Podcasts about spiritual guidance

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Latest podcast episodes about spiritual guidance

Badass Babe Oracle
Stop Doing THIS for Money & Manifestations to Respond to YOU

Badass Babe Oracle

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 14, 2025 19:43

On this episode Kelly shares this one surprising thing that's unknowingly repelling money and your manifestatioans and how to get to the root with ease to shift where money then responds to YOU. When she learned this and got to the root of what she was seeking, she finally became OPEN and willing to receive the money, magic and miracles that were always available to her! And how you can too! Tune in today! JOIN MONEY MULTIPLIER: 6 Month Experience! ON EARLY BIRD FREE COURSE Connect on Instagram

Very Cari: Faith, Wellness and Healing
Lost and Found: The Heart of Luke 15

Very Cari: Faith, Wellness and Healing

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 13, 2025 15:59

Join the Facebook Group: All Things Very CariNOW ON YOUTUBEIn this episode, Cari delves into the powerful parables of Luke 15: the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the prodigal son. These timeless stories reveal God's immense love for His people and His relentless pursuit of those who are lost. Cari explores the deep meaning behind each parable, discussing themes of repentance, redemption, and the joy in heaven over every sinner who turns back to God. Whether you've felt distant from God or need a reminder of His love, this episode is an invitation to reflect on His grace and His desire to bring you home.Verses:Luke 15:11-23 - Jesus continued: “There was a man who had two sons. The younger one said to his father, ‘Father, give me my share of the estate.' So he divided his property between them.“Not long after that, the younger son got together all he had, set off for a distant country and there squandered his wealth in wild living.  After he had spent everything, there was a severe famine in that whole country, and he began to be in need. So he went and hired himself out to a citizen of that country, who sent him to his fields to feed pigs. He longed to fill his stomach with the pods that the pigs were eating, but no one gave him anything. “When he came to his senses, he said, ‘How many of my father's hired servants have food to spare, and here I am starving to death!  I will set out and go back to my father and say to him: Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son; make me like one of your hired servants.'  So he got up and went to his father. “But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him. “The son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son.'“But the father said to his servants, ‘Quick! Bring the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet.  Bring the fattened calf and kill it. Let's have a feast and celebrate.URHERE Information- www.verycaripodcast.com/urhereConnect with Cari:Instagram: instagram.com/carithompsonrnFacebook: www.facebook.com/cari.ayres.3Website:     VeryCariPodcast.com

god jesus christ father mental health resilience mindfulness self love deep dive productivity behind the scenes encouragement work life balance life lessons personal growth body image emotional intelligence personal development overwhelm self improvement success stories healthy relationships self discovery spiritual growth self compassion body positivity health and wellness stress management finding balance luke 15 finding purpose personal stories fun facts healthy living lost and found spiritual journey power of words community building healing journey emotional eating overcoming challenges life purpose christian living career advice stress relief building bridges career development communication skills personal life walking with god words matter life advice spiritual health healthy boundaries family values self expression life balance emotional healing mindful eating personal transformation inside scoop podcast interviews holistic healing honest conversations spiritual healing intentional living coffee talk gatekeeping speak life weightlossjourney childhood memories practical advice christian podcast career coaching achieving goals emotional wellbeing inner healing inspirational stories positive self talk sustainable living life choices eternal perspective meaningful work living with purpose faith journey inspiring stories mindful living christian leadership farm to table divine purpose behind the mic spiritual guidance fitness podcast overcoming barriers podcast community podcast guests interesting facts spiritual renewal wellness tips living for christ true calling health and healing connecting with god purposeful living job satisfaction fitnessmotivation finding your calling wellness podcast embracing diversity country living speaking life christian values personal fulfillment farm animals positive influence motivational podcasts women of faith personal insights career pathways heart healing healing stories motivational stories inspirational podcasts breaking down walls deeper purpose professional journey healing words life insights faith and fitness expert interviews positive communication rural living life paths podcast creation christian wisdom christian encouragement christian coaching meaningful living podcast personality
Ask Julie Ryan
#582 - Spiritual GUIDES from Beyond! The UNEXPECTED Healing Power of Your ANCESTORS! With Bernadette O. Thompson

Ask Julie Ryan

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 11, 2025 74:03

EVEN MORE about this episode!Join us for an enlightening conversation with Bernadette Thompson, an intuitive ancestral healer and genealogist, as we explore the profound healing power of our heritage. Discover how the experiences, traumas, and resilience of our ancestors shape our lives today, blending scientific and spiritual insights to unlock personal growth and healing.Through captivating stories and personal experiences, Bernadette reveals how connecting with ancestral wisdom can guide us through life's challenges. Learn how prayer, spiritual connections, and ancestral energy offer support, direction, and even playful presence during pivotal moments.This episode delves into the transformative role of spiritual guidance, especially in the end-of-life process, offering comfort and peace by viewing death as a transition rather than an end. Prepare to be inspired and leave with a deeper understanding of the strength and wisdom passed down through generations.Guest Biography:Bernadette Thompson is the owner of Tell Me Our Story, Ancestral Healing. As an Intuitive Ancestral Healer, Grief and Spiritual Coach, she guides those who have experienced loss, helping them navigate grief and connect with Spirit for healing. Bernadette teaches the deep connection with ancestors and the many ways to communicate with loved ones in Spirit. A certified grief and trauma facilitator, End-of-Life Doula, and trained genealogist, her own spiritual awakening through grief inspired her work.Episode Chapters:(0:00:01) - Ancestral Healing and Genetic Trauma(0:09:25) - Discovering Ancestral Stories and Healing(0:24:10) - Connecting With Ancestors Through Prayer(0:30:35) - Ancestral Healing and Spiritual Connection(0:42:32) - Connecting With Ancestors for Guidance(0:47:54) - Life's Work(0:52:39) - Crossing Over and Ancestral Beliefs(0:57:15) - Connecting Ancestral Healing and Spiritual Guidance(1:06:52) - Healing Grief and Embracing SpiritPlease join Julie next week with your question.Thursdays at 8pm ET, 7pm CT, 5pm PT.https://askjulieryanshow.comAnd, please leave a five-star review and subscribe so you can hear all the new episodes.Sponsors & RecommendationsDisclaimer: This show is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be medical, psychological, financial or legal advice. Please contact a licensed professional. The Ask Julie Ryan show, Julie Ryan, and all parties involved in producing, recording and distributing it assume no responsibility for listener's actions based on any information heard on this or any Ask Julie Ryan shows or podcasts.See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

Another 4 Years: Processing Trump 2.0


Play Episode Listen Later Jan 10, 2025 67:04

We recorded this episode shortly after the election, so we're posting it a bit behind schedule! Sorry for the delay on this one! But it's still very pertinent information with Inauguration Day around the corner! YES. It's a political episode. On a spiritual podcast. You have to be plugged into reality to live an ethical spiritual life. Engage.Some of the themes we discussed include:Our personal opinions and reactions on the election resultsElon Musk being absolutely insane and continuing to run Twitter into the groundElection deniers and voting regretsWho's really playing identity politics here?Kamala Harris' bipartisan strategy was a valiant effort but failed miserablyDemocrats need to embrace progressive policiesBlack women and LGBTQ community carried the weight for democratsRight wing unity vs. Left wing fracturingGet your abortion pills while you still can (AidAccess.org)Protect your online privacy and digital dataMutualize your mutuals!Stop hating on the astrologers who didn't accurately predict the presidential winner, you weirdosHave hope. If all you have is fear, that's still better than choosing to disengage all together. Fear is a great motivator.***************************BIZMOS 2025 ASTROLOGY CALENDAR! We're still at the very start of 2025, so get the 2025 Bizmos Astrology Calendar if you haven't yet! So much astrology jam packed into a year-long calendar, all written by Ryan. You can easily add this calendar to your phone or computer calendar so you're always up-to-date on what's happening in the cosmos! Check it out!***************************Podcast & Host Links:Clairannoyance InstagramClairannoyance TikTokClairannoyance WebsiteMegan's InstagramMegan's TikTokMegan's WebsiteRyan's InstagramRyan's TikTokRyan's Website

fear donald trump joe biden left lgbtq mindfulness protect bernie sanders engage kamala harris drones self awareness enlightenment processing law of attraction spiritual growth spiritual awakening inner peace spiritual journey energy healing spirit guides marianne williamson illumination 2024election liz cheney identity politics inauguration day ancient wisdom universal laws divine love divine intervention spiritual practices soul purpose self realization spiritual mentors lightworkers divine guidance meditation practice mindfulness practice spiritual transformation divine providence higher consciousness divine purpose sacred geometry spiritual direction spiritual guidance california wildfires spiritual connection higher purpose crystal healing soul healing spiritual enlightenment divine presence 2024 presidential election holistic living soul connection chakra balancing spiritual awareness intuitive guidance unity consciousness energy flow universal energy soul alignment spiritual progress divine destiny inner growth election deniers soul connections vibrational frequency vibrational healing energy alignment spiritual empowerment spiritual quest sacred ceremonies spiritual ascension soul awakening holistic well-being divine consciousness soul evolution soul wisdom soulful living sacred symbols alien sex awakening consciousness sacred wisdom universal wisdom angelic guidance sacred rituals intuition development aidaccess soulful journey aura cleansing soul expansion oneness consciousness universal flow spiritual awakening process spirit awakening consciousness exploration universal teachings
Radio Medium Laura Lee
"Worry-free life"

Radio Medium Laura Lee

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 10, 2025 4:59

Join us in this episode of Radio Medium's "Resilience @ Work" series featuring the unique insights of renowned career and life coach Simon T. Bailey, author of "Resilience at Work: How To Coach Yourself Into A Thriving Future." Discover how to live your life worry-free as Simon shares the importance of emotional stability, identifying your triggers, and building a support network to build resilience and thrive in today's fast-paced world. Don't miss this opportunity with transformative strategies to empower you to navigate challenges confidently and with poise. Grab your copy of Simon T. Bailey's "Resilience at Work" for more tip to thrive!Be social with us! Join the  Facebook Radio Medium Laura Lee Group conversation and become part of our community. Share your thoughts, learn from others, and connect with like-minded individuals. You can also connect with us at:Facebook  / radiomedium  Instagram  / radiomediumlauralee  YouTube /@radiomediumlauraleeThank you for being a part of our community, for subscribing, rating, and sharing the show - your support means the world to us!

The Truth Barista
The Meaning of Baptism

The Truth Barista

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 10, 2025 28:30

When Jesus commanded His disciples to baptize converts, was He creating a new ritual? Absolutely not. Baptism, immersion in water, was a common practice within Judaism of His day. Take a listen to find out the background of this remarkable sign of our spiritual deliverance and cleansing from evil.Frothy Thoughts with the Truth BaristaVisit HighBeam Ministry, The Truth BaristaCheck out the Frothy Thoughts Blog!Check out The Truth Barista Books!Check out The Truth Barista YouTube Channel!

CitySites Podcast Network
Salvation : God's Greatest Gift, Part 1

CitySites Podcast Network

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 10, 2025 28:29

Do we go to heaven because we attend church? Will we live with God because we live good lives (we think) and do good works (yeah, right)? What does it mean to be “saved” or “born again” and how can we know for sure that we are? The Truth Barista and Amazing Larry share with you God's Greatest Gift through the story of Nicodemus in John 3.The Truth BaristaThis creative Podcast uses an imaginary coffeehouse as the setting to talk about the issues facing our day. The Truth Barista is Pastor Jay Christianson, who is fluent in the Hebrew Traditions of the Bible and uses his knowledge to bring clear insights to bear upon the issues that define our day. The Podcast is humorous yet clearly instructive as The Truth Barista tackles tough issues facing Christians today. Visit The Truth Barista

Thinking Out Loud with Walt McFadden
Knowledge is Not Wisdom

Thinking Out Loud with Walt McFadden

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 10, 2025 27:10

Pastor Walt discusses why knowledge is not wisdom. He tells us that the knowledge we have can be effective with the wisdom of how to use it. The true identity and the true purpose of the Church is mixed up, and we need God's Holy Spirit to transform our minds so we can think with the mind of Christ. Wisdom knows that is right and what is wrong. The Bible has solutions for everything in our life … every problem in every area that we face.Visit Walt McFadden at Cityview Church

Radio Medium Laura Lee
"Ink the deal"

Radio Medium Laura Lee

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 9, 2025 5:48

In this episode of Radio Medium, Psychic Medium Laura Lee delivers a heartfelt message from Lisa's late father, a veteran whose spirit continues to guide his family. Through Laura's connection, Lisa gains loving insights about her hesitation to expand her family business. Her father encourages her to overcome insecurities and take a leap of faith, providing hope and a glimpse of a grandchild's bright future. Laura's ability to channel spirits offers clarity, comfort, and strength for those navigating life's challenges. Whether you're curious about life after death, seeking spiritual guidance, or ready to share your own story, tune into your spirit for this transformative session.

Inspire Nation Show with Michael Sandler
Top Signs You're Being Upgraded with Michael Sandler

Inspire Nation Show with Michael Sandler

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 8, 2025 39:39

If you're feeling flipped upside-down, sideways, or like things have started off "weird" for the New Year, then you are far, far, FAR from alone! Which is why, despite my best efforts to the contrary, we'll be having a very special YouTube Live event tonight. For tonight we'll look at whether you're actually getting "upgrades" and if so, what that means! We'll be looking at why you're feeling upside, and what is REALLY going on!   To find out more visit: https://amzn.to/3qULECz - Order Michael Sandler's book, "AWE, the Automatic Writing Experience" www.automaticwriting.com  - Automatic Writing Experience Course www.inspirenationuniversity.com - Michael Sandler's School of Mystics Join Our YouTube Membership for behind-the-scenes access - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVoOM-cCEPbJ1vzlQAFQu1A/join  https://inspirenationshow.com/ https://www.dailywoohoo.com/ - Sign up for my FREE daily newsletter for high-vibration content. ……. Follow Michael and Jessica's exciting journey and get even more great tools, tips, and behind-the-scenes access. Go to https://www.patreon.com/inspirenation   For free meditations, weekly tips, stories, and similar shows visit: https://inspirenationshow.com/   We've got Merch! - https://teespring.com/stores/inspire-nation-store   Follow Inspire Nation, and the lives of Michael and Jessica, on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/InspireNationLive/   Find us on TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@inspirenationshow

Radio Medium Laura Lee
"She's a soulmate"

Radio Medium Laura Lee

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 8, 2025 4:45

Happy Holidays from The Radio Medium with Laura Lee Show! Wishing you and yours a joyful holiday season! In this special series, Psychic Medium Laura Lee reflects on a year of incredible connections with spirit and shares one of the best episodes from the year. Laura Lee thanks you for tuning in and invites you to return in the New Year for more spiritual insights and guidance. Want to connect with your loved ones on the other side or share your own story? Visit RadioMediumLauraLee.com to sign up and be our next caller! Hey, we'd love to hear from you! Be social with us:Facebook Radio Medium Laura Lee Group: https://www.facebook.com/share/g/155tMYUcZn/Instagram:  /radiomediumlauralee YouTube:   /@radiomediumlauraleeThank you for subscribing, rating, and sharing the show with your loved ones. We appreciate your support!

Father and Joe
Father and Joe E393: Pilgrims of Hope: Embracing the Jubilee Journey

Father and Joe

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 7, 2025 18:54

In this enlightening episode of "Father and Joe," Joe Rocky and Father Boniface Hicks delve into the profound theme of the Jubilee of Hope for the year 2025. Father Boniface explains the deeper meaning of hope beyond the everyday wishes and desires we often express. This episode explores the concept of being "Pilgrims of Hope," emphasizing the journey towards a destination that transcends worldly aspirations. Father Boniface draws on Pope Benedict's teachings, distinguishing between "little hopes" that pertain to our daily lives and the "great hope" found in Christ's victory on the cross.Listeners are invited to reflect on the courage it takes to embark on meaningful ventures, acknowledging that setbacks and failures are part of the journey. The discussion highlights the importance of community and mutual support among pilgrims, as well as the significance of the Jubilee year, which offers a unique opportunity for spiritual renewal and forgiveness.Father Boniface also touches on the historical roots of the Jubilee, tracing it back to the Old Testament and its evolution within the Church. He shares insights into the various events planned for the Jubilee year, both in Rome and at local dioceses, encouraging listeners to participate in this global celebration of hope.As the episode unfolds, Joe and Father Boniface discuss the practical ways we can align our daily actions with the greater hope in God, transforming our lives into a pilgrimage towards eternal love. They emphasize the importance of recognizing and embracing the pain and challenges we face, knowing that they are not the end but part of a larger journey towards the ultimate victory in Christ.Join us in this thought-provoking conversation as we explore how to consciously integrate our faith into everyday life, guided by the light of Christ. Whether you're a seasoned pilgrim or just beginning your spiritual journey, this episode offers valuable insights and encouragement to keep moving forward with hope and trust in God's plan.Tags: Jubilee of Hope, Pilgrims of Hope, Father Boniface Hicks, Joe Rocky, spiritual journey, hope in Christ, Pope Benedict, little hopes, great hope, spiritual renewal, forgiveness, Old Testament, Church history, Rome events, local dioceses, spiritual direction, daily life challenges, community support, mutual support, eternal love, faith integration, spiritual pilgrimage, courage, setbacks, failures, meaningful ventures, spiritual bypassing, pain and challenges, ultimate victory, Christ's plan, spiritual encouragement, faith journey, spiritual growth, hope and trust, God's plan, spiritual insights, spiritual conversation, spiritual podcast, faith podcast, spiritual guidance, spiritual reflection, spiritual exploration, spiritual renewal.Hashtags: #JubileeOfHope, #PilgrimsOfHope, #FatherBonifaceHicks, #JoeRocky, #SpiritualJourney, #HopeInChrist, #PopeBenedict, #LittleHopes, #GreatHope, #SpiritualRenewal, #Forgiveness, #OldTestament, #ChurchHistory, #RomeEvents, #LocalDioceses, #SpiritualDirection, #DailyLifeChallenges, #CommunitySupport, #MutualSupport, #EternalLove, #FaithIntegration, #SpiritualPilgrimage, #Courage, #Setbacks, #Failures, #MeaningfulVentures, #SpiritualBypassing, #PainAndChallenges, #UltimateVictory, #ChristsPlan, #SpiritualEncouragement, #FaithJourney, #SpiritualGrowth, #HopeAndTrust, #GodsPlan, #SpiritualInsights, #SpiritualConversation, #SpiritualPodcast, #FaithPodcast, #SpiritualGuidance, #SpiritualReflection, #SpiritualExploration, #SpiritualRenewal

Radio Medium Laura Lee
"A lone wolf"

Radio Medium Laura Lee

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 7, 2025 4:29

Happy Holidays from The Radio Medium with Laura Lee Show! Wishing you and yours a joyful holiday season! In this special series, Psychic Medium Laura Lee reflects on a year of incredible connections with spirit and shares one of the best episodes from the year. Laura Lee thanks you for tuning in and invites you to return in the New Year for more spiritual insights and guidance. Want to connect with your loved ones on the other side or share your own story? Visit RadioMediumLauraLee.com to sign up and be our next caller! Hey, we'd love to hear from you! Be social with us:Facebook Radio Medium Laura Lee Group: https://www.facebook.com/share/g/155tMYUcZn/Instagram:  /radiomediumlauralee YouTube:   /@radiomediumlauraleeThank you for subscribing, rating, and sharing the show with your loved ones. We appreciate your support!

Very Cari: Faith, Wellness and Healing
Living the Mission: Lessons from Luke 10

Very Cari: Faith, Wellness and Healing

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 6, 2025 16:02

NOW ON YOUTUBEIn this episode, Cari unpacks the story of Martha from Luke 10:38-42, exploring her heart of service and the lessons we can learn from her interaction with Jesus. While Martha's intentions were good—focused on hospitality and serving the Lord—her frustration revealed the tension between doing for Jesus and being with Jesus. Cari dives into how we can balance devotion and service in our own lives, letting go of distractions and focusing on what truly matters: sitting at the feet of Christ. Whether you relate to Martha's busyness or long for Mary's peace, this episode offers practical insights to align your heart with His presence.Verses: Luke 10:38-42   As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him.  She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord's feet listening to what he said.  But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, “Lord, don't you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!”“Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things,  but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.”URHERE Information- www.verycaripodcast.com/urhereConnect with Cari:Instagram: instagram.com/carithompsonrnFacebook: www.facebook.com/cari.ayres.3Website:     VeryCariPodcast.com

jesus christ lord mental health lessons mission resilience mindfulness self love deep dive productivity behind the scenes encouragement work life balance life lessons personal growth body image emotional intelligence personal development overwhelm self improvement success stories healthy relationships self discovery spiritual growth self compassion body positivity health and wellness stress management finding balance luke 10 finding purpose personal stories fun facts healthy living spiritual journey power of words community building healing journey emotional eating overcoming challenges life purpose christian living career advice stress relief building bridges career development communication skills personal life walking with god words matter life advice spiritual health healthy boundaries family values self expression life balance emotional healing mindful eating personal transformation inside scoop podcast interviews holistic healing honest conversations spiritual healing intentional living coffee talk gatekeeping speak life weightlossjourney childhood memories practical advice christian podcast career coaching achieving goals emotional wellbeing inner healing inspirational stories positive self talk sustainable living life choices eternal perspective meaningful work living with purpose faith journey inspiring stories mindful living christian leadership farm to table divine purpose behind the mic spiritual guidance fitness podcast overcoming barriers podcast community podcast guests interesting facts spiritual renewal wellness tips living for christ true calling health and healing connecting with god purposeful living job satisfaction fitnessmotivation finding your calling wellness podcast embracing diversity country living speaking life christian values personal fulfillment farm animals positive influence motivational podcasts women of faith personal insights career pathways heart healing healing stories motivational stories inspirational podcasts breaking down walls deeper purpose professional journey healing words life insights faith and fitness expert interviews positive communication rural living life paths christian wisdom podcast creation christian encouragement christian coaching meaningful living podcast personality while martha
Radio Medium Laura Lee
"You done good"

Radio Medium Laura Lee

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 6, 2025 4:24

Happy Holidays from The Radio Medium with Laura Lee Show! Wishing you and yours a joyful holiday season! In this special series, Psychic Medium Laura Lee reflects on a year of incredible connections with spirit and shares one of the best episodes from the year. Laura Lee thanks you for tuning in and invites you to return in the New Year for more spiritual insights and guidance. Want to connect with your loved ones on the other side or share your own story? Visit RadioMediumLauraLee.com to sign up and be our next caller! Hey, we'd love to hear from you! Be social with us:Facebook Radio Medium Laura Lee Group: https://www.facebook.com/share/g/155tMYUcZn/Instagram:  /radiomediumlauralee YouTube:   /@radiomediumlauraleeThank you for subscribing, rating, and sharing the show with your loved ones. We appreciate your support!

For Soul’s Sake
In God We Trust | Radhika Das, Keli Woods & Nāma

For Soul’s Sake

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 6, 2025 20:54

Join us on a transformative journey as we explore the profound relationship between confidence and spirituality. Together with our guests, Keli Woods & Nāma we discuss how true confidence emerges from recognising ourselves as conduits for divine will, rather than being the doers. Drawing inspiration from the Bhagavad Gita, we examine the idea that understanding Krishna as the ultimate doer can help alleviate fears of judgement and attachment to the ego, fostering genuine confidence. We also touch on the tenacity required in spiritual practice, likening it to a sporting match where persistence and strength are crucial. Listen in as we navigate the interplay between faith, humility, and purpose in our daily lives. By attributing successes to Krishna or a spiritual teacher, we cultivate humility and become receptive to spiritual growth, even amidst the pursuit of material goals. This conversation challenges us to reassess our actions' purposes and align them with a higher spiritual consciousness. (00:00) - Confidence and Surrender in Spirituality (11:26) - Understanding Surrender in Daily Activities (19:06) - Spiritual Guidance and Altruistic Goals Want to connect further? Instagram: www.instagram.com/radhika_dasa/ Facebook: www.facebook.com/radhikadasmusic YouTube: www.youtube.com/c/RadhikaDas Website: www.radhikadas.com Patreon: www.patreon.com/radhikadas Linktree: linktr.ee/radhika_dasa

Badass Babe Oracle
January Money Multiplier Message - Tune in!

Badass Babe Oracle

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 5, 2025 17:26

Happy January badass babe! This episode holds the message you need to hear to step into the fresh new year, multiplying your money with ease - tune in today! Join the Money Multiplier WAITLIST FREE COURSE APPLY to Manifest That Sh!t University Mastermind Connect on Instagram

Radio Medium Laura Lee
"Other people's messes"

Radio Medium Laura Lee

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 3, 2025 4:19

Happy Holidays from The Radio Medium with Laura Lee Show! Wishing you and yours a joyful holiday season! In this special series, Psychic Medium Laura Lee reflects on a year of incredible connections with spirit and shares one of the best episodes from the year. Laura Lee thanks you for tuning in and invites you to return in the New Year for more spiritual insights and guidance. Want to connect with your loved ones on the other side or share your own story? Visit RadioMediumLauraLee.com to sign up and be our next caller! Hey, we'd love to hear from you! Be social with us:Facebook Radio Medium Laura Lee Group: https://www.facebook.com/share/g/155tMYUcZn/Instagram:  /radiomediumlauralee YouTube:   /@radiomediumlauraleeThank you for subscribing, rating, and sharing the show with your loved ones. We appreciate your support!

The Truth Barista
Signs and Wonders, Part 2

The Truth Barista

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 3, 2025 28:30

Why are signs and wonders so needed today? Because they are real-time demonstrations of God's Kingdom in action. Spiritual gifts are flashes of the supernatural that are available to all believers to do God's work and advance His Kingdom until Jesus returns.Frothy Thoughts with the Truth BaristaVisit HighBeam Ministry, The Truth BaristaCheck out the Frothy Thoughts Blog!Check out The Truth Barista Books!Check out The Truth Barista YouTube Channel!

Radio Medium Laura Lee
"Forced to move"

Radio Medium Laura Lee

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 2, 2025 5:13

Happy Holidays from The Radio Medium with Laura Lee Show! Wishing you and yours a joyful holiday season! In this special series, Psychic Medium Laura Lee reflects on a year of incredible connections with spirit and shares one of the best episodes from the year. Laura Lee thanks you for tuning in and invites you to return in the New Year for more spiritual insights and guidance. Want to connect with your loved ones on the other side or share your own story? Visit RadioMediumLauraLee.com to sign up and be our next caller! Hey, we'd love to hear from you! Be social with us:Facebook Radio Medium Laura Lee Group: https://www.facebook.com/share/g/155tMYUcZn/Instagram:  /radiomediumlauralee YouTube:   /@radiomediumlauraleeThank you for subscribing, rating, and sharing the show with your loved ones. We appreciate your support!

Journeys of Hope | a Pilgrim Center of Hope podcast
Overcoming Doubts and Worries with Faith and Prayer

Journeys of Hope | a Pilgrim Center of Hope podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 2, 2025 27:57

Looking for guidance in your faith journey? Listen in as Mary Jane Fox explores how to discern God's will through prayer, scripture, and the timeless wisdom of the saints. Tune in for inspiration and clarity! During our journey, you hear about: Discover the importance of overcoming obstacles such as unrepented sin. Explore 5 Practical Principles for Knowing God's Will inspired by Peter Kreeft's book, Making Choices.  Hear insights from theologians like St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Augustine. Click here to visit the official webpage for this episode. Jewel for the Journey: “Seek and you will find.” (Luke 11:9) Do you like what you hear? Become a Missionary of Hope by sponsoring a week of Journeys of Hope, click here to get started. Learn more at https://pilgrimcenterofhope.org/media-and-resources/all-media-series/journeys-of-hope.html Help us spread hope! https://pilgrimcenterofhope.org/support/

Radio Medium Laura Lee
"Heart already knows"

Radio Medium Laura Lee

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 1, 2025 4:59

Happy Holidays from The Radio Medium with Laura Lee Show! Wishing you and yours a joyful holiday season! In this special series, Psychic Medium Laura Lee reflects on a year of incredible connections with spirit and shares one of the best episodes from the year. Laura Lee thanks you for tuning in and invites you to return in the New Year for more spiritual insights and guidance. Want to connect with your loved ones on the other side or share your own story? Visit RadioMediumLauraLee.com to sign up and be our next caller! Hey, we'd love to hear from you! Be social with us:Facebook Radio Medium Laura Lee Group: https://www.facebook.com/share/g/155tMYUcZn/Instagram:  /radiomediumlauralee YouTube:   /@radiomediumlauraleeThank you for subscribing, rating, and sharing the show with your loved ones. We appreciate your support!

Radio Medium Laura Lee
"Point of view"

Radio Medium Laura Lee

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 31, 2024 5:58

Happy Holidays from The Radio Medium with Laura Lee Show! Wishing you and yours a joyful holiday season! In this special series, Psychic Medium Laura Lee reflects on a year of incredible connections with spirit and shares one of the best episodes from the year. As we wrap up 2024, Laura Lee thanks you for tuning in and invites you to return in the New Year for more spiritual insights and guidance. Want to connect with your loved ones on the other side or share your own story? Visit RadioMediumLauraLee.com to sign up and be our next caller! Hey, we'd love to hear from you! Be social with us:Facebook Radio Medium Laura Lee Group: https://www.facebook.com/share/g/155tMYUcZn/Instagram:  /radiomediumlauralee YouTube:   /@radiomediumlauraleeThank you for subscribing, rating, and sharing the show with your loved ones. We appreciate your support!

Spiritual Homegirl
591-When Spiritual Guidance Goes Wrong: A Cautionary Tale

Spiritual Homegirl

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 30, 2024 17:25 Transcription Available

The latest episode of the Spiritual Homegirl podcast dives into the potential dangers of relying on general collective readings for guidance. Maria emphasizes that while these readings can provide insight, they may also lead individuals to ignore their own reality and make misguided decisions based on what they want to hear. She shares a cautionary tale about someone who became overly attached to collective astrology readings, impacting their behavior and leading to serious consequences. The discussion highlights the importance of maintaining discernment and grounding oneself in personal truth, especially when it comes to matters of love and consent. Ultimately, Maria encourages listeners to balance their spiritual pursuits with a healthy understanding of their own lives and circumstances.FILL OUT THE PODCAST SURVEY HERE: https://forms.gle/adxbnMAeejfApM1T7Join my email list: spiritualhomegirl.ck.page/emailSubscribe to Spiritual Homegirl's YouTube here: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UClfzaF9Vr-xEPh9WBaEBhww?sub_confirmation=1Follow me on IG: https://www.instagram.com/spiritualhomegirl/Follow Make Peace With the Day: https://instagram.com/makepeacewiththedayCheck me out on Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/SpiritualHomegirl/

Very Cari: Faith, Wellness and Healing
What They Can't Take Away: The Power of Your Experiences With God

Very Cari: Faith, Wellness and Healing

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 30, 2024 21:52

NOW ON YOUTUBEIn this inspiring episode, Cari dives into the untouchable nature of your personal experiences and the profound impact they have on shaping your faith, character, and purpose. While material possessions or opportunities can be taken away, the lessons you've learned, the moments you've lived, and the way God has moved in your life are yours forever. Cari encourages listeners to reflect on their unique journeys and embrace the beauty of what no one can take away—your growth, faith, and resilience. Tune in for a conversation about finding strength and purpose in what truly lasts.Verses:Numbers 11:23: The Lord answered Moses, “Is the Lord's arm too short? Now you will see whether or not what I say will come true for you.”URHERE Information- www.verycaripodcast.com/urhereConnect with Cari:Instagram: instagram.com/carithompsonrnFacebook: www.facebook.com/cari.ayres.3Website:     VeryCariPodcast.com

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