Podcasts about people analytics

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HR Leaders
What New AI Skills Every HR Leaders Needs in 2025

HR Leaders

Play Episode Listen Later Feb 14, 2025 57:34

In this episode of the HR Leaders Podcast, we welcome Stuart Martin, HR Executive at Lloyds Banking Group, to discuss the role of AI in reimagining work and transforming HR operations.Stuart dives into how generative AI is reshaping employee experiences, automating tasks, and addressing skill shortages. He also highlights the importance of creating scalable, agile systems to enhance productivity and personalization in the workplace.

GainTalents - Expertenwissen zu Recruiting, Gewinnung und Entwicklung von Talenten und Führungskräften: #389 „Wie Unternehmen ein Kennzahlenmanagement für die Mitarbeiterbindung aufbauen können.“ – mit Tim Grove


Play Episode Listen Later Feb 11, 2025 41:08

Achtung (Werbung in eigener Sache):  Jetzt mein Buch "Die perfekte Candidate Journey & Experience" unter folgenden Links bestellen: https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-662-66875-7 https://bit.ly/3KEgwDF https://amzn.to/3mbzhUO Der inhaltliche Fokus liegt auf Recruiting für mittelständische Unternehmen sowie Startups und darum, wie die Candidate Journey und deren Touchpoints so gestaltet werden können, dass eine hervorragende Candidate Experience möglich wird. Tim Grove (CEO der Harbinger AG) Tim ist CEO der Harbinger AG. Diese Position hat er seit Oktober 2015 inne.  Die Harbinger AG ist eine Management Consultancy mit Sitz in Düsseldorf. Tim ist ein erfahrener Unternehmensberater und Speaker, der als operativer Vorstand der Harbinger in der Schnittstelle zwischen Geschäftsführung, HR und Finance arbeitet und vor allem auf die Optimierung von geschäftskritischen Personalkennzahlen spezialisiert ist. In seiner Funktion konzentriert sich Tim auf datengestützte Ansätze im HR-Management, seine Projekte drehen sich um Themen wie die Senkung von Krankenstandsquoten, Verbesserung der Produktivität oder der Steigerung von Mitarbeiterbindung. Er wurde zuletzt besonders mehrfach zur wirtschaftlichen Auswirkung von Fehlzeiten auf deutsche Unternehmen zitiert. Tim ́s Hintergrund umfasst Abschlüsse in der Wirtschaftspsychologie sowie People Analytics und Business Intelligence in den USA.   Themen Mit Tim Grove (CEO der Harbinger AG) habe ich in der GainTalents-Podcastfolge 389 darüber gesprochen, wie Unternehmen ein Kennzahlenmanagement für die Mitarbeiterbindung aufbauen können.. Viel Spaß beim Reinhören. Bei Tim bedanke ich mich recht herzlich für das sehr gute Gespräch und für die vielen guten Tipps zum Thema.  Aufbau eines Kennzahlenmanagement für die Mitarbeiterbindung: In der Regel fehlt eine klare Strategie, wofür ein Kennzahlenmanagement überhaupt nützlich sein könnte Ein Kennzahlenmanagement kann dazu dienen, die Positionierung von HR im Unternehmen signifikant zu optimieren: Was sind die Ursachen und was kostet uns Mitarbeiterfluktuation Was sind Faktoren, die einer Mitarbeiterbindung erzeugen Was ist wichtig?  Daten identifizieren, Datenqualität überprüfen, konsistente Datenstruktur etablieren und “Datentöpfe” bilden “Start small”: wenige aber die wichtigen Kennzahlen/KPI erheben: Mitarbeiterbindungsrate, Fluktuationsquote (arbeitnehmer- vs. arbeitgebergetrieben),  Mitarbeiterzufriedenheit, Engagementindex, eNPS (Employee Net Promoter Score), etc. Allokation von Ressourcen im HR auf das Thema People Analytics und HR-Kennzahlen/KPI oder Hilfe aus anderen Abteilungen (Finance, Sales, etc.) holen, die sich mit Datenanalytics oder Business Intelligence gut auskennen Kennzahlenreporting immer mit Euro-Werten versehen: was kostet eine Fluktuation (Produktivitätsausfall, erneute Recruitingaufwendungen, etc.)? Immer Maßnahmen aus den erhobenen Kennzahlen/KPI ableiten   #mitarbeiterbindung #employeeexperience #peopleanalytics #kennzahlenmanagement #GainTalentspodcast   Shownotes Links - Tim Grove LinkedIn:      https://www.linkedin.com/in/tim-grove-harbinger-ag/ Webseite: https://www.harbinger-consulting.com/ https://www.harbinger-consulting.com/authors/tim-grove/ Zwei passende Harbinger-Publikation zum Thema: https://www.harbinger-consulting.com/blog/mitarbeiterbindung-messen/ https://www.harbinger-consulting.com/blog/mitarbeiter-langfristig-binden/   Links Hans-Heinz Wisotzky: Website https://www.gaintalents.com/podcast und https://www.gaintalents.com/blog Buch: https://www.gaintalents.com/buch-die-perfekte-candidate-journey-und-experience LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/hansheinzwisotzky/ LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/gaintalents XING https://www.xing.com/profile/HansHeinz_Wisotzky/cv Facebook https://www.facebook.com/GainTalents Instagram https://www.instagram.com/gain.talents/ Youtube https://bit.ly/2GnWMFg

GainTalents - Expertenwissen zu Recruiting, Gewinnung und Entwicklung von Talenten und Führungskräften
#389 „Wie Unternehmen ein Kennzahlenmanagement für die Mitarbeiterbindung aufbauen können.“ – mit Tim Grove

GainTalents - Expertenwissen zu Recruiting, Gewinnung und Entwicklung von Talenten und Führungskräften

Play Episode Listen Later Feb 11, 2025 41:08

Achtung (Werbung in eigener Sache):  Jetzt mein Buch "Die perfekte Candidate Journey & Experience" unter folgenden Links bestellen: https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-662-66875-7 https://bit.ly/3KEgwDF https://amzn.to/3mbzhUO Der inhaltliche Fokus liegt auf Recruiting für mittelständische Unternehmen sowie Startups und darum, wie die Candidate Journey und deren Touchpoints so gestaltet werden können, dass eine hervorragende Candidate Experience möglich wird. Tim Grove (CEO der Harbinger AG) Tim ist CEO der Harbinger AG. Diese Position hat er seit Oktober 2015 inne.  Die Harbinger AG ist eine Management Consultancy mit Sitz in Düsseldorf. Tim ist ein erfahrener Unternehmensberater und Speaker, der als operativer Vorstand der Harbinger in der Schnittstelle zwischen Geschäftsführung, HR und Finance arbeitet und vor allem auf die Optimierung von geschäftskritischen Personalkennzahlen spezialisiert ist. In seiner Funktion konzentriert sich Tim auf datengestützte Ansätze im HR-Management, seine Projekte drehen sich um Themen wie die Senkung von Krankenstandsquoten, Verbesserung der Produktivität oder der Steigerung von Mitarbeiterbindung. Er wurde zuletzt besonders mehrfach zur wirtschaftlichen Auswirkung von Fehlzeiten auf deutsche Unternehmen zitiert. Tim ́s Hintergrund umfasst Abschlüsse in der Wirtschaftspsychologie sowie People Analytics und Business Intelligence in den USA.   Themen Mit Tim Grove (CEO der Harbinger AG) habe ich in der GainTalents-Podcastfolge 389 darüber gesprochen, wie Unternehmen ein Kennzahlenmanagement für die Mitarbeiterbindung aufbauen können.. Viel Spaß beim Reinhören. Bei Tim bedanke ich mich recht herzlich für das sehr gute Gespräch und für die vielen guten Tipps zum Thema.  Aufbau eines Kennzahlenmanagement für die Mitarbeiterbindung: In der Regel fehlt eine klare Strategie, wofür ein Kennzahlenmanagement überhaupt nützlich sein könnte Ein Kennzahlenmanagement kann dazu dienen, die Positionierung von HR im Unternehmen signifikant zu optimieren: Was sind die Ursachen und was kostet uns Mitarbeiterfluktuation Was sind Faktoren, die einer Mitarbeiterbindung erzeugen Was ist wichtig?  Daten identifizieren, Datenqualität überprüfen, konsistente Datenstruktur etablieren und “Datentöpfe” bilden “Start small”: wenige aber die wichtigen Kennzahlen/KPI erheben: Mitarbeiterbindungsrate, Fluktuationsquote (arbeitnehmer- vs. arbeitgebergetrieben),  Mitarbeiterzufriedenheit, Engagementindex, eNPS (Employee Net Promoter Score), etc. Allokation von Ressourcen im HR auf das Thema People Analytics und HR-Kennzahlen/KPI oder Hilfe aus anderen Abteilungen (Finance, Sales, etc.) holen, die sich mit Datenanalytics oder Business Intelligence gut auskennen Kennzahlenreporting immer mit Euro-Werten versehen: was kostet eine Fluktuation (Produktivitätsausfall, erneute Recruitingaufwendungen, etc.)? Immer Maßnahmen aus den erhobenen Kennzahlen/KPI ableiten   #mitarbeiterbindung #employeeexperience #peopleanalytics #kennzahlenmanagement #GainTalentspodcast   Shownotes Links - Tim Grove LinkedIn:      https://www.linkedin.com/in/tim-grove-harbinger-ag/ Webseite: https://www.harbinger-consulting.com/ https://www.harbinger-consulting.com/authors/tim-grove/ Zwei passende Harbinger-Publikation zum Thema: https://www.harbinger-consulting.com/blog/mitarbeiterbindung-messen/ https://www.harbinger-consulting.com/blog/mitarbeiter-langfristig-binden/   Links Hans-Heinz Wisotzky: Website https://www.gaintalents.com/podcast und https://www.gaintalents.com/blog Buch: https://www.gaintalents.com/buch-die-perfekte-candidate-journey-und-experience LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/hansheinzwisotzky/ LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/gaintalents XING https://www.xing.com/profile/HansHeinz_Wisotzky/cv Facebook https://www.facebook.com/GainTalents Instagram https://www.instagram.com/gain.talents/ Youtube https://bit.ly/2GnWMFg

HRchat Podcast
The Power of Data-Driven Strategies with Kristen Boyle, PeopleInsight by HireRoad

HRchat Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Feb 5, 2025 21:32 Transcription Available

Implementing an effective DEI strategy relies on a deep understanding of your organization's current position, the required steps for progress, and a reliable method for ongoing DEI metrics measurement. In this HRchat episode, we discuss why the numbers should determine leadership direction. In light of recent changes, we also consider if now is the time to double down on demonstrating the need for the DEI data. Bill's guest this time is Kristen Boyle, VP of Marketing at PeopleInsight by HireRoad, a leading people analytics solution. Kristen, joined the PeopleInsight by HireRoad team in January 2024 after serving as VP of Marketing at PandoLogic, B2B marketing lead for Amazon Ads, and climbing the marketing ranks at Indeed and Nielsen during peak growth periods. Kristen is a marketing strategist with a passion for insights-driven storytelling and leads the mission of telling HireRoad's impressive story of growth and innovation.QuestionsPeopleInsight by HireRoad has seen big changes at the leadership level over the past 18 months. What are some of the challenges and opportunities that come with a fresh leadership team? You believe that "a data-driven strategy is no longer optional... Anyone who is in the throes of year-end reporting knows what I'm talking about". What did you mean by that?In light of recent political decisions and the broader pullback on DEI efforts across industries, the urgency to back DEI initiatives with data has perhaps never been more critical. Why is NOT collecting (specifically) DEI data no longer an option? Can you share some ways PeopleInsight provides the DEI data that can correctly inform business decisions?What are some of the primary challenges your team has seen HR professionals face when adopting data-driven decision-making (and how does PeopleInsight help address them)?Why did HireRoad decide to publish The State of People Analytics 2025, and what do you hope readers will take away from it?The ebook mentions that only 22% of organizations rate their people analytics as “very effective.” What advice from the ebook would you offer to companies aiming to build a more robust data-driven HR function?Support the showFeature Your Brand on the HRchat PodcastThe HRchat show has had 100,000s of downloads and is frequently listed as one of the most popular global podcasts for HR pros, Talent execs and leaders. It is ranked in the top ten in the world based on traffic, social media followers, domain authority & freshness. The podcast is also ranked as the Best Canadian HR Podcast by FeedSpot and one of the top 10% most popular shows by Listen Score. Want to share the story of how your business is helping to shape the world of work? We offer sponsored episodes, audio adverts, email campaigns, and a host of other options. Check out packages here. Follow us on LinkedIn Subscribe to our newsletter Check out our in-person events

Digital HR Leaders with David Green
What People Analytics Leaders Need to Know about Scaling their Function (an Interview with Henrik Hakansson)

Digital HR Leaders with David Green

Play Episode Listen Later Feb 4, 2025 43:05

Scaling a people analytics function isn't just about growing a team—it's about building the right foundations, securing stakeholder buy-in, and investing in capabilities that drive real business transformation. To discuss this topic, in this episode of the Digital HR Leaders podcast, host David Green sits down with Henrik Hakansson, Head of People Analytics at Volvo Cars. With a track record of building and scaling people analytics teams at Sony, Delivery Hero, and now Volvo, Henrik shares practical insights from his journey—what worked, what didn't, and the lessons he's learned along the way. Join them as they explore: How to establish and grow a people analytics team from scratch Key differences in building people analytics functions across diverse industries The skills, capabilities, and partnerships needed to drive real business transformation Securing stakeholder buy-in for advanced analytics The role of people analytics in strategic workforce planning Whether you're just starting out or looking to take your people analytics function to the next level, this episode, sponsored by TalentNeuron, is packed with actionable insights. Hit play to learn how to scale people analytics and unlock its full potential for your organisation. About TalentNeuron: TalentNeuron is shaping the future of workforce transformation. From Strategic Workforce Planning to skill gap analysis, TalentNeuron seamlessly combines external talent intelligence with internal data into one powerful platform. Join leading global enterprises already using actionable insights to boost organisational readiness and performance. Visit talentneuron.com today. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

HR Leaders
How to Upskill Your Workforce for AI in 2025

HR Leaders

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 30, 2025 49:27

In this episode of the HR Leaders Podcast, we are joined by Jenny Griffiths, VP of AI Innovation at Oracle, and Alejandro Modarelli, Partner at KPMG, to explore how AI is transforming HR and driving workforce innovation.Jenny and Alejandro share insights on the adoption of AI in organizations, the importance of upskilling employees, and how to start small with AI use cases to achieve big results. They also discuss the role of HR in managing AI-driven workforce transformations, the rise of agents in automating repetitive tasks, and creating human-centric AI systems.

Data Product Management in Action: The Practitioner's Podcast
S1 Ep#29 : Navigating Trade-Offs and Balancing Priorities

Data Product Management in Action: The Practitioner's Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 29, 2025 49:47 Transcription Available

Season 1 Episode 29: Navigating Trade-Offs and Balancing Priorities The Data Product Management In Action podcast, brought to you by executive producer Scott Hirleman, is a platform for data product management practitioners to share insights and experiences. In this episode of Data Product Management in Action, host Alexa Westlake talks with Anita Chen, diving into the complexities of managing data products. Anita, a product manager at PagerDuty, shares her approach to defining data products, prioritizing work, and balancing project work with interrupt-driven tasks. They discuss the critical roles of governance, security, and user enablement while emphasizing the importance of transparency and communication. The conversation also explores the transformative potential of generative AI in data product interactions and the build-vs-buy decision-making process. Gain insights into how data product management uniquely differs from traditional software product management and learn actionable strategies for success. Meet our Host Alexa Westlake: Alexa is a Data Analytics Leader in the Identity and Access Management space with a proven track record scaling high-growth SaaS companies. As a Staff Data Analyst at Okta, she brings a wealth of expertise in enterprise data, business intelligence, and strategic decision-making from the various industries she's worked in including telecommunications, strategy execution, and cloud computing. With a passion for harnessing the power of data for actionable insights, Alexa plays a crucial role in driving Okta's security, growth, and scale, helping the organization leverage data to execute on their market opportunity. Connect with Alexa on LinkedIn. Meet our guest Anita Chen:  Anita is a Data Product Manager at PagerDuty, a digital operations company helping teams resolve issues faster, eliminate alert fatigue, and build more reliable services! Her background is mainly in the People Analytics space which has now expanded to data at scale with our Enterprise Data Team. She currently helps build data products that enable our teams to deliver the best possible customer experience. Anita is most passionate about how data can impact someone's lived experience and endeavor to democratize data in everything she builds. Connect with Anita on LinkedIn. All views and opinions expressed are those of the individuals and do not necessarily reflect their employers or anyone else.  Join the conversation on LinkedIn.  Apply to be a guest or nominate someone that you know.  Do you love what you're listening to? Please rate and review the podcast, and share it with fellow practitioners you know. Your support helps us reach more listeners and continue providing valuable insights! 

HR Leaders
How AI is Closing Skill Gaps in the Workplace

HR Leaders

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 28, 2025 44:38

In today's episode of the HR Leaders Podcast, we sit down with Andrea Illes, Global Head of People at Nokia, to discuss how HR leaders are navigating transformation, driving innovation, and balancing empathy with accountability in the workplace.Andrea shares how Nokia's My Growth Portal is empowering employees to take control of their careers, how AI and technology are reshaping HR, and why fostering resilience and authenticity is key for leadership success in today's rapidly changing landscape.

Vantage Influencers Podcast
AI, Data, and the Future of Workplace Innovation.

Vantage Influencers Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 24, 2025 44:00

In this podcast episode, Dr. Serena H. Huang, founder of 'Data with Serena,' delves into the transformative role of AI and data in today's corporate world. Drawing from her experience as Head of People Analytics at PayPal, she highlights the growing importance of AI-driven decision-making, employee engagement, and data storytelling. Dr. Huang shares her journey from corporate leadership to launching her own business, emphasizing the power of education and training to empower organizations and individuals in leveraging AI for greater impact and innovation.

HR Leaders
How AI is Changing Learning and Development in 2025

HR Leaders

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 23, 2025 40:21

In today's episode of the HR Leaders Podcast, we're joined by Anindyo Naskar, Head of Learning and Leadership Development at Landmark Group, to explore how AI is transforming learning and development.Anindyo discusses how AI is reshaping training, why mindset shifts are critical for adoption, and how to balance automation with human intelligence. He also shares why co-creating solutions with partners is key to building future-ready organizations.

Digital HR Leaders with David Green
How Will AI Shape the Future of People Analytics? (An Interview with Prasad Setty)

Digital HR Leaders with David Green

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 21, 2025 53:34

In this episode of the Digital HR Leaders podcast, David Green is joined by people analytics visionary Prasad Setty to explore the proven frameworks that drive impact to the transformative potential of people analytics in HR. Drawing on his extensive experience, Prasad shares actionable frameworks and strategies to help HR leaders turn insights into outcomes, tackle adoption challenges and embrace AI's game-changing opportunities. Join the conversation as they explore: The key ingredients that helped Google's people analytics team achieve unparalleled impact, including unique organisational structures and actionable insights The 4E Model—Effectiveness, Efficiency, Experience, and Equity—and its practical application in people analytics The ‘Arc of Value Creation' framework and how it bridges insight, action, and outcomes Strategies to close the adoption gap and embed people analytics into decision-making How AI and GenAI are reshaping people analytics and HR strategies The skills modern people analytics teams need to thrive in today's AI-driven world Whether you're looking to optimise your people analytics function or curious about the transformative power of AI in HR, this episode, sponsored by TalentNeuron, is packed with actionable insights and thought-provoking perspectives. TalentNeuron is the future of workforce transformation. From strategic workforce planning to skill gap analysis, TalentNeuron combines external talent intelligence and internal data into one seamless platform. Why not join global enterprises already leveraging actionable insights to boost organisational performance and readiness and visit talentneuron.com today. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

HR Leaders
How to Balance Employee Well-Being and Performance

HR Leaders

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 21, 2025 38:42

In today's episode of the HR Leaders Podcast, we sit down with Laila Gillies, Head of HR at Hiscox USA, to explore her incredible journey in HR leadership and the evolving role of HR in shaping modern organizations.Laila shares insights on upskilling employees for the future, fostering a values-driven leadership culture, and the art of balancing accountability with empathy. She also discusses the importance of embracing innovation, empowering employees, and the role of HR in influencing lives at work.

HR Leaders
How AI is Transforming HR

HR Leaders

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 16, 2025 46:28

In today's episode of the HR Leaders Podcast, we welcome Kristy Sundjaja, Chief People Officer at Taboola. Kristy S. shares her unique journey from engineering to HR leadership, highlighting how her technical background shapes her approach to transforming HR practices.She dives into the evolving role of AI in HR, the importance of scaling people operations, and how HR leaders can lead the way in adopting innovative technologies. Kristy also reflects on the significance of embracing vulnerability as a leader and balancing personal growth with professional ambitions.

Comunicazione Italiana

Comunicazione Italiana

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 16, 2025 49:49

FORUM RISORSE UMANE 2024 | Phygital Talk in collaborazione Welliba| Wellbeing & People Analytics |"PEOPLE ANALYTICS PER SOSTENERE IL BENESSERE DI PERSONE E AZIENDA".

HR Leaders
How to Step Outside Your Comfort Zone as a Leader

HR Leaders

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 14, 2025 47:13

In today's episode of the HR Leaders Podcast, we welcome Andy Molinsky, Professor of Organizational Behavior and International Management at Brandeis University. Andy dives into the art of breaking through comfort zones, sharing how to build resilience and foster cross-cultural relationships that lead to real impact.He reveals practical strategies to overcome psychological roadblocks, embrace a global mindset, and thrive in challenging environments. Andy also highlights how personalization and repetition can turn discomfort into lasting success.

KERNTALK - Senf statt Sänfte
Episode 146: HR am Limit

KERNTALK - Senf statt Sänfte

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 14, 2025 34:01

In dieser Folge von Senf statt Sänfte werfen Jonas und Andreas einen Blick auf die Herausforderungen, mit denen HR-Abteilungen täglich konfrontiert sind: Überlastung, Ressourcenknappheit und der Druck, Veränderungsprozesse zu steuern. Doch wie kann Human Resources den Wandel vom reaktiven Krisenmanager zum Treiber nachhaltiger Entwicklungen schaffen? Die frechen Jungs diskutieren, warum klassische Ansätze oft scheitern und wie datenbasierte Lösungen den Kulturwandel erfolgreich unterstützen können.

HR Leaders
How to Lead with Purpose and Vulnerability

HR Leaders

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 9, 2025 40:46

In today's episode of the HR Leaders Podcast, we welcome Aurora Martinez Ramos, Chief Learning Officer at Keralty. Aurora shares her journey of leading with purpose in the healthcare industry, highlighting how aligning personal purpose with organizational goals fosters resilience and innovation.She dives into the importance of education and upskilling to address global healthcare challenges and the transformative role of AI in improving patient care and operations. Aurora also discusses how diverse leadership can inspire meaningful change and create lasting impact in complex industries like healthcare.

All Things Work
People Analytics: How Better Workplaces Start with Data

All Things Work

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 7, 2025 26:56

People analytics expert Brian Fitzpatrick explores how data is revolutionizing inclusion and diversity (I&D) in the workplace. The conversation covers how to leverage data to uncover disparities, address unconscious biases, and guide equitable decision-making. Fitzpatrick also emphasizes HR's critical role in using analytics to strengthen recruitment, retention, and succession strategies while advocating for patience and driving measurable and meaningful workplace transformation.Each week, All Things Work takes a deep dive into the latest workplace topics. Get the latest episode, along with additional resources and expert insights delivered straight to your inbox each week, by signing up for the All Things Work newsletter: shrm.org/AllThingsWorkRate/review All Things Work on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

HR Leaders
How to Balance AI and Human Skills at Work

HR Leaders

Play Episode Listen Later Jan 7, 2025 41:12

In today's episode of the HR Leaders Podcast, we welcome Alex Bailey, CEO and Cofounder of Bailey & French . Alex dives into the critical importance of human-centric leadership in the age of AI. She shares insights on keeping the “human switch” turned on, balancing technology with essential people skills, and fostering psychological safety to unlock innovation. Alex also discusses how purpose and authenticity are key drivers in creating meaningful, impactful workplace cultures.

HR Leaders
Everything You Need to Know About Remote Teams in 2025

HR Leaders

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 19, 2024 49:12

In today's episode of the HR Leaders Podcast, we welcome Casey Bailey, Head of People at Deel. Casey shares how Deel's fully distributed team across 110+ countries thrives on trust, autonomy, and clarity.She dives into the importance of intentional hiring, hyper-localized compensation, and building a strong company culture in a fully remote environment. Casey also explains how HR leaders can balance global complexity with empathy, empowering teams to work asynchronously while maintaining engagement and high performance.

Your AI Injection
Artificial Intelligence Trends Shaping 2025 and Beyond | Your AI Injection

Your AI Injection

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 19, 2024 19:26 Transcription Available

What will AI bring us in 2025 and beyond? In this special compilation episode, we explore whether AI will be an ally or adversary in the coming years. See what our experts have to say about their vision for AI over the next 5 to 10 years—how it can solve critical challenges, enhance human potential, and reshape industries, while also grappling with its risks and limitations.Featured Guests:Brent Beck – CTO of Littera EducationAdam Binnie – Chief Innovation Officer at VisierSarah Nagy – CEO of Seek.aiAvi Yashchin – Founder & CEO of Subconscious.aiPaul Lewis – CTO of PythianGary Calnan – Co-founder of CisLunar IndustriesAustin Vance – CEO of FocusedArtem Semjanow – CEO & Co-founder of NeatsyOded Cohen – VP of Engineering at Viz.aiDr. Chris Cosma – Ecologist and Pollination Biologist at the Conservation Biology InstituteCheck out some more of our related podcast episodes:Expert Tips for AI Implementation and Data Strategy with Paul LewisSpeak Directly to Your Data, No Coding Required with Sarah NagyTransforming Workforce Management with AI and People Analytics with Adam Binnie

Your AI Injection
Why Generative AI Could Make Programming Languages Obsolete with Austin Vance of Focused | Your AI Injection

Your AI Injection

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 17, 2024 51:58 Transcription Available

Is coding still worth learning? In this episode of Your AI Injection, Deep Dhillon sits down with Austin Vance, CEO of Focused Labs, to explore the radical future of software development. Austin explains why AI might soon bypass programming languages like Python, generating bytecode or AI-native logic directly. The two discuss how developers today are pairing with AI copilots to navigate legacy systems, optimize frameworks, and build faster -- but what happens when AI handles everything except the requirements? Will human developers move from writing code to directing machines? Tune in to find out if programming languages are on the brink of obsolescence. Learn more about Austin here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/austinbv/and Focused here: https://www.linkedin.com/company/build-with-focused/Check out some more of our related podcast episodes:Expert Tips for AI Implementation and Data Strategy with Paul LewisSpeak Directly to Your Data, No Coding Required with Sarah NagyTransforming Workforce Management with AI and People Analytics with Adam Binnie

HR Leaders
Why CHROs Are Retiring Faster Than Ever

HR Leaders

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 28, 2024 65:46

In today's episode of the HR Leaders Podcast, we welcome Steve Degnan, Advisor, Board Member, and Former CHRO of Nestlé Purina PetCare. Steve shares his unfiltered perspective on HR leadership, discussing the importance of resilience, embracing discomfort for growth, and transforming HR into a strategic powerhouse. He provides insights into balancing strategic business priorities with employee well-being and navigating challenges like hybrid work and tough organizational decisions. Steve also emphasizes the critical role of humor and grit in thriving as an HR leader.

HR Data Labs podcast
Noelle London - HR Tech 2024 - How AI is Shaping the Future of People Analytics

HR Data Labs podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 26, 2024 31:08 Transcription Available

Send us a textNoelle London, Founder and CEO of Illoominus, joins us in this episode to discuss the strides people analytics has made over the years, how the intersection of compensation and people analytics gives leaders another tool to better steer their organizations, and what organizations can expect of AI once the hype subsides. This conversation took place at the HR Tech 2024 conference in Las Vegas. [0:00] IntroductionWelcome, Noelle!Today's Topic: How AI is Shaping the Future of People Analytics[4:52] How are organizations using people analytics?How various HR tech vendors are tackling data management challengesPeople analytics is now accessible to organizations of all sizes, not just large enterprises[9:44] How do compensation and people analytics intersect?How leaders can use compensation data to manage rapid changes in organizationsThe importance of making people analytics and data science accessible to leaders[20:35] Beyond the hype cycles, how will AI change HR?How organizations are preparing for AI adoption while protecting data integrityKey conversations organizations should be having about AI's role in HR[29:40] ClosingThanks for listening!Quick Quote“HR is not administrative. Organizations that look at HR as administrative are not truly seeing . . . that investing in your people is investing in your business.”Resource:IlloominusContact:Noelle's LinkedInDavid's LinkedInDwight's LinkedInPodcast Manager: Karissa HarrisEmail us!Production by Affogato Media

The Blind Ambition with Jack Kelly
Phil Willburn, VP of People Analytics, Workday: ‘Crush Your Job And Build Connections'

The Blind Ambition with Jack Kelly

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 25, 2024 27:06

Phil Willburn leads the People Analytics division at Workday, a platform serving human resources and finance needs with over 70 million users and handling 800 billion transactions annually. The current job market for white-collar workers is highly competitive, with job applications being submitted at a rate four times higher than the number of job openings. This disparity highlights the challenges faced by job seekers, who also perceive limited opportunities for advancement within their current organizations.For those feeling stagnant in their careers, Phil emphasizes the importance of “crushing your job” and making efforts to be noticed. Despite the competitive environment, there are still opportunities for growth as companies set higher standards for hiring. Phil underscores the distinction between human capital and social capital, advocating for a focus on both to enhance networking and build a professional reputation. He notes that professional connections are a key factor in securing new positions, as referrals have become increasingly influential in the hiring process.

HR Leaders
How Taking Career Risks Can Lead to Success

HR Leaders

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 20, 2024 35:43

In today's episode of the HR Leaders Podcast, we welcome Richard Letzelter, CHRO at Acino. Richard dives into the critical role of cultural adaptability and authentic leadership in shaping high-performing teams. He shares practical insights on balancing global business demands with people-centric strategies, fostering resilience in fast-changing environments, and taking deliberate career risks to unlock growth. Richard also discusses how leaders can cultivate self-awareness to harness their innate talents and drive meaningful impact.

HR Leaders
How to Build Trust and Connection in Remote Teams

HR Leaders

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 19, 2024 39:59

In today's episode of the HR Leaders Podcast, we welcome Josh Levine, author of Great Mondays and culture consultant. Josh shares his journey from brand strategy to company culture, revealing why culture isn't about perks but about purpose and connection. He discusses the challenges of building a strong culture in a remote world, the critical role of rituals in fostering trust, and why “on-site is the new off-site.” Josh also provides actionable strategies for leaders to make remote work engaging and collaborative.

HR Leaders
How to Balance High Performance and Employee Well-Being

HR Leaders

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 14, 2024 33:21

In today's episode of the HR Leaders Podcast, we welcome Victoria Klug, HR Director Eastern Europe at Beiersdorf.Victoria discusses her experience transitioning from industrial technology to the FMCG industry and the exciting transformation Beiersdorf is undergoing.She shares insights on balancing performance and care, developing a culture of empathy and courage, and leading impactful sustainability initiatives. Victoria also explains how Beiersdorf's “Win with Care” strategy shapes their people and business roadmap, emphasizing the importance of sustainable, people-centered leadership.

HR Leaders
How HR Leaders Can Avoid Burnout

HR Leaders

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 12, 2024 53:38

In today's episode of the HR Leaders Podcast, we welcome Rachel Druckenmiller, keynote speaker, facilitator, and CEO of Unmuted.Rachel shares her personal journey from burnout to living a life of purpose and passion. She dives into the transformative power of unmuting yourself, embracing vulnerability, and setting boundaries to live authentically and with greater impact.Rachel also reveals how overcoming self-doubt and finding your voice can lead to more meaningful work and relationships, and she shares the lessons she learned from her own experiences and coaching others.

HR Leaders
How to Build a Growth Mindset for Career Success

HR Leaders

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 7, 2024 51:36

In today's episode of the HR Leaders Podcast, we welcome Guy Kawasaki, renowned author, speaker, and host of the Remarkable People podcast. Guy shares insights from his latest book, Think Remarkable: Nine Paths to Transform Your Life and Make a Difference, and dives into the lessons he's learned from interviewing some of the world's most extraordinary minds.Guy emphasizes the importance of embracing a growth mindset, taking risks, and learning from failure. He also discusses the power of planting many seeds in life and work, as well as the balance between doing remarkable things and being known for them.

HR Data Labs podcast
Danielle Bushen - HR Tech 2024 - Navigating Pay Transparency with People Analytics

HR Data Labs podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 7, 2024 43:53 Transcription Available

Send us a textDanielle Bushen, Global Head of People Analytics Data Governance and Stewardship at Sanofi, joins us to explore how people analytics intersects with compensation. She shares insights on modernizing compensation through data-driven practices, the importance of pay transparency, and the role of well-designed HR processes in the successful integration of AI.This conversation took place at the HR Tech 2024 conference in Las Vegas. [0:00] IntroductionWelcome, Danielle!Today's Topic: Navigating Pay Transparency with People Analytics[3:08] When and how do people analytics and compensation intersect? How people analytics and technology can drive compensation modernizationEducation as the key to achieving pay transparency[15:45] How should organizations approach pay transparency compliance?Cultural shifts in discussing pay transparencyThe role of data governance in ensuring pay transparency[33:47] How can organizations intentionally integrate AI into their HR systems?How good process design supports AI implementationKey considerations for maintaining new HR technologies[42:40] ClosingThanks for listening!Quick Quote“I think the world of pay transparency is moving in exactly the same direction that data privacy went.”Contact:Danielle's LinkedInDavid's LinkedInDwight's LinkedInPodcast Manager: Karissa HarrisEmail us!Production by Affogato Media

Workplace Stories by RedThread Research
People Analytics & AI's Real-World Impact at FedEx with Cole Napper

Workplace Stories by RedThread Research

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 6, 2024 49:36

Cole Napper, FedEx's Global Head of People Analytics, joined us to explore the real versus ideal roles of AI in HR and people analytics, focusing on practical application and real-world impact. Cole highlighted AI's current limitations, especially the problem of “anti-productive work,” where technology demands extra effort rather than reducing it. His perspective emphasizes the need for critical thinking in analytics to ensure AI truly serves organizational goals.Cole also talked about the structural improvements required to enhance data quality and discussed how people analytics teams need to evolve for AI to make a meaningful difference. His pragmatic vision challenges the hype surrounding AI and reframes it as a tool to support strategic decision-making rather than an all-encompassing solution.You will want to hear this episode if you are interested in...Introducing our conversation with Cole Napper of FedEx [00:22] Why AI should focus on productive work [02:10] How specialized agents could reshape HR technology and analytics workflows [03:10] Whether we are expecting too much from AI too soon in people analytics [07:00] The disconnect between vendors' AI promises and actual user experience [08:20] Whether AI is driving value within organizations or merely adding costs [14:00] Why critical thinking is a core skill for leveraging AI in people analytics [17:10] The "Inquisitor and Change Agent" model and how it improves analytics impact [21:10] How AI can evolve from repetitive data tasks to strategic roles [22:00] Whether modular tools and specialized AI agents could be the future [41:30] Resources & People MentionedDirectionally Correct podcast by Cole Napper and Scott Hines"The Alchemist" by Paulo CoelhoNvidiaConnect with Cole NapperCole Napper on LinkedInConnect With Red Thread ResearchWebsite: Red Thread ResearchOn LinkedInOn FacebookOn TwitterSubscribe to WORKPLACE STORIES

Department 12: An I-O Psychology Podcast
Stephanie Murphy on the Society for People Analytics

Department 12: An I-O Psychology Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 6, 2024 14:09 Transcription Available

In this episode, host Ben Butina speaks with Stephanie Murphy, Ph.D., about her journey into people analytics and the rapid growth of her new organization, the Society for People Analytics. Stephanie shares how a simple meet-up with colleagues evolved into an international movement uniting people analytics professionals across diverse backgrounds, from HR and I-O psychology to finance and data science. With over 5,000 members and a strong focus on community, education, and professional development, the Society aims to support and shape the future of people analytics. Tune in to hear about the organization's mission, its vendor-neutral approach, and the resources available to anyone interested in joining or learning more about this dynamic field.

HR Leaders
Strategies for Building a People-First Culture in HR

HR Leaders

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 5, 2024 54:56

In today's episode of the HR Leaders Podcast, we welcome Amy Bouque, Chief People Officer at Kelly Services. Amy shares her journey from her early HR roles to her first Chief People Officer position.She dives into the evolving nature of HR, the importance of vulnerability in leadership, and her belief that HR should move beyond transactional tasks to focus on truly impactful, people-centered strategies. Amy discusses the challenges of supporting a large, diverse workforce, especially during transformative times in the company.

HR Leaders
How to Build a People-First Culture in Remote Teams

HR Leaders

Play Episode Listen Later Oct 31, 2024 33:12

In today's episode of the HR Leaders Podcast, we welcome Katya Laviolette, Chief People Officer at 1Password.Katya shares insights into scaling a remote-first, high-growth company while preserving a unique, people-centered culture. She discusses the role of resilience, intentional onboarding practices, and the importance of transparency in hiring for a fully remote company.

The POZCAST: Career & Life Journeys with Adam Posner
Matt O'Connor: Building a Winning HR Tech Sales Team

The POZCAST: Career & Life Journeys with Adam Posner

Play Episode Listen Later Oct 30, 2024 20:20

00:00 Introduction and Background02:52 Sales Philosophy and Customer Understanding06:06 AI in Sales and Analytics08:55 Hiring and Onboarding Sales Talent12:13 Retention Strategies in Sales15:04 Defining Success in Sales and Leadership18:05 Closing Thoughts and Personal Insights

The POZCAST: Career & Life Journeys with Adam Posner
Lydia Wu: Real Talk: Navigating the Future of HR Tech

The POZCAST: Career & Life Journeys with Adam Posner

Play Episode Listen Later Oct 29, 2024 21:51

In this engaging conversation, Adam Posner speaks with Lydia Wu about the evolving landscape of HR technology, the challenges HR professionals face, and the importance of strategic partnerships within organizations. They discuss the impact of remote work, the role of data analytics and AI, and the critical need for enhancing candidate experience in recruitment. Lydia shares insights on the necessity of prioritizing hiring processes and the future trends in HR tech, emphasizing the balance between business needs and employee well-being. From consulting with big names like Accenture and Deloitte to driving innovation at Panasonic, Lydia Wu brings a treasure trove of knowledge in HR Technology and People Analytics. At the helm of AI product development and a thought leader on the future of work, Lydia is your real-talk bff on all things HR Tech. Don't miss her insights and engaging stories in her popular channel: Oops, Did I Think That Out Loud? Follow Lydia on LinkedIn Here: https://www.linkedin.com/mynetwork/discovery-see-all/?usecase=PEOPLE_FOLLOWS&followMember=lydiaywu Follow DataDriven for practical analytics tips and insights here: https://hireroad.com/datadriven We thank HireRoad for supporting these episodes of #thePOZcast at HR Tech 2024, Las Vegas! HireRoad is a leading global HR solutions provider spanning recruitment, onboarding, learning, and analytics software. Driven by PeopleInsight by HireRoad, our best-in-class people analytics solution, we unify disparate HR datasets to provide businesses with actionable insights within a record five days. Our mission is to help our customers maximize the impact of their HR technology through a deeper understanding and optimization of their most significant investment– their people. HireRoad empowers HR teams through data-driven insights, customized support from our team of experts, and a transparent, cost-effective approach to meet companies where they are at in their people data journey. For more, please visit hireroad.com/poz. Thanks for listening. Please follow us on Instagram @NHPTalent and X @AdamJPosner. For more, please visit www.thePOZcast.com. Takeaways - HR is evolving from a policing role to a strategic partner. - The pandemic highlighted the importance of HR in business. - Many HR professionals are struggling with ROI on their initiatives. - Data architecture in HR is often poorly structured. - AI is being overhyped and misused in the industry. - Candidate experience is lagging behind consumer expectations. - Hiring processes need to be prioritized by leadership. - HR professionals often lack a strong data background. - The future of HR tech will require a balance between technology and human touch.

HR Leaders
How to Builds Strong Teams with Career Conversations

HR Leaders

Play Episode Listen Later Oct 29, 2024 42:56

In today's episode of the HR Leaders Podcast, we welcome Vanessa Iloste, VP of HR for Asia at SEPHORA. Vanessa shares her unique career journey, spanning continents and industries, and the transformative power of career conversations within organizations.She delves into the importance of career conversations in employee retention and growth, emphasizing that HR's role extends beyond transactional interactions to fostering meaningful, experiential relationships.

HR Leaders
Why Storytelling is the Most Powerful Leadership Skill

HR Leaders

Play Episode Listen Later Oct 25, 2024 44:28

In today's episode of the HR Leaders Podcast, we welcome Pat Wadors, CHRO at Intuitive. Pat shares insights from her new book Unlock Your Leadership Story, where she explores using fables and folk tales to unlock leadership potential and motivate teams.She discusses the power of storytelling in driving connection, belonging, and engagement within organizations.

The POZCAST: Career & Life Journeys with Adam Posner
Navigating Leadership with John Federman, CEO @ HireRoad

The POZCAST: Career & Life Journeys with Adam Posner

Play Episode Listen Later Oct 22, 2024 22:46

Chapters 00:00 Introduction to John Federman and Higher Road01:25 Career Journey and Early Experiences04:30 Leadership Philosophy and Culture Creation08:56 Building a Cohesive Leadership Team10:51 Differentiating Higher Road in the Market13:33 Human-Centered People Analytics15:55 Utilizing AI for Internal Insights17:48 Lessons Learned from AI Implementation20:32 Impact of COVID-19 on Workplace Dynamics21:52 Challenges of Balancing Focus and Opportunity23:02 Defining Success 

HR Leaders
Why AI Should Be the No.1 Topic for CHROs in 2025

HR Leaders

Play Episode Listen Later Oct 17, 2024 42:50

In today's episode of the HR Leaders Podcast, we welcome Parker Mitchell, CEO of Valence. Parker shares his insights on how generative AI is transforming the workforce and HR functions, discussing how companies can leverage AI to systematize management, enhance team dynamics, and improve leadership development at scale.He also explores the future of AI-powered tools in HR, including the rise of AI coaching and its potential to reshape management.

Your AI Injection
Speak Directly to Your Data, No Coding Required with Sarah Nagy

Your AI Injection

Play Episode Listen Later Oct 17, 2024 44:57 Transcription Available

What if anyone in your company, regardless of technical prowess, could simply talk to their data? In this episode, host Deep Dhillon is joined by Sarah Nagy, CEO of Seek.ai, to explore the revolutionary shift in how businesses interact with their most valuable resource—data. Nagy discusses how AI, powered by natural language processing, is transforming data access by allowing non-technical users to ask complex questions and get instant, insightful answers. As businesses race to embrace this technology, the conversation raises critical questions about the future of AI and its role in shaping decision-making across industries.Learn more about Sarah here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sarah-nagy/and Seek AI here: https://www.linkedin.com/company/seekai/Check out some of our related podcast episodes:Expert Tips for AI Implementation and Data Strategy with Paul LewisTransforming Workforce Management with AI and People Analytics with Adam BinnieEmbracing AI in Business: Navigating Misconceptions and Implementation Hurdles with Elise Oras

HR Leaders
How to Transform HR into a Strategic Partner

HR Leaders

Play Episode Listen Later Oct 15, 2024 48:22

In today's episode of the HR Leaders Podcast, we welcome Nicole Peace, Chief People Officer at AIS, a leading IT consulting firm. Nicole shares her inspiring journey from the world of art to HR leadership, emphasizing the importance of business acumen, strategic HR, and modernizing processes for rapid growth in an established company.