Podcasts about pose

Physical configurations of the human body

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KNBR Podcast
12-6 Brad Biggs joins Papa & Silver to discuss how Caleb Williams could pose some issues for the 49ers on Sunday

KNBR Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 6, 2024 19:13

12-6 Brad Biggs joins Papa & Silver to discuss how Caleb Williams could pose some issues for the 49ers on SundaySee omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

WeedMan 420 Chronicles
Ep. 234 - Do Viruses and Viroids pose a threat to Commercial Cannabis Cultivation?

WeedMan 420 Chronicles

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 5, 2024 106:27

Send us a textWhat's up all you Vipers! Mr and Mrs Weedman get normal, seshing on the strain Pure Michigan from their friends @HeisenTerp_brothers. From there, they roll into stories from their cannabis filled lives and they share cannabis news and hot topics from their local scene, all the way to the far reaches of the world.  In this episode Mr Weedman shares more insight on the benefits of CBG for treating pain, what role the endocannabinoid system plays in regulating neurocognitive functions in those with ADHD, and the potential of cannabis use for treating auto-immune conditions. Mrs Weedman covers cannabis as a therapy for pain management, the unspoken etiquette of toking with your parents, more insight on driving after cannabis consumption, and an in depth perspective on the potential for virus and viroid infected plants circulating through US cannabis cultivation. Thanks for listening and as always, hit us up!TWITTER: @weedman420podIG: @eightdecadesYouTube: Weedman420 ChroniclesEMAIL:  weedman420chronicles@gmail.comSHOP: www.eightdecades.comIG: @eightdecadesEMAIL: eightdecadesinfo@gmail.com#ImHigh #Cannabis #StomptheStigma #HomeGrow #FreethePlant #Stoners #Burners #rosin #liverosin #Potheads #Vipers #CannabisEducation #CannabisResearch #Weed #Marijuana #LegalizeIt #CannabisNews #CBD #Terpenes  #Podcast #CannabisPodcast #eightdecades #LPP #Lifestyle #HealthyLifestyle #NaturalMedicine #PlantMedicine #News #Research #MedicalMarijuana #Infused #420 #Education #Health #Wellness #WorldNews #Gardening #budtender #kief #hemp #dabs #hash #joints #edibles #gummies #tincture #vapes #esters #pauliesayssmokesmartArticle Links:* https://www.marijuanamoment.net/lesser-known-marijuana-component-cbg-is-a-promising-therapeutic-agent-with-potential-to-treat-cancer-and-pain-study-says/?utm_source=flipboard&utm_content=user/ChefJeff314* https://www.greenstate.com/perspective/why-cannabis-for-pain-management-is-not-one-size-fits-all/?utm_source=flipboard&utm_content=topic/cannabis* https://www.cannabissciencetech.com/view/the-endocannabinoid-system-s-role-in-adhd-insights-from-a-comprehensive-scoping-review* https://www.greenstate.com/explained/the-unspoken-etiquette-of-smoking-cannabis-with-your-parents/?utm_source=flipboard&utm_content=GreenState/magazine/GreenState+News+%26+Life* https://www.cannabisbusinesstimes.com/top-stories/news/15708497/potential-threats-to-the-new-world-of-commercial-cannabis-cultivation?utm_source=flipboard&utm_content=Cpizzo721/magazine/Marijuana+InvestingCOPYRIGHT 2021 WeedMan420Chronicles©

Insuring Cannabis Podcast - Insurance Journal TV
98: Cannabis Beverages Are Popular but Pose Interesting Risks for Insurers

Insuring Cannabis Podcast - Insurance Journal TV

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 5, 2024 19:03

Cannabis beverages are a $1 billion and growing market, with some estimates calling for a $100 billion or larger market in the next decade. They are popular, but … Read More » The post 98: Cannabis Beverages Are Popular but Pose Interesting Risks for Insurers appeared first on Insurance Journal TV.

iTunes - Insurance Journal TV
98: Cannabis Beverages Are Popular but Pose Interesting Risks for Insurers

iTunes - Insurance Journal TV

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 5, 2024 19:03

Cannabis beverages are a $1 billion and growing market, with some estimates calling for a $100 billion or larger market in the next decade. They are popular, but … Read More » The post 98: Cannabis Beverages Are Popular but Pose Interesting Risks for Insurers appeared first on Insurance Journal TV.

Radio Wnet
Jarosław Sachajko: Rząd daje ogromne uprawnienia lewackim organizacjom do grabienia rolników i samorządów

Radio Wnet

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 4, 2024 21:53

Niestety PSL w to wchodzi. To jest przerażające jak strasznie koryto cementuje - mówi poseł Wolnych Republikanów w kontekście prac nad nowelizacją ustawy o ochronie zwierząt. Jarosław Sachajko uważa, że projekt w obecnym kształcie może mieć negatywny wpływ na produkcję zwierzęcą w Polsce: Lewackie organizacje pozarządowe przygotowały ustawę „Żeby psy nie były na łańcuchach”, to jest dużo gorsze niż „Piątka dla zwierząt”.Następnie, poseł zauważa, że brak skutecznego zarządzania finansami w Polsce przekłada się na niepełne wykorzystanie budżetu na zbrojenia oraz wyraża swoje wątpliwości co do zapewnień rządu dotyczących wydatkowania zaplanowanych środków.Jarosław Sachajko omawia problematykę bezpieczeństwa żywnościowego w Polsce, wskazując na umowę UE z krajami MERCOSUR. Zauważa, że Niemcy są zdeterminowane, by podpisać tę umowę, co zagraża polskim interesom rolnym. Poseł apeluje do premiera Donalda Tuska o współpracę z innymi krajami w celu zablokowania tej umowy, podkreślając, że brak odpowiednich działań może doprowadzić do zniszczenia polskiego rolnictwa.

Les Investisseurs 4.0
219 - Introduire sa PME en bourse, avec Christian Mary (Odyssée Technologies)

Les Investisseurs 4.0

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 3, 2024 67:56

Toutes les informations pour souscrire à l'introduction en bourse : Lien de l'espace investisseurs d'Odyssée Technologies : https://www.odyssee-technologies.com/ipo/pages/ Code ISIN : FR001400U4P9 Mnémonique : ALODY-- Résumé de l'épisode Les occasions de participer directement à l'économie réelle sont rares. Les grandes sociétés cotées partagent des informations sur leurs activités, mais il est souvent difficile de se projeter sur l'impact concret que nos investissements peuvent avoir sur leurs actions.Les PME régionales, qui forment le cœur du tissu économique, ne sont généralement pas cotées et restent inaccessibles aux investisseurs particuliers. Mais certaines, comme Odyssée Technologies, un sous-traitant de la mécanique de précision spécialisé dans l'aéronautique, franchissent le pas. Cette semaine, Odyssée s'introduit en bourse, et nous allons découvrir son histoire en compagnie de Christian Mary, son dirigeant.Au fil de la conversation, vous apprendrez :Pourquoi Christian a quitté, à 50 ans, un poste confortable pour reprendre une PME industrielle,Les erreurs qu'il a commises et les défis qu'il a surmontés pour pérenniser et développer l'entreprise,Le rôle des acquisitions dans sa stratégie de croissance,La gestion du besoin en fonds de roulement et de la trésorerie, un point crucial face à de grands donneurs d'ordres,Et les raisons derrière l'introduction en bourse d'une PME de 20 millions d'euros de CA, avec un plan ambitieux pour les cinq prochaines années.Cet épisode, réalisé en collaboration avec Odyssée Technologies, vous aidera à mieux comprendre le fonctionnement de la société et à évaluer l'opportunité de souscrire à son IPO. Il offre aussi des clés pour analyser une entreprise similaire. J'ai d'ailleurs mobilisé mon expérience d'analyste financier pour construire cette conversation.Je vous invite, en complément, à consulter les documents relatifs à l'introduction en bourse disponibles dans l'espace investisseur sur le site de la société (odysee-technologies.com/ipo). Attention, la souscription se clôture le 9 décembre !J'aimerais beaucoup avoir vos retours sur ce type d'épisode découverte. Si cela vous a plu et que vous souhaitez en voir d'autres, faites-le-moi savoir via Insta, LinkedIn ou par email : paco@investisseurs40.com.Notes et références sur investisseurs40.com/219 -- Aller plus loin Inscris-toi à la newsletter hebdo et ne loupe aucun apprentissage sur le podcast Pose moi une question et j'y répondrai sans fauteSuis-moi sur Instagram, YouTube ou LinkedIn -- Soutenir le podcast Laisse un commentaire 5 étoiles inspiré sur Apple podcast ou Spotify - ça m'aide beaucoup à le faire connaître ;)

Rozmowy PR24
Poseł PiS: Ziobro jest prześladowany

Rozmowy PR24

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 3, 2024 16:12

- Jeżeli system Pegasus był wykorzystywany w nielegalny sposób, a jakiś sędzia wyraził zgodę na takie jego użycie, powinien być pociągnięty do odpowiedzialności. A tak zamiast śledztwa prokuratorskiego i postępowania sądowego, robi się jedynego winnego w postaci Zbigniewa Ziobry - powiedział w Polskim Radiu 24 Bartłomiej Wróblewski, poseł PiS.

La tarde de Canal Sur Radio con Mariló Maldonado
Antonio Gala sostuvo que Andalucía poseía en su grandeza y su tragedia argumentos suficientes como para inspirar la mejor de las literaturas universales

La tarde de Canal Sur Radio con Mariló Maldonado

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 3, 2024

Heavy Mental
#108 - ¿Está poseída la Real Academia de la Lengua?

Heavy Mental

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 2, 2024 82:04

NOTAS del CAPÍTULO: https://heavymental.es/ Twitch: Twitch.tv/heavymental_es Twitter: Twitter.com/heavymental_es YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@HeavyMentales iVoox: https://www.ivoox.com/podcast-heavy-mental_sq_f1883564_1.html Únete a nuestra nueva y gratuita comunidad de seguidores del podcast: https://chat.whatsapp.com/JN0QkTdiVSr1nkCUKHAIr6

RARE à l'écoute
Maladie rare - Diagnostiquer une Dysplasie Fibreuse des Os

RARE à l'écoute

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 2, 2024 10:45

3ème épisode / 5, de la série sur les Dysplasies fibreuses. Episode 3 : Maladie rare - Diagnostiquer une Dysplasie Fibreuse des Os Invitée : Dr Aicha Ltaief-Boudrigua, radiologue, praticien hospitalier au sein du service d'imagerie médicale et interventionnelle de l'hôpital Edouard Herriot à Lyon, membre du Groupe de Travail de l'actualisation du PNDS sur les dysplasies fibreuses des os et le syndrome de McCune-Albright.   1️⃣   Dans quelles conditions les patients atteints de dysplasies fibreuses des os sont-ils adressés en radiologie ? [0'32 – 1'26] ✔️ Découverte fortuite de lésions monostotiques : fréquemment dans les os longs, les côtes, le rachis et le crâne, plus rarement sur fracture pathologique. ✔️ Patients adressés pour suivi radiologique. Pour plus d'informations, retrouvez notre page article : https://rarealecoute.com/la-dysplasie-fibreuse-des-os-dfo/ 2️⃣   Quels examens de première intention sont réalisés en radiologie ? [1'27– 2'03] ✔️ Radiographie standard (face et profil), ✔️ Scintigraphie osseuse (recherche d'autres localisations), ✔️Scanner centré et/ou IRM injectée (architecture de la lésion). 3️⃣   Quelles sont les caractéristiques radiologiques des lésions de dysplasie fibreuse ? [2'04 -5'14] ✔️ Lésions centrales, allongées. ✔️ Aspect radiologique variable (discrètes à volumineuses), ✔️ Formes spécifiques : dysplasie fibrocartilagineuse dans les os longs, distribution hémimédullaire ou métamérique, 4️⃣   Quels diagnostics différentiels écarter ? [5'15 – 6'54] ✔️ Dysplasies fibreuses polyostotiques : myélome multiple, métastases osseuses, chondromes multiples, neurofibromatose, ✔️ Dysplasies fibreuses monostotiques : dysplasie ostéofibreuse, granulome de réparation, hémangiome, kyste, lésions malignes. ✔️ Localisations crâniofaciales : chérubisme, granulomes de réparation, ostéite mandibulaire aseptique (SAPHO), hémangiomes, maladie de Paget, lésions ostéofibreuses. 5️⃣   Comment s'intègre le radiologue dans le parcours de soins des patients atteints de DFO ? [6'55 – 8'51] ✔️ Pose du diagnostic par imagerie, ✔️ Recherche de fissures ou fractures en cas de douleur osseuse, ✔️ Suspicion de compression nerveuse osseuse, de dégénérescence sarcomateuse, ✔️ Suivi des lésions à risque de complications. 6️⃣   Quel suivi radiologique proposer aux patients concernés ? [8'52 – 10'15] ✔️ Suivi annuel pour les lésions stables, suivi étroit en cas de douleurs inhabituelles, de lésion évolutive ou d'atteintes maxillo-faciales, ✔️ Localisations crâniofaciales : suivi ophtalmologique semestriel en cas de risque de sténose du canal optique.   L'équipe : Virginie Druenne – Ambassadrice RARE à l'écoute Cyril Cassard – Journaliste/Animation Hervé Guillot - Production Crédits : Sonacom ************************************************************************************************************************************ À propos : "RARE à l'écoute" est un podcast dédié à la sensibilisation aux maladies rares et au soutien des personnes touchées par ces affections. Créé par un groupe passionné de professionnels de la santé, le podcast vise à informer les professionnels de santé et fournissant des informations sur les dernières avancées médicales et scientifiques dans le domaine des maladies rares, et inspirer les patients et leurs proches en partageant des histoires de courage et de persévérance. Contenu :

24 pytania
Finansowanie kampanii Nawrockiego. Poseł PiS: wybory nie będą równe, bo straciliśmy subwencję

24 pytania

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 2, 2024 16:43

- Rząd Donalda Tuska zabezpieczył sobie nierówność w wyborach prezydenckich, odbierając subwencję Prawu i Sprawiedliwości. Dlatego środki na kampanię wyborczą Karola Nawrockiego będą pochodzić ze zbiórki publicznej - powiedział w Polskim Radiu 24 poseł PiS Krzysztof Ciecióra.

Self care talk
mon rituel de nouvelle lune

Self care talk

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 1, 2024 19:28

Dans cet épisode, je te partage mon rituel de nouvelle lune. Tu peux le faire à chaque nouvelle lune et te plonger dans ces énergies qui te permettent de manifester la vie de tes rêves. Pose-toi dans un endroit calme, allume une petite bougie, prends un carnet et écoute cet épisode: c'est ton rendez-vous avec toi-même

Choisis de Jésus - Pensée du Jour
Pensée du Jour – 1 décembre 2024 – Dépose tes souffrances dans Mon Coeur

Choisis de Jésus - Pensée du Jour

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 1, 2024 0:49

Mon enfant, dépose tes souffrances dans Mon Coeur afin qu'elles aient valeur de rédemption, tant pour ceux et celles qui te font souffrir que pour les tiens, c'est-à-dire ceux et celles que tu portes dans ton coeur, de même que pour la multitude qui t'est confiée dans l'invisible. Tendrement, Je t'aime. Parce que l'Amour nous aime, nous devenons l'amour!

BH Sales Kennel Kelp CTFO Changing The Future Outcome

Grandpa Bill's Grunts & Groans YouTube@billholt8792 Workouts for Geriatrics-Today Yoga Poses Probing Questions for Video Tapings What specific yoga pose or exercise have you found most beneficial in your personal wellness journey, and why? How has incorporating regular physical activity, like yoga or other exercises, impacted your overall quality of life and mental well-being? BH Sales Kennel Kelp Holistic Healing Hour Podcast: Tune in to the BH Sales Kennel Kelp Holistic Healing Hour Podcast for a deep dive into holistic health and wellness, featuring expert insights and practical tips for a healthier, happier you. What specific health or wellness topic would you like to hear more about? YouTube @billholt8792: Join Grandpa Bill on his YouTube channel for a variety of workout routines, health tips, and inspiring stories. What workout routine would you like to see next, or what specific health question do you have? BH Sales Kennel Kelp Holistic Healing Hour Podcast: YouTube @billholt8792:

Ta Pause Sexy
#37 - Le BDSM et la relation Maître/esclave avec Debora Campailla

Ta Pause Sexy

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 29, 2024 65:28 Transcription Available

Dans cet épisode je reçois Debora Campailla qui nous fait l'honneur de nous parler des relations Maître esclave. Deborah est coach BDSM et alignement de soi mais aussi esclave dans sa relation M/e. Elle nous explique comment le BDSM est rentré dans sa vie et a tout bouleversé en elle. Si tu veux retrouver Deborah tu trouveras toutes les informations sur son site internet Bonne écoute !Pose tes questions anonymement pour l'épisode spécial "je réponds à tes questions sexo" : ngl.link/tapausesexyTa pause sexy a maintenant sa propre page sur les réseaux Instagram : @tapausesexyTiktok : @tapausesexyHébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

Rozmowy PR24
Wybory prezydenckie. Poseł PiS apeluje do Trzaskowskiego

Rozmowy PR24

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 29, 2024 14:22

- Apelujemy, aby Rafał Trzaskowski, tak jak Karol Nawrocki, wziął bezpłatny urlop na czas kampanii wyborczej na urząd Prezydenta RP - powiedział w Polskim Radiu 24 Zbigniew Bogucki z PiS. Polityk, który jest w sztabie Karola Nawrockiego, zaapelował do sympatyków o wsparcie finansowe kampanii wyborczej.

Amour : Lilia se pose des questions quant à l'amie de son compagnon


Play Episode Listen Later Nov 28, 2024 23:12

Lilia est en couple depuis plus de 2 ans. Son compagnon a une amie avec laquelle il déjeune régulièrement. Il en parle à Lilia qui se demande ce qu'elle doit penser de cette relation. Chaque soir, en direct, Caroline Dublanche accueille les auditeurs pour 2h30 d'échanges et de confidences. Pour participer, contactez l'émission au 09 69 39 10 11 (prix d'un appel local) ou sur parlonsnous@rtl.fr

Mundo Insólito Radio
573/9. Los niños poseídos de Illfurth.

Mundo Insólito Radio

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 28, 2024 48:23

Dirige y presenta Juan Carlos Baruque Hernández Hoy estamos con el teólogo y psicólogo clínico: GABRIEL WÜLDENMAR ORTIZ *Los niños poseídos de Illfurth. Nuestra Web: https://mundoinsolitoradio.es Contacta: +34 687 39 80 12 - Solo WhatsApp mundoinsolitoradio@hotmail.com Escucha el episodio completo en la app de iVoox, o descubre todo el catálogo de iVoox Originals



Play Episode Listen Later Nov 28, 2024 174:46

INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/hablapablo.podcast/ FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/hablapablopodcast TWITTER: https://twitter.com/habla_pablo

24 pytania
Wolna Wigilia. Poseł Konfederacji: zamienił stryjek siekierkę na kijek

24 pytania

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 28, 2024 15:54

- Z punktu widzenia pracownika, nie jest to jednoznaczny triumf. Ludzie doskonale sobie radzili w Wigilię. Firmy rozumiały naturę tego dnia, stąd był on luźniejszy, pracownicy wcześniej wychodzili do domów. Teraz dojdzie dodatkowa niedziela handlowa - komentował w Polskim Radiu 24 poseł Konfederacji Włodzimierz Skalik, odnosząc się do decyzji Sejmu ws. uznania Wigilii dniem wolnym od pracy.

Rozmowy PR24
Hołownia studentem Collegium Humanum? Poseł PSL: trzeba wyjaśnić, kto te informacje przekazał

Rozmowy PR24

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 28, 2024 14:50

- Wpisać się na uczelnię, a studiować to dwie różne rzeczy. Przyjmuję wyjaśnienia marszałka Hołowni, że nigdy tam nie studiował, nie ma dyplomu, dla mnie sprawa jest jasna. Dziś wszystko jest jawne, nie sądzę, że mówiłby nieprawdę. To rzeczywiście może być akcja jego przeciwników politycznych albo kogoś, kto mu źle życzy w wyborach prezydenckich - mówił w Polskim Radiu 24 Radosław Lubczyk - (PSL).

Podcasts by Charles Ortleb
The media is terrified of the public starting to challenge corrupt or incompetent dogmatic scientists who pose as experts and think they speak for science itself.

Podcasts by Charles Ortleb

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 27, 2024 0:09

Opinion | R.F.K. Jr. and Trump's MAGA Science Agenda - The New York Times

Noticias Mediodía
El análisis de Elena Gijón: "Da la impresión de que sacar la chequera es una pose para evitar el debate de otros asuntos"

Noticias Mediodía

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 27, 2024 1:00

Elena Gijón reflexiona en 'Noticias Mediodía' sobre el trasfondo de las ayudas anunciadas por el Gobierno para los afectados por la DANA y la controversia de Juan Lobato 

On est tous debout... toute la journée à Québec
27/11 - Jean-Thomas Jobin de retour à Big Brother? On lui pose la question!

On est tous debout... toute la journée à Québec

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 27, 2024 59:29

27/11 - Jean-Thomas Jobin de retour à Big Brother? On lui pose la question!

SilverGold: “Durante el primer mandato de Trump los inversores que poseían oro ganaron bastante”


Play Episode Listen Later Nov 25, 2024 9:13

En Capital Intereconomía con Javier López, CEO de SilverGold. Hay grandes bancos que ven al oro antes de que termine el año rondando los 3.000 dólares y siguen viendo un potencial importante de cara al próximo ejercicio.En criptomonedas hemos visto una subida interesante. Hemos visto que el oro vuelve otra vez a la senda alcista y llevaba acumulado unas subidas por encima del 1,7% desde el pasado 14 de noviembre.

183.- Muñecos poseídos


Play Episode Listen Later Nov 25, 2024 56:37

HOLIIII esta semana les traemos este capitulito gracias al patreon punto com! ojalá les gusteeeeeeee, que tengan linda semanaaaa

United Public Radio
The Authors Quill illustrator Arthur Haywood second author Galen Westlake

United Public Radio

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 24, 2024 124:19

Tulsa, Oklahoma artist Arthur Haywood is a winner in the L. Ron Hubbard Illustrators of the Future Contest and was honored along with eleven other artists and twelve other writers at the Taglyan Complex in Hollywood, California on April 25th. He illustrated the story, "Imagalisk" by Galen Westlake who is a Writers of the Future winner himself. The illustration and story, along with the other writers' and illustrators' stories and art are published in the international bestselling anthology, L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume 40 which were officially released on May 7th. Arthur Haywood was born in 1990 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Arthur's father is Pennsylvania State Senator Art Haywood. Creating graffiti murals as a teenager with his teacher, Pose 2, inspired him to share his work publicly in murals. Having a father who has organized reading camps as a State Senator, and a mother who has been president of the local school board showed him the influence of reading on the lives of students. Being an avid reader, who judged books by their covers, led him to sharing stories he loves with others through illustration. He is focused on making book covers, murals for libraries and schools to engage youth in reading. He earned a B.F.A in Illustration from The Maryland Institute College of Art, before furthering his study of classical art at Cambridge Street Studios in Philadelphia and Grand Central Atelier in New York. His paintings are seen in Space and Time Magazine, murals for the Philadelphia Mural Arts Program, St. Joseph's University, Elkins Park School, Summer of Soul film, and his book, The Great Library. He is a recipient of the 2020-2021 Harriet Hale Woolley Scholarship at the Fondation des États-Unis in Paris. There he developed murals with students at Lycée Paul Lapie, Ecollectif and André Malraux Elementary school depicting students of diverse origins reading and the stories that have engaged them to encourage learning and cultural appreciation. He is a recipient of the 2022 - 2023 Tulsa Artist Fellowship where he is continuing his series of paintings for public schools and book covers to inspire reading. The Illustrators of the Future Contest judges include, Bob Mississauga, Ontario writer Mr. Galen Westlake is a winner in the L. Ron Hubbard Writers of the Future Contest and was honored along with eleven other writers and twelve artists at the Taglyan Complex in Hollywood, California on April 25th. His story, "The Imagalisk," is published along with the other writers' and illustrators' stories and art in the international bestselling anthology, L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume 40 which was officially released on May 7th. Born and raised in Canada, Galen practices law in Toronto and spends his days talking a great deal to a great many people. His family of four, however, confidently assures him the less he says the better. To this end, he more quietly expresses himself by writing stories during his daily commute on the train. When the stranger sitting next to him stops reading over his shoulder, he knows his tale needs a little something extra. Galen's fiction has appeared in Galaxy's Edge and Unidentified Funny Objects. His most recent legal writing may be found in Advocates' Quarterly, if someone were so inclined. Galen was awarded the Silver Play button by Google (they have yet to ask for it back) and he once competed in a Mud Hero-Ultra race event without dying. For a decade, Galen alternated as the VP and treasurer of a nonprofit, operating a nursery school for inner-city children in Toronto. He has been a janitor, a camp counselor, and once spent a summer mining a cryptocurrency that may or may not have actually existed. His laser tag score is outstanding.

Vacarme - La 1ere
Écrans 5/5 - Pose ce téléphone !

Vacarme - La 1ere

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 24, 2024 25:21

En principe, l'amour est comme une île qui nous isole du monde. Mais avec les smartphones, ordinateurs portables et tablettes, Internet s'invite dans le couple. Interlocuteur invisible, mais bien réel, il peut nuire à l'harmonie conjugale. Désormais, même dans l'intimité de la maison, quand on ne voudrait être que deux, on est toujours à plusieurs. Katia et Stefano nous dévoilent les tourments de leur union depuis l'arrivée du smartphone. (Rediffusion du 3 novembre 2016, reportage d'Emilie Gasc, réalisation de Jean-Daniel Mottet, production de Véronique Marti).

Le débat des grandes voix
LFI dépose une proposition de loi visant à abroger le délit d'apologie du terrorisme qui serait nécessaire pour «préserver la liberté d'expression»

Le débat des grandes voix

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 23, 2024 19:41

Tous les vendredis, samedis et dimanches soirs, Pascale de La Tour du Pin reçoit deux invités pour des débats d'actualités. Avis tranchés et arguments incisifs sont aux programmes de 19h30 à 21h00.

All The Fails with Jenny Mollen
Coco Rocha Never Fails to Strike A Pose

All The Fails with Jenny Mollen

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 22, 2024 65:26

Supermodel Coco Rocha stops by for a fascinating conversation spanning how she was scouted, working with her husband, being pressured to stay thin, and navigating intricate social situations as a mom who happens to be famous.Produced by Dear MediaThis episode may contain paid endorsements and advertisements for products and services. Individuals on the show may have a direct, or indirect financial interest in products, or services referred to in this episode.See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

You Might Know Her From
Dominique Jackson

You Might Know Her From

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 21, 2024 76:57

We are here with actor, author, and activist Dominique Jackson. You Might Know Her From Pose, Strut, Chick Fight, American Horror Stories, Fantasmas, and American Gods. Dominique opened up to us about the writing process for her 2014 memoir The Transsexual From Tobago, how she learned to love Elektra Abundance Evangelista, and documenting her life as a model on the reality series Strut. Plus, we talked about her genre work as Bloody Mary in American Horror Stories, the upcoming documentary I'm Your Venus she executive produced about ballroom icon (and Paris Is Burning star) Venus Xtravaganza, and about the house she was looking at on House Hunters. This one really covered all the territory and we hope you love it as much as we do.  Patreon: www.patreon.com/youmightknowherfrom Follow us on social media: @youmightknowherfrom || @damianbellino || @rodemanne NYC Rat Academy Capybara: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capybara Rodents of Unusual Size: https://princessbride.fandom.com/wiki/R.O.U.S. Nutria : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nutria Snake vomiting up a cow (not capybara, sorry): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9cUIlgCdso The Transexual from Tobago: https://www.amazon.com/Transsexual-Tobago-Revised-Dominique-Jackson/dp/1497512271 Professor Michael Roberson: https://oralhistory.columbia.edu/blog-posts/people/michael-roberson-and-ballroom-culture I'm Your Venus (documentary): https://tribecafilm.com/films/i-m-your-venus-2024 Paris Dupree: https://www.sydney-yaeko.com/paris-is-burning/paris-dupree Dorian Corey: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dorian_Corey Danielle Revlon, Octavia St Laurent, Moldayvia LaBeija, Duchess La Wong, Crystal LaBeija, Avis Pendavis Elektra in Pose: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gaCTsAV5nD4&t=18s Chastity Moore Tempress and Silk in The Jellicle Ball Reality show, Strut on Oxygen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OgHl4jTsvt0 House Hunters Episode with Dominique and her partner, Edwin (S1, ep 182): https://play.max.com/video/watch/6ddc44aa-a1e6-4c83-8216-804fc9c2a7e2/8a0f53ff-8560-4173-a06c-a8acd41928fa Fight with Law Roach on Legendary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Dh8vEmilfo Miss World on American Gods: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7yq7ga Choked Jaboukie Young-White on her episode of Fantasmas: https://www.instagram.com/dominiquet.a.r.jackson/p/C7sLJS4P3xj/?img_index=1

Transition Of Style Podcast
Angelica Ross talks mentorship, entrepreneurship, and Pose on FX

Transition Of Style Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 21, 2024 28:26

Angelica Ross, actress, activist, and tech entrepreneur, is a true force in Hollywood and beyond, known for her standout role as Candy Ferocity on Pose and her pioneering work with TransTech, an organization empowering trans individuals through tech training. Angelica joins Transition of Style to share her journey in style and self-expression, how she overcame the unique challenges facing queer entrepreneurs, and the transformative power of fashion as both an art and a political statement. Her insights offer inspiration for anyone navigating self-discovery, resilience, and advocacy. Episode Highlights: Fashion as a tool for visibility and personal empowerment Navigating mentorship, authenticity, and vulnerability in career growth Building TransTech to create job opportunities for the trans community Tune in to explore Angelica Ross's remarkable journey through fashion, tech, and advocacy, and gain insight into using personal style as a form of resilience and change!

Beyond The Valley
Quantum computers pose great risks but their potential could change the world

Beyond The Valley

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 20, 2024 33:28

Quantum computers have been touted for their potential to revolutionize the world — and British company Oxford Ionics claims to be building the most powerful quantum computers out there. The company's CEO and co-founder Dr Chris Ballance joined CNBC's Tom Chitty and Arjun Kharpal at Web Summit, one of Europe's biggest tech events. In this episode, we explore what exactly quantum computing is, how it could transform certain industries, and the threat it poses to cyber security and our personal data.See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

El Debate
¿Por qué la Unión Europea sigue dividida frente al acuerdo con Mercosur?

El Debate

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 20, 2024 37:42

Después de años de negociaciones, la Unión Europea podría sellar un tratado de libre comercio con el Mercosur Al menos esa es la apuesta de Brasil, de Alemania y de la presidenta de la Comisión Europea, Ursula von der Leyen, quienes buscaron en la cumbre del G20 acelerar las negociaciones. Pero el panorama es complejo. ¿Qué traba el acuerdo? Lo analizamos en El Debate.  Durante más de dos décadas, la Unión Europea (UE) y el Mercosur han estado negociando un acuerdo de libre comercio que involucra a una treintena países, 720 millones de personas y aproximadamente el 20% de la economía mundial. La dilatada negociación, que comenzó en 1999, prevé, entre otras cosas, la exención o reducción de impuestos de importación de bienes y servicios producidos en ambos bloques.Tras dos décadas, los dos bloques alcanzaron un principio de acuerdo comercial en 2019, pero que sigue sin ratificarse, debido, entre otros asuntos, a exigencias europeas en materia ambiental y a la oposición de los agricultores.En noviembre de 2023, cuando recibió la presidencia rotativa del G20, el Gobierno de Brasil reafirmó su esperanza de alcanzar el beneplácito de todos los miembros para crear la mayor zona de libre comercio del planeta. Sin embargo, un año después, la cumbre del Grupo de los 20, en Río de Janeiro, escenificó las divisiones profundas en el seno europeo.Leer tambiénJosep Borrell en France 24: "El acuerdo del Mercosur-UE tendrá que esperar un poco más"Por un lado,  el canciller alemán, Olaf Scholz, y el mandatario brasileño, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, han dejado claro su profundo interés en no dejar morir este acuerdo. Asimismo, la presidenta de la Comisión Europea, Ursula von der Leyen, afirmó que es de "gran importancia económica y estratégica".  Pero, en la otra orilla, el presidente francés, Emmanuel Macron, asegura que no firmará el pacto "tal y como está".¿Por qué Europa está dividida frente al acuerdo comercial con Mercosur? ¿Quiénes ganarían y quiénes perderían con este tratado? Para analizar el tema, participan dos invitados desde Montevideo.-Damián Rodríguez Díaz, doctor en Relaciones Internacionales por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, especialista en temas de Integración regional y regionalismo, docente e investigador del Programa de Estudios Internacionales de la Universidad de la República de Uruguay.-Nicolás Pose, docente e investigador en Economía Política Internacional en la Universidad de la República.Leer tambiénLas disputas por el acuerdo UE-Mercosur se calientan con la cumbre del G20

DAE On Demand
Do the New York Giants Pose Any Threat to the Bucs on Sunday?

DAE On Demand

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 20, 2024 9:11

Pat and Aaron are joined by Pewter Report's Bailey Adams for a preview of the Bucs matchup with the Giants on Sunday and how they can pick up some steam heading into the final stretch. Could we see Mike Edwards at MLB this week with struggling coverage a reoccurence? Bailey gives us his predictions for the game and ultimately who they culd beat down the final stretch to get to the playoffs.

Histoires de Mecs (ex The Boys Club)
EXTRAIT // Depuis petit, Louis se pose des questions sur l'homme qu'il est

Histoires de Mecs (ex The Boys Club)

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 19, 2024 1:15

À demain avec Louis ! Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.

Les Grosses Têtes
MOMENT CULTE - Une auditrice pose un lapin à Laurent Ruquier

Les Grosses Têtes

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 16, 2024 0:52

Une auditrice manque son rendez-vous téléphonique avec Laurent Ruquier pour une raison des plus inattendues : elle est en plein accouchement ! Retrouvez tous les jours le meilleur des Grosses Têtes en podcast sur RTL.fr et l'application RTL.

Matt Tait: The Kansas Jayhawks pose a stiff challenge for the BYU Cougars after stabilizing themselves


Play Episode Listen Later Nov 14, 2024 21:33

Matt Tait joined DJ & PK to talk about the Kansas Jayhawks and what he's learned about the team as they prepare to take on the BYU Cougars.

Explosive hazards pose grave danger to children in Gaza amid future recovery


Play Episode Listen Later Nov 14, 2024 10:13

Explosive remnants of war, including artillery shells, rockets, and improvised explosive devices (IEDs), pose a grave threat to civilians everywhere – but especially children in Gaza, now and in the years ahead, according to the Chief of Programme Management with the UN Mine Action Service (UNMAS).Taku Kubo spoke with UN News about the challenges these hazards present for long-term recovery and reconstruction in the region.Despite ongoing conflict and resource constraints, UNMAS has conducted close to 400 explosive hazard assessments and accompanied more than 270 humanitarian convoys as part of the aid effort.Mr. Kubo spoke to UN News's Abdelmonem Makki. 

Invictus Mindset
Ep.59 - Jonah Kest: The Pose Begins Where Movement Meets Stillness and Growth Awaits

Invictus Mindset

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 13, 2024 71:15

Thank you for Listening! Learn more below.ALLSMITH IG ALLSMITH YouTubeBryce Smith IG

Cuerpos especiales
Niño Paco, poseído por el demonio en el programa 666 de 'Cuerpos especiales'

Cuerpos especiales

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 12, 2024 8:27

Puro terror en Cuerpos especiales. El niño Paco imita al demonio por el programa 666 con voz diabólica, cuenta que tiene un grupo de música que se llama 'Los trapitos del señor' y que él es el batería. 

United Public Radio
The Authors Quill Illustrator Arthur Haywood Second Author Galen Westlake

United Public Radio

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 12, 2024 124:19

Tulsa, Oklahoma artist Arthur Haywood is a winner in the L. Ron Hubbard Illustrators of the Future Contest and was honored along with eleven other artists and twelve other writers at the Taglyan Complex in Hollywood, California on April 25th. He illustrated the story, "Imagalisk" by Galen Westlake who is a Writers of the Future winner himself. The illustration and story, along with the other writers' and illustrators' stories and art are published in the international bestselling anthology, L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume 40 which were officially released on May 7th. Arthur Haywood was born in 1990 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Arthur's father is Pennsylvania State Senator Art Haywood. Creating graffiti murals as a teenager with his teacher, Pose 2, inspired him to share his work publicly in murals. Having a father who has organized reading camps as a State Senator, and a mother who has been president of the local school board showed him the influence of reading on the lives of students. Being an avid reader, who judged books by their covers, led him to sharing stories he loves with others through illustration. He is focused on making book covers, murals for libraries and schools to engage youth in reading. He earned a B.F.A in Illustration from The Maryland Institute College of Art, before furthering his study of classical art at Cambridge Street Studios in Philadelphia and Grand Central Atelier in New York. His paintings are seen in Space and Time Magazine, murals for the Philadelphia Mural Arts Program, St. Joseph's University, Elkins Park School, Summer of Soul film, and his book, The Great Library. He is a recipient of the 2020-2021 Harriet Hale Woolley Scholarship at the Fondation des États-Unis in Paris. There he developed murals with students at Lycée Paul Lapie, Ecollectif and André Malraux Elementary school depicting students of diverse origins reading and the stories that have engaged them to encourage learning and cultural appreciation. He is a recipient of the 2022 - 2023 Tulsa Artist Fellowship where he is continuing his series of paintings for public schools and book covers to inspire reading. The Illustrators of the Future Contest judges include, Bob Mississauga, Ontario writer Mr. Galen Westlake is a winner in the L. Ron Hubbard Writers of the Future Contest and was honored along with eleven other writers and twelve artists at the Taglyan Complex in Hollywood, California on April 25th. His story, "The Imagalisk," is published along with the other writers' and illustrators' stories and art in the international bestselling anthology, L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume 40 which was officially released on May 7th. Born and raised in Canada, Galen practices law in Toronto and spends his days talking a great deal to a great many people. His family of four, however, confidently assures him the less he says the better. To this end, he more quietly expresses himself by writing stories during his daily commute on the train. When the stranger sitting next to him stops reading over his shoulder, he knows his tale needs a little something extra. Galen's fiction has appeared in Galaxy's Edge and Unidentified Funny Objects. His most recent legal writing may be found in Advocates' Quarterly, if someone were so inclined. Galen was awarded the Silver Play button by Google (they have yet to ask for it back) and he once competed in a Mud Hero-

Les Nuits de France Culture
Quand Frederick Wiseman pose sa caméra dans les coulisses du "Crazy Horse"

Les Nuits de France Culture

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 10, 2024 31:08

durée : 00:31:08 - Les Nuits de France Culture - par : Albane Penaranda - Le regard du cinéaste Frederick Wiseman sur le "Crazy Horse" n'est pas commun. Que nous dit-il sur ce temple de l'érotisme et de la danse ? Dans un entretien avec Caroline Broué en 2011, le documentariste dévoile les raisons de son intérêt pour toutes les institutions, y compris le "Crazy Horse". - réalisation : Vincent Abouchar - invités : Frederick Wiseman Cinéaste documentariste

Gravísimo diagnóstico de hermana de Thalía / Beyoncé ¿poseída por demonio?


Play Episode Listen Later Nov 7, 2024 117:06

- Hoy 6 de Noviembre de 2024 con ELISA BERISTAIN y JAVIER CERIANI en Chisme No Like

Les Grosses Têtes
PÉPITE - Richard Orlinski pose pour "Playboy" !

Les Grosses Têtes

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 6, 2024 1:54

Richard Orlinski se dévoile en couverture du célèbre magazine "Playboy", une audace qui ne manque pas de faire parler les "Grosses Têtes" ! Retrouvez tous les jours le meilleur des Grosses Têtes en podcast sur RTL.fr et l'application RTL.

Los euriptéridos, escorpiones marinos. - Zoo de fósiles


Play Episode Listen Later Nov 6, 2024

Aunque los euriptéridos no son realmente escorpiones, algunos, como Terropterus, que vivió hace aproximadamente entre 440 millones de años, tenían una gran semejanza con ellos. Poseía una cola en forma de aguijón curvado, que podía proyectar hacia adelante por encima de la cabeza y el tercer par de apéndices recuerda a las pinzas de los escorpiones. Algunos podían salir a tierra firme, como demuestra un rastro fósil de seis metros de largo y 95 centímetros de ancho descubierto en 2005 en rocas del Carbonífero de Escocia. El tamaño y la anatomía de las patas que dejaron el rastro se corresponde con un ejemplar de 1,6 metros de longitud del euriptérido Hibbertopterus. Las patas, de distintos tamaños, se movían a la vez, y el animal reptaba despacio, con movimientos torpes, arrastrando la cola.

Stars and Stars with Isa
Johnny Sibilly: Virgo Sun, Aquarius Moon, Gemini Rising

Stars and Stars with Isa

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 5, 2024 37:49

Actor and producer Johnny Sibilly is known for his roles in the hit show Pose, the reboot of Queer as Folk, and the award-winning HBO show Hacks. As a pre-teen, stumbling across the original Queer as Folk on his family's TV helped him to understand himself more fully, and ever since Johnny's carried a commitment to the fullness and mess that real representation requires. Isa Nakazawa sits down with Johnny to talk about how his Virgo sun makes him a powerful study of character, and how his Gemini rising expands his vision beyond binaries.