Podcasts about Train

A series of rail vehicles, including a locomotive, for transporting cargo and/or passengers

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    The Dinner Table: A Southern Cannibal Podcast
    7 TRUE Scary Train Stories | Episode 563

    The Dinner Table: A Southern Cannibal Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 18, 2025 36:32

    I've never been on a Train before and I'm not sure I ever want to after narrating these stories... Let's get started... Be safe out there!  BUY MY MERCH PLEASE!  https://southern-cannibal-shop.fourthwall.com/? Send your TRUE Scary Stories HERE! ► https://southerncannibal.com/  OR Email at southerncannibalstories@gmail.com LISTEN TO THE DINNER TABLE PODCAST! ► https://open.spotify.com/show/3zfschBzphkHhhpV870gFW?si=j53deGSXRxyyo9rsxqbFgw Faqs about me ► https://youtube.fandom.com/wiki/Southern_Cannibal Stalk Me! ► Twitter: https://twitter.com/iAmCanni ► Instagram: https://instagram.com/iamreallycanni ► Merch: https://southern-cannibal-shop.fourthwall.com/? ► Scary Story Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL18YGadwJHERUzNMxTSoIYRIoUWfcGO2I ► DISCLAIMER: All Stories and Music featured in today's video were granted FULL permission for use on the Southern Cannibal YouTube Channel!  Huge Thanks to these brave folks who sent in their stories! #1. - Anonymous #2. - Iro  #3. - IB #4. - Anonymous #5. - CC #6. - Anonymous #7. - Bea Huge Thanks to these talented folks for their creepy music! ► Myuuji: https://www.youtube.com/c/myuuji ♪ ► CO.AG Music: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcavSftXHgxLBWwLDm_bNvA  ♪ ► Kevin MacLeod: http://incompetech.com ♪ ► Piano Horror:  https://www.youtube.com/PianoHorror ♪ https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/us/ #TrueScaryStories

    ITSPmagazine | Technology. Cybersecurity. Society
    On A Bench Waiting For The Train | A Story Under the Stars (Read In English) | Stories Sotto Le Stelle Podcast | Short Stories For Children And The Young At Heart

    ITSPmagazine | Technology. Cybersecurity. Society

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 18, 2025 14:57

    On a Bench, Waiting for the TrainAt the village station, under a long wooden canopy, steel tracks ran on both sides, allowing trains to speed past in a blur. But every now and then, some would stop, only for a moment, before continuing their journey after passengers had disembarked and boarded.Grandfather had promised many times to take his grandson to visit the train station near their home, and now they were finally there. Standing on the platform, the boy waited with eager anticipation—his first time seeing a train arrive.After a few minutes, a bell rang, followed by an announcement:"Train number 75265 arriving on Track 2. Coming from here, going there. Please pay attention and board if it's yours. It won't wait long—it's running late, as usual…"Soon, the locomotive appeared in the distance, approaching rapidly before slowing to a stop in front of them.The boy had never seen anything so overwhelming. Gripping his grandfather's trousers, he shrank back and cried out:"Help, help, help!"To his eyes, the train was a towering iron giant, covered in strange designs, exuding mystery. A moving machine on rails. A long, mechanical serpent, fast as lightning—imposing, unfamiliar, and yet… fascinating.Passengers stepped out of the open carriage doors, while others hurried aboard. Some people rushed back and forth, luggage in hand, checking schedules on glowing boards before boarding their trains to destinations unknown."Maybe it's not a monster after all. The grown-ups aren't scared like I am."The boy tried to be brave, glancing up at his grandfather, who smiled and took his hand. They lingered at the station for a while, sitting on a bench, watching trains come and go, the stationmaster blowing his whistle, the endless movement of travelers.As the sun dipped below the horizon, Grandfather bought two ice creams—strawberry and pistachio—from the station café. Enjoying their sweet treats, they strolled home, hearts light with happiness. A few days later, it was the boy's birthday. Grandfather never had any doubt about what to give him. They returned to the station, and after purchasing two tickets, he said:"Now you're old enough to travel. So today, we set off on your first adventure. And just wait—when you grow up, you'll have so many more!"But these were no ordinary tickets.When the station clerk heard it was the boy's first train journey, he called over the Stationmaster. With a knowing smile, the Stationmaster reached into his pocket and handed them two colorful tickets that read:Destination: End of the Line StationTrain Number: 18674Valid for: Round TripPlatform: 2 and 1/2, almost 3Valid in: Sun, rain, snow, or windIncludes: Popcorn and souvenir"Huh, how odd," Grandfather thought, scratching his head beneath his hat."But everyone knows you can always trust the Stationmaster."And so, hand in hand, they made their way to Platform 2 and 1/2, almost 3.A few benches were occupied by waiting passengers, but one was free. They sat side by side. Excitement buzzed in the air like migrating birds, their imaginations already soaring as a soft breeze brushed their faces.The train was arriving!A whistle. The screech of brakes. The hum of engines. The overhead speakers announced:"Attention, attention! Train Number 18674 is now at the station. Departure imminent for the End of the Line Station. The weather is uncertain, but that's fine—nothing to be done about it anyway. Fresh, crunchy popcorn will be served throughout the journey."The train slowed to a full stop, and with a gentle creak, its doors swung open. No one got off, but many climbed aboard, quickly filling the seats—except for one at the back of the carriage.Grandfather settled into it, placing his grandson on his lap. The boy felt safe there.With wide eyes, he took in the strange world around him. Some seats faced forward, others backward."Which ones were pointing the right way?"He wondered for a moment, then, with a spark of imagination, transformed the passengers into pieces on a grand chessboard, ready for a fantastic game.A tall, broad-shouldered man with a long beard stood at the front."Aha! An ogre!"Beside him, a plump woman with strong features."Definitely the ogress!"At the center, a blonde girl with blue eyes, absorbed in her phone."A princess!"A heavily tattooed man with multiple earrings and a face full of stories."An explorer!"Further back, a young woman in a wide-brimmed straw hat, wearing flowing clothes and bracelets that jingled softly."A traveler!""How could all these different characters fit into the same story?"As he pondered, the train whistled louder, gliding through plains, tunnels, and hills until the voice overhead declared:"Attention, attention! The train is arriving at End of the Line Station. All passengers, prepare to disembark."A gentle deceleration. A smooth stop."Wow! Amazing!"Instead of opening, the train's side panels lowered to the ground, forming ramps leading directly onto the platform.A light mist veiled the station, but an irresistible scent of roasted treats and cotton candy filled the air. Following the sweet aroma, the passengers arrived at a vast square where a statue in the center spouted water from its enormous mouth, surrounded by a fantastic garden.As the mist lifted, a flock of brightly colored, chattering parrots burst into view, circling above.Then, suddenly—"Look, look! What a surprise!"They all exclaimed in unison.Mary Poppins, on a bicycle, umbrella in hand, was pedaling through the garden."Why are you here?" the parrots asked, curious and mischievous."I'm collecting children's wishes in my upturned umbrella," she replied. "My chimney sweep friends will carry them home, transforming them into dreams ready to come true.""Craa, craa! We have a wish too! To fly around the world, with no destination, no hurry!""Very well," Mary Poppins smiled. "And what's your address for the dream delivery?"The parrots twirled in the air, singing:"Craa, craa! The street that isn't there, in the invisible house at number no-number! Bye-bye, Mary Poppins! We're free—craa, craa—we're off to dream!"She waved farewell and pedaled away.In the enchanted garden, stalls overflowed with sweets, magical rides spun, enchanted toys lay scattered, and a marvelous cart brimmed with books that turned their pages with a mere thought. An ancient talking tree told fairy tales, offering juicy, special fruits to those who listened.The parrots, flitting here and there, served as slightly distracted guides, leading the travelers left and right. A small group was following the man who looked like an ogre.He walked with determination, carrying a large suitcase, and was followed by his wife, who held a half-open bag overflowing with all sorts of trinkets. Behind them came the explorer, the blue-eyed princess, and finally, the tourist with the straw hat.Guided by the parrots, they made their way toward a strange building at the edge of the square. As they got closer, they realized it was an old, neglected theater—worn with time but still holding a certain architectural charm. The scent of dust and aged wood drifted from the slightly open door, adding to the place's mysterious atmosphere.The five peculiar characters were none other than actors, ready to perform a show filled with surprises, illusions, and wonders. Entry was free.Inside the theater, soft music played in the background, audible even from outside, leading them toward the stage.The enchantment of the place and sheer curiosity drew in all the other travelers as well, including the grandfather and grandson, who stepped inside to witness an unexpected spectacle.They had barely found their seats—worn and faded with age—when suddenly, white doves appeared, fluttering above their heads.The ogre revealed himself to be, in fact, a magician. With a swift motion, a breath, and—pluff!—his costume changed in an instant. Then again. And again.At the sides of the stage, a hall of mirrors distorted objects into strange shapes, while hidden playing cards appeared and vanished within the audience's seats, mixing together as if by magic. Yet, no matter what, the magician always seemed to guess the chosen card correctly.Suddenly, as if by enchantment, the princess and the explorer appeared. Behind them, sparks of fire shaped like stars filled the theater."What a show, what a marvel!"The entire stage lit up as the magician, waving his wand in the air like a conductor, brought forth a waltz. At its rhythm, the two actors, now transformed into dancers, moved gracefully to the music. Under the magician's guidance, they floated into the air, performing acrobatics.Meanwhile, the magician's wife—who was a bit of a sorceress herself—stepped onto the stage, opened her bag of trinkets, and out came balls, rings, and juggling pins. The tourist in the straw hat appeared beside her, and together, they began a dazzling juggling act, perfectly in sync with the music.As the waltz neared its end, both the dancers and the jugglers vanished in a cloud of smoke and lights. Incredibly, even the stage itself disappeared.The audience held their breath, stunned and enchanted, before bursting into applause, smiling in amazement as the Ogre Magician bowed deeply in gratitude.The show had come to an end.Still astonished, the travelers left the theater, but the magic followed them as they made their way back toward the station.The whole town felt like an enchantment, and at the heart of it were the grandson and his grandfather—unexpected protagonists of a timeless adventure. So great was their wonder that they had lost track of how long they had been there.Guided once again by the flitting parrots, they returned to the main square along with all the other passengers. From the nearby station, glowing signs signaled the imminent departure of Train 18674."Attention, attention! Train Number 18674 has arrived at the station. Departure imminent for destination: Return Station. Weather still uncertain, but no need to worry. Hot popcorn, souvenir postcards, and an almost-magic wand included in the ticket price."As the travelers boarded, the parrots fluttered in farewell, then soared toward the horizon, disappearing alongside Mary Poppins.The train pulled away slowly, smoothly. From the windows, passengers watched as the enchanted town faded into the mist once more.In the blink of an eye, they were back where they had started: the small village station.As the train glided through the mist, the village slowly reappeared.In the warm light of a summer evening, the passengers stepped off one by one, still in awe of the unexpected journey. They whispered among themselves, exchanging impressions of what they had just experienced.Grandfather and grandson decided to stop for an ice cream before heading home. They walked over to the station café and, without hesitation, ordered two cones with their favorite flavors: strawberry and pistachio.Just as they took their first bites, they turned toward the tracks—and froze.The train that had taken them on their journey was gone.Not only that—the other passengers had vanished too, without leaving a trace.From behind the station clock's column, the Stationmaster appeared, his satchel slung across his shoulder and his signal paddle in hand. He raised his head, tipped his hat with a smile, and then, whistling softly, strolled down the empty platform.Grandfather and the boy waved enthusiastically before taking each other's hand. As they walked home, savoring their strawberry and pistachio ice creams, they talked happily about their extraordinary adventure.It almost felt like a dream.But, as everyone knows, reality and fantasy often walk hand in hand.Just like the grandfather and the child, making their way home, bathed in the golden hues of sunset.

    Mike Drop
    Warcrimes Correspondent Hollie McKay | Mike Drop Episode 227

    Mike Drop

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 17, 2025 127:44

    Hollie McKay is an Australian born journalist who formerly worked for Fox News. She is a national bureau correspondent covering national and international news from Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Russia, Turkey, Syria, Pakistan, Yemen, Myanmar and Ukraine. She's also a return guest to the Mike Drop Podcast - previously Hollie joined the show on Episode 69 to talk about her time covering the war-torn Iraq/Syria region in the Middle East in her book 'Only Cry for the Living' along with Episode 81, where she walked us through daily happenings of the Taliban as they rapidly gained ground in the Middle East. But Hollie's latest travels have surfaced new world crises - since she last joined the program, she's traveled through Sudan covering U.S. involvement in a number of global conflicts, along with having covered new bioweapon threats through fentanyl-laced weapons in Iran. Subscribe to the Mike Drop Patreon Page to see Ad-Free Episodes Early + Bonus Content at https://www.patreon.com/mikedrop ---------- Support Hollie McKay - Check Out Hollie's First Appearance on the Podcast in Episode 69 at https://youtu.be/Z_e_WE-GWZk?si=1DBqjH7MoQAt8xzM Check out Hollie's Second Appearance on the Podcast in Episode 81 at https://youtu.be/Dijo6uEC6rY?si=B6PsXkdprRqlO9c- Get Your Copy of Hollie's Books, 'The Dictator's Wife', 'Words That Never Leave You', and more at https://holliemckay.com/books Website: https://holliemckay.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/holliesmck YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@holliesmckaywriter Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/holliesmckay ---------- Sponsors: Helix Go to https://www.helixsleep.com/mikedrop for 27% Off Sitewide + 2 Free Dream Pillows with Mattress Purchase + Free Bedding Bundle (2 Dream Pillows, Sheet Set, and Mattress Protector) with any Luxe or Elite Mattress Order. That's https://www.helixsleep.com/mikedrop for 27% Off Sitewide + 2 Free Dream Pillows with Mattress Purchase + Free Bedding Bundle with any Luxe or Elite Mattress Order! https://www.helixsleep.com/mikedrop ---------- 120Life Go to https://www.120life.com - that's https://www.120life.com - and remember to use code, “DROP” D-R-O-P to support the show and save 15%! ---------- TEAM DOG FOOD, TREATS & SUPPLEMENTS Be Your Dog's Hero: Veteran-owned by a former Navy SEAL and Special Operations K9 Trainer, Team Dog provides a complete diet of science-backed premium dog food, treats, and supplements to optimize your dog's health, forged from rigorous standards and real-world expertise. https://www.teamdog.shop TEAM DOG ONLINE TRAINING Mike Ritland – a former Navy SEAL & Special Operations K9 trainer – shares his simple and effective dog training program to build trust and control with your dog. Based on Mike's bestselling book “Team Dog, Train the Navy SEAL Way”, join tens of thousands of families that successfully trained their way to a better dog. https://www.teamdog.pet SHOP ALL THE MIKE RITLAND BRANDS Get all your Mike Ritland branded gear - Mike Drop | Trikos | Team Dog https://shop.mikeritland.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    ClutterBug - Organize, Clean and Transform your Home
    Get It Together with Cas: The Tough Love Edition | Clutterbug Podcast # 262

    ClutterBug - Organize, Clean and Transform your Home

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 17, 2025 39:49

    Buckle up, Buttercup, because today we're talking tough love and small steps to BIG changes and create instant motivation. We're going to tackle how to get your life together without feeling like you're climbing Mount Everest - I'm sharing my favourite shortcuts and hacks that have seriously changed my life. Sound good? Let's dive right in! Give Yourself a Reality Check - “NO ONE IS COMING TO RESCUE YOU”. We have the home, (body, relationship, finances etc) that we are willing to put up with. Don't like where you are right now? Change it. Only you have the empower, so put on that cape and save your own damn self.   Break Big Goals into 5-Minute Goals - Micro Commitments are the secret. Train your brain to stop the “all or nothing” mentality by focusing on tiny 5-minute tasks.  Daily Brain Dump - Every morning write down all the things you want to get done and then circle the top three. Out of those top three, star the ONE that is NON-NEGOTIABLE and must get done that day. Try Hypnosis! I'm using an app called Kure and it's been helpful! Change your brain just by listening. Create a Vision Board - Pick a few goals and dreams (make sure they are in the realm of possibility) and create a daily visual reminder! I have a FREE vision board template here: https://clutterbug.me/products/digital-vision-board-templates Get an Accountability Buddy! Schedule a weekly date through Zoom, a phone call or an in-person meeting and body double with someone while you get stuff done together!  Get in a Win before 10:00am - Do a small thing that feels like an accomplishment before 10:00 am - Examples: Make your bed, write a to-do list, stretch for 10 minutes. Habit Stacking - Do a new tiny habit at the same time as you do an old habit - Example: Write a daily to-do list while your morning coffee brews or take your vitamins when you brush your teeth. Make a Power Playlist - Make a playlist with all the songs that fire you up! Borrow Motivation - Watch and listen to FIRED UP people and borrow some of their passion and fierce motivation. Here is a good one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f4KsEUiw3gA Nightly Gratitude Journal - I know…don't roll your eyes, just try it.         You can find more Clutterbug content here: Website: http://www.clutterbug.me YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@clutterbug TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@clutterbug_me Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/clutterbug_me/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Clutterbug.Me/   #clutterbug #podcast #mondaymotivation #toughlove

    The Economics of Everyday Things

    Before a guide dog can help a blind person navigate the world, it has to pass a series of tests, then go through $75,000 worth of training. Zachary Crockett sniffs around. SOURCES:Peggy Gibbon, director of canine development at The Seeing Eye.Charles Pat McKenna, assistant division director of the New Jersey Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired. RESOURCES:"Why Seeing Eye Dogs Are So Expensive To Breed and Train," by Abby Tang and Emily Christian (Business Insider, 2024)."For decades, the blind have used canes to get around. Now a special wristband gives them a ‘sixth sense.'" by Peter Holley (Washington Post, 2017).The Seeing Eye."History of Guide Dogs," by The International Guide Dog Federation."Facts and Figures" by The International Guide Dog Federation. EXTRAS:"Morris Frank," by The International Guide Dog Foundation (Vimeo, 2021). 

    How Star Wars Is It?
    Ep 313: Sleep Deprivation, or How to Potty Train Your Puppy

    How Star Wars Is It?

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 17, 2025 60:48

    Mike got a puppy! He's sleepy! This episode is all about that! And it's a whole lot of fun. Enjoy!You can contact the show at agoodpodcast@gmail.com and find us @HowStarWarsIsIt on all platforms, but since all platforms are kind of evil now, you should probably just email us. That's the best way to get a hold of us! You can also follow Mike @WordGospel09 on Youtube and Instagram and Josiah @JosiahDotBiz on social media, but once again, just email us. And don't forget to rate and review on iTunes, or wherever you get your podcasts! And if you REALLY like the show head over to our Patreon at patreon.com/howstarwarsisit for bonus episodes, Star Wars movie commentaries, and more!

    The MTNTOUGH Podcast
    Kevan Miller: The Mindset That Separates the Elite from Everyone Else | MTNPOD #104

    The MTNTOUGH Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 17, 2025 74:05

    On this episode of the MTNTOUGH Podcast, former NHL defenseman Kevan Miller shares his journey of grit, resilience, and mental toughness. From captaining the University of Vermont hockey team to playing 352 games with the Boston Bruins, Kevan built a career on perseverance and relentless drive. Known for his physical style of play, he battled through major injuries, including a fractured kneecap that sidelined him for a season. He discusses the highs and lows of professional hockey and the mindset required to overcome adversity. Tune in for a powerful conversation on resilience, elite performance, and life beyond the game.Follow Kevan on Instagram: @kevan_miller86Watch more on his YouTube channel: Kevan MillerMake sure to subscribe toThe MTNTOUGH Podcast, and subscribe to our YouTube channel@mtntoughfitness.Presented by Sig Sauer.----

    Sea Hawkers Podcast for Seattle Seahawks fans
    461: Kubiak Press Conference Deep Dive, NDSU QB Cam Miller Interview

    Sea Hawkers Podcast for Seattle Seahawks fans

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 16, 2025 100:48

    The first major piece of news to point us toward the offseason direction of the Seahawks has dropped. So just what does the restructuring of the Leonard Williams contract mean? We get into it and discuss what could come next. A Myles Garrett trade would be intriguing, but there are probably about 30 other teams who would be interested. Klint Kubiak had his introductory press conference with the Seahawks this week. We discuss some of the more interesting moments from the offensive coordinator and talk about the potential for the Seahawks to carry a fullback on the roster in 2025. We kick off the second half of the show with a chat with North Dakota State quarterback Cam Miller, who shared his experience at Shrine Bowl, aspirations for the NFL, and a few players who he believes will have success at the NFL level. Former Seahawks Head Coach Mike Holmgren was snubbed from the Hall of Fame, but after a series of threats we expect he'll get in next year. We wrap up the show with 'Do Better' and 'Better at Life,' featuring Dan Orlovsky's unusual way of eating peanut butter cups, a top 5 list for Aaron Rodgers' landing spots, Saquon Barkley's gesture during the Eagles' Super Bowl parade and a place on Reddit for understanding pop culture references of the past and present. Looking for more Seahawks shows? Subscribe to For the Hawkra Support the show Get in the Flock! Visit GetInTheFlock.com Or visit our website for other ways to support the show Subscribe via: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Google Podcasts | YouTube | TuneIn | RSS Follow us on: Facebook | Twitter Listen on our free app for Android, iOS, Kindle or Windows Phone/PC Call or text: 253-235-9041 Find Sea Hawkers clubs around the world at SeaHawkers.org Music from the show by The 12 Train, download each track at ReverbNation  

    The Club-House by DJFRANKEC
    The ClubHouse by DJ FrankEC On The Phatsoundz Radio Twitch RAID TRAIN (2-16-25)

    The Club-House by DJFRANKEC

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 16, 2025 187:10

    “The Club House" by DJ FrankEC on The Phatsoundz Radio Twitch Raid Train (phatsoundz.co.uk) Featuring The Best In Today's Techno, House & Club Music Remixes, Mashups & More! For more info : www.djfrankec.com

    Most Notorious! A True Crime History Podcast
    MoNo Encore: The Villisca Axe Murders - The Reverend Lyn George Kelly w/ Edgar Epperly

    Most Notorious! A True Crime History Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 15, 2025 78:58

    (Original publish date: 6/7/22) In this third and final part of my interview with Dr. Edgar Epperly, the "little minister" Lyn George Jacklin Kelly is examined as a primary suspect in the 1912 Villisca Axe Murders. Although Kelly spoke obsessively about the case and even confessed to the murders, many believed that the confession was the result of mental illness and police coercion. Dr. Epperly also offers his thoughts on whether the murders might be the work of a serial killer named Paul Mueller (aka The Man From the Train). Dr. Epperly's book, the result of almost seventy years of research, is called "Fiend Incarnate: Villisca Axe Murders of 1912". Listener discretion is advised on this episode, as it contains adult themes and language. Dr. Epperly's website: https://villiscabook.com/ More about the documentary "Villisca: Living with a Mystery" here: https://www.villiscamovie.com/ Dr. Epperly's Villisca Axe Murders Blog: https://docublogger.typepad.com/villiscamystery/ This episode is sponsored by Strawberry dot me. Get a $50 credit when you use our link: https://strawberry.me/notorious Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Let‘s Read Spider-Man Podcast
    1993 1994 Lethal Foes of Spider-Man Mutant Agenda Web of Spider-Man Annual 9 1963 Strange Tales 115 & More

    Let‘s Read Spider-Man Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 15, 2025 19:58

    Episode 311.  James B and Eddie take the Saturday Express and quickly cover 11 Spider-Man books from 1963, 1968, 1993 and 1994. Sponsored by Weasel Jack and the Patticake App. Theme Music by Jeff Kenniston.  This Episode Edited by James B using Audacity and Cleanfeed.  Summaries written by James B and Nightwatch's fiance Ashley.  Most Sound effects and music generously provided royalty free by www.fesliyanstudios.com and https://www.zapsplat.com/ .  Train whistle provided by Pixabay.com Check out all the episodes on letsreadspiderman.podbean.com or wherever you get your podcasts. Check out our live meetup and Discord Channel here https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_mW6htjJUHOzlViEvPQqR-k68tClMGAi85Bi_xrlV7w/edit

    Memes Throughout the ages
    Memes Throughout the ages episode 218: A-Train POV: I See A Happy Couple (Valentine's Day Special)

    Memes Throughout the ages

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 15, 2025 58:50

    Today we talk about the time a-train killed somebody's significant other as we celebrate Valentine's Day. JOIN THE OFFICIAL MTTA DISCORD SERVER: https://discord.gg/yN4EQSgz BUY OUR MERCH: https://merch-throughout-the-ages.creator-spring.com

    Horror Show Hot Dog
    Episode 493 – Oops! All Harbingers

    Horror Show Hot Dog

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 15, 2025 73:42

    Movies discussed: Get Away, Companion, What You Wish For, Grafted, Pumpkin Guts (short) We're back and we brought a bonus movie! This time we define a ‘hoot' and apply that title to What You Wish For. Get Away almost rises to hoot status but remains sub-hoot. Meanwhile, Grafted is slack in the middle and we're somewhat divided on Companion. Next episodes assignments: Your Monster Heart Eyes Humanist Vampire Seeking Consensual Suicidal Person Man on a Train (short) Watch along with us if you like and we'll see you next episode. The post Episode 493 – Oops! All Harbingers appeared first on Horror Show Hot Dog.

    Paranormal Stories and Spooky Shiz
    113. Return to the Train Depot

    Paranormal Stories and Spooky Shiz

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 15, 2025 67:13

    Join me as we check in with the White Lilly Paranormal team on location in Canada with home owner Fiona during their investigation. This is their second time investigating this suspected old train depot. From previous owners to children to many other spirits, this location has proven to be active. No demons in this episode thankfully but more of coolest sleepover ever vibes. Send me your stories at spookyshizstories@gmail.com to be featured on future episodes.

    Crushing Iron Triathlon Podcast
    #832 – Train Harder Than You Race (sometimes)

    Crushing Iron Triathlon Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 14, 2025 45:08

    If you watch the Bobby Knight 30 for 30 it brings up a lot of questions and today we explore some of them and what it must have been like playing for Coach Knight. What drives a coach to be that intense? It inspired a discussion today about practicing harder than the game. We look at ways to turn your solo training into something that will have a direct impact on your physical and mental game on race day. How do we move the needle, make tough elements less impactful, dig deeper when it needs to be done on race day? This sport shouldn't always be hard, but it should be sometimes. On more rep. The narrative you choose is your reality. Topics: The continuum of how much you really want something Tough coaching When and how to train harder Does it feel too easy? Racing outside of your training Following success stories Moving the needle more frequently Choosing harder challenges Being able to do deep into the well Split second decisions When it's firing on all cylinders Country Cub in T2 Mental reserves to go deeper lOne more rep When you don't quit The narrative you choose is your reality   Mike Tarrolly - mike@c26triathlon.com Robbie Bruce - robbie@c26triathlon.com

    Finish It!
    Ep. 312. National Park Monster Ranger: Week 5 Dirty A, Bro

    Finish It!

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 14, 2025

    Chris finds himself in yet another How to Train a Dragon remake, Matt learns that doing the right thing is for "suckers," and it's Lovey-Dovey day but we don't lean super hard into it but the quiz is kind of lovey-dovey so happy day if you're into it!

    Angel City Zen Center
    Chaotic, Reckless, Wakefulness (How to train Zen) w/ Gyokei Yokoyama

    Angel City Zen Center

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 14, 2025 42:46

    Gyokei takes an honest historical look at the tough love of monastic training, and the rebels and reformers who tried to improve it along the way. What kind of people are we trying to cultivate, and what kind of monks are we actually making? What does it take for a monk to be so bad even Dogen won't sit with them? And does meeting the great matter of life and death actually require risking your life? Find out here!

    WTF Gym Talk
    Don't Train Staff If You Couldn't Be Hired For The Role Yourself

    WTF Gym Talk

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 14, 2025 16:55

    Are you currently on-boarding a new staff member to perform a role in your business that you couldn't get hired for yourself? —------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I solve problems in your business and make you more money.  Guaranteed.  For over a decade I've been working with gym owners (via one-on-one consulting) to help create tailored solutions to solve their business problems, engineer the game plan and empower them to execute the strategy. Stop wishing your business problems are going to magically go away.   Invest in your business and let me solve your problems and optimize your business fast and efficiently.  We'll work together daily/weekly, with a monthly call until the problem is solved and then I want you to fire me.  Because this is YOUR business, I'm just here to solve a specific problem and then get out of your way. Learn more about what it's like for us to work together. —------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Want to increase your business IQ by 100x for only $50?  Get enrolled in Microgym University - the only online business school that teaches you the best practices and business frameworks from some of the most successful brands in our industry and then lets you decide which ones to install in your business. New courses are added every month.  ⁠www.microgymuniversity.com⁠  —------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Need help leasing or buying a building? I created the Gym Real Estate Company so that gym owners had someone who could go beyond the duties of a typical real estate broker and actually advise them on business aspects as they relate to site selection, market location fit, operational capacity, facility layout, pre-sell marketing, and more. If you're looking for help with your next lease or if you want us to help you along the journey of buying a building - ⁠head over to www.gymrealestate.co and book a Discovery Call. —-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elevate Your Coaching and Program Design w/ TeamBuildr TeamBuildr is a strength & conditioning software for performance coaches who want to efficiently build workout programs for their athletes and clients. Their platform was designed to make the life of a strength coach easier when it comes to building workouts, monitoring athlete recovery, and tracking workout data. They are currently offering a 30-day free trial when signing up with code “WTF”.

    Karl Morris - The Brainbooster
    Shooting your age at 67!! – Tim Shears #346

    Karl Morris - The Brainbooster

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 14, 2025 41:44

    The inspirational story of an ordinary golfer who made a dream happen In this episode of the Mind Caddie we have a special guest in the shape of Tim Shears Recently Tim shared with me his wonderful personal story of how he managed to shoot his age at the age of 67!! It is a VERY inspirational story He set off on this journey at the age of 65 He had a plan He took action and made it happen Before that Tim related his own life story of being a caddie in the early days of the European Tour Travelling around Europe with the hand to mouth existence of the early caddies He then didn't play for many years Took a huge break from the game and then a chance moment out cycling brought him back to golf He got back into playing then the goal emerged Shoot your age as soon as possible at the age of 65 He broke his game down into various components Putting Chipping Swing Technique Physical Conditioning Mental Game The ability to TRAIN on the course in an effective way He then took ACTION Pursued the daily improvements He set out on HIS journey of purpose He then achieved the goal Shooting his age at 67!! It is a wonderful story of how we CAN make things happen if the goal is clear enough What could YOU achieve? Are you taking action? To start your FREE Mind Caddie 7 day trial go to https://www.mindcaddie.golf/  To book your Mind Caddie workshop at your club go to www.themindfactor.com  OFFICIAL BRAND AMBASSADOR : Fenix Apparel and Accessories Co. Ltd. Shop with code : MINDFACTOR10 at checkout for 10% OFF your next order at www.fenixxcell.com @fenixxcell      

    Move Swiftly
    Train to Lead With Christian Muntean

    Move Swiftly

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 14, 2025 35:23

    Meet Christian Muntean from Alaska—a seasoned guide in navigating the challenging, unforgiving terrain of leadership transitions and rapid change. Just as mountain climbers and ship captains rely on experienced guides to safely conquer specific challenges, Christian helps leaders execute rare, once-in-a-career moves with confidence. Whether you're facing rapid growth, implementing a leadership succession plan, building a reliable board, or navigating high-stakes conversations, these critical situations are too important to learn solely on your own. With his proven track record, Christian ensures you have the strategic guidance needed to focus on what only you can do well—while reducing risk and accelerating your success. Join us as Christian Muntean shares his insights on transforming leadership challenges into opportunities for breakthrough achievement. https://www.linkedin.com/in/christianmuntean/ https://www.christianmuntean.com/

    HVAC Sales Training. Close It Now!
    How Top Performers Think, Train, and Close at the Highest Level (Part 1: Mindset & Routine) with Doug Wyatt

    HVAC Sales Training. Close It Now!

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 14, 2025 60:53

    Top performers don't just show up—they train, think, and execute at an elite level. In Part 1 of this powerhouse conversation with Doug Wyatt, we explore the mindset and daily routines that drive massive success. Whether you're struggling with consistency or looking to reach the next level, this episode lays out the blueprint for winning in sales and life.We'll cover how to build an unstoppable mindset, why morning routines dictate your outcomes, and why entitlement is the enemy of success. Plus, we break down the psychology of elite performers, decision-making strategies, and the powerful impact of self-discipline.What You'll Learn in This Episode:

    How to Train Pharmacy Employees Effectively & Scale Without the Stress | Becoming A Pharmacy Badass


    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 14, 2025 14:16

    **Dr. Lisa Faast shares her proven step-by-step framework for training pharmacy employees, helping pharmacy owners scale their businesses without the usual headaches.** **Show Notes:** 1. **importance of systematic training** [0:0] Websites Mentioned: https://www.drlisafaast.com/ ----- #### **Becoming a Badass Pharmacy Owner Podcast is a Proud to be Apart of the Pharmacy Podcast Network**

    REP Paranormal and Friends
    David Ditchfield author of "Shine" on discusses his near death experience as he ran over by a train and live to talk about it

    REP Paranormal and Friends

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 14, 2025 28:50

    Re broadcast of David Ditchfiled, author of " Shine On" talks about a near death exeperince turned his life around and made him teh person he is today.

    The Ski Podcast
    237: 3 Zinnen, European Sleeper, Serre Chevalier by train & Ski Valentines

    The Ski Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 14, 2025 44:35

    We find out about 3 Zinnen in the Italian Dolomites, plus we have a train travel focus: looking at the European Sleeper to Italy and trains to Serre Chevalier. We also have our regular snow reports, gold medal news for Team GB and your ski Valentines stories, plus the chance to win some super-cool Vallon goggles. Host Iain Martin was joined by Babsi Lapwood from the Mountain Trade Network and Dom Winter from Protect Our Winters UK. Intersport Ski Hire Discount Code Don't forget that if you want to help The Ski Podcast and save yourself some money this winter…all you need to do is to use the code ‘SKIPODCAST' when you book your ski hire at intersportrent.com.  That applies to any ski hire booked in their massive network across France, Austria and Switzerland – that's hundreds of resorts. You'll get a guaranteed additional discount, or simply take this link for your discount to be automatically applied.  SHOW NOTES Babsi recently skied in Risoul (1:45)  Lou Newton from Iglu Ski reported from Bansko in Bulgaria (4:00) Mike Richards reported from Uludag and Dorukkaya in Turkey (5:15) Andy Butterworth from Kaluma Ski reported from St Anton (6:30) Win Vallon Ski Goggles worth £137 – just leave us a comment on Spotify or a review on Apple Podcasts (8:15) Freddy Carrick-Smith took gold in the Giant Slalom (9:15) The Ski Podcast supports Team Carrick-Smith Mia Bookes retained the Big Air Crystal Globe (9:40) Listen to my interview with Ski Sunday's Ed Leigh (10:00) Babsi has been to 3 Zinnen six times already (11:00) Iain and Babsi both stayed in Innichen San Candido (12:30) Piste map of the ski area in 3 Zinnen (14:30) Try night skiing in Innichen (17:00) Iain tried snow shoeing for the first time in 3 Zinnen (18:00) The heating in Innichen is powered by woodchip and sawdust (20:45) Atto and Botanic are two great family owned restaurants in Innichen (21:30) Iain stayed at the Hotel Tyrol in Innichen (21:45) Dom was last on the show in our London Ski Show special (23:00) Find out about the WSF/POW video challenge on eco ways to get to the slopes (24:00) There is also information on Instagram Dom travelled by train to Serre Chevalier (25:00) Serre Chevalier has a great record on sustainability (28:00) Iain travelled to 3 Zinnen on the European Sleeper service from Belgium (30:00) Iain interviewed Chris Engelsman from European Sleeper back in Episode 221 (30:30) Read Iain's review of the journey on Ski Flight Free (33:30) Find out more about the European Sleeper here (36:30) Thanks to Ed, Sasha, Ian and Mike for their Ski Valentine's stories  Feedback (41:00) I enjoy all feedback about the show, I'm always interested to hear what you think, so please do contact me on social @theskipodcast or by email theskipodcast@gmail.com  Oliver Padgett: “Thanks for all the time and effort you put into making a great podcast. Keep up the great work.” Will Cursham: “I've just started listening to your podcast at the ripe old age of 49. I love it! Lots of interesting stuff about skiing. Being a bit of a geek, I love the behind-the-scenes stuff, I'd love to hear more about how resorts work, maintaining the infrastructure etc. Keep going with the podcast, and I'll keep listening!” There are now 249 episodes of The Ski Podcast to catch up with. If you've enjoyed this episode, why not to go theskipodcast.com and take a look around the tags and categories – you're bound to find something of interest.  If you like the podcast, there are three things you can do to help:    1) Follow us. Just take a look for that button and press it now  2) Give us a review or just leave a comment on Apple Podcasts or Spotify  3) Book your ski hire with Intersport Rent using the code ‘SKIPODCAST' or take this link You can follow Iain @skipedia and the podcast @theskipodcast. You can also follow us on WhatsApp for exclusive material released ahead of the podcast. 

    Marceau refait l'info
    Le train, fantasme n°1 des Français - Laurent Wauquiez se lance officiellement en campagne - le tube du du groupe 113 " Tonton du bled " indisponible depuis des années arrive en streaming

    Marceau refait l'info

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 14, 2025 4:18

    Un sondage révèle que le train est le lieu qui stimule le plus la libido, il est le fantasme n°1 des Français

    The Power Company Podcast
    BOARD MEETINGS | Should Climbers Train Where They Are or Where They Want To Be?

    The Power Company Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 13, 2025 29:45

    Prompted by the phrase "Common sense isn't always common practice," from Trevor Ragan of Learner Lab, Nate and Kris sat down to discuss five aspects of climbing where they see this holding true. This is the fourth of those five aspects: Training where you are currently instead of where you want to be. Starting where you are is an important first step that is often missed.  This episode originally aired on March 22, 2018. _________________________

    The Cashflow Contractor
    243 - Easy Cash Management with Profit First (Live Tutorial + Template)

    The Cashflow Contractor

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 13, 2025 31:54

    Struggling with cash management? Learn how the Profit First system can revolutionize the way you handle your business finances. Tune in for a live tutorial & exclusive template!Time Stamps01:21 - Episode Intro03:27 - Setting Up Profit First Accounts05:26 - Target Allocation Percentages (TAPS)07:25 - Profit First Analysis Spreadsheet19:24 - Implementing the System26:44 - Final Tips and WarningsSnippets from the Episode" You're going to be tempted to dip into your profit and your owner's pay and transfer back to your operating expenses, and that's okay, but you have to be very disciplined to say, no, I'm going to make a profit. I'm going to reserve this for profit and I'm not going to shortchange myself.” -Khalil BenalioulhajResourcesProfit First Analysis Template24 Things Construction Business Owners Need to Successfully Hire & Train an Executive AssistantSchedule a 15-Minute Roadblock CallCheck outOpenPhoneBuild a Business that Runs without you. Explore ourGrowthKits Need Marketing Help? We Recommend BenaliNeed Help with podcast production? We recommendDemandcastMore from Martin Hollandtheprofitproblem.comannealbc.com   Email MartinMeet With MartinLinkedInFacebookInstagramMore from Khalilbenali.com Email KhalilMeet With KhalilLinkedInFacebookInstagram

    Learn Dutch | DutchPod101.com
    Lower Beginner S1 #21 - Going on a Train Ride in the Netherlands

    Learn Dutch | DutchPod101.com

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 13, 2025 10:24

    RNZ: Checkpoint
    First train goes around full length of Auckland's CRL

    RNZ: Checkpoint

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 13, 2025 7:25

    The almost three and a half kilometre long inaugural journey was made at a crawl; about five kilometres an hour overnight, meaning the loop took two and half hours in total while various underground checks were completed. The train ran south from Waitemata Station at Britomart under central Auckland past the new underground stations at Te Waihorotiu and Karanga-a-Hape to Maungawhau Station on the Western/North Auckland Line. Wayne Cooney, the Systems Director for the CRL spoke to Lisa Owen.

    Sports Marketing Machine Podcast
    101 - 6 Fan Experience Lessons Learned from Going to Disneyland

    Sports Marketing Machine Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 13, 2025 14:35

    Send us a textIn this episode of the Sports Marketing Machine podcast, Jeremy Neisser shares insights from his recent trip to Disneyland, focusing on how Disney creates an unforgettable fan experience. He outlines six powerful lessons that sports marketers can apply to enhance fan engagement, including treating fans as guests, creating emotional connections, maintaining cleanliness, and incorporating surprise moments. The episode emphasizes the importance of small details in crafting a memorable experience that keeps fans coming back.TakeawaysMascots should always let the fans dictate the interaction.Treat fans like guests, not customers, to enhance their experience.Surprising and delighting fans with random acts of kindness creates lasting memories.Attention to detail, like cleanliness, contributes to a first-class fan experience.Avoid cheap signage; everything should look polished and professional.Incorporate spontaneous moments of entertainment to keep fans engaged.Emotional connections lead to lifelong support from fans.Train staff to create personal guest-first experiences.Look for small, meaningful ways to delight fans during events.Disney's approach to fan experience can be adapted by sports teams. Sports Marketing Machine on LinkedInSports Marketing Machine on InstagramBook a call with Jeremy from Sports Marketing Machine

    Ben Fordham: Highlights
    ‘Let's f*ck it up' - Leaked union messages ahead of train chaos

    Ben Fordham: Highlights

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 13, 2025 8:36

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Evolutionary Radio
    Evolutionary.org Hardcore 2.0 #146- Staying motivated to train while on and off cycle - Para Pharma

    Evolutionary Radio

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 13, 2025 59:39

    In this Evolutionary.org Underground Podcast for iTunes episode your hosts Stevesmi and Da Mobster from the UK Iron Den discuss - Staying motivated to train while on and off cycle by Para Pharma • Why some struggle to stay motivated off cycle • Mobster talks about shifting focus off cycle vs on • Tricks we know which work • Great examples of Para Pharma stacks and cycles • Why using great sources like Para-Pharma will help you get great results and save you money too! Link to articles: https://www.evolutionary.org/category/pc-supplements/testosterone-boosting/ Link to Evo threads discussing motivation etc: 1. https://www.evolutionary.org/forums/threads/supplements-for-motivation-and-drive.103063/ 2. https://www.evolutionary.org/forums/threads/im-having-a-tough-time-getting-motivated-every-day.102627/ 3. https://www.evolutionary.org/forums/threads/motivation.102826/post-1676525 4. https://www.evolutionary.org/forums/threads/my-dbol-to-testosterone-transformation-cycle-log.102133/post-1657083 5. https://www.evolutionary.org/forums/threads/2025-testosterone-npp-gh-cycle-mini-cut-into-blast-cycle.102990/post-1689810 For 1-on-1 coaching/consultation/source help start conversation by contacting Stevesmi at: https://www.elitefitness.com/forum/members/stevesmi.219851/ or https://www.evolutionary.org/forums/members/stevesmi.85/ Where to get blood tests: https://www.evolutionary.org/forums/source-talk/bloodwork-private-md-5695.html Please note we're not doctors and the opinions are ours. It's our view and is based on our experience and views on the topic. Our Podcasts are for informational purposes and entertainment only. The Freedom of speech and 1st amendment applies.

    Communism Exposed:East and West
    Reviewing California Public Train Projects- Which Ones Are in Trouble. - Marc Joffe - EpochTV

    Communism Exposed:East and West

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 13, 2025 36:18

    The Back Room with Andy Ostroy
    Barry Sonnenfeld

    The Back Room with Andy Ostroy

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 13, 2025 70:38

    Barry Sonnenfeld is a filmmaker and writer who broke into the film industry as the cinematographer on the Coen Brothers' first three films: Blood Simple, Raising Arizona, and Miller's Crossing. He also was the director of photography on Throw Momma from the Train, Big, When Harry Met Sally, and Misery. Sonnenfeld made his directorial debut with The Addams Family in 1991, and has gone on to direct a number of films including Addams Family Values, Get Shorty, and the first three Men in Black films. His television credits include Pushing Daisies, for which he won an Emmy, Netflix's A Series of Unfortunate Events, and most recently Apple TV+'s Schmigadoon! He is the author of Best Possible Place, Worst Possible Time and Barry Sonnenfeld, Call Your Mother. Don't miss the super-fun, fascinating chat as Barry takes us on a journey through his storied life and career and takes us behind-the-scenes of some of the most iconic films ever! Got somethin' to say?! Email us at BackroomAndy@gmail.com Leave us a message: 845-307-7446 Twitter: @AndyOstroy Produced by Andy Ostroy, Matty Rosenberg, and Jennifer Hammoud @ Radio Free Rhiniecliff Design by Cricket Lengyel

    Muscle for Life with Mike Matthews
    Ep. #1188: Q&A: Beating Bad Habits, Free-weight Leg Day, Legion Clear Protein, & More

    Muscle for Life with Mike Matthews

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 12, 2025 43:29

    In this episode, I discuss strategies to beat bad eating habits, my favorite free-weight exercises for leg day, upcoming developments with Legion Clear Protein, and more.As always, these questions come directly from my Instagram followers, who take advantage of my weekly Q&As in my stories.If you have a question you're dying to have answered, make sure you follow me on Instagram (@muscleforlifefitness) and look out for the Q&A posts. Your question might just make it into a podcast episode!If you like this type of episode, let me know. Send me an email (mike@muscleforlife.com) or direct message me on Instagram. And if you don't like it, let me know that too or how you think it could be better.---Timestamps:(00:00) Intro(02:03) Intermittent fasting—fad?(06:33) Beat bad eating habits?(10:39) Dream Whey+ flavor?(11:25) TLS workouts—full coverage?(11:52) Dexa scans reliable?(12:50) Butter healthy?(13:24) Best Adonis belt exercise?(14:34) High urea—lower protein?(14:54) Fastest way to first pull-up?(15:21) Green powder worth it?(16:00) Bicep tendonitis—alternatives?(17:11) Biggest Legion challenge?(26:03) Count all protein?(29:03) Train on period?(29:46) Raising what cows?(30:47) Check nutrients without bloodwork?(31:19) Compound vs. machines?(34:47) 100g+ protein needed?(36:01) Phosphatidic acid thoughts?(37:16) Natural or enhanced?(38:54) Best leg exercise no machines?---Mentioned on the Show:Coaching PageThe Little Black Book of Workout MotivationWhey+

    Relaxing White Noise
    Winter Snowstorm Train Ride 8 Hours | Fall Asleep on Relaxing Railways!

    Relaxing White Noise

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 12, 2025 480:14

    All aboard! On a brisk winter day, you climb aboard Relaxing Railways, a train taking you through the most serene environments to allow you to get the rest you deserve! Today's train ride is just like the Polar Express taking you through a snow-filled forest in the middle of a snowstorm! The consistent clacking of the train gliding over the tracks makes a soothing sound that can really make your feel at ease. Pair that with the lovely wind white noise from the train traveling through the snowscape and you have a combination of pure bliss. If you struggle to sleep at night, try playing this train sounds and snow white noise for sleeping, you may catch yourself drifting off in no time! Here are some great products to help you sleep! Relaxing White Noise receives a small commission (at no additional cost to you) on purchases made through affiliate links. Thanks for supporting the podcast!⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Baloo Living Weighted Blankets⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ (Use code 'relaxingwhitenoise10' for 10% off)At Relaxing White Noise, our goal is to help you sleep well. This episode is eight hours long with no advertisements in the middle, so you can use it as a sleeping sound throughout the night. Listening to our white noise sounds via the podcast gives you the freedom to lock your phone at night, keeping your bedroom dark as you fall asleep.⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Check out the 10-Hour version on YouTube⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Contact Us for Partnership Inquiries⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠With rain and thunder in the forecast, it's a great chance to enjoy some rain sounds for sleeping, studying or relaxation. Listening to thunderstorm sounds can bring about a feeling of calm, while also blocking out distracting noise. Play a storm sounds podcast to enjoy a good night's sleep or to focus on that homework assignment that needs doing.Relaxing White Noise is the number one online destination for white noise and nature sounds to help you sleep, study or soothe a baby. With more than a billion views across YouTube and other platforms, we are excited to now share our popular ambient tracks on the Relaxing White Noise podcast. People use white noise for sleeping, focus, sound masking or relaxation. We couldn't be happier to help folks live better lives. This podcast has the sound for you whether you use white noise for studying, to soothe a colicky baby, to fall asleep or for simply enjoying a peaceful moment. No need to buy a white noise machine when you can listen to these sounds for free. Cheers to living your best life!DISCLAIMER: Remember that loud sounds can potentially damage your hearing. When playing one of our ambiences, if you cannot have a conversation over the sound without raising your voice, the sound may be too loud for your ears. Please do not place speakers right next to a baby's ears. If you have difficulty hearing or hear ringing in your ears, please immediately discontinue listening to the white noise sounds and consult an audiologist or your physician. The sounds provided by Relaxing White Noise are for entertainment purposes only and are not a treatment for sleep disorders or tinnitus. If you have significant difficulty sleeping on a regular basis, experience fitful/restless sleep, or feel tired during the day, please consult your physician.⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Relaxing White Noise Privacy Policy⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠© Relaxing White Noise LLC, 2023. All rights reserved. Any reproduction or republication of all or part of this text/visual/audio is prohibited.

    The Amp Hour Electronics Podcast
    #688 – The Tandy Train

    The Amp Hour Electronics Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 12, 2025

    Dave and Chris discuss the Tandy 200, test equipment cashflow, the return of the Pebble watch, GPT trying its hand at CAD, solar output...and more

    Janek Gwizdala Podcast
    This is How I Train My Ears

    Janek Gwizdala Podcast

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 12, 2025 1:24

    Whilst sifting through old drives for B-Roll for another video I found this old overhead shot of me working on a Till Brönner transcription from a few years back. Obviously I don't set up the camera and makes videos like this every time I transcribe something, but I do make a habit of transcribing on a regular basis. As my ear gets stronger, the material I'm transcribing tends to change. It's quite rare these days to be transcribing linear ideas for instance as I've done so much of that over the past three decades. I'm more curious now about harmony and chord voicings, and how those might work for orchestration and arrangement purposes when I'm in writing-mode. As you can hear from this very raw voice note made with my phone, I'm focusing on harmonic development for this new album I'm planning to record in Europe later in the year. I'm working towards recording the trio (possibly Jojo Mayer and Tom Cawley) in the south of Germany, and then hopping over to Sofia to record the New Bulgarian Voices on top of the trio right after. Layering elements of Jazz, European folk music, electronic music, and some of my biggest influences from the classical world like Chopin, Brahms, Messiaen, Mahler, Schubert, Ravel and Rachmaninoff, is something incredibly exciting to me. Knowing I have access to some of the greatest musicians, engineers, and studios out there gives me a lot of hope that no matter what we do in the studio, we will make music we love. And when you add in the possibilities a choir could generate… I start to get a real buzz about the project even when we're so many months away. This is a clip from my daily practice routine that I'm constantly documenting to make sure ideas aren't lost. The one recurring melody throughout this improvised clip could end up being the main theme for a choral arrangement for instance. You just never know. That's why I felt compelled to share these three things today. * The transcription clip represents where I'm coming from and the crazy amount of hours I've put into transcription and ear training over the years. * The audio clip gives you an idea of how I'm constantly making short voice notes of compositional ideas. * And the video clip is looking forward to this year's recording projects as I continue to write as much as possible every day, and get used to a new instrument so I'm in the best place possible when the red light goes on to record. As always, be sure to stream the latest album with Mark Turner, John Ellis, Gretchen Parlato, Jojo Mayer, Elliot Mason, Gregoire Maret, and Tim Miller for free wherever you listen to music. My listening platform of choice happens to be Spotify.If you're a fan of physical media, you can now pre-order vinyl of this latest releaseMore soon, Janek Get full access to Janek's Newsletter at janekgwizdala.substack.com/subscribe

    Man posing as an immigration agent attacks a woman in Brooklyn...A woman gave birth on the 'W' train...FDNY says a car blocking a fire hydrant made it difficult to respond to a deadly blaze in the Bronx


    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 12, 2025 7:13

    Sweat Elite
    IMO #25 - Osaka Marathon is Game On. Was Nick Bester Banned on Youtube? Bicarb, Creatine, Ozempic, Shelby Houlihan and more

    Sweat Elite

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 12, 2025 60:41

    Train with Matt: https://sweatelitecoaching.com/matt-fox/ Tune into the Private Podcast Feed and Join Our Discord Discussions:  https://www.sweatelite.co/shareholders/ Contact: matt@sweatelite.co Matt Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mattinglisfox/ Matt Training Log - Strava: https://www.strava.com/athletes/6248359 In this 25th episode of the IMO on the Sweat Elite podcast, Matt shares updates about his recent experiences, including fascinating and challenging stories related to U.S. immigration and USCIS regulations. The episode covers various topics such as the journey towards obtaining a green card, dealing with unexpected delays and secondary screenings, and the decision to temporarily relocate to Japan and Europe due to visa issues. Plans for participating in the Osaka Marathon are also discussed, alongside a deep dive into the importance of running workouts, recovery strategies, and the potential benefits of substances like bicarb, creatine, and Ozempic. Additional segments include addressing listener questions, discussing the controversial Nick Bester situation, and speculating on the future performance of runner Shelby Houlihan post-doping ban. The host also makes a heartfelt appeal for support via their private podcast feed and community Discord channel. Topics: 00:00 Welcome to the Sweat Elite Podcast00:45 The Wild Immigration Story - Osaka Marathon18:58 Listener Comment: THC, CBD, and Pain Management22:15 Listener Question: Nick Bester Banned?31:01 Listener Question: BiCarb31:50 Listener Question: Training/Work Balance36:25 Listener Question: Recovery Supplements/Ratios41:49 Workouts Of The Week47:32 Controversial Topics: Ozempic and Shelby Houlihan59:07 Conclusion and Upcoming Plans WORKOUTS OF THE WEEK 5-10k: 5 or 6 x (1k @ 10km effort (1min) 500m @ 5k effort), R: 30sec/90sec. HM: 10k at HME, 2min rest, 2k @ goal pace M: 20k @ Marathon effort + 5k @ GMP inspired by Jake Barraclough      

    The Damage Report with John Iadarola

    Speaker Johnson gives an unsettling answer to a major question. Trump's DOJ orders charges against Mayor Adams to be dropped. Steve Bannon pleads guilty to scamming Trump supporters. Trump's surprising answer to 2028 endorsement question. Value of Trump's ‘meme-coin' drops.. Bigly! GOP considering new tax on students. Host: John Iadarola (@johniadarola) Co-Host: David Shuster (@DavidShuster) ***** SUBSCRIBE on YOUTUBE TIKTOK  ☞           https://www.tiktok.com/@thedamagereport INSTAGRAM  ☞   https://www.instagram.com/thedamagereport TWITTER  ☞         https://twitter.com/TheDamageReport FACEBOOK  ☞     https://www.facebook.com/TheDamageReportTYT

    Latte and Laundry: A home for Catholic women, moms, and hearts
    204. Connection with our Kids - Education with Bonnie Landry

    Latte and Laundry: A home for Catholic women, moms, and hearts

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 11, 2025 32:39

    Want to connect? Send me a quick message here! “Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6. This week I kick off a series I've been dying to create for you! Connecting with our children is one of the greatest desires of every momma. So I wanted to explore the areas of everyday life that are opportunities to pour into the hearts of our children.  I am joined by my dear friend, author, speaker, and podcaster Bonnie Landry to discuss how education can draw the hearts of mothers and children together. Whether you homeschool, public school, or private school, spending time learning together with our children creates the opportunity for magnificent points of deep connection. If this episode blessed you, I would be so honored if you shared it with a friend, rated it, or left us a review! Support the show!!If you want to come join our community and help support the show I'd be so blessed! www.patreon.com/latteandlaundrypodcastI always love to connect :suzanne@latteandlaundry.com

    Manifest Mad Money
    Making Sales w/ Organic Marketing | Ep. 294

    Manifest Mad Money

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 11, 2025 19:03

    This week on the pod, Yolanda discusses how you should be utilizing organic marketing to make sales. Tune in now!Train the Algorithm: https://manifestmadmoney.kartra.com/page/z1W96FREE COURSE: https://manifestmadmoney.kartra.com/page/1zP88CONTENT LAB: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=20787633&appointmentType=68150168IG: www.instagram.com/yolandaboyarin

    Huberman Lab
    Pavel Tsatsouline: Build Strength, Endurance & Flexibility at Any Age

    Huberman Lab

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 10, 2025 255:13

    In this episode, my guest is Pavel Tsatsouline, a world-renowned strength and conditioning coach, former military special forces training instructor, author, and founder of StrongFirst—an online school focused on “low-tech, high-concept” training to build strength for men and women of all fitness levels. We discuss the most effective and efficient ways to build strength, endurance, and flexibility. We cover bodyweight-only, free-weight, and machine-based protocols and describe training splits and lesser-known but highly effective ways to train, especially for people with limited time. We also discuss local versus systemic nervous system and muscle recovery, how to complete training sessions with increased energy, why training to “failure” is not advised, optimal rest-between-sets protocols to improve performance, and how to vary effort levels across each week and month to ensure regular progress. This episode brings you highly practical, science-supported, and real-world-tested training methods to build strength, endurance, and flexibility from one of the world's top experts. Show notes: https://go.hubermanlab.com/YC80Wvt Sponsors AG1: https://drinkag1.com/huberman Eight Sleep: https://eightsleep.com/huberman Levels: https://levels.link/huberman LMNT: https://drinklmnt.com/huberman Joovv: https://joovv.com/huberman Maui Nui: https://mauinuivenison.com/huberman Timestamps 00:00:00 Pavel Tsatsouline 00:02:29 Fitness, Strength, Model Athlete 00:07:19 Tool: Essential Training Movements 00:13:46 Sponsors: Eight Sleep & Levels 00:16:29 Dips, Pull-Ups, Farmer Carry, Tools: Kettle Bell Mile, Grip Strength & Longevity 00:29:57 Concentric vs Eccentric Only Movements, Isometric, Tool: Pause Reps 00:38:38 Sponsor: AG1 00:39:53 “Greasing the Groove”, Cramming Analogy, Strength is a Skill 00:48:27 Tool: Greasing the Groove Protocol 00:54:12 Tool: Movement & Motivation; Nervous System 01:00:00 Frequency & Recovery, Heterochronicity, Soviet vs American Training 01:10:25 Soviet vs American Strength Schools, Periodization, Recovery 01:20:00 Sponsors: LMNT & Joovv 01:22:45 Bell Squat, Non-Spine Compressing Leg Work, Tool: Zercher Squat 01:27:15 Machines, Beginners vs Advanced? 01:28:41 Shorter Cycles? Linear & Wave Progression, Step Loading, Variable Overload 01:32:04 Strength & Endurance, Bodybuilding, “Bro Split” 01:40:28 Endurance, Cost of Adaptation, Heart Adaptations 01:46:38 Rest Periods, Interval Training, Tool: German Interval Training  01:51:34 Tool: Cardiovascular Training, Glycolytic Power Repeats; Muscle Growth 01:57:31 Sponsor: Maui Nui 01:59:00 Rest Period Activities, Tool: Protecting Back 02:04:33 Endurance Training, Anti-Glycolytic Revolution, Specialized vs Variety  02:11:30 Not Seeking the “Pump”, Repeated Sprint Ability, Tool: Anti-Glycolytic Endurance Training 02:19:06 Seek Soreness or Pump?, Hypertrophy 02:23:05 Tool: Planning Strength & Endurance Training, Individualization 02:32:27 Training Quality, Practiced Skill 02:35:39 Non-Athletes, Strength & Endurance, Training Duration 02:40:20 Post-Exercise Fatigue, Tools: Fragmentation, Feedback, Volume 02:48:01 Pre-Workout Stimulants 02:53:51 Performance & Arousal, Breathing, Disinhibition, Emotion 03:03:42 Train to Failure?, Recovery 03:08:40 Flexibility, Range of Motion Training, Kettle Bell, Tool: Wall Squat 03:14:57 Training for Flexibility; Training as a Practice 03:17:46 Older Adults & Strength Training, Consistency Over Intensity 03:25:08 Body-Weight vs Barbell vs Kettlebell Training 03:34:06 Kettlebell Training, Swings, Power & Endurance 03:41:55 Training Choices, Tool: Simple, Consistent Program 03:47:38 Kids & Training, General vs Specialization? 03:51:21 Core Work, Abdominals, Tools: Tension & Attention; ‘Pressurize' Abs 04:03:34 Breathing, Force, Strength 04:05:02 Directing Gaze While Weightlifting 04:12:37 Zero-Cost Support, YouTube, Spotify & Apple Follow & Reviews, Sponsors, YouTube Feedback, Protocols Book, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter

    Mike Drop
    Green Beret Master Sgt. Darrell Utt | Mike Drop Episode 226

    Mike Drop

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 10, 2025 162:56

    When Ret. Master Sergeant Darrell Utt set his sights on joining the legendary Green Berets, he could never have anticipated the journey that would take him to the heart of Baghdad during one of the deadliest periods of the war in Iraq. Known for his tactical acumen and strategic thinking, Utt's leadership at 10th Special Forces Group was pivotal during his '06-'07 deployments. Over the course of his ten combat deployments, Utt earned five Bronze Star Medals, one with valor for heroism in Baghdad (2006), and the Larry Thorne Award for best operational detachment. In his hard-hitting memoir, 'Grit to Glory: A Green Beret's Journey from West Virginia to the Streets of Baghdad' Utt revisits his journey through the treacherous streets of Baghdad during his 2006 rotation as the team sergeant of ODA 043 - recounting eight months of brutal unconventional warfare and revealing the raw realities of combat. Subscribe to the Mike Drop Patreon Page to see Ad-Free Episodes Early + Bonus Content at https://www.patreon.com/mikedrop ---------- Support Darrell Utt - Get Your Copy of Darrell's Book 'Grit to Glory: A Green Beret's Journey from West Virginia to the Streets of Baghdad' at https://www.amazon.com/Grit-Glory-Journey-Virginia-Streets/dp/1964934125 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DUttRowdy7/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/darrell.utt/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/darrell-utt/ ---------- Sponsors: 120Life Go to https://www.120life.com - that's https://www.120life.com - and remember to use code, “DROP” D-R-O-P to support the show and save 15%! ---------- Lumen Head to http://lumen.me/MIKEDROP for 20% off your purchase. ---------- Beam Take advantage of Beam's biggest sale of the year and get up to 40% off for a limited time when you go to https://www.shopbeam.com/MIKEDROP and use promo code MIKEDROP at checkout! ---------- TEAM DOG FOOD, TREATS & SUPPLEMENTS Be Your Dog's Hero: Veteran-owned by a former Navy SEAL and Special Operations K9 Trainer, Team Dog provides a complete diet of science-backed premium dog food, treats, and supplements to optimize your dog's health, forged from rigorous standards and real-world expertise. https://www.teamdog.shop TEAM DOG ONLINE TRAINING Mike Ritland – a former Navy SEAL & Special Operations K9 trainer – shares his simple and effective dog training program to build trust and control with your dog. Based on Mike's bestselling book “Team Dog, Train the Navy SEAL Way”, join tens of thousands of families that successfully trained their way to a better dog. https://www.teamdog.pet SHOP ALL THE MIKE RITLAND BRANDS Get all your Mike Ritland branded gear - Mike Drop | Trikos | Team Dog https://shop.mikeritland.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    The Bikini and the Brain
    Fit Model Controversy

    The Bikini and the Brain

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 10, 2025 57:48

    For worldwide online contest programming with Adam, Ashley or the Elite Coaches please visit www.teamelitephysique.com   Train or pose with Adam at the world famous Contest Prep Center in Las Vegas. Now available on Thursdays and Fridays,   Sign up for emails direct from Coach Adam for more tips, tricks, seminars and other happenings with Adam, Ashley and Team Elite Physique. https://teamelitephysique.us20.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=1cf84f806714bb284a1165b44&id=2a74ea95cd   10% off Muscle Egg www.muscleegg.com/teamelitephysique   Waisted Waist Trainers available here www.teamelitephysique.com/shop   Fat Burner (Thermo 4orce) used by Team Elite Physique www.teamelitephysique.com/shop   Follow Ashely and Adam on Instagram @ashleykfit @teamelitephysique

    Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth
    2529: Trying to Lose Weight? Avoid These 3 Common “Healthy” Breakfast Choices (Listener Live Coaching)

    Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

    Play Episode Listen Later Feb 8, 2025 98:03

    In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: Trying to lose weight? Avoid these 3 common “healthy” breakfast choices. (1:41) What is the RIGHT way to perform a bicep curl? (16:40) The more extreme a diet is, the louder its supporters are going to be. (27:15) Ruining microwave popcorn for everyone. (32:58) Justin's bad morning. (37:58) GLP-1s: A net positive or negative for society? (42:04) Sal's paradigm-shifting fitness tool. (47:25) Saffron for depression and anxiety. (50:40) #ListenerLive question #1 – I want to get to the next level but have hit a plateau. Any advice on how I should proceed? (55:46) #ListenerLive question #2 – Can my body think that it's not getting the proper rest and in turn feeling like a hostage state and survival mode? Could this be affecting my muscle and strength gains? (1:05:10) #ListenerLive question #3 – I'm wondering about powerlifting specifically since it is overall strength that's hitting each muscle group twice is it the best option? (1:18:24) #ListenerLive question #4 – Can you speak to the spiritual benefits of exercise, specifically weight/resistance training? (1:24:32) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Paleovalley for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Discount is now automatically applied at checkout 15% off your first order! ** Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off. ** February Promotion: MAPS Anabolic & No B.S. 6-Pack ** We are offering them both for the low price of $59.99, which is a savings of $114! ** Mind Pump #2405: The 5 Intermittent Fasting Mistakes Causing Weight Gain Ben Yanes vs Mike Israetel Incline Curl Debate The ONLY Way You Should Be Doing Dumbbell Bicep Curls! Mind Pump #725: Mikhaila Peterson's Personal Account of Treating Debilitating Disease Through Diet 'Carnivore diet' caused yellow lumps to grow on man's hands and feet How to use your HSA/FSA at F45 Training - Dr. B DeskCycle Under Desk Bike Pedal Exerciser - Stationary Bikes for Home & Office - Standard and Adjustable Height Versions Effects of Saffron Extract Supplementation on Mood, Well-Being, and Response to a Psychosocial Stressor in Healthy Adults: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Parallel Group, Clinical Trial Visit Brain.fm for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners. ** Get 30 days of free access to science-backed music. ** Train the Trainer Webinar Series Mind Pump #1630: Ten Ways to Break Through a Plateau Mind Pump #2452: The Hidden Hormone That is Disrupting Your Sleep With Dr. Stephen Cabral SS-31 Peptide: Benefits, Dosage & Side Effects - Jay Campbell Visit Transcend for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** 25% off Tesofensine and Semaglutide: These discounts apply to individual medications only (no bundling required) | 25% off the Transcend GLP-1 Probiotic. Patients can redeem this discount by ordering through a wellness specialist OR by purchasing online. ** Visit Joovv for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP to get $50 off your first purchase. ** Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Ben Yanes (@ben_yanes) Instagram Michael Israetel (@drmikeisraetel) Instagram Mikhaila Peterson (@mikhailapeterson) Instagram Dr. Stephen Cabral (@stephencabral) Instagram Bishop Robert Barron (@bishopbarron) Instagram FrSteveGrunow (@FrSteveGrunow) Twitter/X