Podcasts about Venom

Form of toxin secreted by an animal for the purpose of causing harm to another

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  • Dec 5, 2024LATEST




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    Real Ass Podcast
    0016. Josh Adam Meyers and Zahid Dewji

    Real Ass Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Dec 5, 2024 78:33

    Josh Adam Meyers and Zahid Dewji join Luis J. Gomez and Zac Amico and they discuss Luis' EZPass call, his no no-facial hair look, how long does it take to get tired of having sex with someone new, Luis stopping smoking weed, Josh's sleep apnea, hating women who snore, mispronouncing Zahid's namae, Luis turkey not coming out as good as the year beforfe, hating the Venom movies, Drama Lama - Josh's service dog, Luis wanting a dachshund puppy, Bob Marley's Jamaica house up for sale, Hunter Biden's pardon, the airport racist Karen, Zahid's anger issues, the Wheelchair Rapunzel and so much more!(Air Date: December 2nd, 2024)Support our sponsors!SmallBatchCigar.com - Use promo code: GAS10 for 10% off plus 5% bonus points!YoKratom.com - Check out Yo Kratom (the home of the $60 kilo) for all your kratom needs!ShopMando.com - Use promo code: LAZ and new customers will get $5 off our Starter Pack!To advertise your product or service on GaS Digital podcasts please go to TheADSide.com and click on "Advertisers" for more information!Submit your artwork via postal mail to:GaS Digital Networkc/o Luis And Zac151 1st Ave, #311New York, NY 10003You can sign up at GaSDigital.com with promo code: LAZ for a discount of $1.50 on your subscription and access to every Luis and Zac show ever recorded! On top of that you'll also have the same access to ALL the shows that GaS Digital Network has to offer!Follow the whole show on social media!Josh Adam MeyersTwitter: https://twitter.com/joshadammeyersInstagram: https://instagram.com/joshadammeyersZahid DewjiTwitter: https://twitter.com/ZahidDewjiInstagram: https://instagram.com/ZahidDewjiLuis J. GomezTwitter: https://twitter.com/luisjgomezInstagram: https://instagram.com/gomezcomedyYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/LuisJGomezComedyTwitch: https://www.twitch.tv/prrattlesnakeWebsite: https://www.luisofskanks.comZac AmicoTwitter: https://twitter.com/ZASpookShowInstagram: https://instagram.com/zacisnotfunnySee Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    A Podcast About Movies
    Our Recent Movie Reviews

    A Podcast About Movies

    Play Episode Listen Later Dec 4, 2024 21:57

    On this episode the guys talk about all the recent movies they haven't talked about on the podcast yet. From Beetlejuice, to Venom, to some shockers in the midst like the Wild Robot. We hope you enjoy the episode and love hearing from y'all, so make sure to leave us some comments and likes. Remember to like and follow.

    Fresh Cuts Podcast
    Fresh Cuts Movie Podcast – CARNAGE FOR CHRISTMAS (2024)

    Fresh Cuts Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Dec 4, 2024 65:01

    Welcome back to Fresh Cuts,On this episode Mr. Venom, Mike, aaaaand Don are checking their first Christmas horror movie of the year CARNAGE FOR CHRISTMAS. There's a killer in the hometown of a podcast and she is going to get to the bottom of it. Do we get the Christmas carnage promised from the title?Have some feedback on the movie, discussion, hosts, or the show overall? Drop us a message in the comments below or fire off an email to noroominhellshow@gmail.com

    Arcane: Season 2 | Pain The Town Blue


    Play Episode Listen Later Dec 3, 2024 67:48

    Welcome to Show Boys, a podcast that delves into the world of film, tv and gaming. In this week's episode, Nick, Mike and Show Boys community member Venom sit down and recap Episode 4, Paint the Town Blue, which sees the beast released into the streets of Zaun! Arcane Season 1 Steelbook Giveaway Rules: - 1 entry for being subscribed to our channel (make sure your subscription settings are set to public so we can see you are subscribed) - 1 entry for commenting on the video (limit of 1 additional entry for your first comment). - Winner will be picked during the Season 2 finale episode - good luck!! Patreon Link: https://www.patreon.com/showboyspodcast Catch reruns of our massive backlog of content over on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/showboyspodcast Follow PokéBoys on Twitter: https://twitter.com/PokeBoysPodcast Visit our website for everything Show Boys related! https://showboysmedia.com/ Come for the podcast, stay for the community. Join our discord today! https://discord.gg/gPqSu7QmnQ Interested in supporting the podcast? Visit our Patreon page and sign up to become a Patron for some cool perks, or toss us a bone on Venmo @Show-Boys! Merch Shop! https://my-store-be6562.creator-spring.com/ Like what you hear? Let us know in the comments and please consider subscribing!

    Capes and Lunatics
    Ultimate Spider-Cast Ep #303: Amazing Spider-Man - Frost

    Capes and Lunatics

    Play Episode Listen Later Dec 3, 2024 58:12

    Ultimate Spider-Cast Ep #303: Amazing Spider-Man - Frost Welcome back to Ultimate Spider-Cast! In this episode, Phil and Lilith review “Frost” from Amazing Spider-Man #700.1 & #700.2 (February 2014) featuring Spider-Man in the middle of one of the worst blizzards to hit New York, saving lives including his Aunt May. PLUS: reviews of NEW issues including Venom #39, Venom War: Deadpool #3, Venom War: Wolverine #3, Spectacular Spider-Men #9, and Amazing Spider-Man #61.   Tune in today and don't forget to review the show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, and anywhere else you can!     Ultimate Spider-Cast's Links  → Twitter https://www.twitter.com/UltSpidercast → Instagram https://www.instagram.com/capeslunatics/ → Facebook https://www.facebook.com/UltimateSpiderCast → YouTube https://www.youtube.com/c/CapesandLunatics   ==================  

    Hírstart Robot Podcast
    10 édes és sós finomság leveles tésztából, ami az ünnepi asztalon is megállja a helyét

    Hírstart Robot Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Dec 3, 2024 4:28

    10 édes és sós finomság leveles tésztából, ami az ünnepi asztalon is megállja a helyét Mindmegette     2024-12-02 19:04:00     Recept Karácsony A leveles tészta nemcsak a hétköznapokon nagy segítség, hanem az ünnepi készülődést is megkönnyíti. Mutatunk most édes és sós harapnivalókat, amiket a családi ebéden vagy vacsorán is bátran felszolgálhatsz, és nem kell velük sokat pepecselned. Galambos Lajcsi focistától szerette el élete szerelmét Habostorta     2024-12-03 06:33:00     Bulvár Párkapcsolat Lagzi Lajcsi Szomorú hírt kaptunk: meghalt Galambos Lajos volt felesége, Boglárka, aki évek óta betegeskedett. A trombitás 2021 őszén jelentette be, úgy határoztak, Konklávé : Sixtus-kápolna háború Mafab     2024-12-03 04:50:02     Film háború Olaszország Róma Pápaválasztás A Pápa halott. Lawrence bíborosnak össze kell hívnia a Konklávét, egy zárt ajtók mögött zajló szavazást, hogy megválasszák az új Szentatyát. Az összes bíborost Rómába rendelik, hogy a Sixtus-kápolnában érzelmes eszmecserékkel megvitassák, ki lesz a legalkalmasabb az egyház vezetésére. Ebben a szokatlan, zárt drámában az egyházi személyeket egy reme Az Árulók házaspárja lebukott a gyilkosok előtt? rtl.hu     2024-12-02 21:25:00     Film Az Árulók szereplőinek fákjalánggal kellett jelezniük, hogy melyik az a játékostársuk, akiben teljesen megbíznak. Az egyik gyilkos Szekeres Szilviát jelölte meg legfőbb bizalmasának, annak ellenére, hogy úgy sejti, Szilvi és Ferenc mindenkit megvezetnek a kastélyban. Vecsei H. Miklós, a meglehetősen mohó – színészportré Tudás.hu     2024-12-03 05:25:41     Színpad Színház Vecsei H. Miklós, becenevén Hasi, művészeti mindenevő, színész, író, költő, műfordító, dramaturg, rendező, énekes, zenész. Ha úgy tetszik "összművész". Meglehetősen mohó. Mindent akar egyszerre. A közönség szavazatai alapján odaítélt Arany Medál díjat is megkapta. Berobbant a színházi szakma, az ország köztudatába, és masszívan ott is maradt. Nem a Egy lázálomban született meg Jekyll és Hyde kultura.hu     2024-12-03 06:30:09     Könyv Skócia 130 éve, 1894. december 3-án halt meg a csendes-óceáni Szamoán Robert Louis Stevenson skót regényíró, esszéista, költő, A kincses sziget, a Dr. Jekyll és Mr. Hyde és más népszerű könyvek szerzője. Több száz magyar filmet nézhetünk ingyen egy hónapig in.hu     2024-12-02 20:25:04     Film Moszkva Szabó István Jancsó Miklós Mészáros Márta Makk Károly December 2. és január 6. között ingyen látható a Filmio kínálatában több mint 450 magyar film a Meseautótól a Fehérlófián át a Moszkva térig.A "Megajándékozunk kedvenc magyar filmjeiddel" akció során ingyen elérhetők többek között Fábri Zoltán, Makk Károly, Mészáros Márta, Elek Judit, Jancsó Miklós és Szabó István alkotásai, az első magyar némafilm Grecsó Krisztián családtörténetében háborúk dúlnak a szabadságért Könyves Magazin     2024-12-02 19:23:46     Könyv háború Grecsó Krisztián új kötete nagyszabású család- és aparegény, melynek író főhőse transzgenerációs traumák és öröklődő mintázatok sokaságával számot vetve indul el az énkeresés fájdalmas, mégis megkönnyebbülést hozó felismerésekkel teli útján. Az Apám üzent lapjain nemcsak szívmelengető anekdoták vagy éppen húsbavágó történetek sorakoznak, hanem sajá Közzétették a Kraven, a vadász első nyolc percét Player     2024-12-02 19:12:02     Film Mozi Sony Spider Man Pókember A Sony nem tanult az egyre silányabb Venom-mozikból, a Madame Web és Morbius című borzalmakból, a jelek szerint továbbra is szentül hiszik, hogy tudnak ők jó Pókember-spinoffot csinálni. 10 érdekesség a Harry Potter és a Titkok Kamrájából, amiről talán még nem is hallottál Joy     2024-12-02 22:01:00     Film Harry Potter Fóbia A fiatal Ruper Grint majdnem elájult a forgatáson, pedig nem is kellett találkoznia fóbiája rémisztő lényeivel. "Azahriah élete nem lehet könnyű" NLC     2024-12-02 18:10:40     Film Interjú Azahriah Mazzag Izabella nem könnyű feladatot kapott: át kellett törnie a falakat, amiket Azahriah állított, amikor a róla készült filmen, a Mi vagyunk Azahriahon dolgozott. Sikerült az áttörés? Összebarátkoztak közben? Miért nem szólalnak meg a filmben Azi családtagjai? Interjú a rendezővel. A további adásainkat keresd a podcast.hirstart.hu oldalunkon.

    Hírstart Robot Podcast - Film-zene-szórakozás
    10 édes és sós finomság leveles tésztából, ami az ünnepi asztalon is megállja a helyét

    Hírstart Robot Podcast - Film-zene-szórakozás

    Play Episode Listen Later Dec 3, 2024 4:28

    10 édes és sós finomság leveles tésztából, ami az ünnepi asztalon is megállja a helyét Mindmegette     2024-12-02 19:04:00     Recept Karácsony A leveles tészta nemcsak a hétköznapokon nagy segítség, hanem az ünnepi készülődést is megkönnyíti. Mutatunk most édes és sós harapnivalókat, amiket a családi ebéden vagy vacsorán is bátran felszolgálhatsz, és nem kell velük sokat pepecselned. Galambos Lajcsi focistától szerette el élete szerelmét Habostorta     2024-12-03 06:33:00     Bulvár Párkapcsolat Lagzi Lajcsi Szomorú hírt kaptunk: meghalt Galambos Lajos volt felesége, Boglárka, aki évek óta betegeskedett. A trombitás 2021 őszén jelentette be, úgy határoztak, Konklávé : Sixtus-kápolna háború Mafab     2024-12-03 04:50:02     Film háború Olaszország Róma Pápaválasztás A Pápa halott. Lawrence bíborosnak össze kell hívnia a Konklávét, egy zárt ajtók mögött zajló szavazást, hogy megválasszák az új Szentatyát. Az összes bíborost Rómába rendelik, hogy a Sixtus-kápolnában érzelmes eszmecserékkel megvitassák, ki lesz a legalkalmasabb az egyház vezetésére. Ebben a szokatlan, zárt drámában az egyházi személyeket egy reme Az Árulók házaspárja lebukott a gyilkosok előtt? rtl.hu     2024-12-02 21:25:00     Film Az Árulók szereplőinek fákjalánggal kellett jelezniük, hogy melyik az a játékostársuk, akiben teljesen megbíznak. Az egyik gyilkos Szekeres Szilviát jelölte meg legfőbb bizalmasának, annak ellenére, hogy úgy sejti, Szilvi és Ferenc mindenkit megvezetnek a kastélyban. Vecsei H. Miklós, a meglehetősen mohó – színészportré Tudás.hu     2024-12-03 05:25:41     Színpad Színház Vecsei H. Miklós, becenevén Hasi, művészeti mindenevő, színész, író, költő, műfordító, dramaturg, rendező, énekes, zenész. Ha úgy tetszik "összművész". Meglehetősen mohó. Mindent akar egyszerre. A közönség szavazatai alapján odaítélt Arany Medál díjat is megkapta. Berobbant a színházi szakma, az ország köztudatába, és masszívan ott is maradt. Nem a Egy lázálomban született meg Jekyll és Hyde kultura.hu     2024-12-03 06:30:09     Könyv Skócia 130 éve, 1894. december 3-án halt meg a csendes-óceáni Szamoán Robert Louis Stevenson skót regényíró, esszéista, költő, A kincses sziget, a Dr. Jekyll és Mr. Hyde és más népszerű könyvek szerzője. Több száz magyar filmet nézhetünk ingyen egy hónapig in.hu     2024-12-02 20:25:04     Film Moszkva Szabó István Jancsó Miklós Mészáros Márta Makk Károly December 2. és január 6. között ingyen látható a Filmio kínálatában több mint 450 magyar film a Meseautótól a Fehérlófián át a Moszkva térig.A "Megajándékozunk kedvenc magyar filmjeiddel" akció során ingyen elérhetők többek között Fábri Zoltán, Makk Károly, Mészáros Márta, Elek Judit, Jancsó Miklós és Szabó István alkotásai, az első magyar némafilm Grecsó Krisztián családtörténetében háborúk dúlnak a szabadságért Könyves Magazin     2024-12-02 19:23:46     Könyv háború Grecsó Krisztián új kötete nagyszabású család- és aparegény, melynek író főhőse transzgenerációs traumák és öröklődő mintázatok sokaságával számot vetve indul el az énkeresés fájdalmas, mégis megkönnyebbülést hozó felismerésekkel teli útján. Az Apám üzent lapjain nemcsak szívmelengető anekdoták vagy éppen húsbavágó történetek sorakoznak, hanem sajá Közzétették a Kraven, a vadász első nyolc percét Player     2024-12-02 19:12:02     Film Mozi Sony Spider Man Pókember A Sony nem tanult az egyre silányabb Venom-mozikból, a Madame Web és Morbius című borzalmakból, a jelek szerint továbbra is szentül hiszik, hogy tudnak ők jó Pókember-spinoffot csinálni. 10 érdekesség a Harry Potter és a Titkok Kamrájából, amiről talán még nem is hallottál Joy     2024-12-02 22:01:00     Film Harry Potter Fóbia A fiatal Ruper Grint majdnem elájult a forgatáson, pedig nem is kellett találkoznia fóbiája rémisztő lényeivel. "Azahriah élete nem lehet könnyű" NLC     2024-12-02 18:10:40     Film Interjú Azahriah Mazzag Izabella nem könnyű feladatot kapott: át kellett törnie a falakat, amiket Azahriah állított, amikor a róla készült filmen, a Mi vagyunk Azahriahon dolgozott. Sikerült az áttörés? Összebarátkoztak közben? Miért nem szólalnak meg a filmben Azi családtagjai? Interjú a rendezővel. A további adásainkat keresd a podcast.hirstart.hu oldalunkon.

    Spoiled Rotten Podcast
    315: Venom The Last Dance & The Penguin

    Spoiled Rotten Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Dec 2, 2024 67:42

    Venom: The Last Dance & The Penguin are spoiled!Venom: The Last Dance Spoiler Review @1:28Venom: The Last Dance Rating @23:05The Penguin Spoiler Review @23:24The Penguin Rating @1:06:01Discover more great podcasts on the That Shelf Podcast Network!Hosts:Daniel Grant (Bluesky & Instagram)Ben Sit (Instagram)Show:@TDFSpoiled on Instagram, Threads, TikTok & YouTubeSubscribe & Follow HERE

    Los Streameadores
    Venom 3: El Último Baile, Megalópolis, Dragon Ball Daima, El Abogado del Lincoln T3, The Office Australia, Thelma: Una Abuela en Acción, Somos Oro y Kaos. LOS STREAMEADORES RADIO- 26 de Octubre del 2024.

    Los Streameadores

    Play Episode Listen Later Dec 2, 2024 79:34

    En este episodio de #LosStreameadores te platicamos de: Venom 3: El Último Baile, Megalopolis , El Abogado del Lincoln T3, Dragon Ball Daima, The Office Australia, Thelma: Una Abuela en Acción, Somos Oro y Kaos • ¡Somos tu guía de lo que #TIENESQUEVER en las plataformas de #Streaming! • Elenco del episodio: Freddy Gaitán, Ricardo Verástegui, Karina Díaz, Chama Gámez, Juan Carlos Mendiola, Rubén Vidales y Luis Bueno. ¡Podcast para #Streameadores de TIEMPO COMPLETO! Visita: https://www.freddygaitan.com.mx ¡Síguenos! https://www.instagram.com/losstreameadores/ https://www.instagram.com/rverastegui/ https://www.instagram.com/freddygaitan/ https://www.instagram.com/laura.arevi/ Producido en Inspiral México: http://www.inspiral.com.mx

    Bulldozer - 30 (2024)


    Play Episode Listen Later Dec 2, 2024 40:18

    Último Bulldozer de noviembre y abrimos con el nuevo “Live in Chile” de Kreator, los 30 años de “Blasphemy Made Flesh” de Cryptopsy y la pronta venida de Venom @monkey_chile. Seguimos con los grandes de @miserycore.squadron que se presentarán este 2 de diciembre en @la_comarca_centro_de_eventos y Force of Darkness uno de los platos fuertes del Destroying Santiago Fest @unholymetalmafia a llevarse a cabo el día de hoy viernes y mañana sábado en @rbxchile Conduce @maxiasmm Capítulos disponibles en Spotify, Google Podcast y Apple Music.

    Eternal Darkness Of Not So Spotless Minds
    Episode 50 - Terrifier Commentary

    Eternal Darkness Of Not So Spotless Minds

    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 30, 2024 113:32

    Join Matt and Kate for an extra special episode of Eternal Darkness Of Not So Spotless Minds -  Episode 50!! We're doing something a little different for this auspicious episode, something we've been wanting to do for a while: a commentary episode! And our choice of movie is… *drum roll* Terrifier!! That's right, we are watching Art the Clown slice and dice his way through Miles County during one fateful Halloween night.  Joining us in our celebrations are three awesome guests: Mr Venom, a podcaster of many shows including ‘No More Room In Hell' and ‘Fresh Cuts'; Glenn “Cougar” Mellenbrewer, friend and listener of the show as well as Kate's long-time movie buddy; and Kate's horror-loving bestie, the gorgeous goth, Vicky “Goffmilk” Stephens. Watch along with us as we delve into the horrors of killer clowns, whether or not Art is smashable, and the skill of everyone's contouring… and see whether Kate's opinion of the first instalment of the Terrifier franchise is improved after this. So kick back, relax and open up a can of something delightful as we take you down to the Eternal Darkness Of Not So Spotless Minds… Check out The Eternal Darkness Of Not So Spotless Minds link tree: https://linktr.ee/edonssmpodcast  for all our show links and social media links. Please also email us at - edonssmpodcast@gmail.com Background music provided by Chuckie Steel on Spotify.

    Estamos de cine
    Vaiana 2 al rescate de Disney+Desmontando a Lucía+Winnie Sangriento+BSO Sorpresa Zimmer detrás Blitz

    Estamos de cine

    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 30, 2024 77:51

    El Cine no da tregua y los exhibidores se las han arreglado para ir colocando en las salas un taquillazo a la semana para llegar a fin de año con las cuentas aseadas y el público enchufado. En apenas dos meses se han sucedido en las salas comerciales "Joker 2", "Robot Salvaje", "Venom 3", "Gladiador 2", "Wicked" y esta semana es el turno de Disney, que se reivindica con la segunda parte de "Vaiana". Y atención que no estamos ante una secuela menor. Su primera parte, de 2016, es el título con más reproducciones de la plataforma. Roza los 750 millones visionados en todo el mundo y de ahí que sea fácil presumir que arrastre al público a las salas. Alberto Luchini y Raquel Hernández miden la temperatura del momento Disney, que prefiere asegurar la taquilla remozando una fórmula que saben que funciona, pero que no enamora a la crítica como otros títulos del pasado CALIFICACIÓN EDC: 2,5 estrellas MIN 15: RESTO DE ESTRENOS BIRD (UK. Andrea Arnold) CALIFICACIÓN EDC: 3'5 estrellas Min 20: DESMONTANDO A LUCÍA (España. Alberto Utrera) CALIFICACIÓN EDC: 3 estrellas Min 25: POR DONDE PASA EL SILENCIO. (España. Sandra Romero) CALIFICACIÓN EDC: 4 estrellas Min 29: WINNIE THE POOH. BOSQUE SANGRIENTO (USA. R. Frake-Waterfield) 2'5 estrellas Min 34. EL MINISTRO DE PROPAGANDA (Alemania. Joachim Lang) 3 estrellas Min 39: AVANCE PRÓXIMOS ESTRENOS En una semana llegan películas como "Here", de Robert Zemeckis; "Emilia Pérez", de Jaques Audiard o la esperada versión Anime de "El señor de los Anillos: La Guerra de los Rohirrim" (Kenji Kamiyama) Min 41. LA PELÍCULA DE TU VIDA, CON JORGE JARAMILLO El conocido presentador del programa "A pie de Campo", fiel seguidor de "Estamos de Cine" se anima a confesarnos cuál y por qué es la película de su vida. Min 43. BSO BLITZ: LO ÚLTIMO DE HANS ZIMMER Una sorpresa que nos colocará en la zona más reposada de ESTAMOS DE CINE. En el diván de las bandas sonoras. Ángel Luque nos espera con otra sorpresa. La banda sonora de HANS ZIMMER que sí podría pelear por el Oscar y que se esconde tras la película de Steve McQueen "BLITZ", que solo se ha estrenado en Apple TV, pero que nos sireve para redescubrir al Zimmer más templado, sensible y contenido componiendo para una apuesta antibélica de corte clásico.

    Moment of Um
    How does a platypus make its venom?

    Moment of Um

    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 29, 2024 5:54

    Platypuses seem like they were put together from other animal's spare parts. They've got a bill like a duck, a flat tail like a beaver, and…venom? What's up with that? We asked biologist Imogene Cancellare to help us find the answer.Got a question that's as confusing as platypus anatomy? Send it to us at BrainsOn.org/contact, and we won't even bill you for the answer!

    Wicked, Anora, A Real Pain, The Brutalist, Conclave, and more


    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 29, 2024 158:21

    It's that time of year again. We're talking all the big fall and holiday 2024 releases—Wicked, The Brutalist, Anora, and even Hot Frosty. Timecodes: Wicked  - 00:01:58 Rebel Ridge- 00:19:18 Piece by Piece - 00:24:00 Anora - 00:34:05 Nickel Boys - 00:46:41 Venom the Last Dance - 00:56:55 Hot Frosty - 01:06:33 The Brutalist - 01:15:26 Maria - 01:29:48 Conclave - 01:40:17 Juror #2 - 01:48:46 Blitz - 01:59:23 Joker Folie A Deux - 02:07:57 A Real Pain - 02:16:07

    Coffee and Deathsticks
    The Juice Awakens

    Coffee and Deathsticks

    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 29, 2024 67:00

    As Glicked and Moana 2 dominate cineplexes, Danny and Kevin check in on earlier fall releases - Beetlejuice Beetlejuice and Venom: The Last Dance. The boys discuss their love for Time Burton, his legacy, and the refreshingly old fashioned sequel before dovetailing into a recap of the Venom trilogy and questioning what the point was of that series anyway? Follow us on Instagram and email us at coffeeanddeathsticks@gmail.com

    El Langoy Podcast
    Venom, Tom Hardy en su momento más Esquizofrenico

    El Langoy Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 29, 2024 118:19

    Langoy 356 - esta semana hablamos de la trilogía de Venom, pero tenemos antes un picadillo de noticias. Esperamos disfruten el programa. 00:00:00 Intro 00:01:50 Patreon 00:03:11 Fallece Silvia Pinal 00:09:40 Billboard y Beyonce vs Taylor Swift 00:15:39 NewJeans rompe contrato con Ador, problemas con Hybe (Kpop) 00:33:04 Teaser de Lilo y Stich Live Action, Trailer como entrenar a tu dragón Live Action ¿Por qué tanto live actions? 00:48:43 La Trilogía de VenomSee omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Episode 284 - Venom 3: Into the SonyVerse


    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 29, 2024 59:35

    In this week's episode, Brandon and Gabby talk about the latest Venom movie. they talk about their first impressions, their favorite and least favorite parts, they discuss Sony's Marvel adjacent universe and the quality of most of those movies, they talk about what they hope is done with the new characters they established, and they get so off topic at times that they question how much they liked the movie

    The Ramble
    Ramble 423: Somewhere Between Lovemaking and Boinking

    The Ramble

    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 27, 2024 43:37

    In this pre Thanksgiving Ramble, Eddie and Jerry talk Legend of Zelda songs to boff to, The Playstation's early days and Eddie saw Venom 3 so no one else had to.  Enjoy!

    Break The Apocalypse
    Slay Popeye, Slay Spitball Media Podcast 11 26 2024

    Break The Apocalypse

    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 27, 2024 77:03

    Alien Romulus revisitedCreep Tapes episode one reviewWicked and Gladiator 2 break the box officeHow is Venom the Last Dance one of the 10 highest grossing movies of 2024?Awesome Nosferatu coffin popcorn bucket139,000 film and tv scripts used to train AI2024 Astra nominations include horror performancesPopeye the Slayer Man trailer recationThe Substance Discussion (spoilers)Join us live each Thursday around 8:30 pm eastern @Spitball Media - YouTubeAudio Podcast direct download link available morning after (right click and save): https://api.spreaker.com/v2/episodes/63022158/download.mp3Bonus content and exclusive episodes patreon.com/spitballmediaOpening title music by White Bat Audiosocials:Twitter: @Spitball_media Facebook, Instagram and YouTube: @spitballmediaJon: @iamjondraperShah: @planet.mondo @nuclearheatBrian: @bshowbrian

    Movie Planet Podcast
    BONUS SHOW: MARVELous Mel Brooks

    Movie Planet Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 27, 2024 25:54

    Welcome to The Movie Planet BONUS SHOW! After recording the show, Joe and Steve sat down and went down a few rabbit holes: Steve assigns HIMSELF homework The Sony Trio: Venom, Venom 2, and Morbius Constantine vs Captain America: The Winter Soldier Comic Book Pantheon Thoughts Movies you could never make today A Mel Brooks Pantheon? "Hot Sauce" provided by: Wavtracks Music PO Box 56 Sylvania, 2224 NSW Australia

    Why So Sidious?: A Nerd Podcast
    163. Comic Talk 2 ft. Kurono: Batman Rogues & Spiderman Comics

    Why So Sidious?: A Nerd Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 27, 2024 87:18

    Diving into some of our favorite Batman villain comic books, Peter Parker & Miles Morales Spiderman stories & more! Marvel & DC.  Intro  03:00 Pick a character from Marvel or DC and make a crossover film with a Star Wars character (& why Luke Skywalker is boring!?)  10:40 What would you do with the powers of a fully loaded infinity gauntlet?  16:40 X Men comic books  21:40 Batman villains: Joker  37:00 Bane  44:05 Other rogues: Riddler, Mad Hatter, Ventriloquist, Scarecrow, Mr Freeze  51:10 Spiderman: Miles Morales stories  58:25 Civil War 2, and should Marvel kill off Wolverine?  65:50 Spiderman: Peter Parker stories (and Sony Kraven)  78:40 Secret Wars & the birth of Venom (and MCU Venom?)  Merch Store: https://why-so-sidious.printify.me/products  Follow us on social media: Twitter/Instagram/TikTok: @whysosidiouspod YouTube: www.youtube.com/@whysosidiouspod?app=desktop Send us your questions/comments!Support the show

    Arcane: Season 2 | Finally Got The Name Right


    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 27, 2024 86:06

    Welcome to Show Boys, a podcast that delves into the world of film, tv and gaming. In this week's episode, Nick is back joining Mike and Show Boys community member Venom to recap Episode 3, Finally Got the Name Right, where Vi and Jinx finally come toe to toe and a new side of the Hexcore is revealed. Necrit Ambessa Lore Explained -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RS0JOVqQLUI&list=PLmsm6y8aSHfSnakBGHI-ZZ3mZHDHQlc1F&index=4 Arcane Season 1 Steelbook Giveaway Rules: - 1 entry for being subscribed to our channel (make sure your subscription settings are set to public so we can see you are subscribed) - 1 entry for commenting on the video (limit of 1 additional entry for your first comment). - Winner will be picked during the Season 2 finale episode - good luck!! Patreon Link: https://www.patreon.com/showboyspodcast Catch reruns of our massive backlog of content over on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/showboyspodcast Follow PokéBoys on Twitter: https://twitter.com/PokeBoysPodcast Visit our website for everything Show Boys related! https://showboysmedia.com/ Come for the podcast, stay for the community. Join our discord today! https://discord.gg/gPqSu7QmnQ Interested in supporting the podcast? Visit our Patreon page and sign up to become a Patron for some cool perks, or toss us a bone on Venmo @Show-Boys! Merch Shop! https://my-store-be6562.creator-spring.com/ Like what you hear? Let us know in the comments and please consider subscribing!

    Straight Outta Gotham
    Geekly News for November 24, 2024

    Straight Outta Gotham

    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 26, 2024 61:33

    The boys return to bring you a hodgepodge of topics.  The Penguin has ended and the guys give their feelings on where things stand leading into The Batman 2.  James Gunn's DCU is upon us, and 007 might be a part of it.  Plus, Venom 3, Gladiator II, Thunderbolts, Kevin Feige, and...  Who wants a Tumbler for Christmas?  All of that on episode 163 of SOG!

    Fresh Floppies 77 – Justice League Unlimited, Black Canary, ASM, Venom War, TMNT, Superman, and Absolute Wonder Woman!


    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 26, 2024 42:23

    CultPop Presents a brand new episode of Fresh Floppies, where we (spoiler-free) discuss and review some of the comics out THIS WEEK, TODAY! Only the freshest of floppies, so listen on your way to the comic shop! 01:20 – Justice League Unlimited #1 06:11 – Black Canary: Best of the Best #1 14:00 – Amazing... The post Fresh Floppies 77 – Justice League Unlimited, Black Canary, ASM, Venom War, TMNT, Superman, and Absolute Wonder Woman! appeared first on CultPOP!.

    Temprano en la Tarde... EL PODCAST
    Geek Squad versión “condensada”: Joker y Venom

    Temprano en la Tarde... EL PODCAST

    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 26, 2024 58:52

    Hoy José Raúl Cepeda y Luis Raúl Sánchez Peraza comentan lo más reciente en el cine. ¡Geek Squad! Segmento 1 Comienza temporada de cine en EE UU. Fenómeno de las muestras de cortometrajes en el Festival Internacional de Cine la semana pasada en los cines de “Fine Arts” Segmento 2 The “Joker follie a deux”: malentendida y subvalorada dice Sánchez Peraza. Importancia de los primeros 5 minutos. ¿Qué es un musical? ¿Es Joker 2 un musical? Segmento 3 ¿Cómo se diferencia la relación entre la pareja protagonista en la película con la pareja que nos presenta DC Cómics? ¿Es un reflejo de la relación entre el pueblo estadounidense y Trump? ¿La relación “a deux” de Joker y Harley es similar a la de Venom y Eddie? Segmento 4 ¿Venom: simbiosis o codependencia? ¿Joker follie a deux: simbiosis o codependencia? Éxito de edición cinematográfica. Para el próximo “Geek Squad”: Wiked y Gladiator 2

    THE Last Action Critics!
    Episode 46-[S4]- The Boondock Saints (1999)

    THE Last Action Critics!

    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 26, 2024 76:43

    On this Weeks Episode Will, Ian and Nora Suffer through a movie so you don't have to. That's right, they revisit a 25 yr old "cult classic", a film that some could argue helped define a generation of young men. A movie that has a "philosophy" that bleeds directly into MAGA. A movie so many will defend as Campy fun, when it reality is a massive turd that deceived many a youth, and wasn't good enough to revisit, just maintain a pedestaled place in the minds of many (mostly men). We throw some takes folks may consider "Hot", but are in fact, and should be, Cold at this point. Because they are true. Just look at the critic/audience score disparity on Rotten Tomatoes, it's a bad movie, it's- THE BOONDOCK SAINTS (1999) R. 108 minutes Directed & Written by: Troy Duffy. Starring: Sean Patrick Flannery, Norman Reedus, Willem Dafoe, Billy Connelly, David Della Rocca, Bob Marley, David Ferry, Brian Mahoney, Ron Jeremy, and other people.... 00:01:00- First Thoughts 00:14:30- Whatcha Been Watchin'? (Will- Dune: Prophecy, Day of the Jackal, Red One, Venom 3: The Last Dance. Ian- The Wild Robot, An Almost Christmas Story, Toast of London, St. Denis Medical- Nora- Star Wars Burlesque (The Empire Strips Back. Live Show), Vertigo, Interview with a Vampire (TV Series), The Penguin.) 00:23:00- THE BOONDOCK SAINTS (1999) 00:27:30- Tasty Morsels 00:33:00- Rating/Review 01:12:30- Totals 01:13:30- Next Week/Bye Patreon: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠patreon.com/THELastActionCritics⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Instagram: @TheLastActionCritics email: Thelastactioncritics@gmail.com Next Week: WICKED

    Hype is my Superpower
    Episode 159: Punchy fist guys vs. tanks

    Hype is my Superpower

    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 26, 2024 110:17

    Will finally got that missing book from Gang War, soooo, we finally get to see how Iron Fist and Shang-Chi fought tanks? And Steve starts what is widely considered to be the worst run on any X-Men title, ever. Will comics: Daredevil: Gang War, Venom by Al Ewing vol 7: Exsanguination, Daredevil by Saladin Ahmed vol 2: Hell to Pay, Spider-Boy vol 2: Fun & Games Steve reading: the rest of Kindred by Octavia E. Butler, Wolverine: Netsuke, Uncanny X-Men vol 1 #410-413

    Eavesdropping at the Movies
    431 - Venom: The Last Dance

    Eavesdropping at the Movies

    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 26, 2024 16:05

    We enjoyed the first. We didn't care for the second. Does the third bring back the fun? No, not really. Recorded on 17th November 2024.

    Talking Back
    Episode 303: Cartoon 1st - M.A.S.K.

    Talking Back

    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 25, 2024 47:50

    This week on another edition of Cartoon 1st the Mobile Armored Strike Kommand is assembling once again to fight the evil forces of VENOM in 1985's vehicle inspired cartoon M.A.S.K.! M.A.S.K. is one of the more memorable cartoon franchises from the 80s delivering a fun, adventurous, and hi-tech vibe with both the cartoon and the toys. Join us as we discuss the franchise and review episode 1! If you'd like to unlock bonus episodes from Talking Back every month, then check out our page on Patreon! Check out our Youtube Channel Demo Dash! You can also support Talking Back by sending us a Coffee at Buy Us a Coffee!  Please consider leaving a 5 star rating and review on Apple Podcasts! This helps make our Podcast easier for listeners to find.  Feel free to drop us a line on Social Media at Instagram, and Facebook. Or drop us an email us at talkbackpod@gmail.com. This podcast is part of the BFOP Network 

    Why So Sidious?: A Nerd Podcast
    162. Spider-Man: Kraven's Last Hunt Comic Book Review

    Why So Sidious?: A Nerd Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 25, 2024 32:17

    Spiderman vs Kraven. Lets talk about the 1980s comic book diving deep into the psychology of Kraven. We're coming up on the release of the next SSU movie starring Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Russell Crowe, so get to know the character and lets hope the movie is better than at least a couple of the 3 Venom movies.   Intro   25:15 Talking about the Kraven movie & the director talking Sony Spiderman Universe failures  Merch Store: https://why-so-sidious.printify.me/products  Follow us on social media: Twitter/Instagram/TikTok: @whysosidiouspod YouTube: www.youtube.com/@whysosidiouspod?app=desktop Send us your questions/comments!Support the show

    Coffee & Heroes Podcast
    #259 - Creator Interview - Rick Remender Part 1!

    Coffee & Heroes Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 25, 2024 60:06

    It's the interview Alan has been wanting to do ever since we started the podcast, and it did not disappoint! We finally got chatting to the one and only Rick Remender, best known for era defining runs on Venom and Uncanny X-Force amongst others while at Marvel, but for us it's his Indie work that shines brightest. Deadly Class, Fear Agent, Black Science, Seven to Eternity, Low, Tokyo Ghost and many others, demonstrate that he is one of the most consistent and important creators working in the medium today. We talk all of those over 2 episodes, as well as getting started, nearly going bankrupt, his time at Marvel, his Giant Generator imprint at Image, adaptations to other mediums and what he hopes for the future. Strap in, this is up there with our favourite ever episodes. We hope you enjoy it just as much.

    Piratas do Espaço
    Viva a Vilania! - Piratas Do Espaço #198

    Piratas do Espaço

    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 25, 2024 81:47

    Entre filmes, séries e eleições mundo afora, o último mês foi ótimo para vilões. Nesse episódio, nos juntamos para falar um pouco de Pinguim, Agatha Desde Sempre, Coringa 2, Venom 3, e um filme que não é de vilão mas acabou sendo um assunto recorrente por ter construído uma cidade dourada no cérebro de Victor. PARTICIPANTES: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Victor Gurg⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠e⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠l⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠, ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Luã Bitencourt⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠, Felipe Gurgel EDIÇÃO: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Victor Gurgel⁠⁠ ASSUNTOS DO EPISÓDIO: 0:00:00 Introdução: Nossos vilões favoritos de Batman 0:07:58 Pinguim 0:32:39 Agatha Desde Sempre 0:49:31 Coringa: Delírio a Dois (que na verdade é Megalopolis) 1:03:27 Venom: A Última Rodada 1:19:22 Considerações finais REDES SOCIAIS: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Bluesky do Victor⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Twitch do Victor⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠TikTok do Victor⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Bluesky do Luã⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ INSCREVA-SE E RECEBA NOVOS EPISÓDIOS ASSIM QUE LANÇAREM: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠FEED⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠YOUTUBE⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠APPLE PODCASTS⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠SPOTIFY⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ENDEREÇO DIRETO DO SITE: Acesse aqui:⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ www.piratasdoespaco.com/⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ QUER TER O SEU COMENTÁRIO LIDO NO PRÓXIMO PIRATAS? Comente aqui, no YouTube, ou envie-nos um email: ⁠pirataespacialshow@gmail.com⁠ Você também pode se juntar à discussão no Twitter, por reply ou usando a tag⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠#PiratasPod⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Deixe uma mensagem para nós!

    AiPT! Comics
    Juan Ferreyra talks redefining Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles with Jason Aaron

    AiPT! Comics

    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 24, 2024 60:51

    NEWSFull February Marvel Comics Solicitations!New ‘One World Under Doom' tie-ins revealed: Storm, Fantastic Four, and X-FactorMarvel set to adapt 'Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker' in 2025Every Ultimate Universe cover and summary revealed for February 2025The X-Men join Spider-Man in a battle with Cyttorak next February 2025Four part crossover ‘Pools of Blood' kicks off February 2025Marvel reveals Free Comic Book Day 2025 titlesIDW unveils Free Comic Book Day 2025 offeringsDynamite reveals 'Thundercats/Powerpuff Girls' #0 FCBD crossover issueSkybound reveal FCBD 2025 comic 'TRANSFORMERS: Worst Bot Ever: Meet Ballpoint''Energon Universe Special' 2025 set for Free Comic Book Day'Absolute Batman' #1 breaks records: How it became 2024's best-selling comicDC Heroes Role-Playing Game 40th Anniversary Kickstarter launched'Who are the Power Pals?' buddy comedy miniseries coming March 2025‘From the World of Minor Threats: Welcome to Twilight' packs star-studded creator lineupMarvel officially teases 'Predator vs. Spider-Man' for 2025Our Top Books of the WeekDave:Ice Cream Man #42 (W. Maxwell Prince, Martin Morazzo)The Power Fantasy (2024) #4 (Kieron Gillen, Caspar Wijngaard)Nathan:The Question: All Along the Watchtower #1Venom War: It's Jeff! #1Standout KAPOW moment of the week:Nathan - Godzilla: Skate or Die!Dave - Batman: Full Moon #2 (Rodney Barnes, Stevan Subic)TOP BOOKS FOR NEXT WEEKDave: Absolute Wonder Woman #2 (Kelly Thompson, Hayden Sherman)Nathan: Justice League Unlimited #1 (Mark Waid, Dan Mora)JUDGING BY THE COVER JR.Dave: Venom War #5 (Peach Momoko CoverNathan: The Flash #15 (Mike Del Mundo)Interview: Juan Ferreyra - TMNT #6 six out January 29th (FOC is December 9th)Juan, pleasure to chat with you again, we last spoke in October 2022 about Deadly Neighborhood Spider-Man, and now you're onto TMNT #6…sir, are you living the dream?Last we spoke you talked about how you get bored easily and are always trying new things, is there anything that pops out to you that you did different with this issue?Have you been a lifelong Ninja Turtles fan? What was your first experience with the turtles?Can you take us through your issue #6 cover, with Raph fighting a foto clan on a motorcycle driving along Leo's sword…like wow how did this idea come to be?The Turtles are together and back in New York in issue #6, would you say the city is a character in itself? How did you make it come alive?Is there anything tricky about drawing four characters that are similar, but also ever so slightly different, like how Donnie is skinny?You're a master at the side-scrolling layouts, will we see more of those?Did Jason Aaron's script challenge you in any surprising ways?Now that you've had a hand in drawing all these turtles, is there a particular one you wouldn't mind taking on a solo book series?Spider-Man Noir, it already looks like they're taking from your series, how pumped are you to potentially see your art on the big screen?With TMNT being a six-issue gig, can you tease what you're working on next? Ghost rider versus galactus strazinsky 

    Welcome to Level Seven

    Welcome to Level Seven

    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 23, 2024 54:00

    Ben takes a road trip to see the final movie in the VENOM TRILOGY! Yes. A Venom trilogy exists in out universe now. And . . . it's not bad. A co-production with Strangers and Aliens. (In other words, it's just getting posted to both podcasts.)

    Strangers and Aliens: Science Fiction & Fantasy from a Christian Perspective

    Strangers and Aliens: Science Fiction & Fantasy from a Christian Perspective

    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 23, 2024 54:00 Transcription Available

    Ben takes a road trip to see the final movie in the VENOM TRILOGY! Yes. A Venom trilogy exists in out universe now. And . . . it's not bad. A co-production with Welcome to Level Seven. (In other words, it's just getting posted to both podcasts.)

    From the Bimah: Jewish Lessons for Life
    Shabbat Sermon: The Healing of the Gila Monster with Rav Hazzan Aliza Berger

    From the Bimah: Jewish Lessons for Life

    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 23, 2024 12:16

    Last week, I came across a fascinating article in the New York Times Magazine. Kim Tingley, in her article “‘Nature's Swiss Army Knife': What can we Learn from Venom ?” writes about the incredible potential of highly toxic reptile and insect venom to provide pharmaceutical miracles. It turns out that reptile and inspect venom contains hundreds, even thousands of molecules, which each have the ability to act in powerful ways on the human body. In the aggregate, the venom can have disastrous consequences. But applied strategically and sparingly, these compounds can make a world of difference. Take, for example, the wildly popular weight-loss drugs Ozempic, Wegovy, Mounjaro, and Zepbound. These drugs were created from research into a venomous reptile called the Gila monster which lives mostly underground in southern Arizona and northern Mexico. It's a very striking lizard—typically they have a black head and matching black tongue, black legs, and a tiger-like pattern of orange and black down their back and tail. And they are highly toxic. If you Google them after shabbos, you'll find a bunch of stories of people who have lost their lives to chance encounters on hiking trails or from bites from Gila monster pets. Gila monster venom had been screened back in the 80s, but when gastroenterologist Jean-Pierre Raufman and endocrinologist John Eng re-screened it, they discovered a molecule that had been previously overlooked which resembled a hormone that regulates insulin in healthy humans. That molecule, which they called Exendin-4, is the basis for these weight-loss drugs which have so transformed the medical landscape. Learning about this research and these medicines made me wonder—what would happen if we were able to look at the toxins in our lives with the same outlook?  There is no universe where we would see all the misfortunes of our lives as helpful or even healing, but would it ever be possible to get to a place where we could see elements of the challenges in our lives as having blessed us with possibility?

    The Potential Podcast!
    Potential Pick - Venom: The Last Dance Spoiler Review

    The Potential Podcast!

    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 22, 2024 19:54

    Spoiler Warning! Chris and Taylor review the superhero film,Venom: The Last Dance, film written and directed by Kelly Marcel, which features the Marvel Comics character Venom. The final installment of the Venom trilogy following Venom (2018) and Venom: Let There Be Carnage (2021), it is the fifth film in Sony's Spider-Man Universe (SSU). In the film, Eddie Brock and Venom must make a devastating decision as they're pursued by a mysterious military man and alien monsters from Venom's home world.It stars Tom Hardy as Eddie Brock and Venom, alongside Chiwetel Ejiofor, Juno Temple, Rhys Ifans, Stephen Graham, Peggy Lu, Clark Backo, Alanna Ubach, and Andy Serkis. Follow us on: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thepotential_podcast/ X: https://x.com/thepotentialpod TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thepotentialpodcast Support us on Patreon: patreon.com/thepotentialpodcast Thanks to our sponsor: Keen:  Go to trykeen.com/potential now! As a new customer on Keen, you can try your first 5 minute reading for $1

    Sports Talk Right Now!
    Venmo: The Last Dance

    Sports Talk Right Now!

    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 22, 2024 50:32

    Max and Roger reunite after several days off and discuss slot machines, Venom, Tommy Cutlets and Disney princesses playing basketball in an extra long episode on Thursday, 21st 2024 Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Hoy Trasnoche
    177: Joker sos un fracasado hasta Venom progresa más que vos

    Hoy Trasnoche

    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 22, 2024 89:17

    Vimos Emilia Pérez (2024) de Jacques Audiard y pasaron cosas. Sí, también hubo coyuntura, pero mejor quedate con lo de "pasaron cosas" Si justo andás con ganas ganas, estás en condiciones de y todo eso pasate por hoytrasnoche.com y ponete la diez. Gracias, bendiciones.

    Nerd Shit!
    Venom: The Last Dance

    Nerd Shit!

    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 22, 2024 57:38

    We're taking a look at the recent Sony Marvel release-- Venom: The Last Dance!

    Venom Skate Podcast
    Venom Skate Podcast Episode 10: Harry Clarke

    Venom Skate Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 21, 2024 152:46

    We're very proud to present Episode 10 of the Venom Skate podcast with now 2x World Cup Champion Harry Clarke. Harry is the most powerful force on the race circuit today. Coming off an undefeated season, his first World Championship, and his second World Cup Championship, Harry has been unstoppable and has no plans of slowing down. We had a few hours to kill driving through backwoods North Carolina to the WDSC Mount Roan World Cup and got on the mic with Harry to talk his history in skateboarding, his 2019 World Championship season, and where he's going from here. This episode was recorded just days before his monumental win at Roan for his second World Championship title.

    The Infinite Taylorverse Podcast
    IT Ep. 196 - Things Get a Little Wicked, Venom Has a Last Dance, Superman Ends and Begins, and So Much More! **SPOILERS!**

    The Infinite Taylorverse Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 21, 2024 25:24

    Welcome to the Infinite Taylorverse!  Here at the Infinite Taylorverse, we talk about all things nerdy and pop culture! Movies, TV, cartoons, comics, books, video games, tabletop games, and so much more! We talk about the latest pop culture news as well as rumors and fan theories.  Be advised that spoilers are eminent! In this, our one hundred and ninety-sixth episode, Billie gives a spoiler-free review of the new Wicked movie after having the chance to see a pre-screening!  We have finally both seen Venom: The Last Dance, so we give our take on the latest Sony-Marvel flick!  As Superman & Lois is coming to a close, we get an update on James Gunn's Superman movie, and so much more!  As always, thanks for strapping in for a ride through The Infinite Taylorverse!

    Attention Deficit Order
    S28E13 Venom Chainsaw

    Attention Deficit Order

    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 21, 2024 139:22

    #VenomTheLastDance #CallOfDuty #Saw20th #ChainsawAwards

    Arcane: Season 2 | Watch It All Burn


    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 21, 2024 63:11

    Welcome to Show Boys, a podcast that delves into the world of film, tv and gaming. In this week's episode, Nick is back joining Mike and Show Boys community member Venom to recap Episode 2, Watch It all Burn, which focuses on the fallout of Silco's death in Season 1. Arcane Season 1 Steelbook Giveaway Rules: - 1 entry for being subscribed to our channel (make sure your subscription settings are set to public so we can see you are subscribed) - 1 entry for commenting on the video (limit of 1 additional entry for your first comment). - Winner will be picked during the Season 2 finale episode - good luck!! Patreon Link: https://www.patreon.com/showboyspodcast Catch reruns of our massive backlog of content over on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/showboyspodcast Follow PokéBoys on Twitter: https://twitter.com/PokeBoysPodcast Visit our website for everything Show Boys related! https://showboysmedia.com/ Come for the podcast, stay for the community. Join our discord today! https://discord.gg/gPqSu7QmnQ Interested in supporting the podcast? Visit our Patreon page and sign up to become a Patron for some cool perks, or toss us a bone on Venmo @Show-Boys! Merch Shop! https://my-store-be6562.creator-spring.com/ Like what you hear? Let us know in the comments and please consider subscribing!

    Blacker than BlackTimes Infinity
    Eps 474 Limewire doesn't give your computer aids anymore

    Blacker than BlackTimes Infinity

    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 20, 2024 145:16

    Prodigy is out this week. This week we talk about computer input tech, Tyson vs. Paul, Venom the Last Ride, How to Train Your Dragon Live Action, Reading books, and more! Come follow us: http://www.beenhadproductions.com/bthanbti SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/bthanbtiI Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BthanBTI/ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/bthanbti Twitter: @BthanBTI iTunes: https://itun.es/i6SJ6Pw YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/BlackerThanBlackTimesInfinity Rescue + Residence https://www.rescueresidence.org/ Donate: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=34F4G4ZXQL8FA

    The Iron Age of Comics
    Venom: From Deadly Enemy to Lethal Protector

    The Iron Age of Comics

    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 20, 2024 101:06

    In 1988's Amazing Spider-Man #300, Venom debuted as a ruthless, psychotic stalker and quickly became Spidey's top villain. Within five years, he was so popular that Marvel semi-rehabilitated him into an antihero with his own series. But by the end of the decade, the character had become overexposed and was removed from active circulation. In the wake of the release of Venom: The Last Dance, we look back at one of the strangest evolutions of the Iron Age and ask the big questions. How did David Michelinie and Todd McFarlane turn a four-year-old completed subplot about a new costume and a newly retconned supporting character into the basis of a franchise? Why did Marvel give Venom a string of consecutive limited series instead of a traditional ongoing? And how are his powers even actually supposed to work? Support the podcast at patreon.com/ironageofcomics

    The Shatterblight Chronicles
    Episode 156 - Playing Dirty Venom Pool

    The Shatterblight Chronicles

    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 20, 2024 84:47

    Send us a textThe party continues to engage two serpentfolk and a naga spellcaster aboard the crashed galleon ship, flames continuing to grow on the docks around them.Check out our Patreon https://patreon.com/TheShatterblightChroniclesFollow us on Instagram @shatterblightchroniclesCheck us out on Twitter @shatterblight 

    Boston Public Radio Podcast
    Best Of BPR 11/19: Smoking Toad Venom & Kissing Rings

    Boston Public Radio Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 19, 2024 34:01

    Today: Sports authority Trenni Casey discusses last Friday's fight night with Mike Tyson, and the plans for a soccer specific stadium in Everett for the New England Revolution.And, media maven Sue O'Connell talks about President-elect Trump's cabinet appointments and how to cover Trump without normalizing his fascistic tendencies.

    Overthinking It Podcast
    Episode 854: Venom's Superpower Is Friendship

    Overthinking It Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 18, 2024

    On the Overthinking It Podcast, we consider parasitism, symbiosis, and the power of friendship as a bulwark against mortality in Venom: The Last Dance. Episode 854: Venom's Superpower Is Friendship originally appeared on Overthinking It, the site subjecting the popular culture to a level of scrutiny it probably doesn't deserve. [Latest Posts | Podcast (iTunes Link)]

    70mm | Movies and Friendship
    Gladiator (2000)

    70mm | Movies and Friendship

    Play Episode Listen Later Nov 18, 2024 80:57

    "At my signal, unleash hell."NEWVEMBER continues with GLADIATOR. We also talked about Proto making waves on IG with biologics, his afternoon seeing THE BRUTALIST, Danny watching the Disney Skywalker Trilogy, slime watching VENOM 3 and GOLDENEYE and much more. In the uncut episode we talked electric cars, Ken Burns, and the legacy of LBJ. (Not on my bingo card either.)Chapters:(00:00:00) Introductions (00:06:30) What we watched(00:19:58) Gladiator(01:14:35) Next week's pickSupport the 70mm Patreon to join our VHS Village Discord and access exclusive episodes in the 70mm Vault like the 1990s Batman movies, Harry Potter, The Matrix, SHIN Godzilla, and over 50 others. Signing up for the Patreon also get your own membership card, member-only discounts on merch, and the ability to vote on future episodes!Don't forget you can visit our website to shop our storefront to buy prints and merch, follow us on Letterboxd, email the show, and much more.70mm is a ⁠TAPEDECK⁠ podcast, along with our friends at ⁠BAT & SPIDER⁠,  ⁠The Letterboxd Show⁠, Austin Danger Pod, ⁠Escape Hatch⁠, ⁠Will Run For...⁠, ⁠Lost Light⁠, ⁠The Movie Mixtape⁠, and ⁠Twin Vipers⁠.