehhez a legfontosabb adatok az alábbiak: Név: TV Pictures Számlaszám: OTP Bank 11707062-21446081 Közlemény: Podcast-támogatás Ha külföldről utalna, nemzetközi számlaszámunk (IBAN - International Bank Account Number): HU68 1170 7062 2144 6081 0000 0000 BIC/SWIFT-kód: OTPVHUHB Akármilyen formában támogatja munkánkat, nagyon köszönjük! Kövessenek, kövessetek itt is: youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/FriderikuszPodcast Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FriderikuszPodcast Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/friderikuszpodcast Anchor: https://anchor.fm/friderikuszpodcast Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3blRo2g Youtube Music: https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLu6L9HlV4-KuNOYy_rS97rP_Q-ncvF14r Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/3hm2vfi Deezer: https://www.deezer.com/hu/show/1000256535

    Friderikusz Podcast

    Friderikusz Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 2, 2025 74:33

    Ebben a kétrészes összeállításban visszatekintünk a 2024.évi podcast-termésünkre, megidézve vendégeink legjellemzőbb, legfontosabb vagy legeredetibb gondolatait, amelyeket Friderikusz Sándor itt-ott kiegészít majd azzal, hogy ő mit tanult egy-egy beszélgetésből, egy-egy vendégünktől. Összeállításunk mostani, első részében újra találkozhatnak Krasznahorkai László íróval, Kulka János színművésszel és testvérével, Kulka Janina patológus-professzorral, Fazekas Gergely zenetörténésszel, Haidegger Tamás orvosbiológiai mérnökkel, Kele János közgazdásszal és Csillag István jogásszal, Török Gábor politikai elemzővel, Sz.Bíró Zoltán Oroszország-szakértővel, Schwab Richárd gasztroenterológussal, Márkovics Ákos betegápolóval és a hazai popipar elsőszámú csillagával, Azahriáh-val. Hogyan támogathatja a munkánkat? - Legújabban már a Donably felületen is támogathat bennünket, itt ÁFA-mentesen segítheti munkavégzésünket: https://www.donably.com/friderikusz-podcast - De lehet a patronálónk a Patreon-on keresztül is, mert a támogatása mértékétől függően egyre több előnyhöz juthat: https://www.patreon.com/FriderikuszPodcast - Egyszerű banki átutalással is elismerheti munkavégzésünk minőségét. Ehhez a legfontosabb adatok az alábbiak: Név: TV Pictures Számlaszám: OTP Bank 11707062-21446081 Közlemény: Podcast-támogatás Ha külföldről utalna, nemzetközi számlaszámunk (IBAN - International Bank Account Number): HU68 1170 7062 2144 6081 0000 0000 BIC/SWIFT-kód: OTPVHUHB Akármilyen formában támogatja munkánkat, nagyon köszönjük! Kövessenek, kövessetek itt is: youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/FriderikuszPodcast Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FriderikuszPodcast Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/friderikuszpodcast Anchor: https://anchor.fm/friderikuszpodcast Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3blRo2g Youtube Music: https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLu6L9HlV4-KuNOYy_rS97rP_Q-ncvF14r Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/3hm2vfi Deezer: https://www.deezer.com/hu/show/10002565351

    C dans l'air
    Dr. Faïza Bossy - Les bonnes résolutions santé pour 2025

    C dans l'air

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 2, 2025 10:31

    C dans l'air l'invitée du 1er janvier - Dr. Faïza Bossy nutritionniste.Le début d'une nouvelle année est souvent synonyme de renouveau et de bonnes résolutions. C'est également le moment idéal pour prendre des résolutions en matière de santé et de bien-être.

    Food Addicts In Recovery Anonymous

    After 25 years in the Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous (FA) program, life looks vastly different. My wife and I are about to celebrate our 20th anniversary, and we have a 17-year-old daughter. I now serve as the dean of students at a religious seminary—an unexpected outcome from working the FA program, considering that I neither liked deans nor religion in my earlier years. My journey with food addiction started when I was a young girl, using food – particularly sugar – as a coping mechanism or a reward. Despite growing up in a stable household, I wrestled with self-doubt, insecurity, and body dysmorphia. I believed I was overweight my whole life, but childhood photos proved otherwise. The turning point came when a friend introduced me to FA, and though skeptical of 12-step programs, I decided to give it a try. The program helped me recognize my addictive relationship with food and allowed me to build a spiritual connection with my higher power. My sponsor's loving guidance provided structure, helped me with my food choices, and encouraged me to practice daily meditation. This simple, yet transformative, practice has helped me stay abstinent through many of life's challenges. Today, I live with gratitude for the gifts of FA, knowing that my life—once filled with fear and shame—has been completely rearranged from the inside out.