Podcasts about Vero

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  • Dec 4, 2024LATEST




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Single Jungle
Ep. 100

Single Jungle

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 4, 2024 94:24

Episode 100 ! Déjà ?! J'ai lancé Single Jungle en janvier 2020, il y a presque 5 ans. Que de chemin parcouru, de surprises, et de connaissances accumulées, de rencontres faites depuis ! On fête ça humblement avec un épisode spécial, là où d'autres font leur épisode 100 au Grand Rex comme "On the verge" :)Je vous propose un Top 25 des épisodes de Single Jungle les plus écoutés depuis le début, tous épisodes cumulés. Puis je retrouve successivement 3 invité·es, pour parler de célibat, rencontres et amour(s) et démonter les mythes "la bonne personne", "le bon timing", "aimer ou être amoureux, amoureuse, c'est pareil ?" "aimer ou désirer ?" : Pascal Lardellier, professeur, sociologue et auteur, Marc Gibaja, auteur, scénariste, réalisateur, et Aude, professeure et podcasteuse (ex Nath & Vero).Merci à tous et toutes pour votre fidélité et bonne écoute !RDV le 18 décembre pour l'épisode 101 où il sera question de santé mentale et masculinité, et leur impact sur les femmes et toute la société. De quoi alimenter vos débats avec vos amis, proches, collègues... Si vous voulez soutenir Single Jungle, avec un don en une seule fois, j'ai ouvert un Tipeee : https://fr.tipeee.com/single-jungle. J'ai suivi le conseil d'auditrices et d'auditeurs qui ont proposé de participer à la hauteur de leurs moyens, ponctuellement, aux frais des épisodes (prise de son/montage et hébergement). Merci aux premières personnes qui ont participé ! Références citées dans l'épisodes ou en bonus ou recommandées par l'invitée (à suivre) Episodes de Single Jungle cités sans spoiler/divulgâcher/déflorer l'ordre du classement Top 25 (à suivre) AVERTISSEMENT IMPORTANT : Ne jamais s'inscrire sur une application ou site de rencontres payant sans 1) lire les avis sur Google (Play store) ou Apple (App store) 2) lire les conditions tarifaires de l'abonnement. Ainsi je vous déconseille fortement le site PARSHIP, qui pratique l'extorsion : on ne peut pas résilier avant 1 an obligatoire, même si on n'utilise plus le service, qui n'est pas satisfaisant, car très peu de personnes dans votre région. Le service client n'a que mépris pour les clients et le service communication ne veut rien entendre (un comble), aucun arrangement possible. Donc évitez une dépense inutile. Episode enregistré en novembre 2024, à la terrasse du Babel à Belleville (Paris) pour Pascal, à distance avec Aude sur Zoom, et à Paris chez Marc, merci à lui pour son hospitalité.Montage et mixage : Isabelle FieldMusique : Nouveau générique ! Vous l'avez reconnu ? C'est le générique de la série mythique des années 90 "Code Quantum" avec Scott Bakula

Voces Campeche
¡A comer! con La Tía Vero - Consejos de Draga

Voces Campeche

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 4, 2024 18:59

Perspektiven To Go
Anlagechancen 2025 – trotz globaler Risiken

Perspektiven To Go

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 3, 2024 17:29 Transcription Available

Die geo- und wirtschaftspolitischen Herausforderungen sind weltweit groß und dürften es auch 2025 bleiben. Dennoch blickt Dr. Ulrich Stephan, Chefanlagestratege für Privat- und Firmenkunden der Deutschen Bank, optimistisch auf die Märkte – besonders auf den US-amerikanischen. Welche Chancen und Risiken sich im kommenden Anlagejahr ergeben, analysiert er im Gespräch mit Finanzjournalistin Jessica Schwarzer. Quelle für Wert- und Preisentwicklungen sowie Zinsprognosen: Bloomberg Quelle für Erwartungen der Unternehmensgewinne: LSEG Datastream Sofern nicht anders gekennzeichnet, ist die Quelle für alle getroffenen Aussagen die Deutsche Bank und alle Meinungsaussagen geben die aktuelle Einschätzung der Deutschen Bank wieder, die sich jederzeit ändern kann. Soweit hier von Deutsche Bank die Rede ist, bezieht sich dies auf die Angebote der Deutsche Bank AG. Wir weisen darauf hin, dass die in dieser Publikation enthaltenen Angaben keine Anlage-, Rechts- oder Steuerberatung darstellen, sondern ausschließlich der Information dienen. Die Information ist mit größter Sorgfalt erstellt worden. Bei Prognosen über Finanzmärkte oder ähnlichen Aussagen handelt es sich um unverbindliche Informationen. Soweit hier konkrete Produkte genannt werden, sollte eine Anlageentscheidung allein auf Grundlage der verbindlichen Verkaufsunterlagen getroffen werden. Aus der Wertentwicklung in der Vergangenheit kann nicht auf zukünftige Erträge geschlossen werden. HINWEIS: BEI DIESEN INFORMATIONEN HANDELT ES SICH UM WERBUNG. Die Inhalte sind nicht nach den Vorschriften zur Förderung der Unabhängigkeit von Anlage- oder Anlagestrategieempfehlungen (vormals Finanzanalysen) erstellt. Es besteht kein Verbot für den Ersteller oder für das für die Erstellung verantwortliche Unternehmen, vor bzw. nach Veröffentlichung dieser Unterlagen mit den entsprechenden Finanzinstrumenten zu handeln. Die Deutsche Bank AG unterliegt der Aufsicht der Europäischen Zentralbank und der Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (BaFin).

De Primera Mano
Crónica de la BODA de Sofía Castro y Pablo Bernot Cristian y Vero Castro NO asistieron

De Primera Mano

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 3, 2024 9:24

Crónica de la BODA de Sofía Castro y Pablo Bernot Cristian y Vero Castro NO asistieron See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

María Lactanz
Molestias gastrointestinales en el bebé | Dr. César Lucio

María Lactanz

Play Episode Listen Later Dec 2, 2024 101:11

¿Realmente existe el cólico? ¿Qué hay del reflujo? ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre el reflujo fisiológico y el patológico? ¿Existe la intolerancia a la lactosa de la leche humana? Hablamos del tema de las alergias, de su mecanismo, sobre el estreñimiento, la disquecia del lactante, y más cosas sobre las molestias gastrointestinales de los bebés con nuestro invitado de lujo y experto el Dr. César Lucio. Datos de contacto: Mail: dr.cesarlucio@tec.mx, Tel: 8346-2108, 8346-2102. IG: @pediatra_cesarlucio, Podcast: Paidós y Denixi (Spotify). Canal de YouTube: César Lucio. Patrocinado por: Frida Baby de venta en Walmart y redes BeLion by Vero @vero.leona

Street Shots Photography Podcast
Color Voice

Street Shots Photography Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 30, 2024 72:59 Transcription Available

  In this episode, Antonio and Ward explore the idea of a “color voice” in photography—a personal and intentional use of color that can shape a photographer's visual identity. They discuss how color choices can influence the emotional impact of an image, creating a mood or enhancing the story being told. From vibrant, high-contrast palettes to more subtle, muted tones, they examine how photographers can experiment with color to reflect their own creative vision and connect with their audience on a deeper level. The conversation focuses on how a photographer's relationship with color extends beyond editing, involving how they perceive and capture colors in various environments. Antonio shares his thoughts on letting color become a defining feature of one's style, while Ward discusses how lighting and surroundings can transform the way colors are experienced in an image. Their discussion highlights the interplay between observation, creativity, and intentionality in crafting a photographic voice through color.   Subscribe to our Substack Newsletter Help out the show by buying us a coffee! Support the show by purchasing Antonio's Zines. Send us a voice message, comment or question.   Show Links:   Antonio M. Rosario's Website, Vero, Instagram, Bluesky, and Facebook page Ward Rosin's Website, Vero, Instagram and Facebook page. Ornis Photo Website  The Unusual Collective Street Shots Facebook Page Street Shots Instagram     Subscribe to us on: Apple Podcasts Google Podcasts Spotify Amazon Music iHeart Radio

Voces Campeche
¡A comer! con La Tía Vero

Voces Campeche

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 29, 2024 29:48

A veces son irracionales, pero ¿A quién queremos engañar? El tema del dia: ¡Que Miedo!

Il vero significato dell'avvento


Play Episode Listen Later Nov 29, 2024 5:58

Insieme a Daria Ubaldeschi, all'interno di buongiorno PNR, abbiamo trattato del tema dell'avvento, il suo significato e la sua importanza

Episode 36: Zodiac (ft. Flesh Simulator)


Play Episode Listen Later Nov 28, 2024 101:22

Check out Flesh Simulator: https://linktr.ee/fleshsimulatorSupport us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/CumpostingPodcastOur Podcast Artist is the incredibly talented Vero (she/they) of Praxisstvdio who you should check out here: https://linktr.ee/praxisstvdioTwitch: http://www.twitch.tv/cmpostingThe Cumposting Power Ranking: https://letterboxd.com/cumposting/list/cumposting-all-movies-watched-ranked/Donate: https://throne.com/cumpostingSend Us a Voice Message: https://www.speakpipe.com/cumpostingReddit (Cringe): https://www.reddit.com/r/cumpostingpod/Follow Rosa: https://x.com/tradslvtFollow Joku: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6MqDAGSrKEVBzHtgBBbT0wImage of the Week: https://imgur.com/a/Q2WAiXvChapters0:00 Intro6:14 Zodiac Review & Analysis43:59 Scoring & Ranking Zodiac45:13 Flesh Simulator Interview46:52 The Process of Making his Documentary51:20 Film Making Experience56:45 Music Creation Process1:01:41 Challenging Aspects of Making the Doc1:04:50 Fed Interactions1:06:49 Far-Right Fans1:17:10 Future Projects1:22:24 Vermin Supreme1:23:46 The Flavour1:32:23 Fav Pokemon & Artistic Processes1:38:07 Next Week's Films & Outro#FleshSimulator #Zodiac #FunandProfit

Non hanno un amico
Ep.533 - Farsi mangiare il belino dalle mosche

Non hanno un amico

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 28, 2024 8:21

Antonio Ricci e la crisi di Striscia la notizia. Questo episodio di Non hanno un amicoè supportato da PhotoSì il servizio che ti permette di stampare le tue foto e creare regali personalizzati direttamente dallo smartphone. Scarica l'app di PhotoSì e scopri l'offerta dedicata del 30% entro il 31/12 con il codice "WILL" (ordine minimo 30€). Fonti: video "CFDT - Luca Bizzarri - Fede e la carogna 10" pubblicato sul canale Youtube di Fanozzo Channel 24 luglio 2013; video "Antonio Ricci, creatore di Striscia la Notizia, ospite del Festival Filosofico del Sannio" pubblicato sul canale Youtube di emozioniinrete.com il 22 febbraio 2017; video "Antonio Ricci I 40 anni di Drive in. La trasmissione che ha cambiato la storia della Tv" pubblicato sul canale Youtube di Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore il 4 dicembre 2023; video "Antonio Ricci, sempre più antipatico

L'italiano vero
122 – Sia lodato l’Italiano vero con Don Giovanni Gusmini

L'italiano vero

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 27, 2024 31:23

Ciao Italiani Veri,Come va la vita? Vi pensiamo sempre bene! In studio Max e Paolo sono in compagnia di un ospite d’eccezione: Don Giovanni. Veramente un episodio imperdibile. C’è un mondo meraviglioso da scoprire in compagnia del nostro affascinante e interessante Don. Max cerca di convincerlo a celebrare il suo matrimonio

Perspektiven To Go
US-Aktien: Nach der Rally ist vor der Rally

Perspektiven To Go

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 27, 2024 18:12 Transcription Available

Die Aktienkurse steigen wieder. Nach ein paar schlechteren Tagen ging es wieder aufwärts, vor allem an der Wall Street. Die Gründe dafür und den Ausblick auf die kommenden Monate analysiert Dr. Ulrich Stephan, Chefanlagestratege für Privat- und Firmenkunden der Deutschen Bank, im Gespräch mit Finanzjournalistin Jessica Schwarzer. Quelle für Wert- und Preisentwicklungen sowie Zinsprognosen: Bloomberg Quelle für Erwartungen der Unternehmensgewinne: LSEG Datastream Sofern nicht anders gekennzeichnet, ist die Quelle für alle getroffenen Aussagen die Deutsche Bank und alle Meinungsaussagen geben die aktuelle Einschätzung der Deutschen Bank wieder, die sich jederzeit ändern kann. Soweit hier von Deutsche Bank die Rede ist, bezieht sich dies auf die Angebote der Deutsche Bank AG. Wir weisen darauf hin, dass die in dieser Publikation enthaltenen Angaben keine Anlage-, Rechts- oder Steuerberatung darstellen, sondern ausschließlich der Information dienen. Die Information ist mit größter Sorgfalt erstellt worden. Bei Prognosen über Finanzmärkte oder ähnlichen Aussagen handelt es sich um unverbindliche Informationen. Soweit hier konkrete Produkte genannt werden, sollte eine Anlageentscheidung allein auf Grundlage der verbindlichen Verkaufsunterlagen getroffen werden. Aus der Wertentwicklung in der Vergangenheit kann nicht auf zukünftige Erträge geschlossen werden. HINWEIS: BEI DIESEN INFORMATIONEN HANDELT ES SICH UM WERBUNG. Die Inhalte sind nicht nach den Vorschriften zur Förderung der Unabhängigkeit von Anlage- oder Anlagestrategieempfehlungen (vormals Finanzanalysen) erstellt. Es besteht kein Verbot für den Ersteller oder für das für die Erstellung verantwortliche Unternehmen, vor bzw. nach Veröffentlichung dieser Unterlagen mit den entsprechenden Finanzinstrumenten zu handeln. Die Deutsche Bank AG unterliegt der Aufsicht der Europäischen Zentralbank und der Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (BaFin).

Il vero protagonista del Black Friday sei tu


Play Episode Listen Later Nov 27, 2024 6:43

Oggi parliamo di Black Friday, l'appuntamento con gli sconti che arriva da oltreoceano, ma che è diventato di casa anche da noi! Come farne un'opportunità? Questo episodio è stato realizzato in collaborazione con Amazon. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

#27 Sujets TABOUS, avec Dre Vero Psy


Play Episode Listen Later Nov 27, 2024 109:00

⚠ TRAUMAVERTISSEMENT ⚠Cet épisode aborde des sujets sensibles: agression sexuelle, violence conjugale chez les hommes, abus familial, idées suicidaires, violence psychologique, viol conjugal, abus sexuels chez les enfants. Respectez vos limites, et n'hésitez pas à contacter quelqu'un si vous ressentez le besoin de parler (voir les ressources plus bas).

Voces Campeche
¡A comer! con La Tía Vero

Voces Campeche

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 27, 2024 38:08

Espero nunca les hayan tocado, por que cuando sí, son un dolor de… cabeza

Il Nostro Pane Quotidiano
Amore vero - 26 Novembre 2024

Il Nostro Pane Quotidiano

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 26, 2024 2:47

[L'amore] soffre ogni cosa, crede ogni cosa, spera ogni cosa, sopporta ogni cosa. L'amorenon verrà mai meno.1 Corinzi 13:7, 8

Novedades CLACSO
Episodio 5: Antifeminismo de Estado - Verónica Gago

Novedades CLACSO

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 26, 2024 28:44

Podcast "Los monstruos andan sueltos" - Episodio 5¿Cuáles son las razones del antifeminismo programático de las nuevas derechas?  ¿Es sólo guerra cultural? Verónica Gago, filósofa, activista feminista y referenta del colectivo “Ni una menos” reflexiona sobre los alcances de la restauración conservadora que encarna el gobierno de Javier Milei en Argentina.Narración y contenidos: Ana CacopardoMás información en https://www.clacso.orgLocución: Manuel CallauProducción por CLACSO: Eric DomergueMontaje sonoro y música original: Fermín IrigoyenDirector de Comunicación e Información de CLACSO: Gustavo LemaDirectora Ejecutiva de CLACSO: Karina BatthyányTODOS LOS EPISODIOS DEL PODCASThttps://www.clacso.org/los-monstruos-andan-sueltos/#monstruossueltos #nuevasderechas #clacsoradio

Border Nights

Border Nights

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 26, 2024 78:06

IL VERO BENESSERE DEL SISTEMA RESPIRATORIO - WILMER ZANGHIRATI URBANAZSalute e Consapevolezza presenta: INFIAMMAZIONI E CATTIVA DIGESTIONE: COSA FARE? - La Bromelina - Con WILMER ZANGHIRATI URBANAZ Dottore in farmacia, erborista, naturopata, Presidente Associazione Italiana NaturopatiPer gli ascoltatori di Border Nights sconto speciale del 10% inserendo il codice BORDER10 su https://areapharm.it/storeDiventa un supporter di questo podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/border-nights--654467/support.

The One Piece Podcast
Episode 844, "SUUUUUPER Soaker" (with Kirsten Carey and Marianne Bray)

The One Piece Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 25, 2024 156:02

When the commanders are away, the fujoshi will play. This week, Delaney and Vero introduce the Boyfriend Bracket - a completely scientific tournament to determine who's got the best One Piece boyfriend. Our panel of competitors includes Chika Supreme (co-host of Shoujo Sundae) Marianne Bray (voice of Flampe for Crunchyroll's One Piece) Kirsten Carey (vocalist and guitarist for Throwaway, writer at The Mary Sue, Polygon and many others) and friend of the show Ken O'Connor! We also have our Piece Together segment, featuring a lightning round of your own boyfriend submissions to the panel. SUBSCRIBE TO US ON PATREON! You can subscribe on Patreon and get access to ad-free episodes and our 800+ episode archive, our exclusive series 4'ced to Watch 4Kids with Steve & Alex, our full-length film OPPJapan, exclusive episodes with our special guests and a lot more. 00:00:00 Introduction 00:06:09 The OPP Boyfriend Bracket 01:58:40 Piece Together: Boyfriend Edition 02:26:21 To Be Continued…! NEWS & UPDATES Our video recording of the OPP at City Winery is now LIVE for patrons! You can watch our previous show from April on YouTube here! The OPP is officially British Famous! Read what Zach had to tell the good people of England about One Piece as it lands on BBC iPlayer in “One Piece: From ‘niche within a niche' to global phenomenon” by Samuel Spencer! Check out the August edition of our new column Ri's Reactions! Every month, Ri brings you his latest takes on the latest happenings in the One Piece world. They are available at onepiecepodcast.com before anywhere else! OPLA! is back for a whole new season! Check out interviews with the cast including Aidan Scott (Helmeppo), Alexander Maniatis (Kuro), Craig Fairbrass (Zeff) and Chioma Umeala (Nojiko)! Don't miss out, subscribe at patreon.com/onepiecepodcast to get the full One Piece Podcast experience!  We have an all new series about the history of 4Kids … as told by the people who were actually there. Check out 4Kids Flashback every Wednesday! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

María Lactanz
Caída de pelo postparto | Dr. Juan Bladé

María Lactanz

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 25, 2024 30:18

Caída de pelo postparto. De qué se trata. Causas. Tratamiento. ¿Realmente existe? Acompáñame a explorar este tema de la mano de nuestro dermatólogo experto el Dr. Juan Bladé. Datos de contacto: @juanblade Instituto de Pediatría Hospital Zambrano Hellion Patrocinado por: Frida Mom de venta en Walmart y redes BeLion by Vero @vero.leona  

Chiamate Roma Triuno Triuno
Il vero bambino della Kinder

Chiamate Roma Triuno Triuno

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 25, 2024 5:53

Sofía y Verónica Wiñazki hablan sobre "Así duermen los delfines"


Play Episode Listen Later Nov 25, 2024 40:08

Sofía y Verónica Wiñazki hablan sobre "Así duermen los delfines" by Gustavo Noriega

Il #Buongiorno di Giulio Cavalli
Valditara bruciato? Il vero incendio sono le 106 vittime di femminicidio

Il #Buongiorno di Giulio Cavalli

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 25, 2024 1:47

Chissà se non si sentono ridicoli i megafoni del governo, che delle migliaia di persone di tutte le età che hanno attraversato Roma hanno notato solo un volantino di carta straccia del ministro Valditara bruciato a terra.
Chissà se non provano nemmeno un briciolo di vergogna mentre invocano il lutto, parlando di violenza per una faccia stampata e un accendino, mentre 106 donne in carne e ossa, donne vere, mica stampate, sono state uccise quest'anno secondo i dati dell'Osservatorio di Non Una di Meno. Chissà se, al di là delle cazzate come il tricolore sulla panchina rossa – simbolico come i cani che marcano il territorio – quelli della maggioranza hanno idea di come gestire le 22mila donne che, nei primi dieci mesi dell'anno, sono state accolte da D.i.Re. - Donne in rete contro la violenza. Numeri che confermano una realtà da guerra sistemica. Chissà se davvero non si accorgono di vivere in un Paese in cui il 50% delle donne non lavora, il 30% non ha un conto corrente proprio, e chi lavora guadagna meno di un uomo pur avendo lo stesso percorso di studi, lo stesso ruolo, le stesse responsabilità. Mi domando da anni come possa il giornalismo essere così distratto, così strabico nei confronti delle voci che si alzano, come quelle di ieri a Roma. Però sono gli stessi giornalisti che da due anni declinano al maschile una presidente del Consiglio per accarezzare la proiezione mascolina che lei ha di sé stessa.
In fondo, tutto si spiega. #LaSveglia per La NotiziaDiventa un supporter di questo podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/la-sveglia-di-giulio-cavalli--3269492/support.

Voces Campeche
¡A comer! con La Tía Vero

Voces Campeche

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 25, 2024 48:00

Si la vida te da limones… pues igual y nos hacemos un paysito de limón, ¿no?

SGS: a One Piece Podcast series
Episode 844, "SUUUUUPER Soaker" (with Kirsten Carey and Marianne Bray)

SGS: a One Piece Podcast series

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 25, 2024 156:02

When the commanders are away, the fujoshi will play. This week, Delaney and Vero introduce the Boyfriend Bracket - a completely scientific tournament to determine who's got the best One Piece boyfriend. Our panel of competitors includes Chika Supreme (co-host of Shoujo Sundae) Marianne Bray (voice of Flampe for Crunchyroll's One Piece) Kirsten Carey (vocalist and guitarist for Throwaway, writer at The Mary Sue, Polygon and many others) and friend of the show Ken O'Connor! We also have our Piece Together segment, featuring a lightning round of your own boyfriend submissions to the panel. SUBSCRIBE TO US ON PATREON! You can subscribe on Patreon and get access to ad-free episodes and our 800+ episode archive, our exclusive series 4'ced to Watch 4Kids with Steve & Alex, our full-length film OPPJapan, exclusive episodes with our special guests and a lot more. 00:00:00 Introduction 00:06:09 The OPP Boyfriend Bracket 01:58:40 Piece Together: Boyfriend Edition 02:26:21 To Be Continued…! NEWS & UPDATES Our video recording of the OPP at City Winery is now LIVE for patrons! You can watch our previous show from April on YouTube here! The OPP is officially British Famous! Read what Zach had to tell the good people of England about One Piece as it lands on BBC iPlayer in “One Piece: From ‘niche within a niche' to global phenomenon” by Samuel Spencer! Check out the August edition of our new column Ri's Reactions! Every month, Ri brings you his latest takes on the latest happenings in the One Piece world. They are available at onepiecepodcast.com before anywhere else! OPLA! is back for a whole new season! Check out interviews with the cast including Aidan Scott (Helmeppo), Alexander Maniatis (Kuro), Craig Fairbrass (Zeff) and Chioma Umeala (Nojiko)! Don't miss out, subscribe at patreon.com/onepiecepodcast to get the full One Piece Podcast experience!  We have an all new series about the history of 4Kids … as told by the people who were actually there. Check out 4Kids Flashback every Wednesday! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

Fe Hecha Canción
Hoy estrenos de Gladys Garcete, Ana Bolívar, Aldana Canale, Vero Sanfilippo, y más

Fe Hecha Canción

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 21, 2024 55:00

Fe hecha canción es el programa de EWTN Radio Católica Mundial que promociona la música de los grupos y cantantes católicos del mundo hispano. Desde el Estudio 3 de Radio Católica Mundial, Douglas Archer comparte con ustedes una hora cargada de canciones, incluyendo las últimas novedades y estrenos, y de vez en cuando con algún invitado que canta o toca en directo.

Episode 35: Anora & The Face of Another


Play Episode Listen Later Nov 21, 2024 86:14

Rosa & Joku review and analyze 2024's 'Anora' and 'The Face of Another'.Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/CumpostingPodcastOur Podcast Artist is the incredibly talented Vero (she/they) of Praxisstvdio who you should check out here: https://linktr.ee/praxisstvdioTwitch: http://www.twitch.tv/cmpostingThe Cumposting Power Ranking: https://letterboxd.com/cumposting/list/cumposting-all-movies-watched-ranked/Donate: https://throne.com/cumpostingSend Us a Voice Message: https://www.speakpipe.com/cumpostingReddit (Cringe): https://www.reddit.com/r/cumpostingpod/Follow Rosa: https://x.com/tradslvtFollow Joku: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6MqDAGSrKEVBzHtgBBbT0wImage of the Week: https://imgur.com/a/WaPdNjq

The Marco D'Elia Podcast
Realizza il vero te stesso in 10 minuti con questo esercizio

The Marco D'Elia Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 20, 2024 12:09

Ecco anche la versione italiana dell'esercizio.Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brandsPrivacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy

Radio Rossonera
MILAN-RICCI: COSA C'E' DI VERO | Radio Rossonera Talk

Radio Rossonera

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 20, 2024 60:01

Il #milan cerca Samuele #ricci del Torino per la prossima estate, ma nel #calciomercato di Gennaio i #rossoneri dovranno comunque intervenire.Diventa un supporter di questo podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/radio-rossonera--2355694/support.

Radio Rossonera

Radio Rossonera

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 19, 2024 62:24

Prosegue il periodo poco fortunato del difensore centrale del Milan e della nazionale serba Strahinja Pavlovic che era partito bene in rossonero prima di perdersi tra panchine e cartellin i rossi... Qual'è il vero Pavlovic?Diventa un supporter di questo podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/radio-rossonera--2355694/support.

Perspektiven To Go
US-Staatsanleihen: Renditen mit Potenzial

Perspektiven To Go

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 19, 2024 16:34 Transcription Available

Nach dem Wahlsieg Donald Trumps stiegen die Renditen von US-Staatsanleihen – und es besteht weiteres Aufwärtspotenzial. Die Finanzmärkte erwarten zum einen eine stärkere Staatsverschuldung der USA und zum anderen eine höhere Inflation aufgrund von Zöllen. Die Leitzinsen dürften in den USA auf mittlere Sicht höher bleiben als zuletzt an den Märkten erwartet. Was das für Anleger bedeutet, erfahren Sie von Dr. Ulrich Stephan, Chefanlagestratege für Privat- und Firmenkunden der Deutschen Bank, im Gespräch mit Finanzjournalistin Jessica Schwarzer. Soweit hier von Deutsche Bank die Rede ist, bezieht sich dies auf die Angebote der Deutsche Bank AG. Wir weisen darauf hin, dass die in dieser Publikation enthaltenen Angaben keine Anlage-, Rechts- oder Steuerberatung darstellen, sondern ausschließlich der Information dienen. Die Information ist mit größter Sorgfalt erstellt worden. Bei Prognosen über Finanzmärkte oder ähnlichen Aussagen handelt es sich um unverbindliche Informationen. Soweit hier konkrete Produkte genannt werden, sollte eine Anlageentscheidung allein auf Grundlage der verbindlichen Verkaufsunterlagen getroffen werden. Aus der Wertentwicklung in der Vergangenheit kann nicht auf zukünftige Erträge geschlossen werden. HINWEIS: BEI DIESEN INFORMATIONEN HANDELT ES SICH UM WERBUNG. Die Inhalte sind nicht nach den Vorschriften zur Förderung der Unabhängigkeit von Anlage- oder Anlagestrategieempfehlungen (vormals Finanzanalysen) erstellt. Es besteht kein Verbot für den Ersteller oder für das für die Erstellung verantwortliche Unternehmen, vor bzw. nach Veröffentlichung dieser Unterlagen mit den entsprechenden Finanzinstrumenten zu handeln. Die Deutsche Bank AG unterliegt der Aufsicht der Europäischen Zentralbank und der Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (BaFin).

Prima Pagina
18 novembre : Biden punta i missili sulla Russia ; Il vero ruolo di Elon Musk ; Scuola, allerta violenza. Di Italo Carmignani

Prima Pagina

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 18, 2024 16:48

Oggi con @LorenzoVita andiamo direttamente sul fronte ucraino dove è arrivato l'Hurricane Biden con i missili a lungo raggio puntati contro la Russia; Restiamo all'estero e andiamo in America da dove @AnnaGuaita ci spiega il vero ruolo di Elon Musk nel governo Trump; Torniamo in Italia e parliamo di scuola con @LorenaLoiacono che affronta il tema della violenza dopo l'aggressione all'insegnante a Napoli; Quindi la musica con @MattiaMarzi che ci parla dell'ultimo disco di Cesare Cremonini e della serie di concerti per un tour negli stadi che si chiuderà all'Olimpico

Street Shots Photography Podcast
The Frame That Time Forgot

Street Shots Photography Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 15, 2024 68:13 Transcription Available

“When I photograph, what I'm really doing is seeking answers to things.”  -- Wynn Bullock “If you want to be a better photographer, stand in front of more interesting stuff.”  -- Jim Richardson   In this episode, Antonio and Ward reflect on photography's unique role in preserving memories and stories. They discuss the importance of visual media literacy, highlighting how critical it is to go beyond just taking photos—to truly “read” images and understand the narratives they capture. Antonio shares his interest in teaching these skills, noting an upcoming workshop designed to deepen understanding in this area. They also touch on how photography serves as a bridge to the past, preserving moments that can evoke powerful emotions or insights upon rediscovery. Through examples and personal reflections, Antonio and Ward examine how images can be more than visual records—they're a way to keep memories alive, capture personal history, and connect us to our own stories and those of others.   Subscribe to our Substack Newsletter Help out the show by buying us a coffee! Support the show by purchasing Antonio's Zines. Send us a voice message, comment or question.   Show Links: Photoville Educator Lab - Catalyst Of Change: Visual Storytelling for 2024 & Beyond Lost Rolls America Antonio M. Rosario's Website, Vero, Instagram and Facebook page Ward Rosin's Website, Vero, Instagram and Facebook page. Ornis Photo Website  The Unusual Collective Street Shots Facebook Page Street Shots Instagram     Subscribe to us on: Apple Podcasts Google Podcasts Spotify Amazon Music iHeart Radio

Episode 34: Venom 3, Kneecap, & Jenin, Jenin


Play Episode Listen Later Nov 14, 2024 85:42

Donate to UNRWA: https://donate.unrwa.org/-landing-page/en_ENDonate to the PCRF: https://www.pcrf.net/Donate to JVP: https://www.jewishvoiceforpeace.org/ways-to-give/Rosa and Joku talk about Venom: Let There be Carnage, 2024's Kneecap, and Jenin, Jenin.Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/CumpostingPodcastOur Podcast Artist is the incredibly talented Vero (she/they) of Praxisstvdio who you should check out here: https://linktr.ee/praxisstvdioTwitch: http://www.twitch.tv/cmpostingThe Cumposting Power Ranking: https://letterboxd.com/cumposting/list/cumposting-all-movies-watched-ranked/Donate: https://throne.com/cumpostingSend Us a Voice Message: https://www.speakpipe.com/cumpostingReddit (Cringe): https://www.reddit.com/r/cumpostingpod/Follow Rosa: https://x.com/tradslvtFollow Joku: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6MqDAGSrKEVBzHtgBBbT0wImage of the Week: https://imgur.com/a/1Gondpe

Zuppa di Porro
Elon Musk, qual era il vero pizzino di Re Sergio Mattarella

Zuppa di Porro

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 14, 2024 30:39

Zuppa di Porro del 14 novembre: rassegna stampa quotidiana

The Apple of Truth: A Lucifer Podcast
Episode 150: TAOT Dirk Gently S1 E04

The Apple of Truth: A Lucifer Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 13, 2024 96:31

With the first half of the season done, Vero is finally able to answer Elijah Wood's question from MagicCon but still juggles so many other questions. Lina laments the absense of Bart but instead focuses her appreciation on Amanda and the Rowdy 3. Join us as we ponder the possibilities of Gordon Rimmer's intentions, debate the destinies of our main four and ramble about the ramifications of acts commited in this episode. If you have anything to add, please reach out to us at dirkgently@taot-podcast.com . You can also use either of our social media accounts: * Twitter:  https://twitter.com/theappleoftruth * Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/taotpodcast

Downtime - The Mountain Bike Podcast
Vero Sandler – Making History at Red Bull Rampage

Downtime - The Mountain Bike Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 12, 2024 60:09

Today, we're thrilled to catch-up with freeride mountain biking sensation Vero Sandler, who recently made history at the inaugural women's Red Bull Rampage. Vero will share her incredible journey, from navigating the intense selection process to assembling the ultimate dig crew for this monumental event. Join us as she discusses the rigorous training required for tackling some of the most challenging jumps, drops, and exposure in mountain biking. We'll delve into how she prepared for the massive challenges of Rampage and what it took to carve her dream line down the rugged mountainsides of Utah. Additionally, we'll hear about Vero's exciting Backyard Battle build with her parter Sam, her experiences living off-grid, and much more. So, it's time to sit back, hit play and listen to this episode with Vero Sandler. You can also watch this episode on YouTube here. You can follow Vero on Instagram @veroniquesandler. Podcast Stuff Extract Coffee You can elevate your coffee experience with 20% off at Extract Coffee until the end of 2024. Extract are on a mission to make coffee better. I'd recommend starting off with either their Original blend, or Dr Strangelove Espresso, but there's a whole host of options over at extractcoffee.co.uk to choose from. They'll send it either as whole bean or ground for your brewing method of choice and there are brewing guides on the website to help you make the perfect cup. So if you want to treat yourself or those special people in your life, you can head over to extractcoffee.co.uk and use the code 'DOWNTIME' at the checkout. Please note, this offer is only valid in the UK. Patreon I would love it if you were able to support the podcast via a regular Patreon donation. Donations start from as little as £3 per month. That's less than £1 per episode and less than the price of a take away coffee. Every little counts and these donations will really help me keep the podcast going and hopefully take it to the next level. To help out, head here. Merch If you want to support the podcast and represent, then my webstore is the place to head. All products are 100% organic, shipped without plastics, and made with a supply chain that's using renewable energy. We now also have local manufacture for most products in the US as well as the UK. So check it out now over at downtimepodcast.com/shop. Newsletter If you want a bit more Downtime in your life, then you can join my newsletter where I'll provide you with a bit of behind the scenes info on the podcast, interesting bits and pieces from around the mountain bike world, some mini-reviews of products that I've been using and like, partner offers and more. You can do that over at downtimepodcast.com/newsletter. Follow Us Give us a follow on Instagram @downtimepodcast or Facebook @downtimepodcast to keep up to date and chat in the comments. For everything video, including riding videos, bike checks and more, subscribe over at youtube.com/downtimemountainbikepodcast. Are you enjoying the podcast? If so, then don't forget to follow it. Episodes will get delivered to your device as soon as it's available and it's totally free. You'll find all the links you need at downtimepodcast.com/follow. You can find us on Apple Podcast, Spotify, Google and most of the podcast apps out there. Our back catalogue of amazing episodes is available at downtimepodcast.com/episodes Photo - @tomb_photography

María Lactanz
Realizadas, libres, felices y mamás al mismo tiempo: ¿utopía? | Verónica Elizondo & Paty Villarreal

María Lactanz

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 11, 2024 59:33

Únete a esta increíble plática sobre los retos de la mujer mexicana y latinoamericana, en referencia a sus sueños y metas profesionales, dentro del contexto de la maternidad, la familia, el matrimonio, la cultura, las políticas y la sociedad. Hablamos también, de las dificultades de la mamá que se queda en casa dentro de esta misma cultura y sociedad. ¿Quiénes somos una vez que nos convertimos en mamás? ¿Dónde queda nuestra identidad de mujeres, profesionistas o no..? ¿Nuestros sueños y realización personal más allá de la propia maternidad? ¿En dónde estamos actualmente? ¿Cuáles son los retos? ¿Qué posibilidades tenemos? Invaluable aporte de parte de Verónica Elizondo quién fue considerada por la revista Forbes como una de las 100 mujeres más poderosas de México por su trayectoria profesional, pero quién también es madre y esposa, y de Paty Villarreal, nuestra amiga, psicóloga perinatal y terapeuta de parejas. ¡No se lo pierdan! Datos de contacto: Paty Villarreal: www.amarapsicologia.com e IG: @amarapsicologia / Verónica Fuentes: vteo75@gmail.com y 811 255 0956 IG: vt.elizondo FB: Verónica Elizondo Ortiz Patrocinado por: Frida Baby de venta en Walmart y redes BeLion by Vero @vero.leona

Pillole di Storia
E' vero che i Medici di Famiglia sono inutili? O sono solo giornalisti in cerca di scoop facili?

Pillole di Storia

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 11, 2024 41:32

L'articolo di cui parlo : https://www.corriere.it/dataroom-milena-gabanelli/sanita-come-la-lobby-dei-medici-di-famiglia-punta-alle-visite-a-pagamento/2a3a6ddf-dfe3-4f3b-9cf0-4d8e4090dxlk.shtml

#690: La tazza del vero uomo


Play Episode Listen Later Nov 8, 2024 61:32

Si parla di La tazza del vero uomo, una novità esclusiva per supportare EasyApple, disponibile per un periodo limitato. Rispondiamo poi ad alcune domande dei nostri ascoltatori: dai link sponsorizzati di Amazon, alla scelta della porta ethernet per...

Episode 33: The Substance & Movie 43


Play Episode Listen Later Nov 7, 2024 84:00

Joku & Rosa review and analyze Coralie Fargeat's 2024 "The Substance" and 2013's "Movie 43".Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/CumpostingPodcastOur Podcast Artist is the incredibly talented Vero (she/they) of Praxisstvdio who you should check out here: https://linktr.ee/praxisstvdioTwitch: http://www.twitch.tv/cmpostingThe Cumposting Power Ranking: https://letterboxd.com/cumposting/list/cumposting-all-movies-watched-ranked/Donate: https://throne.com/cumpostingSend Us a Voice Message: https://www.speakpipe.com/cumpostingReddit (Cringe): https://www.reddit.com/r/cumpostingpod/Follow Rosa: https://x.com/tradslvtFollow Joku: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6MqDAGSrKEVBzHtgBBbT0wImage of the Week: https://imgur.com/g49JJLwTimestamps:0:00 Intro1:54 Kamala Harris vs Donald Trump Epic Rap Battles of History10:16 The Substance Review & Analysis35:49 Scoring & Ranking The Substance36:58 Movie 43 Review & Analysis1:13:47 Scoring & Ranking Movie 431:14:40 Q&A1:21:51 Outro/ Next Week's Movies

Deja el Chou
155. Lo que callan las mujeres con Vero Gómez

Deja el Chou

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 6, 2024 45:24

Esta vez el podcast fue con la Vero Gómez, la dura de las duras de la radio venezolana. Locutora, comediante y creadora de contenido. Me contó muchas cosas y varias bien personales de lo que es su vida hoy en día. Espero les guste! DEJAME UN REVIEW! NO SEAS MALITO! QUIERES OTRO EPISODIO? MÁS CONTENIDO ? VEN A MI PATREON! https://www.patreon.com/danydigiacomo SIGUEME EN MI NUEVO CANAL DEL PODCAST " DEJA EL CHOU " https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9n3llcxTpbc_lT5OHkYg6w QUIERES VER DEJA EL CHOU? CLICK AQUI: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnKjOKme9WFumgJh9H9sklox4pplnXA-E MI MERCANCÍA / MERCH: https://represent.com/store/danydigiacomo PRUEBA SOLID8! Quieres dormir mejor, estás cansad@ de roncar? O que te ronquen al lado? entra aqui para más: www.solid8sleep.com  20% con tu primera compra, código: DEJAELCHOU  SÍGUEME: INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/danydigiacomo/?hl=en FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/danydigiacomofanpage TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@danydigiacomo DISCORD: https://discord.gg/tEhFmFy GRUPO DE FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/groups/danydigiacomo QUÉ USO EN MIS VIDEOS: Cámara: https://amzn.to/3ve0qaA Luz: https://amzn.to/3Ky3Rzz Trípode: https://amzn.to/3usrRyh Micrófono: https://amzn.to/3E1RyZE MI TEAM: AGENCIA: https://www.instagram.com/wplash/ ESTUDIO: https://www.instagram.com/gradvity/ PR: https://www.instagram.com/aletremola/  MI WEB (HECHA POR @WEPLASH): https://www.danydigiacomo.com/ CONTÁCTAME: contact@danydigiacomo.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

María Lactanz
DESTETE: #sinfiltros | Paula Aguilar

María Lactanz

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 4, 2024 64:36

Tipos de destete, qué nos puede ayudar a tomar la desición de si hacerlo o no desde el punto de vista psicológico de la mamá. Desmenuzamos la culpa, las emociones negativas, hablamos de otras necesidades psicológicas en los niños aparte de la lactancia, cómo proteger el apego y al niño si lo lidera la mamá. Todo esto y mucho más #sinfiltro de la mano de la psicóloga Paula Aguilar. Datos de contacto: IG: @mama.con.ciencia Patrocinado por: Medela. Puedes encontrarlo en Walmart, punto de venta y en redes BeLion by Vero @vero.leona

The Roller Door
A RedBull Rampage Recap with Vero Sandler

The Roller Door

Play Episode Listen Later Nov 1, 2024 58:47

In this episode of the Roller Door, Garen and Hannah chat with legendary freerider Vero Sandler about her experience before, during, and after the Redbull Rampage. There's an awful lot to unpack here. We hope you enjoy, and remember– if you have questions for Vero or anyone at Santa Cruz Bicycles, please email them to podcast@santacruzbicycles.com/ Thanks for listening!  

El Mañanero Radio
La EXTREMA más subestimada dice_ CARO BRITO es LA VILLANA - Verónica Batista

El Mañanero Radio

Play Episode Listen Later Oct 29, 2024 20:20

The One Piece Podcast
Episode 840, "Oshis and Oomfies"

The One Piece Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Oct 28, 2024 125:39

On this week's episode of The One Piece Podcast we go through the One Piece anime special “ONE PIECE FAN LETTER”, hosted by Sam Leach and featuring Vero (contributor and artist) and Joey Weiser (Eisner Award-nominated author of Mermin, Ghost Hog & Dragon Racer)! SUBSCRIBE TO US ON PATREON! You can subscribe on Patreon and get access to ad-free episodes and our 800+ episode archive, our exclusive series 4'ced to Watch 4Kids with Steve & Alex, our full-length film OPPJapan, exclusive episodes with our special guests and a lot more. 00:00:00 Introduction 00:16:23 Anime Recap: ONE PIECE FAN LETTER; 01:44:21 To Be Continued…! NEWS & UPDATES Our video recording of the OPP at City Winery is now LIVE for patrons! You can watch our previous show from April on YouTube here! The OPP is officially British Famous! Read what Zach had to tell the good people of England about One Piece as it lands on BBC iPlayer in “One Piece: From ‘niche within a niche' to global phenomenon” by Samuel Spencer! Check out the August edition of our new column Ri's Reactions! Every month, Ri brings you his latest takes on the latest happenings in the One Piece world. They are available at onepiecepodcast.com before anywhere else! OPLA! is back for a whole new season! Check out interviews with the cast including Aidan Scott (Helmeppo), Alexander Maniatis (Kuro), Craig Fairbrass (Zeff) and Chioma Umeala (Nojiko)! Don't miss out, subscribe at patreon.com/onepiecepodcast to get the full One Piece Podcast experience!  We have an all new series about the history of 4Kids … as told by the people who were actually there. Check out 4Kids Flashback every Wednesday! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

The Photographer Mindset
Decentralizing Social Media and Making Yourself the Platform

The Photographer Mindset

Play Episode Listen Later Oct 28, 2024 78:56

In this episode, we delve into the concept of decentralizing social media, advocating for a shift where the quality of content and genuine subscriptions take precedence over algorithm-driven engagement. We discuss the dilemma photographers face with Instagram, exploring viable alternatives that could meet their needs for attention, income, and connection outside centralized platforms. We question whether social media might one day be viewed as harmful as smoking or alcohol, pondering if current excitement blinds us to its potential dangers. We also highlight the recurring urge to abandon Instagram for platforms like Vero and Clubhouse and why we inevitably all return to Instagram. Lastly, we discuss the internal dialogue many experience when trying to manage an overwhelming number of followings.Expect to learn:- how to become your own platform outside of centralized apps- how to remain authentic in an algorithm-driven world- to identify the needs you're trying to fill with Instagram- how you can fill those needs outside of the platform with more success- how to best audit and cull your "following" listBook a one time virtual 30 minute 1-on-1 session with Aaron or Seth entirely for FREE by using the code "FREETRIAL" at checkout: https://thephotographermindset.com/products/60-minute-virtual-1-on-1-sessionSponsor:Thanks to WhiteWall for being our lead sponsor this episode! They're the top choice for photographers who want high-quality prints, with a variety of material options, and who want their work delivered fast in 9 days or less!You can use the code TPMINDSET15 at checkout for 15% off! Valid until 12/31/24https://www.whitewall.com/Subscribe to TPM's Youtube page and watch full length episodes: https://www.youtube.com/thephotographermindset/Make a donation via PayPal for any amount you feel is equal to the value you receive from our podcast episodes! Donations help with the fees related to hosting the show:https://paypal.me/podcasttpm?country.x=CA&locale.x=en_USThanks for listening!Go get shooting, go get editing, and stay focused.@sethmacey@mantis_photography@thephotographermindsetSupport the showSupport the show

María Lactanz
Conscious Parenting desde el día uno | Cristy Cortés

María Lactanz

Play Episode Listen Later Oct 28, 2024 74:07

¿Cómo podemos actuar más desde la sabiduría interior y menos desde lo que dicen los demás? ¿Cómo estar feliz a pesar del caos, miedo e imperfección de la vida? ¿Educar para obedecer o para respetar a los demás? ¿Cómo conectar con tu bebé e hijos para reconocer sus necesidades e identificar lo prioritario? Todo esto y más, de la mano de esta experta en parentalidad consciente: Cristy Cortés. Patrocinado por: Frida Mom de venta en Walmart y redes BeLion by Vero @vero.leona

Chente Ydrach

Chente Ydrach

Play Episode Listen Later Oct 23, 2024 61:46

The One Piece Podcast
Episode 839, “Clinty Flam”

The One Piece Podcast

Play Episode Listen Later Oct 21, 2024 190:27

On this week's episode of The One Piece Podcast we go through One Piece Chapter 1130 “The Accursed Prince” with Vero (contributor and artist) and friends of the show Ken O'Connor and Mike Patten (Storyboard artist on Marvel's M.O.D.O.K and more)! Then we have a double Anime Recap of One Piece Episode 1121, “Garp and Kuzan - A Master and a Pupil's Beliefs Clash” and Episode 1122, “The Last Lesson! Impact Inherited” with Sam Leach, Steve Yurko, and Chika Supreme! We also have our Piece Together segment, where we take your questions, comments, and theories, and a special round of our popular Yaoi Thunderdome segment. SUBSCRIBE TO US ON PATREON! You can subscribe on Patreon and get access to ad-free episodes and our 800+ episode archive, our exclusive series 4'ced to Watch 4Kids with Steve & Alex, our full-length film OPPJapan, exclusive episodes with our special guests and a lot more. 00:00:00 Introduction 00:20:47 Manga Recap: Chapter 1130; 01:25:02 Double Anime Recap: Episodes 1121 & 1122 02:12:35 Piece Together 02:29:17 To Be Continued & Yaoi Thunderdome…! NEWS & UPDATES Our video recording of the OPP at City Winery is now LIVE for patrons! You can watch our previous show from April on YouTube here! The OPP is officially British Famous! Read what Zach had to tell the good people of England about One Piece as it lands on BBC iPlayer in “One Piece: From ‘niche within a niche' to global phenomenon” by Samuel Spencer! Check out the August edition of our new column Ri's Reactions! Every month, Ri brings you his latest takes on the latest happenings in the One Piece world. They are available at onepiecepodcast.com before anywhere else! OPLA! is back for a whole new season! Check out interviews with the cast including Aidan Scott (Helmeppo), Alexander Maniatis (Kuro), Craig Fairbrass (Zeff) and Chioma Umeala (Nojiko)! Don't miss out, subscribe at patreon.com/onepiecepodcast to get the full One Piece Podcast experience!  We have an all new series about the history of 4Kids … as told by the people who were actually there. Check out 4Kids Flashback every Wednesday! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices