Embracing the challenges and darkness in life can be the catalyst to discovering your true self. - Malaysia Harrell Malaysia Harrell is a spiritual transformational coach, speaker, veteran, and author. She dedicated her life to helping women overcome past trauma and discover a life of authenticity, purpose, and bliss. Malaysia combines her clinical expertise, spiritual wisdom, and intuitive guidance to assist clients in breaking free from limiting beliefs. She is known for her inspiring story of resilience and triumph against all odds, and her work has influenced countless women to claim their power and ascend above adversity. Episode Summary: In this engaging episode of "Oh My Health There Is Hope," host Jana Short converses with Malaysia Harrell, a spiritual transformational coach and veteran, about the profound journey of self-discovery and healing. Malaysia shares her inspiring story of overcoming significant childhood challenges and a near-death experience to emerge as a powerful advocate for personal transformation. Her new book, "God Has My Six," delves into her journey and provides guidance for others navigating their darkness and finding their true calling. Through candid conversations, this episode explores critical themes like the importance of shedding masks, the transformative power of letting go, and the role of spirituality in personal growth. Malaysia emphasizes embracing authenticity and the challenges of rediscovering oneself after life-altering experiences. Jana and Malaysia discuss the military's influence on leadership skills and how transitioning out of structured environments can lead to extraordinary personal growth. This insightful dialogue is a testament to the resilience and strength inherent in overcoming life's adversities. Key Takeaways: Understanding one's true self is crucial for authentic living and personal success. Embracing darkness as a catalyst for transformation leads to profound self-discovery. Letting go of societal and familial expectations opens the path to genuine fulfillment. Spirituality and surrender play vital roles in navigating life's challenges and transitions. Personal and professional growth is a lifelong journey, requiring constant reevaluation and adaptation. Resources: Www.malaysiaharrell.com Www.blissfullifeconsulting.com https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100089868888725&mibextid=LQQJ4d https://www.linkedin.com/in/malaysia-h-harrell-a322b19b Get in touch with Jana and listen to more podcasts: https://www.janashort.com/ Show Music ‘Hold On' by Amy Gerhartz: https://www.amygerhartz.com/music. Get the Best Holistic Life Magazine Subscription! One of the fastest-growing independent magazines centered around holistic living. https://bestholisticlife.info/Subscription Grab your gift today: https://www.janashort.com/becoming-the-next-influencers-download-offer/ Connect with Jana Short: https://www.janashort.com/contact/
When you join us for the next Treasured Truth, Pastor Ford will explain how believers can have confidence that the tragedy of death has been overcome. And in His resurrection, that Christ is the “first fruits” of those who will be raised from the dead. He’ll further explain that although death can seem tragic, for the believer, it’s really just transportation from this life to the next. Join us as Pastor Ford continues his message “Turning Tragedy into Triumph” on the next Treasured Truth. Treasured Truth is a listener supported program on Moody Radio. To join our team of supporters, click here. To learn more about Pastor James Ford, Jr., click here. To learn more about Treasured Truth, click here.Donate to Moody Radio: http://moodyradio.org/donateto/treasuredtruthSee omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
It is with heavy hearts that we deliver this week's episode honoring the passing of a guitar hero giant who also happened to be an awesome singer and songwriter: John Sykes. He was a guitarist deserving of the title guitar god who rarely got mentioned in the same circles as the Satches, Vais, Rhodes, and Van Halens. Most known for his brief stint in Thin Lizzy at the end of their career and as a brief member of Whitesnake. He should have been a household for playing on the Whitesnake 87 album that sold 25M records worldwide, but he was fired before it came out. Kevin's a huge fan of Blue Murder, so we will focus on that band and some of the lesser-known projects he was involved in while also paying homage to his mainstream successes. New to InObscuria? Typically, what we do is exhume obscure Rock n' Punk n' Metal in one of 3 categories: the Lost, the Forgotten, or the Should Have Beens. Rest In Peace John. Your pure musicality and amazing songs will live forever in our hearts!Songs this week include:Blue Murder – “We All Fall Down” from Nothin' But Trouble (1993)Streetfighter – “She's No Angel” from Lightnin' To The Nations: NWOBHM 25th Anniversary Collection (2005)Tygers Of Pan Tang – “Blackjack” from Spellbound (1981)John Sykes – “Pride And Joy” from Crossfire: A Salute To Stevie Ray (1996)Derek Sherinian – “God Of War” from Mythology (2004)Thin Lizzy – “Cowboy Song” from One Night Only (2000)John Sykes – “Cautionary Warning” from 20th Century (1997)Blue Murder – “Still Of The Night” from Screaming Blue Murder: Dedicated To Phil Lynott (1994)Blue Murder – “Jelly Roll” from Screaming Blue Murder: Dedicated To Phil Lynott (1994)Please subscribe everywhere that you listen to podcasts!Visit us: https://inobscuria.com/https://www.facebook.com/InObscuriahttps://twitter.com/inobscuriahttps://www.instagram.com/inobscuria/Buy cool stuff with our logo on it!: https://www.redbubble.com/people/InObscuria?asc=uIf you'd like to check out Kevin's band THE SWEAR, take a listen on all streaming services or pick up a digital copy of their latest release here: https://theswear.bandcamp.com/If you want to hear Robert and Kevin's band from the late 90s – early 00s BIG JACK PNEUMATIC, check it out here: https://bigjackpnuematic.bandcamp.com/Check out Robert's amazing fire sculptures and metal workings here: http://flamewerx.com/
Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: Sigrid's Secret: Triumph from the Underground Bunker Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/no/episode/2025-02-14-23-34-01-no Story Transcript:No: På den kalde februardag i utkanten av skolegården, lå den hemmelige bunkeren gjemt.En: On the cold February day at the edge of the schoolyard, the secret bunker lay hidden.No: Bare noen få visste om den.En: Only a few knew about it.No: Sigrid var en av dem.En: Sigrid was one of them.No: Hun åpnet den knirkete døren og gikk inn i det dunkle rommet som tidens tann hadde glemt.En: She opened the creaky door and entered the dim room that time's passage had forgotten.No: Her var det gammelt utstyr, alt dekket av et tynt lag støv.En: Here, there was old equipment, all covered by a thin layer of dust.No: Men mest av alt, her var det stillhet.En: But most of all, here there was silence.No: Sigrid satte seg ned ved et av de slitne bordene.En: Sigrid sat down at one of the worn-out tables.No: Hun la fra seg bøkene med kjeminotater og en tjukk bunker med notater for prosjektet sitt.En: She set down her books with chemistry notes and a thick stack of notes for her project.No: Hun hadde jobbet i ukevis.En: She had been working for weeks on end.No: Mange søvnløse netter var gått med til å perfeksjonere formelen sin.En: Many sleepless nights had been spent perfecting her formula.No: "Jeg kan gjøre dette," hvisket hun til seg selv, mens hun så på det tomme rommet som var hennes publikum.En: "I can do this," she whispered to herself, as she looked at the empty room that was her audience.No: Erik, hennes beste venn, kom ofte til bunkeren for å hjelpe.En: Erik, her best friend, often came to the bunker to help.No: Han fylte rommet med varme og latter som jaget bort det kalde draget.En: He filled the room with warmth and laughter that chased away the cold draft.No: Men nå var han ikke der, og hennes følelser for ham var som en ekstra vekt på hennes skuldre.En: But now he wasn't there, and her feelings for him were like an extra weight on her shoulders.No: "Hva vil Erik si?En: "What will Erik say?"No: " tenkte hun ofte.En: she often thought.No: Sigrid begynte å øve.En: Sigrid began to practice.No: Hun lukket øynene og så for seg forsamlingen i aulaen.En: She closed her eyes and imagined the audience in the auditorium.No: Uansett hvor mange ganger hun prøvde, kom nervene snikende.En: No matter how many times she tried, the nerves crept in.No: Hun bestemte seg endelig for å be Erik om hjelp.En: She finally decided to ask Erik for help.No: Ikke bare fordi hun trengte det, men fordi hun ønsket hans nærvær.En: Not just because she needed it, but because she wanted his presence.No: Dagen for presentasjonen kom.En: The day for the presentation came.No: Skolen var dekket av et tynt snølag som skinte under den svake vintersolen.En: The school was covered with a thin layer of snow that shone under the weak winter sun.No: Aulaen var fylt med elever og lærere.En: The auditorium was filled with students and teachers.No: Lars, hennes rival, sto der allerede, selvsikker og trygg.En: Lars, her rival, was already there, confident and secure.No: Han presenterte sitt prosjekt med stor bravur.En: He presented his project with great bravado.No: Sigrid kikket forsiktig mot Erik som smilte oppmuntrende til henne.En: Sigrid glanced cautiously at Erik, who smiled encouragingly at her.No: Sigrid gikk opp på scenen.En: Sigrid went up on stage.No: Hendene hennes skalv litt, men hun følte likevel en indre ro.En: Her hands trembled slightly, but she still felt an inner calm.No: "Hei," begynte hun.En: "Hi," she began.No: Stemmen var tynn, men den holdt.En: Her voice was thin, but it held.No: Så, med bilder fresende bak henne og bordet fullt av kjemikalier, begynte hennes reise gjennom prosjektet.En: Then, with images flashing behind her and the table full of chemicals, she began her journey through the project.No: Hver forklaring og hvert eksperiment gikk som planlagt.En: Every explanation and every experiment went as planned.No: Publikum ble mer og mer fascinert.En: The audience became more and more fascinated.No: Da hun ble ferdig, var stillheten i rommet overveldende før applausen brøt ut.En: When she finished, the silence in the room was overwhelming until the applause broke out.No: Det var en befrielse.En: It was a relief.No: Erik var den første som løp opp til henne.En: Erik was the first to run up to her.No: "Du var fantastisk, Sigrid," sa han og klemte henne.En: "You were amazing, Sigrid," he said and hugged her.No: Stolthet lyste opp ansiktet hans.En: Pride lit up his face.No: Selv Lars måtte innrømme: "Det var imponerende.En: Even Lars had to admit: "That was impressive."No: "Med denne suksessen følte Sigrid en nyfunnen selvtillit.En: With this success, Sigrid felt a newfound confidence.No: Hun visste nå at hun, med grundig forberedelse og støtte fra de rette personene, kunne overvinne frykt.En: She now knew that, with thorough preparation and support from the right people, she could overcome fear.No: Dette var bare begynnelsen.En: This was only the beginning.No: Snøen begynte å falle igjen utenfor, men inne i Sigrids verden var det blitt lysere.En: The snow began to fall again outside, but inside Sigrid's world, it had become brighter. Vocabulary Words:bunker: bunkerencreaky: knirketedim: dunkleequipment: utstyrdust: støvworn-out: slitneformulation: formelensleepless: søvnløsedraft: dragetpresence: nærværpresentation: presentasjonenthin: tyntauditorium: aulaenrival: rivalbravado: bravurtrembled: skalvexplained: forklaringexperiment: eksperimentoverwhelming: overveldendeapplause: applausenrelief: befrielsepride: stolthetadmit: innrømmeimpressive: imponerendeconfidence: selvtillitpreparation: forberedelsesupport: støtteovercome: overvinnefear: fryktbeginning: begynnelsen
On the next Treasured Truth, as we continue this message from Matthew 27, Pastor Ford will encourage us to realize that God provides for us even through the tragedies in our lives. It’s easy for us to not see how that can be true sometimes, but God can really turn tragedies into triumphs. How can we know that’s true? Because the Bible tells us that all things work together for those who love God and are called according to His purpose. To learn more from Pastor Ford about dealing with life’s tragedies join us for the next Treasured Truth. Treasured Truth is a listener supported program on Moody Radio. To join our team of supporters, click here. To learn more about Pastor James Ford, Jr., click here. To learn more about Treasured Truth, click here.Donate to Moody Radio: http://moodyradio.org/donateto/treasuredtruthSee omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
In this deeply moving and insightful conversation, David sits down with Caren Paskal, an author, inspirational speaker, and nonprofit leader, to discuss her personal journey with trauma and healing. Caren shares her experiences as a caregiver to her husband who battled brain cancer, and how these challenging times transformed her life. They explore the importance of self-belief, self-care, and the profound impact of grounding and play in the healing process. Caren also talks about the origins and mission of her nonprofit organization, which focuses on empowering caregivers through self-care practices. Tune in for an inspiring discussion about resilience, love, and finding joy amidst pain.#butterfly #butterflyeffect #healing #process #varegiverhttps://carenpaskel.com/Support the show
Kelton Shelley shares his extraordinary journey from childhood leukemia to becoming a dedicated endurance athlete, highlighting the power of resilience and the importance of investing in oneself. His story inspires listeners to face challenges head-on and embrace their unique paths to success.• Definition of 'deposit' in the context of personal growth • Kelton's childhood in Utah and initial passion for sports • Overcoming leukemia and the pivotal role of family support • Transition to endurance sports and the significance of hard work • The challenges and triumphs of participating in Spartan races • Insights on dealing with pain and mental perseverance • The balance between racing and playing drums in a metal band • Setting future goals and embracing life's adventures • The deeper meaning of adventure as a continuous journeyWant to be a guest on Journey with Jake? Send me a message on PodMatch, here: https://www.podmatch.com/hostdetailpreview/journeywithjake To sign up for my newsletter and a chance to win a Sacred Spaces Gift Box please visit www.journeywithjake.net/newsletter. To learn more about Sacred Spaces Volume 3 please visit www.colleenaviscoaching.com/events. Visit geneticinsights.co and use the code "DISCOVER25" to enjoy a sweet 25% off your first purchase.
Political activist and best-selling spiritual author Marianne Williamson is unapologetic about why we are in a period of time in which people are called to be proactive in humanity, politics and spirituality. She also discusses her candidacy for U.S. Presidential Office in 2020 and 2024. Following the November election, Marianne was a candidate for Chair of the Democratic National Committee. Marianne has been a leader of spiritually progressive circles and is known as a teacher of the book "A Course in Miracles." She is the author of 16 books, four of which have been #1 New York Times best sellers. Two lines from the mega-bestseller, "A Return to Love," are often quoted and considered an anthem for a contemporary generation of seekers: "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure…” Marianne's other bestsellers include "A Woman's Worth," "The Law of Divine Compensation," "Tears to Triumph" and 'The Gift of Change." With her books and online classes she has taught millions of people the universal spiritual principles at the heart of miracle-minded thinking. Marianne founded Project Angel Food, a non-profit organization that has delivered more than 18 million meals to ill and dying homebound patients in the Los Angeles area since 1989. The group was created to help people suffering from the ravages of HIV/AIDS. She has also worked throughout her career on poverty, anti-hunger and racial reconciliation issues. In 2004, she co-founded The Peace Alliance and supported the creation of a U.S. Department of Peace. Her latest book titled, "THE MYSTIC JESUS: The Mind of Love," is available online and at bookstores everywhere. #mariannewilliamson #spiritualityandpolitics #godislove #podcast #acourseinmiracles #acim #spiritualactivism #activism #washingtonpolitics #usaid
BUY DREAM THEATER - PARASOMNIA - https://amzn.to/42P54hIDream Theater fans, the wait is OVER! Parasomnia is here, and Jon and Brian are diving headfirst into every track with a panel of hardcore DT lovers from across the globe!
Thunder Dog: The True Story of a Blind Man, His Guide Dog, and the Triumph of Trust.An instant New York Times bestseller, Thunder Dog tells the true story of a blind man, his guide dog, and the life-changing power of faith and trust in the face of terror. When one of four hijacked planes flew into the World Trade Center's North Tower on September 11, 2001, Michael Hingson, a district sales manager for a data protection and network security systems company, was sitting down for a meeting. His guide dog, Roselle, was at his feet.Blind from birth, Michael could hear the sounds of shattering glass, falling debris, and terrified people flooding all around him. But Roselle sat calmly beside him. In that moment, Michael chose to trust Roselle's judgment and not to panic. They were a team.
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Send us a textThe latest episode dives deep into the aftermath of the Super Bowl, focusing on the Eagles' dominant performance over the Chiefs and the potential legacies of emerging stars like Jalen Hurts and Saquon Barkley. We explore crucial questions about future rivalries, the pursuit of a three-peat, and the significance of increasing representation in quarterback roles.• Analyzing the Eagles' showcase against the Chiefs • Discussing Jalen Hurts and Saquon Barkley as a historic duo • Exploring the myth of the NFL three-peat • Celebrating the evolution of Black quarterbacks in the NFL • Speculating on future rivalries and team dynamics • Looking at the potential shifts in the league's power structure • Highlighting the importance of representation and legacy in sportsSupport the showhttps://linktr.ee/GetABucketShow for more content!!!
On the next Treasured Truth, Pastor Ford will share an encouraging message about how tragedies—like the deaths of our loved ones—can be turned into victories. As we look at Matthew 27, he will explain that the theme of this chapter indicates death can be transformed into triumph because of the death of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Learn more from Pastor Ford about how to turn tragedy into triumph when you join us for the next Treasured Truth. Treasured Truth is a listener supported program on Moody Radio. To join our team of supporters, click here. To learn more about Pastor James Ford, Jr., click here. To learn more about Treasured Truth, click here.Donate to Moody Radio: http://moodyradio.org/donateto/treasuredtruthSee omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
Personal Revival, Nation Awakening & Generational ReformationIn this newest message, Pastor Brian exalts the gift of God's immeasurable grace that came at the highest price—The Lamb slain from the foundations of the world. We live in a time where God's grace is being recklessly abused, neglected and mistreated. This is a candid message that exposes the dark and dangerous lies of the hyper-grace message and returns us all to the plumb-line of biblical grace that triumphs over sin and defilement. We are currently raising funds for our Sanctuary Building that we are building. If you'd like to partner with us in building a resting place for the presence of the Lord, you can give today at: https://www.victoryfla.com/giveFor all the latest on all things Victory, be sure to check out our website at https://victoryfla.com and follow us on social media.Download our app at: https://victoryfla.com/appFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/victorychurchfla/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/victorychurchfla/X: https://twitter.com/victorychurchfl/
In this episode of the Foxx Den Sports Podcast, the hosts discuss the recent Super Bowl where the Philadelphia Eagles defeated the Kansas City Chiefs. They analyze the game, highlighting key performances and moments that led to the Eagles' victory. The conversation shifts to team management, discussing which NFL organizations are well-run and which are struggling. The hosts also speculate on the future of the Chiefs and the challenges they may face moving forward. Finally, they touch on the halftime show featuring Kendrick Lamar, sharing their thoughts on the performance and its reception. The conversation explores the cultural impact of music and artists, particularly in relation to the Super Bowl halftime show, discussing the popularity of various artists and the dynamics of their performances. It transitions into a discussion about the NFL's scheduling, including the potential for an 18-game season, and concludes with an analysis of the Oklahoma City Thunder's recent performance and player dynamics, highlighting the team's depth and resilience despite injuries. In this conversation, the hosts discuss various aspects of the NBA season, including team depth, player injuries, and expectations for the current season. They analyze the performance of specific teams and players, particularly focusing on the Memphis game. The discussion then shifts to lighter topics, such as food preferences and cooking experiences, before concluding with a reflection on personal skills and aspirations.Chapters00:00 Super Bowl Recap: Eagles vs. Chiefs06:31 Game Analysis: Key Moments and Performances11:00 Team Management: Best and Worst Ran Organizations14:39 Future of the Chiefs: Challenges Ahead18:49 Halftime Show Discussion: Kendrick Lamar's Performance21:35 Cultural Impact of Music and Artists24:12 Super Bowl Halftime Show Dynamics27:59 The Future of the NFL Schedule28:52 Oklahoma City Thunder's Winning Streak and Player Dynamics34:01 The Impact of Team Depth on Performance35:36 Expectations and Standards for the Season36:09 Analyzing Player Injuries and Their Effects37:35 Memphis Game Analysis and Team Dynamics39:40 Food Preferences and Cooking Experiences40:41 Skills and Aspirations: What We Wish We Had
New Beginning had turns, returns, title changes and drama. Steven and Jeremy looked at each match on the show, including Zack Sabre Jr. versus Hirooki Goto in an emotional title match. Plus, Yota Tsuji versus Gabe Kidd, and how the War Dogs' direction changed. Shota Umino starts over, Naito and Hiromu v Young Bucks and Yuya Uemura returns.
The Lone Tree Lions basketball team, sponsored by local businesses like Davis Salon and Westerdrug, recently secured a hard-fought victory against Highland. We spoke with Coach Cheney about their seventh win of the season, a testament to the team's grit and determination despite numerous injuries. The match was a nail-biter, with Emmett Burke making a crucial steal and layup in the final seconds to clinch a 53-51 victory. Coach Cheney shared insights into the game's intensity, the rivalry with Highland, and the progress of standout players like Cade Willos, Jack Patterson, Dom Garcia, Reese Holbrook, and Emmett Burt. He also touched on the team's challenges with injuries and praised the player development over the season. Looking forward, the Lions are preparing to face Keota in a crucial playoff game, where rebounding will be key. Despite battling flu and other setbacks, Coach Cheney remains positive about their chances, highlighting the resilient spirit of the players.
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The true transformation begins in the mind—own your truth, and everything else will follow. In this episode, Sharlee Dixon welcomes Wendy Cole, a transition mentor dedicated to guiding individuals through major life changes with a focus on self-acceptance and personal growth. After embarking on her own gender transition at the age of 67, Wendy brings both deep empathy and lived experience to her work, helping others navigate fears and doubts—whether they are transgender individuals, parents of transgender children, or women entrepreneurs struggling with imposter syndrome. Her journey of self-discovery and resilience has shaped her ability to offer proven strategies for thriving through life's biggest transitions. Today, Wendy joins us to share her personal journey, the essential mental work required before transitioning, and how her coaching approach empowers others to overcome fear and step into their authentic selves. For more information about Wendy Cole please visit: https://wendycolegtm.net Learn more about Wendy's podcast Demystifying the Transgender Journey at: https://womenwhopushthelimits.com/demystifying-the-transgender-journey-podcast/ Schedule a 25 min consultation with Wendy Cole: https://calendly.com/wendycoletm/discovery-conversation Subscribe to Wendy's newsletter “Wedny's 80% Rule”: https://wendysnews.wendycolegtm.net/o1e5x3 Read Wendy's Blog at: https://wendycolegtm.net/blog/ Connect with the Demystifying the Transgender Journey Facebook Group at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/demystifyingthetransgenderjourney Connect with Wendy on Instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/wcole212/ Connect with Wendy on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/wendycolegtm Connect with Wendy on YouTube at: https://www.youtube.com/@wendycole8326 Connect with Wendy on LinkedIn at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/wendy-cole-gtm/
Get ready to dive into the latest episode of "The Fourteen Twenty Sports Bar Podcast" where Brent Radlinsky and Eagles superfan Aaron Reilly break down the Philadelphia Eagles' thrilling Super Bowl victory over the Kansas City Chiefs, from the Eagles' defensive dominance to Patrick Mahomes' struggles, it's all on the table, plus, they chat about how blowout games impact NFL viewership and fan engagement, and whether the halftime show featuring Kendrick Lamar hit the right notes, and as if that wasn't enough, they explore how a championship win can shift fan loyalty and expectations, so grab a drink, settle in, and let's get into 'er!
Fluent Fiction - Hebrew: From Urban Ruins to Startup Triumph: Naomi & Amos' Journey Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/he/episode/2025-02-11-23-34-01-he Story Transcript:He: בניין תעשייתי ישן הפך למרכז חדשנות פורח.En: An old industrial building was transformed into a thriving innovation center.He: קירות הלבנים החשופים והגרפיטי הצבעוניים סיפרו סיפור על שיתוף פעולה ויצירתיות.En: The exposed brick walls and colorful graffiti told a tale of collaboration and creativity.He: שם, בלב ההמולה של מרכז ההזנקה הזה, עבדו נעמי ועמוס על חלומם השאפתני.En: There, in the heart of this startup hub, Naomi and Amos worked on their ambitious dream.He: נעמי, יזמית נמרצת, חלמה לפתח אפליקציה שתאפשר לזהות מחלות ברגע.En: Naomi, an energetic entrepreneur, dreamed of developing an app that would allow instant disease identification.He: היא הייתה מקורית ותמיד חיפשה דרכים לשלב טכנולוגיה בריאותית חדישה.En: She was original and always sought ways to integrate cutting-edge health technology.He: עמוס, שותפה לעסק, היה מהנדס תוכנה חרוץ שהאמין בפיתוח מוצרים ידידותיים למשתמשים.En: Amos, her business partner, was a diligent software engineer who believed in developing user-friendly products.He: עם החורף שהגיע, נעמי ועמוס התמודדו עם אתגרים לא פשוטים.En: With the winter arriving, Naomi and Amos faced significant challenges.He: הם חשבו על המיזם שלהם ללא הפסקה. בעיה טכנית אחר בעיה טכנית, וכסף שהלך ואזל.En: They continually pondered over their venture: one technical problem after another, and money running out.He: בנוסף, המשקיעים לחצו ותבעו תוצאות מיידיות.En: Additionally, investors were pressing and demanding immediate results.He: עמוס, שהיה לעתים זהיר מידי, העלה דאגות שגרמו לנעמי לחוש יותר לחוצה.En: Amos, at times overly cautious, raised concerns that made Naomi feel more stressed.He: נעמי הבינה שעליה לקחת סיכון.En: Naomi realized she needed to take a risk.He: היא החליטה לשנות את כיוון הפרויקט ולשלב משוב מיידי של משתמשים.En: She decided to change the direction of the project and incorporate immediate user feedback.He: עמוס לא היה מרוצה, חושב שהדבר יוסיף מורכבות לפרויקט.En: Amos was not pleased, thinking it would add complexity to the project.He: הגיע יום ולנטיין. יום מרגש שהביא איתו משקיע פוטנציאלי.En: "Valentine's" Day arrived, an exciting day that brought with it a potential investor.He: נעמי ועומוס ידעו שזה יכול להיות הרגע שיגדיר את עתיד המיזם.En: Naomi and Amos knew this could be the moment that defined the future of their venture.He: הפרויקט עמד למבחן האמיתי הראשון שלו.En: The project was up for its first real test.He: באמצע ההצגה למשקיע, פרץ מקרה פתאומי.En: In the middle of the presentation to the investor, a sudden incident occurred.He: עליהם היה לזהות מחלה לא ברורה במהירות.En: They needed to identify an unclear illness quickly.He: המתח בחדר היה עצום.En: The tension in the room was immense.He: נעמי חשה את הלחץ.En: Naomi felt the pressure.He: אבל האמונה שלה ושל עמוס הייתה חזקה.En: But her faith, along with Amos's, was strong.He: הם הפעילו את האפליקציה החדשה והיא זיהתה את המחלה במדויק.En: They launched the new app, and it accurately identified the disease.He: זה היה רגע של ניצחון.En: It was a moment of triumph.He: המיזם זכה באמון המשקיע.En: The venture won the investor's trust.He: נעמי למדה לאזן בין להט היזמות שלה לבין סבלנות.En: Naomi learned to balance her entrepreneurial zeal with patience.He: עמוס למד לקבל את החידוש בצורה יותר פתוחה.En: Amos learned to accept innovation more openly.He: השותפות שלהם התחזקה.En: Their partnership grew stronger.He: וכך, במרכז ההזנקה, בחורף קר ויום ולנטיין, החלו נעמי ועמוס לכתוב את הפרק הבא בסיפורם.En: And so, in the startup center, on a cold winter's day and "Valentine's" Day, Naomi and Amos began to write the next chapter of their story.He: הם ידעו שהדרך עוד ארוכה, אבל עם כל משבר באות הזדמנויות חדשות.En: They knew the road ahead was long, but with every crisis came new opportunities.He: וכך, הם צעדו קדימה, מלאים בתקווה ואמונה בעתיד מזהיר.En: And so, they moved forward, filled with hope and faith in a bright future. Vocabulary Words:industrial: תעשייתיtransformed: הפךthriving: פורחexposed: חשופיםbrick: לבניםgraffiti: גרפיטיcollaboration: שיתוף פעולהinnovation: חדשנותentrepreneur: יזמיתdeveloping: לפתחinstant: ברגעdisease: מחלותidentification: לזהותcutting-edge: חדישהdiligent: חרוץuser-friendly: ידידותיים למשתמשיםchallenges: אתגריםpondered: חשבוventure: מיזםinvestors: משקיעיםpressing: לחצוdemanding: תבעוconcerns: דאגותstressed: לחוצהrisk: סיכוןincorporate: לשלבcomplexity: מורכבותtriumph: ניצחוןbalance: לאזןzeal: להטBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/fluent-fiction-hebrew--5818690/support.
Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: From Panic to Pitch: A Valentine's Day Tech Triumph Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/no/episode/2025-02-11-23-34-02-no Story Transcript:No: Det var en travel kveld på tech-inkubatoren i Bergen.En: It was a busy evening at the tech incubator in Bergen.No: Snøen falt stille utenfor, et vakkert hvitt teppe som dekket byen.En: The snow fell quietly outside, a beautiful white blanket covering the city.No: Inne i kontoret var det en helt annen historie.En: Inside the office, it was a completely different story.No: Lars satt foran skjermen, øynene vidåpne og full av panikk.En: Lars sat in front of the screen, his eyes wide open and full of panic.No: "Ingrid!En: "Ingrid!No: Jeg tror jeg har slettet presentasjonen.En: I think I've deleted the presentation."No: "Ingrid kom løpende bort fra sitt skrivebord.En: Ingrid came running over from her desk.No: Hun satte seg ned ved siden av Lars.En: She sat down next to Lars.No: "Det er greit, Lars," sa hun, med et forsøk på et beroligende smil.En: "It's okay, Lars," she said, attempting a reassuring smile.No: "Vi kan fikse dette.En: "We can fix this.No: Vi har gjenskapt verre.En: We've recreated worse."No: "Men hjertet hennes banket.En: But her heart was pounding.No: Den store investor-presentasjonen var i morgen.En: The big investor presentation was tomorrow.No: De hadde jobbet i ukesvis på den filen.En: They had been working for weeks on that file.No: Lars rørte nervøst på seg.En: Lars fidgeted nervously.No: "Hvordan skal vi huske alt?En: "How are we going to remember everything?No: Vi er helt fortapt.En: We're completely lost."No: "Ingrid pustet dypt og så ham rett i øynene.En: Ingrid took a deep breath and looked him straight in the eyes.No: "Lars, vi kan dette.En: "Lars, we can do this.No: Vi har kunnskapen og ideene.En: We have the knowledge and the ideas.No: Vi må bare få det ned igjen.En: We just need to get it down again.No: La oss starte med skissen vi gjorde forrige uke.En: Let's start with the sketch we did last week."No: "Det var Valentinsdag, noe som gjorde det ekstra spesielt for Ingrid.En: It was Valentine's Day, which made it extra special for Ingrid.No: Hun hadde lenge hatt følelser for Lars, men aldri våget å si det.En: She had long had feelings for Lars but had never dared to say it.No: Kanskje, tenkte hun, ville det å åpne seg gi dem den støtten de trengte nå.En: Maybe, she thought, opening up would give them the support they needed now.No: "Lars, jeg må fortelle deg noe," sa hun, nølende.En: "Lars, I have to tell you something," she said hesitantly.No: "Jeg er veldig glad i deg.En: "I really care about you.No: Jeg tror det kan hjelpe oss å fokusere, hvis jeg er ærlig om det.En: I think it might help us focus if I'm honest about it."No: "Lars så opp, overrasket, men smilte så varmt.En: Lars looked up, surprised, but then smiled warmly.No: "Jeg.En: "I...No: jeg er også glad i deg, Ingrid.En: I care about you too, Ingrid.No: La oss gjøre dette sammen.En: Let's do this together."No: "Ingrids kreative sinn begynte å jobbe på høygir.En: Ingrid's creative mind began to work overtime.No: Hun begynte å tegne opp lysbilder mens Lars skrev koden de skulle demonstrere.En: She started sketching slides while Lars wrote the code they were to demonstrate.No: Sammen omfavnet de en mer spontan tilnærming, noe som Lars vanligvis slet med.En: Together they embraced a more spontaneous approach, something Lars usually struggled with.No: Timer ble til minutter, og natten fløt sakte, men sikkert mot morgen.En: Hours turned into minutes, and the night slowly but surely moved towards morning.No: De jobbet hardt, men med en nyfunnet glede og humor.En: They worked hard, but with newfound joy and humor.No: Latter fylte rommet når Ingrid foreslo et morsomt element i presentasjonen som både brøt opp monotoni og formidlet poenget klart.En: Laughter filled the room when Ingrid suggested a funny element in the presentation that both broke up monotony and conveyed the point clearly.No: Da de endelig var ferdige, så de på hverandre med lettelse.En: When they finally finished, they looked at each other with relief.No: "Vi klarte det," sa Lars.En: "We did it," said Lars.No: "Og det er mye bedre enn det vi hadde.En: "And it's much better than what we had."No: "Ingrid lo, lettet.En: Ingrid laughed, relieved.No: "Ja, jeg tror dette vil overraske investorene positivt.En: "Yes, I think this will pleasantly surprise the investors."No: "Da de sto foran investorene, merket de at snøen ute fortsatt dalte sakte ned.En: As they stood in front of the investors, they noticed the snow outside still drifting slowly down.No: Presentasjonen gikk glatt og fylt med uventet humor.En: The presentation went smoothly and was filled with unexpected humor.No: Investorene lo og klappet, imponert over duoens klarhet og humoristiske tilnærming.En: The investors laughed and clapped, impressed with the duo's clarity and humorous approach.No: Etter presentasjonen, mens de pakket sammen, strøk Lars Ingrid over hånden.En: After the presentation, as they packed up, Lars brushed Ingrid's hand.No: "Takk for at du fikk meg til å slappe av og stole på det kreative," sa han mykt.En: "Thank you for helping me relax and trust in the creative," he said softly.No: "Og takk for at du stoler på meg," svarte Ingrid, med en strålende smil.En: "And thank you for trusting me," replied Ingrid, with a radiant smile.No: De gikk ut i vinterens kulde, begge forandret, med en styrket teamdynamikk - og en nyfunnet kjærlighet.En: They walked out into the winter cold, both changed, with a strengthened team dynamic—and a newfound love.No: Investeringen var i boks, og både Lars og Ingrid hadde vunnet mer enn de i utgangspunktet hadde håpet på denne Valentinsdagen.En: The investment was secured, and both Lars and Ingrid had won more than they initially hoped for this Valentine's Day. Vocabulary Words:incubator: inkubatorenblanket: teppepanic: panikkreassuring: beroligendepounding: banketinvestor: investorfidgeted: rørtelost: fortaptsketch: skissenhesitantly: nølendecare: glad icreativity: kreative sinnovertime: høygirspontaneous: spontanapproach: tilnærmingstruggled: slethumor: humormonotony: monotonirelief: lettelsepleasantly: positivtsurprise: overraskeclarity: klarhethumorous: humoristiskerelieved: lettettrust: stoleradiant: strålendesecured: i boksnewfound: nyfunnetdynamic: dynamikkembraced: omfavnet
Wheat production has evolved dramatically since the 1960s. New seed technologies and farming practices have transformed yields and quality. Embracing change is key to thriving in Oklahoma's agriculture.What We Learned From Our Chat With Don:- The transition from older wheat varieties to newer ones has significantly improved yield and quality.- Precision farming techniques, such as auto-steering and section control, have transformed wheat farming efficiency.- Don's seed cleaning business illustrates the entrepreneurial spirit within agriculture, stemming from a personal need.- Community ties and educational contributions play a vital role in the agricultural sector.- Shifts to no-till farming practices have become standard, promoting sustainability in wheat production.Don's experiences as a football referee provide a unique perspective on community involvement and resilience.Wheat VarietiesDon discussed the transition from older wheat varieties like Newton and Triumph 64 to newer ones such as Double Stop and High Cotton. This shift has led to notable improvements in both yield and quality, showcasing the importance of innovation in agriculture.Technological AdvancementsThe introduction of precision farming techniques, including auto-steering and section control, has revolutionized wheat farming. These advancements allow farmers to operate more efficiently, reducing waste and increasing productivity.Seed Cleaning BusinessDon's venture into seed cleaning began with a personal need and grew into a successful business. His story illustrates the entrepreneurial spirit that drives many in the agricultural sector, highlighting how personal experiences can lead to innovative solutions.Community EngagementThroughout the episode, Don shared anecdotes about community events, such as waffle parties, that strengthen relationships among local farmers. This sense of community is vital in agriculture, fostering collaboration and support.Important Quote from Don Schieber"I don't like making money off of other people's disasters." - Don Schieber reflecting on global wheat markets. RedDirtAgronomy.com
When life heats up and it seems as though it's just one difficulty after another, where can you find the strength to overcome discouragement, persevere in your faith, and actually grow from those hardships? To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/85/29
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We took delivery of our Triumph TF-450 RC Edition on the west coast so we take it out to some of our local tracks, in order to see if the Triumph feels similar to when we left it in Georgia back in November. How does the chassis, engine and suspension stack up against other models on the same tracks? Listen to Keefer break it down on this show!
Eagles Triumph in What Could Be the WORST Super Bowl Ever!: Following Super Bowl LIX, Coley & Trill breakdown what might have been the worst Finals game the boys have ever seen. They break down what exactly went wrong for the Kansas City Chiefs, Jalen Hurts & the Philadelphia Eagles dominance and touch on Kendrick Lamar's epic halftime show. All this and more on Third Time's the Charm! Don't miss it! Coley Mick and Trill Withers are back (again), with Third Time's The Charm! Their newest show, presented by Underdog Fantasy, features the two like they never left. Coley and Trill will cover sports and just about everything else. Sign up for Underdog Fantasy HERE with promo code CHARM and get up to 50% first deposit bonus up to $1,000: https://play.underdogfantasy.com/p-third-timesthe-charm Subscribe to the Podcast
In this episode of Garage Cast, we catch up with Terry Lynn from Troy Lee Designs at the A.I.M. Expo in Las Vegas. From wrenching on aircraft engines in the Marine Corps to shaping the future of motorcycle racing and gear, Terry's story is pure adrenaline. We talk about her career shift from the military to the motorcycle industry, her time at Icon, Triumph, and KTM, and what it was like navigating the power sports world during COVID. She also gives us an inside look at TLD's bold vision—expanding globally, innovating gear, and partnering with Ducati for the Supercross season.
Host of the Dan Patrick Show, Dan Patrick joined OverDrive to discuss the Super Bowl matchup, the Eagles' domination across the field against the Chiefs, Jalen Hurts' impressive game. Patrick Mahomes' tough performance and the GOAT buzz with Tom Brady, Aaron Rodgers' departure in New York and more.
Here's what to expect on the podcast:John's journey through PTSD and healing.How does trauma impact a person's mental and emotional well-being?Understanding the complex of PTSD (CPTSD).How are trauma and grief connected?Practical strategies can help you start the path to recovery today.Veterans and first responders book drive project.And much more! About John:John Seeley, M.A., is a multiple #1 Best-selling author, International Motivational speaker, Actor, Radio host, and Life coach with a following in 44 countries around the world. He has been featured In the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, Woman's World Magazine, Hong Kong Trader, and numerous other periodicals, and CBS, ABC, PBS, Univision, and other TV and radio shows across North America.Having worked with many of the top teachers and visionaries, John uses his extensive knowledge and wisdom to transform people worldwide.John holds an undergraduate degree in Business and a Master's Degree in Spiritual Psychology and is the author of Second Chances, Transforming Trauma to Triumph!, Get Unstuck Now! The Simple Guide to Restart Your Life, Get Unstuck for Kids! A Fun, Interactive Guide to Empower Your Child for Life, Keep On Believing, Stories of Inspiration, Courage, and Triumph, along with numerous other books and articles. Connect with John Seeley!Website: https://www.johnseeleyma.com/LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/johnseeleyma/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/getunstuckguruBook John to Speak: https://www.bluemoonwonders.com/Heart Fire Press: http://www.heartfirepress.com/Veterans' Book Drive to donate these books to Vets for free!Second Chances: Transforming Trauma to Triumph https://tinyurl.com/3mdjwdnrGet Unstuck Now!: The Simple Guide to Restart Your Life Paperback https://tinyurl.com/3ynyns5tKeep On Believing https://tinyurl.com/5h98c7ctGet Unstuck for Kids! A Fun Interactive Guide to Empower Your Child for Life https://tinyurl.com/ykumcr8x Connect with Candice Snyder!Website: https://msha.ke/passionpurposeandpossibilitiesFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/candicebsnyder?_rdrPassion, Purpose, and Possibilities Community Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/passionpurposeandpossibilitiescommunity/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/passionpurposepossibilities/LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/candicesnyder/Shop For A Cause With Gifts That Give Back to Nonprofits: https://thekindnesscause.com/Fall In Love With Artists And Experience Joy And Calm: https://www.youtube.com/@movenartrelaxation
In this EP we talk Indian Motorcycles. Yes for the first time ever we dedicate and entire episode to Indian and only Indian motorcycles.Buy some FDB merchandise here.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Go here to join our FREE Discord!Visit Five Dirty Bikers on social media!FacebookInstagramTikTok- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Visit the website: www.fivedirtybikers.comSupport the showSupport the showSupport the showSupport the show
Send us a textThis episode explores the vital role of discomfort in entrepreneurship, highlighting how embracing the uncomfortable can often lead to growth and connection. Amber, a success architect, shares her journey from a safe corporate life to an entrepreneurial path filled with learning and relationships, encouraging listeners to confront their fears and recognize that everyone experiences uncertainty.• Understanding discomfort as a sign of growth • The biological basis behind safety mechanisms • Importance of challenging perceptions about security • Real-life examples of embracing risks in personal journeys • Building genuine connections in a "trust recession" • Practical strategies for reaching out and supporting others • Recognizing the commonality of discomfort in every entrepreneurial journeySupport the showThis episode is NOT sponsored. Some product links are affiliate links, meaning we'll receive a small commission if you buy something. =========================== ⚡️PODCAST: Subscribe to our podcast here ➡ https://elevatemedia.buzzsprout.com/ ⚡️Need post-recording video production help? Let's chat ➡ https://calendly.com/elevate-media-group/application ⚡️For Support inquires or Business inquiries, please email us at ➡︎ support@elevate-media-group.com Our mission here at Elevate Media is to help purpose-driven entrepreneurs elevate their brands and make an impact through the power of video podcasting. Disclaimer: Please see the link for our disclaimer policy for all our episodes or videos on the Elevate Media and Elevate Media Podcast YouTube channels. https://elevatemediastudios.com/disclaimer
Curious about the intersection of faith and filmmaking? Join Erik Cabral as he sits down with Anthony D'Ambrosio, the visionary filmmaker behind "Triumph of the Heart." This episode explores Anthony's journey from agency work to creating impactful Christian content, highlighting the challenges and triumphs along the way.Discover how Anthony D'Ambrosio navigated the transition to filmmaking, the inspiration behind his latest project, and the innovative strategies he employed to bring "Triumph of the Heart" to life. Don't miss out on learning how faith-based content is carving its own path in the media landscape.0:00 Intro: Anthony D'Ambrosio on business challenges11:19 How Kolbe's story impacted Anthony personally15:26 Overview of Saint Maximilian Kolbe's life23:09 Boxing as therapy during business transition28:46 Physical combat's impact on mental health33:08 The revival of Christian content in media37:04 Challenges for faith-based filmmakers in industry41:09 Need for entrepreneurial thinking in filmmaking47:02 How to support Triumph of the Heart
It's our 6th birthday! We're celebrating with talking to a pretty epic horse gal, Jacklyn Wyatt, who not only had a role in Jobber's story, but also has a pretty impressive story of her own. We celebrate Track to Triumph story from one of our amazing listeners. Last, but never least, we get a training tip and adoptable horse from New Vocation's, Bridget Heasley. So grab something sweet to celebrate with us and listen in...Hosts: Joy Hills and Kristen Kovatch Bentley of The Horseback WriterImage Credit: Retired Racehorse RadioTitle Sponsor: Kentucky Performance ProductsMedia Partners: The Thoroughbred Makeover and New Vocations Racehorse AdoptionGuest: Jacklyn WyattNew Feature: Track to TriumphNew Vocations Segment: Bridget HeasleyAdoptable HorseAdditional Support Provided by: Cashel Company, Retired Racehorse Project, My New Horse, and Listeners like You!
My Choice to Choose is an extraordinary memoir that delves into the depths of resilience and the transformative power of intentional living. Christina S. Johnson fearlessly unveils her journey from a challenging upbringing, shaped by systemic disadvantages and generational struggles, to pivotal moments of courage and self-discovery. Her story is one of unwavering determination as she navigates the complexities of teenage motherhood, domestic violence, and divorce. Yet, amidst these hardships, Christina's spirit shines through, revealing the profound joy and triumph of forging lifelong friendships and achieving dreams that once seemed unimaginable, including building a successful career as an entrepreneur. Through heartfelt reflections and candid storytelling, Christina reminds us of our innate ability to rewrite our narratives, find inner peace, and intentionally choose the lives we desire. "My Choice to Choose" is more than just a memoir; it's a beacon of hope, inspiring readers to embrace personal accountability and recognize the limitless possibilities that lie within. Prepare to be captivated by Christina's inspiring journey toward happiness and fulfillment, as she empowers you to embark on your own path of transformation. Web: https://www.christinasjohnson.... About the show: Ash Brown is a force to be reckoned with in the world of motivation and empowerment. This multi-talented American is a gifted producer, blogger, speaker, media personality, and event emcee. Her infectious energy and passion for helping others shine through in everything she does. Ash Said It, Ash Does It: * AshSaidit.com: This vibrant blog is your one-stop shop for a peek into Ash's world. Dive into exclusive event invites, insightful product reviews, and a whole lot more. It's a platform that keeps you informed and entertained. * The Ash Said It Show: Buckle up for a motivational ride with Ash's signature podcast. With over 2,000 episodesalready under her belt and a staggering half a million streams worldwide, this show is a testament to Ash's impact. Here, she chats with inspiring individuals and tackles topics that resonate deeply. What Makes Ash Special? Ash doesn't just preach motivation; she lives it. Her strength lies in her authenticity. She connects with her audience on a genuine level, offering real-talk advice and encouragement. She doesn't shy away from the challenges life throws our way, but instead, equips you with the tools to overcome them. Here's what sets Ash apart: * Unwavering Positivity: Ash Brown is a glass-half-full kind of person. Her infectious optimism is contagious, leaving you feeling empowered and ready to take on the world. * Real & Relatable: Ash doesn't sugarcoat things. She understands the struggles we face and offers relatable advice that resonates with listeners from all walks of life. * Actionable Strategies: This isn't just about empty inspirational quotes. Ash provides practical tips and strategies to help you translate motivation into action, turning your dreams into reality. So, if you're looking for a daily dose of inspiration, actionable advice, and a healthy dose of real talk, look no further than Ash Brown. With her infectious positivity and dedication to empowering others, she's sure to become your go-to source for making the most of life. ► Goli Gummy Discounts Link: https://go.goli.com/1loveash5 ► Luxury Women Handbag Discounts: https://www.theofficialathena.... ► Review Us: https://itunes.apple.com/us/po... ► Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/c/AshSa... ► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/1lov... ► Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ashsa... ► Blog: http://www.ashsaidit.com/blog #atlanta #ashsaidit #theashsaiditshow #ashblogsit #ashsaidit®Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-ash-said-it-show--1213325/support.
Join us on the Rise to the Challenge Podcast as we sit down with Clarissa Burt, an award-winning media personality, speaker, and entrepreneur who has graced magazine covers and captivated audiences worldwide. In this powerful conversation, Clarissa opens up about the deeply personal challenges she has faced, from the loss of loved ones to the obstacles that tested her resilience. She shares how she found the strength to restart her journey, redefine her purpose, and rediscover joy along the way. Clarissa also dives into her passion for LimeLight Media, the platform she created to inspire and uplift others, and the mission behind her work in the industry. Her story is one of vulnerability, reinvention, and triumph—proving that no challenge is too great to overcome. Learn more about Clarissa Burt: Facebook http://www.facebook.com/ClarissaBurtOfficial LinkedIn http://linkedin.com/in/clarissaburt Twitter https://www.twitter.com/clarissaburt Pinterest http://pinterest.com/clarissaburt Instagram http://instagram.com/clarissaburt Threads https://www.threads.net/@clarissaburt The Rise to the Challenge Podcast is your destination for real-life stories and powerful motivations that inspire across all generations. Each episode features guests from diverse backgrounds, sharing their unique journeys of overcoming adversity, reaching their goals, and embracing the challenges that shaped them. We highlight authentic voices, offering a deep dive into the experiences that define their paths because every story has something to teach. Tune in to hear raw and honest accounts that may resonate with your own challenges, provide fresh insights, and ignite your drive to rise above obstacles. What obstacles are you facing, and how are you stepping up to meet them? Subscribe to Youtube Channel: @AlexXperience Follow the Podcast and AlexXperience through the link: https://linktr.ee/AlexXperience Music: Theme Song of Rise to the Challenge Podcast: Lazer Wars by Tristan Norton & Martin Kottmeier #ClarissaBurt #RiseToTheChallenge #Inspiration #MediaPersonality #Entrepreneur #SuccessStory #WomenInMedia #PersonalGrowth #OvercomingObstacles #Resilience #Motivation #LimeLightMedia #NeverGiveUp #Empowerment #LifeLessons #PodcastInterview #Triumph #mindsetmatters
DescriptionVerdi's Nabucco: A Triumph of Freedom and Song in 60 Seconds. Take a minute to get the scoop!Fun FactGiuseppe Verdi's Nabucco is a landmark opera that established his reputation as a composer. Featuring the iconic "Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves," it blends dramatic storytelling with powerful music, reflecting themes of exile and freedom. Its success marked the rise of Verdi as a towering figure in Italian opera.__________________________________________________________________About Steven, HostSteven is a Canadian composer & actor living in Toronto. Through his music, he creates a range of works, with an emphasis on the short-form genre—his muse being to offer the listener both the darker and more satiric shades of human existence. If you're interested, please check out his music website for more. Member of the Canadian League Of Composers.__________________________________________________________________You can FOLLOW ME on Instagram.
Astronomy Daily - The Podcast: S04E35In this episode of Astronomy Daily, host Steve Dunkley dives into a mix of intriguing stories from the cosmos, featuring the latest milestones in satellite launches, planetary defence discussions, and updates on NASA's Artemis missions. Join us as we explore the fascinating developments that are shaping our understanding of space and our place within it.Highlights:- Rocket Lab's Successful Launch: Discover Rocket Lab's latest achievement with the successful deployment of five satellites for Kinnes, marking their 59th Electron mission. Learn about the significance of this launch in expanding global Internet of Things connectivity and how it reflects the company's reliability in the launch sector.- Concerns Over Starlink Satellites: Delve into the growing concerns regarding the environmental impact of SpaceX's Starlink satellites, which have recently re-entered the atmosphere. Explore the implications of satellite disintegration on atmospheric pollution and the potential risks to our ozone layer.- NASA's Electric Vans: Get insights into NASA's plans to continue using electric vans for astronaut transport despite the manufacturer going bankrupt. Learn how these vehicles fit into the Artemis programme and the agency's ongoing mission preparations.- Asteroid 2024 YR4: Uncover the details surrounding the newly detected asteroid 2024 YR4, which poses a theoretical risk to Earth. While the chance of impact remains low, the discussion on planetary defence strategies becomes increasingly relevant as scientists monitor its trajectory.- Planetary Defence Strategies: Explore the fascinating advancements in planetary defence, including NASA's DART mission, which demonstrated the potential to alter an asteroid's path. Discover the various methods being considered to protect Earth from potential asteroid threats.For more cosmic updates, visit our website at astronomydaily.io. Join our community on social media by searching for #AstroDailyPod on Facebook, X, YouTubeMusic, and TikTok. Don't forget to subscribe to the podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, iHeartRadio, or wherever you get your podcasts.Thank you for tuning in. This is Steve signing off. Until next time, keep looking up and stay curious about the wonders of our universe.00:00 - Welcome back to Astronomy Daily01:02 - Rocket Lab's IoT4U&ME mission05:30 - Environmental concerns surrounding Starlink satellites10:15 - NASA's electric vans for Artemis missions14:00 - Monitoring asteroid 2024 YR418:20 - Planetary defence strategies and developments22:00 - Conclusion and upcoming content✍️ Episode ReferencesRocket Lab Launch Details[Rocket Lab](https://www.rocketlabusa.com)Starlink Satellite Concerns[Starlink Concerns](https://www.scientificreports.com)NASA's Electric Vans Information[NASA Electric Vans](https://www.nasa.gov)Asteroid 2024 YR4 Monitoring[Asteroid Monitoring](https://www.esa.int/Science_Exploration)Planetary Defence Strategies[Planetary Defence](https://www.nasa.gov/planetarydefense)Astronomy Daily[Astronomy Daily](http://www.astronomydaily.io)Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/astronomy-daily--5648921/support.
How Do You Rejoice When Life Stinks? Discussion Questions for Philippians 3&4: Read Philippians 3:17. What is the “pattern” Paul refers to? Consider the words “walk according to” when you give your answer. Read Philippians 3:18-19. Who are the “enemies of the cross of Christ”? What does Paul say about their mindset? Read Philippians 3:20-21. What does it mean that “our citizenship is in heaven”? How can this truth impact how we live today? Read Philippians 4:1. How does knowing the radical truths of the gospel help us “stand firm” in times of trouble? Read Philippians 4:4. Paul commands believers to rejoice “always.” How is this even possible in the face of life's struggles? Read Philippians 4:5. What does “let your gentle spirit be known to all men” mean? What does it say about your spiritual heart? Your nature? (Note: Our role is to simply “let.”) Read Philippians 4:6-7. What does it mean to be “anxious for nothing”? How does telling our Father about our struggles lead to peace that “surpasses all comprehension”? Read Philippians 4:8-9. How does dwelling on the pure and honorable align with our new nature in Christ? How does knowing our nature enable us to “practice these things” and bear fruit?
2 Thessalonians charges out of the gate by discussing two of the scariest subjects in Scripture: hell and the antichrist. Both of these frightening subjects carry a message of hope for the church experiencing a sampling of hell and antichrist-like figures.
This is part 2 of Pastor Scott's sermon, “The Temple, Tribulation, and Triumph.” You can listen to it here: The Temple, Tribulation, and Triumph (Part 1) In this sermon, Pastor Scott preached from Mark 13:14-27. We go over what the Bible says about the Abomination of Desolation, the great tribulation, and Jesus' coming. Check out this sermon to learn more!
24: Penny's Triumph, Touchdowns and Matzah, an Ivy League Shooter, & VFW Takes on Prison ReformWelcome to episode twenty-four of David & Stu… Unhinged! As always, we'd like to thank Clara Wang for creating the fantastic artwork for this podcast. Here is what is on deck for this week's milestone episode.1) The acquittal of Daniel Penny in the chokehold death of Jordan Neely and the spectacular failure of Alvin Bragg's political and racially motivated prosecution.2) A BYU football star, Jake Retzlaff, brings Jewish culture to a predominantly Mormon campus in Provo, Utah.3) The strange case of Luigi Mangione, a promising Ivy League graduate who shot UnitedHealthcare's CEO, somehow became radicalized after living what seemed to be a promising life. And the warm embrace of his actions by repugnant left-wing apologists like Senator Elizabeth Warren and University of Pennsylvania Professor Julia Alekseyeva,4) An attempt by the VFW to rehabilitate prisoners in a Colorado prison. Connect with David & Stu: • Email David & Stu: davidandstuunhinged@gmail.com and share your comments, concerns, and questions.The views expressed on air during David & Stu... Unhinged! do not represent the views of the RAGE Works staff, partners, or affiliates. Listener discretion is advised.
You've been taught the formula: Work harder, do better, follow the rules and you'll be okay with God. But let's get real that's not the Gospel. The Apostle Paul had it all: Status, a squeaky-clean resume, the best of the best. But in Philippians 3, he calls it all garbage. Why? Because it's worthless next to knowing the treasure of Jesus and His finished work. Too many people today are still chasing that fake self-improvement gospel, believing their worth is tied to what they do instead of what Christ has already done. And no, it's not about waiting for future perfection or dying to self like some morbid, self-hating mantra. It's about embracing what we've already attained. If you're ready to trade worldly success for the prize of the upward call, join us as we explore how to press on while resting in our secure union with Christ! Discussion Questions for Philippians 3:1-16: 1. Read verse 3. Paul describes true worshippers as those who put no confidence in the flesh. What does it mean to put confidence in the flesh, and how do people today seek status and worth in worldly ways? What's the solution? 2. Read verses 4-6. Paul lists his impressive credentials under the Law. Why does he bring these up? What false sources of righteousness do people rely on today? 3. Read verses 7-8. Paul says he considers everything loss compared to knowing Christ. How does this perspective change how we view achievements, failures, and identity? 4. Read verse 9. Paul contrasts a righteousness of my own derived from the Law with the righteousness that comes through faith in Christ. How does this verse clarify the Gospel, and why is it important for us to rest in Christ's righteousness? 5. Read verses 10-11 and react to this statement: Knowing the fellowship of Christ's sufferings and being conformed to His death is not about dying to self but about living in the reality of Christ's finished work and embracing His sufferings (in this fallen world). 6. Read verses 12-13. Paul says he hasn't already obtained it or become perfect. What does he mean? How does this passage encourage us to press forward while also resting in our secure identity in Christ? (Hint: Contrast this with verse 15 which says we are perfect.) 7. Read verse 14. Paul talks about pressing toward the prize of the upward call. What is this prize, and how does it differ from the world's idea of success? 8. Read verses 15-16. Paul encourages mature believers to have this mindset. What does maturity look like, and how does it relate to what we have attained (verse 16)? To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/1258/29
Bad Bunny, the Puerto Rican reggaeton and Latin trap superstar, continues to make waves on the international stage, particularly noted for his appearance during the Super Bowl halftime show. During Super Bowl 54, which took place in February 2020, Bad Bunny was a featured performer alongside global icons Shakira and Jennifer Lopez, as well as fellow Latin artist J Balvin. The halftime show drew significant attention and acclaim for its vibrant celebration of Latin culture and music.The performance lasted approximately 14 minutes, packed with high-energy choreography and a medley of hits that underscored the cultural richness and diversity of the featured artists. Bad Bunny's participation in this event highlighted his rapid rise in the global music scene and his ability to transcend cultural and linguistic barriers. Known for hits like "Mía" and "I Like It," Bad Bunny has helped bring Latin music to the forefront of mainstream music markets.His unique style blends reggaeton, Latin trap, and other Caribbean influences, allowing him to connect with a broad audience. The Super Bowl appearance was another milestone in Bad Bunny's career, marking his entry into one of the largest platforms in American pop culture.Beyond the Super Bowl, Bad Bunny's influence extends across music, fashion, and social issues. He is recognized not only for his chart-topping tracks but also for his bold fashion choices and vocal support of various social causes. His approach to music often includes themes of freedom, expression, and identity, resonating with a young, diverse demographic worldwide.The artist has consistently pushed the boundaries of traditional genres, infusing his sound with innovative beats and personal lyrics. As he continues to evolve and experiment with his music, Bad Bunny's impact on the industry remains significant, paving the way for future Latin artists to explore international success.
John Madden is synonymous with football. He was the television face and voice of the nation's most popular sport, the namesake of its best-selling sports video game, and the man with the highest career winning percentage of any NFL coach. Despite his international fame, there was a side of Madden known only to those who listened to morning radio broadcasts in the San Francisco Bay Area. That's where Madden grew up, lived, and died. It's where for decades he found joy in a daily chat with his hometown radio station: a chance to unwind, tell stories, and impart his own brand of wit and wisdom. In Mornings with Madden: My Radio Life With An American Legend (Triumph, 2024), Stan Bunger— the man most often on the other side of the mic— illuminates this larger-than-life figure, drawing upon memories of more than fifteen years of daily broadcasts, backed up by thousands of recordings of those conversations. Readers who adored Madden's football acumen and quirky personality on NFL broadcasts will get to know the father, husband, bad golfer, dog owner, lover of roadside diners, and philosopher whose personality dominated our radio chats. Featuring moving reflections alongside Madden's own words, this is a treasure trove of wry observations, self-deprecating humor, clear-eyed thinking about sports and society, and the "Maddenisms" that endeared the legendary coach to millions. Paul Knepper covered the New York Knicks for Bleacher Report. His first book was The Knicks of the Nineties: Ewing, Oakley, Starks and the Brawlers That Almost Won. His next book, a biography of Moses Malone will be published in 2025. You can reach Paul at paulknepper@gmail.com and follow him on Twitter @paulieknep. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices Support our show by becoming a premium member! https://newbooksnetwork.supportingcast.fm/new-books-network
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