You are not beyond God's reach."But He needed to go through Samaria." Jn 4:4 NKJVThe Bible says that Jesus "left Judea and departed again to Galilee. But He needed to go through Samaria" (vv. 3-4 NKJV). In case you may not be aware of it, Samaria was not on the way to Galilee. Actually, it was miles out of the way. Yet, the Bible says Jesus "needed to go." Think about it: It was a long journey, and He was on foot. It was hot. As a Jew, He wouldn't be welcomed there because of a long-standing animosity between Jews and Samaritans. As for the woman at the well that He went to meet, women in that culture were forbidden to talk to men outside of their own family. Furthermore, this woman was the talk of the town because she had been through five divorces. So, why did Jesus feel like He "needed to go"? Because He saw this woman as a diamond in the rough. While those around her talked about her past and her problems, Jesus saw her potential for His kingdom. "Many of the Samaritans... believed in Him because of the word of the woman who testified" (v. 39 NKJV). To reach Galilee on God's schedule, Jesus had to throw man's schedule out the window. But the schedule didn't control Him. What did? The will of God and the unmet needs of hurting people. And He was willing to go out of His way, turn tradition on its head, and break new ground in order to do it. How about you? Can God interrupt your plans? If He can, then He can use you. Pray, "Lord, show me what I must do today in order to please you."You are not beyond God's reach Can God interrupt your plans?Share This DevotionalSend us a textSupport the showChanging Lives | Building Strong Family | Impacting Our Community For Jesus Christ!
If you have been affected by any of the themes in this episode, please consider visiting the following resources: The Samaritans helpline: 116 123 Refuge domestic abuse helpline: 0808 2000 247 (live chat is also available at https://www.nationaldahelpline.org.uk/Contact-us *times apply) Safeline domestic abuse helpline: 01926 402 498 Safeline national male survivor helpline: 0808 800 5005 Rape Crisis Helpline: 0808 802 9999 (help is also available at live chat at https://rapecrisis.org.uk/get-help/live-chat-helpline/ *times apply) Sexual Assault Support Line: 01708 765200
The editors discuss Super Bowl 59—why we watched, who tried to rig the outcome, and what Taylor Swift will do next. Then we talk JD Vance, Pope Francis, and the ordo amoris. Rusty Reno, Vicky Clarke, and Virginia Aabram join Julia Yost.
The editors discuss Super Bowl 59—why we watched, who tried to rig the outcome, and what Taylor Swift will do next. Then we talk JD Vance, Pope Francis, and the ordo amoris. Rusty Reno, Vicky Clarke, and Virginia Aabram join Julia Yost.
Truth, Lies, and Work is an award-winning psychology podcast from the HubSpot Podcast Network, hosted by Chartered Occupational Psychologist Leanne Elliott and business owner Al Elliott. Every Thursday, we bring you a brand-new interview with an expert guest who knows how to create great workplace cultures. And today's guest is Dr. Marie-Helene Pelletier—a psychologist, executive coach, keynote speaker, and author of The Resilience Plan. With both a PhD in psychology and an MBA, she's spent her career helping organizations crack the code on workplace mental health and resilience as a business strategy.
Stuart and Mark are joined by Owls fan Matt from the Wednesday Till I Die podcast to preview Saturday's game between two playoff contenders in Sheffield Wednesday & Coventry City. ATSB is partnered with The Anecdote - https://www.Facebook.com/anecdotebar & also the Sky Blue Tavern. Wright Steel Fabrications Ltd are our sponsor for 2024/25 season. They stock and supply RSJ's along with supporting any fabrication needs and requirements and all other general welding fabrications in and around Coventry, Warwickshire and the West Midlands. You can also find us on: X (Twitter) - @AllThingSkyBlue Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/allthingsskyblue Facebook - All Things Sky Blue TikTok - allthingsskyblue YouTube - @allthingsskyblueI. If you ever need someone to talk to, please reach out
Today as we continue in chapter four, we'll see the reaction Jesus got from His disciples when they saw Him talking to the woman at the well of Samaria. Talking to a Samaritan woman was a big no-no in those days. It just goes to show you that bigotry and prejudice are nothing new - they've been around a long time!
The Times has unveiled a landmark survey of Generation Z. What are their attitudes towards modern Britain, sex, drugs and… mental health? 1 in 3 young people have sought help for their mental health and a growing number are on long-term sickness. So what's going on?If you or someone you know has been affected by suicide or needs to talk to someone, please get in contact with the Samaritans online https://www.samaritans.org/ or call them for free on their 24-hour helpline 116 123.This podcast was brought to you thanks to the support of readers of The Times and The Sunday Times. Subscribe today: http://thetimes.com/thestoryGuests:Lara Spirit, Red Box Editor, The Times.Tanya Marwaha, mental health campaigner and Beyond Youth board member.Host: Luke Jones.Further reading: Gen Zers on why they've turned to God: ‘It's beautiful waiting for sex'Photo: Getty Images.Get in touch: thestory@thetimes.com. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
February 12, 2025 Today's Reading: John 4:27-45Daily Lectionary: Job 8:1-22; John 4:27-45“Do you not say, ‘There are yet four months, then comes the harvest'? Look, I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see that the fields are white for harvest. Already the one who reaps is receiving wages and gathering fruit for eternal life, so that sower and reaper may rejoice together. For here the saying holds true, ‘One sows and another reaps.' I sent you to reap that for which you did not labor. Others have labored, and you have entered into their labor.” (John 4:35–38)In the Name + of Jesus. Amen.It might seem strange that there is talk about a harvest in the middle of Jesus talking to his disciples following his chat with the Samaritan woman. But Jesus has a point.The harvest isn't wheat, but souls. The Samaritan woman had returned to Sychar and told everyone she met about Jesus and what he said to her. Now, they are on their way to the well to see for themselves.They are the harvest, the ones who have heard the Word of God. Jesus uses the idea of the harvest several times when he talks about gathering in the faithful at the end of time, so it shouldn't be a big surprise here.Jesus is laying out not only the past history of the work of the prophets but also the future work of the disciples and those who follow them, all the way down to your own pastor. The disciples will talk about Jesus to those who have heard the prophets' proclamations, and they will trust in Jesus for their salvation and “be harvested” for eternity.The disciples will also go into the world to establish the church, and it continues to this very day, sowing the seed of God's Word by proclaiming it to those gathered and those who will hear it. Ever since their time, there has been a continued harvest.The disciples may never have seen most of the seed they planted come to its fullness, but someone did. And it has been that way in every generation, all the way to the present. You, and the faithful gathered around you, are those ripe for harvest. Thanks be to God that he has given us this seed, this Word, that produces the fruit of faith, and that it preserves us to the Last Day when all the faithful will enter into his glory!In the Name + of Jesus. Amen.Some take up His task in morning, To their Lord responding soon; Some are called in heat of midday, Others late in afternoon; Even as the sun is setting, some are sent into the fields, There to gather in the bounty That God's Word so richly yields. (LSB 827:2)-Rev. Duane Bamsch, pastor of Grace Lutheran Church in Grass Valley, CA.Audio Reflections Speaker: Pastor Jonathan Lackey is the pastor at Grace Lutheran Church, Vine Grove, KY.What makes a church "good?" Come join the fictional family as they test out eight different churches in their brand-new town and answer this question along the way. Will the Real Church Please Stand Up? by Matthew Richard, now available from Concordia Publishing House.
Last time we talking a lot about what happened when Jesus met the Samaritan woman at Jacob's well. And we found that during their exchange Jesus revealed Himself to her as the Messiah. But when Jesus' disciples showed up the conversation was interrupted. What the woman might have said to Jesus at that point we don't know but what she did is clear. She went and told everyone in her village about what had happened and what happened next...well...let's read and see. Thanks for listening. God bless you! To find out more about our church please go to www.whccnb.org.
As a listener of TOE you can get a special 20% off discount to The Economist and all it has to offer! Visit https://www.economist.com/toe Rubin Gruber Sandbox (referenced by Will): https://www.fau.edu/sandbox ➡️Join My New Substack (Personal Writings): https://curtjaimungal.substack.com ➡️Listen on Spotify: https://tinyurl.com/SpotifyTOE ➡️Become a YouTube Member (Early Access Videos): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdWIQh9DGG6uhJk8eyIFl1w/join Links Mentioned: William Hahn's first appearance on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xr4R7eh5f_M William Hahn's Website: https://hahn.ai/ Jacob Barandes's first appearance on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7oWip00iXbo Lilian Dindo on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_hI7JNsbt0 Stephen Wolfram on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0YRlQQw0d-4 Stephen Wolfram's Mindfest presentation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHPQ_oSsJgg Curt's Substack article on Hahn: https://curtjaimungal.substack.com/p/the-hahn-jaimungal-conjecture-the Michael Levin and Anna Ciaunica on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2aLhkm6QUgA&t=81s What is it like to be a bat? (paper): https://www.sas.upenn.edu/~cavitch/pdf-library/Nagel_Bat.pdf TOE's Consciousness Iceberg: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDjnEiys98o&t=21s&ab_channel=CurtJaimungal Karl Friston on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2v7LBABwZKA&ab_channel=CurtJaimungal If you're struggling with your mental health or experiencing a crisis, please reach out. You're not alone. Here are free, confidential support hotlines: Mental Health Support Hotlines * US: 988 (Crisis Lifeline) - https://988lifeline.org * Canada: 988 or 1-833-456-4566 (Talk Crisis Canada) - https://talksuicide.ca * UK: 116 123 (Samaritans) - https://www.samaritans.org * Australia: 13 11 14 (Lifeline) - https://www.lifeline.org.au * Germany: 0800 1110 111 / 0800 1110 222 (Telefonseelsorge) - https://www.telefonseelsorge.de * India: 1800-599-0019 (Kiran) - https://pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1651963 * France: 3114 (Crisis Support) - https://3114.fr * Netherlands: 113 or 0800-0113 (113 Crisis Support) - https://www.113.nl * Sweden: 90101 (Mind Helpline) - https://mind.se/hitta-hjalp/sjalvmordslinjen/ * China: 800-810-1117 / 010-8295-1332 (Beijing Crisis Intervention Center) - http://www.crisis.org.cn * Japan: 0120-783-556 (Inochi no Denwa) - https://www.inochinodenwa.org/ * New Zealand: 1737 (National Helpline) - https://1737.org.nz * Spain: 024 (Crisis Line) * Brazil: 188 (CVV) - https://www.cvv.org.br/ * Ireland: 116 123 (Samaritans Ireland) - https://www.samaritans.org/ireland/ * South Africa: 0800 567 567 / SMS 31393 (SADAG) - https://www.sadag.org In an emergency, always call your local emergency number (e.g., 911 in the US, 112 in Europe). Support TOE on Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Truth, Lies, and Work is an award-winning psychology podcast from the HubSpot Podcast Network, hosted by Chartered Occupational Psychologist Leanne Elliott and business owner Al Elliott. Every Tuesday, we bring you This Week in Work—your go-to for workplace news, a HOT TAKE from an industry expert, and our world-famous workplace surgery, where Leanne answers your trickiest work dilemmas.
Have you ever wondered why the Samaritan from the book of Luke was called “good?” In the parable of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10, he stops and helps a man lying on the road who had been beaten and robbed. Jesus told his disciples this story to illustrate how they are to treat one another—how we are to treat one another. Micah 6:8 says, “What does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” That's it. Not difficult—and not even a very long list. The world…pretty much a mess. And how much better can we leave our little corner of it if we have compassion on all people, no matter their circumstances? Make it your priority to do this one thing: Love mercy. If you do, you will bring healing, and be filled with joy unspeakable. Let's pray. Lord, you have always been merciful to us. Help us to model that love to those we come in contact with in all times and places. In Jesus' name, amen. Change your shirt, and you can change the world! Save 15% Off your entire purchase of faith-based apparel + gifts at Kerusso.com with code KDD15.
Content advisory: this episode includes themes of mental health and suicide In this week's podcast, Dr Louise Newson is joined by Consultant Psychiatrist Dr Rachel Jones to delve into the critical role hormones, particularly progesterone, play in women's mental health. They discuss the importance of understanding hormonal changes throughout a woman's life, the differences between natural and synthetic hormones, and the need for individualised treatment plans. The conversation emphasises the significance of balancing hormones and considering lifestyle factors that impact mental health. Dr Louise and Dr Rachel share insights on how natural progesterone can help with mental health symptoms, including mood and anxiety, and encourage women not to give up on finding the right hormonal balance for them. Click here to find out more about Newson Health. Find out more about Dr Rachel on Instagram @the_hormone_clinic Contact the Samaritans for 24-hour, confidential support by calling 116 123 or email jo@samaritans.org.
Rob is preparing for a huge adventure: an expedition in the Arctic Circle! In early March, he will be part of the group taking on what will be an arduous 80 km trek, during which they could face temperatures of –20°C...and lower! Rob is doing it for a very good reason, though. To find out more, Alan Morrissey was joined in studio by Samaritans Clare Branch Volunteer, Rob Phillips. Photo (C): Clare FM
Si and Desi kick off 2025 with a deep dive into critical trends shaping digital forensics. They tackle pressing challenges such as AI-driven threats, including deepfakes and AI-generated images, and examine the security risks associated with connected devices. The discussion also explores the ongoing impact of the pandemic on mental health, remote work, and the forensic community's well-being. With a focus on practical insights and support for forensic professionals, they cover evolving threats, emerging technologies, and the importance of mental resilience in the field. Stay tuned for updates on future podcast guests, conferences, and new tech developments. Don't forget to check the show notes for resources, including mental health support services and recommended reading. 00:00 Welcome to 2025 01:10 AI in Law: Conference Insights from Luxembourg 03:07 The Impact of AI on Social Media and Deepfakes 05:03 AI-Generated Images 06:51 The Future of Digital Watermarking and Cybersecurity 11:59 Advancements in AI and Desktop Supercomputers 21:37 The Rise of Smart Home Devices and Security Concerns 23:16 Privacy Issues with Medical Devices and Data Collection 31:14 Predictive Algorithms and the Dystopian Future 32:12 Apple's Siri Payout 32:35 Films Predicting 2025 34:18 US Strategic Preparation Plans 37:04 Mental Health in 2024 44:08 Impact of Remote Work 51:17 The Role of Gossip in Society 59:19 Cyber Threats and Mental Health 01:01:05 Final Thoughts and Resources Show Notes NVIDIA Puts Grace Blackwell on Every Desk and at Every AI Developer's Fingertips, Nvidia News - https://nvidianews.nvidia.com/news/nvidia-puts-grace-blackwell-on-every-desk-and-at-every-ai-developers-fingertips US man used AI to generate 13,000 child sexual abuse pictures, FBI alleges, The Guardian - https://www.theguardian.com/technology/article/2024/may/21/child-sexual-abuse-material-artificial-intelligence-arrest Tasmanian jailed for possessing AI-generated child abuse material, AFP - https://www.afp.gov.au/news-centre/media-release/tasmanian-jailed-possessing-ai-generated-child-abuse-material Raspberry Pi - https://www.raspberrypi.com/products/raspberry-pi-5/ Rise of killer robot fridges as experts warn kitchen appliances getting 'smarter', Daily Star - https://www.dailystar.co.uk/tech/rise-killer-robot-fridges-experts-34387400 ‘I'm Possibly Alive Because It Exists:' Why Sleep Apnea Patients Rely on a CPAP Machine Hacker, Vice - https://www.vice.com/en/article/im-possibly-alive-because-it-exists-why-sleep-apnea-patients-rely-on-a-cpap-machine-hacker/ Raven Rock: The Story of the U.S. Government's Secret Plan to Save Itself — While the Rest of Us Die, Goodreads - https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/25813952-raven-rock While the Rest of Us Die: Secrets of America's Shadow Government, Wikipedia - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/While_the_Rest_of_Us_Die:_Secrets_of_America's_Shadow_Government Sandy Hook Promise - https://www.sandyhookpromise.org/ The Selfish Gene, Goodreads - https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/61535.The_Selfish_Gene Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind, Goodreads - https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/23692271-sapiens Unexpected Privacy Risks in CPAP Machine Updates, LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/unexpected-privacy-risks-cpap-machine-updates-ryan-chalupovitsch-gh2kc/ Canceling the apocalypse? What can we learn from films set in 2025, The Guardian - https://www.theguardian.com/film/2025/jan/02/what-learn-movie-set-future Forensic Focus Discord - https://discord.gg/97zKvTXHeS If you have been affected by any of the issues raised in this episode, these organisations may be of help: Samaritans – https://www.samaritans.org Mind – https://www.mind.org.uk Oscar Kilo – https://www.oscarkilo.org.uk/ Occupational health unit (OHU) – all police forces have access to an OHU providing a range of support services Employee Assistance Scheme (EAS) – check with your employer to see what specific resources are available to you GP – your GP can provide access to various local resources and make referrals to psychological support services Beyond Blue - https://www.beyondblue.org.au/
Would you be mine, could you be mine, won't you be my neighbor? If you know that song, then you know that at least one person understood Jesus' answer to the lawyer. Far fewer seem to now. But that's in the second half of our show! First, we're exploring some imaginative pretending that would almost be cute if so many people hadn't taken it seriously. It's the amazing amateur (read: fake) archeology of Ron Wyatt. We've encountered Wyatt's work on the show before, because the man was prolific. This time, we're detailing his incredible "discoveries" having to do with the Exodus. Did Wyatt actually prove that it all happened? Big if true! Then, we'll dive into one of the most important parables Jesus told. And it's super topical now, because so much of world politics are revolving around the same central question: Who is my neighbor? Well, J.D. Vance knows his answer, but Jesus might disagree. It's the parable of the "good Samaritan", and we all know how it ends, but is it more ambiguous that we might have originally thought? No. No it is not. ---- For early access to an ad-free version of every episode of Data Over Dogma, exclusive content, and the opportunity to support our work, please consider becoming a monthly patron at: https://www.patreon.com/DataOverDogma Follow us on the various social media places: https://www.facebook.com/DataOverDogmaPod https://www.twitter.com/data_over_dogma Hey! Don't forget to pre-order Dan McClellan's upcoming book The Bible Says So https://static.macmillan.com/static/smp/bible-says-so-9781250347466/?fbclid=IwY2xjawGLTkpleHRuA2FlbQIxMAABHQY4Ahs0Hi289IcnsQMh_0OAVf3oGefyUsWkLjhfB8OF8nio1fmroJbXxA_aem_v_4sISp8Zt43zsKfDjx1aA This episode was sponsored by BetterHelp Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
This week on Who We Are Now with Izzy and Richard Hammond, we take a peek under the hood of the NHS' mental health services with psychiatrist, author and comedian Dr Benji Waterhouse. After writing his tell all book You Don't Have To Be Mad To Work Here, Dr Benji is on a one man mission to give voices to those who can't speak up for themselves. As a front line NHS psychiatrist, Dr Benji has seen his share of incredibly difficult situations, and the three chat about how some mindful colouring and cold water swimming probably isn't going to cut the mustard when it comes to serious mental illness.If you've been affected by any of the themes in this episode, please consider contacting the following resources: The Samaritans helpline: 116 123Confidential Emotional Support Line: 01708 765200Sane mental health line: 0300 304 7000Listen on Global Player to hear the next episode a whole day earlier than anywhere else. Download it from the app store or go to globalplayer.com.And remember, Richard and Izzy will see you this Friday for Who We Are Now's bonus episode! Have a question for the team? Email whowearenow@global.com, or join the conversation at @whowearenowpod on Instagram.
Acts 8:9-25 9 But there was a man named Simon, who had previously practiced magic in the city and amazed the people of Samaria, saying that he himself was somebody great. 10 They all paid attention to him, from the least to the greatest, saying, “This man is the power of God that is called Great.” 11 And they paid attention to him because for a long time he had amazed them with his magic. 12 But when they believed Philip as he preached good news about the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ, they were baptized, both men and women.13 Even Simon himself believed, and after being baptized he continued with Philip. And seeing signs and great miracles performed, he was amazed. 14 Now when the apostles at Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the word of God, they sent to them Peter and John, 15 who came down and prayed for them that they might receive the Holy Spirit, 16 for he had not yet fallen on any of them, but they had only been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. 17 Then they laid their hands on them and they received the Holy Spirit. 18 Now when Simon saw that the Spirit was given through the laying on of the apostles' hands, he offered them money, 19 saying, “Give me this power also, so that anyone on whom I lay my hands may receive the Holy Spirit.” 20 But Peter said to him, “May your silver perish with you, because you thought you could obtain the gift of God with money! 21 You have neither part nor lot in this matter, for your heart is not right before God.22 Repent, therefore, of this wickedness of yours, and pray to the Lord that, if possible, the intent of your heart may be forgiven you. 23 For I see that you are in the gall[c] of bitterness and in the bond of iniquity.” 24 And Simon answered, “Pray for me to the Lord, that nothing of what you have said may come upon me.” 25 Now when they had testified and spoken the word of the Lord, they returned to Jerusalem, preaching the gospel to many villages of the Samaritans. Key Words: Magic, Great, Amazed, Holy Spirit, Repent Keystone Verse: Repent, therefore, of this wickedness of yours, and pray to the Lord that, if possible, the intent of your heart may be forgiven you. (Acts 8:22) DOWNLOAD BULLETIN
In this week's episode, Han is joined by Julie White. Julie is a Mental Health First Aid Instructor, Neurodiversity Coach, and peer support facilitator, raising awareness of mental health and neurodiversity. Diagnosed with ADHD in her 40s, she reflects with ‘kindsight' on her own challenges with executive functioning and disordered eating. With both personal and professional experience, she supports individuals and organisations in fostering inclusive environments. Julie also recognises and navigates ARFID and disordered eating in her partner, offering compassionate support and understanding.This week, we discuss: Julie's experience of supporting a loved one with ARFID.The role of neurodiversity in Julie's experience of disordered eating. The signs of symptoms of ARFID Julie recognises in her partner.The impact of ARFID on her relationship.The misconceptions associated with ARFID Julie has faced. The importance of communication in navigating food challenges with ARFID.Educating others on ARFID with compassionate curiosity.The role of self compassion and kindsight when supporting a loved one with ARFID.To learn more about Julie, you can visit her website or follow connect with her on LinkedIn. Please note that this podcast explores topics some individuals may find difficult to hear and should not be used as a replacement for professional advice. If you need further support after this podcast, please consider talking to someone you trust. You may also wish to contact your GP or mental health professional.We've included a list of additional support options in case you need them:Samaritans are here for whatever you are going through. You can call free any time, from any phone, on 116 123.FirstSteps Eating Disorders is an eating disorders charity for children and their families, young people, and adults affected by eating difficulties and disorders. You can call them on or email info@firststepsed.co.uk.Beat Eating Disorders is an eating disorder charity offering support for those with or supporting someone with an eating disorder. You can call their helpline for free on 0808 801 0677 (England), 0808 801 0432 (Scotland), 0808 801 0433 (Wales), 0808 801 0434 (Northern Ireland).
Judaism in the Achaemenid Persian Empire: The Return to Judah After a brief hiatus, we're back with an exciting deep dive into the Persian period of Jewish history. This episode explores the enigmatic figures of Sheshbazzar and Zerubavel, the rebuilding of Jerusalem, and the complex relationships between the returning Jewish exiles and the Samaritans. We'll also examine how the Persian Empire shaped Jewish life, from administration to economic growth, and discuss the pivotal roles of Ezra and Nehemiah in reshaping Jewish identity. Support the podcast and help keep these episodes coming! ☕ Ko-fi.com/scoutisrael
A Special Episode from the Lausanne Movement Archives How does the Holy Spirit empower the Church for global mission? In this powerful talk from the First Lausanne Congress (1974), Rev. Gottfried Osei-Mensah explores the Holy Spirit's role as Teacher, Master, and Helper in evangelization. With deep wisdom and clarity, he calls Christians to submit to the Spirit's leading, embrace bold faith, and work together for the Gospel. A timeless message that is still relevant today! Gottfried Osei-Mensah Bio: Gottfried Osei-Mensah served as the executive secretary of the Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization from 1975-1984. Born in Ghana, Gottfried worked as an engineer in the oil industry before helping develop Christian witness in the universities of West Africa through the Pan African Fellowship of Evangelical Students. From 1971-1975, he pastored Nairobi Baptist Church in Kenya. In 1973, he served on the planning committee of Lausanne and presented a plenary address at the International Congress on World Evangelization in 1974. Appointed as executive secretary following the congress, he traveled the world, encouraging the formation of national and regional movements based on The Lausanne Covenant to identify unreached people groups within their communities and beyond and devise effective ways of evangelizing them. In 1986, Gottfried was invited to serve as a special representative on the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) staff. He joined African Enterprise (AE) in 1993 and set up the AE team in Ghana. He also served on the UK board of BGEA and Samaritan's Purse until his retirement in 2013. Gottfried lives in Reading, UK, with two grown-up children and four grandchildren. After 53 years of marriage, his wife, Audrey, went to be with the Lord in June 2016.
The Rock Church - Weekend Messages w/ Pastor Miles McPherson (Audio)
In Part 2 of this series, Pastor Travis taught that true fulfillment comes from Jesus, not relationships or past mistakes. Never allow your level of intimacy to surpass your level of commitment—your standards reflect a relationship's future. Like the Samaritan woman, encountering Jesus transforms us, leading to purpose, healing, and true love.
weFrom Pain To Purpose #RTTBROS #Nightlight In John chapter 4, we encounter one of the most profound examples of evangelism in Scripture – Jesus' meeting with the Samaritan woman at the well. This divine appointment reminds us that the most significant aspect of our existence is whether we have encountered Jesus Christ and what we do with that encounter. The text tells us that Jesus "must needs go through Samaria," indicating this was no chance meeting but a deliberately orchestrated moment by God Himself. The narrative reveals Jesus' masterful approach to evangelism. Rather than beginning with condemnation, He initiates a conversation about something as simple as water. This teaches us that meaningful spiritual conversations often begin with genuine human connection. Jesus demonstrates that we must be willing to cross social, cultural, and religious boundaries to reach others with the Gospel, just as He – a Jewish man – spoke with a Samaritan woman, breaking multiple cultural taboos of His time. The woman's life story is marked by rejection and pain, having had five husbands and currently living with a man who wasn't her husband. Yet Jesus doesn't approach her with judgment but with grace and truth. As the sermon points out, this woman likely wasn't living a life of wanton abandon but rather had experienced repeated rejection and abandonment by the men in her life. Jesus saw beyond her circumstances to her deep spiritual need, teaching us that every broken life story can become a testimony of God's redemptive power. Scripture tells us in Romans 8:28, "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." Our pain points, our struggles, and even our failures can become bridges of ministry to others who are experiencing similar trials. Just as those with physical ailments can relate to others with the same condition, our spiritual and emotional wounds can create pathways of ministry and understanding. The sermon emphasizes that salvation doesn't happen by osmosis – we must open our mouths and speak. As it is written in Romans 10:14, "How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard?" Each believer is called to be an evangelist, sharing their faith with those around them. We cannot delegate this responsibility solely to church leadership; it is a calling for every Christian. Jesus teaches us that true worship must be "in spirit and in truth" (John 4:24). This reminds us that religion without relationship is empty. We can attend church regularly, read our Bibles daily, and still miss the transformative power of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The sermon powerfully emphasizes that what matters is not how many hours we've logged in church, but whether we have had that definitive moment of yielding our lives to Christ. When discussing salvation, Jesus didn't allow Himself to be sidetracked by theological debates about worship locations or religious traditions. Similarly, we must learn to keep our evangelistic conversations focused on the central issue – a person's relationship with Jesus Christ. While other questions and discussions may be important, they should never overshadow the primary message of salvation through Christ alone. The sermon reminds us that God often creates divine appointments – moments when He specifically places us in someone's path to share the Gospel. Just as Jesus met the woman at the well at noon, when she would be alone and more receptive to conversation, God orchestrates opportunities for us to share our faith. The question is whether we will be obedient to these divine promptings or let fear of rejection hold us back. One powerful point made in the sermon is that we must go where the lost are. Just as Jesus went to Samaria, and just as the preacher went to the bar to reach Phil Robertson (of Duck Dynasty fame)
Week 5 | Pillar #2 - WorshipTurning towards the earthly ministry of Jesus, this week we look at what it means to be worshippers, or rather to begin to understand worship. To do this we'll take a look at a familiar story, namely Jesus and the Samaritan woman. This is the story of how one woman got transformed - brought from shame to life, given a renewal, given a New Hope – through a life changing conversation with Jesus. But in the center of that discussion, in the text we get to look at below, there was an interesting exchange about worship. Just what is worship and what should it look like in our lives?SERIES DESCRIPTION:We live in a culture where what's new is what's best. We like the updates, we like the shiny, we like the brand new. We like the smell of the new car, the peel of the wrapper off the package, of knowing that what we have is the latest and the greatest.To be sure we love the new, but what if the old was actually always the best. For that matter what if the old is actually only what renews, revives, and refreshes. That to be renewed requires going back to what has always worked.In second Corinthians chapter 3 the apostle Paul says these very important words:And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.He's referencing Moses. Moses, who stood on the mountain top and talked directly to God. Moses, whose face shone when he came down and back to his people. Moses, whose life was never the same after he had met with the Lord on high. What if the pathway for our transformation, lay in the same direction. What if what has always worked works for us too.What if our renewal as a church lay in our beholding the Lord!Join us for a series where, as a church, we seek fix our eyes upon the Lord, and we seek to behold his glory and hearing from him directly what the priorities of our church should be. But get ready, because these priorities are nothing new, but they are every bit as transformative as they have always been!Join us as we behold and renew!
The parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) illustrates true love and mercy, challenging us to care for others beyond social or cultural barriers. Dave Henke highlights that loving our neighbor requires action, not just sentiment, and emphasizes that salvation isn't earned through works but received through faith in Christ. The Samaritan's compassion contrasts with the priest and Levite's neglect, revealing that true righteousness comes from a heart transformed by God's grace. Jesus' message is clear: show mercy and live out God's love in practical ways. ★ Support this podcast ★
SCRIPTURE: John 4:1-41 YOU CAN ALSO READ KENNY'S MANUSCRIPT FOR THIS SERMON HERE!REFLECTION/DISCUSSION QUESTIONS:Why do you think Jesus chose to engage in a conversation with the Samaritan woman, despite the cultural tensions between Jews and Samaritans?Have you ever felt hesitant to talk to someone because of differences in background or opinions? How can you overcome those feelings to build a connection?How can having an “unhurried conversation” help you see a person more fully? Can you find an echo of your thoughts in the story in John 4?Why is it so hard to avoid “us vs. them” traps in conversations… especially in charged political climates like our own? What might we gain from pushing through these traps and trying to stick it out in our conversations with others? What does Jesus gain? What about the woman from Sychar?How might having longer and more sincere conversations with other people actually model the hope we have in/through our faith? Is it actually “doing any good” to talk with people? The last thing Kenny noted in this story was that Jesus stuck around for this woman (and her friends!). Why is this such an important step in building relationships? Who can you “stick around” for this week?
By Patrick McKee - In this sermon Patrick McKee shows us lessons we can learn from the story of the good Samaritan by focusing more on the victim rather than the three people that passed him on the road.
But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her." Luke 10 begins with Jesus sending out the “seventy”.“Afterthese things the Lord appointed seventy others also, and sent them two by twobefore His face into every city and place where He Himself was about to go(v.1). Jesus calls and commissions them and gives them specific instructions. He tellsthem it will be difficult work (v 2), with danger (v. 3), with distractions(vv. 4-9), and with many discouragements as they are rejected (vv. 10-16). Today, like the seventy, we are called and sent as Christ'sambassadors (2 Corinthians 5:18-21). It is important that we be busyambassadors, taking the message of the Gospel to lost souls. Luke tells us thatthe seventy went before Him to every place“where He Himself was about to go”(v. 1). Today, we have the promise that Jesus goes with us everywhere that Hesends us.“…and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” (Matthew28:20). In Luke 10:25-37, Jesus tells the story of the “Good Samaritan”after He was asked by the lawyer,“Who is my neighbor”. From this storywe also learn that it is essential for us to be merciful Samaritans, seeking tohelp exploited and hurting people who need God's mercy. We should be a “neighbor”to the person closest to us that has a need. If there is one thing that has jumped out at me so far aswe have been going through the Gospel of Luke, it is even though Jesusministered to the multitudes, He always took time to notice the individualclosest to Him that had a need. And even in Luke 8, He was willing to leave themultitudes and to “crossover” to the other side of the Sea of Galilee tominister to one demon possess man at Gadara. We are both ambassadors and neighbors! But before we canrepresent Christ as we should, or imitate Him in our caring ministry, we mustspend time with Him and learn from Him. We must "take time to beholy." As we look at this incident that took place in Bethany, we see andlearn that the greatest priority in our life is to be a “worshipper”! Back in Luke 9:51, it appears that Jesus has completed Hisfirst three years of ministry in the region of Galilee, and we are told:“Nowit came to pass, when the time had come for Him to be received up, that Hesteadfastly set His face to go to Jerusalem”. Just a short distance outside Jerusalem isthe village of Bethany where three of Jesus' friends lived, Martha, Mary, and theirbrother Lazarus. When Martha heard Jesus coming through her village on His wayto Jerusalem, Martha stopped Him and invited Him and His disciples to come inher house for a meal. And this is where we are introduced to her sister Mary. Thereare many women called Mary in the Gospels and this Mary is better known andidentified as Mary of Bethany. Mary of Bethany is seen three times in theGospel record, and on each occasion, she is in the same place: at the feet ofJesus. Here in this passage, she sat at His feet and listened to His Word (Luke10:39). Later on another occasion, in John 11:32, she fell at His feet andshared her grief because her brother Lazarus had died and Jesus wasn't there toheal him. Then in John 12:3, Mary and came to His feet and poured out herworship:“Then Mary took a pound of very costly oil of spikenard, anointedthe feet of Jesus, and wiped His feet with her hair. And the house was filledwith the fragrance of the oil.” On this occasion in Luke 10, it appears that Martha was aserver and Mary was a worshipper. But as we look at this passage, we shouldlearn that we don't need to make the choice of one or the other. We should bedoing both. The danger is that we can get so busy serving that we forget toworship! We should be ambassadors, neighbors, and worshippers allthe time! God bless!
Who is your neighbor? Is it the person who lives next door to you? Jesus said that to be a good neighbor means more than that! "Love your neighbor as yourself." LUKE 10:27, NIV. God wants us to show love to everyone.
Who is your neighbor? Is it the person who lives next door to you? Jesus said that to be a good neighbor means more than that! "Love your neighbor as yourself." LUKE 10:27, NIV. God wants us to show love to everyone.
But she finds new Uses For Old Organ Pipes.A series in 17 parts, by Blacksheep. Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories. The third Sunday of Lent had arrived. Reverend Morris was counting down the days until Easter in the same way a prisoner counts down the days until their release. He was dreading today's morning Eucharist after the embarrassment of last week."I still can't believe I was stupid enough to mix up that erotic story with my sermon!" He exclaimed. "Why did I print it out?""Ah relax Simon. It was a fantastic first attempt, and that vicar from Manchester seemed to enjoy it!" Jenna replied, making herself a coffee."Yes I know but, well I suppose you're right. Nobody made a complaint. I'm just glad the youth & children were already dismissed to their classes. I'd have had a load of outraged parents begging for me to be defrocked!""No damage done," Jenna smiled. "And you truly do have hidden talents. I had no idea you were so good at writing erotica. You should try it again sometime!"This Sunday's service passed without incident, and most of the congregation were no doubt disappointed that the vicar's sermon had returned to its familiar, boring self. Afterwards, Gordon peered over the top of the organ and smiled as he noticed Jenna."Morning!" He said."Hello Gordon!" Jenna replied. "How are you getting on with, you know?" She winked."Ah that," he laughed. "You weren't kidding when you said use lots of lube, were you? It's fun, but," Gordon lowered his voice. "It doesn't match up to you. I miss our organ lessons.""Me too. We're halfway through Lent. Stay strong. You'll get through it!""I'll try my best! Oh, are these of any interest to you or Simon?" He handed her two tin organ pipes, one smaller than the other. "I know you're into arts and crafts. Thought you might have some use for these. Some of the old pipes have been replaced.""These are nice!" Jenna said, holding up the pipes. "Great condition.""They make great wall ornaments. I see loads of them for sale on eBay. Some go for really high prices.""I'll see if I can get creative. It'll be a fun spring project for me. Thanks Gordon! Oh before I forget, you couldn't do a favor for a member of the church, could you?""Certainly!""Gladys asked if you could call round and fix a new door handle on her kitchen door. I know you're really good at D I Y; you fitted new wall sockets in the church hall."The organist's face fell. "Um, oh right. Yes. I'm sure I can.""Great! She'll be thrilled. Right, I'd better get going. Simon's taking Christopher out for some father-son time, so I'll be home alone. I'll see if I can get creative with these old organ pipes!"Gordon gulped. The thought of calling round to see Mrs. Wilcox terrified him."My God, the old girl will pounce on me like a lioness ambushing a gazelle!" He noticed the churchwarden heading up the aisle. "Norman! Could you do me a favor?"Jenna arrived back at the vicarage, wondering how to spend the rest of the afternoon. She looked carefully at the two organ pipes, running a finger down the smooth, dull metal."Hmm, this larger one, it could be just the right size!"Up in the bedroom, Jenna lifted her skirt and pulled her panties down to the floor and stepped out of them. Feeling horny, she imagined Gordon walking in and catching her with her legs spread with an organ pipe buried deep in her cunt. The larger pipe measured about 11" long from pointed tip to end of the tapering foot. She remembered what Gordon had told her about organ pipes.Flue pipes are also known as labial pipes. The foot is the bottom portion of the pipe, usually conical. At its base is the toe hole, through which wind enters it."Ooh yeah." Jenna reached between her legs and discovered that she was already dripping wet. She fingered her cunt and clit. Damn, she needed to be filled. She took her time greasing up the organ pipe until it was dripping lubricant."Ah!" Jenna began sliding the pipe into her well-lubed cunt, one leisurely inch at a time. When she'd taken about six inches inside, she began slowly pushing it in and out, coating the pipe with her juices.Her fingers rubbed her clit softly and covered it in her essence. The pressure and speed of her fingers built. She imagined Gordon's thick fingers deep inside her, whilst she lay naked on the organ stool in the church,Jenna wanted more, wanted it harder. She increased her speed and moved the organ pipe in and out faster. Suddenly, her whole body tensed, the sweet feelings of ecstasy were almost torture. She need to come but wanted the pleasure to last longer. She was almost there, almost tipping over the edge of orgasm. She pushed the pipe still deeper into her womanhood, then reached for the smaller one,Norman's SubmissionNorman Winstanley turned into Rosebay Gardens, the quaint little cul-de-sac where Mrs. Wilcox lived."Nice place for old folk," he mused, parking up in front of the small bungalow. He picked up the small tool bag, headed up the drive and knocked on the door.Glancing round, he was amused by the pair of garden gnomes on the front lawn. They were dressed in bondage gear.The front door opened and Mrs. Wilcox appeared. "Oh, hello Norman! What are you doing here?""Here to fix your kitchen door, my dear!" Norman replied. "Gordon sends his apologies but something came up.""Dearie me," the old lady replied, not fooled for a moment. "Oh well, you'll do nicely! Right this way!" She ushered him inside and gave his arse cheeks a squeeze.Norman raised an eyebrow, but ignored her actions. After all, the old bird was eighty-six."God, this feels so amazing!" Jenna gasped as she thrust the small organ pipe up her arsehole. She moaned loudly, her cunt pulsing hard around the larger organ pipe. Her whole body shook with the force of her orgasm."Fuck, yes!" The vicar's wife screamed out as she found a new use for the old organ pipes."Don't forget to polish the sideboard, dearie!" Mrs. Wilcox smiled as Norman entered the living room and brought her a glass of sherry. He was naked apart from a frilly apron."Right you are, Gladys," the churchwarden replied. This was more of a thrill than he ever imagined.And here I was worrying how I'd survive six weeks without sex from the vicar's wife! He thought."Norman!" Mrs. Wilcox snapped. "I asked for a schooner! This glass isn't a schooner! I'm afraid I'll have to discipline you. Turn around at once!"Norman did as she asked and she struck his bare buttocks with a riding crop."Ouch!""You're a very naughty boy!" Mrs. Wilcox said. "What are you?""I'm a very naughty boy!" Norman replied.Jenna Breaks Her Lent Vow, In Order To Aid The Bishop.Bishop George lay in a hospital bed between sleep and vague drowsiness. He was hot, frustrated and uncomfortable. Waiting. Waiting for the nurses to bring him food. Waiting for them to change him. He loathed being dependent on others like this. He'd always gone his own way, not caring whom he offended. Then again he was lucky to be alive, and boredom and frustration were the least of his worries. His leg had been reset, but he was very much troubled by the thought of infection developing.Bishop George closed his eyes and wondered if he'd be well enough to attend the Easter service at St Michael's Church. He'd been looking forward to it for ages, and it was only two weeks away. Reverend Morris had just departed, having spent an hour with him. The visit had lifted the bishop's spirits and he was thankful for the vicar's kind words."That bloody cyclist! He shouldn't have been on the pavement in the first place!"He'd been walking down the street and had been sent flying when a careless cyclist had crashed right into him. His right leg had been broken in three places. It had been a terrible ordeal, but he didn't expect to remain in hospital for long. You were soon booted out these days.Bishop George sighed. He wasn't looking forward to his sister Anne, coming to care for him whilst he recovered. Anne was notoriously bossy.Meanwhile, back at St Michael's Vicarage, Jenna sipped a coffee and idly ran her finger down the cup."Poor George," she said, as Reverend Morris returned from visiting him in the hospital. "You know something, why don't we let him stay with us while he recovers? We have two spare bedrooms, one for when Christopher stays over, but the smaller room would be ideal for George. It's got a foldaway bed."Reverend Morris thought for a moment. "You're absolutely right, Jen. You're a true Christian. The Bishop has been very good to me since I took over at St Michael's. We could provide all the care he needs. Whilst his sister might mean well, she's a rather, fierce individual!""I only met her once. She scared me!" Jenna admitted.The vicar nodded. "Besides, having him staying with us will help keep my mind off, er, you know. I've been struggling recently with what we've given up for Lent."Jenna smiled. "I know Simon. You've done really well. Not much longer now. When Easter comes, He will rise, I'm not just talking about Jesus, by the way,"Reverend Morris bit his lip. "He might be rising already, Oh! I can't wait to have sex again, must restrain myself. Right, I'll go call George, and prepare the spare bedroom for him."The bishop was more than delighted when Reverend Morris arrived to collect him from the hospital, the next day."You're quite sure about this, Simon?" He said as the vicar pushed his wheelchair down the aisle. "I don't want to be a burden to you and Jenna. Busy weeks ahead for you, what with Holy Week and so on. And your son, doesn't he stay over on Fridays?""Think nothing of it, George. We have two spare bedrooms at the vicarage. There's room for everyone. Jenna and I are glad to have you staying with us. It'll be peace of mind knowing that you'll be safe and well-looked after."Bishop George smirked to himself. He was definitely looking forward to perhaps getting some special therapy off Jenna. He remembered the little birthday ceremony he'd taken part in just before Christmas,"Must say, I'm glad to be out of that hospital," he muttered, as he was helped into the car. "The bloke in the bed next to me, he lay there for two hours before someone realized he was dead. Poor sod. I said a few prayers for him.""That's awful," Reverend Morris replied. “But on the bright side, the soul enjoyed a very prompt wake, with no less than the bishop presiding!”George finally chuckled at the realization of his good service.Changing the subject, Simon added; "Well hopefully, you'll find the vicarage a lot more relaxing, and our meals a lot more edible. We both enjoy cooking."He drove out of the hospital car park and headed for the motorway. "The nursing staff said you were a difficult patient." Simon probed."I see. Quite the compliment." Bishop George said. "I'm sure they were exaggerating. Any news from church?" Is Jenna still learning to play the organ?"The traffic noise was loud, as rush hour was approaching."Oh yes! She's made remarkable progress there. Gordon is a fantastic teacher. She's of a good enough standard to stand in for him, on the rare occasions he isn't able to do the Sunday service.""I'm sure," he replied.She is very talented indeed at playing a man's organ too! George thought to himself."Our churchwarden Norman Winstanley has started spending a lot of time helping one of the older members of church around the house. Gladys Wilcox, she's in her eighties, widowed and lives alone. Her grandson helps where he can, but he works full-time so can't be there on weekdays. I can tell Gladys really enjoys having Norman call round. She's a sweet old lass, been at the church before I was even born. Her husband used to play the organ before Gordon took over.""That's nice. Not many want to take the time to help the elderly these days."‘Samaritan' ServicesBishop George soon settled in at the vicarage. The bed was far more comfortable than the one in the hospital."I think I'll be just fine here," he grinned."We're glad to have you here with us, George," Jenna said, as she brought him a cup of tea. Anything you need, don't hesitate to ask.""I wouldn't mind the touch of your healing hands," he whispered in Jenna's ear as she prepared to leave."Oh, no can do, Bishop," Jenna replied. "I've given up sex for Lent! Poor Simon, he's been sleeping in the other spare bedroom ever since Ash Wednesday. It's been a struggle for both of us, but we've stuck to it."Bishop George looked as if his recovery had taken a turn for the worse!On Monday night, Reverend Morris was called to administer last rites to someone at the local hospice, leaving Jenna alone in the house to care for the bishop. As she sat reading something on her phone, she heard him moaning in pain. George was still on opioids, but weaning off. Jenna had just given him his 2nd pill after dinner. He was agonizing for the pill's relief to kick in."Poor George. His leg keeps aching. He must be so miserable. I suppose I could cheer him up a little, but I made a promise." She thought for a moment. "But it's justified if it speeds up his recovery."Bishop George was half-asleep, when he heard Jenna entering his room. She sat down on the chair beside his bed.His eyes shot open as he felt the bedsheet over his groin being lightly pulled down. His heart beat faster. "What, are you doing?""Aiding your recovery."Excitement only increased further as the full reality of the situation dawned on him. Soon, he felt warm fingertips moving up his thigh. Bishop George's heart was pounding."I thought you'd given it up for Lent?""I have, but just this once, I'll make an exception for you. Promise you won't tell my husband? I've put him through so much suffering, denying him the pleasure.""Oh my lips are sealed," Bishop George replied. "Besides, he's as fit as a fiddle. He'll have to suck it up and cope. I've had a terrible trauma. Any help you can provide, you know I'll be beyond grateful, my dear Jenna."He was already semi-erect.Jenna's hand went further, seeking holy treasure. She gently unfastened the restraining snaps of his pajama bottoms and exposed his heated erection.Bishop George put his hands together. "For what I am about to receive, O Lord, make me truly thankful."Jenna gently teased and examined his shaft and foreskin, bending down close to breathe in the heavy, sweaty musk of his balls. Then she took his shaft between thumb and forefinger and begin to pleasure the older man with slow, deliberate, sensuous movements.Unable to remain composed any longer, the bishop murmured. "Oh my God,"Jenna continued to stroke him, experimenting with the rhythm and pressure. After a short while, he felt her lips start to trace up and down his cock, ever so lightly. Starting with his balls, and then moving upwards, she started to apply a series of delicate licks and kisses. Sweet Lord! What joy! It was so slow, so tender and intimate, and he knew at once that this was exactly the kind of healthcare he needed.Bishop George was desperate to release, and Jenna placed her hand reassuringly in his. One long caress of his cock almost made him come. A little precum leaked out, and Jenna gathered it up with her tongue.At last, she took the tip of his cock into her mouth, slowly and carefully. Her warm wet mouth felt incredible, and the bishop couldn't help but cry out in joy. Jenna descended right down to the base of his shaft, completely deep-throating him. Some final, wanton tongue action brought him over the edge, and he could take no more.Bishop George's whole body trembled, as he climaxed and spent."Oh my, Jenna!" He cried as he erupted in a powerful ejaculation. Pulse after pulse of his issue hit the back of her throat. She swallowed it all. The glorious, joyful spurting continued. The vicar's wife continued her masterful manipulations.He fell back on the sweat-drenched pillow, his face gripped by sheer joyful release. Jenna let him recover for a moment and catch his breath. After a short while, he raised his hand and placed it gently against her cheek. Gathering his strength, he heaved himself up and brought her lips to his in a lingering kiss. She responded by slipping her arms around him."Are you feeling better now?" She whispered."Much better! I'll sleep like a log tonight, and I just know I'll be up and walking around in no time!""I'm so relieved that it's only your leg that was injured, George. Thankfully, what matters is still in fine working order."Suddenly, the sound of the front door opening, brought them to their senses."Better get some sleep, George." Jenna whispered, giving him a final kiss. “Oh, George, is it true? Gordon says that the same Greek word that Tyndale translated as ‘communion', is also translated as ‘intercourse'?George was shocked, and marveled. “I think the word is ‘koininia'. And yes, only the context provides the distinction.” They are both conduits for ministering life, aren't they?Jenna beamed. “I've always viewed my sexuality as part of God's providence, and I feel I have a responsibility to not be selfish. Sleep well, my good man."I will, and thanks again for your special worship. And don't worry about breaking your Lentil promise, it was only a little bending of your own pledge, God won't mind. You were aiding my recovery after all," He relaxed and fell into a blissful, drug-aided sleep.Jenna could still taste the bishop's cum on her lips as she headed down the stairs."Ah, Jen! Is everything alright?" Reverend Morris said, hanging his coat up. "I hope George didn't give you too much trouble?""Oh no trouble at all. The old boy is sleeping like a baby."Jenna's Threesome In The Church HallA close encounter with an old, bitter enemy, and a blessed miracle! And Gordon the organist is a big softie deep down,This joyful Eastertideaway with sin and sorrow!My love, the Crucified,has sprung to life this morrow.Had Christ, who once was slain,not burst his three-day prison,our faith had been in vain:but now hath Christ arisen,arisen, arisen;but now has Christ arisen!"On this, the most holiest of days, we celebrate the risen Lord!" Reverend Morris began, as the Easter Sunday service at St Michael's began. As expected, the church was packed, much to the vicar's delight. In the four years he'd been in charge of this humble little parish, Reverend Morris never expected to see such an increase in the congregation. It warmed his heart.Though, he secretly admitted, the fully-stocked pews weren't the only thing making him smile. With the arrival of Easter Sunday, Lent was finally over. His wife's ban on sex had expired. He could hardly wait until this evening, when he and Jenna would finally get some time to themselves.Over at the organ, Gordon was also hoping he'd soon be able to resume giving Jenna "organ lessons.""Look at her, sitting at the front in that floral print dress. She looks every inch the respectable vicar's wife, but the way it clings to her curves, a subtle hint at the delicious raw sexuality underneath," the organist sighed, feeling a stirring in his groin, when he should've been concentrating on the service."Oh God, she's beautiful and I am so bloody horny," Gordon muttered, slipping a hand under his black robe and rubbing himself."Please stand for our hymn, Thine Be the Glory." The vicar announced, and the congregation dutifully did. There were a few awkward coughs and shuffling of feet as the organ remained silent."Our hymn, Thine Be the Glory!" The vicar repeated."Oh!" Gordon spluttered, and slammed his fingers down on the manuals so hard, the entire church seemed to vibrate."Goodness me, he's pounding those pipes," one of the elderly ladies of the congregation muttered. "For the first time in years, I don't need to turn up my hearing aids."After the hymn, the curate took over the reading of the notices. Reverend Morris slipped over to the organ."Bit of a ten on the tension scale there, Gordon!" He whispered. "Having problems with your instrument?" It wasn't the first time the organist had appeared a little distracted during a service."Sorry about that, Vicar, this upper manual does require a bit more pressure these days!"Reverend Morris chuckled. The organist was just as guilty as he was for thinking irreverent thoughts during the service."We may rejoice now that the Lent period has ended.""Aye, I fully intend to," Gordon replied, rearranging his music sheets."You never said what it was that you gave up.""Umm, think it was whiskey. What did you give up for Lent, Vicar?""Err, chocolate." He glanced at Jenna, sat in the front aisle. "I'm going to pig out and eat out a, err, eat a lot of it later."Gordon nodded, as the reverend returned to the pulpit. "He's even worse at lying than I am."The service ended and everyone headed over to the church hall for tea and coffee. Instead of the usual plain biscuits and cake, Reverend Morris had asked everyone to do a "Jacob's Join" and bring some Easter eggs along. There was enough chocolate to fill a room, much to the delight of the younger members of the congregation, who wasted no time in helping themselves."Do help yourselves to some delicious hot cross buns," Jenna smiled, walking around the hall with a tray, and the buns went down a storm with the older folk.After a longer than normal gathering, it was time to clear away the chairs and tables."Where's Norman Winstanley gone? He's usually here to move these tables." Reverend Morris wondered."Oh I have some chores lined up for him so he had to hurry back to my place, Vicar," Mrs. Wilcox said, as she began sweeping the hall.Gordon raised an eyebrow. "Is he your personal slave Gladys? He never seems to be away.""Well you seemed reluctant to fill that particular vacancy dearie, so I had to look elsewhere. I must say, dear Norman has proved a most willing and able subject,"The way she emphasized the words ‘willing and able', it intrigued Gordon. He cast his mind back a few weeks to the embarrassing incident with the fleshlight.The old girl wasn't shy when it came to sucking my cock, but surely she's not doing that on a regular basis to Norman, is she? Norman's never said a word, but he seems to enjoy calling round. Or is it all perfectly innocent and he's just helping her with the housework?"Hello, earth to Gordon," Reverend Morris said. "Could you give Jenna and myself a hand and help us move these folded chairs into the storeroom?""Right you are, Vicar. Sorry, I was miles away.""Daydreaming?" Jenna winked at him."Perhaps."The three of them headed to the far end of the hall and down a corridor, where the storeroom was. Jenna smiled as they went in. Haven't been in here since last October, when I seduced Josh the curate and took his virginity. The room was still as untidy as ever."One of these days, we really must make time to sort this room out," Reverend Morris said. "It's a disgrace and I'm ashamed I've let it get such a mess.Gordon placed the chairs in the corner. "Get Oakwood Road Methodist Church to clear out all their junk first. They've been sharing with us for years. Isn't it about time they got their own storage place?""Hmm, yes. I'll have to have a word with Reverend Ewing."Jenna rearranged some of the box files. "While we're here, we could straighten a few things, argh, there's a massive spider on the wall!""It'll be more scared of you than you are of it," Reverend Morris said."Simon, that doesn't make me feel any better! You know I hate spiders!""Where is the offending arachnid? I'll squash it with my shoe.""You'll do no such thing, Gordon," the vicar interrupted. "It's one of God's creatures and it's Easter Sunday. Let it live. See look, it's scuttled into the air vent up there. It's gone. Nothing to worry about, Jen.Amidst the uproar over the spider, none of them noticed or heard the storeroom door being pulled shut and locked."Now the fun begins," a voice sniggered, opening an app on an iPhone."Right, well I've had enough re-arranging for today," Gordon said. "It's time for another cuppa and a rest." He tried the door. "Hey, what? This door is locked!""What?" Reverend Morris rushed over. "I don't believe it, how is it locked? It can't be locked without a key.""Some silly bugger's gone and locked the door without realizing we're in here!" Gordon groaned. "I bet its old Jack Bradley, thinks of himself as caretaker for the church hall. Daft sod is always locking up and forgetting to turn the lights off. I really think Norman should be given the job of locking up in future.""Wait, so we're trapped in here?" Jenna said."For the moment, yes. Oh don't worry, it's not like a bank vault or anything. We won't run out of air. I'll just phone Josh the curate. I know he keeps a spare set of keys." Reverend Morris reached in his pocket. "My smartphone, where is it? Oh damn, I left it in the car. I always do that when it's the Sunday Eucharist. I have a phone-free morning. It's my little rule.""Really helpful, Rev," the organist groaned. "Don't you have a hotline to God 24 7? Maybe a prayer or two will unlock the door. Luckily, I have my smartphone on me. He pulled it out of his pocket and swiped the screen."Oh.""Problem?""Um, looks like the battery's dead. I swear there was 5% charge still on it but guess I was wrong.""Boys, worry not. I have my phone, and it's always fully charged," Jenna said, lifting her smartphone from her handbag. "Ta-dah. Fully charged." She called the curate. After a long period of ringing, it went to voicemail."This must be the first time ever that Josh's phone has gone to voicemail," Reverend Morris said. "The lad needs that phone of his surgically removing."Okay well for whatever reason, he's not picking up. He could be driving. I've left a message. We'll just have to wait. But what's the rush to leave?" Jenna grinned. "If you ask me, we should make the most of our time here."The vicar and organist looked at each other. "What do you mean, Jen?"That familiar naughtiness appeared on her face. "Well you both know I gave up sex for Lent, right?"They cleared their throats. "Yes.""Lent's over. Let's have some fun.""Jenna, what are you suggesting?" Reverend Morris spluttered."I think your lovely wife is suggesting a threesome, Vicar." Gordon replied, fully up for it."How about it? It's nice to share, yes? Like we all did when it was my birthday?"Reverend Morris was his usual reserved self at first, but there was no denying, like Gordon, he was as horny as a rutting stag."Well, um, there are no security cameras in here, are there?""As if," Gordon laughed. "There's nothing worth nicking in here, apart from old furniture and dusty hymn books. No cams, but there is rising damp on that lower left wall."Jenna began unbuttoning her dress. "Naturally, my dear husband gets to go first. After all he is my holy man. You don't mind, you do Gordon?" Jenna then laid on her back, across a long narrow banquet table."Oh, not at all," the organist said, rubbing his crotch. "Don't keep me waiting too long though, eh? The Wurlitzer is already rising,"The sinister scandalIn the passenger seat of a parked car, the unknown person with the iPhone stared at the screen and observed the antics in the storeroom, thanks to the hidden cam that had been installed."Well I never. I knew there was something going on with the organist and the vicar's wife! Looks like the vicar himself is prepared to overlook some of the Ten Commandments. Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery? Thou Shalt Not Covet?""Hopefully it'll be the downfall of that little tart once and for all," the driver of the car replied. "I've never forgiven her for bringing her filth and depravity to this church a year ago. Marries the vicar, whilst carrying on with the organist on the side. She managed to break up my marriage, and I can't wait to send this footage to the tabloids.""Oh Patricia, you're not going to go that far are you, dearie?" Jenna's a lovely girl really. I thought we were just going to have a bit of fun. That's why I asked my grandson to install the camera and set up this app thing so we could watch. I wanted to make the organist sweat a little."Mrs. Norris narrowed her eyes. "I haven't set foot in that church since the vicar married her. This sordid carry-on can't be allowed to continue!""Oh look, things are getting a wee bit steamy in there!" Mrs. Wilcox replied, gawping at the smartphone. "Good heavens, my glasses are steaming up! Look where Gordon's putting his tongue. He's such a skilled organist,""Disgusting behavior," Mrs. Norris fumed. Yet she continued to watch intently.Gordon opened his mouth again, and ran it from Jenna's belly to her chin. She began moaning. On the next lick the organist started even lower, right on her clit. Jenna moaned loudly as his tongue slowly climbed up her, stopping briefly at her chest. He went back to between her thighs again, and then he began fingering her cunt. Jenna began to moan loudly as she climaxed.When she glanced up at him, she noticed he was fully aroused. She rolled over, onto her belly while he dropped his trousers and underpants, and presented his large, engorged member to her."Did you miss my organ pipe?""God yes!"The organist's entire body shuddered under Jenna's touch. With that, she propped herself up on her elbows on one edge of the table. He ass hung over the opposite edge. She grasped his cock with both hands and began rubbing hard, enjoying the reaction she was getting from him. She decided to take it a step further, and started to lick his cock, all the while continuing jerking him off. She licked up and down the thick shaft and finally stopped at the head. Precum oozed from the tip. With one fluid motion, she deep throated the head of his penis as far as she could. Gordon cried out in joy."Fuck yes, I've missed this so much!"At the same time, Reverend Morris unzipped his trousers and approached behind his wife."Whilst you are playing the organist's organ, I shall now enter your Holy Temple, which has been closed off to me since the start of Lent."He pressed his member against her cunt. Jenna gasped as her husband applied pressure, and slid his cock into her."I've missed your Holy Rod, my love."He slowly thrust in and out of her, which drove her wild. She reached one hand down to rub her clit, which stimulated the already overwhelming pleasure. simon sped up his thrusting, his cock ramming against her cervix. She moaned. A few minutes later Jenna bucked harder and faster as she felt her orgasm build up. Reverend Morris did the same as his cock twitched in her."Ah, oh God, yes!" The vicar's wife threw her head back and screamed as she came. Her cunt walls contracted tightly around her husband's cock as her love juices leaked out of her. His own orgasm hit shortly after, and he shot a huge load of warm seed deep into her."Bloody hell," Gordon gasped. That had to be the most intense orgasm he'd ever seen Jenna have. He felt a brief moment of doubt, fearing he wouldn't be able to match the pleasure her husband had given her. Something tugged at his heart, a nagging ache. He shrugged it off, but it remained. He didn't want to think about the fact he was starting to fall deeply in love with this red-haired beauty who'd seduced him so skillfully last September, with a blowjob whilst he sat on the organ stool.This was always meant to be just a bit of no-strings naughty fun, he thought to himself. But it's gone way beyond that. I never imagined she'd have this effect on me,Reverend Morris gently pulled out of her and Jenna rolled over & sat up, cum oozing from her throbbing womanhood."Don't keep Gordon waiting, Jen," he whispered to her. "He needs more than a quick blow of the organ pipe."She nodded, kissing him. "I won't. I intend to make this just as special for him as it was for you."Gordon brightened up. "What, you mean I'm getting the full Monty?""I really enjoy that organ pipe of yours inside me, Gordon," she winked.He was more than happy with sloppy seconds.Sitting him down in one of the metal folding chairs, Jenna straddled him, and in one motion, plunged herself down on his hard cock. His hands found her breasts, and she squirmed on his lap deliciously. Gordon began to thrust himself into her, slowly at first, increasing speed gradually, until they were fucking for all they were worth.All the pent-up desire that Jenna had been holding inside throughout Lent, all the desire for this older man, was unleashed. Much as she loved her husband, she'd also had a thing for Gordon, way more than all the other men of the church she'd bedded. He was special. Those daddy vibes. They'd never gone away.When he paused for breath, she pulled him up & onto his back on a table and mounted him again. Ever so slowly, she undulated on his cock, and, eyes closed, fingered her clit while he moaned beneath her at the sight. When she started to shake and groan, the sight became too much for the organist and he knew he was joining her, whether he wanted to or not.With a yell, Gordon grabbed her hips and shot spurt after spurt of thick cum into the goddess above him."Wow, now that's the kind of worship that truly comes from the heart!" Reverend Morris said, amazed at the organist's stamina. "That's what I like to see; Jenna fully satisfied!""Oh Gordon," Jenna sighed, when they'd finally recovered. She kissed him softly on the lips. "That was wonderful." She noticed he had tears in his eyes. "Hey, are you alright?""Never better Jen," he mumbled. "Bit dusty in this room, eh? Think it's irritating my eyes a bit.""We're the two luckiest men in the world aren't we?" Reverend Morris said, sensing Gordon's awkwardness. "To be both loved by this amazing woman. God has truly smiled on us. It's all part of His plan.""And I love you both," Jenna said, slipping her arms round the two of them.Gordon felt himself filling up, but he held it together.Gladys watches"Utterly vile," Mrs. Norris cringed, still watching on the iPhone with Mrs. Wilcox. "All three of them should be cast out of the church and prosecuted.""Prosecuted?" The old lady replied. "Dearie, I think what we've just witnessed is a very modern love story. Gordon is in love with Jenna. Jenna loves him. The vicar knows that she loves them both.""How the hell can you say that? He's a dirty old man if you ask me.""When you're as old as I am, you just know these things. Human nature's a fascinating thing. And you're never too old to have fun either. I'm so glad that Norman Winstanley called round to fix my kitchen door!""So you're not going to give me the footage?" Mrs. Norris snapped."No dearie, I'm not. I'm deleting this video right now.""No don't!"But it was too late. The recording on the phone was deleted, along with the app. "I've remotely shut down the camera in the storeroom too," the old lady smiled. "I'll get my grandson Dwaine to remove and destroy it.""You treacherous old bag. You tricked me!" Mrs. Norris yelled, eyes bulging behind her horn-rimmed glasses. There was a knock on the car window and she almost jumped out of her skin. The hulking figure of Dwaine appeared."Everything alright, Gran?""Oh fine, dear," she said, getting out of the car. "I'm ready to go home now. It's been a rather eventful church service! But first, I need to pop into the church hall. I think I've forgotten to switch off a light, "Her plans to destroy Jenna thwarted, Mrs. Norris accepted defeat and drove off, away from St. Michael's church forever.Jenna, Reverend Morris and Gordon had just finished getting dressed when the door of the storeroom was unlocked."Oh Vicar! I'm so sorry! How careless of me! I'd finished sweeping up and thought you'd all gone home. Jack left me in charge of locking up. Blame it on a senior moment. I had no idea you three were in the storeroom!" The four of them walking into the hallway."No worries, Gladys, there's no harm done. We were only in there half an hour."As they all headed out of the hall, Josh the curate came rushing inside, out of breath."Jenna! I just got your message! I'd just driven Bishop George home when I read it. Oh I'm glad you all got out of there!""Not the end to the Easter service I was expecting, but it's something we can laugh about in years to come!" Reverend Morris said and he turned to Jenna and Gordon and grinned. "Come, let's all go back to the Vicarage and have a drink. Mrs. Wilcox. Your grandson is most welcome to join us too."The vicar, his wife and the organist remained blissfully unaware of how close they'd come to having their passionate threesome revealed to the entire world. Once again, peace and happiness remained at St. Michael's Church, and it seemed Jenna's amazing way with bringing joy to the lives of church men was stronger than ever,One month later"We now we look forward to Ascension tide," Reverend Morris said, a few Sundays after Easter. “The Feast of Pentecost follows.”Jenna returned from the church toilets. She'd been feeling off-color for the past couple of days and now knew why."Simon, I must speak with you and Gordon," she said, as the church began emptying."What's wrong Jen? You don't look too good."Gordon was tidying up his music books and switching off the organ, when the vicar appeared."Jenna has something to tell us," Reverend Morris said. "She says it's very happy, but life-changing news."The organist put down his books immediately. This sounded serious, and he felt his stomach jump. "What's up?""Well you two, how do I break this to you gently? It seems there's been some sort of miracle. My contraceptive pill has failed. I'm pregnant. And, well”Both men's jaws dropped.Gordon spluttered, terrified. He feared his future was in for trouble. He feared his two best friends over this. He feared the gossip. He loved his church and didn't want anything to change. He was barely able to process this information.Simon embraced his wife and beamed. “The child is mine. I take great joy in the arrival of a life. My opportunity to raise a child in a wonderful home, with the wife God has blessed me with. Perhaps God will give us more, in years to come!”Jenna beamed. She turned to Simon and asked; “Simon, have you ever been a godfather?”To be continued.By Blacksheep, for Literotica.
On today's program, an independent investigation into the International House of Prayer in Kansas City and its founder Mike Bickle was released this week…finding 17 cases of abuse leveled against him. Samaritan's Purse dodges the Trump administration's freeze on foreign aid. Other ministries—especially those working to resettle refugees—aren't faring as well, however…many face furloughs as they scramble to support the thousands of refugees already in the United States depending on them for rent and basic necessities. We'll take a look. And, the 50 largest relief and development ministries in the MinistryWatch database. But first, Church of the Highlands founding pastor Chris Hodges announced Sunday that he is stepping down as lead pastor. Hodges planted Church of the Highlands in Birmingham, Alabama, in 2001, and has seen explosive growth in its 24 years. According to Outreach 100, about 60,000 congregants attend the worship services on a given weekend, making it the second largest church in the nation in attendance. Hodges made his announcement Sunday (Feb. 2), the same day the church celebrated its 24th anniversary. Hodges said Mark Pettus will step into the role of lead pastor, and he will take on the role as founding pastor. The producer for today's program is Jeff McIntosh. We get database and other technical support from Stephen DuBarry, Rod Pitzer, and Casey Sudduth. Writers who contributed to today's program include Daniel Ritchie, Kathryn Post, Bob Smietana, Mark Wingfield, Tony Mator, Jack Jenkins, Aleja Hertzler-McCain, Adelle Banks, Kim Roberts, Mark Kellner, and Christina Darnell. A special thanks to Baptist News Global and the Baptist Paper for contributing material for this week's podcast. Until next time, may God bless you. MANUSCRIPT: FIRST SEGMENT Warren: Hello everybody. I'm Warren Smith, coming to you from Charlotte, North Carolina. Natasha: And I'm Natasha Cowden, coming to you from Denver, Colorado, and we'd like to welcome you to the MinistryWatch podcast. Warren: On today's program, an independent investigation into the International House of Prayer in Kansas City and its founder Mike Bickle was released this week…finding 17 cases of abuse leveled against him. Samaritan's Purse dodges the Trump administration's freeze on foreign aid. Other ministries—especially those working to resettle refugees—aren't faring as well, however…many face furloughs as they scramble to support the thousands of refugees already in the United States depending on them for rent and basic necessities. We'll take a look. And, the 50 largest relief and development ministries in the MinistryWatch database. Natasha: But first, Church of the Highlands founding pastor Chris Hodges announced Sunday that he is stepping down as lead pastor. Warren: Hodges planted Church of the Highlands in Birmingham, Alabama, in 2001, and has seen explosive growth in its 24 years. According to Outreach 100, about 60,000 congregants attend the worship services on a given weekend, making it the second largest church in the nation in attendance. Hodges made his announcement Sunday (Feb. 2), the same day the church celebrated its 24th anniversary. Hodges said Mark Pettus will step into the role of lead pastor, and he will take on the role as founding pastor. Natasha: What does he plan to do next? Warren: Hodges said he would increase his efforts at Highlands College as chancellor. Hodges said he's not retiring, and he's not burned out, but he has reached a state in life in which he wants to empower other leaders. Natasha: Next, the report is out, detailing abuse by IHOP KC founder, Mike Bickle. Warren: Mike Bickle, the influential founder of the International House of Prayer, a global missionary group, committed sexual abuse or misconduct involving at least 17 survivors, according to an independent report released Monday (Feb. 3).
In this episode of 'Unscripted' recorded in Columbus, Ohio, the host chats with Lee Brown, a real estate broker from Concord, North Carolina, about the ongoing relief efforts and challenges faced by communities in Western North Carolina following a devastating hurricane. Brown provides a personal and detailed account of the work she and others have been doing to support affected areas, emphasizing the multifaceted nature of the impact and the varying levels of recovery across the region. They discuss specific efforts by various organizations, including NASCAR, Samaritan's Purse, and grassroots groups, to provide immediate and long-term relief. Brown highlights the bureaucratic hurdles and delays in government assistance, while also celebrating the rapid response and significant contributions from private and community-led initiatives. The discussion also touches on the broader implications of the disaster and the need for streamlined, efficient government responses to such crises.
Yesterday we talked about the “certain man” who went down from Jerusalem to Jericho. The way that takes you away from the worship and presence of God is always down. It is a the “broad way” that Jesus told about in Matthew 7:13-14; "Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.” The way down is the “easy” way to go. It is a lot easier to hike down the mountain, than it is to climb up the mountain. Solomon wrote that: “There is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death” (Proverbs 14:12). In Jonah 1, when the prophet Jonah was running away from the presence and the will of God in disobedience, did you ever notice that it says, “He went down to Joppa… he went down into a ship… he went down into the lowest parts of the ship…”, and when he was thrown overboard, he went down into the sea and he went down into the belly of a great fish! The way from God is always a downward one! This “certain man” fell among thieves, was robbed and beaten up and left half-dead in a ditch on the side of the road. “By chance” a “certain priest” comes by, simply glances over at him and “passed by on the other side”. This is the religious leader who really doesn't care about the real needs of the hurting people around him. He is more concerned about not getting dirty himself or sharing his time or resources for the dying man. My friend, religion has never had a answer or solution for the needs of mankind. The Levite, a religious worker, actually came closer and looked, and he passed by on the other side. He probably wrote a book about the needs of people, or a newspaper article about the poor thieves that need help. But he also “passed by on the other side. He didn't care about the broken man. But notice, the “certain” Samaritan, “as he journeyed, came where he was”. This man was no doubt had business to do. He was busy but he saw the man in the ditch, and “had compassion” and decided to do something about it. He didn't try to figure it out or be critical of the man going the wrong way in life. He saw a person in need and took the time get up close to him. To get his hands and clothes bloody and dirty and take him to the closest hospital and pay for his care! We may read this passage and think only of "the high cost of caring," but it is far more costly not to care. The priest and the Levite lost far more by their neglect than the Samaritan did by his concern. They lost the opportunity to become better men and good stewards of what God had given them. They could have been a good influence in a bad world, but they chose to be a bad influence. The Samaritan's one deed of mercy has inspired sacrificial ministry all over the world, like Franklin Graham's Samaritan's Purse. Never say that such ministry is wasted! God sees to it that no act of loving service in Christ's name is ever lost. It all depends on your outlook. To the thieves, this traveling Jew was a victim to exploit, so they attacked him. To the priest and Levite, he was a nuisance to avoid, so they ignored him. But to the Samaritan, he was a neighbor to love and help, so he took care of him. What Jesus said to the lawyer, He says to us: "Go and keep on doing it likewise" Who is your neighbor? It is the person closest to you with a need. Today “by chance”, you will cross paths with people that have emotional, mental, personal, financial, and physical needs. Are you willing to stop and help them. Maybe it will just be a smile, or a kind word that will pick them up! You never know! God bless!
If you have been affected by any of the themes in this episode, please consider visiting the following resources: The Samaritans helpline: 116 123 Refuge domestic abuse helpline: 0808 2000 247 (live chat is also available at https://www.nationaldahelpline.org.uk/Contact-us *times apply) Safeline domestic abuse helpline: 01926 402 498 Safeline national male survivor helpline: 0808 800 5005 Rape Crisis Helpline: 0808 802 9999 (help is also available at live chat at https://rapecrisis.org.uk/get-help/live-chat-helpline/ *times apply) Sexual Assault Support Line: 01708 765200
Truth, Lies, and Work is an award-winning psychology podcast from the HubSpot Podcast Network, hosted by Chartered Occupational Psychologist Leanne Elliott and business owner Al Elliott. Every Thursday, we bring you a brand-new interview with an expert guest who knows how to create great workplace cultures. And today's guest is a good one! We're joined by Crevan O'Malley, VP of Corporate Sales at HubSpot, who shares exactly how HubSpot is integrating AI into its sales and marketing teams—without replacing people. If you're a leader wondering how to use AI to boost productivity without killing morale, or an employee thinking “Is AI coming for my job?”—this episode has the answers you need.
Hi Everyone! On this episode, Steve and Hillary explore how Jesus broke societal norms in His transformative encounters with two women: the Samaritan woman at the well and the woman caught in adultery.They discuss how Jesus, by engaging with the Samaritan woman, defies cultural barriers, offering her living water and revealing profound truths about identity and faith. Steve and Hillary emphasize that His experiential truth, wrapped in love, creates a space for genuine transformation when we're ready to receive it.Shifting to the woman caught in adultery, they highlight how Jesus challenges the accusers and extends grace, showing that love and forgiveness are powerful catalysts for change.Join them for a deep dive into these stories, reflecting on how Jesus' radical approach to love and acceptance continues to invite us into a transformative relationship with Him. Don't miss this enlightening conversation that reminds us of the life-changing power of grace!CrossCounsel WebsiteCrossCounsel on Facebook
When Jesus told his followers the parable of the Good Samaritan, he wanted his listeners to know that if they had embraced their purpose in life to follow him, they would then view anyone in need as a neighbor. They would follow in the footsteps of the Samaritan who gave everything in response to the wounded man's need. Those who are followers of Christ are called to self-sacrificing lives of compassion. The message of today's market-driven world is the exact opposite. Instead of looking out for others, we are to look out for number one. In this kind of world, there is a decrease in generosity and an increase in selfishness. In this kind of world there is less concern for neighbor and more concern for self. In this kind of world there is a decline in civility. In this kind of world we do anything and everything possible – including using people as means to our ends – to get ahead of anyone and everyone else. This is not who we are called to be. Lead your kids to show the compassion of Christ.
Before we look at Luke 10, I would like to ask you for special prayer today as I will be on the road traveling from my home in Sneads Ferry NC down to Savannah GA. Tonight I'm speaking in a mission's conference at Countryside Baptist Church for my pastor friend, Rick Flowers. Please pray for traveling mercies and for people to respond to my plea for prayer partners for the pastors in India. The Lord has laid it on my heart to connect 600 prayer partners to 600 specific pastors that are a part of our fellowship there. You are invited to join this team of prayer partners too. Thank you for your prayers today! There are so many lessons for us to learn from the story that Jesus told to the lawyer here in Luke 10. One of the first things that I couldn't help but notice is the number of times that the word “certain” is used in this brief story. “A certain lawyer” (v. 25). “A certain man” (v. 30). “A certain priest” (v. 31). “A certain Samaritan” (v. 33). Jesus seems to zero in on very specific individuals and the attitudes or actions that they exhibit in this passage. This should remind us that the Lord Jesus always has His eyes on each one of us in every aspect of our lives. Psalm 139:1-10 describes how detailed this “look” of Jesus is: “O LORD, You have searched me and known me. You know my sitting down and my rising up; You understand my thought afar off. You comprehend my path and my lying down, And are acquainted with all my ways. For there is not a word on my tongue, But behold, O LORD, You know it altogether. You have hedged me behind and before, And laid Your hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; It is high, I cannot attain it. Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence? If I ascend into heaven, You are there; If I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there. If I take the wings of the morning, And dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, Even there Your hand shall lead me, And Your right hand shall hold me.” We should never forget this “look” of Jesus upon us. He is interested in every detail of our lives. He not only knows who we are and what we are doing, He knows our attitudes and motives behind our actions. This should both scare us and encourage us. I believe that this is what the “fear of the Lord” is about in the Bible. It means that we have a constant and continuous awareness of the presence of the Lord in our lives! This awareness should motivate us to run from evil. Give us courage in the face of danger. Fill us with faith and hope in the midst of difficult circumstances. And it should cause us to be in awe of His glory and fall on our face and worship Him. Take time today to look at each of these “certain” people; the lawyer asking the question; the man on his way down from Jerusalem to Jericho; the priest who went to the other side; and the Samaritan who came where the dying man was and had compassion on him. Today, I'm convinced you are that “certain” individual that Jesus has His eyes on! What will He find you thinking and doing? God bless!
The couple whose bodies were found in Glenbeigh yesterday morning have been named locally. They were David and Hazel Byrne, who were originally from Co Cork. Jerry spoke to Fianna Fáil TD, Michael Cahill, about the tragedy. If you have been affected by any details discussed, you may freephone the Samaritans any time on 116 123.
Content advisory: this episode includes themes of mental health and suicide In this episode, Dr Louise Newson speaks with Rachel Birch, a doctor who shares her personal journey of menopause, mental health and alcohol addiction. Rachel discusses the lack of training on menopause in medical education, her experiences with anxiety and depression, how she found herself using alcohol as a coping mechanism and how she is navigating her recovery. Rachel emphasises the importance of self-advocacy, community support, and self-love in recovery. The conversation also highlights the need for better awareness and understanding of menopause and its impact on mental health. Rachel also shares the following advice if you find yourself struggling with addiction: Listen to your body and trust your instinct Be your own advocate – you know your body best Prevention is better than cure: be alert to drinking habits Don't suffer alone, reach out for help. Click here to find out more about Newson Health Contact the Samaritans for 24-hour, confidential support by calling 116 123 or email jo@samaritans.org.
In the first half of this chapter, the teachings of Jesus in this chapter are numerous and short. Luke transitions from one teaching to another, sometimes without any indication as such. Jesus warns against causing children to stumble, then tells his disciples to be on guard when it comes to the sins of a brother in Christ. Next he teaches about faith, swiftly transitioning to a comparison about what it means to be a servant. In the second half, Jesus heals ten men, but only one man, a Samaritan, returns to offer thanks. Finally, Jesus tells his disciples about the kingdom of God and the days of the Son of Man. :::Christian Standard Bible translation.All music written and produced by John Burgess Ross.Co-produced by the Christian Standard Biblefacebook.com/commuterbibleinstagram.com/commuter_bibletwitter.com/CommuterPodpatreon.com/commuterbibleadmin@commuterbible.org
This week on Who We Are Now with Izzy and Richard Hammond, we welcome the absolutely brilliant Stephen Manderson, perhaps better known to you as Professor Green. After losing his dad to suicide at the age of just 24 years old, Stephen found himself as the voice of a generation after the release of the single Read All About it with Emile Sandé. Together, Stephen, Izzy and Richard talk about the kind of masculinity learnt from a council estate in Hackney, how the tragic death of his father shaped him as a man, and how he navigates fatherhood now with his partner Karima.If you've been affected by any of the themes in this episode, please consider contacting the following resources: The Samaritans helpline: 116 123Confidential Emotional Support Line: 01708 765200Sane mental health line: 0300 304 7000Listen on Global Player to hear the next episode a whole day earlier than anywhere else. Download it from the app store or go to globalplayer.com.And remember, Richard and Izzy will see you this Friday for Who We Are Now's bonus episode! Have a question for the team? Email whowearenow@global.com, or join the conversation at @whowearenowpod on Instagram.
We are kicking off a new series entitled, Potential, in the month of February! This podcast is set in John 4 where Jesus encounters the Samaritan woman at the well. Society has deemed her an outcast, her view of herself is poor and yet Jesus saw her potential as an evangelist! Join Debbie and Laura as they dive into a challenging word of seeing others through God's perspective and watching them step into their potential!
In this powerful message, Ps. Gary explores the transformative power of opening our heart to discover the intimate connections that leads to an enriched life. Through the story of Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well, we uncover the importance of surrounding ourselves with the right voices, embracing the fullness of God's design for family, and allowing the Father to heal and restore our deepest wounds.
Distant. Divided. Dysfunctional. Devour. Devastation. Matthew 22:37-39 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.' Love is the greatest commandment. 1 John 4:8 Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 8 Love never fails. Luke 10:25-37 On one occasion an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus. “Teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?” 26 “What is written in the Law?” he replied. “How do you read it?” 27 He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind'; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.'” 28 “You have answered correctly,” Jesus replied. “Do this and you will live.” 29 But he wanted to justify himself, so he asked Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?” 30 In reply Jesus said: “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he was attacked by robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead. 31 A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side. 32 So too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. 33 But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. 34 He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, brought him to an inn and took care of him. 35 The next day he took out two denarii and gave them to the innkeeper. ‘Look after him,' he said, ‘and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.' 36 “Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?” 37 The expert in the law replied, “The one who had mercy on him.” Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.” Love is not transactional. Love is transformational. Luke 15 Sheep (15:1-7) Coin (15:8-10) Son (15:11-32) 1 Cor. 13:6 Love . . . rejoices with the truth Galatians 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy . . . How do I know if I'm loving? Am I rejoicing over what God rejoices over?
“Then a despised Samaritan came along, and when he saw the man, he felt compassion for him.” ~Luke 10:33 NLT Hi Neighbor, Welcome to another unplugged episode of Anchors of Encouragement. In our previous episodes, I began laying the foundation for my words this year, giving you breadcrumbs to a word jumble. Here's a hint: I'm going to reveal these words slowly. We'll dive deep into their meanings by breaking them into acronyms, like a little puzzle – a tribute to my Mom who loved word jumbles. Each episode will bring new insights and tools to help you navigate the year with faith and confidence. Don't miss out on the journey! Today's word begins with the letter, “C.” Oftentimes, the wounds in the adoption journey are not visible but they hurt nonetheless. In this episode, let's consider the story of the Good Samaritan and how to feel compassion and show mercy to adopted children and their parents. They need us to be neighbors who care deeply and offer support during their hardest times. Hope and Healing are on the way. Your Neighbor, Tim P.S. If this podcast uplifted you, please share it and be an anchor of encouragement for others. Leave a written review on Apple Podcasts. Here is a short video to show you how. Join our safe space for adoptive parents. Let's replace isolation with connection, loneliness with community, and anxiety with hope. You're never alone on this journey. Reach out to Tim: email tim@anchorsofencouragement.com