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    Gender: A Wider Lens Podcast
    200 - ROGD Boys Exist! with Lydia

    Gender: A Wider Lens Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 10, 2025 76:43

    Sasha and Stella welcome mother and advocate, Lydia, to the show for an insightful discussion about the emotional and relational dynamics impacting boys experiencing gender dysphoria. They reflect on the critical work of ROGDBoys.org, a website dedicated to raising awareness and providing vital information about the impact of medical interventions on boys and men with gender identity confusion.Many families face distinct challenges rooted in the intersection of social expectations, emotional needs, and emerging gender identity beliefs. Boys, unlike their female counterparts, often struggle with expressing vulnerability or gentleness, leading some to seek alternative paths to connection, such as through gender identity beliefs. For many deeply sensitive boys, adopting a female identity offers them access to intimacy and belonging, particularly within female friend groups, where tenderness and acceptance are more easily found.In this episode, Lydia reflects on her family's experiences around her son's ROGD and how her own upbringing in a high-control religious environment shaped her understanding of the complex control tactics at play. She shares insights into the profile of boys drawn to gender identity beliefs, often marked by intelligence, black-and-white thinking, and an affinity for structured systems. Lydia emphasizes the dissonance between scientific reasoning and oversimplified views of gender transformation, revealing how cultural narratives amplify this confusion. She also highlights the nuanced complexities of sexuality and identity, and cautions against reducing AGP to a simplistic conclusion, framing it instead as a complex experience rooted in integration and shame. Finally, she stresses the importance of recognizing the diversity of families affected by gender dysphoria and challenges the misconception that parenting style alone dictates a child's experiences and outcomes.For links and resources relevant to this episode, access the full show notes at https://www.widerlenspod.com/p/episode-200 Buy Our Book – When Kids Say They're Trans: A Guide for Thoughtful Parents at https://whenkidssaytheyretrans.com/   Join Our Listener Community to Access Exclusive Content at https://www.widerlenspod.com/   Support the Show at https://www.widerlenspod.com/p/support-the-show   Join the conversation on YouTube at www.youtube.com/@widerlenspod  For more information about Sasha's & Stella's parent coaching membership groups, visit:Sasha Ayad: https://sashaayad.com/parenting-coaching   Stella O'Malley: http://www.stellaomalley.com/parent-coaching  To learn more about our sponsors, visit:Therapy First at https://www.therapyfirst.org/  Genspect at https://genspect.org/  This is a public episode. If you'd like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit www.widerlenspod.com/subscribe   This is a public episode. If you'd like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit www.widerlenspod.com/subscribe

    And We Know
    1.9.25: Lasers? Fire to COVER CRIMES? Fog of WAR, DEMS won't exist when it is ALL DONE, funeral, PRAY!

    And We Know

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 10, 2025 64:25

    Vitality – Cardiovascular health. Visit https://mybrightcore.com/andweknow and get 25% off with code: AWK Or call (888) 317-9941) for up to 50% off!  ———— New Spring Wellness Center: https://nad.newspringwellnesscenter.com/andweknow 573-577-3400 Video: https://shorturl.at/zpHUK ———— Protect your investments with And We Know http://andweknow.com/gold Or call 720-605-3900, Tell them “LT” sent you. ————————————————— AT SEA with LT cruise: https://www.inspirationtravel.com/Ita ————————— *Our AWK Website: https://www.andweknow.com/ *The Patriot Light: https://thepatriotlight.com/ ➜ AWK Shirts and gifts: https://shop.andweknow.com/ *BOWLING BROS: Sons Bowling channel: https://www.youtube.com/@Bowling_Bros/videos ————————————————— Remember during a speech in Nov 2017 President Trump repeatedly and awkwardly made a point about drinking from a Fiji Water bottle https://x.com/KillAuDeepState/status/1877338192644321495 Welcome to Los Angeles —  where you say NO to PATRIARCHY and YES to DEI https://x.com/ImMeme0/status/1877356776338690400 This is when you love the internet. Not because Gavin Newsom is exposed for the worthless liar that he is…rather because there is only one truth & here it is for the world to see. https://x.com/laralogan/status/1877178299417305536 How evil is Hollywood? https://x.com/ShteinMichael/status/1877194735464357958 LASERS IN THE SKY - Watch a PAST Fire erupt form ENERGY Beams, THEN tell me this was NOT intentional! https://x.com/In2ThinAir/status/1877353784562659336 Celebrity cover-up. https://x.com/Sadie_NC/status/1877224780098670909 This is who the REAL Karen Bass is, are we actually surprised? No wonder she didn't bother to offer an empathetic response to her constituents. She needs to be fully investigated!! https://x.com/MichelleMaxwell/status/1877164442367975919 BREAKING: Jamie Lee Curtis reveals that her Los Angeles home is "possibly" on fire due to the "terrifying" Palisades blaze. https://x.com/GeneralMCNews/status/1877085692095856851 —— *DONATIONS SITE: https://bit.ly/2Lgdrh5   *Mail your gift to: And We Know 30650 Rancho California Rd STE D406-123 (or D406-126) Temecula, CA 92591   ➜ AWK Shirts and gifts: https://shop.andweknow.com/   ➜ And We Know Challenge Coins & Patriot Pins https://andweknow.com/ThePatriotPin/   ➜ Audio Bible https://www.biblegateway.com/audio/mclean/kjv/1John.3.16   Connect with us in the following ways: + DISCORD Fellows: https://discord.gg/kMt8R2FC4z

    Presa internaţională
    Datoria statului își continuă „galopul”

    Presa internaţională

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 10, 2025 4:25

    Cifrele datoriei publice sunt îngrijorătoare. În următorii ani, proporția datoriei și plățile dobânzilor ca pondere în PIB vor crește. Va fi, însă, foarte dificil ca ritmul creșterii să încetinească. Anul 2024 a fost și al creșterii datoriei publice. Chiar și în absența cifrelor finale (deocamdată, datele referitoare la datorie se opresc la septembrie 2024), putem avea o imagine asupra datoriei acumulate anul trecut.Analizele economice privind datoria publică au însoțit anul 2024. Datele publicate, însă, la sfârșitul anului trecut de către Ministerul Finanțelor Publice ne arată structura datoriei publice. Mai întâi trebuie spus că în primele nouă luni ale anului 2024, datoria publică a ajuns la 916 miliarde de lei, o creștere cu 134 miliarde de lei. Însă, atenție!, acestea sunt doar cifrele din primele nouă luni din 2024. Este cert că pe întregul an creșterea datoriei va fi și mai mare.Chiar și în aceste condiții, trebuie spus că, în anul 2023, datoria publică a crescut față de anul precedent cu 119 miliarde de lei, iar în patru ani, 2019-2023, datoria s-a dublat. Iar ritmul de creștere este în continuare foarte rapid. Toate aceste cifre arată că dacă guvernele din perioada pandemiei 2020-2021 ar putea găsi o scuză pentru împrumuturile contractate, Executivele din anii 2023 și 2024 au foarte puține explicații logice pentru „explozia” datoriei guvernamentale.Ca structură, în septembrie 2024, datoria statului are câteva zone ce merită evidențiate. În primul rând, datoria externă a administrației centrale este mai mare decât cea internă, 473 miliarde echivalent în lei, față de 442 miliarde de lei. Această proporție atrage atenția asupra dependenței de finanțare a României de către investitorii internaționali, ceea ce înseamnă că echilibrele bugetare și calificativele agențiilor de rating sunt importante pentru obținerea împrumuturilor necesare în anii următori.În al doilea rând, datoria în lei este mai mare decât cea în euro, dar proporția în valută este ridicată, respectiv 47% din totalul datoriei administrației publice centrale. Ceea ce ne arată că în continuare stabilitatea cursului de schimb leu-euro este esențială pentru plata la costuri rezonabile a datoriilor în moneda europeană care ajung la scadență în anii următori. Un raport de schimb stabil între moneda locală și cea europeană poate fi susținut de reducerile de deficite, de intrări de fonduri europene, de investiții străine și de mai puține „lebede negre” care apar din zona politică.În al treilea rând, este vizibilă diferența mare între datoria administrației centrale și cea a administrației locale. Mai precis, administrația publică centrală a ajuns la o datorie de 894 miliarde de lei, iar cea locală înregistrează un nivel de 22 miliarde de lei, adică doar 2,5% din total. Explicația este destul de simplă și se referă la modul de funcționare a finanțării la nivel central și local. Concret, în România sunt foarte puține autorități locale care apelează la împrumuturi. Un raport al Bursei de Valori București (BVB) arată că anul trecut numai 15 orașe și 5 județe aveau listate obligațiuni la BVB.Imensa majoritate a autorităților locale își completează finanțarea cu bani de la bugetul de stat. În aceste condiții, efortul autorităților locale pentru a obține împrumuturi este prea complicat, aproape inutil și reprezintă explicația pentru ponderea atât de scăzută a datoriei administrației locale în total.În fine, în al patrulea rând, vestea bună este că 93% din datorie are termene de rambursare medii și lungi, ceea ce înseamnă că permite o planificare a plăților, dar vestea mai puțin bună este că vor trebui achitate dobânzi pe o lungă perioadă. Există o îngrijorare justificată, pentru că planul fiscal arată că peste șapte ani plata serviciului datoriei va ajunge la peste 3% din PIB. Ceea ce înseamnă că întregul deficit bugetar va fi „consumat” prin plata datoriei publice.Indiferent de calcule, România se împrumută în forță. Iar cea mai clară dovadă în acest sens este că la câteva zile de la începutul anului statul s-a împrumutat deja cu 1,3 miliarde de lei. Putem să înțelegem ce va urma.

    Presa internaţională
    Europa, alarmată de intruziunile lui Musk în viața democrațiilor

    Presa internaţională

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 10, 2025 3:51

    Cum pot europenii să răspundă atacurilor lui Elon Musk? Chestiunea preocupă tot mai mult presa internațională după ce miliardarul apropiat de Donald Trump a început să se amestece din ce în ce mai mult în politica europeană. ”Imixtiunea în politica occidentală nu mai vine doar din Rusia”, constată El Pais.”Există amenințarea așa-numitului război hibrid al Moscovei și al lui Vladimir Putin și încercările de destabilizare a campaniilor electorale, cel mai recent caz de ingerință fiind alegerile prezidențiale din România.Apoi este ingerința practicată de Elon Musk. Imixtiunea lui nu este nici ilegală, nici clandestină. Este pur și simplu nebunească”.După cum comentează USA Today, ”susținătorii lui Musk spun că el face doar ceea ce alții, în special din mass-media, nu reușesc să facă.El subliniază adevărul, întreabă cine a fost responsabil pentru acest eșec grotesc și de ce politicienii nu fac mai mult.Detractorii lui Musk spun că el pare să facă ceea ce a făcut în SUA atunci când și-a folosit influența pentru a-l ajuta pe Trump, promovând personalități extreme și pătrunzând în spații controversate în care s-ar putea să nu înțeleagă detaliile sau să-i lipsească imaginea de ansamblu”.Irish Independent, preluat de Eurotopics observă însă că „Musk are obiceiul de a se retrage în fața respingerii. El a criticat interdicția curții supreme braziliene la adresa rețelei X pentru dezinformare, apoi a plătit în liniște amenda.Guvernele alese nu sunt neputincioase. Ele pot adopta legi pentru a preveni influența străină. Își pot șterge conturile oficiale de pe pe X. Pot înceta să mai acorde contracte publice companiilor lui Musk. Ingerința lui Musk în alegeri este o amenințare serioasă și trebuie abordată la fel de serios.”Citeste siElon Musk „discută modalități de înlăturare a lui Keir Starmer” (The Times)Pe de altă parte, Le Figaro vede pe cineva din Europa care are o relație specială cu Elon Musk. Și aceea este Georgia Meloni.”În timp ce Europa este alarmată de intruziunile lui Elon Musk în viața democrațiilor, Italia se pregătește să-i încredințeze securitatea”.Cotidianul francez se întreabă însă dacă nu cumva aceasta se face cu riscul de a submina autonomia strategică a UE.”Roma se pregătește să semneze un acord cu Starlink, filiala SpaceX fondată de Elon Musk, care deține aproape monopolul asupra constelației de sateliți pe orbită joasă utilizați pentru comunicații. Italia ar fi atunci prima țară europeană care ar încheia un astfel de acord cu această companie.Există o teamă larg răspândită că Italia va ajunge să renunțe la proiectul european concurent, Iris2, în care este totuși parte interesată, pentru a favoriza acordul cu Starlink”, mai notează Le Figaro.Să rămânem în final la comentariul din Politico:”După cum scria Shakespeare, „Un prieten de la curte este mai bun decât un ban în portofel”.Dar cu cine să te împrietenești atunci când curtea este supravegheată și populată de agenți ai haosului? Cine are puterea în curtea lui Trump și cine este cel mai probabil să o mențină?Încercarea de a înțelege acest lucru va adăuga un strat aproape comic de complexitate și impredictibilitate sarcinii diplomaților și factorilor de decizie europeni.Luptele în desfășurare, schismele bruște și reconcilierile la fel de surprinzătoare vor complica viața partidelor populiste din Europa. Și vor trebui să se obișnuiască să fie ridicate, doar pentru ca, în momentul următor, Trump să-și retragă susținerea fără prea mult tam-tam ”.

    Parenting After Trauma with Robyn Gobbel
    REPLAY: Living with Someone Chronically Dysregulated

    Parenting After Trauma with Robyn Gobbel

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 9, 2025 29:06

    Do you live with someone or love someone who is chronically dysregulated?This episode isn't an episode that is going to tell you what to do.This is an episode of commiseration. Of “I see you.”It is exhausting to live with someone who is chronically unhappy, or chronically dysregulated. Knowing you're not alone can help.In this episode, you'll learnHow nervous systems match each otherHow we get our sense of safety from the state of each other's nervous systemThe serve & return and rhythms of relationship, and what happens when that gets disrupted Resources mentioned in this podcast:Self-Regulation Doesn't Exist!!When Parenting Is Traumatic {EP 95}Felt Safety (Between) - Part 3 {EP 163}Read the full transcript at: RobynGobbel.com/chronicallydysregulatedFollow Me On:FacebookInstagramOver on my website you can find:Webinar and eBook on Focus on the Nervous System to Change Behavior (FREE)eBook on The Brilliance of Attachment (FREE)LOTS & LOTS of FREE ResourcesOngoing support, connection, and co-regulation for struggling parents: The ClubYear-Long Immersive & Holistic Training Program for Parenting Professionals: Being WithCheck Out All Robyn's Free Resources!You can download all sorts of free resources, including webinars, eBook, and infographics about topics such as lying, boundaries, and co-regulation!RobynGobbel.com/FreeResources :::::Want to pick Robyn's brain, hang out with her in Zoom meetings and a forum you can access in an app? Come join us in The Club!Are you a professional who wants to support families of kids with big, baffling behaviors? Then Being With is for you!Just need a little extra help? Head to RobynGobbel.com/FreeResources

    Presa internaţională
    Trump își amenință aliații. Și trebuie luat în serios

    Presa internaţională

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 9, 2025 3:19

    În cadrul unei conferințe de presă, președintele ales Donald Trump și-a reiterat ambițiile teritoriale, menționând Canalul Panama, Canada și Groenlanda. El nu a exclus ideea folosirii forței pentru a-și atinge obiectivele. Bluf sau intenții serioase? Presa internațională comentează. ”Trumpismul a fost adesea greșit reprezentat ca izolaționism. Dacă această tendință există într-o parte a dreptei americane, ea nu spune nimic despre ambițiile teritoriale pe care le nutrește președintele ales”, comentează Le Monde.Iar The New York Times constată că „niciodată un președinte american ales nu a amenințat atât de flagrant că va folosi forța pentru a extinde granițele teritoriale ale țării sale, din vremea lui William McKinley, care s-a angajat în războiul hispano-american la sfârșitul secolului al XIX-lea”.După cum transmite BBC, ”declarațiile au venit în timp ce fiul său, Donald Trump Jr, vizita Groenlanda.Înainte de a ajunge cu un avion privat în capitala Nuuk, Trump Jr a spus că merge într-o „excursie personală de o zi” pentru a vorbi cu oamenii și nu are planificate întâlniri cu oficialii guvernamentali.Întrebat despre vizita lui Trump Jr în Groenlanda, premierul danez Mette Frederiksen a declarat pentru televiziunea din țara sa că „Groenlanda aparține groenlandezilor” și că doar populația locală îi poate determina viitorul.Ea a spus că „Groenlanda nu este de vânzare”, dar a subliniat că Danemarca are nevoie de o cooperare strânsă cu SUA, un aliat al NATO”.The Wall Street Journal citează consilieri ai președintelui ales potrivit cărora declarațiile sale „nu trebuie luate la propriu”, președintele american încercând în principal să facă presiuni asupra țărilor în cauză pentru a obține rezultate economice sau câștiguri de securitate.„Promisiunea lui Trump de a anexa Canada” ar fi „doar o lăudăroșenie menită să pună presiune asupra guvernului înainte de negocierile comerciale cu Ottawa”, spun unii consilieri. În ceea ce privește amenințarea sa de a prelua Canalul Panama, a fost „un truc pentru a obține prețuri mai mici pentru navele americane care tranzitează. Obsesia lui de a dobândi Groenlanda urmărește să obțină acces la pământurile rare și să le refuze Chinei”, adaugă consilierii citați de cotidianul american.The Washington Post notează însă că, „în timp ce mulți consideră remarcile președintelui ales ca fiind trolling, pentru consilierii lui Trump ele fac parte dintr-un plan mai larg de a reduce influența Chinei și a Rusiei”. (Sursa: Courrier International)Ziarul italian La Stampa consideră, de partea sa, că remarcile lui Trump trebuie luate în serios.„Ele trebuie luate în serios pentru că Trump are convingerea, voința și mijloacele pentru a le pune în aplicare. Există puține constrângeri instituționale interne, nu are inhibiții personale și trebuie să acționeze rapid. (...) Trump nu a exclus în mod explicit nici constrângerea economică, nici intervenția militară. (...) Groenlanda aparține Danemarcei. Așa că a nu exclude intervenția militară înseamnă că, pentru noul președinte american nu ar fi de neconceput să invadeze teritoriul unui aliat NATO”(Sursa: Eurotopics).

    Presa internaţională
    Lumea la începutul lui 2025: spectrul anilor 1930 plus o undă de irațional

    Presa internaţională

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 9, 2025 4:24

    Ascensiunea extremei drepte, continuarea războiului de către Rusia și declarațiile amenințătoare ale președintelui ales Donald Trump la adresa Canadei și Danemarcei au ceva în comun: ele amintesc de perioada sumbră de dinaintea izbucnirii celui de-al doilea război mondial. Va reuși omenirea să-și păstreze rațiunea și să învețe din lecțiile trecutului? Asemănările sunt prea multe și prea flagrante pentru a scăpa neremarcate.Extrema dreaptă tropăie peste tot prin Europa și în același timp, asistăm la o degradare până la prăbușire a sistemului internațional.Războiul de agresiune al Rusiei asupra Ucrainei – primul de acest fel în Europa de după 1945 – și conflictul Israel-Hamas, care a urmat atacului terorist  din 7 octombrie 2023 nu au putut fi gestionate în cadrul sistemului internațional.Având în Rusia agresoare un membru cu drept de veto în Consiliul de Securitate, Organizația Națiunilor Unite s-a dovedit incapabilă de acțiune. Și există destule asemănări cu felul în care Societatea Națiunilor a eșuat în a preveni izbucnirea celui de-al doilea război mondial.Anul 2025 a început, în mod sumbru, cu conferința de presă în care președintele ales al Statelor Unite și-a provocat doi aliați din NATO. El a vorbit despre alipirea Canadei și preluarea insulei Groenlanda, aparținând Danemarcei.Donald Trump nu a exclus chiar folosirea forței pentru a-și atinge obiectivele. Bluf? Intenții reale? Toate acestea contează prea puțin câtă vreme această retorică nu face decât să să dea o justificare agresivității din partea cealaltă. În definitiv, de ce să mai continue sancțiunile internaționale la adresa Rusiei, din moment ce America este gata să facă la fel?Lumea în care am fost obișnuiți să trăim, departe de a fi perfectă, a încercat măcar să respecte anumite reguli, prima dintre ele fiind că granițele nu se modifică prin forță. Pare că intrăm într-o perioadă în care nu regulile sunt cele care contează, ci forța. Înclusiv în schimbarea frontierelor.Există și unele deosebiri față de perioada premergătoare celui de-al doilea război mondial. Prima, deloc de natură să ne liniștească, este că acum există armele nucleare, ceea ce face lumea un loc cu mult mai periculos.O a doua deosebire ar fi, totuși, memoria istorică. Acum cunoaștem lecțiile trecutului și n-ar trebui să le repetăm, dacă ne păstrăm un minimum de rațiune.Problema este însă că suntem în pericol de a aluneca într-o eră a iraționalului, așa cum vorbește jurnalista Anne Appelbaun, într-un excepțional articol din revista The Atlantic.Articolul începe printr-o descriere a celebrului clip în care candidatul pro-rus Călin Georgescu înoată într-un lac înghețat. Și se întreabă de unde această combinație ciudată – nostalgia Gărzii de Fier și trolii ruși, plus remediile naturiste propuse de soția sa. Cine este exact Georgescu? Cum pot fi clasificați asemenea oameni?”Deși este tentant să-i descriem drept „extrema dreaptă”, ei ar fi, de fapt, profeții Noului Obscurantism, oferind soluții magice, o aură de spiritualitate, superstiție și cultivarea fricii.Printre ei, șarlatani și influenceri care și-au dezvoltat ambiții politice; fanii mișcării cvasi-religioase QAnon și ai teoriilor conspirației, pro-ruși și anti-vacciniști, promotori ai naționalismului.Iar această elită internațională în creștere creează ceva foarte diferit: o societate în care superstiția învinge rațiunea și logica, transparența dispare, iar acțiunile nefaste ale liderilor politici sunt ascunse în spatele unui nor de prostii și distragere a atenției.Nu există controale și echilibre într-o lume în care doar carisma contează, nici o regulă de drept într-o lume în care emoția învinge rațiunea - doar un gol pe care oricine are o poveste șocantă și convingătoare îl poate umple”, spune autoarea.Iar cu așa ceva, omenirea nu s-a mai întâlnit. Ascultați rubrica ”Eurocronica”, cu Ovidiu Nahoi, în fiecare zi, de luni până vineri, de la 8.45 și în reluare duminica, de la 15.00, numai la RFI România

    Bom Dia Londrina
    Mensagem Final BDL: Vivifique Sua Existência!

    Bom Dia Londrina

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 9, 2025 0:53

    No encerramento do Bom Dia Londrina, Guina Oliveira compartilha uma mensagem inspiradora, incentivando reflexões e motivação para começar bem o dia.O Bom Dia Londrina é apresentado por Guina Oliveira, Yasmim Lima e conta com a participação especial da nossa Panterinha. No programa, apresentamos sucessos musicais, curiosidades, sorteios, horóscopo e presentes para aniversariantes todos os dias. De segunda a sábado das 08h às 12h e aos domingos das 08h as 11h. Você também pode participar através do nosso Instagram ou ligando no 3356-5500.

    Raging Dissident Podcast

    Raging Dissident Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 8, 2025 210:58

    Trump isn't even President yet but is already contemplating territorial expansion of America that make the Louisiana purchase look like a beer run. It looks as though Canadians will be forced into a future as orphaned children, abandoned and betrayed by our 'leaders' to fend for ourselves between the overwhelming influence competition between the United States and China. You can build up and stockpile as much great stuff as you like, but without the means to defend and protect it you're simply safeguarding it for someone else who can.

    La Linterna
    Un hospital de A Coruña cura una miocarditis a una niña con un sistema que existía para otro objetivo: el primero en España

    La Linterna

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 8, 2025 9:09

    Durante los últimos días el tema en torno al que giran las conversaciones han sido los regalos. Sin embargo, el mejor regalo se lo han hecho a una niña de un año en el Hospital de A Coruña. La pequeña ingresó por una enfermedad muy poco frecuente: una miocarditis fulminante por infección vírica. La única esperanza posible para sobrevivir a esto era un trasplante de corazón. Una operación en la que, tratándose de una niña, el riesgo es bastante alto. A pesar de esto el equipo de doctores de este hospital  no quiso darse por vencido. Después de una profunda investigación encontraron una solución con la que no necesitaron transparentarle un corazón nuevo y pudieron salvarle la vida: un corazón de plástico. Este es el primer caso registrado en España, según ha explicado Fernando Rueda, jefe del departamento de cardiología pediátrica en este hospital de A Coruña, en 'La Linterna'. La operación que le ha salvado la vida a esta niña en A Coruña es todo un hallazgo ...

    Manifesting With Sylviane
    You Cannot Exist in Two Opposite States - Episode #177

    Manifesting With Sylviane

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 7, 2025 14:59

    For coaching, check my website: ManifestingWithSylviane.com

    Parson's Pad Podcast
    Prophecy Brief: Did the Pre-Trib view exist before the 1800's?

    Parson's Pad Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 7, 2025 29:21

    Send us a comment or question!Calvary Chapel Franklin: http://calvarychapelfranklin.com/  Email: info@calvarychapelfranklin.com  The Parsons Pad Website: https://parsonspad.com/ Telegram: https://t.me/parsonspadpodcastRumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-1006557?date=this-year Twitter: https://twitter.com/ccfranklintn Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CalvaryChapelFranklin/  Subscribe to the audio podcast: https://parsonspad.buzzsprout.com/  Calvary Chapel Franklin meets at: Sunday mornings: 1724 General George Patton Drive, Brentwood TN 37027 Wednesday evenings: 274 Mallory Station Rd, Franklin TN 37967 (Aspen Grove Christian Church)Mail: PO Box 1993 Spring Hill TN 37174 If you need a Bible, please download the free Gideon's app for iPhone or Android: https://gideons.org/  Calvary Chapel Franklin is a 501c3 tax exempt religious organization. If you would like to donate to support this ministry, please click here: https://calvarychapelfranklin.churchcenter.com/giving 

    Simon Calder's Independent Travel Podcast
    January 7th - The 21-day train journey that doesn't exist

    Simon Calder's Independent Travel Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 7, 2025 8:11

    Mark Smith, the Man in Seat 61, joins Simon Calder to unravel the myth of a 13-country rail journey. They discuss the route's logistical impossibilities, the story's viral origins, and how it fuels excitement for international train travel.This podcast is free, as is The Independent Travel newsletter, which you can subscribe to here and have delivered every Friday. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas

    A new year, and a new centennial -- 300 (regularly-numbered) episodes of Mindscape! Our tradition is to have a solo episode, and what better topic than the nature of time? Physicists and philosophers have so frequently suggested that time is some kind of illusion that it's become almost passé to believe that it might be fundamental. This is an issue where, despite the form of the question, physics has important things to say that most philosophers haven't yet caught up to. I will talk about ideas from quantum mechanics and quantum gravity that bear on the question of whether time is emergent or fundamental, and the implications of each possibility.Support Mindscape on Patreon.Blog post with transcript: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2025/01/06/300-solo-does-time-exist/Some of the papers discussed herein:Carroll (2008), "What If Time Really Exists?"Dyson, Kleban, and Susskind (2002), "Disturbing Implications of a Cosmological Constant."Albrecht and Sorbo (2004), "Can the Universe Afford Inflation?"Boddy, Carroll, and Pollack (2014), "De Sitter Space Without Dynamical Quantum Fluctuations."Lloyd (2016), "Decoherent Histories Approach to the Cosmological Measure Problem."Page and Wootters (1983), "Evolution Without Evolution: Dynamics Described by Stationary Observables."Albrecht (1994), "The Theory of Everything vs the Theory of Anything."Albrecht and Iglesias (2007), "The Clock Ambiguity and the Emergence of Physical Laws."See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    the unconventional attorney
    Bookkeeping is not hard, and yet there's a reason we exist.

    the unconventional attorney

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 6, 2025 0:47

    Bookkeeping is not hard, and yet there's a reason we exist. Want more law firm owner tax and wealth building strategies? Subscribe to my free newsletter - https://bigbirdaccounting.activehosted.com/f/1

    Rock Hard Caucus
    180 - Those exist. (1/5/2025)

    Rock Hard Caucus

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 5, 2025 77:55

    Starting the year off right with an IDP chair election, the lieutenant governor beefing with a county sheriff, and Sandy Salmon's legislative priorities. Call us at (319) 849-8733! Go here for full episode notes: https://www.patreon.com/posts/119300919 https://rockhardcauc.us

    Friends Church Yorba Linda
    Does God Exist? - 01/05/25

    Friends Church Yorba Linda

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 5, 2025 35:35

    Does God Exist? SERIES: Life's Biggest Questions Sean McDowell January 5, 2025

    VC Podcast
    We Exist to Love God

    VC Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 5, 2025

    902 Church Podcast
    Does God Exist?

    902 Church Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 5, 2025 38:30

    Grace Bible Church Gainesville - Sermons
    Upcoming Sermon: Why Does Evil Exist? Part III

    Grace Bible Church Gainesville - Sermons

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 5, 2025

    This week's sermon will consider three propositional truths about God's relationship with evil from Scripture.

    Balanced Working Moms Podcast
    Ep #142: Thriving as a Working Mom with ADHD: A Fresh Start

    Balanced Working Moms Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 3, 2025 21:10

    Join me as I share a big announcement and embrace a fresh direction for our community.What you'll learn:

    Fescoe in the Morning
    Hour 2 - Mahomes Inevitability, Mitch Holthus and Tanking, Does it Exist?

    Fescoe in the Morning

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 3, 2025 47:25

    What Mahomes does to his opponents is only comparable with Michael Jordan and Tom Brady. Plus, we talk to Mitch Holthus, play by play voice of the Chiefs.

    The DIY Detail Podcast
    WHY DO WE EXIST? The story of DIY Detail | PODCAST ep. 129

    The DIY Detail Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 3, 2025 24:50

    Send us a textWhat's the reason we exist as a company? What got us here, and what are our goals for the future? These topics and more are discussed in this week's podcast!25MM DUAL ACTION POLISHER: https://bit.ly/25mmCorrectionProDAALL CLEAN: https://bit.ly/AllCleanDIYDetailAPP: https://bit.ly/AdhesionPromoterPolishBUSINESS IN A BOX: https://bit.ly/BusinessInABoxDIYDetailBUSINESS IN A BOX- Starter Set: https://bit.ly/BusinessInABoxStarterSetC6 HYDRO LITE: https://bit.ly/C6HydroLiteC6 HYDRO GLASS: https://bit.ly/C6HydroGlassC6 MIST: https://bit.ly/C6MistCOTTON CANDY DREAM WASH MITT: https://bit.ly/DIYWashMittCERAMIC GLOSS: https://bit.ly/CeramicGlossCRYSTAL CLEAR GLASS CLEANER: https://bit.ly/CrystalClearGlassCleanerDECON TOWEL:  https://bit.ly/FineGradeClayTowelDRIP CATCHER 2 PACK: https://bit.ly/DripCatcherDIYDRYING BLANKET: https://bit.ly/TheDryingBlanketFLUFFY WASH MITT: https://bit.ly/FluffyWashMittGOLD STANDARD POLISH: https://bit.ly/GoldStandardPolishGOLD STANDARD WAFFLE PAD: https://bit.ly/GoldStandardWafflePadGOLD STANDARD WOOL PAD: https://bit.ly/GoldStandardWoolPadINCREDIBLE SUDS: https://bit.ly/IncredibleSudsINTERIOR CERAMIC: https://bit.ly/DIYInteriorCeramicINTERIOR CLEAN & PROTECT: https://bit.ly/InteriorCleanProtectINTERIOR TOWEL: https://bit.ly/InteriorTowelIRON REMOVER: https://bit.ly/3GfY4iMLEGACY SPONGE: https://bit.ly/LegacySpongeMAX GLOSS ROTARY POLISHER: https://bit.ly/DIYMaxGlossRotaryNICK'S FAVORITE GLASS TOWEL: https://bit.ly/NicksFavoriteGlassTowelPAD WASHER: https://bit.ly/PadWasherPANEL PREP: https://bit.ly/DIYPanelPrepQUICK BEADS: https://bit.ly/QuickBeadsRINSELESS WASH: https://bit.ly/RinselessWashROTARY JEWELING PAD: https://bit.ly/RotaryJewelingPadTIRE DRESSING BRUSH: https://bit.ly/TireDressingBrushTIRE LOTION: https://bit.ly/TireLotionTRIM RESTORE & PROTECT: https://bit.ly/DIYRestoreAndProtectTREE SAP REMOVER: bit.ly/TreeSapRemoverWATER SPOT REMOVER: https://bit.ly/WaterSpotRemoverDIYWATERLESS WASH: https://bit.ly/WaterlessWashDIYWHEEL AND BODY BRUSH: https://bit.ly/WheelAndBodyBrushFOAM COATING APPLICATOR: https://bit.ly/CoatingApplicatorCOATING LEVELING TOWEL: https://bit.ly/CoatingLevelingTowel3 YEAR GRAPHENE COATING: https://bit.ly/3yearGRAPHENEcoating5 YEAR CERAMIC COATING: https://bit.ly/5YearCoating8 YEAR CERAMIC COATING: https://bit.ly/8YearCERAMICPHENDO electric random orbital sander (great for applying C6 Adhesion Promoter Polish): https://amzn.to/3Y5yHcnWebsite: https://diydetail.com/Podcast:https://bit.ly/DIYDetailPodcastJoin the DIY Detail Facebook Group!: https://bit.ly/DIYDetailFacebookGroupFind DIY Detail products worldwide: https://diydetail.com/pages/distributors#autodetailing  #diydetail #yvanlacroix #carwash #claytowel #detailing #detalingtip #howtodetailacar #detailing101

    The Spiritual AF Podcast
    WORDS Manifest Your Reality | Replace These Words NOW to QUANTUM LEAP

    The Spiritual AF Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 3, 2025 68:02

    Send us a text with feedback, questions, or topics of interest!Join Erin to explore the vibrational power of words and their influence on energy, emphasizing that language shapes thoughts and reality. Dive deep into the importance of positive language in manifesting desired outcomes across various aspects of life, including relationships and financial situations.Key moments: 00:00:00 - The Vibrational Power of Words    00:10:15 - Language as a Tool for Reality Creation  00:15:00 - Insights from Yomi Park's Interview  - The Word Love Doesn't Exist in North Korea & It's Implications00:20:45 - 3 Levels of Manifestation: Thoughts, Words, Actions  00:25:30 - Shifting Energy with Positive Language  00:30:00 - Language to Attract a Dream Job   00:35:15 - Language to Attract a Spiritual Romantic Partner00:40:00 - The Quantum Nature of Reality  00:45:30 - Affirmations and Energetic Bridges  00:50:00 - Focusing on Positive Aspects for Manifestation  00:55:15 - Love for Current Circumstances  01:00:00 - Visualizing Desired Living Experiences  01:05:30 - The Importance of Clarity in Desires  01:10:00 - Relationships and Energetic Momentum  01:15:15 - Changing Perspectives in Relationships  01:20:00 - The Role of Positive Affirmations  01:25:30 - Spiritual Discernment in Relationships  01:30:00 - High Vibrational Language for Growth  01:35:15 - The Emotional Weight of Words  01:40:00 - Personal Readiness for Change  01:45:30 - Money as Energy and Abundance  01:50:00 - Transforming Perceptions for Financial Mastery  01:55:15 - The Concept of Quantum Leaps  02:00:00 - The Impact of Community Energy  02:05:30 - Incremental Changes vs. Quantum Leaps  02:10:00 - Grounding After Quantum Experiences  02:15:15 - Acceptance and Overcoming Challenges  02:20:00 - The Power of Detachment  02:25:30 - Morning Routines as Quantum Portals  02:30:00 - Setting Intentions for New Beginnings  02:35:15 - Building Positive Momentum Daily  02:40:00 - Radical Responsibility for Personal Vibration  02:45:30 - Understanding Parental Influence on Growth  02:50:00 - Emphasizing Self-Creation and Universal Connection  02:55:15 - Upcoming Plans for 2025 and Resources AvailableWatch on Youtube Connect with Erin:Take the Free Quiz ► Discover Your Quantum Leaping ArchetypeWebsite ► www.erinlyonsofficial.comCourses ► www.erinlyonsofficial.com/shopInstagram ► @erinlyonsofficialTiktok ► @erinlyonsofficialYoutube ► Erin Lyons TVEmail ► contact@erinlyonsofficial.com

    Two Boomer Women & The Fine Art of Conversation
    Awesomeness and 'Done Doesn't Exist' with Stella Scott

    Two Boomer Women & The Fine Art of Conversation

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 2, 2025 70:32

    Stella Scott defies limits. A dancer who conquered club feet, she founded a dance company at 20. As an opera singer, she graced stages as Donna Elvira and the Queen of the Night. She's also a coach, Gestalt therapist, and astrologer. Stella helps women leaders transform their self-image and life story, guiding them to become the queens of their own lives through a unique blend of holistic practices. In this episode, Stella explains “Cosmic orchestra” Flaws she perceives in western religion Our awesomeness “Done doesn't exist” Love and compassion for ourselves Stella and I also discuss her amazing app. Her genius seems to have no finish line. Listen now and then share this episode! Find Stella's app at https://www.cosmicstrategies.app/ Learn more about Stella and find all her links at https://boomwithabang.com/the-boomer-womans-podcast-stella-scott/  

    Neville Goddard Daily
    All Things Exist - Neville Goddard

    Neville Goddard Daily

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 2, 2025 45:43

    Western Baul Podcast Series
    All Things Lovely Exist (Naomi Worob)

    Western Baul Podcast Series

    Play Episode Listen Later Jan 2, 2025 60:04

    The way we identify ourselves and are identified in the world puts us into boxes of what we do rather than conveying who we are. Moving our bodies in any way we want to is dance. Part of “all things lovely” is having wide eyes on what is beautiful, intriguing, and awe-inspiring, and moving toward that. Pillars of pleasure activism are considered: we become what we practice, what we pay attention to grows, our no makes way for our yes and yes is the way, make justice and liberation feel good, when we are happy it is good for the world, and moderation is key. Practice is alive in every moment, and compassion for self and others are elements of it. “All things lovely” doesn't mean that everything is easy. Meditation gives us space to notice where our attention goes and to realize that we have the power to shape thoughts and focus attention. We can label thoughts, let them go, and focus back on the present moment. The more we honor our yes and no and communicate that with kindness, the more we can move with strength toward beauty. Being able to listen to others and understand their perspectives affects our ability to be in relationship. Our wellness and joy impacts relationships and spaces we're in. Resilience is rooted in being part of communities that offer the space to grieve and experience the whole spectrum of emotion. There is beauty and love at the depth of sorrow. Examples of people who have practiced in the most difficult circumstances and chosen to focus their attention on connection and beauty are discussed. Expressing a true yes or no is scary if we don't have a strong anchoring core of self-compassion. Naomi Worob has practiced living with kindness, generosity, and compassion on Triveni Ashram in the high desert of Arizona. She has engaged in dance and theater performances with Nervous Theatre, Collective Movement, and Jacob's Pillow.

    Dr. Creepen's Dungeon
    S5 Ep205: Episode 205: Deliciously Evil Horror Stories

    Dr. Creepen's Dungeon

    Play Episode Listen Later Dec 31, 2024 120:00

    If you want to take ownership of your health, try AG1 and get a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D AND 5 Free AG1 Travel Packs with your first purchase. Go to www.drinkAG1.com/creepen Today's first fantastic offering is ‘In the Dead of Winter', an original work by The Tango Bravo, kindly shared directly with me for the express purpose of having me exclusively narrate it here for you all. https://www.reddit.com/user/TheTangoBravo/ Today's second tale is 'I Used to Think that Ghosts don't Exist', an original story by Mammoth Formal 1, kindly shared directly with me for the express purpose of having me exclusively narrate it here for you all. https://www.reddit.com/user/MammothFormal1/ Today's phenomenal penultimate story is ‘The Evil Inside', an original work by MasterL0L, kindly shared directly with me for the express purpose of having me exclusively narrate it here for you all. https://www.reddit.com/user/MasterL0LToday's final fantastic offering is ‘Sea of Green', an original work by the legendary Michael Whitehouse, kindly shared directly with me for the express purpose of having me exclusively narrate it here for you all. https://twitter.com/horrorofmike http://www.michael-whitehouse.com/

    Bob Enyart Live
    Does God Exist? Round 1a

    Bob Enyart Live

    Play Episode Listen Later Dec 31, 2024

    Bob Enyart debated TheologyOnline.com's resident atheist and psychologist Zakath on the question of Does God Exist? You can read it online or get the paperback version, perfect for reading while sitting in front of the fireplace and drinking a cup of coffee. (And you can get Bob's video seminar by the same title with a similar presentation, all designed to hone the apologetics skills of believers and to help unbelievers see the truth.) Click for  Round 1b and here's the ToC from the paperback... Table of Contents Introduction Moderator Begins the Debate Round 1 Definition of God; Potential cost of atheism and theism; On evidence for the Creator from physics and biology Round 2 On the existence of truth; On the existence of right and wrong; On the origin of the universe; On the origin of biological life Round 3 Evidence for truth from multiple frames of reference; On morality; On the origin of the universe; On the origin of biological life; On disagreements over moral values; On the origin of consciousness Round 4 On absolute morality; On the God of the Gaps; On universal conscience as evidence for absolute morality Round 5 Implication of widespread evil; On absolute morality; On the God of the Gaps; On falsifiability of natural origins [Hear also Bob's discussion with atheist Dr. John Henderson at rsr.org/problem-of-evil.] Round 6 On God as the standard of morality; On falsifiability of natural origins; On disagreements over religious beliefs; On the falsifiability of Christianity; On the physics of creation; On scientific progress and religious faith; On the nature of physical and spiritual laws; On evidence for the Creator from the Solar System Round 7 On conscience and sociopaths; On guilt as a cause of religious disagreement; On whether God's nature can theoretically define an absolute moral standard; On the absolute nature of laws; On the effect of conscience; On the possibilities inherent in eons of time Round 8 Accusations against the God of the Bible; On absolute morality; the mathematics of probability; On evidence for the Creator from human behavior; On atheist morality   Round 9 On evidence from higher biological functions like vision and flight; On natural selection as a conservative force Round 10 On seven atheist sayings; On the Transcendental proof for God; On atheism and sodium pentothal (truth serum); On the scientific statements in the Bible; On prophecies in the Bible; On the non-prophecies of the Bible; On an offered conclusion Moderator Ends the Debate Appendix (in the paperback edition of the debate)A Christian Answer to Euthyphro  BEL Resources * Ten Atheist Clichés Disproved in Eight Seconds or less! Based on material in the debate and listed over on our main atheism page at kgov.com/atheism, here's a list of ten atheist clichés that can be disproved in eight seconds or less. Atheist Cliché 1: There is no truth! Theist Rebuttal: Is that true? [1 second] Okay, well then... Atheist Cliché 2: Truth is unknowable! Theist Rebuttal: How do you know? [1 second] Well then, for certain... Atheist Cliché 3: There are no absolutes! Theist Rebuttal: Absolutely? [1 second] Well, okay, but... Atheist Cliché 4: Only your five senses provide real knowledge! Theist Rebuttal: Says which of the five? [2 seconds] Ouch. Got me there. Okay, well at least... Atheist Cliché 5: Logical arguments are not "evidence." Theist Rebuttal: What is your evidence for that? [2.5 seconds] Atheist Cliché 6: Only the physical realm is real! Theist Rebuttal: That claim itself is not physical, so it's self refuting. [3 seconds] Atheist Cliché 7: Great suffering proves that a loving God cannot exist! Theist Rebuttal: The unstated assumption is false, that suffering can have no value or purpose. [4.5 secs] Atheist Cliché 8: Atheism is scientific, because science does not allow for a supernatural interpretation of an event! Theist Rebuttal: This circular reasoning tricks atheists into assuming that which they thought they proved. [5 seconds] Atheist Cliché 9: Widespread evil proves that a righteous God cannot exist! Theist Rebuttal: The two unstated assumptions are false: that love can be forced; and that some love is not worth enduring much hate. [6.5 seconds] Atheist Cliché 10: If theists claim that the universe could not have always been here, then God couldn't have always been here either. Theist Rebuttal: The natural universe is subject to the physical laws, so it would run out of useable energy; a supernatural, spiritual God is not subject to physics. [7.9 seconds] "If your worldview can be dismantled within eight seconds, then get a better one." -Bob Enyart, adapted from TheologyOnline's Battle Royale VII: Does God Exist?. You may also want to check out kgov.com/debates. 

    Made4More - Motivate.Inspire.Encourage
    165 - Limit Yourself in 2025 W/Jay Mayo

    Made4More - Motivate.Inspire.Encourage

    Play Episode Listen Later Dec 31, 2024 61:30

    Send us a textWelcome to 2025! This year, we want to challenge the way we approach goal-setting and shaping our outlook for the future.Instead of focusing solely on what you want to achieve or how you'll get there, we're inviting you to dive deeper and consider two transformative questions:Why are you pursuing your goals? What's driving you?Even more importantly: Who do you want to become? Who do you want to be by the end of 2025?When we prioritize the second question, every action we take can align with the person we're striving to become.Make 2025 your most intentional and fulfilling year yet by starting with this powerful shift in perspective. Let's discover the best version of you—together!Remember, we EXIST for more, we are here to OFFER more, don't EVER GIVE UP, every single one of us are Made4More. 

    Pharmacy and Pharmacology Podcast
    Does God Exist? An Astrophysicist's Perspective

    Pharmacy and Pharmacology Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Dec 31, 2024 17:36

    Brian Keating discussing his $200 million project aiming to capture the earliest image of the universe, potentially providing scientific data to address questions about the universe's origin and the existence of God. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ryan-kennedy-podcast/support

    #STRask with Greg Koukl
    If Immaterial Things Exist, What Are the Laws of the Immaterial?

    #STRask with Greg Koukl

    Play Episode Listen Later Dec 30, 2024 24:32

    Questions about what the laws of the immaterial are if immaterial things exist and how to use the third Columbo question in the Tactics material.   If immaterial things exist, what are the laws of the immaterial, and where are they? How do you use the third Columbo question in the Tactics material?

    The Good Fight Radio Show
    Why Does Good Fight Ministries Exist?

    The Good Fight Radio Show

    Play Episode Listen Later Dec 30, 2024 30:57

    What's the point of discernment ministry? Is there a biblical reason to expose wickedness and call believers to repentance as well? Ultimately, we're going to be answering the question, why does Good Fight ministries exist? Follow Good Fight Ministries on: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/goodfightministries Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/goodfightministries  witter/X: https://www.twitter.com/goodfightmin TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@goodfightministries We're on Rumble! https://rumble.com/GoodFightMinistries Support Us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/goodfight

    The Bread Basket Podcast
    Draft Of Sayings That Don't Exist, Squid Game Season 2 Thoughts, And "A Complete Unknown" Movie Review

    The Bread Basket Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Dec 30, 2024 61:38

    In today's episode the boys draft sayings that don't exist, give their thoughts on Squid Game season 2, give a movie review of "A Complete Unknown" and "Blink Twice", discuss "Drizzmas" with Drake and Adin Ross, Zach attempts to guess the top 10 best NBA teams in terms of all time record, the sticks have their questions answered, and more!! Be sure to tune in every Monday and Thursday for new episodes!

    George Buhnici | #IGDLCC

    George Buhnici | #IGDLCC

    Play Episode Listen Later Dec 30, 2024 101:44

    Cine este Sebastian Kind?Sebastian are origini românești prin bunicul său, venit în Argentina în anii '20.A crescut în Argentina, unde a devenit o voce importantă în domeniul energiei, lucrând inclusiv în Ministerul Energiei și dezvoltând strategii de succes pentru atragerea investițiilor în regenerabile.Situația din Argentina vs. RomâniaArgentina are una dintre cele mai mari rezerve de gaze de șist, dar în trecut a fost nevoită să importe masiv energie din cauza lipsei unei infrastructuri modernizate și a unui cadru investițional stabil.Sebastian a explicat cum a reușit să implementeze scheme de garanții guvernamentale și să atragă miliarde de dolari în sectorul regenerabilelor.Răzvan consideră că România, deși are un mix energetic divers și bani nerambursabili de la UE, întâmpină probleme de guvernanță și coordonare, dar situația e totuși mai bună decât în alte țări.Rețelele de transport și distribuție – prioritate maximăAtât Sebastian, cât și Răzvan subliniază rolul decisiv al rețelelor electrice. Dacă vrem să instalăm mai multe surse regenerabile și să acoperim cererea în creștere (inclusiv pentru vehicule electrice sau centre de date AI), trebuie să modernizăm și să extindem infrastructura de transport/distribuție.Există fonduri europene disponibile pentru asta, însă punerea lor în practică e dificilă din cauza unor blocaje birocratice și a lipsei de „viziune” unitară.Prețurile la energie și subvențiileSebastian a explicat modelul de subvenții din Argentina, care a creat o cultură unde oamenii s-au obișnuit să nu plătească mult pentru electricitate, ducând la deficite și crize economice.În România, compensarea generalizată a prețurilor (fără diferențiere între bogați și săraci) este ineficientă. Mai bine s-ar ajuta direct categoriile defavorizate, iar piața ar trebui să rămână liberă pentru ceilalți.Răzvan spune că piața trebuie să fie un loc al competiției, iar investițiile să nu fie blocare de reglementări fluctuante.Viitorul energiei – „Electric și Regenerabil”Principiul „viitorul energiei este electric, iar viitorul electricității este regenerabil” a fost reiterat de Sebastian.Tehnologia bateriilor și scăderea costurilor pentru panouri fotovoltaice fac posibilă tranziția rapidă, dar numai dacă există stabilitate legislativă și infrastructură (rețele).Răzvan a insistat că România nu stă rău, fiind deja la circa o treime energie regenerabilă, însă trebuie să folosim mai eficient fondurile pentru modernizarea rețelelor.IDEI-CHEIEAccesul la finanțare: Țările care nu inspiră încredere pe termen lung rămân cu investiții slabe și se confruntă cu facturi ridicate și infrastructură depășită.Necesitatea rețelelor moderne: Oricât de ieftine devin panourile solare și bateriile, fără rețele electrice inteligente care să gestioneze fluxurile de energie, tranziția energetică va fi lentă.Subvențiile și politica: Protejarea tuturor la grămadă (bogat și sărac) creează anomalii și crize pe termen lung. Ideal este să lași piața să funcționeze și să orientezi ajutorul către grupurile vulnerabile.România și oportunitățile: Avem un potențial uriaș (vânt, soare, hidro, nuclear), bani nerambursabili și un sistem de autorizare relativ rapid – rămâne doar să excludem blocajele birocratice și să creăm un cadru stabil, în care investitorii să aibă încredere.CONCLUZIEDiscuția cu Sebastian Kind (Argentina) și Răzvan Nicolescu (România) dezvăluie cum ambele țări latine au provocări similare: cum să atragi investiții pe termen lung într-un mediu politic instabil? Soluția este să folosești banii și resursele astfel încât să creezi un cadru de încredere pentru investitori, să nu schimbi regulile peste noapte și să construiești infrastructură (rețele, baterii, digitalizare). România, spre deosebire de alte state, chiar are avantajul banilor europeni nerambursabili și un mix energetic bine poziționat. Întrebarea rămâne: vom ști să punem în practică aceste avantaje înainte să ne trezim cu facturi uriașe și crize de aprovizionare? IGDLCC înseamnă Informații Gratis despre Lucruri care Costă! Totul ne costă dar mai ales timpul așa că am făcut această serie pentru a mă informa și educa alături de invitați din domeniile mele de interes. Te invit alături de mine în această călătorie. Mi-am propus să mă facă mai informat și mai adaptat la schimbările care vin. Sper să o facă și pentru tine.

    The Biz Book Broadcast
    Writers Block - Does It Really Exist? | Your Biz Needs a Book with Candice L Davis

    The Biz Book Broadcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Dec 30, 2024 29:52

    My go-to writing coach, Candice L Davis is back with us again. Today, we're looking at the myth of writer's block, exploring if it actually exists. Controversial.  Candice shares insights on the real reasons behind writing struggles, from fear to fatigue, and offers practical tips to get those creative juices flowing again. Look for more episodes in the Your Biz Needs a Book series - which aims to convince you to write a book to your biz. It's also an excuse for me to get extra coaching for my own book, Think Like a Film Crew, out in the spring (possibly the late spring) This episode is also part of our December Daily episodes – where, you guessed it, the show is, gasp, daily for the whole month. Book discussed in this episode: Wave by Sonali Deraniyagala  Candice's Website:  candiceldavis.com Candice's Podcast:  Nothing but the Words Candice's Instagram: instagram.com/candiceldavis ==== If you'd like my help with your Business go to www.lizscully.com/endlessClients ==== And don't forget to get your reading list of the 10 essential reads for every successful biz owner - these are the books Liz recommends almost on the daily to her strategy + Mastermind clients. This isn't your usual list of biz books, these answer the challenges you've actually got coming up right now. Helpful, quick to read and very timely. Click here lizscully.com/reading to get your book list

    Stony Point Podcast with Jim England
    Do “Wisemen” Still Exist - Matthew 2:1-2; 9-11

    Stony Point Podcast with Jim England

    Play Episode Listen Later Dec 30, 2024 29:56

    1.  Sacrificial study      A.  Daniel's influence                                                                                        B.  Scripture's prophecies                                                                  C.  Creation and nature                                                                               D. Conscience and morals                                                                          E. Christ's coming     2.  Sacrificial journey      A.  Great distance to travel        B.  Great dangers of travel        C. Great humility of asking for help      D. Great indifference of people    3. Sacrificial giving      A. Gold for a king      B. Frankincense for deity       C. Myrrh for anointing one on mission and death   4. “Wisemen” still      A. Seek God      B. Learn truth      C. Worship God       D. Serve God and others

    Hardin Baptist Sermons
    We Exist to Glorify God! I Ephesians 1:3-14 - Our Mission

    Hardin Baptist Sermons

    Play Episode Listen Later Dec 29, 2024 187:20

    Message from Bro. Ricky Cunningham on December 29, 2024

    Something You Should Know
    Why Rituals Exist Everywhere & The Exercise Paradox - SYSK Choice

    Something You Should Know

    Play Episode Listen Later Dec 28, 2024 51:42

    We know that smiling is a universal human expression of happiness. Everyone smiles - in fact, even babies born blind smile. What is the purpose of smiling? So, what does smiling do for you? Why are we attracted to a person's smile? Listen as I begin this episode with a brief look at smiling. https://www.livescience.com/5254-smiles-innate-learned.html We have all kinds of rituals. There are religious rituals, family rituals, holidays rituals, personal rituals – rituals are everywhere. By definition, rituals don't actually do anything really. They are just rituals. So why do we have them at all? It appears we have them because they are important and necessary according to my guest, Dimitris Xygalatas. He is an anthropologist and cognitive scientist who runs the Experimental Anthropology Lab at the University of Connecticut. He is also author of the book Ritual: How Seemingly Senseless Acts Make Life Worth Living (https://amzn.to/3Pq7U4b). We all know exercise is important for our health. Still, a lot of people hate it. Why is something so vital to human health so despised and avoided by so many? Maybe we never really evolved to exercise – at least not the way exercise is done today. This is according to Daniel E. Lieberman. Daniel is a professor of biological sciences and a professor of the Department of Human Evolutionary Biology at Harvard University. He is also the author of the book Exercised: Why Something We Never Evolved to Do Is Healthy and Rewarding (https://amzn.to/3hoPQea). Listen and you'll never again feel guilty the next time you decide you really DON'T want to go out and exercise. Salt is bad for your blood pressure – that is common knowledge. But is it true? Does eating salt actually elevate blood pressure and does reducing salt help to lower it? Listen as I reveal some of the science regarding salt and blood pressure and why potassium is also an important player in this story. https://healthyeating.sfgate.com/relationships-between-salt-potassium-6609.html PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS!!! INDEED:  Get a $75 SPONSORED JOB CREDIT to get your jobs more visibility at https://Indeed.com/SOMETHING  Support our show by saying you heard about Indeed on this podcast.  Terms & conditions apply. AURA: Save on the perfect gift by visiting https://AuraFrames.com to get $35-off Aura's best-selling Carver Mat frames by using promo code SOMETHING at checkout! SHOPIFY:  Sign up for a $1 per-month trial period at https://Shopify.com/sysk . Go to SHOPIFY.com/sysk to grow your business – no matter what stage you're in! MINT MOBILE: Cut your wireless bill to $15 a month at https://MintMobile.com/something! $45 upfront payment required (equivalent to $15/mo.).  New customers on first 3 month plan only. Additional taxes, fees, & restrictions apply. HERS: Hers is changing women's healthcare by providing access to GLP-1 weekly injections with the same active ingredient as Ozempic and Wegovy, as well as oral medication kits. Start your free online visit today at https://forhers.com/sysk DELL: It's your last chance to snag Dell Technologies' lowest prices of the year before the holidays! If you've been waiting for an AI-ready PC, this is their biggest sale of the year! Shop now at https://Dell.com/deals PROGRESSIVE: The Name Your Price tool from Progressive can help you save on car insurance! You just tell Progressive what you want to pay and get options within your budget. Try it today at https://Progressive.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Les p't**s bateaux
    Les P'tits bateaux, créatures fantastiques et super-héros 4/8 : Les dragons ont-ils vraiment existé ?

    Les p't**s bateaux

    Play Episode Listen Later Dec 26, 2024 4:08

    durée : 00:04:08 - Les P'tits Bateaux - par : Camille Crosnier - "En fait je voudrais savoir, est-ce que les dragons ils ont vraiment existé ?" se demande Malo. Hélène Bouillon est docteur en égyptologie, elle lui répond. - réalisé par : Stéphanie TEXIER

    The WhitetailDNA Podcast
    EP 36 | Elk Don't Exist But Whitetails Do With Dillon Deitz

    The WhitetailDNA Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Dec 25, 2024 68:22

    Merry Christmas everybody! In today's episode, Alex Comstock and Jeremy Lopez welcome Dillon Deitz to the podcast. Dillon has been hunting his whole life and like most hunters, has encountered many struggles. He started making "hunting humor" content that mimics what it's truly like to hunt elk and quickly realized he connected with many hunters who felt the same way. This led to the launch of Elk Don't Exist. The guys chat about growing up in Idaho and Montana. Dillon walks us through the journey of hunting whitetails in Montana and his impressive 2024 buck. He dives into the unique challenges of hunting western whitetail habitat, where spot and stalk tactics are his favorite. Dillon shares the origins of his popular brand, Elk Don't Exist. The guys talk about the difficulties of hunting elk in low-density areas and why comparison is the thief of all joy. Finally, Dillon reflects on his growth as a hunter, sharing stories of bucks he's taken over the years and why he believes understanding the fun in hunting is more important than any trophy on the wall. Be sure to check out Dillon's content for a good laugh. Enjoy the show! New episodes drop every Wednesday at 6AM CST LINKS: Subscribe to the YouTube Channel Follow along on Instagram and Facebook Check out the Website The WhitetailDNA Podcast is presented by Custom Archery Outdoors 

    Answer the Call with Kelsey Kemp
    199: Creating a Job That Doesn't Yet Exist with Catherine Dolaher of CD Arts Management

    Answer the Call with Kelsey Kemp

    Play Episode Listen Later Dec 24, 2024 56:27

    In this episode, we're diving into Catherine's story as a successful entrepreneur in the arts who has built her business with faith at the center. Catherine shares how she took the leap into entrepreneurship, embraced imperfection, and found joy in "building the plane while flying." We explore her approach to building genuine connections with clients, the role of faith in bridging the gap between where we are and where we want to be, and the surprising ways God collapses timelines to fulfill our dreams. Catherine's story reminds us that stepping out in faith opens the door for incredible growth, community, and opportunities beyond what we can imagine. Catherine shares how she: Built her business through bold cold outreach while maintaining authenticity Balanced professionalism with personal connection in client relationships Tracked wins and celebrated God's faithfulness in the midst of challenges Learned to trust in God's timing to bring big dreams to life sooner than expected Whether you're building a business, considering a big career move, or simply needing a reminder of God's faithfulness, this conversation is packed with practical advice and will leave you inspired and equipped to trust the process and keep moving forward. Cheering you on, Kelsey Kemp & Audrey Bagarus Where to find Catherine: Website: cdartsmanagement.com Instagram: @catherinedolaher Free career coaching resources: Free Training: How to Find and Land a Job You Feel Called to in 8 Straightforward Steps → ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Watch Here⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ More of a reader? ⁠Download the 22 page PDF⁠ version instead → ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Download here⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Schedule a free, 30 min consultation to get our help with your career → ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Schedule here⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Connect with us: Website: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠thecalledcareer.com⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Instagram: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠@kelsey_thecalledcareer⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ LinkedIn: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠The Called Career⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

    The David Knight Show
    Mon 23Dec24 Media is Lying About Market Massacre; Putin's "Tech Duel"; Speaker Johnson's Ugly Omni-BS Secrets

    The David Knight Show

    Play Episode Listen Later Dec 23, 2024 181:38

    (2:00) Christmas Market — Media is Lying, Killer is LyingMainstream narrative is that he's an anti-Muslim, atheist, AfD supporter.  That's ALL a lie, here's why… (21:15) LIVE comments (24:53) Omni-BS BillBig financial wins for MuskMusk & Trump expose that DOGE is a lieThe ugly truth about Mike Johnson — removal of child sex abuse protection and addition of a horrific "pandemic" bill (in addition to censorship and other now known issues)President Musk and Trump's ego(49:01) LIVE comments (56:52) FartCoin, Stagflation, $102 TRILLION of Global DebtNothing about this economy is real and its about to get MUCH worse with tariffs added to the burgeoning IRS army (1:20:12) "It's a Wonderful LIE" — on the Fed's 111th Anniversary (1:34:23) LIVE comments (1:46:5) Route 66 Town restoration — the "Melting Pot" vs today's migrant floodA Japanese-American who made a fortune with an hispanic chicken restaurant chain, showed his love of America, despite the internment camps, in his restoration of a Route 66 townUK's Royal Mail is sold to a foreign billionaire — The Czech is in the (Royal) Mail(1:58:41) Trump's "Day One"Do you believe what he's saying?  Does Trump believe what he's saying? (2:04:36) LIVE comments (2:12:05) Thank you to donors on CashApp & Zelle (1:57:05) Drones, Hypersonic flight, Robots — rapid evolution with Ukraine as a test bedSyria - Pentagon admits DOUBLE the troops.  Are they telling the truth now?  How long has this invasion been going on without Congressional approval?Putin throws down the gauntlet & challenges a tech duel — then immediately shows he has the winning handChina's hypersonic droneAircraft carriers obsolete?(2:35:41) LIVE comments (2:38:40) "9/11-Style" attack in Russia?Why didn't it and other buildings nearby that weren't hit collapse into their footprint?More classified weapon documents leaked on "War Thunder" game (2nd time this month)Trump looks to escalate both Mideast War and Ukraine — and get EU to up the NATO contributions.  "Peace Presidents" Woodrow Wilson & FDR got us into WW1 and WW2.  Will Trump make it #3?(2:52:24) 6th Graders Weep When Told Santa Doesn't Exist & Church Worships the Grinch The sad state of our culture and churchIf you would like to support the show and our family please consider subscribing monthly here: SubscribeStar https://www.subscribestar.com/the-david-knight-show Or you can send a donation throughMail: David Knight POB 994 Kodak, TN 37764Zelle: @DavidKnightShow@protonmail.comCash App at: $davidknightshowBTC to: bc1qkuec29hkuye4xse9unh7nptvu3y9qmv24vanh7 Money should have intrinsic value AND transactional privacy: Go to DavidKnight.gold for great deals on physical gold/silver For 10% off Gerald Celente's prescient Trends Journal, go to TrendsJournal.com and enter the code KNIGHTBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-david-knight-show--2653468/support.

    Brian Lehrer: A Daily Politics Podcast
    Trump Says Some Americans Do Not Actually Exist

    Brian Lehrer: A Daily Politics Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Dec 23, 2024 29:19

    President-elect Trump has indicated that under his administration, the federal government would only recognize "male"  and "female" genders. On Today's Show:Jonathan Lemire, co-host of MSNBC's Morning Joe, breaks down the latest news from Washington, D.C., including updates from over the weekend as House Republican leadership proposes a third spending bill to avert shutdown.

    The REAL David Knight Show
    Mon 23Dec24 Media is Lying About Market Massacre; Putin's "Tech Duel"; Speaker Johnson's Ugly Omni-BS Secrets

    The REAL David Knight Show

    Play Episode Listen Later Dec 23, 2024 181:38

    (2:00) Christmas Market — Media is Lying, Killer is LyingMainstream narrative is that he's an anti-Muslim, atheist, AfD supporter.  That's ALL a lie, here's why… (21:15) LIVE comments (24:53) Omni-BS BillBig financial wins for MuskMusk & Trump expose that DOGE is a lieThe ugly truth about Mike Johnson — removal of child sex abuse protection and addition of a horrific "pandemic" bill (in addition to censorship and other now known issues)President Musk and Trump's ego(49:01) LIVE comments (56:52) FartCoin, Stagflation, $102 TRILLION of Global DebtNothing about this economy is real and its about to get MUCH worse with tariffs added to the burgeoning IRS army (1:20:12) "It's a Wonderful LIE" — on the Fed's 111th Anniversary (1:34:23) LIVE comments (1:46:5) Route 66 Town restoration — the "Melting Pot" vs today's migrant floodA Japanese-American who made a fortune with an hispanic chicken restaurant chain, showed his love of America, despite the internment camps, in his restoration of a Route 66 townUK's Royal Mail is sold to a foreign billionaire — The Czech is in the (Royal) Mail(1:58:41) Trump's "Day One"Do you believe what he's saying?  Does Trump believe what he's saying? (2:04:36) LIVE comments (2:12:05) Thank you to donors on CashApp & Zelle (1:57:05) Drones, Hypersonic flight, Robots — rapid evolution with Ukraine as a test bedSyria - Pentagon admits DOUBLE the troops.  Are they telling the truth now?  How long has this invasion been going on without Congressional approval?Putin throws down the gauntlet & challenges a tech duel — then immediately shows he has the winning handChina's hypersonic droneAircraft carriers obsolete?(2:35:41) LIVE comments (2:38:40) "9/11-Style" attack in Russia?Why didn't it and other buildings nearby that weren't hit collapse into their footprint?More classified weapon documents leaked on "War Thunder" game (2nd time this month)Trump looks to escalate both Mideast War and Ukraine — and get EU to up the NATO contributions.  "Peace Presidents" Woodrow Wilson & FDR got us into WW1 and WW2.  Will Trump make it #3?(2:52:24) 6th Graders Weep When Told Santa Doesn't Exist & Church Worships the Grinch The sad state of our culture and churchIf you would like to support the show and our family please consider subscribing monthly here: SubscribeStar https://www.subscribestar.com/the-david-knight-show Or you can send a donation throughMail: David Knight POB 994 Kodak, TN 37764Zelle: @DavidKnightShow@protonmail.comCash App at: $davidknightshowBTC to: bc1qkuec29hkuye4xse9unh7nptvu3y9qmv24vanh7 Money should have intrinsic value AND transactional privacy: Go to DavidKnight.gold for great deals on physical gold/silver For 10% off Gerald Celente's prescient Trends Journal, go to TrendsJournal.com and enter the code KNIGHTBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-real-david-knight-show--5282736/support.

    Optimal Performance Podcast
    507 Viruses Don't Exist, Sexual Kung Fu and German New Medicine with Will Blunderfield

    Optimal Performance Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Dec 23, 2024 90:02

    You can get more of Will Blunderfield, the Wild Naked Man HERE - https://willblunderfield.ca/ Will Blunderfield is an artist, health soverignty advocate and wild man THIS EPISODE WILL BLOW YOUR SOCKS OFF.  Find OPP episodes, discounts on products, learn about my Life Coaching and Performance Coaching work at Seanmccormick.com  - send me an email and schedule a free 45 minute coaching strategy session sean@seanmccormick.com EPISODE SPONSORS - X3 Bar  Get $50 off the most effective workout equipment in the world - USE CODE OPP

    Embrace Your Real
    7 Ways to Find More Joy This Holiday Season

    Embrace Your Real

    Play Episode Listen Later Dec 19, 2024 12:51

    Does the holiday season ever feel more stressful than magical? With so much pressure to create the “perfect” holiday, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and out of sync.   In this episode of Embrace Your Real, I am here to help you take a step back, breathe, and focus on what truly matters. I will share seven heartfelt reminders to guide you toward a holiday filled with connection, joy, and balance—without the impossible standards. If you're ready to navigate this season with more ease and grace, this episode is for you!   I also discuss: 1. The Perfect Holiday Doesn't Exist 2. Your Body Is Worthy Exactly As It Is 3. Memories Matter More Than Macros 4. Gratitude Always Wins Over Comparison 5. You Can't Change Yesterday, So Let It Go 6. You Deserve Joy Without Guilt 7. It's okay for things to be “good enough”...   and more   If you loved this episode, you'll also love episode 401: 8 Holiday reminders you need to hear today…https://www.juliealedbetter.com/embrace-your-real/8-holiday-reminders-i-know-you-need-today   If you want more from me, be sure to check out...   Follow me on Instagram: @juliealedbetter | @embraceyourreal | @movementwithjulie Movement With Julie | App: https://sale.movementwithjulie.com/ Macro Counting Made Simple Online Academy: https://www.macrocountingmadesimple.com/ Website: www.juliealedbetter.com Get my eBook: FREE Macro Counting Ebook Amazon Storefront: Julie Ledbetter's Amazon Page

    Brock and Salk
    Hour 1 - Does The Right Trade Exist For The Mariners, Joel Klatt

    Brock and Salk

    Play Episode Listen Later Dec 18, 2024 44:29

    Salk opens the show by reading some of the newest Apple Podcast reviews, and then analyzes whteher or not the right trade truly exists for the Mariners to acquire a bat this winter. Then, they re-air their conversation with Joel Klatt of FOX Sports.

    Everyday Driver Car Debate
    957: Turbo Jackets Exist, Depreciation Is Your Friend Again, The Name Means ‘Shark'

    Everyday Driver Car Debate

    Play Episode Listen Later Dec 17, 2024 49:43

    The guys make discoveries at the PRI Show in Indianapolis! They debate options for a third shared car for Christopher P. in the Pacific Northwest, who still needs fun for he and his wife. Then, the guys help save Cathy O. from her fourth Subaru Forester! Social media questions ask if Hyundai / Genesis are in a prime position to offer a lightweight Miata-fighter, is the Ford Probe GT the best-looking car that was a flop, and what car would the guys use as the foundation for a new spec-racing series?  Please rate + review us on iTunes, and subscribe to our two YouTube channels. Write us with your Car Debates, Car Conclusions, and Topic Tuesdays at everydaydrivertv@gmail.com or everydaydriver.com. Don't forget to share the podcast with your car enthusiast friends! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    The Glenn Beck Program
    Did Google Just Prove Alternate Universes Exist?! | Guest: Cheyenne Grace | 12/16/24

    The Glenn Beck Program

    Play Episode Listen Later Dec 16, 2024 132:02

    The mystery of the suspicious drones flying around New Jersey continues getting more mysterious. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas attempted to downplay the situation by saying there's "no threat or nefarious activity." But is what he says credible? Multiple government officials from New Jersey, including Chris Christie, report these drone sightings as anomalies. Pat Gray joins Glenn and Stu to give his theory on what these suspicious drones are being used for. Was the multiverse theory just proven scientifically correct? Google claims to have accessed parallel universes with its new supercomputer, but it's already being questioned. People are buying paperback Bibles in record numbers. Glenn relates those two stories together and discusses what they may mean for society. Glenn's daughter Cheyenne Grace joins to discuss her No. 1 Christmas album and the process of its creation. Glenn explains what's happening in the Balkans, which makes him a little nervous. Glenn and Stu lay out what tariffs are typically used for and what Trump intends to do with them.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices