Gait of locomotion among legged animals
Discover how to mindfulness is made easy and for everyone with Personalized Practices. Join host NaRon Tillman on Walk in Victory for an enlightening conversation with , Sonal founder of Connect Meditation, about customizing mindfulness practices for diverse needs. This episode explores how trauma-informed mindfulness, somatic EMDR, and personalized approaches can help people from all walks of life find peace and balance. Sonal and NaRon delve into the importance of understanding and accommodating the unique needs of each individual, whether in corporate settings or community groups, to create a more effective and inclusive mindfulness practice. Learn how to tailor mindfulness techniques to your specific needs and discover practical ways to integrate mindfulness into daily life.Plus, just as Sonal emphasizes the importance of personalized practices, we believe in finding the perfect fit for your comfort and well-being. That's why we're proud to partner with Cozy Earth, offering premium bedding and loungewear customized to your preferences. Visit and use our exclusive code VICTORY1 to enjoy an incredible 40% off.Key Takeaways:The importance of customizing mindfulness and meditation practices for individual needs.Understanding trauma-informed mindfulness and somatic EMDR.Creating inclusive mindfulness practices for diverse groups.Practical techniques for integrating mindfulness into daily life.The benefits of personalized meditation for stress reduction and well-being.Timestamps:00:00 Introduction to Trauma-Informed Mindfulness00:23 Welcome to Walk in Victory01:05 Challenges of Entrepreneurship (Consider removing if not central to the episode)04:14 Personal Journey into Mindfulness06:03 Interview with Sonal: Blending Ancient Wisdom with Modern Science09:16 Customizing Meditation Practices15:22 Teaching Meditation to Different Audiences20:50 Engaging Children in Mindfulness23:33 Understanding and Teaching Attention25:28 Understanding Mindfulness and Awareness25:54 Practicing Mindfulness with Breath26:25 The Concept of Awareness in Emotions27:41 The Power of Distance in Mindfulness31:17 Exploring Non-Duality and Eastern Wisdom32:44 Techniques for Differentiating Self from Mind and Body35:27 Integrating Mindfulness into Daily Life40:48 Concluding Thoughts and Practical Applications42:36 Final Remarks and Call to ActionCall to Action:Want to be a guest on Walk In Victory? Send NaRon Tillman a message on PodMatch, here: a supporter of this podcast:
Are you and your partner feeling more like roommates than soulmates? Do you struggle to balance communication, intimacy, and life's daily demands? If so, this episode is a must-listen! This week, Rebecca welcomes Tony and Alisa DiLorenzo, bestselling authors and hosts of the top-rated One Extraordinary Marriage Show. They share their personal journey from nearly divorcing to creating a thriving marriage and introduce their powerful framework: The Six Pillars of Intimacy. Tony and Alisa have been married for 28 years, but their journey hasn't always been smooth. Facing a breaking point, they took a radical step—committing to a 60-Day Sex Challenge. This challenge transformed their relationship and sparked a movement, leading them to write their bestselling book, The Six Pillars of Intimacy, and build a global community of couples striving for deeper connections. In this conversation, Tony and Alisa reveal how couples can strengthen all aspects of intimacy—not just in the bedroom but emotionally, physically, financially, spiritually, recreationally, and beyond. They offer practical tips, real-life stories, and actionable advice to help any couple reconnect, communicate better, and build a thriving relationship. ✨ 5 Key Takeaways 1️⃣ Marriage is more than just romance—intimacy has six pillars. Emotional, physical, financial, spiritual, recreational, and sexual intimacy all play a role in a thriving marriage. If one pillar is weak, it affects the others. 2️⃣ Small actions lead to significant results. A thriving marriage isn't built on grand gestures—it's the daily check-ins, small touches, and moments of connection that make the difference. Even just 15 minutes of undistracted time together can transform a relationship. 3️⃣ Communication is key—but it looks different for men and women. Women often crave deep conversations, while men may prefer action-oriented discussions. Tony and Alisa suggest “Walk & Talk” sessions where couples discuss issues side-by-side instead of face-to-face, making communication feel more natural and less confrontational. 4️⃣ Rebuilding trust takes consistency. If trust has been broken, both partners have a role in healing. The one who broke trust must show reliability over time, while the other must work toward forgiveness to move forward. 5️⃣ Prioritize your marriage—like you do everything else on your calendar. Couples often schedule work meetings, kids' activities, and social plans but forget to schedule time for each other. Blocking out dedicated time for connection—even if it's just for coffee or a short walk—can strengthen intimacy.
Do you ever struggle with how to share the love of Jesus with your friends, family, neighbors, or coworkers? Does it feel like an impossible task in today's culture?You're not alone - but there's hope!Ben has completely revised and updated his powerful book, Jesus in the Secular World: Reaching a Culture in Crisis—a must-read guide for anyone longing to reach those who may never step foot in a church. Packed with real-world insights and practical strategies, this book could be the breakthrough you've been searching for.Don't wait—get your copy today! Click HERE to check it out on Amazon.For more information go to: Questions, comments, or feedback? We'd love to hear what you think! Send them to, or send us a message on Instagram.Click HERE to receive news, thought-provoking articles, and stories directly in your inbox from Ben, David, Luke, and Chad!Click below to follow the regulars on Instagram!Ben PierceDavid PierceChad JohnsonLuke GreenwoodSend us a text
Click here for the DRB Daily Sign Up form! TODAY'S SCRIPTURE: Leviticus 23-24; Psalm 24; Acts 21 Click HERE to give! Get Free App Here! One Year Bible Podcast: Join Hunter and Heather Barnes on 'The Daily Radio Bible' for a daily 20-minute spiritual journey. Engage with scripture readings, heartfelt devotionals, and collective prayers that draw you into the heart of God's love. Embark on this year-long voyage through the Bible, and let each day's passage uplift and inspire you. TODAY'S EPISODE: Welcome to the February 14th, 2025 episode of the Daily Radio Bible podcast. I'm your host, Hunter, your brother and Bible reading coach, here to guide and accompany you on a transformative journey through the Scriptures. Today marks day 45 of our journey as we aim to read through the entire Bible in a year, along with the New Testament twice. Our goal is not just the reading, but to encounter God's profound love, embodied in Jesus, as we delve into His Word. In today's episode, we explore key passages from Leviticus 23 and 24, Psalm 24, and Acts 21. We'll delve into the significance of Israel's feasts, understand the deeper truths in trials, and witness the apostle Paul's resolve amidst adversity. Together, we'll seek God's presence, acknowledging our temporal trials and eternal hope. Additionally, we'll join in a time of prayer, lifting our hearts to seek divine guidance and strength each step of the way. I'll also share reflections on finding beauty in every season, even amidst life's challenges, encouraging one another to appreciate the everyday mercies that surround us. Whether it's a snowy walk or a cherished melody, we're given numerous reasons to express gratitude. Let's embark on this day with open hearts, recognizing the abundant love that enfolds us. Join me as we move forward with joy, embracing each moment. Remember, above all, you are deeply loved. TODAY'S DEVOTION: This life of faith requires two feet to walk. We live in this tension. On one hand, we go through things and we want to be healed and delivered. We want things to work out, and at times, God is delighted to do just that—to provide, to heal, to deliver. So one step of faith is asking for and seeking these things from God. But with the other foot, the other step that we must take is to understand that this light and momentary affliction is working out for us something of eternal importance. The life of faith often entails learning to walk amidst those two very real tensions where we hold firm to the promise that God is indeed our healer, our deliverer, redeemer. He will indeed do all that he has promised. And yet at the same time, there very well may be something that He wants to teach us through it. Maybe He will choose to heal you today, and maybe He won't. But we also know that we will indeed be healed. All of creation will be restored in Him, and that day is coming. In the meantime, whatever the affliction that you're suffering through, it is momentary. And in the scales of eternity, Paul says they are light. It may not feel like that right here and right now, but faith in God's goodness helps us to see beyond the right here and the right now. And faith is an invitation to enter into the presence of God. His healing, His deliverance, His redemption isn't just designated for some distant time. We can begin to experience those things in part even today. God has something he wants to teach us all, and we need to trust Him and walk with Him through all that life brings us. He'll prove himself strong in our weakness. He will be your comforter and your strength. Walk this way of faith with both feet and trust Him each step of the way. That's the prayer that I have for my own soul. That's the prayer that I have for my family, for my wife, and my daughters, and my son. And that's the prayer that I have for you. May it be so. TODAY'S PRAYERS: Lord God Almighty and everlasting father you have brought us in safety to this new day preserve us with your Mighty power that we might not fall into sin or be overcome by adversity. And in all we do, direct us to the fulfilling of your purpose through Jesus Christ Our Lord amen. Oh God you have made of one blood all the peoples of the earth and sent your blessed son to preach peace to those who are far and those who are near. Grant that people everywhere may seek after you, and find you. Bring the nations into your fold, pour out your Spirit on all flesh, and hasten the coming of your kingdom through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen. And now Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred let me sow love. Where there is injury, pardon. Where there is doubt, faith. Where there is despair, hope. Where there is darkness, light. And where there is sadness, Joy. Oh Lord grant that I might not seek to be consoled as to console. To be understood as to understand, to be loved as to love. For it is in the giving that we receive, in the pardoning that we are pardoned, it is in the dying that we are born unto eternal life. Amen And now as our Lord has taught us we are bold to pray... Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven, give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our tresspasses as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not unto temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the Kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen. Loving God, we give you thanks for restoring us in your image. And nourishing us with spiritual food, now send us forth as forgiven people, healed and renewed, that we may proclaim your love to the world, and continue in the risen life of Christ. Amen. OUR WEBSITE: We are reading through the New Living Translation. Leave us a voicemail HERE: Subscribe to us at YouTube: OTHER PODCASTS: Listen with Apple Podcast DAILY BIBLE FOR KIDS DAILY PSALMS DAILY PROVERBS DAILY LECTIONARY DAILY CHRONOLOGICAL
Walk with us through Job 14 at Into the Word, a radio and online program committed to reading, loving, and living the whole Counsel of God. In this program we will work our way chapter by chapter through the whole Bible. Our host and Bible teacher for this adventure is Pastor Paul Carter. If you are interested in additional resources or previous episodes in the series, you can find those at If you would like to support the program or our monthly mission partner, you can do so at To connect with our Bible readers and Into the Word listeners, connect with us on Facebook at
From the State of the State to the state of our trash, we're covering some of the biggest headlines in town on today's Friday News Roundup. Host Marie Cecile Anderson, producer Daniel Sumstine, and executive producer Whitney Pastorek begin with a lovely bouquet of news you can use (get those Real IDs, folks) before tackling this week's state legislature headlines and the very real problem that Rutherford County doesn't want to be our garbage can anymore. Plus: We learn shocking news about Daniel's past! Want some more City Cast Nashville news? Then make sure to sign up for our Hey Nashville newsletter. Follow us @citycastnashville You can also text us or leave a voicemail at: 615-200-6392 Interested in advertising with City Cast? Find more info HERE.
Walk and JDB recap the Eagles taking belt to Chiefs ass at SB LIX before turning our attention to the annual 40 awards!
1st Corinthians Series Message: 6 Episode: 3 of 3 Key Verses: 1st Corinthians 3:10-23 Are you building your life on a strong foundation? In "Building Wisely," Pastor Michael Lantz teaches through 1 Corinthians 3:10-23, where Paul warns believers to build on the only foundation that lasts—Jesus Christ. As we construct our lives, ministries, and choices, are we using materials that will endure or those that will burn away? Join us as we explore the importance of godly wisdom, the dangers of worldly thinking, and the eternal impact of how we live for Christ. Don't miss this powerful message on Walk in Truth! Welcome to Walk in Truth! These are the Bible teachings of Pastor Michael Lantz. Equipping you to reach out with God's truth to all people. And how to apply that truth to today's issues, trends, and culture. Leave your question or comment
Walk up to sentimentality but don't become it. -- Larry Sultan If you like something that someone is doing, tell them! -- Todd Hido In this episode, Antonio kicks things off with a hands-on review of the Fujifilm X-M5, a compact, feature-packed mirrorless camera that's quickly become a favorite. He shares his impressions after testing it during the Lunar New Year celebrations in Chinatown, highlighting its speedy autofocus, convenient film simulation dial, and the nostalgic charm of the silver-top design. While the lack of a viewfinder presents some challenges in bright conditions, Antonio praises the camera's versatility—especially when paired with manual lenses and a fun little retro flash he recently picked up. Two thumbs up! Ward recounts a recent encounter with acclaimed photographer Todd Hido, who visited Calgary for a public talk. Ward recounts Hido's approachable, candid style and reveals some interesting behind-the-scenes tricks, like using glycerin on windshields for a rain-soaked effect. They discuss the emotional depth of Hido's work and the compelling presentation of his new book The End Sends Advance Warning, with its large-format images and translucent family-photo insert. The episode wraps with Ward's recap of his trip to Daytona for the 24-hour endurance race, where he had rare access to pit lane and behind-the-scenes action. Armed with a telephoto lens borrowed from Antonio, Ward describes the challenges of capturing high-speed cars at night, with the blur of headlights and motion adding an artistic dimension to the shots. He shares how the event's unique lighting conditions pushed his ISO settings to their limits and gave him a chance to experiment with different shutter speeds and compositions. From sleek Ferraris under the lights to candid moments in the pits, Ward reflects on the thrill of documenting a world where precision and speed are everything—both on and off the track. Subscribe to our Substack Newsletter Help out the show by buying us a coffee! Support the show by purchasing Antonio's Zines. Send us a voice message, comment or question. ----more---- Ward's Daytona Pix: Show Links: Fujifilm X-M5 + XC15-45mmF3.5-5.6 OIS PZ Lens Kit - Silver TTArtisan 56mm F1.8 Fuji X-Mount TTArtisan 25mm F2 Fuji X-Mount Brightin Star 35mm F0.95 Fuji X-Mount Antonio M. Rosario's Website, Vero, Instagram, Bluesky, and Facebook page Ward Rosin's Website, Vero, Bluesky, Instagram and Facebook page. Ornis Photo Website The Unusual Collective Street Shots Facebook Page Street Shots Instagram Subscribe to us on: Apple Podcasts Google Podcasts Spotify Amazon Music iHeart Radio
This week Patty shares a very important message about “getting through it”, Jeremy shares about his Super Bowl night with Mom, and we also talk about media literacy, and naming cockroaches after our exes and feeding them to animals at the San Antonio Zoo.
Walk by faith, not by sight. Have you heard this biblical command? What does living by faith look like on a typical day? Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth shows you what it means to choose faith over what you see on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
Discover the transformative power of spiritual intelligence in leadership. Join host NaRon Tillman on Walk in Victory for an inspiring conversation with Yossi, an accomplished CEO and founder, as he shares his personal journey from darkness to light. Yossi opens up about his struggles with depression and a profound awakening experience that led him to discover the importance of spiritual intelligence. Learn how he transitioned from feeling isolated and lost to finding his true purpose and now helps other leaders connect spirituality with their leadership roles. This episode explores the importance of presence, self-care, and intentionality in both personal and professional life. Yossi emphasizes that true leadership aligns with universal values like compassion, integrity, and purpose, inspiring others to achieve their full potential.Just as Yossi emphasizes the importance of aligning with your purpose, we believe in aligning with brands that prioritize quality and comfort. That's why we're proud to partner with Cozy Earth, offering premium bedding and loungewear designed to enhance your well-being. Visit and use our exclusive code VICTORY1 to enjoy an incredible 40% off.Key Takeaways:The concept of spiritual intelligence and its relevance in leadership.The power of presence, self-care, and intentionality in personal and professional life.Overcoming challenges and finding purpose through spiritual growth.Integrating spirituality and leadership for a more fulfilling and impactful career.How to inspire and align your team with universal values.Timestamps:00:00 The Fall from Grace00:31 Introduction to Walk in Victory01:25 Personal Struggles and Reflections05:16 The Dark Night of the Soul12:52 Journey to Spiritual Intelligence19:02 Integrating Spirituality and Leadership22:52 The Power of Aligned Purpose37:28 Conclusion and Call to ActionCall to Action:Want to be a guest on Walk In Victory? Send NaRon Tillman a message on PodMatch, here: a supporter of this podcast:
The word “continue” carries another option with it...don't continue. How many times has a parent said, “Stop doing (fill in the blank),” but you keep doing it. Then you hear, “If you keep doing that (continue), you're going to get a spanking (Or a time out)”? Then, since you continued to do the thing they said to quit doing, you get your punishment. The parent was implying “Do not continue doing what you are doing” when they said “If you continue doing that...” You had a choice to make...right? To continue or not continue. Paul tells the church at Colosse they have started strong in the faith, and now they have accepted Jesus, they must continue to follow him which implies you have a choice: continue to follow Jesus or don't continue to follow Jesus. Jesus said the same thing to his disciples in John 15, “Remain in me” which implies there is another option, “Don't remain in me...” Where are you? Are you continuing to follow Jesus?
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Walk by faith, not by sight. Have you heard this biblical command? What does living by faith look like on a typical day? Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth shows you what it means to choose faith over what you see on Revive Our Hearts. To support this ministry financially, visit:
Top Story of the Day. Newest member of the Pro Football Hall of Fame Eric Allen. Dead and Alive Guy BIrthday of the Day.
The guys follow-up about their Disneyland story, get after Cates for not being a fan of Knotts Berry Farm and go down PMS Memory Lane. Hall of Famer James Worthy on Luka, LeBron and the Lakers. Secret Textoso Roundup
Number, Word and Song of the Day. DVR with Vassegh. PMS Film Noir Corner
Final Hour Fun Fact. Quick Hits leading into Clippers PreGame
South Carolina lost its second game of the season on Monday, 66-62, to Texas in Austin. The Gamecocks have Florida Thursday night and then their annual showdown with UCONN at Colonial Life Arena on Sunday. Joe Macheca of hosts and breaks down the latest from Dawn Staley and her program and more on The Walk Through. To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
In this powerful episode of The Dr. Josh Axe Show, Dr. Axe dives into the transformative power of prayer with Mike Lynn, co-founder of—the world's most popular prayer app. Learn how prayer not only transforms your mindset but can also improve mental and physical health, build resilience, and deepen your relationship with God. Mike shares the surprising science behind prayer and why a consistent prayer practice can radically shift your life. You'll discover: The incredible science behind how prayer reduces stress and improves mental health The power of providence and how to recognize God's hand in your life Why daily prayer can physically change your brain and boost your resilience How hybrid church and digital faith platforms are shaping the future of worship Practical ways to start or deepen your prayer life today If you're seeking healing, clarity, or a deeper spiritual connection, this episode offers actionable insights and heart-stirring stories. Walk away inspired, encouraged, and ready to experience the life-changing power of prayer. #christian #faith #science #health #mentalhealth #prayer Want more of The Dr. Josh Axe Show? Subscribe to the YouTube channel. Follow Dr. Josh Axe Instagram Facebook X TikTok Website Follow Instagram Facebook X YouTube ------ Staying healthy in today's world is an upstream battle. Subscribe to Wellness Weekly, your 5-minute dose of sound health advice to help you grow physically, mentally, and spiritually. Every Wednesday, you'll get: Holistic health news & life-hacks from a biblical world view Powerful free resources including classes, Q&As, and guides from Dr. Axe The latest episodes of The Dr. Josh Axe Show Sign up here → Submit your questions via voice memo to be featured on the show → ------ Links: Check out the #1 App for Daily Prayer & Bedtime Bible Stories → ------ Ads: Even if your bloodwork looks "normal," your symptoms could point to Cell Danger Response (CDR). Discover how to break free from CDR and unlock your full potential at
Are you longing to step into the calling God has for you but feel held back by uncertainty? Maybe you question if you're qualified enough, if the timing is right, or if you even have the authority to move forward. Perhaps you're waiting for ideal conditions or an invitation before taking that first step.In this empowering episode, Brittany Maher, founder and president ofHer True Worth, reminds us that we don't have to wait—we areready as we are! God wants to use younow, right where you are, with what you already have in your hands.Brittany's newly released book,Ready As You Are: Discovering a Life of Abundance When You Feel Inadequate, Uncertain, and Disqualified, co-authored with Cassandra Speer, reveals how:✨ Obedience isn't about feeling ready—it's about reverence to God, choosing to trust His promptings and stepping out in faith.✨ You can discern the difference between yourmacro purpose andmicro purpose.✨ Biblical truths can help you combat enemy attacks.✨ God works through surrendered, willing vessels—not perfect ones with the just- right set of qualifications.Don't wait any longer to step into your calling! Walk in faith, surrender your doubts, and trust that God will fill in the gaps. Let this conversation inspire you to know your purpose, recognize the gifts of The Holy Spirit, overcome spiritual idleness and move forward with what you have—because when you place it in God's hands,He will multiply it beyond what you can imagine!Ready As You are: AmazonIG @hertrueworthIG @brittmaherGet your copy of the Serenity Journal- Personalize scripture WITH JAYME ON SOCIALS: Instagram l YouTube l Pinterest l Facebook
Become a PHNX Diehard for just $4 a month! Hurley and the Arizona State Sun Devils came up short in ASU's double overtime 111-106 loss to the No. 12 Texas Tech Red Raiders. JT Toppin scored 41 points in Texas Tech's win over Hurley's Sun Devils. BJ Freeman and Amier Ali gave it all they had but it wasn't enough for Arizona State. It's time for a Walk of Shame with Anthony Totri and Kyle Cooper as the guys break down the game on the PHNX Sun Devils show!An ALLCITY Network ProductionSUBSCRIBE to our YouTube: THINGS PHNX: Network, Inc. aka PHNX and PHNX Sports is in no way affiliated with or endorsed by the City of PhoenixPHNX Events: Get your tickets to PHNX events and takeovers here: River: Win a Lamborgini! Visit for detailsBranded Bills: Use code PHNX at for 20% off your first order!Gametime: Download the Gametime app, create an account, and use code PHNX for $20 off your first purchase. Terms apply.Circle K: Join Inner Circle for free by downloading the Circle K app today! Head to to find Circle Ks near you!DFCU: Show your ASU team spirit: Open a Free Checking account online and get your choice of three Arizona State University VISA® Debit Cards. Go to get started.Check out FOCO merch and collectibles and use promo code “PHNX10” for 10% off your order on all non Pre Order items.Rugged Road: Gear up for your next adventure with Rugged Road Coolers - Your ultimate outdoor companion! Head to and use code PHNX for 10% off!When you shop through links in the description, we may earn affiliate commissions. Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing.
"Walking in Faith Despite Hard Times!" Introduction & Purpose (00:00 - 00:32) The podcast focuses on walking in faith despite difficult times. Encourages listeners to dedicate time to hear God's word. Living by Faith, Not Sight (01:03 - 02:38) 2 Corinthians 5:7: “We walk by faith, not by sight.” Personal testimony about car troubles and financial burdens. Faith in God's provision despite circumstances. Trusting God in Uncertainty (03:10 - 04:13) Faith is about who we trust, not what we see. Examples from Abraham (Genesis 12) and trials (James 1:2-4). Trials refine and strengthen faith. Biblical Examples of Faith (04:48 - 06:36) Job: Worshiping through loss (Job 1:21). David: Trusting in God's protection (Psalm 23:4). Paul: Contentment in all circumstances (Philippians 4:12-13). How to Walk in Faith During Difficult Seasons (07:26 - 08:00) Stay in the Word (Romans 10:17). Pray with expectation (Philippians 4:6-7). Surround yourself with faith-filled people (Proverbs 27:17). Speaking Life Over Situations (08:00 - 08:41) Power of words (Proverbs 18:21). Faith requires action (James 2:17). Declaring God's promises over hardships. Challenge: Trusting God in One Area (08:41 - 09:13) Encourages listeners to write down an area they need to trust God in. Commit to prayer until breakthrough comes. Encouragement & Closing (09:13 - End) Encourages listeners to remain strong in faith. Promotes life coaching certification at Ends with a blessing and reminder of Christ's presence.
1st Corinthians Series Message: 6 Episode: 2 of 3 Key Verses: 1st Corinthians 3:10-23 Are you building your life on a strong foundation? In "Building Wisely," Pastor Michael Lantz teaches through 1 Corinthians 3:10-23, where Paul warns believers to build on the only foundation that lasts—Jesus Christ. As we construct our lives, ministries, and choices, are we using materials that will endure or those that will burn away? Join us as we explore the importance of godly wisdom, the dangers of worldly thinking, and the eternal impact of how we live for Christ. Don't miss this powerful message on Walk in Truth! Welcome to Walk in Truth! These are the Bible teachings of Pastor Michael Lantz. Equipping you to reach out with God's truth to all people. And how to apply that truth to today's issues, trends, and culture. Leave your question or comment
In this conversation, Michael Sodini and Brandon Roper, the President of Camfour, discuss the critical intersection of mental health and the firearms industry. Brandon also takes us through his journey in the firearms industry, from sales to his current role as President. Through this conversation, they emphasize the need for the industry to take responsibility for addressing mental health issues, particularly among gun owners and veterans. The dialogue explores the challenges of engaging with anti-gun advocates, the importance of controlling the narrative surrounding gun ownership, and the diverse perspectives within the gun community. They also highlight the significance of community support following tragedies and the role of data in shaping discussions about firearms. Personal mental health strategies, including hobbies and spending time in nature, are shared as effective coping mechanisms.Walk the Talk America would like to thank our partners who make these conversations possible and want to highlight our top two partner tiers below! Platinum Tier:RugerArmscorGold Tier:NASGWLipsey'sDavidson'sSend us a text
Alan Sanson is taking people on a trip down heritage lane in Sanson - where he's collected seven houses from different architectural eras.
Walk through a beautiful garden of self-acceptance and care. This practice invites you to nurture yourself with kindness, allowing your self-worth to bloom and flourish.See for privacy information.
Is your business truly protected from cyber threats? Join host NaRon Tillman on Walk in Victory for a critical conversation with cybersecurity expert Dylan. This episode goes beyond generic advice and dives deep into the real challenges businesses face in today's digital landscape. Dylan exposes the shortcomings of traditional security practices, emphasizing the importance of understanding specific threats and tailoring solutions to your business needs. Discover why one-size-fits-all approaches often fail and learn about modern security measures like YubiKeys and Passkeys. Dylan also shares his journey from corporate disillusionment to founding a company dedicated to helping small and medium-sized businesses stay secure.Plus, just as Dylan highlights the importance of investing in robust cybersecurity, we believe in investing in quality comfort. That's why we're proud to partner with Cozy Earth, offering premium bedding and loungewear designed for ultimate relaxation. Visit and use our exclusive code VICTORY1 to enjoy an incredible 40% off.Key Takeaways:The evolving landscape of cyber threats and the importance of staying informed.Why traditional security practices often fail small and medium-sized businesses.The importance of understanding specific threats and tailoring solutions.Modern security measures like YubiKeys and Passkeys as alternatives to traditional methods.Practical steps businesses can take to improve their cybersecurity posture.Timestamps:00:00 Introduction and Greetings00:09 Podcast Purpose and Warning00:49 Fear and Cybersecurity Threats02:29 The Impact of Cyber Attacks03:48 Technological Advancements and Cybersecurity04:36 Interview with Dylan: Cybersecurity Insights07:35 Common Cybersecurity Solutions11:03 The Reality of Cybersecurity Consulting16:30 Modern Cybersecurity Measures20:18 The Growing Cybersecurity Problem24:38 Bank Safety and FDIC Assurance25:04 CFPB and Fraud Protection25:35 Challenges in Monitoring Bank Accounts25:58 Business Fraud and Reporting Issues26:11 Personal Experience with Fraud28:06 Credit Card vs. Debit Card Security29:23 Cybersecurity Misconceptions30:53 Tailored Security Solutions for Businesses35:49 Entrepreneurial Journey in Cybersecurity38:46 Consumer vs. Business Protections44:34 Final Thoughts and Recommendations48:40 Closing Remarks and Call to ActionCall to Action:Want to be a guest on Walk In Victory? Send NaRon Tillman a message on PodMatch, here: a supporter of this podcast:
A team at the University of Guelph has developed a substance that can generate electricity and could help in a multitude of medical situations. What is it? High-tech slime. Plus:tarting Saturday in Phoenix, Arizona, it's the World Championship Hoop Dance Contest.Walking could soon generate electricity with new slime that powers up when stepped on (Interesting Engineering)World Championship Hoop Dance ContestPower up our podcast as a backer on Patreon
Have you ever thought you were following God's will only to arrive at a closed door? For many, closed doors can lead to disappointment or disillusionment. Looking at Revelation 3 and Acts 16, Pastor Chuck Swindoll reveals how the Lord uses shut doors to lead His people through better doors with greater opportunities. Accept closed doors with patience, humility, and peace. Trust in the Lord's sovereign hand and ability to see the bigger picture. Walk through that open door with confidence. To support this ministry financially, visit:
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Polly makes a break for it, Vincent listens to a ghost story, and Cole enters the church. The theme of tonight's episode is Plots.(To avoid spoilers, content warnings are listed at the end of this episode description. This episode is particularly heavy).The bonus story that goes with this episode is ‘The Third Key', and is available for Hallowoods patrons on the show's Patreon, along with behind-the-scenes, exclusive merchandise, and more! Because the show runs without ads or sponsors, we rely on support from fans to guarantee the survival of this LGBTQ+ horror podcast.Hello From The Hallowoods is written and produced by William A. Wellman, a queer horror author. You can visit their website for more information! The transcript for this episode is available on the Hello From The Hallowoods Website. Click here to read!You can also find Hello From The Hallowoods on social media! The show is on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter at @thehallowoods. If you'd like to connect with other fans of the show, there's even a fan-run Discord Server!Music for this episode was used under license from The soundtracks featured were: ‘Rhea', by Yehezkel Raz,‘Morning Sunbeams', by Yehezkel Raz, ‘Fall', by Ian Post,‘I Was All Alone', by Idokay,‘Days Pass', by ANBR,‘Murder on the Artlist Express', by Idokay,‘Five Sense Prison', by Roie Shpigler,‘A Moon Walk - Instrumental Version', by Yehezkel Raz,‘Lost Letters', by Borden Lulu,‘Resonance', by Theatre of Delays,‘For the Broken Hearted', by Yehezkel Raz,‘Ten Lost Years', by Yehezkel Raz,‘Charm', by ANBR,‘A Lovely Day for a Walk', by Jon Gegelman, ‘Quantum', by ANBR, ‘Titan', by Yehezkel Raz,‘Scorpio', by Spearfisher,‘Lost We Are', by Alon Peretz,‘Infernos Laissez Vibrer', by Yehezkel Raz,‘Taurus', by Spearfisher,‘The Day Before', by Maya Belsitzman and Matan Ephrat,‘From the Depths', by Jeremy Chontow,‘Violin Resonance', by Lumine Wave, ‘Rhea', by Yehezkel Raz,And ‘Farewell', by Maya Belsitzman and Matan EphratContent warnings for this episode include: Slurs for LGBTQ people, Homophobic hate crimes, Serial killings, Dismemberment, Violence, Kidnapping and abduction, Death + Injury, Blood, Transphobia, Homophobia, Birds, Strangulation/suffocation, Static (including sfx), Emotional Manipulation, Bugs, Body horror, Alcohol Use, Religious Violence
Walk with us through Genesis 46 at Into the Word, a radio and online program committed to reading, loving, and living the whole Counsel of God. In this program we will work our way chapter by chapter through the whole Bible. Our host and Bible teacher for this adventure is Pastor Paul Carter. If you are interested in additional resources or previous episodes in the series, you can find those at If you would like to support the program or our monthly mission partner, you can do so at To connect with our Bible readers and Into the Word listeners, connect with us on Facebook at
Walk with us through Mark 16 at Into the Word, a radio and online program committed to reading, loving, and living the whole Counsel of God. In this program we will work our way chapter by chapter through the whole Bible. Our host and Bible teacher for this adventure is Pastor Paul Carter. If you are interested in additional resources or previous episodes in the series, you can find those at If you would like to support the program or our monthly mission partner, you can do so at To connect with our Bible readers and Into the Word listeners, connect with us on Facebook at
Walk with us through Job 12 at Into the Word, a radio and online program committed to reading, loving, and living the whole Counsel of God. In this program we will work our way chapter by chapter through the whole Bible. Our host and Bible teacher for this adventure is Pastor Paul Carter. If you are interested in additional resources or previous episodes in the series, you can find those at If you would like to support the program or our monthly mission partner, you can do so at To connect with our Bible readers and Into the Word listeners, connect with us on Facebook at
When we walk with God, we want to see that our relationships are healthy. It's part of the command to love one another. And few things are more heartbreaking than damaged relationships. When those linger, the Body of Christ is weakened. Churches split because of it. Families suffer for it.Joshua 22:5 says, “Love the Lord your God, walk in all his ways, obey his commands, hold firmly to him, and serve him with all your heart and all your soul.”Notice that we are to walk in all His ways. And what did the Lord do in every situation in the Bible that involved relationships? He provided the very best.That's our mandate. Do excellence in your relationships. Has someone wronged you, or do they mock you? Take your eyes off their smug expressions and “walk in all His ways.” You'll be surprised how some people will react—in a good way!Just as we read that spouses can choose to pray for an unbelieving spouse in the hopes they come to repentance and wholeness, so too can we simply choose to want the best in all our relationships.Let's pray.Lord, relationships are difficult! But how blessed we are by You, that You created them for us. Most of all our relationship with You, our Creator. In Jesus' name, amen.Change your shirt, and you can change the world! Save 15% Off your entire purchase of faith-based apparel + gifts at with code KDD15.
I can't believe we've come to this spot, but Bol Bol's insane performance on Tuesday night makes him a must-add player until we see the wheels come off... and they will, eventually. But we need to be there while they're still attached. Play the best Pick'Em game on Earth with our pals at Underdog Fantasy! Sign up today using code OLDMAN to get a FREE pick and up to $1,000 in bonus credits on your first deposit: Donate directly to Palisades Elementary's Fire Recovery Fund: Follow Dan Besbris on Twitter: Find Dan on the brand new BlueSky social network: Check out Dan's Buckets, Weekly Schedule Charts & Yahoo Rank Tracker Sheet FREE! Listen and subscribe on iTunes: Listen and subscribe on Spotify: Float on over to the new Old Man Squad Sports Network YouTube page to watch videos from the network's top talent: Join the Old Man Squad Discord to chat with Dan and all the other hosts: Follow Old Man Squad Fantasy on Instagram for all our short videos: Podcast logo by Beats by
The After Party Merch store is now open! Check out We're back! And on this one we feature the new horny sheriff's in town: the Chicas Locas crew! They come on talk about the newest adult entertainment spot opening in town. Plus they talk about how they got to know each other and share some horny stories from the dance industry! Follow us on social media @AaronScenesAfterParty