Podcasts about tools

Physical item that can be used to achieve a goal

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    Lead Through Strengths
    Do You Nurture Your Nature?

    Lead Through Strengths

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 19, 2025 25:33

    Did you know that frustration and burnout your talents can be ‘hangry'. In today's episode, we dive into the delightful concept of nurturing your nature! Life can be tough, and we all know that adulting isn't just a walk in the park. So, why not focus on what makes you shine? We discuss the importance of not just using your strengths, but actively nurturing and developing them to unlock their full potential. You'll hear us chat about the nuances of nurturing your talents, the idea of nourishing them like a well-cooked meal, and how to create opportunities for your strengths to thrive. We even share some personal reflections on our own talents and how we are intentional about feeding them. So, if you've ever felt like your talents are a bit hangry or underutilized, this episode is for you! Join us as we encourage you to take a moment to reflect on how you can start nurturing your nature today.

    FLAUNT! Build Your Dreams, Live Your Sparkle
    Understanding Trickle Truth: Navigating the Path to Full Disclosure After Infidelity -With Lora's Husband Shawn

    FLAUNT! Build Your Dreams, Live Your Sparkle

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 19, 2025 55:34

    What is "Trickle Truth," and why does it often make the pain of infidelity worse? In this powerful episode, Lora Cheadle is joined by her husband, Shawn, to dive into the gradual, often reluctant disclosure of details about an affair. While trickle truth may stem from fear, shame, or the misguided belief that withholding details will minimize harm, it frequently prolongs pain, erodes trust, and re-traumatizes the betrayed partner. Together, Lora and Shawn unpack the difficult yet essential process of uncovering the full truth after infidelity. They share actionable strategies to help couples move beyond betrayal and rebuild their relationship on a foundation of honesty, authenticity, and mutual growth. Top Takeaways Creating Sacred Spaces for Difficult Conversations: Lora and Shawn stress the importance of "sacred conversations"—safe, dedicated environments where couples can openly and vulnerably discuss tough truths without distractions. These intentional spaces foster clarity, compassion, and deeper understanding. The Journey Towards Authenticity and Healing: Lora and Shawn stress the importance of "sacred conversations"—safe, dedicated environments where couples can openly and vulnerably discuss tough truths without distractions. These intentional spaces foster clarity, compassion, and deeper understanding. Sound Insight and Guidance for both the Betrayer and the Betrayed: Whether you are the betrayed or the betrayer, this episode offers practical tools and emotional guidance to help you heal and rebuild. Lora and Shawn's heartfelt discussion provides hope, clarity, and strategies to turn pain into purpose and restore trust. Infidelity recovery is a difficult journey, but with the right tools and mindset, it can lead to personal transformation and a stronger, more authentic relationship. Tune in to this episode for real-life insights and actionable advice that will empower you to move forward with courage, honesty, and hope. Tune in and take the first step toward healing and creating a life you love after infidelity or betrayal. Let's get started! Tags: Infidelity Recovery, Trickle Truth, Betrayal Healing, Relationship Advice, Vulnerability, Rebuilding Trust, Marriage After Betrayal, Authentic Relationships, Podcast for Betrayal Recovery, Lora Cheadle  

    Kassenzone Podcast | Interviews zu den Themen E-Commerce, Handel, Plattformökonomie & Digitalisierung

    Oft gewünscht, endlich live! In dieser Episode von Plattform Ökonomie beleuchten wir die Plattform Group, ein Unternehmen, das als Paradebeispiel für Plattformökonomie gelten könnte. Karo und ich, Alex, berichten über meine jüngsten Erfahrungen in Italien, wo ich an einem Workshop teilgenommen habe, der sich mit Plattformkonzepten und Digitalisierung auseinandersetzte. Während wir die wirtschaftlichen Herausforderungen Italiens diskutieren, fällt auf, wie stark Länder in ihrer digitalen Entwicklung voneinander abweichen. Italien hat im Vergleich zu Deutschland mit erheblichen Schwierigkeiten in der digitalen Wirtschaft zu kämpfen, was uns zu dem Gedanken bringt, dass es möglicherweise ein Nährboden für neue, unabhängige Plattformunternehmen sein könnte. Wir tauchen dann tiefer in die Welt der Platform Group ein und erkunden, wie dieses Unternehmen entstanden ist und welche Geschäftsmodelle es verfolgt. Ursprünglich aus der Unternehmensakquisition von Schuhe24 hervorgegangen, hat sich die Plattform Group auf die Konsolidierung verschiedenster E-Commerce-Unternehmen spezialisiert. Wir erklären, wie sie eine einheitliche technologische Plattform herstellen wollen, um Synergieeffekte zu nutzen und einen breiten Zugang für Kunden zu ermöglichen. Auf den ersten Blick klingt dies vielversprechend, doch schon bald stellen wir kritisch in Frage, wie gut diese Plattform in der Praxis wirklich funktioniert. Im weiteren Verlauf der Episode beleuchten wir die aktuellen finanziellen Ergebnisse der Plattform Group. Trotz eines stabilen EBITDA und einem Umsatzwachstum bleibt uns nicht verborgen, dass die Plattform in Bezug auf die Bewertungen unserer Plattformkriterien hinter den Erwartungen zurückbleibt. Wir diskutieren die Herausforderungen, denen die Platform Group gegenübersteht, unter anderem die Akquisition kleinerer Unternehmen und die Schwierigkeiten, diese nahtlos in das bestehende System zu integrieren. Auch die Fragen nach der Einzigartigkeit ihrer Produkte und Dienstleistungen werden aufgeworfen; in vielen Fällen sehen wir dort keine wirkliche Differenzierung. Ein weiteres zentrales Thema ist die Bewertung der Platform Group nach Kriterien, die wir aus der Plattformökonomie abgeleitet haben. Mithilfe eines neuen Tools, Notebook LLM, analysieren wir die Unternehmensdaten und kommen zu dem Schluss, dass die Plattform Group in vielen Punkten nicht den Ansprüchen eines modernen Plattformmodells gerecht wird. Die Sichtweise darüber, was eine Plattform ausmacht, wird immer klarer: Inventar, Unabhängigkeit und Skalierbarkeit sind allesamt Aspekte, in denen die Plattform Group schwach aufgestellt ist. Uns bleibt zu beobachten, ob sich die Plattform Group in den kommenden Jahren als echtes Plattformunternehmen etablieren kann oder letztendlich eher als eine Art Mischkonstruktion von traditionellen E-Commerce-Unternehmen fungiert. Die Details ihrer Akquisitionsstrategie und die tatsächliche Leistungsfähigkeit ihrer Plattform werden weiterhin im Fokus bleiben. In der abschließenden Analyse stimmen wir überein, dass die Plattform Group in ihrer derzeitigen Form erhebliche Schwierigkeiten hat, die Kriterien für eine erfolgreiche Plattform zu erfüllen. Partner in der Folge: https://linktr.ee/kassenzone Community: https://kassenzone.de/discord Feedback zum Podcast? Mail an alex@kassenzone.de Disclaimer: https://www.kassenzone.de/disclaimer/ Kassenzone” wird vermarktet von Podstars by OMR. Du möchtest in “Kassenzone” werben? Dann https://podstars.de/kontakt/?utm_source=podcast&utm_campaign=shownotes_kassenzone Alexander Graf: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexandergraf/ https://twitter.com/supergraf Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/KassenzoneDe/ Blog: https://www.kassenzone.de/ E-Commerce Buch 2019: https://amzn.eu/d/5Adc1ZH Plattformbuch 2024: https://amzn.eu/d/1tAk82E

    NighTime #601 Tools and Time


    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 19, 2025 29:59

    Building Fortunes Radio with Host Peter Mingils
    Scott Johnson and Paul Wilson on New Zealand Covid response and trolling

    Building Fortunes Radio with Host Peter Mingils

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 19, 2025 90:00

    Stop the Amway Tool Scam Scott Johnson and Paul Wilson on New Zealand Covid response and trolling on Building Fortunes Radio with Peter Mingils.  Scott Johnson and Peter Mingils host a Building Fortunes Radio weekly Radio episode every Saturday at 8:30PM Eastern.  Stop the Amway MLM Tool Scam what Scott Johnson is known for. Scott tex johnson is the a previous Amway Distributor who found he lost a lot of time and money pursuing a Network Marketing Business with Amway just to find that most of the Distributors make money on the System of Tools, like books, DVDs, MP3, Events, websites and apps. https://facebook.com/scotttexjohnson Scott johnson on Facebook on YouTube and twitter Scott Tex Johnson & Peter Mingils on Building Fortunes Radio. https://www.buildingfortunesradio.com/scott-johnson https://www.buildingfortunesradio.com/scott-johnson-peter-mingils/bf-3989  MLM on: On https://mlm.news and MLM Charity https://mlm.charity  Youmongus Ads is advertise Home Based Business https://youmongusads.com 

    Rise Up Rich
    #153 - The Stress Solution: Tools to Reclaim Your Peace

    Rise Up Rich

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 19, 2025 22:51

    In this week's episode, I delve into the tools and tactics I use to manage and overcome stress, especially in high-pressure roles. Join me as I share practical strategies and personal insights to help you reclaim your peace and thrive in demanding environments. We'll explore a variety of techniques, from mindfulness practices and time management tips to physical activities and mental exercises that can help you stay grounded and focused. Whether you're dealing with work-related stress, personal challenges, or just the everyday pressures of life, this episode offers valuable advice and actionable steps to help you navigate and conquer stress. Tune in and discover how to transform stress into a source of strength and resilience.

    Doppelter Espresso! Führung | Motivation | Beruf
    Windmühlen statt Mauern bauen: Veränderung aktiv gestalten

    Doppelter Espresso! Führung | Motivation | Beruf

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 19, 2025 21:44

    Veränderung fühlt sich oft unangenehm an – oder wie Ralf und Jennifer es sagen: „Es macht Autsch!“ Doch genau dieser Schmerz ist manchmal der erste Schritt in Richtung echter Transformation. In dieser Folge nehmen dich die beiden mit auf eine Reise durch die Höhen und Tiefen des Wandels. Du hörst, warum Transformation mehr ist als nur ein Modewort und wie du die Herausforderungen im Beruf und im Team mit Mut, Geduld und Gelassenheit angehst. Mit Bildern aus der Natur – von der Raupe bis zum Schmetterling – machen sie klar, dass Veränderung Zeit braucht, gleichzeitig immer neue Chancen eröffnet. Jennifer teilt persönliche Einblicke in ihre eigenen „Mut-Momente“ und Ralf gibt konkrete Tipps, wie du als Führungskraft den Wandel aktiv gestalten kannst. Werde ermutigt, alte Muster zu hinterfragen, neue Wege zu gehen und dabei sogar ein bisschen Glitzer in deinen Alltag zu streuen. ► Alle Infos rund um KI-Führerschein und KI-Navigator bekommst du hier: begeisterung.de/KI/ ► Hier erhältst du Zugang zu unseren gratis Führungs-Tools: https://begeisterungsland.de/begeisterungsletter/ ► Weitere praktische Audio-Lösungen für deinen Führungsalltag findest du hier: https://begeisterungsland.de/audios/ ► Unsere Story liest du hier: https://begeisterungsland.de/unsere-story/ Und wenn dir der Podcast gefällt, freuen wir uns sehr über eine Weiterempfehlung und positive Bewertung!

    Love Shack Live
    #212: How Much Space Is Too Much? How to Avoid Losing Yourself (and Each Other)

    Love Shack Live

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 18, 2025 60:07

    Send us a textHave you found yourself in the unsettling quiet of giving your partner the space they asked for, wondering if you're doing the right thing, or if you're losing them altogether? The silence can be deafening, filled with questions: Am I helping or hurting? Is this space tearing us apart, or could it actually bring us closer?Welcome to Love Shack Live, the podcast for anyone standing at a relationship crossroads, unsure of how to bridge the growing gap. If you're facing daily conflicts, emotional distance, or moments of doubt about whether love can survive the strain, you're in the right place. Together, we uncover the skills and strategies to rebuild bonds that are genuine and lasting.In this episode, we tackle the burning question: How much space is too much? We'll explore how to honor someone's need for space while maintaining a connection, and why this time apart might be the very thing your relationship needs to grow.By the end of this episode, you'll walk away with practical tools to create clarity during times of separation, establish healthy boundaries, and navigate the emotional uncertainty with intention and confidence.And here's the twist: we're not just talking about “giving space” to your partner. We're diving into how to use this time to reconnect with yourself, strengthen your foundation, and discover the opportunities hidden within the discomfort.So, grab your headphones and step into the Love Shack, where we'll guide you through this challenging season with wisdom, hope, and actionable insights.Your journey starts here.Chapters: 00:00 Introduction: Navigating Relationship Crossroads01:14 Understanding the Need for Space02:04 The Challenges of Giving Space02:58 Learning Relationship Skills04:47 Facing the Reality of Relationship Issues07:39 Common Misconceptions About Space19:23 The Importance of Clear Communication20:25 Healthy vs. Unhealthy Space29:30 Understanding the Need for Space30:22 The Emotional Struggle of Asking for Space31:36 The Pressure of Using Space Correctly35:25 Creating a Plan for Space37:12 Setting Agreements and Expectations40:08 Navigating No Contact Periods42:30 The Importance of Clarity and Communication53:32 Tools and Resources for Separation55:41 Reflecting on Personal Needs and Agreements57:14 Closing Thoughts and ReflectionsHas your partner asked for space? Don't panic. It doesn't have to mean the end of your relationship. Instead, it can be the start of a transformative journey toward clarity, confidence, and connection.✨ Start Your Self-Paced 30-Day Roadmap: This flexible, step-by-step guide is designed to help you navigate emotional distance, honor your partner's need for space, and rebuild trust—on your own terms and timeline. Learn more and get started today: https://stacibartley.com/self-paced/30-day-roadmap✨ Download the Separation Survival Kit: Your must-have resource for staying grounded, managing emotions, and gaining clarity during this uncertain time. Get your free guide here: https://stacibartley.com/separation-survival-kit/optin✨ Explore All Our Programs: From expert mentorship to proven strategies, discover the tools and support you need to navigate this chapter of your relationship. Browse here: https://stacibartley.com/programs/index/

    Tao of Our understanding Alcohol Recovery Podcast
    Tao Te Ching Verse 79 – Do I Tolerate Small Resentments?

    Tao of Our understanding Alcohol Recovery Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 18, 2025 40:26

    One with true virtue always seeks a way to give. One who lacks true virtue always seeks a way to get. To the giver comes the fullness of life to the taker just an empty hand. —  Dr. Wayne Dyer, Change Your Thoughts— Change Your Life, Verse 79   30 Tools to Stay Sober All Year Round! Here is a link to an online version of the Tao Te Ching that we use in every meeting: https://ttc.tasuki.org/display:Year:1972,1988,1996,2004/section:1 You can download a free PDF of the most current version of Powerless But Not Helpless, a Recovery Interpretation of the Tao Te Ching, at www.BuddyC.org. You are welcome to share, post, and distribute this book anywhere that you believe it will be of help. You can also access a free daily Tao Recovery Email, a list of podcasts, and many other recovery resources.   Join our private Facebook group and continue the conversation! Here is the link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TaoPodcast/ or search Tao of Our understanding Podcast.   A Course in Miracles - Daily thoughts from the 365 Day Course in Miracles Calendar. Check the notes in each event for a longer description.  https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/2?cid=ZjgxYTkzMjFmYmI4ZjI1YzRhN2IwYmYzZGM2MTQzNGE0MzhiNjBhM2E5MjUzODhkNzEwMDQxZWQ0MDMzYjg3N0Bncm91cC5jYWxlbmRhci5nb29nbGUuY29t   Nightly 9 pm eastern Zoom A.A. Meeting www.ZoomAAMeetings.com   Would you like to receive a free daily topic email with the most popular A.A. resources, accompanied by a secret Facebook group for discussion? Go to www.DailyAAEmails.com for more information!

    tools verse resentment tao wayne dyer tolerate tao te ching day course change your thoughts change your life zoom aa meetings
    Cup of Joe
    Our Recap of the 2025 Land Investment Expo

    Cup of Joe

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 18, 2025 48:46

    Watch the video version here: https://youtu.be/tAv28q2_yOMOn this episode:

    Baseball America
    Drafting Tools To Create The Best College Hitters & Pitchers

    Baseball America

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 17, 2025 64:37

    Carlos and Peter go back and forth drafting the best college tools among players in the 2025 draft class in an attempt to create the best imaginary prospects possible. For hitters they have to pick the following: hit tool, raw power tool, running tool, fielding tool and arm tool. And for pitchers they have to assemble the following: fastball, slider, curveball, changeup and control/command. Which players do you like best? Which tools should we have considered? Let us know. —Time Stamps(0:00) Explaining the game(4:00) Carlos's fastball(8:40) Peter's fielding(11:00) Carlos's changeup(14:40) Peter's hit (17:23) Carlos's power (20:00) Peter's slider(22:00) Carlos's curveball(25:45) Peter's control(27:30) Carlos's speed(31:00) Peter's arm (32:30) Carlos's hit (34:00) Peter's changeup(36:30) Carlos's fielding (40:00) Peter's power (42:00) Carlos's slider(45:00) Peter's curveball(47:00) Carlos's control (48:30) Peter's fastball(52:30) Carlos's arm (56:00) Peter's run(57:00) OverviewOur Sponsors:* Check out SelectQuote: https://selectquote.com/BASupport this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/baseball-america/donationsAdvertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brandsPrivacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy

    Women Developing Brilliance
    Coaching Success Story: From Overwhelmed Caregiver to Courageous Leader

    Women Developing Brilliance

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 17, 2025 10:21

    Join Leadership Coach Kc Rossi as she shares the inspiring story of "Emma," a client who transformed her life from an overwhelmed caregiver to a courageous leader. Discover how coaching can help you navigate challenges, uncover your strengths, and reach your goals. Key Points: Coaching is a partnership: It's about asking the right questions, not giving advice. Emma's Challenges: Conflict avoidance, scarcity mindset, fixer mentality. Breakthrough Moments: Embracing anger, rewriting her narrative, and practicing self-compassion. Tools for Transformation: Conscious leadership, heart-focused breathing, and connecting to her "Deep Why." Results: Promotion, trusted leadership, and a balanced life. Emma's Feedback: "The realization that I have the skills and resources to be an effective leader... has been profound for me." If you're feeling stuck or overwhelmed, know that transformation is possible. Your Next Step: Feeling called to uplevel from the inside out? Kc offers personalized one-on-one coaching to help you align your mind and heart, leading to a more purposeful and fulfilling life. Head to the link below to book your discovery session today.

    AskAlli: Self-Publishing Advice Podcast
    Print Book Sales Rebound, Spotify Adds Author Tools, and Taylor Swift's Self-Published Success: The Self-Publishing News Podcast with Dan Holloway

    AskAlli: Self-Publishing Advice Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 17, 2025 10:34

    On this episode of the Self-Publishing News Podcast, Dan Holloway explores new data showing a resurgence in print book sales, with adult fiction leading the growth and young adult fiction seeing a decline. He also highlights Spotify's new Wrapped feature for authors, providing audiobook creators with detailed insights into their listeners' habits. Plus, Dan reflects on the impact of Taylor Swift's self-published Eras Tour Book, which sold over 1.2 million copies, showcasing the power of self-publishing on a massive scale. Sponsors Self-Publishing News is proudly sponsored by Bookvault. Sell high-quality, print-on-demand books directly to readers worldwide and earn maximum royalties selling directly. Automate fulfillment and create stunning special editions with BookvaultBespoke. Visit Bookvault.app today for an instant quote. Self-Publishing News is also sponsored by book cover design company Miblart. They offer unlimited revisions, take no deposit to start work and you pay only when you love the final result. Get a book cover that will become your number-one marketing tool. Find more author advice, tips, and tools at our Self-publishing Author Advice Center, with a huge archive of nearly 2,000 blog posts and a handy search box to find key info on the topic you need. And, if you haven't already, we invite you to join our organization and become a self-publishing ally. About the Host Dan Holloway is a novelist, poet, and spoken word artist. He is the MC of the performance arts show The New Libertines, He competed at the National Poetry Slam final at the Royal Albert Hall. His latest collection, The Transparency of Sutures, is available on Kindle.

    Business Buying Strategies from the Dealmaker's Academy
    2025: New programs, tools and resources for Dealmakers old and new

    Business Buying Strategies from the Dealmaker's Academy

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 17, 2025 7:37

    In this short episode, Jonathan and Ed talk about what's coming up at the Dealmakers Academy in 2025.  Jonathan discusses Fast Track and the 2025 MasterMind program , as well as two brand new programs -  Jonathan Jay's Deal Club and monthly Deal Club Live Events.    Key moments   00:55 Jonathan Jay's Deal Club and Live Events 02:35 Mastermind and FastTrack Programs 04:54 How to Stay Updated and Get Involved 06:11 Podcast Changes and Conclusion   ** Looking for a great acquisition lawyer in the UK? Use mine! ** If you are looking for a lawyer in the UK to help you get the deal over the line, then use my own lawyer, John Andrews. You can phone his office at (0345) 2412494 or email him at johnandrews.deallawyer@jmw.co.uk. Ready to get started? Here's how you can start your business buying journey… Download our free Business Buying Toolkit https://dealmakers.co.uk/business-buying-toolkit Join our Business Acquisition FastTrack programme https://www.dealmakers.co.uk/fast Already bought a business? if you've already bought a business, you should be part of my Inner Circle group where we discuss raising capital, integration management, and exiting. Email Maria on hello@thedealmakersacademy.com for more information.

    ReachMD CME
    Diagnosing gMG: Navigating Current Tools and Approaches

    ReachMD CME

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 17, 2025

    CME credits: 1.00 Valid until: 17-01-2026 Claim your CME credit at https://reachmd.com/programs/cme/diagnosing-gmg-navigating-current-tools-and-approaches/32238/ The burden of generalized myasthenia gravis (gMG) on patients and caregivers is substantial. Current traditional therapies are often effective in the short term but bring with them many debilitating side effects. A more targeted approach to treatment that focuses on inhibition of the neonatal FcRn receptor complex is offering an exciting and different treatment option. Join Drs. Nicholas Silvestri and James Howard, Jr, as they discuss the expanding landscape of gMG treatments.

    Huberman Lab
    Essentials: Tools for Managing Stress & Anxiety

    Huberman Lab

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 16, 2025 37:23

    In this Huberman Lab Essentials episode, I explain strategies for managing stress, both in the short and long term, to enhance overall well-being. I explain how the mind and body respond to stress and how acute stress has immune-boosting benefits. I discuss science-supported tools and supplements to better manage stress in real time and protocols for raising one's stress threshold to build resilience to life's inevitable challenges. I also describe practices to reduce chronic stress and maintain a balanced, healthy life.  Huberman Lab Essentials are short episodes (approximately 30 minutes) focused on essential science and protocol takeaways from past Huberman Lab episodes. Essentials will be released every Thursday, and our full-length episodes will still be released every Monday. Read the full episode show notes at hubermanlab.com. Thank you to our sponsors AG1: https://drinkag1.com/huberman Function: https://functionhealth.com/huberman Eight Sleep: https://eightsleep.com/huberman Timestamps 00:00:00 Huberman Lab Essentials; Emotions & Stress 00:02:37 What is Stress? 00:04:23 Short-Term Stress Response 00:06:49 Breathwork to Reduce Stress; Tool: Physiological Sigh 00:11:52 Physiologic Sigh, Carbon Dioxide & Rapid Stress Reduction 00:13:30 Sponsor: Function 00:15:18 Short-Term Stress, Positive Benefits, Immune System 00:18:22 Tool: Deliberate Hyperventilation, Adrenaline & Infection 00:22:49 Sponsor: AG1 00:24:25 Raising Stress Threshold, Tool: Eye Dilation 00:28:24 Mitigating Long-Term Stress; Tool: Social Connection, Delight 00:32:22 Sponsor: Eight Sleep  00:33:52 Melatonin, Caution 00:35:00 L-theanine, Ashwagandha 00:36:13 Recap & Key Takeaways Disclaimer & Disclosures

    SuperAge: Live Better
    Laura Hof Shares Tools for Mental Flexibility

    SuperAge: Live Better

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 16, 2025 81:35

    Laura Hof, daughter of Wim Hof, brings transformative insights into the role of beliefs, stress management, and neuroplasticity in shaping our lives. She explains how the reticular activating system (RAS) filters our experiences based on belief systems, emphasizing the importance of consciously shifting these filters to unlock new possibilities. Through techniques like controlled stress exposure, often in the form of cold plunge, and breathing exercises, Laura shares actionable methods to enhance resilience, flexibility, and emotional regulation. Tune in to learn how simple, intentional practices can empower you to break through limiting beliefs and thrive.How Long Will You Live? Take our quiz today and find out! Visit: ageist.com/longevity-quizThanks To Our SponsorsSuppCo – SuppCo is currently in beta and users can get 100% FREE access by going to supp.co/AGEIST. Podcast listeners will also get early access to SuppCo's founding membership when it launches in early 2025.Timeline Nutrition — our number one supplement for cell support and mitochondrial function. Listeners receive 10% off your first order of Mitopure with code AGEIST at TimelineNutrition.com/ageist. LMNT Electrolytes — our favorite electrolytes for optimal hydration. Listeners receive a free 8-serving sample pack with their purchase at DrinkLMNT.com/AGEIST. Key Quotes"Your beliefs dictate your experiences, shaping everything you perceive and achieve in life.""Growth happens when you step outside your comfort zone and face challenges head-on.""Neuroplasticity shows us that it's never too late to change and evolve, no matter your age."Connect with Our GuestWebsite: laurahofalchemy.comInstagram: @laura_hof_alchemyFull Interview TranscriptConnect with AGEISTNewsletterInstagramWebsiteSay hi to the AGEIST team!

    BSD Now
    594: Name that Domain

    BSD Now

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 16, 2025 70:39

    Security Audit of the Capsicum and bhyve Subsystems, ZFS on Linux and block IO limits show some limits of being out of the kernel, NetBSD on a ROCK64 Board, Domain Naming, BSDCan 2025 CFP, The Internet Gopher from Minnesota, and more NOTES This episode of BSDNow is brought to you by Tarsnap (https://www.tarsnap.com/bsdnow) and the BSDNow Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/bsdnow) Headlines Roundup Storage and Network Diagnostics (https://klarasystems.com/articles/winter_2024_roundup_storage_and_network_diagnostics/?utm_source=BSD%20Now&utm_medium=Podcast) Security Audit of the Capsicum and bhyve Subsystems (https://freebsdfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/2024_Code_Audit_Capsicum_Bhyve_FreeBSD_Foundation.pdf) News Roundup ZFS on Linux and block IO limits show some limits of being out of the kernel (https://utcc.utoronto.ca/~cks/space/blog/linux/ZFSOnLinuxVersusBlockIOLimits) NetBSD on a ROCK64 Board (https://simonevellei.com/blog/posts/netbsd-on-a-rock64-board/) Domain Naming (https://ambient.institute/domain-naming/) BSDCan 2025 CFP (https://www.bsdcan.org/2025/papers.html) The Internet Gopher from Minnesota (https://www.abortretry.fail/p/the-internet-gopher-from-minnesota) Tarsnap This weeks episode of BSDNow was sponsored by our friends at Tarsnap, the only secure online backup you can trust your data to. Even paranoids need backups. Feedback/Questions Brendan - MinIO (https://github.com/BSDNow/bsdnow.tv/blob/master/episodes/594/feedback/Brendan%20-%20minio.md) Send questions, comments, show ideas/topics, or stories you want mentioned on the show to feedback@bsdnow.tv (mailto:feedback@bsdnow.tv) Join us and other BSD Fans in our BSD Now Telegram channel (https://t.me/bsdnow)

    Meditation, Coaching & Life / Der Podcast mit Michael
    Meditation - Wie ein Coachingtool den Geist beruhigen kann

    Meditation, Coaching & Life / Der Podcast mit Michael "Curse" Kurth

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 16, 2025 22:11

    Wie in der letzten Podcast Folge bereits angekündigt, gibt es heute eine (weitere) Coaching Übung, unter anderem basierend auf der letzten Folge. Und auch wenn du noch nie meditiert hast, ist diese Übung hervorragend dafür geeignet einfach mitzumachen. Let's go: - Wie kannst du dich auf deine Werte fokussieren? - Was ist der Monkey Mind? - Was ist das Paradox der Kontrolle? Website: www.curse.de Tour Tickets: https://bio.to/curse-unzerstoerbarersommertour Instagram: www.instagram.com/cursezeit Facebook: www.facebook.com/curseofficial TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@curseofficial

    Arthritis Life
    Navigating College and Chronic Illness: Tips from Gabi's Spondyloarthritis Journey

    Arthritis Life

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 16, 2025 55:25

    Gabi highlights the accommodations that have been instrumental during her college experience, including adaptive tools and flexible scheduling. She shares how other young people with chronic illness can advocate for the accommodations they need to succeed in school.Cheryl and Gabi also discuss the vital role of peer support groups, such as Cheryl's Rheum to THRIVE program, and emphasize the importance of self-advocacy and maintaining a positive outlook. For those newly diagnosed, Gabi offers invaluable advice: seek reputable resources, stay informed, and embrace the mindset that thriving with a chronic illness requires adapting, planning, and finding joy amidst challenges. This inspiring conversation celebrates resilience, community, and the power of living well with a chronic illness.Episode at a glance:Navigating Life with Spondyloarthritis and palatal tremor: Gabi shares her personal journey and how she manages the challenges of living with inflammatory arthritis. She also shares what it was like to try different medications and switch due to side effects.Key Tips and Tools for School and Work: Cheryl and Gabi discuss accommodations available through organizations like the Arthritis Foundation and adaptive tools and strategies for daily life.The Power of Self-Advocacy: Gabi highlights the importance of advocating for yourself in medical and personal settings.Creating a Supportive Environment: Gabi shares about finding community and encouragement through groups like Rheum to THRIVE and about the importance of building a network of understanding family, friends, and peers..Advice for the Newly Diagnosed: Lean on trustworthy resources, Stay informed and learn to adapt, and Focus on maintaining joy and living life fully despite the diagnosis.Medical disclaimer: All content found on Arthritis Life public channels was created for generalized informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.Episode SponsorsRheum to THRIVE, an online course and support program Cheryl created to help people with rheumatic disease go from overwhelmed, confused and alone to confident, supported and connected. See all the details and join the program or waitlist now! 

    Be The Exception
    247.Best Strategies for Writing IEP Goals for Special Education Teachers

    Be The Exception

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 16, 2025 16:04

    In this episode, we're tackling one of the most challenging yet rewarding aspects of special education: writing IEP goals. Learn actionable strategies, discover helpful tools, and avoid common mistakes as you craft meaningful and measurable goals for your students.   What You'll Learn in This Episode: The four key elements of a strong IEP goal. Practical strategies to simplify goal writing. Tools and templates to save time and stay organized. Common pitfalls to avoid in the IEP writing process. Links and Resources The Exceptional Collective Membership Winter Activities Bundle Special Education Teacher Planner   Connect with Dawn   Find me on IG Find me on Tik Tok Etsy Shop TpT Store Subscribe Are you subscribed to my podcast? Trust me, you definitely want to do that so you don't miss a thing! Click here to subscribe in iTunes! Leave a Review If you are loving the podcast, I would be really grateful if you left me a review over on iTunes, too. Those reviews help other teachers find my podcast and I love hearing what you think about the podcast as well. Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what part of the podcast you found to be the most helpful!

    EliElyah Radio
    Self- love TRANSFORMS you! Rich Mindset= Rich Life

    EliElyah Radio

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 16, 2025 17:30

    Self- love TRANSFORMS you! Are you ready to think, act, and thrive like the wealthiest version of yourself?

    Face Forward - Communications, Engagement & Leadership.
    127 | How To Rebuild Organisational Trust: A Cultural Transformation at CBI | Emma Connolly

    Face Forward - Communications, Engagement & Leadership.

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 16, 2025 40:19

    In this powerful episode, Scott McInnes sits down with Emma Connolly, People and Culture Director at the Confederation of British Industry (CBI), to discuss the organisation's journey through a cultural crisis. Triggered by serious allegations against leadership, the crisis shook the foundation of the organisation, leaving employees and stakeholders grappling with shock and uncertainty. Emma takes us behind the scenes, sharing how the CBI responded, from holding transparent town halls to engaging with members and implementing a transformative cultural program. Discover the steps taken to rebuild trust and integrity, including co-creating new organizational values, introducing the Speak Up app, and prioritising leadership training. This candid conversation explores the challenges and triumphs of navigating a cultural reset and the ongoing commitment to embedding respect, courage, and brilliance into the workplace. Tune in for a masterclass in cultural transformation, crisis management, and leadership. Key Takeaways: Transparency is crucial in crisis management: The CBI held town halls to openly communicate with employees and stakeholders. New values reflect the organisation's aspirations: Integrity, respect, courage, and brilliance were co-created with employees. Tools encourage accountability: The Speak Up app was launched to empower employees to report concerns. Leadership shapes culture: Training for line managers became a priority to drive meaningful change. Long-term transformation takes commitment: Cultural change requires ongoing focus, even after the initial crisis response. Chapters: 00:00 Introduction to the Crisis at CBI 09:17 Organisational Response and Support Measures 17:32 Engaging with Members and Stakeholders 25:09 Implementing Change: Actions Taken 33:32 Measuring Cultural Change and Future Focus

    Mac OS Ken
    Planet iPhone, Arizona, and China - MOSK: 01.15.2025

    Mac OS Ken

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 15, 2025 11:29

    - Canalys: Apple Wins Smartphones for 2nd Consecutive Year  - Report: Apple Testing TSMC's Arizona Output for Mass Production - Report Has China Slowing Export of Tools to Other Manufacturing Hubs - FT: EU Reassessing Cases Against Big Tech - UK Tosses Collusion Case Against Amazon and Apple - Apple Seeds Developer Beta Three of tvOS 18.3 - Apple Seeds Developer Beta Three of watchOS 11.3 - Apple Releases Firmware Updates for 25W MagSafe Charger - We're looking at Salt Typhoon clean-up and a trust label for IoT devices on Checklist 406 - Less Salt, More Logos - online at checklist.libsyn.com - Catch Ken on Mastodon - @macosken@mastodon.social - Chat with us in Patreon for as little as $1 a month. Support the show at Patreon.com/macosken - Send me an email: info@macosken.com or call (716)780-4080!

    Late Confirmation by CoinDesk
    Sam Altman's World Network Launches Mini Apps 1.1, Incubator

    Late Confirmation by CoinDesk

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 15, 2025 8:43

    The World Network launches Mini Apps 1.1, which will enable social chat and connection tools. Tools for Humanity Chief Product Officer Tiago Sada joins CoinDesk's Christine Lee for an exclusive interview to discuss growth on World Network, security and what projects they are seeking to develop under a new incubator program.-This episode was hosted by Christine Lee and edited by Victor Chen.See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Called To Homeschool
    #296 Unlocking a Year of Growth

    Called To Homeschool

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 15, 2025 10:42

    Who is ready for a better marriage? A deeper connection with your kids? Skills to get your kids to listen without yelling? Tools to create an amazing family? If you answered yes to any of these, you need to check out today's podcast, Unlocking a Year of Growth. I am sharing with you how to create success in all these areas, and I cannot wait to share it with you!

    Design Yourself
    Business Unusual | Celebrating 250 Episodes of Design Yourself

    Design Yourself

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 15, 2025 33:09

    Milestones matter. They build momentum, create a chance to pause and reflect, and mark an important moment. Join us in this podcast to celebrate a personal milestone: 250 episodes of Design Yourself!  Together we explore 10 lessons learned in 250 episodes spanning 2016-2024: Use Your Voice Stories Matter Say It Again It's Fun to Connect You Will Be Surprised By Where Connections Lead This Podcast Made Me Better All Leadership is Human People Matter Most Ideas, Tools, Frameworks, Mindsets Unlock Us There is Nothing Stopping You Please note that Sharon and the Design Yourself Team are taking a podcast sabbatical to digest these lessons learned and explore new ways to shape meaningful content for our dear listeners. Stay tuned and subscribed for more information!   Links and Resources: For show notes: https://pointroadstudios.com/podcast/business-unusual-celebrating-250-episodes-of-design-yourself/ To connect on Linked In:  @Sharon Lipovsky @Point Road Studios  To connect on Instagram: @pointroadstudios Rate, Review & Subscribe to the podcast on Apple & Spotify

    The Cloudcast
    The Ethics of Using AI Tools at Work

    The Cloudcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 15, 2025 37:18

    Brian and Michael Cote (@cote, Co-Host @SoftwareDefinedTalk) talk about the ethics of using AI at for internal and external facing work.SHOW: 889SHOW TRANSCRIPT: The Cloudcast #889 TranscriptSHOW VIDEO: https://youtube.com/@TheCloudcastNET CLOUD NEWS OF THE WEEK: http://bit.ly/cloudcast-cnotwNEW TO CLOUD? CHECK OUT OUR OTHER PODCAST: "CLOUDCAST BASICS" SHOW NOTES:Software Defined Talk (Eps.500)How do teachers know if students use AI for projects?Cote's Newsletter (go subscribe!)How to play DnD with AI Topic 1 - Welcome to the show. Tell us about your background…Topic 2 - What does your day-to-day use of information look like, and how do you translate that into things you create/publish? Topic 3 - Where do today's AI tools come into play for your work? What else would you like them to do? Topic 4 - Why did you have concerns about the Ethics of using these tools, or the Ethics of the output of these tools? What's the general rules or sentiment about using AI tools within your company (or people you know)?Topic 5 - At what point do you think it's your Ethics problem, and when/why should your company care? FEEDBACK?Email: show at the cloudcast dot netBluesky: @cloudcastpod.bsky.socialTwitter/X: @cloudcastpodInstagram: @cloudcastpodTikTok: @cloudcastpod

    Steve Becker's Journey: Lessons in Basketball Coaching


    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 15, 2025 50:36

    Join Steve Becker, the head coach of Cal State Dominguez Hills men's basketball, on the Contacts Coaching Podcast as he shares his incredible journey from his beginnings in Southern California to his current role. Discover how Steve's experiences, both as a player and a coach, have shaped his approach to coaching, mentorship, and building a lasting program culture. Gain insights into the importance of player relationships, the impact of consistent administrative support, and the challenges brought by the transfer portal and NIL in collegiate athletics. If you're passionate about basketball coaching and leadership, this episode is a must-listen! 00:00 Introduction and Guest Welcome 00:20 Coach Becker's Journey to Head Coach 00:33 Early Coaching Experiences 02:36 Challenges and Realizations as a Young Head Coach 03:41 Building a Respectable Program 04:39 Importance of Relationships and Mentorship 05:53 Longevity in Coaching and Personal Life Balance 07:33 Impact of High School and College Experiences 10:02 Establishing a Positive Team Culture 16:25 Navigating the Changing Landscape of College Basketball 18:46 Overseas Experience and Youth Sports Philosophy 25:05 Balancing Youth Sports and Family Life 26:28 Learning from Other Coaches 28:56 Developing Team Philosophy and Player Engagement 32:46 Encouraging Player Communication and Ownership 35:34 Adapting Coaching Strategies 39:17 Balancing Personal and Professional Life 40:55 Tools and Techniques for Coaching Efficiency 44:01 Empowering Assistant Coaches 46:05 Final Thoughts and Conclusion

    An Investor's Journey
    Why Most Wholesalers Fail and How to Avoid Their Mistakes

    An Investor's Journey

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 15, 2025 21:38

    Are you struggling to scale your wholesaling business? In this video, I answer the most pressing questions from my live training, breaking down the strategies to go from $0 to $30k/month.Discover how to build a real buyer's list, vet buyers effectively, and dominate your market without overcomplicating your business. If you're ready to learn what separates successful wholesalers from the rest, this video is for you!

    DevOps Paradox
    DOP 298: Tools Versus Culture

    DevOps Paradox

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 15, 2025 32:52

    #298: Throughout numerous conferences, experts have often proclaimed that choosing the right culture is paramount over the selection of tools. However, it's an oversimplification to deem one right over the other. Tools and culture share a symbiotic relationship, each influencing and reshaping the other. In this episode, Darin and Viktor try to settle this debate.   YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/devopsparadox   Review the podcast on Apple Podcasts: https://www.devopsparadox.com/review-podcast/   Slack: https://www.devopsparadox.com/slack/   Connect with us at: https://www.devopsparadox.com/contact/

    Fly Fishing Journeys
    Tim Flagler – 2022 Fly Tyer of the Year

    Fly Fishing Journeys

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 15, 2025 59:53

    If there's one thing I admire, it's the ability to blend passion and skill into something that inspires others, and that's exactly what Tim Flagler has done with Tightline Productions. During our conversation, Tim shared his journey of over 40 years in fly tying, 15 years on YouTube, and his channel's growth to 120,000 subscribers. He spoke about the evolution of fly tying from books to video tutorials, the family-driven effort behind his productions, and his hosted trips to incredible fishing destinations like Argentina and Montana. It was inspiring to hear his dedication to teaching, guiding, and creative innovation. With the combination of these fantastic qualities, it's no wonder Tim was voted as Fly Tyer Magazine's 2022 Fly Tyer of the Year. [01:10] Tim's YouTube Success[06:43] Tight Line Productions Team [11:47] The Evolution of Tight Line Productions [17:27] The Tech and Process of Fly Tying Video Production[41:25] Sourcing Materials and Tools [48:06] Fishing Adventures[57:02] Top Picks for Dry, Nymph, and Streamer Fishing Connect with Tim Flagler https://www.youtube.com/@tightlinevideo Thanks to our incredible sponsors:www.naturesspiritflytying.netwww.nor-vise.comcrosscurrentinsurance.comflyfishingshow.com

    Science & Technology - Voice of America
    AI Tools Drive Many New Products at the CES 2025 Electronics Show - January 15, 2025

    Science & Technology - Voice of America

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 15, 2025 8:35

    The Human Upgrade with Dave Asprey
    Add Decades to Your Life with THESE AI Tools and Longevity Secrets! Peter Diamandis : 1241

    The Human Upgrade with Dave Asprey

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 14, 2025 79:47

    What happens when nearly 60 years of combined biohacking expertise collide in one podcast? Peter Diamandis is a world-renowned futurist, space entrepreneur, and innovator behind groundbreaking ventures like the XPRIZE and Abundance 360. Dave sits down with Peter to combine their nearly 60 years of biohacking expertise, delivering the ultimate playbook for living longer and healthier.They dive into revolutionary AI-driven health solutions, mindset shifts that fuel vitality, and practical routines you can start today. Peter, the author of The Longevity Guidebook, shares deeply meaningful tools and tips to expand your healthspan for decades to come. What You'll Learn: • The top AI tools reshaping health and longevity • Simple daily habits that improve energy, sleep, and brain performance • Why mindset is the key to adding years to your life • The cutting-edge science of age reversal and functional health • How Peter and Dave biohack their routines for peak performance Resources: • 2025 Biohacking Conference: https://biohackingconference.com/2025 • Peter Diamandis's New Book: https://longevityguidebook.com/home-blk-nav • Peter Diamandis's Website: https://www.diamandis.com/ • Peter Diamandis's Purpose Finder (MTP): https://purposefinder.ai/ • Danger Coffee: https://dangercoffee.com • Dave Asprey's Website: https://daveasprey.com • Dave Asprey's Book – Smarter Not Harder: https://daveasprey.com/books • Dave Asprey's Linktree: https://linktr.ee/daveasprey • Upgrade Collective – Join The Human Upgrade Podcast Live: https://www.ourupgradecollective.com • Own an Upgrade Labs: https://ownanupgradelabs.com • Upgrade Labs: https://upgradelabs.com • 40 Years of Zen – Neurofeedback Training for Advanced Cognitive Enhancement: https://40yearsofzen.com SPONSORS: -Omni-Biotic | Visit omnibioticlife.com/dave and use code DAVE20 for 20% off. -LMNT | Free LMNT Sample Pack with any drink mix purchase by going to drinklmnt.com/dave. Timestamps: • 00:00 Open • 00:53 Introduction to Peter Diamandis • 01:54 Peter's Longevity Journey • 03:26 Tracking Sleep and Biohacking • 05:49 The Importance of Deep Sleep • 07:22 Thinking Big and Longevity • 10:36 Russian Innovations in Sleep • 25:29 AI and Longevity • 29:01 Gene Editing and Epigenetics • 35:13 Light Therapy and Routines • 43:07 Gut Health and Endotoxins • 44:17 Exploring Conscious Pain Practices • 45:51 Hacking Hot Tubs for Health Benefits • 46:28 The Science Behind Dopamine Reset • 46:43 Introduction to Fountain Life • 48:41 Advanced Diagnostics and AI Integration • 50:29 Therapeutics and Cutting-Edge Treatments • 51:41 The Evolution of Longevity Companies • 55:30 The Future of Longevity and Healthspan • 01:01:27 The Role of AI in Health and Longevity • 01:07:31 Personal Longevity Practices and Insights • 01:16:43 Finding Your Purpose for Longevity • 01:24:01 Final Thoughts and Resources See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Essentially You: Empowering You On Your Health & Wellness Journey With Safe, Natural & Effective Solutions
    615: The Secret to Building an Unbreakable Bond with Your Authentic Self with Roxanne Saffaie

    Essentially You: Empowering You On Your Health & Wellness Journey With Safe, Natural & Effective Solutions

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 14, 2025 44:32

    What happens when you stop fighting against yourself and start fighting for yourself? When you lead with love, respect, and honesty, your relationship with yourself transforms. And THAT is where TRUE empowerment begins. In today's episode, I'm joined by the incredible Roxanne Saffaie, founder of Black Belt Beauty and a certified champion of self-confidence and self-trust.  Together, we dive deep into how life's transitions—like perimenopause and menopause—invite us to redefine our relationship with ourselves, our bodies, and our paths.  From navigating disruptive symptoms like brain fog and fatigue to physical changes that demand more recovery time, Roxanne shares her insights on reframing these challenges as opportunities for growth.  With tools like self-compassion and positive affirmations, she reveals how to stop bullying yourself, trust your body's wisdom… AND create a life rooted in authenticity and ease. If you've ever struggled to feel aligned with who you truly are—or just want practical tools to build confidence and self-trust… Tune in to get inspired, grounded, and ready to heal! IN THIS EPISODE Why self-trust is the foundation of everything you want to achieve. How perimenopause can feel like a reckoning—and a powerful opportunity for growth. The mindset shift that helps you embrace self-compassion without losing ambition. Tools to navigate week four (and other tough moments) with grace and strength. How to lead your life from a place of love, respect, and honesty. QUOTES "Stop fighting against yourself and start fighting for yourself." – Roxanne Saffaie "Your body isn't working against you—it's speaking to you. Learning to listen is the ultimate act of self-love." – Dr. Mariza Snyder "You can't make a wrong move when you make a true move—from the heart." – Roxanne Saffaie RESOURCES MENTIONED Receive weekly doses of self-mastery, sensuality, soulful truth, and empowering rebellion from Roxyanne Saffaie Follow Roxanne Saffaie on Instagram for daily inspiration, mindset tips, and confidence-boosting content Explore Roxanne's Black Belt Beauty website for empowering tools, insights, and community Download Roxanne's Free Future-Self Meditation + Guided Journal Follow Dr. Mariza on Instagram for women's health tips, self-care inspiration, and behind-the-scenes moments. Shop Dr. Mariza's curated collection of supplements designed to support energy, hormone balance, and metabolism. Download my FREE Top 11 Supplements for Hormone Balance Guide RELATED EPISODES  #575: Transform Your Life Through Self Love, Trusting Your Heart and Raising Your Self Worth with Roxy Saffaie #532: How to Overcome Perfectionism and Self-Doubt By Unapologetically Embracing Your Fully Awesome Self with Kristina Mand-Lakhiani #538: How to Set Your Soul Free in Order to Usher in the Most Beautiful and Authentic Life with Shirin Etessam Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    The Game Changing Attorney Podcast with Michael Mogill
    328. Sherry Stewart Deutschmann — Transform Your Business with Bold, People-First Leadership [Encore Edition]

    The Game Changing Attorney Podcast with Michael Mogill

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 14, 2025 41:04

    How do empathy and employee investment transform a business into a powerhouse of growth and innovation? In this episode of The Game Changing Attorney Podcast, Michael Mogill interviews Sherry Stewart Deutschmann, entrepreneur, speaker, and author of Lunch With Lucy: Maximize Your Profits By Investing In Your People. From humble beginnings, Sherry built a 40 million dollar company that was included in the Inc. 5000 List of Fasting Growing Private Companies for 10 years straight. Here's what you'll take away: How an employee-centric approach can drive business success by fostering transparency, trust, and engagement among your team The importance of empathetic leadership that enables you to connect with your employees on a personal level and integrate their feedback into actionable business improvements Why company-wide financial transparency leads to a more motivated, cohesive team that drives profitability and growth The secret to building a thriving law firm isn't just about financial growth — it's about elevating and empowering your team. Success comes from creating a people-first culture where employees are supported, challenged, and inspired to grow. When you invest in your team and align them with a shared vision, you unlock their full potential, driving results and redefining success not just for your business but for everyone involved. ---- Show Notes:  00:00 – Introduction 03:11 – From Humble Beginnings to Entrepreneurial Success 08:05 – Creating an Employee-Centric Business Model 12:03 – Revolutionizing Profit Sharing: A Monthly Approach 17:34 – Rolling Out Perks That Drive Engagement 21:16 – Why Transparency Fuels Buy-In and Productivity 25:30 – Lunch with Lucy: Building Relationships with Employees 34:59 – Lessons Learned from Selling the Company 39:38 – What Being a Game Changer Means to Sherry Stewart Deutschman ---- Links & Resources: Jehovah's Witnesses Volkswagen Rabbit Mercury Lynx Nuts! by Kevin Freiberg Scripps Health Crossfit NetSuite Lunch with Lucy by Sherry Stewart Deutschmann Gallup Employee Engagement Study BrainTrust Entrepreneurs Organization (EO) ---- Listening to this episode but want to watch it? Check it out on Spotify.  Do you love this podcast and want to see more game changing content? Subscribe to our YouTube channel. ---- Past guests on The Game Changing Attorney Podcast include David Goggins, John Morgan, Alex Hormozi, Randi McGinn, Kim Scott, Chris Voss, Kevin O'Leary, Laura Wasser, John Maxwell, Mark Lanier, Robert Greene, and many more. ---- If you enjoyed this episode, you may also like: Episode 301 — Michael Cowen — Investing in Legal Excellence: Training, Tools, and Team Building Episode 279 — AMMA — Building Trust Through Authentic Leadership Episode 260 — Robert Simon — The Superpower of Authenticity: Building Communities with Aligned Values | Crisp

    The Journey with Morgan DeBaun
    Paige Turner on Parenthood, Modern Motherhood, and Equitable Partnerships

    The Journey with Morgan DeBaun

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 14, 2025 49:03

    This week, Morgan DeBaun sits down with Paige Turner, a content creator and mother known for her honest conversations about the realities of parenting, the mental load mothers carry, and the importance of equitable partnerships. In this episode: 00:00 Introduction and Welcome 01:18 Meet Paige Turner 03:05 Paige's Viral Moment 05:17 The Cost of Childcare 11:49 Mental Load and Cognitive Labor 16:55 Navigating Parenting Roles 24:16 Understanding Resentment in Relationships 27:54 Tools and Methods for Fair Parenting 29:27 The Reality of Stay-at-Home Moms 31:32 The Impact of Social Media on Parenting 38:58 Advocating for Family-Friendly Policies 44:25 The Role of Privilege in Parenting and Politics 46:49 Staying Engaged in Political Conversations 47:50 Conclusion and Farewell In the episode, Paige shares her journey from a career in broadcast journalism to becoming a prominent voice on TikTok, where she sparks critical conversations about the challenges modern women face in balancing work and family life. The conversation explores how the mental load affects mothers, why equity in the home is important, and the societal factors at play. Morgan and Paige also examine the “tradwife” trend circulating on social media discussing the potentially problematic implications of romanticizing the social media version of this lifestyle. Throughout the episode, they reflect on the pressures social media places on women to excel in every area of life, often creating unrealistic expectations. Morgan and Paige close out the conversation by discussing the current political climate and the need to engage in conversations surrounding the politics of parenting on social media and in daily life. This conversation is a must-listen for anyone navigating the complexities of modern parenthood or seeking to understand the broader societal changes needed to support families. Tune in to hear Paige's insights that serve as a reminder that parenting is a shared responsibility, and change starts both at home and in the policies we advocate for! Pre-order Rewrite Your Rules: https://worksmartprogram.com/book/ More from Paige: https://www.tiktok.com/@sheisapaigeturner? https://www.instagram.com/sheisapaigeturner/ https://www.sheisapaigeturner.com/about Join the Newsletter for More Exclusive Content: https://worksmartprogram.ac-page.com/thejourneypodcast Make sure you are following Morgan's journey on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@morgandebaun?_ Visit Mormatcha.com to make a purchase. Follow us on Instagram: https://instagram.com/thejourneybymdb Produced by MicMoguls.

    Business School
    Financial Home Base

    Business School

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 14, 2025 29:52

    Click Here to Get All Podcast Show Notes!What if you could build a financial safety net that sets you up for lifelong success? In this episode, Sharran introduces his "Financial Home Base" framework, a step-by-step guide to mastering yo