Spiritual or religious beliefs and practices that developed in Western nations during the 1970s
Death by Boomer with Jeff Styles - every Wednesday! New Age of Information-Disinformation Let's face it - the boomers are the 2nd greatest generation to ever walk planet earth! From our music to our toys (we survived lawn darts) - we made the world better! Yes, better even for you gen x'ers - gen y's and millennials - we're just better!! AND....worse - we also used up all the resources - became a little spoiled and maybe we have clung to power a little too long. Misunderstood - that is what we are! These short episodes will hopefully bridge the gap with the x'ers, y'ers (if that's even a word) and millennials - Death by Boomer with Jeff Styles on DTB - powered by WWW.MEDICAREMISTY.COM This podcast is hosted by ZenCast.fm Please consider leaving us a review on Apple and giving us a share to your friends! This podcast is powered by ZenCast.fm
白兵電台Discrod Group: / discord 節目:感情問題一律建議…傾天光!之 觀塘福利會 主持:啊光、高人、白兵、Rose Ma、司徒夾帶 嘉賓:霍哥 https://www.instagram.com/jeffreyfok_... -------------------------------- Follow白兵電台唔同既主持人! Newage: New Age姐姐facebook:@NewAge姐姐 / newage%e5%a7%90%e5%a7%90-103586127943495 足球: 啊鷹Facebook: / soccerying 啊鷹Instagram: / soccerying 寶藥黨: 啊寶Instagram:https / bomedicinegang 傾天光+幣加火: 啊光Instagram:: / cryptokafire 歡迎來到白兵電台 哩度係最自由最多嘢聽嘅廣東話Podcast 我地有將檔案放喺其他Podcast網路平台,歡迎大家訂閱 白兵嘅Podcast: Spotify:https://reurl.cc/WLdqyO 安卓: shorturl.at/vJNQR Apple:https://rb.gy/qmibsl 也可以到其他網絡平台追蹤我地啊: 白兵Youtube(主):Stormtrooper白兵 白兵網頁:https://www.ytstormtrooper.com 白兵Patreon: / whitesoldierr 白兵Facebook: / whitesoldierr 白兵Instagram: / whitesoldierr 白兵Payme:https://upload.cc/i1/2020/09/03/8Nzvm... 白兵Youtube(主):Stormtrooper白兵 白兵Youtube(電台):白兵電台 Follow白兵電台唔同既主持人! 足球: 啊鷹Facebook: / soccerying 啊鷹Instagram: / soccerying
節目:幣加NFT 主持:幣加火A.k.a.啊光、啊鷹、白兵 啊鷹Instagram: / talkyukying 啊光Instagram:: / cryptokafire youtube: / @cryptokafire 新手1.0現場版 日期: 4月27日星期6晚上8-10點 地點: 觀塘 費用: $1200HKD 主題: 科普買賣加密貨幣有用既app/網站/資訊 如何入錢拎錢轉錢,web3入門 有意報名參加的話,請DM我IG, payme付款 之後就會俾地址大家,仲會有神秘禮品tim! 多謝大家支持 ======================================= 新手1.0既online版 費用: $1000HKD 主題: 科普買賣加密貨幣有用既app/網站/資訊 如何入錢拎錢轉錢,web3入門 有意報名參加的話,請DM我IG, payme俾錢後會俾link大家睇 有限期48小時 多謝大家支持 有意報名的話,請DM我IG / cryptokafire 新手班 1.0 online版 費用:$1000HKD 主題: 科普買賣加密貨幣有用既app/網站/資訊,如何入錢拎錢轉錢,web3入門 有意報名參加的話,請DM我IG, payme俾錢後會俾link大家睇, 有限期48小時 多謝大家支持 Ps. 付費後cap返圖俾我就得了 手快有手慢等下次 有意報名的話,請DM我IG / whitesoldier.admin ----------------------------------- Bitcoin/NFT 愛好者Discord: / discord 幣加火心心仔最新推出一對一課程 私人教授加密貨幣入門知識, 手把手教學 學習如何於加密圈中自立生存 課程方式網上或面對面皆可, 時間由你掌握 有興趣就IG dm報名喇 IG: @cryptokafire 多謝大家支持 ----------------------------------- Follow白兵電台唔同既主持人! 聽梅止痕去旅行: Comma A.k.a. 啊梅 Instagram: @______commma / ______commma Newage: New Age姐姐facebook:@NewAge姐姐 / newage%e5%a7%90%e5%a7%90-103586127943495 足球: 啊鷹Facebook: / soccerying 啊鷹Instagram: / soccerying 寶藥黨: 啊寶Instagram:https / bomedicinegang 傾天光+幣加火: 啊光Instagram:: / cryptokafire 歡迎來到白兵電台 哩度係最自由最多嘢聽嘅廣東話Podcast 我地有將檔案放喺其他Podcast網路平台,歡迎大家訂閱 白兵嘅Podcast: Spotify:https://reurl.cc/WLdqyO 安卓: shorturl.at/vJNQR Apple:https://rb.gy/qmibsl 也可以到其他網絡平台追蹤我地啊: 白兵Youtube(主):Stormtrooper白兵 白兵網頁:https://www.ytstormtrooper.com 白兵Patreon: / whitesoldierr 白兵Facebook: / whitesoldierr 白兵Instagram: / whitesoldierr 白兵Payme:https://upload.cc/i1/2020/09/03/8Nzvm... 白兵Youtube(主):Stormtrooper白兵 白兵Youtube(電台):白兵電台
We're back with PART TWO of this fire episode! Joe and Behizy continue their conversation, focusing on exposing Dominion, discussing the Tina Peters trial, and more. They also touch on some of Trump's recent statements and share their predictions for the coming month. After Behizy's segment, Joe shifts his attention to the recent escalations by the Biden Administration against Russia, the pardoning of Hunter Biden, and more!
In this episode of The Luminary Woman, I sit down with my friend Rebecca LeMoine as she shares her powerful journey from being an Atheist to drinking Ayahuasca 9 times, to then being led to finding her Identity in Jesus Christ and so much goodness in between! Rebecca opens up about how her life's path led her down a slippery slope of healing through new age practices to then getting very clear guidance that Jesus Christ is her salvation. Since then she has been serving God in a multitude of ways as she continues to deepen her relationship with Him and like many of us, has found everlasting Peace in the end. She is also the host of the Finding Fulfillment Together podcast. As she shares there too, she was radically saved from New Age Spirituality and has dedicated her life to honoring God through sharing her story and sharing the testimonies of others who have found true fulfillment through Jesus Christ. Rebecca also is the creator of the New Age to Jesus community, that I have been blessed to be a part of. This episode is a must-listen for anyone seeking hope, truth, and freedom through the power of the Lord. To listen to this on YouTube, click here: https://youtu.be/HiVnYFOVGQM?si=QuqH8-M1B6Kw6_vm Get in Touch with Rebecca: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@FindingFulfillmentTogether Linktree: https://linktr.ee/findingfulfillmenttogether I would also love to hear your testimony. So, if you feel compelled to share your own testimony, I welcome you to join me in future episodes. You can email me at dana@danacanneto.com Join the Free 21-Day Prayer, Purpose and Provision Experience starting December 15th: https://bit.ly/21DayPPPExperience To listen to my longer testimony on the FInding Fulfillment Together Podcast go here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37ZEUQyXI34 The Luminary Woman Links: Website: https://danacanneto.com/ YouTube: / @danacanneto Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-luminary-woman-podcast IG: https://www.instagram.com/danacanneto/ FB: https://www.facebook.com/groups/luminarywoman/ Other ways to find me: email: dana@danacanneto.com Join our private facebook group at www.facebook.com/groups/luminarywoman
We hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving! Joe is back in the studio today with another incredible show you won't want to miss! To kick things off, Joe is joined by Mike Dillon, the founder and inventor of Air Water Healing. Mike explores why filtering the air you breathe is so vital and how Air Water Healing can benefit you and your family. For more information about Air Water Healing, visit AirWaterHealing.com and use promo code FRANKSPEECH for 20% off! After Mike's segment, Joe welcomes George Behizy to discuss the recent nomination of Kash Patel, the Hunter Biden pardon, ongoing election fraud, and much more! This episode is part one of a two-part series, so be sure to tune in tomorrow for the next installment!
節目:水與金融 主持:渾水、白兵 渾水新patreon: https://patreon.com/muddywaterreading... 健康浸腳包link https://nothing-happened.com/products... 想收聽今集後續精華 可以去水哥Patreon(USD$18): 每日金融Podcast、深度金融文章、外聘國際關係專家文章內容、特選國際刊物 分析、每月閲讀企劃、平民化A I大數據分析和自己人群組互動,盡在Patreon: / muddywaterfinance 或者去小弟Patreon(USD$25): 白兵Patreon: / whitesoldierr 水哥廣告時間 最新最大的優惠!雖然我現在身處日本,但一樣遙距傾成咗一單好刁,讓廣大的讀者可以免費直接睇到《華爾街日報》,填補香港消失咗嘅財經新聞資訊空間,擁抱國際。 這一兩個月來,我不斷強調「數碼遊牧」,現今世代,很多工作已可通過虛擬方式完成。促成今次partnership,又再證明我更習慣這種工作模式了。 《華爾街日報》新聞團隊線人網絡不單止直達紐約倫敦政經權力核心,而且佢嘅中國組新聞線,世界最頂尖,很多中國內部政治獨家料,都係由佢地爆出來。 可能你會擔心,英文報紙有時睇得相對比較慢。唔緊要,透過Fortune Insight訂閱《華爾街日報》,你可以睇埋中文版,其更新速度與英文版同步,零時差,唔使擔心會miss咗任何財金大事。除咗優質政經財金新聞,呢個產品仲有《華爾街日報》最精闢獨到的獨家專欄分析、Podcast聲音專欄,以及線上線下活動的優先參與權。 對《華爾街日報》或 Fortune Insight 這些深度金融知識內容有興趣的讀者,可以留意以下限時優惠,既可獲得投資知識,同時喺華盛証券開戶實戰,一舉兩得! 【渾水 X FORTUNE INSIGHT X 華盛証券限時獎賞】 活動時間: 2022年11月1日 - 2022年11月30日 適用對象:僅限港澳台及海外居民 1️⃣只要各位讀者在華盛証券成功開戶,即送 $550 fortune Insight Prime 一個月專業基金經理新聞及金融分析 2️⃣ 開戶並完成交易一次後,即送華爾街日報一年會藉及7天Fortune Insight Prime計劃 3️⃣港股無限免佣 4️⃣ 美股180日免佣 5️⃣ HK$200新股認購券 6️⃣ 30日免費港股Lv1 + Lv2串流報價 7️⃣ 同埋高達HK$6000轉倉賞! 開戶連結: https://hk.vbkr.com/hd/register/2019/... 需輸入專屬邀請碼【KLKM】 頁面示意圖
白兵電台Discrod Group: / discord 節目:CEO New Age 主持:New Age姐姐、高人、白兵 New Age姐姐facebook:@NewAge姐姐 / newage%e5%a7%90%e5%a7%90-103586127943495 New Age姐姐instagram: / newagejeijei 歡迎來到白兵電台 哩度係最自由最多嘢聽嘅廣東話Podcast Follow白兵電台唔同既主持人! Newage: New Age姐姐facebook:@NewAge姐姐 / newage%e5%a7%90%e5%a7%90-103586127943495 足球: 啊鷹Facebook: / soccerying 啊鷹Instagram: / soccerying 寶藥黨: 啊寶Instagram:https / bomedicinegang 傾天光+幣加火: 啊光Instagram:: / cryptokafire 歡迎來到白兵電台 哩度係最自由最多嘢聽嘅廣東話Podcast 我地有將檔案放喺其他Podcast網路平台,歡迎大家訂閱 白兵嘅Podcast: Spotify:https://reurl.cc/WLdqyO 安卓: shorturl.at/vJNQR Apple:https://rb.gy/qmibsl 也可以到其他網絡平台追蹤我地啊: 白兵Youtube(主):Stormtrooper白兵 白兵網頁:https://www.ytstormtrooper.com 白兵Patreon: / whitesoldierr 白兵Facebook: / whitesoldierr 白兵Instagram: / whitesoldierr 白兵Payme:https://upload.cc/i1/2020/09/03/8Nzvm... 白兵Youtube(主):Stormtrooper白兵 白兵Youtube(電台):白兵電台
白兵電台Discrod Group: / discord 節目:感情問題一律建議…傾天光!之 觀塘福利會 主持:啊光、高人、白兵、Rose Ma、司徒夾帶 嘉賓:程美段 https://www.instagram.com/kiwichingg/... -------------------------------- Follow白兵電台唔同既主持人! Newage: New Age姐姐facebook:@NewAge姐姐 / newage%e5%a7%90%e5%a7%90-103586127943495 足球: 啊鷹Facebook: / soccerying 啊鷹Instagram: / soccerying 寶藥黨: 啊寶Instagram:https / bomedicinegang 傾天光+幣加火: 啊光Instagram:: / cryptokafire 歡迎來到白兵電台 哩度係最自由最多嘢聽嘅廣東話Podcast 我地有將檔案放喺其他Podcast網路平台,歡迎大家訂閱 白兵嘅Podcast: Spotify:https://reurl.cc/WLdqyO 安卓: shorturl.at/vJNQR Apple:https://rb.gy/qmibsl 也可以到其他網絡平台追蹤我地啊: 白兵Youtube(主):Stormtrooper白兵 白兵網頁:https://www.ytstormtrooper.com 白兵Patreon: / whitesoldierr 白兵Facebook: / whitesoldierr 白兵Instagram: / whitesoldierr 白兵Payme:https://upload.cc/i1/2020/09/03/8Nzvm... 白兵Youtube(主):Stormtrooper白兵 白兵Youtube(電台):白兵電台 Follow白兵電台唔同既主持人! 足球: 啊鷹Facebook: / soccerying 啊鷹Instagram: / soccerying
節目:幣加NFT 主持:幣加火A.k.a.啊光、啊鷹、白兵 啊鷹Instagram: / talkyukying 啊光Instagram:: / cryptokafire youtube: / @cryptokafire 新手1.0現場版 日期: 4月27日星期6晚上8-10點 地點: 觀塘 費用: $1200HKD 主題: 科普買賣加密貨幣有用既app/網站/資訊 如何入錢拎錢轉錢,web3入門 有意報名參加的話,請DM我IG, payme付款 之後就會俾地址大家,仲會有神秘禮品tim! 多謝大家支持 ======================================= 新手1.0既online版 費用: $1000HKD 主題: 科普買賣加密貨幣有用既app/網站/資訊 如何入錢拎錢轉錢,web3入門 有意報名參加的話,請DM我IG, payme俾錢後會俾link大家睇 有限期48小時 多謝大家支持 有意報名的話,請DM我IG / cryptokafire 新手班 1.0 online版 費用:$1000HKD 主題: 科普買賣加密貨幣有用既app/網站/資訊,如何入錢拎錢轉錢,web3入門 有意報名參加的話,請DM我IG, payme俾錢後會俾link大家睇, 有限期48小時 多謝大家支持 Ps. 付費後cap返圖俾我就得了 手快有手慢等下次 有意報名的話,請DM我IG / whitesoldier.admin ----------------------------------- Bitcoin/NFT 愛好者Discord: / discord 幣加火心心仔最新推出一對一課程 私人教授加密貨幣入門知識, 手把手教學 學習如何於加密圈中自立生存 課程方式網上或面對面皆可, 時間由你掌握 有興趣就IG dm報名喇 IG: @cryptokafire 多謝大家支持 ----------------------------------- Follow白兵電台唔同既主持人! 聽梅止痕去旅行: Comma A.k.a. 啊梅 Instagram: @______commma / ______commma Newage: New Age姐姐facebook:@NewAge姐姐 / newage%e5%a7%90%e5%a7%90-103586127943495 足球: 啊鷹Facebook: / soccerying 啊鷹Instagram: / soccerying 寶藥黨: 啊寶Instagram:https / bomedicinegang 傾天光+幣加火: 啊光Instagram:: / cryptokafire 歡迎來到白兵電台 哩度係最自由最多嘢聽嘅廣東話Podcast 我地有將檔案放喺其他Podcast網路平台,歡迎大家訂閱 白兵嘅Podcast: Spotify:https://reurl.cc/WLdqyO 安卓: shorturl.at/vJNQR Apple:https://rb.gy/qmibsl 也可以到其他網絡平台追蹤我地啊: 白兵Youtube(主):Stormtrooper白兵 白兵網頁:https://www.ytstormtrooper.com 白兵Patreon: / whitesoldierr 白兵Facebook: / whitesoldierr 白兵Instagram: / whitesoldierr 白兵Payme:https://upload.cc/i1/2020/09/03/8Nzvm... 白兵Youtube(主):Stormtrooper白兵 白兵Youtube(電台):白兵電台
健康浸腳包link https://nothing-happened.com/products... 節目:在Benz上修行 主持:Benz,高人,白兵 痛症班 日期:30/11 時間:15:30 Meditation 班 2.0(進階班) 日期:24/11 時間:17:30-19:30 有意報名的話,請DM我IG https://www.instagram.com/white.soldi... --------------------------------- 歡迎來到白兵電台 哩度係最自由最多嘢聽嘅廣東話Podcast Newage: New Age姐姐facebook:@NewAge姐姐 / newage%e5%a7%90%e5%a7%90-103586127943495 足球: 啊鷹Facebook: / soccerying 啊鷹Instagram: / soccerying 寶藥黨: 啊寶Instagram:https / bomedicinegang 傾天光+幣加火: 啊光Instagram:: / cryptokafire 我地有將檔案放喺其他Podcast網路平台,歡迎大家訂閱 白兵嘅Podcast: Spotify:https://reurl.cc/WLdqyO 安卓: shorturl.at/vJNQR Apple:https://rb.gy/qmibsl 也可以到其他網絡平台追蹤我地啊: 白兵Youtube(主):Stormtrooper白兵 白兵網頁:https://www.ytstormtrooper.com 白兵Patreon: / whitesoldierr 白兵Facebook: / whitesoldierr 白兵Instagram: / whitesoldierr 白兵Payme:https://upload.cc/i1/2020/09/03/8Nzvm... 白兵Youtube(主):Stormtrooper白兵 白兵Youtube(電台):白兵電台 Follow白兵電台唔同既主持人! 足球: 啊鷹Facebook: / soccerying 啊鷹Instagram: / soccerying 寶藥黨: 啊寶Instagram:https / bomedicinegang 傾天光+幣加火: 啊光Instagram:: / cryptokafire
Have you noticed that everything seems to be changing? The weather—the county—time seems to be speeding up. Attention spans seem shorter. Feelings are rampaging for some. On an individual scale some are grieving while others are celebrating. It seems that the one thing that we can count on is change. While that may be cliche, it is true, nevertheless. How then shall we live? The New Age demands that the fear and superstition surrounding religious convictions be removed, and that the Truth, plain, simple, and direct, be presented that people may learn to live now, in the present, with the assurance that the eternal God is their refuge. ~ Ernest Holmes, LSOM, p. 74
The holiday season is here, but are you really taking time off? In this episode of The Long-Distance Worklife, Wayne and Marisa dive into the importance of using your PTO, setting boundaries with work, and creating intentional plans to recharge during the holidays. Learn strategies for resisting the urge to check work emails, protecting your time, and collaborating with your team to ensure everyone gets the break they deserve. Plus, discover why unplugging is vital for your mental health and productivity. Whether you're struggling with holiday guilt, a recovering workaholic, or simply unsure how to navigate PTO as a remote worker, this episode has actionable advice to help you thrive. Key Takeaways 1. Plan Your PTO Today: If you have unused PTO, schedule it now. Use it to rest, recharge, and reflect on your accomplishments. 2. Set Boundaries: Silence notifications, turn off work alerts, and resist the urge to check your inbox during time off. 3. Be Intentional: Create small plans that bring you joy, whether it's reading a book, enjoying coffee dates, or scheduling social activities. 4. Communicate with Your Team: Plan ahead with colleagues to ensure adequate coverage during holiday breaks. Use tools like Slack or email scheduling to respect others' time off. 5. Unplug Guilt-Free: Remember, taking PTO isn't just a perk—it's essential for maintaining work-life balance and long-term productivity. Timestamps 00:00 Introduction 01:00 Why Americans struggle with taking PTO 03:15 The benefits of PTO for work-life balance 05:00 Personal stories of managing time off and holiday stress 08:00 Small joys: Planning activities for your time off 12:00 Tips for disconnecting from work during PTO 14:30 The power of scheduling and protecting boundaries 18:12 Strategies for ensuring adequate team coverage during holidays 22:00 Final thoughts: Why you need to take your PTO now! Related Episodes Managing Holidays on Remote Teams Crucial Conversations: Navigating Communication Boundaries in the New Age of Remote Work Global Office, Family Home: Remote Work Lessons from a Digital Nomad Family with Chris Stroud Additional Resources Learn more about Wayne Turmel Email Wayne Turmel Connect with Wayne Turmel on LinkedIn Learn more about Marisa Eikenberry Email Marisa Eikenberry Connect with Marisa Eikenberry on LinkedIn Purchase a copy of The Long-Distance Leader Purchase a copy of The Long-Distance Teammate Purchase a copy of The Long-Distance Team The Kevin Eikenberry Group Your Hosts Wayne Turmel: Master Trainer and Coach for The Kevin Eikenberry Group, co-author of The Long-Distance Leader: Rules for Remarkable Remote Leadership and The Long-Distance Teammate: Stay Engaged and Connected While Working Anywhere, and trainer of remote teams for over twenty years. Read More... Marisa Eikenberry: Web developer, podcast editor, and technology support specialist for The Kevin Eikenberry Group. Has worked on a hybrid team for over 9 years. Read more... Subscribe to Long-Distance Worklife wherever you listen to podcasts. If you enjoyed this episode, please take a moment to rate the show 5 stars and leave a review! Connect with us: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/longdistanceworklife/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2P22kW5iaX8zU3B0-HVCUA Website: https://longdistanceworklife.com/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@longdistanceworklife Join us for a powerful, 4-part video series titled, Demystifying Remote Leadership. You will learn how to create solid working relationships in a virtual team with more confidence and less stress! Sign up: https://longdistanceworklife.com/video Want us to answer one of your questions? Contact Us!
Flashback! Classic global elite lecture. Today's livestream will be me solo manning the chats and images with a discussion of some basic, but often forgotten aspects of how we've gotten to where we are. It's impossible to understand modernity without understanding the ideological and financial origins of modernity and how powerful social engineering in pop culture and public education truly is. Nation, family, church, state, philosophy, education, and the arts have all been revolutionized. As long as we remain locked in the dialectical trap of modernity, we cannot recover. I will also be taking questions via superchat. There is only one way out.....The second half of this video will be available to JaysAnalysis subscribers for 4.95 a month or $60 a year at the PayPal links at JaysAnalysis.comBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/jay-sanalysis--1423846/support.
Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt Podcast (.xml Format)
--{ "Fighting Evil Here in the World of Matter"}-- Intro: COP29, Climate Change - The con of windmill-generated power. - Nick Heys and the New Age preamble for Part 4 of The Milner-Fabian Conspiracy - Things to Come - Jay Couey and H.G. Wells - Yoga, Letters from Listeners - Alan Watt interview with Alex Ansary/Outside the Box, Aug. 6, 2008 - Aerial Spraying, HAARP - War on Farmers - "2012" Legend - Prophecies - Transhumanist Agenda - Hinduism, "Waves of Time" - Eugenics - Aleister Crowley, Creation of Mysticism and Confusion - Scottish Rite, Freemasonry - New Age Movement, What is the "Grand Delusion"? Gorbachev, New Religion based on Earth Worship - "Higher Consciousness". Corruption of Truth - Illusion and Hallucination. Dogma of Christianity, Churches, Organized Religions - Did the Rockefellers fund the UFO "Threat"? - Wiccanism - Use of Power - Joining a Group vs. Individuality - Forms of Mind Control, Manipulation - Promiscuity, Gender War - "Hurt No One" - Every Action has a Reaction - Fighting Evil Here in the World of Matter - Zbigniew Brzezinski "Between Two Ages" book - Sitchin, "Interpretation" of Sumerian Tablets - Annunaki, Nature Spirits - Total Confusion - Pandemics.
Welcome to Episode 60! My Testimony - From New Age to Jesus Join me as I share my journey from over 10 years as a New Age Practitioner to discovering God and going back to my roots in Christianity. This episode dives into my personal testimony of finding faith in what I believe to be the one true God where I will be highlighting the ups and downs of my New Age journey and how my eyes were opened through the Grace of God and my hope is to shed some light on where you are at on your journey and how you can find salvation in the Lord. If you had told me a few years ago that I'd be here sharing about my faith in Jesus, I would've looked at you sideways. Even though my roots were in Christianity, I never truly new what that meant aside from being baptized Methodist, making my confirmation and the story ends there. In June of 2024 is when I had a Holy Encounter I can never explain in words. This where everything changed and I have never been the same. I was delivered from years of oppression, from health issues and a negative mindset that had a hold on me for years (and never realized). I thought I was serving the true God this entire time and to then find out I was serving the wrong Kingdom. My hope and prayer is that these videos, and podcast episode help you on your journey. The rabbit hole of healing can end here! If you've been following me for a while, you already know I've been using every modality in my practice from sacred dance, energy healing, shamanism, mediumship and more... to then find out, it's all counterfeit and will never get any of us to where we are truly seeking to be. In my personal life, I tried it all from yoga, plant medicine, shamanism, psychic readings, gene keys, human design, astrology, sacred dance. law of attraction, meditation and the list goes on to try to find my way to complete wholeness and I never truly got there. The point here is that we are to rely on the Creator, not the Creation (the Universe or any such name) but the One True God Himself. The beauty is God is always here, he's been by my side the entire time and when I finally surrendered to Him that day out of pure despair and helplessness he saved me. He's there for you too - You have to seek Him out and He will come! I'm beyond grateful for the community that has been around me every step of the way (and you know who you are) - from my Life Group to my NA to Jesus Group, to every one of you who has been cheering me on and even those of you who might not understand but still accept me and my path. Your support and encouragement mean everything. I'd love to hear your thoughts, questions, and experiences, so drop them in the comments below! I would also love to hear your testimony. So, if you feel compelled to share your own testimony, I welcome you to join me in future episodes. You can email me at dana@danacanneto.com Thank you for tuning in and being a witness to this profound chapter of my life! "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!" - 2 Corinthians 5:17 Join the 21-Day Prayer, Purpose and Provision Experience starting December 15th: https://bit.ly/21DayPPPExperience To listen to my longer testimony on the FInding Fulfillment Together Podcast go here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37ZEUQyXI34 The Luminary Woman Links: Website: https://danacanneto.com/ YouTube: / @danacanneto Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-luminary-woman-podcast IG: https://www.instagram.com/danacanneto/ FB: https://www.facebook.com/groups/luminarywoman/ I will be updating this episode soon with other testimonies about to come out on other podcasts. Come back for those. Why this was the hardest time of my life this past year that is finally over to where I can see WHY this all happened and how this has changed my LIFE. And so much more! If you love this episode please share with another woman in your life, rate is a 5 if you LOVE it so more women can find it. Other ways to find me: email: dana@danacanneto.com Join our private facebook group at www.facebook.com/groups/luminarywoman
In this captivating episode of the "Stuck In My Mind Podcast," host Wize El Jefe sits down with the insightful Kelle Sparta, a renowned spiritual coach and metaphysical practitioner, to delve into the transformative "alchemy of self." This episode explores the profound journey of personal enlightenment, which requires overcoming limiting beliefs and outdated narratives to claim one's higher self. Kelle shares her unique experiences as a psychic medium, recounting moments of energetic healing and her encounters with the spiritual realm. She describes how she has supported individuals in dire circumstances, from helping a woman's aura heal after a car accident to communicating with the deceased to provide closure for the living. Her empathic abilities allow her to channel energy and spirits, providing profound insights and emotional release through her practice of sound healing. Throughout the episode, Kelle discusses the challenges of personal evolution and staying grounded during significant identity shifts. She introduces the concept of "foundational deconstruction," emphasizing the importance of not rushing the reconstruction of one's identity to avoid regressing into lower states. Her approach includes using her voice to release stuck emotions and adjusting vibrational frequencies, a healing practice that she shares with those she coaches. Kelle also tackles the sensitive topic of skepticism, sharing how her husband's initial doubts about her metaphysical practices transformed after witnessing the accuracy and positive impact of her work. She underscores the importance of authenticity in relationships, stating that partners do not need to share her beliefs but must respect them. For aspiring metaphysical practitioners, Kelle offers practical advice on turning one's talents into a viable business. She emphasizes the significance of understanding one's core essence and the need for creating clear, relatable business offerings. She stresses the value of proving one's capabilities through free sessions, building confidence, and setting fair pricing for services. Furthermore, she addresses common misconceptions about shamanism, underscoring its diverse practices beyond the popular association with plant medicines like Ayahuasca. In her teachings, Kelle provides guidance for empaths on managing energy fields and protecting their energies while serving others. She presents her free online class, "Boundaries for Empaths," as a resource for learning these skills. Kelle advises empaths to properly hold and shield their energy, shifting from giving away personal energy to channeling universal energy. Additionally, Kelle shares warnings about the misuse of Ayahuasca, illustrating the dangers through personal anecdotes of those who've suffered negative spiritual consequences due to overuse. She stresses the necessity of reverence and moderation when engaging with such substances. Kelle Sparta brings a wealth of knowledge from her lifelong study of metaphysics, having been introduced to these concepts as a child in the New Age movement. She effortlessly integrates various healing techniques into her coaching, tailoring her approach to meet individual needs. Her advice for those undergoing spiritual awakening includes staying present-focused, releasing rage through physical activity, and managing depression with mindful distractions. Throughout the episode, Kelle emphasizes the importance of understanding one's core essence when building a spiritual business and offers consultations to help individuals identify their signature offer. Her insights into creating successful spiritual businesses include promises of transformative outcomes and the strategic use of language to connect with potential clients. Listeners are encouraged to explore Kelle's website, kelle sparta.com, for additional resources, including her free class and spiritual business consultation services. The episode concludes with gratitude from host Wize El Jefe to Kelle Sparta for sharing her wisdom and journey. In this enlightening discussion, Kelle Sparta inspires listeners by blending her personal experiences with actionable insights, guiding others to embrace their spiritual journeys and transformative paths to personal enlightenment.
durée : 01:17:27 - Toute une vie - par : Élisabeth Huppert - Bcharré, Liban, New York, États-Unis, et retour. Entre deux, Boston, Paris, la récupération par le New Age, et les honneurs d'être, post-mortem, cité par David Bowie et John F. Kennedy. "Demandez-vous ce que vous pouvez faire pour votre pays", c'est Khalil Gibran. Mais qui est-il et que pense-t-il ? - réalisation : Jacques Taroni
Send us a textINTRODUCTION:Today we continue our series of episodes to cover why God is not the Universe, the Earth, trees, planets or any other thing except Himself. Playlists: https://music.apple.com/profile/DeVannonSeraphinoWebsite: https://www.SexDrugsAndJesus.comWebsite: https://www.DownUnderApparel.com INCLUDED IN THIS EPISODE (But not limited to):· DO NOT MIX CEREMONIAL MAGIC.· The Universe Is A Physical Thing And Therefore Not A Spiritual Thing.· Polytheistic Overexertion. · Who Are You Praying To/Manifesting From Exactly?· Those Who Wish To Kill God Will Not.· Prayer Is Different From Manifesting/Prayer.· Prescribed Prayers Are Not Authentic.· The Universe Changes But God Does Not – He Doesn't Need To.· Things Within The Universe Die – God Is Eternal.· The Way Manifestation Works At Its Core.· New Age/Over Used TermsCONNECT WITH DE'VANNON SERÁPHINO:TikTok: https://shorturl.at/nqyJ4YouTube: https://bit.ly/3daTqCMFacebook: https://shorturl.at/gqrAVInstagram: https://shorturl.at/gwAP1X: https://shorturl.at/oyLZ4LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/devannonPinterest: https://shorturl.at/bqB26Email: DeVannon@SDJPodcast.comDonate Via PayPal: https://shorturl.at/gq068CashApp: $DeVannonSeraphinoVenmo: @DeVannon Patreon: https://patreon.com/SDJPodcastINTERESTED IN PODCASTING OR BEING A GUEST?: · PodMatch is awesome! This application streamlines the process of finding guests for your show and also helps you find shows to be a guest on. The PodMatch Community is a part of this and that is where you can ask questions and get help from an entire network of people so that you save both money and time on your podcasting journey.https://podmatch.com/signup/devannonSupport the showThanks for listening! Please donate at SexDrugsAndJesus.com and follow us on TikTok, IG etc.
We were very fortunate to have New Age Thief on the podcast to talk about their new album, "Stars Align". Enjoy! New Age Thief Socials: Twitter: https://x.com/newagethief Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/newagethiefband/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/people/New-Age-Thief/61555785096334/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@newagethief YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@newagethiefclub Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/artist/new-age-thief/1720696536 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/5wPi7eY4GvQnUzrkvkgVpM Bandcamp: https://newagethief.bandcamp.com/ Grab some GNP Merch!: https://goodnoisepodcast.creator-spring.com/ Check out the recording gear we use: https://www.amazon.com/shop/goodnoisepodcast Support the show on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/goodnoisepodcast Good Noise Podcast Socials: Twitter: https://twitter.com/good_noise_cast Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/goodnoisepodcast/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/goodnoisepod Discord: https://discord.gg/nDAQKwT YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFHKPdUxxe1MaGNWoFtjoJA Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/04IMtdIrCIvbIr7g6ttZHi All other streaming platforms: https://linktr.ee/goodnoisepodcast Bandcamp: https://goodnoiserecords.bandcamp.com/
In episode 709: Trapped In Lilith's Deception, Caleb takes us on a gripping journey through his experiences with the spiritual realm, from the allure of New Age practices to an intense confrontation with dark forces. Drawn initially to practices like meditation and telekinesis, Caleb found himself navigating a dangerous spiritual landscape, including encounters with deceptive spirit guides and supernatural abilities. The turning point came in a chilling, otherworldly attack by a powerful entity he identifies as Lilith, an experience that tested his strength and pushed him to lean on the name of Jesus for deliverance. Hurricane Helene Relief Efforts List: https://www.theconfessionalspodcast.com/helene-relief Sasquatch and The Missing Man: merkelfilms.com Merkel Media Apparel: merkmerch.com The Confessionals Members App: Apple Store: https://apple.co/3UxhPrh Google Play: https://bit.ly/43mk8kZ Become a member for AD FREE listening and EXTRA shows: theconfessionalspodcast.com/join AFFILIATES Go Silent with SLNT Faraday Bags: https://alnk.to/clXuRY5 EMP Shield: empshield.com Coupon Code: "tony" for $50 off every item you purchase! SPONSORS SIMPLISAFE TODAY: simplisafe.com/confessionals UNCOMMON GOODS: uncommongoods.com/tony CONNECT WITH US Website: www.theconfessionalspodcast.com Email: contact@theconfessionalspodcast.com Subscribe to the Newsletter: https://www.theconfessionalspodcast.com/the-newsletter MAILING ADDRESS: Merkel Media 257 N. Calderwood St., #301 Alcoa, TN 37701 SOCIAL MEDIA Subscribe to our YouTube: https://bit.ly/2TlREaI Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/theconfessionals/ Discord: https://discord.gg/KDn4D2uw7h Show Instagram: theconfessionalspodcast Tony's Instagram: tonymerkelofficial Facebook: www.facebook.com/TheConfessionalsPodcas Twitter: @TConfessionals Tony's Twitter: @tony_merkel Produced by: @jack_theproducer OUTRO MUSIC Joel Thomas - ShutUp N Drive YouTube | Apple Music | Spotify
Holly Loxton is a visionary leader in faith and personal transformation, dedicated to empowering success-driven individuals to align their spiritual walk with their ambitions. Drawing on deep faith-based principles, Holly provides practical tools and guidance to help clients find inner peace, clarity, and purpose in both life and business. Through a blend of wisdom and strategy, she helps clients overcome stress, loneliness, and unfulfillment, leading them to a life of divine connection, prosperity, and fulfillment—a true ‘heaven on earth' experience. Connect with Holly on Instagram Let's stay connected IG: @marciamiatke | FB: @marciamiatke | LI: @marciamiatke Join our FREE Emotional Intelligence FB group @eqmovement Ready to take your life and relationships to the next level? Join our Emotional Intelligence Academy where you'll learn to optimise your emotions, leverage your feminine and masculine energies and show up your most confident and radiant self!
Welcome to the WellLIFE podcast! Today you are in for a treat as we discuss The Secret Language of the Heart: Unlocking Music's Power to Heal Our special guest Barry Goldstein is more than a Grammy Award-winning composer; he's a true pioneer in the world of sound and healing. With over 30 years of experience, Barry has mastered the art of blending scientific innovation with musical creativity, proving that music isn't just entertainment—it's medicine for the mind and body. From collaborating with visionary leaders like Dr. Daniel Amen, Dr. Joe Dispenza, and Dave Asprey to coining the term 'acousticeuticals,' Barry is redefining how we think about sound's role in health. His groundbreaking compositions are used in hospitals and wellness spaces to reduce stress, promote healing, and enhance emotional well-being. But Barry's work doesn't stop there. Whether he's creating sonic branding for corporate missions, crafting ambient soundscapes for best-selling authors like Shirley MacLaine and Anita Moorjani, or charting Billboard's top ten New Age albums, his mission is clear: to harness the universal language of music to inspire, heal, and transform. So if you've ever wondered how music can calm your mind, heal your body, or even amplify your personal or professional mission—or if you're curious about the emerging science of therapeutic sound—stay tuned, because this is an episode you won't want to miss! Learn More about Barry at: https://www.barrygoldsteinmusic.com/ on Instagram @barrygoldsteinmusic https://www.instagram.com/barrygoldsteinmusic/
In this talk from their 20-year reunion at Harvard, Timothy Leary reflects on the journey he and Ram Dass shared as they explored the boundaries of consciousness with no signposts to guide them.Ram Dass Here & Now is brought to you by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at betterhelp.com/ramdass and get on your way to being your best self.This show is also sponsored by Magic Mind, a matcha-based energy shot infused with nootropics and adaptogens designed to crush procrastination, brain fog, & fatigue. Use the code RAMDASS at checkout to get up to 50% off your subscription: Magic MindThis episode is part two of the Ram Dass and Timothy Leary reunion event at Harvard University on April 24, 1983. Don't miss part one: The Explorer's Club. In this recording:Timothy Leary takes center stage to share his perspective on the journey he and Ram Dass took when they came together at Harvard. He begins with a brief history of the tradition of transcendental thinking at Harvard which began with Ralph Waldo Emerson. Timothy talks about the simplicity of their work in those early days as he and Ram Dass explored the boundaries of human consciousness with no signposts to guide them. He shares some thoughts on the notorious Good Friday Experiment and discusses the important insights into psychopharmacology they discovered, including the concept of set and setting.Shifting topics to their post-Harvard lives, Timothy talks about the “happiness hotels” he and Ram Dass were running. They share some laughs about the Harvard Crimson, being tracked by the CIA, and Timothy's description of Ram Dass in his autobiography. Finally, they discuss the mileage they got out of various myths over the years and what their post-Harvard voyages of discovery were like for each of them. Today's talk was chosen in celebration of the new book, Dying To Know, which chronicles the epic friendship between Ram Dass and Timothy Leary that shaped generations of seekers. Get your copy today!“In those days, it did seem almost miraculously simple. We gave, we shared; we took these drugs as novices, as amateurs, hesitantly moving into a field that had no signposts or guidelines. There was simply no language in Western psychology to describe altered states of consciousness or ecstasies or visions or terrors. A psychiatrist said these were psychotomimetic experiences, but that didn't seem to tell us too much. We were smart enough, and I give us this credit, to know how little we knew.” – Timothy LearySee Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
Chapter 1:Summary of Seth Speaks"Seth Speaks," published in 1972, is a groundbreaking book that presents the teachings of Seth, a non-physical entity channeled by Jane Roberts. The book delves into metaphysical concepts and explores themes such as the nature of reality, the self, consciousness, reincarnation, and the relationship between thoughts and physical experiences.Key points of the book include:1. Reality and Perception: Seth emphasizes that reality is shaped by individual perceptions and beliefs. Each person's experience is unique, and the physical world is influenced by thoughts and emotions.2. Multidimensional Existence: The book discusses the idea that humans exist on multiple planes of reality, suggesting that life continues after physical death and that individuals can inhabit multiple lifetimes.3. The Nature of the Self: Seth articulates that the self is not confined to the physical body; rather, it is an eternal, multidimensional entity. Individuals are encouraged to explore their inner selves to better understand their purpose and experiences.4. Creation through Thought: One of the central themes is that thoughts have power. Positive thinking and beliefs can manifest in one's life, underlining the importance of self-awareness and intentional thought processes.5. The Role of Emotions: Emotions are viewed as an essential aspect of existence, serving as a guide to understanding one's personal reality and helping to navigate life's challenges.Overall, "Seth Speaks" serves as a spiritual guide, encouraging readers to question established beliefs and explore deeper existential truths. The book has been influential in the fields of metaphysics and New Age thought, inviting readers to expand their understanding of consciousness and reality.Chapter 2:The Theme of Seth Speaks"Seth Speaks" is a significant work in the field of metaphysical literature, dictated by the entity known as Seth through Jane Roberts. The book is structured around a series of teachings and insights that delve into the nature of reality, consciousness, and the human experience. Here are some key plot points, character development, and thematic ideas: Key Plot Points1. Introduction to Seth: The book begins with Jane Roberts introducing the concept of Seth, a non-physical entity who communicates through her. This sets the stage for the exploration of metaphysical concepts.2. The Nature of Reality: Seth discusses the illusion of physical reality and explains that reality is subjective, created by the beliefs and thoughts of individuals. This idea reframes how one perceives the world and one's experiences within it.3. Reincarnation and Time: Seth introduces the idea of reincarnation, explaining that time is not linear but rather a simultaneous experience where past, present, and future coexist. Each life contributes to the overall growth of the individual soul.4. Existence of Multiple Realities: The concept of multiple realities or dimensions is examined, highlighting how individuals can experience different outcomes and realities based on their beliefs and choices.5. Creation of the Self: Seth emphasizes the power of the individual in shaping their own life experiences, asserting that thoughts and emotions play a crucial role in manifesting physical reality.6. The Nature of Disease and Health: The book discusses how psychological states and beliefs can manifest as physical ailments, advocating for a holistic understanding of health. Character DevelopmentSince "Seth Speaks" is a channeled text rather than a novel with traditional characters, character development is less applicable. Instead, Jane Roberts herself emerges as a central figure, representing the conduit through which Seth communicates. Her personal journey of understanding and sharing these metaphysical...
In a touching an emotionally charged convo, Stewart recounts the experience of being in Israel on October 7th, and the many ways that Reach Initiative International [reachii.org] has been serving the victims and families of that horrific day. For over 3 decades Stewart and Chantal have been comforting, serving and sharing their faith with our Jewish people. Their journey also impacts holocaust survivors in Belarus, Ukraine, Russia, Israel and the young Israeli seekers on the New Age trail in India! You can contact them for their year end newsletter, obtain their latest book, and support their work at:http://reachii.org/Support the show
From New Age to New Beginnings: Stephanie's Faith JourneyIn this episode Jenn chats with Stephanie, a new believer who's fired up about her faith. Stephanie talks about growing up Catholic, dabbling in New Age practices, and how reading the Bible in 24 days changed her life. They dive into the importance of knowing God's word for yourself, spotting red flags in religious practices, and what it means to have a real relationship with God. It's an inspiring episode for anyone looking to deepen their faith and find true freedom.Connect with Stephanie!Christian page @es_toe_tologyHair Business @hairbytopeteCookie Business @dough_peteSend us a textJust Know Though Podcast provides an open space to discuss mental health, some episodes contains depression and past trauma which are not to draw attention to the guest, but rather express the painful thoughts that one may experience. To highlight the tremendous journey, and potential power one possesses to overcome battles. To encourage support and grace because it is more common than we think. If you or someone you know needs assistance, please text or call the numbers below. Most importantly reach out to them and let them know they matter and that you care and then listen. Talk to Someone Now Crisis Text Line: Text HOME to 741741
On this weeks episode of Midwest Mythos I am joined by Scotty. Scotty has had a life full of experiences with the spiritual side of life and has the testimoney to prove it. She talks about how when she was in her teens in the late 60's early 70's how a man taught her and her friends how to astral travel. This is only the beginning as she recalls the begining of the new age movment and how christianity and the rest of the world began to look through a new lens. Turns out the lens is not as new as we think it is. Towards the end she shares her experience of coming face to face with the same demon years apart half way across the country, along with an nighttime encounter with a grey. If you would like to be a guest on the show contact me on the submission form at: linktr.ee/midwestmythospodcast or contact me on Instagram @midwestmythos Thank you for all the support!
In this episode of the Better Leadership Team Show, I speak with Joe Mull, employee engagement expert and author of Employalty: How to Ignite Commitment and Keep Top Talent in the New Age of Work. He also hosts the popular Boss Better Now podcast, which was recently named by SHRM as a “can't miss show for leaders,” along with podcasts from Brené Brown and Harvard Business Review.He shares insights on how to foster commitment and retain top talent in today's workforce by creating a humane employee experience. Discover why the "Great Resignation" is actually a "Great Upgrade," and learn about Joe's framework for building “destination workplaces” where employees feel valued and motivated. Key takeaways include the importance of psychological safety, the impact of flexible work options, and how trust is foundational to remote work success.https://www.joemull.comhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/joemull/ Thanks for listening! Connect with us at mike-goldman.com/blog and on Instagram@mikegoldmancoach and on YouTube @Mikegoldmancoach
In today's digital age, cyber threats are constantly changing. That's why it's more important than ever to stay informed and prepared. We're thrilled to welcome back cybersecurity expert Ben Zelei from SBT and Polito Inc to share insights on the latest scam techniques you need to watch out for. Here's some of what we discuss in this episode: Ben's background in cybersecurity and the military Different kinds of phishing, pig butchering, and Ai attacks to be aware of Some educational resources for scam awareness Updating to Windows 11 in October 2025 Resources for this episode: Check out our previous episode with Ben https://unlocking.podbean.com/e/ep-92-cyber-security-and-protecting-yourself-against-cyber-criminals-%e2%80%93-part-2/ Scammer Payback YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/@ScammerPayback For more, visit us online: https://baschrock-fg.com/
We recently had the privilege of interviewing Jac Marino Chen, on her journey out of the deception of the new age, into the truth of the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ. Today's episode, is a wonderful reminder that the Lord is sovereign, that he can save to the uttermost, and that no one is beyond his reach as Hebrews 7:25 reminds us. Additional References: Jac's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jacmarino/ Jac's YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@JacMarinoChen The Second London Baptist Confession (1689): https://founders.org/library-book/1689-confession/ https://www.chapellibrary.org/pdf/books/lbcw.pdf?srsltid=AfmBOorAi1b6iCPqv94DjBcMhSSpcDOGwJrb9hXJSlgqxrFSgo9ofc0- Social Media: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@StayReformed Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/stayreformed Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stayreformed/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stayreformedpodcast/ Website: https://www.stayreformed.com/ Email: contact@stayreformed.com
Send us a textINTRODUCTION:Today we begin a series of episodes to cover why God is not the Universe, the Earth, trees, planets or any other thing except Himself. https://music.apple.com/profile/DeVannonSeraphinoINCLUDED IN THIS EPISODE (But not limited to):· Time To Get More Spiritually Granular.· Emotionalism vs. Knowing God.· Be Fully Present In Relationships.· Embrace Your Clairvoyance. · Angels.· Where Does Your Power Come From?· Dangers In Group Dynamics.· GOD Cannot Be Changed.· The Way GOD Is To Be Approached Cannot Be Altered. CONNECT WITH DE'VANNON SERÁPHINO:Website: https://www.SexDrugsAndJesus.comWebsite: https://www.DownUnderApparel.com Donate Via PayPal: https://shorturl.at/gq068CashApp: $DeVannonSeraphinoVenmo: @DeVannon Patreon: https://patreon.com/SDJPodcastTikTok: https://shorturl.at/nqyJ4YouTube: https://bit.ly/3daTqCMFacebook: https://shorturl.at/gqrAVInstagram: https://shorturl.at/gwAP1X: https://shorturl.at/oyLZ4LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/devannonPinterest: https://shorturl.at/bqB26Email: DeVannon@SDJPodcast.comINTERESTED IN PODCASTING OR BEING A GUEST?: · PodMatch is awesome! This application streamlines the process of finding guests for your show and also helps you find shows to be a guest on. The PodMatch Community is a part of this and that is where you can ask questions and get help from an entire network of people so that you save both money and time on your podcasting journey.https://podmatch.com/signup/devannonSupport the showThanks for listening! Please donate at SexDrugsAndJesus.com and follow us on TikTok, IG etc.
健康浸腳包link https://nothing-happened.com/products/tfifootsoak 節目:寶藥黨 主持:啊寶、白兵 嘉賓: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow白兵電台唔同既主持人! Newage: New Age姐姐facebook:@NewAge姐姐 https://www.facebook.com/NewAge%E5%A7%90%E5%A7%90-103586127943495 足球: 啊鷹Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/soccerying 啊鷹Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/soccerying 寶藥黨: 啊寶Instagram:httpshttps://www.instagram.com/bomedicinegang/ 傾天光+幣加火: 啊光Instagram::https://instagram.com/cryptokafire 歡迎來到白兵電台 哩度係最自由最多嘢聽嘅廣東話Podcast 我地有將檔案放喺其他Podcast網路平台,歡迎大家訂閱 白兵嘅Podcast: Spotify:https://reurl.cc/WLdqyO 安卓: shorturl.at/vJNQR Apple:https://rb.gy/qmibsl 也可以到其他網絡平台追蹤我地啊: 白兵Youtube(主):Stormtrooper白兵 白兵網頁:https://www.ytstormtrooper.com 白兵Patreon:https://www.patreon.com/whitesoldierr 白兵Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/whitesoldierr 白兵Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/whitesoldierr/ 白兵Payme:https://upload.cc/i1/2020/09/03/8NzvmF.jpg 白兵Youtube(主):Stormtrooper白兵 白兵Youtube(電台):白兵電台 Follow白兵電台唔同既主持人! 足球: 啊鷹Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/soccerying 啊鷹Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/soccerying
節目:水與金融 主持:渾水、白兵 健康浸腳包link https://nothing-happened.com/products/tfifootsoak 想收聽今集後續精華 可以去水哥Patreon(USD$18): 每日金融Podcast、深度金融文章、外聘國際關係專家文章內容、特選國際刊物 分析、每月閲讀企劃、平民化A I大數據分析和自己人群組互動,盡在Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/muddywaterfinance 或者去小弟Patreon(USD$25): 白兵Patreon:https://www.patreon.com/whitesoldierr 水哥廣告時間 最新最大的優惠!雖然我現在身處日本,但一樣遙距傾成咗一單好刁,讓廣大的讀者可以免費直接睇到《華爾街日報》,填補香港消失咗嘅財經新聞資訊空間,擁抱國際。 這一兩個月來,我不斷強調「數碼遊牧」,現今世代,很多工作已可通過虛擬方式完成。促成今次partnership,又再證明我更習慣這種工作模式了。 《華爾街日報》新聞團隊線人網絡不單止直達紐約倫敦政經權力核心,而且佢嘅中國組新聞線,世界最頂尖,很多中國內部政治獨家料,都係由佢地爆出來。 可能你會擔心,英文報紙有時睇得相對比較慢。唔緊要,透過Fortune Insight訂閱《華爾街日報》,你可以睇埋中文版,其更新速度與英文版同步,零時差,唔使擔心會miss咗任何財金大事。除咗優質政經財金新聞,呢個產品仲有《華爾街日報》最精闢獨到的獨家專欄分析、Podcast聲音專欄,以及線上線下活動的優先參與權。 對《華爾街日報》或 Fortune Insight 這些深度金融知識內容有興趣的讀者,可以留意以下限時優惠,既可獲得投資知識,同時喺華盛証券開戶實戰,一舉兩得! 【渾水 X FORTUNE INSIGHT X 華盛証券限時獎賞】 活動時間: 2022年11月1日 - 2022年11月30日 適用對象:僅限港澳台及海外居民 1️⃣只要各位讀者在華盛証券成功開戶,即送 $550 fortune Insight Prime 一個月專業基金經理新聞及金融分析 2️⃣ 開戶並完成交易一次後,即送華爾街日報一年會藉及7天Fortune Insight Prime計劃 3️⃣港股無限免佣 4️⃣ 美股180日免佣 5️⃣ HK$200新股認購券 6️⃣ 30日免費港股Lv1 + Lv2串流報價 7️⃣ 同埋高達HK$6000轉倉賞! 開戶連結: https://hk.vbkr.com/hd/register/2019/0517?_scnl=KLKM 需輸入專屬邀請碼【KLKM】 頁面示意圖
健康浸腳包link https://nothing-happened.com/products/tfifootsoak 節目:在Benz上修行 主持:Benz,高人,白兵 痛症班 日期:30/11 時間:15:30 Meditation 班 2.0(進階班) 日期:24/11 時間:17:30-19:30 有意報名的話,請DM我IG https://www.instagram.com/white.soldier.admin?igsh=MXZpNTM0Mm0zZG9ibA== --------------------------------- 歡迎來到白兵電台 哩度係最自由最多嘢聽嘅廣東話Podcast Newage: New Age姐姐facebook:@NewAge姐姐 https://www.facebook.com/NewAge%E5%A7%90%E5%A7%90-103586127943495 足球: 啊鷹Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/soccerying 啊鷹Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/soccerying 寶藥黨: 啊寶Instagram:httpshttps://www.instagram.com/bomedicinegang/ 傾天光+幣加火: 啊光Instagram::https://instagram.com/cryptokafire 我地有將檔案放喺其他Podcast網路平台,歡迎大家訂閱 白兵嘅Podcast: Spotify:https://reurl.cc/WLdqyO 安卓: shorturl.at/vJNQR Apple:https://rb.gy/qmibsl 也可以到其他網絡平台追蹤我地啊: 白兵Youtube(主):Stormtrooper白兵 白兵網頁:https://www.ytstormtrooper.com 白兵Patreon:https://www.patreon.com/whitesoldierr 白兵Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/whitesoldierr 白兵Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/whitesoldierr/ 白兵Payme:https://upload.cc/i1/2020/09/03/8NzvmF.jpg 白兵Youtube(主):Stormtrooper白兵 白兵Youtube(電台):白兵電台 Follow白兵電台唔同既主持人! 足球: 啊鷹Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/soccerying 啊鷹Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/soccerying 寶藥黨: 啊寶Instagram:httpshttps://www.instagram.com/bomedicinegang/ 傾天光+幣加火: 啊光Instagram::https://instagram.com/cryptokafire
節目:幣加NFT 主持:幣加火A.k.a.啊光、啊鷹、白兵 啊鷹Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/talkyukying/ 啊光Instagram::https://instagram.com/cryptokafire youtube:https://youtube.com/@cryptokafire 新手1.0現場版 日期: 4月27日星期6晚上8-10點 地點: 觀塘 費用: $1200HKD 主題: 科普買賣加密貨幣有用既app/網站/資訊 如何入錢拎錢轉錢,web3入門 有意報名參加的話,請DM我IG, payme付款 之後就會俾地址大家,仲會有神秘禮品tim! 多謝大家支持 ======================================= 新手1.0既online版 費用: $1000HKD 主題: 科普買賣加密貨幣有用既app/網站/資訊 如何入錢拎錢轉錢,web3入門 有意報名參加的話,請DM我IG, payme俾錢後會俾link大家睇 有限期48小時 多謝大家支持 有意報名的話,請DM我IG https://www.instagram.com/cryptokafire 新手班 1.0 online版 費用:$1000HKD 主題: 科普買賣加密貨幣有用既app/網站/資訊,如何入錢拎錢轉錢,web3入門 有意報名參加的話,請DM我IG, payme俾錢後會俾link大家睇, 有限期48小時 多謝大家支持 Ps. 付費後cap返圖俾我就得了 手快有手慢等下次 有意報名的話,請DM我IG https://www.instagram.com/whitesoldier.admin/ ----------------------------------- Bitcoin/NFT 愛好者Discord: https://discord.gg/DnhN3u6Gdq 幣加火心心仔最新推出一對一課程 私人教授加密貨幣入門知識, 手把手教學 學習如何於加密圈中自立生存 課程方式網上或面對面皆可, 時間由你掌握 有興趣就IG dm報名喇 IG: @cryptokafire 多謝大家支持 ----------------------------------- Follow白兵電台唔同既主持人! 聽梅止痕去旅行: Comma A.k.a. 啊梅 Instagram: @______commma https://www.instagram.com/______commma/ Newage: New Age姐姐facebook:@NewAge姐姐 https://www.facebook.com/NewAge%E5%A7%90%E5%A7%90-103586127943495 足球: 啊鷹Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/soccerying 啊鷹Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/soccerying 寶藥黨: 啊寶Instagram:httpshttps://www.instagram.com/bomedicinegang/ 傾天光+幣加火: 啊光Instagram::https://instagram.com/cryptokafire 歡迎來到白兵電台 哩度係最自由最多嘢聽嘅廣東話Podcast 我地有將檔案放喺其他Podcast網路平台,歡迎大家訂閱 白兵嘅Podcast: Spotify:https://reurl.cc/WLdqyO 安卓: shorturl.at/vJNQR Apple:https://rb.gy/qmibsl 也可以到其他網絡平台追蹤我地啊: 白兵Youtube(主):Stormtrooper白兵 白兵網頁:https://www.ytstormtrooper.com 白兵Patreon:https://www.patreon.com/whitesoldierr 白兵Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/whitesoldierr 白兵Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/whitesoldierr/ 白兵Payme:https://upload.cc/i1/2020/09/03/8NzvmF.jpg 白兵Youtube(主):Stormtrooper白兵 白兵Youtube(電台):白兵電台
The author Doreen Virtue tells of her becoming famous overnight by appearing on the Oprah Winfrey Show to promote her new book. Ms. Virtue reveals the Hidden-Agenda behind the New Age theory, “You are your own god”. If you would like to support me go to Youngevity.com Use my Associate ID.—100/956/526 Sign up as a Preferred Customer and grab yourself a Healthy Start Pack. A canister of the BTT 2.0, 2.5 or the new 3.0. And of course a bottle of the Majestic Earth Plant Derived Coloidal Minerals. You can also support me via Cash Ap $DennyD19. Thanks and may God Bless you…
It is foolish to undertake any major task without proper preparation. Even for Thanksgiving dinner we plan well in advance. How much more important is it for us to get ready to encounter God? On today's show, Debbie and Adam will talk about what it means to prepare your spirit and ways that you can do that in your own life. Links: www.GRNonline.com/SpiritWorld Grace After Meals - https://www.catholic.org/prayers/prayer.php?p=128 Advent Music - www.carrickministries.com
Jan Markell and her guests, starting with Bill Koenig, discuss the plight of globalism now that the U.S. election will install one who hates the one-worlders. Ken Mikle and Josh Schwartz talk to Jenn Nizza about New Age practices in the church. To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/407/29
Jan Markell and her guests, starting with Bill Koenig, discuss the plight of globalism now that the U.S. election will install one who hates the one-worlders. Ken Mikle and Josh Schwartz talk to Jenn Nizza about New Age practices in the church. To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.lightsource.com/donate/1472/29
Today, Marc and James welcome Brooke Denney, a rising star in cybersecurity who brings a dynamic, cloud-first perspective to the ever-evolving industry. Brooke shares her inspiring journey from aspiring veterinarian to accomplished security engineer, offering insights into the fascinating world of AI-powered phishing, modern security challenges, and safeguarding critical infrastructure. As a senior information security engineer and a dedicated member of the Ohio Cyber Reserve, Brooke provides a unique and expert view on the evolution of attack chains, the importance of supply chain security, and the transformative future of cybersecurity education.
A new age of streaming news is upon us, with the old guard of TV news stations facing fresh challenges. Younger audiences are now turning to online streamers, podcasters, and social media for their news. And now, Comcast is considering spinning off its cable news networks in the face of falling viewership. We'll discuss this topic and others in this episode of “Crossroads.” Views expressed in this video are opinions of the host and guests and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times. ⭕️
On today's episode of the Occult Symbolism and Pop Culture with Isaac Weishaupt podcast we'll talk about the Netflix boxing match between Iron Mike Tyson and Jake Paul! It was possibly a ritual for a December 4th UFO event and we'll talk about hidden symbolism of Harpocrates, Crowley's New Age, the Humiliation Ritual of the death and rebirth of Mike Tyson, his secret message of the walk out music, the common theme of sexual assaulting (*trigger warning) and Cliff High's 2009 prediction that takes us into the final age of mankind through the UFO disclosure- NEXT MONTH!Don't forget I've got heavily discounted shirts in my store: Shirts AND author-signed books: https://gumroad.com/isaacwLinks:Steve Bannon: Dark Age of Kali Yuga Chaos Magick COVID and the Occult with Professor Ben Teitelbaum! https://www.illuminatiwatcher.com/steve-bannon-dark-age-of-kali-yuga-chaos-magick-covid-and-the-occult-with-professor-ben-teitelbaumIdiocracy Film Analysis: Corporate Takeovers, Devolution of Society & New Atlantis! https://illuminatiwatcher.com/idiocracy-film-analysis-corporate-takeovers-devolution-of-society-new-atlantis/Great Reset Part 5: Generations Book from 1991 Predicts the Future Q Anon and the Occult Fourth Turning! https://www.illuminatiwatcher.com/great-reset-part-5-generations-book-from-1991-predicts-the-future-q-anon-and-the-occult-fourth-turningShow sponsors- Get discounts while you support the show and do a little self improvement!*CopyMyCrypto.com/Isaac is where you can copy James McMahon's crypto holdings- listeners get access for just $1 WANT MORE?... Check out my UNCENSORED show with my wife, Breaking Social Norms: https://breakingsocialnorms.com/GRIFTER ALLEY- get bonus content AND go commercial free + other perks:*PATREON.com/IlluminatiWatcher : ad free, HUNDREDS of bonus shows, early access AND TWO OF MY BOOKS! (The Dark Path and Kubrick's Code); you can join the conversations with hundreds of other show supporters here: Patreon.com/IlluminatiWatcher (*Patreon is also NOW enabled to connect with Spotify! https://rb.gy/hcq13)*VIP SECTION: Due to the threat of censorship, I set up a Patreon-type system through MY OWN website! IIt's even setup the same: FREE ebooks, Kubrick's Code video! Sign up at: https://illuminatiwatcher.com/members-section/*APPLE PREMIUM: If you're on the Apple Podcasts app- just click the Premium button and you're in! NO more ads, Early Access, EVERY BONUS EPISODE More from Isaac- links and special offers:*BREAKING SOCIAL NORMS podcast, Index of EVERY episode (back to 2014), Signed paperbacks, shirts, & other merch, Substack, YouTube links & more: https://allmylinks.com/isaacw *STATEMENT: This show is full of Isaac's useless opinions and presented for entertainment purposes. Audio clips used in Fair Use and taken from YouTube videos.
This week's Testimony Tuesday video is from none other than my friend Tina Costanza. You may recognize her from 2 previous videos I uploaded on the channel quite a little while back! After you watch this testimony, feel free to check out part 1 and part 2 of those videos for a more in-depth dive into her journey from ghost hunting on the Travel Channel, being heavily engrossed in the New Age and its many demonic practices, and so much more! Really excited to be sharing her story again. _ Ways to Support the Show: Monthly Partner https://donorbox.org/heaven-healing-podcast-ministry Stripe https://buy.stripe.com/eVafZjfnI1cD2sg8ww Venmo https://account.venmo.com/u/angelamariescafidi Paypal https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/angelaucci _ PART 1: Ex-Ghost Hunter Turns to Jesus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_yCNUEDpvw PART 2: Ex-Ghost Hunter Turns to Jesus Q&A https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cE79a5g5pPo&t=76s Tina's Instagram: @HeyTinaC Angela's Instagram: @AngelamarieScafidi _ SUBSCRIBE TO HEAVEN & HEALING PODCAST TO WATCH A NEW TESTIMONY FROM THE AUDIENCE EVERY TUESDAY OF 2024 AND JOIN HOST OF HEAVEN & HEALING PODCAST, ANGELA SCAFIDI, FOR WEEKLY LIVESTREAMS HERE ON THE CHANNEL EVERY THURSDAY NIGHT @ 6 PM CENTRAL
Ashley's powerful journey from practicing witchcraft, astral projection, spirit guides, and tarot cards to embracing Jesus Christ is truly inspiring. After leaving the New Age behind, Ashley has dedicated her life to spreading the Gospel and making disciples. Recently, Ashley and I did an episode together all about Halloween on the Heaven & Healing Podcast! You can watch that here: https://www.youtube.com/live/nDi15OvifVM ASHLEY'S YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/@yourspiritualbigsis Ashley's Instagram & TikTok: @ash1ey__jones Angela's Instagram & TikTok: @angelamariescafidi — Ways to Support the Show:
Jamie Hellems was raised in New Age practices, some of which included Native American art, Kundalini Yoga, frequent visits to psychic readers and astrologists, and many other new age practices that led to an upbringing marked by oppression. Jamie was also told by other psychics at an early age that she had an exceptional gift as a clairvoyant reader. This shaped the course of her life and for the next 30 years she practiced New Age, some to the extent of practicing to become a clairvoyant reader and instructor. That is until God revealed Himself and the truth behind the New Age practices. Today, Jamie shares this truth and loads of powerful and revealing insights about psychics and New Age practices that should help us all better understand something that is popular in the culture, but more dangerous than we think.---------------------------------------------------------------CONNECT WITH US!TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@astrongerfaithInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/astrongerfaith/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/astrongerfaithWebsite: https://www.astrongerfaith.org/LISTEN/WATCH/SUBSCRIBE TO THE PODCASTYouTube: https://bit.ly/asfmyoutubeApple: https://apple.co/4g9vU8tSpotify: https://spoti.fi/3Zbg3jKTo RECOMMEND A GUEST for us, share your story, share your comments, or to request prayer visit https://www.astrongerfaith.org/contact.***If you would like to share your experience possibly as a guest with us, please make a short video (20 minutes or less) detailing your experiences with the presence of God. Upload your video to a reputable platform such as YouTube or Dropbox, then send us the link through our contact form mentioned above.- If you need prayer, please visit our prayer resources page at https://www.astrongerfaith.org/prayer.- If you're looking for a good faith-building book, visit our recommended books page at https://www.astrongerfaith.org/books.To financially support this ministry visit https://www.astrongerfaith.org/giveWE LOVE MAIL! Send us something to:A Stronger Faith MinistriesP O Box 2594Tuscaloosa, AL 35403
TISS is a weekly podcast where Varun, Kautuk, Neville & Aadar discuss Crazy "facts" they find on the internet. So come learn with them...or something like that. This week the boys are discussing on crazy new age sports, the infamous Jake Paul vs Mike Tyson fight & their recent visit to Comic Con.To support TISS, check out our Instamojo: www.instamojo.com/@TISSOPFollow #TISS Shorts where we put out videos: https://bit.ly/3tUdLTCYou can also check out the podcast on Apple podcast, Spotify and Google podcast!http://apple.co/3neTO62http://spoti.fi/3blYG79http://bit.ly/3oh0BxkCheck out the TISS Sub-Reddit: https://bit.ly/2IEi0QsCheck out the TISS Discord: / discord Buy Varun Thakur's 420 Merch - http://bit.ly/2oDkhRVSubscribe To Our YT ChannelsVarun - https://bit.ly/2HgGwqcAadar - https://bit.ly/37m49J2Neville - https://bit.ly/2HfYlWyKautuk - https://bit.ly/3jcpKGaFollow Us on Instagram.Varun - / varunthakur Aadar - / theaadarguy Neville - / nevilleshah. Kautak - / cowtuk Producer- Rupika KhereChannel Artwork by OMLThumbnail - OML
Spiritualism's Place. Episode #3 of 4. In honor of our new book, Spiritualism's Place, we're re-releasing one of our favorite episodes about Lily Dale. In the late 20th century, white Americans flocked to New Age spirituality, collecting crystals, hugging trees, and finding their places in the great Medicine Wheel. Many didn't realize - or didn't care - that much of this spirituality was based on the spiritual faiths and practices of Native American tribes. Frustrated with what they called “spiritual hucksterism,” members of the American Indian Movement (AIM) began protesting - and have never stopped. Who were these ‘plastic shamans,' and how did the spiritual services they sold become so popular? Listen to find out! Find transcripts and show notes at: www.digpodcast.org Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
In this episode of Intelligence Squared, head of programming Conor Boyle speaks with author and tech expert Jamie Bartlett about how podcasting, video and social media have transformed modern politics and public discourse. Bartlett unpacks the role of podcasters in shaping new political narratives and how our online information ecosystem is designed in a way that perfectly suits digital populism and political figures like Donald Trump. To hear more from Jamie Bartlett subscribe to his Substack, How To Survive The Internet. If you'd like to become a Member and listen ad free, be an early access subscriber, and enjoy our extra extended versions of the conversations available to Members-only, just visit intelligencesquared.com/membership to find out more. For £4.99 per month you'll also receive: - Full-length and ad-free Intelligence Squared episodes, wherever you get your podcasts - Bonus Intelligence Squared podcasts, curated feeds and members exclusive series - 15% discount on livestreams and in-person tickets for all Intelligence Squared events ... Or Subscribe on Apple for £4.99: - Full-length and ad-free Intelligence Squared podcasts - Bonus Intelligence Squared podcasts, curated feeds and members exclusive series ... Already a subscriber? Thank you for supporting our mission to foster honest debate and compelling conversations! Visit intelligencesquared.com to explore all your benefits including ad-free podcasts, exclusive bonus content and early access. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
Today, we're talking about Mattel's latest scandal involving dolls promoting the new film "Wicked" — the company printed the web address of an adult film site on the packaging. The company says that this was an accident, but was it really? We revisit Balenciaga's scandal where it did something similarly disturbing involving children and how this appears to be a pattern of behavior with these big brands. Also, Megan Fox announces her new pregnancy with some odd New Age overtones. We dive a little deeper into that and what spiritism and reincarnation mean for the Christian. And we have a call to share the arrows with a restaurant and catering business facing some backlash on social media for hanging up a pro-Trump sign. Buy Allie's new book, "Toxic Empathy: How Progressives Exploit Christian Compassion": https://a.co/d/4COtBxy --- Timecodes: (01:15) Mattel packaging misprint (13:17) Megan Fox announces pregnancy (26:10) Abortion, miscarriage, and reincarnation (40:29) Moveable Feast Trump sign backlash --- Today's Sponsors: Samaritan's Purse — Visit SamaritansPurse.org/occ to learn how to pack a shoebox to donate to a child in need during National Collection Week from November 18th through the 25th. We Heart Nutrition — Get 20% off women's vitamins with We Heart Nutrition, where 10% of every purchase supports pregnancy care centers; use code ALLIE at https://www.WeHeartNutrition.com. Pre-Born — Will you help rescue babies' lives? Donate by calling #250 & say keyword 'BABY' or go to Preborn.com/ALLIE. Jase Medical — Go to Jase.com and enter code “ALLIE” at checkout for a discount on your order. --- Links: Should the United States Ban Pornography? | Allie Beth Stuckey vs. Charles C. W. Cooke https://youtu.be/MNwz7KUlgKo?si=TEQv6WC0_nhzKZcv --- Relevant Episodes: Ep 714 | The Balenciaga Story Is Even Worse than You Think https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-714-the-balenciaga-story-is-even-worse-than-you-think/id1359249098?i=1000587809431 Ep 944 | 'Non-Affirming' Parents vs. the State of Montana | Guest: Todd & Krista Kolstad https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-944-non-affirming-parents-vs-the-state-of/id1359249098?i=1000643859285 Ep 823 | Good News! More Christians Embracing Gender Binary https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-823-megan-fox-witchcraft-transing-kids/id1359249098?i=1000617185910 --- Buy Allie's book, You're Not Enough (& That's Okay): Escaping the Toxic Culture of Self-Love: https://alliebethstuckey.com/book Relatable merchandise – use promo code 'ALLIE10' for a discount: https://shop.blazemedia.com/collections/allie-stuckey Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices